Boilers operating on liquid fuel. Liquid fuel boilers of heating: the whole semiage truth about fuel consumption and operating cost

Boilers operating on liquid fuel. Liquid fuel boilers of heating: the whole semiage truth about fuel consumption and operating cost

Boilers on liquid fuel have a special burner, which is equipped with an automated security device.

Features of an aggregate on liquid fuel

Efficiency of heating devices running on liquid fuel, high enough - 90%. There is a large selection of models with different levels of power and safety.

Types of fuel for boilers:

  1. diesel (diesel engine);
  2. mazut.

Thanks to the ventilation burner installed in the boiler, a forced thrust is created. Inside the device mixed air and fuel, which is sprayed and flammable. All this happens in the combustion chamber, where the walls of the burner are heat exchangers. Before you go out, the flue gas passes through the plates and tubes. And what they are more, the more rich the heat in the exchanger.

Liquid boiler on diesel fuel

The widespread type of aggregates on liquid fuel is diesel. They have a small cost, high efficiency and easy to use. Heating boilers on diesel engineer do not require a special permission to install in. They can be made independently and connect to the gas highway.

Diesel boiler design:

  1. The burner operating on the diesel.
  2. Fuel filters.
  3. Pump.
  4. Separate control panel automated system.
  5. Safety sensors to maintain stable burning and the required coolant temperature in the system.

Principle of operation:

  1. The fuel is mixed with air in an inflatable burner.
  2. Enters the combustion chamber through a powerful fan, where he burns.
  3. The coolant is heated, like the walls of the camera in which it is located.
  4. Formed in the process of operation of the Gaza, depart from the system of the device through a special chimney ..

See also:

The boiler on the diesel fuel is not much different from the gas. You can independently remake the boiler on the diesel fuel, which has a mounted, and not a built-in burner.

Some manufacturers create 2 in 1 boilers, which can also work on the solarium and gas. More often they are outdoor. Before purchasing a diesel boiler you need calculate the fuel consumption of the device and its heat performance.

This can be done by the formula: power of the boiler in kW / 10 \u003d kg of fuel at 1 hour of work. For a region with medium climatic conditions for the supply of heat carrier, 300 m 2 coolant is needed 3 tons of diesel fuel. On average, 0.1 l / h per 1 kW of the power of the device.


Because of the special operation of the burner, the diesel boiler will not work on fuel oil or waste oil.

The boiler on the fuel oil has such advantages:

  1. Incredibly high thermal conductivity.
  2. Low ash occurrence in the device.
  3. Luminous flame contributing to the emergence of radiation heat exchange in the furnace.
  4. Can be used in boilers of any size.


  1. Mining and organization of fuel oil storage.
  2. High price when buying a "clean" fuel oil.
  3. High temperature of frozen + 25-30 o C.

Buying such a boiler is beneficial in the event that there are enough fuel volumes in constant access. The fuel oil boilers are more often used in places where this fuel is processed or created.

How to choose a liquid fuel unit

Several main factors affect the choice of a suitable device:


Affects the cost of the product. Types of housings: steel and cast iron. Steel more economical and lungs, usually wall, and cast iron is more durable, but harder, outdoor. For administrative or industrial buildings, it is better to purchase steel devices for private possessions - cast iron.


This factor fully affects fuel consumption and the power of the unit. If you install a low-power boiler to a large area of \u200b\u200bthe heating of a private house, it will quickly fail using the high flow of liquid fuel.

See also: Making boiler on spent oil


Outdoor units occupy more space and are installed in a separate room, wall types of boilers are compact and easy.

Method of heat generation

Traditional or condensation method Heat formation . In the second way, due to the energy of condensation, their performance increases and fuel consumption is reduced.

Single-mounted or double-circuit

One-connecting works only on heat supply, and the double-circuit boiler also heats the water. In private houses, the load on the heating function of the boiler exceeds the need for hot water supply, therefore it will be more rational to acquire a single-circuit boiler.

Liquid fuel boilers from well-known manufacturers of Buderus, de Dietrich, Vaillant, Protherm, Viessmann, Wolf, ACV, Kiturami occupy a worthy niche in the market of heating equipment offered by owners of real estate country objects to arrange autonomous heating systems. If desired, the boiler on liquid fuel is easily upgraded into a gas model. For this you only have to change the burner.

