Watching the raspberries near Kvitna. How to spot the raspberries near the kvitna.

Watching the raspberries near Kvitna. How to spot the raspberries near the kvitna.

Raspberries are a favorite berry in the countryside. In order for the chagarka to gradually form a good crop of large berries, careful supervision is necessary for the raspberries, especially in the spring.

The spring review includes a set of procedures that need to be entered into the system and deleted immediately. Work in the raspberry field, as the spring season ends in the appearance of numerous forays, does not bring the bark of the beloved berry, and the gentlemen are pleased with the appearance of licorice crops.


When will spring work begin on the raspberry field?

The spring appearance of raspberries begins in the first month of spring. The complex of obituary and ulcer procedures includes:

  • hot shower;
  • circumcision;
  • keeping an eye on the ground;
  • garter;
  • life;
  • watering;
  • protection against disadvantaged people;
  • zakhist due to illness.

Hot shower for Malini

  • in the early days, the birch trees, still in the snow, are rake up from the bushes of the raspberries that have been bought up during the winter, and wine from the plots (since this work is not the end of spring);
  • It's easy to burn because it can be used for wintering, and the ripe leaves can be infected with fungal diseases;
  • heat the water to boiling and fill a 5-liter waterer;
  • From a height of approximately 0.7-1.0 meters, water the bushes of raspberries through the rosette spout.

The procedure is not cheap for raspberries. While the hot water reaches the bushes, the temperature drops to +70°C or lower. This water temperature will not harm the sleeping raspberries, but otherwise the death of a significant number of raspberries, including the nematode, will allow you to get rid of some unnecessary cuttings.

In the middle, 1 ladle of hot water pours 2-4 bushes. If the raspberry bushes are large (10-15 gilok), use a 5-liter watering can for 2 bushes.

After a hot shower, as soon as the temperature reaches a positive temperature, dry the top ball of soil, where the raspberries are cut and shaped.

Regardless of the method of planting raspberries, it is more practical to prune in two stages.

  • in the first stage, weak shoots, fruiting, crooked, thickening stems and stems from the swelling of the base are visible from the ground itself (the larvae of Galicia overwinter there);
  • thin out the stems that have been lost, losing 6-8 stems during bush molding, and up to 15-20 stems per linear meter of area during strip (trench) planting. Thickening will result in a reduction in the yield and specificity of berries.

Another stage of spring pruning of raspberries is carried out when a stable positive air temperature is established and not lower than +5°C. During this period, the shoots were already open, the tops of the crop pastons were destroyed in maturity and it is clearly visible that the bushes had overwintered. The residual inspection reveals missing raspberry stems that bore fruit, the tops of the stems being frozen.

In healthy raspberry stems, the tops are cut down to 20 cm, in order to remove the additional shoots that bear fruit, and when frozen, cut to the first living raspberries. Spring pruning of raspberries is important because it creates optimal yields to prevent the formation of the raspberry crop, increasing the severity of the fruitful period of the crop.

Adding soil to raspberry fields

After pruning, the excess is burned off. To avoid trampling the soil of the raspberry tree, it is necessary to lay boards, smooth slate sheets, and other bedding between the rows and work only with them without stepping on the rows of the raspberry tree.

In the rows, loosen the soil no deeper than 8-10 cm, if there are no weeds, water and mulch with a ball up to 15 cm. As mulch for raspberries, use straw, compost, humus. The mulch protects the water as it evaporates under the changes of the spring sun and wind. Organic mulch is a garnet of living roots from the raspberry root system. It is not possible to mulch soils that are close to groundwater. They will only fluff up after fertilization and watering.

To ensure that the raspberry bush does not overwhelm the new area of ​​the berry plant with shoots, it should be fenced with smooth slate, galvanized sheets, and other materials to a depth of 15-20 cm.

Raspberry tie

When grown in cold regions, raspberries are removed from their supports for the winter, which reduces the likelihood of them becoming frostbitten due to negative thoughts. If you use a trellis or a bush method, then after pruning and cleaning the plot, proceed to attaching the raspberry bushes. The trellis and tufts are most often formed on high-fruiting varieties.

