About scho to reduce smear on cytology. What is the need and how to take a smear for cytology? Yakі zvoryuvannya to reveal cytology

About scho to reduce smear on cytology. What is the need and how to take a smear for cytology? Yakі zvoryuvannya to reveal cytology


In the given hour, the cytological diagnosis of the cervix of the uterus is one of the most efficient and available methods, which will help women to improve their gynecological health. The managers of the general analysis are considered to be atypical, so that the cells are ill, from the diagnosis of early stage cancer development. A Danish view of the analysis of the first time stagnation in Greece, and for the same time in all regions of the world, as one of the earliest markers in the development of cancer in the reproductive system.

Cytology in gynecology

It is a pity that the reproductive system becomes very ill at the early stages without any visible symptoms. The very fact is often the provision of additional assistance to uncover the development of heavy acceleration. So, the analysis of a smear of the cervix of the uterus should be carried out once on the ric when the gynecologist is seen by the gynecologist, it is repaired for 19 years. Detailed deciphering of cytological indications is also possible to know the damage that can be caused by ignition processes, infections.

At the gynecology, you can see two main types of smears, which are taken every hour of reception:

  1. Cytological smear of the cervix and cervical canal, which allows diagnostics of inflammation, dysplasia, cancer of the cervix at an early stage.
  2. A smear on the level of purity, which is taken from pikhvi. When deciphering this analysis, it is possible to deduce information about the manifestation of the ignition process, overloading virus infections, bacterial infections.

Availability of cytological analysis to prevent the most popular of all gynecological diagnostics, including ultrasound diagnostics. However, like a technique, I have the right to a pardon. If the rules are not correct, 5-10% may have negative and positive and negative results.

Cytological dosage of uterine cervix

Synonymy of a cytological smear of the cervix є PAP test. The names of the winners are in honor of the lykar, which is a more stubborn vicorist of the methodology - George Papanikolaou. The very early adopters of the past were able to see how cancer cells can be diagnosed in the smears of a special farming.

The main findings of this cytological analysis:

  • detection of atypical cells;
  • diagnostics of the development of precancerous changes - dysplasia for cancer of the cervix.

Before an hour of carrying out the analysis for cytology, it will be possible to see the new types of cells:

  1. Clitini of cylindrical epithelium, which is taken from the canal of the cervix of the uterus.
  2. Cells of bagatosharovy flat epithelium, rosted from the pivotal side of the cervix.
  3. A cell stick is a transitional zone, which is the first type of cell to pass over to another.

Perevagi analizu

The deciphering of the analysis for cytology is further assisted as a result of the development of atypical cells in the health, and in the development of atypical cells, the distribution is free of charge.

The most specific method to the standard of cytology, if the material is taken to the correct place, it will ensure the maximum accuracy of the result.

Gynecology proposes a great range of conditions, which additionally help to develop a lot of illness in the early stages. There are more women who want to carry out ultrasound follow-up without seeing their own doctor-gynecologist. Tse is fundamentally wrong.

Defending the cervix of the uterus is one of the most important stages of diagnostics in gynecology. On the right, the ultrasound scan cannot diagnose the development of the problem. So, for example, with ultrasound monitoring, it is not possible to kill the growths of erosion, dysplasia and cob stages of uterine cancer.

Carrying out a cytological pre-examination of a smear from the cervix of the uterus is necessary routinely.

The main advantages of the analysis are accessibility, visibility, reliability. It is completely painless, and more important for women who love them.

Shown and counter-indicated before

Head over to the analysis of the field in the development of the oncological process. Unfortunately, the widening of oncological illnesses in gynecology is not a problem. With the rapid appearance of atypical cells, a zupinite development of cervical cancer (cervical cancer) will be injected. Cervical cancer is at once located on the third stage of the middle oncopathology of gynecology, which is studied in women. The main problem is that in the early stages of the disease there is absolutely no symptoms.

The majority of gynecologists are involved, scho oncocytology is the "gold standard" for diagnostics and screening.

The experts in this analysis will be able to find the answer:

  • low and high grade anomalies;
  • the manifestation of pathogenic microfloria, which can ushkodzhuvati mucous membrane of the cervix.

In the case of the screening of the Danish analysis, it is indicated in such cases:

  • scintillating screening of uterine cervix;
  • how the woman is planning her stay;
  • as long as 4 years, the woman has a history of 3 births;
  • the people of the first child were earlier than 18 years old;
  • how often a woman has a change of the statistic partner;
  • at the start of the postmenopausal period;
  • plan for the establishment of internal spirales;
  • To develop genetic schlichnosti until the development of oncological illnesses.

The main indications are prior to the postplanned cytological type of conditioning:

  • depressed menstruation, for example, visibility, parts of the fit;
  • the sign of the infection of IDPs - genital warts, genital herpes;
  • safety;
  • the ear of the mucous membrane of the cervix of the uterus - development of vid erosions;
  • dovotrivaly by taking hormonal drugs;
  • the manifestation of abnormal vision from the past, as it can also take veins of blood from one's own.

In addition, as an analysis was taken, the material should be taken to the laboratory, de and to be retrieved from the decryption. In the middle of the material, this decryption should be completed by pulling it out, however, it can take a whole hour to change.

It is also possible to see a low counter-indication through a cytological analysis of the following areas:

  • manifestation of the state of the genital infection;
  • vagіtnіst;
  • lack of borrowing;
  • period of menstruation.

