Russia at the First World War: briefly about the main podії. Important dates and dates of the first light of the day

Russia at the First World War: briefly about the main podії. Important dates and dates of the first light of the day

Persha svitova viyna є one z the most tragic history... Millions of victims were lost as a result of the geopolitical mountains of the strongest people. Tsya vіyna is mute, very steeply turning overtime. The political map has changed all the time, the empire has collapsed, and moreover, the center has been shifted to the American continent.

In contact with

Political situation before the conflict

Five of the empires appeared on the map: the Russian Empire, the British Empire, the Nimetska Empire, the Austro-Ugorsk and Osmanska, as well as such superpowers, like France, Italy, Japan, Japan

To change your position, power magalized ob'єnuvatisya at the splice.

Nypotuzhnyi bully a third alliance, which included the central powers - Nimetska, Austro-Ugorska Empire, Italy, as well as the Entente: Russia, Great Britain, France.

Change your mind and the first time

Heads change your minds:

  1. Alliance. For contracts, as if from the country the union was stripped of vіynu, then іnshі may be the case on the echniy bik. For the tsim, the lance of the zaluchenya of powers from the war is drawn. It has become like that, like the Persha of the Svitova Vіyna.
  2. Colonies. The powers, as the colonies were mali, were inadequate, pushed back into the clearing, and the colonies pushed back.
  3. Nationalism. The Kozhna power respected itself with a unique one that was hired. Bagato imperiy applied for a wedding panuvannya.
  4. A race to revive. Their demand was built up by force, so the economies of the great powers focused on the defense sphere of industry.
  5. Imperialism. Skin empire, if it does not expand, then it collapses. Їх todі bulo n'yat. Kozhna pushed to expand cordoni with the help of weak powers, satellites and colonies. Especially the young Nimetska empire pounced on the young Nimetska empire, who set out to write the Franco-Prussian war.
  6. Terrorist attack. Qia podiya became the cause of the conflict. Austro-Ugric empire anexual to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The slave to the throne, Prince Franz Ferdinand, from Sophia's squad, arrived on the side of the territory - Sarajevo. There was a quick swing with the deadly inheritance of the Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip. Through the imposition of the prince, the Austro-Ugorsk region stripped the war in Serbia, scho pulled a lance of conflicts behind him.

Just talk about Persha's war shortly, the President of the United States Thomas Woodrow Wilson vvvazyv, that she didn’t think for any reason, but for a reason.

Important! Gavrilo Principle was overhauled, they couldn’t have been punished before death, and not even 20 rocky. The terrorist was sentenced to twenty years of amnesty, or through a choice of fate, he died of tuberculosis.

If Persha Svitova resigned

The Austro-Ugorsk region delivered an ultimatum to Serbia, so that it cleaned up all the organs of the government of that army, put the specimens with anti-Austrian reconciliation, rescued the participants in terrorist organizations, and in addition, Serbia allowed the Austrian police.

Shchob viconati ultimatum, two dobi were given. Serbia had a long time to gain access to the admission of the Austrian police.

28 lime tree, not being driven by an ultimatum, Austro-Ugric empire deafening vіynu Serbia... At the time of the date, it was official to leave for an hour, if the Persha of St.

The Russian empire was the head of Serbia, so she liked the mobility. On 31 December, Nimechchin delivered an ultimatum about mobilization, which gave 12 years for the visit. She said she was bored, so mobilization was going to run against the Austro-Ugorsk region. They have no regard for those who ruled the Nimetsky Empire, Vilhelm, a relative of Mikoli, the Emperor of the Russian Empire, 1st serpnya 1914 to the rock of Nimechchin deaf... Todi and Nimechchina set up a union from the Ottoman Empire.

After the invasion of the Nimechchine in neutral Belgium, Britain began to face neutrality, making the people naked. 6 serpnya of Russia deserted in the Austro-Ugorsk region... ITALY To accept neutrality. 12 serpnya Austro-Ugorsk started to fight against Britain and France. Japan vistupaє 23 serpents against Nimechchin. Dalі on lantsyuzhku zaluchayutsya from all new powers, one by one, in all light. As soon as the United States of America entered the rock of the 7th breast of 1917.

Important! England for the first time stopped fighting vehicles on a caterpillar track, like a ninety and a tank before the first day of light. The word "tank" means a tank. So the English development was magical to mask the transfer of technology under the view of the tanks from the PMM. Zgodom such a name zakrіpilas for fighting machines.

The main reasons for the first world war and the role of Russia in the conflict

The main battles are fought on the western front, near Belgium and France, and also on Skhidnoye - on the side of Russia. With the entry of the Ottoman Empire rozpochavsya a new round of going to a skidny straight.

Chronology of the participation of Russia in the first world war:

  • Skhidno-Prusska operation. Army of Russia moved the cordon of Western Prussia near Kenigsberg. 1st army from the descent, 2-a - from the entrance to the Mazurian lakes. The first fights of the Russians played, but they misjudged the situation, and they called it up for a bit. A great number of soldiers became full, brought in fights.
  • Galician operation. The battle is majestic in scale. There were five armies here. The line to the front ran to Lviv, it became 500 km away. The front of the crunch is broken around the positions of the battle. Then there was a strong offensive of the Russian army on the Austro-Ugorsk region, the whole bully came out.
  • Warsaw whistup. The line to the front became crooked due to low successful operations from the other sides. Bagato sil bulo thrown її virivnyuvannya... Misto Lodz has alternately borrowed one or the other bik. Nimechchina began to advance on Warsaw, but ale vona appeared unsuccessful. If the nimts want to go to Warsaw and Lodz, the protest rusian bulo zirvano. Dії Rossіі zmusili Nіmechchinu to fight on two fronts, the zavdyaku what a large-scale attack on France.
  • Japan's entry to the Antanti bik. Japan thirsted for the Nimechchina to lead her own way to China, and when she saw it, she voiced the ears of the nation, taking the side of the Antanti. The idea is important for Russia, so now it’s not so hard to talk about the threat from Asia, before the Japanese were assisted with food.
  • Entry of the Ottoman Empire to the bik of the Consumer Union. Osmanskaya imper_ya didn’t go, but it didn’t take the bik of a consumer union. The first act of aggression bully attacked Odessa, Sevastopol, Feodosia. With the 15th fall of leaves, Russia nudged Vina Turechchini.
  • Serpneva operation. It took place in 1915, and the name was taken from the town of August. Here the Russians did not stand up, I brought them to the new positions.
  • Karpatska operats_ya On hurting the sides of the bully try to cross the mountains of the Carpathian Mountains, the ale russians did not reach the goal.
  • Gorlitsky cut through. The army of nimts and Austrians zoomed in or close to Gorlitsy right next to Lviv. On the 2nd grass, there was an attack, after which Nimechchin could occupy Gorlitsa, Keletska and Radomska provinces, Brody, Ternopil, Bukovina. To another hviley the nіmtsy went into the distance to see Warsaw, Grodno, Brest-Litovsk. Besides, in the distance to occupy Mitava and Courland. Ale bilya shores of Riga, they knew the strikes. On the first day, the offensive of the Austro-Nimetsian military was trivial, there were Lutsk, Volodymyr-Volinsky, Kovel, Pinsk. Until the end of 1915 to rock the line to the front stabilized. Nimechchina mostly threw it right next to Serbia and Italy. After great failures at the front, the heads of the army's command “flew”. The Emperor Mikola II took over not deprived of the control of Russia, but the first command of the army.
  • Brusilivsky hole. The operation was named to the team of A.A. Brusilov, who played tsey beat. Yak cut through the result (22 May 1916 rock) nіmtsі know the strikes, I was able to make grandiose losses, leaving Bukovina and Galicia out of the question.
  • internal conflict. The Central Powers began to visibly hang out in the wake of the war. The Entente and the allies were watching vigidnishhe. Russia at that hour was on the boats of the winners. Vona invested that human life for a whole lot of strength; At the land she became, through the yak, Emperor Mikola II saw the throne. Until the power of the priysh Timchasoviy uryad, then the bolshoviks. When they were ruled, the stench drove Russia through the theater of battle, taking over the world from the central powers. Tsey act vidomy yak Brest agreement
  • Internal conflict of the great empire. 9 leaf fall 1918 rock revolution, the result of which was the conquest of the throne of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Weimarska republika did the same.
  • Versailles Treaty. Between the countries and the Nimechchinoy 10 Sichnya 1920 The Versailles Treaty was laid. Officially The Persha svitova vіyna ended.
  • Liga national. The first assembly of the League nats_y vidbulasya 15 leaf fall 1919 rock.

Uwaga! Poloviy leaf-beetle, carrying a little vusa, ale before the hour of the gas attack, the vusa started to tighten up the gas, through the leaf-beetle, having removed it more strongly. Brought to death small vusiks, schobi did not fill up some protigas. Leafonos was called.

Traces and bags of the first light of the day for Russia

Travel bags for Russia:

  • For the croc from the peremogi, the land has laid the world, having lost all the privileges yak chance.
  • The Russian empire drew its attention.
  • The land was voluntarily brought in from the great territories.
  • Zobov'a viplative contribution to gold and products.
  • Grace the state machine without ever going into an internal conflict.

Global legacies of conflict

On the light arena, there are no patches of heritage, the reason for which was the persha of the light:

  1. Territory. 34 out of 59 powers bully back in the theater of war. Tse ponad 90% of the territory of the Earth.
  2. Human victims. Shhokhvili was killed by 4 soldiers, and 9 were wounded. Usyo is close to 10 million soldiers; 5 million of the civilian population, 6 million died as a result of the Epidemias, and the conflict fell asleep. Russia at the first light of the day spent 1.7 million warriors.
  3. Ruynuvannya. Significant part of the territory, where there were boyovi diy, bulo zruynovano.
  4. Cardinal changes in political situations.
  5. economy. Europe has squandered a third of its gold and foreign exchange reserves, and has called for a smooth economic situation practically of all powers, around Japan and the United States.

Pidbags for a big confrontation:

  • Rossiyska, Austro-Ugorska, Osmanska and Nimetska empires have ceased to exist.
  • The European powers lost their colonies.
  • On the map of the light, such powers appeared, such as Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Austria, Ugorschina.
  • The State of America became the leader of the light economy.
  • Communism has expanded in the Bagatioh regions.

The role of Russia in the 1st world war

Travel bags for Russia


Russia pershu svitovu vіynu 1914 - 1918 small size If the Persha of Svitova ended, the main hit was not from the last gate, from itself, from the internal conflict, from the edge of the empire. Whoever played a conflict is not messy. Wanting the Entente with the allies to get involved in a champion, That economical camp was deplorable. The stench didn’t rise up to see it, to wind up to the ear of an offensive conflict.

For the sake of saving the world and consensus among usim powers, it was organized by the League of Nations. Vona guided the role of the international parliament. Tsikavo, the United States has introduced the status of the organization. Yak showed the history, became the promotions of the first, and also the revenge of the powers that were scored by the results of the Treaty of Versailles. Liga natsiy here has shown itself to be absolutely ineffective that marny organ.

"Hourly passed, if the other people were dividing the land and the waters between them, but we, nimts, were pleased with the blanching sky ... My vimagamo and so many missed the sun," said Chancellor von Bülow. Yak for an hour of church bearers chi Fridrikh II, the rate on the force of change will be transformed into one of the provincial policies of Berlin. Podbnі practical spirals on a solid material basis. Ob'yednannya allowed Nimechchin to significantly improve its potential, and economically matured it changed it to a tough industrial power. On the cob XX Art. she went to another place near the lights for a lot of industrial security.

The reasons for the imminent conflict of light were rooted in the aggravated struggle of the Nicholas and the other powers, which were rapidly developing, for the dzherela of the Syrovini and the Rink of Zbutu. To reach the public panuvannya, Nimechchina pushed to defeat three of her strongest opponents in Europe - England, France and Russia, who were united in front of a threat. Methods of Nimechchini, the flooding of resources and "living space" of cich lands - colonies from England and France and back lands near Russia (Poland, Baltic States, Ukraine, Bilorusiya) was built up. Otzhe, who found Berlin's aggressive strategy straightforwardly "gripping the Skhid", at the words of the land, de Nimetsky sword mav conquer a place for the Nimetsky plow. At the same time Nimechchin was given an ally of the Austro-Ugorsk region. The driving force for the development of the First World War was the aggravation of the situation in the Balkans, the de Austro-Nimetsian diplomacy in the distance to the ground of the rise of the Ottoman Volods, the union of the Balkan powers and the victories to the friend of the Balkans in the Balkans. At chervna 1914 p. at the Bosnian Misty Sarajevo Serbian student G. Principle killing the fall of the Austrian throne of Prince Ferdinand. Tse gave the Vіdenskiy vlіdі vіdіvіvatiti zvіnuvatiti in the hungry Serbia and the parties against her wіynu, as it is small in the name of hardening the panuvannia of the Austro-Ugorsk region in the Balkans. Aggression ruined the system of independent Orthodox powers, ruled by the fight against Russia and the Ottoman Empire. Russia, as the guarantor of Serbian independence, was drawn into the position of the Habsburgs, having spared the mobilization. Tse wickedly involved in Wilhelm II. Win gripping at Mikoli II pinch the mobilization, that, having interrupted the conversation, denounced Russia on 19 April 1914 r.

Two days later, Wilhelm denounced the war against France, and England came to see him. Turechchina became an ally of the Austro-Ugorshchyna. Vona attacked Russia, fighting on two land fronts (Zakhidny and Kavkazsky). When I entered the city of Turechchina, I closed the ducts, the Russian empire appeared, in fact, isolated from its allies. This is how Persha svitova vіyna rozpochalasya. At the meeting of the leading participants in the light conflict, Russia has little aggressive plans to fight for resources. Russian power is still up to the end of the XVIII century. reached its main territorial goals in Europe. Vono did not require additional lands and resources, and that didn’t get stuck at the winners. Navpaki, the very resources of the ta rinka zbutu received aggression. In the whole global prototypical Russia, the first for everything, was the strength that streamed the German-Austrian expansionism and the Turkish revanchism, which were focused on the burial of the territory. At that very hour, the tsar's squad began to march victoriously tsyu vіynu on the revision of their factory strategic character. First, the stench will be tied to the control of the ducts and to the safety of the route to Seredzemnomor. Galicia did not become a member of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Uniatsky Center.

The attack of Nimechchini outposts Russia in the process of redeployment, which was planned to be completed before 1917. Tsim will often explain the easeliness of Wilhelm II in the face of the unleashed aggression, the delay in such a way gave them a chance to succeed. Around the modern technical weakness, the lack of moral training of the population became the "achilles' thing" of Russia. The critical nature of Russia abhorrently assimilated the total character of the Maybut, the vikorists had all kinds of struggles, the seed of the ideological. This is not enough for Russia of great importance, the fragments of the soldiers could not compensate for the lack of shells and patrons with a firm and clear confidence in the justice of their struggle. For example, the French people have lost part of their territories and national riches from the Prussian side. I am smitten with humiliation, knowing that I should fight for it. For the Russian population, as in the past, the capital was not at war with the people, the conflict with them was, in many ways, unsupported. And far from all of the Vishchi stakes, they found themselves with the Nimetsky empire of a cruel enemy. They also received: disputes of dynastic ultrasound, similar political systems, long ago and old between two countries. Nimechchina, for example, was the main trade partner of Russia. The fellows burst into respect and respect for the weakened feeling of patriotism in the sanctified verses of the Ukrainian suspension, as for an hour they went into thoughtless nigilism to their father. So, in 1912 p. the philosopher V.V. Rozanov wrote: "For the French -" che "re France", for the English - "Old Anglia". In nimtsiv - "our old Frits". Only at the last Russian school and university - "cursed Russia". Serious strategic foreman of the Mykoli II district was the lack of protection, the fact that the nation was in advance of a dangerous military lock. Well, before the Russian suspension, look, beep, I did not see the prospect of a trivial and visibly fighting against a strong, energetic adversary. The deyaki sensed the present of the "terrible fate of Russia". Most of the time for the completion of the campaign until 1914 was born.

Campania 1914 p. Zakhidny theater of boyovykh diy

Nice plan for two fronts (against Russia and France) with storage facilities at 1905 r. Chief of the General Staff A. von Schliffen. Having transferred the stream by the small forces of the Russian ones, they were generally mobile, and starting a head strike at the entrance to France. The message to the thief and capitalization was transferred quickly to transfer forces and to go to Russia. Russian plan mav two options - offensive and defensive. The first buv of folds is pіd injected allyіv. Win transferred before the completion of the mobilization offensive on the flanks (against the Prussian and Austrian Galicia) to secure a central attack on Berlin. The Іnshy plan, warehouses at 1910-1912 pp. And here the Russian military was introduced from the Polish defense line Vilno-Bilostok-Brest-Rivne. The solution began to develop for the first option. Having felt the war, Nimechchina brought down all her mitz on France. Unimportant for marriage reserves through general mobilization in the majestic expanses of Russia, the Russian army, virna to its allied crops, passed 4 sickles 1914 p. at the offensive near the Skhidniy Prussia. The spirits explained themselves with plain words about the help of the allied France, as they knew the strong grip of the Germans.

