Mansard with a support for 2 posts. Build the attic on the old house with your own hands

Mansard with a support for 2 posts. Build the attic on the old house with your own hands

When people start building a house, they rarely think about the family composition will change soon. What should I do if an additional living space is needed, and it is impossible to expand the dwelling due to the attachment due to the small area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot? The design of the attic roof solves the problem of a shortage of the area, it can be mounted on only the removable house or to make the reconstruction of an existing roof.

Double mansard

Broken roof with mansard

Species of mansard roofs

In the attic roof group includes all kinds of roofing, under the skates of which you can equip a residential premises. For the construction standards, attic of the attic is distinguished by the height of the ceiling, suitable for the residence of people and the presence of natural lighting. For mounting, the attic approaches the following:

Houses with a roof of any type can be equipped with an attic, but it is better to work with tent, single and asymmetric and more expensive, it is better to abandon these options in favor of more rational - two-screw or broken roofs.

Types of mansard premises

Heated mansard premises - a real alternative to the second residential floor of a wooden or brick house. The fact is that the increase in the storeinations of the structure is due to the considerable costs of capital foundation and the structure of the ladder. Different attic configurations are used depending on the disposable area and the needs of the homeowner:

  • Single-level. Under the broken or straight rigid row, only one residential premises is located. The construction of this type of attic of this type is not associated with an increase in the weight of the roof, so it is suitable for under construction and reconstructing buildings. Perform calculation and build a drawing of a single-level attic may even wizard without experience. For construction standards, the height of the ceilings in the residential room should be 2.5 m or more.
  • One-level with a remote console. The indoor roof of the console type is placed under the asymmetric roof. To increase the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, its part is carried to the limits of the perimeter of the structure. The protruding part of the attic based on the pillars, fit under the canopy or garage. The roof of the house with asymmetric consoles, the main part of the house covers a two-tie roof, and the console is a single "patch". Console view of the attic to be built to install vertical windows for natural lighting. However, to create a project and drawings of this complexity under the power of professional architects, and the complex scheme of the rafter system is not suitable for self-installation.
  • Two-level. If the height of the roof exceeds 5 m, then in the attic room, two rooms can be equipped at different levels and the connected staircase. This type of attic does not extend to existing homes. Duplex rooms are planned at the design stage, take into account, creating the drawings of the foundation. The scheme of the mutual arrangement of the rafter system is specifically developed for complex, asymmetric geometry of the roof rods. The second level of the attic relies on the columns, so the reliability of the design directly depends on the correctness of the calculations and professionalism of the architect.

Designers can create real masterpieces from console and two-level attic, using the advantages of panoramic lighting, equip the greenhouse, nursery or bedroom, filled with fresh air and light, however, a simple single-level design is suitable for self-installation.

Advantages of mansardes

Homeowners try to use every opportunity to rationalize costs during construction, so they do not miss the opportunity to use space under the roof of the house. This option of increasing the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house has the following advantages:

  1. Minimum price of 1 square. m residential space. Due to the fact that the attic equipment is not connected with an increase in the exercise costs of the foundation, the cost of each meter in the house is cheaper than in the construction of two-storey structures.
  2. Rationalization of heating costs. The air pocket between the floor and the attic ceiling does not give heat generated by heating devices, go through the roof. The air does not transmit heat, so in the first floor of the structure will be warmer, which leads to energy savings.
  3. Finished appearance. The equipment of the attic makes the appearance of the house completed and harmonious, allows you to equip a balcony, canopy or garage.
  4. The rapid exhibition. During the construction of the attic in a residential building, well, it is necessary to stop exploiting the first floor. Installation speed allows you to complete the work on the equipment of the attic during the week.
  5. Minimum costs. Experienced builders argue that there is no way to cheaper to get several square meters.

To equip an attic room The length of the end wall of the building should exceed 4.5 m, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is more than 7 square meters. m, the recommended proportion of height to the square is ½.

Natural lighting of mansardes

The presence of natural lighting is a prerequisite that needs to be performed so that the attic room is considered to be residential for construction standards. There are two ways to organize it.

Choosing windows for the attic, consider that it should be harmonized with the roof material, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe windows cannot exceed a third of the surface of the skates, and the size of the translucent design is directly dependent on the angle of inclination.

Ventilation equipment

If you are going to warm and sculpt the attic, it must be equipped with a forced ventilation system. Cold subteracted space is ventilated independently using auditory windows. In a qualitatively insulated attic, natural circulation of air makes it difficult to become stuffy, raw and uncomfortable. So that such problems have not occurred, installation is necessary:

The location of the elements of the forced ventilation system on the soft roof

A working system forced ventilation to force the air to circulate with convection - the properties of warm air rise upstairs, freeing the place for the cool, closed from the street. This will increase the period of operation of the rafting system, roofing material, protects from mold and dampness, as well as create a pleasant microclimate in the attic.

There are ready-made drawings of mansard roofs of a sized size available for installation with their own hands, if you are an inexperienced builder, then it will be more reliable to stop on such versions.

Video instruction

The house is a place where each of us feels completely protected. Comfort and comfort are important components for a person's holiday, which is sometimes impossible due to a lack of square meters. Thanks to new technologies in construction, it became possible to expand the area of \u200b\u200bhouses, usually through attacks, but if the land plot is small, then the best option will be attic! Many designers have long considered attic rooms as a good option to increase the area in the house, although it is not always possible to do without the intervention of builders. Often, this is due to the fact that the old buildings have a small height of the ceilings and a flip foundation that needs to be strengthened to the safety of the future design and the whole house as a whole.

The original attic can be arranged from a multicate broken roof.

The main advantage of the attic is the ability to build it on any type of houses (cottage, cottage, old house with a attic).

The only condition in the manufacture of the attic is the right approach, because the subtleties that need to be considered quite a lot, so the construction of the attic is better to trust the professionals or well explore all the stages of the construction.

Strengthening the foundation in the old house

The first thing you must do is to check the foundation: whether vertical cracks are visible in it, there is a bias in the windows or traces of destroying the foundation. If there is, the foundation needs to be restored. The second point is the analysis of the materials from which a private house is made, because the technology of recovery will depend on the material.

Foundation enhancement scheme: a - bilateral; B - one-sided; 1 - foundation; 2 - anchor; 3 - reinforcement grid; 4 - formwork; 5 - concrete mix.