On the basis of flattening, an analysis can be made on the cytological prediction of a smear of the cervix of the uterus in three months.

Viconannya ziskribka

Even before the analysis before taking a smear for cytology, special preparation is required;

Preparatory stage

The preparation is as simple as possible, and it’s not easy for women to do it. The procedure itself should be carried out as quickly as possible, without giving rise to strong discomfort or any unacceptable reactions.

  1. It is necessary to activate the dosing - the hygienic procedure one or two days before the date of the analysis.
  2. For two or three days, we have gone through all the types of contacts.
  3. Do not use hygienic tampons, small cakes, creams and candles.
  4. Bezposeredno two years before the analysis of the slid utrimatis from sechovipuskannya.

It is also a slid of the nobility that a gynecological smear from the cervix and menstruation is an insane speech. The optimal hour for the analysis is 10-12 days to the cycle.


Please correct the decryption as well, as it will be reliable, the technique of taking the material is even more important.

  1. Pick up material from the doctor-gynecologist on the gynecological test. For the whole woman, I know the lower part of the dressing and the frog on the crystal.
  2. For the reduction of the visualization, the gynecologist vikoristovu special rozshiryuvach - mirror.
  3. Likar to introduce a special brush at the canal of the cervix of the uterus, as it will allow the removal of tissue from the endocervix. Otrimanu fabric rozmazuє on a special object sklі, yak maє butti is blotted. As a gynecologist to make a singing dilyanka, as if it’s tricked, then maybe it’s possible to take an additional test.
  4. Dalіduє fіksatsіya, hanging smears.
  5. At the entrance to the laboratory, the laboratory assistant evaluates the amount of material taken, the amount of material applied, the correct fixation, the steps of cleanliness. As far as the point is, I don’t wipe the laboratory assistant, you can ask to take a smear again.

It’s not so hard to ask if you want to re-create a smear after decrypting the license. So to trap about 20% through the wrong technique of taking or pardoning the laboratory.


In Danish hour, at the gynecological practitioner, the deciphering of a cervical smear using the Papanikolaou technique will be performed. Qia methodology for subdividing the structure of the client into five different categories.

  • The first stage is the visibility of the windows.
  • Another stage is a small number of anomalous food, which will be abnormal before the ignition process. Daniy Variant є the norm, scho vimagaє protisapalny lykuvannya;
  • The third stage is the manifestation of the local purchase of atypical cells, which may occur at the nucleus of the bud, and by cytoplasm.
  • Fourth stage- Evidence of a clear transformation of cells, which may increase the nuclear mass, atypical chromosomes and cytoplasm. It’s time to tell us about the ear of development of oncological disease.
  • The fifth stage is a great number of atypical cells.

Deciphering the result is less than a doctor-gynecologist. Do not go into an independent statement of diagnosis and sign of incorrect treatment.

For example, for setting an accurate diagnosis, it is not enough to decipher a smear, it means additional information about the diagnosis, which will help to accurately establish the presence of an oncological process: expanded colposcopy and biopsies.

A little bit of ailment, as they attack women, for the present state of maturity. When the gynecologist was given a doctor, she took a smear from the woman, to reconsider the microphlora of the woman and to see if she became ill. At the turn of the day, there may also be new ideas about how, perhaps, the woman did not know. I axis, to reveal the nature of the chubby, take a smear from women for cytology. At the statti of diznaєmosya, which will show you until the end of the day and an hour to scamper analysis.

Will I show a smear for cytology? The price of food is to put the skin woman, yaku to guide the cytological analysis. The Danish test is a highly informative analysis, which allows the diagnosis of a shyke's disease and pathology of the disease.

The procedure itself is absolutely painless and simple. From the area of ​​the cervix of the uterus, take cells, which are used for vivation. Vikoristovuchi cytologic method of pre-development, viznachayut atypical cells, which can lead to dysplasia (cytology) of the uterus.

Before the end of the uterus, it is possible to develop dysplasia, which can lead to the development of a new uterus, uterine cervix. A cytological smear can help detect pathology at an early stage.

Even more often, on internal dilyankas, a new solution begins to develop, and it progresses in the hour and creates life for the well-to-do. A smear from the upper balls of the epithelium can be used to diagnose an illness, if the ailment has moved on to its final stage.

A cytological analysis can be made from all cells, from a histological method, from a preliminary analysis of a material.

If you are susceptible to oncology, there is a vicoristous infection of the invasive methods of converting the clitin. Є the situation is low, if it is also necessary to take a smear for cytology:

  • Scheduled availability.
  • Menstrual beat
  • Without a plan.
  • Adoption of oil.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Erosion. Often zhivoryuvannya women.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners.
  • Establishment of the uterine spiral.

And also a smear on a tsey view can be signified, if it is trivial and without interruption of hormonal activity. Rizniy vik women are advised to take a quick test. It’s just because of the fact that the woman’s got the first sexual admonition.

Preparation before analysis: How to make a swab correctly

A smear for cytology is given immediately after the end of menstruation. I recommend not to fold the test in case of new changes in the body: cold, undead, angina. It is also not a good idea to create cytology in case of menstrual bleeding; Before the test, one or two days before the test, the recommendations of the gynecologist are low:

  • You can't have sex for two days.
  • Zastosovuvati syringes, vaginal candles.
  • Vikoristovuvati put on that cream.
  • For 2 years before the analysis, it is not easy to celebrate a small demand.

