Yuri Roerich Pictures. Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich

Yuri Roerich Pictures. Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich

The great scientist Orientalist, a world-class scientist, Professor Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich, was born on August 16, 1902 (new. Stil) in the village of Okulovka Novgorod province.
He was the eldest Son of the artist, scientist and philosopher Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich (1874-1947) and his wife Elena Ivanovna (1879-1955).
From the early years, Yuri began to show interest in military case, history, east. Elena Ivanovna tried carefully to direct these interests.
On October 23, 1904 (New Lithon), Yuri Svyatoslav Nikolayevich (1904-1993) was born in St. Petersburg (1904-1993). Svyatoslav later went in the footsteps of the Father and became a great artist and a public figure.
By the way, Yuri Nikolaevich in his children's and youthful years also drew. His scenic work is now exhibited at the Romanich Museum at the International Roerich Center in Moscow.
Yuri Nikolayevich, like his father he studied in the gymnasium K.I. Mira on Vasilyevsky Island.
May the gymnasium was a special educational institution. In her, the teachers belonged to the disciples as equal. And perhaps it led to the fact that it was finished with whole families of great people, the Family of Benouua, the family of Semenov Tien Shan, the family of Roerich and others.
In 1916, when Yuri Nikolayevich was 14 years old, the family of the Roerichs because of Nikolai Konstantinovich's illness was forced to move to the resort town of Sandobol on the West Bank of Lake Ladoga. This city was located on the territory of the Grand Principality of Finland, which had autonomous status as part of Russia.
Roerichs moved to the Friend in December 1916. And in 1917 two revolutions sank. Old Russia disappeared. In 1918, Finland announced its independence and closed the border with Russia. Roerichi, not wishing himself, turned out to be cut off from their homeland.
The period of their great travel began.
Until the end of World War I lived in Finland, then there was Sweden, then the United Kingdom and America.
Yuri Nikolaevich, graduating from the gymnasium course, received two higher education in two very prestigious universities of the world. He studied in Sorbonne and Haward. He studied Military and Oriental Science there, especially the eastern languages \u200b\u200band history of the countries of the East.
In 1923, at the age of 21, Yuri Nikolayevich, who had already managed to receive two higher education, took part in the Central Asian Expedition, organized by his parents N.K. And E.I. Ryrichmi. Moreover, Yuri Nikolayevich was not any passive participant of the expedition. He was responsible for organizing her protection, as well as for communicating with the locals. And precisely, thanks to the fact that Yuri Nikolaevich perfectly owned Tibetan, Mongolian, Chinese, Hindi and a number of other oriental languages, the expedition managed to do what she did. The protection was also necessary, because in the 20s in Central Asia there were whole tribes, the only means of income of which was robbery.
So, in 1923, the steamer with the participants of the expedition arrived in Bombay. From Bombay, they proceeded in the capital of British India Calcutta. From there they moved to Darjeling in the city of Himalayas, where they lived for almost a year, completing the preparatory stage. Before the start of the expedition in 1925, the first book of Yuri Roerich "Tibetan painting" was published. It was reported on Tibetan sacred images, and the knowledge was narrated. The author of the book was only 22 years old.
In 1925, the expedition began. She passed through the Indian Kashmir, then the independent principality of Ladak, and from there through the Himalayas in the Chinese Turkestan. Everywhere in the way, Yuri Nikolaevich was indispensable. His knowledge of the eastern languages \u200b\u200bhas placed local residents to him. Thanks to Yuri, Nikolayevich Roerichi was able to communicate with many important lamas, which later N.K. Ryrich wrote in his book "Altai-Himalayas". In 1926, the expedition came to the city of Hotan in Chinese Turkestan. There is a local amban (official) detained it for several months under the pretext of bureaucratic wires. The members of the expedition were prohibited from writing pictures, prohibited to engage in archaeological and other scientific surchates. But still, under the press of public opinion, the expedition was released from his captivity and was able to continue the path.
In the city of Urumqi, the capital of Chinese Turkestan, the Roerichi met with the Soviet consul N. Bustrov. He gave them permission to enter the USSR. And in the summer of 1926, the expedition crossed the Soviet border in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Zaisan.
After hitting the Soviet Union, the members of the expedition would seem to be an unexpected turn. They reached Novonikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk) and from there on the railway went to Moscow.
In Moscow, in August 1926, Nikolai Konstantinovich and Yuriy Nikolayevich Roerichi presented the Epistle to the Soviet authorities. This message was welcomed by Soviet power. Since then, many supporters of old Russia began to consider Roerichi "traitors" and "Bolshevik agents" (these were quotes from the statements of approximate Ataman Semenov, made by them in Harbin in 1934 in response to the arrival of N.K. Ryrich). But this will not seem so strange, this message had a corporate appear. In 1926, the first Soviet leader was no longer alive. The second has not yet entered into force. In power were party "liberals", as well as those who believed in communism as in the idea. And there was a unique opportunity to influence these people and preventing countries to enter the new totalitarian trap, in which she got under Stalin. Moreover, there was an opportunity to heat the social communist teaching, which as an idea in general, for some exceptions and not so negative.
But unfortunately, this attempt of the Roerich failed. Chicherin, Lunacharsky and Krupskaya, with whom they met, were intimidated by the "Kremlin Highlander" who had already come to power and could not do anything and did not want. Moreover, "Iron Felix", the famous Chairman of the P. Dzerzhinsky, drew attention to Roerich. And only the turmoil who happened in Moscow due to the sudden death of Dzerzhinsky, allowed Roericham to leave the capital.
Having left Moscow, the expedition through the same Novonikolaevsk went to Altai. There they spent a certain time in the Upper-Uimon Valley. They lived in the family of Starovra Vakhramey Atamanova. They saw the shrine of Altaians Mount Belukha.
In 1927, the expedition arrived in the Mongolian People's Republic. From her, she proceeded to Chinese internal Mongolia and at the end of 1927 he arrived at the then independent Tibet.
Tibet's authorities in the winter of 1927 detained an expedition to Changtang Plateau. In winter, in summer tents during a heavy frost, the expedition died. Almost all caravan animals died, there were losses among people. But in the spring of 1928, the expeditions were allowed to continue the path through Tibet to British India.
Finally, in 1928, the expedition returned to British India and ended.
After the end of the expedition, the Roerichs settled in Western Himalayas in the Culley Valley.
Unique collections collected during the expedition became the basis of funds founded in the same 1928 Institute of Urusvati. Institute of Urusvati was a unique institution. For the first time in history, the great scientists of the West were collaborated in history such as Einstein, Milliquen, Bor, scientists of India such as the famous biologist Jagdish Bos and Lama Tibet. It was the first attempt to cooperate great scientists to solve universal problems. It was also an attempt to cooperate the scientific knowledge of the West and the spiritual traditions of the East.
She collaborated this intrinsituity and with Soviet scientists. For example, a business correspondence was carried out with the Great Soviet genetics Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, later the dead in Stalin's dungeons. Vavilov explored many varieties of plants throughout Asia, dreamed of getting into India, but because of mutual complications between the USSR and England it was impossible. Incitut, Urusvati, he came to the rescue and sent samples of Himalayan plants.
Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich became the director of this unique institute.
In 1934-35, Yu.N. Ryrich, together with his father, N.K.rerich organized an expedition to Manchuria. This expedition was organized on the instructions of the US Vice-President Henry Wallace for the purpose of searching and studying drought-resistant plants.
The expedition has passed enough successfully.
In general, it should be noted that in the 1930s, Yu.N. Rérich is widely published in Europe and the United States. His books "on the trails of the Middle Asia", the "animal style of nomads of northern Tibet" and a number of different. Many of these books are now transferred to Russian and are available on sale.
Also in the 1930s, Yu.N. Rérich received a professorial degree.
On September 1, 1939, the Second World War began.
War violated pan-European and global ties. In this regard, at the end of 1939, it was necessary to preserve the work of the Urusvati Institute. Now the heritage of this institute is under the protection of the International Trust Roerich Center in India. One of the leading roles in this center is played by the Russian Embassy in the Republic of India. And perhaps over time, this legacy will again be open and the institute will earn again.
On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. On the first day of the war, Yuri Nikolaevich and his brother Svyatoslav filed to the Soviet embassy in London to enlist their volunteers in the Red Army. They wanted to fight for their homeland with a weapon in their hands.
But they were denied. The cause of refusal was the extremely negative opinion about Roerichi, which was formed in the highest circles of the USSR back in 1939. This year, N.K. Rérich through the Latvian Society of Roerich sent the proposal to the Soviet authorities to join the Covenant Covership Covenant during the war concluded in 1935 in the United States. Roerich fairly believed that accession to the Covenant such a powerful country as the USSR would cool the fervor of aggressors and would allow to avoid war.
Stalin, who passed this proposal, demanded that the infamous L.P. Baryia will provide a report on the "political appearance" of Roerich. The report was the next, I apologize for the offensive phrases, but this is a quotation "Roerich - a dark personality, an adventurer, a member of a number of Masonic organizations, Japanese, German and British spy. Any contacts with it are harmful to the USSR." Since the notorious report has passed almost 70 years, but now many of the River Hules are used by the same terminology. This suggests that the campaign against the Roerichs is organized.
But as you know, after the first severe lesions at the beginning of the war, the opinion of the Soviet leadership began to change. It changed and in relation to Roerich. In the Soviet press appeared patriotic articles by N.K.rerich. The Soviet embassy in London took financial assistance that Roerichs were transferred to the Red Army Foundation, translating the fees from their works. The Roerichs also created American and Russian and Indo, Russian cultural associations, who actively cooperated with the USSR and served as a bridge for communication between nations.
On May 9, 1945, the Great Victory came. Nazism was crushed.
In the same year, another joy took place in the family of Roerich. Yury Nikolayevich's younger brother Svyatoslav married the girl's wound - the illegal actress and the grandee niece of the great Indian poet Rabindranat Tagore.
After the victory, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich did everything possible to return to his homeland. He felt that he was not left for him and wanted to spend at least the latter time in his homeland, for which he worked all his life. At that time he wrote bitterly "Our family worked so much .... is it for strangers?" N.K. Ryrich established communications from the USSR through his old friend Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar and very hoped to return.
Meanwhile, on August 15, 1947, India became an independent state. And almost immediately after the declaration of independence in the country, which by the will of the British was divided into India and Muslim Pakistan, a terrible interreligious massacre broke out. Muslims and Hindus began brutally to exterminate each other. It was especially dangerous in Western India, in areas of border with Pakistan. And just there was a Valley Kulu.
It came to the point that in the fall of 1947, Yuri Nikolayevich and his brother Svyatoslav were forced to bear the armed guard of the house, fearing the invasion of people intoxicated by civil engineering.
At the same time, Nikolai Konstantinovich fell ill.
In early December 1947 he became somewhat easier and he thought that he could recover. But it was already a prelude care.
On December 13, 1947, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich did not. Two days later, his body was cremated near the house in Kulia and at the site of cremation Local residents put a stone with the inscription "Body Maharishi (the Great Wise Mudner (Sanskrit)) Nikolai Roerich, the great friend of India, was cremated in sectors on December 15, 1947. . Yes, there will be a world! "
In 1948, Yuri Nikolayevich and the whole family of Roerichs left Kulu. They alone lived in business and Bombay, waiting for the possibility of returning. But soon it became clear that in the near future they will not be needed in the USSR and they moved to Calipong in Eastern Himalayas.
There Elena Ivanovna continued to work on his works. Yuri continued to engage in scientific papers, among others he was engaged in Tibetan-Mongol-Russian-English Dictionary with san scribed parallels. He managed to complete this work only at the end of life.
Elena Ivanovna, feeling that and her years are suitable for completion, Yury said that he should, will be obliged to return and return to Russia.
On October 5, 1955, Elena Ivanovna Roerich left life. Her body was cremated. In place of the cremation of Lama, which fled from the Tibet occupied by Maoists, built a white memorable stype and gompa (monastery). So they recognized the spiritual merits of Elena Ivanovna.
Two years later, in 1957, Yuri Nikolayevich had a real opportunity to return to his homeland. This year, India was visited by the new head of the USSR N.S. Khrushchev. The chairman of the Commission on the organization of a high-rise meeting was the brother Yu.N. Rierich Svyatoslav, and in the highest circles of India. Svyatoslav Nikolayevich gave Khrushchev's request from his brother about returning and Khrushchev such permission gave.
So in 1957, Yu.N. Ryreich returned for many years to his homeland.
He settled in Moscow. He began to work at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he read lectures in other universities. But nevertheless, returning himself, he ran into a terrible picture. Oriental studies in the Soviet Union no longer had. All the study of the East was built only on "class" positions. Even the eastern languages \u200b\u200bwere not studied !!
And in the short three years, which he remained to live, Yuri Nikolaevich, overcoming the most severe barriers, managed to restore Soviet, Russian oriental science at the proper level.
Many of his students who by this time themselves have already acquired by scientists by degrees, remember him with the deepest respect, as a teacher of life.
I could Yuri Nikolayevich and return the name of his father to his homeland. On April 12, 1958, in Moscow, the first after the revolution exhibition N.K. Ryrich was held. Then this mobile exhibition drove throughout the USSR.
It is noteworthy that on April 12, 1958, it was visited by little to the famous Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, among others the exhibition. And when three years later, Yu.A.Gagarin became the first cosmonaut of the planet, one of the first of his flight reviews were the words "Beauty as on the canvas of the Roerich artist."
Yuri Nikolaevich managed to inspire and inspire those Baltic Roerikovtsev and Roerikhovtsev from other republics, which the Stalinist dashes were rehabilitated and were rehabilitated by Khrushchev, but they still kept the wounds in their soul.
Also, I repeat, Yu.N. Ryrich was for many teacher of life. He said about life in the USSR that he understood the insults of those who passed through the camps, lost their loved ones and faces a lot of problems. But nevertheless, raise offense - a bad garden. Resentment leads to self-dispersion. It is necessary to stop digging in past resentment and live by the future. It does not interfere with the understanding of many and in our time.
At the end of the 50s in the USSR, a passion to the West began. People believed that the West materially lives better and that there "Freedom" .. Yuri Nikolaevich answered this that those who leave their homeland would lose a lot. The West can now be living and better, but he prays on the "Golden Taurus" and does not have that powerful spiritual potential that has a homeland. And the worship of the West Yu.N. Ryrich considered a difficult mistake for which it would be possible to pay seriously in the future. What is the way now and happens.
In 1959, Yuri Nikolaevich published in the USSR the book "Dhammapada" - the sacred book of Buddhists.
In the same year, he graduated from the translation of the book "Blue Annals" - books of the history of Lamisian Tibet.
But the life of Yuri Nikolayevich in his homeland was far from the paradise.
He could not understand why his view of the life and the teachings of the Buddha should deal with the steamers as "anti-Soviet". He could not understand why professors and studentism, who even at the board of the most rigorous kings proud of their freedom, now began to write a denominations on each other in the special service. He could not understand how to be nonpunctual, dishonest, dishonest .. all this was very much oppressed and periodically he spoke "around me - the wall."
At the beginning of May 1960, Svyatoslav Nikolayevich Roerich and his wife Girl Rani arrived in Moscow. Yuri Nikolayevich with great difficulty and obstacles managed to achieve the first exhibition of his brother in the Soviet Union.
The brothers spoke a lot with each other. And these were their last days of communication.
On May 21, 1960, Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich suddenly left his life.
This departure was so sudden that rumors had rumors about his murder. But it was not a murder. Just anyone, even a superal human body may eventually pass from those inhuman obstacles that Yuri Nikolayevich had to overcome. As later it became known, the cause of the care was the Trombus broken and blocked the vital vessels. This happened because of the terrible overvoltage, which Yu.N.rerich experienced in the last years of life.
The body of Yu.N. Ryrich was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. And over his grave is the only monument in all the former USSR with the pictures of the Banner of the world of Roerichs. Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Roerich became the author of the monument.
Nowadays, Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich is recognized as in the world and in Russia. But unfortunately, his heritage is on the verge of death.
His apartment in Moscow, who became an apartment museum, fell into the hands of a fraudster V.Vasilchik. This man is most likely a mentally inadequate, gives himself for the "embodiment of the St. Sergius of Radonezh", and in the meantime, carrying the inadequate non-delivered non-delirious nonsense, sells under the skeins (or someone is coming under his cover) N. Rierich overseas customers.
Unfortunately, to restore justice in this story and save a unique heritage yet.
But let's hope that justice will still enthusiame!

