How to fight a raspberry fly. How to fight, how to seize the harvest of Malini?

How to fight a raspberry fly. How to fight, how to seize the harvest of Malini?

The appearance of a raspberry fly in a garden bed can be a hindrance to your plans. What kind of fly is this, how do you recognize it, and how do you go to fight it, grow a raspberry plant, and even having planted high-quality raspberries, you want to grow the delicious berries. It would be more correct to call it the raspberry stem fly.

How the raspberry fly looks

As only a few raspberry stems begin to sprout from the spring bud, the active period of reproduction begins for an unpleasant pest – the raspberry fly. This is a small gray coma (up to 7 mm), which lays sealed eggs in the axils of young leaves. In the middle smoothie, the mass flow and multiplication of comas lie in the weather and falls especially at the end of the season - the middle of the season.

The larvae that have hatched eggs begin to grow in the raspberry stems, gradually descending to the base of the young plant.

The development cycle ends when the fly emerges from the stem, burrows into the top soil of the raspberry tree, and is frozen over the winter until the coming spring. During the season, there is a change of one generation of comas.

The larvae of the raspberry fly cause serious harm to young raspberry runners.

How to recognize a bad person

As the tops of young vines begin to wilt and turn black, as the growth becomes infected, the raspberry tree is attacked by the raspberry fly.

To realize that there is a bug in the middle of the pagon, you need to look at its cross section: the larvae are crawling down the animal to the bottom, along the top of the stem. Once this worm has sprouted, you can also kill the larva itself: a small white worm, up to 5 mm long.

Yaku manages Skoda

Apparently, the original raspberry bears fruit on the stems of a different crop, while the remontant crop bears fruit on the stems of the first crop. Therefore, the berry plant will be able to stock up on a number of new shoots, as seen in the spring.

In this way, by attacking the young stems, the raspberry fly is capable of greatly reducing the number of fruitful stalks.

The reason for the appearance of the bad guy

The reason for the appearance of the bad guy may be the following gaps in the eyes or omissions during planting:

  • the fly is a mischief who also attacks the earth, the comic book, the meadowsweet and the deeds of other cultures. Therefore, planting raspberries close to the tea leaves in the morning and using them from the raspberry trees is a bad idea;
  • The fly overwinters in a surface ball of humus, which needs to be dug up to avoid spoilage. Thickened raspberry raspberries tend to be more difficult to handle, which is why they cause the most trouble for the poor person;
  • You can also get a raspberry fly with a large number of birds that see copper dew;
  • spilling bushes from gardeners, so as not to neglect preventive watering in the spring, at the time of swelling of the nirok. This is especially important in case of mass reproduction of flies (through favorable weather conditions);
  • The fly can be caught in a plot of light humus, which is used to mulch the soil under the raspberry bushes.

The greatest attraction for flies is dense plantings, as well as growths weakened by frost or improper supervision. It is difficult to fight against the lumps, except to prevent a mass landing.


The fight against miscreants involves many complicated procedures. As a preventative measure, it is necessary to regularly and carefully fluff the soil in the area where the raspberries are planted. To avoid damaging the root system, you must first collect and protect the leaves that have fallen from the raspberry chagarnik. By turning a small ball of soil in the spring (to a depth of up to 6 cm), after the leaves fall, you do not allow the doll moose to overwinter.


  • During the growing season, especially during the active growth of green vines, carefully guard the raspberry bushes. At the first sign of the appearance of a raspberry fly, you need to cut it off and burn it, finding the larva in the middle. It is not necessary to cut the gill under the root - the head of the wounds and a small part of the healthy stem;
  • fight against illnesses by spraying the bushes with insecticides such as Actellik or Karbofos, which must be applied before the leaves bloom;
  • The fly overwinters shallowly (at a depth of up to 6 cm), you can fight it by increasing the thickness of the ball of spring mulch from 8 to 10 cm. Believe me, not all flies will come out through such a ball;
  • This method cannot be called preventive, because in our country it is impossible to buy live ground beetles to fight the raspberry fly, but their use in the raspberry plot will greatly reduce the number of pests.

It is important to immediately detect the pressure of raspberries, otherwise the fly will go into the soil (which occurs during the period before flowering) and appear again and again.

Ryatuyomo vrozhay

If the raspberry infestation is small, it can be controlled by mechanical cutting of the raspberries. It is important to remember here that the damaged stem is removed to a healthy plot, occasionally growing to the root.

Why is it important? When raspberries have flown, they are often pruned to produce new fruiting shoots, and if they are planted under the base, this can cause the growth of root nodes, which do not play a great role in the clear fruiting of the raspberry bush.

If more than 50% of the young stems have been reduced, it is no longer possible to turn over the newly planted shoots, it is necessary to fight against the pest, stagnation and strong insecticides, or to reduce planting. External decline may be felt if the raspberry tree is old (plant 10-12 years after planting).

In other cases, you need to try to rotate the berries; control in this case involves a combination of insecticide treatment and mechanical removal of the damaged parts of the plants.