For ease of replacement, the landing dimensions of all types of burners are standardized. This design feature of the equipment is especially valued by those who plan to go to the foreseeable future on gas heating at home. After all, this is the most profitable choice of housing heating. Manufacturers produce products operating only on liquid fuel, as well as more expensive universal models capable of working on two types of fuel (gas and diesel water). Most liquid fuel boilers are intended for outdoor accommodation.

Liquid fuel boilers are made of cast iron, plastic cast iron or steel. Cast iron aggregates are able to serve until half a century, steel - not more than 10 years.

The simplest scheme of the device of the liquid-fuel boiler of the Russian assembly. It differs from foreign analogues of the simplicity of the design. The boiler consists of several structural elements: 1 - work management system; 2 - Camera combustion; 3 - burner on liquid fuel (universal or diesel); 4 - heat exchanger; 5 - filter required for fuel purification; 6 - chimney.

Features of the device of liquid fuel burners

Review of specific popular models

Delta Pro 25/45/55 from the Belgian company ACV

ACV Delta Pro boilers are produced for the purpose of domestic use. This series is designed not so much for the heating of small private houses, as for their supply of hot water in large volumes. Boilers are produced in the patented technology of "tank in the tank", which involves connecting the outer steel tank to the heating circuit and the placement of the corrugated tank made of stainless steel in it using the argon-arc welding method. In the inner corrugated tank and is heated water of sanitary purposes. The walls of the inner tank, not in contact with the flame of the burner, but compressing and expanding when the temperature drops are capable of self-cleaning from scale. The heating of sufficient volume of sanitary water is ensured due to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe corrugated surface of the inner tank.

In just 10 minutes ACV Delta Pro 25/45/55 boilers at ΔТ \u003d 30 ° C heated 268/316/362 liters of water. The magnitude of the water pressure reaches 7 bar. The coolant is heated by four or eight smokery tubes with turbulizers. The number of pipes depends on the model. This boilers can be attached to both the gas burner and liquid fuel. Together with the product, basic devices (safety, control and adjusting) are supplied to the control panel are supplied. Delta Pro Pack components are additionally included in the package, as well as expansion tanks of contours and a four-way mixing valve.

Delta Pro 25 and Delta Pro 45 models can be equipped with a closed combustion chamber from which combustion products are removed by coaxial chimney. On it, the air is entered, necessary to maintain the combustion process in the chamber.

The price of ACV Delta Pro 25/45/55 is, respectively, 99,000/115 000/133000 rubles.

30NL / 40NL / 50NL Bison from Slovak Company Protherm

The Slovak manufacturer uses the names of the animals named boilers in the title. Under the nameProtherm Bison NL is implemented by six models of liquid-fuel units, characterized by power, which depends on the number of cast-iron sections in a two-way heat exchanger, tightened by the threaded rods. This equipment can work with a mounted liquid or gas burner. A suitable burner is purchased separately from the boiler. In the front door of the unit there is an observation hole, which allows visual control of the operation of the equipment. The device is equipped with a minimum set of measuring instruments and sensors, which is reflected at its cost.

Basic equipment includes main switch, wheel-type thermostat, thermometer. Optionally, a room regulator is offered, which when connected to the boiler, significantly expands its capabilities. To ensure hot water, it is required to purchase a separate accumulative boiler of indirect heating placed on the floor or on the wall. The boiler volume is 500 liters. The boiler is implemented in the collected form.

Universal Heating Copper Protherm Bison 30NL, to which the burner, operating on gas or liquid fuel, is separately purchased

The price of PROTHERM Bison 30NL / 40NL / 50NL is, respectively, 49 600/57 300/73 100 rubles.

GT 123 from the French company de Dietrich

Four models are included in a series of outdoor supervised cast-iron boilers manufactured by De Dietrich. The power of the models varies in the range of 21-39 kW. The equipment can work on gas and on liquid fuel. Requires the acquisition of the corresponding burner. The buyer may choose from to purchase one of the three regulatory systems for the work of the boiler:

  • standard (manual regulation);
  • EasyMatic (remote control);
  • Diematic 3 (automatic regulation of a large number of heating installations, among which can be heated by the pool).

The cost of the De Dietrich GT boilers is from 46,600 rubles to 66,400 rubles.

Installed in a separate room of a country cottage Liquid fuel boiler De Dietrich GT, equipped with an automatic unit

Logano G125 SE from the German company Buderus

Outdoor liquid-fuel cast iron boilers of heating in this company can operate on two types of fuel (gas and diesel fuel). For this, a special burner is installed, which, in the absence of gas, starts working on diesel fuel. The equipment has a presentable appearance. In addition, the work of the unit can be held in two modes - safe and energy efficient. Cast iron boilers are supplied in disassembled form and are assembled by specialists at the installation site.

