It was prikhovanno at the intestines of Anatoly Wasserman. What about Wasserman's chickens? Kudlaty cholovik in vests with chives

It was prikhovanno at the intestines of Anatoly Wasserman. What about Wasserman's chickens? Kudlaty cholovik in a vest with chives

- Eighteen kisheni in one suit! I'd just get lost!
A. Miln "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All"

Bagatorazovogo reimbursement of the TV project "Svoya gra" is easy to recognize on the street: a beard, academic round eyepieces and a paunch of a light-gray vest. Vest, about a yak in runet_ to walk without a bit. On the other hand, it seems that Anatoly Oleksandrovich Khovah Vichny Dvigun, the Stabilization Fund of Russia, five spare music and more than 350 other speeches are in the past. Do not forget, when you lie here, it is foolish to carry a list of everything in place of a vest in the crawl room with number "zero", and in the crawl space under number "one", a backup copy.

Ale is not so sensitive. As a matter of fact, in twenty-six places of his waistcoat, Wasserman has lost 103 items and without any notes, pam'yatak, kudi shho poklav. For a couple of years, Onotole didn’t think about it from wearing bouillon cubes, salt and kettle, and more speeches. Protest about everything in order.

Anatoly Wasserman sewed his own vest with a bezel-less kishen in 1986. Pretending to show up as a functional one, and an intellectual one, in a number of such speeches. Now? Even at that hour, Wasserman constantly got to know the previous generation, not using intellectual games, but software security boxes. Axis yak vin razpovidє about the period of life in one of its own intervals:

I worked in the main at the tsukroburyakovih factories, de inodі brought to sit in the machine room for more than a few days without vilaz. Reveal the situation: the adjusters open a hatch, then attach them to the necessary ones, and fix them behind the hatch, pull off the pants. An hour to drink before the hotel, just sew it up there, you dont have it. This means that trimati is required with a head with a thread. And in this way, a list of speeches has been accumulated in such a way that the trimati is brought up on a regular basis.

If Myslivski vests appeared at the sale, the demand from the technician who had been pushed in by the technician appeared. Kmіtlivy will dress the kupuv in the ready virobi і just by sending them three-choti kishenі. Ostannі visim rokіv Anatoly Oleksandrovich replaced the vests at the company, so that you can use the special clothes for special clothes. The model, who is ready to go, was named yogo im'yam.

Well, what about the zberіgaєtsya in the numerical "stash" of the knowledge? Is there a spare brain i want the child of the Russian stabilization fund? Otzhe, vivertaєmo wassermanіvskі kishenі:

Yak bachimo, especially exotic speeches at Wasserman's vest is dumb. Then there is a knitting knitting needle (some speeches that fell at the university), an igniter (quick to ask for a cigarette) and a tool for vibrating the car lane (quick to get a guy from the passenger compartment).

1. Anatoly VASSERMAN, born in 1952. Engineer-thermal physicist, journalist, political consultant and the best choice of intelligent teleigors ("Brain-ring", "Scho? De? Koli?", "Svoya gra"). In 17 rockies, giving a home of lack of love and seeing yogo dosi.

pictures of dodam

Wow, the post is just my brain.

The magazine, at the same time Anatoly Wasserman is the chief editor, has been published.

Blood-backed olives, collection of banknotes, lichtar, pidzorn pipe, disks with Linux, wikrutka, grab cards - just the cob.


The editorial staff of the magazine ... because of the growing stiffness to follow the speculations on the topic instead of the vest of our chief editor Anatoly Wasserman. Yak, only the numbers of grief-glazors did not grow old, they appeared in the gut of the important erudite, now naphtha, now brains, now gold. Some of the individuals went to see before that, in the vicinity of the colonies, there were greeters and schoolchildren of the fields and cities.

Docks! Docks are tolerant of incompetence in the vastness of the Internet!

Today's injustice is being corrected. Until your respect, the official vimst of the vest of Anatoly Wasserman's vest, behind the vignette of a centimeter of Wasserman, we beat the grades, as a gift of gifts to the editor of the site "Idea IX".

Short *** instead of Anatoly Wasserman's cistern

Editor-in-chief Anatoly Oleksandrovich Wasserman appeared at the editorial office of the native magazine once he arrived from Odessa, rushing from the station on the day of his people for a quick photo session. Unimportant on the light, we will be supervisingly bad'orim: we tell the story, read a lot of stories, read Chergov's book about recovery, and at once got up to see the administrative order. If the editor-in-chief at the pivkhvilini has seen it, at the 27th secret vest the sportsmen have seen the vipadkovo viyavili ... naphtha. A tender is being held for the distribution of this lineage, and it is more precisely classified as a secret. Well, up to the small ones there is an open access on the sides of the "Idea IX".

