Entrance door to light. What color should there be an entrance door on Feng Shui? The door facing north

Entrance door to light. What color should there be an entrance door on Feng Shui? The door facing north

Feng Shui Location

Today, the fencing of Feng Shui was very popular - the ancient Chinese science on planning the living space, uniform and free distribution of natural energy qi. If you try to stick to these rules, you will be interested to find out what the entrance door should be on Feng Shui.

From the location, colors and material of the input structure depends on the quality of Qi's energy. Feng Shui determines whether it will be favorable for the inhabitants of the house or vice versa - will be able to harm them. It is through the design that the design that the energy penetrates our homes and flows out of them, and on which direction will move to a favorable environment, our health and prosperity depends.

Orientation and color

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the number of doors affect the movement of energy in the house, their location, orientation in space, color, material from which they are made. It is impossible that at the entrance to the house the energy met any obstacle: a second tambour structure, close to the wall, a column or simply poured in the hallway. In this case, the positive stream will go back.

It is very important how the door is located in relation to the parties of the world, since the effect of incoming energy on you depends on it. Moreover, the strength of this influence determines the onion shui the color of the entrance door.


Quantity and shape

It is desirable that all the doors in the house, and the entrance - especially, had strict geometric shapes. And products of other similar forms with beveled or rounded corners are not the best option, they can negatively affect the health of those living in the house.

In addition, the design should be wide enough, wider and massive than all other doors in order not to prevent the free movement of positive energy. It is also not recommended to install glazed doors at the entrance, they must be solid and preferably wooden.

The reflection in it of the front entrance will lead to the fact that all positive energy will push out from the mirror surface and will leave back.

According to Feng Shui, the windows in the house symbolize children, and the doors are parents. If the number of windows exceeds the latter, children will take energy from their parents, and in the family will often begin the troubles, conflicts, misunderstanding.

Therefore, if this situation is in your house, you need to restore the energy of the parents, hanging the bell. He will be able to prevent free challenge at home negative energy.

The most unwanted combination of Feng Shui - when they are located one after another on the same line. It happens in private houses, for example, first goes to the terrace, and behind it - a double tambourine passage to the house. It is believed that such a location opens a negative energy path, while positive fluently flows out of the house.

If you cannot change the planning, then block the path of negative energy, putting barriers between the doors in the form of a light partition, screen or at least a decorative plant in a vase. And do not keep all the doors open at the same time.

Magic Mirror

It has already been said above that it is impossible to hang the mirror opposite the front door - signs here. The fact is that the mirror reflects the energy of qi, pushing it back from the house. But this does not mean that the mirrors should not be in the hallway.

For example, if the toilet door is located opposite the entrance, it is not very good from the point of view of Feng Shui. Neutralize the negative will help very small, diameter 5-6 cm. Round mirrors, which need to hang on both sides of the door to the bathroom, placing them at the level of the navel of the host.

Since the mirror is an excellent corrective agent, the entrance door with a large-sized mirror will help detain positive energy in the house without releaseing it out. It is desirable that the mirror is a rounded form.

If you want to hang the mirror in front of the entrance door, make sure that the clock does not affect it. Hang the mirror near or side from it.

How to locate

If you build your home and you have the opportunity to think about the planning, then consider the following rules Feng Shui:

  • Do not do the door opposite the entrance to the bathroom. And if you cannot change the layout, always keep it closed so that the positive energy and energy of finance do not break down with water into the sewer.
  • Hang the design so that it opens inside the house - This will create favorable conditions for the flow.

For reference. According to fire safety standards, the door must also be opened inside, so as not to create obstacles to evacuating the neighbors in the case of emergency.

Those who are not interested in feng shui

If you are far from overseas teachings and philosophy Feng Shui, and more trust Russian folk signs and customs, probably over your door hanging up the horseshoe. It has long been considered to be a faithful house, a symbol of a family hearth. But the Orthodox Church does not approve such signs, considering their disputes of pagan beliefs and traditions.

Some people believe that to protect the house from evil forces and attacks can icon over the entrance door. This is also not entirely correct - the right place of the iconostasis in the Red Corner. Although the ministers of the Church, answering the associated questions, they say that the icons are not forbidden to hang in any part of the house. The main thing is that they are not adjacent to other images - paintings, photographs of celebrities or family members.

