Installing a deep pump. Installing downhill pump

Installing a deep pump. Installing downhill pump

The choice and installation of a well pump depends on the set of factors: the location of the equipment, the required water pressure, the pressure loss due to technological friction in the feed pipe, the pressure difference when the equipment is turned on and off, its reliability, convenience, manufacturer and cost.

For personal needs and installations on the countryside, the borehole pumps are selected according to the following criteria:

  • Source size equipment. The borehole pump is placed in a well with a certain technological admission.
  • Power source of electricity. According to the initial parameters of the site and its power supply, it is necessary to take into account that the borehole pumps are single-phase and three-phase.
  • Power pump. This parameter is determined in advance on the basis of water consumption and the calculated pressure.
  • The cost of the pump. Today, there is a mass of proposals in various price categories, the main thing is to correctly choose the price value and quality of equipment.

Pumps intended for domestic water supply are divided into surface and submersible equipment. Surface pumps are intended for water intake from a small depth (up to 8 m.) And they are mounted outside the source of water supply, submersible, they include well and well pumps, are completely immersed in water, and use them to raise water with greater depth. Sometimes borehole pumps (when organizing them in a horizontal location) is used to fence water from rivers or other open reservoirs if they are located in the distance from home and for the delivery of water requires high power equipment.

Borehole pumps have a number of benefits:

  • Great depth of water intake, inaccessible for pumps of another type.
  • Easy installation.
  • Lack of rubbing parts.
  • Low noise.
  • Long service life.

Installation of a downhole pump requires certain skills and knowledge. It is very important to install competently and neatly, since all its further operation will depend on the correctness of the equipment.

Incorrect installation of the pump, the use of low-quality materials and violation of technology can lead to the following negative consequences, which will then find it difficult to correct:

  • Pump cliff;
  • Premature way out of order;
  • Impossibility to raise the pump when dismantling.

If the well pump is stuck, its operation will become impossible, all organizational work on drilling and arrangement of the well will be started again.

Stages of work

After choosing the equipment, this is the second, very responsible stage of the configuration of the well.

The pump should be installed in the well below the water level indicator, but not closer to one meter to the bottom so that the sand and sedimentary soil cannot be captured during the operation of the equipment, which can accumulate at the bottom of the well.

Together with the pump, the operational plastic tube is lowered in the well, which will rise water, the safety cable and the electric cable for the pump engine. The cable is fixed on the ledge of the well, and the protected cable and the pipe for water supply is summarized. The headband is needed to seal the mouth of the well design.

When installing the equipment, it is necessary to provide the organization of the check valve, which will protect the system from hydrowards.

The water supply from the caisson to the house should be laid in advance in the ground at a depth of at least one and a half meters below the level of the freezing.

Before installing the well pump, you need to thoroughly clean the well, to spend it pumping, pump water until the well is cleaned from sand and unnecessary particles. Then the borehole pump is descended into the well and install a start-deficent device, conduct adjustment operations. If the manufacturer does not provide the manufacturer check valve, then it is installed immediately after installing the pump. After solving the organizational issues, the pressure in the pressure tank is regulated, its calculated value of 0.9 units from the pressure pressure. Adjusting this indicator, the borehole pump is connected.

Another important advantage of borehole pumps is the fact that the water pumped by them simultaneously performs the cooling of the engine, which protects it from overheating during long-term operation. The presence of a float switch in the pump will provide automatic shutdown of equipment with a sharp drop below the allowable water level. The main disadvantage of borehole pumps is the technological complexity of preventive and repair work.

Regardless of the parameters of the selected pump, when installing, you need to output its point in various modes; Measure the estimated flow rate of water, which is determined by the speed of filling the volume; According to the pressure gauge, the pressure and current consumption is measured using special current tongs.

If the operating parameters are higher (in comparison with the source data of the manufacturer), it is necessary to cover the pump valve at the outlet of the well, thus creating an additional resistance that will be sufficient to properly set the operating point. When mounting a downhole pump, you must install a starter with protection and adjust it to the calculated current value.


This plot will tell about the assembly of the pumping group for the submersible pump.

We bring to your attention a video that tells about some points of the pump setting.

And this video will tell about what to do if the pump is stuck in the well.

In order to provide a country house or cottage in the required amount of water used for household needs and for watering green spaces at the household plot, a water supply source is needed, which can be a well or well. If the solution of issues with the arrangement of such a source is best to entrust qualified and experienced specialists, then the installation of the pump in the well, which will pump out from it, can be performed independently.