History from Wasserman

I arrive at the SD (Sєvurodonetsk. - ed.) For the requested NVO "Impulse", having deduced and corrected the notes at the software security for the numbering machines. So the axis, I come, I sit in the hotel "Central". I go down to the restaurant, a factory for a rozmov with a waitress for a menu. If you take the money away, from the kitchen moon of burials the cry: "Pleishner has arrived!"


I've been wearing bagatokishenkovi vests since 1986. Sphatku shiv hair-ruff. Then - if the sale of steel has mislivski vests - having become kupuvati and doshivati ​​to them, they didn’t start playing. Nareshty, in the last five years I change the vests at the company to sew special clothes. Shchepravda, there will accept only wholesale replacement - not less than 20 vests. I’m for rock, scho have lost me, in which I can wear such a vantage, I hardly know more than a dozen. Having sold the surplus to that. And if you are able to do something about it, you’ll get a new replacement, selling and selling a surplus of non-relations in advance.

Internet to wander around the secret of 28 kishena at my vest. This is the result of my pardon when you are ready to eat. As a matter of fact, there are 26 chisels in the last and overstated models. In the middle - and even less.


Rear upper

The book "Federalist". The author of the constitutions of the American powers - Oleksandr Hemilton, James Medison, John Jay - with a great series of newspaper drawings, changed the keys to the constitutional position, but all 13 powers voted for it in 1787. In that hour, a number of powers that live under the same constitution have gone up to 50, and before it 26 amendments have been made. Having bought the book a long time ago, I read it in uryvki - at the intervals and on the right. First and foremost, from the satisfaction: not deprived of a glimpse of political thought, but of a style that is unattainable for a modern policy.

Cassette recorder. For a long time I have switched to digital for a long time. Ale cassette I still pull and buy a new one a little time ago, the splinters from the front mechanics were worn out. Transfer the recorded cassette to the recorded tape just as simple as transferring the files from the digital camera.

Inflatable pillow on the shiyu. Allows you to finish comfortably while sitting. With my torn way of life, it’s sometimes driven to some of the most suitable vehicles, for example, from the service car of my colleague and old friend Nuraly Latipov (I don’t drive a car myself, and I don’t think of a personal car).

Rear lower

Foldable automatic parasolka. The markup is so far away that it doesn’t put me in the same position. I don’t try to find him.

VEST. Right side

Top on top: right

A bobbin with a thin line, yak vikorystovuєtsya yak sewing thread.

Plastic box with great sewing heads. A knitting knot with a kovpachkom (I'm sorry, I can't knit a knitting, but a knitting knit by hand to knit a knitting with a knitting knit).

Blood-backed olives (stick from pressed crystals of galuns from plastic packaging). Likhtar from a miniature roasting lamp.

Middle on top: right on top

Internal passport of a citizen of Ukraine

Zakordonny passport of a citizen of Ukraine.

Small collection of banknotes

Middle on top: other ball: right outer

Digital camera. Rigid cardboard lining for special occasions. She has deposited official certificates on the knives that I wear because of myself: the MSS examination is not a cold pick, but with state-of-the-art tools.

Digital transfer to the editorial office of the "Idea ix" magazine.

Middle over: other ball: right near to the stop

Keys from the Odessa apartment. Likhtar from nine svitlodiodami.

Middle on top: other ball: right vertical bar

Culkovy pens, felt-tip pens, collet olivets with a lead of 2.2 mm, combined sharpeners for knives of different types, a marker for the text.

Middle over: front ball: right extreme

Roulette with a soft line (tailor's centimeter from spring retracts).

Monocular 2.5 * 20 (tobto miniature surveillance pipe with 2.5-fold enlargement and diameter of the inlet opening of the object 20 mm).

Miniature siren whistle (for noise warning at rapt attack).

Miniature wiggle with small attachments. Miniature swollen ryzhok.

Middle over: front ball: near right to rest

English hairpins of small sizes. Olivets, scho disinfics: stick of pressed crystals of nitric acid in a plastic case.

Shmatochki for Нігтів. A collection of cardboard tickets of the Moscow metro with handcuffs in honor of holy and juvenile dates. Miniature digital lock.

Middle over: front ball: right vertical bar

Collet zatiskach z gumkoyu for erasing olivtsevic writing.

Pens, felt-tip pens.

Kulkov pen with bililas for farbuvannya writing.

Box of slates 2.2 mm.

Spare wood for paperwork knives.

Bottom over: back ball: right

Atlases: svitu, Moscow region, Moscow (with a skin booth), route taxis of Odessa.

Bottom top: other ball: right

Sleep battery calculator.

Osobisty and service telephonies (distributions in a custom font on several arkusha).

I have a list of books that are obvious to me by a number of old authors, whose creativity I can’t take into account in my memory, and without a list, I can buy it again.

A box for business cards (they have a spare SIM-card: I use my cards in Ukraine and Russia).

Gamanez with old recordings (mabut, long ago instructed to transfer the recordings to the digital nose for an hour, but don't go out of hand).