With the trellis method of growing, the distance between the raspberry bushes is no less than 60-70 cm. The stems spread withered and are located on the trellis at a distance of 10-12 cm. The skin stem is tied to the cross section in 2 places so that the top does not fall down .

When forming raspberries in a bush, drive a skewer between two bushes and tie half of the bush from the skin to the stake (around the skin stem). With this method of tying, the steps are tied at the stage of cutting the stem. The skin stem is cut to a different height – 10-15-20 cm.

When the raspberries grow on the supports, the branches do not shade each other, a larger number of berries ripen at the same time, it is more convenient to pick the fruits.

Vesnyane revived raspberries

Regardless of the early autumn application, the raspberries can be further prepared in the spring. The survival of raspberries is especially necessary on low-fertility soils. Apply dobrova yak rozchinіv or solid granular forms. The fertilizer must be applied before watering and with a stepping ball of mulch, adding at least 5 cm of mulch.

During the growing season, raspberries should be prepared 3 times.

The first time to fertilize raspberries is immediately after the snow begins to fall.

Consider adding nitrophoska, kemir, folding sums, and other types of mineral fertilizers to the raspberries. The norms of mineral additives should be 60-80 g/sq.m. m. On saturated soils, the norm should increase to 80-100 g/sq.m. m.

You can add ammonium nitrate, or even potassium nitrate or chaff at a rate of 30-40 g/sq.m. m with one-hour application of wood ash at 150 g/clump. The ash absorbs the oxygenated soil, which becomes acidified with frequent addition of ammonium nitrate. In addition, ash contains a rich set of microelements and macroelements.

You can immediately or through the river first prepare organic fertilizers – humus and compost – 3-5 kg/sq.m. m.

Having finished applying the fertilizer, water the raspberry tree. After collecting water, mulch with humus, peat, shavings, straw and other types of mulch. When adding organic mulch with humus, do not use humus.

Another raspberry cultivation (phase of the ovary formation) is carried out after 25-30 days.

Make sure your life is filled with organic goodness. 0.5-1.0 kg of pus or bird afterbirth is diluted daily in 10-12 and 12-15 liters of water. Apply 2-3 liters per linear meter of vitrat. Regardless of application, the appearance of damage has been achieved, and after the soil has been cured, water and mulch.

If organic matter was added to the first preparation, then superphosphate and potassium salt should be added at a rate of 30-40 and 20-25 g/sq.m. m area.

The third fertilization of raspberries is carried out after the end of the birth.

Before deep digging (15-20 cm) between rows, apply mineral fertilizer at 80-120 g/sq.m. m area.

Watering raspberries

The raspberries are very sensitive to water damage, and there is no strict procedure for watering. Їх spend behind the camp of raspberries and weather minds. Particularly frequent and sufficient watering is necessary for raspberries during the flowering and formation of the vine. If there is no water, the berries will come out crumbly, dry, and bony. Watering is carried out in furrows. The soil is liable to seep water up to a 10-15 cm depth. After finishing watering, apply mulch.

Protecting raspberries from illness and harm

Like all garden crops, raspberries are susceptible to disease (horn mildew, anthracnose, purple blight, etc.) and pests (raspberry worm, mite, stem fly, raspberry beetle, etc.). The raspberries are protected against the spread of pests and diseases. Treatment with biological preparations is permitted.

On the raspberries, we need to make preventive visits first:

  • Keep the plot clean from the weeds, excess trimmings and other debris that can serve as a nest for propagation and winter crops.
  • Fertilization and watering should be carried out in accordance with the appropriate agricultural technology, so that the influx of vologists does not provoke the development of fungal and bacterial-viral infections.

Treatment of raspberries with chemicals

Sprinkle the raspberries with 3% Bordeaux ripe before they bloom. They should be used together with other drugs and medications.

Treatment of plants with biological preparations

When the flowers are released, in the budding phase and on the cob, the colored raspberry can be treated as a disease:

  • trichodermine,
  • gliocladin,
  • phytosporin-M,
  • baktofit,
  • planrizom,
  • Alirin-B.
  • verticillin,
  • Bitoxibacillin,
  • mycoafidin,
  • aversectin-S,
  • bikol,
  • pecilomycin.

