How to get rid of Slimaks in the city. Fighting slimaks in the city using folk methods - a look at the ways of life with photos

How to get rid of Slimaks in the city. Fighting slimaks in the city using folk methods - a look at the ways of life with photos

These bad guys eat leaves, but the worst ones are those that transfer slimes from one plant to another. There are ailments: late blight, cabbage flattening, and others.

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People's efforts to combat slimaks
Physical deprivation of Slimaki
Creatures that help fight slimaks

Chemical properties against slimaks

It’s best to take all medications either late in the evening or at night under a bright light, so that slimks go out “for a walk” in the dark. The harmful effects begin after about a couple of years and last about 20-25 days after rainfall. To combat slimes, use contact-intestinal medicines.

Please keep in mind the group of molluscicides (stench and limacides) "Thunderstorm", "Slime", "Metaldehyde", "Meta", "Grim". The stench is not harmful to birds and worms, as well as domestic critters and sometimes they can be mistaken for weasels, so be careful not to show any interest in granules.

After harvesting the fruits, it is very likely that the microparticles will be removed after harvesting. Therefore, I promise that from fruitful vegetation (half-growing grass, green crops), some of which are located very close to the ground, molluscicides should not be scattered. Any harvest after the drying of chemicals can be harvested after completion of at least 20-25 days. Despite serious shortcomings, preparations based on metaldehyde are considered to be the most effective.

For the sake of tattooing the granules, a little too much, it is recommended: “Girl, that’s it, I found a way out! Selling a drug called Slimaki "Storm", such a black bag with slimak on the package... I didn’t know what to do anymore, I was just fed up with clematis rock, but I bought 5 bags from unpacking and all 5 hung on 1 sq. m. meter. And it was a miracle! Slimaks have arrived! I then poured water into the greenhouse and poured peppers into the greenhouse - there is no slimaki. I only use 4-5 sachets per square meter. I screeched a meter, then I overestimated the norm, I tried norm after norm - it didn’t work.”

If you don’t want the peel to stick to the soil, you can try it like this: spread the flat top of the can with PVA and sprinkle it with granules. After the glue dries, spread out in the places where Slimaks live. Further, the caps can be rearranged.

Mensch careless people are respected "Ulitsid-EKO", which is produced in granules and contains natural ingredients (although the ingredients also include phosphate).
You can also scrape the soil around the weeds and the weeds themselves with slaked wax - fluff, trimmed with superphosphate, or a tuning saw with fluff (amount 1:1).

When molluscicides and other products are frozen, you need to put on gum gloves and dry respirators. After work, it is necessary to move your hands and expose. With the addition of metaldehyde, it is not possible for the granules to fall between the leaves of the cabbage.

People's efforts to combat slimaks

At the end of the day, it is no longer possible to stagnate the sickle chemicals, so you have to resort to popular methods of fighting against the slimes. All of these methods are absolutely cost-effective, but they need to be repeated over and over again. We've tried a lot of these recipes:

  1. Add 100 grams of tsibula at a time with lush pinches, infuse in 10 liters, strain, and sprinkle the freshly prepared infusion over the roslin. Concerns about prevention.
  2. The most effective and efficient method of bark control is dusting the weeds and soil with sifted ash. You can add pepper to the ash. bagira123: “I have a bowl that mixes ash with wormwood and dusts everything in the greenhouse through a sieve, pours a cup of ash into the sieve, a couple of spoons of pepper and mustard. And I’m shaking, just putting on a medical mask, otherwise I’m coughing... Try it... Chemotherapy is no longer possible.”
  3. Place the chopped celandine between the rows carefully.
  4. OLGA31: “I’ve been saving up egg peels all winter, I collected two jars. Last year, cabbage didn’t have anything to eat. I'll have a sip at your place. They said that there would be currants, but I didn’t notice. I’ll take a bunch of scallops, dry them, then put them in a jar (I don’t close the lid). Susid is snoring heavily, as if he’s about to curl up. Ale, sing, bіla cultures, it’s better not to be timid like that.”

Photo of scarlet near hard times MNBer: “Slimaki vlitku 2015r. almost invisibly multiplied, I drank them with beer and spat them with napalm, the scarl does not destroy them, but does not allow them to reach the buds. I was in the spring, throwing everything away in the spring, but then I forgot, and I needed the scarl of spring.”

