How to protect air conditioning from vandals. Why do you need a protective visor? The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

How to protect air conditioning from vandals. Why do you need a protective visor? The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

Many private firms engaged in the sale and installation of split systems offer an additional service for the manufacture and installation of the protection of the outer block from various external influences. Usually they put a metal visor for air conditioning, sometimes with an anti-vandal grid. This accessory is very necessary, it is worth understanding more.

Why do you need a visor above the split system?

It should be immediately noted that in any split system instructions you will not find the mandatory requirement to install protective visors for air conditioners. As sellers of refrigerators tell us, these products are designed to protect the dear external block from the effects of precipitation, dust, dirt, snow and falling from the roof icicles. In practice, the situation is somewhat different, namely: the design of the block provides its permanent stay "under all winds". Moreover, the bet is made on the heat exchanger wash and the fan blades from dust and dirt with atmospheric precipitation. Then the process of sharing heat with outer air for a long time remains effective.

If there is a protective visor on the block of the block, the washing does not occur and the heat exchanger is gradually stuffed with dust. This can be verified visually comparing two outdoor blocks mounted for a year - two ago. Air conditioning without any protection, looks much cleaner than the other, covered by a canopy. As for the falling icicles, this is a real threat to the integrity of the unit, which means that the visor on the air conditioner is still needed.

The same trouble expects an outdoor unit if the building is dilapidated and begins to break down little. As a rule, such processes begin with parapets laid out of the brick. The latter gradually crept under the influence of precipitation, the large pieces fall off.

To the water from the upper balcony, the water is inside the glazing, on its paths along the entire length put a small visor from galvanized steel width 10-15 cm. From now on, any, even the smallest rain becomes in the apartment, because a tinger on which drops fall, Serves the role of the bell. You can imagine what rain melody will be from a metal sheet cut under the size of the outer block of the air conditioner. It will go to everyone: both to you and the surrounding neighbors, especially in the case of night rain, when people need rest.

To muffle the sound of droplet protection, you can apply a visor from polycarbonate. But it should be understood, the polycarbonate can withstand the blow from the fall of the average icicle. If the roof will fall a big block of ice, then the consequences are unpredictable.

When is the installation of a canopy obligatory?

Of all the above, it follows that the proper operation of the outdoor unit is preventing the metal canopy than it helps. He also decently acts on the nerves and your neighbors during the rains of any intensity. In turn, there are reasons because of which the visor installation over the air conditioner is inevitable:

  1. Falling icicles.
  2. Sliding large amounts of wet snow.
  3. Falling bricks or decorative parapet parts. In this situation, a protective visor is the only alternative.

Important! You can not make an angle of inclination of a canopy more than 20º. Since the angle of the incidence is equal to the reflection angle, then the items that fallen on the plane at an angle of more than 20º will fly away away and can get into people passing by people or passing cars.

The classic visor design from a solid metal sheet is presented in the drawing.

What is the difference between air conditioning from split-system How to clean the split system How to install air conditioning in the apartment Device and principle of operation of the split system How to make the right selection of air conditioner for an apartment

Description of this phenomenon I want to start with a small prehistory. A few years ago, the visor, as an option, was included in the installation cost of the split system. At least in our organization. One day, we decided to make this option separate and paid. This decision had a great logical basis.

We, when purchasing brackets, the kit without a visor did cheaper than the kit with a visor and we decided that let the client who requires a visor over the outer block of the split system, will pay this difference in price. And then the "revolution" happened!

Prior to this solution, from 10 splitters 9.5 was installed with a visor over the outer unit, after no more than 2 of the 10th. Changed only the cost of installation - with a visor, of course, more expensive and customers began to ask a completely logical question: Do I need a trump card over the outer block of Split? And hearing the answer, decided.

So you have the same answer to the question:

Why do you need a visor over the outer block of the split system?

Let's immediately rename the notorious visor and give him a real name, because it is not a visor as on the cap, over the entrance or else anywhere. This is a visor over the outer block of the split system and it has a completely own name - it is protection against mechanical damage. That is, ice protection in the form of icicles falling from the roofs, bricks or the front tiles, which come off from the wall and land on your air conditioning, trying to damage it.

Birds settled under the visor. Feel quite comfortable, unlike air conditioning.