  1. The foundation in a wooden private house can be replaced completely. To do this, it is necessary to impose under the old foundation (if it is) and put a house on the jacks. Then use iron reinforcements, from 3 meters long to make an initial frame. Next, you should pour the prepared frame of concrete to the necessary height. By this you can not only strengthen, but also to raise the foundation.
  2. The full replacement of the foundation in the brick or stone old house is impossible. Repair is considered a more complex and important process that requires responsibility and caution! Due to the fact that the design has a lot of weight, it is impossible to pour up under a weakened foundation, because there is a strong sediment, which finally can damage the design in the old house. The only option is the monolithic belt (reinforced concrete design, which helps keep the overlap laying).

Creating a Mansard Project

It is well known that no building can be built without a project. The extensions such as attic, also need similar projects, but, oddly enough, have their own characteristics that are described in GOST. The main requirements for such projects are:

  1. Ensuring fire safety. Evacuation paths should be either through the premises in the old house, or in its external part.
  2. The height of the premises. The minimum allowable height is considered 2.5 m, but exceptions are possible with different inclons of the roof.
  3. The volume of rooms should be considered from the line of the section of the premises on the working and residential zone. With their absence, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the entire room, given all the slopes.

Dismantling of the roof in the old house

The dismantled roof elements should be gently lowered to the ground using the rope system.

Now that it is already about the process of building the attic, it is necessary to dismantle the roof in the old house to build a new, mansard. Avoid this process is not worth it, because there is a double profit: firstly, you can be sure that the attic will be reliable, and secondly, in the future significantly save funds on.

The first, where to start, is the removal of slate or other coating. This process should not cause difficulties, because in the one there is no difficult technology. Slate should omit from the roof without breaking it, because it can come in handy in further work. Following the slate, it is necessary to remove the runneroid, which hold the metal stripes. It is easy to remove the top cover, and one person can make it, but when disassembling the same design, it is advisable to have a team, because there may be difficulties when dismantling.

Construction of the frame and roof construction

When erected, you need to know the Rule of the Golden section. According to this rule, it becomes clear that, despite the external limitations, a circle can be inserted into the section. From here you can withdraw the main steps for the construction:

  1. Work on assembling rafal systems. The raftered is the base of the roof, which consists of a rigid frame carrying the main load.
  2. Preparation. Before installing the rafter, it is necessary to assemble the template (it is desirable to do on Earth, because it will be able to simplify the process of making some components).
  3. Installation. After making the template, it must be transferred to the roof itself. 45-60 degrees are considered the best inclination of the roof. When a slope decreases, the living area of \u200b\u200bthe premises can significantly reduce, but compared with the increase, it is permissible. An increase in the angle can make a attic vulnerable to strong wind gusts.

Installation Tools:

  • several pencils of different types;
  • nails (when working with wooden design);
  • hammers with a nail-holder;
  • saw either chainsaw (for working with a timber);
  • meter or roulette;
  • a set of drills with a drill;
  • bulgarian;
  • level.

After the frame is ready, you should decide on the material, because the process of the crate will depend on it. If you use a soft roof, then before working with it, you will need to install OSB sheets on top of the framework. Only after that you can proceed directly to the fastening of the material itself.

Hydro- and insulation of the attic

In the manufacture of attic it is worth considering the fact that the ceiling in it will be both the roof, so the warm air that will rise, can cause significant damage to the ceiling, with time destroying the beams. In order to avoid these adverse processes, it is necessary to insulate the attic room during the construction process. To do this, you need to score all the end-to-end slots glass gamble or fill them with foam. This simple process will help to avoid problems with the preservation of heat and waterproofing.

Separately, you need to pay attention to the waterproofing, because if problems with the ferry, which rises in the old house up, are solved easily, then during waterproofing it is necessary to install a special film. Due to the injection of water on insulation materials, their properties are spoiled, so the installation of such a film will be necessary. And so that the water is not delayed on the film, make special taps.

Internal work

When all external work is completed, it's time to do internal work. It is customary to sow plasterboard, because this material is most accessible and helps to hide inaccuracies. Next, there are no new moments, as in the old house, because after installing the drywall, the usual process of wall cladding (primer, putty, painting, shocking wallpaper) is beginning, that is, work on the design of the room.

The question is responsible, because the height of the room is not the same, therefore, it is necessary to divide it. Usually in places where the height is the smallest, they put a wardrobe, and where the largest is a bed or a table. So you can clearly outline the room on the zone!

The indoor roof device allows to significantly increase the useful area and rationally organize the space of a low-rise home. However, its construction is often frightened by home masters too complex and time-consuming process.

It is not worthwhile, because the result will provide a beautiful roof and comfortable extra rooms. And in order for the outcome of the work, the owner and households are pleased to know which rules the rafter system of the attic roof is constructed, which way it is easier and better to arrange.

At the mention of the attic roofs, we instantly remember the pentagonal two-screw design of the impressive sizes over the slab, concrete or brick walls. The visual memory suggests that the slopes should certainly be a multiple bias, i.e. The lower part of the roof is simply obliged to be much cooler than the top. Due to the difference in the angles of inclination, a convex break was formed, which gave the roof of the Narland name "broken". The term reasonably moved into technical definitions of mansard structures. It reflects the essence of the usual standard in the device, but it often has nothing to do with the configuration. Despite the design of all attic roofs, it is mandatory to include two parts, visually their presence can not be determined.

Purely on external indicators the prevailing amount of attic structures can be divided into:

  • The triangular roofs, the lower and the upper part of which has a equivalent slope. Externally, they resemble traditional two-tie structures without fesoms in the plane of the skates.
  • Pentagonal roofs with slopes having convex corners. This category pronounced the presence in the design of two docked parts.

In both specified species, the rafter system consists of two tiers ornamented on each other. The lower structure forms a useful space of a residential attic height from 2 to 2.5m to move inside it was not difficult. The second tier creates the form of the roof of the roof, it is allowed to be arbitrary height.

Variating the angle of inclination of the upper and lower rafting legs, you can get the roof optimal in your own opinion. It is believed that a pentagonal attic looks best, the angles of which come into contact with an imaginary circumference.

It should be noted that the principle of construction of a broken roof is suitable not only for two-tie rafaling systems. Interpretizing the base method of attic can be organized in holm, single, tent and other roofing structures.

Sometimes under the attic, the existing structure is reworked, in the construction of which the "broken" technology was not used. However, these roofs of a priori cannot be attributed to the mansard discharge. True, no one bothers with sufficient power of the rafter toe to use the beams of scanty rafting systems as ceiling beams, and the supports of additional runs as a bar for the attic of the attic.

