How to increase physical strength at home. Strong arms: exercise

How to increase physical strength at home. Strong arms: exercise

Hello! Today I have for you an article by one of my readers - Vitaly. I liked it and decided to publish it. It will be about how to become stronger or how to develop physical strength, as well as how to strengthen the ligaments, joints, tendons, and in general, many important and interesting points will be considered.

Force - How much of this word! Men will understand me. Oh, how many boys dream of owning her - to be the first in the yard, so that the neighboring girls never leave such a brave and impudent guy. Oh, childhood, childhood, but oh well, why am I suddenly nostalgic.

So dear lovers and spirit, I decided to initiate you into the secret of achieving extraordinary strength! Of course - who doesn't dream of being a strong and self-confident person huh? So that. And I dreamed until I began to try various options for achieving this very power. And not just forces, but "superpowers" and not less joule! And I found a better way!

Began daily visits to the rocking chair, running,. Yes, it helped me for a while, until the ceiling of my, let's say, "inner comfort" was reached. Hands began to grow in volume, shirts on the back began to tear more and more often. Yes, I became more or less athletic, but the question arose, what next? I was always small in stature, so I didn't want to swell like a balloon at all. The strength of the body, in general, of course, increased, but did not reach the indicators that I had time to desire. And I wished, as you have probably already managed to understand a lot. I wanted, for example, to learn how to take a person by the collar with one hand - and hold him in weight. To have such a strong grip that even twitching and pulling away - a person could not unclench my hands a centimeter. And here I remembered one Russian folk tale about the miracle hero Nikita Kozhemyak. A man, according to beliefs, of extraordinary strength - crumpled raw skin all his life. The working class in general. This is how my cherished dream slowly led me to the concept of “ static exercises"Or they are also called isometric.

Have you ever noticed how another thin person is much stronger than a well-fed big man? The answer is simple - developed tendons! Yes, not muscles, but tendons! Kozma Prutkov said - Look at the root. Tendons are the very root system of the mechanism of our strength! By attaching muscle tissue to bones, they serve as the foundation of an amazing mechanism that allows you to achieve unprecedented results!

How to strengthen tendons and joints?

Of course, dear readers, the question arises - how to develop these same tendons? Everything has its time. I'll start from afar. There was such a wonderful person in the twentieth century - Alexander Zass. By the way, he comes from Mother Russia. As they say - bright people and bright destiny finds. He fought in the First World War, was captured, even escaped several times. And he began to wander around Europe with the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to do. And he began to engage in a little, a lot of tendon exercises, but achieved such results that the entire capitalist world gasped! He began performing in the circus with various programs. For example, he tore chains half a centimeter thick, lifted a horse, and held the blows of a sledgehammer to the stomach.

So, he developed a whole system of exercises, based on his own experience, that would allow you to achieve the same results. Their essence is as follows - tendons can be developed only by applying their strength to a stationary object.

An example of such an exercise - pushing the wall (photo below), or pulling the rope fixed in the floor. But Zass went even further - he discovered the convenience of exercises with ordinary chains. Having made a couple of hooks for the convenience of regulating the length of the chains, I began to work out all my muscle groups in a static mode. Trying to break the chain in different positions, he created a steady "power" wave in his body, which he kept for several seconds, then smoothly left the state of tension. Zass repeated several times - no need to try to break the chain, just create a force wave and the chain will break itself sooner or later!

Also, the most important attention in this course of exercises was paid breathing... In no case should you breathe intermittently and abruptly. Breathing should be even and calm. Smooth inhalation with increasing tension, then holding the force wave and smooth exhalation with weakening.

Tendon exercises can be performed using various shells - metal reinforcement, rope, wooden stick. Try to bend a thick metal bar, squeeze a stick, lift a doorframe: muscles and tendons tighten, the whole body enters a force wave. By repeating the same exercise several times, you develop exactly the part that is responsible for real strength - the strength of the tendons!

Observing all these simple rules, and periodically practicing (about two, three times a week) with the inclusion, you can achieve a significant strengthening of your body, you will feel extraordinary lightness and comfort. And what else does a normal, healthy person need to be happy?

