Slavery in the XXI century: trafficking in persons as a profitable business. Successful purchase on the slave market

Slavery in the XXI century: trafficking in persons as a profitable business. Successful purchase on the slave market

After the overthrow of the regime of Gaddafi in Libya flourishes trade in a living product. Representatives of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) argue that human trafficking in Libya has become such an ordinary occupation that this is done in broad daylight, openly and not hiding from anyone.

"To the long list of disgrace and crimes in Libya, you can now add" slave markets, "- the head of the management of operations and response to Emergency Situations Iom Mohammed Abdicker .- The situation is catastrophic. The more Iom is engaged in Libya, the more we learn that for many migrants this country has become a yudol of tears. "

Libya is considered the main transit point for refugees from other African countries going to cross the sea to Europe. After the overthrow of Muamara Gaddafi, this country in the north of Africa plunged into chaos and violence. Migrants are most vulnerable to it, which have some money and usually there are no documents at all.

In IOM materials you can find the story of 34-year-old Senegalese, saved by the organization and returned home. His name is held secretly to not expose the danger of relatives and loved ones. Smuggler crossed him through the desert from Niger to the South Libyan City of Saba. They promised for the big money for the Africans to take him by bus along with the other migrants to the north of Libya and send to Europe. However, the bus driver stated that he was not allowed and decided to sell passengers.

Migrants were brought to a parking or an area in Saba, where a lifetime trade in a living product was among the White Day. Arabs came to this area every day to buy strangers from African countries south of Sahara.

The buyer took Senegalese to a private prison. There slaves were forced to work for free from morning to night. Feed very badly. Many could not stand in inhuman conditions and died from hunger and disease caused by unsanitary conditions of content.

On the conditions in which modern slaves in Libya contain eloquently, the story of one of the resigned by IOM representatives of the Africans speaks. Native collected redemption 9 months. When this person was taken to the hospital, he suffered from extreme degree of depletion and weighed 35 kg.

The jailers regularly call native slaves and require redemption. During these conversations, people beat and torment them to shout from pain and their relatives would hear their cries.

For Senegalese, for example, we requested 300 thousand West African francs (approx. $ 480). Then he was sent to a large prison where there were more than 100 prisoners and where the amount of ransom unexpectedly grew by half.

According to Senegalese, those who have not paid the redemption for a long time, they were often killed as unpromising. However, due to the constant influx of new slaves, the total number of prisoners did not decrease. Women were more often taken in sex mass.

As for Senegalese, his knowledge of English, French and several African languages \u200b\u200bwas saved. Linguistic abilities allowed him to become a translator. It gave his native time to collect money for redemption.

Other African migrants confirmed other African migrants in Libya. Stories about trade in slaves confirm many migrants who arrived south of Italy.

IOM has reliable data on criminals who issue themselves for a charitable organization and lure migrants to help promises. So swimming through the Mediterranean Sea on the duck ship is not the only one and not the greatest danger that lies migrants. Many risk getting into slavery and be sold at the low-headed markets of the XXI century.

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The slave market exists at the 4th kilometer of the Yaroslavl highway for many years, neither the police, nor the FMS, nor the Government of MO cannot be closed.
Here every day there are in search of work the cheapest workers, they work for 500 rubles a day, but they often do not pay for months,
Select documents and beaten. Here they come here who did not find the employer, not satisfied with the proposed conditions or simply could not
Get a job legally. It is from here Tajikov, Uzbeks, Ukrainians and other workers who disassemble private construction.

Here is one of the stories: "Starting from 8 am on the 4th kilometer of the Yaroslavl highway with small breaks arrived (among others, there are a total of 20 passenger cars of different brands, which were driving the" local "activists. If someone is not aware, on Yaroslavka behind the Moscow Ring Road, it is unofficial, of course - "slaves market," that is, the market of migrant workers who hire Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region for various types of work, mainly construction, dachas and in private farms. "Local »Allegedly hired illegal immigrants, put them in the car and drank ... 4 kilometers, where the" sump "was organized away from the road, in which the guests were waiting for representatives of the Moscow region and" local "guys from the GBD (rapid response group), which Just today, in a remote area, MO ended with another "special educational" camp. In the "sump" migrant workers sorted: those who had registration were detained to check documents (so as not to inform the remaining on the highway), and illegal people were loaded into the bus. The result was impressed : The bus with illegals was full. "Local" came to thank the head of the UFMS Mo Mikhail Utyatsky. "

But some do not pay at all. "That will come, say:" We will pay you well - we went to work. " We agree, we work the month, then the advance will pay the least - and that's it. Then they say: "Go away, and then the militia will call." Nimat, register to us, work permit - here for this and work. Just for a piece of bread that we throw. "

When the siege of Tsargrad ended, and the capital of the ancient empire surrendered to the mercy of the winners of Ottomans, Sultan ordered to give the city to looting his soldiers for three days, as found from many nations.