It turned out that the main sign of the attic roof is the presence of two adjacent rafting structures connected into a triangle or pentagon of a pretty shape owner. In their construction used typical:

  • The urban, according to which the lower navar of the attic is built and is used in the upper part.
  • Hanging. In accordance with it, only the upper part of the design is built.

If to simplify the division of the attic roof to divide into two halves, the trapeze will be at the bottom, and at the top of the triangle. The inclined sides of the trapezoid is allowed to be exclusively with the consolidation, and the sides of the triangle with rolling and hanging.

Basic schemes of rafter systems

The "classic of the genre" is rightfully considered a pentagonal scheme of the rafter system of the attic roof with backup racks that form the walls of the indoor room. Its incision is conditionally divided into the simplest geometric shapes. In the center of the rectangle, on the sides of which there are two mirrored rectangular triangles, from above the equilateral triangle.

Standard mansard construction

The rolling rafters of the lower part of the structure are based on the Mauerlat, and the top heel on the right or left run. Part of the skeleton roof frame, crowning, perform hanging rafting arches. They are complemented by a grandmother-suspension in the middle, if it is intended to overlap the span more than 3m. The grandmother cannot be connected with a tight arge with a wrinkle as a support rack. Her work lies in preventing a tightening - this is not a support, but suspension.

The backups-racks of the sloping rafyling of the lower part are based through the litter to the overlap. If necessary, increase the stability under the backups mounted the soot. With Legend and Runs, the racks are connected by wrinkles, the connections are duplicated with metal corners and gear plates. If the overlap of concrete, bituminous waterproofing is underwered under the layer. Liezer can not be laid on the overlap, but on brick columns or on leveling boards. At the device of the attic on the wooden floor, it is possible to do without lying and cut the racks directly in the beams.

At the rather steep lower parts of the horsepower rods, snow load practically does not act, the precipitation is not delayed on them. However, the steeply installed rafaline has another trouble - the gusty winds will strive to turn and disrupt the roof. Therefore, to attaching the system to Mauerlat, you need to be very serious. In the attic situation, each line is attached to the walls of twigs, and not through one, as in conventional shelter structures.

Method of removal rafted over the wall line

It often happens that the planned attic structure forms too narrow internal space. It can be expanded by removal of rafting legs beyond the walls. Those. A rafter foot will not be relying on Mauerlat, but on the beams of the uppermost overlap. This case in an idea does not need Mauerlate at all. But the reinforcing struts in the scheme with the removal of rafaline are used uncorrectly, because it is not at least under the extreme part of the lateral triangles.

The installation of Maurolalat can be abolished, but the pouring of the monolithic w / b belt for mounting the beams to the brick walls is very desirable. The beams of overlapping to the monolithic belt are fastened with anchors, the support racks per 1/3 of the thickness of the timber are dried in them. Important moment: Takeaway Stropilin over the wall is simply obliged to form a cornice for wooden houses with a width of at least 0.5 m, for concrete and stone minimum 0.4 m.

Technology of the construction of a rafter design with the removal of the rafter foot by the wall:

  • We establish the extreme beams of overlapping, which determine the contour of the eaves. Because The overlap will be loaded, the cross section of the beams take from 150 × 200mm. If when laying a starting bar, it will be revealed that the walls do not form the perfect rectangle, striving for the change in the position of the beams to correct the flaws.
  • For stretched between fixed extreme beams, laces are placed and fix the rest of the bars. Control the height and step laying beams before fastening. The distance between overlapping elements is equal to the step between the rapid legs. For insulated roofs, the optimal setting step is 0.6m, because it is equal to the width. If the rafters are mounted with a similar frequency, they can be made from a 50 × 150mm board.
  • From the left and right edge, we postpone the distance equal to the length of the short-range of the rectangular triangle. In the noted points carefully chosen the nests on a third of the height of the beam under extreme supports.
  • We will make support by turning out spikes. They need to be made in size selected nests. For the manufacture of angular supports will fit the timing to a cross section of 100 × 150mm, it should also make two carrier supports for the frontal sides of the roof. Under the ordinary racks sufficient bar 50 × 100 mm. The material for the supporting elements should be longer than the design height on the length of the spike, but it is better to 10 cm in case of error when the stya.
  • We establish the angular racks and fasten them with temporary struts. Connect the struts with a lace.
  • In the cord of the plumb, we tweep in the beams of the point of sampling sockets under ordinary supports and choose the specified holes.
  • We establish ordinary racks and two bearing supports in the centers of the farms of the attic.
  • On the installed supports, we labeled runs - a cross section of 50 × 150mm. Fresh Ramo Corners. It is not necessary for the same nails as in the corners of the holes. Such two or three per plane. As a result of laying the board, the framework of the walls of the future attic.
  • We connect the supports mounted against each other by attaching them to the turns of the corners. These elements will perform the function of stretching riggers. Therefore, for their manufacture, it will take a sawn timber with a cross section of 100 × 150mm. Under each mounted Rigel, a temporary support from an incision of 25 × 150mm is needed.
  • On top of the riglia temporarily tighten all the same inches, retreating from the edges of the frame 20-30 cm. Temporary rare flooring from one or two-three boards is needed for the convenience of mounting the upper part of the rafting system.
  • We make out of an inch pattern for rafaline of the bottom row. To do this, we apply the blank board to the end of the run and the beams. Then outlining the lines of the grooves, along which the surplus remains off. We try, if necessary, pose surplus.
  • By template we make rafting legs. If there are doubts about the impeccability of construction, then only the upper grooves should be cut off for a start. By placing the rafter to the place laid on it, it will be possible to correct the lower groove in fact without unwanted damage.
  • We establish the end rafter legs that you need to connect with a lace again.
  • Focusing on the lace by mounting the rafting legs of the lower yarus of the attic.
  • Similarly, we make a template for the upper part of the rafter system. In order to find the top of the upper sleeper, temporarily we are climbing on the frontal support board.
  • Making a mirror fellow for the previous template. Repeat rafters of the upper tier will be each other.
  • We try on both templates on the roof. If everything is normal, we manufacture on them the required number of upper rafalines from a 50 × 150mm board.
  • Construct the top tier of the rafter system.
  • In order for the battles not to be saved, mounted to each upper grandmother farm required size. Hardly sew them only to the ski zone, the bottom should not be rigidly fixed.

Further, the rafting legs are screwed to the walls of wire ligaments. Then the Fronton frame is installed, according to which it needs to be sewn. At the end, the lamp is mounted in a step corresponding to the characteristics of the roofing material.

