How many peoples live in Russia? Map of the peoples of Russia. National composition of Russia Number of population by nationality

How many peoples live in Russia? Map of the peoples of Russia. National composition of Russia Number of population by nationality

Russia is a multinational state. It lives over 190 nations. However, by the number of population of the Russian Federation is in the 9th place. She has always attracted people from other countries, now you can approximate how many nationalities in Russia live today. The number of them sometimes varies greatly.

Information is collected by the population census (which is carried out regularly), based on statistical data. In the questionnaire, it is necessarily indicated that a citizen belongs to what nationality. So, approximately how many nationalities live in Russia, according to documents, ethnic groups consist of the following nationalities:

· Russians;

· Hunt;

· Eskimos;

· Bulgarian;

· Lankans;

· French;

· Laksev;

· Yukagirov;

· Chinese;

· Slovaks;

· Ossetians;

· Donggan;

· Americans;

· Udahey;

· Georgian;

· Mountain Mariers;

· Karakalpakov;

· Vietnamese;

· Didoyans;

· Croats;

· Ultiene;

· Kurds;

· Jews;

· Chelkans;

· British;

· Evenov;

· Spaniards;

· Belarusians;

· Latgalians;

· Finns;

· Italians;

· Chuvantans;

· Moldovan;

· Chulym residents;

· Latvian;

· Gunzibtsev;

· Ukrainians;

· Japanese;

· Estonians;

· Nganasanov;

· Koreans;

· Mishari;

· Tabasaranov;

· Chukchi;

· Kabardians;

· Andians;

· Toflalar;

· Cubans;

· Tindals;

· Gagauz;

· Megrelov;

· Bashkirov;

· Orochy;

· Shorez;

· Hvashin;

· Adygei;

· Nongidalians;

· Nakistan residents;

· Kumykov;

· Aleutov;

· Ginukhtsev;

· Balcarians;

· Godoberings;

· Yakuts;

· Nanaysev;

· Pamir residents;

· Chuvash;

· Macedonians;

· Abkhazians;

· Nogai;

· Izhortsev;

· Assyrians;

· Bosnians;

· Chechens;

· Arabs;

· Kyrgyz;

· Nagaibaki;

· Adjarstsev;

· Karaimov;

· Rusin;

· Comi-Permyakov;

· Avashatsev;

· Dolganov;

· Greeks;

· Archintsev;

· Komi-Izhtems;

· Pashtuns;

· Plants;

· Altaians;

· Vepes;

· Avar residents;

· Circassians;

· Meskhetians;

· Ingush;

· Carettsev;

· Khakasov;

· Mordva Moksha;

· Morder;

· Cossacks;

· Germans;

· Indians (Hindi);

· Shapsuga;

· Kazakhs;

· Persians;

· Mordva-Erzya;

· Uigurs;

· Uzbeks;

· Sellocks;

· Poles;

· Telengitis;

· Soyotov;

· Azerbaijanis;

· Serbs;

· Nenets;

· Botlihtsev;

· Abazin;

· Itelman;

· Dargintsev;

· Maders;

· Mongols;

· Tuvintsev;

· Kumandintsev;

· Evenks;

· Hungarians;

· Udmurts;

· Turkmen;

· Teleuts;

· Karachayvtsev;

· Talysh;

· Crimean Tatars;

· Mariers;

· Feremian;

· Kryated;

· Rutults;

· Chemshil;

· Tubalars;

· Kamchadalov;

· Lithuanians;

· Town men;

· Kalmykov;

· Tajiks;

· Saamov.

This is an incomplete list, how many nationalities in Russia. Part of the citizens during the census did not indicate their belonging to a certain nationality. As well as relatively significant part of nationalities is approximately 80 nationalities, the rest are included in thousands of percentages. About some many people did not hear any time in the life of life.

How many nationalities in Russia for 2018?

Among the options, how many peoples and nationalities live in Russia, the most popular and numerous are:

· Tatars (Crimean, Astrakhan et al.);

· Chuvashi;

· Belarusians;

· Ukrainians;

· Chechens;

· Bashkirs;

· Armenians.

In the Russian Federation there are small nations whose number does not exceed a million, and some are less than a hundred. A brief list of which nationalities inhabit Russia in small ethnic groups:

· Mordva and Maritsa;

· Nenets, Komi, Ssama, Karelia;

· Comi-Perm, Udmurts;

· Kazakhs and Kalmyks;

· Shorts, Altai, Khanty, Selkup, Mansi;

· Orochi, Udagei, Yakuts, Koryaki and some other nations;

· Dolgans, Evenks, Khakasy, Buryats, Tuvuntsy.

