What to do to pump up. How to swing at home and how to do it

What to do to pump up. How to swing at home and how to do it

You dream to increase 5-7 kilograms of high-quality muscles, but do not know where to start strength training? The program described below will help you quickly, in just 6-8 weeks, to gain a visible muscle mass, change your body and create a sports physique.

Recall that it implies three short, but intensive workouts per week, as well as enhanced nutrition. Remember that it is the nutrition that is the most important component of muscle growth - without additional calories, the body physically will not be able to build up muscles.

Main exercises for mass

The proposed program is based on, forcing all major body muscles in the complex work. This allows not only to develop muscles, but also to work on creating a sports figure with broad shoulders and strong hands.

Also, the program uses functional exercises (discharge of weights, push-ups on bars, tightening and other), not only improving the coordination of movements, but also affecting the muscles of the press and the housing, as well as developing the overall symmetry of the muscles.

4 Muscle rapid growth rules

  1. For muscle growth, a regularly increasing load is needed - using the same weight in the exercise for weeks, you will not achieve the growth of muscles. That is why it is important to fix working weights in a special.
  2. An increase in the load means not only an increase in working weight, but also the development of communication between the muscles and the brain. If you learn how to strain the will to strain the muscles during the exercise, it will significantly increase the efficiency of the training without using heavy weight.
  3. Food plays a key role in the success of the training. In order for the muscles to grow rapidly, additional calories are needed by the body - at least 10-15% of the daily norm. Remember also that without a large number of proper carbohydrates, the weight set is impossible.
  4. For full restoration and growth of musculature, the body needs a dream and rest - try to sleep at least 8 hours a day. In addition, it is strictly not recommended to overload yourself with other types of sports activity (running, swimming, football or skis) in the days of rest.

Program to quickly pump out

The proposed training program requires three workouts per week performed in a checker order. For example: Monday and Friday of the first week - training A, Wednesday - training in; Monday and Friday of the second week - Training in, Wednesday - Training A.

Training A.

  • Warming up - 5-10 minutes Cardio
  • Squats with arms stretched forward
  • - 2 approaches of 15-20 repetitions
  • - 3 approaches of 5-8 repetitions
  • Giri jerk with two hands - 2 approaches of 15-20 repetitions
  • - 2 approaches of 5-8 repetitions
  • Lifting dumbbells on biceps - 2 approaches of 10-12 repetitions

Training B.

  • Warming up - 5-10 minutes Cardio
  • - 3 approaches of 5-8 repetitions
  • - 2 approaches of 15-20 repetitions
  • - 3 approaches of 5-8 repetitions
  • - 2 approaches of 15-20 repetitions
  • - 3 approaches of 5-8 repetitions
  • - 2 approaches of 10-12 repetitions
  • Exercise "Woodcutter" on the press - 2 approaches of 15-20 repetitions

Terms of training

Pay special attention to the technique of performing exercises with a barbell - if you are new to and just begin to engage in power training, increase the number of repetitions from 5-8 to 10-12, and also always use assistance or a safety partner.

Rest Between the approaches of the exercise - at least 90 seconds, during which you should walk around the hall and slightly warm up, and do not sit still or chat with friends in your mobile phone. A break between different exercises is about 2 minutes.

Food before and after training

Power training on an empty stomach harm muscle growth - to train in full force ,. It is necessary either for 10-15 minutes before the training take 15-20 g of fast carbohydrates and 10-15 g of protein-isolate, or tightly dine in an hour and a half before training.

Food after training, in turn, will force the body to use food calories for growth and muscle recovery. Immediately after the training, it is necessary to take a portion (30-35 g), and in 40-50 minutes it is tightly lunch with a large amount of carbohydrates.

How to quickly pump up hands?

One of the main mistakes of beginners is to use a large amount of exercises on biceps and triceps. Remember that it is impossible without the integrated development of the whole muscles of the body - increasing the indicators in the basic exercises, you develop and muscle hands.

The proposed program includes the two most effective exercises for the muscles of the hands - push-ups on the bars for triceps and shoulder belts, as well as the rise of dumbbells on the biceps. It is recommended to use the middle weight in the exercises, paying special attention to the technique.


