The complex of vitamins of the group in and magic. Complex of vitamins group B in tablets

The complex of vitamins of the group in and magic. Complex of vitamins group B in tablets

Universal Vitamin B Complex - It is designed for leading healthy lifestyle of people highly efficient vitamin formula. The product leads to normal processes of voices, the work of the nervous system, and also has an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails. And all this thanks to the mixture of vitamins, which are included in this complex.

Universal Vitamin B Complex is:

  • 8 group vitamins in;
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • Choline.

Vitamins of group B are water-soluble vitamins that are important in cell metabolism.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps glucose to allocate energy, and also takes part in the functions of the nervous system.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is directly involved in energy production processes. He also supports eye and skin health.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) is necessary for the body to convert carbohydrates and fats in energy. It also helps maintain skin, nervous and digestive systems in a healthy state. In contrast to all other vitamins of the B, niacin is extremely resistant to high temperatures.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It also takes part in the production of red blood cells and hormones.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism processes, erythrocyte education. It affects the development of the brain to the processes flowing in it, as well as on the immune function.

Vitamin B7 (biotin) is needed for metabolism of energy and amino acids, fiv and glycogen synthesis.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is necessary for the formation of erythrocytes, which are known to carry oxygen over the blood. It participates in the processes of development of the nervous system, the synthesis of DNA and the growth of cells.

Vitamin B12 produces and maintains myelin - a mixture of protein and lindoid substances, which are part of the shell of nerve fibers. It also affects mental ability, takes part in the formation of erythrocytes, and also destroys some fatty acids and amino acids in order to produce energy.

Vitamin B12 is closely associated with vitamin B9: to properly perform their functions, they must interact with each other.

Para-aminobenzoic acid (vitamin B10) activates the intestinal flora. In addition, it takes part in the instructions of the assimilation of protein, the production of red blood cells, and also supports healthy skin condition.

Holine improves memory, is an important substance for the activity of the nervous system. From choline, the synthesis of a very important transmitter of the nervous impulse - acetylcholine occurs. In addition, it affects the exchange of carbohydrates, regulates insulin levels.

Universal Vitamin B Complex - This is an excellent complex with the content of important vitamins, in which the emphasis is on a very important group of Vitamins V. It is important to regularly ensure the receipt of these nutrients, since they are not inhibited in the body. Moreover, even if you use them with food, then you should know that excessive treatment during its preparation can lead to full or partial destruction of vitamins. Vitamin B Complex will help you with the easiest way to get so important organic compounds.


The complex provides good nutritional support to the nervous system. If all the vitamins of the group B are present in your body at the same time, they interact with each other and contribute to the production of energy. They are important for your nerves, skin, hair, eye and liver, are necessary for the normal exchange of fats and proteins and maintain the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

Complex VitaminsB. in tablets It is more expedient than try to organize food, which includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, as well as meat. It is impossible to eat so much food to normalize and fill the desired number of vitamins of this group. The B Group includes the correct proportions of para-aminobenzoic acid, riboflavin, nicotine acid, thiamine, choline, inositol, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid, cyanocobalamin and pantothenic acid. This corresponds to the designations from B1 to 12.


  • Nervous System Diseases, Frequent or Chronic Emotional Stresses
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

Action in the complex:

  • Fills the deficit of the vitamins of the group B in the body
  • Promotes the strengthening of the nervous system
  • Enhances stress resistance, depression, fatigue
  • Provides support for cardiovascular system
  • Beneficially affects the liver, intestines, organs of vision, on skin and hair condition

Method of use and dose:

  • As a dietary supplement take 1-2 tablets per day during food.


  • Individual intolerance to any component included in the means.


  • In the cool (at a temperature not more than + 25 ° C.) and a dry place.

Release form:

  • Tablets (60 tablets in the jar).

