If you choose birch trees. Pіdbereznik - description, authority, see Pіdbereznik see

If you choose birch trees. Pіdbereznik - description, authority, see Pіdbereznik see

Pidbereznik is a miracle mushroom. You can lubricate, v_dvaryuvati, dry it and store it for the winter. The birch mushroom has a calm relish and aroma, it is even easier to recognize it in the forest, it is awkward to pick and cook. A dekilka of simple recommendations of "Culinary Eden" will help you prepare a savory meal or evening from the good luck of the birch people.

The growth of the fungus pіdbereznik in leafy forests, more importantly in birch forest. Eat mushrooms in parks and young shoots of birches near the forests, love the edges of galyavins, thickets of old paths near the bright, wild forests and the edge of the springs. The birch tree appears like a grass one hour with butternuts that were more or less earlier. The birch tree loves warmth and growth there, de sonechko kindly warms up the soil from the mycelium.

Podbereznik maє chotiri raznovidi:

. Chornii
. Swampy or white
. rozhevy

The most valuable is the wild birch tree, the wines grow most often and may have the best average relish. The typical birch tree has drops up to 15 cm in diameter, light brown (in young) and dark brown (in adults) in color. M'yakush is white, bright, does not change color. Zustrichaetsya in birch forests, on knots of galyavins, young birch. The primordial birch tree can have all the advantages of a natural fungus: can have a pleasant smell and savory taste. Even garni for lubrication, suitable for drying and pickling.

The black birch tree has a droplet with a diameter of 5-9 cm of a dark brown or black color on the bottom with black stripes. It grows from lime trees in the spring near the ores, on the edge of the pain, in the pine forests, on the branches of pine and leafy forests. Mushroom їstіvny, hoch i lesser value through the fluff structure.

A swampy or white birch tree grows in summer and autumn along the edge of the pain. You can grow in wild forests, which are overgrown with moss, swampy birch forests. The droplet reaches 15 cm in diameter, has a puffy cushion-like shape with a light pale brown scuff. On sight, the m'yakush does not change the color, the taste and smell of the expressions are weak. The hem is thin, folded. Tastes of power are higher, lower in the great birch tree.

The horny birch tree has a droplet up to 15 cm in diameter, cushion-like shape, a thin bottom and a bark of the skin in the form of a gray-brown to dark brown color. Nіzhka often mає potovshchennya or vigin at the bіk bіlsh illumined dilyanki. M'yakush is white, wiry, on the face of it is slightly erysipelas.

The first choice of birch trees grows from the flowers of the gorobini - for example, grass, on the cob of wormwood. The period rises from the ear of corn, for which the fungus in some areas is called a spikelet. The coming period is the first hour of the blossoming of the linden, which is trivay, like the first, short hour. The third period begins from the middle of sickle and three until late autumn.

A smut rule when picking any mushrooms: if you hesitate - don’t take it. The birch tree has a brittle "dvіynik" - a mushroom, which has a tubular ball under a droplet of erysipelas color, and a rose on the surface of a red one. In addition, the zhovchny mushroom is also hot for relish. Stitch one zhovchnoy fungus, to zip a whole casserole of natural mushrooms - be respectful!

Podberezniki do not give up for the taste of the best mushrooms, for example, white. The only shortfall of the birch tree is in the fact that he is guilty of darkness for any kind of work. The color of the mushroom becomes even blacker, which doesn’t spit on the relish, but you can also benefit from a culinary unknown with such power. Gourmets love drops of birch trees and ignore zhorstki nizhki. Ale, if you don’t like the hardness and fibrousness of the meat of the lower mushroom - beat it out, for example, in soup or for making mushroom sauce.

Frying. It is important that the birch tree is ideal for lubrication. Especially in the case of other mushrooms. For the best result, lubricate the mushrooms only after picking. At the extreme weather - the coming day after picking (mushrooms at this hour need to be trimmed by the refrigerator). Bazhano robiti mix from wild mushrooms. For example, a birch tree, white and chanterelles or butterfish. In this species, various mushrooms create micro-contrasts of relish, a noble bouquet of aromas, and the presence of various mushrooms in the thickness of the mushrooms is less likely to take the damage. Vegetables will grow with mushrooms in the heat. For example, potatoes, zucchini, garmelon, carrot, cibulya. Lubricate the first, clean the mushrooms from the chicks, grasses and the earth, shave rough or fill the parts of the nizhok with forest clods. Worms mushrooms can be soaked in salty water, but if I allow a lot of spawning - sour mushrooms without wormholes.

Cooking. Podberezniki can be cooked and served cold with a dressing from a teapot, olive oil and lemon. Cold springs of birch trees with a side of boiled potatoes with a piece of topsoil, sipped with fresh crop. For cooking, clean the mushrooms, sprout the broths or the wet months, soak the worms in the salty water or let them out. Call to cook birch trees near two waters. In the first - until boiling and more three, then move to another container with water, which boiled, and cook 15-20 quills.

Vinogradiv. It is even more important that the mushrooms chosen for drying were of the best quality: without wormholes or worse. Dry the young birch trees flatly, stretching through a thread, ripening into large parts. Dry on open air, but not on sun, as if it is smoky, and in the oven, as if it were not allowed to dry on the air. The optimum oven temperature is around 50 degrees. For this, it is necessary to turn on the minimum fire and to open the doors again.

Pickling or pickling. Pickling in the form of salting is reminiscent of the fact that in the countryside, which mushrooms are poured over, the vicorist is sown. When pickling vicorist, only a few strengths and spices are used. Vykoristovyte more than one type of mushrooms, do not hesitate to see different.


In the countryside, the birch people are kindly united with:
. Buckwheat
. Perlovka
. Potatoes
. bow
. cabbage
. carrot
. Sočevicea
. peas
. pepper

Podberezniki, yak and іnshі mushrooms, are ideally suited for filling in pies, pіtsy, rolls, homemade bread and lokshina (which should be highly detailed). Bazhano prepare the mushroom stuffing ahead of time, so that the trochs are boiled, or the mushrooms are greased, first put in the pie.

50 g dry mushrooms or 300 g fresh,
3 bottles of water
1 st. borosh spoon,
1 cibulina,
2 tbsp. olive spoons.

Soak dry mushrooms for 3 years, cook fresh without salt. Dissolve flour|boroshno| with 1 spoonful of olive oil, grease until brown color, add 2 bottles of mushroom broth and cook on the right fire under the lid for 15 chills|minutes|. Narіzhte tsibula, brush with 1 spoonful of olives, add chopped mushrooms, add some more oil and transfer to the sauce, add salt and let boil a couple of whilins.