To quickly pump muscles, it suffices to follow the basic recommendations - use multi-suraling exercises with a barbell to increase muscle power, functional exercises for the development of coordination of movements, and also be powered by proper carbohydrates.

In order for the power exercises on the muscle mass machine to bring maximum benefits and effect, there are seven basic rules that allow you to competently build a training process.

If you adhere to the seven of the following rules, the force training will bring the maximum result.

Providing a sufficient amount of energy

The main problem for ectomorphs - thin on the nature of people who set the goal to increase not only muscle, but also the total body weight is the inability of the body to accumulate a large amount of energy. The lack of a sufficient energy supply does not allow both active force training and pump muscles.

And if you do not provide an additional source of energy in the form of special sports nutrition, then no result will be achieved. For a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes before the training, you need to drink a cocktail from a carbohydrate with a small portion of fast proteins, during the occupation to take, after -.

Use basic exercises

The body can work in the enhanced mode only a certain time. To use it with the maximum benefit for training, you need to focus on, first of all, on basic exercises. The recommended number of approaches is from ten and to fifteen networks.

The basis of the training should be important for increasing hormonal background and muscle growth of multi-suraling exercises. To avoid overtraining, you need to do three times a week, paying for at least forty minutes. It is excluding warm-up and chandeliers.

Make a five-seven repetition

Muscles begin to grow when they cannot cope with the current load. And if each training session to achieve the boundaries of physical limits, the body, seeking to expand its capabilities, will "push the muscles to the process of increasing the volume and increase strength.

The final repetition of the exercise should be with difficulty and run so that there is no strength for another one. This is achieved by no increasing repetitions, the optimal amount of which is from 5 to 7, and by the use of greater weight, involving the presence of good insurance or work under the sensitive leadership of the coach.

Raise calorie diet

Chronic absence of appetite is another problem for ectomorphs. The body continues to ignore signals about the need for an additional source of energy from muscle tissue requires only so many calories as needed to ensure normal life. It slows down the growth of muscles.

An increase in the caloric content of the usual food by 15-25 percent is the main rule for a set of muscle mass. A day you need to use at least 2500 kcal in the form of proper carbohydrates and fats. The amount of proteins is from 1.5 and to 2.5 grams per 1 kilogram of their own athlet weight.

Use additives

Optimize metabolic processes is the easiest way to teach sports additives with high calorie. Creatine protein cocktails is needed several times a day, regardless of whether there is a feeling of hunger or not.

Pre-training complexes and caffeine helps increase training efficiency. They enhance the blood supply of muscle tissue, which allows to expand the energy depot and ensure further growth of muscles.

Monitor the results achieved

The habit of recording achieved results at the end of each week may seem unnecessary spending time, but it is very important for competent planning of the training process. It is necessary to make marks about weight, exercise program, diet, well-being.

The feasibility of such an analysis is due to the fact that you need to be confident that the watches carried out in the gym brings the result. And if at first these notes may seem unimportant, after a month it will become clear why they are so valuable.

Put on real purpose

Assessment of their forces and opportunities should be adequate. It is not necessary to carry out the parallel between themselves and professional bodybuilders who are engaged in bodybuilding for many years, know all the rules and nuances of power training.

The average possible increase in muscles per month is about 0.5-1 kg. During the first year of active sessions, you can dial from 6 to 8 kilograms. It will not happen in 12 months in Schwarzenegger, because it has reached his form of persistent workouts.


To pump muscles, you need to focus on the implementation of basic multi-sowing exercises, increase the caloric content of the diet, and, most importantly, each week analyze the selected approach to the training process and nutrition.

Arnold plan: how to pump big muscles - video

Extra weight discharge using bodybuilding Getting rid of fat - Basic rules

Absolutely all people at least once in their lives thought about transforming their body. Someone immediately began to go to his goal, and someone a few more months, lying on the sofa, represented as he walks along the beach and plays his muscles, and all people pay attention to him. All these people unites something - they want to spend less effort to achieve their goal.

In the case of physical exertion, it is bodybuilding at home. Today we are with you and we will talk about it . Your attention will be presented the most Effective exercises for bodybuilding at home. Go!