Composition (1 tablet):

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 4.5 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 6 mg
  • Vitamin B3 (niacinamide) 60 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate) 20 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxin nsl) 6 mg
  • Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 9 μg
  • Folic acid 400 μg
  • Biotin 50 μg
  • Holine 150 mg
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABK) 50 mg
  • Inosit 150 mg

Component Description:

Group B vitamins are one of the most important nutrient groups. These vitamins are closely interrelated, which gave a reason to combine them into a group, which is often called the B-complex.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - One of the essential factors in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It normalizes the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, regulates the acidity of the gastric juice, the motor function of the stomach and intestines.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Participates in the disposal of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it is indispensable in the processes of the growth of the body. Vitamin B2 regulates the state of the central and peripheral nervous system, has a positive effect on vision.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) Participates in energy generation processes, in the formation of a number of enzymes, normalizes carbohydrate, protein exchange, has a positive effect on the work of digestive, nervous systems, hearts, increases immunity. Vitamin B3 helps to reduce cholesterol, affects the synthesis of genital hormones, cortisone, thyroxine, insulin. It contributes to the saturation of the brain cells with oxygen, increase the efficiency of its work.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxin) Participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids, regulates phosphorus-calcium exchange, improves the liver functions, is involved in blood formation, reduces blood sugar levels, enhances immunity. It plays an important role in the development of neurochemical substances responsible for the good mood. In case of insufficiency of this vitamin, disorders of the nervous system, depression are observed.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) Normalizes the processes of blood formation, the work of the liver and the nervous system, regulates the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Folic acid Participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids, blood formation, prevents the malnutrition of the nervous tube of the fetus.

Biotypewe are necessary for the synthesis of ascorbic acid, digestive enzymes. He participates in the work of enzyme systems, contributes to maintaining a healthy skin and hair condition.

Pantothenic acid (calcium pantothenate, vitamin B5) is necessary in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, regulates the state of the central and peripheral nervous system, the operation of the adrenal glands, takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin, antibodies.

Choline and inosit - Two important lipotropic factors - contribute to the removal of cholesterol, participate in the transfer of nerve impulses.

PABK (para-aminobenzoic acid) Participates in the formation of folic acid.

The vitamins of the group B play an extremely important role in converting food into energy, in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, contribute to improving energy generation in the body.

B. Vitamins B. We are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and are one of the most important factors affecting the condition of the nervous tissue. They normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as the liver, stomach and colon, are needed to maintain the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

B. Vitamins B. They are water-soluble, the body cannot store them for a long time, so their quantity should be assessed daily using a properly selected diet or in the form of a biologically active additive to food.

B-complexprovides the body at the same time by all Vitamins of Group B. This biologically active supplement is recommended for diseases of the nervous system, with frequent or chronic emotional stress, with the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Additional Information

Vitamins Group B. Traditionally used to treat various neurological diseases. Clinicians know that the deficiency of vitamins B1 (thiamine), B6 \u200b\u200b(pyridoxine) and B12 (Kobalamin) leads to the development of the damage to the peripheral nerves.

Thus, the lack of any of these vitamins will affect the state of the nervous system in one way or another. Given the fact that in food products, vitamins of group are often located in the complex, then the signs of lack of vitamins are usually observed simultaneously. Since in our time there is practically no absolute deficiency of vitamins, then the severity of symptoms can be different. For example, fatigue can remain unnoticed for a long time until it becomes to interfere with the familiar life routine.

In addition to fatigue, frequent signs may be irritability, emotional instability, headache, sexual dysfunction, sensitivity disorders and trembling limbs. And this is not a complete list of disorders caused by the deficit of vitamins of group V.

Most vitamins are not circulated in the blood, but are in the places of their activity or in the depot, so the blood test of the exact results will not give. The main method of diagnosing hypovitaminosis remains clinical, that is, on complaints and individual symptoms. Therefore, to determine the deficit of vitamins of the group B, it is necessary first to pay attention to the state of the nervous system.

Despite the fact that the group's vitamins are involved in almost all metabolic processes, for some reason the nervous system suffers from the first. Most likely this is due to the extremely high intensity of the work of this system.

The manifestations of hypovitaminosis can be different. As a rule, the first symptoms are quite blurred and can remain unnoticed by the person for a long time. Among them:

  • increased fatigue
  • weakness
  • chronic fatigue and exhaustion
  • reduction of memory and performance
  • violations in cardiac activity (tingling, fading, discomfort).

Naturally, at this stage, few people pay attention to such manifestations. You can explain similar symptoms as you like, including helminthiasis and pregnancy. Following these symptoms, various neurological violations arise, the main of them:

  • tingling and numbness toes and hands
  • feeling of crawling goosebumps
  • nervousness, irritability
  • obsessive fears
  • depression
  • sleep disturbance
  • upset sexual function

Often there are lesions of the skin in the form of a furunculese or acne. When it comes to pronounced neurological symptoms, then this, as a rule, should be a visit to a neurologist.