But what icons over the entrance door hide - you are free to choose yourself. It can be the icon of your guardian angel or the Mother of God. But most often this place is occupied by a seven-week icon.

The front-shui entrance door is of fundamental importance: the quality of the energy of Qi included in the house will be determined precisely by the location of the door.

If the basic requirements of Feng Shui are not observed - the dwelling from the moment of construction is filled with negative energy from which it will be difficult to get rid of it. If you build a house - consider the features of the requirements of Feng Shui immediately, then it will be much easier to furnish the house and fill it with a positive.

The main door through which people enter the building should be massive, large, and the more solid - the better. It is required to bring good luck to someone who brings the main money to the house - the breadwinner. And if the owner is lucky and rich - they will not endure the needs and other households.

Unsuccessfully located doors

If the vertical line passes along the main door and the window is not good in terms of Feng Shui. Favorable energy Qi and good luck will not love this building. You can talk about cases when the entrance and intercomed doors are located opposite each other.

To mitigate the negative effect, put a screen, light partition, or any other barrier on the way of direct energy - this will allow it to slow down, smoothly flowing the obstacle, become more favorable. The unsuccessful door arrangement in front of the window or opposite the other door can also be adjusted by the bells (wind music).

Nevertheless, such means of energy correction of the apartment do not eliminate adverse effects, but only soften them.

When windows and interior doors are on the wall, which is perpendicular to the entrance door, Feng Shui apartments are much better. The energy of q will settle and smoothly spread at your home.

Avoid installing large windows "to the floor" in the hallway - in the configuration of the Feng Shui they will be recognized as doors, and there is nothing worse than the doors in the same wall with the main entrance to the dwelling.

Where is the entrance?

The entrance to the dwelling should not be sent to objects with strong energy yin (church, prison, cemetery, hospital, monastery). It is possible to neutralize the negative, painting the outdoor side of the door of red paint. It is not worth sending the entry side of the road junction - it leads to discords in the family.

Bad, when the hill or mountain is located opposite the entrance to the dwelling. Living in the apartment, it does not particularly concern, but for the home is of great importance. It is better to change the location of the entrance door so that the plain is in front of it. Do not arrange a garbage dump opposite the main door - it entails various problems in the career and financial issues.

How to paint the door?

The front door on the hair dry shui is associated with the direction with the direction that it comes out. Find out the side of the light in which the entrance looks into your home, and choose the appropriate color to it.

Element East - traditionally tree. If the sun comes in opposite your door, it is better to choose green and brown for her, and since it is elements that eat the elements and water, use their colors to create a great hairdryer.

The south corresponds to the element of fire, and the best color, of course red. Other suitable colors for fire elements are yellow, orange, pink and purple. Food is a tree, which means that brown and green will also fit.

The best colors for the Western door are metal, white and gray colors, while you can apply the color of the earth, but it is worth avoiding the colors of fire and water weakening the metal.

North is the direction of water, so choose the black and blue color for the door. If these colors are not suitable for the exterior of the house - you can paint the front door to white or gray, for the metal - power for the water element. Do not paint the north door in the colors of the tree and the fire - the tree is powered by water, and the fire devours it.

Intermediate sectors also have recommendations on color: southeast - black and blue, southwest - yellow, sand, beige, red, purple, orange. But when choosing a color, take into account your attitude to it: if for some reason the color suitable for the teachings of Feng Shui does not like you personally, causing dislike and rejection, it is not worth raping and blindly follow the recommendations. First of all, the house should be cozy to you.

For the northwestern doors, the colors of the West will be good, because the main element of the North-West is a metal. However, and the northern colors are not prohibited.

Northeast - place of development and spiritual growth. This is the kingdom of land. Use the color of the earth and fire, but beware of weakening colors - green, white, gray, blue, black.

Mirrors and doors

The location of various items relative to the entrance door is of great importance. Good luck will leave the apartment from the residents if their entrance door can be seen in the mirror, for example.

Located opposite the windows, the entrance doors will not be able to keep positive energy in the house, it enters the door and goes out the window (sometimes on the contrary). When buying an apartment, it is why it is worth paying attention to the mutual position of the entrance door relative to the windows.