(3 / 16.8.1902, Manor Kunevo, Okulovsky district Novgorod region, - 21.5.1960, Moscow) - Son E.I. and NK Roerichs. Director of the Institute of Himalayan Research "Urusvati". One of the trustees of the Roerich Museum in New York. Member of the advisory board of the Committee of the Roerich Covenant (in the 40s-50s). Great Oriental (in the following areas: Linguistics, Epos about Geeser Khan, Historiography, Archeology, Buddhist Iconography, Philosophy and Religion, Material and Spiritual Culture), most of all - Tibetologist; The organizer of science, editor of scientific books, scientific advisor and teacher, translator with Tibetan. Vice-President of the Indo-Chinese Association. Member of the Royal Asian Society (United Kingdom; from 1921), Asian Society in Bengal, Paris Geographical Society, Archaeological and Ethnographic Societies of the United States and others. The connoisseurs of many Eastern and Western languages \u200b\u200b(he said that he could master the new language in 5 days) and a military business (this and a number of character traits are explained by His incarnation of Tamerlan (see DN-1920)). Well versed in yogic psychophysiology. In general, easily mastered applied knowledge. In the letters of the mother sometimes - "Yuhan (Chik)". "Udraya".

"... My heart is happy about my powerful Yuhanchik. The true companion of his father, trust his knowledge and strength. He is a born leader and appears the salvation and the power where it is indicated" (P-4.4.34).

"... I started to read and write in the earliest years, wrote my first poem, which began:" Finally I am Narodilasi. "And then told about some kind of trip to the camels" (LD-19.5.35). In 1912-6 He studied in the gymnasium K.I. May. I drew well (fond of this at least until 1921). I read a lot. The first scientific interest (as early as childhood) is the history of the East, especially nomads. Initially, he was fond of the Mediterranean East (including communicated with the Egyptologist academician B.A. Turaev), then Central Asia. In Finland, seriously took up the language, literature and history of Mongolia (studied at the famous A.D. Rudneva, who lived nearby).

In Finland, he was engaged in visual art, fulfilled several portraits of his father. In England in 1919-20 He graduated from 2nd courses of the Indo-Iranian branch of the school of oriental languages \u200b\u200bat the University of London (Persian, Sanskrit), and before that he knew Greek, Latin well and many European languages. The library independently studied the history of Central Asia and other Asian countries. Consisted in the Russian-British fraternity. Together with Shibayev and Shklyaver, he created a Russian mug of young people in London (cultural and educational character). Located lectures Teosophic A. Besant. The United States continued to education at the Department of Indian Philology Harvard University (Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese), received a bachelor's degree. Translated into Russian Upanishads and a book about Buddha Gautam "Garland Jack". Debuted as a teacher: taught students Russian. In 1922-3 Intected on the mid-Asian and Tibeto-Mongolian branches of the college de France and the School of Higher Research at the University of Paris (improved in the languages \u200b\u200balready known to him and added the knowledge of Tibetan and Iranian), he was engaged in the military and legal and economic branches of the university, listened to the course of Chinese and Persian at school oriental languages. Received a master's degree. Became a member of a linguistic society. Wrote articles on art, publishing in French magazines; From February 1923 he was heading the department of the eastern chronicle of the magazine "French Pages". Together with Shklyaver visited Germany. Helped the IRMO Vladimirovna Manciari's theosophical to translate "Bhagavad-Gita"; He was engaged to her daughter Maro, composer.

Since the end of 1923, the East has already directly studies (the scientific result was the book "Tibetan painting", published in 1925 in Paris), in 1925-8. Participates in the Central Asian Expedition (see), which without knowing Yu.N. It would be much less effective. Answered also for security and other organizational issues. He conducted research, studied spoken languages. According to the results of the expedition, the scientific works "Buddha and sixteen great archants" (1930), "the animal style of nomads of the Northern Tibet" (on weekends - 1930, in fact - 1931), "modern Tibetan phonetics" (1931), "on the trails of the median Asia "(1931) and others. The animal style for some regions was a major scientific discovery, however, not the only one. So Yu.N. rapidly went to the most avant-garde of Orientalists.

After the expedition, he became the director of "Uruzvati" (see) and remained until 1942 (the salary received only until February 1934). He supported the correspondence with the most prominent orientalists of the world. Together with the Lama, Mingiyur Lobzang Dorje translated several books on Tibetan medicine, collected a Tibetan dictionary, published the book "Tibetic Dialect of Lahula" (1933). The excavation of the ancient burials. In 1929-30. In the New York Museum of Roerich, he organized the Cabinet of Tibetology, he lectured at the US universities, and also sought scientific personnel and sources of financing the work of "Urusvati". In 1934-5 Together with his father made an expedition to Manchuria and China (inner Mongolia), visiting Japan. Officially participated as a specialist in Central Asian languages \u200b\u200band responsible for medical research (amounted to the "Chinese-Latin-Japanese dictionary of medical plants growing in Manchuria", etc.), but this work was not limited. For example, after the expedition, he had to engage in financial and botanical reports for a long time. Visited Ceylon and Burma to study the southern Buddhism.

In 1939, in early July 1941 and in August 1945, through the Soviet embassies, he expressed his readiness to protect the frontiers of the homeland. After the dismissal of Shibayeva, his duties secretary N.K. Roerich and others.

In 1949, together with his mother, she moved to Eastern Himalayas - Calipong (close to Buddhist monasteries). Immediately began to train students; He tried up to 1956, open an Indo-Tibetan Research Institute. Since 1953 he has been heading an Indo-Tibetan seminary, he has been heading for Chinese and Tibetan language courses at the Indo-Chinese Association (China-Bharata Samskriti, with a head organization in Calcutta) in Calipong. In 1958, the book "Amdos Naresti" was published in Rome, and in India, the "grammar of the Tibetan language" (the names were taken from Yu.n letters). The only one among scholars Yu.N. I described all the dialects of the Tibetan language. From the translations (with comments), his "Blue Annals" ("Blue Chronicle") was especially glorified - labor on Tibetan history and chronology, published in Calcutta in 1949-53, and in Russia in 2001. Translation was published in 1959 "Life of Dharmassvama" (Tibetan Pilgrim in India). His work about Geesre and Kalachakre is extremely significant. For these and other works (at least 40 articles), he had a huge authority among specialists who even specially come to him for consultations not only in languages, but also in Buddhism, philosophy, archeology, art historian, philology. He was an unofficial political adviser to Panchen Lama (Tashi Lama). A number of works by Yu.N. was devoted to intercultural relations of different nations.

Finally, the long-standing attempts of Roerichs return to their homeland were crowned: N.A. Bulganin (possibly, N.S. Khrushchev) during a visit in 1956 in India invited Yu.N. In the USSR and promised a decent job. 2.3.1957 A decree on the provision of Yu.N. Soviet citizenship. 4.7 He went and 8.8 arrived in Moscow, brought a wonderful Eastern library and about 560 paintings and etudes of the Father. The protection of the Central Committee of the CPSU ensured the rapid provision of an apartment and work: 19.9 He was credited to the state of the Institute of Oriental Studies (Institute of Peoples of Asia of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) Senior Researcher, and 5.11.1958 He headed the Sector of the History of Philosophy and Religion of India and Pakistan created specifically for him. 17.3.1958 He without defense of the dissertation, for the aggregate of published works, was assigned the degree of doctor of philological sciences. Worked Yu.N. Also at the Chairman Institute: in the Scientific Council and led the Tibetov Group.

Yu.N. The courses of Tibetan, Sanskrit and many other training classes, led ten graduate students and the vocabulary group, lectured, for example, about Tibet for geographical society. For the first time in the country, the teaching of the Vedica began. Participated in various commissions, committees and scientific councils. Wrote articles, translated. Supported museum workers on Eastern Art. The studies of him actually nobody sent him, since he was a unique specialist. Yu.N. REDIZED, defeated in the 1930s, Tibetology and Buddhaology (including in Buryatia), resumed the publication of the Buddha Library series (was the responsible editor). I tried to achieve the opening of the Buddhist temple in Leningrad. A few days before death came out of print, thanks to its heroic effort, "Dhammapad" in Translation V.N. Toporova. Mongolia was engaged in a lot (in particular, in July-August 1958, he got acquainted with the Tibetan and Mongolian manuscript foundation in Ulan Bator, and in the first half of September 1959 came there to the first international congress of the Mongolovdov, whose organizations helped). I managed to prepare the textbook of the Tibetan language (published in 1961). In 1967, his "Selected Works" was published, in English. Such a collection of articles, already in Russian, - "Tibet and Central Asia" (1999). The most gradation in terms of its volume is its work - "Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallels", written (without the Russian part) in India by 1935, but not published there. Pupils prepared a manuscript to the press and issued, adding, in 1983-7 and 1993. There were also unfastened manuscripts, for example, the "History of Central Asia" (the publication took place recently).