Ways to fight

A comprehensive look and timely use of various curative and preventive measures are the most effective approaches to combating the raspberry fly. Remember that application of any chemical preparations is carried out outside without wind, in the morning or evening, and also in gloomy weather. This is necessary in order to avoid provoking the appearance of dormouse opikas on soft vegetation:

  • For the preventive treatment of raspberries, you can use a variety of insecticides that can effectively combat the adult and larval stages of comas. For example, dissolving a tablet of the drug “Iskra” in a glass of water. To tumble in the spring, at the stage of swelling of nirok;
  • If the treatment is already more than half, spray the bushes with Actellik, Fitoverm, Confidor or Kemifos according to the instructions, at the interval indicated for the specific skin drug. This option is the most important, perhaps you won’t get the chance to make raspberry jam, but then raspberry jam will be spoiled;
  • In case of great concern for the growth of raspberry stems, it is recommended to end the fight against pests in the spring: the application of one of the most popular anti-fly preparations should be carried out on the sickle, after harvesting.

Traditional methods of fighting raspberry flies rely on various methods of increasing the support of the shoots, strengthening their natural immunity. And this is the sense: ill people more often and en masse suffer from illnesses and growth.

Fighting the raspberry fly using folk methods:

  • tilling the soil around the raspberry bushes with Bordeaux weed prevents the appearance of such pests as the raspberry fly and the sawfly. To do this, you need to dilute the prepared powder in a quantity of 100 grams per bucket of water in the spring, during the preparation of the containers before the winter, pour the stem circles on it;
  • brushing the raspberries with the infusion of Tyutun saw or Gospodar's milk from popelica, which reveals copper dew and adds to mature comas. The way to prepare a tyunin saw to fight it is as follows: take a bucket of warm water for 300-400 g of saw and apply a stretch of water to it. Milky raschin for popelitsa on raspberries: grate a piece of Gospodar's mil in a bucket of warm water, after breaking, add a bottle of wood ash and sprinkle with rosemary.

To support the immunity of raspberries for preventive purposes, it is necessary to regularly nourish, mulch and thin out the shoots.

Yakim may buti guess

In order for the growths to lose their strength and be able to resist the mischief-makers, one must be careful. Raspberry bushes will require regular maintenance, thinning, good lightening and preparation before winter, and not tolerate dryness or overwatering.

  • It is necessary to prepare the raspberries several times per river. In the spring, before flowering, add up to 10 g of chaff per square meter of soil to the soil. In the spring, after harvesting the crops, add a glass of wood ash or up to 8 grams of potash per square meter. During the flowering period, you can add a liter of mullein infusion to a liter of water: pour about a liter jar of the goodness in a bowl of water;
  • So that the raspberries are well-lighted, thin them out in the spring, removing all old, frozen, rotten or weak molds. With string cultivation, 20 to 25 rows per meter of bed are lost, with bush cultivation - up to 12;
  • Too little or too much of it may affect the immunity of raspberries. When growing on clayey, important soils, water the bushes less often, on plump soils - more often;
  • Autumn preparation of the bush before winter involves removing the fallen leaves and adding humus to the ball as mulch and a dry ball. Allow the raspberries to overwinter without waste.

It is necessary to avoid the harshness of applying fertilizers: if in the spring you mulch the bushes with humus, then every spring you need to introduce mineral fertilizers that complement them.

Gardeners and city workers always have a lot to do with giving birth. It’s so customary that for every ounce of skin there is at least one loser. Such a “special” enemy and raspberry bushes. In the spring, young pagons are threatened by the crimson stem fly. If you don’t fight mosquitoes, you may end up without fresh berries and winter reserves of jam.

A fly that loves raspberries

The raspberry stem fly places one white oval egg on the top leaf of young runners. One female can contain up to 90 pieces. And at this very moment the leaves begin to slowly wither. At the lower part of the raspberry tree at this stage everything is in order. After a week, the eggs hatch into a legless, cylindrical, white-colored larva. The stems of young pagons are soft, so the larva, without much effort, penetrates under their skin. Harshly, it shatters the stem and makes moves: the stem - straight down, the ring-like one - into the core, and then it drains the base as it flows.

The larvae feed on the cellulose of the growths at the cracks of the fences

Come out when the tortoiseshells are blooming, the larvae, which have been fed, are already going through the storm on their way to the ground for the winter (look like dolls). In the spring the cycle is repeated.

Table: what the crimson stem fly looks like and is alive

Photo gallery: the external appearance of a fly and signs of prosperity

An adult raspberry fly hangs around on the stems of roslins The raspberry fly larvae travel through the germinated stem to the ground for the winter. The raspberry stem fly lays eggs on the tops of young vines

Yak stem fly eats raspberries

Some changes in agricultural technology may be the reason for the appearance of a pest on the bushes:

  • It’s a rotten practice - it’s not good to plant new bushes of raspberries, meadowsweet and meadowsweet nearby. These trees are strong before the attack of the raspberry stem fly. Those same ones are worried about the raspberry tree from the south - no parkan is lying to the swindler;
  • raspberry thicket - do not start the raspberry plant. Trim the bushes regularly. It is important to dig up the soil well, and it is important to work, since the plantings have turned into dense, impenetrable forest;
  • fly on honey - a raspberry stem fly can be lured by a pope, or more precisely, by the honey dew that appears to it. If you don’t fight one bad guy, you won’t be able to get rid of another;
  • Not good - fly larvae can be consumed from contaminated humus when mulching the soil under the bushes.