Also, it is also impossible (according to individual experts) hang clock on the wall, in which the input and interior doors are located. The clock can stop or fall from the wall from the constantly clapping doors - this is true. It will not be too convenient to look at the clock above the door in the apartment.

The subconscious feeling that it is necessary to go somewhere, or that someone will come now - it does not contribute to mental health.

But the stories that the clock is of great importance in Feng Shui and are interconnected with the location of the door - the bikes, which should not believe.

Given all the nuances and the requirements of Feng Shui, you can ensure your luck and material prosperity forever.

How to effectively correct the shortcomings?

The shortcomings associated with the position of the entrance door, interior doors and windows should be provided for construction, because it is virtually impossible to correct them or very difficult in practice. If you live in the apartment - just use bells, flashlights, screen and other hairdryer attributes, which helps to smooth out the consequences of violations and keep positive energy in the house, does not light up the free output of the energy negative.

In International Feng Shui Dragon Doors , All provisions are determined from where the current main entrance door in the room is currently located. The main door is the door, which door is most often used or which one more. If one of the doors is set later, it is considered as secondary. The most important task of Feng Shui is to ensure the unimpeded circulation of the energy of qi (respiration of life, or the respiration of nature) in relation to the human dwelling.

Most of Qi penetrates the apartment through the entrance door, so it is very important to place the entrance door so as to attract energy, and not scare it. Through the entrance door can enter both long-awaited guests and enemies, can penetrate both positive qi and negative Sha. Therefore, the door should serve as a reliable protection and are located and decorated to attract the Qi in the house. And with her, happiness, success, longevity and wealth.

The main door (the front door) must be strengthened strictly vertically, should be without cracks, scratches. As well as other defects, on reliable, good, not creaking loops. Door dimensions must match the size of the apartment. A too large door (wide and low or consisting of two simultaneously opening flaps) has an overwhelming effect on flow. She scans and frightens everyone who wants to enter the apartment. It is also considered that such a door is a breech through which the house will leave part of the Qi, the signal of the danger of occurrence in cash. Disproportionately small entrance door will make it difficult to access qi. And the microclimate in the family will change for the worst side - the slots, quarrels and petty resentments will become frequent guests here.

A house or apartment in accordance with the theory of Yin-Yang is conditionally divided into two parts, the part of the apartment, which is close to the entrance door, has the strength and properties of Yang. It lives here, so Qi is included in the house through the entrance door. In this part of the apartment (entrance hall, office, kitchen, dining room, living room) there is a lively movement , Here family members are going together, take and treat guests. And the inner part of the apartment, the most remote from the entrance, belongs to Yin. Here must reign peace, silence, intimate setting, most convenient and more correct from the point of view of Feng Shui it is in this part of the apartment to accommodate bedrooms.

The mess and litterness at the entrance to the apartment (in the corridor) and the territory of the staircase will create Sha, scaled qi, and the negative energy will easily become penetrated into your apartment. The entrance to the apartment should be attractive - a beautiful bright rug in front of the door, "Wind Music". Figures or images of animals (tiger and dragon) at the entrance will fence your apartment from negative impact, formidable guards will easily cope with the shaft of Sha.

The entrance door should not be included in the narrow dark (it can cause financial difficulties), should not go into a dead end or a whole maze of corridors. Where the energy of qi may not be able to move freely, and will accumulate, fond, without reaching the goal, or reborn into negative Sha. Bad, when the staircase or elevator was located opposite the door, Qi here will move too quickly and can simply not notice the entrance to your apartment and go down the floor below (climb to the top floor). From the entrance door should not be seen the door of the black stock or the balcony door. You should not set the clock in this position when they can see anyone who opens the front door.

The rear door in size should be less main and it should always be closed. On the back door or on the wall near her you need to hang a bug mirror, it will send qi from the exit of the departure. You can prevent qi leakage and in another way, for example, disguised the door, painting or salave it into the tone of the walls.

According to the Feng Shui Rules, no slab, no fireplace, nor toilet, nor bed should be visible from the hallway. If someone's bed is visible from the entrance door, then the person will constantly feel tired. His sleep will be disturbed, and rest is inferior. If the kitchen is viewed from the entrance door, then you need to keep the door to the kitchen closed or use any other receipt of diverting qi.