  1. lovebirds to say: “Mulch with crops... Let’s burn dry cuttings for them.”
  2. kasya160: “And I tried to plant everything before, not any “increased plantings” http://site/sevooborot.htm. Khimietya is not selfish, although she bought “Threats”, but she didn’t bother with Khimiechitya’s business. I'll try the snail red pepper, maybe. And then I thought to myself that I just need to plant more often - Slimaks don’t like the sun and dry land.”
  3. Scienza write about a laborious, but not disgusting method: “I crushed the pepper on the skin of the skin with a “tar stick” - that’s what the children said. She took a long coat of toilet paper, soaked it in the dog and put it on top of the bush, and at night she went around with the lekhtar. A bunch of boards were made, then a new one was made. I cleaned up the watering for about an hour, but I can do it all at once. Until then, we ate a whole lot of food in one night. And so I could go to bed peacefully (not to kill them in the evening). All the leaves were lost whole. On the street this method helps a lot, but in the greenhouse it’s great. I wanted to place baby toads near the greenhouse. I put tomato leaves under the cabbage, trying to keep them fresh. I broke off the tomatoes and folded them.”

Physical deprivation of Slimaki

I'll start by needing to set up bait.

  1. Yulka:“I know someone who suggested this method. I poured beer into a few flat cups and placed them in quiet places where the Slimaks were especially bad. The French Slimaks were all in these little crumbs. As a friend said, literally in 3 days the quantity of slimaks has changed greatly.” Forum member Titonka clarifies: “My Slimaks don’t drink beer abiyak, they respect the Baltika 3 can, and bypass the bottling... Gourmand.” The bait can be removed while dancing by placing it on the side so that it opens directly on the ground.
  2. Through the presence of beer, you can brew kvass, as you write tim2812:“Remembering about beer, that the stench follows its smell, but in its absence I decided to try to attract kvass. Well, it smells just as much as beer. I added some alcohol to the kvass. It needs to be said that there are so many Slimaks, well, melodiously, a hundred, no less. Another time I tried “Zhigulivske” from Pivtorashtsa – the effect was almost zero! Well, maybe ten people came across.”
  3. As bait, you can use kavonov and long picks, which are laid out between the rows late in the evening, and early in the morning they are collected together with the fish that have been lost there.
  4. Zatiya: “If the weather is dry in the evening or early in the morning, place baths, cardboard boxes, or burdock leaves with water near the place of residence, you need to chicken out and burn.”
  5. Wolverine:“It is necessary to lay out the boards and pieces of cloth on the slate in the shade, at night the slimes will gather under them, then pick them up by hand.”
  6. If hostas grow in the garden, as slimy fruits also like to grow, then after trimming the hostas from the ground, in dry weather, you can water them with 10% of the table water (either 6% or 9%). Vilivati ​​0.5 l per host. So it’s not just the slima that’s missing, but their eggs.

Selected slimaks need to be spat, and if you don’t have enough time to tinker with a lot, you can throw them in a jar of water and throw them away. Or you can fix it at your convenience Yanin@: “I fell right on the slimy sill “Extra” - kick and die on the spot” However, it is not recommended to apply too much salt to the soil, because it is harmful for the soil.

An effective, but not very comfortable method describes nastyakel: “They diluted a liter of ammonia for 50 liters of water, which can be distributed in places throughout the city, where it’s cheap - they diluted 50 grams for 10 liters of water and simply spilled it. Whose fate has already been discussed by the two, but it’s not so. Only the procedure is unacceptable. The man got his hair cut from the sawdust. It’s better to work in the evening if the Slimaks are happy to crawl out to eat. Slimaks will die in the presence of ammonia.”

An effective method of depleting slimaks MNBer: “You know everything about shepherds, including cardboards, trees, pots, and small piles of grass (they especially need to gather under small piles). My sister took them from the bowl, sizzled them and threw them on the other side of the road, but that’s it for a long time, and I can’t seem to get rid of any after 10 pieces. “breaks through” me. I started to vikorize the current achievements of our “Gazprom”, sorry, the Chinese – I start my rounds, tidy up the purchase of grass (potter), turn on the napalm, 5-10 seconds, and everything is ready. If you are not surprised, you may experience a vomiting reaction, buying grass (potter) - on the spot and before the actual purchase, up to a hundred pieces for 5-10 minutes.

Whether the mayor will be the one to pick him up, I’ll give birth more from my own plot of land. As a rule, in order to grow vegetables, fruits and berries, it takes a lot of time, strength, love and effort. Obviously, the local products from the city are richly savory and nutritious, not store-bought. However, sometimes everything starts again when uninvited guests show up. Slimaki is one of them.

It means that the molluscs got started at the dacha plot, it’s not difficult. Slimaks love to eat cabbage leaves and cabbage leaves. In this case, the stench appears on the leaves and badillas with large, irregularly shaped holes. You can see the characteristic unacceptable mucus on the cream sheet.

In addition, Slimaks love to eat fruits and fruits, not only ale and decorative ones. The cream of such unacceptable inheritances, as the end of the culture, stinks of the development of helminths. This is why it is necessary to start forming a stand against Slimaki in the city.

