Shuisky (princely district). Tragedy of the Princes of Shui

Shuisky (princely district). Tragedy of the Princes of Shui

Princes Shuisky - a friend behind the seniority of the Ryurik line to the family after the Moscow princes. Tsey the most famous rіd updovzh of the XVI century. having known the throne, and on the cob of the 17th century, the representative reached the royal throne, but did not zoom in on the new one. At the XVI century. The Shuiskys were the most prominent and noble family of the Moscow state, the protégés of the Time of Troubles, they broke yoga.

The ancestor of the Shuisky Buvs was the brother of Alexander Nevsky, Andriy Yaroslavich. In the midst of the first in Russia, having stood up against the panuvannya of the Ordi, but having recognized the blows and the embarrassment, he reconciles with him, that the great princeling has passed to the yogo famous brother, who has reached the entire policy of non-resistance to the Ordi.

Andriy Yaroslavich's caps reigned at Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod. At the XIV century. The Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod princes, Kostyantin Vasilovich and її son Dmitro Kostyantinovich, were unsafe supermen of the Moscow princes in the fight against the great prince. At 1360 p. Dmitro Kostyantinovich of Nizhny Novgorod, shriveled by him, that the Moscow prince Dmitro Ivanovich (the famous Mamaia’s future successor on the Kulikovo field) became a child, having taken the yarlik from the Horde to the great princedom and having taken the throne from Volodymyr. Prote for a sprat of fate, the Moscow boyars drove the prince out of the capital city and obtained a grand prince's yarlik for Dmitri of Moscow. Dmitro Kostyantinovich resigned himself to the loss, having seen his daughter for the Moscow prince, and for a long time becoming his ally in the fight against Ordi. In the military campaigns of the ordinances, the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod princedom was ravaged, and Dmitro Kostyantinovich was inspired by the policy of opposing the Orda. In 1382 p. Vіn vіdkritо zradiv kolishnіy union. The blues of Dmitry Kostyantinovich, princes Vasil and Semyon, accompanied the military khan Tokhtamish, who attacked Moscow, and moved the Muscovites to the gates of the fort (Dmitry Donskoy himself was not at the city). The princes swore that Tokhtamish would not hurt the townspeople, and they kissed the cross as a sign of the breadth of their oath. The Muscovites believed their relatives, the princess, and they made the gates. The Tatars escaped to Moscow, they found out about the terrible rout and they burned it.

Zrada of Dmitri Nizhny Novgorod did not cause war between the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod and Muscovites, perhaps, Dmitry Donskoy had enough strength to fight against his father-in-law. However, Donskoy's successor, Vasil I, got even with Nizhniy Novgorod for the ruin of Moscow. In 1391 p. having taken the yarlik in the Horde in the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod princedom, she came to her volodin. Blue and onuki of Dmitry Kostyantinovich right up to the first quarter of the XV century. they tried to fight for the return of their share, rushing to the army of Ordi, the protesters recognized the blows.

At this hour, a small Shuysky recession (the center is near the Shuy township, ninth - near the warehouse of the Ivaniv region) is still saved. The ancestor of the remote princes of the Shuysky Buvs was Yuriy Vasilovich, onuk of Dmitry Kostyantinovich. However, in the middle of the XV century. life near the crippled valley ceased to please the rulers. Prince Vasil Vasilovich Shuisky, on the honor of Grebinka, serving Veliky Novgorod. His relatives, princes Vasil and Fedir Yuryovichi (the blue of the first prince Shuisky), entered into an alliance with the fierce enemy of the Grand Duke Vasil II Vasilyovich - Dmitri Shemyaka and signed an agreement with him, zgіdno z yakim at times, as Shemyak would take the Moscow throne, then Suzdal Below the princedom will be renewed and transferred to the Shuisky brothers. However, the entire agreement was no longer on paper. At 1450 p. Shemyaka, having recognized the miserable blows of Vasil II and having flooded Galich, Prince Vasil Yuriyovich died without a hitch, and Prince Fedir brought his “blame” to Vasil II. The resistance of Moscow to Prince Vasil Grebinka Shuisky was not successful either. In 1456 p. vin ocholyuvav novgorodskoe vіysko at the battle with Muscovites. Novgorodians were beaten, and the wounded Prince Shuisky, who was alive, was taken from the battlefield.

For Ivan III Shuisky to go to the state service and take one of the first jobs. At the Russian-Lithuanian war on the cob of the XVI century. famous Prince Vasil Vasilyovich Shuisky, Nimiy was awarded the prize. Vіn taking the fate of the rich campaigns against Lithuania, and after the capture of Smolensk in 1514. buv deprivation from the new voivode. Prince Vasil Nemoy rozkrivu zmovu, sho mav hand over Smolensk to Lithuania, and, zahopivshi zmovniki, ordered them to stand in the eyes of the Lithuanian army, which came to the place.

In the childhood of Ivan IV, Prince Vasil Vasilovich was the head of the boyar party, as the ruler fought. Youmu was far away to usunut supernikіv and become the ruler of the state. Finally, the prince made friends with the cousin of Ivan IV - Anastasia - the daughter of the baptized Tatar "tsarevich" Peter and the sister of Vasil III, Princess Evdokia Ivanivna. Vіn having taken away the title of the Moscow monk and having occupied the Kremlin door of Prince Andriy Staritsky, the late brother of Vasil III. Ale 1538 r. death struck the old prince Vasily Vasilyovich.

The brother of the Mute, Prince Ivan Vasilovich, having occupied this place, while fighting against the princes of Belsky did not zoom in and out of Moscow to the province to Volodymyr. In the meantime, near Moscow, the Shuiskys' supporters were preparing a rally against the Belskys. Prince Ivan Vasilyovich galloped to Moscow at night (Sarch 3, 1542) and took power from his own hand. The head of the order is Prince I. F. Belsky drank up to the pit, de bouve the murders, yoga prikhilniks were also sent to the pit. Metropolitan Joasaph, who was a supporter of the Belskys, was not beaten up a little and sent to the Kirilo-Bilozersk Monastery, and the Archbishop of Novgorod Macarius was appointed to this place. The Novgorodians began to cheer the Shuiskys, remembering that they were the remaining governor of Vilny Novgorod.

Yearly, Ivan the Terrible, from a warm voice, foresaw about the hour of his orphanhood. The boyars, following the advice of the tsar, giving him a call of duty and povag, did not talk about that new brother. Ivan's younger brother, the deaf-mute Yuri, could not be a good friend to you. The boy, feeling himself zanedbanim.

I especially hate the Terrible viklikav Ivan Shuisky. At the first envoy to Andriy Kurbsky, Ivan IV, having guessed the picture of his childishness: “It’s been, we’re sorry, and Prince Ivan Vasilyovich Shuisky is sitting on the lava, leaning on our father’s bed and laying his foot on the steel, but don’t look at us - no to father, not like a guardian, not like a slave on paniv ... " The royal children, having guessed Grozny, were avenged "like miserable servants." Behind the words of the king, the children of the Grand Duke were starving.

The urological cleansing of Prince Ivan Shuisky was short-lived: by the grass 1542 p. Vіn died, and the order was separated by his relatives, princes Ivan and Andriy Mikhailovich Shuisky, that prince Fedir Ivanovich Skopin-Shuisky. Panuvav hіzh them Prince Andriy Mikhailovich, who wore the famous Palisade. Earlier, he became famous for his zhorstokistyu and greediness, if he was a monastic at Pskov (1539–1540). The Pskov chronicler recounts that “the maisterny people worked for nothing for nothing, and the great people gave it to you as a gift...” to Novgorod. “Were monks in Pskov,” the chronicler robs the visnovok, “fierce, like lions, and their people, like beasts marvelous to the villagers.”

While the boyars fought one by one and stole the sovereign's treasury, young Ivan IV was a faggot. His image and anger, the lad, began to scatter on wordless creatures. Following the words of a great friend, and then an ideological opponent of the tsar, Prince Andriy Kurbsky, young Ivan IV threw off cats and dogs from high towers. If you are guilty, then start throwing people away. With the company of one-liners, the young grand duke galloped through the Maidans and markets on horseback and began to beat the city dwellers on the way. The boyars praised the zhorstokі amusements of the little sovereign, seeming: "Oh good will be tsar and husband!"

Palatsov's struggle was accompanied by violence, as if guarding the young grand duke. Ivan Vasilyovich was sensible and smart, violence deeply entered the mind of a child. At 13 rokіv vіn vinіs svіy first mortal virok, having punished the head of the boyar party of the Shuiskys - Prince Andriy Mikhailovich Shuisky (1543). From that hour, like writing a chronicle, "the boyars began to be afraid, in the presence of the sovereign mother, fear and obedience."

Having hammered on the cob of his rule of Prince Andriy Shuisky, Ivan the Terrible, having exhausted his hatred to the whole family. Nadali, navitt oprichnina at the rocky, zhoden from representatives of the homeland of the Shuiskys, not the letters. Schopravda, at the fierce 1565 p. among the first victims of the oprichnina terror, the boyar prince Oleksandr Borisovich Gorbaty-Suzdalsky was beheaded, glorifications of the voivode, which marked the hour of the capture of Kazan, that її son Petro - relatives of the princes Shuisky. However, the Shuiskys themselves were at the doviri of the king.

The son of the ruler of Prince Ivan Vasilyovich - Prince Petro Ivanovich - took the fate of the Kazan takeover of 1552, took the Mari and Udmurt lands, took Derpt, Marienburg and other places from the Livonian war. In 1564 p. Viyskove happiness healed Prince Peter Ivanovich - at the battle with Hetman Radziwill, he was beaten, having sent a horse and a pishka to the sudan village. Lithuanian villagers, having recognized the Russian governor, plundered yoga and drowned it at the well. The body of Shuisky was consecrated by Hetman Radzivil at the Vilnius Church, in order from the ashes of the Grand Duchess of Lithuania Olenya Ivanivna, daughter of Ivan III.

Examples of the 1560s. the remains of Shuisky became the subject of diplomatic listing between the order of Ivan the Terrible and the Polish-Lithuanian "lords". On the cob 1569 p. the tsars were “beaten with a cholom” by princes Ivan and Mikita Petrovich Shuisky about those who, having allowed the tsar to exchange the body of their father for the body of the squad of the Lithuanian governor Stanislav Dovoyny, yak died in the Russian fullness, she was buried in Moscow. Domovlenіst pro tse bula mayzha reached, but having repaired the opіr Vіlenskiy voivode, the gate of the Dovoynia, and the ashes of Prince Shuisky were left in a foreign land.

Sin of Prince P.I. Shuisky Prince Mikita died in 1571. On the eve of Devlet-Girey's attack on Moscow, the Tatars set fire to the place. Moscow began to feel terrible. The population was stunned with panic and rushed from the Kremlin and Kitai-mesta Zhivim (floating bridge) across the Moscow River. Prince Mikita tried to break through at this place, but one of the servants of Prince Tatev planted at the new knife, and the prince died from his wounds.

The elder brother of Prince N. P. Shuisky, Prince Ivan Petrovich, became famous for the heroic defense of Pskov against the Polish King Stefan Batory. Together with his kinsman, Prince Vasil Fedorovich Skopinim-Shuisky, Prince Ivan Petrovich was appointed to Pskov, to which the Serpni 1580 p. the army of the Polish king came. The heroic defense of Pskov lasted five months. The defenders of the place witnessed the fierce fire of the prophetic artillery, and they themselves actively fired on the royal tabir z garmat, attacked the attacks and undermined the pidkopi. The oblozhniki zahopili one of the most important places - Svinyach, - but the Pskov gunners hit it on the famous majestic harmony that the name Bars wore, and pierced it. With the bodies of the Poles and Lithuanians, uperemish іz surpluses of the veils and walls, reminiscent of the burnt river of the Pskov fort. Having spent five thousand people killed, the king of turmoil moved in the sight of the slaughter of Pskov. Having left the tabir for 1 breast of vines, entrusting the hetman Yan Zamoysky with the oblogue, the battles were fought like hell. Nevdacha near Pskov was importantly marked on the military and material resources of the Commonwealth, and peace was laid down without a hitch.

On the cob of the reign of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, Prince Ivan Petrovich Shuisky rose to regency for the sake of the sovereign. Vin became the head of the party of opponents of Boris Godunov. The Shuiskys were chosen to strike at the main pillar of Godunov's influx: in 1586. Shuisky, enlisting the support of Metropolitan Dionysius and Bishop of Krutitsy Varlaam, turned to the tsar for those wines, "for the sake of childbearing", tonsured his squad Irina Godunova in chernitsa, and himself joined another coat. Prominent Moscow merchants stepped on the boots of the Shuiskys. Ale Boris was far away to defeat his opponents. Nezabar, Metropolitan Dionisiy was taken to the throne, Prince Ivan Petrovich Shuisky and his relatives - brothers Princes Andriy, Vasil, Oleksandr, Dmitro and Ivan Ivanovich Shuisky - were sent, and Moscow merchants Nagay and Golub were "comrade" strachens. At the sent I. P. Shuisky and A.I. Shuisky boules were beaten in by their bailiffs, the first - in 1588, and the other - in 1589.

After the death of Prince Ivan Petrovich, Prince Vasil Ivanovich became the head of the family, the head of the family Andriy Chastokola. For the first time, the wines are built at the dzherelakhs in 1574, if there were middle goals at the sovereign’s regiment on the march of Ivan the Terrible against the Crimeans. At 1580 p. Prince Vasil was the king's friend on the yogo wedding with Mary Nagoya. Zgіdno with deaky zvіstkami, Vasil Shuisky, for Ivan the Terrible, showing ambitious pragnennya to the throne. Vtіm, tsya zvіstka as a whole can be inspired by advancing podіyami. In 1584 p. the prince, having conquered the boyars, then, together with the other Shuiskys, put them in disgrace, having recognized the blows in the court struggle with Godunov.