How to install the pump in the already prepared well? First of all, it is necessary to purchase a device whose technical characteristics correspond to the parameters of the autonomous water supply system. Only if the pump is properly properly, and the installation of the pump in the well was performed properly, one can count on the efficient and smooth operation of such a device for a long period.

How to install a pump in the well and perform commissioning work

After drilling the well, the casing is installed in it, in which the deep pump is lowered. Before starting to install the deep pump in the well, you should make sure that all over the inner surface of the casing tube there are no narrowings and curvature, which can not only make installation, but also significantly reduce the operation of the pumping equipment.

Before installing the submersible pump in the well, determine the difference between the inner diameter of the casing and the outer diameter of the hydromachine housing. If such a difference is too small, then all defects existing on the inner walls of the casing will adversely affect the operation of the device. If the gap between the pump housing and the pipe walls is too big, it may cause equipment output. The water that the deep pump pumped out of the well should move with sufficient speed in order to ensure efficient cooling of the pump, so when installing the gap between its body and the inner walls of the casing must have an optimal value. Such a value is usually indicated in a technical passport for each submersible pump model.

The installation of the submersible pump in the well is carried out using a polyamide cord that is tied to the hydromachine housing. When choosing such a cord to install the pump in the well with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that this product must withstand the load on the gap, the value of which at least five times the weight of the pumping equipment installed. To exclude the risk of absorption into the inner part of the node hydromachine, with which the polyamide cord is attached to its body, such a node should be tied up at a distance of about 10 cm from the inlets of the device, and the ends of the cord are melted.

If the depth of the well, into which the deep pump is mounted, does not exceed 10 meters, then in addition to the polyamide cord, when the pump is installed, it is necessary to use a spring suspension that is used to the device body. As such a suspension, which is necessary in order to extinguish the vibration of a working submersible pump, you can use a medical harness or tape made of flexible rubber. However, it is impossible to use wire or cable made of metal in this function. This is explained by the fact that elements of such suspension distinguished by high hardness can simply break the fasteners on the pump housing.

The installation of a deep pump assumes that together with the hydromachine itself, the installation of which in the well is performed using a polyamide cord, the power supply cord and metal-plastic pipe connected to the injection pipe are lowered into the casing tube. All three levels in the well, along with the pump of the element (polyamide cord, power cord and pipe) are sealed with an insulating tape, while the step with which such mounts are performed may be in the range of 70-130 cm. Place the first bundle connecting Polyamide cord, pump power supply and pipe, follows at a distance of at least 20-30 cm from the injection pipe.

Since threaded compounds reduce pipe strength indicators, the borehole pump is trying to install without using them. As a rule, the installation of the submersible pump in the well is carried out using flange-type compounds, which are characterized by high reliability and durability. The fastening bolts in the connections of this type are inserted through the upper flange, and the nut is screwed down to it. The need to comply with such a recommendation is due to the fact that if the bolt rejuvenated to fall into the mine's mine, he will cause much more harm to it than the nuts falling into it.

Before installing a borehole pump, you should first measure at what depth in the underground source is water. To implement such a measurement, a column of gas pipes is used, descended into the well mine through the hole in the support plate.

You should also know how to lower the pump in the well so as not to damage the device case during installation. Best of all, when lowering the pump in the well, put the rubber ring on its body, which will protect it from damage when attacking the wall of the casing. After the submersible pump is lowered into the well to the desired depth, the upper end of the suspension, on which such a device holds, is tied to a special crossbar fixed on the ground surface.

When equipping an underground water source with pumping equipment, it is important to know how to install a pump in the well, as well as how to connect such a device to the pipeline system, which it will serve. Installation of a well pump, performed after the equipment is already on the required depth of an underground water source, are carried out according to the following algorithm.

  • The upper end of the pipe connected to the pump discharge nozzle is attached to the support plate, which is equipped with a well.
  • If a built-in check valve is not provided in the pump design, it is purchased separately for installation on the injection line.
  • In addition, it is necessary to install on the injection pipe of the valve, a tap knee and a pressure gauge, with which the fluid pressure will be measured.
  • After all of the above actions are made, it is possible to connect the knee, departing from the injection pipe to the pipeline by which water pumping out from the well will flow to the points of its consumption.