Why do unwanted guests enter into the estate business?

Nature has a unique system of replenishment, behind which there are creatures, natural creatures and other species of the living world. Slimaks reproduce in mixed plots during the rainy autumn, warm and early spring, and the great accumulation of fallen leaves. They love the stench of compost, black and vologous plots.

Slimaks are also frequent guests of lokhivs and basement premises. They no longer like dry and hot places, which are under direct sunlight, and they also hate to endure high temperatures. However, first of all, it depends on the ways of combating slicks in the city, but it is important to gain respect for certain nuances.

Features of the poor people

Also choosing the most effective in the city, you can take advantage of one of their unacceptable features. On the right is that the stench is absolutely resistant to organic chemicals. Just like they are not sensitive to aggressive drugs. These creatures see the great thickness of the mucus that coats their bodies, obviously any chemical agents cannot give them any negative influence.

Therefore, the most widespread aggressive forces in the city will be ineffective. Of course, there are a number of options that can help to please uninvited guests.

What chemicals can help?

To forget about the unpleasant substances forever, use metal hydride. This type of slimak in the city includes granules, which are sufficiently spread over the beds. Slimaki don't stand up and caress with them. As a result, unacceptable miscreants lose their intestines and die quickly. This product is also sold as a powder that causes serious problems in shellfish.

Also, in the fight against slima, it’s bad for yourself to show the chalking vitriol and slaked vitriol.

For cream, you can try mixing 1 part bleach and 4 parts baking ash.

However, spraying the beds with unsafe chemicals will quickly overheat so that domestic critters will not be able to catch them, and you also need to tell your children that granules scattered at the farm are not a game at all. shkami.

First of all, we need to avoid unsafe behavior in the face of slimy people in the city, and then gain respect in any other way in the face of unacceptable neighbors.

Short surfaces

Slimaki and ravliki do not like zayvih pereshkod. Therefore, you can make your life even more complicated if you add a fleece, for example, or a sheepskin, an egg or a pea scarlet, to your hair. Also for this purpose, go to thyrsus.

So absolutely safe both for people and for the plants themselves. With this young people, the culture will be deprived of theft.

However, in this type it is necessary to stitch so that the rough surface does not create passages through which slimes can penetrate to the growth.

We fight against the poor people for help from beer pastes

Fighting harm with biological means

There are no drug-free methods that can quickly and effectively remove unwanted blood vessels from the plot.

Vorogi Slimakiv

Hedgehogs, toads and birds simply love to fawn over the luscious mollusks. To get these creatures to your city, it is enough to work on small plots of water. Hedgehogs are very fond of dog food, so you can spread it around the garden. However, before doing this, you have to make sure that the neighbors don’t kill the creatures that might also get into the habit of going to the farm. If they are yearlings for birds, they often fly to the garden and eat not only the sweets prepared for them, but also the spoils.


To combat slima in the city using folk methods, it is enough to vicorize spices such as shavliya, parsley, lavender or rosemary. It is recommended to plant them nearby in the beds that most often form “beddings” for slimaki.

The cream will help with special preparations, preparations with mustard, pepper and chasnik. This cocktail of cherub-footed mollusks is also to be hated.

Vikoristannya polyethylene

This method of fighting slimaks in the city using folk methods can be considered more mechanical. However, using this method, you can drink slimaks simply and effectively. For work, you will need cellophane, which is necessary to cover the beds at night. All the slimes will come together under the spittle, respectfully, which will result in their own creases. However, under the exchange of morning sun, the stench will all disappear, because mollusks are catastrophically intolerant of the sinter.


Kozhen mayor miraculously knows that ash mulch significantly improves the appearance of acidic soil. Moreover, it is even more brownish good. However, few people realize that this component is simply not tolerated by shellfish, as they immediately deplete the plot, as small particles of ash begin to stick to their body. Through this, it becomes even more difficult for the slimaks to dry out, and the stinks will be heard.

It is recommended to sprinkle ash on the ground in clear weather, so that in this case the ingredients will be left dry in order to stick to uninvited guests. It is recommended to fertilize the land with such a warehouse no more than once a week.


If you put a thick ball of needles on the beds, the mollusks simply cannot move along the surface. Therefore, this service in the city is considered even more effective.

It is best to use pine or yalin needles for this purpose. In addition, if she tries to help the unfavorable guests, she will also become miraculously kind. In a similar manner one can worship thyrsus.

Mustard powder

Mustard is considered absolutely harmless for plants, creatures and people; black-legged people simply cannot tolerate it. In order to get the Slimaks out of the city by popular means, it is necessary to quickly cook with hot seasoning.