How to quickly pump muscles at home

To begin with, let's understand what sense do people invest in the word pumping out? The answer is simple - people are not necessarily to have too large muscles, and working weight in the exercises. Young people want them to be well developed hands, back, chest and press. After all, these muscles attract the magnet of the attention of a beautiful floor.

And girls want to have beautiful legs, and elastic, appetizing buttocks. After all, this is exactly what guys can not tear off her eyes. Moreover, the exercises for breast muscles can make women's breasts are more touched.

In order to achieve such results, it is not necessary to attend the gym. After all, most basic movements we can imitate at home. For this we need:

  1. Your irresistible desire to get a beautiful body.
  2. Horizontal bar.
  3. Bars.
  4. Backpack.
  5. Dumbbells or weights.

Now you could have a questionWhy do you need dumbbells, because you can do your own weight exercises? The answer is simple. In order to pump up the embossed body, you must first dial a certain amount of muscle mass. As you know, to increase the volume of muscles, approaches in exercises should be hard. That is, in one approach, you must be able to make no more than 12 repetitions. If you were able to do more, then it's time for you to increase the working weight.

In many exercises, dumbbells and weights will serve you with burden so that you, for example, were able to pull up less. But each such pull-up will be much more efficient than with its own weight.

So, for high-quality bodybuilding You need to perform the following exercises:

  1. Tightening on the horizontal bar with various grips.
  2. Push ups from the floor with various arms.
  3. Vertical and horizontal gathering of dumbbells or weights.
  4. Flexing and extension of hands with dumbbells.
  5. Squats on one leg.
  6. All sorts of exercises on the press.

Let's talk in more detail about how to pump at home.

Training program

Training complex We will build on the following principles:

Without the horizontal bar and without Bruusyev nowhere. If you really want to pump up, then solve this problem. First, in almost every yard there are horizontal bars and bars. Stroll around the area, and find the most convenient platform for you. Secondly, it will be necessary for iron. So, do not suck, and purchase a couple of dumbbells or Girus. To save in this matter, buy shells not in sports stores, but through ads on the Internet.

Surely you now have a question: how to be when winter occur? The best option is to purchase a suspension horizontal bar and bars home. Total cost of dumbbells, Touristanist and BRUSEV, will be no more than 5 thousand rubles. This corresponds to the cost of a two-month subscription to the gym of large cities.

Most likely, you have no right now. Therefore, begin to engage in the horizontal bar and bars in the spring. Before the autumn, when to train on the street will be cold, you will have about five months. During such a period of time, you can easily accumulate 5 thousand rubles. If you really want to pump muscle, then for you it will not be a problem. Remember, achieving any goal requires cash costs.

Now, let's talk, directly, about the training program:

First day - training muscle pushing groups:

  1. Hands of dumbbells, lying on chairs - 3 approaches of 10-12 repetitions.
  2. The bench press of dumbbells or girome standing - 3 approaches of 10-12 repetitions.
  3. Pressing on the bars - 3 approaches of 10-12 repetitions.
  4. Pressing from the floor with an average handmade - 2 approaches 10-12 times.

On this day, you pump the chest, the front part of the deltoid muscles, and triceps. It is these muscles that are pushing.

Day second - study of pulling muscles:

On this day, you pump all your back muscles, biceps, rear and middle delta. It is these muscles who are strained when you pull something.

Day Three - Working Muscles:

  1. Squats on one leg - 3 approaches of 10-12 repetitions.
  2. Fallen with dumbbells - 3 approaches of 10-12 repetitions.
  3. Wearing on socks with dumbbells - 3 approaches to maximum times.

Highly increase muscular legs at home will not work. After you can sit on one leg More than 12 times, only relief will be worked out.

As you noticed in almost all the exercises, it is indicated by 10-12 repetitions for the approach. This means that it is impossible to make more repetitions for the approach. For example, if you can pull out only 6 times, then do so much. Over time, when you become tightened more than 12 times, start adding extra weight to make a small amount of repetitions.

The rest between approaches in all people will be different. The main thing is that during the break your breathing completely recovered. Only after that you can proceed to the next approach.