Mushroom hodgepodge

500 g fresh mushrooms,
1 kg of cabbage
1 salted ogirok,
1 cibulina,
2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste,
1 teaspoon zucru
2 tbsp. olive spoons.

Shake cabbage and stew in a saucepan with additional water and olії 30-40 hvilin. Clean the mushrooms, dry them, cut 10-15 quills, then brush them in oil. Place the mushrooms in a bowl. In the same frying pan, grease the minced cibula, add the mushrooms and the cut sturgeon. Salt and pepper. Put half of the stewed cabbage in a bowl into the pan, put the mushrooms and cover with a part of the cabbage that is left out. Brush with oil and put in the oven up to 200 degrees for 10-15 chills. Serve with lemon.

Mushrooms with sour cream

500 g fresh mushrooms,
½ bottle of sour cream
25 g syrah
1 teaspoon borosna
2 tbsp. olive spoons,

Clean the mushrooms, wash and scald with dill. Pour into a sieve, give a glass of water, cut not too dryly and smear in oil. If the mushrooms are ready, add | add | flour | boroshno |, mix, add | add | sour cream and sipte with grated syrup. Put in the oven for 10 quills. You can do without sirah, but greens when serving sip obov'yazkovo!

Pochatkіvtsі mushroom pickers, don't fight: mushroom pіdbereznik - simple and razozumіly, vіn seldom calls doubts in їstіvnosti and zavzhd virtuє kulinarnі ochіkuvannya.

Oleksiy Borodin

The wild birch tree is a drop-like sponge fungus that can be attributed to the Boletov family, the genus Obabok. Another yogo is called a birch tree and a birch tree. Natural mushroom.

The Latin name for the mushroom is Leccinum scabrum.

The shape of a droplet at the new shoulder is spiced, then it becomes cushion-shaped. Її diameter sygaє 15 centimeters. On top of the droplet is thin-layered or bare, and in severe weather, slime appears on it. Zabarvlennya droplet changes from dark brown to light gray. Obviously, the growth of the fungus and the type of tree, under which the wines have settled, are poured into the mind.

M'yakush at the birch tree has a great white color, on evil out there can be a little roar, or not change the color. You can see the m'yakush with a mushroomy aroma, its relish is also kind. In old specimens, the flesh becomes watery and overly spongy.

Under the droplet there are long tubes, often the stench is combined. In the form of a droplet, the tubes are water-creamed with ease. Congested tubes in the young vіtsi bіle, and pіznіshe staє brudno-sirim. Zabarvlennya spore powder olive storm.

The height of the birch tree is of great dovg and to finish the tovst, its height is 15 centimeters, and the girth is up to 3 centimeters. In the middle, the lower part is succulent, with a vіkom out it becomes hard, woody. Behind the shape, it is cylindrical, but widened at the lower part. On top of the lower legs, gray-buffed with late dark patches.

The place of growth of birch trees in the wild.

Birch trees bear fruit from summer to late autumn. Mіtsyami growth є fox leaves, more importantly birch. So the stench grows in the wild forests.

The songs of the sings of the stars are brighter. In yalynovyh plantings, in yak birches, they can grow in marvelous kilkos. Good fertility of savage birch trees is also observed in young birch forests. Among other commercial mushrooms, birch forests are among the first among birch forests.

Deyakі roki stench grow in homeric kіlkostyakh, іnkоl mаyzhe know. In the 90s, near the Naro-Fominsk region, the most widespread species of mushrooms were the most widespread type of mushrooms, and for unknown reasons, the stench appeared more often.

Estimation of the vitality of the most significant birch trees.

Birch broom is taken as a normal natural fungus. In singing foreign dzherelakh it is appointed that in їzhu there should be less than a drop of vicor, the shards of the nizhka are too zhorstky. And yet, our mushroom pickers vvazhayut for the best way to cook mushrooms more often, as they have draglets, and the axle is narrow. The tubular ball in old specimens has been seen.

For savory tastes, the birch trees are rebuying for another place after white mushrooms. Ale, the birch forests are waking up, because after the thermal processing the stench is getting dark. Likewise, soak the mushrooms in 0.5% citric acid, which will not be consumed.

Mushroom connoisseurs of vicorist grow birch forests for the preparation of spring herbs. Berezniki are good for lubrication, cooking, marinating, and they can also be dried in reserve. The stench is especially suitable for making fillings for pies, rolls, pies. From dried birch trees, sauces and pidlivi are prepared.

I use impersonal savory and brown grasses from birch trees: crooks with tops, saltwort, stew, soup-mashed potatoes, frying with tsibuleya and potatoes. Podberezniki miraculously eat different spices: crop, cloves, chasnik, black pepper. So stinks of summіsnі zі sour cream, Vershkov, Sonyashnikov and olive oil.

Vegetarians are actively rooting for the dietary powers of the great birch trees. Straws from birch trees are included in dietary eating. The stench replaces the meat, but with it the calorie content is lower. If it’s worth the need to zayvoї vaga, then it’s important to eat the birch people with the right products. As a side dish, root crops and vegetables are suitable.

During thermal treatment of birch trees, one can see a chitinous speech, which negatively affects the etching;

How to choose correctly and save the zvichayn birch trees.

The old and overgrown specimens are not picked up, the shards of the coris are less than the young fruits of the body. Select mushrooms of small rosemaries. The stench is to blame for mother shchilnu that spring pulp.

You can take care of the birch trees in a kilkoma way: dry, freeze, salt and marinate. Tse allows you to vicorate mushrooms by stretching the mustache. When storing in the refrigerator, put birch trees in the container without a lid, the stench can lie for about 5 days.

The similarity of the birch sapling with other mushrooms.

The family has a lot of sights of birch trees, moreover, the smells of the stench can be even more similar. The species of boletus pods of birch trees are reminiscent of them, that their flesh does not change on evils, but the boletus of boletuses is blue. In such a way, groups of mushrooms are distinguished, but there is no sense in such a classification, shards of stink are real.

Corisne of the nobility, how to resurrect the birch trees from the mushrooms. Zhovchny fungus can have a good taste, it’s impossible to get rid of it, ale є tezh. You can recognize the zhovchny fungus by the tubules of erysipelas color, the sieve of the little nizhka and the textured "tallow" pulp. In addition, zhovchnі mushrooms vvazhayut for the better to settle in the ditches, near the stumps, near the dark conifers.

Korisnі power vіdbereznіv vvichaynykh.

The softness of the birch trees has a great speech, brown for the body. Warehouse of speeches of good balances. For the amount of vitamins in birch trees, yalovichi and veal are not charged, they have vitamins A, B1,2,9, C, E, D and PP. They also contain magnesium, potassium, salt, cobalt, sodium, manganese, zinc and phosphorus, even though stinks are 90% water. In addition, typical birch trees have fats, monosaccharides, disaccharides, cellular tissue and brown acids.