Bottom over: front ball: right near to the end

Visiting cards, which have not yet been entered into the phone and the assistant.

Records the address and telephone numbers (on metro tickets), which have not yet been entered (because they have not been entered, but are required for a one-time vikoristannya) to the phone number of the adder.

Deck of packages of bactericidal plasters.

Deck of packs of spare leads 0.5 mm.

Gas igniter (її often wicked to navіt nіkurtsі).

Glue Olivets.

Balonchik with pepper aerosol.

Bottom top: front ball: right outer

Banking pictures.

Znizhkov_ cards.

Miniature (80 mm) optical enclosed disks with several versions of the Linux operating system.

A set of pincers from different forms of a sponge.

Top top: livy

Monocular 5 * 25 (tobto a miniature surveillance pipe with 5-fold enlargements and a diameter of the inlet opening of the object 25 mm).

Mechanical cork for dances from a roller on the hand. A box of licorice pastilles (it’s a pity, I don’t have to import it to Moscow with the rest of the rocks, I’m also going to have a long supply).

Flash drive with 4 G bytes.

Flash drive with 8 G bytes.

Middle over: front ball: extreme left

Miniature sponge for cleaning up.

Gilyonka for cigars (never a vikoristan).

A plastic box for pigulok (if you need to bring it to your home for a visit for a graph).

Two above-mentioned folding knives.

Miniature litter with svitlodiodom.

Flash disk mnіstju 1 G bytes (for ninishnіhny hours it’s meagerly small, that th old wіn - that і won’t wondered more often; then there’s one of the last ones, so I’ll forget the mechanical drive blocking a computer, so it’s possible to write someone else’s computer without , do not be afraid, scho on a new zaliza virus).

Flash disk 32 G bytes.

Middle on top: other ball: lіvіy vertical bar

Mechanical olivtsi from 0.5 mm leads of small colors.

Bag handles.

Vikrutka with winter attachments and a ratcheting mechanism, which allows you to wrap it in one bik without overloading, and hitting it with your hand on the offensive side.

Middle over: livy napivotayniy (stopping - pid groin)

The internal passport of a citizen of the SRSR because of the friend about the Ukrainian community (it is not possible through the publicity of the photograph, but it can be pasted in 45 years, - at that hour Ukraine had not pasted photographs before the new types of new passports).

A transcordant passport of a citizen of Ukraine (it’s not valid by itself, but a special sign has been introduced about the validity of the service mark introduced to it by a foreigner).

Zakordonny passport of the hulk of the SRCP with a supervisor about the hulkness of Ukraine (it doesn’t work through the end of the term, but only my official photo was saved there, it was destroyed in 1995).

Labor book (won, obviously, guilty of getting in the organization, a staff teacher who I’m, ale tsya organizing a community that technically can’t cover oneself with safes and archives, as opposed to the unabashed part of the documentation)

A skein of gum heels for tightening of paperwork.

Middle over: other ball: livy extreme

The magnifier is combined: 4 times with a 10-fold insert.

The magnifier is combined: 10-fold 3-element and 20-fold 5-element.

Slackers for p_dv_ski bags under the steamers, 2 pieces.

Middle on top: other ball: near side to stagnation

Nіzh warehouses.

A spare cassette for the voice recorder.

VEST. Liva side

Middle over: front ball: near side to stagnation

A pack of cardboard tickets of the Moscow metro (the whole cardboard does not touch rock, so I clean the side of the tickets for writing down the address of those telephone numbers, as well as for distributing autographs; it’s a pity, the tickets of the ticket are no longer published, but on the new text on the other hand , so it’s not handy to use them for recording).

The magnifier is combined: 2 times with an 8-fold insert.

Cassette with other sewing heads.

6 grabbing handles (if you are gambling with gambling games, if you want grabbing with your colleagues, it’s not for pennies, but for the result).

Middle over: front ball: straight vertical bar

Pens, felt-tip pens.

Nіzh іz a visuvny sectional blade for cutting paper.

A set of files for nigtiv.

Metallic comb (unfortunately, she will soon no longer be able to solve it).

Roses for inspection tube 8 * 10 (tobto with 8-folds and a diameter of the inlet opening of the object 10 mm) - for such parameters it is possible to get rid of it for a clean day illumination, the eyepiece of the tube and can be short-cut.

Bottom top: back ball: livy

Decal for old people in plastic packaging.

Plastic pencil case with files (miniature files with other files), shaped with a handle for them.

10x microscope.

Bottom top: another ball: livy

Tape measure: 10 m, measuring less than one inch.

Scotch tape 19 mm matt at plastic containers with edged edges.

A set of miniature (vartovy) wikrutok.

Adhesive roller for marking saw that fibers from textile.

Bottom top: front ball: outer edge

A set of tools in a plastic holder in the format of a bank card.

Non-dedication services (except for the development of services for the furnishings, but do not allow to turn the dedication).