Boris Godunov was afraid of Shuisky, the first and head of the Boyar Duma, Prince F.I. It was forbidden for Mstislavsky to make friends in order to stoop down. Ale in 1591. Prince Vasil was appointed as the head of the investigation commission sent to Uglich to investigate the death of Tsarevich Dmitry, and he turned to the decisions that Godunov could see: the prince “self-declared” through the Nagikh’s nekhtuvanya. Love of Prince Dmitry Shuisky, brother Vasil and Katerina Grigorivna Skuratova-Belskaya, Tsar Boris’s brother-in-law and daughter of Malyuta Skuratov, having marked Godunov’s alliance with Shuisky.

If the first few hints about the impostor appeared, having accepted the name of "Tsarevich Dmitry Uglichsky", Prince Vasil Shuisky had the opportunity to calm the Muscovites to go to Lobnya Misce and take an oath and swear an oath to the fact that the tsarevich, having perished on the occasion of the unfortunate flutter. It didn’t make you, then, together with other boyars, recognize the tsar’s campaign of False Dmitry I. Nezabar after this wine, having become a soul, rush against the impostor and saying that the new tsar is an impostor, and Tsarevich Dmitr was beaten in at Godunov’s order. In this manner, Prince Vasilev had occasion, with the weather, to change his point of view on the share of that death of Tsarevich Dmitr. It is unlikely that yogo trace zvonuvachuvati in tsoma, Vasil Shuisky deyav just like other boyars, yakі zovsі did not deed feats in іm'ya istini.

Two days after the impostor was driven in, the boyars - participants in the coup - voted Prince Vasil Ivanovich Shuisky the tsar. Undoubtedly, Vasil Shuisky maw has more rights to the throne, lower Boris Godunov and more impostor Grishka Otrep'ev. How to look at the dynastic situation of the end of the XVI century. from the look of the traditional princely law of Old Russia, then for the family of the Moscow princes, the throne was already 1598. maw go to the offensive for the seniority of the line of princes Shuisky. However, at the Time of Troubles, other factors were still running.

The co-workers say that the new tsar's name was right for all the people, and as a result, a narrow group of people was raised. The Trinity Kelar Abraham Palitsyn writes that after Vasil Shuisky was voted king, all of Russia “was ruled ... by double-thinking; some loved yoga, others hated it.”

Vasil Shuisky rozpochav his reign of publicity of a unique document - a Christian text, which guarantees the tsar's entitlement to his rights - a fair trial and the fear of unfair deceptions and strata. “Vasil Shuisky changed from the sovereign of the serfs to the rightful king of the king, ruling behind the laws” - this is how the great Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky assessed the significance of this document. The textbook record instantly changed the entire political outlook of the state, the protests of the obitsyanki were more than a declaration. Vasil Shuisky, having created an atmosphere of suspicion and denunciation, often destroying the Cryptal record, forcefully, correcting the strata without a fair trial, without a fair trial. The glory of a man without honor and graceful to the point of intrigue and deceit was established behind the king.

Reveals the atmosphere of denunciation and wrongful court, which flourished for Shuisky, denunciation of Vasil Shuisky's prihilniks, tributes to Prince Vladislav. Sgіdno with a denunciation, the nobleman V. B. Sukіn “sitting at the Cholobitnіy hut and sweating people, sitting by the water (to drown it) for the Shuisky order and thinking himself”; steward V.I. Buturlin - "I brought a good deal to the father"; stewards of the princes G. F. Khvorostinin, O. P. Lviv, I. M. Odoevskiy and others are called "whisperers". Confirmed by this document and a note about Shuisky's predilection for chakluniv: sleeping bag I. V. Izmailov, who is the closest to the king of the people, “became at Shuisky’s charіvnikіv i korіnіkіv”, to see the charіvnikі and znavtsіv enchanting and brittle herbs and roots.

It was given to the co-workers that, in their broken Shuisky oath, they themselves were the reason for dashing, that they spawned the Russian state under this sovereign. Others thought that the cause of the troubles that had come, was faster than Shuisky’s enthronement to the throne with a narrow stake of prikhilniks, without the participation of “all the earth”, that is, the entire population of the region. As if it had not been there, at the first month after the death of False Dmitry I, yoga had gained strength and significance, once again becoming an ensign for the dissatisfied and the rebels. Tsar Vasil Shuisky was alive when he entered in order to prevent the development of a self-proclaimed adventure: the dead body of False Dmitry, who had lain on the square for three days, was thrown at the skudelnitsa, and then burned and gunpowder was hammered into the harmat and shot from it at the b to Poland. At that very hour, Tsarevich Dmitro was recognized as a holy martyr, we will kill for the order of the bad guy - Boris Godunov. Alece did not help.

On the outskirts of the state, rebellions began against the king. The name of "Tsar Dmitr", which miraculously rose again from the dead, became an ensign, which united the dissatisfied kings of the boyar sovereign. Nevdovzі z'avivsya and the leader - a great fighting lackey Ivan Bolotnikov, who took the name of the commander of Tsar Dmitr.

The successes of Bolotnikov are hostile. A few months later, standing already under the walls of Moscow and threatening the tsar's army, which was not strong enough to desert the filthy commanders. Ale, luckily, showed up for Shuisky. The rebellious army was divided, and the leaders of the Ryazan noble militia, which, having become a significant part of the rebels, Istoma Pashkov and Prokofy Lyapunov, during the hour of victorious battles before Moscow, switched to the Tsar's beck. Bolotnikov was broken and entered Kaluga, the stars of the crossings at Tula. Tsar Vasil, having shown wisdom and pragnennya reconciliation - the Cossacks of Bolotnikov, who laid down the armor, were accepted into the sovereign's service and took away the pay. Ale "evil", taken in full from the battle, were drowned. The tsar himself cherubed Bolotnikov at Tula. Zakolotniki defended themselves with great soul, the head of a significant shkod of the fortune-telling army, but after a few months of oblogs, a shortage of food began to appear in the city, and then famine set in. “The inhabitants ate dogs, intestines, carrion on the streets, scourges and cow skins,” wrote K. Bussov, a participant in the Tula defense. For the joy of the Murom nobleman Homi Kravkov, you, who swore, blocked the flow of the river Upi, and water began to flood Tula.

The camp of the bolotnikivtsiv became vital, the water flooded the surpluses of the natural reserves, desertion and storming against the defenders - Bolotnikova and yogo allies began. The guards of the fortified Bolotnikov were embarrassed to negotiate with Shuisky and capitulate. The tsar declared to the leaders of the risen nedorcannist, but without finishing his word - all the stench was stricken.

Another fire of confusion, which was burning in Tula, was forcibly extinguished, like a half-light slaughtered, it flared up on the outskirts of the state. The Terek Cossacks, who created the False Peter, hung up a new impostor - "Tsarevich Ivan-August", the "sin" of Ivan the Terrible, in front of Hannah Koltovskaya. To this impostor Astrakhan and all the Lower Volga have succumbed. Behind him appeared the "onuk" of the Terrible, the "son" of Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich "Tsarevich Lavrenty". At the Cossack villages, impostors grew like mushrooms: the “children” of Tsar Fyodor appeared - the “princes” Simeon, Savely, Vasil, Klementy, Yoroshka, Gavrilka, Martinka. Ale's head is not safe, presenting the new Face of the bribe 1607 r. the new "Tsar Dimitri", who went down in history as False Dmitry II, or Tushinsky Evil.

The Pretender Speak at the Pokhіd near Veresni 1607 r. and rushing to the aid of the taxation of Tula. On the day of the capitulation of wines, having already gone to Kozelsk, he managed to give additional taxation and, in fear of the tsarist army, ducked into Sivershchina. Spring 1608 the impostor appeared at the march to Moscow. Lithuanian tycoon Prince Roman Rozhinsky became the commander-in-chief of the army of Cossacks, Poles and surviving swamps. The Cossacks were led by Colonel Oleksandr Lisovsky and Otaman Ivan Zarutsky. Having defeated the army under Bolkhov, which was commanded by the brother of the tsar, the boyar Dmitro Shuysky, the impostor went to Moscow and became a camp near Tushino, in view of which he took away the nickname of Tushinsky Zlodiya from the fellows.

A trival of opposition began between False Dmitry II and Vasil Shuisky. Moscow stooped in kіltsі oblogi, schopravda, not closed. Zhorstok fights were fought among the horny encampments, but not all Muscovites showed a bazhannya to die for Tsar Vasil. From Moscow to Tushino, the princes began to cross, the stewards, people served, dyaks.

Tsar Vasil slandered evil. Vіn zaproponuvav serving people or get rid of in Moscow and kiss the cross as a sign of their fidelity, or honestly get rid of the taxation of the city and go to Tushino, but don't tick by deceit. Bagato who, having shown the bajan, died for the king, but the next day, the deacons were quiet, who, swearing to be faithful to Shuisky, went to Tushino. The attempt to organize the service camps appeared not far off. At that very hour, Patriarch Hermogenes actively spoke for Shuisky, who roared with letters of literacy and invocations to serve the right tsar and not smirk at the fortune-telling beauty. While the Tushinsky Zlodiy stood under Moscow, the yogo warriors plundered the country, the robers far away resembled a pivnіchny assembly. The cities of Pereslavl, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vologda, Volodymyr, Suzdal, Murom, Kasimov, Arzamas and others were taken to the bank of the impostor.

Vasil Shuisky turned to help the Swedish king Charles IX. At Novgorod, for negotiations with the Swedes, the relative of the tsar, the young prince Mikhailo Vasilovich Skopin-Shuisky (the son of Prince Vasily Fedorovich, who guarded the Pskov defense order with Prince I. P. Shuisky), caught up at that hour to show himself as a talented voivode. Yomu was able to get into the Russian service a recruited army in 15 thousand Swedes, Germans, Scots and other foreigners from Western Europe and brati in the Russian military areas of 3 thousand troops.

May 10, 1609 rushiv from Novgorod "for the purification of the Moscow state." Ale before the messengers sent to Skopinim-Shuisky, the commanders stunned Vologda, Yaroslavl and deyakі іnshі pіvnіchnі places near the Tushansk people. In many battles, Skopin-Shuysky defeated the firebrands of the Tushinsky Evil. On the road of Skopina-Shuisky to Moscow, the army was filled with corrals from the railway stations. Tushino hetman Jan Petro Sapieha, afraid of the advancing Russian army, having taken the cover of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, yak in fierce battles and assaults, the mayzhe chotiri month.

March 12, 1610 Prince M. V. Skopin-Shuisky, having entered Moscow, and became a triumphant people. But in the midst of the triumphant NATO, the heart of one person was filled with malice and hatred. That’s right, Prince Dmitro Ivanovich Shuisky is the brother of the tsar and a mediocre voivode, a kind of program of impersonal battles. Vіn primed because of the fear of the young commander - at the time of the death of the childless Tsar Vasil, Prince Dmitro maw take the throne, but the majestic popularity of Skopin-Shuisky instilled in the tsar's brothers a battle, that the people would vote him a degenerate, and then the king. Deyaki wanted to tell that Tsar Vasil himself was afraid of Skopin-Shuisky.

Reportedly later on the tragic podії "Writing about the tribute and the funeral of Prince Skopin-Shuisky", zgіdno z yakim, on the crosses of Prince Oleksiy Vorotinsky, the cross of the mother - "likhodіyka" Princess Kateryna Shuiska (as already mentioned above, there was a daughter yu Malyuta) - to Prince M. V. Skopin-Shuisky - a cup with a scour. The young commander of the pro-hvorіv kіlka dnіv i died on April 23, 1610. With weeping and shouting to the NATO people, the body of the prince was escorted to the burial place of the royal tomb - the Archangel Cathedral. The tsar, who had not previously been shown a special love, after the death of Skopin-Shuisky began to be hated, as the blame for his death.

Tushino camp zі death Skopina-Shuisky pіdbadёrivsya. Ale False Dmitry II, like Vasil Shuisky, feeling at ease at his "capital". Veresni 1609 p. King Sigismund III, having voted for the war of Russia, who laid an alliance with his fierce enemy and nephew - the Swedish king Charles IX, having spared Sigismund the Swedish throne. On the 1st of July, the king appeared under the walls of Smolensk, and the heroic defense of this place rose up, as if the boyar Mikhailo Borisovich Sheyn had taken aback.

Step by step, among the Poles, who displaced the impostor, the blame for the plan was: to hand over Yogo to the hands of the king, and to step on the battleships of Sigismund III and get Yomu chi Yogo son Vladislav the Moscow crown. The Poles and deyaks of the Russian Tushints began to talk with the king. The impostor, having recognized a home arrest, ale zoomed from Tushin to Kaluga, de anew, having brought to himself the impersonal prihilniks - Cossacks, Russians and a part of the Poles - and resurrected war already with two sovereigns: Tsar Vasil and King Sigismund. The Tushinsky camp was sporozhnіv, the king's henchmen went to Smolensk, and the impostor's henchmen went to Kaluga.