I will say about myself - I have been studying this method for about a year. The results are extraordinary! In wrestling training, I have practically no equal, the coach is overjoyed! And this despite the fact that a year ago everyone and everybody broke me! The grip of the hand has become iron, I feel every muscle of my body with my body! I wish everyone who is not lazy and not afraid to develop - try this system. I promise you will not regret it, you will be able to develop strength very quickly! Good luck!

With what weight of the bar to grow strength

For resistance training, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that 60-70% RR is needed to increase maximum muscle strength in low- to moderately exercised individuals. Roughly speaking, if your maximum barbell weight with which you can squat once is 100 kg, then the most effective training weight for strength growth is 60-70 kg.

Scientists confirm: according to meta-analysis (Rhea et al, 2003) optimal intensity for untrained (less than a year of continuous training) 60% PM.

You should not use significant increases or decreases in resistance relative to 60% of the PM. The effectiveness of training in untrained people decreased at an average training intensity of 80% of the PM.

For people with a high level of fitness, ACSM recommends an intensity of 80-100% PM to increase strength..

Basic work for experienced: 70-80% of the PM

Legendary Soviet weightlifter Yuri Vlasov (Zozhnik compiled) talks about the principles of strength training by Soviet weightlifters: “Increasing the load leads to long-term (structural and functional) changes that serve as the basis for the progress of strength skills. Of course, strength grows at the same time, but not too fast. Then, increasing the intensity allows you to quickly achieve new results. However, the high intensity of work in itself does not lead to a deep adaptation of the organism. "

Should we raise it to failure?

We figured out the weight with which to effectively perform the exercises. But is it necessary to do the exercise "to failure"? In most cases, performing reps to failure is not recommended by the experts (including to reduce the risk of injury).

Soviet weightlifters performed most of the work from 1/3 to 2/3 reps of the rep max (when working with a range of 70-90% of the RM). That is, if they could sit down with the bar to failure 3 times, then they performed either 1 or 2 repetitions, but not all 3.

For weights greater than 90% of the PM, only single repetitions were performed. For weights lighter than 70%, the number of repetitions is usually 1/3 of the maximum possible.

Fitness expert Sergei Strukov cites the following disadvantages of working to the point of failure: exercise technique is inevitably disrupted, therefore, in those exercises where refusal is applied, either a certain “reserve of technique” or a situation in which a change in technique does not cause injury is needed.

At the same time, failure is inevitable in some approaches with a gradual increase in the load. Performing an exercise with a safe technique to failure is periodically included in the training to clarify the result of the training and, possibly, to stimulate further adaptation in experienced athletes.

Variability of load: it is impossible to constantly increase the weight

The variability of the load must also be increased in parallel with the growth of fitness.

For example, Pavel Tsatsulin, a US-based coach and author of books on kettlebell lifting,.

Previously, among security athletes, the basic scheme was “three weeks of increased loads with one week of rest,” but then, back in the Soviet Union, it was practiced only by novice athletes. Professional Soviet weightlifters did not increase the load every week in order to be as exhausted as possible in 3 weeks, and to do something completely different for 4 weeks. Training intensity changed unexpectedly, but not as dramatically.

Professor Arkady Vorobyov found out that unexpected changes in exercise load have more impact than anything else... A classic experiment of a researcher from his group, A. Ermakov, showed that "jumping" loads were 61% more effective than training programs with a planned gradual increase in load.

Targeted and Assisted Exercises

Based on preliminary testing, 1-3 exercises are selected as "target" exercises, in which it is necessary to increase strength in the first place. This is mainly squats, deadlifts, free weights.

The rest of the exercises in the training program are auxiliary. They performed with less intensity, often with more repetitions, rest between sets is also reduced. Such a scheme increases the variety of the training stimulus and, probably, results in greater overall strength gain.

One of the most common mistakes: Excessive exercise intensity in assisted exercises.

There is no need to arrange a test of the body for strength from training. In targeted exercises, an attempt to increase the weight in sets is made no more than once every two weeks... It is considered that the load should be increased if one or two additional repetitions can be performed in the required intensity zone (for example, 8-10 RM) on two workouts in a row.

Auxiliary exercises are performed strictly within the prescribed pattern of repetitions.

Rest between reps

Strength training guides believe that for maximum growthstrength need long rest intervals (3 minutes) between approaches, and formaximizing muscle growth it is recommended to rest about1 minute.