Reading tickets for the collection of bibliotek (Odessa region of science, Russian state, State public science and technology).

Zeneboluvalny (ibuprofen) tablets in blister.

Gas igniter (flare type - with tighter half-shells, similar in shape to autogenous burners).

Bottom top: front ball: near side to stagnation

A month's worth of tickets on all kinds of huge transport in Moscow (since I bought some tickets, then for a month the vitratic tickets are twice as small as 2-3 times less, but I don’t pretend I’m at once, and I’m ready for overpayment).


2 sewn from plastic caps.

Balonchik from synthetic pepper aerosol.

The closest hour of the editorial office is to get Wasserman up to his pants.

I will look at you at the course :)

What about the vest? Description in place of the vest of all of Anatoly Wasserman's home.
So, a long time ago, we were tormented by the same food, but we did get to the bottom of the truth. Otzhe, brightly about the great waistcoat :)
A short description vm_stu kishen Anatoly Wasserman

Editor-in-chief Anatoly Oleksandrovich Wasserman appeared at the editorial office of the native magazine once he arrived from Odessa, rushing from the station on the day of his people for a quick photo session. Unimportant on the light, we will be supervisingly bad'orim: we tell the story, read a lot of stories, read Chergov's book about recovery, and at once got up to see the administrative order. If the editor-in-chief at the pivkhvilini has seen it, at the 27th secret vest the sportsmen have seen the vipadkovo viyavili ... naphtha. A tender is being held for the distribution of this lineage, and it is more precisely classified as a secret. Well, up to the small ones there is an open access on the sides of the "Idea IX".

History from Wasserman

I arrive at the SD (Sєvurodonetsk. - ed.) For the requested NVO "Impulse", having deduced and corrected the notes at the software security for the numbering machines. So the axis, I come, I sit in the hotel "Central". I go down to the restaurant, a factory for a rozmov with a waitress for a menu. If you take the money away, from the kitchen moon of burials the cry: "Pleishner has arrived!"


I've been wearing bagatokishenkovi vests since 1986. Sphatku shiv hair-ruff. Then - if the sale of steel has mislivski vests - having become kupuvati and doshivati ​​to them, they didn’t start playing. Nareshty, in the last five years I change the vests at the company to sew special clothes. Shchepravda, there will accept only wholesale replacement - not less than 20 vests. I’m for rock, scho have lost me, in which I can wear such a vantage, I hardly know more than a dozen. Having sold the surplus to that. And if you are able to do something about it, you’ll get a new replacement, selling and selling a surplus of non-relations in advance.

Internet to wander around the secret of 28 kishena at my vest. This is the result of my pardon when you are ready to eat. As a matter of fact, there are 26 chisels in the last and overstated models. In the middle - and even less.

The book "Federalist". The author of the constitutions of the American powers - Oleksandr Hemilton, James Medison, John Jay - with a great series of newspaper drawings, changed the keys to the constitutional position, but all 13 powers voted for it in 1787. In that hour, a number of powers that live under the same constitution have gone up to 50, and before it 26 amendments have been made. Having bought the book a long time ago, I read it in uryvki - at the intervals and on the right. First and foremost, from the satisfaction: not deprived of a glimpse of political thought, but of a style that is unattainable for a modern policy.

Cassette recorder. For a long time I have switched to digital for a long time. Ale cassette I still pull and buy a new one a little time ago, the splinters from the front mechanics were worn out. Transfer the recorded cassette to the recorded tape just as simple as transferring the files from the digital camera.

Inflatable pillow on the shiyu. Allows you to finish comfortably while sitting. With my torn way of life, it’s sometimes driven to some of the most suitable vehicles, for example, from the service car of my colleague and old friend Nuraly Latipov (I don’t drive a car myself, and I don’t think of a personal car).

Foldable automatic parasolka. The markup is so far away that it doesn’t put me in the same position. I don’t try to find him.

A bobbin with a thin line, yak vikorystovuєtsya yak sewing thread.
Plastic box with great sewing heads. A knitting knot with a kovpachkom (I'm sorry, I can't knit a knitting, but a knitting knit by hand to knit a knitting with a knitting knit).
Blood-backed olives (stick from pressed crystals of galuns from plastic packaging). Likhtar from a miniature roasting lamp.

Internal passport of a citizen of Ukraine
Zakordonny passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
Small collection of banknotes

Digital camera. Rigid cardboard lining for special occasions. She has deposited official certificates on the knives that I wear because of myself: the MSS examination is not a cold pick, but with state-of-the-art tools.
Digital transfer to the editorial office of the "Idea ix" magazine.

Keys from the Odessa apartment. Likhtar from nine svitlodiodami.

Middle on top: other ball: right vertical bar

Culkovy pens, felt-tip pens, collet olivets with a lead of 2.2 mm, combined sharpeners for knives of different types, a marker for the text.