Method with frame modules

The technology differs from the previous method in that non-separate supports are installed on the overlap, but completely prepared for the attachment of the modules blocks of the side walls of the future attic.

The block method of the solving system allows you to optimize the construction of the attic roof, because the construction of modular elements is produced on Earth. In calm conditions, without feeling the height, it is easier to achieve the accuracy of nodal connections.

The process of the device of a block attic roof:

  • According to a pre-made project, we make a frame of the nansard walls. Longitudinal bars for this method play the role of runs and liters. They are folded together with racks on a flat site and note with the help of a coal nest under the support of the side walls. According to the died lines, we make feeders.
  • Cut on the spike racks, the size of which is obliged to match the size of the sockets.
  • We combine a longitudinal bar with vertical racks, we get two modular frames - these are the walls of the attic.
  • We raise the frames upstairs, set to the designed place. Temporarily fix the position of the walls with struts, then we attach them to the beams of overlapping with brackets.
  • The chisel is chosen on the edges of the beams of the nest to install the lower row of the rafted. It is necessary to position them in one line. To keep geometry it is easier to first chain them with a chainsaw, then modify the chisel.
  • The upper rafter tier of the attic is performed on the ground, having exceeding the pre-blanks to the installed elements. For the accuracy of fitting to the end of the future roof, you temporarily nail the board so that one of its edges clearly repeated the central axis of the rapid system. The base of the upper attic triangle performs the function of stretching. Its length is equal to the distance between the outer vertical planes of the installed frames. At the edges of the stretching, we choose the nests, and on the lower heels of rafaline spikes.
  • We collect the rafter farms of the upper tier, for reliability, mount an additional beagle, the skunk assembly is enhanced by a triangular liner.
  • While did not move to the roof, make the blanks of the rafter. We try to lames unfolded on Earth. "Clear" them is more convenient than one fellows, grabbing several clamps. We drink only the upper beep, taking into account the fact that it will be partially on the wall stand, partially on stretching the upper rafting farms.
  • We are trying on the lower rafying to the end. We draw in the zone of its lower heel the shape of a spike repeating the configuration of the socket in the beam. Weeping the spikes.
  • We move to the roof of the top tier farm and the rafter legs of the lower tier. We mount the farm first by attaching them to the upper strapping of the walls with brackets, then rafters the lower part, attaching them to the beams of overlapping all the same brackets.

The subsequent stages of the roof construction are performed according to the standard rules. In detail, familiarize themselves with the described structures of the rafter system drawings for the attic roof, clearly representing the design. Due to the production of compounds, the durability and rigidity of the frame in general increases in the whole, which will make it possible not to mount additional pods.

The minus of the method is that the finished modules are pretty hard to transport to the roof. To move there, the collected blocks without the use of lifting equipment will be required to at least 4 people.

Middle-nail rafter system

To build a powerful attic of small summer houses is inappropriate, but I still want to save space on a small-sized site. For the owners of small buildings, there is a great option - a lightweight milk-nail robber construction. The way I should like the adherents of savings, because the construction is not used by a solid bar.

For the manufacture of each of the reference elements, two boards are used, between which the remote segments of the bar are installed. The cavity formed by the bars explains why the system is easy in comparison with solid fellows. To ensure spatial rigidity, windbars are installed connecting supports with rafting legs. In turn will contribute to the enhancement of the design in turn.

People's way to develop a layout

For the successful result of the work, the project is very desirable. It is not a fact that the presented drawings with dimensions are suitable for the arrangement of a particular home. Typology in construction is now not at all welcome. If there is no documentation at all, it is better to make at least the outline of the future roof, not forgetting about the height of the ceilings in the attic room. Wherein:

  • Proportions should be observed, because too large attic can turn a small house into a non-unique, like a mushroom building.
  • It must be remembered that the lower part of the attic roof is built using sprinkling rafting legs, and they optically underestimate and overlap the top of highly located windows. The tangible effect of hanging will not be at the disposal of the attic on the scheme with the removal of the rafter.
  • Do not forget that the height of the attic room is obliged to ensure freedom of movement. It is this benchmark that is required to correctly determine the height of the racks of the attic walls.

Fine the best roof proportions can be a folk patterned way. According to it, bars or boards, repeating the contour of the structure in a real magnitude, are laid out on a flat spacious platform. Changing the angles by moving the components, you can achieve an optimal configuration. Elements must be fixed with nails and immediately measure the lengths of the beams, rafters, tightening, racks. The resulting dimensions will help in the manufacture of templates.

Calculations and layout of the rafting system under the attic roof will demonstrate the video:

Our basic variants and schemes of the devil-sump truck design will help to determine the choice of the optimal type of rafter design.

An attic is called a housing premises of an attic type, which is formed on the last floor of a building having an attic roof. A popular house architecture has become popular for the Frenchman Francois Mansar, who in the middle of the 17th century worked in Paris. In 1630, he began using an attic space for economic and residential purposes. And now, from the very time, the attic floor, which is located under the steep broken roof, became known as the architect, mansard. Starting from the 19th century, due to urbanization and industrialization, poor people most often lived in the attic.

Now in the modern construction of the attic is used more and more. According to SNiP 2.08.01-89, this part of the building is determined as follows: "The attic (attic floor) is a floor in the attic space, in which the facade is partially or fully formed by the surfaces (surface) of a broken or inclined roof in such a way that the crossing line of the facade and The roof planes from the floor of the attic was not higher than 1.5 meters. "


  • the possibility of using the infrastructure of the old building;
  • through the use of the attic room, the living area increases;
  • lack of a sealing problem;
  • the appearance of the building is becoming better, the building has a complete appearance;
  • mansard can be installed in one or even two levels;
  • a significant reduction in power consumption and a reduction in heat loss during the winter;
  • for the construction of the attic no need to evict the tenants and use heavy equipment.


  • the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room is lost;
  • the presence of bevelled ceilings that reduce the height of the walls;
  • rather demanding and complex technology of hydro and thermal insulation;
  • the use of mansard windows, the cost of which is much higher;
  • snow can accumulate on the attic windows, which prevents the ingress of the sun.

Construction technology

During the design and subsequent building of the attic roof, very often designers and builders perform their work not qualitatively, tolerant errors in the rafter design, ventilation and insulation system. The result of these actions can be an attic roof, which after some time it becomes unsuitable for later use, it appears mold and fungus on it, and the roof itself begins to collapse or leak. All this arises due to the fact that construction technology is violated.