Skhidno-Prusska operation (1914). From the Russian side in the whole operation took part: 1st (General Rennenkampf) and 2nd (General Samson) of the army. The front of the eternal advance of the bust of the Mazurian lakes. 1st army attacked in the middle of the Mazurian lakes, 2nd - in the middle of the day. The 8th German army (Generals of the Pritvits, later Gindenburg) stood against the Scheduled Prussians to the Russians. Already 4 sickles under the city of Stallupenen became the first battle, at the 3rd corps of the 1st Russian Army (General Epanchin), fighting against the 1st corps of the 8th Nimetsky army (General François). The participation of the whole of the deadly battle of the 29th Russian infantry division (General Rozenshild-Paulin), which gave a nimtsy blow at the flank and forced them to enter. Tim at the 25th division of General Bulgakov was ovolodil Stallupenen. With the help of Russian, they deposited 6.7 yew. chol., Німців - 2 yew. 7 serpnya nimetski vіyska gave a new, bigger battle of the 1st army. Vikoristovuchi podil її forces, so they attacked along two paths directly to Goldap and Humbinnen, they tried to destroy the 1st army in parts. Vrantzi 7 serpnya hit nemetske ugrupovannya baked attacked 5 Russian divisions near the Humbinnen area, trying to take them into the cliffs. Німці pushed the right Russian flank. Ale in the center of the stench they recognized the significant Skoda in the fire of artillery and the bullets of the message of the message. Failure ended і Nimetsky grip at Goldap. Zagalnі vtrati nіmtsіv became close to 15 yew. chol. The Russians spent 16.5 thousand rubles. chol. Failures in the battles of the 1st army, and also came from the first outbreak of the 2nd army, as it was blocking the way of the road to the end, the good command of the commander was sent to give the first order about the way out of the battle. Ale tsei order so і not buv vikonaniyu so much as to why Rennenkampf’s lackliness. I didn’t send it over for two days, and I’ve been standing for two days. Tse allowed the 8th Army to go out for a blow and overload it. Do not be aware of the exact information about the knowledge of the forces of Pritvits, the commanding officer of the 1st army rushiv and go to Kenigsberg. Tim at about 8 o'clock the Nimetska army went into the right direction (for the first day from Kenigsberg).

Poki Rennenkampf ishov on Kenigsberg, 8th Army, as having cleansed General Gindenburg, zealized all the forces against Samsonov's army, who did not know such a maneuver. Nіmtsі zhdyaki perehoplennu radіograms bully in the course of all plans of Russia. 13 sickle Hindenburg having unleashed a blow on the 2nd army of unwillingness as much as all of their skid-Prussian divisions and in 4 days of battles, having struck a zhorstoku. Samsonov, having trapped the keruvannya in vіyskami, shot himself. For the nimetsky tributes, the wrecks of the 2nd army rolled 120 yew. chol, (at that number there are 90 thousand yews). Німці spent 15 thousand. OSIB. Then the stench attacked the 1st army, yak before the 2nd spring went for Numan. Skidno-Prusska operation is small for Russians of important inheritance in a tactful and especially in a moral sense. The tse bula їkhnya persha in history is such a great striking in battles with nimtsy, as they rejected the victory over the enemy. The protest was played out tactfully, but the operation strategically meant the failure of the bliskavichnoy victory plan. For the sake of the Great Prussia, I had a chance to transfer some of the strength from the old boy theater, de virishuvalasya share of all the victory. Tse vryatuvalo France in the face of the thrashing and zmuschuyu Nimechchin to be drawn into the mouth for her fight on two fronts. The Russians, having replenished their strength with fresh reserves, crossed over to the offensive of Skhidnoy Prussia without a doubt.

Galician battle (1914). The battle for Austrian Galicia (5 serpnya - 8 spring) became the most grandiose sutta for the Russian operatives. The 4th Army of the Russian Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front (under the command of General Ivanov) and the 3rd Austro-Ugric Army (under the command of Archduke Fridrikh) took part in them, as well as the nimetska group of Voyrsh. The sides of Mali are approximately equal to the number of battles. Sumy won 2 million chol. The battle was over with the Lublin-Kholmsk and Galich-Lviv operations. Kozhna turned over the scale of the Skhidno-Prussian operation. The Lyublin-Kholmska operation was rocked by the strike of the Austro-Ugric forces on the right flank of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front in the Lyublina and Pagorba region. There were: 4-a (General Zankl, then Evert) and 5-a (General Plehve) of the Russian army. During the brutal spectacular battles near Krasnyk (10-12 sickles), the Russians knew the strikes and boules squeezed into Lyublin and Kholm. On the left flank of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front, the Galich-Lviv operation took place. In some livoflangov Russian armies - the 3rd (General Ruzsky) and the 8th (General Brusilov), having faced the onslaught, went over to the offensive. Zdobuvshi survived the battle at the battle of the little river Rotten Lipa (16-19 sickle), the 3rd army dodged to Lviv, and the 8th army defended Galich. It opened the threat to the thils of the Austro-Ugric ugrupovannya, scho advancing on the Kholmsko-Lyublinsky straight. However, the out-of-the-box situation on the front was dangerous for the Russians. The roar of the 2nd army of Samsonov in the Western Prussia opened for them friendly opportunity to attack in the first place, for the attacking Pagorb and Lyublin to the Austro-Ugric armies. Poland.

Ale not affecting the napolivi calls of the Austrian command, General Hindenburg did not attack Sedlets. Winning before the cleansing of the Great Prussia from the 1st Army and throwing his allies at will. At that hour, the Russian military, which defended the Hill and Lyublin, rejected the army (the 9th army of General Lechitsky) and 22 sickle crossed the counter-attack. The protest was growing all over the place. Streaming the grip from the wine, the Austrian for example sickle tried to transfer the initiative to Galich-Lviv straight. The stench attacked there the Russian Viiiska, the praying ones to see Lviv. In the deadly battles near the Ravi-Ruska (25-26 serpnya), the Austro-Ugric Vіyska broke through the Russian front. Aleksandr Brusilov's 8th Army, all the same, got into the distance from the rest of the forces to close the hole and fix the position on the west side of Lvov. Tim for an hour the grip of Russia from pivnochі (from the Lyublin-Kholmsky district) did it. The stench broke through the front at Tomashov, pogrozhuyu otochennym Austro-Ugorsk vіyskami near Ravi-Ruska. Fighting the collapse of their front, the Austro-Ugric armies showered the 29th sickle of the zagalny vidkhid. Peresliduchi їkh, the Russians pushed through 200 km. The stench took over Galicia and they blocked the Peremishl Fortress. The Austro-Ugric forces lost 325 yew at the Battle of Galicia. chol. (zokrema 100 yew. poloneniy), rosіyani - 230 yew. chol. Tsia battle pіdіrvala strength of the Austro-Ugorshchyna, giving the Russians a feeling of overwhelming over the adversary. Nadal the Austro-Ugorsk region, if it achieved success on the Russian front, then it would be deprived of the strong education of the nimts.

Varshavsko-IVangorodskaya operatsiya (1914). Peremoga U Halychyna led the way to the Russian highways near the Upper Silezia (the most important industrial district of Nimechchini). Tse zmusilo nіmtsіv help their allies. To prevent the Russian offensive on the western side of Gindenburg, having transferred the corps of the 8th Army to the area of ​​the river Varta (in that number, they came from the western front). The 9th Nimetska army was formed from them, and the 1st Austro-Ugrian army (General Dunkl) crossed the 15th spring of 1914 p. near the attack on Warsaw and Іvangorod. For example, on the cob, the Austro-Nimetsky Vijska (the county number of 310 thousand chol.) Went to the closest steps to Warsaw and IVangorod. Here, baked battles burst out, in which they conceived great losses (up to 50% of a special warehouse). Tim for an hour, the Russian team transferred to Warsaw and the Іvangorod of additional forces, increasing the number of their visits to 520 yew. chol. Afraid of the introduction of the Russian reserves, the Austro-Nimetsky units ratcheted up the latest output. Autumn lack of traffic, dignity was entered by the nobles at the end of the day, the rottenness of the Russian parts was not allowed to actively re-read. On a cob of falling leaves 1914 p. Austro-nimetsky news went to the leading positions. The failures in Galicia and Warsaw did not allow the Austro-Nimetsian bloc to cheat on their own side in 1914 of the Russian Balkan state.

First serpneva opera (1914). Two years later, the Russian team tried to acquire a strategic initiative from the Central Prussians. Having made a coup in the forces over the 8th (generals Schubert, along with Eichhorn) the Nimetsky army, won the 1st (General Rennenkampf) and 10th (generals Flug, along with the Sievers) army in the offensive. The main blow was started in the August forest (in the area of ​​the Polish town of August), the few boys in the forest didn’t give the opportunity to the nimtsy, victoriously, to pass the important artillery. On the cob, the 10th Russian army entered the Western Prussia, occupied Stallupenen and entered the line of Gumbinnen - Mazurian lakes. At a number of frontiers, baked battles have flared up, at those in Russia, there has been a zupineno. Not bargained, the 1st army was thrown into Poland and the 10th army, which brought the same self-resting trim to the front near the Skhidniy Prussia.

Osinniy offensive of the Austro-Ugorsk viysk near Halychyna (1914). Obloga that was taken by the Russian Peremyshlya (1914-1915). Tim for an hour on the new flange, in Halychyna, Russian vіyska near Veresnі 1914 p. overlaid Peremishl. Qiu can be an Austrian fortress by capturing the garnizon under the command of General Kusmanek (up to 150 thousand chol.). For the blockade of Peremyshl, a special Oblogov army was opened on a chol with General Shcherbachov. On the 24th spring, the parts of the fort were stormed, ale bulo vidbito. On the other hand, the Austro-Ugric Vyiska Veresnya, speeding through the transfer of a part of the forces of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front to Warsaw and Ivangorod, crossed over to the offensive near Galicia and zumili to unblock Peremishl. However, in the harsh zhovtnevy battles near Khirov and on the San Russian military forces in Galicia, under the command of General Brusilov, the numerically overwhelming Austro-Ugrian armies were attacked, and at the same time they took them to the frontiers. Tse allowed naprikіntsі zhovtnya 1914 p. re-blockuvati Peremishl. General Selivanov's army blockade the fortress. Tax 1915 p. The Austro-Ugorsk region was trying to make another push, but unsuccessfully trying to see Peremishl. Todi pislya 4-mnogo region Garnizon tried to break through to his own. Ale yogo vilazka 5 birch 1915 p. ended in failure. Through chotiri days, 9 birch 1915, commandant Kusmanek, having completed all the defense, capitulating. We have consumed 125 yews. chol. that ponad 1 yew. sign. Tse buv most successful Russians in the campaign 1915 p. Protest after 2.5 months, 21 grass, the stench filled Peremishl at the sound from the back entrance from Galicia.

Lodz operation (1914). After the completion of the Warsaw-IVangorod operation of the Pivnichno-Zakhidny front under the command of General Ruzsky (367 thousand chol.) Lodz whistup. Zvidsi rossiyske team planuvalo rosspochaty invasion of Nimechchin. Nimetske komandovannya from overcrowded radіograms knew about the coming, how to get ready. Pragnochi pereshkoditi yomu, nimtsi 29 zhovtnya zhovtnya strained zabizhnogo strike with the aim of sharpening and knowledge in the area of ​​Lodz 5-y (General Pleve) and 2-y (General Scheidemann) of the Russian army. The core of the Nimetsky group is 280 yew. chol. became part of the 9th Army (General Mackensen). The head blow fell on the 2nd army, as before the onslaught of the overwhelming forces of the nimts entered, having punished the first op. Most of the specter battles burst into flames on the cob of fall leaves on the winter from Lodz, de nimtsi began to hunt for the right flank of the 2nd Army. The culmination of the battle became a hole in the 5-6 leaf fall of General Schaeffer's Nimetsian corps in the area of ​​the ód ód, which thundered the 2nd army on all sides. Aleh immediately went from the beginning of the 5th Army part of the 5th Army zumil zupiniti farther from the Nimetsky corps. The Russian team did not disappoint the introduction of the visa from Lodz. Nawpaki, it wondered "Lodz's p'yatachok", and some frontal attacks against them did not give good results. At the end of the hour, units of the 1st Army (General Rennenkampf) launched a counterattack from the winter and were sent to the side of the right flank of the 2nd Army. A breach in the mic I will cut through the body of Schaeffer with an edge, and he himself is leaning on the edge. Wanting the Nimetsian corps to get out of the way, the plan of the Nimetsian command to defeat the armies of the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Front failed. In the meantime, the Russian team had a chance to say goodbye to the plan to attack Berlin. 11 leaf fall 1914 p. The ód operation ended without giving any great success to the business from the sidelines. The Russian side played strategically all the same. Having seen a great expense (110 thousand chol.) A nimetsy grip, the Russian vіyska appeared now that it was not possible to really block the territory of Nіmechchiny. Vrata nіmtsіv deposited 50 yew. chol.

"Battle of the chotirokh rivers" (1914). Not having reached the success in the Lodz operation, the nimetsky team, through a long time, tried again to impress the Russians from Poland and see them for Visla. Having taken away a number of new divisions from France, the German forces of the 9th Army (General Mackensen) and the Voyrsha group of 19 leaves, they again went on the offensive on the Lodz straight. On the fly of important battles near the rychka Bzuri, they saw the Russians from Lodz to the Ravka rivulet. On the offensive, the 1st Austro-Ugric Army (General Dunkl) went over to the offensive; ... The Russian forces, guided by the defense and counterattacks, imitated the grip of the Germans on the Ravtsi and led the Austrians beyond Nida. "The Battle of Chotir Richki" was a result of overwhelming admiration and significant losses from both sides. The loss of the Russian army became 200 thousand. chol. Particularly having suffered її personnel warehouse, scho directly inserting the sums for the Russian result of the campaign of 1915 p. At the end of the 9th Nimetsky army, they transplanted 100 thousand. chol.

Campania 1914 p. Caucasian theater boyovykh diy

Mladoturetske uryad near Istanbul (who came to the Turechchina government in 1908) became a step-by-step weakening of Russia in the fight against Nimechchino and already in 1914. having entered the vіynu. Turkish vіyska without serious training immediately went over to a quick attack on the Caucasian directly from the beginning of the battle of the earth, the hour of the Russian-Turkish vіyni 1877-1878 rokiv. Having won over the 90-thousand-strong Turkish army, the Vyiskovy minister Enver Pasha. Some parts of the 63 thousandth Caucasian Army were protested against the others in front of the headquarters of the warden in the Caucasus, General Vorontsov-Dashkov (in fact, General A.Z. Mishlaevsky was in command). The central stage of the campaign 1914 p. Sarikam's operation became the theater of the whole theater.

Sarikamiska operation (1914-1915). Vona passed from 9 breast 1914 p. 5 September 1915 p. The Turkish team was planning to hone away that property Sarikamskiy zagin Caucasian army (General Berkhman), and then opanuvati Kars. Having seen the leading parts of the Russians (Oltinsky zagyn), the Turks 12 chest, in a hard frost, went to the steps to Sarikamish. There were no more numerous children (up to 1 battalion). Ocholeni by Colonel of the General Staff Bukretovim, who was passing through there, the stench heroically represented the first onslaught of the whole Turkish corps. On the 14th, General Przhevalsky cleared the defense of Sarikamish. Without making a sound to capture Sarikamish, the Turkish corps near the snowy mountains lost 10 yew from frostbite. chol. On the 17th, the Russians crossed at the counter-offensive and drove the Turks towards Sarikamish. Todi Enver Pasha transferred the head blow to Karaudan, which was captured by General Berkhman's parts. Ale and here is the grip of the Turks buv vidbitiy. In an hour, the Russian vіyska, they were advancing under Sarikamish, the 9th Turkish corps was emptied by the 22nd breast. On the 25th, the command of the Caucasian Army became General Yudenich, who ordered the counter-offensive against Karaudan. Visited until 5 September 1915 p. the surplus of the 3rd army at 30-40 km, the Russians pinned the perezliduvannya, yak was led in 20-degree colder. Vіyska Enver-Pasha lost 78 yew. chol. (over 80% of the warehouse). Vtrati Russian became 26 yew. chol. (Killed, injured, frostbite). The override under Sarikamish zupinylated Turkish aggression in the Transcaucasus and changed the position of the Caucasian Army.

Campania 1914 p. Viyna on the sea

At the end of an hour, the main pods flared up on the Black Sea, de Turechchina rocked the Russian ports (Odessa, Sevastopol, Feodosia). However, the activity of the Turkish fleet (the basis of which became the Nimetsian liner cruiser "Goeben") was not forgotten by the Russian fleet.

Beat Misu Sarich. 5 leaf fall 1914r. Nimetsky line cruiser "Goeben" under the command of Rear Admiral Sushon attacked at Misha Sarich's Russian squadron with five links. In fact, the whole battle was ringing up to the artillery duel with "Geben" and the Russian head liner "Evstafiy". Zavdyaki in the fire of the Russian artillerymen "Goeben" by means of 14 precise ones. On a German cruiser, a fire fell asleep, and Sushon, I will not check into the battle of the Russian ships, having ordered to go to Constantinople (there "Geben" was repaired to the breast, and then, having gone to the sea, sent for repairs) "Avstafiy" after having removed 4 exact incidents and viys in battle without serious attacks. Beat Misu Sarich, becoming a turning point at the fight for panuvannya on the Black Sea. Having surpassed the fortunes of the Black Sea frontiers in Russia at the battle, the Turkish fleet took the active part of the Russian Uzbek economy. The Russian fleet, navpaki, step by step has taken an initiative at the sea communes.

Campania 1915 p. Western Front

On the cob 1915 p. The Russian Viyeska settled the front not far from the Nimetsky cordon and in the Austrian Galicia. The 1914 campaign did not bring great results. The head of the police department was the accident of the German plan of Schlieffen. "Yakby there were no victims on the side of Russia in 1914," the English Prime Minister Lloyd George said a quarter of a century (b. 1939), "it was not just those who were buried in Paris, but they were not buried in Belgium. that France ". In 1915, the Russian command was planned to continue the offensive operations on the flanks. There is little for the busyness of the Great Prussia and the invasion of the Ugorsk Rivnina through the Carpathian Mountains. However, for the one-hour onset of Russia, they did not have enough strength and resources. In the course of active military operations 1914 p. on the fields of Poland, Galicia and Shidnoy Prussia, the Russian cadre army was killed. Її the recession has brought more to the rakhunok of the spare, which is not enough for the contingent. "For three o'clock," General AA Brusilov misguided, "the regular character of the battle has been consumed, and our army has become more and more similar to the rotten navy young military." The crisis of anxiety has become my serious problem, as it is typical for all countries to fight. Viyavilosya, scho vitrata of ammunition in dozens of times perevischu rozrakhunkov. Russia from the lack of promiscuity of promiscuity, the problem has stuck with a particularly grievous problem. Vicious backwaters could deprive 15-30% of the satisfaction of the army's consumption. With a great deal of evidence, it became clear that the term was overwhelmed by all promises in a vyysky way. The process has dragged on for a residual period of 1915 r. Nestacha ozbroєn obiluvavsya disgusting postachannyam. With such a rank, at the noviy rіk rіsіyskі zbroynі forces entered with the unstable health of the cadre wіyski. Tse fatally poured into the campaign of 1915 p. The results of the battles Descend made it possible for them to re-glance thoroughly the Schliffen plan.