Before connecting the pump placed in the well to the power station and control such a device, it is desirable to measure the resistance to winding its drive motor and an electrical cable immersed in a liquid medium. You can perform such a procedure that completes the installation of a well pump with your own hands using a megaometer. After checking the pump, the pump is connected to the control station. Then execute a trial launch of installed equipment.

How to determine the desired source depth

Installing the well pump should be carried out at a certain depth of the water source. When used as a source of water supply, the well takes into account the static and dynamic levels of the arrangement in it with a pumped liquid medium. Under the static level, the distance on which the water mirror is in a calm state is located on the surface of the Earth. At dynamic level, water in the well is after it is started to pump out.

Submersible pumping equipment so that it efficiently functioned and was highly cooled by means of a liquid medium pumped by them, it should be placed in a well at a rate of at least 30 cm below the dynamic level. If the thickness of the aqueous layer allows, it will be better if the installation of the deep pump will be performed at a mark below the dynamic level by 2-3 m. It should be borne in mind that the pump installed in the well must be at a distance of at least 1-2 m from her bottom.

Dismantling of the deep pump

The need for dismantling, carried out due to the output of the pump, may arise for a number of reasons, the most common of which are:

  • incorrectly installed submersible type pump in the well;
  • incorrectly selected elements of automatic control of pumping equipment;
  • incorrect selection of the hydromachine itself by its power.

So, if the pump initially designed to maintain wells with a depth of no more than 50 m, is used to raise water to a height of about 80 m, then repairing such equipment may be required after several months of its operation. Automatics of this pump, configured to a certain pressure of the pumped liquid medium, simply will simply not periodically turn off the device, as a result of which it will work with constant overloads and, accordingly, will quickly fail.

Water well it is advisable to equip the stationary pumping station only after washing. Installation of the water pump in the well is performed after the preparatory procedures - cleaning and swinging to protect the expensive equipment from clogging and damage to sand, clay and dirty water. Problems with the choice and installation does not occur if professionals are engaged in arrangement.

If you need to install the equipment yourself, you will first have to study the installation technology and competently select the elements of the pump group, after selecting the arrangement scheme.

Watering Scheme with Submersible Equipment

Types of pumping equipment for wells

Depending on the technical peculiarities of the well, the planned average daily volume of water, select the type of device and the installation scheme. There are 2 methods of arrangement: installation of submersible equipment and installation of the surface pumping group. The pipe wiring is planned, based on the regularity of the planned operation: the seasonal water supply is organized by flexible hoses over the surface, year-round - underground wiring below the level of primerization of the soil.

Submersible or surface equipment: differences in the installation of systems

Surface stations

Surface devices are installed in the pit, caissons or basements (ground floors) at home. In seasonal summer systems, you can leave the equipment on the outdoor soil. Features of the installation and use of surface borehole pumps:

  • It is necessary to install a group in close proximity to the source, better - in the pit. With a significant removal of the device, a larger power pump will be required to provide a constant water supply from the depth of the well.

An ideal place for mounting the surface device - an isolated pit

  • The feed hose must be equipped with a good filter so that the dirt from the bottom of the source does not get inside the housing.
  • The equipment works noisily, even low-power models require installation in a soundproof space.
  • The installation of protection and a hydroaccumulator is required - from frequent switching on the pump will quickly fail.

The main advantage of equipment is mobility and simplicity of installation. Also, surface equipment can always be examined and check, unlike deep devices.


Installation of the submersible (deep) water pump is performed directly in the well. Water is a working medium that functions as a coolant and simultaneously lubricant for engine parts. Borehole devices produce different sizes, diameters and power. Unlike well, borehole pumps have a smaller diameter of the case, built-in protection and greater power.

The deep pump operates in water

Classification of submersible devices depending on the engine performance principle:

  • Vibration. Inexpensive models not intended for permanent work. Used as temporary devices for watering, flushing and cleaning wells, pumping liquids. Water is absorbed through the pump nozzle after opening the input rod under the influence of the electromagnetic field.
  • Centrifugal. Devices of the average price category that are equipped with factory protection. Installed in systems for continuous supply by water cottages, cottages. The equipment works absolutely silently, can be installed in wells with any flow and depth.

Selection of equipment according to the technical characteristics and flow rate

How to choose a submersible pump to be installed in a well, while saving money and not mistaken? It is enough to calculate only 4 parameters:

  • The source flow rate: the actual amount of water arriving in the wellbore per unit of time (hour, day).

