How to reset 10 for 2 months. Menu for carbohydrate and protein days

How to reset 10 for 2 months. Menu for carbohydrate and protein days

Every outfit that a woman likes is perfectly sits on a good figure. The unnecessary kilo will not be an ally in this situation, they need to get rid of them. Lose weight by 10 kg in 2 months, how much is it possible to do? Very really. At the same time, it is not necessary before exhausting to play sports or eat only a buckwheat croup. There are many options to help relieve weights that will be useful for the body.

How many kg can be thrown in a couple of months

If a woman decided to lose weight by 10 kg in just 2 months at home, and it has a special time on it, it will be right to receive a consultation with a nutritionist, who exploring her body, based on a survey and analyzes, can be a power scheme and physical exertion.

In a couple of months, throw weight for ten kilos

In a couple of months, it is possible to reset the weight of ten kilos, however, it is necessary to act strictly according to the scheme that the body of fatty sediments does not affect the well-being of a man or a woman.

Sighter results can not be achieved by strict diets, because It can harm health and will not help the figure. In this situation, you need to treat the slimming procedure very seriously, because every person wants to look great and at the same time feel good.

To get the desired result, it is necessary not only to abandon some products, but also to enter into a day of exercise, which are aimed at changing the weight.

Is it possible to lose weight in 2 months by 10 kilograms? Answer this question is uniquely impossible, because Any case is individual and depends on the state of the person's figure at the time of the start of weight loss. But the estimated numbers will be given possible: if you throw the weight by kilo per week, then two months later you can lose weight by 10-11 kg, sometimes this indicator can increase to 13 kg.

But these values \u200b\u200bare very conditional, because, depending on which weight loss techniques will choose for himself, the unnecessary kilo will leave it faster or slower.

How to throw over 10 kilograms

If a person wants to lose weight more than 10 kilograms for 2 months due to physical activity, he will need a detailed plan that will form a fitness coach for him.


At first to lose weight, you need to visit the therapist. It must fully explore the body to make sure that humans have no chronic diseases that can affect the body when weight loss.

You can purchase a subscription to the gym. This is very important when setting a real goal. The instructions of the coach are needed if a person is a novice in the gym.

You need to start a diary, in which you need to describe the causes of weight loss in detail. You can regularly look into it in order to additionally stimulate yourself in the process of weight loss.

You can purchase a subscription to the gym

It is also possible to make a slimming scheme, but not more than 12 weeks. Studies say it is hard to keep the motive when you want to lose weight during the second-third week. It is necessary to install the starting and end dates of weight loss.

You can ask for loved ones to join you in weight loss, because moral support will increase the chance that the body will become slimmer by 10 kilos. It will also help to change the diet and start adhere to active habits.

Interesting. There will be an excellent motive if there are people who encourage him to this in the environment. You can communicate with people who also seek to reduce the weight and bring the figure in perfect shape.


It is required to make a power magazine that will be up for 7 days before you start losing weight. Reduce the total number of calories by 10-25%. If the daily sports activities are scheduled, the calorie number can be reduced by 10-15% to help the body tune in to the initial days.

It is impossible to eat less than one and a half thousand calories per day. It is necessary to replace refined carbohydrates and sugar for whole grain products. If possible, you need to remove treated products from diet, because They contain sugar, fats and unnecessary calories.

It is necessary to form your own portion, in accordance with the recommended diet scheme for each meal method separately. In a plate, ½ should be fruits and vegetables. The remaining part is possible to occupy an equal number of proteins and whole grain products.

It is necessary to eat with small portions, but often. Meals should be distributed so that the blood sugar level is slightly declining. It is impossible to skip breakfast. It is necessary to be sure that the necessary 300-600 calories are consumed daily. The body will gain weight if there is an incorrect metabolic process. It can be prevented if every morning it is necessary to have breakfast.

It is required to make a power log,

Make up the plan of food in advance, be sure to take into account snacks and drinks. Remove liquid calories from it, alcoholic beverages, coffee, lemonade, because They give extra calories.


Exercises every day half an hour. For weight to disappear faster, increase the time of classes up to 45 minutes. It is necessary to give the body time to adapt to sport. Classes in the gym in the day throughout the first two weeks, if before that the man was lazy, will be a good option. Gradually complement the time and days, according to the composed scheme, while the sports has been made for six times a week.

Apply interval teaching techniques, you need to change workouts with small and high intensity. Include in the classes of power exercises for thirty minutes per day. This will improve the metabolism.

To prevent injuries, you need to warm up before doing. Try new exercises for muscle development. As soon as the workouts go into the second stage, apply new exercises. Planning the time of classes with a coach every 14 days. Noticing its own results, a person will receive proper satisfaction and subsequent motivation.

Council. It is worth spending once a week, even if you do not play sports. Many specialists argue that body weight control is well affected by weight loss.