Due to the fact that the attic roof is quite close to the walls of the indoor room, and it is quite difficult to achieve excellent heat exchange rates in this situation, it is necessary that the entire design of the attic roof has excellent ventilation and thermal insulation, and the rafter system has been erected correctly using wood, which must necessarily be processed by special means of flaky-protein.

In order for the attic roof to be durable and reliable, the construction of the attic of the attic with their own hands on the basis of some rules:

  • rafters should be a thickness of at least 15 cm, glued timber can be used for these purposes;
  • mineral wool, foam, foamed glass and foamed polystyrene can be used as thermal insulation;
  • between the layer of thermal insulation and the roof itself, it is necessary to make full ventilation with extracts and purities so that the air can circulate under it under the entire roof;
  • on the surface of thermal insulation from the inside, a vapor insulation layer should be laid;
  • under the roof from the outside of the rafter, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing and, you will need a layer of sound insulation.

These requirements are determined by various physical and natural phenomena.


  • the large thickness of the rafter is necessary in order to be able to lay heat insulation between them with a thickness of approximately 15-25 cm, which leads to the weighting of the entire roof design, which holds on the rafters;
  • according to the requirements of SNiP, all the wood from which this design will be constructed must be processed by special protective equipment from microorganisms and fire, which will help maintain it and increase the service life;
  • in the summer, in our latitudes it is very hot, and in winter it is cold, therefore the layer of thermal insulation should be at least 20 cm. The design of the attic such that it loses quite a lot of heat in winter and very quickly heats up in summer, and a large layer of heat insulation will be able to protect the attic from the penetration of heat inside and loss it is outside. The second purpose that thermal insulation is pursued is the preservation of the roof. The warmth, which in the winter comes out of the room, heats the roof and the snow lying on it, which is a natural insulation, is a little tapping. At a minus temperature, the swolling snow turns into ice, and in turn does not have thermal insulation properties, heats the roof and can even destroy it. On the day of the cycles of thawing and freezing can be a lot, which can very quickly deal with roof. In the summer, in the attic it will very quickly become stuffy and hot, the air conditioner is required. All this can be avoided if it is competent to equip the thick layer of thermal insulation;
  • another very important aspect is the right ventilation of the roof, which will help get rid of excessive humidity, as well as cool the roof both in the winter and summer. Thanks to this, accommodation in the attic will be comfortable. In addition, the attitudes of the attic will not be rotten, fungi and pelesti;
  • as for hydro, sound and vaporizolation, here and so everything is clear. Parosolation is necessary so that excess moisture passes through it from the side of the room, and the outside did not fall there, and the waterproofing is designed to protect the room and its thermal insulation from moisture. With the help of sound insulation, you can reduce the noise level from the wind, hail and rain.

Now you can consider the construction of the attic with your own hands more detail. Nowadays, it is quite easy to find all the necessary information, after which you will need to thoroughly think about it, make all your efforts and build a attic.

This construction may well implement two people, and the amount of time will depend on how much time they will hold on the construction site. You can build a attic from different materials, but most often a tree is used for these purposes. After all the necessary information is obtained, it will be possible to break the entire construction process into several stages.

Start of construction

To begin with, you should make a detailed drawing of the house. At this stage, the creation of a scaled scheme is a prerequisite that it is possible to calculate everything so that the house itself and the mansard constructed harmoniously combined with each other both at the inclust of the roof and in the height of the structure. And only after the compilation of the circuit, it will be possible to accurately calculate the length of the structures from the tree for the construction of the attic.

From the tools you will need screws, nails, hammer, screwdriver, jigsaw, chainsaw and disk saw.

For the construction of the attic, with their own hands, you can use pine boards or ate with a cross section of 50x150 mm and about 6 meters long. But before using lumber, they must be treated with a special flame retardant. Currently, you can find the compositions of different colors, packaging and manufacturers.

Installation of racks and strapping walls

Before you begin linking the walls, you should first lay a strapping bar on the contour, but how to properly attach to the existing walls?

With independent construction of the attic, the strapping of walls of the walls must be produced by the inside of the wall, for which you need to use boards in two layers. It is necessary to glue the wall in advance with the help of a rubberoid mastic, which should also be glued in two layers. After that, you need to drill the holes in the brick wall and in the first layer of the bar, and then fasten the timber to the walls using a dowel with a 50-60 cm increments.

Before you begin to fix the second layer of timber, it is necessary to install it in such a way that it remains a little space for the subsequent attachment of vertical racks that should be located every 49 or 59 cm, but do not forget to leave a place for future windows. When the second layer of timber is fixed, you can proceed to the preparation of vertical racks, whose length should be 150 cm, and the spikes have a size of 50x50 mm. Next, using the jigsaw, you need to cut holes on the second layer of the bar so that the vertical racks can be tightly logged there.

Fasten the second layer of timber to the first one is needed using self-tapping screws that must be galvanized. After the spikes of vertical racks will be included in the holes intended for them, they will need to score a meal one. Another row of boards that are screwed by self-drawing to vertical racks, you will need to lay on top to form an upper strapping.

During operation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the horizontal level using the level. In order for the design to be strong, an oblique rack should be applied during the construction, but before installing them, you need to put two layers of strapping from the boards and to nail the walls of the wall. After that, it is necessary to determine the angle of inclination of the racks and then screw them with the help of metal corners to the base. Inclined racks are attached to vertical with self-tapping screws. As a result, you should have a fairly strong and robust design.

Installing columns, rafters and skate

In the event that you want to build a attic with your own hands in two levels, then you need to remember that the beginning of wooden structures will go immediately from the floor. On the central line, it will be necessary to install pillars using the opened bar for this purpose, which should be installed on the wooden base in the spike.

Then the central poles need to impose a horse and fasten it with a metal plate. Remember that you need to fasten the guide strips in advance to the skate, which will then be installed rafters. Ceiling beams will be used as bolts that will need to be screwed to the rafters.

After that, it should be knocked up to the rafters, and on top of it lay a layer of waterproofing with a small overlay (about 10 cm). And only then the roofing material is stacked.

With certain skills, the construction of the attic will not cause any difficulties and almost everyone can perform it independently.

Mansard insulation

It is necessary to know exactly what a warmed roof consists of.

