How to plant floxy in spring. Phloxie: the secrets of successful growing in the garden

How to plant floxy in spring. Phloxie: the secrets of successful growing in the garden

There is a significant increase in varieties of phloxes, which vary in height, size, and growth. The most widely known varieties are the hairy, Canadian, and awl-like.

Many gardeners appreciate the nutrition if they plant floxy in dry soil, so that all summer long they can enjoy its aroma and wild flowers. We will tell you how to choose a planting option and place for a flower bed, let’s take a quick look at the whole process.

Before planting floxy spring roots or roses, you need to choose a suitable place in the garden or garden, according to the soil storage. It is important to complete the planting terms and select planting material. If you want the flowers to be unbreakable, you need to check them both before the time of planting and during the growth period.

Landing terms

I know, if you plant floxy in wet soil, you can prepare the beds later, add soil or dig and divide the roots. The procedure can be completed in early spring or early spring.

  • Autumn transplant. Carry out the sickle-cob of the heather, when the growth blooms and forms the lines of renewal. The most important term for growing roots in a new place is the middle of the harvest. Cut the pastures of the bushes into two-thirds, remove any leaves, and dig up the roots, mulch with peat, humus, and the growing humps of the curry up to 10 cm.
  • Summer landing. Operate when necessary in rainy or gloomy weather, when the sinter subsides. Bury the bushes, water them in the evening. It is important to carry out such work at the heart.
  • Spring planting, replanting. It begins after the snow melts, and finally the grass begins to grow when the soil dries. The optimal conditions are when the plant produces shoots of 6-10 cm, and the average temperature in the air is above zero.

Korisno nobility. Before planting in the soil, it is better to store purchased floxy in the refrigerator or in the basement, and after spring planting, protect it from frost.

Select location

First you plant floxy in a permanent place, you need to select the right plot for them in the garden. It is guilty of being easily folded, lifted, protected from the wind and traction. Bagatorians do not like drying out; it is disgusting to grow on poor and swampy soil, in the shade. The place feels sleepy, with a slight shade in the daytime.

Well, as the garden grows on a small area, a row of low-growing trees and chagarbush, but not under them. Plant bushes of beech, willow, birch and strawberry bushes inadvertently, as in an open area, heavily blown with snow. The optimal option is a fresh-out, close-up or fresh-out door to the booth, so that the bottles will be protected from the cold winds.

Vimogi to Gruntu

Uninformed gardeners respect that unsightly rich plants grow on any kind of soil. It’s not like that - floxy loves rich loam, loose and fluffy soil, organically developed throughout the growing period. This tight root system grows to a depth of 25-35 cm, so the root ball needs to be touched no less than with a shovel.

When the soil becomes wet, it is necessary to fertilize the soil thoroughly with horse or cow pus, humus, peat, and add ash to the pit. Optimal warehouse for soil:

  • leafy turf;
  • humus and peat;
  • coarse river sand;
  • lowland peat and compost;
  • wow.

It's important to know. The plants respond well to the application of organic matter and mineral nitrogen to the cob of grass, fluffing the soil, and further mulching with mown grass and thyrso.

Selecting planting material

Planting material for phloxes can be sold in packaging bags (paper or transparent) in containers made of soil or in the form of rhizomes divided into pieces. Whenever seedlings are planted for seedlings, similar varieties are often used.

  • The standard planting plot when purchasing is made from 4 to 6 small sections with well-formed leaves and a few small leaves on thick stems. The roots in the bag must be trimmed to 15 cm, and the stems at the base must have a greenish color. On the skin specimen on the packaging, indicate the name of the variety, if possible, attach the baby.
  • Bushes that are sold in containers can be planted in the ground or buried in a mixture of peat and thyrsium. Please note that there will be healthy stems of green or dark purple color (depending on the variety) or shaped stems and leaves. The soil will begin to be founded.
  • Purchased at a gardening center or vikopana, when transplanted, part of the rhizome may end up in a clod of soil. On the surface of the grass grass you can already see a few stems that have hatched, often from young leaves. When planting, trim the roots lightly and check for rot and defects.