Exercises to lose weight

To lose ten kilos in a couple of months, you need to make a set of exercises every day. The load should be raised gradually. It is possible to start with 10 repetitions of any exercise in three, four approaches, after a month to perform fifteen, twenty repetitions in four approaches, after 1.5 months, increase the intensity of up to 25 repetitions into four approaches.

Important! The main thing is to constantly engage. In order to fully discharge the weight, you need to train every day for 60 days without interruptions.

Exercises to reduce weight for ten kilos in a couple of months:

  1. A man lies on his back, legs bent in her knees, the palms are located behind the head, the elbows are bent at the right angle. Exhausted, it raises the top of the body and touches the sternum knee. Fits in this posture for a couple of seconds and gradually returns to its original position.
  2. Without changing the position of the body, the hands are located along the body, the legs are directly needed to raise vertically to the body. Gradually, the legs are lowered, without touching the floor, pulling the socks. The body freezes for two seconds and returns to the initial position.
  3. Being on the right side, you need to rely on the hand, which is bent in the elbow, the legs are straight. Making exhalation, the pelvis is raised so that the back and the rear surface of the legs were on one straight line. The body freezes for two seconds and returns to the initial position. The same needs to be performed on the left side.
  4. Legs are parallel to the shoulders. Tilt is performed to the right, the left hand is rising at the same time. Legs are straight. The slope is performed to the left, raising the right hand at the same time.

Monotonous exercises every day can be bored. Threaded weight will also help Mahi, "Mill", squats and push-ups. It is possible to lose weight with the help of auxiliary physical activity: Pilates classes, swimming, running. It is best to use a bodium in the period of weight lifting, walking more on foot, jump on the rope, turn halakhup.

For your information. Included with the right nutrition, the results will not make long wait long, and extra kilograms will leave forever.

Proper nutrition

To reset the excess ten kilograms in a couple of months, you need to use a balanced, low-calorie diet

To reset the extra ten kilograms in a couple of months, you need to apply a balanced, low-calorie diet. On average, the daily caloric content for weak gender should be 1500-1600 kcal, for a strong floor - 2000-2200 kcal, depending on the starting weight, age and degree of physical activity.

Proper nutrition should consist of such products:

  • Lean meat, bird, fish. It is necessary to eat them with boiled, stewed or baked. It is allowed to prepare them in a double boiler or grill. Portion should be no more than 170 grams;
  • Milk and dairy products with low fat content. Every day you can eat no more than 200 grams or 200 milliliters of these products;
  • Low starch vegetables or without it without it. They are allowed to use raw, in salads, which are filled with lemon juice, boiled, steamed steam. They must be half a daily diet;
  • Fruits and berries with a small sugar content. They are better to eat in the first half of the day, because They have glucose and fructose, which are well absorbed by the body;
  • Cruises and cereals. They quickly satisfy the body, while at the same time cleaning the intestine and normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Throughout the day, it is necessary to drink up to two liters of water without gas, you can drink weak herbal or green tea, brazers and infusions from berries, but sugar does not add. During the snack you can drink a glass of juice or kefir. Salt should be removed from the diet completely or reduce its amount to a minimum.

Here is an approximate menu for one day to reset ten kilos in a couple of months at home:

  • 150 grams of muesli, green apple;
  • glass of tomatoes juice;
  • 150 ml of vegetables soup, boiled chicken fillet 150 grams;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 200 grams of greek salad.

Need to remember! A teenager and a small child diet is contraindicated. You can apply a diet only with the appointment and under the control of the specialist.

In addition to the diet, it will help to quickly lose extra kilograms for two months will help sports and cosmetology procedures. If a whole year apply proper nutrition, do physical exercises daily, then you can bring the body into an ideal state.

Many people now want to have the perfect body. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. A variety of diets, which are faster slimming, developed a great set. However, not all of them, especially those that are designed for a significant weight loss in a very short time (30 kg in 2 months), will not leave a negative imprint on health. Any diet must be adjusted individually under the features of a person. On average, you can lose weight by 10 kg in 2 months without prejudice to health.

There are several rules common for all modes aimed at losing weight:

  • It is worth drinking much more water. At a minimum, it is desirable to drink 1 cup to breakfast and one glasses of simple water in half an hour before each meal. Drinking during meals is categorically not recommended.
  • It is best to eat approximately at the same time, catching your body to such a regime.
  • Use as much sweet carbonated drinks as possible.
  • After eating, you should not immediately go to bed or sit down, it is better to reach a 10-minute walk.

Sometimes it is possible to lose weight very quickly, but for some reason it returns and again you have to sit on a diet. Of course, it is quite possible to lose weight by 30 kg for 2 approaches, but sometimes it is not worth such efforts and stress for the body. The rapid weight gain is often due to the fact that an inappropriate diet was originally selected or a person immediately returns to the usual power mode. Then how to lose weight and keep weight as much as possible? Many experts believe that a diet with a length of two months and is the most optimal. It is not worth it, of course, to wait that it will be possible to immediately reset 30 kg in 2 months, but if you do everything right, then you can lose weight by 10 kg.