Roulette with a soft line (tailor's centimeter from spring retracts).
Monocular 2.5 * 20 (tobto miniature surveillance pipe with 2.5-fold enlargement and diameter of the inlet opening of the object 20 mm).
Miniature siren whistle (for noise warning at rapt attack).

Miniature wiggle with small attachments. Miniature swollen ryzhok.

Middle over: front ball: near right to rest

English hairpins of small sizes. Olivets, scho disinfics: stick of pressed crystals of nitric acid in a plastic case.
Shmatochki for Нігтів. A collection of cardboard tickets of the Moscow metro with handcuffs in honor of holy and juvenile dates. Miniature digital lock.

Collet zatiskach z gumkoyu for erasing olivtsevic writing.
Pens, felt-tip pens.

Kulkov pen with bililas for farbuvannya writing.
Box of slates 2.2 mm.
Spare wood for paperwork knives.

Bottom over: back ball: right

Atlases: svitu, Moscow region, Moscow (with a skin booth), route taxis of Odessa.

Sleep battery calculator.

Osobisty and service telephonies (distributions in a custom font on several arkusha).
I have a list of books that are obvious to me by a number of old authors, whose creativity I can’t take into account in my memory, and without a list, I can buy it again.

A box for business cards (they have a spare SIM-card: I use my cards in Ukraine and Russia).

Gamanez with old recordings (mabut, long ago instructed to transfer the recordings to the digital nose for an hour, but don't go out of hand).

Visiting cards, which have not yet been entered into the phone and the assistant.

Records the address and telephone numbers (on metro tickets), which have not yet been entered (because they have not been entered, but are required for a one-time vikoristannya) to the phone number of that contact.
Deck of packages of bactericidal plasters.
Deck of packs of spare leads 0.5 mm.
Gas igniter (її often wicked to navіt nіkurtsі).
Glue Olivets.
Balonchik with pepper aerosol.

Banking pictures.
Znizhkov_ cards.
Miniature (80 mm) optical enclosed disks with several versions of the Linux operating system.
A set of pincers from different forms of a sponge.

Top top: livy

Monocular 5 * 25 (tobto a miniature surveillance pipe with 5-fold enlargements and a diameter of the inlet opening of the object 25 mm).
Mechanical cork for dances from a roller on the hand. A box of licorice pastilles (it’s a pity, I don’t have to import it to Moscow with the rest of the rocks, I’m also going to have a long supply).
Flash drive with 4 G bytes.
Flash drive with 8 G bytes.

Miniature sponge for cleaning up.
Gilyonka for cigars (never a vikoristan).
A plastic box for pigulok (if you need to bring it to your home for a visit for a graph).
Two above-mentioned folding knives.
Miniature litter with svitlodiodom.

Flash disk mnіstju 1 G bytes (for ninishnіhny hours it’s meagerly small, that th old wіn - that і won’t wondered more often; then there’s one of the last ones, so I’ll forget the mechanical drive blocking a computer, so it’s possible to write someone else’s computer without , do not be afraid, scho on a new zaliza virus).
Flash disk 32 G bytes.

Middle on top: other ball: lіvіy vertical bar

Mechanical olivtsi from 0.5 mm leads of small colors.

Bag handles.
Vikrutka with winter attachments and a ratcheting mechanism, which allows you to wrap it in one bik without overloading, and hitting it with your hand on the offensive side.

The internal passport of a citizen of the SRSR because of the friend about the Ukrainian community (it is not possible through the publicity of the photograph, but it can be pasted in 45 years, - at that hour Ukraine had not pasted photographs before the new types of new passports).
A transcordant passport of a citizen of Ukraine (it’s not valid by itself, but a special sign has been introduced about the validity of the service mark introduced to it by a foreigner).

Zakordonny passport of the hulk of the SRCP with a supervisor about the hulkness of Ukraine (it doesn’t work through the end of the term, but only my official photo was saved there, it was destroyed in 1995).
Labor book (won, obviously, guilty of getting in the organization, a staff teacher who I’m, ale tsya organizing a community that technically can’t cover oneself with safes and archives, as opposed to the unabashed part of the documentation)
A skein of gum heels for tightening of paperwork.

The magnifier is combined: 4 times with a 10-fold insert.
The magnifier is combined: 10-fold 3-element and 20-fold 5-element.

Slackers for p_dv_ski bags under the steamers, 2 pieces.

Middle on top: other ball: near side to stagnation

Nіzh warehouses.
A spare cassette for the voice recorder.

A pack of cardboard tickets of the Moscow metro (the whole cardboard does not touch rock, so I clean the side of the tickets for writing down the address of those telephone numbers, as well as for distributing autographs; it’s a pity, the tickets of the ticket are no longer published, but on the new text on the other hand , so it’s not handy to use them for recording).