If in the hallway two or three doors lead to interior and are located against each other, then it is truly killing Feng Shui. Qi will hardly make a certain choice, it will rush from one door to another, gradually speeding up the movement. And gradually reborn into the negative energy of Sha. The position can be corrected if you position the picture, poster, mosaic under the ceiling. Which will attract attention when leaving each door, or hang a magic crystal or "wind music" between the doors. Interior doors play an important role for Feng Shui inside the apartment and more influence the well-being of families. At the premises of the large area there must be a large door, the room is smaller - the door of a smaller size. Using the Bagua method, you can determine in which direction "Watch" internal doors in the apartment. Each of the directions is responsible for one of the spheres of life. And when you want to benefit from one or another direction. It is necessary to use a certain door as often as possible, additionally decorate it or re-paint. If you want to stay alone, protect yourself from unwanted visits and unpleasant people, you close the door to your room. If you want to maintain a room and the coinciding zone of the apartment is temporarily not used.

Doors in directions

The door facing the south refers to the fire element and the zone of glory. If you want to improve your reputation and strengthen the situation in society, carefully check the condition of this door. If possible, use the shades of red and triangular patterns in its decor, equip the door backlight. Or hang on it a small lantern. As you often need to enter this door to activate the zone of glory.

The door-oriented in the northern direction is associated with water and career zone. From how often it uses how much its design corresponds to water (black, blue colors, wavy lines), your successes in the service, career growth depend. The door facing north-west is associated with the metal and has an impact on relationships with leaders, spiritual mentors. For the success of travel and any other travels, trips. The northeast door is connected with the Earth. Proper care for it and earthly design will help you and your loved ones in education, learning.

The door facing west leading to the children's zone and the metal-related element has an impact on the relationship between parents with children. And also on the health of children and their mood. All metal parts of this door must be properly studied to shine. This will attract the additional flow of qi into the children's zone. The door-oriented in the south-west direction corresponds to the Earth and affects the relationship between spouses, love connections. So that the family is strong, so that there is no problems in intimate relationships, it is necessary that it is made with a decent material corresponding to color and design. It is very important to monitor the health and absolute correspondence between the pairwise details of the southwest door. On both sides of the door should be handles, and the same in shape and color. It is desirable that the latch knobs when one of them is powered by the second one. Such pens symbolize the consent and unanimity, proximity (spiritual and physical) married couple. You also need to have the same drawings on the doors, paired finishes should be symmetrical. Invalid rust on metal parts (door hinges, nails, knobs or locks), broken door handle or cracks in the jamb. And also dust accumulated from the threshold of this door, explain the cooling of relationships with his spouse (wife), a sexual partner.

The jambs of the entrance door are the symbol of the well-being of the family, so the swollen, shaky, disintegrating shoals and the doors indicate that. That the family lost protection and support, is dangerous. Preferably, the whole is a solid wooden or metal door, glass necessarily close the curtains from the fabric, blinds. Or apply patterns for glass surfaces (make the door opaque) so that the Qi does not accept it over the window.

The door facing the east is associated with the element of the tree and family. If the eastern door is properly, wooden parts are carefully processed, the surface is smooth, without cracks and bitch, tree and plant ornaments prevail in its design. That your family will be friendly and friends will become frequent guests. The door facing the southeast will bring financial success to the one who uses it often provides proper care. This door is associated with a tree, that is, you can enhance its effect using water and wood symbols.

The ratio of materials (as well as an ornament or pattern) used for the design of the door must be symmetrical fromguarding harmony Yin and Yang. Before the entrance door (in the center) there is no living plants, since the nature of trees, any vegetation - Yin. And she will interfere with the penetration of Yang into the room and send an additional streams of Yin inside the apartment, disturbing the order of moving Qi around the apartment.

The entrance door should be opened freely, completely, inside, not outside, so as not to repel qi, it is desirable to hang up "wind music" outside, immediately in front of the door. The door from the hallway to the room must be kept always open, or you can do without it without it, beautifully placing the doorway.

It is considered unfavorable shui on a hair dryer, when the door opens no inside the house, and the outside - it deprives you of the opportunity to consolidate your success, because the flows will all the time will rush outside, and any of your achievement will be unsolved.