At the end of each workout, you need to download the press. Perform torso lifting and feet lifting, 3 approaches in each exercise. The number of approaches is not so important here. The key point is a strong burning in the muscles of the abdomen. As soon as you felt burningIt is necessary to take another 15-20 repetitions, then take a break. Between approaches you need to relax no more than one minute. Press loves intensive training.

At the end of the workout you need to do the exercise of the plank. It looks like this:

Standing in this position is necessary before the failure. When you start shaking and you feel burning in all the muscles of your body, it is very good. It is necessary to take your will in the fist, and to simultane as long as they do not collapse to the floor. After all, it is at such moments that the real force is born.

Why do this exercise? The fact is that when practicing in the gym, you perform basic exercises with high weights. In addition to pumping muscle target groups, these exercises also pump muscle stabilizers, and, most importantly, the anabolism is strongly accelerated. . After all, during the execution of such exercises Absolutely all muscles of your body work, and this is very important for a set of muscle mass.

Approximately the same effect has a plank exercise on your body. The main thing is not to stand too long. When you will be able to hold out more than two minutes, you need to hang on the backpack on your back, in which there are drives from dumbbells. You should be very hard. Perhaps it sounds frightening, but what results you will achieve! In addition to the excellent body, you will get the strongest moral and volitional qualities!

Every 6-8 weeksIt is necessary to take a week break in training. The body needs rest!

What results can you achieve

I want to immediately say a motivated reader that you should not wait for quick results. The first changes in your body can be observed in a few weeks. Count for an increase in all the muscles to the desired level can be possible only after a year of classes.

If you are engaged in training programproposed to you above, then achieve the following results for the year:


In conclusion, I would like to say about the benefits of healthy sleep and nutrition. It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and lean on protein food. It will help you improve your health, and also much faster to pump up the body that you have dreamed about so long!

Salute to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle. Today, once again we appeal to the question, how to swing at home. To begin with, I will try to disprove the myth, that at home is unrealistic, you must attend the gym and take all sorts of additives. And there are two points of view. About the uselessness of domestic training, they say all visitors to the gyms, and they are right.

After all, so that the muscles constantly grow, they must constantly experience "stress". You should regularly increase the load, by increasing the weight of the rod, thereby not giving the muscles to get used to the load. They, muscles, in turn, will answer in growth, provided that you will eat right.

But at the visitors of the simulator to their goals: they want to become huge, act on some Bodybuilding competitions, and, of course, they will not work at home at home.

And now let's look at the pumping of the muscles of the house from the side of a simple manual, a person who wants to simply have a trained body. He does not need huge, 56 centimeter biceps, chest, more than his girlfriend, no, he doesn't need it all. He needs a beautiful, sports physique, having which, you can safely go out in the summer to the beach and cover with your embossed press and an accepted chest. For such people training at home the easiest and most affordable way.

Swing muscles at home correctly

So, how to pump muscles at home. The point is pretty simple, but you need to gain patience and stock will be strengthened. To begin, you need to understand simple rules, without compliance, which, your training is not enough that the result will not bring you, in the form of a sports figure, and will be useless.

1. Rule number - proper nutrition. Proper nutrition for muscle growth is 85% of your success. Without good food, all your efforts will be in vain. And under good nutrition, I do not mean that you need to start to eat like an elephant everything that comes on hand. Under good nutrition, I mean the following:

  • you will definitely need to increase the consumption of protein food (meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese), if for an ordinary person a protein consumption rate of 0.5 grams per kilogram of weight, then you need to consume 1.5 proteins per kilogram weight;
  • it is very important to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, we need carbohydrates to maintain vital activity and for energy that is needed during training. Therefore, we reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, especially fast (sugar, bread, buns). We use slow carbohydrates (bunting, buckwheat, pasta) and only in the first half of the day. Your dinner must fully consist of protein food, plus a bit of vegetables or fruits.

2. We told about food, now we go to training. Since our muscles will not receive a serious load, in the form of heavy dumbbells and rods, we will expose our muscles to other stress. We will use circular workouts and cardion. Cardiography, just what will help you "pump" endurance, it will also help get rid of excess weight. With the help of a circular training, which consists of all of the seven exercises, we will pump out the whole body., Four times a week.