Fighting raspberry stem fly

Come fight the raspberry fly better than start back, the stagnant actions of prevention have started on the cob of summer comas. In the fight against the pest, which has already appeared, smut, do not miss the moment of harvesting the sprouts. When you let the raspberry moss “go wild”, up to 80% of the young pagons are killed.

  • Look around the bushes in time, see the corners of the pastures;
  • When the first leaves appear on the tops of the raspberry bushes, cut them off. You need to earn a little bit more for the place of care;
  • smut - to catch the trimmings until the larva has descended. When you look around the pruning area, you can see an opening in the middle of the stem - the pruning will have to be done further away (the part not sealed with the stem). Any leaves or parts of the stem must be burned;
  • Gently fluff the soil under the raspberry bushes in early spring (before the flies disappear) and in the fall (when the larvae begin to overwinter in cocoons). Perhaps not all the larvae will die, but most of them will definitely die;
  • sift a thick ball of wood ash onto the ground under the raspberry tree;
  • Immediately mow down the weeds around the plot;
  • Soon after the arrival of spring, trim the bushes with Bordeaux weed.

Bordoska sumish (aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide and calcium sulfate) is a drug with a long history of discovery. Back in the 19th century, this vicor was harvested to dry out plantings to combat fungal diseases and pests. Roslinum treats illness like an antibiotic.

The bark of Bordeaux bordeaux bordeaux in the raspberry stem fly is located at the height of the raspberry stem fly. Healthy pursuits have a better chance of fighting the bad guy. After the debris appears, the life of the larvae in the raspberry bushes is at risk of developing sores. For sprinkling, use 1% bordeaux mixture (for 10 liters of water, take 100 g of quicklime and copper sulfate).

Video: how to prepare Bordeaux rіdina

Peeling the raspberries

Special preparations are being developed, including preparing preparations for soaking the bushes. Biological methods are developed immediately after flowering, and chemical ones - during the period of plant growth.

Table: how to fight stem fly

Name of the drug, short descriptionShort descriptionSpeech is activeVipusu formDozuvannyaNumber of rounds; an hour in betweenYak obroblyati
FitovermInsectoacaricide for intestinal-contact actionaversectin Cin ampoules1.5 ml per 1 liter of water
  • 2 (interval 7-10 days);
  • the effect occurs after 10-16 years
Scouring bushes infested with raspberry fly larvae.
Akarinbioinsecticide for contact-intestinal actionextract from the fungus streptomycesin ampoules and liter bottles2-3 ml per 1 liter of water
  • the effect occurs the next day, and the emerging problem is avoided after 1-2 days
Scouring bushes infested with raspberry fly larvae.
It is not recommended to carry out grinding with a speck.
Karbofos (preparations Iskra, Actellik, Fufanon etc.)FOS, insectoacaricidemalathionin all forms with varying concentrations0.2% rozchin (20 ml of 50% emulsion concentrate per 10 l of water. When vicoristan with 10% emulsion concentrate karbofos per 10 l of water, take 75 ml of the drug)2-3 times (interval 7-10 days) during the flight seasonScrubbing of young logs and soil under bushes.
Gusflammable river of wide stagnation Water and gas storage (1%): 100 ml of gas per 10 liters of water2-3 times (interval 7-10 days)
comatose during the summer
Scrubbing of young pagons and ground under

Important! It is not possible to carry out spraying with roses based on karbofos during the flowering time of the plants, as well as near the rivers. The drug is toxic to the liver and other coma-infectors.

Video: spring harvesting of raspberries during the holidays

People's estates

Although there are doubts about the effectiveness of folk recipes in the fight against this pest, gardeners are encouraged to experiment with “ecological treatments” as quickly as possible, rather than using chemicals. In the fight against pests, the following folk methods with a diluting effect can be used:

  • dressing the bushes with water-mustard rose (a bottle of powder containing 10 liters of warm water);
  • brushing the raspberries during budding with a herbal tansy broth (300 g of dried tansy, boil 20-30 kernels in 3-5 liters of water, let it simmer until hot. Bring the volume to 10 liters with cold water);
  • visitation of the chasnik and tsibula in close proximity to the raspberry bushes.

A good preventive measure against infestation of the stems of raspberry bushes by larvae is to fluff up the rows during the mating period. This is a simple method to kill off the colony of the wicked many times. In some cases, remove the top ball of soil (approximately 3 cm) and replace it with humus, pus, or a thyrsi ball.

Photo gallery: folk recipes for raspberry fly

As a result, raspberries can be treated with mustard powder The tansy soup removes a lot of pests, including the raspberry stem fly. Keeping the beds of tsibula and chasnik protects raspberries from the stem fly.