The test procedure itself is not foldable. The patient will be examined by the gynecological crucible, for an hour the planned examination by the gynecologist. Behind the help of a gynecological mirror, a lykar has an access to the cervix of the uterus.

The site has been provided with information for general information. Diagnostics and diagnostics of illnesses needs to be carried out before visualization. Usi preparations may be contraindicated. Consultation fahivtsya є obov'yazkovoyu!

Eduard zapituє:

What is the Pap test (smear for cytology)?

A smear on cytology is carried out in one place - pathological changes in the tissues of the cervix of the uterus can be detected, as in the case of the crayfish it is transformed into crayfish. If a smear for cytology is taken regularly, then pathological changes can be detected at an early stage, if it is enough to take a course of general treatment and, by ourselves, to prevent the development of uterine cancer. In principle, a smear on cytology will allow the formation of the mucous membrane of the cervix on the cell line.

The results of a smear on cytology can be negative and positive. Negative results are also called "good" and "normal". Positive smear results for cytology can also be called nasty, pathological, or just atypia, dysplasia.

A negative or normal smear result for cytology means that the uterus is healthy, the clinical structure is absolutely normal, and the microflora does not avenge pathogenic microorganisms, such as the human papiloma virus or herpes simplex virus, etc.

Positive smear results for cytology mean that the mucous membranes of the uterus are abnormal, atypical, pathological cells, which are usually found guilty. Abnormal cells can be brought to different types, mothers are different in shape and size. Interpretation and the more accurate value of a positive smear result for cytology is a type of evolved pathological changes.

In a given hour, at the clinical practice of doctors-gynecologists, the classification of a positive smear result according to the Papanikolau technique is being considered, in which they see five stages of development of the pathology of the cervix of the uterus:

  • First stage- atypical cytology is mute, the cytological picture is absolutely normal (negative smear test for cytology). Such a smear result in healthy women;

  • Another stage- Klіtiny has been revealed with small fiery zmіnami. In principle, such a smear result is also the norm, some of the changes in the structures of the cells are mimicked by a banal ignition process, which is contrary to those of the uterus. If such a smear result for cytology is rejected, the doctor-gynecologist will recommend that you go through a thorough examination of the causes of the ignition process;

  • Third stage- Single cells have been revealed with pathological budic cytoplasm or nuclei. The Danish smear result is not familiar with the pathology, but evidence of those who, around the cells of the uterus, are aware of the plump transformation. Call the whole camp to pass independently and not in a special way. Likarі is recommended for the whole smear for cytology of growth biopsies with advanced histology;

  • Fourth stage - a smear revealed a clitine with clear signs of malice. This is so called atypical cells, which may cause a large mass of the nucleus, abnormal cytoplasm and chromosomal destruction. Name the stage to be called dysplasia. The same smear result is not yet for cervical cancer. Navpaki, dysplasia means only those who are in the uterus of the uterus and the pathological changes, which in the case of maybut are healthy, the malignant puffin. But in the midst of a large number of dysplasia, it is possible to pass independently, without special treatment and, obviously, cancer does not develop in women. To that, such a smear result for cytology is not recommended for colposcopy for biopsies and for histological pre-adolescents for adolescents of the uterus. For the manifestation of dysplasia, it is necessary to simply submit a smear for cytology to continue;

  • P'yata stage- the smear has a large number of atypical cells. With such a smear result, a diagnosis of cervical cancer is accurately put. Life is recognized as additional improvement, which allows the establishment of a stage of that type of evil new development, at the beginning of which it is necessary to carry out the procedure.
Correctly decipher the result of a smear on cytology, it may be deprived of a car. As soon as the result of the smear is normal, it is necessary to pass the rigidity through three fate. If the result is positive, then a colposcopy of biopsies of the uterine cervix and further histological findings of the tissue can be recognized. Remember, uh, unimportant to the high informativeness of cytology, to establish the presence of malignant swelling, for overcancerous degeneration of the tissue of the uterus can be deprived of the results of the histological examination of the tissue taken within an hour of biopsies. That is why the best smear result on cytology is not an unambiguous diagnosis of cancer.
Get familiar with the topic:
  • Analysis of blood for antibodies - detection of infectious diseases (cyr, hepatitis, Helicobacter, tuberculosis, lamblia, treponema, etc.). Blood analysis for the presence of Rh antibodies in vaginosis
  • Analysis of blood for antibodies - vidi (IFA, PIA, immunoblot, serological methods), norm, decoding of results. How can I get it? The price of the message.
  • Inspection of the face-to-face bottom - how to see the situation, the results (the norm and the pathology), the price. Inspection of the full-time bottom at vagіtny women, children, newcomers. How can you go through the rigging?
  • Looking at the bottom of the head - how can you see how the structure of the eye is possible, what kind of sign is there? You will see a look around the face-to-face bottom: ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopia (with Goldman's lens, fundus-linzo, on glass lamps).

Into the health of women, the following factors are injected: psychomotional stance, cortisolation, hormonal background, the backbone of the body's organs and systems. Therefore, it is important to regularly undergo preventive maintenance. If it will be revealed when a woman’s organs are ill, then she will recommend a cytological diagnosis, so that a smear is taken for a cytological analysis.
Cytology of the cervical canal (abo PAP-test) є Investigations for the type of cells taken from the internal emptying of the abnormal canal. This procedure is even more important from the assessment of the health of female organs, the evidence of cytology, the manifestation of their fiery nature, cancer, which can stimulate the development of oncology.
In medical cytology, dosage is often changed from histological analysis. Ale tsi methods may be of the opinion. The analysis of cytology from the histology is taken into account, so that the necessary material is taken away without the need for invasion: the integrity of the external and internal tissues does not break down. For a follow-up, a screen is required, which is known for an additional smear or a check. The procedure is painless and you get rid of the quilin.