Description of the landing process

Plant one-sided phloxy in wet soil in the spring (autumn) and with roses (in the spring), and the rich ones - with live bait that has taken root, or with parts of the rhizome. In both cases, the process is straightforward and consists of several stages.

One-word speakers

Many gardeners doubt how to properly sow single-flowered phloxes in the spring and autumn. In fact, it is possible to choose different methods, the difference will be less in terms of sowing and agricultural technology.

  1. Sowing in dry soil in late autumn (spring-leaf fall). Place purchased or collected soil material in a groove 1 cm deep, spread out on a stand 5 cm apart. Cover with soil. In winter, natural stratification occurs, which is why they immediately appear to germinate more quickly.
  2. Sowing now in hanging planter boxes. The planting material is scattered on top of the laid soil and sprinkled with earth. Cover the containers with cellophane and glass, and leave in a warm place in a light place. Ventilate and water periodically.

It's important to know. When 4 leaves appear, transplant the seedlings into glass cups. For example, the grass comes out to dry soil, slightly shading.


Before planting rich phloxy, you need to dig up the bed and carefully spill it with water. For better visage, choose a gloomy day or evening. The entire procedure for uncovering dug holes will take about a year. For high-growing bushes, it is necessary to trim the distance between the holes 50-60 cm, for short-growing bushes - 40-45 cm.

  1. If necessary, cut the rhizomes into pieces with a knife, pruning shears or shovel, and shorten the roots into thirds.
  2. Make sure that the skin area loses vegetative shoots that will allow stem growth to begin. There are about 7-8 brownies on the skin.
  3. The plots are placed in pits, with complex goodness and rich soil first falling to the bottom.
  4. Cover the roots with soil so that there are no traces on the surface that protrude by 5 cm.
  5. Water the ground, stitches, so that the water penetrates into the middle.
  6. Mulch the soil with peat.

Advance look

In order for garden phloxies to delight you all summer with their luxurious bright flowers and continue to bloom, they need to be periodically watered, fluffed, fertilized and weeded after planting.

  • Squeezing. In case of sintering, due to the dryness of the boards, planting of sprouts requires water from a spray bottle. The procedure should be carried out late in the evening.
  • Dobrivo. It is not possible to add fresh rot to the roots, as this will cause them to rot. It is better to mix humus with river sand, ash and compost. You can also fertilize the plantings with potassium sulfate, nitrophoska and Agricoli-7, taking 30 g of the skin preparation. In dry summers, rare podzhivlenniya is removed, and in dry conditions, vikorist granules are produced.
  • Watering. Phloxies are water-loving plants, they need to be watered after planting for 2 days for 3 days, then let the soil dry out. You need to pour water not on the leaves or flowers, but under the roots. Cold watering in the baked soil can cause the stems to crack.
  • Clothes pins. By pinching the stem, you can reach the planting, growing of small, or fruit-bearing flowers. In addition, pinching stimulates the growth of ridges and increases color vibrancy. The procedure is carried out when the fifth pair of leaves appears on the cob.
  • Rozpushuvannya and fight against the Burians. At the time of fluffing, it is necessary to spread the root without damaging the roots, which are spread close to the surface. Before wintering, water the soil and weed the weeds. When planting, you can mulch the soil for better conservation of moisture.

Having consistently followed all the revised recommendations, you can achieve high decorative plantings, the growth of large phloxies with fruit flowers of a different color.

In the garden plots of the kvitniki, leafless monstrous growths grow. Gardeners' favorite is rich phlox, a plant with wonderful decorative powers that is universally popular in landscape design. It is known that floxy is rich - planting and observation, photos, characteristics of growth - all this information is below in the statistics.

Phlox bagatorichny is a decorative flower with bright pellets and a wonderful aroma. The plant is originally from Northern America. In the translation, the name is translated as “half” - through those who previously had floxy.

At the same time, as a result of breeding work, we can develop varieties of different colors: violet, erysipelas, raspberries, blacks, and whites are possible. Today, there are approximately 40 cultivated varieties of agatoric phloxes, which range from over a hundred different varieties.