Resistant to shkidnik variety

It turns out that the raspberry variety has a lot to do with it. These species are considered to be resistant to the attack of the bad guy. Here everything is left in the lumber: it’s better because the stench is more pubescent and the growth is not very cracked. Recommended varieties with excellent water resistance:

  • Vira,
  • Dzvinochok,
  • Zirenka,
  • Balm,
  • Nagorod,
  • Seyanets,
  • Rubinova,
  • Sokolya,
  • Bliskuchka.

The favorite berry crop of many gardeners. Juice berries are valued not only for their delicious taste, but also for their brown properties. The fruits of the plant have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effects, tone the body and give energy, help fight stress. Tim no less, for successful growth you need to know how to effectively resist raspberry scammers.

Do you know?In the American town of Enterprise, a monument was erected to one of the unlucky raspberries and other plants - the weevil. On the right is that, having depleted all the wealth in 1915, farmers were forced to plant new crops. In this way the rich-plane dominion developed.


The leak of Galicia malini (raspberry mosquito) is the worst miscreant of this culture. In the spring, mosquitoes lay their eggs in crevices on the tree bark. White color larvae develop from them. Hungering, the larvae produce toxic sounds, which are called out by the formation of galls - puffiness, and the bark becomes very cracked.

The growth of raspberries is cured, the pods dry out and break in strong gusts of wind. Over the course of the year, the larvae sink to the ground, wrap themselves in cocoon and hatch in mature comas. In one season, you can go through three cycles of development of the badge.

To combat it, infiltration is necessary if most of the larvae are found in the infected land. It is also recommended to spray the soil under the bushes with 0.15-0.3% chlorophos twice. The first time, scoop when the soil is heated to +13 °C, before drying, and again 10 days after the first scooping.

Raspberry stem Galicia

A small fly near the grass-worm lays eggs white with raspberries. The larvae that have hatched begin to feed on the sap of the plant, destroying its normal growth. In localities, gallies are found when larvae are purchased. There, where the thickening appears, the bark cracks and hardens at the throat. The larvae are deposited directly into the gall and the cycle is completed.

To combat stem galitz on raspberries, seek help:

  • scrupulous selection of planting material, without signs of contamination;
  • careful depletion of all damaged parts;
  • spraying raspberries with chemical preparations two days a day on the river (in the spring, before the eggs hatch and in the spring, after harvesting and digging up the soil). For this purpose, use 1% Bordeaux rydina or karbofos emulsion (0.1-0.2%).

With the arrival of the first warmth of spring, unripe beetles begin to eat young raspberry leaves, and with the appearance of buds, sawdust flowers. Then the female lays eggs in the bud, encourages it, and further development of the bud takes place in the flower that has fallen.

Do you know? One female weevil lays up to 50 eggs.

The larva eats a bud, hatches, and then transforms into an adult mosquito. The cycle repeats itself. Infestation with the raspberry weevil can be detected by small holes on young raspberry leaves, falling buds and the presence of larvae.

Experienced gardeners use the following methods to eliminate raspberries from this pest:

  • agrotechnical: digging or autumn soil under the bushes;
  • mechanical: depletion of fallen leaves and buds, removal of beetles from the growth;
  • biological: planting strong-smelling sprouts between raspberry bushes (chasnik, tsibula, tansy, celandine, mustard, capsicum, etc.);
  • XIMICHNI: Grapery to grow up to that PISLITINNY drugs “Fufapon” (15 ml of river roschini in 5 l of water; Vitrate - 5 l of roschin by 10 m²), “Khemifos” (10 ml to the drug is inhabited by 10 l of the Fire; Vitrata - 1.5 l Roschin per 10 m²), “Alatar” (5 ml of the drug is dispensed in 4 liters of water; vitrat – 4 liters per 100 m²).

Important! In order to avoid weevil infestation, it is not recommended to vine raspberries and raspberries close to each other.


This bastard can attack raspberries in dry or specky weather. It lives on the underside of the leaves and entangles them in cobwebs. Hungry for the juice of the roslin. As a result of infection, white spots appear on the leaves, and then the smell completely dries out. You can fight mites on raspberries in the following ways:

  • stagnant watering of the bushes and the soil under them during specular weather;
  • Applying the rosemary according to the instructions for the use of such preparations as colloidal sulfur, karbofos, cidial, phosphamide, metaphos. If necessary, treatment with chemicals is repeated several times at intervals of 10 days.

Important!It is necessary to water the raspberries before dawn or in the evening, after the sun has set, to eliminate the moisture from moisture.

Raspberry mite

The females of the nymph hibernate under the upper shell of the nymph. During the leaf opening period, the mites emerge from their hiding places and begin to feed on the juice of the plant. The leaves become twisted and light, making it difficult to grow.

To prevent infection and fight raspberry mites, after flowering and harvesting, it is recommended to sprinkle the raspberries with karbofos. Insecticides "Aktellik", "Fufafon", "Iskra M" will become contaminated.

Komakh winters at a depth of 5-10 cm near the ground. In the spring, it climbs onto raspberry flowers that have blossomed, lays eggs from which larvae develop, and eats the buds. The larvae roll into the soil to splash and hatch into mature comas in the coming spring. The cycle repeats itself.