Doctors try to get a smear on the cytogram, which is necessary for all women of 18 years, who want to know about their health. Ale is far from a skinny patient to listen to the heart of joy. To that, they found a number of low reasons, for which they go to the gynecologist and taking a smear cannot be made in any case:

  • Loss of cyclicality of menstruation. As soon as the stench comes out, it’s more often, less often, then it turns to the gynecologist.
  • Planning vaginosity A cytological smear from the cervix of the uterus will reveal the absence of any pathologies that can be infused into conception.
  • Evidence of chronic infectious diseases, linked to the reproductive system. Until the whole group, it is also possible to lay on the erosion of the cervix.
  • Reconstruction of the health of the body before the surgical involvement of the small folding operations.
  • Intake of hormonal drugs
  • Cytology of the 1st step is required in that case, if you want to install the internal spiral.
  • Overweight vaga or obesity 2-3 steps.
  • Evidence in the organisms of high-grade viruses (herpes in the genitalia, papilomavirus).
  • Diabetes mellitus.


It is uncomfortable to vivify cytolysis in a smear, as at the time of analysis the woman is experiencing menstruation. It is also a matter of opinion on atypical cells, as well as on the diagnosis of the uterus or pichvi. The number of leukocytes in the biological material was determined to "cross" abnormal cells, and the PAP test could not be detected. In the last situations, the cytological preliminaries will show a reliable result.

Features of preparation before the procedure

Before the examination of the procedure, the drug can be established in advance of the diagnosis and in the direction of the cytological dosage. The results of cytology are as accurate as possible; It is a medical practice to show that it is the most pleasant day to spend on the 13-20 day of the menstrual cycle. You can also take these on a regular basis:

  1. Consider the list of medicinal ointments and the test of mycetsevoy, give it a dose of antibiotics.
  2. Take care of the status of your contacts and the amount of money you make.
  3. do not show the syringes of chi іnshі procedures, scho change the microflora pіkhvi.
  4. Do not take a slice of a smear less than 2 years before taking a smear.

Yak to take a bribe

The technique of taking a smear to finish is simple and goes to the same gynecological test, the dealer will call you a good look. Yak іnstrument vіn vikoristovuє brush, mirror and spatula of special form. Algorithm for the analysis of the same for all patients. At the onset of 15 chilin, the gynecologist took 3 early signs: from the internal walls of the chili, the cervical canal and from the cervical canal.

It was established that the procedure is not vicious for the discomfort of ailing patients. Ale slid vrahuvati kilka chinnikiv. As soon as the parkan takes an hour to develop an ignition process, it’s whether it’s wicked to wake up a failure to see it. Also, for the purpose of rejecting a reliable result, the brothers are not near the top of the clit, but rather, they are rostered. Likary will have a chance to cling to the muck, or to find a part of it. That does not need to be nervous, if you see a weak beat.
Dalіkar to distribute obsessions of material on the prepared warehouse. If the smear dries up, it can be taken directly to the medical laboratory.
As soon as the procedure is completed, the patient can take care of her own right. It’s a matter of fact that the mucous membrane of the blood can be taken from a smear. If it is also a phenomenon that is susceptible to a stretch of 1-2 dB, then it will not require a normal test. If a smear on the cytology of the blood is more severe or if there are severe pains in the lower abdomen and temperature, then there is a serious appearance for the patient. Do not engage in self-care, go to the gynecologist.
Trivial vision of cytology testifies to the rude, unprofessional involvement of the drug, which could lead to stenosis and spikes.

Show me the message

A smear for cytology in women is shown, after an hour the cells of the uterus are seen. Yak tilki likar pochne vivchennya zrazka under a microscope, you can see the onset of indicators:

  • the structure of the clitin, їх size and shape;
  • pathological species of the epithelium of that structure;
  • a number of skin element cells.

Otrimanі results can be divided into 5 types of smears or cytological samples. Deciphering the analysis for oncocytology of the viglyad in the following rank:

  1. 1 type of smear is a negative indicator. The whole result is imposed on the norm, the woman is healthy and she does not show any pathological symptoms.
  2. Type 2 of a smear - the appearance of some kind of change in the cells, which may have a fiery character. An ignition type of smear is a signal that it is necessary to return to the doctor for additional analyzes and to identify possible causes of infection. As a rule, in 2-3 months there is a repeated cytological analysis.
  3. Type 3 - the appearance of an insignificant amount of anomalous cells. The changes in the structure of cell nuclei will also show the need for histological and microbiological diagnostics. The fact of the manifestation of the disease will be established without the obsession with the results. Such indicators most often lead to dysplasia of the cervix.
  4. Type 4 - the visibility of the illusion of illusion. In a smear taken for pre-examination, cells appear from malignant cytoplasms, nuclei and chromatin. Required additional procedures for specifying the camp: colposcopy, biopsies.
  5. Type 5 - the presence of oncology. If the next type is injected into the cob stage of the development of evil decisions, then the idea is to talk about actively interrupting the cancer process. Such rotten results of cytology show the need for a serious and qualified treatment. Additional analyzes will be needed, but sooner, in order to start getting sick.