The callous growth is a bush of curls ranging from 10 centimeters to one and a half meters. It has straight, straight stems and regular oval-shaped leaves.

At the end of the stem there is a flower that can hold up to 90 small flowers. The flower itself is tubular in shape, with five pellets inside.

Umovi viroshchuvannya

We get to know the benefits of rich phloxes before we live in the garden.

Select location

Bagatory phloxy can be felt well, actively grow and bloom luxuriantly in a well-lighted garden. The plot may be protected from winds and drafts, so that the remaining water remains warm.

Nepoganyi vybir is a dormouse bed, surrounded by parka on the snowy side. If floxy is a shade-loving variety, it can be planted under trees and chagarniks.

Light-loving varieties (and most of them) are not recommended to be planted from the bottom side of the plot, which will lead to the loss of the decorative effect of the plant, the appearance of small, rare flowers in the plant, and it will also be spoiled Nya.

Vimogi to Gruntu

The soil in a flower bed with phlox must be fluffy and lively - there are two heads of water to the ground. The best option is loamy soil, which has a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. If the soil is acidified, it is necessary to inform it before planting - otherwise phloxy will not grow and bloom normally

The bed should be prepared one day before the phloxes take root. Fertilize the soil by introducing new organic living substances:

  • village ash;
  • compost;
  • rotten.

Since the soil has a rocky, clayey structure, it can be made light and fluffy with the help of river sand and peat. As a matter of fact, the soil is very fluffy, it is possible to create more soil and livestock by adding turf soil and compost.

Let's look at the main points of the rooting of fermentative phloxes in open soil.

Choice of live bait

Splinters propagated by live bait are the simplest way to propagate phlox in households, and this very method benefits most gardeners.

Gardeners are often bought from professional nurseries. If you buy at the market, there is a risk of buying sick, infected live bait, or with species marks that do not match. The root of a healthy plant is made from a mother of whole grains and at least 2-3 times.

Boarding hour

For most regions of our region, it is suitable to plant live phloxes in kettle grass. When choosing an exact date, the results will vary depending on the local climate. You can also root rich phloxies in open soil and verdure - at which point in the coming spring they will already bloom.

If you choose autumn planting, do not wait until frost. It is important to plant phloxy so that the stinks take root before the cold weather. Otherwise you'll freeze.

Many gardeners practice planting phlox plants. However, this option is very tricky: it will be necessary to ensure regular and careful feeding of the sajants. But this is not always possible for people who work and spend their holidays only on the weekend.

Features of landing

Planting phlox in the soil in the spring is carried out immediately: live bait is planted in a prepared and fluffed bed at a distance of 30 cm - this is where low-growing varieties are planted. Tall varieties must be planted on a height of 50-60 cm one way at a time - they need plenty of space.

Immediately after planting, water the weeds thoroughly for several lengths so that they can take root and begin to grow.

Other methods of propagation

Cream of live bait, floxy can be propagated by breeding, cutting bushes and saplings. Let's talk about these methods.

With summaries

This method is often used in gardening, because it allows you to propagate floxy in the spring, and not just in the spring. To remove the lead, bend the barrel of the mother’s bush to the ground and cover it with earth. The deeds are still spending extra money for additional help.

After every hour, the child takes root, being still united with the mother’s tabernacle. After rooting, strengthen and replant in a designated place in the garden.

At the bottom of the tabernacle

The method is folding, lower forward, but gives bad results. Planting rhizomes in the spring is the best option, otherwise you can carry out the procedure in late or early autumn (either before or after flowering). However, as a matter of choice, gardeners recommend working under the bush in the spring, since in this case there is a greater chance of successful rooting of the plot.

Keeping the bushes growing as long as possible is good for your health. Every day there are at least 4-5 rocks. The procedure is like this.

  1. Digging up the bush, trying to avoid injury to its roots.
  2. Divide the dew into approximately equal parts in such a way that the skin part gets one full root.
  3. After splitting the parts, immediately root them in a stable place in open soil.