The magnifier is combined: 2 times with an 8-fold insert.
Cassette with other sewing heads.
6 grabbing handles (if you are gambling with gambling games, if you want grabbing with your colleagues, it’s not for pennies, but for the result).

Pens, felt-tip pens.

Nіzh іz a visuvny sectional blade for cutting paper.
A set of files for nigtiv.
Metallic comb (unfortunately, she will soon no longer be able to solve it).
Roses for inspection tube 8 * 10 (tobto with 8-folds and a diameter of the inlet opening of the object 10 mm) - for such parameters it is possible to get rid of it for a clean day illumination, the eyepiece of the tube and can be short-cut.

Decal for old people in plastic packaging.
Plastic pencil case with files (miniature files with other files), shaped with a handle for them.

10x microscope.

Bottom top: another ball: livy

Tape measure: 10 m, measuring less than one inch.
Scotch tape 19 mm matt at plastic containers with edged edges.

A set of miniature (vartovy) wikrutok.
Adhesive roller for marking saw that fibers from textile.

A set of tools in a plastic holder in the format of a bank card.
Non-dedication services (except for the development of services for the furnishings, but do not allow to turn the dedication).
Reading tickets for the collection of bibliotek (Odessa region of science, Russian state, State public science and technology).
Zeneboluvalny (ibuprofen) tablets in blister.
Gas igniter (flare type - with tighter half-shells, similar in shape to autogenous burners).

Bottom top: front ball: near side to stagnation

A month's worth of tickets on all kinds of huge transport in Moscow (since I bought some tickets, then for a month the vitratic tickets are twice as small as 2-3 times less, but I don’t pretend I’m at once, and I’m ready for overpayment).
2 sewn from plastic caps.
Balonchik from synthetic pepper aerosol.

At once we got to Wasserman to get to his pants.

DESCRIPTION OF ZOVNISHNOGO VEST MODEL 1123-00 "Vaserman" (GOST 27575-87). The size of the universal from 48 to 60 (from 96 to 120).

The vest is cholovichy from the central onboard fastening on the "bliskavka".

The police are solid. On polichtsі roztashovano three rіvnі overhead kishena.

1 rіven (top)

The chest is attached to the "briefcase" with a flap and fastened on two metal buttons.

2 rіven (middle)

A number of foldable, one-on-one nastovani.

Close to the board, a portfolio of valves and two metal buttons was stitched vertically. On a quest, in a different way, a briefcase is set up with a valve, of a smaller size, which can also be fixed on two metal buttons.

In the center of another pile, roztashovuєtsya napivotayna overlaid on a cistern with a side entrance (entrance from the side seam). There is a lot of hardware on two metal buttons. On the cistern, there are two balls of horizontal cisterns - a crawling briefcase, divided by a septum (to divide the cistern into two) with valves and two metal buttons on the leather. On a tsyu kishenyu, it is set to a taku taku itself, three of a lesser size. On the upper queen there is a stitching - pidvisku, which can be fixed on the queen for additional metal buttons.

3 rіven (lower)

There is a horizontal overhead of a cistern with a valve and fastening on a choice of metal buttons. The lower cistern pass along the entire bottom of the polichka, and with the bachelor's eyes penetrate the side seam and the seam of the line board. There are two balls of horizontal kishenas on the cistern, a bag full of flaps and three metal buttons. A briefcase has been set up on a small number, a small size, divided by a partition (to divide the number into two) with valves and two metal buttons on the skin.

On the sides along the side, there are two parties, which are fixed with slacks of trousers and a metal button.

The back is made of a curved yoke. On the backs of the rosette two horizontal colonies.

The upper volume of the kishena і from the stagnation to the "bliskavka". The "blisk" pass through the sides and top of the intestine.

The lower cistern is nap_vportfolio from a prismatic entrance. Enter at the swarm of chippings with a chipping and stinging on the "blisk".

Comіrets stіyka.

On the backs, there are two pairs of regulating belts. Belts allow you to adjust the size (size) of the vest behind the addition of metal buckles.

A pad is sewn on the inner side of the vest. There are two internal overheads of the kisheni on the front door.

The armhole of the vest is trimmed with edging from the fabric at the top.

Zagalom vest maє 28 kishen.

On the policas, 26 chisels were installed, which are fixed on 62 metal buttons

On the back of the vest there are two invoices.

DESCRIPTION OF WINTER SPECIES JACKET MODEL 2026-00-V "Vaserman" (GOST 12.4.236-2011). Size 74, size 188 (148/188).

The jacket of the cholovic is podovzhena, straight silhouette, from the central fixed board on the "blisk" to the upper ledge of the comir, closed with a vitrozakhisnoy bar, like fixing behind the additional metal buttons. The inner vitrozakhisna bar is sewn to the inner side.

Politsya with v_dr_znymi coquettes. On the yokes of the polichi there are overlaid kisheni "napivportfeli". There is a cascade with a valve, which is fixed on two metal buttons. On the lower part of the polichka, the invoices were raised.