  • so that the entrance door led in the hall or hallway. Here the beneficial q is accumulated and subsequently distributed evenly throughout the house. If unfavorable energy penetrates into the house, the hallway to some extent absorbs and dissipates it.
  • to make a living room, a dining room or a common room from the threshold of the entrance door.


  • so that the front door is located opposite the rear door - because of this, a powerful flow of qi is formed, as if through permanent house. Avoid negative impact on Feng Shui at home, you can, setting a different kind of barriers to energy movement - mirrors, screen, decorative lattices, plants or curtains.
  • if the entrance door opens to the stairs, rising upstairs. In this situation, the flow of qi becomes sharp and unnecessarily movable. To slow down, you can use bells or decorative plants.
  • if you rest in the wall of the entrance door, you are just 2 meters from you. The view of the close wall blocks the promotion of bodily basic and more powerful energy flows in space. This may cause indecision, notionlessness, the dullness of perception and slowdiness of reactions. The situation will correct the mirror located on the opposite of the entrance of the wall, or plants, photos and images of wildlife.
  • if the door openly lights up at this moment the view into the interior. Participating each time it turns out in a closed space, and this subconsciously affects his psyche - may arise, a sense of despair and alienation, a loss of contact with others.
  • if the threshold is visible, kitchen or bathroom. Their proximity to the entrance door adversely affects the well-being of the family, especially this concerns the kitchen. In traditional ideas, wealth, which symbolizes food, will be easily lost. To keep the situation to some extent, keep the doors to these rooms are always closed.

Feng Shui Entrance Door Design

The optimal option for a residential building, according to Feng Shui specialists, is a single wooden door. It is strong enough to create an obstacle for negative energies, fixing to the house with an unfavorable arrangement of any external objects. Your well-being is thus protected at the basic level.

The bivalve door is good only for a large mansion, because for an ordinary house, and even more so for the city apartment, it is disproportionately great. This violates the balance and destabilizes incoming. The problems caused by Sabalans Yin and Yang can fluctuate from constant ailments to full fiasco in all important areas of your life.

The rotating door is unacceptable from the point of view of Feng Shui a home solution. We most often encounter such doors in hotels, restaurants, casinos and similar institutions. They are put in order to accelerate the movement of Qi and thereby stimulate the money turnover and customer flows. The entrance door of the described construction creates the impression that the house swallows those who enters it every time. In your affairs, this may provoke failures, coming after the rapid and uncontrolled development of the situation.

Orientation of the entrance door to the parties of light

North-West-oriented door

Metal element

With this door, the door is on the side of the father or the older man in the house. Promotes the manifestation of leadership qualities, makes it possible to successfully promotion and provides a sustainable position in society, universal respect and honor. Additional stability can be provided by the door, the shape of which corresponds to the metal element.

North-oriented door

Element water

Such the position of the door is favorable when the battles for success have already got up, and now you have a need for a calm and measured life - I want to, so to speak, to peacefully rest on the laurels. In the other case, lethargy, apathy and the desire to sail downstream may appear, the likelihood is high that for family members it will turn into mutual alienation. If such symptoms have already appeared, the situation will change the activation of the opposite element (land). To do this, the door is painted in brown, ocher or yellow. In order to enhance the cleansing of qi at the entrance to your home, use the door shape corresponding to the water element.

Northeast-oriented door

Earth element

Good in the case when Feng Shui of the entire site is favorable. In general, the northeastern direction of the door makes residents more susceptible to the external forces, which brings some chaotic and excessive activity in their actions and aspirations. The stabilizing action will have a door made in accordance with the Earth element - strong, even massive, with square sections.


Element tree

It is perfect for those who are at the very beginning of the path to success and has sufficient perseverance and ambiguity to pass it with dignity. Helps to make a brilliant career, reducing the patronage of influential people. This area is especially favorable to achieve success in the field of commerce and business. The door shape in accordance with the element tree (high, with rectangular or oblong fragments) will favorab the growth of welfare and the acquisition of promising dating.

To strengthen the achieved success, you can add an element Earth - to paint the door to a brownish-ocher or yellow color or use such a door form that matches this element with square parts or sections. Unacceptable for making doors white.