For now

This method is trivial and is chosen only rarely. You can either pick it up at the store or pick it up yourself. Currently hanging springs in a container of mixed soil, humus and sand. The sinking step is 1-2 cm.

The place will be deprived of space on the street, covering the animal with scorched leaves and snow. In this way, throughout the winter, the population of phloxes is stratified by natural order. In the spring, after the snow has melted, bring the container outside so that the seeds begin to germinate.

Some gardeners respectfully respect that floxy does not require supervision and grows like a burr. Roslina worked effectively, it was easy to endure dry conditions and the abundance of supplementary food, and in such minds there was no shortage of food. Particular attention to the growth may be in the spring when phlox is planted.

Features of autumn planting of phloxes: when to do it?

Gardeners have proven to plant phloxes not only in the spring, but also in the spring. As a rule, during this period, varieties of mid- and early-term coloration are planted. The terms of the work will lie with climate-conscious minds, until later in the spring. At this point in the growing season there are already signs of renewal. If the weather permits, then planting and replanting the plants can be extended to the beginning of the harvest, but all work may be completed no later than the end of the month. Late planting may lead to the death of the chagarna.

After planting, be sure to mulch the soil, which will speed up the process of rooting of phloxes in the new location. It has been noted that those seedlings that have preserved their leaf cover will take root most quickly. As a mulch, you can use vikoryst, thyrsus, peat.

Autumn planting of phloxes takes its advantage, which is absent during the time of spring work. On the right is that during the autumn transplantation, the shoots adapt and take root in the new place, and in the coming season the bushes begin to bloom. Planting phlox in the spring does not give the same results, the plant takes an hour to adapt, and the flowering season has not begun.

How to select planting material

Large plots are most suitable for autumn planting, as they are easier to take root and tolerate winter better. Also during this period, bushes that grew during the spring growth are planted in the garden. When purchasing new planting material, pay attention to the following factors:

A good plant will grow more than two stems;

The roots have noticeable great brunki of renewal;

The skin on the shoulder straps is thick and rough;

Earthen breast and roots in a vologous camp.

Having selected the required material for planting, phlox pods are cut at a height of approximately 25 cm from the base. The root of the garden also needs to be shortened by a third. If the sage plant comes over the earthen breast, then cut off only its top, trying to remove a few leaves.

A suitable place for planting phlox in the spring

The growths are inflexible to the point of destruction, but the rich colors can only be produced in well-lighted plots. On the other hand, the flowers will be smaller, and the coloring period will be longer. The optimal place for planting phloxes is in sparse shade. In the rainy regions, the growths in the midday heat are quite noticeable.

Phloxy is good to grow on any kind of soil, but it is better to plant the flower in fluffy, life-giving and fertile soil. The autumn planting of phloxes at the bottom is blocked, so there is a crust of ice on the surface of the soil. The growth of the growth is disastrous.

Preparation of the soil for planting phlox in the spring should be carried out at least 14 days in advance. It is good to dig up the plot and clear it from the weeds. The land behind the storage area is rich in humus, peat and sand. Before digging, add mineral fertilizers.

The root system of phloxes is tight, so they need to be dug into two shovels. What is important is that most of the roots lie at a depth of about 30 degrees.

Autumn planting of phlox in the ground, photo

After preparing the soil and planting, proceed before planting. The landings should be wide and deep. The depth must be such that the upper part of the root layer is at least 5 cm below the ground level. For autumn planting, winter the plants until they freeze, and then deepen the development of phloxes.

Always water and drain the holes thoroughly before planting. Place a ball of rich soil on top of the drainage, adding humus. After which they install the garden and cover it with earth. You can add preparations to the water for watering the plants to speed up the development of the roots, for example, “Kornevin”.

Please! In the spring, when planting phloxes, do not add nitrogen fertilizer to the holes; it is better to leave them for spring drying. Fill the wells with phosphate and potassium complexes.

Preparing phlox before winter

Phloxies can be carried up to frost-resistant growths, but if you don’t have enough autumn pruning, it’s not good. Without it, the card may perish. How to trim phloxy?