Persha kishenya - "napivportfolio", with the sub-lateral entrance (entrance at the kishena from the top and from the side out of the lateral seam). Quisin with a valve. The valve is fixed behind the aid of two metal buttons. On a tsiu kishenya, a "briefcase" of a lesser size was set up for a friend of a kishenya. Crowding with the valve, the valve is locked behind the additional metal buttons. All colonies on the police, from the inner side, duplicated with a pad.

The back is made of a curved yoke.

Shirt sleeve. The lower seam of the sleeve is fastened from the side seam of the jacket. The upper part of the sleeve is double-seam, the lower part of the sleeve is two-seam. The bottom of the sleeve is willow, chipped with a welt. To adjust the sleeves from the inner side, sew on the hinges and gudziki (the sleeve should be closed in the middle and fasten to the gudziki and gudziki).

Along the shoulder seam of the shoulder straps. At the end of 7 cm, pierce the shoulder straps with a seam. From the seam, the shoulder straps are extended and fixed behind an additional metal button.

Komir - vtachny, st_yka.

Along the line of the jacket, pass the coulis with a cord, which adjusts the width of the virob behind an additional fixer.

At the bottom of the virob, pass the cooler with a cord, as I adjust the width of the virob behind the auxiliary fixator.

Captur vtachny, be stored in three parts. On the face of the hood, pass the coulis with a cord and fixators. In the middle part of the captur, a stalemate was installed, which regulates the captur obsyag. Hood on p_dkladts_. The hood of the complete set is well-insulated, on two balls of the insulator. It can be fastened to the hood behind the help of the swept loops and gudziks.

On the kaptury pass svitlovidbivna line.

Jacket on p_dkladts_. On the podkladtsi polichi, the inner patch of the intestine with the upper tissue with the valve. Kishenya fіksuєatsya behind the aid of two metal buttons. Kishenya is set on pidsiluvach from the top of the fabric. Along the bottom of the strip from the face side, there are pads from the fabric to the top, so that the wiped pads are secured.

Jacket with two well-known guards:

Persha pidstibka viconan on two balls of heat insulation. It can be fastened to the jacket for additional stitched loops on the strips (the strips are sewn to the jacket lining), and the strips are sewn to the jacket. On presetting the internal overhead of the intestine with the upper tissue with the valve. Kishenya fіksuєatsya behind the aid of two metal buttons. Kishenya is set on pidsiluvach from the top of the fabric. Along the bottom of the strip from the face side, there are pads from the fabric to the top, so that the wiped pads are secured. A knitted wristband to the bottom of the sleeves.

Another pidstіbka viconan one ball of warmer. It is fastened to the jacket for additional hinges, sewn to the slats (the slats are sewn to the jacket lining), and sewn to the jacket. On presetting the internal overhead of the intestine with the upper tissue with the valve. Kishenya fіksuєatsya behind the aid of two metal buttons. Kishenya is set on pidsiluvach from the top of the fabric. On the bottom of the strip from the face side, stitching from the fabric from the top, so that you can wipe the pads. A knitted wristband to the bottom of the sleeves.

DESCRIPTION OF ZOVNISHNOGO VIEW TROUSERS MODEL 1000-12-V "Vaserman" (GOST 27575-87). Size 66, size 188 (132/188).

Classic trousers with a hard belt.

On the front halves, near the middle seam, there is a chipping off of a metal blister with a long cut and a full-cut gulf.

On the belt there is a lock for two locks and two metal buttons.

On the front halves of the chipped intestines at the bottom seams, from the crushed barrels. On the old barrels, there are small overheads of trousers.

On the front halves of the set-up party - pidvis, according to the number of rows (on the skin half). The two bets can be fastened to the front halves for additional hooks and metal buttons. First two bets pat fastened on the front halves around. In the middle of all parties, skirted on the front halves, and so in the middle, on all patches, there is a loop - loop.

On the front halves, below the stalemate, stitched overhead briefcases. Kishenі with a great valve, shho syagaє of the lower seam of the kishenі ("bag-gamanets"). The valve is fixed on two metal buttons. With a valve, on the crowded crowds, there are “like briefcases” and there’s a lot of bliskavka.

There are coils on the back halves. On the back halves there are two overlays with a valve. The valve is fixed on two metal buttons.

There are seven belt loops on the belt.

Zagalom on the vest at the new one has 26 kishena, like Onotole. Rumor about the 28th cistern of pishov because of that, as it was, he once sealed himself on his LJ.