Vasil Shuisky ruled Prince D.I. against the Poles. Shuisky and foreign recruits on the basis of the Swedish commander Count J. Delagardie. On the 24th of Dmytro Shuisky's chervnya, the battle against the Polish hetman S. Zholkevskyi was broken in the village of Klushina near Mozhaisk. The reason for the shock was the strife of foreign hirelings, like Dmitro Shuisky, who did not want to pay the fee, being inspired by the daily pennies. Klushinsky's defeat was the fate of Vasyl Shuisky. On the 17th lime, Moscow began to be haunted. According to the chronicle, the Moscow "villains" rushed from the followers of the Kaluz impostor about those who stink in the presence of False Dmitry II: "and we all will stand in the sight of the Moscow Tsar Vasil," and all at once we will choose the king. Natovp zmovnikiv on the choli from Zakhariyem Lyapunov came at the palaces, and Lyapunov began to cry out to the tsar: “How long will the blood of the Christians shed for you? The earth has laid waste, nothing good can be done in your rule, take pity on our death, lay down the king’s club, and we’ll think about ourselves.”

Shuisky is not the first to know this. At the fierce 1609 p. Prince R. Gagarin, T. V. Gryazny, M. A. Molchanov and others also tried to “settle” yoga from the throne, the king’s husband viyshov їm nazustrich, and the rebels flowed in. But once again everything was different. The tsar gave Lyapunov a like and gathered for a lower. Zakhar - a tall and strong man - yelled at him: “Don’t chip me, otherwise I’ll take it in my hands, so I’ll doubt everything!” The guards hung around the palace, but not in order to enter. Behind the Moscow River, beating Serpukhiv’s brothers, they climbed up to the people, and then it was done to beat the tsar’s cholom, so that they would deprive the throne, because the blood of the Christian would flow through the new one. Shuisky's brother-in-law, Prince I. M. Vorotinsky, as a parliamentarian, he came from Shuysky to dethrone the throne, and be satisfied with the share that is being formed from Nizhny Novgorod.

The Muscovites rushed to the Tushintsy vimagati, and so they threw off False Dmitry II. Ale, you only laughed at them: “What do you remember the sovereign of a goddamn kiss, you planted the king of your kingdom, we are ready to die for yours.” Patriarch Hermogenes urged to hurry up and yearned for Tsar Vasilev to turn the throne, but the ghosts of the stabbed could not reconcile with the cym. On the 19th, the stench came over the door of Tsar Vasil and forcibly tonsured the great king and his squad, Tsaritsa Maria Petrivna, in Chentsi. Shuisky did not want to be tonsured and without saying a word to the world, how to lie down in the rite. Zmovnikiv tse zbentezhilo, zamіst tsar vymoviv words zrechennya Prince Vasil Tyufyakіn. Patriarch Hermogenes did not recognize his tonsure, but affirmed that Tyufyakin was a Chance, but did not call anyone with the thought of Vladyka. In Moscow, the Seven Boyars were established - the boyar rule. “So many boyars”, afraid of the present False Dmitry II, hurried to make an agreement with S. Zholkevsky about calling the Polish prince Vladislav to the Russian throne. Viysko Zholkevsky entered to Moscow, and the king of Vasil, his brothers, Dmitro and Ivan, moved to Poland.

Polish dzherela reportedly describes the royal audience, given to Shuisky near Warsaw on July 29, 1611. Following the farewell of Zholkevsky, who praised the king’s happiness and masculinity, Shuisky bowed low and kissed the king’s hand, and his brothers beat him with a chop to the ground.

However, Russian litopisi are rightfully described otherwise. Behind one of them, Tsar Vasil leaned towards the king, saying: “Do not deprive the Moscow tsar of bowing to the king; then from the Divine will of the ghosts I am full; it was taken not by your hands, but by the Moscow guardians, by their slaves it was given.

They told about the fullness of Tsar Vasil in distant Siberia and attributed to him not a powerful manhood and feat. Tsar Vasil, zgidno s Siberian lithographic crypts, saying to the king: "... The king himself bowed to me, the tsar of Moscow, I’m your head." The king became angry, sent Yogo to Poland, and there he died a martyr's death.

Tsar Vasil spent the rest of his life in the Polish colony and died in 1612. Above this grave, the Poles built a tomb, embellished with inscriptions that praise the triumph of the Commonwealth over Muscovy. The body of Vasil Shuisky was seen by the Russian ambassador - Prince A. M. Lvov - on the present day of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich in 1635. The royal order ordered to give a ransom for the body of Tsar Vasil from a magnificent sum - up to 10,000 rubles, but the ambassadors were no longer able to settle down with wealthy Polish nobles, and on the right was zalagodzhena. On the 10th of a worm, I ran over the body of Shuisky, his brother Dmitri, and his brother Katerina’s squad, it was chiselled on the way to Moscow, in Dorogomilov. The Sovereign held the death of the Dormition Cathedral, and the next day the funeral was over.

Less than the youngest of the Shuiskys, the boyar Prince Ivan Ivanovich, turning alive from the Polish full (1620). At the Cathedral of Viborchoy, yogo іm'ya was named among the most possible candidates for the tsar, but all the time the candidacy of Prince Ivan Shuisky was not considered by the participants of the cathedral. Since the reign of Tsar Vasil Shuisky, who was accompanied by numerical hardships, there were no tsar's followers from this family. It’s true, already impostors appeared in Poland for Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich, they called themselves “princes” and the children of Vasil Shuisky - Semyon and Ivan. Offended boulevarded by the Moscow order - the first one was caught in Moldavia, the other after long-term mandrіvok opinated in Nіmechchina - and stracheno. Lyudina, as she adopted the name of Ivan Shuisky, - the late clerk Timofy Ankudinov - was superbly talented and illuminated for his hour. Under the hour of outrageous poneviryans of the wines, the kіlka mov, knowing astrology and astronomy, writing verses. However, it did not turn out yoga in the form of pain in the chest in 1653.

Prince Ivan Ivanovich Shuisky did not live to see the appearance of his prominent nephews. For Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich

cheruvav Volodymyr Judgment and died in 1638, without leaving offspring. Alejandro Shuisky did not stumble. Zgіdno with Polish genealogical docs, in Poland there was a family of princes Shuisky, Catholics, who looked like Prince Ivan Dmitrovich, who was born in 1566. vtіk from Russia to Lithuania. Possibly, tsey rіd trivaє y dosi.

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Princes Shuisky.

The princes of Shuisky occupied one of the first jobs at the Moscow court. A lot of representatives of this family were connected with Novgorod and Pskov. So, Prince Vasil Vasilyovich Shuisky on the honor of Grebinka, on the rank of the young brother of Vasil Kirdyap - Semyon Dmitrovich, serving at Novgorod and in command of the Novgorod military, who fought against the army of Vasil the Dark in 1456 under Old Rus (the battle ended in victory. Novgorod until 1477 , then transferred to the service until Ivan III. kovske viysko at campaigns against Lithuania and Swede. Near Pskov, he died in 1496 roci.

Yogo son Prince Vasil Vasilovich Shuisky was a prominent military and political figure of the ear of the 16th century. For its lack of richness, that strimanity of yoga was nicknamed Nimim. Vіn i pravdі not loving to let words into the wind, but vvazhiv for the best protection podії singsongly. To that, on the military field of wines, not knowing the big wins, but having gone down and the big blows. Vasil Vasilovich took the fate of the wars in Lithuania, having served in Novgorod, invading the krimtsiv, in 1506 he took the boyar rank, and in 1519 - the rank of the Volodymyr monk. And in 1521, after a desolate attack on Rus' by the Crimean Khan Mohammed-Girey Shuisky, he fell into disgrace. At the v'yaznitsa wines, having tasted a short time and already in 1523, having choked the "ship's army" (that's what it was, that was on the ships, that they poured the Volga) at the Kazan campaign. Todі vіn zbuduvav fortetsyu Vasilsursk. Vasil III, apparently, trusting the Optina Voivode, acknowledging him as one of his executors - members of his own guardian for the sake of the young son of the Grand Duke - the forthcoming Ivan the Terrible. Vasil the Nemoy killed his young brother, Prince Ivan, as guardian. But here Shuisky had a chance to shut up with the ambition of the mother of little Ivan Olenya Glinsky, as she did not want to share power with him. Just after the death of the Deer (її they were fired and, perhaps, not without the participation of the Shuisky brothers), Vasil Zumіv succumbed to all his political opponents and, in fact, became the rightful ruler of the camp. In Chervni 1538, he became friends with the daughter of the christened Tatar prince Peter Anastasia, as through his matir she was the niece of Vasil III, and later, the cousin of Ivan the Terrible. In this rank, Prince Shuisky became related to the grand duke's family and himself secured his high political status. And yet, in the fall of the same 1538 fate, the all-powerful ruler of Timchas died.

Vasil the Mute's brother Ivan, voivode, and also a Pskov and Smolensk monk, died in the spring of 1542. Vіn having left on his own unkindness the memory of little Ivan the Terrible: you don’t even look at us - not like a father, not like a guardian ... "

Tsikava share of Yogo Sin - Prince Peter (Guria) Ivanovich Shuisky. From the young years of vins in the military service. Under the hour of Ivan the Terrible's campaign against Kazan in 1552, the prince was one of the five sovereign voivods at the fort of Sviyazhsk, specially urged to facilitate the capture of the capital of the Tatar Khanate. In the past, Petro Ivanovich successfully fought at the Livonian war. At the beginning of the її period, if the Russian hero was lucky, Prince Shuisky changed his mind at the bush. In 1559, together with the voivode, Prince Ivan Fedorovich Mstislavsky, he took the place of Vilyan (the ninth of Viljand in Estonia), burying himself in the full order of the master. The prince was appointed for the capture of Derpt and Rakovor, and for the defense of Polotsk. Nezabarom Ivan the Terrible sent yoga to the glib of Lithuanian lands. Here, near the city of 1564, the fate of Orsha on the river Streets of the Viysk forces, which Shuisky commanded, raptly attacked the enemy. The Russian army was beaten, Petro Ivanovich himself, having used his horse in battle, and almost turned back. Pishki vin priyshov in one of the sudnih forces, but the inhabitants of the city entered the new Moscow voivode, plundered it and drowned it at the well. The body of the prince was then delivered by the Lithuanian military leader Prince Mykola Radziwill near Vilna, and with honors it was buried at the Catholic church in order from the grave of the squad of King Alexander - Deer, the daughter of Ivan III.

Son of Peter Ivanovich - Prince Ivan Petrovich Shuisky immortalized his heroic defense of Pskov in the battle of Stefan Batory in 1581 - 1582, during the thir hour of the Livonian war, only at the final stage. Ale and earlier viyavlyav great military leader zdіbnosti. Zokrem, in 1571 Ivan Petrovich served in the outskirts of Russia and ahead of Moscow about the attack of the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey. And the advancing fate itself on the yogo guard regiment, falling down the hard blow of the Tatar cinema at the essence of the Senchiny ford of the Oka river. Shuisky forcibly defeated the krimtsiv at the entrance, but could not resist the main forces of the khan, who went ahead, but stepped in. Nezabar vin fought with the ranks at Molody under the ceremonial work of Mikhail Ivanovich Vorotinsky.

On the victory of Shuisky, Ivan the Terrible had gained respect, sending the voivode to the Livonian theater of military affairs. The prince became another monastic near Pskov, and in this settlement gained immortal glory for himself, for five months he defended Pskov from the Viysk of the Commonwealth and defeated 31 attacks of the enemy. One of the heroic sides of this marvelous epic was depicted by the great Karl Bryullov on his wonderful canvas "The Pskov Oblog". Shuisky and Pskov, who fought under yoga kerivnitstv, effectively vryatuly honor of Russia. The very masculinity of defending the old Russian fortified fortified the Poles at the peace talks, which ended with the laying of the Yam-Zapolsky truce for 10 years. That's right, the end of the Livonian war.

Shortly before his death, Ivan the Terrible recognized Ivan Petrovich as the guardian of his son Fyodor Ivanovich, who ascended the throne in 1584. Here Ivan Petrovich had a chance to shut himself up from the brother-in-law of the new Tsar Boris Godunov, not scurrying about in order to put his competitors on the path to power. Together with Metropolitan Dionysius, the prince, having asked Fyodor, to rozirvat a free hat from Godunov’s sister Irina, which meant the fall of Boris himself. Ale Godunov ahead of the blow. In 1586, Ivan Petrovich was hung from the capital to the deaf Volga city of Kineshma, and two years later they were transported to the Kirilo-Bilozersk monastery. There, on the 16th leaf fall of 1588, the fate of the celebrated hero was poisoned with fumes near the monastic cell. Thus ended the life of one of the most important military commanders in the Russian middle class.

Tragic kіnets chekav і on rich princes Shuisky z іnshoy, eldest gіlki tsgo genus. The triple brothers of Prince Vasil the Mute - Ivan Mikhailovich Pleten and Andriy Mikhailovich Chastokil (newly close for the honor of being called in the same homeland) were dragged into disgrace for Vasil III. Anew to rise to him far away to the camp of his honorable kinsman. Ivan did not get involved in political intrigues, occupying himself with the military right. A lot of campaigns of wines made a great regiment - the central part of the Russian army. After his crowning the kingdom in 1547, Ivan the Terrible gave the prince the high rank of a butler (essentially, cherubed by the Tsar's court). Ale Shuisky was burdened by his life. The old voivode died in 1559.

And the axis of yoga, brother Andriy, now, more burdens to court life. Vіn tezh having been in disgrace, then near Pskov in the voivodeship, he managed to prove himself such a shameless nabuvach that they called him to Moscow without a hitch. Here Andriy, having tried to break through to the first month at court, was bad luck. The payment for being close to power was his motor death. The drive was the beating of Ivan the Terrible's lover Shuisky - Fyodor Vorontsov. In 1543, the 13-year-old Ivan, for the order of the enemies of the Shuisky clan, having punished his kennels for “outrage and arbitrariness”, drove Prince Andriy to the chest in 1543. That is true, the first mortal virok of the future king.

