Tarot Lenormand 4 cards. Fortune telling on cards Lenormand

Tarot Lenormand 4 cards. Fortune telling on cards Lenormand

A house is the dwelling in which you live, so the card can also mean a van, apartment, summer house, hotel or palace. The house characterizes your living conditions and daily lifestyle. It also means the area where you live, the neighborhood and everything related to where you live. The maps surrounding Home are almost always related to your home or family. This divination card symbolizes security and stability, however, in combination with unfavorable cards, it acquires a negative meaning.

The main meaning in fortune telling: Home, sheltered, patronizing, family friendly.

Keywords: Apartment, dwelling, cottage, household or hearth, real estate, property, shelter, shelter, emotional security, shelter, shelter, warm welcome, family values, hotel, nursing home, personal website, internal affairs of the state, hospitality, comfort ...

People. Homeowner, proprietor, homebody, real estate agent, real estate dealer, interior designer, landowner, servant, housewife, document holder, proof of ownership, relatives, consanguinity.

Love. Family life, stable relationships, neighbors.

Job. Work from home, handicraft, small business, pocket money, stable employment.

Finance and business. Home business, family budget, odds and ends, real estate transactions, mortgages.

Well-being. Return to normal conditions; supportive treatment; walls that heal; hereditary diseases; quarantine; bed rest.

Comparison. Ship (10 peak) or Fork (Queen of tambourine) - long journeys; Stork (Lady of Hearts) - an addition to the family; Tower (6 peaks) - administrative building; Anchor (9 peak) - safe lifestyle and financial stability; Transition (6 clubs) - temple.

Playing card. The King of Hearts represents a family man, protector or homemaker. The number of points is 13.

Connection with myths and legends. The house is the starting and ending point of the development of the plot of most folk tales. Sometimes it is a house, fraught with mortal danger, as in the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel", and sometimes it is a welcoming and welcoming dwelling, for example, the one in which Gerda from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" found shelter.

The meaning of the House in combination with other Lenormand cards:

\u003d guests, a tenant, home delivery will come to you.

Unconventional or alternative way of housekeeping, illegal move into the home.

Excommunication from bed and table, expulsion from home.

Cleaning, family quarrels, domestic violence.

Moving, changing place of residence, expecting a child.

In this scenario, the significator is first chosen (a card that symbolizes the fortuneteller and includes all his experiences, thoughts, intentions). On the diagram, it is designated by the Latin letter S. For women, this is card number 29 ("Woman"), for men - 28 ("Man"). If they are guessing for a married couple, the 25th card ("The Ring") serves as the significator.

After that, the card is placed where the top of the layout will be, the deck is shuffled and four cards are pulled out of it. They need to be placed according to the diagram below.

In this case, the card values \u200b\u200bwill be as follows:

  1. 1. Past. Events that provoked the current situation.
  2. 2. Plans. What the fortuneteller intends to undertake.
  3. 3. Decision. How to proceed to achieve the desired result.
  4. 4. Future. What a person will face in the near future.

There is another version of this alignment. According to her, the significator fits in the middle of the cross, and the rest of the cards are located around it. They need to be laid out, starting from the top, clockwise.

Fortune-telling Lenormand for the near future can be repeated for one person no more than once a week. You should not lay out the cards several times in a row in the hope that they will give the desired answer.

Maria Lenormand is a famous Frenchwoman who divined to kings and emperors. Her track record includes Robespierre and Napoleon, Balzac and Rossini, Marie Antoinette and Alexander I, and among the predictions are such as the defeat of the French army in Russia and the execution of the Decembrists.

Mary Lenormand deck

No matter how fantastic the story about Lenormand's life may sound, she is a truly historical person, a really existing one and a very strong soothsayer. For the truth, spoken without fear and trembling in front of people in power, she was more than once threatened with reprisals. However, everything that she promised sooner or later came true, and those who accused her of lying and pretense had to take their words back. So, one of the kings of Sweden sent her a very expensive ring as an apology.

This soothsayer left behind many mysteries. It is not known for certain, neither who gave her his gift, nor exactly how she came to fortune-telling on the cards. Contemporaries claimed that initially she also used numerology with palmistry, she also read by drops of blood in water and by smells and colors. But in the end, Lenormand settled on fortune-telling with cards, and she developed new decks with suits and meanings unknown to anyone.