Circular training at home

How to swing at home We have already told, now it's time to show. Before you seven exercises, with the help of which you will pump all your body, four times a week. For a start, look at all the exercises, and then we have a program for you from them.


Surely, at school you pulled up. We remember. This will be the first exercise.

Make 10 pull-ups and immediately proceed to the next exercise.

Explosive pushups

These are the same push ups that you do. But at the time when you sank, you need to push up as much as possible so that your palms take away from the floor.

Make 8 explosive pushups, and without rest immediately to the next exercise.

Squats on one leg

Look at the picture below, squat just too. Right legs throw on the chair, left a little forward. Sit down and rise back.

Sat 8 times for each leg.

Tightening inverse grogging

Again pulling, this time for pumping biceps. During the exercise, try to feel their work.

Make 12 repeats and run to another exercise.

Push-ups on the walls

Become on your hands down. Feet up to the wall. Slowly go down and also go back up.

Make at least 5 repetitions.

Push ups on chairs

Take two chairs (prepare them in advance). On one throw my legs, on the second, we have a hand. Press up, feel like triceps? Wonderful.

Sick yourself so 12 times and start the last exercise.


Hang on the horizontal bar and raise your feet as high as possible. Do not rush, do not swing, do control of the upstream and feel the work of the press.

Make 12 lifts.

Congratulations, you made the first circle of 7 exercises, now rest a couple of minutes and repeat the circle again. Make at least 4 circles. If you have no horizon at home, you can go to the nearest sports field and train there.

Training program at home

As I promised, here is a detailed program of a circular workout. You will have to train 4 times a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. In the days of rest, I recommend doing stretching or arrange a slight jog. Every week, try to raise the number of circles or the number of repetitions in the exercises. Choose yourself.

I hope you will have to do your exercise and enjoy the program. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

If you are wondering what exercise for what muscles is intended, then I hurry to delight you. On this page you will find the most efficient exercises on all muscle groups that will help not just harmoniously develop your body, but really pump muscles. In addition to the description of the execution technique, each exercise is accompanied by photographs and videos, with which you can master all the subtleties and nuances.

To pump a trapezoidal muscle, it is necessary to work it in three directions. You need to fulfill for at least three exercises: one for each part. The trapezium has natural power, and that is why it is necessary to use quite large weights.

Delta (shoulders)
Delta muscles are located on one of the most fragile body joints. Therefore, it is not necessary to use excessively heavy weights, the main thing for the progress of the Delta is the correct technique.

Breast muscles
So that it is good to pump all the beams of the chest muscles, they need to work at different angles. Training should pass with a frequency of 1 - 2 times a week. If you swing the chest muscles no more than two times during the week, using the exercises presented here, you will definitely achieve the results you need.

Back muscles
The back is a combination of large muscle groups and so that you need to get better to load them well. If you want to pump up the back muscles, then you must use such weights to make no more than 8 - 12 repetitions. Pumping your back is really hard, but at the right approach it is quite real.

Consists of two heads: short responsible for mass and volume, the long head betrays the most "peak" biceps. Therefore, in order to qualitatively pump biceps you need to choose several exercises, so that the two heads are equally well.

The main part of the newcomers in the gym, pay more attention to biceps, but they would need to know that it is thanks to the triceps hands look more massive even in a relaxed state. And if you want people on the street to speak "Oh, what he has been pumped up", then you need to download triceps with no less effort.

If you want to qualitatively pump your hands, then the muscles of the forearm should be treated with the same attention as to other parts of the body. Thanks to the well-pumped forearm externally, it becomes more voluminous and proportional.

Abdominal muscles
To pump up the press with "cubes" - wants any man, and almost every woman dreams of having a tagged, beautiful belly. To achieve a relief press, you need not only to perform countless repetitions, but also eat right.

Muscles legs
In order for the legs harmoniously developed, it is necessary to train with full responsibility every muscle group: buttocks, quadriceps (extensors), muscles of the back of the thigh (flexors) and leg muscles (caviar).


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