The powder can be dispensed either in bulk or in a dry form. The optimal storage is 150 g of dry mixture diluted in 10 liters of water. After this, it is necessary to wait for a few years and plant the plantings in the city. Processing is best done in the evening.

Soda and salt

Kitchen salt is a wonderful dish that will help get rid of the shellfish that have settled in the compost bin. Apparently, the stench really likes to caress with rotting larch lattices. To get rid of them, just sprinkle the components onto the compost pit in the evening. When you do this, make sure that the soda is ash-based.

To prepare roses for sprinkling, mix 50 g of baking soda and 12 liters of water.

Ottova esentsiya

To combat unwanted guests, the ultimate table sett will work wonders. For 1 bucket of water, 50 ml of this component is enough. Once it has come out, it is necessary to peel off the leaves of the sprouts, and also to stiffen them for drying.

However, be very careful not to allow the acid to get on the root of the plant. It is often not recommended to harvest vegetable crops in this way.


If you dilute a small amount of ammonia in water and spill the mixture of shellfish, then the stench will quickly be removed from even unsafe chemical agents and discarded. However, it is necessary to be extremely careful and at all times not to allow this substance to get on the leaves or root system of the plants.


In order to avoid any harm, it is recommended to organize improvised parks around the perimeter of the entire plot or around the trees, tea gardens and beds.

As a material for this construction, it is recommended to use fine and fine crushed stone or fine egg scraper. You can also create a barrier with sand by mixing copper sulfate or soot. Such bar'iers should not allow the Slimaks to reach the Roslins.

Fruit baits

The skin of cows, oranges and other citrus and tower crops is a miracle aid in the fight against slime in the city. Through the people's efforts, these swindlers can be stopped indefinitely.

In order to enjoy the shellfish, it is necessary to cut the shells in half and put small openings in the center in the improvised cups. The baits are ready to be placed on the beds so that the holes are wetted by the animal. The Slimaks will be able to get out of the way through the middle door, otherwise they won’t be able to get back out again.

The coming day will be enough to collect the losers and throw them out.

Preventive robots

In order to prevent the appearance of slime, it is recommended to rotate the entire plot in the summer and spring. It is also easy to remove weeds and leaves that are rotting, debris and components - an excellent living medium for annoying mollusks.

If the soil is dry, then you definitely shouldn’t hesitate to put the slimaki on it. Along the perimeter between the beds you can plant mustard, parsley, chasnik and lavender.

How to steal cabbage

In addition, be sure to add caffeine to the slime. Freshly brewed kava should be diluted in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of water and sprinkled on the dried soil. It is also good to show yourself varieties based on the leaves of Polina, Tyutyuna, Chornobrivtsiv or peas.

It could become a serious problem, because the stench, melodiously, most aggressively bad guys in our gardens. Stinks can be a nuisance to a great Skoda, especially in beds with young plants. It is important to reveal their presence, spend the stinks in the daytime at the crease, and banquet at night, leaving behind the lines and mucus that hangs loosely. They grow at the leaves of the tree, sometimes stripping the stem. There are many types of vegetables and fruits, as well as berries, greens and grass. Peel leaves, stems, fruits, flowers, roots, cibulins and bulbs.

You can show up in the gardens Slimaki with shells (Slimaki), so і goli (Slimaki). Others are especially wasteful, the fragments become extremely bad, even insatiable and rapidly expanding. Slimaks multiply much more rapidly, and they do not cause a lot of weeds in the garden. There are many ways to deal with these bad guys. In advance, this will shorten the current population and destroy the overcrowded animals that will be planted in the gardens.

Agrotechnical method of combating slimaks

Favorite places to live Slimakiv There are shady and wet areas where stinks can be detected. To remove them, you should systematically thin out the overgrowth and lawn, remove the weeds on the grass beds, without forgetting, of course, about the territory around the plot. Roslin leaves are bound to disappear, they cannot be allowed to rot, which is why it will be an ideal place for the development of slime. We also choose to buy nails, boards, stones and crushed stones that can serve as a suitable sill. Since there is such a large quantity of slima in our stock, we need to think about the garden variety, in a new ideal mind for living and laying an egg. It is also recommended to frequently dig up, weed and strengthen the soil, as required on a warm, sleepy day. In such a manner, when mature slimaks are lost, eggs and young individuals are released on the surface of the ground, and the stench quickly dries up in the sun.


One of the ways to protect a plot or a single growth of slimaks is to place a crossing where the stinks cannot cross. These can be 20 cm wide, smeared with tirsi, bark, hulled cereals or golok. We can also use coarse-grained sand, gravel, dolomite and tartar, and ash. This method is effective until the water gets dry. The old and proven method is to sift, soak, stitch and soil around the weeds, with quicklime or superphosphate. These words cry out the Slimaks’ life and their death. Use this method carefully to prevent the water from being wasted on the trees. The beds and flower beds can be sharpened with honey trimmings. This metal eliminates bad people.