Recently becomes popular, both among women and among men, a German diet. It allows you to significantly lose weight in two months with its proper observance. The diet is both low-calorie and carved, it is equally suitable for people with explicitly overweight, and for those who just want to "subwind" the figure. The essence of this diet is to gradually, after each week, the caloric content of products decreases, and some are completely excluded from the diet.

It is worth noting that adhere to some points it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto exclude completely alcohol from the diet, consume fresh fruits and vegetables, and in no case mineral water.

As an approximate diet, this diet can be given as follows:

  • Week 1: Monday - Drinking Day (only water), Tuesday-Sunday - You can eat familiar food;
  • Week 2: Monday - Drinking Day (only water), Tuesday - Citrus, Wednesday, Sunday- Can any food;
  • Week 3: Monday - Drinking Day (Water only), Tuesday - Citrus, Wednesday - Apple Day (You can up to 2 kg of fresh apples), Thursday-Sunday is a familiar food;
  • Week 4: Monday - Wednesday as 3 Week, Thursday - Drinking Day (you can drink everything liquid, but reasonable), Friday-Sunday - You can eat everything;
  • Week 5: Monday-Thursday - the same as in the 4th week, Friday - exclusively single-thorough skimming yogurt, Saturday-Sunday - without restrictions;
  • Week 6: Monday-Friday are the same as in the 5th week, Saturday - Vegetables for a pair (one species), Sunday - everything is possible;
  • Week 7: Monday-Friday, as on the 6th week, on Sunday you can drink only water (up to 5 liters).

With this diet, you can lose weight in 2 months, and the weight will be fixed for a very long time. To achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all recommended items, as well as lead a fairly active lifestyle.

Montignaka power system

Montignaka's power system is an ordered set of rules for normalization of the power to reduce weight. This diet is mainly built on the normalization of metabolism, so the weight will eventually decrease precisely to the required organism. This system provides recommendations for the relative of which products are best combined with each other. The daily menu should be drawn up in such a way that carbohydrates and fats are imposed in one meal.

And yet the amount of carbohydrates is superimposed. It more relates to the so-called "negative" carbohydrates from products that are processed (bread, sweets, potatoes, alcohol is better excluded from the diet), because this type of carbohydrate contributes to an increase in blood sugar content, thereby contributes to greater insulin production by the body. On the contrary, "positive" carbohydrates (almost all fresh vegetables and fruits) do not contribute to an increase in sugar levels.

  1. Full rejection of wheat bread, it is better to eat bread from coarse grinding flour, preferably with bran;
  2. There are best fruits to breakfast with a large amount of vitamins and completely eliminate those products that contain many starch (potatoes, rice);
  3. Maximum reduce the amount consumed the amount of sugar;
  4. Do not use in the preparation of food taste seasonings: ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.
  5. Completely eliminate alcohol, coffee and tea, if possible, replace into juices;
  6. It is necessary to strictly observe the power mode;
  7. During the day, you should drink more than two liters of water.

If you fulfill such recommendations, it is possible to lose weight for at least 10 kg in 2 months. Despite the fact that this is a long time for a diet, the organism is normalized by metabolism, which will not allow return to the former power supply.

Diet Professor Osama Hamdium

If you still would like to reduce your weight, much and not ready to wait too long, you will be the diet of Professor Osama Hamdium. You should not wait that you can lose weight by 30 kg in 2 weeks, but still lose 30 kg in 2 months with such a diet quite real. The presented power mode is based on a fully balanced diet, to which the body gradually gets used. The menu itself is designed so that the weight leaves gradually and did not return anymore. With the right to hold all the rules, you can lose weight by 30 kg. This power complex is intended for 4 weeks initially, and with strict observance of the menu, the results will appear very quickly.

First week:

It is recommended for breakfast every day to eat orange or grapefruit, as well as weld 2 eggs.

  • Monday: For lunch you need to eat any amount of fruit, dinner - any low-fat meat, except lamb;
  • Tuesday: Lunch - boiled chicken without skin, dinner - vegetable salad without oil, orange and two boiled eggs;
  • Wednesday: For lunch, a little bread, cheese and tomatoes, dinner - any low-fat meat;
  • Thursday: dining fruit, dinner - salad and low-fat meat;
  • Friday: Lunch - boiled vegetables and eggs, dinner - grapefruit, 1 pc., Boiled fish or shrimp with salad.
  • Saturday: repeated Thursday menu;
  • Sunday: Lunch - boiled chicken without leather, you can tomatoes, boiled vegetables or grapefruit, dinner are boiled vegetables.

Second week:

Every day, breakfast is repeated as the same as in the first week.