Special attention to this group of vitamins should be given to people with the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in Malabsorption syndrome, when the absorption of not only the main nutrients, but also vitamins is impaired. It is also known that any disease of the digestive bodies adversely affects the intestine microflora, which plays a considerable role in the synthesis and suction of the Vitamins of Group V.

  • Increase in the diet. The content of products containing vitamins of group B. These are cereal cultures, coarse bread, nuts, lactic acid products.
  • Reduce or eliminate refined sugar from the diet. This product is placing our body in Vitamins of Group V.
  • Do not use synthetic products and preservatives.
  • Stop abuse alcohol, coffee and smoking.
  • Increase stress resistance by regular exercise and rational recreation.
  • Eliminate all possible foci of infection. It can be caries, tonsillitis and any infection, both manifesting itself and hidden. Any infectious process in the body consumes stocks of vitamins.
  • Start receiving a complex of vitamins of group V.

In modern society it is already difficult to find fully natural products, so you need to know about such things as a complex of vitamins of the group in to obtain a sufficient number of useful trace elements. As part of this article, let's talk about how these vitamins are useful, whether they are needed, as well as choose the most suitable complex. Indeed, in modern conditions, taking into account constant stress, poor ecology and lack of time, the deficit of vitamins becomes an urgent problem.

Why do you need a complex of vitamins of a group B?

The opening of vitamin B we owe the Polish scientist Kazemiru Funka. In 1912, it was found that nitamins of group are nitrogenous compounds. Each of these compounds has separate characteristic properties, each of them has its own number. At the same time, all representatives of this group have a lot in common. To understand why we need these vitamins, consider each of them separately.

Vitamin B1.
Or Tiamine is the first of this group who was discovered. This is a water-soluble chemical compound in which our body needs daily. The main role of thiamine is to direct participation in the metabolism process. It also affects the work of the brain, endocrine and digestive system. As a rule, vitamin B1 is prescribed with the impaired metabolism and during diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is also used under skin diseases and in violations.

Vitamin B2. Or Riboflavin is responsible for regeneration and helps speed up the wound healing process. This vitamin has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. With its deficiency in the body, skin peeling, impairment, dizziness, and drowsy state may occur. Riboflavin can act as one of the means of comprehensive therapy for anemia, eye diseases and gastritis.

Vitamin B3. Or nicotine acid is a soluble white powder. This trace element is necessary for the formation of hormones. Nicotinic acid itself participates in more than half hundreds of reactions and performs the function of energy release. Vitamin B3 is very important for the normal functioning of the brain. Among its properties, an obstacle to genetic injuries, as well as the normalization of the work of the cardiovascular system, is noted.

Vitamin B5. or Panthenol is a water-soluble vitamin, which is involved in the splitting of fats and carbohydrates. Pantothenic acid affects the production of acetylcholine, which, in turn, helps the nervous system to work without failures. Among other things, Panthenol helps when healing wounds and is directly involved in the development of red blood cells.

Vitamin B6. Regulates the work of the heart, participates in the synthesis of protein and enzymes. Beneficially affects the condition of the skin and hairproof. With vitamin B6 deficiency, atherosclerosis is developed, immunity decreases, dermatitis and anemia appears. The shortness of this substance can speak the lone of nails and hair loss.

Vitamin B9. Or folic acid is necessary for the production of leukocytes and erythrocytes. This vitamin plays a big role for the normal development of the fetus, so his reception is often prescribed to pregnant women.

Vitamin B12. Or cyankobalamin - water-soluble vitamin, the main task of which is blood formation and energy exchange. In addition, Vitamin B12 helps better assimilated in the organism of folic acid. The acute deficit in this microelement can lead to anemia, brain disorders and even mental disorders.

As we see, the lack of vitamins of this group can lead to different consequences, up to the occurrence of serious diseases. We can get the required number of trace elements through food. However, we are unlikely to avoid deficit at least one of the vitamins from this group. It is difficult not only to make a diet rich in all the necessary elements, but also to abide it.

Fortunately, modern pharmacology offers us an alternative - the complex of vitamins of the group V. Pharmacy drugs will certainly help us to fill the lack of these substances in the body. The complexity here lies in the choice of the complex. There is a huge number of similar vitamin complexes, but it is important to choose the most suitable and most effective, because we want to get a maximum of benefit.

Vitamin complex of the group B - what better?

Polyvitamin complexes with group B vitamins, based on the proposals on the market, can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Combined (contain additional minerals and other groups of vitamins);
  • Specialized (contain high dosages of vitamins B).