As the head supervisor, Nimetske Kerіvniztvo now respected Russia. They were 1.5 times closer to Berlin, lower than the French army. Immediately, the stench blocked the way to the Ugorsk Rivnin and the thunder of the Austro-Ugorshchina. Feel the protracted war on two fronts, they did not send the main forces to the skid, then leave Russia. In addition to the personnel and material weakening of the Russian army, at the same time the goal of losing the ability to lead the way to maneuvering (at that hour, at that hour, there is also a suspicious positioning front due to the forced system of strengthening the great victims). In addition, the flooding of the Polish industrial area gave Nimechchina a dash of resources. After a short frontal onslaught of Poland, the command went over to the plan of flank strikes. Win glanced at the deep hooded pivnoch (on the side of the Eastern Prussia) on the right flank of the Russian military forces near Poland. One hour from pivday (from the Carpathian region) they gave the blow to the Austro-Ugric Vіyska. With the help of the Kintsevo era of the "strategic Cannes", it is not enough to delineate the Russian armies from the "Polish mishku".

Karpatska battle (1915). Vona became the first through the implementation of both sides of their strategic plans. Vіyska Pіvdenno-Zakhіdnogo front (General Ivanov) magalized to make our way through the Carpathian passes to the Ugorsk Rivnin and break the Austro-Ugorshchyna. The Austro-Nimetske team has very few offensive plans in the Carpathians. Vono set the goal of breaking through the stars to Peremyshl and the vibiti of the Russians from Galicia. The strategic sense has a hole in Austro-Nimetsian times in the Carpathians, at once from the onslaught of nimts in the Great Prussia, in the name of otochening Russian times in Poland. The battle in the Carpathians rocked the 7th to the overnight war of the Austro-Nimetsian armies and the Russian 8th Army (General Brusilov). Vidbulasya is a spectacular battle, I will call the yaka "gum viynyi". Both sides, scho squeezed one on one, bringing it to zagliblyuvatisya in the Carpathian Mountains, then to go back. The boys in the snowy mountains were very enthusiastic. The Austro-Nimetsky Vіyskami were able to push the flank of the 8th Army into the distance, and they didn’t get through the stench until Peremyshlyu. Otrimav pіdkrіplennya, Brusilov vіdbiv їх offensive. "Ob'yzhdzhayuchi vіyska on girskiy positions, - zgaduvav vіn, - I wriggled in front of the tsim heroes, as stiyko endured the zhakhlivy tyagar of girskaya winter war with a lack of awakening, I may be strong against myself contrary to the contrary. Only the 7th Austrian army (General Pflanzer-Baltin) could reach the partial successes, which Chernivtsi took. On the cob birch 1915 p. The Pivdenno-Zakhidny front was overrun by the zalny ones in the minds of the springtime lack of traffic. Going forward on the Carpathian steep and adding the enemy's roasted support, the Russian forces pushed forward 20-25 km and covered part of the passes. For the sake of displaying the grip of the nimetske, the command was thrown onto the tsyu dilyanka of the new force. The Russian Headquarters, through the important battle on the Western Prussian front, could not secure the Pivdenno-Western Front with the necessary reserves. The bloody frontal battles in the Carpathians were tripled until April. The stench of the great sacrifices didn’t bring any ludicrous success from the sidelines. The Russians spent about 1 million chols in the Carpathian battle, the Austrians and Nimts - 800 thousand. chol.

Druha serpneva operation (1915). Unfavorable for the ear of the Carpathian battle, they knocked off the grains of battle and the new flange of the Russian-Nimetsky front. June 25 1915 p. from the Skidnoy Prussia crossed the offensive 8-a (General von Bulov) and 10-a (General Eichhorn) of the Nimetsky army. Хній head blow landed near the area of ​​the Polish place of Augustow, the 10th Russian army (General Siver) was known. Having made a direct numerical pass, they attacked the flanks of the Sivers army, and tried to sharpen it. On the other side of the stage, it was transferred to the entire Pivnichno-Zakhidny Front. Ale, through a series of soldiers of the 10th Army, I didn’t reach the nimtsy after taking it from the clientele. After drinking the 20 th corps of General Bulgakov until otochennya. Stretching out 10 days, wines valiantly drove the attacks of the Nimetsian parts of the snowy sickle forests, and began to lead the further offensive. Having vitrified the entire ammunition, the surplus of the hull at the airborne port attacked certain positions, encouraging them to get through to their own. Throwing a nimetskuyu into hand-to-hand fighting, the Russian soldiers heroically lost their way in the fire of the Nimetsk’s banners. Ale tse sacred to God - heroism, as it showed the Russian war in general, as we know from the hour of Skobeliev, the hour of the storming of Plevnya, the battle in the Caucasus and the storming of Warsaw! The Russian soldier is fighting even better, he must endure every kind of weakness and good old-fashionedness, and he must face death as inevitably! Leaders of the same husband's support, the 10th army zoomed to the middle of a fierce blow to the blow of a larger part of its forces and took up defense on the Kovno-Osovets line. Pivnichno-waning front has resisted, and then the zoom has changed in small positions.

Prasniska operation (1915). Mayzhe immediately flared up a battle against the Prussian military cordon, and the 12th Russian army (General Pleve) was stationed. 7 fierce in the Prasnish ​​region (Poland) attacked parts of the 8th Nimetsky army (General von Bulow). Misto was captured by the command of Colonel Baribin, who heroically defeated the attacks of overwhelming German forces for several days. 11 cruel 1915 p. Prasnish ​​falling. But the defense gave an hour for the Russian to pull out the necessary reserves, as they were prepared in advance of the Russian plan for a winter offensive near the Western Prussia. 12 fierce to Prasnish, the 1st Siberian Corps of General Pleshkov, who immediately attacked nіmtsіv. In the midst of the winter battles, the Siberians vshchants crushed a few days and vibrations from the place. The entire 12th army crossed over with reserves at the Zagalny offensive, as in the last battles it took them to the cordons of the Great Prussia. Tim went over to the offensive in an hour, and the 10th army, as it cleared all of the serpentine foils. The front was renewed, but they could not reach the big Russian vіyska. Nimtsi spent nearly 40 thousand rubles in the whole battle. chol., ros_yani - close to 100 yew. chol. The spectacular battles of the cordons of the Great Prussia and in the Carpathians laid the reserves of the Russian army in advance of a terrible blow, which was ready for its Austro-Nimetsky command.

Gorlitsky piercing (1915). Ear of Great Entry. Do not be aware of the Russian news of the cordon in the Western Prussia and the Carpathians, I have a command to sell the third option to the hole. It was transferred to the city of Vistula and the Carpathians, in the region of Gorlitsy. At that hour, against Russia, half of the forces of the Austro-Nimetsky bloc were attacked. At a 35-kilometer long cut at Gorlitsa, a strike group was launched under the command of General Mackensen. Vona overturned the third Russian army (General Radko-Dmitriyev), so stand on the tribute of dilyantsi: in live force - 2 times, in light artillery - 3 times, for important artillery - 40 times, in kulemets - 2.5 times. April 19 1915 p. Mackensen's group (126 thousand chol.) crossed the offensive. Rosіyske komandavannya, I know about the growth of forces to this dіlyantsі, did not care for a quick counterstrike. Great warning bullets were sent to them from the memory, were introduced into battle in parts and quickly disappeared in battles with the overwhelming forces of the enemy. Gorlitskiy escaped the problem of unstable ammunition, especially shells. The overload of important artillery has become one of the main reasons for the greatest success of the people on the Russian front. "Eleven days of the terrible hum of important artillery, which literally saw the whole row of trenches at once from the captors," General A.I. behind іnshy - with bagnets, chi firing squad, the roof was pouring down, rows of burials were growing, burials of pagorbi grew ... Two shelves could be degraded by one fire. "

Gorlitsky, having blown away the threat of otochennyh Russian vіysk in the Carpathians, vіyska Pіvdenno-Zakhіdnogo front rozpochali all over. Up to 22 worms, having consumed 500 yew. osіb, the stench filled the whole of Galicia. The managers of the husbandly support of the Russian soldiers and officers, the Mackensen group could not quickly enter the operational space. In general, Ninya, її was advancing to the point of "pushing through" the Russian front. Vіn buv seriozno vіdsunutiy on skіd, ale not crushing. The protest of the Gorlitsky breakthrough and the onset of the nimts in the Great Prussia created a threat to the ransacking of the Russian armies from Poland. I felt so bad. Great access, before the hour of the Russian news of the attachment - a period of 1915 r. deprived of Galicia, Lithuania, Poland. The allies of Russia were busy in the hour to change their defenses, but they didn’t break anything, but they didn’t make any serious progress towards the coming of Descent. The Union of Criticality has issued a number of re-fixes for the mobilization of the economy on the basis of consumption. "Mi," Lloyd George became famous for the year, "they gave Russia a lot."

Prasniska and Narevska Battle (1915). After the successful completion of Gorlitskiy, I cut through the nymetsk team, the team was pleased with another act of their "strategic Cannes" 30 worms 1915 p. In the region of Prassnish, the 12th Nimetska army (General Galvits) went over to the offensive. The 1st (General Litvinov) and the 12th (General Churin) of the Russian army stood here. Nimetskі vіyska mali perevagu at the number of a special warehouse (177 thousand. Versus 141 thousand. Chol.). Especially significant Bula perevaga in artillery (1256 against 377 garmat). For the hurricane in the fire and the forced onslaught, the nimetsky units poured out the smut of the defense. I’ll cut through the line to the front, and I’m not going to reach the 1st and the 12th armies. Rosіyani everywhere inveterately hijacked, going over to the counterattack on the threatening dіlyanka. For 6 days of uninterrupted battles Galvitsa's soldiers could slip through 30-35 km. Not reaching the nave of the rivers of Narev, they pressed the offensive. Nimetske komandavannya soon regrouping forces and began to reserve a new blow. The Russians spent nearly 40 thousand rubles in the Prassnish ​​battle. chol., Німці - close to 10 thousand. chol. Stability of war of the 1st and 12th armies of the Zirval Nimetsky plan for the otocation of Russian military missions from Poland. Ale nebezpeka, scho hovering over the Warsaw region from the night before, forced the Russian command to take her armies for Vesla.

Pidtyagnuvshis reserves, nіmtsі 10 limes again crossed over to the offensive. The 12th (General Galvits) and the 8th (General Scholz) of the Nimets Army took part in the operation. The Nimetsky grip on the 140-kilometer Narev front was streamed by the 1st and the 12th army. Mayuchi may even be able to pass through the lively force and five times in the artillery, nimtsi easily magalized to break through the Narevsky rubble. Om in the distance at some of the mischiefs forsuvati rychku, ale rossiyskiy counterattacks to the ear of a sickle did not give a few parts of the power to expand their footholds. Particularly important role was played by the defense of the fortress Osovets, yaka attached the right flank of the Russian forces in the battles. The stiffness of the Zahisniks did not allow them to enter the Russian armies, which seized Warsaw. In an hour, Russian visibility zumіly evacuate from the Warsaw region without any difficulties. The Russians spent 150 thousand rubles in the Narevskoy battle. chol. Німці also know the chimalo shkodi. The smell of linden battles smelled unsupported to prodvzhuvati active offensive. The heroes of the Russian armies in the Prussian and Narev battles hid the Russian military in Poland, as the result of the campaign of 1915 r.

Vilenska battle (1915). Completion of the Great Entrance. At the serpentine commander of the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Front, General Mikhailo Aleksov, planed a flank counterattack on the German armies in the Kovno region (Nini Kaunas), and they were advancing. Ale nimtsi got ahead of the whole maneuver, and for example, they attacked the Covenian positions themselves with the forces of the 10th Nimetsky Army (General von Eichhorn). After several days the commandant of Kovno, Grigor, evoked faint-heartedness and 5 sickles by storming the fortress (for the last year, they were sentenced to 15 years of vyaznitsa). Padinnya Kovno ruined the strategic situation in Lithuania for the Russians and called for the introduction of the right wing to the Pivnichno-Zakhidny front for Nizhniy Niman. Opanuvavshi Kovno, nimtsi namagalis to drain the 10th Russian army (General Radkevich). Ale in the inveterate spectacular sickle fights near Vilno, the Nimetsky offensive was choked up. Todi nіmtsі zoseredili tied up in the Sventsyan area (pіvnіchnіshe Vіlno) and 27 sickles started to strike at Molodechno, they started to go to the 10 th army and get Minsk. Through the threat of otochennya, the Russians were driven to overflow Vilno. The protest of success is not reaching the attention of the people. Shlyakh їm was blocked by the 2nd army, so immediately went (General Smirnov), yaky vipala honor residually zupiniti nimetsky offensive. Rishuche attacking nimtsiv near Molodechno, won’t beat him up and tried to step back to Svyantsyan. Until 19 Veresnya the Svuntyanskiy cut through the bullet was liquidated, and the front on the central stage was stabilized. Vilenskoy battle will end, zagalom, the Great entry of the Russian army. Having hung up the offensive forces, it was necessary to go over to the position of the defense. Nice plan for the defeat of the evil forces of Russia and not going into the exit. The masters of the manhood of their warriors and in the smallest vіysk, the Russian army is unique. "The Russians flew from the cliffs and sought a frontal entrance at a direct sight for them," the chief of the German General Staff, Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, said. The front has stabilized on the line Riga - Baranovichi - Ternopil. There were three fronts here: Pivnichny, Zakhidny and Pivdenno-Zakhidny. The stars of Russia did not enter until the fall of the monarchy. In the result of the Great Entry, Russia has known the highest expense for a war - 2.5 million chol. (killed, wounded and killed). At the expense of the Nimechchina and the Austro-Ugorshchyna, 1 million chols were transferred. Vidstup has overcome the political crisis in Russia.

Campania 1915 p. Caucasian theater boyovykh diy

The ear of the Great has stepped forward with a serious insertion of the development of the pod_y on the Russian-Turkish front. Part of the reason for the gap was the grandiose Russian airborne operation on the Bosphorus, which was planned for the reception of the Allies, who were visiting Galipoli. With the great success of the Turkish leaders, they became active on the Caucasian front.

Alashkertska operation (1915). 26 worm 1915 p. in the Alashkert region (Skhidna Turechchina), the 3rd Turkish army (Mahmud Kіamil Pasha) went over to the offensive. Under the onslaught of the overwhelming forces of the Turks, the 4th Caucasian Corps (General Oganovskiy), having seized a tsiu dilyanka, after reaching the Russian cordon. Tse wicked a threat to cut through the entire Russian front. General Mykola Mykolajovich Yudenich, General Mykola Mykolajovich Yudenich, Todi Energy Command of the Caucasian Army, was sent to the battle under the command of General Mikoli Baratov, who ordered a quick blow at the flank and killed the Turkish group. Feeling afraid of otochennya, parts of Mahmud Kіamіlya sprang up to Lake Van, close to which the front is 21 years old. Alashkertska operation zruynuvala sponsored by Turechchini to transfer the strategic initiative to the Caucasian theater of boyovykh theaters.

Hamadanska operation (1915). 17 zhovtnya - 3 breasts 1915 p. Russian victories fought off the offensive in Pivnichnoe Irani for the support of the mighty power of the whole state on the side of Turechchina and Nimechchini. The German-Turkish residency took over, as it became active in Tehran because of the failures of the English and French in the Dardanelles operation, as well as the Great Entry of the Russian Army. The introduction of Russian military missions to Iran was dominated by the allies of the English, as they pushed back their security in India. At zhovtni 1915 p. Before the Iranian of the letters of the corps of General Mikoli Baratov (8 thousand chol.), which occupied Tehran, Visunuv to Hamadan, the Russians defeated the Turkish-Persian corps (8 thousand chol.) and took the Turkish agents into the country. Tim by himself blamed an overwhelming threat against the Nimetsko-Turkish inflow into Iran and Afghanistan, and also the threat to the left flank of the Caucasian army was deepened.

Campania 1915 p. Vіyna by the sea

Vіyskovі at sea 1915 p. stuck, zagalom, successfully Russian fleet. From the greatest battles of the campaign of 1915, it is possible to see the descent of the Russian squadron to the Bosphorus (Chorne more). Gotlansky Bey and Irbensky Operation (Baltic Sea).

Go to the Bosphorus (1915). During the trip to the Bosphorus, which went 1-6 May 1915, the escadron of the Chornomorsk Fleet took part in the warehouse of 5 liners, 3 cruisers, 9 mini-carriers, 1 air transport with 5 riders. 2-3 grass linkori "Three Saints" and "Panteleimon", viyshovshi in the area of ​​the Bosphorus channel, fired at the bank of the strengthening. 4 grass line "Rostislav" led to a fire in the fortified area of ​​Inadi (on the first drive to the Bosphorus), which is due to repeated attacks by gidrolits. The apotheosis of the march to the Bosphorus became the 5th grass line at the entrance to the channel and the flagship of the Nymetsk-Turkish fleet on the Black Sea - the line cruiser "Geben" and the choirma with Russian liners. At the time of restructuring, as in the battle at Misu Sarich (1914), the linkor "Evstafiy" was named, which is two exact incidents of the "Goeben" in harmony. Nimetsko-Turkish flagship having pinched the fire and viyshov from the battle. Tsey went to the Bosphorus having made it possible to pass the Russian fleet on the Chornomorsk communes. Nadal nadal was not safe for the Chornomorsk Fleet, they became nimetskі pіdvodnі chaplains. The activity did not allow the Russian ships to appear on the Turkish coast until the end of the spring. With the entry into Bulgaria, the zone of the Chornomorsk fleet expanded, covering a new great region at the western part of the sea.

