How to make Cardio training at home. Slender figure without simulators: Cardio exercise complex for women at home

How to make Cardio training at home. Slender figure without simulators: Cardio exercise complex for women at home

Do you like to run during the cold season? Then try to carry out effective cardiography right at home! In this article, you will learn how to effectively carry out cardiography without the use of additional equipment.

What is cardiotering?

Cardiography is predominantly continuous physical activity with the involvement of a large number of active muscles, which is accompanied by an increased rhythm of heart abbreviations. It can be any aerobic training with typical low intensity and duration from 5 to 90 minutes, such as running dancing or cycling. You can find more information in the article "?".

How are cardiotering useful?

  • Good tool to combat overweight.
  • Such workouts are able to strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Improves the operation of the breathing apparatus.
  • Cholesterol levels, blood pressure and diabetes risks are reduced.
  • Good medicine against stress.
  • Increases endurance.

How much do you need to train?

For fat burning effect, you must train at least half an hour a day, 2-3 times a week. Best for weight loss are suitable for low-intensity workouts with a duration of 50-60 minutes, which should be carried out no more than 6 times a week. But if you are completely inexperienced and never trained, you can start with 5 minutes, and subsequently increase the training time. For tone or just health, you can train 10-20 minutes (2-3 times a week).

What should be the pulse and intensity?

Those who just started training (especially in the first week), it is not recommended to raise the level of the pulse above 60% of the maximum. It must be medium in the intensity of training, with a small shortness of breath. And after the body starts to get used to, you can increase the pulse up to 70-80% of the maximum.

- Before each training is well ventilated.

- To protect yourself from the injuries associated with joints, use soft shoes or special rubberized rugs in those exercises where the shock load is used.

- For greater productivity, use your favorite music.

- Try to spend home cardiovascular in such a way that all muscle groups are involved in work. Such training are more useful for the body, and also make a variety of in the training process, which will not let you get bored.

- Try to keep the pulse at a level of 60 to 80% of the maximum. For most of the middle, it will lie within 130 minutes of a minute.

List of most popular cardio exercises for home

Based on this list, you can independently choose for yourself the most suitable exercises for low-influence or high-intensity workout. Below will be the options for various cardio training (complexes) for the home. Cardiography is a mandatory tool for correcting the total body weight.

  1. Full push ups ~ 1015 kcal / hour
  2. Squats ~ 900 kcal / hour
  3. Jumping on the rope ~ 650 kcal / hour
  4. Press training ~ 600 kcal / hour
  5. Dancing ~ 300 kcal / hour
  6. Walking on the stairs ~ 270 kcal / hour
  7. Sex ~ 255 kcal hour
  8. Wash / revenge floor 250 ~ kcal / hour
  9. Walking ~ 120 kcal / hour

(from the calculation of 85 kg of man)

Option Circular Cardio Training Houses

Perform from 2 to 6 rounds, depending on physical fitness.

  • Bourgo - 10.
  • Floor pressing - 15
  • Mountaineer - 20.
  • Bike - 30.
  • Planck - 45 seconds

The rest between the exercises should be no higher than 10-15 seconds, but between the rounds no more than 1 minute.

Option of continuous cardio training in domestic climbs

  • Running in place - 5 minutes
  • Jumping with a rope - 4 minutes
  • Jackie Jacks - 3 minutes
  • Climber - 2 minutes
  • Skateter jumping - 1 minute

And an example of high-intensity cardiovascular

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Reading time: 22 minutes

You can lose weight and without fitness, but with regular workouts it can be done faster and more efficient. How to build an aerobic lesson to achieve maximum result? And is it true that the most effective way of burning fat is a cardio training?

This article will dismantle the most popular issues that concern cardio training and their effectiveness for weight loss. We also consider popular myths about cardio training, which can mislead and prevent progress in classes. Finally, we will offer you a ready-made Cardio-exercise complex for lessons at home or in the hall.

Cardio training (or aerobic training) It occurs due to energy, which is mined during the oxidation of glucose oxygen molecules. This is the main difference from the power load, where the energy is obtained by an inglorious way. Therefore, during Cardio, not only muscles are trained, but also the entire cardiovascular system.

Cardio training is especially useful for those who are just starting to do fitness. They prepare your heart to more hard loads. What else are aerobic activities?

Advantages of cardio training:

  • Calories are burned, which facilitates and speeds up the process of weight loss.
  • The endurance increases, you will be able to withstand all the heavier loads (it will be useful to you in everyday life).
  • Metabolic and metabolic processes are accelerated.
  • Increases the power of the lungs and their volume.
  • The work of the cardiovascular system improves, the risk of disease is reduced.
  • Immunity increases.
  • Stress and psychological tension is removed.
  • You will receive a charge of cheerfulness and energy for the whole day.