What I want to say: protection over the outer block is needed only if there are factors to create a situation where the system can fall on the outer block of the split system. The cause of this fall can be a scope roof on your home, on which icicles are formed in winter, from which the facade sheathing or semi-fledged bricks is depicted.

No, there may be different situations:

  • Self-hated neighbors from above, throwing a piano on Fridays directly to your air conditioner;
  • Frequent meteoric rains in your region;
  • UFOs or flying cows, if you have seen them, then the visor is simply necessary;
  • "Won, see the neighbor hangs, and hang me";
  • Yes, and just a banal "let it hang".

But these are all the advantages.

Let's wonder the minuses of the installation of protective visors over Split.

In each or almost every split system, not only the instruction manual is included in the kit, but also installation instructions. And in it black on white, distances are described that the outer block is described for adequate work. So, at the request of the manufacturer, the distance of the outer unit to the nearest obstacle should be on average half the meter. Question: Why? The answer is simple: so necessary!

Do not score your brain excessive information! Of course, I can deepen in the calculations, in terms and mathematical language with formulas to bring this theorem to the end. You will just be bored to read it, and I promised to do without all this. Therefore, if engineers calculated and wrote the requirement in the instructions, it means that it is necessary. Let's just try to fulfill their wish.

Further. As you could have been able to see in the photo, slightly higher in the text, the visors on the air conditioners are very like to equip their dwellings of pigeons. So what, you ask? And I will not answer anything, but I will simply offer you to look at the video roller, which we removed with a partner on one of the next objects.

A drop of prehistory: We come to order for service Split systems, unscrew the visor to get to the exterior unit of the air conditioner and ...

Well, is it impressive? Until now, I'm thrown into a shiver when you memorize this case! This was the dirtiest air conditionerFor all my many years of practice. And the fault in this was not at the customer, but on the "birds of the world", which lived under the visor split system with all their family. The air conditioner, of course, outlined, but what kind of effort it cost us, and the customer of funds is already a separate story!

We continue! The next plus of the absence of a visor over the outer block of the split system I will write not by a ballpoint handle, but lay out the letters with nerve cells of customers, who, breaking my phone, begged: come and remove this bell. Moreover, the name "Bell" is not my fantasy, but the exact word that has been said by clients.

Imagine that you have a piece of tin outside the window, and water drops fall on it in a certain rhythm. Boom ... boom ... boom ... These are drainage tubes of the neighbors from above. I hope you noticed that air conditioners drip through the tube on the ground. So, the drops to the ground do not come, and fall to your visor and he publishes: boom ... boom ... boom ... and so without end. Okay, if it is a day in a noisy city, and if it is a night boom ... boom ... boom and you are trying to fall asleep. Believe me, plastic windows with noise insulation will not save you in a quiet, calm night.

It is only drainage tubes of neighbors on top of the boom ... boom ... boom ... And suddenly the rain or shower. Symphony!

And then a counter question: how is my favorite air conditioner and suddenly there is such aggression in the form of rain or, which worse, shower and all this irrespons the outer block of the split system. Take two simple thoughts: first, nothing happens to him. It is designed to be on the street and from the plant is ready for all environmental impacts. Secondly: rain, falling on the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit, washes off the dirt from him, which makes it easier for his subsequent work.

And this is "secondly" not a hypothesis, but practice. I am serving Split systems and see with my own eyes, which blocks are cleaned, with a visor or without them.

Let's make a summary of everything above written.

If you have a scope roof and in winter, icicles are formed on it, which can fall on the outer block split system - the protective visor is needed. If the walls of your house are creepy (bricks fall, the tiles are falling, etc.) - the visor is needed. If there is some kind of impact on the outer block in the form of fallen objects that I did not provide in this topic - the visor is needed.

In all other cases, the protective visor is not required and its installation can only be your personal wish, which we are of course execute.


I buy air conditioning. Visorok included already in mandatory spending. But after reading the article immediately figured out. Thanks for saving money and the arguments for my wife. And then: "Will mocking. Quickly break. "

        1. Heat exchanger pollution is always harmful to air conditioning. In your case, either negotiate with the neighbors, or the visor. Do not forget to clean the heat exchanger in order to avoid improper operation of the air conditioner.

  • And what to say about the direct ingress of sun rays, I live in the south the temperature in the shade from 40 to 48 is the norm, because of this split (inventory), a number of 35 squares cannot be cooled to cool 16 squares. Interesting your opinion. Thank you.