  • Press: The height of the water column from the point of the fence to the extreme point of the water treatment in the house. To this value it is necessary to add a value that is calculated using the total length of horizontal wiring. On average, 10 m tubes are equal to 1 m water column.
  • The amount of water consumed per hour is the maximum value. We summarize the volume that follows 1 hour from all points of water intake in the house.
  • Diameter of the well column: It is necessary to take into account the minimum diameter. The pipe can be lying in places of compounds.

For a family of 3 - 4 people, it is enough to buy equipment capable of providing up to 3 cubic meters per hour, and with a maximum pressure up to 60 m. Do not buy more powerful models: subject to the installation of the hydroaccumulator, the required volume of fluid accumulates in the tank. No need to save, buying a weak low-power pump: the equipment will continuously work on limit turns, which will reduce the service life.

Installation equipment and connection of the pump group: Installation of submersible pumps

To install the pump in the well and as expense, it is necessary to prepare the details of the compound and the necessary materials for the strapping. It will take:

  • PVC or plastic hard hose (tube) for water supply from the pump. Standard diameter, which is used for water supply - 32 mm.
  • Barrel and check valve. Most pumps are equipped with a 1-inch outlet.

Details for the valve strapping group

  • Fitting adapter from the valve to the pipe.
  • Waterproofing materials: flax (paklet), sealant, fuma ribbon.
  • Cable to bind the pump to the well. Used both steel and polyethylene, synthetic material. It is preferable to apply plastic that is not subject to corrosion, or a metal cable in a hermetic braid.

Ready cable to secure the submersible pump in the well with loops

  • Clamps that fix loops cable. If metal is used, it will take waterproof tape.

  • Hook with carbine to fasten the pump on the ledge of the well.
  • Hydroaccumulator, Protection: Pressure Relay, Pressure Gauge. Fittings and adapters of the corresponding diameter.

Pumping: Valve and Pipe Installation

Before mounting the pump in the well, perform the strapping. First, equip the vehicle with a valve. Check valve minimizes the risk of incorporating the pump without water. When the engine stops, the valve closes, and water does not flow down through the housing.

The valve is connected to the barrel: the sealant is applied to the thread, the linen thread is wrapped, twisted. The valve connected to the barrel is twisted with the fitting to which the discharge pipe will be attached. To seal threads use a special pasty sealant for compounding plastic with metal.

All connections need to carefully isolate

The assembled valve assembly is connected to the nozzle - the outgoing hole of the pump. To the bottom, suction, the nozzle is desirable to fasten the additional filter. He will protect the inner chamber from sucking Sala.

The assembled valve is connected to the housing

How to attach the cable and cable

How to attach a safety cable to a well depth pump? The cable is unwinding, they are told by one end through both holes (ears), clamping the case. The short end of the cable is connected with a long two or three clamps. Instead of special metallic, plastic clamps can be used - they do not need to be protected from moisture. If self-compliant plastic fasteners are used, it is necessary to fix the loop every 5 cm.

Cable is fixed by clamps, forming a loop

Metal clamps are better wrapped in several layers of insulating tape on the waterproof adhesive basis. Under the action of moisture, steel will quickly collapse without protection.

The finished pump with the strapping is laid on a flat surface. You need to measure the required cable length and form another loop at the end, in order to secure the borehole pump on the surface. The loop is captured by clamps.

The cable is fixed on a pipe on a flat surface.

Cable must be disconnected from the box with capacitors. Over the entire length of the hose, which is connected to the pump, the cable will have to fix the tape with a step at 20 - 25 cm. It is necessary to monitor the wire to be labeled and not twisted.

Assembly hydroaccumulator and protection

Before mounting the submersible pump in the wellbore, it is necessary to assemble the hydroaccumulatory node. Pressure relay is installed directly on the tank. Thin setting is made using a pressure gauge. Usually, the inclusion of the pump is adjusted to a drop in pressure to 1.5 bar, shutdown - on the index of 2.5 - 3 bar.

The tank is connected to the pipeline fittings. Adapters may need 2 species: angular if the input is located below, and the tank is vertical; or straight, if the tank is horizontal. The compounds are sealed with moisture-resistant paste and linen thread.

Adapters at the entrance to the tank need to be sealed

The pump in the well can be installed both with the connection to the hydroaccumulator and with a direct connection to the discharge pipe. But it is not worth saving on the tank: the supply of water will protect the motor from short work cycles.