Zvichayny pіdberezki stimulate krovoobіg and zmіtsnyuyut m'yaz heart. Mushrooms are vvazhayutsya dietary product, because the stench may have low calorie content, but the cream of the stench will lead to slags. The stench is more curly for those who want to lose weight, for those who cleanse the intestines and rub fat cells.

So, the zvichayny podberezniki mayut an early campaign for power. The stench can have a tonic effect. In addition, stinks stimulate the activity of the thyroid gland and increase the immune power of the body. The great plus of boletus pods is those that stench ignites cancer cells.

With regular implantation of healthy birch trees, judges are cleansed, the activity of the nervous system is normalized, nirok is reduced, blood sugar levels and cholesterol are reduced. Qi mushrooms are miraculous antioxidants. Also, the birch people will repair the blood, the musculoskeletal apparatus and the cystic brain. Zavdjaki to the fact that stinks stimulate the renewal of clitin, mushrooms may have a rejuvenating effect.

Vykoristannya pіdbereznіv і kosmetіlії.

The stinks give a positive injection to the camp of the skin and the mucous membrane. In folk medicine, dry the birch forests, scatter porridge from them and zastosovuyt as an anti-spasm and smoothing zasib. Water rozchini help with the treatment of skin diseases, wounds and wounds. Polish the hair with the help of the birch bark. And baths help to heal nails. Soft masks improve skin elasticity, tone up and rejuvenate skin.

Contraindications for the most prominent birch trees.

This product is not recommended for mind and individual intolerance. Also, they should not be given to children up to 12 years old. For the protection of birch trees, they live in case of ailments of the liver, nirok and slug. Old fruits of the body can be unsafe for health.

Podbereznik (Leccinum) is a natural mushroom that belongs to the genus Leccinum (butterflies), the family of boletus. The name of the fungus resembles the growth of the birch root. Mustaches of the family are natural, even slightly quarreling for savory displays.

Podbereznik - description

The old look of all mushrooms of the same kind, which is present in over 40 varieties, similar to itself. The color of the droplet may be white in young mushrooms and then become dark brown. The birch mushroom grows like one by one, so small groups are satisfying. A droplet of a birch tree may look like a bee, transforming the old world into a pillow-like one. With great moisture, it becomes sticky and covered with mucus. M'yakush is white, bright, slightly dark on the rose. In mature veins, it becomes fluffy and watery. The diameter of a droplet of a mature mushroom can reach 18 cm.

The lower part of the birch tree is cylindrical in shape of a gray or white color and can be up to 15 cm long and up to 3 cm in diameter. Old, її fleshy pulp is reborn into a hard and fibrous. Spore powder has an olive-brown color.

In birch trees, a slow growth rate is observed - on the day the stench can rise by 4 cm, and ripen until the 6th day. Why is the period of antiquity coming: the body of the fungus has become "distant" for the worms.

See the birch trees

Podіl pіdbereznіkіv see zdіysnyuєtsya for the criteria of zvnіshny viglyadu that mіsts rostannya. See the birch trees:

  • natural birch tree
  • black birch
  • tundra birch tree
  • marsh, white birch
  • erysipelas, which is oxidized.
  • Syrian birch, hornbeam
  • zhorstkuvaty pіdbereznik
  • shakhovy, or black birch
  • popeyasto-syry birch
  • different-colored birch

On the territory of Russia, there are close to 9 species, among them the most wide-spread birch bark and hornbeam. Among the people, there are other names: obabok, birch, grandmother and in.

the widest. Through the miraculous savory taste, one deserves to be respected by the most valuable by the look of the culinary arts. A droplet of a great birch tree may be equal to a storm or a red zabarvlennya (fallow in the sprouting), the lower part is thin, massive, sunken at the bottom, with gray patches.

Dosit often zustrіchaєtsya on supernaturally laying ґruntah. A droplet of the mushroom may be filled with light gray or light brown tones, a little thin, the pulp of the fluff fungus, but there may be a savory taste.

Infection of a droplet of the fungus varies from gray and brown to purple. In young species it is often covered with patches, in older species it is smooth. The bottom is cylindrical in shape, creamy at the bottom and has a white color with a droplet. M'yakush mushroom trohi licorice, dark when pressed and may have a mushroom smell.

may be gray, orange, erysipelas or light brown drops, often with tan spots of a yellowish color. In dry weather, the surface of the fungus is dry; The bottom of the mushroom was white, sometimes covered with strips of gray color.

growth in the forests of the forest latitudes, most often in the autumn. Droplets sound like red-green or brown eyes, with which the fermentation can be heterogeneous. The hem is short, sound the curve through a sharp twist at the beak of light.

naimіnіatyurnіshy zі svoїh svoіhіvіv, аdzhe vіn іn pіd pіd dwarf birch in the tundra mush, de about lighting that trivaly warm period is often overwhelmed with less mrіyati. The droplet of the mushroom is small, behind the color it is light, practically whitish or light beige.

may be dark, at times practically black droplet and tovst, short, covered with dark gray stripes on the bottom. Black birch - to finish a rare guest with mushroom pickers, but for its savory taste it is highly valued.

may mother droplets of different colors: pale, brown-gray, ocher, light, whitish. In Russia, growth is more important in the Caucasus, it grows in leafy forests, more importantly in hornbeam.

Mushroom pіdbereznik widely vzhivaєєєєєєєєєє and growth in different climatic minds. Vіn may miraculous relish of power in different variants of conservation.

This is the closest relative of the porcini fungus, which grows in the light of the new sirvatimi or black dry stripes on the bottom.

Dosvіdchenі mushroom pickers after choosing that dryness, it is respectful to marvel at the camp on mushrooms. Like an hour in the dark, it means that this mushroom is natural.

Where do birch trees grow

The name of the fungus is associated with the adoption of microrozia with birch, and with aspen or pine. Therefore, the growth of birch trees is near the trees, mixed with other species, a species of mushrooms that can grow.

In order to know the birch tree from the fox, it is necessary to remember that this mushroom does not like direct sleepy light. Vіn hovaєtsya in chagarnik, high grass or under a ball of scorched leaves.

To that, schob to know young individuals, it is necessary to be respectfully surprised. Abo rake the grass with a stick, that dry leaf.

Birch forests appear at about the lime tree and continue growing until the autumn months. The rainy summer can host more early appearance of fungi.

For warnings, the skin person for dobu is given 4 cm per size. After 6 days, after they appeared, they became too old for respite. That's why mushroom pickers try to destroy in the forest of an offensive wound after the wood in the whispers of young birch trees.