A lot of effort Yu.N. I spent on the organization of the exhibitions of paintings at first Father (the first of them opened in Moscow at Kuznetsky Bridge 12.4.1958), and then brother (11.5.1960). Leaded negotiations on the opening of the N.K. Museum Roerich in Leningrad and his branch in Siberia, followed the distribution of paintings by galleries (influence this, however, it turned out almost impossible: it was possible only to prevent the collections of the collection on many parts). I read many lectures about the work of N.K. In museums and institutes, spoke on the radio, wrote the scenario of the Father's film. Yu.N. Rerivo in the USSR, the Rerichov movement (not only art historical, but also philosophical), meeting a lot with followers. He took an active part in the work of the Soviet-Indian and Soviet-Ceylon societies of friendship and cultural ties. He was an active member of the All-Union Geographical Society.

Three events a few days before the departure 21.5 - the exit of the most important Buddhist book, the opening of the brother's exhibition and the decision on the transfer of 60 Father's paintings to the Novosibirsk Gallery (16.5; and all sent to the exposition) - suggest care in apotheosis in difficult conditions when they were The main tasks for the scheduled for 3 years have been completed.

On the basis of the library Yu.N. At the Institute of Oriental Studies in mid-August 1960, the memorial office of his name was opened. In October of the same year, the first, annual, Roerich readings took place there (they should not be confused with the All-Union-Union). For anniversaries Yu.N. Passed public conferences. 17.8.1965 on the grave Yu.N. A monument was established (performed by sketches of S.N. Roerich). A 7.10.2004 was opened a monument to Yu.N. Near the Roerich Museum in Moscow. The mountain peak in Altai, conquered by Soviet climbers 18.8.1981, is named after it. On the house where he lived in Moscow (Leninsky Avenue, 62/1), a memorial plaque was established (A.I. Grigoriev was performed; he and his wife A.A. Rant - authors of two dozen sculptures Yu.N., E.I. . And N.K. Roerichs).

His character was surprisingly flawless. Some people were difficult to communicate with him, but as a result of not his weaknesses or vices, but such a source. Being undoubtedly not only a Buddhist, but also synthetic agnus yoga, from classic yoga Yu.N. The verge of Jnani Yoga (thinker, with a giant erudition) and karma yoga showed especially strongly (a lot of worked and the principles have consistently implemented in their actions). He did not say high words, but applied them in life. The wise tips were more often related to the image of action. Never affect the outbreak, was not ambitious, modest, democratic. Of course, not soft. He was a warrior - and who could be former Tamerlan (see)? Children's passion for tin soldiers (had them thousands) continued to obtain military education in Paris and writing a number of military historical scientific works. Elena Ivanovna called Yu.N. His guardier. It is also indicative that relatives wanted to give it in his youth to the Cadet Corps. All his life he followed the novelties of the military.

As a true warrior, was fearless and unpretentious. But not aggressive, but surprisingly settled. Standingly tolerated, for example, the infinite invasion of those who wish to receive scientific advice from him. At the same time, it was impossible to be imposed, he did not even notice her, always able to withdraw the level of communication to height. I did not judge anyone outwardly, but I found a treasure of quality among the imperfections of people and lowered it. Not missionary, did not convince, but reinforced the sprouts of the future. On the teachings of Agni Yoga spoke only with already definitely defined. It was balanced, always calm, but not slow. Disciplined, punctual. Not fond of anything else, managed to do the main thing. Aggressively reached the goal. Heard R.Ya. Rudzitis from him after two and a half years after arriving in the USSR phrase "plan was completed" can hardly be attributed to his own conclusion - rather, it was the thought of the Great Lord. And he fulfilled the work on time: E.I. So he said that he would go for three years, and then very soon embodies again.

It is noted by its incapatibility for wonderful mental phenomena (more precisely, he feared it in his youth). However, he carried a true miracle - a mental connection with the Lord. E.I. It was noted in June 1937: "Now, Yuri has a remarkable penetration into the affairs of a new country; in a few days he knows what happens there ... takes all these instructions in complete trust." Essentially and much earlier statement E.I. In a letter to Yu.N.: "... my native ... You are also a student All [al] Mining ..." (P / P-3.6.21). But he never demonstrated his introduction to his admission. E.I. Khwalil Yu.N. And for restraint in letters: without need, he did not mention the names, did not give out possible to the beaches of secrets. But true employees could convince their personal conversations that he knew much and, besides, on his own experience. I received signs of the future or present "in physical images": for example, thinking about something, asking the question, heard the phrase on the street or saw something appropriate, significant. It happened, I received instructions in a dream.

It is great that Timur (Tamerlan) actually collaborated with the Lord, who was then embodied by Sergius Radonezhsky (see): From 1373, he dismanded the ownership of the Golden Horde who oppressed Russia, and by 1395 completely defeated the Horde. Life in the north of India is also not in a novelty: Timur owned Punjab. The embodiment of M.V. Lomonosov (see DN-6.7.21) fully corresponds to the cool of the Timur and the scientific scale of Yu.N. In the three conjurements of Yu.N. - Great Disorder and Wrestler. The embodiments are still mentioned: Han Gire (see DN-20.8.21), a warrior-catering (see DN-27.12.24) and, possibly, al-Nur, or Nur (see DN-6.9.25, 16.9.25 ).

Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich - An outstanding Russian orientalist, linguist, philologist, art historian, ethnographer, traveler, made a huge contribution to world tybetology, indology and mongrel.

Born Yu.N. Roerich on August 16, 1902 in the village of Okulovka Novgorod province. His children's and adolescent years passed in St. Petersburg.

Already in the gymnasium, he begins to be seriously interested in East. In 1919, Yuri Nikolayevich ends the Indoiran branch of the school of oriental languages \u200b\u200bat the University of London; Then, in 1922, Harvard University in the USA - with a bachelor's degree in the department of Indian philology. And ends education in 1923 in Paris - at the School of Eastern languages \u200b\u200bat Sorbonne (the largest center of European Oriental Studies), where he gets the title of Master of Indian Philology.

Yuri Nikolayevich turned out to be an amazing gift - he understood almost all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world, and tens of languages \u200b\u200bknew perfectly.

In 1923-1928 He takes an active participation in the Transgimalaya expedition, organized by his father N.K. Roerich. From 1928 to the beginning of World War II, Yuri Nikolayevich is the director of the Himalayan Institute of Scientific Research "Urusvati", whose work was aimed at a comprehensive study of the East and the formation of the science of the future.

In the field of social activities, he takes the most active part in the propaganda of the Roerich Covenant (Culture Covenant) and the struggle for its ratification. In 1949-1957, he teaches at the University of Calippong (India).

In the autumn of 1957, Yu.N. Roerich returns to his homeland and heads the sector of the history of philosophy and religion India at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Moscow. It is he who owns the invaluable merit of the return of the name of the name and creative heritage N.K. Roerich - the great Russian artist, thinker and public figure, as well as distributing in the USSR unique and vital for human knowledge known as Agni Yoga or Live Ethics.

Yuri Nikolaevich graduated from his earthly path in Moscow on May 21, 1960. His name is called the Third Top of Altai in the decent of the Katunsky Range near the Sacred Mountain of Beluhi - between the peaks of N.K. Roerich and Urusvati.

Mission of the Elder Son. Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich.

It is difficult to embrace, even a mental eye, what the Great Family of Roerichs did for Russia, a family of four space teachers. We can be proud that they are our compatriots that they are all now with us - their art, science, philosophy, their spirituality, an example of a tall life.

We live in difficult times, and therefore, so the roads are the great people who do not give our soul to the devilty thistle.

They do not allow their cultural influence to roll to barbarism, we will tear us spiritually, make the whole world respect our Russia.

Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich was the only one of the Roerichs, who managed to return to his homeland. He was the eldest son of the most outstanding people of the twentieth century - Nikolai Konstantinovich and Elena Ivanovna Roerich.

Yuri Nikolaevich was born on August 16, 1902, not far from the village of Okulovka Novgorod province, during the archaeological expedition. This, as it were, was predicted to the future life path of the native Great Spirit, numerous expeditions, sometimes, in difficult field conditions, scientific research.

All over the world, Yuri Nikolaevich is known as the Central Asian researcher, recognized by the Mongolist and the founder of the Russian Tibeto-logical school.

He was the only one, in his own way, among the fellows by profession, an expert in written sources and oriental languages \u200b\u200b(owned by 28 languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Asia).

Man of extraordinary fate, Yuri Nikolaevich lived a bright life.

He has accumulated a rare luggage of knowledge that allowed him to read the ancient manuscript free and transfer to European languages \u200b\u200band record local folklore in the yurts of nomads - legends, songs, parables and epic legends of the peoples of Asia.

Thanks to his records, they entered the treasury of world culture. The legacy of a large scientist never loses its meaning.

No one in Europe knew so thin and the morals of Tibetan and Mongolian tribes.

His works are real artistic works, which will read the researcher with interest, and a wide range of readers.

In all his writings, Yuri Nikolayevich is the son of his family, the family of Roerichs, which in the latitude and depth of scientific interests could compete with a whole university.

In this family, the atmosphere has always reigned a very active scientific search.

All members of the Great Family were squeezed by high humanistic aspirations and always lived in the world worried about the world, disinterestedly worked for the common benefit. Family of Roerichs - a model of the family of the future on Earth.

At the beginning of his creative path, Yuri Nikolayevich made amazing discoveries, which, usually, on the shoulder only a masting scientist.

The 17-year-old student of the university binds the origin of Russian culture with the East, with historical cultures scattered in the ancient foci of Central Asia, and not with Byzantia and Scandinavia, as it was considered.

From the report of Yuri Nikolayevich: "Support research in this area is a national task, for the knowledge of the depth of the people's treasury of art is of all Russian man. Byzantium was only in anticipation of the extensive temple of Eastern culture. The brilliance of the Byzantine mosaic, the sophisticated luxury was only the first impressions on the great path East.

Rus, in the face of Khazarov, Pechenegs and those, unknown, tribes and nationalities, nomadic in the steppes of our south, took the gifts of Tibet, Mongolia, China and the entire Hindustan.

Russian art is the concept that the entire conglomerate of heterogeneous influences in one slim integer has completed.

Interest in the spiritual culture of the peoples of the East, to the natural, cultural and spiritual and ethno-psychological phenomena of the most mysterious and unexplored region of the world - Tibetan highlands, prompted Roerichs to the organization of a scientific expedition to Central Asia.

In 1923, Yuri Nikolayevich completes his education, he received excellent philological training, freely owned by European languages, Sanskrit knew perfectly, owned the languages \u200b\u200band adverbs of the peoples of Asia.

In the autumn of 1923, he with his parents goes to a long-term Central Asian expedition, to which it was preparing for a long time.

He headed the expedition Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich.

The main, indispensable, assistant in the formation of this expedition was Yuri Nikolayevich. Despite his youth, he was 21 years old, he was already a prevailing scientist with his circle of scientific interests. A very important role in the expedition was played by the knowledge of Yuri Nikolayevich Asian languages \u200b\u200band the adverbs.

It provided Roerichs the possibility of direct communication with the local population and, that, especially, important, with Lamos, the clergy of Tibetan monasteries; Access to the most intractable storage facilities, with ancient unique manuscripts containing accumulated over many centuries, unknown to Europeans, knowledge. In addition, the responsibilities of the guard of caravan were entrusted to Yuri Nikolayevich, because, on the path of the expedition, she was repeatedly attacked by local robbers.

A concise description of all inhuman difficulties and torments that dropped out the participants of the expedition is contained in the book of Yuri Nikolayevich "on the trails of Central Asia." As Yuriy Nikolayevich described, it was impossible to be in tents at T -300 more than half an hour - the whole body freezes and the slightest movement causes painful pain. Dilute the fire to warm up, it is impossible: fuel in travelers in the edge, it is barely enough for cooking.

The expedition lack the necessary: \u200b\u200bmedicines, products, clothing. That food that the Tibetans was allowed to sell for the expedition, the quality is simply terrible - rotten flour, a fought barbecue oil, a barley and bread, like a stone.