Pruning protects the plants from fungal diseases;

The process of mulching and observation is made easier;

Allows you to grow a compact bush in the coming spring;

Allows the plants to accumulate enough living resources in the root system;

Protects the growth from freezing in the cold winter.

Pruning of phloxes is carried out in the spring, after planting or replanting in a new place. Bushes that did not lend themselves to transplantation will also require pruning. It’s not good to get along with her. Trimming must be completed before frost sets in. As a rule, it is carried out from spring to the end of the evening.

Circumcision is carried out in the following ways:

The above-ground part of the plant is cut at a level of 5 cm above the surface of the soil. This pruning allows snow to be covered and protects the plants from frost.

Another type of pruning is used to protect the plants from fungal diseases. In this case, all the sections are cut off level with the soil.

Cream prunings, phloxy, prepare and mulch. In the autumn, the invigoration of phloxes is carried out on frozen ground. Stick up mineral complexes mixed with ash to prevent the appearance of defects.

Winter mulching is carried out 10 days after planting. Using this method, compost peat, compost, fallen leaves and humus. Such mulch in a complex with prunings allows the growth of a healthy bush, which will delight the bright flowers in the spring.

Problems with the growth of phloxes

1. Phloxies are often affected by downy mildew. This is discovered through an incorrect view or an unfamiliar place for sensing. The shade of the flower is the most leaky.

2. Induce phlox nematode until the plant dies. Vaughn does not lend itself to bathing, the bush is uprooted and cleaned from the plot. Signs of illness appear in the paleness and swelling of the tops of the plant, which causes the leaves to become thin.

3. Great Skoda plantings will be dominated by Slimaki. Try to help them and the ash that sizzles on the paths and between the rows. Fluffing the soil is also detrimental to slime.

Phloxies are rich, non-vibrating plants, like the color of a flower bed. Stinks have gained popularity among gardeners due to their frost resistance, lack of vibrancy and brightness. Phloxies stand out from modern design, and they fit well in the interior of any garden. When choosing plants, it is necessary to take into account the terms of color, fermentation of pellets and height of the bush. By choosing the right floxy, you can achieve uninterrupted color throughout the season. Having mastered the basic rules of looking after the chagarna, planting it will not be a problem. And for the sake of our gardeners, we can help grow healthy plants that will successfully survive the winter in the best minds.

Nature is kind to plants, and if you want to grow phloxy in your garden or dacha, planting and care will be your responsibility. In fact, floxy plants are not unsightly and grow well on any kind of soil, but they bloom and grow well only on plump, slightly moist, permeable, living soils.

Select a place for phlox in the garden, planting

To plant rich bush phloxes, select plots from the garden that have slight soiling or with a completely flat surface, so that the water does not stagnate for a long time. The height of the flower beds should not be more than 10-15 cm, and since groundwater passes almost directly to the surface of the soil, the flower beds should be a little higher. It is important that the snow accumulates in the flower beds with plantings of roses during the winter, otherwise the stink will die.

Phloxie is not good at blooming and growing in heavily shaded areas, and prefers light. Under the crowns of the great trees, they are afraid to fight for light, food and water. It is recommended to plant them among the tea leaves - in a light openwork. Selecting a distant place for planting phloxes and keeping an eye on them with the help of their existing growth will allow you to select garni bushes with gorgeous caps of flowers.

Preparing the soil before planting phlox

Bush phloxy - add viable plants and keep them in the ground for growth. It is very important to encourage them during the growing season. On fertilized but dry soil, the plants grow low, show little flowering, have small flowers, bloom early and quickly finish flowering.

In order to remove weakly acidic or even neutral soil, which is friendly to phloxes, it is recommended to add, before planting, to the loamy garden soil (approximately 30% of its volume) horse rot (spreads) or leaf humus, carnivorous compost, in them added waste flour, saltpeter, superphosphate ash.

It is better to apply mineral fertilizers at the same time as organic ones, and at a depth of no more than 25 cm. Do not apply as a good thyrsus, Chinese rot with mold, shavings, splinters in the soil, the growth of different mushrooms may begin to develop. ailments, and a lot of nitrogen is wasted on spreading shavings and thyrsium .