However, until recently, there were no studies to prove this point of view. Recently, the well-known "fitness scientist" Brad Schönefeld spoke about the study of the relationship between the growth of strength and muscle volume on the amount of rest between sets.

A group of 21 young men was randomly divided into 2 subgroups: one resting between sets for 1 minute, and the other for 3 minutes. All other components of the training program remained unchanged. The subjects trained in a standard bodybuilding-oriented style, performing 7 exercises and working all major muscle groups in the upper and lower body.Each exercise consisted of 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions, while the training itself took place 3 times a week for 8 weeks.

Participants were tested before and immediately after the study. As test exercises to determine the growth of strength indicators, a barbell press on a horizontal bench and squats were used (indicators were determined based on the growth of 1RM).

When analyzing changes based on the 1 PM test,in the group that rested longer (3 minutes), both in the barbell press on the horizontal bench and in the squats, the growth rates of maximum strength were significantly higher.


Now let's summarize the above in a short list recommendations for maximizing muscle strength:

Working weight : for beginners - 60-70% PM, for experienced ones - the main job is 70-80% PM, rarely - 80-100% PM.

Number of repetitions : for beginners - it is necessary to finish the exercises 1-2 repetitions BEFORE failure and do not exercise at all to failure. Experienced athletes also do most of their workout work up to 2/3 reps to failure, rarely to muscle failure.

Load change : the unexpectedness of the load change (within certain limits) gives the best effect. It is impossible to constantly increase the load, you need rest and periods of reducing the load.

Rest between sets : Research shows that resting 3 minutes between sets is noticeably more effective than resting 1 minute between sets.

Sources:,, Brad Schoenfeld: What is the Ideal Rest Interval for Muscle Growth? Implications from Our Recent Study.

For a punch to be strong, it is necessary not only to practice, but to understand how the force necessary to deliver a powerful punch is formed. There are several techniques that allow you to punch with a really powerful and strong fist.

A strong blow is formed not only due to the high speed, but also due to its own weight. If you invest your entire body weight, the result will be as powerful as possible. Dislocations can be avoided by adhering to the correct execution technique, which assumes that the arm is never fully extended, but strikes are applied at different angles. They bring really serious damage to the opponent.


They play an equally important role for the force of the blow. Their position and movement should obey the following nuances:

  1. The feet must be spread wider than the shoulder girdle.
  2. The turn of the foot is done in the direction of the movement that is made by the hand, while the heel is always raised first.
  3. When a blow is made with the right hand, the left foot does not move, the heel is lifted with the right and vice versa.

The correct position of the feet allows for much stronger and more powerful strikes, but is not the only point to consider.

What else do you need to know to give your punch strength?

  1. Keep your knees slightly bent, transferring your own body weight forward.
  2. During the strike, the hips should turn in the direction in which the opponent is.
  3. In close contact, the full movement of the entire body allows the force of the impact to be increased.
  4. You can't reach forward. The torso should unfold sharply.
  5. Leaving the arm back during the swing allows the opponent to predict and prevent the blow.
  6. When striking a fist, you need to squeeze as hard as possible.
  7. Each new blow is made with an exhalation of air.

These requirements should not be met separately, but simultaneously.

Strong Impact Exercises

To punch forcefully and forcefully, you also need to practice. This is facilitated by a set of exercises.

You must have enough free space to complete the exercise. The ball should be taken heavy. The one that boxers train with is best. An alternative option would be a basketball.

The technique of execution is as follows:

  • legs apart at shoulder width;
  • the body is kept straight;
  • the ball is raised high above the head;
  • the ball is hit with force on the floor and is caught after the rebound.

The stuffing is done at least 15 times.

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • stand straight, legs at shoulder level, and arms at the sides;
  • squat until the knees form one line with the hips;
  • jump upwards while raising their arms.

You need to jump as high as possible. Repetitions are done so much that there is no strength left. You can enhance the effect with the use of dumbbells that are held in your hands.

Triceps, shoulder and back workout

These muscle groups play an important role in increasing the force of the punch delivered by the fist and are trained through the following exercises.

Hands, pulling up, hold a little wider than the shoulders. To increase efficiency, weights are hung on the belt. They try to do the number of repetitions as much as their own physical training allows.