Terms, such as vikoristovyutsya when deciphering diagnoses

To describe the smear on the crayfish crayfish behind the aid of the onset medical terms and conditions:

  • CPV. Indicators of garazd. No pathological changes have been detected.
  • Leukocytic infiltration in a smear. Provide information about changes in the leukocyte count in selected materials.
  • Leukoplakia. The analysis shows the presence of species-dependent cells, which do not overlap until cancerous.
  • Dysplasia. On tsiu sign slіd beastly with especial respect. Win to talk about a cancer camp.
  • Proliferation. Medical language means the process of the quickened podilu klin. To inform about the ignition process in the reproductive organs.

PAP test

As soon as the analysis of the patient has revealed anomalous cells, do not expect to know about the manifestation of evil new creatures. The PAP test can be diagnosed and severely infected, as it will require a medical term.

  1. Chlamidioz. The price of infection, as it is transmitted to the unprotected partners, from the sick hour of the statute act. The ailment is often asymptomatic, and it is easy to navigate for additional laboratory diagnostics. As soon as the treatment will not be carried out, the patients will clutter up the system.
  2. Drizhdzhova infection. Winikak in the case, as a fungus, is present in the microflora of female organs, and starts growing and multiplying uncontrollably. Life of microorganisms fired up internal fabrics. If you get sick with unacceptable visions, you may see it with an unnatural smell.
  3. Trichomoniasis. Lay before the venereal. Infectiousness, when the cytological analysis was detected, there were some symptoms: a strong sensation, the appearance of a green or even visible, inability to see it for an hour when the slaughter and intimate contact.
  4. Gonorrhea. Infectiousness of infectious nature, as it conquers the entire sechostat system. Diagnosis of gonorrhea is important in the region, and some of the infection itself often becomes the cause of female failure.
  5. Genital warts on the uterus and when empty show the manifestation of papilomavirus infection. Zahvoryuvannya in the region is not without prey to zh_nochego organ_ism.

Prevention of cancer and other diseases of female organs

If the PAP test shows the presence of any pathology and infection, then it will inaccurately turn up to the drug. Self-abuse is unacceptable. Doctors have come to know that problems can be unique if they regularly visit awkward preventive measures.

  • Become dbaylivo to your own health. Seeing a gynecologist is recommended not to be deprived of that, if you see a lack of health. Regular diagnostics can help identify disease in the early stages. Todi lіkuvannya will be forgiven that effective.
  • Enjoy the special hygiene. All objects, which you believe, are guilty of being individual (postal and bilizna, towels).
  • Uniquely unique vipadkovyh or unprotected article contacts. Take advantage of your own contraceptive methods.

Erosion, IDPs and cervical cancer: from the myths and a bit before the truthful information

Part 1. About cytological smears

In the midst of the female population of the affected regions, for the rest of the rock, the history of the drive of Chergov's news is expanding, unheard of by our women of infection, tied to the body's organs of the people. Sensitive and mythical about the virus of papilomy people (IDPs) reached colossal proportions. Information about infection, as it is found on websites and forums, is not accurate, but it’s not surprising that our women, especially young ones, are not smart, since they know that people are like papillomas. And that just do not be vicious to relieve the unhappy "ailment" of the terrible infection! And about the vaccine, I thought I was stuck in the bagatokh lands for the prevention of IDP-infection and cancer of the uterine cancer, in the form of eyeless style that just stupid information, the style of stupid people, brainless debates. To that, I instructed the hour to put a lot of specks over the "i" cells of the infection. Likewise, what are the most frequent lukayut women of the affected powers? Erosions, since it is not cancer anymore, it requires a term and surgical procedure - to fix, freeze, add money to fashionable and expensive procedures. It’s a pity, our friends, but Tim is bigger than women, I don’t know. The understanding of "erozia of the shyki of the uterus" is not a diagnosis, so that the understanding of the current gynecology is not victorious even more than 30-35 years minimum.

A number of articles have been assigned to those "erozii". After completing V's efforts, you can get acquainted with a short version of the statty. In 2008, it was published, and in 2013, it was published on the basis of the article " Dysplasia of the cervix of the uterus: lіkuvati chi not lіkuvati". Posilannya on the article is guided below:
For many readers, there is a great statty, you can build a foldable one, and there is a great deal of scientific and medical terminology. However, if you violated it, you missed the statty and read it in the last hour (for not reading it), we will go over the important facts about the "erozia" that everything that is tied with it.

Helping erozia is a common occurrence and demand for treatment in 99% of cases. In a large number of young women, the normal physiological stance of the uterus (CM) is ectopia, which does not require treatment. Likewise, the cause of the uterus shyki, which is called “erozia” for the vague, flowing understanding, may be a fiery process, which may need to be diagnosed correctly - the nobility of the zealot itself. Most often, “know” is quiet, as it doesn’t miss the point before the CMM is ignited. So as no knowledge of gynecology, no logic for the least fear (zhahu!) Is not possible for most women, they can fix trivial walkthroughs on drugs with trivial glitchless diag nostics and diagnostics schemes, which cannot be justified by the current standard.