Fuel economy is achieved through the use of the Buderus Logamatic control system, which tracks the outdoor air temperature.

The cost of these German boilers starts from 142,400 rubles.

South Korean Steel Boilers Kiturami Stso

In addition to the listed models, the products of the South Korean manufacturer producing liquid fuel boilers under the Kiturami Stso brand are in demand. This equipment is made of stainless steel according to special technologies, allowing to obtain compact and light devices.

The cost of boilers by kituri is in the range of 28 622 - 47,081 rubles.

Should I acquire a liquid fuel unit?

Boilers operating on fuel oil or in the form of liquid fuel are less common compared to other types of heating equipment. Liquid fuel boilers are used where there are no alternative fuels (firewood, coal, gas). Also these aggregates are actively used at industrial enterprises and auto repair shops that have large quantities of fuel oil and waste oil. In order not to spend money on the disposal of working out, it is burned, getting the necessary heat for heating production areas.

Universal call boilers that produce water heating due to thermal energy from burning different types of fuel, namely, gas or diesel fuel, or solid fuel.

The main advantage of universal boilers is just their versatility, that is, the ability to burn different fuel in one boiler. Such an opportunity exists because the burning fuel does not occur in the boiler, but in the burner installed on it. The boiler, in this case, performs only the function of the heat exchanger. Depending on what kind of fuel is supposed to be used, such a burner is installed on the boiler: gas, diesel, fuel oil or combined.

There are boilers for which, in addition to diesel or gas, can be installed a pellet burner. True, it is originally solid fuel boilers, nevertheless, they can also be called universal. For example, the Lamborghini WBL boilers work on firewood, coal, pellets and diesel fuel. Power of such boilers 20-60 kW.

In what cases is the universal boiler required? For example, if the main gas is not supplied initially to the heating object, the diesel burner is installed on the boiler, which is in the double, in the case of gasification of the object, can be replaced by gas.

The universal boiler in the diesel version also has an indisputable advantage - complete automation and autonomy of the heating system. The lack of diesel heating, primarily its high cost, as well as the need for a fuel-eyed device.

In the modern market there are a mass of proposals for various techniques for the heating of private houses and cottages using various types of energy to generate heat - from the main gas and electricity to firewood and sawdust. But what to do and how to pull your home, if natural gas is not supplied to it, a small limit is installed on electricity, and various types of biofuels are not available for various reasons? In this situation, an alternative is one - heating boilers on liquid fuel (diesel).

Varieties of boilers on diesel fuel

So, due to the impossibility of using other common energy carriers, you decided to arrange heating in your home in liquid fuel. It is time to choose a heating boiler, and here you should figure out what kinds of these products exist and choose the most suitable option. Manufacturers offer boilers heating on liquid fuel of the following types:

  • diesel boilers;
  • universal units, they provide for the possibility of transition from a diesel engine to natural gas;
  • condensation boilers on diesel;
  • installations burning all types of waste oils.

If in the foreseeable future is not expected to change the situation with energy carriers, then your option is the heating of the private house with a heating boiler of the first type, burning only diesel.

For reference. Most of these settings can work on a liquid biological stuff, which is obtained from industrial crops (biodiesel). This option may be very useful if it is available to such an energy source.

Some homeowners who look after themselves the boiler for heating, believe that in the diesel boiler they will be able to burn out and work out their car. This is the wrong approach, and for what reasons:

  1. Not every burner device works on contaminated oils.
  2. The calorific value of liquid fuel is much higher than that of spent oils. Accordingly, the area of \u200b\u200bheat exchange surfaces is calculated for liquid fuels, when combustion, the efficiency of the efficiency will be significantly lower.
  3. Termination during combustion highlights significantly more soot deposited throughout the smoke path. This can be a big problem when servicing and cleaning smokehead pipes.

In its design, liquid-fuel boilers are very similar to heat generators working on natural gas. Accordingly, many manufacturers offer universal water treatment plants with alternate use of liquid and gaseous fuels. The transition from one type of fuel to another is carried out by replacing the burner device. True, a universal boiler, working on liquid fuel and a main gas, will cost you somewhat more expensive.