The war against the raspberry beetle has the following methods of fighting:

  • digging up the soil under the weeds and in between the rows during the formation of coma lobes;
  • sprinkled with decis, confidor, karbofos.

Raspberry nirkova moth

Skoda is especially interested in early varieties of raspberries. Caterpillars overwinter in cracks in the bark of vines or under weeds in scorched leaves. In the spring, the stench of the branches and the little frogs are vibrating. The frogs are dark brown-colored panicles and lay eggs near the flowers. Caterpillars that have hatched eat ripe berries

To get rid of raspberry nirka moth you need to:

  • when cutting old nails, stitch so that the stumps are not lost;
  • The raspberries begin to swell quickly, and the raspberries are enriched with “Iskrey”, “Confidor”, “Decis” or “Karbofos”.

Shkidnik larvae, guzzling juice from raspberry stems, cry out for cracking and swelling of the measles. Damaged gilds bear little fruit, break and dry out. It grows from the stem galls to the size of a thickening that can reach up to 10 cm of the stem. Stop fighting yourself, as with the previous bad guys.

Raspberry stem fly

L The buds of the raspberries appear in the middle of the stem through a spiral-like opening, through which the tops of the raspberries begin to wilt and turn black, and then rot. On the ear of the flower, the larvae go to the soil for the winter, where they hatch into snowflakes and lay eggs. The caterpillars, which hatched, begin anew to develop little holes in the middle.

The following methods of control are used for the raspberry stem fly:

  • digging up the spring soil and collecting fallen leaves;
  • crop harvesting in early spring (as young pastures only appear), with the help of “Karbofos” or “Akteliki”.

In mid-summer, snowstorms lay eggs on the ground at the base of raspberry vines. The white caterpillars that emerged from them begin to crawl into the throats, through which the swelling appears. The stinks hibernate and soak right in the stems of the plants. At the end of the day, the dolls transform into snowstorms and the cycle repeats. Raspberries are contaminated by the bottle while they are drying and drying.

, - but not all the difficulties that gardeners face. Raspberry poppers, caterpillars and all sorts of bugs are also misfortunes, and so as not to end up with dozens of wrinkled sour berries, it is necessary to harvest the raspberries for free.

It is important to fight against a nameless enemy, as we may always identify mosquitoes as “like bugs” or “worms in a berry.” Therefore, we advise you to know how they look Raspberry skids in pictures, and find out how to process raspberries for skids.

It is immediately obvious that most of the raspberries are adjusted to the cycle of garden raspberries and overwinter at the lower part of the raspberries or leaves. This is why raspberries are remontant, because they are cut at the root for the winter, and they suffer less from comas. And to make life easier for traditional raspberries, when pruning, do not remove stumps or sunken leaves.

The bad guys are malini and the fight against them

Raspberry weevil

“Practise” the spring raspberries. They love young leaves, and when the raspberries sprout buds, lay one egg at the base of the bud (one plant can lay up to hundreds of eggs). Having hatched, the larvae appear at the entrance to the bud, emerge from the middle, through which it dries out or becomes dark, and collapses. If such a bud breaks, you can get a critten white larva with a yellow head. Then the larvae become frozen, and a bug emerges from them in the middle of the worm, which closes the ring and begins a new cycle. During the season, the weevil on raspberries can produce two or three generations, with the 2nd and 3rd berries and stems being damaged (leaves in a row are one sign that your raspberry is suffering from the weevil). The mosquito hibernates near the top of the soil and on the fallen leaves.

Raspberry weevil: prevention and control

The fragments of this dish have a wide specialization, you can’t get by with only one raspberry - you need to start from half a half. In the spring, before the snow begins to fall, the hazelnut and raspberry plots are spilled with hot water from a pouring tray (70-80 ° C). Roots in the frozen ground will never come to harm.

It’s difficult to fight the raspberry-soar weevil if it has already colonized the garden bed. Chemical spraying should not be carried out before flowering and fruiting. You can try this one time Try to get the boll weed by folk methods at the time of flowering or the formation of buds:

For a bucket of water – 1 tbsp. digtyu ta three spoons mila (for dispensing);

Vivvar kvitiv tansy

2 tbsp. l. mustard powder for 1 cup of water (stands for several years)

2 tbsp. l. soda for 1 bucket of water

Ale, ideally, crushing raspberries from skidniks It is necessary to carry out before flowering with either karbofos (50 g per glass of water), or “Iskra”, “Confidor”, “Aktellik” and other insecticides. This is how you pick raspberries after fruiting.

Raspberry stem fly

The main vehicles in Russia are disappearing raspberry fly larvae- white hrobaki. An adult individual lays an egg on the ground, while still young. The larva that hatched from it burrows into the lower stem and nests in the middle. If you notice that the top of the young animal has dried out, then mark a small hole 5-10 centimeters above the ground - the place where the raspberry fly larva enters. Having broken the wounded stem, kill the culprit himself. If until the moment of “killing” the vines do not begin to flow, the flowering worm descends from the cob to the bottom of the stem, burrows into the ground for the winter, so that in the spring, among the grass, it begins its flight again.