It is important to him that you remembered truthfully firmly: the disciple of erozia in successful gynecology does not vikorist To that, it is necessary to diagnose "erozia" not in the panic of falling and quickly attaching it to frost, but to feed it from the lykar: it’s good for me to respect the understanding of "erozy". Same! It is a pity that they have a lot of likars to explain to the best of luck, because the old handlers of the Radian epoch have come over the old people, the process of verifying the descriptions is wrong (from the point of view of modern medicine), and in bold type it is seen that there is a lot of trouble. Tse nonsense! Apparently, on the smallest total, massive psychosis, there are three decades of nutrition for the uterus' s disease, take new information, and most of all, in contrast to the one that has been redesigned for simple health information on the topic of young health. Bo all seem so. Navit "deserved" professors and academics. Women, take a ride! Deliver bootie with lingering rubies. And if you have enough progress, if you can reach it far, then throw yourself away.

Otzhe, "erozii" not є with a malignant body and do not go into cancer... And why should I go over? It is logical - pre-cancerous stance of the uterus. Well, at the current gynecology, they may be on the lookout for cancer camps? Let’s talk about it. There are a lot of important statistics on the whole world. Nearly 500,000 new cases of cancer of the cervix of the uterus are diagnosed at a svit, and 240,000 females die through a sickness. Tsi dani є approximate, for that WOOZ is even older, for 2007 rіk. Over the last 30 years, the number of new cases of uterine cancer has decreased by half in the deceased lands, and in some cases - by 70-90%, as the number of deaths for uterine cancer. Does this mean that the incidence of cancer of the cervix uterus has decreased because of miraculous prophylaxis? But, it's just that in the lands of Europe and Pivnichnaya America, the axis is already 50 years old to be tested with a smear for cytology, which is often called the Papanicolau test or PapSmear. The whole screening test allows you to increase the level of the uterine cervix, if it is taken correctly.

Thus, the introduction of a smear for cytology in the gynecological practice of the region of the country allowed a large number of cases of cancer of the uterine cervix to emerge, especially at the cob stages. Some people were more likely to be cured with cym dough, some were more likely to be diagnosed with cancer, so it is natural that the statistical calls showed the urge to grow up in cancer of the uterus shyka, as well as in the middle of the pan. The infection has come to a very low level - more stable, but only in quiet countries, for children the test is victorious even for ten years and the number of females that did not pass the test is insignificant. At the edges of the country, where they develop, navpaks, a smear for cytology only started to be injected, and that the growth of the disease on cancer of the cervix of the uterus is prevented.

I have guessed smears for cytology, feeding: how are you guilty of swabs, are the results reliable? In the first place, in medical institutes it is not possible to learn any drugs, as it is correct to take smears, and not to deprive them of cytological information. In other words, there is little that is known about the correct interpretation of the results. It is also a negative phenomenon for modern education to be promoted in Bagatioi lands. Smears on cytology are responsible for the imaging of the clinical stagnation of the mucous membrane of the uterus and the canal of the cervix of the uterus - nothing more, I would like to be an additional factor in the production of diagnoses (trichomoniasis, for example), which should be carried out as soon as possible. In other words, guilty of intelligence, that all results are attributed to the sub-activism of the medical staff, as a human factor: how much the smears were taken correctly, how much correctly crumbled, how much correctly looked over. And here it is also important to think about it, but people are not so unimportant, they get tired, they go crazy, they just cheat, tweak the results and go to the wine city, etc. The human factor of medical personnel is the number one priority in medicine. First and foremost, do not paint with the same orders and directives - the removal of the rules for the robotics will help to lay down the view of the skin people - the її conscience. At the current gynecology of taking smears for cytology, take special tools, ask for one-time use. Smell your pluses that minusi, I want to say goodbye to the nurse's robot. Ink parkan material carried out with spatulas or tweezers (tweezers shattered navpil), at the same time the great popularity of cytobrash (cytoshch_tochka) and a spatula with podvizhenim kintz. At bagatokh pledged medical mortgages parkcan material on cytology should be carried out by the old method. Practically, in the provinces of the region there is a need for special preparatory training (preparation) of medical personnel for cytological examination (sampling of smears). For the ear, it is necessary to use a cotton swab to carefully see the vision from the surface of the uterus, even so. Take care of it, do not rudely shake off the material from the surface of the uterus with one hand, so that the uterus does not poke around, do not crush, it is not necessary to clean the teeth with a toothbrush. If it is necessary to transfer the material to the slope, to shake the chain even more carefully, a little more quickly with one hand on the stake, smudge, if a roughly applied smear is applied until the client is ready to read such strokes, such strokes will be important. For sampling the blood from the canal of the cervix of the uterus, an instrument (even if it is not necessary to use special tools for carrying out the test), carefully - I repeat again - carefully introduce it at the canal of the cervix of the uterus, but not too much. Coarsely introduced before the loss of a sudden and bleeding (and the shelter of the material can be used to make smears), pain, mucous membrane. Blood from taking such smears is not to blame, if the material was taken correctly. If the women screech, the stench was twisting, maybe even more, because they had a swell of pain when they took a smear, which means that the stench was not carried out according to the rules, roughly, the results may be far from reliable. Vikoristannya cytoskeleton allows you to carry out the collection of material without pain. Only in women who may have a sound in the canal of the cervix of the uterus (stenosis) for other reasons (from a surgical treatment, in older women), we have taken material for further advancement, we may be able to slow down and supervise the pain. It is necessary to transfer the material from the canal of the uterine shyki to the slope, but again, it is important not to depress it here, but to hold it with an instrument (a spatula or a tweezers) from the top down once, turning it after the year's arrow. Weide has a wide range of materials. In such a rank, on one side of the cola viglyad there will be material from the surface of the uterus, and the order of the rectangular viglyad and the swollen one - from the uterine chia canal. If the material is visokhne, there is ice on the back of the wine - it is important to consider not seeing, but fabric material. If the cytological smear is able to detect the vaginal vision, it will be even more important and unhappy to look at the material warehouse. Also, the distribution of material for a laboratory assistant is necessary in order for it to be lighter in value, a cheap part, and for a child to go to the canal of the uterus, for which there are some exact results.