Here is its main components:

  1. You can use siding, bitumen tiles, ondulin, metal tiles, tile or slate as the main roof covering. The insulation of the roof from this is absolutely independent, since the main coating should not pass the water into the house.
  2. Waterproofing is a layer of a special film or runner, which must delay the water, passing the water pairs. The waterproofing is designed to protect the insulation layer under the moisture layer (condensate that settles on the inside, the rain falling under the coating joint in windy weather), but at the same time it should pass moisture pairs outside. We need to lay waterproofing so that water flows over it.
  3. As thermal insulation, a layer of porous material (glass gambles or foam), which is necessary to ensure the main protection of cold weather is most often used.
  4. The vapor barrier layer is a film that protects thermal insulation not only from water, but also from its vapor. In the room where there are people, the air is always a bit wet, for this reason, vaporizolation, like ventilation, is necessary for this moisture to be removed from the room.
  5. As a decoration of the room, you can use plywood, chipboard or sheets of plasterboard, which form the attic ceiling. This material can be secured directly to the rafters themselves or to a predetermined metal frame, which slightly reduces the size of the room.

Inner insulation of mansarda

The main difference between the indoor insulation of the attic is that it is necessary to create a rather complicated waterproofing layer, which must bypass all the rafting beams and are shown under the roof. The difficulty is also in the fact that most often in the attic room there are beams forming insulated walls and ceiling in the future, that is, horizontal and vertical elements that are attached to inclined rafters. It is also necessary that the waterproofing layer is sealed, for which it is necessary to be sealed with the help of the scotch of the search for horizontal and vertical elements, the locations of the attachments and joints.

In the process of laying waterproofing between rafters, it can be attached to the crate with a stapler, but it is better to use wooden speckters to be triggered vertically. Thanks to these boars, the waterproof film will be carefully kept, and its surface will receive less damage. This stage of internal insulation is preparatory, after it the creation of the heat insulating layer begins.

The part of the attic roof is also the roof of the house. The inclined part of the rafter belongs to this part, where the insulation is attached after laying waterproofing. Waterproofing should be sure to pass along the entire roof of the house along the rafter to the skate itself, while on the heat insulation you can save and put it not for the entire height, but only before the place where the ceiling begins. In this case, the insulation of the attic roof must be laid as close as possible between the ceiling beams, labeling it from the bottom with vapor barrier and fastened with speakers directed across the ceiling beams. Mineral wool is considered the best insulation for the attic roof.

The attic is insulated in the same way as the floor in a wooden house. For this reason, in this article, the discussion of this issue will not be given a lot of time. It is only worth noting that polystyrene foam plates or mineral wool mats should be used for floor insulation.

Warming of mansard walls

Dersighted walls can not be inspired if the roof of the house is insulated before Niza himself. But if you have been insulated in advance the floor of the attic, then it is necessary to insulate the walls. For these purposes on the back of the racks, which will be in the future wall supports, it is necessary to fill wooden rails with a step of 30-40 cm, and already lay heat insulation. In advance, the chopped sheets of thermal insulation are needed to be tightly put between the supports, and on top of them on the entire surface of the wall, lay vaporizolation, and then, as well as on the ceiling, rinse with skids. Steamproofing the ceiling and walls should be hermetic, for which all available joints need to sink scotch. With a rather large variety of materials for insulation, preference most often give mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

Warming the attic of the foam is not as good as mineral wool, as the foam although it holds well warm, but it is not protect against mice. But still use the foam is quite acceptable. Paste foam sheets are preferably in two layers, that is, to acquire sheets with a thickness of 50, and not 100 mm. At the same time, they should be laid between the rafters so that the joints of different layers do not coincide.

If desired, insulation the attic mineral wool, it is best to apply mats from minvati, and not a rolled material, since they do not settle over time and hold the form better. Mineral wool, like foam plastic, is laid in two layers.

After you decide to equip a living room on the attic, you will only have to decide on it. Most often used in the form of working corners or small bedrooms, as inclined ceilings and a small area interfere with the fantasy of the owners. But in fact, this is not the case, because the arrangement of the attic can be a creative and very exciting process, which as a result can lead to nine full-featured premises. Next will further consider the options for arranging attic.

Options for arrangement of monsard

In the event that you have a wooden country house or a cozy cottage, you probably visited the ideas for the arrangement of attic, as this is a fairly simple way to increase the useful area. Not trouble, if you have not laid a spacious attic into the project of your home, because you can build a attic if you wish at any time. Next, some interesting options for the arrangement of the attic will be considered.

Athenium bedroom

It is difficult to imagine comfortable sleep without cool, fresh air. It is for this reason that in a wooden house you need to start equipping the attic to the bedroom with a reliable heat insulation, which will not give it a very hot in summer and quickly cool in the winter. In addition, you must definitely install good attic windows so that the room can be airport. Place the bed should be in such a way that the hanging ceiling gives it to you, and it was convenient to get up from it.

Children's room

Highlighting a bedroom on the attic, you can make it not only an adult, but also a nursery, building a cozy nest there. And you can settle two children at the attic at once, but in this case you will need to install a bunk bed or competently distinguish the living room.


The attic rooms are distinguished by solistency and silence, so there will be a very good option in the attic of a comfortable working corner. The cabinet does not require a lot of space, but in the end you can get an amazing result. The window can set the table, and near the walls to equip comfortable shelves for documents and books.

Toilet and bathroom

Additional bathroom will never be superfluous. It is possible to equip it even under the roof, which will be a fairly convenient solution, as there is enough space for the bath, and for the shower. True, at the same time, you will have to bring all the necessary communications there, but the result is worth it.

Creative workshop or Studio

If you are very interested in something and dream of creating in silence and solitude, you can equip the studio or creative workshop on the attic, where no one will interfere with you. And it does not matter what you do - write novels, sculpture, needle how to make or musitize, in any case you will be very comfortable to indulge in your beloved business under the roof of the house.

Club or Cozy Living Room

Even if your room under the roof has a small size, you still have a small discussion club or a cozy living room, where you can celebrate guests, drink them tea and lead interesting conversations.

Home Cinema

Many people love to browse interesting and exciting movies in their free time. And if so, then why not equip a separate room for this purpose? In terms of acoustics, it will be simply an excellent option, since the multilayer insulation pie and indigestion waterproofing is capable of providing an excellent acoustic effect inside the room.

Billiard room

Another very common view is the game on billiards. Those who love this entertainment, dream of having a billiard table at home. In principle, it is quite realistic, moreover, you can now purchase reduced billiard tables that are designed specifically for home use. Attic is a great place to install a billiard table.


Almost always and everyone lacks a place to store things. People buy new clothes, and old clothes, although unnecessary, throw out a sorry, so the place is required for its storage. In addition, women need to try their new clothes somewhere! Holding a dressing room on the attic with fitting room, you decide all these problems in one fell.