Such a death of Andriy Shuisky was impossible to recognize the life of Yogo Sim'ї. Sin Andriy Ivan, like a child, had a chance to fly from Moscow. Yogo vryatuvav virny vyhovatel - "uncle". Behind the family legends, in the wake of the young prince on Byloozero, the stench lived through the rock. They were proud of the simple village practice. Later on, I will forgive Tsar Ivan in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, the faithful servant of the Shuiskys, throwing himself at the feet of the sovereign and begging for forgiveness for his pedant. So Prince Ivan Andriyovich turned to the court. Vin became a militant voivode, having reached the boyar rank, commanding regiments under the hour of the Livonian war and dying at 1573 under the walls of Revel (nine Tallinn).

Ivan Andriyovich maw kіlka syniv. The eldest, Andriy, was called to the vyaznitsa for the order of Boris Godunov in 1589. The other one is Vasil in 1606, becoming the Russian Tsar Vasil Ioannovich (he was thrown off in 1610), thus remaining Rurikovich on the Moscow throne. Yogo's brother Dmitro - a new commander - having won the battle for the Poles in the village of Klushino near Mozhaisk, he himself led the way to Moscow. If Vasil was thrown off, he was seen at once from Dmitri and his youngest brother Ivan to the Poles. The Shuiskys were brought to Warsaw, and the stinkers, like living trophies, took part in the triumph, won by King Sigismund III and the Polish hetman Stanislav Zholkiewski on the occasion of the 1611 anniversary. At the front hall of the king's palace, the great Russian tsar happened to live on earth to the ruler of the Commonwealth. Russia did not know such humiliation either before or after the Time of Troubles. Then the brothers were sent to the Gostinsky castle, de Vasil and Dmitro died, as if they were showing a "necessary death." Ivan, who wore a prized Button, turned to Russia, if the war had ended and the exchange had ended. Tsar Mikhailo Fedorovich Romanov, having graciously accepted his future power, even Ivan befriended Princess Martha Volodimirivna Dolgorukova (її sister Maria - the first squad of Tsar Mikhail).

Before the speech, Dmitro Ivanovich became friends with Katerina Grigorivna Skuratova-Belskaya, the daughter of the oprichny kata Malyuta Skuratov and the sister of Boris Godunov’s squad, and Tsar Vasil became friends with the two: with Princess Olena Mikhailovna Repnina and suddenly, in 1608 roci, - with Prince Buynosova-Rostovskaya. And Prince Petro Urusov became friends with the widow of Andriy, the eldest of the Shuisky brothers, who, for example, in 1610 drove in False Dmitry II.

At the rank of boyar Ivan - the last of the Shuisky brothers - for Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, cast a cherub with the Moscow judicial order. Vin died in 1638, and with him a number of princes Shuisky in Russia. And in the Commonwealth vin, maybe, still continuing, oskolki there lived the bastards of one of the Shuisky princes (Ivan Dmitrovich Gubka), a kind of duck to Lithuania for Ivan the Terrible.

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Princes I. The first of these butovykh zv'yazkіv є slavnі vinuvattsі political fragmentation of Russia, the princes themselves, to be more precise kazhuchi, vrazhennya, as if they celebrated the stench on the Russian land with their Volodarsky waters. One more order volodinnya, hooting directly or

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3.8. Princes of Cherkasy Today the history of the war with Razinim has been created and obscured. Practically did not lose documents on the different side. Ale navit those who have grown, allow you to look at the rough contours of the true picture of that hour. Let's add just one quote,


Princes Bilivsky. Rіd princes Bєlevskih (Misto Bєlіv on the river Oka) pripinivsya in the middle of the XVI century. The remaining representative of this family, Prince Ivan Ivanovich Belevskiy, was sent in 1558 by order of Ivan the Terrible to Vologda, and he died. The patrimonies of the princes of Belevskiy were transferred to

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Princes Baryatinsky. The gallows of the Mezetsky princes - the princes of Baryatinsky (also Boryatinsky, they were called to resemble the name of the Baryatinsky volost on the river Kletomy near the Meshchivsky county of the Kaluzka province) in the name of the blue ancestor Oleksandr Andriyovich, first prince

From the book of Rurikovich. History of the dynasty author Bjolov Evgen Volodimirovich

Prince Mishetsky. The name of the princes of Mishetsky resembled the name of their estate - Mishaga, who was known near Tarus. Princess Yevdokiya Petrivna Mishetskaya in 1748 became a deputy for Oleksiy Opanasovich Dyakov. In the sight of this school, a sprat of daughters was born. On Mary Oleksiivna

From the book of Rurikovich. History of the dynasty author Bjolov Evgen Volodimirovich

Prince Obolensky. Most of the middle of the last slopes, which resemble the Chernigiv Rurikovichs, and the number of Obolensky princes, who have more than one hundred representatives. The ancestral nest of the Obolenskys was the locality of Obolensk, and the ancestor of this princely title -

From the book of Rurikovich. History of the dynasty author Bjolov Evgen Volodimirovich

Princes Repnin. One of the numerous families of the princes of Obolensky was bulo and the princely name of the Repnins. These representatives, like members of other ancient noble families, made contributions, first for everything, in the stately life of Russia. One of the Repnins - Prince Mikhailo

From the book of Rurikovich. History of the dynasty author Bjolov Evgen Volodimirovich

Prince Dolgorukov. One more time the Obolenskys’ career “transformed” on the independent princely nickname of the Dolgorukovs. The ancestor of the Dolgorukovs (in the 17th - 19th centuries they were also called Dolgoruky) - Prince Ivan Andriyovich Obolensky, having taken his honor for his

From the book of Rurikovich. History of the dynasty author Bjolov Evgen Volodimirovich

Princes Shuisky. The princes of Shuisky occupied one of the first jobs at the Moscow court. A lot of representatives of this family were connected with Novgorod and Pskov. So, Prince Vasil Vasilyovich Shuisky, on the honor of Grebinka, onuk of the young brother of Vasil Kirdyapa - Semyon Dmitrovich,

From the book of Rurikovich. History of the dynasty author Bjolov Evgen Volodimirovich

Prince Skopini-Shuisky. This small family looks like Prince Ivan Vasilyovich Shuisky (son of Prince Vasily Vasilovich Bledny, monastic at Pskov and Nizhny Novgorod, cousin of princes Ivan and Andriy Mikhailovich Shuisky), who wore the prize of Osprey (so

From the book of Rurikovich. History of the dynasty author Bjolov Evgen Volodimirovich

Princes Barbashini (Barbashini-Shuisky). About the number of princes Barbashinykh (the princely princes Glazatih-Shuisky) it is not easy to guess that the representatives of the sixteenth century were governors, that they took part in the numerical wars of Russia, through prince Maria Vasilivna.

From the book Favorite rulers of Russia author Matyukhina Julia Oleksiivna

Vasil (1552 - 1612) and Dmitro (1560 - 1612) Shuisky ancient ancestors show the Shuisky faithful servants of the Moscow sovereigns. So, onuk of the ancestor of the Shuisky princes, the Suzdal prince Yuri, Vasil (Blidniy) for the Moscow prince Ivan III, was a navigator near Pskov, and 1478 - 1480. -

author Shokaryov Sergiy Yuriyovich

Rulers of the Russian throne. Princes Shuisky Princes Shuisky - a friend behind the seniority of the Ryurik line to the family after the Moscow princes. Tsey the most famous rіd updovzh of the XVI century. knowing the throne, and on the cob of the 17th century, a representative of the access to the royal throne, but not

From the book of the Taєmnitsa of the Russian aristocracy author Shokaryov Sergiy Yuriyovich

Princes Kurakini and princes Kuragini from “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy The great epic of L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” has long been considered by literary scholars and historians not only as a prominent artistic tvir, but also as a historical dzherelo. Dzherelo not


CHAPTER PERSH. The character of Fedor, the successor of Ivan the Terrible. - the boyars went to the party. - Dmitro goes to Uglich. - The idea of ​​Belsky is that rebellion against the people. - Shuisky. - Presentation of Godunov. - Shuisky fight against the new one for the help of the Mstislavskys -

From the book A Tale about Boris Godunov and Dimitri the Pretender [obvious, current spelling] author Kulish Panteleimon Oleksandrovich

DISPLACED ANOTHER. The activity of Godunov. - Installation at the Russian Patriarchate. - Shuyskі and іnshі boyars dіyut іz Godunov at the same time. - Poboyuvannya їh shdo tsarіnnya Dmitri Uglichsky. - Beating Dmitry. - Pragnenny Godunov to the throne. - Pozhezha near Moscow. - Nashestya

Shuisky, princely and boyar district of the XV-XVII centuries, Gilka of the Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal princes (nashchadkіv of the son of St. Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky Andriy), which was already given in the XV century. kіlka prizvisch. Until the XV century. The Shuiskys were serving princes in the Moscow Grand Dukedom, as well as in other sovereign sanctuaries of Pivnichno-Skhidnoy Rus. Z n. XVI Art. The Shuiskys rose to the level of the great nobility of the Russian centralized state and played a great role in the historical podias of the 16th - n. XVII century The ancestor of the senior line of the Shuisky Buvs, sin of the book. Vasily Dmitrovich Kirdyapy Yuriy, in the name of Yuriy's cousin - kn. Vasily Semenovich has gone young.

From the six blues of the rest of the home: 1) book. Oleksandr Glazatiy-Shuisky - the founder of the old line, who gave the nickname Glazatykh-Shuysky (pinned in the n. XVI century), and Barbashiny-Shuysky (pinned bl. iacha x, sho smashing in 1560 the dobirnu kinnot of the Livonian Order, the guardsman until the summer of 1570); 2) book. Ivan Gorbaty-Shuisky - serving prince of the century. book. Vasil II Vasilyovich, founder of the Gorbatykh-Shuysky nickname; 3) book. Andriy Lugvitsa (sc. 1445 childless) - serving prince of the remote prince. Ivan Andriyovich Mozhaysky; 4) book. Vasil Grebinka (sc. after 1478 childless) - a serving prince near Pskov (1448-55) and Veliky Novgorod (1455-78), an active participant in the anti-Moscow struggle of the Novgorod boyars in 1456 and 1471. naibіlsh vidomі: 1) book. Mikhailo Vasilyovich Gorbaty-Shuisky (sk. bl. 1535) - before fortune-telling in 1508, boyar from 1529, monk of Pskov (1519-21), Veliky Novgorod (1529-31), active participant in military battles against the Kazan and Crimean Khanates in 1 30 -ty and Russian-Lithuanian wars (in 1534-35, after leaving the Russian army in the glib of Lithuania); 2) book. Boris Ivanovich Gorbaty-Shuisky (sk. bl. 1539) - before fortune-telling in 1512, boyar from 1521, monk of Smolensk (1517-18), Veliky Novgorod (1534-37), active participant in campaigns against Smolensk in 1512; 3) son Boris Ivanovich Prince. Oleksandr (sc. at the fierce 1565) - military commander and sovereign fiend ser. XVI Art. Ahead of the hugs in 1538, a member of the Palace of Borotbi in the 1540s, the boyar z 1544, a member of the vibral for the sake of actually in reality of the Russian Army when brittle Kazani in 1552. The vulnerability of VID in the certificates of 1560, the fears of the Sino Peter of the leads. From this death, the Gorbatykh-Shuiskys crouched down.

Vіd brethren Vasil and Fyodor Yuriyovichіv Shuisky, yakі were restored at the 2nd floor. In the 1450s, for a short term, the independence of the Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal princedom, two old Shuisky lines came. In 1467-72 Fedir Yuriyovich was serving as a prince. book. Ivan III Vasilovich near Pskov. From yogo offspring found: 1) book. Vasil Fedorovich Shuisky (sc. 1495) - serving prince of Ivan III, monastic near Veliky Novgorod in 1481, participant in the campaign against Kazan in 1487, prince and monastic near Pskov 1491-95; 2) senior syn Vasily Fedorovich - Prince. Vasil Nemoy Shuisky (sc. Oct. 1538), military and sovereign fiend in the 1st half. XVI Art. It was first guessed in 1500, the boyar from 1512, an active participant in campaigns against Smolensk in 1512-14 and military battles against Sweden of the Livonian Order in n. XVI Art. Namer of Veliky Novgorod (1500-06, 1510-14, 1518), Smolensk (2nd half of 1514), Moscow (1538). A member of the Close Duma, a kind of present day, the hour of folding the order of the century. book. Vasil III Ivanovich. Head of the Shuisky party and de facto ruler of Russia in 1538; 3) the younger brother of the rest - Prince. Ivan Vasilyovich Shuisky (sc. in the grass 1542), before fortune-telling in 1508, boyar in 1532, monk of Ryazan (1512), Pskov (1514-15, 1518-19), Smolensk (1520-23), Dvina (1534) (1540 ). Head of the Shuisky party from 1538 and de facto ruler of Russia from 1538-40 and 1542; 4) onuk Ivan Vasilyovich - book. Ivan Petrovich Shuisky (sc. 11/16/1588), military and sovereign son of the 2nd floor. XVI Art. First fortune-telling in 1562, member of the Zemsky Sobor in 1566, participant in the campaign of the Crimean Khan in 1572. Boyar from 1574, monk and governor in Pskov (1573, 1577, 1580-84, 158). The actual head of the defense of Pskov 1581-82, a member of the Regency for the sake of the death of Ivan IV Vasilyovich. In 1584-86 - the head of the anti-Goduniv palace party, in the autumn of 1586, falling into disgrace, killing the enslaved. With this death, the Shuisky family clung to Russia. Up to the sound XX century near Poland, the family of the Shuiskys founded, emigrated to Lithuania bl. 1536 books. Ivan Dmitrovich Gubka-Shuisky (nephew of Prince Vasil Nemoy and Ivan Vasilovich Shuisky).