Planting phlox in the spring

The phlox plant miraculously takes root in the spring, and you can plant it in the soil early, perhaps immediately after it appears that the place is prepared for spring. The plantings need to be well watered, the ground should be mulched with peat, which has been cured, or humus. The first two days after planting, the plants need to be watered thoroughly at least once every 2-3 days.

The phloxy bud takes root and then begins to grow intensively. It is recommended to treat them with a weak dose of pus, mullein or ammonium nitrate (for 1 cup of water - 20 g of powder, for treating 1 m² of plantings). It is recommended to prepare clumps of phlox 3-4 times over the summer. If necessary, water with water.

Planting phlox in spring

It is impossible to be late with planting phlox in the spring, otherwise the plants simply won’t be able to take root well enough. Plant the sprouts near the ground with stems, first cutting off the top with flowers. It is not recommended to cut the stems to the very base. They can be cut short after the first frost, and the leaf fragments will no longer be alive.

It is necessary to prepare the plot before planting phlox with several layers of soil in order to apply mineral fertilizers, treated substances, and saltpeter to the soil - it is better to vikorize in the spring.

If you bought floxy in mid-autumn - from the wild or later, dig the bushes (do not plant them!) in the soil to a depth of approximately 25 cm. The digging area should be protected from strong cold winds. After the soil freezes, the garden must be covered with peat or a dry leaf.

Wintering phlox

Unfriendly natural minds include those that floxy winter can die, even in winters with little snow, accompanied by severe frosts. If the snow depth is light (less than 25 cm), the rhizomes die when the air temperature is around -15°C for 10-15 days; the rhizomes freeze at temperatures of -20-25°C.

It may be warm in the winter when snow falls in the leaf fall, or melts in the chest or in the middle, and then the cold comes again down to -20°C. Deprived of snow cover, the plants begin to sprout and die during the growing season.

To ensure that this does not happen, cover them with snow up to 65 cm, and then they will be exposed to frosts down to -35°C. In the spring, even before frost, you can touch their scorched leaves.

Phlox propagation

Phloxies live from mid-season to spring. Take live bait from healthy growths and plant it on the ground at a distance of 40-45 cm.

Dividing the bush is the simplest way. Soil and planting in the spring is allowed, unless later than mid-spring, otherwise the plants simply won’t take root. It is recommended to live and share skin floxy for 3-4 days.

The growth of phlox from the plant extracts terpene. It is necessary to freeze them first and then sow them in preparation for removing the snow. Sprinkle the top with sand and prepared earth, sprinkle with a ball of snow. Go about 70% now. In the spring they can be replanted in a permanent place, unless a couple of green leaves appear. After 10 days they can be born.

Phloxie - wonderful flowering plants. There are approximately 70 different species, and the smell varies from fermented fruits. The stench exudes a wonderful, subtle aroma and is unnoticeable to the eye. Recently, floxy has become even more popular among gardeners.

You will be pleased to know:

Astilbe - a link to the traditional Russian, Japanese, English style

Phloxies decorate gardens with a variety of colors and shades. Over 60 species are allowed to decorate the plots with minor ranks. It’s not easy to propagate them, the stinking fragments take root badly. In addition, planting phlox in the spring allows you to speed up the coloring of flowers already in the spring.

Every gardener needs information about how to plant plants in wet soil, prepare the soil, fertilize it, and help the gardeners survive the winter.

Features of planting in spring

When should you plant floxy bagatoric? Phloxies are rich in flowers, which bloom lushly over a length of many shoots, and with the stems the blossoms become fragmented, and thus promote rejuvenation and transplantation. Many gardeners love to experiment and change the new look of the plot in spring and autumn. Just as summer comes to an end, new ideas emerge: what to change, what plants to add and what colors to add. Therefore, a floxy transplant is organized in another place.