How does a birch tree look

Bitter fungus poisoning can be lethal due to their high toxicity of speech, which is seen with them. To that mushroom picker, who starts, remember the main signs of the fungus that he needs: droplets can reach 15 cm in diameter and may be in the range of gray to black, including glaucoma and sulfur-storms.

The legs of a birch bark obov'yazkovo can sweat and litter. The tubular ball of the fungus should be deposited in a vіku: vіd white in young growth to brudno-brown in adults. M'yakush of the mushroom is white or bludo-erysipelas without a brightly pronounced relish and smell.

To the one who is near the forests, it is necessary to take a photo of the mushrooms of the birch trees, so that at a glance, visually, I will recognize a person with a clear eye.

Fallow in the mistevity of the birch tree, the mother may look differently. For example, in watery leafy forests, birch trees plant mushrooms on a thin lower olive or brown color.

The dry forests stink with those luscious little legs. In these varieties, the stіvnіst is determined by the spicy and fragrant pulp. Okremo see the marsh birch tree with green droplets, on thin legs with watery pulp.

See mushrooms of the boletus family

Are there signs of such a different variety of birch trees? Razrіznyayut kіlka rіznоvidіv th fungus:

A droplet of the birch tree of the splendid maє podlozi opuklu shape. The lower part is whitish, cylindrical, with brightly curved stripes, 4 cm in diameter and 17 cm long, in the middle of the night it begins to turn droopy.

Syrian birchman can be an alternative name to a robber. Some droplets of brown color, and the yellowish pulp, when broken, begins to turn blue (up to a purple color) and then black. Lateral fibers are clearly visible on the lower part.

The swamp birch tree, which loves the waters of the city, is blown by a brown droplet and a light bottom. To turn the fungus into reality, break the leg: it’s not the fault of the blue.

Irrespective in their own day of infestation (from erysipelas to brightly orange and brown) different colors of birch forests are not required by mushroom pickers. The reasons for this are not the best taste and difficulties in cooking.

The black birch tree is seen among its relatives of the rahunok of a vidpovidny zabarvlennya. Large tubes in a porous ball and black stripes on the legs are a sign of particularity.

Properly prepared, the black birch tree will become a good color for any table.

An erysipelas birch grows in Pivnichniy America and Europe. The names are so for the peculiarity of the softness, which causes erysipelas in the broken zones.

The birch birch tree is breathtaking with a drop of color and a creamy pulp. This type of flooring is not viable, which can be seen in the city.

The birch tree has a zhorstkuvaty growth in wild foxes. Breathes like a drop at the palette from gray to low-violet on the high bottom. This species is loved by mushroom pickers; And the licorice relish of the mushroom robs you with miraculous additions to the dinner table.

In order to be aware of such a variety of birch trees, the mushroom picker needs to instill some special features.

First of all, it is necessary to protect the mіstsevіst that yakі see mushrooms grow there. In a different way, do not start taking a photo with you, so as not to confuse the natural mushroom with a twin.

Korist podberezniki

Cream salted mushrooms grease, marinate or dry. The stinks of vikoristovuyutsya as an addition to the garnish, an appetizer on the Christmas table is a component of the soup.

The presence of vitamins and brown tongues, birch trees can take the regulation of blood sugar and excretion of toxins, polypsy hair and hair, calm the nervous system.

And low-calorie mushrooms and mushrooms are considered a dietary product.

Prote is contraindicated too often for the introduction of fungal strains, shards through their more fully acquired in humans can cause problems with SHKT. І schob save the power of the product, do not save mushrooms in galvanized containers.

How to sign a pardon for birch people

At the end, it is considered important for a mushroom picker-pochatk_vtsya nutrition: how to grow a right birch tree from a yogo twin?

Shchob do not have mercy, follow memorize a sprat of simple rules. First of all, birch people do not like light. Yakshcho you planted a similar fungus, which grows in the open world, but it’s also a predisposition for sumnivivs.

In a different way, the hobny birch people sound the girka for relish, the hrobaki don’t see them. Check out the mushroom. Even though the vine is perfectly clean, with streaks on the legs that look like blood-bearing vessels, then you will see the evil mushroom in your hands for everything.

Thirdly, in a distorted way, it is possible to determine what is the correct value of the birch tree, what is the breaking of the droplet. Here you can see a pardoning mushroom at once, having turned a litter of blue. And after such a dim m'yakot practically did not change, boldly put the mushroom near the cats.

Photo of the mushroom pidbereznik

Mushroom pіdbereznik widely vzhivaєєєєєєєєєє and growth in different climatic minds.

Vіn may miraculous relish of power in different variants of conservation.

This is the closest relative of the porcini fungus, which grows in the light of the new sirvatimi or black dry stripes on the bottom.

Dosvіdchenі mushroom pickers after choosing that dryness, it is respectful to marvel at the camp on mushrooms. Like an hour in the dark, it means that this mushroom is natural.

Where do birch trees grow

The name of the fungus is associated with the adoption of microrozia with birch, and with aspen or pine. Therefore, the growth of birch trees is near the trees, mixed with other species, a species of mushrooms that can grow.

In order to know the birch tree from the fox, it is necessary to remember that this mushroom does not like direct sleepy light. Vіn hovaєtsya in chagarnik, high grass or under a ball of scorched leaves.

To that, schob to know young individuals, it is necessary to be respectfully surprised. Abo rake the grass with a stick, that dry leaf.

Birch forests appear at about the lime tree and continue growing until the autumn months. The rainy summer can host more early appearance of fungi.

For warnings, the skin person for dobu is given 4 cm per size. After 6 days, after they appeared, they became too old for respite. That's why mushroom pickers try to destroy in the forest of an offensive wound after the wood in the whispers of young birch trees.

How does a birch tree look

Bitter fungus poisoning can be lethal due to their high toxicity of speech, which is seen with them. To that mushroom picker, who starts, remember the main signs of the fungus that he needs: droplets can reach 15 cm in diameter and may be in the range of gray to black, including glaucoma and sulfur-storms.

The legs of a birch bark obov'yazkovo can sweat and litter. The tubular ball of the fungus should be deposited in a vіku: vіd white in young growth to brudno-brown in adults. M'yakush of the mushroom is white or bludo-erysipelas without a brightly pronounced relish and smell.

To the one who is near the forests, it is necessary to take a photo of the mushrooms of the birch trees, so that at a glance, visually, I will recognize a person with a clear eye.

Fallow in the mistevity of the birch tree, the mother may look differently. For example, in watery leafy forests, birch trees plant mushrooms on a thin lower olive or brown color.