How to install and secure the pump inside the well

To properly install a borehole pump, it is necessary to accurately calculate the depth of the equipment as much as possible. The minimum distance from the filter at the entrance to the bottom is from 1 - 1.5 m. The top edge of the pump must be located at a distance of 1.5 m to the water level.

Lower the equipment in a strictly vertical position, smoothly. It is impossible to keep the device for the electrocabylon. Lower the pump with a cable. After reaching the required immersion depth, fix the top loop of the cable on the steel hook or carbine. The cable is carried out through the hole in the lid and connect the condenser box.

The cable is fixed on the metal hook

The cover cover is fixed on the casing - the device is ready for a trial start. If after turning on the hose smoothly, clean water flows with good pressure - you can complete the connection. The hose at the exit from the well is cut off, fittings are connected, assemble a waste for watering. Pipes are connected to the hydroaccumulator.

Video: Pump connection to the well

Useful video tutorial from a professional about how to collect, install and securely secure the submersible pump in the well.

Special attention in the organization of autonomous water supply is given to a selection of equipment: without the help of a qualified wizard can not do. Installing the pump requires skills and experience. Due to the fact that the equipment is constantly in water, to identify errors in the installation or insufficient sealing will not be possible until the pump fails.

After the drilling works are completed, it is required to correctly install the deep pump in the well. It will provide its uninterrupted and long-term work. With this procedure, the owner of the site will be able to cope with independently in the presence of a standard set of tools and the necessary materials.

Choosing equipment

In the running hole you need to choose a pump that will meet all operational requirements. You need to choose from submersible models accordingly, since the surface devices are capable of working at small depths, less than 8-10 meters.


The popular budget version of the pump that the well owners love for unpretentiousness to maintain and affordable costs. It does not have bulky bearings or constantly rotating elements, which reduces wear, reduces the level of heating and extends the continuous operation interval during one inclusion. Models of vibration pumps are easy to mount and install in the well.

At the same time, they are very economical, weigh little due to the principle of operation of oscillations, and not the work of complex mechanical nodes that require lubrication. With proper operation, it serves for a very long time, but have a number of features. For example, vibration equipment can only be used in a fixed well, otherwise the soil will start turning and closes the well. The recommended immersion depth is up to 3 meters, which also entails a number of restrictions.


This type of equipment is designed to work at high depths than the vibrating analog. However, centrifugal pumps have a higher cost. With their help, it is possible to pump both cold water and hot or some solutions of chemically active liquids.

Among the disadvantages, a small pressure should be noted, not exceeding 45-40 meters. There is no function of self-absorption of fluid - before running the unit to work, it is necessary to pour liquid. And most importantly - its power relative to the vibrational weak.

Video: What a hole for wells is better

Montaja rules

  • Installing the deep pump in the well, the video of which is represented on the page, begins with checking the correct installation of the casing.

It must have the most vertical state that is controlled by a construction plumb. Excessive deviation from alignment can affect the quality operation of the pump.

  • We also check the ease of passing through the casing. The most acceptable gap between the pump wall and the pipe is at least 5-7 millimeters on each side.
  • Too small distance will lead to the ambient housing. This is especially true for vibration models. Their principle of operation provides for the possibility of a small stroke inside the workshop.


You can hang the pump on a piping cord or a stranded cable from 5 mm diameter. For the cord, choose an effort on the gap, which will be 5-10 times to exceed the mass of the pump. Data on this parameter is on the package. The end of the cable must be minimally cut, and then lightly cover with matches or lighter so that the rope does not raise.

When immersed on the horizon below 10-15 meters, it is customary to form a damping node. It is made of high-quality rubber or middle rigidity springs. During operation, the pump will vibrate, and this solution will reduce the amplitude of oscillations.

Be sure to use the suspension, the fortresses of which is enough to withstand the 10-fold mass of the drainage pump. The attachment assembly is best to do at a distance of at least 10 cm from the inlets.

To provide stiffness, the bunch of cable, pipes (flexible hose) and the cord is fixed with a tape.

A couple of circles strictly wrap in the form of a ring every 1.3-1.5 m from the pump until the entire bundle from the drill hole is out. The first ring must be made from the pump at a distance not further than half a meter.

When connected it is undesirable to apply threaded connections. They will be weakly effective due to the impact of corrosion, because there is an aggressive wet environment around the pipe.