If the area of \u200b\u200bheated premises or the building is less than 200 m2, and in the near future you expect accession to the gas pipeline, then you should not hurry to acquire a universal heater.

The fact is that the cost of the boiler block and two burners may be higher than two separate full-fledged units. Therefore, at first you can put the boiler on the diesel fuel, and after connecting to the highway to buy and install the gas heat generator. You can find out more information by reviewing the video:

Condensation household boilers on diesel fuel are the most economical and effective representatives of this family of heat sources. Manufacturers declare the efficiency of their condensation plants at the level of 97%, this is the highest rate among all other heaters. As usual, their cost is quite high and not every owner can afford to include in the heating system such a high-tech product.

Very good if such a secondary resource is available to you as a spent automotive oil in sufficient quantities. Then specially for this purpose there is a waste oil boiler, the product is manufactured and offered in the market by many manufacturers. Also, such boilers for heating well mastered different masters, manufacturing homemade heaters.

Device and principle of operation

As already mentioned above, the boilers of heating on liquid fuel are constructively similar to two-way and three-way gas boilers. By virtue of its design, the product is made in the outdoor performance.

For reference. In boiler plants with a winter-tube heat exchanger, combustion products can change the direction of movement several times, making several strokes in heat pipes and intensively giving it heat to a water shirt. In terms of the number of strokes, the heat exchanger is assigned a characteristic - three-way or two-way.

The similarity consists in the design of the heat exchanger of iron pipes enclosed in a water shirt. In the very center there is a fuel combustion chamber, only a diesel unit has a cylindrical shape. This is due to the design features of the burner device that uses liquid fuel. The main elements and details are shown in the figure.

the device of the VIESSMANN boiler operating on liquid fuel

A - external thermal insulation shell; In - heat exchange surfaces of heat pipes; C - Camera combustion; D - electronic control unit; E - burner mouthroad.

In products of leading foreign manufacturers, the furnace is made of heat-resistant stainless steel, budgetary domestic heat generators can be made of conventional thick metal. The material of the heat exchanger is cast iron or steel, for thermal insulation, basalt fiber is used or dense polyurethane foam. The burner that works on liquid fuel and is of particular interest, its design with decoding elements is shown below.

Diesel burner drawing

A - throttle air adjustment valve; D is the ignition system unit with a flame control sensor; E - fuel line; F - fan electric motor; G - pump; K, n - feed and reverse pipelines for fuel; І - electromagnetic valve; L - a malfunction reset button; M - heating control machine; N - console; O - ignition cable; P - electrodes of the ignition system; R is a cylindrical working part; S is a mixing device; T - nozzle; U - rod with a fuel heater; V - air intake device; W - body burner; X - air channel; Y is a fan impeller.

The working part is made in the form of a cylinder with a plurality of holes, the flame passes through them. When fuel combustion occurs, the flame of the burner heats the cylindrical walls of the furnace, as shown in the photo.

Diesel burner work

For fuel, special container is intended, it can be separate or suspended to the wall, the supply line is laid from it to the burner. Some burner devices have a reverse fuel line for resetting pressure, then installing the boiler and its connection is provided for two tubes - feed and reverse, going to a combustible container. Razhigig is performed in automatic mode by the control unit command.

Brief description of the work process

The burning of the diesel fox has its own characteristics, as well as the principle of operation of the heating boiler on liquid fuel. To begin with, fuel is required to heat up to a certain temperature, it is usually 50 ºС. For this purpose, the burner is equipped with a heating element. When the fuel pump created pressure in the highway, the control automatic includes a heater and ensures that the temperature of the diesel fuel in the tubes remains 50 ºС.

After heating, the controller includes a fan and with an electroclap opens the fuel supply to the nozzle. The latter sprays it, and the fan will deliver the air, at the same time on the ignition electrodes, the spark and the fuel and air mixture flashes. Next, the burner goes into the usual mode of operation of the diesel boiler. The combustion intensity is regulated by the throttle of air supply damper associated with the fuel pump. When the heating system is warmed or the container with flammable will empty, the controller turns off the burner, and if necessary, it starts it again.

Many homeowners are interested in the question of how many heating boiler on diesel fuel in operating mode consumes fuel? The answer depends on many factors, such as climatic conditions, the degree of insulation of the building, the quality of the diesel fuel, and so on.