Gotland Boy (1915). Tsey Morskiy Bey Vidbuvsya 19 chervnya 1915 p. near the Baltic Sea, the Swedish island of Gotland, with the 1st brigade of Russian cruisers (5 cruisers, 9 ships) under the command of Rear Adm. Bakhirev and the corral of German ships (3 cruisers). Bey mav character of artillery duel. In the course of the perestroika, the nimts lost the miniature zagorodzhuvach Albatross. Winning strong ears and hunts, half of them wandered to the Swedish coast. There yogo command bulo internovano. Then we get a cruising battle. They took a fate at the new one: from the famous side of the cruiser Roon and Lubeck, from the Russian side - the cruiser Bayan, Oleg and Ryurik. Having learned how to do it, the famous ships fought the fire and went out in battle. Gotladsky biy znamennyy tim, which is in the new future in the Russian fleet for conducting the fire bulo vikoristano dania radiozvidki.

Irbenska Operatsiya (1915). Before the hour the naval land forces were deployed to the Rizky direct route the crew of the ship-admiral Shmidt (7 liners, 6 cruisers and 62 ships) tried to pass through the shipwreck Here the ships of the Baltic Fleet were protested to a chol with Rear Admiral Bahiruvim (1 liner and 40 ships). Unimportant for the significant transfer in the forces, the Nimetsian fleet did not pass the command through the mini barriers and the successful projects of the Russian ships. In the course of the operation (26 lindens - 8 sickles), 5 ships (2 ships, 3 minesweepers) and attempts to enter the battle were defeated. The Russians lost two old gunners' chapels ("Sivuchi"> and "Koreets"). Noticing the bad luck at the Battle of Gotland and the Irbensk operation, they didn’t seem to want to cross the borderline of the Baltic, and they went over to the defensive operations. Due to the serious activity of the German fleet, it became possible to deprive the army of the ground forces.

Campania 1916 p. Western Front

Vіyskovі misfortunes have hardened the uryad that suspension of mobilizuvati resources for everybody. So it was in 1915 p. to expand contributions to the defense of private industry, the activity of which was coordinated by the military-industrial committee (MIC). Heads of mobilization of industry for the protection of the front until 1916 p. dyed. So, since 1915 p. up to 1916 p. The variety of guints in Russia has grown 3 times, the older species have grown in 4-8 times, the older species have grown in 2.5-5 times. Uninvolved at the expense, Russian zbroyny forces 1915 p. grew by 1.4 million chol in the amount of additional mobilization. The plan of the Nimetsky command for 1916 p. Having passed the transition to the position of the defense Goes, de nimtsi set up the system of defense equipment. The head strike was planned by the troops against the French army in the Verdun area. U fierce 1916 p. the famous "Verdenska meat grinder" spun, which zaschuyu France zvurnutitsya for the help to his common ally.

Naroch operation (1916). The team spent 5-17 birch 1916 r. the offensive by forces of Vijsk Zakhidny (General Evert) and Pivnichniy (General Kuropatkin) fronts near Lake Naroch (Bilorus) and Yakobstadt (Latvia). Part of the 8th and 10th German armies stood here. The Russian team set for the spot the vibration of the people from Lithuania, the Bylorus and the verdict of the Eastern Prussia, and the preparatory process was followed by a rapid speed through the loss of an important ally in the sound of this time. For the most part, the operation was carried out without proper training. The main blow at the Naroch region was given by the 2nd army (General Ragoza). Stretching out 10 days won, it was unsuccessfully magalized to break through strong nemetskі strengthening. Failures took the marriage of important artillery and springlessness. Narochska biynya cost the Russians at 20 thousand. killed that 65 yew. hurt. The offensive of the 5th Army (General Gurko) from the Jacobstadt area on 8-12 birch also ended in failure. Here the Russians became 60 yew. chol. Zagalnі vtrati nіmtsіv put 20 yew. chol. The Naroch operation brought a bitter taste to the allies of Russia, and some of them couldn’t be able to cross over to the Verdun Zhodnoy Division. "The Russian offensive," wrote the French general Joffre, "was enforced by the nimts, as they might have insignificant reserves, to introduce at the right all the reserves and, moreover, to attract the stages of the new and transfer the many divinities of the knowledge." From the іnshy side, hitting on the ground Narochdyu and Jacobstadt celebrated a demoralizing inflow on the Vіyska Pіvnіchny and Zakhіdnogo fronts. The stench didn’t make it, on the vidminu of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front, to spend 1916 r. successful offensive operations.

Brusilivsky breakout and offensive near Baranovichi (1916). 22 grass 1916 p. After an offensive on the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front (573 thousand chol.), which was misled by General Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Brusilov. The prototypical Austro-Nimetsian armies were in possession of only 448 yew. chol. Having cut through all the armies to the front, the transfer of reserves was accelerated by the enemy. At the same time, Brusilov zasosuvav new tactics of parallel strikes. Vona licked at the cherguvanna active and passive dilyankas and cut through. It disorganized Austro-Nimetsky vіyska і didn’t allow them to squeeze in the crowded dilyankas. The Brusilian cut was created by the retailer preparation (right up to the trenuvan on the exact layouts of the fortunate positions) and the routine of the Russian army. So, on the charging boxes there was a special writing: "Do not shkoduvati shells!" Artillery training on small trivial dies from 6 to 45 years old. Behind the figurative vislov of the history of N. N. Yakovlev, in the daytime I didn’t break the ear of "Austrian vіyska outright." In the most famous proverb of Russian visitors, the best way to reach the mercy of the fancy and artillery.

On the face of the artillery fire, the Russian fire was shrugged (3-4 lantsyugi for the skin). The first hvilya, without being overwhelmed, went through the front line and attacked the other line of defense at once. The third and fourth hvili moved over the first two and attacked the third and fourth of the line of defense. The whole brusilian method of "rolls attack" by the allies during the victorious hardening of France. Behind the first plan, the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front of the mav will be deprived of an additional blow. The main offensive of the plan fell on the Western Front (General Evert), which was designated the main reserves. But the whole offensive of the Zakhidny front was ringing until the battle of the war (19-25 worms) on one of the Baranovichi dilyantsi, which was captured by the Austro-Nimetsa group of Voyrsha. Having gone over to the attack with a heavy artillery preparation, the Russian zoom or trochus pushed forward. If I raise, I’ll break through, I’ll get a lot of defense (only on the front edge there were up to 50 rows of an electrified dart) I didn’t reach. The song of bloody battles, like the death of the Russian vysk 80 yew. chol. At the same time, Evert pushed the offensive. Vtrata groupie Voyrsha deposited 13 yew. chol. Brusilov has sufficient reserves for a successful advance on the offensive.

The rate was not able to immediately relocate the head strike to the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front, and became a cut-off from the other half of the worm. Tsim koristuvalosya Austro-Nimetske command. 17 worms nіmtsі by the forces of the established group of General Liezingen, inflicted a counterattack on the 8th Army (General Kaledin) of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front in the Kovel region. Ale that imagined the onslaught of 22 worms at once from the rim, nareshti, on the third army went over to the noviy attack on Kovel. Battles flared up at the limelight on the Kovel strait. Try Brusilov to take Kovel (the most important transport university) was not a success. At the end of the hour, the frontiers (Zakhidny and Pivnichny) were caught at home and Brusilov was not given practically any kind of pidtrims. Nimtsi and Austrians moved here from the European fronts (over 30 divisions) and zoomed to close the gaps. Until the end of the linden ruh ahead of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front bulo zupineno.

At the turn of Brusilivsky, the Russian military broke through the Austro-Nimetsian defense in all the way from the Pripyatsky bolts to the Romanian cordon and pushed forward 60-150 km. During the loss of the Austro-Nimetsian Vijsk, 1.5 million cholas were collected from the period. (killed, wounded and killed). The Russians spent 0.5 million chol. To tighten the front at the Gathering, the Austrian bullets, weaken the grip on France and Italy. Rumunia joined the war for the land of Antanti with the great success of the Russian army. The top sickle - heather, having trimmed the new peduncle, Brusilov continued the vice. Ale win didn’t get much success. On the left flank of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front, the Russian zoomed out of the Austro-Nimetsky part near the Carpathian region. Ale napoleglivi attacks on the Kovelskoe straight, scho tripped to the cob, ended in vain. Strength at that hour, the Austro-Nimetsky parts imagined the Russian grip. In general, without affecting tactful success, the offensive operations of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front (from grass to zhovtnya) did not bring a turning point in the course of the war. The stinks were great for Russia’s great victims (close to 1 million chol.), As it became more foldable and more important to see.

Campania 1916 p. Caucasian theater boyovykh diy

For example 1915 p. over the Kavkazskiy front the gloom began to grow thick. After the change in the Dardanelles operation, the Turkish team planned to transfer most of the published parts from Galipoli to the Caucasian Front. Ale Yudenich ahead of the maneuver, having carried out Erzrum and Trebizond operations. The stench of Russian victories reached the greatest success at the Caucasian theater of victorious acts.

Erzrum and Trebizond opera (1916). By means of a series of operations, they took the fortress Erzrum and the port of Trebizond - the head bases of the Turks for the anti-Russian Transcaucasia. In a straight line against the Caucasian army of General Yudenich (103 thousand chol.), The 3rd Turkish army of Mahmud-Kiyamilya Pasha (about 60 thousand chol.). 28 chest 1915 p. the 2nd Turkestansky (General Przhevalsky) and the 1st Caucasian (General Kalitin) corps crossed over to Yerzrum. The offensive came in the snowy mountains with strong wintry and frost. Alee not preoccupied with the importance of natural and climatic minds, the Russians broke through the Turkish front and on the 8th they went to the steps to Erzrum. The storming of the strongly strengthened Turkish fortune in the minds of the cold and cold notes, during the daytime of the regional artillery, having been knitted with the great risik, Ale Yudenich still spent the entirety of continuing the operation for herself, taking In the evening of the 29th day of the night, an unapplied assault on erzrum positions. After five days of baked battles of the Russian people, they escaped to Erzrum, and then there was a transfer of Turkish ones. It went up to 18th and finished 70-100 km to the west of Erzrum. In the course of the operation, the Russian Vijska sank through their cordons of the uglib territory of Turechchini for a distance of 150 km. Surrounding manhood in vіysk, successful operations have been secured and overwhelmed with material preparation. During the war, it was warmly odyag, in the winter it was filled with dark eyepieces for capturing the eyes from the loose blister of girskih dreams. Kozhen soldier mav also firewood for ob_gr_vu.

Vtrati Russian became 17 yew. chol. (That number has 6 thousand frostbite). The loss of the Turks overwhelmed 65 yew. chol. (That number has 13 thousand.). On the 23rd, the Trebizond operation was carried out, which was carried out by the forces of the Primorsky corral (General Lyakhov) and the Batumi corral of ships of the Chornomorsk fleet (captain of the 1st rank Rimsky-Korsakiv). The sailors drove the land through the fire artillery, the landing force and the transport. Pisle of inveterate battles Primorskiy zagin (15 thousand chol.) Viyshov 1 April to the strengthening of the Turkish position on the river Kara-Dere, yaka lied to go to Trebizond. Here they, hto instructed, rejected the sea (two brigades of Plastuns numbering 18 thousand chol.), For which they rocked the storm of Trebizond. The first two weeks forced the burkhliv cold river of soldiers of the 19th Turkestan Regiment under the command of Colonel Litvinov. Pidtrimani in the fire fleet, the stench floated to the left bank and vibrated the Turks from the trenches. The 5 th week of the Russian military entered Trebizond at the surrenders of the Turkish army; During the capture of Trebizond, the base of the Chornomorsk Fleet was dumped, and the right flank of the Caucasian Army was taken away without any difficulties by the sea. The overflow of Russian Skhidnoi Turechchini is of little political significance. Win seriously enforcing the position of Russia in the future negotiations with the allies to drive the other valley of Constantinople and the channel.

Kerind-Kasreshirinska operation (1916). Like the bribes of Trebizond, the 1st Caucasian Okremiy Corps of General Baratov (20 thousand chol.) Went from Iran to Mesopotamia. Win mav nadati will help the English paddock, which the Turks have prepared in Kut-el-Amari (Irak). Walking through from April 5 to May 9, 1916 p. Baratov's corps occupied Kerind, Kasre-Shirin, Hanekin and entered before Mesopotamia. However, a very important and not safe trip to the wilderness at the expense of the senses, fragments of the 13th April English garnizon at Kut-el-Amary capitulyuvav. In order to take Kut-el-Amari, the command of the 6th Turkish Army (Halil Pasha) sent its main forces to Mesopotamia against the heavily generated (like specs and ailments) Russian corps. At Khaneken (150 km on the winter road to Baghdad), Baratov was not far away from the Turks, when the Russian corps occupied the place and entered Hamadan. Shіdne tsy Iranian place in turkish nastannya bulo zupineno.

Erzrindzhanska and Ognotska Operatsiya (1916). Vlіtka 1916 p. The Turkish team, having sent up to 10 divisions from Galipolis to the Caucasian Front, finally took revenge for Erzrum and Trebizond. First, the 13th worm crossed the offensive from the Yerzindzhan region, the 3rd Turkish army under the command of Vehib Pasha (150 thousand chol.). Nayzapeklishi fighters flared up in the Trebizond straight, de standing the 19th Turkestan Regiment. The first Turkish gripe and giving Yudenich the opportunity to regroup his forces, streamed his own style of zooming. 23 worms Yudenich launched a counterattack in the Mamakhatun area (at the end of Erzrum) by the forces of the 1st Caucasian Corps (General Kalitin). In the Chotiriden battles, the Russians were overwhelmed by Mamakhatun, and then they crossed over to the backward counterattack. This finished 10 days to the bribes of the Erzindzhan station. In the midst of the battle, the 3rd Turkish Army knew the great things (up to 100 thousand chol.) And started active operations against the Russians. Having learned the strikes against Erzindzhan, the Turkish team paid the headquarters to turn Erzrum on again, the 2nd army was formed under the command of Akhmet-Izeta-Pasha (120 thousand chol.). 21 lime trees 1916 p. Vona went over to the offensive on the Erzrumsky direct and saw the 4th Caucasian Corps (General de Witt). Tim himself posed a threat to the left flank of the Caucasian Army. In the case of Yudenich, the Turks had a counterattack at Ognoth by the forces of a group of General Vorobyov. At the beginning of the spectacular battles on the fire line, as they tripped the whole serpentine, the Russian military stopped the attack of the Turkish army and tried to go over to the defenses. In the middle of the Turks there were 56 yews. chol. The Russians spent 20 thousand rubles. chol. The same attempt by the Turkish team to transfer the strategic initiative to the Caucasian Front failed. In the course of two operations, the 2nd and 3rd Turkish armies recognized the wrong mistakes and made active operations against the Russians. The fire operation became the last great battle of the Russian Caucasian Army at the First World War.

Campania 1916 p. Vіyna by the sea

In the Baltic Sea, the Russian fleet took over the right flank of the 12th Army in the fire, defended Riga, and also sank the merchant ships of the nimts and convoys. We were successful in completing the work and underwater chapels. From the Nimetsky fleet it is possible to call the shelling of the Baltic port (Estonia). Tsey nabig, zonovaniya on the lack of evidence about the Russian defense, ending for the nimts in disaster. During the course of the operation on the Russian mines out of town, 7 out of 11 nymetsky escorted minions sank and they took part in the hike. I didn’t know anything like that from the fleets in the whole war. On the Black Sea, the Russian fleet actively took over the coastal flank of the Caucasian Front, and took the fate of the transported airborne troops, and the fiery paratroopers, which were advancing. In addition, the Chornomorsky fleet progressed through the blockade of the Bosphorus and the most strategically important mission of the Turkish Uzbek (zokrema Zonguldatsky vugilny region), as well as launching attacks on the enemy's sea communes. Earlier, the activity on the Black Sea was marked by a number of sub-water chapels, and a lot of Russian transport ships were in charge of Shkodi. To fight against them, bullets of vinaydeni new boyovi are used: shells, scho prynayut, hydrostatic bombs, countermines.

Campania 1917 rock

Until the end of 1916, the strategic encampment of Russia, unimpressed on the recoupment of a part of the territory, had become too stable. The army of militarily fixed the positions and carried out low offensive operations. For example, France has a lot of recoupment of land, but not Russia. As soon as from St. Petersburg, they traveled more than 500 km, then from Paris - less than 120 km. The internal situation at the edge of the country has seriously lost its protection. At 1.5 times the picking up of grain has been quickened, prices have grown, and transport has grown. In the army, the number of choloviks - 15 million choloviks - has been poured into nebuval; The scale of human waste became the largest. In the middle of the community, the land has drawn on the front the styles of war, the film for the rock past. All tse vimagalo to the people of the unaccompanied in front of a surge of strength. The whole suspension carried the wine of wine. For the singing vernaculars, the problems became the dzherel of zagachennya. On the other hand, a great influx was brought by the distribution of Vyskovs' replacement in private factories. Dzherelom grows up to become a deficit, allowing the price to be blown up. I widely practiced cleaning up from the front with additional assistance, I will arrange in the organization. In zagaly, problems of the world, its correct and all-purpose organization, was found as one of the most interesting monsters of Russia in the First World War. The growth of social springs was growing all over the place. For the failure of the Nimetsky plan of the bliskavichny completion of the war, Persha Svitova became a vicious loss of strength. In tsіy borotbi land Antanti mali sumarnu excel for the number of strong forces and economic potential. Ale vikoristannya tsikh, a significant world, lay in the mood of the nation, a solid and amicable core.