Hands are placed as close to each other as possible. You cannot bend your back. She must remain erect. The exercise trains the triceps, chest and back muscles. The bench press works in a similar way. To strengthen your hands, you need to do push-ups on your fists.

Performed with a bench. They stand with their backs to it, lean their palms, squat slightly. They descend and rise due to flexion and extension of the arms. Do at least 3 sets of 20 reps.

Strengthen the hands, develop the deltoid muscles. The latter are of great importance for the blow. In addition, a kettlebell is a projectile that promotes muscle growth.

The legs are spread apart at the sides. In a straightened hand, a kettlebell is held between the legs, and the legs are slightly bent at the knee joint. The kettlebell is lifted forward with a sharp movement so that a right angle forms between the projectile and the body. Care should be taken to keep the back straight at the top extreme point. Up to 8 repetitions are done for each hand. Tension should be felt in the muscles.

It is performed similarly to forward lifts, but only the projectile is raised above the head. The recommended number of repetitions per side is 8 to 12 times.

The projectile is placed between the legs apart. They put a hand on it so that the hips remain behind. They make a sharp jerk upward, throwing the kettlebell directly onto the shoulders, and then push the projectile over their heads with a push. Returns to the starting position. For each hand, you need to do 10 lifts.

Sitting kettlebell raises

The kettlebell is thrown over the shoulder, squatted down. To maintain balance, put the left hand forward. The kettlebell is lifted up, wait a second, make another lift, and then change the hand. The buttocks with the calves should be constantly tense.

Kettlebell Raises from a Lying Position

They lie down on the floor with their backs down, take a kettlebell in their hand and raise it. The arm is held upright and then begins to rise. First bend one and then the other leg. If the lifts are difficult, they help themselves with the hand free from the projectile. Do about 10 reps.

Two shells are thrown over the shoulders. Having absorbed air into the lungs, the kettlebells are jerked up above the head, and then slowly lowered. During the exercise, the abdominal muscles should be tense.

To make your punch stronger, you can use the following techniques and techniques:

  • Exercise with a wrist expander. You need to take the toughest. It is necessary to compress the projectile sharply and with the application of maximum force. Working with the expander promotes the development of the interdigital muscles and forearms, which makes the fists more powerful and stronger.
  • Jump rope daily. You need to try to raise your hips as high as possible, and reach the chest with your knees.
  • Training with a sledgehammer is pretty effective too. It is taken in the hand and hit on old tires, which activates the muscles that work when struck. This should be done on the street, for example, next to the garage.
  • Working in pairs, on the "paws" you need to try to make blows, imagining that the target is several centimeters further, trying to pierce it through. This makes it possible not only to hit harder, but also not to lose speed.
  • Shadowboxing should not be neglected. This exercise allows you to learn how to deliver unexpected blows, which are most effective, since the opponent does not have time to react. You need to train every day for at least 10 minutes.
  • An explosive punch helps to develop push-ups both on the palms with a separation from the floor surface and on the fists. The number of approaches should be at least three with ten repetitions each.


The above exercises help to increase endurance and make the tendons and muscles of the arms stronger, develop the strength of the blows. If performed on a regular basis, the results are visible within seven days.

Good afternoon, fun hour, we are glad to see you with us! We open the first Friday of September with a cycle of interrogative and questioning notes. This means that for a whole month we will be analyzing "as-topics". And the first one according to the plan is as-drunk :) we have the next one - how to increase grip strength.

The conversation will be detailed and detailed, so prick up your ears on the top of your head and listen carefully.

So, if everything is assembled, then let's start broadcasting.

Grip strength: everything you need to know

How often do you work on your grip when you come to the gym? Once, twice a month, or maybe never at all? I am more inclined to believe that the latter option will be close to many. Just as young people very rarely train their legs (especially calves), so practically nothing falls into the classes to strengthen the grip. But here's the bad luck: if you are a girl, then you probably want to have elastic and voluminous, well, or at least not flat buttocks. And to achieve this goal, you come to the gym and do not "fitness" - training with your own body weight, but strength work with weights. Surely, both are used, and all kinds of traction (for example,).