  • Monday: lunch - salad, 2 eggs, dinner - eggs and grapefruit;
  • Tuesday: lunch - salad and meat, dinner as on Monday;
  • Wednesday: lunch is allowed roasted meat and cucumbers as a side dish, dinner is the same as on Monday and Tuesday;
  • Thursday: lunch - 2 eggs, boiled vegetables and cheese, for dinner two boiled eggs;
  • Friday: dinner - boil fish, instead you can have shrimps, dinner repeats, like on Thursday;
  • Saturday: for lunch can be meat, tomato, grapefruit, dinner - fruit salad;
  • Sunday: For lunch and dinner, boil the chicken without skins, make a kind of salad, mixing tomatoes and orange;

Gradual literate output from the diet

Third week:

  • Monday: how much fruit you like;
  • Tuesday: boiled vegetables or vegetable salads in any quantity;
  • Wednesday: You can eat fruits and vegetables all day;
  • Thursday: Choose fish or shrimp;
  • Friday: It is allowed to eat meat, chicken and boiled vegetables;
  • Saturday and Sunday: one kind of fruit, unlimited.

On the fourth week, which in itself is a smooth exit from the diet, you can combine those products that the previous three weeks, increasing the volume of portions. But it should be done carefully, without breaking right away. Increase gradually a variety of fruits and vegetables, eat cheese (moderately). It is recommended that the amount of eaten does not exceed more than one and a half times the amount of eating the second week.

During the diet, oil and fat can not be used in cooking, you should not use potatoes and some kinds of fruits: bananas, grapes, etc.
In addition, it is worth emphasizing that if you have some kind of chronic diseases of the digestive system, then you should not strive to immediately lose weight by 30 kg in a short time, in order to avoid deterioration of your own state.

Beautiful, tightened and slender figure - the dream of many women and men. In the desire for its goal, many have tried various diet, which often give only a short-term result. Quickly, effectively and without prejudice to health, you can lose weight in just 2 months at home, without resorting to the help of nutritionists and excluding fasting. The main secret lies in the revision of its regime and diet, the level of physical exertion and the time of a full-fledged rest, which after 2 months will bring their fruits in the form of federed harmony.

How to lose weight in 2 months at home?

Lose weight without compromising health at home for 2 months without starvation more than real. To begin with, it should be understood with the causes of excess weight. It may be daily stress, sitting, the consequences of some diseases, but often incorrect meals. Excessive use of oily and sweet food, fast food, soda, chips, food for the night contribute to the accumulation of fatty deposits. In order to effectively lose weight at home, it is necessary to drastically change your power mode.

Basic rules helping to lose weight in 2 months at home:

  • Fractional food. Contrary to popular belief, frequent nutrition in small portions (200-250 gr) contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, improving metabolic processes, which helps to effectively lose weight without starvation.
  • Power Mode Control. Many people are recovering because of a dense meal at night. Dinner should be no later than 3-4 hours before sleep and consist of easy for stomach food (vegetables, greenery, low-fat dairy products).
  • Reducing the daily calorie content of the diet. In order to perfectly lose weight in 2 months, it is necessary to reduce your usual diet by 20-30%.
  • The ratio of BJW in the diet. In order to lose weight, it is necessary to eat 40% of proteins (low-fat meat, birds, fish, dairy and milk products, 20% fat (olive oil, nuts, seeds), 40% of complex carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, greenery, cereals ).
  • Reducing salt consumptionwhich contributes to the delay in the excess fluid in the body, leading to the swelling. Spices also need to be excluded from its diet, because they provoke an increase in appetite, which only interferes in the fight against overweight.
  • Need to carefully monitor water balance. Daily within 2 months should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Purified water without gas accelerates metabolism, which leads to active fat burning.
  • Regular physical exertion. Proper nutrition in combination with daily physical exertion (sports, running, walking, charging) helps not only lose weight, but also strengthen the muscles, increase the elasticity of the skin, prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Rest mode. A full-fledged 8-hour sleep is favorably affecting the entire organism as a whole. According to scientists, from 22 to 2 o'clock in the morning, a hormone (somatotropic) is produced in the human body, which promotes active splitting of fats, and therefore it is at that time it is necessary to sleep to lose weight.

Contraindicated sharp slimming In adolescence and elderly, during pregnancy and lactation, with cardiovascular diseases and any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How for 2 months to lose weight by 2 kg?

In order to lose weight in 2 months by 2 kg, it is necessary to abandon all the harmful products that interfere with the harmony:


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  • Confectionery, baking from a dough;
  • Fatty dishes (fat, butter, lamb, pork);
  • Fried and smoked dishes;
  • Sugar, sweet desserts;
  • Spices and sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, salt);
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Excluding from its diet products leading to the accumulation of excess weight can be lost in 2 months on one or two sizes, normalizing the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is often necessary to eat. Three meals must be the main (breakfast, lunch, dinner), between them should be cut off by unsweetened fruits, vegetables or low-fat dairy and dairy products. With a strong sense of hunger before bedtime, it is better to drink fading tea (green, herbal, black) without sugar and additives. For 2 months, it is necessary to monitor the daily level of fluid consumption, since fat cells filled with water are faster than burned.