Among the combined complexes in which group B vitamins are present, the following can be distinguished:

  • Alphabet classic;
  • Supradin;
  • Vitrum;
  • Center from A to zinc;
  • Complivit;
  • Perfectyl;
  • Duuk.

All these drugs can be found on the shelves in pharmacy networks. Each of these complexes contain a whole group of B-vitamins. In Perfectile and supradine dosage according to some vitamins from this group, somewhat exceeds therapeutic. Thus, they contain approximately 10 times more (compared to other drugs) vitamin B1, 3-4 times more vitamin B2 and 10 times more vitamin B6. Most of all Vitamin B5 is contained in Perfectile. The richest in the content of vitamin B12 is complivit.

Specialized complexes of group B vitamins can also be divided into two groups:

  • Injection;
  • Tableted.

Decision, as can be seen, based on their form of implementation. Consider each of them, and highlight several drugs.

Injections are used, as a rule, in crisis situations when it is necessary to obtain an instant result. This form is used to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect. The most popular and efficient injection drugs can be called the following:

  • Tigamma - domestic development with vitamins B1, B6, B12;
  • Complies - the Russian vitamin complex of the group B with vitamins B1, B6, B12;
  • Beviplex - Serbian development with a more impressive composition - B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, PP;
  • Neurobion - German manufacturer with three vitamins in the complex - B1, B6, B12

Tablets are usually designed for long-term therapy with a gradual effect. Among the most efficient and popular are:

  • Multi-Tab B-complex;
  • Milgamma composites;
  • Doppelgers;
  • Neurobion.

The concentration of Vitamins B in these additives is usually increased, because they are intended for complex therapy of diseases of the nervous system and the treatment of avitaminosis.

The multi-tab complex contains all the vitamins of the group B. If compared with other drugs, then the content has been increased in it compared with the funds already considered:

  • Vitamin B2 5-8 times;
  • Vitamin B5 5-6 times;
  • Vitamin B1 10 times.

At the same time, in the multi-tabs B-complex of pantothenic acid and thiamine less than perfectile and supradine, respectively.

Doppelgers Active Magnesium + B Vitamins B is a famous drug of German production. The main feature is in combination of the classic set of vitamins of the B-complex and such a trace element as magnesium. It can find vitamins B1, B6, B9 and B12.

Most often, this biologically active additive is recommended with increased physical exertion athletes, with stressful situations, as well as to replenish the beneficial substances with unbalanced nutrition.

The combination of group and magnesium vitamins is a great combination, thanks to which this drug is very popular with sprint athletes. They use it to restore after heavy workouts. Also among lovers of this additive, the elderly, for which the Vitamin complex of Doppeoplez becomes one of the prevention of postoperative complications and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Neurobion is another representative of Germany in the market of multivitamin complexes. The tablet contains three vitamin B:

  • Thiamine (B1);
  • Pyridoxine (B6);
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12).

The technology that is used when creating the drug allows you to preserve the biological activity of all components we need in tablets. High dosage for each of the vitamins from the group helps to fill their flaw in the body even in the most running cases.

As a rule, neurobion is prescribed with complex treatment of trigeminal nerve, neuritis and during stressful situations. This complex is great for eliminating the light forms of depression if they are caused by the deficiency of the vitamins under consideration.

Milgamma composites are represented only by two vitamins of the group B - B1 and B6. However, the distinctive feature of this drug is that the manufacturer has replaced vitamin B1 similar to it benfyamine. Such analogue is fat-soluble, and therefore the best usual thiamine is absorbed in the stomach. Dosage B6 in this drug is much higher than that of all other preparations considered.

We looked at the best vitamins B-complex. In each of them, different concentrations of certain representatives of this vitamin group. Evaluating its physical and mental health, relying on the beneficial properties of each vitamin, you can pick up the most suitable complex to you. You should not choose exactly the one in which the highest dosages. It is best to consult with your doctor who will give a correct diagnosis and will provide recommendations for choosing a particular multivitamin complex.

Vitamins and useful elements are vital to a person. Their balance retains the body healthy and beautiful. Often there is hypovitaminosis of group B vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to receive complexes in tablets and other forms.

Vitamin B is not one vitamin, but a whole composition of substances that are combined into one group. They are numbered from B1 to B12, some of them have their name.