The dry forests stink with those luscious little legs. In these varieties, the stіvnіst is determined by the spicy and fragrant pulp. Okremo see the marsh birch tree with green droplets, on thin legs with watery pulp.

See mushrooms of the boletus family

Are there signs of such a different variety of birch trees? Razrіznyayut kіlka rіznоvidіv th fungus:

A droplet of the birch tree of the splendid maє podlozi opuklu shape. The lower part is whitish, cylindrical, with brightly curved stripes, 4 cm in diameter and 17 cm long, in the middle of the night it begins to turn droopy.

Syrian birchman can be an alternative name to a robber. Some droplets of brown color, and the yellowish pulp, when broken, begins to turn blue (up to a purple color) and then black. Lateral fibers are clearly visible on the lower part.

The swamp birch tree, which loves the waters of the city, is blown by a brown droplet and a light bottom. To turn the fungus into reality, break the leg: it’s not the fault of the blue.

Irrespective in their own day of infestation (from erysipelas to brightly orange and brown) different colors of birch forests are not required by mushroom pickers. The reasons for this are not the best taste and difficulties in cooking.

The black birch tree is seen among its relatives of the rahunok of a vidpovidny zabarvlennya. Large tubes in a porous ball and black stripes on the legs are a sign of particularity.

Properly prepared, the black birch tree will become a good color for any table.

An erysipelas birch grows in Pivnichniy America and Europe. The names are so for the peculiarity of the softness, which causes erysipelas in the broken zones.

The birch birch tree is breathtaking with a drop of color and a creamy pulp. This type of flooring is not viable, which can be seen in the city.

The birch tree has a zhorstkuvaty growth in wild foxes. Breathes like a drop at the palette from gray to low-violet on the high bottom. This species is loved by mushroom pickers; And the licorice relish of the mushroom robs you with miraculous additions to the dinner table.

In order to be aware of such a variety of birch trees, the mushroom picker needs to instill some special features.

First of all, it is necessary to protect the mіstsevіst that yakі see mushrooms grow there. In a different way, do not start taking a photo with you, so as not to confuse the natural mushroom with a twin.

Korist podberezniki

Cream salted mushrooms grease, marinate or dry. The stinks of vikoristovuyutsya as an addition to the garnish, an appetizer on the Christmas table is a component of the soup.

The presence of vitamins and brown tongues, birch trees can take the regulation of blood sugar and excretion of toxins, polypsy hair and hair, calm the nervous system.

And low-calorie mushrooms and mushrooms are considered a dietary product.

Prote is contraindicated too often for the introduction of fungal strains, shards through their more fully acquired in humans can cause problems with SHKT. І schob save the power of the product, do not save mushrooms in galvanized containers.

How to sign a pardon for birch people

At the end, it is considered important for a mushroom picker-pochatk_vtsya nutrition: how to grow a right birch tree from a yogo twin?

Shchob do not have mercy, follow memorize a sprat of simple rules. First of all, birch people do not like light. Yakshcho you planted a similar fungus, which grows in the open world, but it’s also a predisposition for sumnivivs.

In a different way, the hobny birch people sound the girka for relish, the hrobaki don’t see them. Check out the mushroom. Even though the vine is perfectly clean, with streaks on the legs that look like blood-bearing vessels, then you will see the evil mushroom in your hands for everything.

Thirdly, in a distorted way, it is possible to determine what is the correct value of the birch tree, what is the breaking of the droplet. Here you can see a pardoning mushroom at once, having turned a litter of blue. And after such a dim m'yakot practically did not change, boldly put the mushroom near the cats.

Dzherelo: https://zelenyjmir.ru/grib-podberezovik/

Pidbereznik (babok)

Berezniki are called fungi of the genus Leccinum. I will call another group of mushrooms - "butterflies".

In the great birch tree, brown color droplets with a diameter of up to 15 cm were swollen. In mature mushrooms, the stink is dull and dry. The tubular ball of mushrooms is bright (in the old ones - a gray color) from dry pores. Low birch bark and late fibrous, frills up to 17 cm and 1-3 cm thick.

In young mushrooms, the m'yakush should be finished with a lower, ale, bright, bright yellow. Pіznіshe vаnіshe becomes rare and fluffy. The legs in the middle are fibrous and thick.

They look like this, the birch trees:

Infestation of droplets in this species may have a different color, m'yakush - white. Expansion in the forests of America and Eurasia.

The cay mushroom love the swampy mіstsevіst i zustrichaєtsya near the moss. Yogo vіdminnistyu є stroke zabarvlennya droplet.

Such a birch tree is practically beaten with a droplet and virostanny order with swamps. Yogo m'yakush is more friable and is strongly flammable when cooked, so this kind of mushroom gets used only in a young person.

I will also call this species a robber, the shards of this mycorrhiza are mostly settled with hornbeams. Ripens from worm to yellow. This mushroom is valued less than the great birch tree due to the smaller thickness of the softness of the yogo droplets.

A characteristic feature of this type is a darkly zabarvlennya droplet (there is black or dark brown). Another name for the species is "blackhead". Zustrichaetsya at the birch and pine fox, love the sirvaty of the month.

It is also called hard and poplar birch. Mycorrhiza in such a fungus is established with poplars and wasps. Tsei mushroom love vapnyany grunt. Yogo schіlna pulp is seldom attacked by chrobaks.

Yogo is also called black, the shards on the flesh of such a fungus turn into a red-violet-brown color, and then become black. Mycorrhiza of this fungus is established with beeches and oaks.

The peculiarity of this type of birch tree lies in the fact that on the evils of yoga, the pulp fills up with an erysipelas. Virostaє in birch forests in Syria and swampy places.

Awakened by light brown droplets and white pulp, erysipelas on the surface.

You can shoot the birch tree in the leafy forest, most of the time, you can entrust it with birch trees. Qi mushrooms also grow in wild forests. The stench grows singly, and in great groups. You can often find a birch tree on the edges of forest roads.

The ripening of birch trees starts with grass. You can find out the number of mushrooms in foxes until the middle of the harvest. Since the pulp of mature mushrooms is fluff, then the selection of birch trees is recommended in a young man.

It is important to irrigate birch forests from zhovchnyh fungi, for which are characteristic:

  • unacceptable relish;
  • erysipelas color tubules;
  • a combination of little babies;
  • "tallow" pulp;
  • otherwise there is sprouting (near coniferous forests, near ditches, entrusted with stumps).
  • All kinds of birch trees lie down to natural mushrooms.
  • The stench wafts with droplets of a different color with white softness below, as if it does not change the color when pressed, and also with narrow legs.
  • The legs are covered with black stripes.
  • Such mushrooms grow near birches.
  • The main harvest season is the end of summer and autumn.