Russia is the most infuriating for the whole plan. Nowhere has there been such an inconsequential breakdown at the top of the suspension. Representatives of the State Duma, aristocracy, generals, other parties, liberal intellectuals, and the bourgeoisie from her, took the thought about Tsar Mikoli II's lack of information to bring the truth to a possible end. The growth of the opposing attitudes was partly due to the beginning of the destruction of the power itself, as it did not dare to put in order at the hour of war. To the end, everything was called to the Lute Revolution by the fall of the monarchy. Writing to the throne of Mikoli II (2nd birch 1917) to the power of the Timchasoviy district. But the representatives, who may have criticized the tsarist regime, appeared to be feverish in the governing land. At the edge of the land, there was a victorious two-sided community between the Timchasov district and the Petrograd Council of robots, village and soldier deputies. Tse called up to some kind of destabilization. At the top, there was a struggle for power. The army, which has become the handler of the struggle, has begun to rise again. The first order was given to the Petrogradskaya Rada of celebrations by giving visions to the Petrogradskaya Rada of celebrations. Order No. 1, which liberated the officers of the disciplinary authority over the soldiers. Discipline and desertion grew in the result. In the trenches, anti-war propaganda did its best. Having suffered greatly from the officer's warehouse, which became the first victim of the soldier's dissatisfaction. Timchasov's command himself cleaned up the command warehouse, which he didn’t do. In the minds of the army, the dedal was more consumed by the greatness. Ale Timchasov's uryad under the grip of allies prodovzhuvav in the war, encouraging the development of their camp by successes at the front. With such a breakthrough, becoming a worm-like attack, organizing the Viy's minister Oleksandr Kerensky.

Worm attack (1917). The main blow was given to the Vіyska of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front (General Gutor) near Galicia. The offensive of the buv is weakly prepared. In a non-abiyakuyu world, there is little propaganda in nature and little on the basis of raising the prestige of the new power. A handful of Russian supervisors in success, for which he was especially remembered for the files of the 8th Army (General Kornilov). Vona broke through the front and pushed 50 km ahead, occupying the places of Galich and Kalush. A little bit of the Great Patriotic War of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front could not reach it. Хній onslaught quickly became aware of the anti-war propaganda and support of the Austro-Nimetsian forces, who did their best. On a cob of linden 1917 р. The Austro-Nimetsky team sent 16 new divisions to Galicia and gave a hard-hitting counterstrike. As a result of the visit of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front, they learned about the strikes and bullets of significance at the turn of their vicious frontiers, up to the sovereign cordon. For Chervnev's nastannya boules were tied as well as offensive ones at linden 1917 p. Rumunsky (General Shcherbachov) and Pivnichny (General Klembovsky) Russian fronts. The offensive at Rumunia, before Mareshtami, developed successfully, ale bulo zupineno at the order of Kerensky, in bulk at Galicia. The rule of the Pivnichny front near Jacobstadt failed again. Zagalny vtrati rusiyan at the period of becoming 150 thousand. chol. Significant role їkh failure was played by political parties, as they nadalas in vіyska. "Tse already didn’t bully any Russian people", - the Nimetsian General Ludendorff made a mistake about the battle. Lita hitting 1917 p. they made the crisis of power more acute and intensified the internal political situation in the country.

Rizka operation (1917). Pislya pounding Russian at the worm - linden nimts 19-24 sickle 1917 p. conducted by the forces of the 8th Army (General Gutiar) an offensive operation against the capture of Riga. Rizkiy was directly defended by the 12th Russian army (General Parskiy). 19 serpnya nimetski vіyska crossed at the offensive. Until noon, the stench forced the Dvina, marching towards the til parts, which defended Riga. In the minds of Parsky, having punished evacuate Riga. 21 sickles of nіmtsi entered before the place, kudi specially from the center of cleanliness arrived by the nіmetsian Kaiser Wilhelm II. After the capture of Riga, the nevdovzi nevdovzi attacked the offensive. On the other hand, they became 18 thousand rubles from the Rizkiy operation. chol. (There are 8 yew polonenims among them). Vrata nіmtsіv - 4 yew. chol. Striking at Riga, the internal political crisis of the country woke up.

Moonzund Opera (1917). As soon as Riga was flooded, the command was overwhelmed to take control of Rizka's flow and there was Russian sea power. For a total of 29 heathers - 6 October 1917 p. nіmtsі carried out the Moonzund operation. For the first time, the stench saw the Marine Corruption of a special significance, as there are 300 ships of different classes (including 10 liners) being stockpiled to the command of Vice-Admiral Shmidt. The 23rd reserve corps of General von Caten (25 thousand chol.) Was assigned for the landing of the landing on the Moonsund Islands, when the entrance to Rizka was closed. Russian garnizon of islands nalichuvav 12 yew. chol. In addition, Rizka was seized by 116 ships and auxiliary vessels (including 2 linkori) under the command of Rear Adm. Bakhirev. Nimtsi occupied the islands without any special Zusil. Ale in the battle on the sea, the Nimetsian fleet made arrangements for the establishment of operations of Russian sailors and the arrogance of great losses (16 ships were sunk, 16 ships were sunk, including 3 lincori). The Russians lost the link "Glory", but they fought heroically, and the "Thunder". Unimportant on the great pass in the forces, they could not destroy the ships of the Baltic Fleet, which organizedly sailed to the Finnskoy inlet, blocking the nemetsky escadri to Petrograd. Battle for the Moonsund Archipelago, becoming the last great combat operation on the Russian front. In the nіy Russian fleet, having stolen the honor of the enemy forces of Russia, and once completing the fate of the First World War.

Brest-Litovsk truce (1917). Brest Svit (1918)

At zhovtni 1917 p. Timchasov's squad was knocked down by bolsheviks, as they stood for yaknaishvidsha laying the world. 20 leaf fall at Brest-Litovsk (Brest) the stench spilled from Nimechchinoy separately talk about peace. 2 breast mіzh bіlshovitsky uryad and nіmetsky representatives of the Bulo laid a truce. 3 birch 1918 p. mіzh Radyanskoy Rosієyu and Nіmechchinoyu the Brest world was laid. From Russia to trade significant territories (the Baltic states and part of the Bilorusia). Russian vivodilis from the territory of Independence of Finland and Ukraine, as well as from the districts of Ardahan, Kars and Batum, which were transferred to Turechchina. Usiy Russia spent 1 million sq. M. km of land (including Ukraine). The Brest Svit appeared in the beginning of the 16th century. (To the hour of Tsar Ivan the Terrible). In addition, Radianska Russia has gotten a gobble to demobilize the army and the navy, set up a visa for Nimechchin's mite, and also the payment of the right side will be a contribution (the out-of-town sum became 6 billion gold marks).

Brest light meaning a heavy blow to Russia. Historical evidence was taken by the bolsheviks. Altogether, Brestsky society is deprived of fixing the situation, in which the land was settled, brought to the collapse because of the strong, irresistible power and lack of security of the suspension. The victory over Russia gave the power of Nimechchina and the allies to pay the Baltic States, Ukraine, Bilorus and Transcaucasia. In Persha's svitovu, the number of died in the Russian army became 1.7 million chol. (killed, died from wounds, gas, near the poloni thinly. Bud.). Vіyna kostuvala Russia 25 billion dollars. Bulo was loaded with great moral traumas of the nation, as for the first time at a rich fortune she knew such an important shock.

Shefov N.A. Nayvidoms and battles of Russia M. "Viche", 2000.
"From Old Russia to the Empire of Russia". Shishkin Sergiy Petrovich, metro Ufa.

Tsia nebuvala vіyna maє buti has been brought to a new state of affairs. Whoever thinks now about svit, whoever bazhaє yogo - that zradnik Vіtchizni, yogo zradnik.

1 sickle 1914 rocu Nimechchina has beaten the Vine of Russia. Honored Persha Svitova Vіyna (1914-1918), which became for the Fatherland another Vіtchiznyana Vіyna.

How did it happen, how did the Russian empire find itself drawn into Persha's svitovu vіynu? Chi Bula is our land ready to go?

About the history of the history of the history, about those who have been for Russia, Fome rozpov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of Science of the Institute of Foreign History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ІVІ RAS), President of the Russian Association

The President of France R. Poincaré will visit Russia. Lipen 1914

Those who do not know about Masi

Evgen Yuriyovich, Persha Svitova Viyna (PMV) is one of the main directions of your scientific activity. How did you get in on the vibe of those?

Tse cikave food. On one side, the significance of the whole story for history does not overshadow the current summaries. Only a few can sponse the history of the PMV. From the side of it - tsya viyna dosi to become a singing world, "terra incognita" vіyna dosіyi іstorії. Hromadyanska Vіyna and Velyka Vіtchiznyan (1941-1945) were overshadowed by її, they were put on a different plan at our svіdomosti.

Not least important є in the region of tsikavi і few people see the podії tієї vіyni. Among that number, the direct continuation of such mi is known to the hour of the Other Light.

For example, in the history of the PMV, there is such an episode: 23 serpnya 1914 rock Japan, being in an alliance with Russia and the other lands of Antanti, supplied Russia with the protection of this boiov technology. Tsi postachannya went through Kitaysko-Skhidnu zaliznytsya (KZZ). They organized a team of expeditions (diversion team) in order to open the tunnels of the KZZ and interrupt the process. The Russian counter-investigators took over the expedition, so that they zoomed out to get rid of the tunnels, so that it would have started an autonomous school of Russia, so that the important artery of maintenance would be interrupted.

- Wonderful. Yak so, Japan, for how they fought in the 1904-1905 rock ...

At the time of the cob of PMV from the Japanese boule in the vidnosini. Also signed in the agreement. And in 1916, the fate of Navit was signed an agreement about the Alliance of the Viy. We have had a lot of spіvpratsya.

To deliver the tales, what Japan gave us, I wish it was not free of charge, three ships, which Russia lost in the rock of the Russian-Japanese war. "Varyag", which the Japanese adopted and renewed, having built in the middle of them. Naskilki me vidomo, the cruiser Varyag (the Japanese called the yogo Soya) and two of the ships, taken by the Japanese, boomed to Russia in Japan in 1916. On April 5 (18), 1916, the Russian ensign over the "Varyag" was raised to the fate of Vladivostots.

In general, Japan took part in the intervention. But it’s not marvelous: a lot of people were honored by the owners of the nimts, the nimetsky order. Vy samі rozumієte, scho laying down a separate peace 3 birch 1918 fate (Brest peace), on the day, a blow at the back of the allies, including Japan.

The entrustment іz, іrzumіlo, іsnuvali with a whole lot of concrete political and economic interests of Japan to a distant descent from Siberia.

- Ale zh bouli at the PMV and іnshі tsіkavі epіzodi?

It’s great. You can tell about those (about the whole little hto know), which are seen for the Great Victory War of 1941-1945 years of the escort of the Bully and the first hour of the PMV, and also went to Murmansk, which in 1916 started for special motivation. Bulo wіdkrito zalіznitsyu, scho tinkling Murmansk with the European part of Russia. Postachannya buli to finish with significant ones.

At the same time with the Russian troops on the Rumun front, there was a French squadron. The axis is a prototype of the escadrilles "Normandia - Niman". British submarine warriors fought in the Baltic Sea at once from the Russian Baltic Fleet.

Spіvpratsya on the Caucasian Front under the corps of General M. M. Baratov (which at the warehouse of the Caucasian Army fought there against the Ottoman Empire) and by the British forces - also the tsіkavіy epіzod PMV, it is possible to say, the prototype is so ... Baratov met the kiddie march and played with British troops near Baghdad, on the territory of the bitter Iraq. Todi tse buli volodinnya Osmana, naturally. As a result, the Turks were caught in the clutches.

The President of France R. Poincaré will visit Russia. Photo of 1914 R.

Grandioznі plan

- Evgene Yuriyovich, but who is it? the development of the first light of the day?

The blame definitely lies with the so-called Central Powers, that is, in the Austro-Ugorsk region and Nimechchin. I go more to Nimechchin. If I want PMV and I feel like it’s a local fault between Austria-Ugorsk and Serbia, but without a firm admiration, like the Austro-Ugorsk’s bullying from the side of Berlina, it’s not on the scale of the European, and the whole world.

Nimechchiny tsya viyna was much needed. The main goals were formulated as follows: Likviduvat the hegemony of Great Britain on the seas, acquire the colonial lands and add “living space on the Descendi” (so to say, in the Common European population) for the small-scale population of Europe. The geopolitical concept of "Middle Europe" was adopted, which is known to the leading employees of the Nimechchini region.

For the ideological safety of the war in Nimechchina, a myth about the "otochenation of the Other Reich by the king of the foreign powers" was created: from the Entry - France, from the Descent - Russia, on the seas - Great Britain. Zvidsy zavdannya: break through the ring and establish the progress of the light empire with the center at Berlina.

- How did Nimechchin play a role in one of his own victories?

At the same time, Nimechchin rozrakhovuval's peremogi will turn the Russian kingdom to the cordon approximately in the 17th century (tobto Peter I). Russia, the German plans for that hour are not enough to become a Vasal of the Other Reich. The dynasty of the Romanovs was transferred to preservation, ale, vividly, Mykola II (і th syn Oleksіy) would have been usunut to the land.

- What happened to you on the recouped territories before the PMA hour?

In 1914-1917, the rocky nimtsy had a long way to pay off the extreme western provinces of Russia. The stench happened there to finish streaming, hocha, absolutely, they carried out requisitions for the peaceful population. Alle the mass vikradennya of people Nimechchinu of feats, straightened against civilians, it is designated bv.

Іnsha on the right - 1918 rik, since the nimetsky and Austro-Ugric times paid for the great territories in the minds of the actual collapse of the tsarist army (I guess the stench went to Rostov, Krim and Pivnichny Caucasus). There were already a lot of requisitions for the needs of the Reich, and they appeared to drive the support, in Ukraine, nationalists (Petlyura) and Eserami, who came out against the Brest light. But in 1918, the rock was especially unfolding, it was a bit unhappy, some of them had already gotten to the end, and their heads were thrown into the Western Front against the French and English. The protest of the guerrilla movement against the nіmtsіv in 1917-1918 rocks on the recouped territories nevertheless boolean.

Persha svitova vіyna. Political poster. 1915

Session of the III Sovereign Dumi. 1915

Now Russia got entangled in the wine

- Who robbed Rosiya to get it wrong?

Mykola II until the end of the day - to fix the winners, proponent of all the food at the peace conference at the Haas, the way of the international arbitrazh. Such propositions from the side of Mykoly Bully bully Wilhelm II, Nimetsky Emperor, Alevin Vidkinov їkh. And to that, talk about those who have wine for an ear of wine to lie on Russia - it’s absolutely unsettled.

Unfortunately, Nimechchina ignored the Russian initiatives. On the right, there’s a good deal of development and management of the stake, and they wonderfully know about those that Russia’s not ready to go. That allies of Russia (France and Great Britain) are not ready to go, especially Great Britain and the ground forces.

Russia in 1912 started a great program for the redeployment of the army, and it ended just until 1918-1919. And Nimechchina actually completed the preparatory work before the summer of 1914.

In other words, "a window of opportunity" could be delivered to the university for Berlin, and as soon as possible, then it was necessary to do so in 1914.

- Naskіlki rimmed bully arguments of the opponents of guilt?

Arguments of opponents to win the bully to finish with strong and clearly formed. In the midst of the ruling kil, there were bullets. The bullet is strong, the active party, as opposed to the fault.

There is a note from one of the great powers that be at that hour - P.N. Durnovo, yak bullet was filed on the cob in 1914. Durnovo, having passed on to Tsar Mikoli II about the teeth of war, which meant, on your mind, the death of the dynasty and the death of the Emperor's Russia.

Such were the bullets, ale to the right in the fact that Russia until 1914 passed through the allies not with Nimechchino and Austria-Ugorsk, but with France, but also with Great Britain, and the very logic of the development of a crisis, tied by the murder of Franz Ferdko The Austro-Ugorsk throne, led Russia to the point of death.

Talk about the possibility of the fall of the monarchy, Durnovo respecting that Russia does not showcase the great scale of Russia, but it doesn’t show that it’s a crisis, it’s a crisis of power, and it’s a cause, a resolution, it’s not deprived of the disintegration of the political political autonomy. , Waste of kerovanosti. It's a pity that the forecast is quite correct.

- Why anti-war arguments, for all the grounding, clarity and clarity, are not a little too good? Russia could not help but join the war, find it unimportant on such a clear twist of the arguments of the opponents?

The Allied Borg from one side, from the other side - the fear of spending prestige і injected in the Balkan lands. Even if they didn’t tolerate Serbia, it would be catastrophic for the prestige of Russia.

Signs were given, savagely, і the grip of singing forces, imposed on vіyna, including those who were knitted and with deyak Serbian stakes at the yard, with Chornohora stakes. From the "chornogirki", to befriend the great dukes at the court, they also poured into the reception of the solution.

You can say about those that Russia is small in terms of sums of pennies, rejected as credits from French, Belgian and English dzherels. Groshi bulo is rimmed for the re-transfer program.

Ale pitannya prestige (as for Mikoli II buv is more important) I still put bi on the first plan. It is necessary to give it to you properly - you should be sure that you have taken over the prestige of Russia, I wish, perhaps, do not expect the correct price.

- Is it true that the motive for helping the Orthodox (Orthodox Serbia) is one of the most important factors, why did they start Russia?

One of two other factors. Possibly, not virile, so - I’m talking about it again - Russia needed to adjust the prestige of a great power and not appear as an unreliable ally on the very cob of fault. Axis tse, mabut, head motive.

Sister of mercy will write down the will of the dead. Western Front, 1917

Mythi is old and new

PMV has become for our Batkivshchyna Vitchiznyana Vіyna, another Vіtchiznyana, as I know it. The Radyansky handlers called the PMV “imperialistic”. Why stand behind the words?

Nadavati PMV in the context of an imperialistic status - a serious pardon, if the moment is likely to be present. Before we go to her, you need to look at our friend Vitchiznyan, remember those who Persha Vitchiznyan was responsible for against Napoleon in 1812, and in us in the 20th century the Great Vitchiznyana was born.

Beruchi the fate of the WWI, Russia seized herself. Adzhe Same Nimechchina bared Russia in the 1st serpnya of 1914 to the rock. The Persha Svitova Vіyna became another Vitchiznyana for Russia. At the confirmation of the statement about the leading role of Nimechchina at the outbreak of the PMV, it is possible to say that at the Paris Peace Conference (which took place from 01/18/1919 to 01/21/1920), the Allied Powers, surrounded by the weather, " vіyskove and vіdvіvіdlіstіt for vіyskove vіyny.