As well as the national composition of the population of Russia 2018, it can be divided into language families:

· Indo-European;

· Altai;

· Yenisei;

· Sine-Tibetan;

· North Caucasian;

· Carvela;

· Ural-Yukagirskaya;

· Eskimo-Aleutskaya;

· Chukotka-Kamchatka.

The most numerous nationalities belong to Indo-European, North Caucasian, Ural and Altai families.

How many Russians in Russia by nationality?

If we consider how many Russians live in Russia, then it is approximately 80 percent of the country's total population. The most numerous Slavic group, in which, besides Russian, enter Belarusians, Ukrainians and some other nationalities. According to the results of the last census, more than 111 million Russians consider Russians. In terms of territorial settlement, they are most in Moscow.

If you look for "purebred" Russians, then most likely, such roots are preserved in small villages, especially located far in the outback.

There are sometimes very jealous of the observance of ancient customs or traditions. According to some reports, the Nizhny Novgorod region turned out to be the "purebred".

Large cities, including provincial, attract many people, with different nationalities and are increasingly mixed marriages.

Academic Science clearly shares the concepts of "nation" and "Ethnos". The nation is primarily understood as a political community of fellow citizens of a certain state, as well as a single ethnic community - a shape of the joint residence of one or more ethnic groups, whose time has developed a single language and self-awareness.

In such an understanding, the word "nation" is identical to the word "people". But we will not be very afraid of the debris of scientific definitions, and consider which the world is the biggest nation.


The largest people on Earth are the Chinese. According to the latest statistics, currently their number is $ 1 billion 380 million people.

The Chinese themselves call "Han", and, except for a large number, it is also one of the oldest nations on Earth. For many millennia in China, a careful attitude towards family values \u200b\u200bwas cultivated, which led to the growth of population.

In addition, Chinese people are one of the closed on Earth, both in the historical plan and at the present stage of development.


A group of peoples belongs to the Semitic language group. Inhabit the Arabs of the country of the Middle East and North Africa. Also live in Europe and North America.

Today, the total number of Arabs according to different estimates ranges from 430 to 450 million people. Communicate in Arabic. We confess basically Islam, but there are both Christians. The ethnic term denoting the nomadic people deserts and semi-desert appeared in the 9th century.

In the entire history of the existence of Arabs, many cultural monuments, both spiritual and material, created a lot of cultural monuments. Amazed the magnificence of the mosque, as well as literary monuments of the Arab world.


You can argue for a long time, whether Americans are a separate nation, but in a narrow sense it is a group of different peoples who are US citizens. Today they have 309 million.

Representatives of different nationalities make up a single culture and language of communication, which is why they can be rightfully allocated in one people.

In a broad sense, the concept of "Americans" means all residents of two American continents. Indians, as the indigenous population of America, now have double identification. First, according to state affiliation, and, secondly, on breeding origin.


Among the largest ethnic groups should be distinguished and benigns whose number is 261 million people. This nationality was settled in some Asian countries, as well as in the UK and the United States.

The bulk of Bengaltsev lives in rural areas, so the main classes are agriculture and various crafts.

The history of the origin of the Bengali language is interesting, which was formed as a result of the synthesis of Indoarian laws with local dialects.


The hid-language population settled in the three states of Southeast Asia: India, Nepal and Pakistan.

The total number of this big nationality is 255 million people, and their religious affiliation is Hinduism. Related peoples of Hindusans are considered to be Dravida and Gypsies.

Historically, it is the main occupation of Hindi's speakers is agriculture, but recently more and more representatives of this people go to the working class.


Like the American, Brazilian nationality was formed as a result of mixing various ethnic groups and peoples. Basically live within Brazil, and according to the census, there are 195 million people.

The Brazilian nation began to develop during the period of the colonial policy of Portugal, so the main language of the socialist of Brazilians is Portuguese, and religion - Catholicism.

Despite the large integration processes within the country, the remains of the original Indian national culture are preserved in the north of Brazil.

By the way, on thebiggest you can see photos and description of the hottest Brazil.


This nation of the Western Hemisphere has a variety of ethnic and racial origins, but Mexicans unites the overall culture and one, Spanish, language.

About 112 million Mexicans live in Mexico and about 32 million in the United States.

Interestingly, one of the fastest growing nations of the planet, in a racial basis refers to the Latin American peoples, and in the language - to the Romance group of languages.


East Slavic ethnos, numbering about 133 million people, is the indigenous and state-forming people of Russia. Russian - the most numerous nation of Europe.