Based on various practical observations, it can be said that for the heating of the house of 150 m2 at the coldest time and the operation of the burner at full capacity, the mass flow rate of the diesel boiler will be about 2.5 kg / h. In the middle mode, this indicator may decrease by 20-30%.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the boiler on the diesel fuel is that its use is possible in the absence of all energy carriers. Exception - electricity, it is still a bit needed, approximately up to 100 W / h. Other advantages of boilers on liquid fuel are as follows:

  1. The high performance indicator, the efficiency of the aggregates lies within 90-97%.
  2. Lack of inertness when disconnected, which will save the coolant from overheating.
  3. A high level of automation (in foreign aggregates), due to which it is possible to organize a weather-dependent regulation of the heating of the house.
  4. The possibility of transition to natural gas by replacing the burner.
  5. Small overall dimensions allow you to put the heater into a small room.

As usual, in any case it is not necessary without flaws. In this case, the main drawback is high cost. Cheap equipment, fuel and service. The latter should be carried out quite rarely, the manufacturers say, but in fact, diesel fuel does not differ in good quality, and therefore the prospect is often born with a burner. There also also includes the purification of smokehead pipes from the soot, inevitably arising in the burning process of a poor-quality diesel.


Liquid fuel boilers for the heating of a private house are usually purchased for two reasons: it is often a step forced and temporary, performed due to the lack of other energy carriers. The second case is when there is access to a cheap fuel, because its cost is the main obstacle to the popularity of this family of boilers.

With the arrangement of the heating systems of suburban households in particular success, a boiler on liquid fuel, which is characterized by high power, rationality and efficiency. The device allows autonomy from trunk networks, provides impressive operational automation scenarios, it is only required to monitor the presence of fuel in the repository.

The equipment consists of the following functional elements:

  • burner,
  • compact combustion chamber,
  • lamellar chimney
  • reinforced housing
  • innovative control unit
  • sectional heat exchanger.

As the core of the category of technology, a fan liquid fuel burner preparations of a fuel mixture with air plugs, directs it in a given quantity for the further operation of the heat generator. The standard configuration of the device provides:

  • control unit - controls the launch, workflows and termination of the burner;
  • ignition transformer is necessary for the production of caviar causing fuel ignition;
  • electromagnetic valve - adjusts the fuel supply;
  • air regulator - filtering device to ensure correct input of air flow;
  • preheater - liquefies viscous fuel to ensure an economical fuel consumption;
  • the pipe - the fuel transfusion assembly is connected to the tank to heal fuel;
  • head tube - thermal energy moves on it to the place of heating of the coolant.

Modifications of heating boilers on liquid fuel with a built-in burner are available, but they do not provide scenarios for increasing the power of the device. In the case of acquiring equipment with the hinged work segment, the burner setting is performed by a professional already at the site of the future use of equipment.

The combustion chamber is a heat-resistant design, its cross-section can be rectangular or round. The element is equipped with intake and exhaust holes.

Heating the coolant occurs by the method of transmitting the heat generating heat generated during the combustion of heat exchanger. It is important that the front sections of the device is equipped with a burner and a door. The power of the boiler equipment is directly dependent on the number of the sections of the heat exchanger sections and its surface area.

The smoke channels are equipped with steel plates to reduce the speed of exhaust flows in order to improve the efficiency of the equipment, while retained.

The automated control system is designed to maintain the set temperature modes. Improved instrument modifications provide weather-dependent blocks that are able to adjust the heating process of the coolant depending on the testimony of external temperature sensors.

Durable thermal insulation body contributes to the reduction of heat loss and increases the efficiency of the unit.

Pros and cons of heat generators on liquid fuel

The key advantages of liquid fuel boilers include the ability to effectively heat the room and the technical perfection of execution. The following competitive advantages of the equipment of this category are also noted:

  • high productivity of work with economical flow rate of fuel resources. The efficiency varies in the range of 85-95%;
  • large power of the unit. With the help of a heat generator on a liquid combustion, you can dump both compact housing and spacious home ownership or large-scale production facilities;
  • independence from the energy seal, with the exception of electricity. But here the problem is solved using generator sets. The device is able to work completely autonomously;
  • high level of automation systems. If there is a sufficient number of fuel, the equipment is uninterrupted without human participation. With possible violations in the workflow, an emergency shutdown of the unit is triggered;
  • in modern equipment models, the possibility of transition to gas fuel is provided.
  • Another important plus in the piggy bank - there is no need to coordinate and receive permission to install the heat generator of this category.