Locked in an ice trap, caravan dies. The camels, mules, horses die from the unfortunate and latti cold ... Before death, the unfortunate animals are suitable for tents, as if the people who served faith and the truth, save them from death, hungry and freezing. Animals stand so before the tents, as if, say goodbye.

And this scene torments the heart of travelers is stronger than the scary cold and hunger. And in the morning, leaving the tents, people find the corpses of fallen animals next to us.

92 killed from the hundred animals.

In the worst cold, up to minus 550, the doctor was frozen in the tent and turned into ice cognac. Without sustaining, there was no low, temperatures, broke the clock, some tools and appliances. Metal in the spring springs crumbled.

Dying, not withstanding, unusually, harsh winter, and local conductors.

Enough, at a temperature in minus 400, take a deep breath several times to get pneumonia. At such heights, this diagnosis is equal to the mortal sentence.

As a result of unsuitable nutrition, the qing has become, almost, clarified.

Several Mongols suffered from weakening cardiac activity, their hands and legs were swollen. They could hardly move, and their condition created serious reasons for concern. Many travelers had several heart attacks per day, due to the rareness of air, sharp drops of temperature, cold and hunger.

The calculation of British colonizers was accurate: the expedition stop in such conditions was equivalent to an attempt to destroy its participants. Only, the huge power of the Spirit of Roerich helped not despair and, waiting for permission, go further. In all the trials on the long path of the expedition, Yuri was an indispensable assistant of the Father, ranging from the organization of the expedition and ending with its most recent stage.

A unique risk associated for life, a trip to Himalayas led fearless researchers in Shambalu.

The path to Shambalu, to the Spiritual Space Center of the Planet, is not simple - he became a test for the strength of all the qualities of the spirit of travelers.

Once, Yuri Nikolayevich asked the question: "Is there a shambal?" "He replied:" Yes, I myself was there. " Yuri Nikolayevich explained that the Shambala comes from the Indian root of "SAM", which means to be peaceful, stay alone. Traditional Tibetan translation of this word is "source of bliss."

Roerichi, staying in the legendary monastery, learned a lot about the past and the future of our planet and humanity. Some of these amazing, unearthly knowledge was transferred to us in their scientific and philosophical work.

Conducted, during the expedition, research work had a great global importance. The materials collected by the expedition turned out to be so much that on their basis, after the end of the trip in 1928, the Research Institute of Urusvati was created, which was located in the picturesque place of Himalayas, in the Valley of the Kula, the director of the institute appointed twenty-semilenitarian Yuri Nikolaevich.

In this institute, ancient achievements were combined with modern science. The core of the institute was a biochemical laboratory with a cancer control department.

The Institute has a great research work. There were branches of botany, ornithology, archeology, ethnography.

The Institute united humanitarian objects, and natural. Yuri Nikolaevich, together with the famous connoisseur of the East, Lama Mangiyur, studied and translated several books on Tibetan medicine. Finally, the institute studied the space energy and those higher space energies, which only now begins to touch the official science, although they have long been known to the great teachers of the East.

This institute was a prototype of the Institute of the Future - the world was studied here, putting the principle of unity of all things. The permanent employees of the institute were A.Einstein, N.I.Vavilov, Rabindranat Tagore and others. Scientists of Russia and many countries of the world do not lose hope to resurrect the unique project of the institute.

As a scientific researcher, with an unusually wide range, Yuri Nikolayevich was formed during the Central Asian Expedition. In, incredible, difficult, walking conditions, he writes the first scientific work "Tibetan painting".

The scientific results of little-known and poorly accredited places of Asia have formed the basis of the monograph "on the trails of Midn Asia". In importance, this work put a young scientist in the ranks of such researchers in Asia as N.M. Przhelzhalsky, G.M.Potanin. This work is devoted to parents:

"I dedicate this book to parents who made me on the path of science and inhalessed me in my soul thirst for new discoveries and research."

The search for the sources of civilization, determining the unity of the great nomadic Central Asia, became the leading direction of his scientific activity.

On the unity of the ancient nomadic crops, Yuri Nikolayevich writes in the work "the animal style of nomads of Northern Tibet." The images of the "animal style" in the decoration of weapons of nomads of Tibet, and the same mysterious stone zoomorphic faces are watching Vladimir and Yuryeva-Podolsky's cathedrals.

"It is difficult to say," Yuri Nikolayevich wrote, "is the" animal style "connected with any definite ethnic type of people. I am inclined to assume that it originated from nomads and hunting tribes of different ethnic groups, but living in a medium that has a lot of common, for, only so we can explain the widespread "animal style" from the borders of Southern Russia to borders with China, and from Siberian Taiga to majestic vertices of transgimalayev in Tibet. "

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe mutual influence of the two world centers - the East and the West, was based on the basis of the work of the scientist's life entitled "History of Central Asia". This work gives an overview of the political and cultural history of Central Asia from ancient times before the appearance on the historic arena of the commander of Timur, when in 1370 he laid the foundations of the last Great Central Asian Empire. Under the term "Central Asia", Yuri Nikolaevich understood the combination of extensive areas extending from the Caucasus in the West to Great Hingane in the East, and from Himalayas in the south to Altai in the north.

This work is the only one, in its own way, a study in cultural and historical terms, hugging, in a big perspective, the fate of the most important state and cultural education Eurasia.

From lectures and articles Yuri Nikolayevich

"Central Asia is an area of \u200b\u200beternal snow and deserts. The centuries-old desication caused by the reduction of glaciers feeding the mountain rivers, the harsh winter and the scorching summer imposed their indelible imprint on the nature of Asia's heart.

When we talk about Central Asia, the mountain ranges arranged in our presentation, topped, the highest, snowy peaks, and wild deserts, passing only during the winter months.

The harsh nature of nature imposed his imprint and the nature of the population of Central Asia, and the course of historical events. Indeed, Middle Asia is a region of great shifts. When we pronounce the Word of Mongolia, we now remember the great Mongolian conquerors and the unparalleled scope of their military tweezing, when the border of the Mongolian Empire, really resting on the Archaka the saddle of the Mongolian rider.

When we are talking about Tibet - we face images of the Great Buddhist devotees who appeared to the world an unprecedented example of the struggle of a person with darkness in themselves.

Speaking of Turkestan, we remember the great caravan ways connecting the countries of the West with the regions of the Far East, the paths for which the exchange of cultural values \u200b\u200bwas exchanged, and on which the symbol of the cross reached and strengthened in the steppes of Dobuddian Mongolia. In this medium, daring and struggle were created peculiar common features for all tribes inhabiting Middle Asia, and therefore East Turkestan, Mongolia and Tibet are a well-known unity.

For us, Russians, these areas are of particular interest, not to mention the Thousand-Russian Central Asian border of the Power of the Russian, the past of Central Asia is closely related to our past. Only by understanding this past, we will be able to correctly assess the phenomenon of the history of Russia and to realize those general roots that inextly associate the original Russia with the countries of the East.

Despite the amazing variety of peoples, languages \u200b\u200band religions, which established in Asia, the attentive observer may notice a certain cultural substrate, which has lived to this day and common to most Asia.

This cultural unity was probably more pronounced in the era of the ages of AD, and is obliged to its existence of Buddhism. It is Buddhism, from his own appearance, overstated national and political barriers and first began to preach the unity of mankind, regardless of nationality.

In many countries, where, in their time, Buddhism penetrated, he gave way to other religions, and his very name was forgotten, but his cultural heritage was preserved, although, often in a new clue. So, Sufi Madrasa, in the medieval Bukhara, were created on the sample of Buddhist Vikhar, and even the name of Bukhara dates back to the word Vihara, which means "Buddhist Monastery School."

Everywhere, where Buddhism penetrated, he formed the spiritual life and the nature of the people, enriched his literature and art and gave him a certain unity of views, which is probably one of his greatest achievements.

From the very beginning of its spread of Buddhism, following the words of its founder: "Go and bake about the welfare and well-being of many, in compassion to the world," - inspired and joined the movements, striving for social justice and equality.

Spreading through the Asian continent, Buddhism was distinguished by double attraction - the influence of his philosophical thought and the universal orientation was awesome. Buddhism, being properly perceived, detects wonderful relationship with modern thought.

In the field of purely philosophical thought - this is the approval of the unity of consciousness and matter or energy and matter (pronounced in the formula of Kama-Rupa), in the sphere of social ethics - the service of mankind, as a whole, and spiritual rise of the masses.

This universal focus of Buddhism, supported by high philosophy, has inspired philosophy, art and literature of Asian countries throughout the centuries. Far from the reactionality, Buddhism, thanks to its influence, universally brought up a new type of creativity and put the peoples of Asia, face to face, with the best works of the Indian Mind.

Wherever the Buddha comes, he was the first to appeal to people, trying to be understandable to every person outside the rigid social system. Thus, Buddhism has become a powerful movement of social liberation. Well known is the fact that the Buddha and his disciples used, for their teachings, only folk dialects.

It was a common practice designed to make teaching accessible to the masses. This universal focus was one of the most important reasons for the spread of Buddhism in the distance and stitching in neighboring countries, as well as, among foreign invaders who came from the North-West and made India their home.

So, Buddhism helped their homeland to assimilate the invaders, and so the problem was solved, which could not be solved in the society, where the hard caste system reigned. The appeal of the InoMtsev - Iranians, the Greeks and the Central Asian Turks - to Buddhism, made it possible to the rapid spread of Buddhism in Central Asia, up to the Far East. It was a time when in the entire Central Asian region, from the Caspian Sea to the Pacific, Buddhism dominated.

This is a brief overview of cultural influences in Asia. Of all such movements that flourishing in Asian soil, Buddhism has an integral right to be called by their name. In search of unity, in attempts to guide new bridges for the unification of peoples, we should not forget the lessons of the past.

On the contrary, it is necessary to carefully protect the remnants of the former unity, and wherever possible, to have a newly sacred fire of cultural unity, cultural exchange, which, once, brought humanity, good fruits and which does not get our modern world. "

A scientific feat was the translation of Yuri Nikolayevich "Blue Annals", or "Blue Tibetan Books". This translation of the Tibetan Chronicles of the XV century, which is one of the most wonderful works of Tibetan historiography, is the story of Buddhism - a book about the most intimate teaching of the East.

According to scientists, if Yuriy Nikolayevich translated from Tibetan into English only this work, he would enlist the story as an outstanding tibetologist.

In the work of Yuri Nikolayevich: "Legend of Hessere" expressed a consideration that the word of Hessa is connected with the Roman title Caesar (Caesha).

An article about Hester was written with an excellent poetic language. According to Yuri Nikolayevich, Epos about Hessera refers to the VI-VII centuries of our era, and its origins, perhaps, to an earlier time. Hessar-Khan, a warrior warrior who once ruined in the northeast of Tibet, is a favorite hero of Yuri Nikolayevich.

It is not by chance that Nikolai Konstantinovich gives him a birthday, a picture of "Hesser-Khan", created in 1941, and became a wise deal for a spiritual feat.

In his book "On the trails of the Midrangear Asia", Yuri Nikolaevich recalls:

"In the evening in the parking lot you can hear an ancient ballad about Hessere. According to legend, he must appear again in this country to establish the kingdom of justice. It is difficult to forget these sitting on squatting, people, greedy to the stories about the heroic exploits of Hessair Khan and his seven companions. Usually, the boring expression of the face of the nomad is changing, his eyes light up with some inner fire. "

In the silence of the desert, the sacred story about the victory of light is told:

"When our world barely began,

When, performed bliss,

Mount Sumery was a hill,

When the fire-red sun was a star,

From the Heavenly Father the Great, Mighty,

Ten countries of Lord Vladyka, Hessar-Bogdo

On the golden land went down,

The Lord became the world.

Dark, grave suffering

Destroy went down

People revive.

Vladyka Hessar-Bogdo

Wise ramp

Hented saddled

Precious weapons -

I took my bouquet saber.


On blue clouds steps,

Not on herbal land steps

Not in the desert land goes ...

Devil with demons suppressing

Tuman MGLU Clearing,

Saving mighty gessar

Looked up again

Sky Father The sun came out

The universe-land is clear. "

Hessar-Khan on time promises to open golden fields to people who will be able to adequately meet the coming time of Maitrey, the age of a common good, the century of the world community.

Against Asia is expected to occur a new era. The legend of Hessere is not just a heroic legend, it is a symbolic embodiment of a dream about the best future in the image of a glorious past.