Before the beginning of the twentieth century, the ethnonym "Velikorsosa" prevailed, over time, ousted, although today this term can be heard among some public national organizations or religious associations.

The Russian nation passed a complex and long-term path of historical development, but managed to preserve a distinctive national culture and language. It is believed that the Russian people are one of the most disobeds in the world. Over the limits of Russia, approximately 28 million Russians live.


One of the most conservative peoples of the planet has 126 million people. The main part lives in Japan, and about 3 million settled in the countries of North and Latin America, as well as in Australia and Europe.

Korea and, but the oldest ethnic group of the Earth passed through the centuries and their own, inherent in Japanese, features a great influence on the culture of the Japanese nation.

Perhaps the most hardworking nation, in the second half of the twentieth century, created one of the advanced producing and technological economies of the world.

130 million Pendjabs live in Pakistan and India. Large diasporas of this nationality are assieved in Europe and Africa.

Like most of the peoples of the south-eastern region, Punjabs are engaged in agriculture, growing wheat on irrigated fields.

The ethnogenesis of Punjabtsev has thousands of years. The ethnos was formed in difficult conditions of foreign invasions, and perceived many elements and signs of nagging peoples. In the III Millennium BC, this numerous people were able to create one of the powerful states of the East.


This group of peoples, combined with a common culture, has 115 million people today. Live mainly in the Indian state of Bihar, but the Biharians are preserved and in some other states of India, as well as in neighboring Nepal and Bangladesh.

The Biharians became the founders of the oldest civilizations in India.

At the present stage, ethnic groups are subject to urbanization processes. The rural population moves more and more in large industrial centers, moving from the category of agricultural workers to qualified workers.


The last people whose number exceeds the mark of 100 million, these are yavants. They are about 105 million them on earth.

This indigenous population of the island of Java and Indonesia mainly professes Islam, but there are those who adhere to Hinduism. Preserved among this ethnos and animism.

Yavantsham, most likely due to the remoteness from the main trading paths, managed to create and preserve a kind of culture. Culture is characterized by peculiar dances, music.


This nation settled the Korean Peninsula, and today has 83 million people. Koreans belong to the Mongoloid race, and speak Korean.

Outside Korea, they are trying to maintain national traditions, and in other states they live compactly. The main problem of the Korean nation is artificial, political separation of the people into two states.

The National Composition of Russia Peoples of Russia: Atlas of Cultures and Religions The list of words or phrases with references to the corresponding ... Wikipedia

- "Peoples of Russia. Atlas of cultures and religions "includes basic information about the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation at the present time. The first part of the publication represents the space of the Russian Federation in synchronous and historical aspects and consists ... ... Wikipedia

The National Composition of Russia Peoples of Russia: Atlas of Cultures and Religions Peoples of Russia: Encyclopedia encyclopedia, issued by the Large Russian Encyclopedia publishing house in 1994 ... Wikipedia

finno-Ugric peoples of Russia Ethnopsychological Dictionary

Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia - Peoples of our country (Mordva, Udmurts, Marie, Komi, Khanty, Mansi, Saama, Karelia), living in the north of the European part, in the northern, central and southern parts of the Urals and leading their origin from the Ananyan archaeological culture (VII III ... ...

turkic peoples of Russia Ethnopsychological Dictionary

Turkic peoples of Russia - Representatives of the Turkic Group of Peoples of Russia (Tatars, Chuvashi, Bashkirs, Tuvintsy, Khakasi, Altai), living today mainly on the territory of the Volga region, the Urals, Southern Siberia and the Altai Territory and are quite original, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

- ... Wikipedia

tungus-Manchurian peoples of Russia Ethnopsychological Dictionary

Tungus-Manchurian peoples of Russia - Yakuts, Nenets, Koryaks, Itelmen, Nanice, Orochi, Chukchi, Evenks, Even, Eskimos, living in the Far North, in Siberia and in the Far East of our country. Their representatives are distinguished by discipline, perforcement, unpretentious in ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy


  • The peoples of Russia, Pantileev A. (Red.-Cost.). This album introduces the reader with the color lithographs of the "Peoples of Russia", made in the drawings of E. M. Korneev, who artist performed during his stay on the expedition on the most remote ...

How many nations in the world

    National population of the world. His changes and geographical differences. The largest peoples of the world

    There are about 3 - 4 thousand peoples or ethnic groups in the world, some of which have developed in the nation, while others are peoples and tribes.

    To note: Ethnos - historically established, steady community of people who have a set of such signs, as a common language, territory, features of life and culture, ethnic self-consciousness.