Aziz convinced his comrades not to waste time on the searches of those shacks, which juts on the outskirts of Tsargrad. They hurried to the city center and captured a beautiful two-storey mansion there. His owner was obviously very afraid of his life. Aziz promised him to save her if he shows all his caches with hidden treasures. And the cowardly Patricia really posted them all the gold, which was not enough.

Aziz and his comrades shared gold among themselves in frantically and began to rape three maids who were found in the house of this tsarradts. Those were also frightened and did not try to resist.

But Aziz did not like. And he did not participate in the general orgy. He offered his comrades to play in the bone, which of them will get this luxurious house, which they captured in the defeated Christian city.

Good luck chose it. Then they played in the bones and these gyurok. It was a rare luck. They also went to Aziz. But he immediately sold them to his comrades, and he himself went to the slave market, which was full of young and beautiful slaves. For those three days during which the Ottomans plundered the Tsargrad, almost a single Christian girl could not avoid this fate. Many of them raped over these three days, and sold almost all to slavery. For those who preserved virginity, they took much more expensive. But Aziz searched on the market is not a virgin, but just a young and beautiful slave.

For the sale of all slaves and slaves were completely naked, and the prices with such a slope of slaves, of course, were fabulously declined. Choosing a slender girl with Rusie Hair Aziz asked who she was before he fell into slavery. The girl replied that she was a priest's daughter. Aziz asked her yet, is it ready to abandon his Christian faith and take Magomethanism. The girl raised her gray eyes to Aziz and said one word - no. Then the buyer asked the last question:

If I buy you and you will become my slave, will you submore to fulfill all my orders?

The girl replied that the Father taught her that the Christian faith demands from slaves to obey their gentlemen, as well as God himself and she will fulfill everything that the owner orders her, everything that will be in her power.

And then Aziz bought it. It sketched her raincoat and diverted into the house, which now considered his own.

Comrades by that time went on in search of mining, taking with me and those three maids who sold them to Aziz. And Aziz decided that this luxurious house, that gold, which he got and this adorable and submissive slave was already enough for happiness. It should not be angry with the Most High and look for more mining than it follows.

Giving a slave to my home, Aziz took his raincoat from her. She again stood before him nude. Only a little cross hung on a lace between her beautiful breasts. And there was nothing more on it.

You will be my slave, a maid and concubine, "Aziz told her, - in my house you will walk nude so that I and my guests could admire your beautiful body. You understood?

Yes, my lord, "Slave answered," if you want it, I will serve you and your guests without clothes. "

What a clever, - Praised Slave Aziz, - a good obedient girl. And what is your name?


You still rest a little, Anastasia, in the next room. It will be your room. And then, how to rest a little, immediately come here in my chambers. I can't wait to check which of you will come out. If you ask me well, I will not punish you. If you want to fuck badly, I will sell you to my comrades. Understood?

Yes, my, Mr., - saying these words Anastasia bowed to Aziz, and finishing the bow continued, "I thank you for the fact that you are so kind to me and allow me to relax. I will come to you in an hour and I will try to do everything so that you can be satisfied with me.

After that, the girl went into his room. Aziza was not easy for this hour, he could not worry to master this girl, whose wonderful naked body he had already carefully considered. But he understood that after all the experiences of Ananstrasia, it really needs to be alone. After that, she will surely fuck a bit better. And it is impossible to flee her from home. On the windows forged lattices, the door is firmly locked, the key to Aziz.

And here the girl entered the quarters of Aziz. She still promised remained completely naked. The Christian crust of course cannot be considered clothes.

She fucked really great. Diguredly performed all the Aziz orders. Her delicate lips loosely caressed his childbearing organ. Then Aziz turned her luxurious ass to him and gently caressed her round horses and a thin waist, overlooking the eleven body in her Lono. Without waiting for orders, Anastasia caught the rhythm of his Mr. and correctly pushed her ass, so that it was more convenient for him to fuck her.

Then Aziz was lying on his back, putting a girl on his penis and ordered her to smile, that she immediately poured out, giving him a charming smile.

Then Aziz ordered her to lie on his back and mastered the girl in such a position. He was very good, Aziz was quite satisfied with his purchase.


Girl, whose father is a priest, will not do it. At that time, the sake of faith people died, but did not reject. Socia with a man in Christianity is forn. The priest's daughter would never go for it. Christian faith never taught Rabov-Christians to obey the gentlemen. This heresy is written.