Modern people try to use the area of \u200b\u200btheir home as efficiently. Therefore, the proposal to equip additional space under the roof is always encountered with enthusiasm. It is much easier to plan the construction of the attic at the construction stage of the house, but you can make an additional superstructure and above the old building.

How to make a attic on the old house

The presence of the attic not only increases the living area, but also gives the building a colorful look.

Mansard turns a country house in a fabulous building

Old house can be updated by building the add-in in accordance with the existing standards.

The superstructure of the attic begins with the calculations of the strength of the old house

First you need to decide whether it will be possible to withstand the load of the attic floor and the new roof the existing foundation and walls. If they have a sufficient margin of safety, then you can proceed to the alteration of the house. Otherwise, they should be strengthened.

Old brick walls sometimes seem durable, but with additional loads with time, cracks may appear in solution. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately consider their condition, and if necessary, tied with a rigid belt. This is done as follows:

  • metal poles with a cross section of 10x10 cm by the bottom edge are inserted into the foundation, and the top is associated with the first floor armoomas. Installed around the perimeter of the house every 2 meters;
  • the metal reinforcement section of 12 mm is stacked in stages and reincubate the house on the walls: from the bottom of the window every 2 meters up;
  • a metal mesh with a cell size of 2x2 cm, which is covered with plaster after completion of all works, is being turned over.

Strengthening the foundation is made by the strapping by the reinforcement belt from all sides.

If the old foundation may not withstand the attic, then it must be seen by reinforcement

Deciding with the hardening of the building, you can move to the selection of the project of the future superstructure. It should harmoniously look against the background of other buildings and fit the style of the whole house.

The calculation of the sizes of the internal upper room and the necessary materials for construction will depend on the attic roof

There are several kinds of attic:

  • single-level bartal roof - low ceilings with a small living area;

    Single-level attic from a duplex roof - the simplest view of the superstructure for small buildings

  • single-level with a broken row - increased internal space, but serious costs of funds and time for construction;

    Single-level attic with a broken row roof usually build on a brick house

  • single-level with console deposits is a complex design that allows you to get even more area, as the mandatory frame goes beyond the building, and the windows are installed vertically;

    Single-level attic with consoles with deposits allows you to get a lot of indoor space due to the increase in the upper structure

  • multi-level with mixed roof support - used in the construction of a new house, it is erected only by specialists.

    Multi-level attic with mixed roof support on old houses is usually not established due to the complexity and large volumes of work

Video: Alteration of half the old roof in the attic - a lightweight way

Alteration of roofs under the attic - a relatively cheap way to increase living space. In a private house, a scope roof is usually put, so you can make your own hands an additional spacious and bright room.

Inner trim tree makes mansard warm and light

And if the house is quite large for the extension, then the attic can turn into a real floor: with several rooms and even a balcony.

Large attic allows dividing the area to different residential areas

Advantages of creating attic:

  • the ability to device one or more new residential rooms;

    Low ceiling attic under the bustling roof is the most convenient to furnish with low sun beds.

  • minor costs compared with the construction of a full-fledged floor or side extension to the house;
  • update the appearance of the building;

    The house with a mansard under construction always attracts the views of passersby and interest in the final result

  • the ability to observe a beautiful view from the attic window.

    Through windows in the attic passes a lot of sunlight, lighting the room all day

However, this solution has certain disadvantages that should also be considered:

  • the need for insulation and sound insulation ceiling and a new roof, installing several glass windows;
  • the complexity of additional heating and lighting into the upper part of the old house - you have to combine with home wiring or use a standalone connection;

    To heat the attic with access to the balcony, you can use the bourgeois stove

  • layout of a part of the home space under the staircase emerging on the attic;

    The ladder leading to the attic to safety is definitely fencing

  • the need to acquire special furniture under the inclined roof or purchase of squat models: low cabinets, sofas and tables.

    Low Furniture is best suited for the interior of the attic

The presence of inclined walls makes the room unusual and romantic, but with this solution will have to more accommodately approach the design of design. You can make furniture for inclined superstructure independently or collect a single complex of already available multi-level models, painting everything in one color.

Furniture repeating the slope of the attic can be made independently

So, the main disadvantage of the alteration of the attic room under the attic is the need for investing funds, but it is worth it.

The construction of the attic will cost much cheaper than the creation of an additional floor, regardless of which materials will be used to build walls. After all, for their creation, the main material, insulation and decoration will be required, whereas for the attic superstructure only a roofing insulation and a new rafting system is needed.

The superstructure is made symmetric or asymmetric shape. The inner walls are designed as inclined and vertical.

After studying the schemes of single-level attic with different types of roof, it is easier to decide on the choice when planning

Alteration of the attic under the attic does not require dismantling of all existing structures. But it is necessary to make sure that the ceiling overlap is reliable: check its condition, enhance with wooden or metal beams, to sew a new board. Then it will be able to withstand the weight of furniture and people.

For a frequent lift on the attic, it will be necessary to make a convenient staircase, to provide installation of ventilation, natural and artificial lighting, perform an internal finish - all this will allow you to create a cozy and comfortable room.

An add-in with an inclined roof, decorated in bright colors, visually increases the space, and the color spots add brightness to the interior

When building an attic floor, the following conditions must be respected:

  • the rafters are made of glued timber with a thickness of at least 250 mm so that the required amount of insulation can be laid;
  • for insulation, foamed polystyrene is used due to low weight and high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • there is a gap between thermal insulation and roofing material to provide natural ventilation;
  • it is necessarily stacked by a hydro and sound insulation layer.

Alteration of roofs under the attic with their own hands

During the construction of the house, it usually lacks funds, so many refuse to build the second floor. Or another situation may occur when the old one-storey lodge of a small square is purchased together with the site. In both cases, there is an accessible option to increase the place to stay - restructuring the attic room in the attic with their own hands.

Project creation

Before starting work, you need to make a plan and develop a project with accurate drawings. The correct calculation will allow you to get a cozy, durable and reliable room. You can perform all calculations yourself or entrust it to specialists.

Draw a plan and develop a sketch project independently, having studied different options on the Internet

Strengthening walls and foundation may be needed in the case of complete replacement of rafters. If the roof is partially converted, then it may be necessary to strengthen only for overlapping. It is also necessary to immediately decide which types of windows will be used in the attic: the gain in the rafter system will depend on it.

The location of all windows in the roof of the attic must be thought out in advance and make this data in the project plan

Slinge system

The rafters can be with voting or hanging. The first is based on the inner walls of the house or additional supports, and the second on the outer walls.