Raspberry stem fly: prevention and control

Just before you notice the wilting of young runners, cut them off below the entry point of the larvae, take them from between the plots and dispose of them. It is useful to change the number of fruits in your raspberry plant.

The raspberry stem fly spends the winter in the ground, so as a preventative measure you can fluff the ground (but carefully, the raspberries have lightly soiled roots) with the addition of ash (per square - about a liter jar), or with mustard or pepper powder. If you don’t like the fly and the dirt, it is recommended to add it to the mulch (for example, soak the thyrsus with a splash of dirt).

Since there is no need to remove raspberries from stem flies with chemical preparations, this approach is only permissible in cases of a total outbreak of raspberries. The bed should be trimmed before flowering, if the pods have grown no more than 15 cm. As an insecticide, you can use Actellik or karbofos.

Raspberry beetle

You taste a stigla, an appetizing berry, and there is a white hrobak. This is the larva of the raspberry beetle. They begin to grow at the end of spring, eat early berries and weeds, and just like raspberry buds appear, they graze on them, attacking the leaves as well. At the base of the ovary, in the flowerpot, mature beetles lay eggs. The larvae that emerged from them begin to live from the beginning, but quickly move through the middle of the berry, revealing the fruit and the berry itself. Raspberries are not tasty and often rot. In this way, pests kill both mature individuals (they attack buds) and larvae (they attack berries). The raspberry beetle overwinters near the ground.

Raspberry beetle: prevention and control

The fight against this crooked raspberry It is complicated by the fact that the results of this activity are only significant when the raspberries are practically ripe. In this type of outbreak, the berries are blocked by any chemical means, and everything we can get is collected by hand. The sooner you mark him, the less harm you will have to give birth to. Sooner or later, sooner or later, the ground under the raspberry tree is covered with glue and the harvest is crushed. Laborious, but there is no way out.

As you knew about the dangers of the raspberry beetle before its activation, before it blooms, the bush can be treated with karbofos, confidor, and decis. Until the raspberries, the mischief lingers in the weeds, so be sure that there is less confusion in their area. Fluff the soil of the flowers (shallowly). You can also protect raspberry bushes from bugs by covering the raspberries with a nylon mesh or spunbond just before flowering time. All berries with larvae are collected and taken outside the plots.

Raspberry Galicia

Attack the raspberries in two different ways: the stem and the pag. The first species gives birth to only one generation per season, laying about a dozen eggs on the lower part of young runners, yellow or orange caterpillars that have hatched, burrow into the stem, create swelling, in which they overwinter. The growth of galitsa on raspberries during the season produces 2-3 generations, and the larvae overwinter in the ground, mostly flowing away. The main signs that this raspberry plant has taken over your plantings are cracks at the lower part of the stem, swelling, splits, cracks in the bark. The stench begins to appear at the end of autumn. The stems of the Galicia-sown plants grow undeveloped, and the berries on them become scattered.

Pobigova raspberry Galicia
Stem raspberry Galicia Stem raspberry Galicia

Galicia on Raspberries: prevention and control

Immediately after fruiting, look at your raspberry tree, and if you notice unwanted growths - galls, remove them from the stems. If the infection is small, you can cut the stem from the inside. Before winter, the raspberry plantings are looked at again - until what time new growths can “mature”. Plants are often transmitted with abundant planting material. Chemical samples help little, the fragments can “penetrate” into the gall. For prevention, it is recommended to spray the raspberries with 0.1% karbofos or Aktelikom, carefully dig up the spring and spring soil around the bushes.

Popelitsa na raspberry

This fruit comes to the raspberries in the spring, before the brunettes are released, and buys the bush from the cherries. Settle Popelitsa on raspberries, mainly on the tops of the branches and on the underside of the leaves. Female females lay larvae on the mats, where they stink and overwinter. As a result of the government's rule, the raspberry leaves become yellow and curl; the flowers may not open or fall off; the fenders become short and deformed; The leaves and stems are covered with cheesy pope excrement. Moreover, it is possible to carry a lot of viruses, including mosaic.

Aphids on raspberries: how to fight

Zagalom, they fight with the pope in the raspberry the same way as in any other forest. It is worth remembering that this shkidnik gives preference to shady, dense plantings, where there are a lot of weeds and little fluffiness of the earth. Chim Squeeze raspberries for the sake of your pope? Try it now: infusion or thyme, tansy, potato or tomato bud, calendula, thyme, wood. For the skin from the infusions, you should add 3 tablespoons of mil - for quick adhesion, then you can sprinkle the raspberries as pope every day. And if there are few clumps, try “beating” them from a raspberry tree, drying them with a tight jet from the hose, and then sprinkling them with the herbal infusions.

If you prefer to use a chemical sample of raspberries before flowering or after fruiting, spray the bushes with the same “Aktellik”, “Fufanon”, “Antilin”, “Karbofos”.