Way to lose weight by 10-15 kg

Many people suffering from overweight are asked: "How to lose weight for 10 - 15 kg in 2 months?" In order to get rid of excess weight, a balanced, low-calorie diet is necessary. To lose weight by 10-15 kg for 2 months, on average, daily caloric content for women should be 1500-1600 kcal, for men 2000-2200 kcal, depending on the initial weight, age and level of physical activity.

To lose weight by 10-15 kg in 2 months, the diet should consist of the following products:

  • Non-fat meat (beef, veal, rabbit), bird (turkey, chicken), low-fat fish (sturgeon, pike, perch). Use meat, bird and fish is in the boiled, stew, baked. You can cook for a pair or grill. The use of 1 serving on the day of the data of protein products, the volume of 150-170 gr is shown.
  • Non-fat dairy and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir, ryazhenka, prostrochy). Not more than 200 g \\ 200 ml of these products can be used daily in order to effectively lose weight by 10-15 kg in 2 months.
  • Non-historical vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, carrots, beets, as well as greens). They are used both in the raw form and in salads, refilled by lemon juice or 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Vegetables can be boiled, stew, cook for a couple. They must be 50% of the daily diet.
  • Farmers and berries (mango exclusion, grapes, melon, bananas). Fruits are better to use in the morning for better assimilation by the body, since they contain glucose and fructose.
  • Cereals and cereals (oats, buckwheat, rice). The cereals contribute to the rapid saturation of the body, as well as the cleansing of the intestine and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

During the day, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of non-carbonated water, as well as fastening tea (herbal, green), decoctions and tincture of berries, but without additives (sugar, cream). It is possible to snack with fresh fruit and vegetable juices, a glass of kefira or 3%. Salt is better to exclude completely or minimize.

Approximate menu on day 1 to lose weight by 10 kg in 2 months at home (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

  • Muesli 150 gr. Green apple;
  • 1 cup of tomato juice;
  • Vegetable soup 150 ml. Boiled chicken fillet 150 gr;
  • 1 cup of kefir 1%;
  • Salad "Greek" 200 gr.

Faster to lose weight in 2 months at 10-15 kg. At home, in addition to the diet, daily physical exercises (exercises, sports, walking) will help, as well as various cosmetology procedures (nutritional film wraps, massages using anti-cellulite cream, contrasting souls and so on).

What exercises can you do?

In order for 2 months to reset 10 kg of excess weight, you must perform a daily exercise complex. The load should increase gradually. It is possible to start with 10 repetitions of each exercise in 3-4 approaches, a month later to do 15-20 repetitions in 4 approaches, and after a month and a half to increase the intensity of up to 25 repetitions in 4 approaches. The most important thing is regular classes. To effectively lose weight, you need to perform workouts daily for two months, not missing the day.

Exercises to lose weight in 2 months per 10 kg:

  • To lie on the back, bend the legs in the knees, palms to close behind your head, straws straighten. On the exhalation, lift the top of the body and touch the knees. Frozen in this position 2 seconds, smoothly return to the original position.
  • To lie on the back, stretch your hands along, straighten your feet and raise perpendicular to the body. Smoothly lower legs without touching the floor, pulling socks. Laid for 2 seconds, return to the original position.
  • To lie on the right side, leaning on the right hand, bent in the elbow, legs straightened. On the exhalation, lift the hips so that the back and the rear surface of the legs were on the same plane. Froy for 2 seconds, return to the original position. Do the exercise on the left side.
  • Legs on the width of the shoulders. We make tilts to the right, raising left hand up. Legs must be straightened. Loading for a few seconds, we return to the original position, repeat the slope to the left, raising the right hand.

Effectively lose weight, Mahi, mill, squats, push-ups will also help. It will help to lose weight in 2 months, in addition to the regular execution of a complex of exercises at home, additional physical exertion: classes of pilates, fitness, swimming, running. To lose weight, it is better to abandon the elevator, to take walks in the fresh air to long distances, you can jump on the rope, turn the hoop. In the complex with the right nutrition, the results of exercises and sports will not make themselves wait and after 2 months, the extra 10 kg will be irretrievably, if they continue to maintain their physical form.

Many modern women on one or another stage of their lives are thinking about weight loss. Sometimes there is a desire to reset only a few extra kilograms in a short time, and sometimes we think about a more fundamental weight loss, which would include the revision of food habits and restructuring on a more healthy diet. For example, it is such a strategy that can help lose weight in 2 months by more than 10 kilograms, to become slimmer and more attractive, and also return to the former self-confidence and its beauty.

What can you advise those who wish to lose weight in 2 months and achieve solid and stable results?