Southeast-oriented door

Element tree

This direction gives a worthy opportunity to correct the financial situation. Cases will move slowly, but surely, and ultimately a stable result will not make himself wait. To be able to always keep up with the times, constantly updating your views and work techniques, use the door shape in accordance with the Earth Element.

To activate the possibility of growth (the quality associated with the element tree), paint the door to the green color or any of its shade or use plant ornaments in the design. The direction is also favorable for long-term projects and many years of cooperation, that is, in those areas where there is a perspective of further growth.

South-oriented door

Element fire

Direction is favorable for those who seek to lead an active social life, take a prominent place in society, to gain recognition and win fame and glory. The door made taking into account the forms inherent in the fire element (pointed and triangular) will contribute to the body's vigor and optimism. Element Fire can create certain problems that may arise due to indulgence of their whims and fleeting desires, as well as due to hot spirits and excessive irritability. It is possible to temper the "fire" characteristics, bringing the water element into the door design, for example, having stuck it into black or dark blue.

Southwest-oriented door

Earth element

This direction is considered the family most favorable for the mother or older woman and brings well-being and harmony in family affairs. If the maintenance of all cases focuses in the hands of the mother, then its identity can become an authoritarian and power. To prevent or fix the disharmony of a hair dryer of a similar kind, if it has already manifested itself, it is necessary to bring the element tree into the door design: use a green color gamut and choose a form in accordance with this item - high, with rectangular sections.

In general, if the mother's mother is not too powerful and has no authoritarian inclinations, then green in the design of the door is undesirable; You should give preference to yellow and brown colors, as well as their various shades. The door shape in this case must correspond to the elements of the fire - have triangular or pointed elements.

West-oriented door

Metal element

The direction provides truly unlimited possibilities of creative growth for young children, so future success is behind them. Children are your most promising investment in this case, so take care of their education, comprehensive development, etc. The Western direction is also associated with hobbies and romantic feelings, and in connection with this you will have to ensure that they do not be a barrier on Your way to success, or vice versa, so that the zealous conquest of social vertices does not deprive you of heart unforgettable moments. Stability will bring parts associated with the Earth element - a crystal or an image of some terrestrial landscape, suspended in the hallway, as well as objects from ceramics or plants in ceramic pots placed at the entrance door. The door will be possessing a special fortress, the form of which was chosen in accordance with the metal element.

Entrance doors on Feng Shui Play a crucial role in the overall atmosphere of the house. There should be no barriers to the full movement of energy flows.

Some of them have a positive effect on a person, other, on the contrary, carry a solid negative. It is important that the energy channels are not littered, otherwise it occurs.


    The binder with the surrounding world in every residential building serves entrance doors. It is through this place that all the energy is circulating - both external and internal.

    Following the councils of specialists in Feng Shui, you can choose the doors correctly - this will help solve many current problems.

    • In no case towards the doorway should not be sent sharp corners. Tables, unusual wall designs, sharp corners are better accommodated away from this place. And in general, to attract positive energy into residential premises, it is recommended to choose interior items with rounded corners.
    • The entrance door on the hair dry shui should always be clean: without spots and dirty traces. The nature of the energy involved depends on its appearance. Harmony will forever settle in your home, if you have a symbolic oriental sign on the door (for example, horseshoe).
    • Perfectly distinguish evil spirits and negative energy Sha small pendant lights. In addition to the protective function, the lighting accessories will significantly decorate the main entrance to your accommodation. Remember that spoiled bulbs need to replace on time - like all broken things they negatively affect the person and its condition.
    • According to Feng Shui, the door should be durable: the glass as a material manufacturing is not suitable here. Lubricate the loops in time in order to avoid the screens.
      • On the eastern traditions, the door bends inside the house. Only with this condition favorable energy will not meet obstacles in its path.
      • Do not allow the windows near the front entrance. All energy flows, not having time to penetrate inside, will evaporate. But the problem is quite solved: You can independently eliminate this planning error. Put a home plant on the windowsill - choose your favorite.
      • By size, the door must also correspond to some criteria. It is desirable that it is medium in size. If the doorway is wide, it will create financial problems in your family. If, on the contrary, the passage is very narrow, conflict situations can not be avoided.

      What should not be opposite the entrance door?

      1) Bathroom

      If you are going to buy housing, consider the front entrance to be opposite the bathroom or toilet - the constant water leak takes with it all the energy - and positive, and negative. This will cause a lot of trouble.