Klishch on raspberries

On raspberries there are two species of arachnids. spider mite and raspberry mite. There is a spider mite on raspberries (on the underside of the leaf) – this is a spider mite; If the underside of the leaf is covered with light oily spots - raspberry mite. The spider mite on raspberries is active in the grass, showing the peak of expansion in dry, dry weather, in the winter it gets lost in leaf litter and weeds, and raspberry mites hibernate in nirok buds. The affected leaves become marmurous on the bud, then dry out and fall off.

Infestation with raspberry mites can even lead to viral illness.
Spider mite
Symptoms of raspberry spider mite infestation

Mites on raspberries: prevention and control

Remember that mites are not mosquitoes, but spider-like ones, so the treatment of raspberries for mites is carried out not with insecticides, but with acaricides (or insectoacaricides). The following drugs are used: Fufanon, karbofos, metaphos, coloid syrup. Spider mite fragments attack a lot of garden crops; by fighting the spider mite on raspberries, you won’t face the problem - you will need to cultivate the entire garden. Since the mites are already abundant, weed the plantings several times - after fruiting and in the spring, before flowering. Promptly prune old raspberry stalks.

Nirkova raspberry moth

Brown snowflakes with white, flat wings on raspberries are mature individuals of the nirvana moth. It’s not the stink that causes the main pests of the plant, but their larvae. Before the flowers open, the larvae burrow into them, live in the middle, then penetrate the stem and become embedded there. The pouch is a dead tree and a fruitless stem. When the raspberries are blooming, you can tell the fortunes of the snowstorms on the raspberries and lay the eggs in the squashes. The caterpillars that have appeared on the raspberry grow fruitfully and migrate down the stem, runners and overwinter in the bark on the lower sections of the stem in cocoons and stumps that you removed after pruning. The spring settlement of the Nirvana mill cannot develop.

Nirkova raspberry moth: prevention and control

In the spring, the suspected stems are mercilessly pruned and destroyed. This mechanical method of fighting pests will help raspberries with individual nirvana moths. If the pest is of a large-scale nature, use the same techniques that you use to fight the raspberry beetle. Don’t forget that old, untrimmed pastures are nurseries of rich raspberries, zakrema and nirka moth.

Sklyana on raspberries

It's too big to finish yellow-smoky snowstorm on raspberries, which begins its fate closer to the middle of summer - this is a bottle. At the base of the stems of the raspberry bottles, the clutch of eggs is broken, the white-colored caterpillars that have emerged from them climb into the stems and roots, through which the stinks are covered with growths. The caterpillars hibernate and hibernate in roots and stems, and transform into snowstorms until the end of the storm. Such pods grow poorly, bear fruit poorly and become even weaker in the lower part.

Bottle on raspberries: prevention and fight

As you noted, the symptoms of flies are similar to those of galitz or stem flies. Therefore, prevention and pruning of raspberries from spoilage will be approximately the same: regularly cutting off old stalks, removing growths, fragments of the core of the stem or roots with an insecticide is practically impossible. For prevention, before leafing out, raspberry plants are sprayed with karbofos (60 g per container of water) and the treatment is repeated before flowers.

Leaf roller on raspberries

qi Skidniks on raspberries They do not grow as often as on other chagarniks and fruit trees. There are a lot of types of leaves, and at least a dozen of them grow on raspberries. The mature specimens have a mixture of brown, yellowish or red color. In particular, raspberries are caused by leaf-worm caterpillars about 2 cm in size. The leaves are stinking, enveloping them in cobwebs, through which the raspberry leaf curls, but in the course of time the flowers attack the flowers, flowers, buds, and later - fruits. Leaflets fly mainly from the grass to the spring.

Leaf rollers on raspberries: prevention and control methods

If the leaves on the raspberries have already curled through the leaflet, you only have to cut them off and remove them. Please note that raspberries are far from being the most popular leafy plant, so you need to start harvesting fruit trees. Apply in early spring with insecticides Fufanon, Aktellik, Terradim, Calypso, Avant, Binom and in. Until the beginning, the flowering leaves can be grown using folk methods - polina juice, tutyun infusion, potato or tomato badilla. If you want to fight against leafworms, the topic is okrem, and the life cycle of some representatives of this species is significantly different from others.

Once you have overdone, innocent-looking bugs on raspberries can cause real harm in birth. Cleanliness in the garden, proper fluffing of the soil, spitting out of excess weeds, preventive cultivation - the axis of ensuring that spoilers in raspberries will be quickly disinfected by competent agrotechnical practices.

Tetyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agricultural News"

Raspberry fly bring a lot of handy things to gardeners and city residents. This little mosquito is responsible for great plantings in a short time. The growths dry out, and it is impossible to complete this process; the fragments of the mosquito eat the needles in the middle.

This very little pest is called the raspberry stem fly. The mosquito looks like a small midge. The body is full of fluff, and a pair of clear-eyed wings are in full shape. The body of an adult individual of the bastard is no more than seven millimeters in size. The fly lays eggs near the flowerpot and raspberry buds. From there, the larvae sink into the ground with a stovbur. The shkidnik walks along the stem. This itself is the reason for the psuvannya of the pagons.

The unsatisfactory larvae of the widow's butterfly grow in small pieces more than half a centimeter. All winter long the stinks linger in the cocoons, and in the spring they begin to turn into flies. During this period, the young growth again becomes unpretentious and begins to rise from the ground into the raspberry stems. Already on the tenth day, the female raspberry flies are ready to reproduce.