Rear upper
1. Book "Federalist"
2. Cassette recorder
3. Inflatable pillow on shiyu

Rear lower:
4. Foldable automatic parasolka

Top on top: right
5. Coil with a thin line
6. Plastic box with great sewing heads
7. Knitting hook with kovpachkom
8. Blood-backed Olivets

Middle on top: right on top
9. Internal passport of a citizen of Ukraine
10. Zakordonny passport of a citizen of Ukraine
11. Small collection of banknotes

Middle on top: other ball: right outer
12. Digital camera
13. Rigid cardboard lining for special
14. Digital transfer to the editorial office of the "Idea ix" magazine

Middle over: other ball: right near to the stop
15. Keys from the Odessa apartment
16. Likhtar from nine svitlodiodami

Middle on top: other ball: right vertical bar
17. Bag handles
18. Markers
19.Collet olive with a lead of 2.2 mm
20. Combined sharpener for knives
21. Marker for text

Middle over: front ball: right extreme
22. Roulette with a string
23. Monocular 2.5 * 20
24. Miniature siren whistle
25. Miniature wicker with winter attachments

Middle over: front ball: near right to rest
26. English hairpins of small sizes
27. Disinfectant
28. Shmatochki for Нігтів
29. Collection of cardboard tickets of the Moscow metro with hand-marks in honor of the holy and juvenile dates
30. Miniature digital lock

Middle over: front ball: right vertical bar
31. Collet zatiskach with gum for erasing olivtsev letters
32. Pens, felt-tip pens
33. Kulkov pen with bilily for filling letters
34. Box of leads 2,2 mm
35. Spare wood for a knife for paperwork

Bottom over: back ball: right
36. Atlas: svitu, Moscow region, Moscow (with a skin booth), route taxis of Odessa
37. Box for business cards
38. Gamanez with old records

Bottom top: other ball: right
39. Sleep battery calculator
40. Specialist and telephone service providers
41. List of my books

Bottom over: front ball: right near to the end
42. Vizitny cards, which have not yet been brought in to the phone and the assistant
43. Records of the address and telephone numbers (on metro tickets), which have not yet been entered to the telephone number of the presenter
44. Deck of packages of bactericidal plasters
45. Deck of packs of spare leads 0.5 mm
46. ​​Gas igniter
47. Glue Olivets
48. Balonchik with pepper aerosol

Bottom top: front ball: right outer
49. Bank cards
50. Pictures
51. Miniature (80 mm) optical disks with several versions of the operating system Linux
52. Set of pincers with small forms of sponges

Top top: livy
53. Monocular 5 * 25
54. Mechanical cork for dances with a drive on the hand
55. Box of Licorice Lozenges
56. Flash drive 4 G bytes
57. Flash drive 8 G bytes

Middle over: front ball: extreme left
58. Miniature scrubbing sponge
59. Cigar bowl
60. Plastic pill box
61. Two over-miniature folding knives
62. Miniature lichtar with svitlodiodom
63. Flash drive 1 G byte
64. Flash drive 32 G bytes

Middle on top: other ball: lіvіy vertical bar
65. Mechanical olives with 0.5 mm leads of small colors.
66. Bag handles
67. Vikrutka with winter attachments and ratchet mechanism

Middle over: livy napivotayniy (stopping - pid groin)
68. Internal passport of a citizen of the SRSR with an overhand about the Ukrainian community
69. Zakordonny passport of a whopper of Ukraine
70. Zakordonny passport of the hulk of the PCR with a supervisor about the hulk of Ukraine
71. Trudova book
72. A skein of gum dumplings for shrinking paperwork

Middle over: other ball: livy extreme
73. Magnifier combined: 4-fold with 10-fold insert
74. Magnifier combined: 10-fold 3-element and 20-fold 5-element
75. Sliders for p_dv_ski bags under the stiles

Middle on top: other ball: near side to stagnation
76. Low storage
77. Spare cassette for the voice recorder

Middle over: front ball: near side to stagnation
78. A pack of cardboard tickets of the Moscow metro (old zrazka)
79. The magnifier is combined: 2-fold with 8-fold insert
80. Cassette with other sewing heads
81.6 grilling drawers

Middle over: front ball: straight vertical bar
82. Bag handles
83. Felt
84. Nіzh with a visuvny sectional blade for cutting paper
85. A set of files for nіgtіv
86. Metallic comb
87. Rozsuvna p_dzorna pipe 8 * 10

Bottom top: back ball: livy
88. A few old people of records at the plastic packaging
89. Plastic pencil case with files
90.10x microscope

Bottom top: another ball: livy
91. Tape measure: 10 m, graduated in metric inches
92. Scotch tape, 19 mm, matte with plastic containers from the edges
93. Set of miniature (varietal) wigs
94. Adhesive roller for sawing and sawing fibers from textile

Bottom top: front ball: outer edge
95. A set of tools for a plastic holder in the format of a bank card
96. Extraordinary services
97. Reading tickets for the library
98. Pigulki zneboluvalny (ibuprofen) at blister
99. Gas igniter

Bottom top: front ball: near side to stagnation
100. Monthly ticket for all kinds of public transport in Moscow
101. Help
102.2 awls іf plastic wedge pads
103. Balonchik iz synthetic pepper aerosol


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