The main vitamins of the group in:

Vitamin Function
IN 1He is called Tiamine. He converts to the energy.
AT 2It has the name riboflavin. Vitamin is involved in metabolism and plays a large role for the skin, for the functioning of visual organs.
IN 3His name is nicotinic acid or vitamin RR. He carries out the association of proteins and fats. Vitamin miners energy from all substances, which contains calories.
AT 5Its name Pantothenic acid. It has a wound healing effect.
AT 6Includes pyridoxine and pyridoxamine. Vitamin provides the normal functioning of the nervous system, ensures hemoglobin synthesis, is involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
AT 7In another n or biotin. It helps to free energy from substances that contain calories.
AT 9Vitamin M, folic acid. Acid is necessary for growth and development. It contributes to cellular division. Reception B9 is obligatory during the launching period of the child, as it helps the fetus to develop.
AT 12It is called cyanocobalamin. It affects the functioning of the nervous system.

B4, B8 and B10 are not vitamins, but are also important for the vital activity of the human body. Vitamin-like B4 stuff helps memory operation, and regulates the amount of insulin in the body. B8 is an antioxidant and antidepressant. It helps to maintain skin health, it also displays fat from the liver. B10 - activates the work of the intestine flora, helps the body to absorb the protein.

The benefits of group vitamins in

Vitamins of group B (in tablets, syrup and other species) carry a positive effect on the body.

What is he lies:

Indications for receiving vitamins

It is impossible to take vitamin complexes constantly, for their reception there are testimony. Without them, excess vitamins in the body can lead to health problems.

Vitamins of groups in tablets have indications for receiving:


In some cases, it is forbidden to take vitamin complexes.

Contraindications for receiving:

  • A tendency to an allergic reaction. Many of the vitamins of the group B have side effects in the form of allergies.
  • AT 12 It is forbidden to apply during pregnancy and lactation, with erythrocytosis and thromboembolism.
  • AT 6 It is impossible to take in conditions of strong stress and an depressed state (the loss of a loved one, deep depression, a newly transferred operation, a state of shock). It is forbidden to take B6 for diseases of the liver and thyroid gland, as well as intestinal pathologies, diagnosed anemia.
  • AT 5 It is forbidden to take in the presence of ulcers and during the use of the drug levodop. Vitamin B2 cannot be taken during the period of consumption of hormonal contraceptives and during the period of psychiatric diseases.
  • IN 3 It is not allowed to use the stomach with ulcers, liver pathologies.
  • IN 1 Do not prescribe allergies. Pharmacies sell complexes of vitamins in which various vitamins of this group can be combined. Therefore, before buying and receiving, it is best to consult with the attending physician (for example, a therapist, or a narrow specialist), or, at least, read the instructions for the use of the drug.

The best vitamin complexes. Instructions for use

Vitamins of group in tablets are produced by various manufacturers.

List of the best of them:

  • "Blebhas".
  • "Nutrylight".
  • "Beauty complex".
  • "Biomax".
  • "Solgar".
  • Lutein for eyes.
  • "Vitrum".
  • "Complex Mega B".
  • "Pents".
  • Amway.
  • "Gerimax".
  • "Complivit".


Manufacturer - Russia, company score. Price - about 200 rubles. The vitamin complex is produced in the form of capsules, packed in a jar of 90 pcs.

What vitamins are included in the complex:

  • AT 2 - It is useful for the thyroid gland.
  • IN 3 - helps to get rid of harmful cholesterol.
  • AT 5 - Stimulates the production of glucoposteroids - hormones generated by the adrenal cortex.
  • AT 6 - helps the growth of blood body and the formation of antibodies.
  • AT 8 - It will save the walls of the vessels from fragility, it will help to normalize the work of the nervous system.
  • Folic acid - affects the growth and development of all tissues. It is indispensable when entering the child.
  • AT 12 - It will not allow cells to test oxygen starvation, supports hemoglobin levels.

How to accept blakomax:

  • Take a vitamin complex you need a course that lasts from 1 to 1.5 months.
  • Daily dose - 1 capsule.
  • You need to take a capsule while eating.


  • Acceptable price.
  • Reception of the drug is limited to 1 time per day.
  • Big packaging.

Cons - the capsule is difficult to swallow.


Manufacturer - USA, Amway Company. Price - 1100 - 1200 rubles. Nutrylight is produced in the form of tablets, which are packaged 100 pcs. In plastic jars. The complex contains 8 vitamins from group V.