Attic and hanging rafters are used in attic

For attic, hanging rafters are best suited.

Mansard with hanging rafters looks more beautiful and wins in the size of the inner area

Mansard usually takes the entire space of the attic, and its walls are combined with external.

The best option for creating an attic is a sling lines system.

The rafter system consists of different bearing bars. To understand the device of the whole design and to build it correctly, you need to figure it out in the appointment and work of its individual elements.

The image of individual elements of the rafter system helps to understand the device of the entire design.

Re-equipment of the room

With a sufficient altitude of the attic room, the lifting system is not necessary to redo. It is enough to inspect the old rafters, to identify possible flaws and eliminate them.

If the rafter system is in good condition, you can proceed to the arrangement of the floor. Between the lags, the insulation is first stacked, after which the surface is trimmed by conventional boards or sheets of OSP, chipboard.

The floor in the attic is insulating and closed by boards

Between the rafters before laying the insulation, all the necessary communications are mounted, places to install windows are cut in the roof. It is carried out before insulation.

All wires and tubes of communications must be placed in special corrugations.

It is necessary to take care of the creation of natural ventilation of the undergrade space through the produced so that moisture does not accumulate indoors.

Hearth roofing

It is necessary to insulate the roof and qualitatively - the microclimate under the roof will depend on it. Usually, mineral wool, foam or sprayed polyurethane foam is used as insulation.

The thick layer of the thermal insulator is tightly stacked and fixed between the rafters so that there are no gaps and gaps anywhere. At the top of the roof - the waterproofing is mounted between the roof and insulation, the insulating material on the side of the room is placed. Then from the inside the insulation is covered with a vaporizolation film.

For better ventilation between the roofing material and the insulation, a short distance is left: so the air circulates through the holes in the cornices and the skate. If the roof is covered with wavy sheets, then the thickness of the gap should be 25 mm, if the flat material, then it is necessary to bring it up to 50 mm.

When creating the insulation of the attic, it is necessary to strictly observe the sequence of the layer

Planning a lifting on the attic, you need to take care of the convenience and safety of movement. Therefore, the staircase is usually mounted inside the house. It is constructed from wood or metal: it can be both a screw and a marching structure.

The staircase on the attic can be a different type and design, which allows it to fit into any interior

In the ceiling of the first floor, the discovery is cut, which around the perimeter is strengthened with a metal or wooden strapping.

The design of the staircase on the attic should be durable, reliable, safe and beautiful

Interior decoration

To cover the walls in most cases, plasterboard plates are used, the seams between them are placed. On top, the wallpaper is placed or decorative plaster is superimposed. Alternative - lining or natural tree.

If some rafters appear through the walls inside the attic, they can be issued as decorative elements and even use in the form of a horizontal bar for hanging hammock, swings, chandeliers and other devices.

Registration of visible parts Slinge in the interior of the attic - the matter is interesting and creative

It is not recommended to use heavy finishing materials on attic, as they increase the load on the walls, overlapping and foundation of the building.

There are many options for the internal finish of the attic, but only light materials are desirable to use.

To cover the floor, you can use laminate or linoleum, and it is better to refuse from tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Dersighted floor roof device

The roof of the residential superstructure should consist of the following layers (the order of the location - from the street to the inner space):

Video: For what and how to properly lay layers on the roof of the attic

Dersighted roof calculations for home

Determination of the total weight of the roof

To calculate the overall weight of roofing materials, it is necessary to multiply one square meter of the coating to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe attic roof. To obtain the weight of one square meter, it is necessary to fold the proportion of all materials, of which the roofing pie consists, and multiply it to the reserve coefficient (1,1).

If the drying thickness is 25 mm, then its share is 15 kg / m 2, the insulation with a thickness of 10 cm has a specific weight of 10 kg / m 2, and the roofing material ondulin has a weight of 3 kg / m 2. It turns out: (15 + 10 + 3) x1.1 \u003d 30.8 kg / m 2.

According to existing standards, the load on the overlap in a residential building should not exceed 50 kg / m 2.

Definition of the roof area

To calculate the surface of the broken roof, you need to split it on simple figures (square, rectangle, trapezium, etc.) and determine their area, and then add everything. To determine the surface of the bartal roof, you must multiply the length of the width, the resulting value is multiplied by two.

Table: Definition of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of the attic

When calculating the angle of inclination, the climatic zone is taken into account in which the house is located, and that it is convenient to move to the attic on the attic

It is also necessary to carry out the calculation of the roof slope. Usually an angle is 45-60 degrees, but when it is determined, it is necessary to take into account the climatic zone in which the house is located, the construction type of the attic, snow, wind loads, architectural design of the house.

The greater the angle of inclination of the roof, the smaller the load on the rafter system will be, but the consumption of materials will increase.

Calculation of the rafter system

When choosing a rafter system, you can stay in the following options:

  • hanging rafters;
  • inclined type;
  • skate run;
  • combined design.

If the roof length is more than 4.5 m, then the support runs and soils can be used. With a length of more than 7 meters, a ski beam is installed.

For wooden rafters, a beam is used with a thickness of at least 70 mm. The step of their installation should be 50 cm.

On a large area, it is better to mount a metal rafting system: due to the increase in the distance between the rafters, the absence of spacers and subposses, the weight of such a design will be less than that of wooden, and the strength will increase significantly.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic is big, then it is better to install metal rafters

Calculation of the required amount of materials

To carry out the calculation you need to know the following parameters:

  • width, thickness and step rafters;
  • the distance from the edge of the roof to the rafter;
  • the size of the boards for the root and step between them;
  • size, type of roofing material and fuelstone between its sheets;
  • type of steam, hydro and heat-insulating material.

The roof is divided into simple figures and the required amount of each of the materials is determined. This uses simple mathematical formulas.

The results obtained are translated into standard values: for wood - in cubic meters, for roofing materials, steam, hydro and thermal insulation - in square meters. And you can go to the store.

Common mistakes

Most often, with independent settlement, errors are obtained during the determination of the required number of insulation. If the climatic conditions are severe, then it will have to increase its volume, otherwise it will not be possible to create comfortable living conditions on the attic. The insulation is laid on the floor overlap of the house, the walls of the front and the rods of the roof. But everywhere the thickness of the insulation can be different.

Video: calculation of the attic roof with diagrams and load

The attic floor allows you to get an extra living area and gives the private house a modern attractive appearance. It is easy to create your own mansard, only you need to properly draw up a project, perform calculations and conduct high-quality installation of all materials. And the result will benefit the owners long.


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