Pulse during Cardio Training for Fat Burning

In order for the cardio-training to go efficiently, it is necessary to engage in the fat burning zone. The so-called fat burning zone is within 65-85% of the maximum heart rate (CSS). The higher the heart rate, the more calories you will burn. The corridor of the pulse at which the fat burning is achieved is calculated according to the following formula:

Heat Max \u003d 220 - age (this is the maximum permissible pulse value)

  • Lower border: CSS MAX * 0.65
  • Upper border: CSS MAX * 0.85


Suppose your age is 35 years old

220-35 \u003d 185 (this is your heart rate MAX)

  • Lower border zone fat burning: 185 * 0,65 \u003d 120
  • Upper border zone of fat burning: 185 * 0.85 \u003d 157

Those. For fat burning during cardio training, your pulse must be within 120-157 beats per minute (example for age 35 years). This is the recommended Pulse Zone, in which the cardio training will be simultaneously efficient for weight loss, and safe for the heart.

To measure the pulse during cardio-training, you can use a pulsometer or. If you do not have it, you can measure the pulse yourself during the class. To do this, consider the number of shots for 10 seconds and then multiply the resulting value by 6. So you get the value of your pulse.

Rules for Effective Cardio Training for Fat Burning

  1. Prefer the interval loads. Interval training at times more efficiently than monotonous aerobics. You will burn more calories and spend more productively. In addition, such cardio programs are the least devastable for muscle tissues. For example, you can exercise on the principle of Tableware: 20 seconds we train with intensive load, 10 seconds rest, make 4-8 approaches, rest 1 minute. You can also choose intervals to your capabilities.
  2. People with great excess weight also need aerobic load. Only in this case it is better to choose walking: on the simulator, on the street, or at home, for example, see our selection: Top 10 video workouts based on walking for beginners. It is not necessary to run or jump to drive extra weight. The most important thing in cardio-training is to deal with an increased pulse, and this is achieved with any active physical activity.
  3. Cardio training should always be complemented by power activities. Without power exercises, you lose muscles, slow down the metabolism, worsen the quality of the body. It is not necessary to perform both types of load in one day, they can be alternating. Be sure to look :.
  4. Start classes with power training, and end the aerobic. If you combine two types of load on one day, it is better to start classes with power exercises. Otherwise, after Cardio, you will not have the strength for high-quality work with burdens.
  5. Always follow the pulse frequency. At low values \u200b\u200byou will not reach the desired goal, and at high - hurt your health. If you do not have a pulsometer, measure the pulse on your own 2-3 times during the class.
  6. Periodically change the type of aerobic load. If you are engaged in the hall, then alternate, for example, an ellipsoid and a treadmill. When creating cardio training at home, try to change the exercise complexes. This will increase the effectiveness of the results.
  7. If you have problems with knee joints, choose a low-slab cardio. Now there are a lot of low-slab programs that will help you burn fat without damage. If you are engaged in the hall, you can choose fast walking on the track or.
  8. How often do you need to do cardio training? If you want to lose weight, then perform cardio at least 3 times a week to 30-45 minutes. If you want to maintain a form or work on muscle mass, then it is enough to 1-2 times a week to 30-45 minutes.
  9. Even if you do not need to lose weight, you should not completely eliminate cardio-training from the schedule. With their help, you improve your endurance and work of the heart muscle. That is, developing its physical form comprehensively, in all directions.
  10. Cardio classes will not help to lose weight without calorie deficiency. It is important to understand all losing weight. Even if you are doing aerobic loads daily, but do not follow the power, burn fat you will not succeed. Read more about.

One example of interval training if you run:

Many people do not like cardio-training and, if possible, try to avoid them. But now a very large selection of aerobic and interval programs, so you can choose for yourself the most appropriate option:

  • walking
  • kickboxing
  • aquaaerobika
  • classes on
  • classes on

Also alternative to kardio training for fat burning can be athletic activity: skis, skates, rollers, swimming, athletics, game sports.

8 Main Myths on Cardio Training for Fat Burning

Myth # 1: For weight loss and burning fat, be sure to deal with cardio training

No, for weight loss and burning fat is not necessarily engaged in cardio-training. We lose weight from the deficit of calories (consume less food than the body is able to spend per day)And the quality of the body is improving with the help of strength training by strengthening or growing muscles. Therefore, you can lose weight without cardio training.

However, cardio training provides additional calorie consumption, thereby helping you create the necessary deficiency for weight loss and fat burning. So, with regular cardio training, you will be easier to lose weight. In addition, heart training is a very useful component of fitness classes, which should not be avoided if you do not want to get problems with the cardiovascular system.

Myth # 2: If the problem of problem areas or put on the thermopoy, then the burning of fat will take place faster during cardio-training.

No, it does not affect the process of weight loss at all, does not increase calorie consumption during classes and does not help burn fat during cardio training. Film and thermopyams will only make you lose more moisture during training. Perhaps your weight will even decrease a little, but only due to the lost water, and not fat.