One of the legends says that Lenormand learned to guess on a deck of cards from a gypsy woman whose name history has not preserved. This legend is shrouded in omissions, since Mary knew how to keep secrets. If it were not for this character trait, who knows what a woman would have ended up with, able to look to the powerful of this world not only into the future, but also right into the soul.

They tried and are trying to restore the Lenormand deck to this day. We offer a simplified, but no less effective layout for 4 cards. Its principle is the same as that used in fortune telling with a special Lenormand deck.

Lenormand card layout: how to do it right

Getting down to business, it is important to understand that fortune telling is not entertainment, but a ceremony. You need to tune in to it in an appropriate energetic way - get rid of unnecessary thoughts, stay alone or with the one to whom you are wondering. You can meditate if necessary. Without this preparation, instead of a ritual to penetrate the veil of the future, it will be just entertainment.

After shuffling the deck, reveal the top 4 cards: they will reveal to you the hidden essence of things. The first card is your past, which fundamentally affects the present. The second is your present, which can determine the future. The third is your future, which will not change if you do nothing. The fourth is the extent to which you can change future events.

Cards should be interpreted according to suit. The larger the map, the more important and inevitable the predicted. Spades are identified with rock, failure and the end of something, hearts - with love stories, tambourines - with a road, life path or travel, and clubs - with obstacles and obstacles.

Thus, if your first card turns out to be an ace of spades, it means that the current state of affairs is influenced by something fateful, committed in the past, when you either stumbled, or did something bad, or made the wrong decision, and it will not be easy to change it. If the peak is seven or eight, the circumstances of the past were more favorable - nothing irreparable, judging by the cards, has been done. In the same way, esotericists advise to interpret the rest of the suits for each of the four cards in turn.

Guessing in the way of Maria Lenormand, it is important to understand that even the most fatal coincidences of circumstances are, as a rule, still the consequences of our actions. Therefore, we ourselves create our own Destiny. but don't forget to take decisive action. And, of course, press the buttons and

05.01.2016 00:40

There are many different ways to find out what kind of relationship you will have with your loved one. ...

"What happens if...?" - this is the question many people ask themselves when they are faced with a choice of what to do and want to know what will come of it. Fortune telling on cards Lenormand for the future is the most accurate... To get an answer from the cards of Maria Lenormand, you need to focus on the situation you want to learn about, outline the options for your actions (the first option is the one you are most inclined to take, the second option is an alternative, which you don't really want to resort to, but it is considered as possible ) and click on the "SELECT CARDS" button. Remember - all fortune telling, including online fortune telling on the situation "What will happen if ...?" on Lenormand cards, only predict the course of events and do not solve your question 100% - the decision to make you.

Free online fortune telling on Lenormand cards for the situation “What will happen if ...?”. The meaning of the cards:

Card 1 - gives a prediction of what will happen if you act in this situation as you plan;
Card 2 - predicts what will happen if in this situation you choose an alternative course of action;
Card 3 - tells you what will happen if you make too much effort, overdo it, in this situation;
Card 4 - tells what will happen if you refuse to do anything at all and will not act.

Click on the map - it will open and you will receive its interpretation

Card number 1 - Gives a prediction of what will happen if you act in this situation as you plan.

Card number 2 - Predicts what will happen if in this situation you choose an alternative course of action.

Card number 3 - Informs about what will happen if you make too much effort, overdo it, in the current situation.

Card number 4 - Tells what will happen if you refuse to do anything at all and will be inactive.

Main meaning:

Whichever version of Madame Lenormand's deck we take, we can definitely say that this is one of the strongest and most positive cards. She indicates the support of the clan, reliable rear, protection, welfare and happy life, that things will get better soon and will be even better. Also, the House is always an indication of the successful completion of the case, and since this card is long-playing, the results obtained will delight the Questioner for a long time. The appearance of this card in the alignment gives strength, courage and courage to stand up for their own interests and beliefs, to clearly define the boundaries.