Collecting Roslin

Varto show respect for the plants that we grow in our garden. If possible, please note that they are a delicacy of vegetables. I especially like to eat stinks , Buryak, that. I like to choose from berry trees , i sunitsyu. You can also add a lot of decorative plants to these: , Chinese aster, lilies, and zinnias, also slimaks, can grizzti cibulini tulips. Many people can help us get rid of the losers. It’s time to bring it to them Milnyanka medicinal, that marjoram. Add Varto to the flower bed Polin, chamomile, savory, mustard, tsybulya, chasnik, shavliya, thyme, thousand-year-old, cuff and coreopsis. These plants provide meadows, near slimaks, and in beds and flower beds. More and more often in garden centers it is possible to add weeds that are less beneficial for slima, of all varieties red cabbage, that host (function).

Pastes for liquids and slimaks

The easiest way to use these liquids (slimaki) is to manually select and transfer them to a place to reach a distance from our garden or simply protect them. However, for the rulers of the great gardens, this can keep the laborer busy. It’s time to get pastas for skids. For this purpose, we can use our natural agility to protect ourselves from wet and shady areas and our great appetite. The easiest way is to put the laid earth, boards, tiles on the back, lay them up on the bottom of the stands under the pots for kvitivs, or just large leaves of burdock or cabbage. Dodatkovo can vikoristovvati bait z cabbage, carrots, potatoes, beets and salad. Slimaks are very pleased to go to such places. The bait is laid out in the evenings, and we can take a look at all the pastures, collect a large number of mischief makers and remove them from our garden.

You can also dig it into the ground, drink it into a deep container and pour beer into it, if you like Slimaki. There is enough food so that the Slimaks drown in nothing.

Natural enemies

In the fight against Slimaks Our natural enemies can help us. This could be not only birds but also other rodents, such as hedgehogs, shrews, and also plover and amphibians. For slimaks, mosquitoes, especially beetles, are dangerous and fragile. It is important to protect these brown creatures, but also to provide food for their life in the garden. Care is required for the nesting boxes, ensuring that they are hidden in thick tea leaves or livestock. You can get some money in the garden.

Natural preparations

A good effect is achieved by sprinkling the crops with a rare variety. Polina or Fern. It is prepared from freshly picked sprouts, which are filled with water and mixed on the skin for three days. The sumish will be ready in a month, after everything has been fermented well. We can also prepare soup from pepper. You need 1 kg of fresh pepper and 10 liters of water, cook everything for a year. Place on two plates, then carefully grind and process. We prepare the preparation for sprinkling the plants.

Chemical drugs

Chemicals are used as a last resort, since most of them are toxic. Before drying, use extreme caution and dose according to label recommendations. However, since the population of slimaks is large, we can use ready-made drugs such as Glanzit, BROS Metaldehyde (SNACOL), Mesurol. It’s better to stop their evening, first the mischief-makers leave their shelter. It's hot around the sprouts, but be careful not to spill chemicals on the sprouts themselves. Most drugs are not stable until they fall off, so you need to repeat the procedure.

There is no single effective method fight against slimaks . It’s better to put together a number of ways at a time. By choosing them, it is possible to change the population size and keep it at a low level. Slimaks can multiply enormously, but ultimately do not pose a great threat to our growing plants.

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Slimaks and sauces, at first glance, appear to have the most profound qualities. They are even unbearable and can cause great harm in cities, gardens and cereal crops. The stinks of the holes in root vegetables and the leaves of various plants. In various countries, it has been noted that the most unsafe creatures are those that live without a shell—the so-called naked slimaks.
In this article you will learn how to fight slimes in the city, near the greenhouse and near the apartment.

Fighting slimaks in a garden plot

The fight against grass and slimaks in the dacha on the right is not easy. You'll just wake up to them, and then the shellfish will show up again. Everything should be stored in the climate at your summer cottage. The increased climate will now attract these poor people.
There are different methods of combating slime: effective and not so, budgetary and expensive. The choice is yours.

Biological method of combating slimaks

The cheapest way to get hedgehogs and toads. For this you need to add a small amount of milk, for example. And your regular guests, I don’t remember, but often shorten the number of rolls and slimaks.

A more effective method of treating the nematode (worm) Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, which can be purchased from the biological drug Nemaslug. Dilute the drug with water and water the plot once every second month. And Slimaks will be known forever. It's effective, but it's important to get it. You can only find it via the Internet.