So, at some point you reach the "handle" - the point at which your arms / hands are simply not able to withstand the required weight on the apparatus. In other words, your buttocks have just begun to receive the load, and your hands, or rather the grip, do not allow you to complete the workout at a high ideological level. You are unable to complete one more rep, let alone the remaining sets. The bottleneck in our example is the grip strength. It was she who became the factor holding back the volumetric growth of your buttocks.

If we shift this situation to numbers, then 90% young ladies from the gym walk with underdeveloped / underdeveloped gluteal muscles precisely because of the grip. How do you like this information? Sad, isn't it? Surely you also fall into your booty :) under these statistics. To break this vicious circle and give our wives (not a name) carte blanche for growth, we started this article. And further in the text we will analyze how to increase grip strength and force muscles (not just the buttocks) grow in volume.

All further narration on the topic of how to increase grip strength will be divided into subchapters.

Why develop grip strength?

If you still do not understand why to develop grip strength, then the following arguments will set you on the right path. Here they are:

  1. strong grip \u003d taking more weights. In fitness / BB there are a lot of "pulling" exercises, for example, Romanian deadlift, one-handed dumbbell row. In all of them, the grip plays an important role. You will be able to complete the first sets of exercises, but you need a developed grip to complete them all. The latter will allow you to progress in working weights;
  2. strong grip \u003d better endurance. Doing more reps is another benefit of a strong grip;
  3. strong grip \u003d better resistance to injury. Stronger muscles and connective tissue are more resistant to injury. Even if the latter do occur, the muscles recover faster and the athlete returns to training faster;
  4. strong grip \u003d more muscle mass. This is another effect that a developed grip can have on an athlete's condition / performance.


In addition to the rigidity of holding the projectile, a strong grip affects the proximal muscles and the training of the nervous system. There are many mechanoceptors in the hands (disproportionately more than other areas of the body), and with increased grip, they learn, transmitting more and more nerve impulses to the brain. The connection, the brain-muscle channel thickens, resulting in (recruiting more fibers) the athlete is able to take on large weights.

Who has the stronger grip, men or women?

Of course, in men, many of you are sure, but this is not entirely true. For example, take the average man, usually an office worker, and his wife (usually a “working” woman)... On her life, a child, dragging bags from the store. And if you send them to the gym to do (with the norm of burden corresponding to the body weight of each) grip exercises, the young ladies will demonstrate better results.

The whole trick is that the constant dragging of bags from the store, carrying a bucket of water when cleaning floors in an apartment and other household things - all this has a direct effect on the muscles of the forearms and the strength of the hands. Therefore, working women (for your build) have sufficient (very often exceeding male) grip strength.

Now let's get down to ...

Forearm Muscles Anatomy

In our previous notes, in particular this one, we have already considered the issues of the arrangement of the forearms, but in the vein of the entire muscle group - the arms. Now we will consider only the segment called forearm, and only the muscle layer.

The forearm is the second largest segment of the upper limb. It extends between the elbow and wrist and is subdivided by layers of fascia, bones, and ligaments into the anterior (flexors, flexors) and back (extensors) areas. They are separated by a lateral intermuscular septum, an interosseous membrane, and have a deep fascia attachment along the posterior border of the ulna. The muscles of the anterior region are the flexors, in three layers.

The surface layer is represented by the following “elements”:

  • flexor of the wrist;
  • long palmar muscle;
  • radial flexor of the wrist;
  • round pronator.

The intermediate layer is represented by the superficial flexor of the fingers:

  • deep flexor of the fingers;
  • long flexor of the thumb;
  • square pronator (lies in a deep layer).

All of these anterior muscles are responsible for wrist / finger flexion and arm pronation. They are innervated by the median nerve, with the exception of the ulnar flexor of the wrist and the medial half of the deep flexor of the fingers, both of which are innervated by the ulnar nerve.

The muscles of the posterior region are present in two layers: superficial and deep.

The surface layer consists of:

  • brachioradialis;
  • long radial extensor of the wrist;
  • short radial extensor of the wrist;
  • the extensor of the fingers;
  • little finger extensor;
  • ulnar extensor of the wrist;
  • ulnar muscle.

The deep layer includes:

  • instep support;
  • long muscle, abductor thumb;
  • short extensor of the thumb of the hand;
  • long extensor of the thumb;
  • extensor of the index finger.