Also, the House is a symbol of calm self-confidence and the ability to feel at home in a certain system of relationships. This card softens the influence of negative cards, smoothing out their manifestation - the Querent will be supported in difficult times, no matter what, he has someone to count on.

A house means something to which a person gives a lot of energy and time: a real house, a summer house with a garden plot, some kind of business, business, family.

Negative meaning:

Shadow card

Family problems. Relatives intervene too actively and teach how to live by cutting off oxygen. Or influential parents demand complete submission for their help. Protracted repairs, problems with relocation or registration of documents for real estate. Routine, boredom, numbness.

In matters of personal relationships:

Stability, tradition, reliability. Serious intentions to create your own family. Long lasting relationship. If you have only recently met a person, then the House card speaks of a kindred spirit, in his company you feel as if you have known him for 100 years. Very comfortable, pleasant, calm and reliable person. If the House card fell on a permanent partner, then this may be an indication that a too monotonous and predictable life ultimately leads to friendly relations. Passions and ardor of love gradually fade into the background under the pressure of everyday worries and worries.

When asked about marital status, the House card clearly indicates that the person is married.

In the negative version, the card is played in such a way that relatives constantly interfere and provoke quarrels in the couple.

In matters of business and finance:

Steady state of affairs, stable income. But the House card does not promise a sky in diamonds. Success in business will come only thanks to your hard and persistent work. Patience and hard work will help lay a solid foundation and get the desired result. You will be able to rely on your past experience, and acquiring all new skills and knowledge on your own mistakes.

In medical matters:

Good health. Genetic diseases. In case of illness - conservative methods of treatment, bed rest, the patient is in good hands, this doctor can and should be trusted.

As a personality card:

The person under the House card is distinguished by resilience, strength, self-confidence, he stands firmly on his feet, very reliable, does not betray himself. Appearance - strong constitution, broad bone, large facial features.

He lacks spontaneity and impulsiveness, is very unhurried both in business and in making decisions, because of predictability it can be boring with such a person. But on the other hand, you can live peacefully, being under the protection of such a person, he is not spiteful, very calm and it is almost impossible to piss him off. A homebody, he does not adapt well to changes and does not like very much when the usual course of things is disturbed.

A conservative to the bone. In everyday life, he prefers practicality and good quality, everything that he buys and makes himself will serve for centuries, does not skimp on spending for the family. Prefers to fix something than buy a new one. When buying, he pays special attention to quality and does not stint for the sake of a really reliable thing, car or technology. Prefers expensive time-tested manufacturers, preferably from the dynasty (Ford, etc.). All his actions and deeds are extremely and clearly set in order to achieve a specific goal. It is impossible to knock him off course. He chooses practical and material goals: to build a house, to give birth to a son, to plant an oak! He is very hardworking, even on weekends he is busy with something: fixing and minor repairs in the house, taking care of the personal plot. If he goes on vacation, then this is most likely a picnic with barbecue on the river bank and the whole family. Differs in excellent diligence, right up to workaholism, such a person needs work like air. I am committed to long-term projects that may take years to complete, but the income will be stable, reliable and high. Strives to increase his material well-being, expands the scope of activities in order to ensure a comfortable existence for his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He manages finances very well, therefore he can strive to work in the banking sector. A woman's house under the card usually has a cellar with supplies and pickles for all occasions, in which you can safely wait out the nuclear winter.

The psychological aspect is a strong self-defense mechanism. Conservative, does not like innovations, it is difficult to adapt to them.

In the negative version, retrograde and home builder. Greedy. If in the positive version a person follows the principle “we are not rich enough to buy such cheap things”, then in the negative version the person under the House card collects trash, stocks up in second-hand stores and in discount centers, the main criterion is that it is cheap and a lot ... Clumsy, clumsy, lazy, very hard to climb. Such a person spends weekends, and even weekdays, lying on the couch in front of the TV. Uncompromising, stubborn, intolerant, despite the fact that he himself is extremely optional and lazy. In a narrow family circle suppresses the rest, shows authoritarianism, up to house building in the worst sense of the word. The meaning of such behavior is only to assert oneself at the expense of the weaker and more dependent people. If you come across such a boss, then a typical tyrant. Such individuals take into account only their own interests, do not listen to the opinions of others, have only their own view of the state of affairs.


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