All the people have come to fight against the earthy zagarbniks. Vіyna, boldly again, they bared us. We didn’t feel good about it. And in vіynі took the fate of yak dіyuchi army, kudi, before the speech, bulo poklikano kіlka milionіv rosіyan, and the whole people. Till and front didn’t work. The first tendencies, which were spasmed in the period of the Great Victory Day, are taking the ear in the period of the First World War. To deliver the tales, how partisan drives were going on, how actively the population of Tilov provinces showed themselves, if they were helped by the injuries, and the businessmen from the distant provinces, how they ransacked from the vicinities. The sisters of mercy were active, the clergy showed themselves even better, they were on the front lines and often sent to the attack.

You can say that our great defensive warriors are known by the terms: "Persha Vitchiznyana", "Friend of Vitchiznyana" and "Third Vitchiznyana" - the price of renewal of this historical decline of perseverance, like the Bula Rose of the World.

It seems that I would like to know that there are some bully officials, they are simple people, that they took off for their Batkivshchyna, they died, and they suffered for the price itself.

- And how, in your opinion, at the same time to find out the most popular myths about PMV?

The first myth was named after you. The myth is about those that the PMV was uniquely imperialistic and was carried out solely on the corny of the ruling keels. Tse, mabut, the most popular myth, which you can't see on the sidelines of school children. Alle the history of history, there is some negative ideological decline. We will marvel at the history of PMV in a way, and explain to our schoolchildren the essence of this matter.

Yet another myth - the price of those that the Russian army has deprived of its entrance and acquaintance with strikes. Nichogo good. Before the speech, a series of myths of widening at the Sunset, de, surrounds the Brusilian hole, so that the winter of the Western-Western front in 1916 (spring-summer), to see the backs of the thunder, not as great as about the wide name it unpromising.

As a matter of fact, in the PMV boules, the beautiful images of the Russian vіyskogo artwork were demonstrated. Say, on the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front, Zakhidny front. Ce і Galician battle, і Lodz operation. One defense Osovtsya chogo warta. Osovets - the price of a fortress, roztasovana b_lya modern Poland, de russians defended themselves against the overwhelming forces of the nimts (the siege of the fortress was lost from 1915 to the rock and trivial 190 days). The first defense can be entirely correlated with the defense of the Brest Fortress.

You can put your butts on the Russian heroes. It is possible to ask for the sisters of mercy, as they fought for the wounded. There are a lot of such butts.

Є Also myth about those that Russia led the way in the isolation of allies. Nichogo good. Hover the butt earlier and develop the myth.

Vіyna Bula Coalіtsіynoyu. And we were given significant help from the side of France, Great Britain, and then the United States, which entered into a new period, in 1917.

- Is it mythologized to post Mikoli II?

Bagato is, in all likelihood, mythologized. Given the incessant revolutionary agitation of the winners, there are few other names than the patron saint of nimts. Having snatched the myth, Zgіdno with yakim Mikola II nіbito bazhav the laying of a separate world with Nіmechchinoy.

For the sake of it, things were not right. We will be able to keep it up to the end of the day and robust for all of the fallow lands. Already being on the sentry, I won’t be able to see the great drills with a novelty about the linking of the Brest Svit by the Bolsheviks.

Іnsha rіch, the scale of this specialty as a sovereign action turned out to be not entirely adequate for Russia to be able to go through the whole process to the end.

Zhodnih, I am sitting , none documentary testimonies of the emperor and the empress of the power not known... Win nav without admitting thoughts about tse. Tsikh documents and could not be found. One myth.

Yak duzhe yaskrava the illustration of the tsiєї tezi, it is possible to direct the words of Mikoli the Other from the Act of the Age (2 (15) birch 1917 to the 15th anniversary): “At the great daysFighting from a calling enemy, as a pragmatist may not want our Batkivshchina to reluctantly, to the Lord God willingly send Russia a new and difficult experience. The internal folk hvilyuvannya, scho rested, was heavily encumbered on the frivolous vengeance.The share of Russia, the honor of our heroic army, the blessing of the people, all the dear Victories can be brought to the end <…>».

Mikola II, VB Frederiks and Grand Duke Mikola Mikolajovich at Stavtsi. 1914

Russian on the march. Photo of 1915 R.

Strike for a rik before a peremogi

Persha svitova vіyna - tse, yak vvazhayut deyaki, ganebna hitting the tsarist regime, is the catastrophe clean? Adzhe doti, the docks of the out-of-control Russian tsar lost his life under Vladi, the gateway could not escape to the border of the Russian empire? On the day of the Great Great Victory Day.

You don’t know the race in the fact that the enemy could not escape into our borders. Win the same time at the border of the Russian Empire as a result of the 1915 fate, if the Russian army was disturbed to enter, since our opponents practically threw all their forces to the Central Front, to the Russian front, and our allies before. I would like, by the way, the enemy is not Zaishov near the Glibinni regions of Central Russia.

Ale, I did not become bi nazyvati those who trapilated in 1917-1918 rock with the smashing, ganebly wiping of the Russian empire. More precisely, talk about those, that Russia was disturbed by the signing of a separate world from the Central Powers, from the Austro-Ugric region and from the Nimechchinoy and from the other members of the coalition.

The price of the legacy of this political crisis, in which Russia was identified. That is the cause of the internal, but not any more. And yet the need to forget about the fact that at the Caucasian front the Russians were actively fighting, and the successes would be even worse. In fact, the empire of Osman was built from the side of Russia even more than a serious blow, as soon as it was grafted until it was hit.

If Russia wanted to end it and didn’t vikonala its ally, it’s a demand to see it, and it’s maddeningly brought in to the Antanti’s change.

Russia literally lost its fortune. It is possible, again, in order to successfully complete the cycle at the Antanti warehouse, at the coalition warehouse.

And how did you get lost in the suspension? Bilsheviks, who represent the minority of the population, were thinking about striking Russia. Ale yakim bulo the protege of the peer people?

Zagalny nastr_y buv ts_lkom patriotic. For example, the women of the Russian Empire were most actively engaged in the benevolent assistance. Even if I signed up to be a sister of mercy, I didn’t need to be professionally prepared. Stinks passed special short-line courses. Even more richly children and young women from old countries took part in the whole of Russia - they repaired from the members of the Imperial family to the simplest people. Bully of the special delegations of the Russian Association of the Chervony Khrest, as they saw the tabori of the vis-à-vis polonenikh, sponsored them. Moreover, it’s not out of the territory of Russia, but beyond the cordon. Visited to Nimechchin, Austro-Ugorshchina. To navigate in the minds of the wins tse bulo zdіysneno for the middle of the international Chervony Khrest. They drove through the third country, mainly through Sweden and Dania. The hour of the Great Victory Day of such a robot, it's a pity, the bully is uncomfortable.

Until 1916, the medical and social assistance for injured people was systematized і nabula of a straightforward character, wanting a handful of, obviously, a lot of fear for private initiatives. Tsei rukh for the help of the army, for help, if we lean on the teela, we will injure, we will make a nationwide character.

The members of the royal family also took an active part in this. The stench was taking food for the wounded people, donating for the wounded people. A spit was opened at the Winter Palace.

Before the speech, it is impossible not to say about the role of the Church. Vona gave great help to the active army, and in tylo. The spirit of the regimental priests on the front was even more cheerful.
In addition to its bezposrednyh ob'yazkiv, the stench took care of itself in the folds of the "funeral" (about death) and the close lost war. A lot of vipadks are recorded, if the priests were on the first line of the advancing viysk.

The priests were told to visit the robot, as they said at once, psychotherapists: the stench was carried out by the rooting, calmed down, magalized to see fear, which is natural for people in the trenches. Tse on the front.

At the tilu Church gave help to injured and bizhentsy. Bagato monasteries vlashtovuyu from themselves without koshtovny spitals, collected supplies to the front, organized the delivery of good help.

Russian pikhota. 1914

Guess all!

Would it be possible for the tiny glorious chaos in the suspension, including in the spy PMV, to get the message right and clear the position of the PMV, how would it have reconciled all of this historical phenomenon?

Mi, professional historians, just at once over the cim and pratsyuєmo, pragmatically integrate this concept. Ale creation is not easy.

In fact, at a time, we need to know that those of the old history were making it in the 50s - 60s of the 20th century - they didn’t make it through the robot, like, through the peculiarities of our history. The whole emphasis is on the Zhovtnevy Socialist Revolution. The history of the PMV was motivated by the mythology.

Wouldn't it be that it is already planned to keep the temple alive for a riddle about those who died in WWI, perhaps before the temple of Christ the Savior was built on the people’s pennies?

So. This is the idea to use. First of all, it’s a unique place in Moscow - a brotherly tsvintar near the Sokil metro station, de bouly not deprived of the Russian war, as they died here near the tylov’s spiers, and the enemy armies were completely overwhelmed. The very same thing is brother. There are soldiers and officers of different nationalities there.

The tsvintars took their hour to reach the great expanse. Infected, obviously, the situation is overwhelming. There is a lot of involved, albeit created a memorial park, also a chapel, and renewed to the temple itself there, melodiously, would be even more correct decisions. So it’s like a visitor to the museum (from the museum on the right is a fold).

It is possible to strip the collection of the cathedrals on the whole temple. Here the role of the Church is even greater.

In fact, we can put an Orthodox church on the crossroads of historical roads, just like before, as they used to put chapels on the crossroads of roads, where people could come, pray, and make their dead relatives.

So completely true. Tim is bigger, in practice the skin family in Russia is tied with the PMV, that is, with the Other Vitchiznya vіyna, as with the Great Vіtchiznyana.

Having fought Bagato hto, the ancestors of the Bagatyokh took their part from the tsiy viyni - either in the tyla, or in the active army. To this, our sacred obedience to the historical truth.

It’s thoroughly intelligent, like Persha Svitova Vіyna (1914-1918), it’s necessary to learn about this political situation, which was laid out in Europe on the cob of the XX century. The Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) became the pre-history of the global military conflict. It ended in a new era of France, and the Confederate Union of the Nimetsian Powers was re-created into the Nimetsky Empire. Wilhelm I became the head of the 18th century, 1871. Thus, Europe found itself struggling to have a power with populations of 41 million people and an army of 1 million soldiers.

Political situation in Europe on the cob XX century.

The team of Nimetska imperia did not oppose the political panuvannya in Europe, the oskil was weak economically. For 15 years, the land has gained dignity and has started claiming for a big day at the Old World. Here it is necessary to say that the policy is dependent on the economy, and the name of the capital is still very little money. It is possible to explain the price that Nimechchina, at her colonial expansiveness, was hopelessly departed from Great Britain, Spain, Belgium, France, Russia.

European map until 1914 p. brown color shows Nimechchina and allies. Green color shows the land of Antanti

It is also necessary to have a small area of ​​power, the population of which has grown rapidly. Wono vimagalo food, but yogo did not start. In a word, Nimechchina gained strength, and the light had already become overwhelmed, and didn’t voluntarily go to the land. Having asked for one more vikhid - take the lasi shmatki by force that will preserve their capital and the people will have a happier life.

The Nimetska empire didn’t whisper her ambitious claims, Aleva couldn’t stand alone in England, France and Russia. To that, in 1882, the rotsi of Nimechchin, the Austro-Ugorsk region and the Italy established a military-political block (the Three Union). The Moroccan crises (1905-1906, 1911) and the Italo-Turkish war (1911-1912) became the legacy of this. It was a test of strength, a rehearsal before a big serious and large-scale Vyskovy conflict.

In view of the growing problem of aggression in 1904-1907, the Vyskovo-political block of the Heart of Zgoda (Entente), to which England, France and Russia, went away. Such a rank, on the ear of the XX century in the territory of Europe, established two straining forces. One of them, at the cholі z Nіmechchinoyu, pushed the expansion of its living space, and its power was magical against these plans, to clean up its economic interests.

The ally of Nimechchini, the Austro-Ugorsk region, was in the midst of instability in Europe. The land was rich and national, which constantly provoked international conflicts. In 1908, the Austro-Ugorsk region annexed Herzegovina and Bosnia. The tense of dissatisfaction with Russia, as the status of the landlord of the Slov'yan in the Balkans is low. Russia, Serbia, as a common center of ancient words.

The political situation was overwhelmed by the close encounter. Here, the empire of Osman began to be called "the sickness of the people of Europe" on the ear of the 20th century. And in the first place, the pretenders of the strong land felt a desire, which provoked political disparities and a local character. All the information about the last week gave a message about the change of mind in the global conflict, and now it’s an hour of understanding, as Perha Svyatova’s war has come.

The driving in of the Duke Ferdinand of the Yogo squad

The political situation in Europe took place on a skin day and until 1914 reached its peak. A small amount of shipment is required, the lead for the development of a global military conflict. I didn’t do such a ghost by introducing myself. In the history of wines, we were driven to Saraivske, and it became the 28th worm in 1914.

Embarkation of Archduke Ferdinand and Sophia's squad

On that evil day, a member of the nationalistic organization "Mlada Bosna" (Young Bosnia) Gavrilo Principle (1894-1918), having killed the decline of the Austro-Ugrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand (1863-1914) and his warrior, Countess Sophia (18). "Mlada Bosna" played for the empire of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the state of the Austro-Ugorsk region, and is ready to go by the way for all kinds of methods, right up to terrorist ones.

The Archduke from the squad arrived to the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina Saraev to the request of the Austro-Ugric minister, General Oskar Potiorek (1853-1933). Everyone knew long ago about the arrival of the winnable bet, and the members of Mlada Bosna violated Ferdinand. For the whole family, a boy group of 6 was opened. There was a lot of young people, ugly people of Bosnia.

Early in the week of the 28th day of 1914, the rooku of the vintsenno friend arrived at Sarajevo by train. Oscar Potiorek, the journalism and burials of NATO's current comrades-in-arms, was on the platform of the day. Pribuli and high-ranking devices were deployed in 6 cars, with the Archduke and his squad found in the third car with folding horseback. The cortege ripped apart from the mission and rushed off at the big barracks.

Until 10, the look around the barracks was finished, and all 6 cars drove along the Apel embankments to the city hall. Every once in a while a car from a vintsenosuyu pair collapsed at the cortege to others. About 10 years 10 hvili cars, so go, were trained with one of the terrorists on the name of Nedelka Chabrinovich. Tsey Yunak, throwing a grenade, aim at the car with the archduke. A grenade hit the top of the mountain, took off before the third car and vibrated.

Trampled by Gavrilo Princip, like killing Archduke Ferdinand and his squad

The driver of the car was knocked in with ulamka, passengers were injured, as well as people who were interrupted at that moment when the car was hit. Zagalom injured 20 people. And the terrorist himself prokovtnuv the price of kaliy. However, that did not give the necessary effect. Cholovika virvalo, і vin, ryatyuchitsya all out of the way, stripping at the rychka. Ale rychka appeared even more frantic there. The terrorist was driven to the shore, and the people who were separated from him were brutally beaten. The letter of the tainted serpent was handed over to the hands of the police.

Pislya vibuhu a cortege dodavshvidkist and domchav to the city hall without suitable. There, I will pay a couple of checks with a written priyom, і, unmindful on the swing, the part of the house is seen. After the end of the tract areas, the decision was taken to give the program at a link with a supervised situation. The bulo was violated if you had to go to the shpital, you would see those who were wounded there. About 10 years ago, 45 hilinas of a car were demolished in the first place and drove to the street of Franz Josip.

The cortege, scho collapse, check the іnshy terrorist - Gavrilo Principle. Winning standing in the shop "Delikatesi Moritsa Schiller" was ordered from the Latin bridge. Having pummeled the vintnoso couple, now sit in the car with a convertible top, the steward stepped in front of the car, leaning against the car and leaning on the back of the meter. Win vistriliv dvichi. Persha kulya indulged Sophia at home, and her friend at Ferdinand's.

After destroying people, the snitch tried to repudiate himself, but he was the first terrorist, deprived of the virvalo. Todi Principle, having tried to shoot himself, a little people started to fire, took a pistol and missed a 19-year man. Yogo was so beaten, so at the prison's licks they drove in a snarl and amputated his arm. A year later, the court condemned Gavrilo Princip to 20 years of hard labor, the objections to the laws of the Austro-Ugorsk region were not considered at the time of condemnation. In a young lady, a young cholovik, having settled down in important minds and died of tuberculosis on April 28, 1918.

Wounded by the snitch, Ferdinand and Sophia lost her time in the car, yaka rushed to the governor's residence. There the victims went to get medical help. A couple died in the road. Sophia died a couple of times, and Ferdinand gave God her soul for 10 khilin. So Sarajevske vbivstvo ended, yake became a drive for the ear of the First Holy Vine.

Lipneva crisis

Lipnev crisis - the price of the low diplomatic incursions of the provincial powers of Europe and the fate of 1914, provoked by the Saraev invasion. Evidently, a whole political conflict can be violated with a peaceful way, a little stronger than the one who wants to disappear. And bazuvalosya also bazhannya to sing, which will be even short and effective. Alevona nabula lingering character and took away 20 million human lives.

The funeral of Archduke Ferdinand and his squad of Countess Sophia

Pislya vivivin Ferdinand Austro-Ugorschina declared that the state structures of Serbia stood behind the snifters. At the end of the hour, Nimechchina publicly voiced the entire world, as in the midst of a new conflict in the Balkans, the Austro-Ugorsk region was won. Tsia Zayava Bula was broken on 5 lindens in 1914, and on 23 lindens, the Austro-Ugorsk region hung a harsh ultimatum to Serbia. In the early hours of the day, New Austrians were allowed to admit their policemen to Serbia for the next day and at the expense of terrorist excesses.

Serbs couldn’t have a drink at that. Literally in two days 26 years ago, the Austrians also got rid of the mobilization and started to get back to the cordons of Serbia and Russia. The 28th linden became a finishing touch to the whole local conflict. The Austro-Ugorsk region has stripped Serbia in the wake of the bombardment of Belgrade. For artillery preparation, the Austrian visitor overtook the Serbian cordon.