Bioinsecticidal and biofungicidal preparations can be used in tanks according to the recommendation. The maximum effect is ensured by diluting biological products according to instructions. Higher concentrations, as well as lower concentrations, will not give a noticeable effect during testing.

  • In the spring, the raspberry fly attacks the tops of young shoots, and the raspberry stem moth attacks the stems that cause swelling in the lower or middle part. The stems most often break or dry out. To combat these pests, use the same organic chemicals as on currants. Good results are obtained from raspberry cultivation BI-58(30 m per 10 liters of water).
  • Raspberries will require, first and foremost, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, but it is also necessary to add phosphorus, because without them the plants will not be able to absorb nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. Phosphorines are added at a rate of 1/3 of nitrogen and potassium.
  • It is very important to prepare the bushes in the garden. When releasing the nirok, give the first one, after 10-12 days - another, after 15 days - a third. It is better to treat the pus-like liquid.
  • There are excellent and fruitful varieties of raspberries.
  • If the soil of the raspberry tree is sour, then add 200-300 g per 1 sq. m. m area of ​​raspberries. It can also be replaced with ash from leafy trees.
  • In order to pick the berries at a later date, the outermost ones in the row overwintered should be cut at a height of 20-30 cm. lower by 18-20 dib. It is necessary to grow 1-2 heavy heaps, which will produce even larger berries, or fewer of them per pound.
  • Even if all the leaves are brown, use them for winter protection of various crops (since the stink is not caused by fungal diseases), transfer them to a raspberry garden and mulch the soil.
  • There are ailments, injuries, and galitza infections. To suppress pests and diseases, raspberries are sprayed two or three times with a combined insecticide and fungicide at an interval of 10-12 days.
  • Before blooming, the raspberries can be peeled and the raspberry beetles removed (4 mm thick, covered with ruddy hairs). The eggs, laid by the female in the egg, hatch into worm-like chewing larvae that hatch in the middle of the berries during the hour of their ripening.
  • All weed grass that falls (before heading) needs to be chopped and poured into a raspberry bed, covering the soil with a ball of 5-6 cm.
  • Immediately after harvesting, the vines bear fruit, drink from the raspberries and burn, as they preserve disease spores and eggs. Pruning paints water, light, air conditions, sanitary conditions.
  • Young pastures of remontant varieties around the world are tightly tied to the support darts.
  • If a lot of replacement compounds have grown on the bush (5-7 pcs.), If the stench grows weakly, then you need to give it a little boost with mineral additives. If this does not help their growth, then it is necessary to deprive them of 2-3 short ones, and eliminate others.
  • After harvesting, the bushes are invigorated with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The most effective treatments: 15 g of potassium sulfate, 30-40 g of superphosphate - per 10 liters of water. Raspberries grow well and bear fruit on rich organic matter, fluffy and moist soil. It is very good to mulch the raspberry bush with a ball of leaves of decorative trees with a thickness of 5-7 cm.
  • Continue the fight against ticks using vicoristics and other organic chemicals at the same rates as when controlling ticks.
  • Many varieties are heavily affected by fungal diseases. To fight them, stand up Swedish(2 g), fundazole(10-15 g), saprol(18-20 g), cuproxate(50 g), vector(3 g) or strobes(3 g) – per 10 liters of water. The test is carried out after the age of 18.
  • Against the stem galicia, you can stove the weeds fastaka(2-3 g), decisa(2-5 g), sherpi(2 g) and other organic chemicals – per 10 liters of water.

Correctly looking after the raspberries in the spring is a guarantee for the cassock to give birth. The gardener's efforts during this period can lead to poor fruiting of the raspberries not only in the coming season, but also in the coming fate. With all the inconsistency of raspberries, it is necessary to know the rules and secrets that will help you get the maximum of tasty, great berries.

The list of obligatory spring jobs includes:

Trimming raspberries after winter;


Picking raspberries for skids.