As a last resort, the flange connection is used. At the same time there are subtlety when the bolt must be extinguished towards the bottom, so when dismantling the design it will be easier to turn the collected pipes with the pump.

Before connecting an additional hydroaccumulator to the pumping station, put the top side of the injection pipeline on the support plate. In the next step, I mount the check valve and install the valve if necessary. In the design, you can mount the device for measuring the current pressure in the system.

Prepared suspension Breeping to a transverse beam. At the final stage, we lower the pump in the well. In the process, it is desirable to exclude thoring about the wall by the case, performing everything strictly vertically.

It is advisable to leave a place to measure the stationary water level. To do this, in one of the holes of the reference platform, the gas collective tube is mounted. It must be lowered below the dynamic level of water.

With a megommeter, we reveal the level of the current winding resistance on the electric motor with the cable lowered. Now you can connect the control station to the pump.

Permissible depth

The opener of the well on her passport can determine the value of the stationary water level. It is physically measured from the soil horizontally to the horizontal fluid during non-working equipment. When the pump is started, the water goes to a lower level. It can also be measured or learn from the passport. This value refers to the dynamic level of water.

Scheme of the correct location of the equipment relative to the level of the house and well

Provide the correct cooling of the pump and its built-in electromotor will be possible when posting the immersed pump on the horizon at least 0.3-0.4 m below the dynamic level. The position is 2-3 meters below the dynamic level.

At the same time, it is impossible to allow the work of the vibration or centrifugal pumps at the bottom itself. It will be necessary to post the device, on 1 ... 2 meters retreating from the bottom of the bottom. This will ensure clean water in the system.

Emergency replacement pump

The need for replacement occurs not so often. However, breakdowns or the device produces a fully operational resource. Then it must be replaced with a new one. There are causes in accidents by negligence or improper operation. With insufficient power, the pump is also possible to replace the pump to a more productive apparatus.

You can replace the pump yourself or with the help of specialists. The second option is preferable for beginners. Especially if it was installed before you, and there is also no information about the depth of the well or hydraulic equipment has a significant mass.

Most compounds need to be cut, and the clamps will need to be replaced with new after significant corrosion processes. Disconnecting the nozzles, check the device in any container. If necessary, change it to a more powerful or working.

Saw: Drainage pump - how to disassemble and repair

The main problem that arises before a person became the owner of the country site - ensuring the water of its family and all its domestic needs, including watering the garden. The key requirement that extends to the source of autonomous water supply is, first of all, the quality of life-wing moisture. Water should not contain harmful impurities. To achieve this fence of water from the traditional well is not always possible. Wells are more sensitive to pollution and require regular maintenance and cleaning.

Much more practical in the operation of deep wells. Drilling of such a well will bring the owners a productive source of water supply with useful and delicious water. And to submit water from the well to the home plumbing, it is necessary to install a sufficiently powerful pump. And you can do it with your own hands.


Pumps designed to work in wells can work at great depth. Most models are immersed in water - they are more often called deep pumping equipment. The aggregates of this type have compact dimensions with a small diameter and a long service life. They can accommodate even in a narrow needle-type well (Abyssinian Well). But there are also superficial models, successfully used to pump water from high depths. All this must be taken into account if you want to know.

Classification looks like this:

Submersible (deep model):

  • vibration;
  • centrifugal.


  • self-priming type;
  • manual speakers, more often used in Abyssinian wells.

Submersible models of vibration type

These are the most economical aggregates today. They are not enough and absolutely not whimsical in service. The principle of their actions is to create a magnetic field with an electric coil, which attracts anchor of the pumping chamber and thus creates the necessary vibration to work.


  • low cost;
  • simplicity of design and operation;
  • the absence of rotating elements in the housing, most often failing in other pumps;
  • high-quality engine cooling due to water circulation;
  • low power consumption.


  • a small length of the power cable in some models;
  • engine noise;
  • undesirable to use the unit at high depths - the optimal value is 10-15 meters, although
  • the device is used in deeper sources;
  • it works only with water having minor pollution (up to 2 mm).

Particularly popular in Russia.

The main purpose of the immersion pumps of the vibration type is to pump the liquid from the containers, watering the beds, pumping drainage water from flooded basements, ensuring water of autonomous water pipes.