The Russian Emperor Mikola II on 29th day of the year proponed in Nimechchyna virishiti the Austro-Serbian conflict at the Haazian conference with a peaceful way. Ale Nimechchina didn’t know at all. Todi 31 lindens in the Russian empire have been stripped of the backyard of mobilization. In the name of Nimechchin, 1 sickle cut loose in Russia, and 3 sickles in France. Already 4 sickles of nimetski vіyska went to Belgium, and King Albert returned to the European lands-guarantors of neutrality.

The letter from Great Britain sent a note of protest to Berlin and was inadvertently pinning the invasion to Belgium. Nimetsky uryad note ignored, and Great Britain voiced Nimechchyna vіynu. The first stroke of the zealous madness was the 6th sickle. At the end of the day, the Austro-Ugorsk region has bared the entire Russian empire. Axis so rosy Persha svitova vіyna.

Soldiers at Persha svitova vіynu

Officially, I won from 28 linden 1914 until 11 fall leaves 1918. Vіyskovі events were conducted in Central, Western Europe, in the Balkans, the Caucasus, at the Close Gates, in Africa, China, Oceania. I did not know anything like a human civilization. This will be the greatest Vyiskovy conflict, which opposes the state foundations of the provincial lands of the planet. When the light became one, people didn’t understand it, and until the middle of the 20th century, they connected a larger scale, as they took more life on the road..

(28 lindens 1914 - 11 fall leaves 1918), the first vіyskovy conflict on a light scale, up to which 38 out of 59 independent powers were received at that hour. Nearly 73.5 million people have been mobile; 9.5 million were killed and died in wounds, 20 million were injured, 3.5 million were crippled.
The main reasons. Possibility of the reasons for the failure of the Veda until 1871, if the process of unification of the Nimetschini was completed, and the hegemony of Prussia was fixed in the Nimetsk Empire. For Chancellor O. von Bismarcke, who pushed back to the system of spiloks, the call of the policy of the Nimetsky district began to the people seeking the dominant camp of Nimechchini near Europe. To let France have the humor to avenge the fight at the Franco-Prussian war, Bismarck tried to tie Russia and Austria-Ugorshchina to Nimechchino with secret pleasures (1873). However, Russia took part in the meeting of France, and the Union of Three Emperors expanded. U 1882 p. Bismarck, having made the position of Nimechchina, created the Third Union, in which the Austro-Ugorsk region, Italia and Nimechchina were united. Until 1890 p. Nimechchina entered the first role in European diplomacy. France entered diplomatic isolation in 1891-1893. Having quickened the coldness of the commonplace between Russia and Nimechchinoy, and also with the demand of Russia from the new capitals, she went to Russia with the Vіyskov convention that agreement about the union. Russian-French union of mav to serve against the consumer union. Great Britain still stood as a supernatural guard on the continent, protesting from the political and economic conditions of the world for a long time. The English could not help but turbuvati nationalistic attitudes, but they panuvali in Nimechchin, aggressive colonial politics, the head of the promiscuous expansion and, the head rank, to increase the power of the Russian Navy. A series of fast-paced diplomatic maneuvers summoned up to the question of the positions of France and Great Britain and the news of 1904 t. Entente Cordiale. Bully podolany pereshkodi shlyakh to the Anglo-Russian spіvrobіtnitstvu, and in 1907 it was laid down to the Anglo-Russian pleasing. Russia became a participant of Antanti. Great Britain, France and Russia have entered into an alliance of the Potriynu zgodu (Triple Entente) against the Consumer Union. Tim himself took the shape of Europe into two zbroyny tabori. One of the reasons for this was the pervasiveness of nationalist attitudes everywhere. Formulating their interests, the managers of the skin cola from the European regions pushed taxes from the people. Franzia vinochuvala plans to turn in the territories of Elsas and Lorraine. Italia, navіyuchi at the union with the Austro-Ugorshchyna, began to turn its land Trentino, Trіust and Fiume. Poles bachelled at the great power of the new state, zirined with rags of the 18th century. A lot of people who inhabited the Austro-Ugorsk region were pushed to the national independence. Russia was perekonan, but it is impossible to develop without intercourse nimetskoy competition, to capture the words of the Austro-Ugorshchyna and expand in the Balkans. In Berlina, the Maybut was tied with the thrashing of France and Great Britain and the one of the regions of Central Europe under the authority of Nimechchin. London was respected that the people of Great Britain lived peacefully, depriving them of the head thief - Nimechchina. The tension among the international leaders was made possible by the low diplomatic crisis - the Franco-German crisis in Morocco in 1905-1906; annexed by the Austrians of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908-1909; nareshty, Balkan warriors 1912-1913. Great Britain and France adopted the interests of the Italian woman in May and so they weakened the hospitality of the Consumer Union, as Nimechchina could not be able to roost in Italy as an ally.
Lipneva crisis that ear of wine. Pislya of the Balkan War against the Austro-Ugric Monarchy, I am actively promoting nationalistic propaganda. A group of Serbians, members of the conspiratorial organization "Young Bosnia", sent Archduke Franz Ferdinand to drive the recession to the throne of the Austro-Ugric region. Possibility for the whole person, if all at once from the squad of viruses to Bosnia for the beginning of the Austro-Ugric forces. Franz Ferdinand was assassinated near the city of Sarajevo by a gymnast Gavrilo Principle of the 28th day of 1914 to fate. To namiru pochati vіynu against Serbia, the Austro-Ugorsk region enlisted the help of Nіmechchini. She stayed in love, as a result of the local character, as Russia will not invade Serbia. If that is more helpful to Serbia, then Nimechchina will be ready to visit her contractual crops and to prepare the Austro-Ugorsk region. In the ultimatum presented to Serbia on the 23rd of April, the Austro-Ugorsk region was allowed to formulate its own formations on the territory of Serbia, so that the Serbian forces took over the fortune-telling actions. A 48-year term was given in response to the ultimatum, Aleksandr did not satisfy the Austro-Ugorsk region, and the 28th anniversary of Serbia denounced Serbia. S.D. Sazonov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, opened the critique against the Austro-Ugorsk region, having obliterated the patronage from the side of the French President R. Poincaré. 30 linden Rosia voiced about the out-of-home mobility; Nimechchina vikoristyval tsei privid, 1 serpnya ogolositi vіynu Russia, and 3 serpnya - France. The position of Great Britain, as it was before, was lost unassigned through the agreement of the crop to secure the neutrality of Belgium. In 1839, the French-Prussian wars of Great Britain, Prussia and France gave the whole country a collective guarantee of neutrality. The invasion of Nimechchin's 4 sickles to Belgium Now the great powers of Europe have been drawn into the war. At the same time with them at the vіynu boules were received from the domination of the colonies. You can change it for three periods. Stretching out for the first period (1914-1916), the Central Powers were able to win over their forces on land, and the allies overtook on the sea. The camp was building patovim. Tsei period ended with negotiations on mutually acceptable light, the ale skin side was increasingly ready for a win. In the coming period (1917), two steps were taken, which led to an imbalance of forces: Persha - entered the US war on the side of the Antanti, a friend - the revolution in Russia and the revolution in Russia. The third period (1918) rested on the great insistence of the Central Powers at the start. For failure to advance, there was a storm of revolution in the Austro-Ugorsk region and the capital of the Central Powers.
First period. The allies included Russia, France, Great Britain, Serbia, Chornohora and Belgium and Mali. The Entente has a small number of 316 cruisers, and nimts and Austrians have 62 cruisers. On the ear of the army of the Central Powers, 6.1 million people were collected; Army of Antanti - 10.1 million people. The Central Powers had a gateway to the internal communes, which allowed them to quickly transfer all the troops from one front to the other. In the trivial perspectives of the Antanti country, it has a large supply of food resources, and more so the British fleet has paralyzed the calls of the Nicholas from the overseas countries, the calls to the natives of the fishing industry, With such a rank, the Entente was able to win the battle for victory. Nimechchina, I know, robbed the stake on bliskavichnuyu vіyna - "blitzkrieg". Німці introduced Schliffen's plan at the stage, which transferred to the great forces on France through Belgium a great success at the lands. When Franzia was struck, Nimechchin rose up at once from the Austro-Ugorsk region, having thrown over the edge, scooped up, launching a devastating blow on the Descent. Ale tsei plan was not successful. One of the main reasons for this failure was the redirection of a part of the German divisions to Lorraine, by blocking the enemy's invasion to the new Nimechchin. At least 4 sickles of Nimtsi invaded the territory of Belgium. I knew a little of the days, schob zlamaty opіr zhisniki in the Ukrainian districts of Namur and Lyuzha, which overcame the way to Brussels, ale the directors of the English sent the 90-thousandth corps of the French army through the middle of France) The French played an hour for the formation of 5 armies, as they hit the offensive of the nimts. Against the 20th sickle, the German army took over Brussels, while the English took over the Mons (23 sickles), and the third army of General A. von Kluck took over 40 km from Paris. Continuing to advance, they forced the river of the Marne and on the 5th of the month they were on the way to the Paris-Verdun line. The commander of the French forces, General J. Joffre, having formulated two new armies with reserves, grasped the decision about crossing the counter-offensive. The first battle on the Marne was held on 5 and ended on Sunday 12. 6 Anglo-French and 5 German armies took part in New. Німці are aware of the strikes. One of the reasons for the defeat was the presence on the right flank of several divisions, which brought them to the converging front. The French attack on the weakening of the right flank, letting go of the German armies at the beginning of the war, on the edge of the river Yen. Not far away for the nimts was the battle at Flanders on the rivers Іzer and Іpr 15 zhovtnya - 20 leaf fall. As a result, the main ports on the English Channel were lost in the hands of the Allies, and the calls between France and England were lost. Paris boulevards of hiding and the land of Antanti have set aside an hour for the mobilization of resources. Vіyna on entry nabula positіonny character, rozrakhunok Nіmechchini on the game and vivedennya France from vіyny appeared unsuitable. The prototype went along the line, which dragged on the first day from Newport and April in Belgium, to Comp'on and Soissons, went to the turn near Verdun and for the second day until the opening of St.Myielle, until the day The bridle of the line of the trenches and the drotyanikh zagorodzhen dovzhinoyu bl. For 970 km of the chotiri rock, the trench was led. Until the birch of 1918, fate be-like, the insignificant changes of the line to the front reached the price of great losses from both sides. The hope is that the Central Front of Russia can destroy the army of the bloc of the Central Powers. 17 serpents of the Russian Vijska entered into the Skhidnu Prussia and began to send nimts to Kenigsberg. Keruvati was counterattacked by the Nimetsian generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff. Having taken the pardons of the Russian command, they drove into the distance the "wedge" between the two Russian armies, break the 26-30 sickle near Tannenberg and the vitality of the Great Prussia. The Austro-Ugorsk region did not move so far away, having seen the face of Serbia, which had a great deal of power, and had seen great strength between Visloi and Dnistrom. Ale the Russians began to advance in a straight line, broke through the defenses of the Austro-Ugric military forces and, having knocked out a full thousand of choloviks, occupied the Austrian province of Galicia and part of Poland. The penetration of Russian views has created a threat to Silezia and Poznan - important industrial areas for Nimechchyny. Nemechchina was messed with a bullet to throw additional forces or from France. Ale gostra nestacha ammunition and food zupinili poduvannya rossiyskikh vіysk. The onslaught of great sacrifices in Russia, a little more than the pressure of the Austro-Ugorsk region, and the pressure of the Nimechchin to trim and signify the Great Front. Even at the crescent of 1914, Japan was striking the rock of Nimechchini. In 1914, Turechchina entered the military bloc of the Central Powers in 1914. With an ear of vіyni, Italia, a member of the Consumer Union, voiced about her neutrality at this stage, but neither Nimechchina nor the Austro-Ugorsk region were aware of the attack. Ale at the secret London negotiations at Bereznі-Travі 1915 p. The lands of Antanti were pleased with the territorial claims of Italy in the course of a peaceful, peaceful setting in the same way as Italy was to be played at this battle. 23 May 1915 p. Italia denounced the Austro-Ugorshchyna, and 28 serpnya 1916 p. - Nimechchini. On the western front, the English knew the strikes at another battle before the industrial. Here, near the battle, they were holding out a month (22 April - 25 May 1915), the bullet was ahead of Vikoristan's cheeky zbroya. For a whole lot of off-gases (chlorine, phosgene, and even more), they began to stop offended the warring parties. The large-scale Dardanelian landing operation - sea expedition ended with a startling, yaku they set the Antanti land on the cob 1915 r. With the aim of taking Constantinople, see the Dardanelli and the Bosphorus channels to connect with Russia through the Chorne Sea, lead Turechchina to win and get on with allies. On the Skhidny front until the end of 1915 p. Nimetski and Austro-Ugric Vіyskі vіyskі vіtіsnіy rusіan mіzhe from the efforts of Galicia and from a large part of the territory of Russian Poland. Ale zmusiti Rosіyu to a separate light did not go into. At zhovtni 1915 p. Bulgaria denounced the war in Serbia, for which the Central Powers, together with the new Balkan ally, crossed the cordons of Serbia, Chornohorii and Albania. Having stolen Rumunia and having closed the Balkan flank, the stench flared up against the Іtalia.