At 100 g of birch weed:

At the birch forests, there is:

  • proteins (35%), which include zinc amino acids;
  • tsukru (14%);
  • fat (4%);
  • cellular tissue (25%);
  • vitamins Z, B1, PP, B2, D, E;
  • magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese and other elements.
  • Among the amino acids that can be found in this type of fungus, add a lot of arginine, glutamine, tyrosine and leucine.
  • Great in the place of grub fibers in the birch tree for the safety of power to remove toxins from the body and shkidli speech.
  • This fungus has antioxidant activity, as well as a positive effect on the mucous membranes and skin.
  • Oskіlki in the birch tree chimalo phosphoric acid, a valuable product for the musculoskeletal system.
  • Possibly individual intolerance of fungus of the same species.
  • Bereznik, like and other mushrooms, do not live in a child's head.
  • Vіn contraindications for intestinal ailments and viral diseases.
  • Also, the unsafe survival of the birch tree is associated with the risk of intertwining yoga with a mushroom.
  • This type of fungus is natural and is found in the preparation of soups and other herbs.
  • Yogo is also dried, frozen, marinated and salted.
  • In the process of processing, birch trees are often dark.
  • For survival, it is recommended to select young hard mushrooms.
  • Shards of pronounced relish and mushrooms do not wash, cook them with other types of mushrooms.
  • From the dried birch tree, sauces and pidlivi are prepared.

Fresh mushrooms should be resolutely washed, having clearly seen that confusion. Also, the foundations of the nizhok pіdbereznіv are being built. Mushrooms are flooded with cold water (її obsjag maє buti vdvіchі more, nizh obsag mushrooms).

It is necessary to put strength near the water, taking a tablespoon of mushrooms on the skin. When the water boils, її irritate and fill the birch trees with clean cold water. Boil tsі mushrooms with a burn of 40-50 quills, periodically see the pinu. Ready mushrooms sink to the bottom.

If you want to cook birch trees in a multi-cooker, then set the boiling mode for 30 minutes.

Mushrooms of medium size are used for pickling. Per skin їх kilos take:

  • 40 g salt;
  • 120 ml of water;
  • 5 peppercorns;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 2 cloves;
  • sprat sprat.

Cleaned, washed and washed 15 quills of mushrooms are put on a drushlyak and placed near a jar, drying them out. Then it was necessary to prepare roses - when the water was brought to a boil, throw krip, cloves, pepper and bay leaf. Pouring the mushrooms with rosol, take them from the unheated place. You can live them in a month.

For a kilo of birch people you need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. l. otsu 9%;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 1/2 tsp peas of packed pepper.

Cleaned and cleaned the mushrooms after picking. The next stage is the preparation of є їхнє varіnnya with a stretch of 50 strands at the great obligation to drive kicks with regular removal.

Having added ocet to the water, also season, mushrooms, boil 10 quills. Farther, the mushrooms are wriggled with noise and laid out in jars, after which they are flooded with the beast in the yard.

Chilled marinated birch trees are saved from a non-hot place.

For drying, pick up fresh mushrooms without ears. Clean them, wash them and dry them, after which they lay them out on paper for a drink. Like mushrooms, you can put them whole, and open the big birch trees. Dry the mushrooms in the oven following a temperature of approximately +50 degrees. Fill the oven door with a cracker.

Before that, how to lubricate the birch trees, they ring out with a stretch of 20 quills. Lubricate the mushrooms with a stretch of 30 strands, without twisting the lid. It is best to brush with potatoes at once (for 500 g of potatoes 300 g of fresh birch trees) or in sour cream (brush until golden, pour mushrooms with sour cream and quench another 10 quills).

We recommend to your respect a video-recipe for the preparation of birch trees.

  • Folk medicine punishes the living of birch people at the jubilant nirok.
  • Also, qi mushrooms help with problems with the nervous system and equal tsukr in the blood.

Birchmen varto include eating before their diet to everyone who wants to eat zavoi vaga, shards are a low-calorie product.

The birch tree grows like swedish growths - for the production of wine it grows by 4 cm and adds about 10 g. After six years of growth, the mushroom begins to age.

Dzherelo: http://www.eda-land.ru/griby/podberezoviki/

Pidbereznik. See the birch trees

Podberezniki (the common name of some different species of fungi in the genus Leccinum, lat. leccinum) are the closest relatives of the porcini fungus. Vіdmіnna rice polagaє in that when zrіzі that with dry birch, the pulp is dark. In different places, mushrooms are called in a different way: black mushroom, birch, gray mushroom, osovik, grandmother and similar butterflies.

Peculiarities of birch trees

Young specimens of the sound are already similar to porcini mushrooms, the stench of zavdyaks of the little ones from the gray and black dribniy strips wafts. The birch trees grow up quickly for production, reaching up to 4 centimeters, but with such a swedish stink and old age.

On the 6th day, the stench ripens again, and on the 7th day, the stinks begin to age, become lethargic, and a large number of larvae of fungal flies start up in them. At the link with zim, large specimens are mostly worms.

Є raznovidi pіdbereznіv, scho vіdrіznyayutsya zvnіshnіshnіm osobennosti і mіstsyami zrostannya. Let's widen the most - the birch tree is the most beautiful one, which is valued more for other things. Zvichayn birch trees grow near dry birch forests, on galyavins, on knots, in a row with ditches, stitches and roads. Birch trees bear fruit from early summer to late autumn.

Description of the birch tree

The diameter of the droplet at the birch tree can be 15 centimeters. On the back, the shape of the droplet is swollen, then it becomes cushion-shaped. Zabarvlennya drop of siri, syro-stormy and navit can be black, white, weep. The tubular ball in young specimens is blue, but in older specimens it is brudno-drilling, or rather small.

The length of the lower leg is 15 centimeters, and the neck of the neck can reach 3 centimeters. The lower part of the lower leg is often worn out. Zabarvlennya nizhki white with dovgastimy sirimi, black or brown stripes. M'yakush is white or erysipelas. The pulp has no special smell and taste.

Zovnіshnіy vglyad pіdbereznіv fallow vіd mіsts rostannya

Fallow in the fact that the birch forests grow, their old look changes. In the Siberian foxes and on the knots, there are drops in the birch trees in the Siberian, and the lower ones are on the temples. In such places, birch forests grow with drops of olive color. In dry birch forests, one can find mushrooms with black-brown droplets, on soft, luscious legs from thin pulp.

In the orchards, moss growth, marsh birch forests grow with greenish-white droplets, long thin legs and fluffy m'yacott. So, like swamps, birch trees grow in the orphan climate, the stench is hot, and the flesh is already watery.