Among them:

How to take a vitamin complex:

  • You need to take vitamins daily.
  • You need to take tablets during food intake.


  • A large number of pcs. packaged.
  • 1 reception for the whole day.


  • There are contraindications.
  • High price.

Brand Vitamins Nutrylight is based on 100% of plant components. All of them are grown on the manufacturer's own production.

"Beauty Complex"

Manufacturer - Russia, Vitalan company. Price - 300-400 rubles. The complex is issued for women.

A drug is produced in the form of oblong pills packed in blisters. Total in packing 30 pcs. In addition to the vitamins of the group B, the BAA contains other useful elements.

What is part of the "Beauty Complex":

  • Zinc.
  • Iron.
  • Rutin.
  • Calcium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin D3.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Proantocyanidines.


  • The complex was created specifically taking into account the needs of the female organism.
  • Packaging is enough for 1 course.
  • Acceptable price.


  • There are contraindications.
  • Allergic reaction is possible.
  • The large size of the tablets is inconveniently swallowed.


Manufacturer - Russia, company Valentine Pharmaceutics. Price per pack 60 Tablets - 300-350 rubles.

Vitamins of groups in Biomax tablets are not the only useful elements of the funds. The multivitamin complex includes 12 vitamins and 8 macroelements to restore the balance of beneficial substances in the body. Databases are produced in 30 and 60 pcs. View - coated tablets having a specific smell.

Vitamins and macroelements as part of the funds:

  • Lipolium acid.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Folic acid.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin RR.
  • Vitamin R.
  • Iron.
  • Zinc.
  • Calcium.
  • Copper.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Colbat.
  • Magnesium.
  • Manganese.

How to take biomax:

  • For children who have reached 12 years and adults, the daily dosage is 1 tablet.
  • It must be taken after eating food.
  • Take the BAA must be a course - 3 months.
  • It is necessary to drink a tablet with a large amount of liquid - better clean water.
  • According to the instruction of a doctor with strong avitaminosis and the exhaustion of the body, it is allowed to increase the dosage of up to 2 tablets per day.


  • Daily dose - 1 tablet.
  • Acceptable price.


  • Long course of reception -3 month.
  • There are contraindications.


Manufacturer - USA, Solgar Company. Price - about 1,200 rubles.

The drug is produced in the form of round yellow tablets with a smell. They are packed in a glass jar that accommodates 250 pcs. Solgar complex of vitamins B, the formula of the anti-stress - a complex of plant origin. Appointed by a manufacturer like a dietary supplement that supports immunity, providing the body's energy and the absence of stress.

What contains salges:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin B3.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B9.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin B7.
  • Vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin B4.
  • Vitamin B8.
  • Mix of powder laminary.
  • Leaves and stalks of alfalfa.
  • Rosehip.

How to take salges:

  • You need to take Bad courses. The duration of 1 course is 1-1.5 months.
  • You need to take a calk daily.
  • Reception of vitamins is carried out during food.
  • The number of receptions per day - 2 times 1 tablet.


  • Vegetable composition.
  • Big packaging.


  • Not found in ordinary pharmacies.
  • High price.

Lutein Intensive For Eye

Manufacturer - Russia, company Evalar. Price - 300 rubles.

This is a specially selected composition, to improve the functioning of the visual organ. It allows you to accumulate lutein to the norm necessary to human vision. It is appointed ophthalmologists with impairment of vision or for prophylaxis with a worsening trend (frequent finding a computer, genetic predisposition).

What collected in the biologically active additive:

  • Lutein.
  • Zeaxanthin.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin C.
  • A nicotinic acid.
  • Zinc.

How to take lutein intensive:

  • It is allowed to take lutein for children over 14 years old and adults.
  • Daily dose of the drug - 2 tablets.
  • The number of receptions per day - 1.
  • Taking Lutein needs a course.


  • It is allowed to take adolescents from 14 years.
  • Acceptable price.


  • Take more than 1 time per day.
  • Small packaging.
  • There are contraindications.


Manufacturer - USA, Junifarm. Price - 500 rubles. Universal Bad, containing 13 vitamins and 15 mineral components. "Vitrum" is produced in the form of a dragee, packaged in the jars of 60 pcs.

What vitamins are part of the BAA:

  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin D3.
  • Vitamin K1.
  • Vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Folic acid.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin RR.
  • Vitamin N.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin C.

How to take the universal complex "Vitrum":


  • The price is acceptable.
  • One reception for the whole day.