Vіyna on the sea. Control on the sea, giving the English the ability to change the technology from the old parts of their empire to France. The stinks were trimmed with open sea communities for US merchant courts. Nice colonies were buried, and trade of nimts through the sea lanes was boiled up. In general, there is a Nimetsky fleet - the bottom of the submarine one - has been blocked at the ports. Only an hour before an hour, small fleets went to attack the British coastal cities and attack the merchant ships of the allies. For the entire life of the leash, there is one great sea battle - since the Nimetsian fleet of the Viyshs near the Pivnichne Sea and the nation has developed against the British bilya of the Danish Uzbek of Jutland. Jutlandska battle 31 grass - 1 worm 1916 p. called to heavy losses from both sides: the English spent 14 ships, bl. 6800 people killed, killed and wounded; nimtsi, who respected themselves with the help of the winners, - 11 ships that approx. 3100 people killed and wounded. In protest of the English, the German fleet was forced to go to Kil, de jo they were actually blockaded. The German fleet in the open sea no longer appeared, and Great Britain lost the sea. Having occupied a permanent encampment on the sea, the allies step by step moved the Central Powers out of the overseas dzherels of food supplies. According to international law, neutral countries, for example, the United States, could sell comrades, who did not respect "vіyskovy smuggling", to other neutral countries - the Netherlands or Dania, the stars of these comrades could be delivered to Nimechchina. However, the country, who was at war, didn’t bother to tangle itself with the norms of international law, and Great Britain expanded the list of vantages that were used as smugglers, but actually didn’t let anything through its screen in the Pivnichnom sea. Morska blockade zmusil Nimechchin vdatatsya before lascivious calls. In an efficient way on the sea, a submarine fleet has been deployed, the building has never been able to overwhelm and sink the merchant ships of the neutral lands, which allies have sent. It was the time of the Cherga of the Antanti Lands that had violated international law, like a goiter licked the commanders and passengers of ships, which were torpedoed. 18 fierce 1915 p. the district of Nimechchini, having voiced the waters around the British Isles in a viscous zone, and ahead of the safe entry of judges of neutral lands into them. May 7, 1915 the Nimetsky submarine torpedo channeled and sunk the ocean-going steamboat "Luzitania" with hundreds of passengers on board, including 115 hulks of the United States. President V. Wilson, having made a protest, the United States and Nimechchina exchanged sharp diplomatic notes.
Verdun that Somme. Nimechchina Bula is ready to take action on the sea and shukati off from the deaf kut in action on land. At the apartment 1916 p. English news already knew the serious strikes at Kut-el-Amary in Mesopotamia, where 13,000 people were full of Turks. On the continent, Nimechchina was preparing for a large-scale offensive operation on the Zakhidny Front, as it was too small to change the way France was going to ask for peace. The key point of the French defense was the old fortress Verdun. For an unprecedented artillery bombardment, 12 Nimetsian divisions of 21 fierce 1916 went over to the offensive. Nіmtsі generally slipped right up to the cob of linden, but they didn’t reach any of them. Verdenska "meat grinder" clearly did not correct the rosary of the Nimetsky komandovannya. Great value in the period of spring and summer 1916 p. mali operations on Skhidnoye and Pivdenno-Zakhidny fronts. Near the birch of the Russian vіyska, on the victory of the allies, an operation was carried out on the lake Naroch, which suttuvo inserted into the transition of the boyovyh events from France. Nimetsk command of the vimushene was ready for an hour to pin the attack on Verdun and, on the Skhidny front, 0.5 million units, to throw over this part of the reserves. Naprikіntsі grass 1916 p. Russian Verkhovna komandovannya almost attacked the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front. In the result of boyovykh dіy pіd kerіvnіstvom A.A.Brusilov into the distance, cutting Austro-Nіmetsky vіysk on a depth of 80-120 km. Vіyska Brusilova occupied a part of Galicia and Bukovina, went to the Carpathians. Forward for the next period of the position of the break, the front was broken. Yakby tsei attacked with the help of small fronts, then it ended with a catastrophe for the Central Powers. To loosen the grip on Verdun, on the 1st of 1916, the Allies launched a counterstrike on the Somma River, close to Bapom. With a stretch of chotiroh months - right up to leaf fall - attacks were carried out without interruption. English-French vіyska, having spent approx. 800 yew Cholovik did not manage to break through the German front. Nareshty, at the breast, the nimetsky commanded violated the offensive, scho the life of 300,000 nimetsky soldiers was grieving. The campaign of 1916 took away a fortune of 1 million lives, but did not bring any visible results from the sidelines.
Fundamentals of Peaceful Negotiations. On the cob 20 tbsp. There have been changes in the way of doing business activities. More fronts became overwhelmed, the armies fought on the hardened borders and carried out attacks from the trenches, in offensive battles the role of kulemeti and artillery was great. New types of goods have been stuck in the bulo: tanks, vines and bombers, underwater chapels, strangling gases, hand grenades. There are dozens of people living in the country who are at war, with a mobilization unit, and 10% of the population was occupied by the army. Near the lands, who are at war, for the vicious community of life, the mayzhe did not lose sight of it: all the titanic Zusillas, we will direct them to the front of the machine. The general part of the win, including the mains in the losses, according to the new estimates, became from 208 to 359 billion dollars. Until the end of 1916 p. The offended parties were forced to go out of their way, and he welcomed, instructing the coming moment for the ear of peace negotiations.
Another period.
12 chest 1916 p. The Central Powers turned to the United States to pass a note to the Allies about the ear of peace talks. The Entente came up with a cue proposition, as it was perceived, that she was crushed with the help of a razvalit coalition. Moreover, she didn’t want to talk about the light, which didn’t transfer the reparations to the bi-payment and the recognition of the nation’s right to self-designation. President Wilson Virishiv Informative Peaceful Conversations 18 Breasts 1916 having turned to the warring lands with the help of a mutually acceptable mind to the world. Nimechchina shte 12 breast 1916 p. proponuvala sklikati peace conference. Hromadyanska vlada Nimechchini clearly pushed the world, altogether prototyping the general, especially General Ludendorff, like a boom of exhilaration at the peremoz. The allies concretized their minds: the renewal of Belgium, Serbia and Chornogoria; vivedennya vіysk from France, Russia and Rumunia; reparation; turned to Franz Elsas and Lorraine; vizvolennya pіdvladnyh peoples, including the Italian Poles, Czechs, the desertion of the Turkish presence in Europe. The allies did not entrust the Nimechchin, and they didn’t take the idea of ​​peaceful negotiations. Nimechchina is small to take the fate of the breast 1916 p. at the peace conference, pay for the vigodi of your military camp. On the right, it ended, that the allies signed a secret please, insured it to defeat the Central Powers. For good reason, Great Britain laid claim to the German colonies and part of Persia; France is small to recognize Elsace and Lorraine, and to establish control on the left birch of the Rhine; Russia nabuvala Constantinople; Італія - ​​Troyest, Austrian Tirol, a large part of Albania; Volodinnya Turechchini podlyagali podilu mіzh usіma allies.
The entry into the United States. On the ear of the day, the huge US thought has spread: one criticism stood up for the allies; іnshі - like, for example, the American Irish hike, set up more than England, and the American nіmetsky hike - were trained by Nіmechchina. In an hour, the uryadovtsi those pereichny hulks of the dedals more went to the bik Antanti. There were a number of factors, and in front of the propaganda of the Antanti lands and the submarine war of Nimechchini. President Wilson June 22, 1917 The US Senate adopted the fate of the US Senate. The smut they were building up to vimoga "a world without peremogy", tobto. without annexes and contributions; These included the principle of the equanimity of the peoples, the right of nations to self-designation and representation, freedom of sea and trade, fast recovery, from the system of alliances, to be ignored. As soon as the world is built on the basis of principles, based on the principles of Wilson, then it is possible to establish an all-round organization of powers, as a guarantee of security for all peoples. June 31, 1917 p. uryad Nimechchini voiced about the renewal of non-interconnected sub-water war against the destruction of the enemy's commune. The floodplains blocked the line of Antanti's supply and set up allies at the edge of the camp. Among the Americans, there was a growing interest in Nimechchin, and the blockade of Europe began to grow from the approach of the United States. At once, Nimechchina could gain control over the Atlantic Ocean. The mandate from the statutory regulations until the end of the war for the US allies was given the right to do so. With the countries of Antanti Bouly, the economical interests of the United States were tied, and the spokesmen for the replacement brought the American industry up to speed. In 1916, a warlike spirit was fueled by plans to develop a program for the preparation of combat events. Anti-Methods of Pivnichamericantsiv more and more grown up since the publication of the 1st birch 1917 p. Zimmerman's secret dispatch dated June 16, 1917, transferred by British intelligence and transferred to Wilson. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nimechchini A. Zimmerman propelled the states of Texas in Mexico, New Mexico and Arizona, as well as wondered if Nimechchini was in the lead on the entry of the United States into war at the Antanti battles. Such tension reached the ear of the anti-Soviet mood in the United States that the Congress on April 6, 1917 voted for the outrageous victory of Nimechchini.
Visited Russia from the point of departure. U fierce 1917 p. a revolution has been seen in Russia. Tsar Mikola II, who had the idea of ​​imposing himself on the throne. Timchasoviy uryad (birch tree - leaf fall 1917 p.) Already could not carry on active vіyskovі action at the fronts, some of the population in the region vtomilosya vіyni. On the 15th of 1917, the fate of the bolsheviks, who took control in the fall of 1917, the fate, at the price of a great deed, signed a treaty about an armistice with the Central Powers. Three months later, 3 birch 1918, the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty was laid. Russia adopted its rights to Poland, Estonia, Ukraine, a part of Bilorusia, Latvia, Transcaucasia and Finland. Ardahan, Kars and Batum went to Turechchini; The great deeds of the bully of Nimechchin and Austria. Usiyo Rosiya lost bl. 1 million sq. km. It’s too small to pay off Nimechchin’s contribution from the viglyad’s 6 billion marks.
Third period.
Nіmtsі mali has been given enough for optimism. The critical importance of the weakening of Russia was growing, and the new resources were growing. Now, it could have thrown the lost army to the west and the middle of the battle on the front lines of the offensive. Allies, I don’t know, there will be a blow, there will be snarls and positions on the whole front. American help was saved. In France and Great Britain, with a formidable force, a startling mood grew. 24 zhovtnya 1917 p. The Austro-Ugric forces broke through the Italian front before the Caporetto and launched the defeat of the Italian army.
Nimetsky offensive of 1918 to fate. Foggy wound 21 birch 1918 rock nіmtsі was given a massive blow to the English positions near Saint-Quentin. The English motives of the boules entered the Mayzhe of Amiens, as the United Anglo-French front was blocking the rosіrvati. The share of Calais and Boulogne hung on the hair. On the 27th of May, they fired a tense advance against the French on the front, leading them to the Chateau-Tyurri. The situation of 1914 repeated itself: we went to the river Marne only 60 km from Paris. Protest came koshtuvav Nіmechchinі great vrata - like human, і material. Nimetskі vіyska boules visnazhenі, system of їх posting of rozhytana. The allies zoomed to neutralize the nimetsy underwater chapels, opening the system and convoy against the new seizure. At the same time, the blockade of the Central Powers was successful, and there was a lack of food supply in Austria and Nimechchina. Nezabar before France, I thought of arriving a dovgoochіkuvan American help. Port from Bordeaux to Brest, the boules were filled with American viyski. On the cob of lita 1918 p. France had close to 1 million American soldiers. On the 15th of April 1918, the rock was thrown at the bottom of the hole at the Château-Tyurri. Another great battle broke out on the Marne. Once the French had been cut through, Reims would have been overlooking, but, with his own charge, he could bring allies to the entrance on the whole front. At the first year of the coming, nimetski vіyska slipped forward, ale nastіlki shvidko, like clearing out.
The last Allied offensive. On the 18th of April 1918, a counterattack of American and French forces resumed fate in order to loosen the grip on the Chateau-Tyurri. A spat of stench pervaded the vazhko, ale 2 serpnya took Soissons. At the battle before Am'nom, 8 sickles of the Nimetsky Vіyska were aware of the grievous defeat, and at the same time the moral camp took over. Earlier, the Chancellor of Nimechchini, Prince von Gertling, vvazhav, who should ask the world for allies. "We were able to take Paris before the end of the linden, - zgaduvav vin. - So we thought on the fifteenth day. The deyakі vіyskovі crossed over the Kaiser Wilhelm II, scho vіynu prograno, protest Ludendorff was brought up in different directions. The allies attack on the lower fronts. 20-26 the worms of the Austro-Ugric Vіyska Buli vіdkinutі for the small river P'yave, їkhni vtrati became 150 thousand rubles. OSIB. In the Austro-Ugorsk region, ethnic zaorushennya flared up - not without a flood of allies, as they cried out for the desertion of the Poles, Czechs and ancient words. The Central Powers seized surplus forces to stream the invasion to Ugorshchina. We went to Nimechchina bulo vidkrito. Tanks and artillery shelling became important officials of the offensive. On the ear of a sickle 1918 p. attacks on the keys of useful positions became stronger. In his Memoirs, Ludendorff called the 8 sickle - the ear of battle before Am'un - "a black day for the German army". Nimetsky front bulo rozirvano: at full mayzhe without a fight, a whole lot of divisions were created. Until the end of the day, Navit Ludendorff will be ready for the capitulation. On the 29th the day of the armistice was signed by Bulgaria. Through the month Turechchina capituluvala, and 3 leaf fall - Austro-Ugorshchina. For negotiations about peace at Nimechchina, a rite was formed for the chol with Prince Max Badensky, which is already 5 October 1918 p. having proponed President Wilson to initiate the negotiation process. In the last period of the life of the Italian army, the general offensive against the Austro-Ugorsk region was disappointed. Up to 30 zhovtnya opіr Austrian viysk bulo zlamano. The cavalry of the Italian armored vehicles made a striking raid on the enemy's side and seized the Austrian headquarters at Vittorio-Veneto, the place, giving the name of the whole battle. On 27 October, Emperor Karl I spoke to the brutal war about the armistice, and on 29 October 1918 p. having settled for the world on some minds.
Revolution at Nimechchin. On the 29th, the Kaiser secretly overshadowed Berlin and straightened it up to the General Staff, seeing for himself that he would be deprived of the oppressive army. On the same day, at the port of Kil, a team of two battle ships sailed for conquest and entered the sea on a battlefield. Up to 4 leaf fall Kil crossed over to the control of the sailors, who got up. 40,000 rescued people mali namir stand at the pivnіchnіy Nіmechchina to please the soldiers and sailors' deputies for the Russian eye. Until the 6th leaf fall, the rebels took possession of Lubeck, Hamburg and Bremen. Tim in an hour, the supreme head commander of the allies, General Foch, declared that he was ready to accept representatives in the Nimechchin district and negotiate a truce with them. The Kaiser was told that the army wouldn’t grow up any longer. 9 leaf fall was seen to the throne, the republika was annoyed. On the coming day, the Emperor Nimechchini duck at the Netherlands, having lived with the Vignanna until his death (pom. 1941). 11 leaves fall at the Retond station at the Companion Lisia (France), a nameless delegation has written to the Companion Truce. Nimtsyam punished with a stretch of two years of development recouped territories, including Elsas and Lorraine, the river bank of the Rhine and in front of the consolidation in Mainz, Koblenz and Cologne; establish a neutral zone on the right birch of the Rhine; to transfer to the allies 5,000 important Polish signs, 25,000 kulemets, 1,700 years, 5,000 steam locomotives, 150,000 railway cars, 5,000 cars; inaccurately the sound of all the full. Vіyskovo-sea forces or mali build all submarines and even the entire surface fleet and turn all merchant ships allies, seized by Nimechchinoy. The political provisions of the treaty sent the denunciation of the Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest peace treaties; financial - payment of reparations for the destruction of values. Nimtsi magalized the rules of a truce on the basis of "Chotiirteen Points" by Wilson, as, as the stench was respected, they could be on the basis of "light without change". Mind the ceasefire, they were practically unconcerned capitulation. The allies dictated to the wicked Nіmechchini.
Visnovok to the world. Myrna conference went to 1919 near Paris; for the hour of this session, we have been able to please five peace treaties. The letter of completion was signed: 1) the Treaty of Versailles with Nimechchino on the 28th day of 1919; 2) Saint-Germain peace treaty on August 10, 1919; 3) New Peace Treaty with Bulgaria on 27 leaf fall in 1919; 4) Trianon peace treaty from Ugorshchina 4 worms 1920; 5) Sevrsky peace treaty with Turechchinoyu 20 serpnya 1920 rock. Years after the Lausanne Treaty 24 linen 1923 p. before the Sevrsky agreement, the bullets have been brought in changes. 32 powers are represented at the Paris Peace Conference. The leather delegation is a small headquarters of the fakhivtsi, who provided information to the geographic, historical and economic camp of quiet countries, where wine was grown. In addition, as Orlando viyshov for the sake of the internal, not to satisfy the problems of the territories on Adriatic, the chief architect of the war world became the "great triyka" - Wilson, Clemenceau and Lloyd George. Wilson pishov on the compromise behind the decilcom of important points, so as to reach the head mark - the leg of the League of Nations. Winning a little while with the release of the Central Powers, I want a little sprinkle on the out-of-pocket release. The number of the German army was interdigitated and small became three more than 115,000 people; skasovuvavsya zalny v_yskovy obovyazok; Zbroyni sili Nimechchiny mali complemented with volunteers in the term of service 12 times for soldiers and up to 45 times for officers. Nicholas fenced off the mothers of the battlements and the underwater chapels. Similarly, think about the peace treaties signed with Austria, Ugorshchina and Bulgaria. Mіzh Clemenceau and Wilson flared up baked debate about the status of the left bank of the Rhine. The French from mirkuvan are safe from mali namir annexuvati tsei region with tedious vugilny mines that promislovistyu and establish an autonomous Rhine state. France's plan contradicts Wilson's propositions, as opposed to annexation of the nation. A compromise was reached, so that Wilson afterwards signed an agreement with France and Great Britain, for which the United States and Great Britain went on to catch France in the face of Nimechchin's attack. Bulo praised the same solution: the liviy bank of the Rhine and the 50-kilometer smuga on the right birch demilitarized, or lost at the warehouse of Nimechchina and before sovereignty. The Allies occupied a low point of the central zone with a term of 15 years. The ancestors of the Vugilla, known as the Saar Basin, also passed from the Volodya of France for 15 years; the Saarska region itself came under the administration of the committee of the National League. The end of the 15th term was passed on to the plebiscite for the nutrition of the state power of the territory. Іtalії dіstalisya Trentino, Trієst and bіlshіstіstіstіі, but not sharp in Fiume. Protest of the Italian extremists seized Fiume. The history and news of the state of Yugoslavia has been given the right to the news of the spirituality itself. For the Versailles Treaty, the Nimechchina was relieved of its colonial powers. Great Britain added to the Nimetsky West Africa and to the part of the Nimetsian Cameroon and Togo, to the British dominions - the Pivden-African Union, Australia and New Zealand - were transferred to the Pivden-Western-German-Archdiocese Africa, in the past France received a great deal of Nimetsky Togo and went to a part of Cameroon. Japan rejected the Marshalls, the Marian and Carolian Islands in the Pacific Ocean, which lay Nimechchin and the Tsingdao port in China. The same agreements between the powers-the defendants transferred also the distribution of the Ottoman Empire, albeit after the revolt of the Turks on the chol with Mustafa Kemal, the allies waited a moment at a glance of their vimogs. The new Lozanskiy agreement skasovuvav the Sevrskiy agreement and allowing Turechchina to overstep the Shidnu Frakiyya. Turechchina turned sobі Vіrmenіya. Syria passed to France; Great Britain rejected Mesopotamia, Trans Jordan and Palestine; the Dodecanese islands in the Aegean Sea were transferred to Italy; Arabic territory Hijaz on the Uzbek coast of the Red Sea is small and independent. Violation of the principle of self-designation of nationalities was victorious against Wilson, in the wake of a sharp protest against the transfer of Japan to the Chinese port of Qingdao. After a while, Japan turned its territory to China, and it visoned its ob_tsyanka. Wilson's wardens proponated to replace the actual transfer of colonies to the new rulers to allow their management like the people of the League of Nations. Such territories are called "mandate". If Lloyd George and Wilson wanted to, they fought against the punishment for the clubhouse, the struggle for food ended with the French side. Reparations were imposed on Nimechchina; trivial negotiation was given also food, which should be included to the list of ruynuvan, notifications before payment. The bag didn’t figure out exactly, it’s deprived in 1921 p. a new size was given - 152 billion marks (33 billion dollars); nadal qiu sumu bulo lowered. The principle of self-designation of the nation has become key for the peoples of the world, which are presented at the peace conference. Bulo was renewed to Poland. It was not easy to see the designation of the cordons; especially the small transmission їy tzv. "Polish corridor", which gave the land a view to the Baltic Sea, by way of the border to Prussia from the resti of Nimechchini. In the Baltic region, new independent states have won: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. At the hour of the conference, the Austro-Ugorsk monarchy has already depicted its own inspiration, at the її mіsci winery Austria, Czechoslovakia, Ugorschina, Yugoslavia and Rumunia; cordoni mіzh tsimi powers mali spіrny character. The problem emerged as a foldable one through the change in the rise of the small peoples. With the establishment of the cordons of the Czech state, the interests of the Slovaks were established. Rumunia paved her territory for the rakhunok of Transilvania, the Bulgarian and Ugrian lands. Yugoslavia was established from the old kingdoms of Serbia and Chornohora, parts of Bulgaria and Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Banatu as part of Timisoare. Austria became a small power with a population of 6.5 million Austrian nimts, a third of which lived in the tooth-toothed West. The population of the Ugorshchyna changed greatly and became now Bl. 8 million people At the Parisian conference, the vinyatkovo fight was baked around the idea of ​​the beginning of the League of Nations. For the plans of Wilson, General J. Smets, Lord R. Cecil and the other one-thinkers, the National League of Nations guarantees security for all peoples. The statute of the League was adopted, and after trivial debates, several working groups were formed: the Assembly, the Council of the League of Nations, the Secretary and the Procedural Chamber of International Justice. The league of nationalities sealed mechanisms, as they could be victorious states-members for securing victories. Within the framework of this framework, there are also developed comic books for resolving other problems.
also LIGA NATSІY. Pleasure about the League of Nations represented that part of the Versailles Treaty, as the signatures of Nimechchin were proponated. Aleksandr asked me to put a signature on that file, for the sake of not responding to Wilson's "Chotiirteen Points". On the contrary, the National Zbori Nimechchin recognized the agreement on the 23rd of 1919 to the fate. Dramatically furnished, the signature was taken five days ago at the Palace of Versailles, in 1871 Bismarck was seized from the Franco-Prussian military vote at the beginning of the Nimetsky Empire.
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