The muscles in the posterior region are responsible for lengthening the wrist / fingers and supination of the hand. They are all innervated by the radial nerve.

In the assembled form, the picture version of the anatomy of the muscles of the forearms is as follows.

Actually, in theory, that's all. And since you will not be full of it, then we will pay special attention to practice.

How to increase grip strength? The practical side of the issue

In this part of the post we will talk about the importance of forearm training, its technology and, of course, we will consider the whole range of exercises for creating a steel grip. (and in two schemes - male and female)... So let's go in order.

Weak forearms as a muscle growth limiter

Let's figure out if this is so, and if so, why.

Did you know that the hands have the largest projection area on the cerebral cortex? The brain is the mover of all our muscles, it commands our body. The brain has a large surface, divided into parts, each of which is responsible for a particular muscle unit. A sufficiently large “piece” corresponds to the hands on this surface. (more than chest or back muscles)... According to the principle of feedback, nerve impulses run back from the muscles of the hand to the brain, which means that the more often you train your hands, the higher the overall energy tone of the brain. Hand training energizes the brain, increasing its overall activity.

In addition, recent scientific studies show that through the hand-brain connection, a powerful grip increases the output of strength in a single repetition. 6-8 (up to 10 ) %. And vice versa - weak hands / forearms depress the psyche and prevent the athlete from doing his best in strength training.

Output: the athlete's overall strength may be limited by weak forearms. The stronger the hands, the higher the recoil from any (especially on hands) exercise. Therefore, if your arms have stopped growing, pay attention to strengthening the grip.

Forearm training technology

To understand how to properly train the muscles of the forearms, you need to find out which " the category "includes their fibers and what their percentage is a given muscle group.

Physiological researchers believe that the muscles of the forearms have the same (or approximately the same) the ratio of fast and slow muscle fibers, 50 on 50 ... We know from theory that white m.v. (fast) have higher growth potential. Thus, two approaches are applicable to forearm training:

  1. the same (meaning time parameters) work with both types of fibers. For instance, 2 work on red and 2 weeks over white mv;
  2. work biased towards the development of fast m.v. (predominance of some over others)... For instance, 3 weeks of fast fiber training and 1 week on slow m.v.

How to train this or that type of m.v. we talked in detail here. If the approach is closer to you №2 , then work out the muscles of the forearms with high intensity, extreme weights and for a small number of repetitions ( 3-7 ). Isometric exercises (to hold the weight) spend no more than 15-20 seconds.

Types of grips. What to train with?

It would seem, what other types of grips? Is there some kind of classification? Yes there is. Let's go over the terminology and exercises for each.

So, there are grips:

  • squeezing. Each of us encounters this grip every day and represents a handshake - squeezing something held in the palm of your hand. How long you can hold a heavy dumbbell / barbell throughout the entire set / sets depends on pumping this grip. Workout: wrist expander or squeezing the wrists that hold the bar thick 5 cm;
  • finger grip. The most striking example is holding an object with your fingers. How strong your thumb will be depends on pumping this grip. Workout: Static / Isometric Exercises (e.g. finger-holding pancakes)holding water bottle with fingers;
  • power. It is taking something heavy in your hands and carrying it over some distance. Pumping this grip determines how heavy the dumbbells are and how long you can carry them. Workout: exercise, walk with a flap bar.

Well, so we got to the picture part of the article, and then we will find out ...

How to increase grip strength? What exercises will help me with this? Option for men

Yes, you heard right, we decided to break our exercises into "m" and "g". And, I think, in the process of familiarizing yourself with them, you will understand the reason for this division.

The following information will be presented exclusively in the format of a photo sequence, i.e. we will indicate only the name of the exercise and give its visual. So, if your grip is poor, include some of the following exercises in your hand PT.

# 1. Barbell Exercises

  1. bending the wrists with a barbell with a bottom / top grip;
  2. lifting and holding the barbell, grip with one hand in the middle;
  3. deadlift with shrugs;
  4. walk with a chatter bar;
  5. rolling up / down the bar;
  6. lifting the bar to the biceps, grip at the edge.