First of all, the daily diet should be revised, because it is important to eat so to lose weight, and not starve (devote this enough time - it really matters). For effective weight loss, it is necessary to completely abandon sweet, flour and fried dishes. Instead of favorite candies and cakes, eat fruit and dried fruits (when you really want a sweet one for the rescue, the dates, dried, raisins come to the rescue, instead of buns - bread made of coarse grinding flour, well, and from fried dishes you need to go to boiled or cooked in the oven. That is how it will be possible to get rid of harmful fats and excess quick carbohydrates in your diet. It is necessary to refuse from sugar, and products in which it has been added, it is impossible to eat mayonnaise, sharp sauces, including ketchup. Reduce the amount of salt, sharp dishes should also be avoided - they burn appetite. Fatty grade meat, such as lamb, pork, duck meat or goose, should be replaced with dietary meat chicken, turkey, rabbit. Turn on the diet low-fat fish. Start the morning by a protein breakfast (eggs, cottage cheese, natural yogurt) or whole grain porridge with the addition of olive oil.

In order to discipline yourself to make a menu for every week, try so that the nutrition is full and diverse. If it is difficult to immediately refuse large portions, you can use a large number of fresh vegetables (and not much calories, and the plate is complete).

Power system during the day

It is recommended to teach the body every day to eat at the same time, whether it is a working day or day off. Teach yourself to take food slowly and thoroughly chew, do not talk while eating on the phone, do not read the book and do not watch TV. We need to eat for day 4-5 times. The last meal must be 3-4 hours before sleep so that the digestive system can also relax. Do not forget to drink water, water should be enough, about 2 liters, and it should not be cold (better room temperature).

Diets and unloading days

If you strive for more significant results and are ready to pass through hard restrictions in nutrition, try one of the famous long-term diets. In particular, wishing to lose weight in 2 months by 20-25 kg, it is possible to offer a popular diet of Larisa Valley, also known as a striped diet. It is based on alternating one day of normal nutrition with one unloading day, during which only low-fat kefir is allowed to use. Such a diet is considered really effective, with quite simple and inexpensive.

With a regular power scheme, use unloading days, just do not confuse them with hungry days.

Massage and body care

For effective weight loss, it will not be superfluous. The massage session will improve blood circulation in the tissues, improve the metabolism, it will strengthen the fat burning effect, pulls out the skin, remove the emotional stress, will contribute to relaxation and rest. Massage in combination with proper nutrition, sports activities will help to achieve the goal.

It will help to reduce the weight and clear the body from the skots. Russian bath, sauna or Turkish hamam. Do not forget about moisturizing and feeding creams for the body. The body will certainly respond to your concern.

Physical activity and sports

Well, undoubtedly, another effective weight loss technique is exercise and sports. In our age of enormous employment and a sedentary lifestyle, it is quite difficult to find time for physical exertion. However, with such a noble goal, like weight loss, still you can find 10-15 minutes for morning gymnastics and hour and a half 3 times a week for active workouts or sports. Do not forget about.

Thus, lose weight in 2 months by 10-15 kilograms, observing these simple rules, it can become a possible and fulfilled task, which is under the power of any of us, cute women!

The question is how to lose weight in 2 months, you ask two categories of people. The first came to this case with full responsibility, took a sufficient amount of time and ready to carefully plan the weight gain to be harmless to health. They need to lose weight by 10 kg, no more. And, undoubtedly, they will succeed. The second situation is more difficult: it is necessary to quickly reset more than 10 kg, and in a short time it is fraught not only by complications in the health plan, but also a real test for the power of spirit and character.

We will try to take into account the interests and those and others by proposing to consider top diets, calculated for a long time.

Royal diet

Results: For 2 months you can lose weight by 5-6 kg.


Kate Middleton - Duchess Cambridge, the wife of Prince William, is a sample of elegance. Having grown up the 35-year-old frontier and giving birth for 3 children, it remains slim and tightened.

Kate Middleton

And this is explained not only by heredity and investment in the beauty industry. For her since 2011, French specialists have developed a special diet that allows you to maintain weight in the norm even after childbirth. Its basic principles resemble the famous:

  • balanced diet;
  • page: protein (running weight loss) - vegetable (normalization of digestion) - fruit (vitaminization) - stabilization (consolidation of results achieved);
  • daily water norm - up to one and a half liters;
  • daily use of oat bran (starting from 1 tsp. and gradually increasing the dosage);
  • mandatory sports in accordance with physical training: fitness, dancing, yoga, bike, etc.


I - protein, 3 days.

II - vegetable (alternation of carbohydrate and protein days), 6 days (three through three).

III - fruit (balanced menu with focus on vegetable products), 5 weeks.

IV - stabilization (return to the usual diet), 1-2 weeks.

The basis of the diet for stage I:

  • turkey, chicken;
  • eggs;
  • last ham, pork and beef tenderloin, loss (buds and liver);
  • fish, seafood;
  • fermented milk products with a small fatness percentage (focus on milk and cottage cheese);
  • pickles;

Base of the diet for stage II:

  • all products listed for stage I, within protein days;
  • non-historical vegetables;
  • daily - no more than 2 of the following products: acute peppers, gelatin, rootishons, adjika, spices, ketchup, garlic, low-fat cream (daily rate: 10 ml), skimmed cocoa.