Regardless of the fact that a non-vibrant flower can endure, planting phlox in the spring has its own characteristics and advantages:

  1. The bush can do without additional watering. As a rule, autumn planks are completely sufficient for rooting.
  2. In spring there is a longer period of vegetation, which takes root and lasts for 30–40 days. Spring knitnikari vikoristovuyu only two years.
  3. During this period, Visagenia trees bloom already in the coming summer. As a result, spring propagation will push the color into the first river.
  4. After coloring, it’s easier to determine which varieties will be added or selected to create a unified image of the plot.
  5. Roslins taken from live bait take root better.

Based on these factors, it becomes reasonable that replanting plants in the spring in wet soil is not only possible, but also gives a low advantage. For the development of the singing seasons of agricultural technology, the result is brighter propagation.

How to select healthy planting material

Types of phlox

More popular varieties: Twilight, Karl Foster, Ditinstvo, Dimchastii Coral, Ural Skeleta etc.

  • the stem skin has become rough;
  • two products, untwisted stems;
  • great root brunkas;
  • presence of rot and mechanical damage;
  • divisions with tight roots.

Preparation at the plantation

The roots are trimmed (about 15 cm removed). As soon as the bush passes from the earthen breast, the phloxes (color tops) are pruned. On Stovbura, remove at least three untidy leaves, which prepares the plants for winter.

Spring planting lines

Early and mid-flowering phloxies begin to cook until they multiply until they become sickle. During this period, the renewal is already formed and after transplantation the tissue is not in progress. When should floxy be transplanted? The bushes are to be transferred to a new place in another decade of spring.

Select location

Feel the floxy on a fluffy family. Loamy soil with a neutral (or close to neutral) acidity level is suitable for them. The peculiarities of the coloration of the structure of the earth are described in the offensive point.

Soil preparation

Planting phlox and landscape design begins with the selection of a plot that is prepared immediately, approximately a couple of days before the planned planting. It needs to be dug up so that the earth reaches the roots and the flowerbed does not appear buried in the soiled plot.

It is necessary to dig up the plot to a depth of at least 35 cm, the fragments of the rhizome will be found in the soil at a depth of 20 cm. Remove the soil, root sprouts, and rich weeds. For whom are vikors:

  • compost;
  • coarse river sand;
  • aerated peat;
  • ripe humus (a variety of preparations from the leaves).

The approach to the finished ground is different. It is necessary to paint the structure, moisture content, make the soil live, for which you add clay, turf soil, or wood ash, minerals during the digging process.

Step-by-step planting process

The prepared material is displayed behind the completed diagram. The height is selected according to the size of the mature height.

Detailed instructions for the sequence of work:

  • dig a hole so flat that it can comfortably accommodate all the roots;
  • a ball of river sand accumulates at the bottom, which is then drained;
  • The top of the root is approximately 5 cm above the level of the soil; otherwise, the rhizomes may freeze. When placed well, the development of the above-ground part is completed, and the root system is formed into two tiers;
  • The hole is well watered, it is filled with humus, wood ash + phosphorus goodness (1 tbsp.). Planting material is rarely placed in the ground;
  • the beast hisses with the viscous soil. There is no need to water additionally;
  • the earth is being narrowed, leveled, and a flowerbed is created, 15 cm high.

In the spring, add potassium and phosphorus goodness. Complex mixtures that remove nitrogen are applied in the spring before the grass.

Congratulations to the specialist! “It is impossible to destroy freshly rotten vikorism. The bush is growing thicker leaves, but there will be no flowers.”

Competent living

Invigoration of the spring season. A complex mixture of ash is scattered across the frozen ground. A spring dose of mineral fertilizer (10 g per glass of water) increases the intensity and color of the product.

Basic methods of propagation

There are two ways to propagate sprouts: by cutting the bush and using live bait. At the first fall, I will dig up the shoots from the inside. Gostream, cut the rhizome with a clean knife to remove valuable material. The place is immediately sprinkled with ash, the giblets are dried and then placed on the surface. In other cases, the root rots or the growth becomes sick.