    1. Yes, indeed, in some cases, the outer blocks of split-systems under the right sunlights are as if in a frying pan, and, in consequence of overheating, they can even turn off. Most often, this is more pronounced in cases where the outer block is installed on the metal roof. In these cases, we really recommend making sunscreen events, right up to the installation of visors.
      In your case, most likely, the split cools the room, but not as at normal temperatures overboard and it is quite normal. At a temperature of 48 degrees in the shade, for uninterrupted equipment, it is required to use split systems in tropical execution.

    And in the spring or after aqueous, the employees of the Criminal Code are frowning icicles and score, which is formed on the edge, even, flat roofs. The fact that will remain from that kind of roof protection, if a kilogram is dropped from 5 floors?

    Air conditioning protection systems

    In most economicles, there are no protection systems from improper operation.

    If consumer functions in all air conditioners are the same, then the protection functions from improper operation or adverse external conditions, on the contrary, differ significantly. The full-fledged system of control and control of air conditioning involves the installation of a large number of sensors and additional devices in the external and inner blocks, which increases the cost of equipment by 20-30%. At the same time, it is implicitly relocated to the presence of a low pressure relay, it will not work and, accordingly, it will not be possible to get a quick return from the investment. Therefore, in budget air conditioners, the control and protection system is practically absent. Even in the first group, many air conditioners have only partial protection against improper operation.

    Basic control and protection systems

    Restart. This feature allows air conditioner to turn on after power interruptions. Moreover, the air conditioner will turn on the same mode in which it worked before the failure. This simplest function is implemented on a firmware level and therefore is present in almost all air conditioners.

    Control over the status of filters. If the filters of the internal unit of the air conditioner cannot be cleaned, then for several months there is such a dust layer that the air conditioner performance will decrease several times. As a result, the normal operation of the refrigeration system will be distinguished, and liquid freon will act on the compressor inlet instead of gaseous, it will be likely to force the compressor. But even if the compressor does not fail, then with time the dust will stick on the radiator plates of the indoor unit, will fall into the drainage system and the internal unit will have to be carried to the service center. That is, the consequences of the operation of the air conditioner with dirty filters can be the most serious. To protect against these consequences, the air conditioner is embedded in the filter cleanliness system, the corresponding indicator lights up when filters are contaminated.

    Control of Freon leakage. In any split-system, the amount of freon over time decreases due to the normalized leakage. For a person, this is not dangerous, since freon is an inert gas, but air conditioning without refueling can "live" only 2-3 years. The fact is that the air conditioner compressor is cooled by freon and with its lack it can overheat and fail. Previously, a low pressure relay was used to disconnect the compressor with a lack of freon, with a decrease in pressure in the system, this relay turned off the compressor. Now most manufacturers enters the electronic control systems that measure the temperature in key points of the system and / or compressor current and on the basis of this data are calculated all operating parameters of the refrigeration system, including freon pressure.

    Current protection. At the current of the compressor, you can define a number of refrigeration system faults. The reduced current suggests that the compressor works without load - it means Freon. The increased current signals that it is not gas-like, and liquid freon, which can be caused by either too low the temperature of the outer air or dirty filters of the indoor unit, arrives at the compressor inlet. Thus, the compressor current sensor allows you to significantly increase the reliability of the air conditioner.

    Automatic defrost. At the outdoor temperature below + 5 ° C, the external air conditioner unit can be covered with a layer of ina or ice, which will lead to a deterioration of heat exchange, and sometimes even to the fan breakdown from the shock of the ice blades. To do this, the air conditioner control system monitors the conditions of its work and if the risk of icing occurs, periodically turns on the auto-immortment system (air conditioning works 5 - 10 minutes in cooling mode without turning on the inner block fan, while the outer block heat exchanger is heated and pulls out).

    Protection against low temperatures. Include non-adaptable air conditioner at negative outdoor air temperatures is categorically not recommended. To prevent breakdowns, some air conditioners are automatically disconnected if the temperature on the street fell below a certain mark (usually minus 5 - 10 ° C).

    Of course, the air conditioning protection is not limited to the listed systems, but we considered those systems, the presence of which is very desirable to ensure that the air conditioner takes care of you, and not you about the air conditioner.