Base of the ration for the III stage:

  • fruits, except cherry, bananas, grapes;
  • bread (no more than 2 slices);
  • 40 g cheese;
  • every 3 days - starchy vegetables, pasta, calorie dishes in small quantities (dumplings, ice cream, pancakes);
  • 2 days per week remain exclusively protein.

Base of diet for stage IV:

  • daily administration to the diet of prohibited high-calorie products;
  • but 1 of the days this week should remain protein.


Frequent protein days for 2 months are able to "plant" even healthy kidneys, so it is strongly recommended to undergo a preliminary examination and obtain the resolution of the nephrologist.

Power supply in terms of mode, outlines of days, fresh natural products - for occupied people, this is not the most successful option to lose weight in 2 months.

Availability of contraindications: any problems with the kidneys, pregnancy, lactation, children's age.

Sample menu

Stage II (carbohydrate day):

Stage II (protein day):

South Beach diet

Results: For 60 days it is possible to lose weight by 7-8 kg and more.


Diet was developed by Artur Agatstone, an American cardiologist. Allows not only to lose weight, but also to put the work of many organism systems, in particular - cardiovascular. At the core - "right" and, and from "wrong" and harmful will have to abandon. The doctor experienced its own development on himself, dropping 4 kg in 30 days - that safe for health the norm, which all experts recommend.


Agatstone proposes to divide the process of losing weight for 3 stages:

  • protein (2 weeks): a complete refusal of "wrong" carbohydrates and harmful fats;
  • carbohydrate (1 month): a balanced menu in which all products are gradually introduced;
  • stable (from 2 weeks or more): Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition (not to overeat, is not after 19.00, 3 feeding, refusal of transgins, etc.).

The basis of the diet in the protein stage:

  • chicken, turkey, beef;
  • eggs;
  • non-large cheese (Cheddar, Ricotta, Mozarella, Parmesan);
  • cottage cheese no more than 2% of fatty;
  • seafood, fish;
  • non-fat milk, yogurts.

The basis of the diet on the carbohydrate stage:

  • oatmeal;
  • grain and rye bread;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • vegetable oils (peanut, olive);
  • wine;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables: artichoke, asparagus, bean, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, spinach, turnip;
  • fruits: apples, grapes, kiwi, melon, mango, pears, plums, grapefruits, apricots, oranges;
  • berries: Blueberry, Currant, Blueberry, Strawberry.

At a stable stage, all products are allowed, except for the transdules that are contained in:

  • mayonnaise;
  • fastfood;
  • margarine;
  • creamy oil;
  • milk chocolate;
  • fryer dishes (fried potatoes, canties, nuggets, fish chopsticks, squid rings);
  • fried peanut;
  • cakes;
  • chips;
  • air corn and others.


  • dr. Agatston offers special recipes for his diet, which makes spend a lot of time cooking;
  • since this nutrition system is therapeutic, it is necessary to obtain a doctor's permission to comply.
  • in pathologies of the liver and kidney, it will not be possible to lose weight without complications for health.

Sample menu

  • omelet with cabbage and champignons;
  • greek salad;
  • chicken baked in parchment;
  • Ricotta - cream lemon dessert;
  • salmon with rosemary cooked on the grill;
  • miami Beach Salad (with Tuna);
  • asian chicken (with peas and broccoli).

Diet Mukhina

Results: For 2 months you can lose weight by 20 kg.


Dr. M. M. Mukhina - a nutritionist known in his circles, which suggested a method of losing weight "Golden Needle", combining and diet, and the eastern art of acupuncture. You can read more about the use of acupuncture to reduce weight, and Mariyat Muradalievna from the whole ancient heritage took only 1 point on the ear, which is responsible for blocking appetite.

To lose weight by 20 kg in just 2 months, Mukhina offers:

  • insert a gold serving in a puncture made in the appropriate point in the ear;
  • make focus on protein food;
  • food techniques strictly on schedule;
  • it is necessary when complying with certain conditions: in silence, without gadgets and televisions, with no one talking, small pieces and carefully fastening;
  • to avoid avitaminosis, a polyvitamin complex is obligatory;
  • rejection of bad habits (smoking and alcohol);
  • without sports, the results will be far from being impressive.

Base of the diet:

  • fish (low-fat varieties), seafood;
  • meat (dietary): chicken, idea, rabbit, beef;
  • liver;
  • soy products, tofu cheese;
  • 2 chicken eggs per week;
  • fermented milk products: daily - 200 g of natural non-fat yogurt with fruits and berries, 100 g of noble noble solid cheeses (Dutch, Russian, rocofor);
  • vegetables: cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, eggplants, tomatoes, pepper, pumpkin, asparagus, beans, peas, carrots;
  • any greens;
  • mushrooms (only in raw form);
  • bow with garlic (only after heat treatment);
  • fruits: All citrus fruits, persimmon, kiwi, pineapples, pears, apricots;
  • tea, coffee, fruit, fresh juices.