What are the results? Most often the results are uninformative and can be wikidable in the video for the smitty. For what? To that, the description is even trickier and not according to the rules of the current gynecology / cytology. The upper part of the cervix of the uterus is whitewashed by a flat ball-like epithelium. Also, in the results of the blame, the clientele of flat food, as you want to talk and describe. And from the canal of the cervix of the uterus is whispered with a single-ball cylindrical epithelium. Think respectfully - you don't need one ball of klіtin. The very same strokes need to be taken even more carefully, not too much, more can be done easily. And then go straight to the information. The price grows early. At the canal of the shyki of the uterus bazhano "vprovadzhuvatisya" yakomoga rіdshe - it is only shown behind the suvorim. That shocking the cleaned canal of the cervix of the uterus, so called scrapes, as to guide us to the right-hand, especially to young women, because they do not have a polyp of the uterus, because it’s easy for a mother to sound like a mess ... ) for the breakdown of adhesions, as there may be a loss of gross involvement or loss, damage to the release of the licks (which may be the reason for the failure) and other negative inheritances. Think about tsim!

You know, that in the canal of the uterine cervix it is the largest type of food, it seems that in the other part of the results of the smear it is meant, that it is the cell of the cylindrical (cubic, lavender, granular) And what are the most frequent results? Tі zh klіtini flat food. It’s logical to eat food: why does it stink there, if there’s a normi nemaє there (one of the clientele of flat food - I’ll wait another hour, they spent an hour taking an analysis)? Does Chi mean that a woman can think of a pathology? Nichogo good. This means that the smear is not obvious: he was taken incorrectly, for he was not surprised at the laboratory, but the laboratory assistant, who was amazing, was not competent in cytology. Most often, the problem is not with laboratory assistants (I want to often call laboratory doctors and ask them not to provide "hacky" smears, but it seems that they will take the material right?), But in the absence of the material taken.
Do not take clinical material from the canal of the cervix of the uterus, often such smears are insured for screening of squamous cancer. If you take it, then only at the entrance to the canal of the cervix, the transformation zone is deformed. Let’s talk about it three years later.

The current cytological classification of smear results requires specific interpretation.... Specific medical terminology for cytological smears was developed by Papanikolaou and Trout in 1954. The classification of cytological pre-detection of cervical smears for Papanicolau includes five classes and may not have changed:
Atypes of flat food of unclear meaning (ASC-US)
Low step of flat lithine intraepithelial lesion (LSIL)
High step of flat lithic intraepithelial lesion (HSIL)
In the Radiansk republics, as in the provincial regions, such a classification did not seem to be correct; for cancer ".
I was spared in the fact that, at the dawn of my practice, I was supervising the oncological cytological laboratory. Vona also phoned the gynecologists, came to them at the reception and explained in detail, which is important for the removal of an accurate cytological smear, how to take the material correctly, etc. There are not so many such wonderful fakhivtsіv, mystrіv of their right, not so abundant in those hours (90-tі rock), and even less for them now. The rules for the collection of cytological smears have not changed, if new tools and modernized technologies have appeared.

1978 rock Bula adopted a new terminology in the classification of pathology of the epithelium of the cervix of the uterus and pichvi. The term "dysplasia" was replaced by the term "neoplasia", cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1, 2 and 3-rd stage (CIN 1, 2, 3) were not respected by the malignant processes of uterine shia. In such a rank, the understanding of "dysplasia" was thought of more than 30 years ago, because of the protest of vicarious terms in the course of the statute, that is why our women and our children are still accustomed to the word "dysplasia" all over the place.
1988 p. boole completed by the American system classification- Bethesdasystem, since 1991, the fate of accusing people of the great land of the world. A system of 6 basic classes (and a number of subclasses), also includes the classification of Papanicolau, and is used to interpret the results of cytology and tissue biopsies, if the removal of waste is carried out:
Stage 1 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (previously called mild or mild dysplasia) - CIN1
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the 2nd stage (previously it was called pomirny or middle dysplasia) - CIN2
Grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (previously called severe abnormal dysplasia) - CIN3
Carcinoma on mіsci (Carcinomainsitu)
Invasive cervical cancer
In 2001, the classification was changed and updated, and at the same time the medical mortgage and the laboratory of the country were taken care of.

The terms "dysplasia" and "neoplasia" are vicious in the middle of the past. Today, dysplasia is often called "Intraepithelial Disease", "Intraepithelial Education", "Intraepithelial Puff". Tse laboratory diagnostics, which is based on the results of a cytological smear and / or a histological diagnosis.
Two guided classifications of cytological smears and biopsies, up to precancerous stumps are known - High level of flat intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), so that cervical nasopharyngeal disease is 3 CIN3. All the diseases of the uterus are not carried over to the uterine stumps.

The table below shows the interconnection between the old and current classifications of cytological dosages.