    The main breakdowns of split systems

    • - Split system burns out. This happens only by the equipment of the economy-class, which does not have protection against overheating and voltage drop.
    • - depressurization of the freon contour. This malfunction is caused by poor-quality soldering and leads to the loss of refrigerant.
    • - the impossibility of adjusting different temperatures for individual rooms is a consequence of incorrectly executed system settings.
    • - Air conditioning works, but does not cool. This situation may be caused by filter pollution, freon leakage or factory marriage.
    • - The compressor breakdown is a consequence of overheating, which occurs when equipment is improved or freon leakage.
    • - flowing the indoor unit. It may be caused by improper installation of the system, leakage of drainage, as well as the lack of regular filter cleaning.
    • - failure of the electronic control board. The reason is an unstable voltage in the network.

    Regular service of air conditioner can increase its operating time in two or three times.

    Visor for air conditioner It is a means of protection for an outdoor unit from the harmful effects of the external environment - snow, icicles, rain falling from the nearest bunch trees and branches. The visor can be mounted for the first time installed external blocks and already available. Protective adaptation is securely in operation, why?

    • the visor itself is made of steel sheet;
    • brackets made of metal corners;
    • attaching anchor bolts;
    • points of attachment to the wall are several.

    All parts are covered with resistant paints. A canopy of a protective visor is installed at an angle, so the snow and ice on the surface can not be delayed, and rainwater stalks instantly. Easy inexpensive device will last long and reliably retain an expensive split system from damage.

    Types of visors for external air conditioning blocks

    Installation of a protective visor for air conditioners

    Our company makes ordinary and folding visors of standard parameters and in the size of the customer. With installing and without it, as you like more. The price depends on the size of the protective device, the thickness of the metal sheet, the form and method of fastening.

    We can have along with installation. They are extremely necessary when installing outdoor blocks in the ground floor area. Purchase, order protective visors directly from the manufacturer. Call the phone's phone during working hours or arrive at the specified address.

    Outdoor unit and compressor - the most expensive part of the air conditioner. It is they placed in the zone that is most susceptible to mechanical damage. In order to protect the external module and inter-block communications from falling icicles, sinking the old plaster, other troubles, reliable protection is needed.

    We will tell about what is and how the visor is installed for the air conditioner. In the specified article in detail, the specificity of the design is dismantled in detail, the manual for its installation is given. Operating recommendations are given, the observance of which will help extend the operating resource of the equipment itself and the canopy itself.

    The household air conditioner consists of two blocks - internal and outdoor. Between them are clearly distributed function of the condenser and evaporator. The condenser is the outer block, and the evaporator is internal. These two parts are combined with a highway, including control wires and tubes for refrigerant circulation.

    Therefore, more often happens just damage for entertainment. But there are cases when destroying the outer module, extract tubes that are made of copper.

    In order not to acquire new details instead of spoiled, it is better immediately when installing the air conditioner to install and anti-vandal protection, which is a metal box with lattice walls. It protects the external unit and makes it inaccessible to outsiders from the street or from the roof.

    Made a grid of steel wire with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm. There is no strict requirements for the size of the cells, but it is better to make them no more than 30 mm. The ideal solution is to build a galvanized wire frame, which does not corrosive and long retains aesthetic appearance.

    Some firms make facades of anti-vandal protection from perforated sheet. Such a design is well passed by air, does not interfere with its circulation and makes the outdoor unit almost invisible

    Thanks to a reliable fastening, unauthorized persons will not be able to dismantle both canopy for air conditioner and anti-vandal protection. You can order such a design according to individual sketches, cover it with polymer paint.

    If the outer module is located on the facade of the building and it is necessary to hide it, a good solution is a decorative panel that does not have fasteners.

    Step-by-step installation of a canopy over the air conditioner

    Making a visor is quite simple. The process of its installation looks much more difficult. It is better to entrust this work to specialists, but if it is the first floor, you can do everything yourself, applying a ladder and taking someone to assistants.

    The responsible moment is the markup of the attachment points with chalk, there must be at least six. Conduct this operation using roulette and level.

    After performing markup, take the following steps:

    1. They take the perforator and drills along concrete and metal of the required diameter and drill quite deep holes both in the bellows supporting the visor and wall.
    2. Insert into the holes in the choppers.
    3. Close anchor bolts with a diameter of 0.8-1 cm.
    4. The openings of the visor on the threaded part of the anchor in such a way that about 1 cm remains for screwing the nut.
    5. Tighten the nut.