The main disadvantages of the use of heating boilers on liquid fuel are associated with the difficulties of the structure of the storage of combustible resources. It requires the construction of a separate structure. Most often, the underground warehouse in the form of tanks from transparent plastic or steel containers is equipped.

To operate the heat generator, it is necessary to equip a separate room with a powerful exhaust to ensure good ventilation. It will take high-quality sound insulation of the boiler room, if it is located close to the house, as the operation of the diesel burner is associated with a characteristic noise.

The big minus of the heating units of this category is the considerable cost of buying fuel. This is especially noticeable with intensive operation of equipment.

Liquid fuel for boilers

The aggregates of this category are capable of working at different types of liquid fuel. It is solarium, and waste oils, and mixtures of these substances, and liquefied gas. A special heating kerosene is used to operate a diesel heat generator. In the installations on oil-working transmission fluids, automotive oils, lubricating fluids on a mandatory mineral or synthetic basis are used. Separate models of liquid fuel boilers for a private house can be converted to gas fuel.

The device running on the exhaust oil must be cleaned every 2-3 days, the boiler on the solarium - twice as much as. The average consumption of diesel fuel for home heating with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m² / year is 4-5 tons, while the development is required 6-7 tons.

Varieties and features of liquid fuel heating devices

The power of household models of boiler installations varies in the range from 6 kW and to 230 kW. This condition allows you to choose a suitable equipment for heating small houses with an area of \u200b\u200b50 square meters. m and spacious cottages up to 2.2 thousand square meters. m.

The power of industrial liquid fuel units varies in the range of 500-12,000 kW. Heavy duty devices are able to serve the building with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 15 thousand square meters. m.

Industrial boiler devices are divided into 2 categories:

  • water heating boilers on liquid fuel. The installation involves heating water under pressure;
  • steam boilers on liquid fuel - generate superheated or rich steam.

Steam generators are used in woodworking manufacturing and oil production, in the furniture and food industry, the manufacture of feed and other spheres. Powerful heat generator models are in demand in block-modular boiler rooms specializing in heat generation and steam.

On the principle of the device, liquid fuel devices are divided into single-circuit and double-circuit models. The first are intended solely for heating the room, they are connected to radiators in which the coolant circulates along a closed home heating system. To ensure hot water supply, you need to install a boiler, as one-contact boilers do not heat water for household consumption.

In the design of the two-circuit units, an additional heat exchanger is provided, which makes the equipment more functional. Such a device is able to simultaneously provide hot water in several water points besides the heating of the house.

Installing the boiler on liquid fuel

Installation of a liquid-fuel device for the heating of a private house is carried out taking into account the requirements of fire safety and building rules:

  • in the boiler room, the presence of natural and artificial lighting, as well as forced supply-exhaust ventilation;
  • in the facing of surfaces in the room, exclusively non-combustible materials are used. It is also necessary to take care of sound insulation;
  • installing the heating boiler on liquid fuel is made taking into account fire gaps. When the chimney is arranged through the wall overlapping plates, the pipe is installed in a special cutting.

Under the boiler room highlights room with sufficient area to ensure comfortable operation and maintenance of equipment.

Popular models of liquid fuel boilers for a private house

The Kiturami Sts Oil model supplies from the South Korean manufacturer of heating systems. Products have excellent quality, although it is implemented in an inexpensive segment, which causes the demand for the boiler equipment of this brand. Instruments are made of stainless steel, the prices are within 29 000 r.

Olympic OLB: The power of the Korean brand boiler equipment begins from 11 kW. The presence of a built-in burner causes a low noise level during the operation of the unit. Boilers with a capacity of 40 kW are equipped with a burner with gear pumps. The cost of products depending on the modification of the devices varies in the range of 38,000-50 000 r.

PROTHERM brand 30NL / 40NL / 50NL bison from Slovakia is a heating system with hot water to provide for household use. There is an opportunity to remake the aggregate under natural gas, subject to the acquisition of a special burner. Devices are presented in the price range of 46,000-75 000 r.

Model GT 123 French brand De Dietrich is made of cast iron, the average cost of products - 71 000 r. The manufacturer offers a series of models with a power of 21 and up to 39 kW. To adjust the operation of the installation, a manual, remote or automatic type system is provided. Boilers can be re-equipped in the future work on gas.

Brand Delta Pro 25/45/55 Belgian ACV Trademark: Installations of this manufacturer are designed to heat at home and provide hot water tenants. Equipment can be removed under gas fuel. The cost of proposals varies within 160,000-200 000 p.


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