Spring look for raspberries

It begins with the binding of the bushes. It is necessary to do this beforehand in order to be able to carry out all the work until the beginning of the active process. Nirkas, which are already ready to be opened, are very easy to break off, and then I give birth to parts before they are wasted. In the middle smoothie of Russia, the season for looking after raspberries begins when the snow melts and above-zero temperatures set in (approximately on the cob - the other half has a spring). In the lower regions (for example, in Buryatia), work in the raspberry garden begins later - for example, from the flower to the cob of grass.

The earth in the spring is thicker than soft; stitch behind it so as not to trample it during the robotic process. Excessively thick soil, especially clayey soil, interferes with the normal growth of raspberries. Experienced gardeners recommend laying boardwalks in the raspberry tree.

How to prune raspberries in the spring?

Vesnyana circumcision is carried out in two stages. Before we do, we need to remove the vines that have been infested with the raspberry galitza. Traces of Galicia's vitality can be seen with the naked eye, especially since there are still no leaves on the bushes. You can also see some damage, very frozen and weak tracks. Regardless of the form of planting raspberries (bush and string), thinning is carried out, the remains of thickened plantings are poorly displayed in crops. With the string form, up to 25 stems per linear meter are removed, with bush form – 8-12. It is important to prune raspberries so that they grow more or less freely, otherwise they will take away little sun and food. Some farmers recommend weaving between the stems that are missing, stand at a distance of 10-15 cm.

Sometimes the raspberries are cut when they are ripe. The tops of the laps are shortened to the first nirka, which overwintered well. It is difficult to identify this color: it must be of normal size and color and look as ripe as others.

If you prune raspberries correctly in the spring, the harvest will be generous and the fruiting time will increase.

How to fertilize raspberries in the spring?

Raspberries will require additional fertilizers, especially when growing on scanty soils. The most important nutrients for raspberries are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, but also organic ones. Nitrogen additives must be applied during the spring and summer, as the residual stench reduces frost resistance and is not suitable for the early spring.

The lack of nitrogen will lead to increased growth of vines, more detailed leaves and a sharp decrease in crop yield. A lack of phosphorus manifests itself in weakening of the vines, and a deficiency of potassium results in poor productivity and greatly reduces winter hardiness.

Preparing raspberries in the spring best for the offensive scheme.

Immediately after melting the snow, before fluffing the soil, apply nitrogen fertilizers (10-15 g of ammonium nitrate or 10 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m2). Keep in mind that nitrogen fertilizers acidify the soil, but raspberries cannot tolerate high acidity. Gardeners have proven this to be a good idea by adding a bottle of ash under the skin at the same time using nitrogen fertilizers. Ammonium nitrate can be replaced with potassium nitrate: it also removes nitrogen, but does not acidify the soil. Before planting, the plants need to be well watered. Every gardener uses a complex of moisture preparations: ammonium nitrate, potassium and superphosphate in a mixture of 1:1:2. Dosage – 100 g per 10 liters of water.

After fluffing the soil, add organic matter such as mulch. This could include humus, peat compost, straw, rotten soil, etc.

In the herb, raspberries are prepared with cow's milk, diluted in a solution of 500 ml per cup of water. Vitrata dobriva - approximately 5 liters per square meter of planting.

Those who prefer natural supplements can successfully replace mineral supplements with organic ones.

Dobriva raspberry “without chemicals”:

Fresh rot, diluted with water 1:10;

Rabbit, goat (1:10) or bird (1:20) afterbirth;

Buryaniv infusion (drops and larkspur). To prepare, pour 1 kg of fresh bourgeois sum into 10 liters of water, leave for 7-10 days with gentle stirring. Dilute the product with water (1:10) and fertilize the raspberries with 2 liters per plant.

How to properly fertilize raspberries with organic matter:

Dry soil must be fertilized before fermentation, so as not to scorch the raspberry root;

It is good to bring in gloomy, cool weather: sun and high temperatures in the air lead to unexpected chemical reactions;

Carry out the work very carefully, avoiding any damage to the leaves or stems of the raspberry;

When prepared, infusions on an organic basis cannot be tightly closed, as they require access again.