Worm-type font is seen as a precancerous stance of the uterus. Behind the old classification, it is easy that, in terms of dysplasia, it is easy to carry it to the third class, but it is not to be tolerated until it is overwhelmed. In the new classifications, before the scorching, they have to bear the first step, but some people can interpret it as dysplasia, which is important. Visibility can be seen only on the tissue-tissue level behind the step (glybin) of the administration. If you have a mild dysplasia and a disease, you have a problem and you need a term for disease, as well as a manifestation of the quality of the current gynecology and oncology. How sensitive are the cytological smears for detecting pre-cancerous and cancerous growths of the uterine cervix? In many publications you will know the figure that characterizes the sensitivity of the test - 98%, especially in cases of severe dysplasia and cancer. However, such a huge amount is ideal, or it can be done only when a high-quality test is carried out according to the rules of sampling of cytological smears. As a result, the number of negative-negative results is superbly high and maybe 50% (to go to the edges of the country, de-cytologic to the last few decades).

What are the results of such a great deal? If you receive positive-positive results, then you can put a bad diagnosis, you can bring it up to a good one, both diagnostic and critical. If the number of hibno-negative results is high, it can lead to the fact that CM cancer will not appear in the hour. And who would like to come back to the role of the victim of grave results? Nichto.
On the smoothness of the smears, pour in even more generous chinniks. The appearance of vision, blood, slime, lubricants radically changes the size of the material taken, which can lead to inaccurate results. There is also a sensible hanging factor: on every occasion of taking material, it’s impossible to transfer it to the slope, or in a special center, it can change its quality, which can be brought up to pardon in the interpretation of smears. In addition, it is even more important to follow the rules for taking smears on cytology.

As shown, the data are low, in 30% of new cases of uterine cancer, cytological smears of the boule are normal. Unfortunately, 55% of females have cancer of the cervical uterus already in the stages of advanced development (infection) and enlargement (3 and 4 stages). The practical sensitivity of the cytological dosage will become less than 50% (I would like to talk about the sensitivity of 65-90% with the help of gracious results).

Not long ago, in the gynecology, they thought that Vikoristovuvati was not a cytological report, because on the basis of cytology(ThinPrep) This method has become very popular. Clinical material is transferred to special solutions, such as mechanically dispensing cells from the food from clogging with blood and visions, slime, dead cells. Such strokes are easier to peer at, because there is no purchase of clitin, and besides, material that has been lost can be used for testing on the infection of IDPs. For routine cytology, the rate of hibno-negative results is 15 to 35%.

How often do you need to take swabs for cytology? Even more often, our women get a little bit when the stench can be seen by a gynecologist for a skin condition. Happy to radically see the old people. Screening for the appearance of uterine cancer for new recommendations is guilty of fixing not just a piece of life, but at 21 rik, just because there is a lot of life. The central trend of knowledge on the numerical data of science, clinical studies, statistics of incapacitation and practical test. Perche, cancer of the cervical uterus in females and up to 19 years of age is a highly susceptible phenomenon, which occurs at a frequency of one or two drops per 1 million females. In a different way In case of infection of IDPs, the cleansing of the organisms from the virus occurs for 1-2 times more in all young females without any negative inheritance for the body, not susceptible to those who become infected with 70-80% of young females. We will talk about the infection in the past. But in the cytological smears of young women there can be time-consuming changes, vicious infections, including those who have dysplasia, but in our own case, you can bring to the full extent such vigorous ones. To recognize her country of a young girl, as she only felt her life, and as soon as she saw a snake in her smear, IDP-infection and she was guaranteed cancer of the uterine shia, which didn’t last. Know the situation?

Women who are guilty of up to 30 years of age undergo cytological tests once every three times, as the result of the test on IDPs is negative. Such a frequency of smear sampling is also poorly explained. At 21-30 years of age, we are slow to develop cancer of the cervix of the uterus; There is a high frequency of tests that do not increase the rate of occurrence of precancerous and cancerous uterine stays in the group of women in the category of women. Previously, it was shown that cancer of the cervix is ​​diagnosed in females of 30-64 years, while pre-existing skin conditions are not often diagnosed - 3-4 drops per 100,000 females. Today's recommendation is to see that women from the group of women can undergo cytological tests once every three times due to the presence of negative screening for infection of IDPs, as well as a prior cytological smear. The risk of development of moderate and severe dysplasia in females with negative results for cytological survival and the diagnosis of IDPs -infections is extremely low and does not move through the onset of 4-6 rockets. This screening is guilty of being held once every three rock. By reaching 65-70 times and 3 normal cytological smears in front of 10 times the woman can pin the test for cervical cancer. However, as a woman is more active in her life, she has a few of her partner's partners, so she goes through cytology. More detailed recommendations will be presented in the remaining part of the general statute.

Before that, we will discuss in detail the nutrition about the virus of the papiloma people, it is important to ask about colposcopy, which is still popular in Russia, in Ukraine and in the low countries of the world, in the main republics of Radiansk. In the world's regions, colposcopy is very rare, because of its road, it’s just a dodatkovy method for diagnostics of a pre-cancerous uterine cancer. Carrying out colposcopy requires special training of the doctor, the presence of expensive equipment. You can help in targeted biopsies (sampling of fabrics for histological information), for the manifestation of spiritual results of cytology, for monitoring the process of firing the CM, in a number of other types of tissue, which are not very informative. Vona is not guilty of changing over to the commercial method of diagnostics that is carried out by all women in a row. In addition, in the greater part of the country, for the establishment of the diagnosis of a pre-cancerous stump, the cancer of the uterine cervix will be cytologically advanced, but without a test on IDPs, that histological examination, as it is possible to carry out a history of cancer.


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