    Peoples of the world are classified:

    I in numbers:

    In total, there are more than 300 peoples in the world in excess of 1 million people, which account for 96% of the entire population of the Earth. Including the number of over 5 million people have about 130 peoples, over 10 million - 76 peoples, over 25 million - 35 peoples, over 100 million - 7 nations.

    Note: 7 largest peoples:
    1) Chinese (Han) - 1048 million people (in the PRC - 97% of the total number of people in the country);
    2) Hinduscans - 223 million people (in India - 99.7%);
    3) US Americans - 187 million people. (in the USA - 99.4%);
    4) Bengalz - 176 million people. (in Bangladesh - 59%, in India - 40%);
    5) Russians - 146 million people. (in Russia - 79.5%);
    6) Brazilians - 137 million people. (in Brazil - 99.7%);
    7) Japanese - 123 million people. (in Japan - 99%).

    But there are peoples of less than 1 thousand people.

    As you can see, the concepts of ethnos, the nation is different, I did not find information about the number of nations.

    Russia has always been not just a densely populated state, but also multinational. In the country there are more than one hundred forty-five million citizens. Among them are representatives of about a hundred and sixty nationalities who speak in their own language. Peoples who came from other countries of the world are small. Only seven nationalities living in our country, in terms of people, exceed Million. So what nations live in Russia? The answer is quite simple, they include: Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, as well as Bashkirs, Chuvashi, Chechens, Armenians.

    In general, Russia on its population occupies seventh place after China, India, the United States of America, Indonesia, Brazil and Pakistan. But on the density of the population, our country takes only second place on the planet after the United States. Practically fifth part of the population of Russia lives in large cities-megapolis: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Samara, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Kazan. If we talk about the population in the largest cities, the indicators are as follows: more than ten million people live in Moscow, about five million people in St. Petersburg. According to their population density, it is the capital that is among the biggest cities in the world.

    What nations live in Russia: Naturally, the bulk of the population is Russian - eighty percent. But the rest of the percentage is to such nationality as: Tatars - 3.8; Ukrainians - 3; Chuvashi - 1.2; Belarusians - 0.8; Mordva - 0.7; Chechens and Germans - 0.6; Avars, Jews, Armenians - 0.4 and so on. If you wonder what nations live on the territory of the Crimea, it is mainly a Tatars. It is they who occupy second place in our country for their numbers.

    Together with Bashkirs, Tatars represent a numerous grouping muslim peopleswhich are located almost in the center of Russia. Chuvashi is a completely different Turkic people whose number has more than two million people. The peoples of the Abkhazo Adygei Group live in the Caucasus, they include: Adygi, Circassians, Kabardians, as well as the peoples of the Nekhko-Dagestangroup group: Ingush, Chechens, Lezgins, Avars. Yakuts, Khackas and Altaians live in Siberia.

    In addition, Finno-Ugric peoples live in Russia: Karelia, Saama, Finns, Komi. Mordva, Mari, in the Volga Manxi and Khanty, who are engaged in reindeer husbandry and hunting, also live in the north of Russia. As for the Far North, Nenets live here, Evenks live in Eastern Siberia. But in the Chukchi Peninsula they live Chukchi.

    Naturally, every people living in Russia seeks to preserve their native language, their traditions and customs, costumes, traditional classes, fishing. And what is the most interesting, most peoples still retain their traditions.

    A little story ...

    A variety of nationalities living in the Russian Federation is currently a result of centuries-old history. The most interesting thing is that to establish what kind of peoples lived in our country in antiquity - it's not about the lungs. Since archaeological data provide the opportunity to outline only the approximate boundaries of the territory where the tribes lived, but give an accurate answer, as such settlements called themselves and in what language they spoke - it is impossible. Such information can be found with the help of ancient monuments.

    To this day, it was possible to commend the work of the famous Gothic historian Jordan, which was written in the seventh century BC. In Him, the writer praised the Gothic kings, and the Power, he said, stretched from the Baltic States to the Crimea, and from the east side of its territory reached the Volga region. According to the evidence of the historian, the king of Ermanarich, in the middle of the fourth century managed to conquer the tribes of Inaunas, Vasinabronks, Bubegenov and many others. Descendants of the Weighs - Veps currently live in Karelia, Vologda, Leningrad regions.

    So, if you depict a map of the peoples that lived in the fourth century in the territory of modern Russia, it almost will not be blue, as well as red. Only from the western side of Ukraine, it will be possible to designate a small red spot and already send the many arrows to the East, South and North. Since the Slavic tribes by that time began to settle the land of future Russia.