Harvesting raspberries in the spring due to sickness and illness

The main pests of raspberries are the raspberry weevil, the raspberry beetle, the stem fly and the raspberry fly. Spring is the hour of prevention of attacks from these bad guys.

What can you earn to steal raspberries from waste?

First of all, don’t miss the simplest agrotechnical approaches: pruning, collecting surplus crops, regularly digging up the soil. Weeds, galits, and beetle larvae overwinter in decayed or submerged parts of the bush and near the ground. Cleaning raspberries of fallen leaves and dry stems is not only an aesthetic, but also an obvious practical alternative.

How to harvest raspberries in the spring...

- Raspberry beetle. These mosquitoes appear en masse at the time of flowering and the decay of buds, flowers and leaves; Their larvae eat berries and cause a significant portion of the harvest. Raspberries are removed from the beetle immediately after the snow has melted and the vines have risen, lightly sprinkling the bushes and the ground with nitrafen (200 g per 10 liters of water). Before flowering, process the mixture of infusions of blackbrows and bitter water. To prepare the infusion of blackbrows, take 200 g of dry refined syringe per 10 liters of water and leave for 48 years. It is best to stick to this same proportion, otherwise it will last for a little over 2 years. Then it’s offensive to mix and process with the infusion. Good results are also shown by the yard treatment of raspberries with biological preparations (“Fitoverm”, “Agravertin”): on the cob of grass and on the cob of wormwood.

- Raspberry Galitsa. The larvae of these mosquitoes are not safe. The stench smells of young pastures, the cry of the dead or frozen winter, can prevent the penetration of fungus, and then the harvest of the oncoming fate appears under threat. Signs of infestation by Galicia larvae are very characteristic and easily noticeable growths (“galls”) on the stems, ragging of the fences.

To combat galitza, it is necessary to carefully inspect the raspberries after wintering, if growths are detected, they will disappear and burn the raspberries. In spring, it is recommended to fluff the soil to a depth of 5-10 cm and sprinkle with fufanon (15-20 ml per 10 liters of water). At the bud stage, sprinkle the raspberries with fufanon (10 ml per 10 l of water, vitrat - 0.2 l per plant) or actelik (15 ml per 10 l, vitrat is similar). Unfortunately, there are no people's affairs in Galicia.

- Stem fly. This is one of the specific villains of raspberry, which is an enemy of this very culture. Fly larvae chew on the tops of the frames, leading to rotting and infection. Prevention involves spring mulching of the tree trunks - this makes it easier for comas to emerge from winter. On the cob of the herb, before flowering, you can treat the raspberries with Actelik, Fitoverm or Agravertin. Folk remedies against stem flies are ineffective and are only useful for eliminating comas, but not for eliminating them, since pests have already appeared in raspberries.

Z Malini disease The most important ones are anthracnose and sulfur rot.

To prevent anthracnose, you can sprinkle raspberries with nitrafen (200 g per 10 liters of water). It is recommended to steep the bordeaux plant on the cob of nirok (200 g of copper sulfate and 200 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water).

Sulphur rot is a fungal disease that develops rapidly in warm and damp weather. It attacks leaves and berries. Prevent the appearance of gray rot by sprinkling raspberries with Bordeaux weed: in early spring, apply a 3% mixture, before flowering - 1%. Sprinkling with Phytosporin also helps, which can be carried out at any time when signs of illness appear on the trees. According to the people's wishes, dusting the soil of the villages with vugillas or ash is necessary.

The method of root pruning according to A. G. Sobolev ensures a rich harvest right up to spring. It is necessary to trim the bushes using a sharp knife or garden pruning shears after the snow has fallen and before the soil has warmed up. Most often it is in the middle of Bereznya-Kviten, everything lies in the region where you live. During this period, we can see weak, broken and ailing stems, frozen stems, and all the stems that are missing are pruned to a healthy level. If you miss this moment, the chase simply cannot be caught and will move away, which will have a negative impact on the enemy. Remember that trimming, not pinching, will give results.