  • There are contraindications.
  • An allergic response to the components of the BAA is possible.

"Complex Mega-B"

Manufacturer - USA, company Irwin Naturals Price - 1,800 rubles. These vitamins differ in the form of release. Standardly vitamin complexes are sold in the form of tablets, and the mega complex is sold in the form of gel capsules, they are filled with liquid. BAA includes medium chain triglycerides. They are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and become the source of energy.

Also, Irwin Naturals patented the Bioperine complex, which, too, is in Bad. It increases the bioavailability of the drug and its absorption.

The entire list of vitamins and nutrients of the mega complex in:

  • Vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin B7.
  • Vitamin B3.
  • Tiamine.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • The triglycerides of the middle chain.
  • Dimethiglicin.
  • Bioperine complex (it includes black pepper and ginger).

How to accept mega complex in:

  • Dependence on food intake - use dietary supplements during food eating.
  • The number of receptions per day - 1.
  • The number of capsules used per day - 1 pc.


  • Vegetable equipment.
  • 1 reception for the whole day.
  • A large number of useful substances collected in the composition.


  • High price.
  • There are contraindications.
  • Allergy may occur.
  • It is difficult to find in pharmacies.


Manufacturer - Russia. Price - 150 rubles. The complex has been proven as an assistant to improve skin health.

What includes the pent:

  • Vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Folic acid.

How to take a pent:

  • You need to take after eating food.
  • Number of receptions per day - 3.
  • The amount used by the tablets for 1 reception - from 2 to 4. The dosage depends on the prescription of the doctor.
  • Take the drug need a course that is up to 4 weeks.

Penta - Popular vitamins group B in tablets.


  • Low price.
  • Helps maintain skin health, hair and nails.


  • Multiplicity of reception - 3 times.
  • A side effect is possible, expressed in the form of allergies.


Manufacturer - USA, Amway Company. Price - 1 000 rub. BAA has established itself as an additional energy source during the period of active physical exertion, after stress, or hypovitaminosis.

What is part of the Bad:

How to take vitamins:

  • Every day you need to drink 1 tablet.
  • It is necessary to take a tablet while eating.
  • Take a course that is better to clarify the observing doctor.


  • 1 reception for the whole day.
  • A large number of group vitamins in part.


  • High price.
  • There are contraindications.


Manufacturer - Denmark. Price - 700-800 rubles. Vitamin complex, which is proven to manufacturers as an assistant during the period of rehabilitation, after severe stress, or during high fatigue.

What is the composition of the BAA:

  • Ginseng extract (root).
  • Tiamine.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin B9.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Copper.
  • Molybdenum.
  • Chromium.
  • Manganese.
  • Nicotinamide.
  • Iron.
  • Calcium pantothenate.

How to take Gerimax:

  • Required amount of the drug per day with prophylactic reception - 1 tablet.
  • The manufacturer recommends Take Gerimax in the morning.
  • Dependence on food intake is to accept after or during food intake.


  • A large number of vitamins and useful elements in the composition.
  • Daily dose - 1 tablet.


  • High price.
  • It is impossible to take the drug in epilepsy, increased excitability, with impairment of iron absorption.


Manufacturer - Russia, Farmstandard Ufavita. Price - for 60 tablets is about 300 rubles. Complivit includes collecting nutrients that interact with each other. Vitamins are available in the form of convex with 2 sides of pills having the smell. As part of 8 minerals and 11 vitamins. Among them, the vitamins of the group V. The complex is packaged in jars of 30 or 60 tablets.

What is part of:

  • Tiamine.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Pyridoxine.
  • Folic acid.
  • Cianocobalamin.
  • Nicotinamide.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Rutoside.
  • Calcium.
  • Lipolium acid.
  • Iron.
  • Copper.
  • Calcium.
  • Zinc.
  • Cobalt.
  • Manganese.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Acetate tocopherol.

How to take complivitis:

  • You need to take a vitamin complex after eating.
  • The number of receptions per day - 1. Twice a day is allowed to be taken to appoint a doctor during acute avitaminosis.
  • The number of tablets used per day - 1 pc.


  • A large number of vitamins in the complex.
  • Acceptable price.


  • There is a risk of allergies to the components of the drug.
  • There are contraindications.

Vitamins of groups in vital to human body to maintain the health and normal functioning of all systems. With their shortage, complexes are assigned, which are produced in tablets or other forms.

Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

Video about vitamins group in tablets

Vitamins of group B, complex drugs:


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