"During your stay in Central Asia, our expedition was convinced that a new chapter on Hester will soon appear in the multivolum epic, which crushes the kingdom of evil.

And now there are quite a few songs about the future exploits of Hessara. If in the West knew what hessr-khan mean in Asia!

Through all the silent spaces of Asia are a voice about the future. "

About forty years spent Yuri Nikolayevich abroad, but in the heart retained the love of Russia and always remained Russian in the soul.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich wrote about Yuri ("Les of Diary"):

"He has so much indispensable knowledge and abilities. One scientist Lama said: "... Your son, - He knows everything! He knows more many sciences Lam. " It is impossible that his knowledge is left without use. And not in one eastern science, but in military business, and in historical science and literature he knows so much, and he loves his homeland! ".

The return of Yuri Nikolayevich to his homeland was difficult - there was a long correspondence with the Institute of Oriental Studies, the administration of the Institute had long refused to provide work and living space.

Back in 1939, during the battle on Halkin-goal, and, re-, in early June 1941, Yuri Nikolayevich turned to the USSR government with a statement in which he expressed his willingness to take part in the protection of the Motherland.

The rerich family statement in the 40s with a request to return to Russia remains unanswered, neither the USSR government nor the Academy of Arts considered it necessary to return the artist and his family.

After the departure of Nikolai Konstantinovich (in 1947), in 1948, Elena Ivanovna and Yuri Nikolaevich re-appeal to the USSR government asking to return to their homeland and fulfill the cherished wishes of Nikolai Konstantinovich - to give a gift to several hundred paintings and his archive as a gift - the answer did not follow .

Friends turned for help to president of the Academy of Arts A. M. Gerasimov, but he replied: "Do you feel calmly tired of living?"

In 1956, during the stay of Khrushchev in India, Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich managed to meet him, it was significantly, he accelerated the return to his homeland.

On September 19, 1957, Yuri Nikolaevich was credited to the state of the Institute of Oriental Studies by the Senior Researcher of the Sector of the History of Philosophy and Religion of the Department of India and Pakistan. In the order of enrollment, he was awarded the title of professor.

On May 17, 1958, the Academic Council of the Institute assigned a scientist degree of doctor of philological sciences, without the protection of the dissertation, for the aggregacy of the works published by him. Yuri Nikolaevich was incorporated into the Scientific Council of the Chairman of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in which he led the Tibetov team, led the course of the Tibetan language, was the supervisor of graduate students, participated in the work of the Soviet Committee on the UNESCO East-West project.

The international authority of Yuri Nikolayevich was of great importance for strengthening relations with UNESCO.

In Moscow, Yuri Nikolaevich brought a huge library, Parents' belongings, among whom - a green table lamp of the mother, a lot of shelled, ice ax, the statue of the Buddha from Ceylon, the most valuable icons, more than 400 paintings by Nikolai Konstantinovich, Manuscript, "My Life", consisting of 999 essays, Started by Nikolai Konstantinovich in 1937.

The heritage of the Father, even his name, was met with ill-advocacy and fear. For a long time, various myths were created about Roerichi, their ignorants were called "Beloamigrants, anti-Sovers, religious fanatics" and other similar words.

From the first time of arrival in Moscow, Yuri Nikolaevich was focused on understanding and knowing Soviet reality, very difficult for living, free mind. In his conversations with the President of the Latvian Society, N. Rérich, R. Eudzitis, he said:

"Not in the state strict reason. No dispensation. All people are not arranged. No discipline. " The mass of time goes on boring meetings, on bakingbirds, they smoke there, the destruction of mental energy occurs.

Two things are needed everywhere:

  1. Raise the overall level of culture;

  2. Discipline, equilibrium.

He came to convey the birthplace of the heritage of his parents. Put out what they could not, being away.

He had to work in the most difficult conditions, under the unreasonable Okom KGB, at every step he came across someone else's, not understanding, but all-drying Dark Will.

How much energy and resourcefulness required the first exhibition of Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, after all, permitted in the Small Hall on Kuznetsky Bridge. Stood long queues. People put 4-5 hours. The exhibition bypassed all major union museums. And ... Floored in the shops of the Russian Museum. There was a lot of pain. The best paintings by Nikolai Konstantinovich should have been transferred to Altai. But the selection of paintings passed behind Yuri Nikolayevich.

Father's paintings - the hereditary part of Yuri Nikolayevich - were a gift that was presented with one condition: a permanent exposition and serving people.

The exhibition took place 7 months after the return of Yuri Nikolayevich to his homeland. He was very sorry for long wires. Yuri Nikolayevich wrote in the notice of "Motherland": "In August 1957 I settled in Moscow. And in the spring of next year, an exhibition of paintings by Nikolai Roerich opened in the halls of the Union of Artists. I wanted his work to be presented, as fully as possible. And it turned out not so easy.

Pictures that I brought from India were referred to the last years of the artist's life.

I had to collect the early work of the Father on various museums and in private owners. Especially, I wanted to find a long time lost, the painting "over the seas of the Great Earth." She found a completely accidental. The film director who shot the film about the life of the Father in Leningrad, on Pechora and other places where the artist lived, found it in the exposition of the Novgorod Museum (this film was filmed according to the script of Yuri Nikolaevich).

In the days when paintings were exhibited in Moscow exhibition halls, I looked at people of various ages, professions filling the exhibition, listened to their interesting judgments and experienced great joy for his father. "

"Yury came to the exhibition almost every day," recalls R. Eudzitis, and in the process of conversations, opponents became friends.

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov, who was against Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, said he was delighted with the exhibition.

In the book reviews such entries:

"This is an art - fire heart."

"The star is broken in the heart of Russia."

"This is a stenitor irrigator! Yes, beauty will save the world! "

Many good words were at the exhibition about the great artist. The ambassador of Ceylon said especially well: "Sometimes people appear on Earth, who do not belong to a certain nation or the people, but with all mankind."

In the tasks, Yuri Nikolayevich was:

  1. Open the name of Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, as an artist, scientist, and humanist.

  2. To transfer to the heritage of the Father: paintings, essays, materials of the Research Institute "Uruzvati".

  3. Conduct an exhibition of paintings by Nikolai Konstantinovich and organize a museum of his memory.

Yuri Nikolaevich did not leave the idea of \u200b\u200bthe resumption of the work of the Uruzvati Institute, with the involvement of scientists from different countries. He was disturbed and stolen that the Academy of Sciences of the USSR did not show interest in this matter. In private conversations, he often talked about the plans of the Institute's work, worried that many exhibits were not disassembled, especially, herbaria and preparations of medicinal plants.

Almost every letter to R. Erudzitis Yuri Nikolaevich writes about negotiations on the creation of the Museum of Nikolai Roerich in Moscow, Leningrad, with branches in Siberia and Altai.

Yuri Nikolaevich is making everything possible so that the Museum of Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich was opened.

Bureaucratic wires, indifference officials did not allow this dream during the life of Yuri Nikolayevich. The Public Museum of Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich was opened, significantly, later, under the auspices of the International Roerich Center, in 1991. This center was created instead of the Soviet Rerich Foundation established by Svyatoslav Roerich himself, with the consent of President M. Gorbachev.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Manuscript "My Life" turned out to be no one. With great difficulty, Yuri Nikolayevich achieved that the father's literary heritage began to publish, the albums began to publish reproductions. The first monograph of Nicolae Konstantinovich appeared, written by PF Belikov and V.P. Knyazheva.

Yuri Nikolaevich carefully looked through the material of this book. He read a huge number of lectures on the Ryruch's expedition, about the painting and literary works of Nikolai Konstantinovich, about Eastern philosophy, religion and literature.

Yuri Nikolaevich told that one day, after the lecture, some high rank from the management of the KGB approached him, and said: "I am very grateful that you helped me explain many misunderstandings."

The work done by Yuri Nikolayevich in a short period of stay in his homeland, radically changed public opinion in favor of Roerichs. The last three years lived on, so desirable, homeland, were pretty, painful.

The situation around Yuri Nikolayevich at the Institute of Oriental Studies was heavy, the party leadership of the Institute was thrown at him. The release of the Dzhamampad treatise (from the Buddha Library series), with the introductory article Yuri Nikolayevich, in which the main provisions of Buddhism teachings were set out.

The book later, nevertheless, came out, but the deputy director of the institute called Yuri Nikolayevich to him and asked: "Why did you come here?"

The historian Zelinsky recalled how Yuri Nikolayevich asked him: "Tell me, what, in fact, talking about? I do not understand. They all interfere with me. "

We find the answer in the words of His Great Mother!

In 1954, said Elena Roerich about Russia before the war, was filled with even greater approval of its great future:

"The fate of the West has been solved, there is no future there.

Do not look for it in any European country, but watch the running collapse.

But the east is reborn. It is impossible to move and build by the old gross policy.

Fear of new inspired by the enemies who fear of the heyday of our powerful country.

But Yaraya (Russia) will cope with all the enemies, for, seeks to a common good.

Tychny nations are growing there in a new understanding and new conditions, correct their mistakes and build a new country.

Yaraya country is a country briefly all creatures seeking to new construction, and showed it on the Yarr with an example of assisting the peoples of the East.

Yaros need to show justice and notice how much people humiliated and poorly learned, where his salvation, and revealed the neomal opposition to the old, who had learned the consciousness of the outgoing generation.

An urgent shift of consciousness in the masses occurred and this is the basis of the new world.

Of course, where this shift penetrates the crowd, there and the transition from the old to the new will happen easier and rather.

Many still braking, but stop the "flow of karma of the world" they can not.

The conviction of the construction of the new and in the evolution of the world is passionately, strongly entered the consciousness of young generations.

After all, in essence, speaking, the battle of light is with dirty. Battle for the world, for the common benefit, for the disclosure of true knowledge and approval of beauty. "

With the abolition of the domination of one decomposed Communion in Russia, with the adoption of a new constitution establishing broad rights, many people think about what kind of building is better?

At the sight, on the one hand, the material-prosperous West, and on the other hand, aware of the indispensable moral values, which revealed in Soviet people under socialism, a person is faced with a difficult dilemma.

But, as Elena Ivanovna Rerich, "... ... The improvement in the national situation comes not from changes to the rules of government, but from the change (I would have told the improvements of human thinking."

The future of Russia is not in infinite restrictions and petty prohibitions.

The future and strength of Russia - in creating opportunities to maximize the disclosure of human creative abilities, in the formation and elevation of a new consciousness.

Said by the Light Teacher:

"It is impossible to enter the new world with old methods - therefore, so calling to the reincarnation of consciousness. Only the phenomenon of a new consciousness can save the world. "

Of course, Yuri Nikolaevich was shocked, he worked, serving Russian science, contributing to her lifting ... could follow the arrest or any repression. But, for the people around him, he, as before, remained a "Buddhist model", as one of the students A. M. Pyatigorsky spoke about him, was a man of exceptional spiritual harmony, possessed the synthesis of the best human qualities.

His load was colossal. In addition to his scientific papers, writing books and articles, teaching, affairs on the institute, working on translations, he still led an extensive correspondence, spoke with reports, read and edited other people's works.

Yuri Nikolaevich, according to students' stories, was not a strict teacher. In his attitude, the main features were kindness and understanding. He rushed a lot. But, his classes were serious. A student Yuri Nikolayevich A.M. Phyatigorsky recalls:

"Once, we, his graduate students, remained alone with him. And then he, suddenly, began to talk to us, 40 minutes. It was a teaching conversation with students.

- You know a lot, read Dhammapada on the feast, Tibetan texts. Such is Sansara, the phenomenal world, such is suffering. Learn to see him differently.

If a person had not suffered, he would turn into a pig. Suffering makes thinking about himself as a carrier of a unique consciousness. Prayers and rituals will not help.

The worst thing when Buddhism or another religion become needed by a person instead of something. Life failed - I went to religion, I did not like Orthodoxy - I went to Buddhism. This is a profanation of any religion. Any philosophy should not compensate for something, it should be perceived in their own positiveness.

To realize yourself, as a consciousness, aspiring in Nirvana, is necessary, a stubborn work is necessary against himself. Buddha said: "The main victory is over yourself!"

And Yuri Nikolaevich taught us:

- It is necessary to behave in such a way as not to excite the vortices in other consciousnesses.

And we, the then dissidents, considered it the highest valor. What was the stupidity!

Why should we bring someone to anger?

The world, from the beginning of the 20th century, was infected with terrible plague - a plane policy. And the policy without political freedom stipulates the consciousness already in the pellecoms.