People's efforts against Slimaki

The fight against slimaks in the city using folk methods is carried out with the help of various infusions:

  • Dilute 50 g of mustard in 300 ml of water, leave for an hour, then dilute 3-4 times
  • in 10 liters of water add 300 g of the selected chasnik and add enough
  • Dilute 1 splash of greenery in 10 liters of water and water the plot
  • Pour 1 kg of hot pepper into 10 liters of water and leave for 2 days, then boil and leave for another 2 days.
  • Dissolve 2 teaspoons of rosemary cava in a glass of water
  • Mix 4 tablespoons of ammonia with 10 liters of water

Pastures and baits

Another simple and trouble-free method of combating slima is the process of paste. Slimaks are not suitable for beer, juices, dairy products, or corn. Therefore, you need to take a flask or other container and bury it in a hole in the ground so that the edges of the container are level with the ground. It is necessary to pour the kukurudzyan thoroughly or pour beer and reserve the milk for the night. Slimaks will be attracted by the smell of bait, fall into the tank and drown. The next day you need to empty the paste and repeat the operation. Slimaks also have the scent of citrus fruits. So you can cut a grapefruit, for example, extract the pulp and put up domes in the city. You are looking forward to the coming day and how many slimaks there are to collect there.

Fight against slimaks for additional mulching

For whom do you plant pine needles, thyrsus and droplets? They are gradually distributed around the necessary crops. Under the mulch, it is important for the slimaks to make their way to the weeds, which prevents them from drying out. The mulch ball must be constantly drained, because it has the potential to dry out and rot.

Chemical method of combating slimaks and chemicals

Preparations based on metaldehyde can help with the types of slimaks and liquids: Slimeide, Meta, Thunderstorm, Metaldehyde with slimaks. The drugs are sold as blue granules. They are laid out at intervals of 10-15 div from each other (4 grams/1 m2).

Another miracle for the city of Agrosin. It is used to improve the structure of the soil, and also helps in the fight against slime. Agrozin should be administered to the soil only once per season (45 milliliters per hundred square meters). The drug is not cheap, but it is very effective.

Ulitsid is a good chemical mixture from liquids and Slimaks, Ukrainian winemakers. The ulicide is prepared on the basis of salt phosphate. Yogo also competes once per season. 4-5 g per 1 m2 is enough and slimaki won’t bother you anymore.

The most popular and simplest taste of slimaki in the city is kitchen salt. It has a detrimental effect on slima and liquids that release their pulps and unprotected fabrics. They sow the territory of the city and water the plants with salt. Please remember that not all varieties are resistant to salt.
So let's take a look at how we need to fight slimaks on different crops.
On the floor, apply the same metaldehyde, ammonia and water, and mulch with thyrsa and nettle. This method of fighting will help to catch the sun.

The fight against slimy mushrooms on cabbage will be easy if you use mustard infusions, mulch with pine needles, thyrso, dill and metaldehyde, as we mentioned earlier.
Ale you need to remember that this is even stronger. Therefore, it is necessary to inject him with his birthright 3 years before the birth. Now you know how to taste Slimaki on cabbage.

The removal of tomatoes, eggplants and peppers from slimaks is carried out by additional sawing with slaked wax, mulching with thyrso, pine needles, and metaldehyde. Lightly fluff the soil around the sprouts by adding hot pepper or mustard.

Fighting grasses and slimaks in a greenhouse

The fight against slime in the greenhouse is no different than in the city.

You can use the same chemical preparations that we have already seen before, mulching with dill, thyrso, ash, folk remedies, and the biological preparation Nemaslug. Anyway, you won’t be able to lure toads and hedgehogs to the greenhouse.

One feature of the greenhouse is that it is prone to moisture, suffocation and, at times, cold. It’s easier to get ahead of the appearance of slimaki, so as not to get rid of them. There is nothing wrong with the greenhouse: cream, objects, surplus plants, bourgeois. All this must be done until the slimes and ingredients appear. The growth of crops can be achieved in a place with constant ventilation, in a peaceful environment, without exhaust or air. Between greenhouse crops, if the stench grows too thick, then not only slimakov, but also illness may appear. The growth of greenhouse weeds is under special control.
All the listed control methods will help prevent slimy fungus in myeds.

Fighting with slimaks in the booth

Lots of people can smell slimaks in their homes: near the bathroom, toilet or in the kitchen. This can be true for those who live in the first world or have an apartment that is completely bare. Inlet and molluscs can calmly penetrate the budinka in search of cold weather, and infiltration in surprise in search of warmth. So how can Slimaks wake up at the budinka?