After removing the upper part of the rows, the shoots are planted so that during the fruiting period about five rows are harvested, until they become approximately 50-60 cm. The next time, pruning is carried out after the shoots have blossomed. It is visible 15-20 cm from the top of the pagon. According to the farmers, this method allows you to bring the bush to a great harvest, the fragments in the process of pruning will add 10-15 new sections, which will give a lot of berries. In this way, during the molding process the number of “fresh” pods that bear fruit will increase. The author of the technique himself confirms that circumcision itself is more significant.

However, this method has its shortcomings, even when pruning young trees and tea leaves, the raspberries thicken, which can cause the disease to spread. In this season, you will have to increase the distance between the rows of raspberries to 1.5-2 meters, and in this case you will not need to remove more than 12 rows.

More brown fruits should be used to mold raspberry bushes into.

Of course, after treatment and prevention, you should get sick in order to reduce the risk to a minimum.

How to prune raspberry bushes: video

Treatment for sickness and illness

In order for the raspberries to produce tasty and healthy berries, it is necessary to take care of the disease, as diseases and diseases of the chagarniks can lead to their death. Most often they are attacked by diseases such as white flatulence, mildew, and anthracnose. To shkidniks you can bring spider mite, popelica, raspberry mite, leaf weevil, raspberry weevil, raspberry bottle. To reduce the risk of getting sick, before planting, soak the root with Agat-25K, which will protect against verticillium wilt.

Apply illness and mischief to the photo

Before the beginning of the growing season, the selected old and frozen stems are tumbled and burned, after which the raspberry bushes are sprinkled with Bordeaux weed. To protect the garden from spider mites, weed the chagarnas before the flowering cob with the help of colloidal sulphur, and serve as the best way to prevent boar dew. Topaz.

There are also people's ways that will help you overcome the heap of looks and illness. For example, as a preventive measure in the fight against gray rot, you can pick up pine needles, breaking them up from the top of the tea leaves. Infusions of herbs that may have insecticidal properties can also help: tree, kulbab, cybul. Fungal diseases plague the emergency hour. It is only necessary to fertilize crops in gloomy weather, and during the blooming period all work is stopped at a certain hour.

A more detailed guide to the disease of raspberries and their treatment

Raspberries, which follow all the rules, will delight you with a rich and delicious harvest throughout this season. There is a lot to be found not only in support and fight against mischief-makers, but also in the form of survival.

More details about the fight against diseases and pests: video


Replanting the bushes is necessary to support the yak crop on the high level; after a few seasons after the planting of the saplings, the sprouts take away all the living plants from the soil. This leads to the fact that over time the berries begin to wither, and the vigor of the berries decreases. Experienced gardeners say that it is not advisable to grow raspberries 3-4 times in one place. In this case, the soil at the dacha must be properly prepared before the robots: we dig, weeds are removed, and mineral and organic additives, including rotting soil and ash, are added to the holes under the saplings.

The shortest time in the city for a new transplant, the beds where potatoes or tomatoes previously grew are taken care of. For remontant varieties of raspberries, the plot should be prepared in the last spring season.

It is necessary to grow raspberries using a trench method in a few rows, at which the minimum distance between them can become approximately 1.2 m. After planting, water them thoroughly - approximately 10 liters are required for one bush. and water.

Video about replanting old bushes and their renovation

Vesnyane pіzhivlennya for the miracle birth

The spring raspberries are looked after and preserved, which is necessary after the winter cold. In the case of chicken, it is best to add fresh cow or chicken aftertaste with the addition of marrow, which will lead to the active growth of new pastures. To protect the skin, you can place mulch prepared with pus under the skin. Raspberries love mulch for the same reason, because it is not just a booster, but a natural barrier against water-logged soil.

  • If you are planning to conquer rot, remember that between such survivals it can take at least two years. In the case of a prostatic disease, the pasta simply does not ripen, and therefore is unlikely to survive the winter.
  • It is necessary to fertilize the soil to a depth of about 10 cm, splinters of root plants even deeper.
  • Do not apply insecticides too often to trim raspberries.

Video about reviving raspberries in the spring using superphosphate and potassium sulfate

Now you know the rules for looking after raspberries in the spring, which will allow you to pick up the tasty and steely berries before the fall.