- The policy refers to the category of those phenomena, "said Yuri Nikolayevich, - that they do not cope with them and politicians, not to mention those who are imposed on this occupation.

Consciousness should be self-sufficient in its conscious activity.

The policy should not be at the heart of your consciousness.

The purpose of working with consciousness is not to rely on the external.

And Alexander Moiseevich Pyatigorsky summed up:

- Yuri Nikolayevich was impossible not to obey. It was absolutely convincing throughout ... "

Despite the fact that in all embassies he was his own man, he leisured himself amazingly modestly, worked a lot, but without fuss.

He had a clear routine of the day. I got up at 5 am, walked around the park, worked.

I went to bed at 11 pm. It believed that it is more important to spiritually help a person with whom you live near, help the neighbor to become spiritually happy.

He taught that the most dangerous is a small fear. They were treated as a person who knows more than he says.

R. Rudzitis writes in memories:

"Yuri is an example of great tolerance, it does not condemn, but attentive, assesses. He embodies the true Buddhist benevolence and nobility. When I think about Yuria, I always remember that the Buddha in the disciples received only those who were able to put on "golden enthusias".

Yuri Nikolaevich said: "The devotee is, who has all the qualities already correspond to his credo." He gave each other something that it was already impossible to forget, he could talk to a person as nobody spoke to him.

Many marked sadness in the eyes of Yuri Nikolayevich - he knew something that none of his environments was not able to comprehend. Perhaps his knowledge was also knowledge of his fate. "

Back in 1933, Nikolai Konstantinovich wrote a picture of the "star of the hero", which he dedicated to the eldest son, then he turned 31 years old. On the dark star sky, a falling star flies in the mountains. It monitors someone, whose silhouette is evaporated against the background of the illuminated focus. Already, Nikolai Konstantinovich knew: Yuri's life will be a feat. Elena Ivanovna predicted that her eldest son would go home when a star appears, but to live there for three years.

In 1957, such a star appeared (Yuri Nikolayevich read about this when he arrived in Moscow).

In private conversations, he repeatedly said that his mission was performed.

A brief was his life, just 58 years old, but how much he managed to do! - He wrote unique scientific works, was an encyclopedically educated person, for three years he revived the school of Russian oriental studies in his homeland, for the first time in Russia, the teaching of Sanskrit began to teach the Sanskrito-Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary.

Yuri Nikolaevich opened the name of N.K. Ryrich, as an artist, scientist, and humanist, handed over the heritage of the Great Father: paintings, essays, materials of the Research Institute "Urusvati", held an exhibition of Pictures of Nikolai Konstantinovich.

His scientific and life feat is highly appreciated. For outstanding merits in the study of the cultures of Central and South Asia, he was elected an honorary member of the Geographical Society of Russia, the Royal Asian Society of London, Paris Geographical Society, Asian Society in Bengal, American Archaeological and Ethnographic Societies.

Yuri Nikolaevich was an outstanding scientist, but, before, - unusual, in all respects, a good man and, exclusively, attentive to surrounding it, people, he knew how to spiritually unite people, though, was, on rarity, restrained, calm, focused.

He brought his great spiritual ideas to his homeland, new ways, a new worldview, new science. An example of its highest spirituality, he showed compatriots the way to combat the totalitarian system of Darkness. He said:

"Many dream of freedom, but the inner man is always free. I do not hide in anything. The best thing is to act perfectly open. "

Such was his civil position. By no one imposing his point of view, nothing to promote, he, simply, on life examples, told his students about the dangers of small fear and fear. Fear turns an immortal person into a slave.

It was, ignorant fear that has always served as the best basis for tyranny.

"Fool in hearts and create heroes" - these words of Nikolai Roerich can be considered a spiritual testament to descendants. Yuri Nikolaevich carried out the flame path of heroism, fully. But the hero has a difficult fate. The martial arts with, superior in terms of the forces of evil, made their life path forces to short. Yuri Nikolayevich knew this, but always remained optimistic and calm. Rare courage! His mission

He performed too well, so that the forces of darkness could come to terms with it.

The hostile circle was closed around him, the junction was occurring on May 21, 1960.

His departure was unexpected, official diagnosis, - allegedly, "heart failure." But many, from a close environment, did not believe this diagnosis.

The conflict of an outstanding scientist with the official ideology was so obvious (he was reproached in religiosity, in misunderstanding of the Marxist teaching) that other versions of the cause of its early care appeared in society. The ambulance doctor exclaimed:

"Which person killed!"

In memory of the care of Brother, Svyatoslav Nikolayevich wrote a picture of "Feet".

Mother holds in the hands of a son - a martyr, filmed from the cross, killed by the people with whom he gave everything - knowledge, work, life.

Yuri Nikolayevich gave a moral impetus to his life feat of everyone who was looking for true knowledge and ideological values \u200b\u200bin the atmosphere of a crucial spiritual hunger. As his student Zelinsky was remembered:

"Yuri Nikolaevich was a man, truly, a fiery heart, who was alien to life and people. Communication with him was awake in every best sides of his nature. "

Ilze Rubzit wrote:

"I noticed that any excitement, tension, shyness, and a person felt particularly good were dissolved in his presence.

All of its creature radiated special energy, inexhaustible inner strength.

This is truly a sign of a great man. "

The strength and extraordinary personal influence of Yuri Nikolayevich was explained by the fact that the great principles approved by all great spiritual teachings, he did not exercise words, but in life.

The cosmic doctrine of living ethics, brought to him to Russia, he did not promote in his speeches, especially since it was impossible then.

He just used the high principles of the teachings of light in itself, applying them in real life.

He became a light for millions of people looking for the truth. Such was his life, short, but bright and bright.

1. "Agni Yoga about interaction began." Kiev, "Heart", 1998.
2. "Agni Yoga about heroes and a feat." Kiev, "Excelsior", 2001.
3. "Agni Yoga" in 4 volumes. M., "Sphere", 1999.
4. "Buddha and his teaching." Ripol Classic, M., 2005.
5. "Introduction to Agni Yoga." Novosibirsk, 1997.
6. "The faces of Agni Yoga" in 17 t., Novosibirsk, "Algim", 1994-2008.
7. "Jammapada". Samara "Agni", 1992.
8. "Ancient East". C-PB, "Terration", 1994.
9. "Spiritual image of Russia" (Mr. 1996 conference.). M., ICR, 1998.
10. "The Laws of the New Epoch." Ed. Stars Mountains, Minsk, 2006.
11. "Proverb Solomon Book." M., "Eksmo-Press", 2000.
12. "Confucius. Wisdom lessons. M. - Kharkov, "Eksmo-Press" "Folio", 2000.
13. "Space Legends of the East." Dnepropetrovsk, "Polygraphist", 1997.
14. "Cryptograms of the East." Riga, "Uguns", 1992.
15. "Logistics of Christ". M., "Sphere", 2002.
16. "Science and Health (Basics of Evolutionary Valeology)." Tomsk, 1997.
17. "On the compassion of the Holy Spirit." (Conversations and mentors.Seraphim Sarovsky). "Amrita-Rus", M., 2006.
18. "Letters of Elena Roerich", in 2 volumes. Minsk, Lotak, 1999.
19. "Letters of wisdom craftsmen." M., "Sphere", 1997.
20. "Pythagoras laws and moral rules." M., C-PB, 2000.
21. "Fakes". Samara, 1994.
22. "The teachings of Sri Ramakrishna." SPB OVK, 1995.
23. "Rev. Sergius Radonezh". M., "Panorama", 1992.
24. "Mental Energy and Health". M. ICR, 1996.
25. "Reerick Encyclopedia", T.1, IC "Light", Novosibirsk, 2003.
26. "Modern Space Legends of the East." Novosibirsk, "Consent", 1999.
27. "Spiral of knowledge", in 2 volumes. M. "Progress" "Sirin" "Tradition", 1992-96.
28. "Theognisezis". M. "Refl - Beech", "Wakler", 1994.
29. "Mahatm's Teaching. M. "Sphere", 1998.
30. "Temple's teachings", in 2 tons, M. MCR "Master Bank", 2001.
31. "Flowers of the Saint Francis of Assisi". C-PB., "Amfora", 2000.
32. "Bowl of the East." C-PB. "Watch of the World", 1992.
33. Barker E. "Letters of lively deceased." Magnitogorsk, Amrita-Ural, Agni, 1997.
34. Bekk R.M. "Space consciousness." M., "Golden Age", 1994.
35. Blavatskaya E.P. "The voice of silence. Selected articles. " M. "New Acropolis", 1993.
36. Blavatskaya E.P. "From the caves and Debreys of Industan." Kiev "MP MUSA", 1991.
37. Blavatskaya E.P. "Karma of Fate." M. "MK Polygraph", 1996.
38. Blavatskaya E.P. "Auditating an immortal." Ed. Sofia, M., 2004.
39. Blavatskaya E.P. "Exposed Isis" in 2 volumes. M. "Golden Age", 1994.
40. Blavatskaya E.P. "Secret Doctrine", in 2 volumes. C-PB. "Crystal", 1998.
41. Blavatskaya E.P. "Human phenomenon." Ed. Sphere, M., 2004.
42. Blavatskaya E.P. "What is the truth?". M. "Sphere", 7/1999.
43. Blavatskaya E.P., "Secret Doctrine", in 2 tons, Adyar, Theosophical Publishing House, 1991.
44. Brinkly D. "Rested by Light". M., "Evening-Ast", 1997.
45. Dauer V. "Esoteric for beginners." M. "Refl - Beech", "Wakler", 1994.
46. \u200b\u200bDmitrieva L.P. "" "Mystery Doctrine" Elena Blavatskaya in some concepts and symbols ", in 3 tons, Magnitogorsk," Amrita ", 1994.
47. Dmitrieva L.P. "Messenger Christ ...", in 7 tons, M., ed. "House named after E.I. Rierich", 2000.
48. Klizovsky A.I. "Fundamentals of the world of the new era." Minsk, "Moga H - View N", 1995.
49. Konechikov S.Yu. "The path to yourself. Gaining spiritual power. " M. "Belovodier", 2002.
50. Kovaleva N. "Four Paths of Karma." Ripol Classic, M., 2003.
51. Kovaleva N.E. "Shambala is not a myth." Ripol Classic, M., 2004.
52. Korotkov K.G. "Light after life." C-PB., 1996.
53. Mainic Hall. "Adepts of the East." M., "Sphere", 2001.
54. Menley Hall. "Twelve teachers of mankind." M., "Sphere", 2001.
55. Mainic Hall. "Reincarnation". M., "Sphere", 2001.
56. Mainley Hall. "Word to wise." M., "Sphere", 2001.
57. Roerich E.I. "Letters to America", in 4 volumes. M., "Sphere", 1996.
58. Roerich N.K. "Lesters of a diary", in 3 tons, M. ICR, 1996.
59. Roerich Yu.N. "Bodhisattva" ("Tibetan painting") // Roerich. Herald. Issue 5. M., St. Petersburg.
60. Roerich Yu.N. "Letters" (in 2 tons.). M. ICR, 2002.
61. Roerich Yu.N. "On the trails of the Middle Asia." Samara, "Agni", 1994.
62. Rockotov N. "Basics of Buddhism." N.-Sibirsk, "Consent", 2001.
63. Uranov N. "Pearls of Correction". Riga, "World Fire", 1996.
64. Uranov N. "To bear joy." Riga, "Fire World".
65. Uranov N. "Fiery feat", in 2 volumes. Riga, "Peace
66. X.inayat Khan. "The teaching of Sufis." M., "Sphere", 1998.

Materials I-TA http://culture-into-life.ru/urij_nikolaevich_rerih_tatiana_danilova/


Yu.N.reyrich Outstanding Russian Orientalist, Philologist, Historian, Art History, Ethnographer, Traveler made a huge contribution to world tybetology, indology and mongrel. The desire for the knowledge of an unknown, passion for history, traveling, equestrian and foot, the ability to assimilate new languages, artistic talent, openness and love for people were inherent in childhood. This was facilitated by the village attorney of his early childhood on the Lowe of Poetic Russian Nature.