Centrifugal type aggregates

These are universal devices intended for pumping a variety of liquids (drinking water, oil, acids). They are widely used in industrial production. The principle of operation of the equipment is based on the rotation of the wheels with the blades and the transfer of centrifugal energy to the fluid flowing through the housing. There are aggregates, entirely dependent on the water - it should be poured into the chamber before launching (classic centrifugal principle of operation), and suction air or vortex type. The pump can be installed on a special dam (relevant for wells), dive into the water or be on the surface.


  • good pressure under standard performance;
  • low price;
  • reliability with regular use;
  • high maintainability;
  • simplicity in service;
  • can be installed above the liquid level;
  • permissible use in polluted water.


  • water pouring is required to the pumping chamber before the first launch;
  • the models of vortex-type is large like engine overheating.

The main purpose of the aggregates of this type is to ensure irrigation and irrigation of agricultural land, connecting to autonomous water supply systems, use to extinguish fires and pumping drainage fluid, as well as industrial applications.

Surface type pumps

These are peculiar non-jets among pumping equipment, extremely sensitive to water pollution. Household integrates work on a self-priming principle and can be centrifugal or vortex.


  • the budget value of many models;
  • easy maintenance and installation;
  • low power consumption.


  • increased noise of models with built-in ejector;
  • the impossibility of using standard models without ejector at a depth of more than 7-9 meters;
  • sensitivity to water pollution (the unit fails).

designed to provide housing drinking water and irrigation of households (garden and garden).

Tools and materials

To install the pump, you will need:

  1. Special adapter for connecting the pipe (nipple). From one end he has an outer thread, and from another inner. When buying a pump, you need to clarify whether there is such an adapter in the kit. If it is not, you should immediately purchase the nipple suitable on the diameter.
  2. The coupling is put on nipple and ensures reliable fastening of the pipe.
  3. Plastic clamps or insulating tape to attach the power cable to the water intake tube (relevant for deep models).
  4. Outlet seal - panel with silicone sealant or tape FMU.
  5. The cable (purchased, if not comes with the pump).
  6. Cable or rope for hanging down well inside the mine.
Flooring tools, screwdrivers, shears for insulating and fume ribbons, a set for a wellguard, a tape measure.

Installation process

Installation order may differ depending on the type of pump.

Installation of surface models

They are installed in the utility rooms or are placed on the bracket directly at the ledge of the well (summer version).

Installation includes such steps:

  • attaching the hose for water intake to the suction nozzle;
  • installation of the check valve at the end of the hose;
  • filter fixing (mounted behind the valve).

If an ejector is used, in the well, you must enter a system of two hoses - suction and creating pressure. Ejector, filter and valve are installed on the suction hose, and the head hose is attached to the lateral input of the ejector (removal is used).

Installation of submersible models

Such aggregates are lowered directly into the water. The pump size should be less than the diameter of the well, that is, it is necessary to ensure the gap between the walls of the well and the unit of the unit for its free turn.

Mounting consists of the following actions:

  • the check valve is screwed to the pump nozzle;
  • then the filter having a concave form is mounted - the device prevents the unit to be dragging;
  • a plumbing pipe is mounted for the reverse valve (there is no water hose for such models);
  • the second end of the pipe is fixed on the hydroaccumulator (if it is in the caisson chamber near the well) or attached to the adapter - a special adapter on the ledge of the well;
  • the power cable is fixed on the pipe with plastic clamps;
  • in the brackets of the unit, a safety cable or a rope is taking;
  • the pump is lowered down (it is impossible to hold it on the weight of the cable!);
  • the pipe is fixed on the headside of the coupling.

Important moments

To install successfully, it is recommended to adhere to a few simple rules:

The submitted pump should not go to the bottom. This will lead to the aggregate. The optimal distance to the bottom from 50 cm to one meter.

Hold for a cable or bundle consisting of electrical wires and pipes is strictly prohibited.

The aggregate suspension is carried out using the safety cable. So that it does not confuse, it is allowed to fasten insurance with the main pipe for water supply using plastic clips or insulating tape.

It should clearly decide on the type of pump and the depth of the source:

  1. For a depth of 7-10 meters, a surface self-priming or submersible vibration pump is required.
  2. At the mark of 15-20 meters, vibration and centrifugal pumps are operating, as well as surface aggregates with an ejector.
  3. Depth submersible units are used in wells from 20 meters.

Turning on and operation

Pumps acting on the vortex principle (suction air) do not require the filling of the pump chamber with water. Classic centrifugal models of self-priming type are necessarily poured with water before the first launch!


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