View of the senior son of the book. Vasil Yuriyovich Prince. Vasily Vasilyovich Pale-Shuisky (serving prince of Ivan III in 1470-90s) was older than the name of the Skopin-Shuisky family, of which the most prominent are: 1) book. Vasyl Fedorovich Skopin-Shuisky (born 1595), participant in the Zemsky Sobor in 1566. Boyarin from 1577, participant in the Livonian war of 1558-83 and the Russian-Swedish war of 1590-93; 2) yoga syn book. M. V. Skopin-Shuisky, after his death in 1610 the name of the Skopinykh-Shuyskys clung. 3 offspring of another son of the book. Vasil Yuriyovich Prince. Mikhail Vasilovich Shuisky found: 1) junior son of the book. Mikhail Vasilovich Prince. Andriy Mikhailovich Shuisky (feast among the breasts, 1543) - before fortune-telling in 1527, boyar from 1538, monastic of Pskov (1539-40). The head of the Shuisky party and the Shuisky order from May 1542; 2) onuk Mikhail Vasilovich - Prince. Andriy Ivanovich Shuysky (c. 1589), first of fortune-telling in 1575, boyar from 1584, active participant in the tent fight in 1584-86, in disgrace that was sent in the autumn of 1586; 3) yogo the younger brother of Prince. Vasil Ivanovich Shuisky, Russian tsar in 1606-10; 4) book. Dmitro Ivanovich Shuisky (sc. 09/17/1612) - the young brother of the princes Andriy and Vasil, first of fortune-telling in 1575, king in 1580-86, boyar from 1586, in disgrace in the autumn of 1586, member of the Zemsky Sobor in 1598. and sovereignty. On 24 chervnya 1610, having recognized defeats in the battle under Klushin, in the autumn of 1610, the fate of driving to Poland; 5) book. Ivan Ivanovich Shuisky (sc. 1638) - traveled to Poland in 1610 with his brothers Tsar Vasil Shuisky and Prince. Dmitri Ivanovich Shuisky, turning around in 1620. With his death, the Shuiskys crouched in Russia.

Quoted materials for the website of the Great Encyclopedia of the Russian people -

The princely family of the Shuiskys, which was one of the most famous in Moscow Rus XV - the beginning of the XVII century, resembling the third son Oleksandr Nevsky - Andriy Gorodetsky . Prince Andriy Oleksandrovich is summarily aware of the fact that he fought for the throne of the Grand Duke with his elder brother Dmitry Pereyaslavsky , intriguing against brother in Ordi and repeatedly pointing Tatar rats at Rus'. If Dmitro died, Andriy was already on the throne of the grand duke and ruled for about ten years, right up to his death. 1304 fate. Then the great princedom of Volodymyr passed to the representatives of other ages of the Rurikovich family - to the princes of Tver and Moscow. From the hopes of Andriy Gorodetsky, who established themselves in the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod princedom, only one - Dmitry Kostyantinovich - in the middle of the XIV century, far away from the Tatar Khan, the yarlik on the great princedom near Volodymyr. In the meantime, it was important for the Nizhny Novgorod prince to stand up to Moscow, that he was maligned and helped. Nezabar, you had a chance to subdue yourself with the expense of the Grand Duke and learn to lay down with the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich union, fastening with a hat of the possible Don hero with the Nizhny Novgorod princess Evdokia (daughter of Dmitry Kostyantinovich). In the 70s of the XIV century, the regiments of Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod repeatedly opposed the Tatars. Ale, the friendship of the Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow princes did not show off Tokhtamisha 1382: Dmitro Kostyantinovich and yoga blue slumped in the camp of the enemy. The very blues of Dmitri Nizhegorodsky, Vasil and Semyon, helped the enemy to seize Moscow: the stench sang with an oath zahisniki in the place without the Tatar Khan of evil spirits, and the opir was pinned. The brothers have paid the price for evil. Vasil Kirdyapa ) buv vignany from Nizhny Novgorod by his nephew, son of Dmitry Donskoy, Grand Duke of Moscow Vasil I . Vasil Kirdyapa, the deputy of the reclaimed Nizhny Novgorod princedom, having taken away the place of Shuya from the recesses. A lot of negativity and mischief fell on the share of another of the brothers - Birthday of Dmitrovich .

Princes Vasil and Semyon Dmitrovich were the founders of the Shuiskys. The son of Vasil Kirdyapa - Yuriy - went to the eldest family of his family, and the son of Semyon - Vasily - the youngest, is represented in Russian history, and died out in the XV-XVI centuries with the names of the Glazatih-Shuisky, Gorbatykh-Shuisky, Barbashini - Shuisky.

At the time of the consolidation of the Russian lands near Moscow, the Shuiskys repaired the opir to the great Moscow princes, but, being impervious to resist them, they went near Novgorod and the Dvina. Then, viti- sneni and z pivnochi, began to serve the Moscow sovereigns. At the court of the Moscow princes, the Shuiskys occupied a high camp, the shards were noble boyars. A lot of representatives of this title became the supreme sovereign deacons - great commanders and administrators. At that very hour, the princes of Shuisky, lay down to the elder's head of the Rurikovichs, the lower Moscow princes (similar to the young son of Nevsky), for many generations they tried to get the supreme power of the land. Her pragnennya until the reign was inevitable, and in the struggle for her, the stench was not raked by everyday zasobs.

Heads of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod princes, who planted a camp near the lavas of the Moscow boyars, were active participants in the rich and significant undertakings of the 16th - early 17th centuries.

Yaskrava specialty of Mikhail Vasilovich Skopin-Shuisky and this lack of experience, but more than the military feats of life merited for a great riddle. Rіd Skopіnykh-Shuyskiyh, having resembled the land of the Suzdal princes like the prize of Osprey, Mikhailo Vasilovich was his great-grandson. Already in his early youth, having earned the glory of the master of martial justice, and at the same time, the protection of Moscow by Bolotnikov, he was entrusted with the task of defending one of the gates of the capital. With the help of Bolotnikov’s military, Moscow was yelled at richly for what Mikhail Skopin-Shuysky, who at that time was about twenty years old.

In 1608, Vasil Shuisky, after the low military and political failures, reaffirmed his respect for his talented and energetic relative. Skopin-Shuisky letter to Novgorod with instructions to lay down an alliance with the Swedes against the Tushinsky villain. For the non-abyak pay to the hired army and the act of Koreli, with good reason, the Swedes were lucky enough to support Tsar Vasil. In 1609, Mikhailo Vasilovich Skopin-Shuisky, with his help, cleared the Russian lands from the penitentiaries of the rebellions, smashed the carcasses near Tver, and took them to the oblog of the Trinity-Sergius monastery lі. These successes were achieved regardless of the difficulties in collecting the money to pay the fees to the Swedes. Mikhailo Vasilyovich zoomed in on the most hostile attack on foreigners of that former commander Delagardie, who for good reason called Skopin-Shuisky his friend.

Tushintsy and the Poles recognized the blows. If the capital was zvіlnen vіd oblogi, the people of Moscow on choli with the boyars zustrіv prince Skopin-Shuisky bіl vіl vіl vіsta yak pomozhtsya, giving yom all honors. Mikhailo Vasilyovich is one of the most influential Shuisky maws in Russia, for the sake of which they endured the unpopular Tsar Vasil Ivanovich. Ale near the quarter in 1610, the twenty-tiririrish fate Mikhailo Skopin-Shuisky fell ill and died after being rebuked on the banquet of one of the king's relatives. The attendants guessed that a cup of wine was brought to the young voivode by the squad of Dmitry Shuisky. Suspects of misfortune of Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky fell on the sovereign himself. Ale tse zvinuvachennya, nayimovіrnіshe, unfair.

After the death of Mikhail Vasilyovich, the camp of the Shuiskys became even worse. The people's hatred grew stronger before them. Recent allies - the Swedes - began to invade Russian territories, the intervention of Poland expanded, which began after the formation of the Russian-Swedish alliance in 1609. And kerіvnitstvo in the order of the viysks, the deputy of the zdіbny voivode Skopin-Shuisky otrimav the incompetent brother of the tsar Dmitro Ivanovich. Under the hour of the virtual battle with the Poles Dmitro Shuisky suddenly showing himself to be a filthy commander, throwing his army and znikshi in the fox. Moscow leaned between two fires - Poles and Tushintsy.

Together with the initiatives of the Lyapunov brothers and Vasyl Golitsyn, Tsar Vasyl Shuisky was forced to take the throne. Timchasovo land was ruled by the boyar council (so-called "Seven boyars"), and the thrown Vasil Shuisky was forcibly tonsured in chenci and placed in Yosipiv monastery. After that, as the boyars wanted to request the Polish prince Vladislav to the Russian throne, the Poles took Vasyl Shuisky from the monastery and brought him together with his brothers Dmitry and Ivan Shuisky to Poland. In 1612, the king of the Russian tsar died at the crowd. Descho later died and his brother Dmitro. His younger brother, Ivan Ivanovich Shuisky, on the Prizvisko of Button, having lived for a long time near Poland, having entered the Polish service. Less than 1630, the fate of the wines turned to Moscow, de occupied a seat at the court of the new tsar. Vin, like his brother, died childless, and among the princes of Shakhovsky, leaning on him.

Vasyl IV Ivanovich Shuisky
Rocks of life: 1552–1612
Rocks of rule: 1606-1610 (7th Tsar of Russia)

From the Shuisky dynasty , the heads of the great princes of Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod, the prince's honor. Prince, boyar and voevoda.

Son of Prince Ivan Andriyovich Shuisky.

Youth spent your time for Grozny: in 1580. being a friend of the tsar in the last village, and in 1581 - 1582 pp.

Short biography of Vasil Shuisky

Z 1584 vin ocholiving the Court Chamber, being a boyar.

He is also known to historians as a great voivode. The voivod of the Great Regiment on a campaign to Serpukhov vletka in 1581, on a campaign to Novgorod a lime tree in 1582, on a campaign to Serpukhov in a quarter of 1583. Governor of Smolensk in 1585-1587.

3 unknown reasons Vasyl Shuisky in 1586 r having changed with the messenger. Under the hour of the Shuisky Godunov's re-investigation from 1587 to the fate of the messages to Galich. And in 1591, Godunov's rozі vіrіshivshi, scho stink not zavdavat you shkodi, turning them to the capital.

In 1591, Shuisky was in the custody of Tsarevich Dmitry. Under the pressure of Godunov, he recognized the cause of the death of the prince as an unfortunate depression, self-destruction. From this fate, Vasil re-entered the Boyar Duma and became the Novgorod governor. 1598 year - the first commander of the regiment in the army of Mstislavsky in the Crimean campaign to Serpukhov.

From September 1605, he was appointed commander of the regiment of the right hand in the campaign against False Dmitry. However, Godunov’s victory was not too bad, he switched to the impostor’s book.

After that, as having taken the throne, Vasil Ivanovich voiced that the visnoviy of the yogo commission for the death of Tsarevich Dmitry is unvirn, and the new tsar is the right son of Ivan the Terrible. Ale in red 1605 Vasil tried to create a coup against the impostor, the arrests and condemnations of the False Dmitry I to death, and even without barring pardons and orders to be sent to the brothers.

Requiring a boyar's support, False Dmitry Naprikintsi 1605 p. turning the Shuiskys to Moscow.

In 1606, Vasil organized a rally against False Dmitry I, who ended the Moscow people's rebellion on May 17, 1606 and the death of the impostor.

Board of Vasyl Shuisky

May 19, 1606 a group of hoarders "wagged" Vasil Shuisky as king. Vіn buv coronations 1 chervny Novgorod Metropolitan Isidore.

On the cob of this rule, the resistance between the capital's nobility and the boyars (rebellion against Bolotnikov) made an effort. In 1607 p. for the support of the great places, the rebellion was far away, and the Polish intervention in the Russian state rose to the same fate.

Rebel Bolotnikova

Defeat of Dmitri Shuisky's military under Klushin 24 chervnia 1610 r. the army of Sigismund III and the rebellion in Moscow were called to fall Tsar Vasil Shuisky. 17 (27) lime 1610 r. part of the boyars Vasil IV Ioannovich Shuisky buv was thrown from the throne and forcibly tonsured by the Chentsi.

Veresni 1610 p. Vіv buv vidov Polish Hetman Zholkiewski, what kind of viviz yogo and yogo brothers Dmytro and Ivan like brantsіv near Poland to king Sigizmund.

Vasil Ivanovich died in a prison at the Gostinin castle Poland. In 1635, the remains were buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Kremlin.

Vіn buv odruzheny dvіchі:

on princes Oleni Mikhailivna Repnina, daughter of the boyar Prince Mikhail Petrovich Repnina;
from 1608 roku

on Prince Mary Petrivna Buynosova-Rostovskaya, daughter of Prince Peter Ivanovich Buynosov-Rostovsky, tonsured in black 1610;

  • Princess Ganna Vasilivna (1609 - died in childhood)
  • Princess Anastasia Vasilivna (1610 - died in childhood)

The co-workers and the bastards called Shuisky for a lot of sins and provinces. Buv stingy, stubborn, going into sorcery. At the same time, it is impossible not to recognize that in the life of Vasil Ivanovich there were few moments, if he showed right wisdom, masculinity and greatness of soul.