If you come across one copy, you can get Slimak mechanically - just take it out of the house. If you meet them regularly, you need to know the place, the squeaky-smoky stars will pop and you should definitely sip it with sill, mustard or water it with otstom.
Look around the room, there may be cracks or holes in the undersides and walls. Reconstruct them in this way and change the amount of slime in your booth.
It is not recommended to use chemical agents in living quarters; it is better to use traditional methods.
How will Slimakiv wake up at the budinka.

In this article, you learned how to get slimaks in the city, greenhouses, and how to find them in the premises and living quarters. Try not to create friendly minds for them, keep your own plot and keep the greenhouse in order. And Slimaks won’t bother you at all.

Terrestrial slimaks are black-footed mollusks that lost their shell during the process of evolution. The stench is active at night. During the day, there is a lot of sleepiness around the ground or in various quiet places. Shkidniks grub on living sprouts and sprouts to rot, surplus ones. The widest worm-footed molluscs that hang around in dachas and cities are the field slugs. The stench will cause great harm to the agricultural crops.

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    Skoda and bark of Slimaks in the garden

    It is necessary to combat slimes at the dacha, as the stink remains a threat to the future. Mollusks eat potato bulbs and leaves, eat leaves of cabbage and cauliflower, eat lettuce, and do not eat root vegetables. Slimaks will influence the lower parts of the plants. Before us, the stench will destroy the roses and go, the berries of the sun, the fruits of watermelon and paslon. Today, Slimaks threaten citrus plantations and vineyards. Shkidnik should avoid crops with rough and odorous leaves: red cabbage, parsley, chasnik, tsybul.

    The mischief-makers are no less likely to eat sprouts. Pervading the ridges and fields, the stinks spread fungal and viral diseases, including such dangerous diseases as late blight of potatoes. Carrying illnesses, slimaks produce more fat, but simply gnaw leaves.

    At the same time, stinks play an important role in the garden ecosystem. Molluscs and hedgehogs for lizards, toads, hedgehogs, birds. Eating rotting crops, the stinks recycle the excess vegetation and fertilize the soil. Therefore, in organic farming, the Slimaks are not known, but their access to the groves is blocked. “Chemistry” is used accurately, on other crops in the song from time to time and for the overworld reproduction of the bad guy.

    Prevention of the appearance of slimaks

    Preventive approaches help to avoid the accumulation of alcoholic chemicals. The main approach to effectively limit the number of farmers and other farmers is correct agricultural technology. Current technologies improve the structure of the soil, obtaining birds, hedgehogs and budding insects for the plot, correct planting of plants and long-term changes to improve the health of the garden, save a new population of natural hizhaks, which streamline the number of mollusks. This is to boost the immunity of the countryside, its ability to resist the bad guys.

    Go to prevention:

    1. 1. At midday, the poor people will begin to wander around the weeds, struggling against the sun that is harmful to them, so it’s time to remove the weeds and mow the grass around the plots and sheep beds.
    2. 2. Mollusks can only hang around in wet soil, so it is necessary to drain the wet soil, creating a simple drainage system. Since it is impossible to drain the soil, the most muddy and shady areas allow mollusks to accumulate and multiply, isolate from cultural crops, sprinkling around the perimeter with superphosphate, slaked wax, pine needles and ash.
    3. 3. Roslin plants cannot be planted too thickly; it is necessary to adhere to the recommended planting depth for the skin crop and variety.
    4. 4. Regardless of their sensitivity to moisture, slimaks cannot cope with water crossings, so the best place in the garden can be dug into grooves, plastic gutters placed in them, and filled with water.

    Benefits of phytocontrol

    Polish slimaks react negatively to odorous plants. We don’t like the stench in advance. Virologists of various species vikorista this particularity of the mollusk, adding anti-slime preparations and phytonosts to chasnikova oil.

    Avoid Slimaki:

    • lavender;
    • shavliya
    • rosemary;
    • girchytsia;
    • chebrets.

    Any plant on this list is suitable for preparing a stew or infusion, with which you can protect your beds from loose shellfish.

    Slimaks do not like sprinkles. Their buildings look like dry leaves that have lost their burning power. Gardeners, who are aware of this peculiarity of the plant, place dried sprinkles under tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. As soon as we finish the bowl, the shellfish will go around the vegetable beds.