    In general, linguists, historians, and more precisely, their research showed that the North, the center of modern Russia, the Finnish tribes were settled by the beginning of the new era. A little later, they "weakened" and played an important role in the formation of the Russian population. A little east and north lived other Finnish tribes, which were the ancestors of modern Finns, Estonians, Karel, Mordvoy. Siberia and South stole occupied Ugric peoples, they were future Mansi and Khanty. Eastern on the large territory there were ancestors of the self-deed peoples, which today are Selkups and Nenets. Today, only a few people are living in Siberia, who belong to Ketam and Yukagiram, and once these nations occupied all the eastern Siberia.

    In the mountains of the North Caucasus, as intended, scientists lived exactly the same peoples as currently. The most interesting thing is that their lifestyle, culture did not change almost until the nineteenth century. Yes, religion has changed, from the fourth to the fifth century, Christianity was common here, from the eighth century, Christianity gradually displaced Islam. Various rites, pagan beliefs for a long time were in the new religion, they were preserved and now. The ancient chronicles were also mentioned the ancestors of Abkhazov - Monkey, Castogi. The descendants of the ancient Skif Sarmatians were nomocated in the steppes of the North Caucasus to the Altai Territory.

    Throughout the whole millennium, from the fourth to the thirteenth century, the East Slavonic tribes gradually spread in the forest-steppe and forest zone of the Eastern European Plain. But the Turkic peoples along the steppe belt of the Eurasia itself. Slavs in those times were settled from the west to the north, south, east, but the Turks moved, mainly to the west. Naturally, it did not do without military clashes between the Slavs, Turks. During the truce between these nations, the weddings were played, alliances were concluded, and trade was carried out.

    Gradually began to appear the cities in which trade developed, as well as different crafts. Then the states appeared: the Nazi Bulgaria, Khavarsky Kaganat, the Eastern Slavs - Kievan Rus. Volzh Bulgaria was created on the shores of Volgibulgar. Some of them decided to go to the Balkans, where the first Bulgarian kingdom was created together with the Slavs. Khazar Kaganat included the lower voltage and the land of Caucasian peoples. In the middle of the tenth century, Kievan Rus defeated Kaganat, as a result of which Khazars, as well as his population mixed with other peoples.

    Of course, the state was needed by a religion, which would help to strengthen the unity of the state. In Turkic, Russian cities lived Christians, Muslims, Jews. From the middle of the eighteenth century to 1480, this is an era that is known in the history of our country as the era of Tatar-Mongolian, yoke. The following peoples have developed the following nations in the "goldordin" epoch: Kumyki, Bashkira, Karachay, Crimean, Astrakhan Tatars. Polovtsy played a significant role in their formation. But the Polovtsy themselves ceased to exist as the people. It was then that the allocation of the Russian people began. After the decay of the Golden Horde, Her Earth occurred, and the Khanation suffered little to the Russian state.

    By the time, Peter the Great began to reign, and this is the end of the seventeenth century, the territory of Russia acquired the outlines that are characteristic of the modern borders of the Russian Federation. In the eighteenth-nineteenth century, the lands of the peoples of Ukraine, the Baltic States, Belarus, Transcaucasia, as well as Central Asia began to join Russia.

    Modern Russia

    Summing up, it should be noted that Russia is the most multinational state throughout the world. Here, all nations live in peace and harmony. They exchange experience among themselves, but each nationality retains its ethnic self-consciousness, originality.

    Naturally, the traditions of the peoples of modern Russia are quite diverse. And they depend not just from the time of year, but also from the place of residence. The main feature, which is characterized by a particular nationality living in Russia, is a kitchen. Even in those peoples who inhabit the northern part of our state, even though it looks like, but still unequal. So, each nationality has its own characteristics.

    In addition to the kitchen, every people living in Russia can boast of their entertainment. Representatives of their nationalities are hospitable, which is why it is interesting to familiarize themselves with their cultures, customs, traditions. Knowing the text of the life of this or that nation, each person will be able to live in peace and harmony.

    The Russian Federation is considered the largest state in the world in its territory. And in the number of peoples, in the top ten among all the countries of the planet. Of course, the demographic situation in this state affects the development of Russian society as a whole.

    Our country has been a multinational state. The peoples of Russia are characterized by their original culture, history. In general, according to various sources of information, about two hundred nations live on its territory. Currently, the nationality of the inhabitant of our country is not specified in the passport. Accordingly, these censuses of peoples are based on self-determination. Therefore, the indicators of nationalities can periodically change.

    The state language of Russia is Russian. Although there are dialects in different territories of the state. In general, our country is unique not only in its ethnic composition, but also religious. Representatives of Buddhism, Islam, Christianity live on the territory. At the same time, most nations adhere to their traditions and national beliefs.


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