Another way is that:

  1. the stem is cut from a mature healthy bush;
  2. cut live into dovzhniy trochki more than 15–20 div;
  3. spray with a preparation that sprays the roots and apply to a mixture of loamy soil and peat soil;
  4. Regular watering is organized to maintain soil moisture;
  5. replant live baits in a settled place in spring.

How to conduct regular inspection

The hope of spring after winter lies in fertilizing, watering, fluffing the soil, fighting pests and diseases. Planting phlox in the spring, it is important to remember that it cannot be done without watering. Phloxies grow in such a way that they are afraid of both shortages and excessive watering. The wet dew can damage the bushes, otherwise it will not provide the necessary moisture to the entire bush.

As the vines do not grow, the roots begin to dry out. To preserve valuable hair, it is necessary to keep fluff to a minimum. And so as not to damage the roots, mulch the soil until the roots grow. This agrotechnical method preserves soil moisture, the soil is not compacted, and the flower develops well and in color.

Pruning of phloxes or puncturing involves regular watering of the growth strips. This method eliminates the flowering period, prevents the creation of additional waste containers, and the remaining remaining flowers and buds are absorbed by the mature plant. The result is the creation of continued color in the mind.

There are two types of pruning. Persha: the stems are cut 5 cm above the surface of the soil, which allows the accumulation of living substances in the rhizomes and to protect them from frost. Another way: cut off the above-ground part at the same level as the soil, which is a great way to prevent fungal diseases.

Illness and joy

Spring phloxies are attacked by diseases and pests of flowering weeds, as a result of which their decorative value is lost. Often the reason is the unclear quality of the planting material placed near the surface. Flowers suffer from: phomosis, flattened leaves, bushy mildew, phlox nematode. This is especially evident during the spring-summer season with low temperatures and increased moisture in soil and linden trees.

The most widespread is the pine dew, which looks like cobwebs that attack the leaves. The disease begins to spread in the ground and, as a result, affects the entire bush. As soon as plots of the disease appear, they need to be cut out. Such a systemic protection gives the necessary result.

However, if the disease persists with the treatment, the plant infects other plants and as a result they die, it is important to apply fungicides not only to the bushes, but also to the ground in order to accept the treatment and renewal of decorative structures. On plants infected with a nematode, the leaves become thin, stitch-like, and it is easier to remove such plants from the roots.

After this, it is necessary to observe the singing period - 3 days. On such a plant, floxy and rich flowers of this family cannot be planted.

It is important to treat the soil with fungicides in order to kill pathogenic superworms. It is also important to take advantage of the spring period when the super river is expected to awaken.

Preparing before winter

To prevent the destruction of gardening material, gardeners protect plantings from frost. For this purpose thyrsus, effervescent organic materials, peat are used. They raise the temperature in the root zone and prevent freezing.

After melting the snow, carefully remove the mulch, which allows access to the sun, warms up the soil and makes the leaves appear smoothly. Then, before winter, I cut off the stems to protect the bush from fungal diseases.

Congratulations to the kvitnikara! “It’s impossible for anyone to smell polyethylene molten or roofing felt, the stench does not let the air through and provokes the death of the growth, the fragments of the root evaporate.”

Parts of the grinding when washed

Regardless of the fact that floxy does not contain exotic plants, problems arise next:

  • The moved volost adds slimaks, which feed the plantings. The fight is carried out until the drying of wood and wood ash, which is due to the depletion of slimaks;
  • landing in an unusual place, in strong shade or in a marshy area. In the first fall the flower is weak. In another, the roots rot and die;
  • excess mineral nutrients introduced into pus. Roslin “fattens”, increases the size of its leaf mass and appears to have flowers;
  • Deep planting of the rhizome also delays the flowering period;
  • Suddenly replanting a plant provokes suppression of the plant;
  • If you buy planting material from a store other than a specialized one, you can introduce a pathogenic fungal infection into the plot.

The landing of the bagatorry phlox, Vibir Ta Pidgotovka Dilyanka, healthy landing materIAL, dotrimanny technology, watering, watering, pydgodі, guaranteed to the cavil tsvitіnnya, Yak to embesce the garden, and Dlyanka.