Where do birch trees grow?

Zvichayny podberezniki utvoryuyut mycorrhiza with birch trees, the stench grows in birch forests and gayas. In addition, birch trees can trapletsya in the tundra and forest tundra, de є dwarf birches. Qi mushrooms are wider in Pivdenniy and Pivnichniy America, as well as in Eurasia.

Selection of pidberezniki

The fruiting of birch trees begins in the spring and continues until autumn. Old specimens were not picked up, shards of stench were in'yali and soft, they rotted and succumbed.

The wild birch tree is a natural mushroom, it can be vykoristovuvat in a hedgehog, ale after thermal processing. Yogo can be boiled, lubricated, pickled and dried.

Different types of birch trees

Podbereznik zvichayny maє drops of red-brown color. For dry weather, it's smooth, troch slime. In young mushrooms, the droplets may look swollen on the surface, and when ripe, the veins become cushion-shaped. The maximum size of a droplet is 15 centimeters.

The young lady has a white-cream color, and in the course of time they become gray-bright. The bottom may look like a cylinder, so that the trochs expand to the bottom, the dove can reach 17 centimeters, and the diameter becomes 4 centimeters. N_zhka bіluvata with brown patches. M'yakush does not have a specific smell, on the face of veins erysipelas.

The birch tree siriy may be a droplet of brown vіdtіnkіv, the other mushroom is called a hornbeam. At the cake, the droplets melt dry and crackle. Pori grey-yellow color. On the lower end, remember the late fibers. M'yakush is light-yellow, but in case of evil it changes to violet, and then black.

The marsh birch tree is a dry droplet of light brown color. The shape of the droplet is pillow-like. The legs of a white or light-gray streak, at a height of 4-12 centimeters.

The tubular ball in young specimens is light, and in old specimens it is thick brown. M'yakush is whimsical, does not change for evil.

So like the swamps of birch trees grow in the ores, they have no bright relish and smell.

Birchwood of different color growth in birch and birch forests. Legs of white or light-gray color with small, scarlet patches. The shape of the foot is cylindrical, to the core it becomes vug.

The droplet is in the form of a pivkulі, її the diameter is kolivaєtsya in 5 to 12 centimeters. The droplets can be of different colors: gray and brown with yellow pidpalines, orange, black, erysipelas or beige. Tubes of gray color.

In young mushrooms, the flesh is soft with a strong sour smell, in old ones it becomes fluffy.

The black birch tree grows from lime to spring. The diameter of the droplet becomes 5-9 centimeters. Zabarvlennya droplet black or dark storm. The tubes of the porous ball are large. The hem is sipped with small pieces of black color. Black birch forests grow in watery areas, in the middle of pines and birches.

An erysipelatous birch has a droplet with a diameter of up to 15 centimeters, a handful of veins is bulging, and then it becomes pillow-like. The top of the droplet is dry, gray-brown zabarvlennya. Sometimes a droplet can be practically black with a marmur little one.

M'yakush schіlny, white color, with the appearance of erysipelas. On the back of the tubular ball is white, but in the world the overripe of the fungus becomes brudno-sirim. N_zhka is thin, podovzhena, іnodi can be folded. Spore powder is ocher-brown. The season of fruiting is observed in the period from wormwood to yellow. Grow erysipelas in water birch forests, Eurasia and Pivnichnoy America.

The birch bark is zhorstkuvaty troch breezes in front of the front foresight. The diameter of the droplet becomes 5-17 centimeters. Infestation is gray and brown to light purple. The shape of the droplet looks like a pivkul, and then it becomes flat.

In young specimens, the droplets are pubescent, or in small patches, and when turned, the stench melts naked. The height of the legs is folded 6-18 centimeters. At the upper part, the lower part was white, and at the bottom it was cream. Often it is covered with brown patches.

The m'yakush of this birch tree is white, zhorsty, and licorice in taste. Zavdyaki his zhorstky and not wormy pulp of this birch tree is valued more. Birch trees bear fruit from linden through leaf fall. The stench grows on the dampened soils of the saplings and the leafy forests.

Dzherelo: http://gribnikoff.ru/vidy-gribov/sedobnye/podberezovik-vidy-podberezovikov/

Wild birch is a spongy mushroom, which, for savory yaks, does not go to white. Among the people, yoga is often called a sir mushroom, a birch tree or a black-headed one. Obabok is another comedy name.

The birch tree establishes mycorrhiza with birch, in view of which, having omitted its name. Most often, it can be seen in birch trees, sometimes in conifers and wild forests from a birch house.

Zustrichaєtsya vin navit near the tundra, everything is also near the birches.

The gray mushroom may be one of the most important periods for picking: the fruits of the body start their molding on the mycelium already from the end of spring and continue to grow right up to the late autumn.

Mushroom to lie down to the family of boletus, to which lie down and its closest relative - boletus. The birch tree has a value of gustatoryness and power: its pulp is rich in protein, vitamins of group B, vitamins C, D, E, nicotinic acid, macro- and microelements, with which it is easily absorbed by the body.

Description of heat characteristics

The birch tree may be swollen gray droplets, which can be seen from white to black. The young one has a richly filled shape, the world grows more fluffy, pillow-like. Її rozmir can reach 20 cm in diameter, but mushroom pickers are reluctant to put such a specimen in a cat, shards of lower and richer gusto can be seen by young representatives.

The tubules are bіlі, in a more mature vіtsi brudny vіdtinku, easily v_dokremlyuyutsya in the form of a droplet. N_zhka up to 4 cm in diameter, can be worn down, narrow, white or gray color, covered with brown, dark gray or black patches. The pulp of a young fungus is bright, springy, white in color, in some varieties the pulp on evils can change the color from white to horny.


Fallow in the minds of the sprouts of that ovnishny look, birch forests can be divided into sprats of various species. Classifications of shodoo umovnі, and in different dzherelakh can be planted fallowly according to the criteria, taken equally, it is possible to easily see the main species of the fungus.

Birch sapling

The widest variety of varieties of wines is respected by the greatest culinary point of view. A drop of yogo equal zabarvlennya, and a little bit of sweat from the bottom.

marsh boletus

It is often used to grind, it can be more thin and small drops of light colors: from white to light gray or light brown. Tsey fungus will grow in wet swampy areas. If you want a swamp birch tree, it can have more fluff, soft, lower, for the gusto of wines, it does not go to other varieties.