# 2. Dumbbell Exercises

  1. farmer's walk with dumbbells;
  2. hold + shrugs with dumbbells while sitting on a bench;
  3. holding a dumbbell with a grip on top;
  4. flexion of the wrists with a dumbbell grip from above / below, located at the edge of the bench;
  5. pronation and supination, rotation of the hand with a dumbbell lying on the bench sideways.

Number 3. Exercises on the horizontal bar / uneven bars

  1. push-ups from above from the "thick horizontal bar";
  2. hanging for a while on a "thick horizontal bar", grip with one / two hands;
  3. hanging / holding the position of oneself on the hands at the top point on the horizontal bar;
  4. hanging / holding the position of oneself on the hands at the top point on the straps / towels on the horizontal bar;
  5. retention (with periodic change of position to vertical) yourself on your hands on the lower bars in a downward-forward tilt position.

No. 4. Home exercise (using handy inventory)

  1. push-ups on the fingers;
  2. compression of a metal expander (rubber round for girls);
  3. retention 2 pancakes with your fingers;
  4. busting your fingers back and forth over the book;
  5. busting fingers back and forth on two combined boards;
  6. raising a row of bricks;
  7. lifting a chair by one leg with weight;
  8. holding the pancake with different fingers.

Now let's move to another camp and find out ...

How to increase grip strength? What exercises will help me with this? Option for women

Of course, women do not need large forearms, and therefore the nature of the exercises for them should be different from that of men.

Young ladies are better off turning their attention to the following exercises:

  • vertical pull of the rope handle to the lower chest area while standing at the block;
  • reverse lifts to the biceps of the bodybar;
  • lifting the weight up by the handle;
  • squeezing a tennis ball;
  • spreading fingers with elastic bands worn on them;
  • spinning in a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise) the hand in which there is (taken by the bottom and in a horizontal position) a bottle of water.

Well, in conclusion, let's clarify ...

Got exercises, what's next?

  • give your forearms a full day of training per week with the lower muscle group or work them out at the end of each workout (1-3 exercises);
  • do not start upper training with the forearms, as you will reduce its overall effectiveness;
  • use either a combined approach by training 50 on 50 red and white muscle fibers the same number of times a week, or shift the emphasis to fast muscle fibers, doing many times more workouts on them;
  • girls who want to significantly increase the volume of the buttocks should strengthen their grip in order to raise / increase working weights (and the projectile held in hand for a long time) in such exercises: Romanian deadlift with a barbell and lunges with dumbbells;
  • use for a workout in the gym no more 3 conditionally basic (with shells) exercises and no more 5 at home;
  • forearms for a relatively long time (like calves) "fill" with strength / volumetric increase, so do not expect a quick result. Your waiting period will be on average 3-5 months.

Actually, we also finished with practice, it remains to summarize all this muddle :)


The first big post-release note from which we learned how to increase grip strength. Oddly enough, nothing unusual was revealed to us. There are no secret secrets that will make your grip iron on click. Those of you who are patient will be rewarded a hundredfold. And who is very patient, maybe Valeriitsa and Tamaritsa will catch up with those :).

That's all for this. Thank you for spending this time in our company. Until next time!

PS: What about your grip?

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With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Strength development requires special skills, learn 10 important rules of how to develop strength, lift heavier weights, improve strength and become more powerful.

All visitors to the gym are divided into 2 types: some are just gaining strength, while others are already strong, but in the end, everyone needs strength. Every more or less knowledgeable fitness person knows that stronger muscles allow you to lift heavier ones, which causes an increase in muscle volume.

To solve the problem of how to develop grip strength and take your strength training to the next level, remember the 10 most important rules for developing strength.

1.Warm up and stretch first.

Having come to the gym, many are already mentally wound and ready to take heavy weight and overcome it as soon as possible, while simultaneously morally satisfying their psyche and making their body stronger. But stop !!! Take your time, for a start you need good muscles.

To get started, warm up your muscles on a stationary bike or orbit track, this way you prepare your muscle fibers and joints for work, warming them up and making them more flexible and mobile, this reduces the possibility of injury.

Next, you need to take a warm-up weight, about 20% of the one-rep maximum, this will allow you to remember the technique of movement and improve muscle coordination, in addition, this will increase the blood flow to the trained muscle, which will automatically prepare it for work.

Before training a specific muscle, try to always carefully prepare it, for example, before with a barbell, do squats with your own weight, before, circular swings, and so on.