Rostov-Suzdal princes Kirdyapini (zgasliy rіd)

Princes of Kirdyapinim were called direct nashadkivs (not given onukivs) of the elder son of the Grand Duke Dmitry Kostyantinovich of Nizhny Novgorod - Vasily Dmitrovich, who was a prince near Suzdal, nicknamed Kirdyapoy and died in 1403 roci. The new one has three blues:

1) Ivan Vasilovich, who died in 1417, having lost the son of Oleksandr Gorbaty, who died in 1418, that onuka, who died in childhood, Semyon Oleksandrovich;

2) Yuriy Vasilovich, who had taken Shuya - the father of Vasil Yuriyovich (died in 1446) and Fedor Yuriyovich, (1472), subsided the Shuisky recession from the father. For a large share, like their father stinks themselves, so all the offspring of the children of Vasil and Fyodor Yuriyovich were nicknamed the Shuisky princes, the deputy of Kirdyapinikh. The Crimea of ​​the older blues of Kirdyap, obviously, were called Kirdyapins, childless princes: Fedir Vasilovich and Danilo Vasilovich (died 1412) - their young brothers.

At the rocky Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod princes did not go under the high hand of Moscow and tried to force themselves to choose the title of Grand Duke in it.

Suzdal princes

The ancestor of the princes of Suzdal, the third son of the Grand Duke Yaroslav - Fyodor Vsedolovich, who is put in the order of the people is more for Oleksandr Nevsky, because after his death, the Tatar Khan, after his death, confirmed seniority, and not for Oleksandr, who turned Andriy among all the vidnosins . Grand Duke Andriy Yaroslavovich was born between 1217 and 1219 r.b. I in 1245 rotation, before the departure of the father to the Horde - after the return for some reason he died - having taken Suzdal from the recesses. Otrimavshi about the death of the father, calling himself the Grand Duke and brother - his Oleksandr Nevsky - having made his way up to the court of the Tatar Khan for otrimannya in tsіy gіdnosti and pershostі mіzh princes rosіyanami. He reached it, but the rule of yoga in 1252 ended with an unsuccessful flow from Volodymyr, if, feeling guilty, the Mongol troops were gone against themselves, which were carried out by the trio of leaders, everyone went to their own way, beaten and captured.

The prince's marriage ended earlier in the river. Revel (Kolivan), which, after lying to the Danes, we will sweat at Sweden. Andriy was followed by another squad, the daughter of Danila Romanovich. In 1257, the brother of Andriy was already reborn in Russia, having traveled to the Horde and having accepted there not a fortune-teller, and after the death of Nevsky, having taken the throne of the grand duke anew, yakbi not a quick death yogo, on the cob of 1264 fate. Andriy Yaroslavovich Volodymyr Suzdal, Gorodets and Nizhny Novgorod, and 3 blue yogos took away the money from power: Yury Buv near Suzdal and died without offspring 1279 rubles; Vasil (died 1309) after Nizhny Novgorod, deyogo progeny and the rule of decay, and Mikhailo Andriyovich (died 1305) - Gorodets-Volzky, de died Oleksandr Nevsky near the leaf fall of 1263. In the presence of Prince Vasil Andriyovich of Nizhny Novgorod and Suzdal, the offspring, which spread around the canopy, is in the air and continues.

The enraged Prince of Moscow Vasil Dmitrovich in 1393 went to Nizhny Novgorod to Kirdyap and his brother Semyon I, "viving them, giving them the city of Shuya." Five generations of princes from the family of Vasil Kirdyapy were given a city, which they named after a new name (the first mystery was born in 1402). The princes of Shuisky were small here with their deputy house. Near the village of Vasilivsky Shuisky, a special myslivsky door was venerated. Until the 17th century, Vasilivske, roztashovane on the river. Matne, was called the Matnist camp. It is confirmed that the village took on a new name from that hour, as Vasil Ivanovich Shuisky became here on the falconer's field.

Tsikavoy is the patrimonial share of the village of Dunilova, Brits, Pupki. The old stench of the 17th century until the end of the family lay side by side of the princes of Shuisky - Gorbatykh.

Eyes (zgasliy rd)

Gilka of these Suzdal princes lays down 5 honors with the patron - Prince Oleksandr Vasilyovich of Suzdal, nicknamed Glazaty, co-worker of Vasil the Dark (1451). The new one had 3 blues (princes of the XVIII Colina): Boris Oleksandrovich, Dmitro Oleksandrovich (mother of the childless son of Fyodor Dmitrovich, nicknamed Chervlenim) and Ivan Oleksandrovich Barbasha, who made the Barbashinis (VII) special gilka.

Gorbaty (zgasliy rіd)

The younger (another five) brother of Oleksandr Vasilyovich Glazaty - Ivan Vasilovich, known for the nicknames of Humpbacked, having raised his family name to his offspring, who gravitated from the savings of the princely title to the chotiri generation noblemen Suslovikh (?)

Prince Ivan Vasilyovich Humpbacked senior sin buv Ivan Ivanovich, nothing in the words of moderns, and the other - Andriy Ivanovich buv near Kolomna, when picking up a wine for fermentation of krimtsiv in 1493 by the right hand. The third brother of the two in front - Prince Boris Ivanovich, in 1489, was the head of the ship's army along the Kamі and Novgorod campaigns in 1492 - 1495 R.R. known to the retinue of Ivan III. Their youngest brother (quarter) Vasil Ivanovich - like Boris the childless - was a monk at Novgorod before the storms (1471). The idea of ​​​​reaching to Lithuania, the bulk of the Great Power of the Monk of Moscow, escorted away under the sight of Zavolochchi, the stars were far away, turn around in a forgiving way.

Naschadok Humpbacked pishov from the elder and another son of Ivan Vasilyovich Humpbacked, having made, as it seems, two lines.

The senior line - from Ivan Ivanovich - began yoga chotirma sinami (XIX kolіno):

1) Mikhail Ivanovich nicknamed Lapa, childless, voivode at the campaigns of Grozny's youth;

2) Boris, boyar Vasil (1503), who died at Mstislav, in the settlement of the commander of the great regiment (1547);

3) Volodymyr, boyar, 1550;

4) Ivan, okolnichiy, who will rise in the Polotsk campaign (1550), if the beginning of his feats is carried out until 1502.

Prince Boris Ivanovich Humpbacked son Oleksandr Borisovych, who started his service in the campaign of 1538, continued his diligence in 1566, and at the name of Yogo in 1566 Art. The word is "vibuw", which means a stratum, not a natural death. Vіn zalishiv the son of Peter, which in 1573 was listed as the roci of the retinue of Grozny in Polotsk. If the wine is dead, it is unknown, but the offspring is not shown.

Ivan Ivanovich had more than 2 childless blues - Dmitro and Vasil Ivanovich.

The young line of princes Gorbatykh born of Boris Ivanovich began with six sons, with more than one (another) Andriy Suchek, mother of Ivan's son, onuk Mikhail Ivanovich and great-grandson of Fyodor Mikhailovich Suslo, on which the gilka of princes Gorbatykh-Suzdal is attached to the ancestry skikh.

Boris Ivanovich's blues were: Ivan the Great Borisovich, Andriy Borisovich, Vasil Borisovich, Fedir Borisovich, nicknamed Koval, killings of Kazan (1552), Danilo Borisovich and Ivan Menshiy Borisovich.

Andriy Borisovich Suchek for Vasil Ivanovich (b. 1513), former monastic at Nizhny Novgorod, from 1514 to 1520. walking at the regimental voivods in all campaigns, 1520 was a monk at Vyazma, 1521 in the boyars and serving under Grozny, taking a part in the campaigns - to Polotsk (1550).

Ivan Borisovich bov y 1520 voivode near Mozhaisk, and in 1521 p. - monastic at Dorogobuzh.

Prince Mikhailo Vasilovich, nicknamed Sour, in 1492 the fate of Dolgobuzh against Lithuanians, 1513 p. boyar, - taking a fate from the capture of Velikiye Luki and Smolensk, 1520 p. we used to be a monastic at Pskov and we’ll soon be potim at the viysks until 1550 r. , if no one is already listed. Sin yogo Fedir Mikhailovich, nicknamed Suslo, having begun his service in the campaigns of 1549-50, entered as an osavul at the great police. Mabut, yoga onuk (?) buv Evgen Fedorovich, Aleksinsky nobleman for Mikhail Fedorovich; the son of the boyar Oleksandr Borisovich - Petro Oleksandrovich bov from Grozny near the Polotsk campaign in 1573.

Apparently, in 1535 the prince Mikhailo Vasilyovich Gorbaty-Shuysky commanded the village of Dunilov to his squad Hann. Near Goritsy near the princes of Gorbatykh-Shuysky Buv palaces, de stinks lived. Behind the Mykolo-Shartomsky monastery (the village of Pupki) there is a birthplace of the birthplace of the Suzdal princes of Gorbatykh-Shuisky.

According to documents, from the end of the 15th century, the Shuisky family and the parallel gorka Skopini-Shuisky also lay near the Shuisky district (and, better for everything, they were turned at once from the city of Trivalo fell) of the village of Kokhma and Ivanovo.


Following the Polish warnings, Prince Ivan Dmitrovich Sponge, Prince Ivan Dmitrovich Sponge, spent the rest of the day in Lithuania in Volyn until the end of the day.

In the first place, it is important to take the Polish wedding as an undeniable truth, that it is impossible to believe by the number of the ancestry and reach the same individual, in which case the offspring is born. In another way, the princes, especially in the XVI and XVII centuries, were called Polish genealogical advices not to the princes, but to the nobles, then the nickname of the Shuiskys in Lithuania and Poland was a cult of a mass, and not a Russian campaign; buli navit іz jevreїv.

In Poland, the offspring of Sponge - the princes of Shuisky - became home to the other half of the 17th century, tobto. more like a hundred years in the distance to Lithuania, Prince Ivan Dmitrovich. Obviously, what is not sin and not onuk navit tsієї individuals can be respected by the first of these zgaduvans with Polish excuses? The princes (?) Viyaznate Brother Kostyantin Ta Yan-Oleksandr, Horunzhiy Brzhensky, VID gateway with Krzhevitsky, Yaki Mav's daughter Anna Minskiy, Staislav Rusetskiy, Ta Cinrev: Vladislav-Olyksandra (died at 1671 r.) princedom of Lithuania, that of princes Francis and Vasil. The first of these two brethren is the cornet of the Bzheshchansky type of ship with Justina Kolenzyanskaya mother of two blues: Oleksandra (died in 1714) and Francis, the Bzheshchansky pidstoliya. The other one is Prince Kostyantyn, who became friends 4 times (on Brzhozovsky, Konopatsky, Lyudovka Sopega, yak died in 1687, and on the widow of Karl Luzhetsky - Hanna Kopcha).

The children of Kostyantin were born the first and fourth. From the first one, the son of Dominik and 3 daughters (the first for Pats, the friend for Ossolinsky and the third for Oleksandr Oginsky) and the fourth one for the fourth - one son of Antony, the headman of Zagalsky. Dominik Yanovich had two blues: Mikola and an unknown name, that 2 daughters (the first for Peplovskiy, the second for Vizhitskiy). The brother of Jan-Oleksandr - Kostyantin maw three blues: Mikola, driven into the war, Stefan and two blues, that two daughters of the father (Yuriya-Kostyantin, who died in 1692): one after Trizna, and another after Tur. And blue yogo boules: from the first one (with Petronila Menchinskaya) - Onufry and from the other (with Zardetska) - Francis.

Skopini-Shuisky (zgasliy rіd)

In the princes of Skopinikh-Shuisky, there were only three individuals of the human status - boyars - and all friends: the son of Skopi - Fedir Ivanovich (died in 1557), yogo syn - Vasil Fedorovich (died in 1595), that yogo syn, great-grandson of Skopi - Mikhailo Vasilovich, who was born in 1587 and died, as they thought in April 23, 1610.

Osprey himself, voivode of Ivan III, boyar (1519) Vasily, commanding the Great Regiments in the campaigns of Kazan and Lithuania. Fedir Ivanovich Skopin was the first commander at Vyazma in 1534 and then, on the 24th anniversary, he was selected from all expeditions and campaigns, in 1549 he was held in the boyars. Blue yogo was more common at court, in 1577 vibrations in the boyars in the arc of young years were matched with one-year-olds. Iogo kіlka was once sent to the rulers of Pskov, and at the end of the kar'єri - from 1593 - assignments to you in the administration of the Volodymyr Judgment Order. Shin Yogo - a famous strategist - at the time of his youth, the rank of the great swordsman False Dmitry was 18 years old, at 16 years - a boyar (1603). In 1609, the brothers were entrusted with the uncle’s defense of the fatherland, and in the vіn vіv they negotiated with the Swedes about the additional military, and if it came, with him and the Russian forces, having cleared the Volga and deyshov, fighting the enemies, to Moscow, de nayshov new chasnu death, zalishivshi youth.

At Kohmi, the nephew of Tsar Vasil Ivanovich, Prince M.V. In Ivanovo Skopini-Shuisky hunted for the services of miroshniks.

Prote zdebіlshoy Shuisky namagalis closer to Moscow, de mali great sadiba, to the grand duke's court, to palace intrigues, to vlady. Even for Dmitri Donskoy, they planted rich princes. Characteristic in this sensi was the military painting of the governor before the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380: the advanced regiment was Prince Dolgoruky, the regiment of the right was Prince Bilozersky, the guard regiment was Prince Polotsky, the ambush regiment was Prince Serpukhov, and the young boyars commanded the great regiment. At the beginning of the 15th century, service to the Grand Duke of Moscow was valued. Messnitstvo (the order of the replacement of the great settlements is fallow due to the nobility of the family) gave priority to the unskilled princes, those who, for the grand duke’s banquet, borrowed the majority of the place from the military chi of the boyar duma.