Yuri Nikolaevich was the firstborn in the family of Roerichs. He was born 3 (16) August 1902 in Novgorod province near the village of Okulovka in the estate of Kunovo. Children's and adolescent years of the future scientist passed in St. Petersburg and in Valdai in the atmosphere of the family, where the interest in the spiritual culture of the East was very large. The problems of the great resettlement of peoples, puzzles of birth and death of nomadic empires, the secrets of the ancient Kurgans and the Mogilniks of the Great Eurasian steppe - all this from youthful years deeply fled to the consciousness of the future orientalist, incessantly his creative imagination. Already from the gymnasium K. May, the ancient cultures of Egypt and Babylonia captured the imagination of a teenager. The initial passion to the East also contributed to classes with an outstanding Russian Egyptologist B.A. Turaev. The interests of the young man gradually expanding, moved from the Middle East to separate areas of Asia. He begins to learn Mongolian and literature with the famous Mongolist A.D. Rudnev, and since then, Central Asia is increasingly causing his attention to him.

From the end of 1916, the Rhus family lived in Finland, then, with the growing destructive revolutionary events in Russia, moved to England. In 1919, Seventeen-year-old Yuri Nikolaevich entered the Indo-Iranian branch of the school of oriental languages \u200b\u200bat the University of London, where he began to engage in Persian and Sanskrit from Professor Denison Ross. By this time, he already knew Greek well, Latin well, fluently owned many European languages. Yuri Nikolayevich continued his classes in America, at Harvard University, where he deepened his knowledge of Sanskrit from Professor Ch.L. Lanman. At the same time, Yuri Nikolayevich begins to study fellow and Chinese. In 1922 Gon graduated from Harvard University at the Department of Indian Philology with a bachelor's degree. Effects its education in 1923 of the School of Oriental Languages \u200b\u200bat Sorbonne (the largest center of European Oriental Studies). As a result, Yuri Nikolaevich perfectly assimilated Sanskrit, fell, Tibetan, Chinese, Mongolian, Iranian and a number of live languages \u200b\u200bof India.

In 1923-1928 He takes an active participation in the Central Asian Expedition, organized by his father. Having passed on places, completely unknown world science, the expedition successfully completed the epic of large research routes in Central Asia, initiated in the XIX century N.M. Przhevalsky and G.N. Kozlov and continued by V.I. Roborovsky, PK Kozlov, W. Rockhil and Sven Gedin. In this expedition, Yuri Nikolaevich finally formed as a scientist. Based in Darjeeling, Expedition N.K. Roerich worked in Sikkim (India) since the end of 1923 GDU Spring 1925. One of the results was a collection of Tibetan Buddhist Tanok, written by Shelka, a detailed description of which was done by Yu.N. Roerich in the work "Tibetan painting". While working in Sikkim, Yuri Nikolaevich applied his knowledge of the Tibetan language for the first time in practice, communicating with local ladies. At the end of the autumn of 1925, the expedition began its movement from Ladakha through the Karakorum Range in Sinkiezian on one of the highest caravanways of the world. The details of the expedition are described by Yuri Nikolayevich in the book "On the trails of Middle Asia". Throughout a long path, full difficulties, Yuri Nikolayevich was an indispensable assistant of the Father. In addition to scientific work, it was lying almost the entire organizational part and the armed guard of the expedition, who returned in May 1928 to India. The expedition allowed Yuri Roerich closer to learn Tibetan and dialects, to get acquainted with life, customs and life of nomads, their culture, to carry out great research work, collect the richest materials.

At the end of the expedition, the Roerich family settled in the Indian Culley Valley. Yuri Nikolaevich was headed by the Father Institution of Himalayan Research "Urusvati", whose work was aimed at a comprehensive study of the East (history, archeology, botany, zoology, mineralogy, anthropology, etc.). During the twelve years, from 1930 to 1942. He was the director and soul of the institute. He takes several expeditions in Northern India, Kashmir, Sikkim, Ladakh, leads extremely intensive research work. In 1931, in the article "Problems of Tibetan Archeology", he gives periodization of archaeological monuments and outlines new objects for research. In 1932, Yu.N. Roerich publishes the work "to the study of Kalachakra." In 1933, the article "Tibetic Dialega Lakhul", dedicated to the language of the small principality in Western Himalayas. In 1934-1935 Yuri Nikolayevich makes an expedition along the North Manchuria, Barge and the Gobi desert in the foothills of Hingana, and also visits Japan. Working in Western Himalayas, Yuri Nikolaevich supports live scientific contacts with the largest orientalists of the world. He edits the "Magazine of Urusvati", writes great labor on the history of Central Asia, a number of monographs on Tibetan philology, constitutes a dictionary of the Tibetan language. One of the most significant scientific achievements during this period - "Blue Annals" ("Blue Chronicle"). This translation and comments on one of the most important essays on the history of Tibet, created in 1476-1478. Tibetan historian GO-Lo-Cava Sean-Nu-Palom. Yuri Nikolaevich considers Tibet not as an isolated mountainous area in the center of Asia, but as a special place on the planet, where the keys to the historical destinies of many nations are located. Special attention Yuri Nikolayevich paid an epos about Gaser Khan. In 1942, he completed the work of the "Talk of the Tsar Gasare from the Ling Country", where he generalized all the well-known data on the GESER. The multifaceted interests of Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich as a scientist covered by indology, tibetology, a mongrel, Irani and Turkology in a wide variety of aspects. In the field of Tibetology, he developed directions of history, ethnography, archeology, linguistics, literature, historiography, history of religion, philosophy and art.

Yu.N. Riverich (center)
At the opening of the exhibition of paintings by S.N. Roerich

In 1948, after the death of the father, Yuri Nikolayevich, together with his mother, Elena Ivanovna leaves the Culley Valley and settles in Calipongong - on the border with Sikkim. Here he works at a local university, heading a scientific seminar for graduate students, publishes a number of its new research ("AMDO NASTERS", etc.), completes the translation of the historical and geographical monument "Life of Dharmasvama" about Tibetan Pilgrim, who visited in the XV century. India. He is elected by a member of the Royal Asian Society in London, Asian Society in Bengal, Paris Geographical Society, American Archaeological and Ethnographic Societies and many others. Yu.N. Roerich was never a cabinet scientist. According to the Testament of Christ at the famous painting N.K. Roerich "The signs of Christ" - to get knowledge with their legs and their own hands to get knowledge - this is exactly what he accumulated the richest research material. Thanks to very wide personal relations of the Father, as well as thanks to its own scientific and human authority, Yuri Nikolaevich had the opportunity to discuss the problems of Buddhisology, Buddhism and in general Indian philosophy with such outstanding minds of India, like J. Nehru, S. Radhakrishnan and many others. Conversations with famous pandyts, yogas, lamas, lack of Yu.N. Roerich any linguistic barriers discovered the depth of the modern life of the ancient cultural traditions of the East. Through all these years, he also passed the deepest love of Russia. The pain for the fate of the Fatherland manifested itself in the fact that in the summer of 1941, when Hitler's Germany attacked the Soviet Union, Yuri Nikolaevich immediately sent a telegram to London I.M. May, Soviet Ambassador in England, with a request to enroll him by a volunteer in the ranks of the Red Army. During the Second World War, Yu.N. Roerich was actively involved in promoting the initiative of N.K. Roerich International Treaty on the Protection of Scientific and Art Institutions and Historical Monuments.

Yu.N. and E.I. Roerichi wanted to return to Russia in the late 1940s., Feeling that their place is there that their knowledge and help are needed, but in permission to enter them it was denied. Yuri Nikolaevich came to Moscow only in the fall of 1957, after the death of the mother, at the invitation of N.S. Khrushchev. He was given an apartment, presented the diploma of the doctor of philological sciences. Only two and a half years lived in the Soviet Union, when suddenly the death broke his wonderful, complete creative burning life. However, for this short term he did a lot. Heading the sector of the history of the religion and philosophy of India Institute of Peoples of Asia of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Roerich led the work on the study, translation and publication of the ancient philosophical monuments of the peoples of the East, continued his own scientific research. In his homeland, he managed to publish several works, made a great contribution to domestic oriental. Return of Yu.N. Roerich to his homeland played a significant role in the further development of the Russian school of "classical" indiology (Buddhology, the history of culture and philosophy of India), which suffered such significant losses with the death of such outstanding representatives as S.F. Oldenburg, E.E. Obermiller, F.I. Shcherbat, as well as young talented indologists and Tibetologists V.S. Vorobyov-tenth and A.I. Vostrikova. The new branches of Soviet Indology (live Indian languages, civil history and the economy of India) have arisen in the 1930s) were poorly connected with the study of cultural traditions. In a short time, Yuri Nikolayevich managed to significantly revive the branches of the "classic" indology, to revive the interest in her wide circles of scientists in adjacent disciplines. Yu.N. Roerich organized the teaching of the Tibetan language and the study of Tibetan sources. He led all Tibetological works in Moscow, Leningrad and Peripherals (especially in the Buryat ASSR). He actually headed the study in the field of Mongolian sources and the medieval history of Mongolia. In this regard, it should be noted the great job of Yu.N. Roerich over Tibetan-language Mongolian historical literature, significantly expanding the range of sources on the history of Mongolia. Yu.N. Roerich for a quarter of a century worked on the creation of a Tibetan-Sanskrit-Russian-English dictionary and prepared him for publication. The volume of the dictionary reaches 98 copyright sheets and does not have equal in world tibetology. Already after the death of Yu.N. In 1961, the Light prepared by him the monograph "Tibetan" saw in Moscow in 1961. After arriving at the Soviet Union of Yu. N. Roerich published and prepared for printing a large number of articles related mainly to the history of the political and cultural relations of the peoples of Asia. Together with N.P. Shastina Yu.N. Roerich wrote the article "The grades of King Peter I to Lubsan Tayji and its compiler." The article establishes that the Mr. Peter I, written in Mongolian language with Tibetan letters, was compiled by the connoisseur of the "Tangut's Letter" by Pavel Ivanovich Kulvinsky. This publication sheds light on the history of Russia's relations with Asian countries. Much attention was paid by Yu.N. Roerich ties of Tibet and Mongolia. He devoted this issue to the article "Mongol-Tibetan relations in the XIII and XIV centuries" and "Mongol-Tibetan relations in the XVI and early XVII century", widely using Tibetan sources.

Activity Yu.N. Roerich as a headband requires special mention. He wrote an article about some terms "inextant legend." Yu.N. Roerich also accepted the most active part in the organization and work of the First International Congress of Montgolated Philologists, where they read a report on Mongol borrowings in Tibetan.

In 1958, Yu.N. Roerich published an article "The main problems of Tibetan linguistics", in which it would be summoned by their twenty-five-year-old work in the field of Tibetan linguistics. It is especially important that in this article Yu.N. Roerich outlined the main problems, on the decision of which linguistic-tibetologists should work - is, firstly, the study of modern adventures and drawing up a linguistic card; Secondly, the clarification of the phonetic structure of ancient Netibetic written language, as well as the development of the Tibetan written language and its relation to the conversational; Third, coverage of the history of the development of a written language and his relationship to the conversational element; Fourth, the development of a tangutic problem; Fifth, a comparative study of Tibetan lawless and other Tibeto-Burmese languages. Yu.N. Roerich revived all the work on the translation of ancient philosophical and literary sources and began teaching the Vedica. Thanks to his efforts, the series "Bibliotheca Buddhica" was revived, the first edition of which was "Dhammapada" - a collection of Buddha's sayings, published in Translation V.N. Toporova under the general edition of Yu.N. Roerich. To the XXV International Congress of Orientalists, Yu.N. Roerich prepared a report "Tale of the frame in Tibet." But this work was discussed at Congress already in the absence of the author.
Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich a lot of strength gave work with young people. He shared his extensive knowledge with each who showed interest in oriental. Yu.N. Roerich was not only exceptional in depth and erudition by a specialist, but also a person who was passionately loved science. It was amazingly modest and simple, always calm and optimistic. For everyone, who was lucky to cooperate with Yu.N. Roerich, the time of collaboration with him is unforgettable. For those not least, that he lived after returning to his homeland, Roerich managed to create a Pleia of Young Academic Indologists and Tibetologists, who are fruitful and successfully continue to develop the directions discovered. Pupils and colleagues of Roerich at the Institute of Oriental Studies - A.M. Pyatigorsky, E.S. SAMEK, N.P. Shastin, V.A. Theological - wrote in 1967 in the preface to compiled by their collection "Yu.N. Roerich. Selected Proceedings ":" His role in indological work was expressed not only that he taught three Indian languages \u200b\u200band Tibetan and continued his research. For young researchers, he was a wonderful mentor in the field of Indian culture. Indeed, such concepts as "Veda", Buddhism, "Vedanta", "Karma", etc., who were formerly either dry abstractions, or exotic images, appeared in its conversations as phenomena, quite translated into Russian culture "

The further the time goes, the clearer it becomes that the task with which Yuri Nikolayevich came to their homeland was much broader than the purely scientific sphere and was to give an impulse to the new consciousness of compatriots, to bring them to new ideas and paths. One of the students Yu.N. Roerich, Andrei Nikolayevich Zelinsky, assesses his role like this: "There is one important thing when we are talking about the contribution to the science that a man did. If the scientist left huge dictionaries, translations, work on philology, it causes respect, admiration, but it still does not determine the main thing: first, for what he did it, and, secondly, that these dictionaries and translations can give us now . It is important for us to know whether this person implemented the idea for which he did it. Whether he left the traces of his internal ideas, his understanding of the historical reality of the past and present. If he left them, it means that he paved some of us. So, Yuri Nikolayevich, undoubtedly, paved these applications. "

An equally important task than the revival of the School of Indology and Tibetology in Russia was the return of the birth of the heritage of Roerichs. Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich brought hundreds of his father's hundreds of his father, the archive of the Central Asian expedition, an extensive library, which included hundreds of manuscripts in the eastern languages, part of the family collections (Buddhist painting, ancient bronze), the personal belongings of the Senior Roerichs. It was Yuri Nikolayevich that he managed to break through the wall of the prohibitions and defaults, surrounding the names of the names and creativity of the Roerichs in the USSR, and thereby returning her national heritage to his homeland. April 12, 1958 in Moscow at Kuznetsky Bridge for the first time in the long period, an exhibition of cloths brushes NK was opened. Roerich. "The exhibition is moving. Grand Success. Every day thousand five visitors, "wrote Yuri Roerich Brother Svyatoslav to India. "When May 4 thought that the exhibition would close, the crowd did not leave until 11 pm and did not release the Directorate. The book of reviews - in 6 volumes! " He joyfully reported later. Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Riga, Tbilisi - and everywhere a tremendous success.