    Recipes for homemade phyton infusions from slimaks:




    Peel 100 g of chasnik chasnik, grate on a fine grater; pour the porridge into a liter of water, filter; dilute with water 3 times and sprinkle the roslin


    Mix 10 liters of cold water and 2 liters of ammonia; sprinkle the soil on the bed, not allowing any dirt to fall on the leaves


    Brew two teaspoons of rosemary cava in a dill glass; spray the plants with a spray bottle


    Brew 200 g of Tyutyun sawdust with five liters of dill, steep for 3 years, strain, dilute with clean water 1:5. Sprinkle the plants and soil on the bed


    Fill with freshly harvested polynom if there is room, pour in dill, steep for 3 years, strain, dilute twice with clean water. Spray the leaves and soil on the bed


    Mix 100 g of dry mustard powder in 500 ml of water and leave for one hour. Dilute with clean water five times, sprinkle the leaves

    Features of mechanical control

    Slimaks can be practiced using mechanical methods, but they can also be practiced regularly – at least once a week. Shkidniks are collected manually or caught from a special station and brought from the forest or field, or from cultural plantings. You can grow mature mollusks and poultry eggs. Protein-rich foods are eaten by chickens, chickens and turkeys. If in some case it may be unsafe for the birds to have worms, they will have to carry out anthelmintic treatments.

    It is not possible to remove slima from the compost heap - the mosquitoes not only die from it, but also reproduce by laying eggs.

    Gardening stores sell special pastes that can be used to gradually remove slima from the plot. The thing looks like a cup without handles. The salted crust is used instead of pasta from wasting the washing-up liquid and board water. The containers are installed so that the entrance doors are level with the ground. Pour beer, fruit juice, and jam into the middle. The smell of fermented milk attracts people who eat pasta at night and cannot get out. Suspensions are checked and emptied every day, rather than working in the future.

    Promislovo prepared paste for slimaks

    Experienced gardeners know about the predilection of shellfish for fermented milk products. Cover the board or sheet of slate with kefir, sour milk and place it with the coated side down, placing a number of small stones. At night, the mollusks go into hiding. So, during the treatment day, you can collect all the slimaks, like living in a garden plot.

    Chemical protection

    Unsatisfied summer residents resort to using drugs against the Colorado potato beetle to fight against slimy insects, cure and other nasty comas. However, Slimaki are not Komahi. They are treated with special treatments - molluscicides. They may be based on metaldehyde, copper or copper sulfate, mercury, tin, lead, chlorine, etc.

    Metaldehyde is a granulated molluscicide of the slug-intestinal system, used for the depletion of molluscs in open and protected soil. The drug does not deteriorate in water, retains its granule-like form for a long time, and therefore does not require frequent application.

    "Thunderstorm" is an intestinal contact drug based on metaldehyde. Until recently, attractants are words that smell bad people. Having taken the granule, the slima will disappear within 2 years. The drug is dispersed on the surface of the soil, near the beds and around the edges of the shoots, creating a barrier from the sun. Two crops per season are enough to make cabbage and other vegetables inaccessible to shellfish.

    "Slime" - useful for combating weeds, slugs and woodlice on private plots of land. The active ingredient in the drug is metaldehyde. You can use vicor on all plantings at any time, except during the period of active fruiting. Having discovered a massive accumulation of shellfish, fill it with Slime pellets. Some of you will immediately stop working with the drug. Most people recognize a contact-intestinal disorder. After 3-5 days, the swelling of the shkidniks will stop disappearing. Granulated for a long time, re-dispensing in the production season is not required.

    Vitrate of molluscicides:

    Biological drugs

    Biological drugs are highly effective and highly effective. The stench is absolutely harmless for people in brown soil clods.

    Nematodes are preserved in a living state, so Nemaslug needs to be steadily trimmed in the cold. The drug has a short term of vicorization - only 3-4 years after the date of production.

    People's estates

    Gardeners know a lot of ways to fight slimaks for the benefit of people:

    1. 1. Pour the local salt rose into a plastic bowl, close it with a cork, pierce its holes and go out into the city in the evening or after the finish. All found slimaks need to be doused with salt water, after which the stench will almost disappear.
    2. 2. Mix the vitriol with sand or water and sprinkle the soil on the bed in the evening. When exposed to vitriol crystals, the mollusks will die.
    3. 3. Spray the plants with preparations to remove copper: HOM, OxyHOM, copper sulfate. Shkidniks are unique in their growths, covered with dark separations.
    4. 4. Sprinkle the cabbage with slimaki with 0.5-1% potassium sulfurate. The potassium juice gives the leaves a thick consistency, and the workers begin to knead them.
    5. 5. Lay out slate, roofing material, burdock leaves, cabbage, and baked matting bags on the table. In the evening they collect the poor people who have bought up under the shelters, and the poor. After three or four days, it’s practically impossible to run out of Slimaks.
    6. 6. Shellfish are attracted to the smells of rotting fruits, especially citrus and mash crops. In the evening, place the peels of lemon, orange, grapefruit, kavun and long peels between the rows. Vranza will only be deprived of collecting the poor people who bought up under them.
    7. 7. Between the rows, sizzle with sippy, slimy material that is unacceptable for the delicate body: superphosphate granules, cotton saw, fluff or dry mixture, folded these components in any proportion.