The Shuiskys didn’t hang out at the first month of the month of the Moscow state. In the rest of the international feudal wars, Shuisky was not called on the battleships of Vasil the Dark, and it could not help but be known at his camp. Tіlki for Ivan III at the rozryadnih inscriptions in the war with Lithuania 1492-94 r.b. Vasil Shuisky appears, who commanded the regiment of the right hand to the army of Prince Danil Dmitrovich Khoimsky. The war was successful, and Vyazma brought light to Moscow. Axis Vasil Vasilovich, on the prize of Nimiy, and having taken the first of the Shuisky seats in the boyar duma.

At 1500 r. began a new war of Moscow with Lithuania, and 1501 p. more from Livonia. Vasil Vasilyovich Shuisky with Prince Danil Shchenyatiev fought against the lions, on the 27th sickle, 1501. at Seritsa (bіla Іzborsk) the Moscow army was beaten and thrown tіkati. The chronicler wrote: “The Germans turned on Moscow’s strength with garmats and squeakers, and the bula of gloom is great, formidable and terrible from the knock of the harmonic and squeaky.” Shuisky and Shchetyanev relied on the strength of the noble cinema and underestimated the greater strength of the noble cinema and the greater strength of the firearms. Then 24 leaf fall 1501 r. at Helmet (Derpep's beaten) in Moscow under the command of Prince Danil Vasilovich Shchenyatev and Vasily Vasilyovich Shuisky (commander of the advanced regiment and Shchenyatev's defender), the grand master Walter von Plet smashed the face of the regiments. Muscovites drove the faces of 10 miles. Tsikavo, that the Livonians themselves attacked the Russians at night, but they were beaten, and then they were beaten. From the world with Lithuania, Muscovite Rus took 19 cities (Gomel, Chernigiv, Bryansk, Putivl and other).

In 1512 p. already for Vasil III, a new war started for Lithuania (p'yata for the rachunk). Grand Duke Vasil himself commanded the army, and in fact the head voivode of the great regiment, Prince Danilo Vasilyovich Shchenyatev, and V.V. Why others? This was the legacy of the first shutdown of the Shuiskys from autocracy. In response to the dissatisfaction of the Grand Duke, Vasil Vasilyovich leaned back among the quiet, who spoke about the right of free entry to Lithuania.

In the 1920s, V. V. Shuisky again called out anger on himself. Vasil III of Friendship on Solomonid Yuriivna Saburova. I would like to name Vasil, choosing from 1,500 noble girls, who were presented to the court for whom, but the suits appeared not far away through the “indecentness” of the Grand Duchess. For the praise of Metropolitan Danilo Vasil III, he was called to separation. Solomoniya heartily repaired the opir of the lawless, called the man himself in the man's weakness. Її forcibly, “threatening not only with words, but with beatings”, she was tonsured and brought to Suzdal, and Vasil made friends with the young beauty Princess Olena Vasilivna Glinskaya (from the Lithuanian princely family of Gedemidovichs). Naturally, there is a place at the court of the settlement of the uncle of the Grand Duchess M. L. Glinsky. It called out to protest from the side of the Moscow princes and boyars. Vasil Shuisky buv middle of the unsatisfied. Ale Vasil III smashed the opposition, and the boyar Bersenya-Beklemisheva for the words: “Like the land represents its sounds, and that land is inexpensive,” they cut their heads. Shuisky, the Grand Duke did not dare to quarrel.

Only after 4 years after the new ship, Vasil III had a son Ivan - the future Ivan the Terrible and the head persecutor of the Shuiskys. In 1533 p. the grand duke fell unsafely ill. Vіdchuvayuchi near death, vіn calling out to the delight of close people, including Vasyl Shuisky and Yogo Ivan. Princes M. L. Glinsky and D. F. Belsky were recognized as guardians of the Trinitarian Tsar Ivan. Ale Vasil Shuisky uvіishov up to the sake of 7 boyars, to whom Vasil III entrusted to rule the state until the fullness of Tsarevich Ivan. However, it turned out that after the death of the autocrat, power in the country was seized by the young squad of Olena Vasilivna Glinska - the first woman who ruled in Russia. The brothers of the dead king were viciously gathered together, wrapped up in the kaydan and thrown to the pit, and they died. Such was the share of the spіkkala and uncle of the ruler - M. L. Glinsky. The young prince Ivan Fedorovich Ovchina-Telepnyov-Obolensky became the first boyar, becoming a ruler of the ruler. In the same period of reprisals, Prince Semyon Belsky and V. V. Shuisky’s nephew Ivan Dmitrovich Shuisky-Gubka reached Lithuania.

In the midst of a new one, the Shuiskys came near Lithuania in Volyn (maybe, now, at the Sunset, the land of the princes of the Shuiskys).

Five rokiv zhorstko, for additional terror, the rules of Olena Glinska. Hatred to the boyars Ivan IV, maybe, having learned in it. As soon as Olena Glinska died (she was a little bit, what її were cut off), Prince Ivan Ovchina-Obolensky was thrown at the vyaznitsa, and he died of hunger. The struggle of the boyar groups of power began. V. V. Shuisky became the ruler of the state. Nareshti Shuisky became the first in the state. But in the same roci, the old VV Shuisky died. Brother Ivan, who replaced Yogo in the role of the head nobleman, did not have such serenity to reason and such authority, as if he were attached to V. V. Shuisky.

Shuisky Ivan dismissed all the imprisoned people under Oleni (Zokrema of the pretender to the throne - the cousin of Ivan IV, Prince Volodymyr Andriyovich Staritsky). And then the Shuisky clan, having started a fatal pardon, not having ventured, to call the deputy of Ivan IV to the throne of Volodymyr Starytsky. For Volodymyr Staritsky, autocracy was impossible, because. wines and yogo mothers were inveterate adherents of the old order. Those boyars who could not subdue the power went overboard: some stood for the Shuyskys, others - for the Belsky-Gedeminovichs. At 1540 p. Ivan Fedorovich Belsky (younger brother of Dmitri Fedorovich) became the ruler of the state, and later on, Ivan Vasilyovich Shuisky was stabbed to death and for the support of the townspeople, he sacked the Kremlin and turned his "party" seniority in the state. Obviously, these coups did not take the stabilization of the camp in the fatherland.

Nezabar, Ivan Vasilyovich died, lately transferring power to his close relatives, the three Shuiskys: princes Ivan and Andriy Mikhailovich and Fyodor Ivanovich Skopin. Ale is not long. The future Ivan IV fiercely hated his head guards: and through those who stink lived in the father’s chambers, do not hesitate to “spread out” on the grand duke’s bed, doze zhorstko vymagali vіd ny, shob vіn vchavsya, in a word, for riches, for leather dribnitsa. If a lover, Fedir Semenovich Vorontsov, showed up in Ivan, then the Shuiskys immediately threw their fists at the favorite, “bish yoga on the lanitas, clothe on the new one, blew it out of the khati and beat the hotish.” Vorontsov was sent to Kostroma. It became on the 9th of Veresnya, 1543, and on the 29th of September, 1543. Ivan the 13th punished the kennels of the tsar’s poluvanny to shopit Prince Andriy Mikhailovich Shuisky and throw yogo on the body of wild animals. The chronicler wrote: “In the midst of quiet time, the boyars began, in the presence of the sovereign, the fear of the mother and the rumor.” The Shuiskys said among themselves about Ivan: "The sheep show their teeth." Fedir Vorontsov, becoming the first boyar, became the first boyar. In the midst of June, Ivan rushes into wild sweats and wildly beshketuє ("jumping and running everywhere unseemly"). And the boyars played wild games. Voni, following the words of Kurbsky, "more often choke him and take revenge on him for his enmity against the other." Shuisky did not go into uniting the boyars.

The Shuiskys had a hard time at the time. The Sovereign fell into disgrace Fyodor Skopin, Pyotr Ivanovich (son of Ivan Vasilyovich Shuisky), Prince Humpbacked ... De buli іnshі tsієї pori - unreasonably ... mabut, rozіslanі for your mother. The rest suffered the same. Vіdomy fact that in 1548r. Ivan the Terrible waving to Shuya nobleman Ignaty Vasilovich Golokhvastov. Same Shuisky, allowed (documents were not saved), spent money on their control of the village of Kokhmu and Ivanove.

Right at Moscow they did it without them. Glinsky far away called Vorontsov from the ties with the Novgorod zradniks (To Ivan the Terrible, all life was given, that Novgorod was protecting Yoma ...), and in 1546 p. Vorontsov's head was cut off. Mikhailo and Yury Glinsky, Ivan’s relatives by mother, were two fates under the rule. Ale after the rebellion 1547 Ivan declared himself full-time (in 17 years) and accepted the king (the same power did not recognize him in this rank). Friendship with Anastasia Romanivna Romanova brought the Romanov boyars close to the throne. Oleksiy Fedorovich Ardashev (an unknown nobleman, who served at the palace guards, who became a sleeping bag, a bed-keeper and a courtier, the head of the court order - the first judge), the priest of the Annunciation (home) Cathedral Sylvester, Metropolitan Makariy Makariy Makariy Makariy Macarius Macarius Mikhailo Macarius Makariy Mikhailovich Makariy Mikhailovich Makariy Mikhailovich Makariy Makariy Mikhailovich Makariy Mikhailovich Makariy Mikhailovich Makariy Mikhailovich Makariy Mikhailovich Makariy Mikhailovich.

Khoch Shuisky was in opposition, but not far off marching on Kazan in 1547, the Great Regiment was commanded by Prince Oleksandr Borisovich Shuysky-Gorbaty, and the leading regiment was the better voivode ... Petro Ivanovich Shuysky. In the capture of Kazan in 1552 (2 years), the leading role was played by A. B. Gorbaty-Shuisky, and P. I. Shuisky commanded the regiment of the right hand (having gone to Kazan through the river Kazanka from pivnochi). Shuisky on honor. Behind them is the Boyar Duma and the Moscow Posad, but the tsar keeps a grudge against them and suspects them of all mortal sins.

At the birch 1553 p. Ivan IV Raptovo zahvorіv. Checked on yoga death. There was no son of Tsar Dmitri's future fate. The first axis here is the vine of the Duma “the great and noise is stabbed and promoted richly among all the boyars, and you don’t want to serve as pelyushnikov”. Ivan Andriyovich Shuisky (son of the hated tsar O. M. Shuisky, who was beaten by him), shouting: “Let us be Volodymyr Romanov, and serve the old one - Prince Volodymyr Ondriyovich (Staritsky).” Ex, how the Shuyskys minted the death of a tyrant prince.

Having dressed Ale Ivan, and the axis of the yogo sin-little, without a bar, blindly folded: the nanny let it in by the water. Shuisky still survived, ale near the war 1554 r. in Sweden, there are no Shuisky governors on the list: it is a clear sign of the king’s distrust of the king.

Nezabar began the great Livonian war of 1558-83 r.r., which lasted 25 years. The tsar started a “war over the sea” in parallel for the sake of the boyar Duma to wage a war for the Crimea. The need for these military commanders tempted the tsar to turn back to the Shuiskys. On the march to Riga 1560 mi bachimo P. I. Shuisky on the right-hand regiment (the great regiment was commanded by I. F. Mstislavsky, led by Prince A. M. Kurbsky). Marienburg, Odenpe, Tarvast, Wolmar, Wenden were taken, Grand Marshal von Bal was beaten, Fellin was stormed by the Muscovites, and Grand Master von Furstenberg himself was full of ties and died at the yard. As a result, the breakup of Livonia, like the style of rock in trimala, aimed at Moscow Rus. Tse buv majestic success.

Ale to the war of Moscow was voiced by Poland. In 1563 p. Moscow military under the command of P.I. Shuisky was caused by the failure of the raid on Velikie Luki and captured Polotsk - the greatest success in the entire war. Prince P.I. Shuisky otrimav gold hryvnia and gilded shestoper - more like a redkіsnu nagorod. Then the Moscow governors conceived a foldable maneuver: from Vyazma to Origa, the army of Prince Sribny went, and Polotsk to Origa - the army of P.I. Shuisky; having landed in Orizi, the stench of a small take Minsk. Ale Viysko Shuisky collapsed without a guard, the armor and armor were carried on a sleigh in a wagon train - the lack of space for an informed commander was impermeable. At the result of the Russian military, the corrals of the Lithuanian hetman Radzivil-Rudoy attacked. The Muscovite army knew a terrible rout, there was a lot of bullying. And the chief governor, Prince P.I. Shuisky buv of murders, arrogantly arranging to organize the best possible operation.

Ivan IV at the lute. And here Prince Kurbsky, afraid of the wrath of the tsar, under the cover of night on his feet descended from the forte mura of Derpt and left for Lithuania. As a result - 7 terrible fates of the oprichnina, fierce terror with the method of blaming the soldiers-boyars and asserting their new ruler. One of the first victims of Prince A. B. Gorbaty-Shuysky, the valiant voivode, for friendship with the Kurbsky Yomu, they cut off his head on the Moscow River. Stracheniy buv i yogo 15-river syn Ivan. It is important to describe all the animals, truly sadistic strata: one was given a goblet with a rubbed on a benket, another the king was specially built a dagger near his chest, the third was slathered with live bait on a great cold frying pan, the fourth was thrown alive at the cauldron with sprinkles, the fifth was chopped on parts. Novgorod, Tver, Klin, Torzhok gave the motor pogrom a boost.