Two editions of the exhibition catalog NK were released. Roerich in Moscow. Articles were published in central journals, a film was shot. Yuri Nikolaevich communicated with Biographer N.K. Roerich P.F. Belikov, who repeatedly came to him from Tallinn; with R.Ya. Rudzitis (Riga), also writing about N.K. Rérich. V.P. Princess with his participation was preparing the first monograph about the work of N.K. Roerich, published in 1963. At the suggestion of the writer Paförova, Yuri Nikolaevich decided to print in the "October" journal the first publication of the "List of the Diary" N.K. Roerich. (He brought two typewritten instances of the "diary sheets" from India). Yu.N. Roerich tirelessly acted with lectures and reports in museums and galleries, participated in radio and television transmissions. Often came to Leningrad, where he met with Leningrad scientists V.S. Lublinsky, L.N. Gumilev, I.V. Sakharov. But his main goal was the museum N.K. Roerich in his hometown, about the creation of which Yuri Nikolayevich led prolonged and responsible negotiations with high-ranking officials of the Soviet government. The basis of the exposure was to make artworks, things and documents from a huge collection, brought by Yu.N. Roerich in the Soviet Union, as well as documents, memorial items, things and furniture from their former apartment on washing, 83, preserved in Leningrad, Mitusov's family. Part of the works of art was intended for Museums of Moscow and Siberia. Such was the will of N.K. and E.I. Roerichs. In addition, Yuri Nikolayevich led negotiations with the director of the Russian Museum V.A. Pushkarev, who promised him to distinguish a separate room for the permanent exposition of Roerich's paintings.

"It will be our way," said L.S. Mitusova in 1960 on the Museum in Leningrad Yuri Nikolaevich, who by this time has already achieved the consent of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR to create it. The Russian Geographical Society, other organizations, have already been active in the preparation of the museum, the Leningrad authorities have already connected. However, sudden cumin Yu.N. Roerich prevented the implementation of the plans.

May 11, 1960 with the assistance of Yu.N. Roerich in the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin opened an exhibition of works by his younger brother, an outstanding artist Svyatoslav Nikolayevich Roerich. She enjoyed tremendous success and collected an unnecessary number of visitors. Ten days after the opening of the exhibition, May 21, 1960, Yu.N. Roerich did not. He left life at takeoff of creative forces and opportunities.

Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich - Outstanding Russian scientist, philologist and orientalist, sign of Central and South Asia. He was the eldest son Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, great Russian artist, writer, cultural and public figure and esoteric, and Elena Ivanovna Roerich, "Mother of Agni Yoga, through which Vladyka M. gave peace Teaching of living ethics.

Almost all the life of Yuri Nikolayevich went abroad - he almost did not know Russia, since he left her young men, along with his parents and younger brother SvyatoslavAnd he managed to return to his homeland only three years before his death. The fact is that from the end 1916 year the whole family of Roerich lived in Finlandwhich after the revolution took advantage of the mortgage and weakness of the Russian government arising and declared himself an independent and independent state. Thus, the Roerichs were abroad.

Yuri Nikolayevich devoted himself to a tense scientific work. After the end of the secondary education, he studied in University School of Oriental Languages In London, and then, in 1920, he moved to the USA, entered Harvard University and graduated from a bachelor's degree. Then he worked in University of Paris And in 1923 he received a master's degree in Indian philology.

In the same year she went along with the whole family to the Total Central Asian Expedition. This expedition led to Nikolai Konstantinovich was carried out in 1923-1928, passed 35 mountain ranges of Asia and passed through the unstasted regions of Mongolia, Tibet and China. Yuri Nikolaevich wrote about it "Asian trails", published in English by the publishing house of Wales University. His other work (about "Animal style"), compiled on the basis of a rich scientific and artistic material collected in this expedition, published the Kondakov seminaries in Prague. An excellent book about the Central Asian expedition was released and Nikolai Konstantinovich: Nikolai Roerich. Heart of Asia. Publishing house "Alatas", USA, 1929, 138 pp.

At the end of the expedition, the whole family of Roerichs settled in India. There, July 24, 1928, in Naggar, in the Leste Valley Kulu - the best valley of Punjab, not far from the Tibetan border was founded Himalayan Institute "Urusvati". Yuri Nikolaevich continued his scientific work as his director. The core of the institute was a biochemical laboratory with the fight against cancec. The Institute was conducted by great research work, in particular, they organized botanical expeditions both in the Kulu valley itself and in Lahore, Ladak, Zanskar, Lahul, Beshar, Kengor and other areas of India and Tibet, a few botanical relations studied; These expeditions gathered rich collections and even discovered several new plant species. Along with Botanic, valuable ornithological and zoological collections were collected, research was carried out on local language and archeology, in particular, in Pondicheri (then French India), there was a survey of local Dobddian burials in urns and sarcophagas.

Yuri Nikolaevich, together with the famous connoisseur of Tibetan literature Lamyo Mingiyur. He studied and translated several books in Tibetan medicine, made a grammar of the Lahulian language and wrote several studies on Tibetan literature. And finally, the Institute studied mental energy And those higher cosmic fiery energies, to which the official science is just started to touch, although they have long been known to teachers of the East.

In addition to the Central Asian, he participated in several more expeditions to various Asian countries. The most significant of these expeditions was organized in 1934-1935. Department of US AGRICULTURE. The head of her was put by Nikolai Konstantinovich as a great connoisseur of Central Asia, who enjoyed great authority among its peoples. Yuri Nikolayevich accepted in it as a specialist - philologist and folklorist. The expedition worked in Mongolia, on the border of the Gobi desert, it was necessary to own Mongolian and Tibetan languages, which Yuri Nikolayevich was so well.

He also engaged in scientific research in Western Tibet, Manchuria, Mongolia and China. He possessed large scientific knowledge, was an outstanding linguist - in addition to his native Russian, modern English, French, German, Mongolian, Tibetan and Ancient - Sanskrit and Pali knew well. He was elected a member of several scientific societies: the Royal Asian in London, Asian Society in Bengal, and others left behind a lot of valuable scientific papers, mainly according to philology and archeology.

We also note that in 1949 he published in Calcutta English translation of the oldest texts "Blue Chronicle"written by medieval Tibetan scientists Shonnpala (1392-1481). This chronicle contains a rich material on the history of Buddhism in Tibet, as well as important information from its secular history, which, thanks to the translation of Yuri Nikolayevich, made available to world science.

In addition, he left valuable research on the archeology of Asian countries, about Tibetan painting and Buddhist cult.

He spent around 40 years old and still retained hot love for Russia in his heart and always remained in the soul of Russian.

AT 1957 By the year he returned to his homeland, bringing his big, valuable library, the archive and the rich collections of his father Nikolai Konstantinovich, as well as the paintings, bequeathed by the last Soviet Union. Spring 1958 The year was arranged an exhibition of these paintings, and those pictures of N.K. Ryrich were attached to them, which were kept in museums and art galleries of the Union.

This exhibition was first shown in Moscow, and then in other major cities of the country; She had a huge success and made the strongest impression. In Moscow itself, and in other cities of the Union, the exhibition of paintings by Nikolai Konstantinovich was met exclusively benevolently, hundreds of thousands of people visited it, the press wrote about her as an outstanding event in the cultural life of the country.

Yuri Nikolaevich was invited to Soviet Russia in Institute of Oriental Studies Academy of Sciences of the USSR for work on orientalmainly to study the culture and history of India and Tibet. As you know, before the revolution and for some time, Russia occupied one of the first places in world science on the study of Buddhism and Buddhist culture. Russian scientists enjoyed in this area quite well-deserved fame and glory.

In familiarization with the works of Yuri Nikolayevich, Soviet scientists recognized his outstanding scientific merit, and the scientist of the Institute of Oriental Studies presented it to a scientific degree doctor Philological SciencesAnd the highest attestation commission approved it to this extent without protecting the thesis.

As a professor and, thanks to its extensive knowledge and erudition, Yuri Nikolayevich took a leading place in the study of Buddhism and Buddhist culture, Tibetan, Sanskrit and Pali. Along with teaching activities, he published scientific works, collaborated in several scientific journals, and, moreover, he was entrusted to resume edition "Buddhist Library".

Yuri Nikolayevich worked ttyodya and extremely fruitful.

He did a lot over three years of his life in his homeland in both the pedagogical and purely scientific field. Under his leadership, a serious scientific work began, which united many talented, which submit high hopes of young Soviet scientists (V.N.Toporov, A.M. Pyatigorsky et al.). With gratitude and appreciation, they respond about their teacher.

For instance, A.M. Phyatigorsky Specifies: "Great help in the general issues of indology and history of philosophy and religion I was provided to me by the late Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich" .

Academician B.L. Smirnov In his preface to the fifth one "Mahabharata" Thanks Yuri Nikolayevich because he looked through his series of translations of this ancient Indian poem before their publication and made him valuable instructions that were taken into account in further work

Yuri Nikolaevich died suddenly May 21, 1960 In Moscow during a heart attack, in the flourishing of creative forces, far from exhausing its capabilities and planned plans. Some of his works and undertakings remained unfinished. In particular, he was actively preparing for the 25th International Congress of Orientalists, held in Moscow in the fall of 1960.)

The closest heirs were brother Svyatoslav Nikolaevich With his wife Girl Rani.; They arrived from India to Moscow, and they were transferred all his property.

In the same 1960, they were transferred to the library Institute of Peoples Asia The Academy of Sciences of the USSR, located in Moscow, the entire library of Yuri Nikolayevich is about five thousand volumes. This is the most valuable, perfectly selected library, in which the rarest Tibetan xylographs, books on Tibetology, Linguistics and Mongolistics are of particular interest to scientists.

From the library Yuri Nikolayevich, a relatively small (about 250 volumes) was particularly highlighted, but a very valuable and meaningful collection collected by him in Tibet and Northern India, which reflects the extremely wide range of interests of the scientist in Tibetology; For this collection at the Institute of Peoples of Asia in Moscow was created special Cabinet named after Professor Yu.N. Ryrich. The library Yuri Nikolayevich turned out to be available now for everyone - both for scientists and those who are interested in orientation. In this collection of rare Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs there are more than ten collections of Works - sumbumov. Among them collected works Puturtrindo (1290-1364) in 28 volumes (Lhask edition), Congkhap, His students, the 5th and 7th Dalai Lam, the 1st Panchen Lama, the 1st Dham-Young Shep, Londol Lama and others.

Yuri Nikolaevich was a man of great mind, will and disability, modest, responsive and benevolent to everyone. His departure is a loss of an eye-walled, and still say along with V.A. Zhukovsky:

About cute satellites that we are light
Their presence lived
Do not say with longing: they are not,
But with gratitude - were!


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