    For the manufacture and editing, the visor will need an average of 5 m corner steel rolled 25x25x4 mm, 1 m² sheet steel, 4-6 pcs of anchor bolts.

    For the protective canopy served for a long time, it is necessary to purchase high-quality material for its construction, and the finished product is painted in a light tone. For normal heat exchange, the gap is a minimum of 100 mm.

    Install both the visor and the block itself can only professionals. It is best to do this in parallel with the installation of the split system itself

    Visor over the air conditioner located above the second floor, it is better not to install yourself. This applies to high-altitude work, which is necessary for a special tolerance. They usually possess industrial climbers.

    There are cases when after installing the outer module, they forget to remove the transport mesh from its back wall. Gradually, the fluff penetrates in her cells, dust - they stay there, creating a strong layer. When installing the visor, all this must be deleted.

    If the unit is on the building high enough, birds can be sitting on its outer module. To avoid this mounted sharp spikes

    Some firms are manufactured to protect the outer block soft covers from the mosquito net. They protect against dust and poplar fluff, but not from mechanical damage. Additionally, the installation of a canopy will be required.

    Features of the device for heating

    Modern split systems have high efficiency. In some models, one spent kilowatt produces cold or heat in the amount of 4 or more times more.

    Use air conditioner for heating only up to -5 degrees. At a lower temperature, its heat production is reduced and can fall to zero, although the aggregates produced by Japanese companies Daikin and Mitsubishi Electric work on heating at 25 degrees.

    With the rules for switching the air conditioning system to generate heat, read, read which we really advise.

    The external unit of the air conditioner working for heating must necessarily be protected by a canopy of icing and a strong wind, otherwise he will not be able to function

    In any case, the air conditioner will not function without effective snow-windscreens of the outdoor unit. Therefore, the durable canopy is mounted above it. So that the snow does not get into the lumen between the wall and the rear panel of the module with a strong lateral wind, sewing and sides.

    Foreign Care

    The outer part of the split system needs a periodic cleaning at least 2 times a year. Air conditioners located between the fourth and eighth floors are almost inaccessible for dust and fine organic garbage. They can be cleaned with a temporary interval of several years.

    The easiest way to use a powerful vacuum cleaner for this procedure. It will remove dust from the outer filters and from the heat exchanger tubes. Since access to the air conditioner requires access, the protective grille is made not solid, but with the door in the front or lateral part of the structure. It is closed on the castle, and the key is stored only from the owner.

    To clean, you need to open the door of the anti-vandal protection box, and then open the module housing. If there is a large garbage, it is removed with a brush, and even more - a vacuum cleaner. A soft bristle brushed clean the filter grid.

    When the external module is located at a low height, cleaning is performed from a conventional staircase. In the case when a simple device does not provide convenient access to the outer block of the climate system, dismantle the grille, process the internal content with a vacuum cleaner and a cloth.

    If a significant height does not allow you to clean the outdoor module yourself, you will have to call specialists.

    There is another way, but for this you need a compressor or a cylinder filled with compressed air. The cleaning is performed as follows: the hose is pushed into the housing, and then turn on the compressor or unscrew the valve. Thus, outside the case of the condensate collector will also be trash, and dust.

    The outer module of the Split system, which is up to the fourth floor, is most susceptible to pollution, so requires cleaning every three months.

    That the external unit needs urgent cleaning, indicates the appearance of a characteristic tapping. It may mean that the blades of the fan are turning with difficulty due to clogging or hitting a foreign object, for which they cling to rotate. Condensate leakage from the outer part of the device can be observed.

    Especially often the external module radiator is clogged with a poplar flock, which reduces the efficiency of cooling up to the full exit of the unit failure. Cleaning in this case is performed by water jet. It wash garbage from all hard to reach places. Immediately after this procedure, the unit can be included in the work.

    Conclusions and useful video on the topic

    The process of assembling a protective canopy:

    Snow-windshield visor for outdoor module:

    Weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of the installation of a protective canopy, the owner himself must decide on the feasibility of its structure. As practice has shown, when installing the split-system, such an element should not be neglected. If you are going to use the aggregate and for heating, it will also need snow-windproof on the sides of the module.

    And what is the visor did you prefer to protect the external block of your own air conditioner? It is possible that your option was not described in the article submitted by us. Please leave comments below the block below, share useful information and photos on the topic, ask questions.


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