      First of all, the health of all family members will suffer. You will constantly feel tired, sad, apathetic.

      The next problem is a shortage of money. Energy that favors financial issues will also wash off with water.

      What if the bath (toilet) opposite the door?

      Of course, if you are just going to build your own housing or engaged in its arrangement and repair, the advice will greatly facilitate the task.

      If there is no planning to change the ability to change, then a couple of secrets will help, about the specialists of the Eastern Sciences.

      • On the door leading to the bathroom, hang wind music. It is desirable that she was big, bright and brilliant. This will create a reflector effect - the energy that seeks to water will not be able to penetrate the bathroom. It will spread all over the house.
      • Also, a good solution can be horseshoe directed by the ends down, a small bowl of rhinestone, suspended to the ceiling or a crystal chandelier.
      • Various bells or crystals will be perfectly protecting and fenced from trouble. Their reflective surface and a pleasant melody will distil all the bad and will be invited to your home well-being, happiness and mutual understanding.

      In this short video (02:28) about what to do if the tule door opposite the front door will tell Natalia Predina, the most famous Master Feng-Shui.

      2) Mirror

      The mirror has a big impact on human life. It is mainly due to the fact that the mirror surface is capable of changing the direction of the energy flow and give it a faithful push. This subject of the interior copes perfectly with energy stagnation and normalizes circulation.

      Remember: in the hallway opposite the front door, the mirror is strictly prohibited!

      Positive energy will not be able to get inside the house. All family members will suffer. This will also affect health, and on relationships, and in monetary well-being. Good luck just will unfold, and leave the house.

      The best solution - if the mirror is hanging in the corridor on the wall to the right of the entrance door.

      An example of the correct location of the mirror

      Direction door on the sides of the world

      In the works of specialists in Feng Shui, the entrance door has a special name - the gates of qi. The direction of the parade entrance also has an impact on the character of incoming energy.

      • The most favorable is the eastern part of the world for the location of the door. This guarantees the owner of the house. Success in all spheres of life, permanent growth in professional plan, monetary well-being.
      • The southeast contributes to the elimination of financial problems. Slowly, but confident money will return to your home - it's only a little wait a little.
      • According to Feng Shui, the entrance door, which is directed to the north, will provide a calm and quiet home atmosphere. Perfectly complement the symbolism of a small crystal on the wall in the hallway. Family couple's relationship will improve the brown door.
      • In order for your children, there is always a thrust for knowledge, to a new one, the door should be directed to the northeast. Information will be absorbed very easily and quickly.
      • If the entrance door is located in the north-western direction, respect and tolerance will always reign in the family.
      • It awakens the activity and desire to take the initiative southern part of the world. Thanks to the special stream of energy, the tenants get a charge that increases inner power.
      • Love and eternal romance will definitely settle in your home if the door on the Feng Shui will be directed to the southwest. You will understand your loved one with a half-clow, you will find consent.
      • The western direction contributes to the development of creative abilities, so this option is perfect for young, looking for themselves, families, and those who have small children.

      But everything should be in moderation - an excessive amount of unnecessary energy sometimes acts negatively on the emotional state of the person. A slightly reduce effect will help water symbols that can be hung on the door or put on the shelf in the corridor.

      Feng Shui

      Experts Feng Shui say that the color of the door is directly connected with the geographical direction. Therefore, it follows before deciding on this issue, find out where your main entrance looks at what way of light.

      Red inlet door suitable for south side of the house

      • The northern direction is well harmonized with white or black. Options for blue shades are possible. But the green tones should be avoided - they do not combine at all with the cold part of the world.
      • Golden or silver colors (or any other color of the metal) are suitable for doors aimed at West or North-West. Not recommended in this case red and blue options.
      • White color is not suitable for the eastern and southeast direction. It is better to give preference to the doors of black or blue shades.
      • The southern part of the world is combined with green, which personifies flowering and growth. The red version is well suited. But do not use black tones.
      • Northeast or southwest is harmonized with brown. It is believed that this color option will contribute to your family well-being and stability. But the white doors do not suit these geographic directions.

      Live on Feng Shui!

      Alexandra Kalashnik, especially for the site ""



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