Until the end of the reign of Ivan the Terrible among the Shuiskys for the elders 3. Andriy Ivanovich - onuk of Andriy Shuisky, spent the first hour of his youth, and the eldest of five brothers, one of them - Vasyl, I will become king; Ivan Petrovich - the son of the illustrious commander, and he himself has already achieved fame among the fighters; and Vasil Fedorovich Skopin-Shuisky. For the exploits and valor shown by Ivan Petrovich during the 5-th month defense of Pskov in the battle of Stefan Batory, youma in 1582, Ivan the Terrible, having set up the patrimony of Kineshma. Until that won at once from Lukhom that Vichugoy stretched for ten years, the princes of Belsky lay (Ivan III gave for a trip from Lithuania to the Moscow piddanstvo). After the fall of the famous Ivan Fedorovich Belsky, the villages passed from the Tsar's Volodinnya. Kineshma had a short time to greet the new ruler.

Before his death, Ivan IV turned on I. P. Shuisky to the regent's sake. And the main role for Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich is engraved by the royal schwager B. F. Godunov. Between him and Shuisky, a bitter struggle for power began. I renew the townships of Moscow for the Shuiskys. The stench suspected Boris Godunov of evil spirits against God's anointed one. Oskіlki Tsaritsa Irina was a fruitless rich rock Shuisky and her friends asked Tsar Fyodor to “let her into the black rank” and make friends with her. "Cheerful" Fedir was categorically inspired. Nezabar for a pardoning denunciation, the Shuiskys were voted out in front of the enemy. Andriy Ivanovich, "with a mind of mind" as a head villain, was sent to Kareopol, and there they secretly suppressed. The Savior of Pskov, Ivan Petrovich, was hung on the back of the head to the village of Lopatnitsy, on the way from Suzdal to Shuya, that buv was transported to the monastery on Biloozero and strangled. Metropolitan Dionysius, “out of magnanimous mercifulness before the face of Fyodor,” tried to convey that “Shuysk and friends of them perish alone for the goodness of our world to vryatuvat Russia in the light of Borisov’s greedy dominion.”

They suffered fear and young Shuisky. Vasil Ivanovich and his brother Oleksandr were imprisoned to Buygorodok. Ivan and Dmitr were sent to Shoi. The “Morozivsky Chronicler” for summaries for the family of rivers says: “... and the stars of their wrath, Boris Godunov, against the great and glorious boyars, rose by their places in the dungeon, Prince Dmitry for Prince Ivan in Shuya, and having punished Prince Ivan Ivanovich in Shui - Misto at the pit of Smirny Mamontov. Ale Ivan was not driven in, and the brothers in the yaznitsy were not hindered for a long time.

Tse Dmitro "disappeared", making friends with Katerina Malyutina-Skuratova - Boris Godunov's brother-in-law and Ivan the Terrible's daughter-in-law. At the dynastic sensi shlyubs for the Shuisky Buvs to ganebny dishonor, but, perhaps, more than allowing them to be strong. Vryatuvav camp that Vasyl Shuisky. A guardian and cunning politician, pretending to be Boris Godunov's stunner, at once attacking the new boyars and the common people of Moscow. If in Uglich on January 15, 1591, Tsarevich Dmitro, the son of Ivan the Terrible and the son of Ivan the Terrible, fell to death after the childless Tsar Fyodor, then Prince Vasil Ivanovich Shu was appointed to the next commission th. Win maw symbolizes the lack of side of the court. Ale with him, as far as Uglich, they violated Godunov’s vows to the roundabout A.P. Klegin and the deacon E. Viluzin.

History is already dark, about the death of Tsarevich Dmitry, historians fiercely speak dosі. What was the point - hateful self-destruction in the attack of the epilepsy (epilepsy) chi villainous driving?

Who saw death? To Boris Godunov, having reconciled himself with the crown of the crown of a childless, helpless and sickly tsar? The commission of Shuisky, however, revealed that there was no slaughter, and the prince himself, at the attack of the ailment, “plunged down on him”. There are a lot of ambiguities on the right: why didn’t they feed the disgraced Queen Mary Naguya herself, and even more old witnesses, zokrema, palamari, what a bachelor’s mustache, what happened to the twins, they didn’t know the knife, how quiet the prince, beaty ... Vasil Shuisky himself once again changed his mind: de vin was wrong, de ni - now it’s impossible to restore.

Folk sensitive, and then visible historians Karamzin, Pushkin, Shcherbatov, Solovyov and others will speak richly and sporadically about Boris Godunov's accountability until the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. Ale, perhaps, Vasyl Shuisky, the first and only one, who thought that the main diy special for the "villains" in Uglich was not Boris, but Fedir Ioanovich. Someone, but Shuisky knowing well, what does it mean to sing against the bajan, call the weak-willed Fyodor - without praising the tsar, who in his time would be hung up and hairy from his relatives? Guessing here Shuisky about the lies of all the boyars, Fyodor's kohanny to the fun of the saint - the battle of the peasants with the hungry bear; like once the king was attacked by anger, having broken his club on a lovable brother-in-law ...

That and for the sake of Godunov, it was bulo rizikuvat head, as if he knew for sure that at the childless dosі of the tsar, the nearest hour is to be blamed for the decline (and 14 worms appeared, or less lower in a month after the splendid podії, queens I Irina gave birth to wildly cheerful daughter Theodosia ). Ale axis, scho weak zdorov'yam buv Fedіr - tse virno. They twiddled their thumbs. Illness could not hurt Fyodor, take the sin on himself (weeping sweat often), so that he could provide peace of mind for his crying. However, she lived a little more than a few months. In 1598 p. Fedor was gone.

In the period of the inter-kingdom, the Shuiskys lost their ability to fight for power, perhaps Vasyl Shuisky rozumiv that power is real in the hands of Boris Godunov, and the axis of Fedir Romanov rushed with a knife at Godunov, and Bogdan Belsky tried to grab the Kremlin. The summation is as follows: Boris Godunov was robbed by the tsar at the Zemsky Sobor, Fyodor Romanov was forcibly cut in chentsi, Boris Belsky was sent away, and three brothers of Fyodor (Romanovs) died at the v'yaznitsa. Vasil Shuisky took off the boyar rank after Godunov.

Nezabar vinnykla a bit, that Tsarevich Dmitro is alive, that someone else was slaughtered in Uglich. The impostor appeared at Poland. On the frontal place, Vasil Shuisky publicly swore that he was especially fond of the dead prince in Uglich, but secretly saying something else: they showed you a beaten boy in Uglich, but Dmitro buv didn’t know that.

Tim, for an hour, the False Dmitry took a victorious turn and attacked Moscow. At Novgorod, the Siversky winery, having broken the F.I. Mstislavsky and D.I. Shuisky. The head battle took place on September 21, 1605. under Dobrinichi - here F.I. Mstislavsky and another voivode V.I. Shuisky led the military impostor completely astonished, but ... they re-examined it for more than 8 versts. The countryside was afraid of the peasant war. And yet, on April 13, 1605, on April 13, 1605, Tsar Boris Godunov died of an apolemic stroke. Yogo syn Fedir II was worn for less than 47 days. Mother Yogo Maria Skuratova was hated by Muscovites. To calm the people, Vasil Shuisky again swore an oath to the frontal place, that he himself had laid Tsarevich Dmitry at the throne. One by one, the places surrendered to the impostor without a fight. The same cunning Vasil Shuisky organized a rally against the 16-year-old king and said: “Shouldn’t we be rooting for the Rouniv people?!”. Zreshtoy and head voivode P. Basmanov with the army of transfers to the bik of the impostor. In Moscow, the rebellion fell, the young tsar was “called” into the old house of Godunov on 7 lime 1605, and three days later the tsar and yoga mother were satisfied.

On the throne of Moscow, a young, rootless Volotsyug appeared in the distance. Vasil Shuisky was imprisoned, but through the protests of the boyars he was released without a hitch. The atrocities of the Poles near Moscow, the friendship of the False Dmitry with the Pole - Catholic Marina Mnishek called out to the muttering of the Muscovites. Vasil Shuisky virishiv that the yogo day has come. Vіn usyudi saying that on the throne he was “evil and cut off”, that “having sworn venerable under the threat”. They saw Shuisky’s obdertiy, but without moving, not a single word of his under the tortours, they brought him on the forehead, and yet his head was on the square and the sokir kata was brought ... and at that moment a messenger galloped from the palace: the tsar pardoned Shuisky, replacing I sent a stratum to the Galician borders, and for pіvroku i vzagali I worked. Turning sharply towards Moscow, Vasil Shuisky became the head of a new rally against False Dmitry. Shuisky's vchinki have little to do with this primal rank, which the playwrights created in Yogo. Not fearful, sly, biting in a quiet way, but daring to look like a warrior fighter Vasil Ivanovich Shuisky - at the bagatioh diyah. Navit chopping block did not break yoga.

1st axis May 17, 1606 in Moscow, the insurgents fell off. False Dmitry was knocked down and beaten down. Vasil Shuisky and Vasil Golitsin led the palace to storm. Shuisky again kissed the cross, swearing that there is an impostor on the throne. Vin stating that Tsarevich Dmitro in Uglich did not contract epilepsy himself, but was killed by agents of Boris Godunov. Perhaps there is a fault here? I had a chance to repent and Marty Nagoy - the somіy retinue of the Terrible, the mother of the beaten prince, who knew his son from the tramp. And for 8 days on Chervoniy Square, Vasil Ivanovich was “shouted” for the natovpu by the king, and after 6 days he was crowned.

A long-standing commandment of the Shuiskys' dream came up: sit on the Moscow throne. The new tsar had a chance to laviruvate, wait for everyone. As a result, I did not wait for anyone. Rushing Ivan Bolotnikiv to Moscow, “voivode of Tsarevich Dmitr, who was lying”. The Ryazan noblemen on the choli from Istoma Pashkov came to the new one. False Peter appeared at Putivl - the son of Tsar Fyodor Ioanovich, and on the right, otaman Illya Gorchakov.

Vlady Vasil Shuisky was not recognized by the rich city. Bolotnikov was beaten up near Moscow by Bolotnikov to Kaluga, then to Tula, if Lzhepetr, Vasil Shuisky, came from the Cossacks, he especially moved the army to the tax of Tula. After 3 months, Tula surrendered. The false Peter was hung up, and Bolotnikov was sent to Kargopol, where they blinded her and drowned her.

Ale calm did not come. Tula surrendered at Zhovtnі 1607, and False Dmitry II appeared in the linden in Starodubі. From the Polish corrals of wines to the aid of Bolotnikov, but after being delayed for 7 days. At Bolkhov's, a mediocre voivode, the brother of Tsar Dmitro Shuisky, was beaten up. Another impostor roztashuvavsya camp near the village of Tushino and otrimiv prizvisko Tushino villain. The Polish corrals of Lisovsky, Sanega, Khmelevsky and other panivs scattered Rus, everywhere they fired, robbed and drove. A troubled hour has come in Russia. Vasil Shuisky, in their minds, had a fatal pardon - he turned for help to Sweden. The Swedes sent the zagin of the naimants to the voivode of Depagardi. Having learned about it, Poland, as if it fought in Sweden, began an intervention against Russia. King Sigismund III overlaying Smolensk. The young commander M.B. The tsar was peaceful to the point of a nephew, and they said that the young man from the zazdroshchiv was in trouble with the retinue of Dmitry Shuisky.

Viysk opposed the unloved people Dmytro Shuisky and the village of Klushino was destroyed (06/24/1610). The unfortunate commander, brother of the tsar, having not won the battle of the day, did not win ...

The camp of Vasil Shuisky became hopeless. Before the people's war with the interventions of the wines, I did not dare to call. As a result, on July 17, 1610, a group of boyars-zradniks sang a bad luck, even though it was no sooner than the “hospitable monarchy” for their patriotism from the throne. Vasil Shuisky and the young squad of Mary at the Buinosov-Rostovskaya forcibly cut their hair. Vasil, under the name of Chance Varlaam, was placed in the Chudovsky Monastery, and the unfortunate Queen Mary was sent for Solomonia - in the Suzdal Pokrovsky Monastery. Sovereign before the call of the Zemsky Sobor began the keruvati "Seven Boyars". Not expecting the victory of False Dmitry II, the boyars called the Polish prince Vladislav to the kingdom and let the Polish crown hetman Stanislav Zholkevsky go to Moscow. Before the king of Poland, an embassy was established from Moscow - ask to let Vladislav into the kingdom and end the war. The king was vimahaw of the building of Smolensk.

Here, under the walls of the old-time Russian place and deliveries Vasyl Shuisky. Tse Zholkovsky, walking to Poland, having taken with him the big king and his brothers - like an unbelievable military trophy, like a sweat of his greatness ... a moment to speed up ... marvel at the furnishing. Ale, the humiliation of the Moscow Tsar did not go far to draw. Standing in front of the king, with all the might, bow down “overcome” saying: “It is not enough for the Moscow tsar to bow to the king. That is the shares of the righteous fathers, that I am full of deliveries. Not with your hands, the beak was taken, but in the eyes of the Moscow zradniks, in the eyes of their slaves, the beak. The knower of the laws of that diplomacy, Shuisky miraculously understood that Yogo is full of Poles - an illegal act.

At Poland, Vasil Shuisky sat at the stone bear, was patient, ignorant, and all the same, having respected himself as the Moscow tsar and admonishing the right of the queen. Physical, and even more moral torments of aggravation led to the death of older brothers. 12 spring 1612 Vasil Shuisky died, and after 5 days, just like that, in full, Dmitro died.