Podbereznik white

In terms of growth, marsh and white birch trees are often combined into one category, while the other is more light, often white, droplet, which does not exceed 8 cm in diameter. In this kind of droplets, as a rule, they do not open completely. The hem is thin, covered with white stripes.

rozhevy birch

Zustrichaetsya in the watery prairie forests is more important than autumn. Vіdmіnnoy rice of this kind are those whose flesh is oxidized on evils and becomes erysipelatous; zabarvlennya droplet is heterogeneous, brown colors; the lower part of the milking is short, often bent at the beak lightly.

Tundrovy birch tree

The smallest of its relatives, the growth of vines is also near birches, ale, the rosemary of dwarf birches near the tundra, the mushroom, having taken away the hot name "nadberezovik", to which the tree itself does not give up for an hour of rosemary. The mushroom is light, with a small droplet, which does not exceed 5 cm, and is thinned with a thin bottom, covered with white or light gray stripes.

Black pidbereznik

The mushroom may be dark, may be a black droplet of a small rosemary and a short tovst, covered with black stripes. The black birch tree is rarely harvested, it appears on the cob of sickle and continues to bear fruit until leaf fall, for savory yaskims, especially in oiled and boiled looking, this black mushroom does not go to its white relative.

Similar hibny representative

The gray mushroom, as if it were other parts of the mouth, may not be ahead of the lamellar relatives: on the vіdmіnu vіd ostnіh, zіkіh otrujnі zustrіchayutsya chi not often for їstіvnі, tubular fungi seldom become unnatural.

Behind the great rahunka, there is only one hybny mushroom, with which it is easy to confuse white, and birch, and wind butterworts. Zhovchny fungus is brittle and unsafe, but it’s easy to kill yoga.

Golovne - pay respect to the lower part of the cut mushroom: the flesh oxidizes on the surface and changes the color from erysipelas and crimson to bluish-green and bluish.

Podbereznik is universal with a glance of culinary processing: you can dry, lubricate, cook, make sauces. Small mushrooms can be marinated and dried whole.

Dzherelo: http://ProGrib.ru/podberezovik/vidy-podberezovikov.html


Podbereznik (Latin name Leccinum (Obabok) "Leccinum") is a natural mushroom that looks inconspicuous at first glance with brown spots.

Podbereznik - a description of the botanical authority

Vin is the closest relative of the white, but when dry, the flesh is dark on the eyes. There is a visual similarity with the boletus, for the vinyatkoy thin legs and less shriveled flesh. I use sprats of various species of birch trees, but mushroom pickers don’t sound like them, so all the stinks are natural, like grubs and other yakos, practically the same.

Scientific classification:

  1. Kingdom - mushrooms.
  2. Class - Agaricomycetes.
  3. The family is sick.
  4. Rid - Leccinum.

The name is due to the fact that these mushrooms often grow near birches. Krіm tsygo zustrіchayutsya іnshі names - birch, osovik, syriy mushroom, similarly and іnshі. For the selection of that preparation of birch trees, the nobility of the botanical authorities and the authorities of rice.

See the birch trees:

  1. Wild birch (lat. Leccinum scabrum)
  2. Siberian birch, hornbeam (lat. Leccinum carpini)
  3. Podbereznik Zhorstkuvaty (lat. Leccinum duriusculum)
  4. Marsh birch tree (lat. Leccinum holopus)
  5. Black birch, black head (lat. Leccinum melaneum)
  6. Rozhevy birch (lat. Leccinum oxydabile)
  7. Podbereznik shakhovy, or black (lat. Leccinum nigrescens)
  8. Pіdbereznik popelyasto-syry (lat. Leccinum leucophaeum)
  9. Podbereznik variicolor (lat. Leccinum variicolor)


There are close to 40 different species in the dark, but the skin mushroom of the birch tree from the native land may be only insignificant. Zabarvlennya varies from light to almost black. Most often, grayish and brownish representatives of the species appear. Young people sound like birch trees, and then they give their little ones and drops of brown buds.

In addition, the power of pov'yazan іz mіscem, de found a mushroom. So the marsh birch tree, which is more important in growth in the Syrian regions, takes care of the blue vibes from the vіkom, but it gets less valuable through the fluff of the m'yakoti. Also, on the ground along the edges of the upper bog, there is a black birch tree.

Vіdminnі risi zvnіshny vzglyadu:

Nіzhka. the height of the lower leg is 3 to 15 cm at the middle;

droplets. the diameter of the droplet in a mature mushroom becomes close to 15-18 cm;

droplets have the shape of a characteristic napіvsphere, and in the world the growth becomes similar to a sack or a small pillow;

with high moisture, the surface can become mucus;

the zabarvlennya sounds change from whitish to gray and brown.

The value for mushroom pickers is to represent light and young birch mushrooms, because in the process of old age the pulp becomes too loose and watery. Cooking out of them is foldable.

Ecology is wider

The birch tree is typical for wide widths. We grow in Eurasia on the terenes from Western Europe to Skhidny Siberia, and see the same growth near Pivnichny and Pivdenny America.

Bereznik growth in the tundra and forest tundra.

Most often, they grow in forests with birches, with which they create mycorrhiza, and they can grow not only large trees, but also dwarf birches, the height of which can become less than a few centimeters.

Describing a variety of fungi in severity up to high water, this is often heard not far from the pain and forest waters.

There you can see white, black, and also erysipelas birch, which has pulp on evils, erysipelas.

These mushrooms grow even with a high swedish growth, which reaches 4 cm in production, for this day the stench becomes “grown up”, and after that, old age is repaired.

Korisn_ authority

Sound the preparation of birch trees described by various recipes. They are highly valued for their gustatory gusto and credibility of power, including those with a glance of medicine. In Persh Cherg, it is a low-calorie product, which avenges the great quantity of microelements, which is good for a balanced dietary meal.

From the medical point of view, the correlation of strength is shown in the fact that the warehouse of the birch tree normalizes the state of the nervous system and regulates blood circulation. With the introduction of this drug, the work of the niroc is normalized.

The fights of the day are not guilty of blame for the hour of picking up the birch people - the class is completely safe and not rude.

However, in some cases there may be an individual intolerance, so that the mushrooms can be killed with a specific hedgehog.

Dvіyniki pіdbereznіv

Through those that have a rich variety of varieties of this fungus, you can be sure to confuse it with others. The greatest concern is to become a zhovchny fungus, which often grows in our forests.

Yogo vіdmіnnoy osoblivіstyu є neimovіrno hot relish, through some yogo bypass worms and comahi. An ideally clean look of a mature mushroom is the first sign of a problem. In the pardoning mushroom, there may be little or no green eyes.

In a new one, velvety droplets also sound, just like in today's day - smooth and winding mucus. If you eat a mushroom at the grass, you’ll immediately become hot, that’s why it’s necessary to take it out.