The point on the ear responsible for blocking appetite, where according to the Mukhina method you need to make a puncture for the gold earrings


Not everyone is solved on an additional puncture of the ear, and the serving must be golden, and these are substantial costs.

Interesting list of recommended products: Fresh mushrooms (which can be poisoned), persimmon (known to high sugar content and prohibited in most diets), Nozded varieties of cheese (in this question, you need to be able to understand), and fruits and vegetables, according to mukhina, should be bought not in the store, but they are grown on their own sect.

Strict prohibitions for products, without which it will be able to last all: not all: potatoes, sugar, bananas, alcohol and others.

A lot of material is common in the network, exposing Dr. Mukhin for fraud in nutrition. But despite this, there are user feedback, which in 2 months dropped over its system from 10 to 20 kg (and not even resorting to acupuncture, and only adhering to its power supply system).

Sample menu

First option:

Second option:


Results: For 2 months it is possible to lose weight by 25 kg.


He developed a diet Oleg Tern, Kiev Sanologist. The basis of weight loss is the preparation of an individual planned nutrition plan, taking into account the physical activity of a person. The advantages of the system are high efficiency and minimum health damage. Basic principles:

  • balanced menu, wide selection of dishes and products;
  • portion size \u003d fist size;
  • four-member nutrition;
  • the concept of "zigzag" when at the time of breakdown is allowed to eat the harmful product, which I want, the main thing is to observe the size of the portion equal to the volume of the fist (if it is an alcoholic drink, then no more than 1 glasses);
  • each day the menu should include products of all conventional colors (5 them).

One of the options menu of the Diet Spots

Base of the diet:

  • low-fat poultry meat (chicken, turkey, quail);
  • eggs;
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish, seafood;
  • legumes;
  • cottage cheese, cheeses, milk, yogurt;
  • vegetable dishes: salads, pured soups, stew;
  • pasta, unlipped cereals (oats, rice, buckwheat);
  • mushrooms;
  • berries;
  • fruit;
  • greens;
  • , Compote, Mors, Black Coffee, Tea.

Conditional distribution of food products:

  • red - these are protein products: legumes, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, seafood, protein;
  • orange - these are cereals: porridge, bread, pasta;
  • green are vegetables, mushrooms, greens;
  • yellow are fruits and berries;
  • blue is drinks: fermented milk, fruit, tea, coffee, water, juices.

Their distribution of food intakes:

The diet has a significant drawback - the conditional distribution of products in colors is absorbed quite difficult, it is necessary to get used to it and in the first weeks to carefully unwind the composed menu of the recommended "tricks".

However, the benefits of such a power system are much more: to lose weight by 25 kg in just 2 months it is possible without attacks of hunger, and then they are not returned. Contraindications it does not have.

Sample menu

Diet ABS

Results: For 2 months you can lose weight by 15-30 kg.


ABC diet is designed in the early 70s. XX century In America for group classes in a fitness camp AHA BOOT CAMP (hence the name). Sports training and special food were used for weight loss. The basis of the ration - products with minimal calorie. It is difficult to withstand the diet, since the daily rate does not exceed 1,000 kcal. However, the output and size of the stomach will decrease, and the results will be stunning.

The power system is scientifically substantiated and carefully designed, so with good health it will be incredibly effective: the rate of daily calorie content is constantly changing that it does not allow the body to adapt to an unusual rhythm, and nothing remains in such hard conditions, how to run active fat burning.

Presented in several versions.

Classical diet ABS

Caloric caloric rate:

Exemplary menu:

ABC Superlight.

The daily caloric content is not lower than 350 kcal and not higher than 1,000. The most lightweight and satisfying version of the diet recommended by people:

  • after 25 years;
  • low growth;
  • the leading low-wear lifestyle.

The menu is compiled independently, taking into account the designated borders of daily calorie.

ABC Lights

Calorie counting is not required. The basis of this option is a categorical refusal of all harmful products. The most convenient for health. Food is distributed to light blocks. Basic principles:

  • it is impossible to fry anything;
  • feed fractionally;
  • 1 Reception of food \u003d only 1 dish;
  • the daily rate of water is 2 liters.

The diet does not require exit, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in 2 months and the risk of diabetes mellitus, eliminates food addiction. If on the previous 2 options you can lose weight by 30 kg, then here is only 15 kg, but safe for health.

With such diet it is possible to reset two months from 5 to 30 kg even at home. However, remember that only 70% of success belongs to the nutrition, 30% remain for motor activity and sports. It does not have to be something exhaustive and intensive, but regular worships (morning gymnastics, jogging,) will allow achieving the outlined results much faster.


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