It is quite simple to feed a colony of squabs, but it doesn’t matter that the squid’s fertility is high: up to 90 eggs in one nest. About those how to make and what preparations and folk methods of preparation for this purpose are discussed in the statistics.

We recognize the mischief maker

You can recognize the sworn enemy of any raspberry tree by the following signs:

  1. The raspberries, or rather the young raspberries, have wilted.
  2. Small, jingling midges circle around the Sajants, appearing closer to evening.
  3. Berries that are tied do not go to the ripening, otherwise red threads begin to appear.

If only you would like to see one of the fortune-telling signs for yourself, you should begin to grow and fight against the mischief. If you don’t get anything from the line, then after the raspberries are picked, the raspberry flies will become the target of the raspberries.

Effective methods of control

The most effective methods of control and transfer of found drugs will protect or prevent the appearance of raspberry flies in the garden plot, over-processed to a lesser extent. For clarity, the stench is divided into three groups:

  1. Insecticides are chemical and biological substances that cause death in mosquitoes.
  2. Folk warehouses are real natural words, which are aimed at driving out mature individuals from raspberries and harvesting them.
  3. Electronic vacuum cleaners are devices that operate on high-frequency waves.

Which option will be most suitable should be determined by the gardener. Base your choice on the assessment of coristia and skin dysfunction.


Insecticides used to control raspberry stem fly can be applied to contact and intestinal preparations. The action of the first type of cats is directly suspended in adult comas. Another variety of rivers is similar to larvae. Today's stores also sell complex preparations of complex action that kill both the larvae and their fathers.

Before you know any of these drugs, it is important to carefully read the instructions for the drug, and also make sure that the terms associated with the drug are not the same.

People's estates

Among the verified folk methods of combating raspberry stem fly, gardeners see sprinkling of the shoots with a mixture of basic baking soda. Ryativna rudina is prepared by dissolving two tablespoons per ten liters of water. It is necessary to sprinkle the soil on the bushes and soil around the shoots during the budding period, when the plant begins to grow on the shoots. The manipulation can be carried out today. There will be no harm to the raspberries from soda, and flies will not land on “unsavory” raspberries.

A similar action can be taken in the use of common kitchen salt, as long as it is not good for such abrasions, even if the salt is sunk into the ground, the roots of the sprouts will fall out.

After dusting, you can remove the flies from the mulch from half the food. With this sprout you can also prepare a strong “tea” - a brew, which you can pour over the sprout and its roots. Phytoncides attack the larvae that have already managed to make their way to the root of the tree. You can also water the soil with infusion of red hot pepper, prepared by dissolving three tablespoons in a ten-liter bucket of water..


To combat the raspberry fly, you can use electronic devices designed to combat other types of flies. Among many devices, select those that cover a large area with a signal.

The frequency, as a result of changing the settings, may be adjusted to drive out flies, and not targans, bedbugs and murahs. Not suitable for controlling flies or devices for controlling mice or other rodents.

The advantage of this method of fighting the raspberry fly is:

  • absolutely no harm for warm-blooded creatures and people;
  • simplicity vikoristannya.

Also, the benefit of this method is to say that the time of infusing this device is short-term and include its trace during the period of flies for laying eggs.

Some of this method is used for travel, as well as those that are used not to steal from vologists. The difficulty of using a high-frequency fly catcher is that you need to respect nature and guess the hour of the garden.

Foreign calls

Before the appearance of the raspberry fly, which eats the stems of the young raspberries, you can make preventive visits. Stinks lie at:

  1. Digging and fluffing a plot occupied by raspberries. Work next in early spring, if there is snow.
  2. Treatment with safe insecticides and other methods that may cause harm or harm. Apply this treatment once at a time when the mass emergence of mature raspberry flies begins.
  3. Sanitary pruning of infected stems. It is necessary to work under the hour of budding. Ailments must be disposed of carefully. It's better to burn them.
  4. Digging up the soil and sprinkling it with Bordeaux mixture from a spray bottle. Save these traces at the time when the juice begins to drain, which is late in the spring. In this case, if the affected plot is small in area, you should treat the growths with “Karbafos” or another insecticide.
  5. Thinning out plantings and promptly picking up fallen leaves.

To avoid getting raspberry flies into your plot, remember the rules and always be careful not to break them. The stench is overdone below:

  • compost bins can be stored far away from the beds;
  • The plants are responsible for regularly cultivating mineral waters;
  • For the winter, raspberries should be mixed with peat or compost.

Preventive approaches to combating stem blight should be taken seriously in case of the outbreak, if the raspberry fly has not appeared on the raspberry bushes. And all that this mischief can be likened to fresh plantings and flying from the neighboring plot, where there are no more raspberries.

We would like to say that all the methods of fighting the raspberry fly are simple among the Vikonans. By following the recommendations provided by the statistics, you can preserve the health of the raspberry plant and in the city at the same time obtain a great harvest of licorice, vitamin and aromatic berries.