2.Do basic exercises first.

At the beginning of the training itself, the strength is at the peak of its capabilities, the body is fresh and vigorous, so throw all your strength at the beginning of the training to perform heavy, multi-joint exercises, these include, bench press

Do not try to do simple isolated exercises at the beginning of the workout, after them you will not be able to master decent weights in the basic exercise, the result will be an insufficient opportunity to develop strength and muscle volume.

Therefore, do everything right, first the base, and then the isolation of the muscles, otherwise you can forget about the development of strength.

3 use the reverse pyramid principle

In some sources this training method is called Egyptian training. The point is that after performing a preliminary warm-up of the muscles, working with light weights to warm up the muscles, set the maximum weight at which do 3-4 repetitions no more, then reduce the weight to do 6 repetitions, 3 sets for 8 repetitions, 4 to 10 repetitions. That is, with each approach, the weight decreases, and the quantity increases - this is the essence of the method.

A big plus of this approach is post-activation potentiation, our body completing an approach of 3-4 repetitions with a heavy weight, making subsequent approaches with a lighter weight, squeezes out the weight much faster, this puts a new load on the muscles, which means that strength and volume grow.

4) Fewer reps, more sets

A typical workout aimed at muscle hypertrophy involves performing 4 sets of 10-8 repetitions, to develop strength, it is better to do 8 sets of 4 repetitions, so the muscle fibers do not have time to get tired and fill up.

Your goal is to lift heavy weights in short training sessions, rather than exhausting the muscle with a lot of repetitions, this is how the peak of strength development is achieved. Therefore, when thinking about how to develop strength - know, there are more approaches, fewer repetitions.

5. Pay attention to movement technique

For the development of strength, it is necessary to learn how to correctly concentrate all efforts in a certain part of the body, this is achieved by studying the correct technique of movement.

Some experts believe that in order to perform an exercise correctly, it is necessary to complete it for at least 1000 repetitions, remember boxers - to create the perfect blow, they work out the same movement a huge number of times. It's not in vain that Bruce Lee said - “I'm not afraid of the one who performs 10,000 different punches, but of the one who performs 1 punch 10,000 times”.

6. Eliminate bad habits

It will be about a large amount of alcohol consumption, and if your goal is also to lose weight, it will slow down your process.

Nobody encourages you to become a teetotaler, but try at least on weekdays to minimize the use of beer, for example, it is believed that it reduces testosterone, and this growth hormone is very important for strength.

7.Use a full stop training

- allows you to do each repetition like the first. Here you exclude rebound, inertial force and amplitude of motion, all the load is concentrated on the trained muscle and it receives a powerful force load.

You can lower the weight quickly during the relaxation phase, but when you descend to the lowest point, pause for a second, exclude any auxiliary movements and perform the repetition as the first time. Here you will definitely get more tired, the exercise will be more difficult, but the return will be higher.

8. Work explosively

Lift weights at a fast pace, it is acceleration in the initial phase that helps to actively include rapidly twitching fibers in the work, but in no case start the exercise with a jerk, the movement should be powerful, but not jerky, otherwise, especially in the deadlift, this will bring microtraumas lower back.

Try to lift the weight faster, both in work sets and warm-ups, this allows you to develop strength and engage new muscles that are used to working at a moderate pace. And everyone knows the formula, the more is included in the work of the muscles, the faster the strength and volume increase.

9. Concentrate on one thing

Everyone wants to achieve different goals at once, while using minimal time. But it is impossible to immediately become muscular, hardy and strong, of course, if you are not on a course of strong steroids.

Concentrate on one thing, in our case there is only one question - how to develop strength, give all your efforts and attention to the development of strength. If you want to develop in all directions, use periodization. Work for 1-2 months for strength, then 1-2 months for mass, then for endurance.

10. Concentrate Before Each Set

Before each approach, you need to fully concentrate, throw all other thoughts out of your head, imagine that now you will conquer this working weight. Use motivating music, take a crazy person as your partner, who will motivate you with words, helping you to lift the weight with all his might.

Look at the powerlifters, how they set up before each hike, it seems that they withdraw into themselves and see no one or anything around.

Learn these 10 important rules and get stronger every day.


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