Moscow, 26 Jul - RIA Novosti, Larisa Zhukova. Annually international human rights organizations produce a global slavery index in which Russia is traditionally included in the top ten countries. According to activists of the Russian movement "Alternative", which are engaged in the liberation of people, at least one hundred and twenty thousand people at the unfair markets of Russia. About how they fall into slavery and how they will argue with them, the correspondent of RIA Novosti disassembled.

Without chains and shackles

The investigation was conducted by the staff of the Butyrskone Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office and the Moscow Criminal Rosewear. They managed to prove the guilt of Sholpan Istambekova. But for the lack of an article on the use of slave labor (it appeared in 2003), the owner of the store was charged with the torture of minors. Two and a half years later, she came out of amnesty.

In the meantime, the Istanbek clan did not lose their influence in the Moscow district - the grocery stores continued to keep Sisters Sholpan. As noted in the complaint of "Golianovsky slaves" in the Strasbourg Court (lawyers of the Committee "Civil Assistance" continue to defend their rights), in 2008, residents of the district complained about the board on various violations in the store. But officials, conducting checks, noted that the information was not confirmed.

The scandal broke out in the 2012th. Activists resulted 11 people from the store's basement on Novosibirsk street. The same involuntary workers were discovered in other stores on the neighboring streets. All outlets belonged to one family: one store owned Zhansul Istanbekov, the rest - her sister and son-in-law.

The State Department lowered the rating of the Russian Federation in the Combat Personal ReportUS State Department in the annual report on the fight against human trafficking lowered Russia's rating to the level of countries that do not meet the minimum standards in this area. Russia fell into a group of third-level countries along with Algeria, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

It turned out that slaves from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan lived in Istanbek stores from five to ten years. All this time, they were forced free to work for free for almost 21 hours every day under the threat of violence. Leave the utility premises to workers were not allowed. As a result of sexual violence, the girl was pregnant. One of them was forced by an abortion at the later period, others gave birth to isolation. Children were subjected to cruel appeal and "disappeared."

At the meeting of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Council for Human Rights under the President of Russia, chaired by Anatoly Kuchered, the Deputy Head of the Security Department of the Moscow State University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Andrei Sevryugin refused to initiate a case, referring to the fact that the activist data did not find confirmation during the inspections.

"Since then, this grocery has received the nickname" unhappy. "In December 2015, he was triggered by journalists on selling alcohol at night, but it also did not affect his future work," he remembers Oleg Melnikov.

At the end of 2016, the next loud case was to escape from the store at the Novosibirsk street of another slave - 20-year-old Nesibeli Ibrahimova, natives of Kazakhstan. She arrived in Moscow in May, after her husband, on the suggestion of the mother-in-law, to earn a new year by the seller for 30 thousand rubles with free accommodation. Shell really turned out to be free - like the work of the girl.

"Documents, things, the phone was immediately taken away - they said, Losing. In the afternoon I was fed with water and old frozen bread, at night they forced to drink vodka - so that my name was forgotten. In the street there was a little child of five years. He was fighting. They said that he was" the rest Sluts. "To communicate with people and it was impossible to go - everywhere cameras," said Ibrahimov.

The scandals in Goliano became so loud that in Tatarstan on a specially written play, the play "Kibet" was put. According to the plot of the play, the Kazakh mask, the owner of a cheap grocery store in Moscow, makes it coming to the slave labor of his compatriots to redeem all his sins by building a mosque in his homeland.

In the meantime, the prototype of theatrical heroine was not returned to his homeland. She closed the store on Novosibirsk, house 11, and opened in Novosibirsk, house 1. To the responsibility of Istanbekov, it was not possible to attract, despite all evidence of violence against "Golianovsky slaves," said Oleg Melnikov.

"The Commissioner for Human Rights in Kazakhstan appealed for help from Moskalkova's colleague. But they are so arrogant that they don't care. Local police officers do not notice them, but all the noise - like with a goose water. They continue to keep slaves in stores. Once every two months Information appears that someone ran away from them, but nothing happens. "

Five months ago, the Police of Krasnogorsk launched a criminal case for the movement of the "Alternative" under Article 322.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the organization of illegal migration: for the maintenance of the shelter in which the migrant workers were temporarily located from captivity - at the state level such institutions are not provided.

While Melnikov does not stop working, but says that in the case of "Golian slave owners" is powerless: "It's not possible to close the store with legal ways. Rather, we will stop your existence."

Where can I contact if you suspect the use of slave labor

In Moscow:

Office of own security Guy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow - 8499 255 9657

Department of Juvenile Affairs at Metropolitan Moscow (if children are involved) - 8 495 621 93 50; 8 495 625 37 31

In Russia:

The movement "Alternative" - \u200b\u200b8 965 345 51 61

Committee "Civil Assistance" - 8 968 918 98 65

Center for help who survived the sexual violence "Sisters" - 8 499 901 02 01


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