In addition, dehydration during training is not only very harmful to health, but also reduces efficiency from exercises. Therefore, the film and thermopyase will not help weight loss, but will only harm their health.

Myth number 3: If you do strength training, you do not need to do Cardio.

If you are engaged in strength training and work on muscle growth, this does not mean that you do not need Cardio. The heart muscle training is much longer than the muscles of the body, so with increasing power loads your heart (Unlike the muscles of the legs and arms) It will be simply unprepared. This is fraught not just a drop in results, but also serious health problems.

Imagine that you are only engaged in the development of body muscles, forgetting about the heart muscle. With increasing body weight, the heart has to pump more blood, which means it is more intense. As a result, your untrained heart with increasing loads will be very quickly hung. Therefore, even if you are working on the muscle mass, you must have a competent combination of power and cardio training.

Myth # 4: If you constantly do cardio-training, then it is not necessary to follow nutrition. During classes, everything "burns".

When during the day you consume food more than your body is able to recycle, then all "unpropered" goes to the reserve fund - fat. For example, the average hour training is burning 500 kcal per hour of classes, and this is equivalent to only 100 g of chocolate. Therefore, if you want to get rid of fat, you need to keep track of meals to fit into your norm and not gain weight. Cardio training is an excellent way to burn calories, but for weight loss primary meals.

In addition, if you are engaged in intense cardio training for fat burning, then the body perceives it as a very energy consumption event. Trying to compensate for the spent effort, it begins to raise appetite to fill energy. You are imperceptible for ourselves there are more, and that is why the situation often arises when intensive workouts do not help to lose weight. We recommend considering calories so that the weight loss process is understandable and is obvious.

Myth number 5: Cardio-training should be long, because fat consumption begins only after 20 minutes of classes.

Another popular myth that fat begins to burn only after 20 minutes of classes. But it is not. The duration of the cardio training depends only, from where the body will draw energy to workout. But for the overall weight loss process, it does not matter. For weight loss, the main thing is to create a calorie deficit, that is, spend a day more calories than comes with food.

Cardio workouts are beneficial for longer than 20 minutes by only the fact that with their help you will spend more calories compared to short. We emphasize that slimming does not matter whether you will train 5 times a week to 10 minutes or 1 times a week 50 minutes. Calories are spent on any training session, and it is not so important how you spend these calories: with the help of a continuous or with a short occupation. The only recommendation should not be engaged in cardio-training more than 1 hour, as it threatens the collapse of the muscle tissue, which is not very good for the body composition, and for metabolism.

Myth number 6: If you train outside the zone of fat burning, then the training will pass useless.

This is not true. Whatever the heart rate during training (heart rate)You will burn calories. The higher the heart rate - the greater the calorie consumption. 70-80% are those optimal numbers in which you high qualityly train the heart and burn the maximum amount of calories without harmful burden on the body.

Myth number 7: Doing at home without simulators, it is impossible for full-fledged cardio training.

Myth number 8: If there is a problem with joints and vessels, then Cardio cannot do.

It is possible, but only you need to choose low-break options for exercises. The most important thing in Cardio Training is the rise of the pulse and burning calories, it doesn't matter what way you reach this: the usual walking or intense jumps. If you are doing in the gym, then select walking on the treadmill, changing the speed and angle of inclination. If at home, then you can do walking, for example, here on this 45-minute video from Leslie Sanson (suitable and beginners):

10 Cardio-exercises for fat burning

We offer you a ready-made cardio training for performing at home or in the gym. You will not need an additional inventory, all exercises are performed with the weight of your own body. The load can be easily adjusted, speeding up or reducing the speed of exercise.

The program will consist of two circles. In each circle you are waiting for 5 effective cardio exercises for fat burning. Exercises perform consistently one after another, first the first circle, then the second round. You can do exercises. not at time, but on account, about 20-40 repetitions depending on the exercise.

Plan for beginners:

  • Each exercise is performed 30 seconds, then 30 seconds rest
  • Each circle repeat 2 times
  • Total workout duration: 25 minutes


Plan for advanced:

  • Each exercise is performed 45 seconds, then 15 seconds of rest
  • Each circle repeat 2-3 times
  • Between circles 1-2 minutes of rest
  • Total workout duration: 25-40 minutes


First Circle Cardio Exercises

We run on the spot, trying to hit the heels in the buttocks. Lightweight option: Walking on the spot with a sunburn shin.

We jump into a wide quad, touching the hands of the floor. The knees should not go beyond the socks, the back remains straight. Lightweight option: We carry out a wide quivera without a jump.

We jump in the semi-traced, synchronously spreading arms and legs. During the entire exercise, keep the position of the semi-man. Lightweight option: Take the legs to the side in the position of the semi-man without jumping.

We dwell with your hands and legs, moving as a ski with small hips. Hands move synchronously with legs. Lightweight option: Stepping in place, moving hands and legs synchronously.

Second Circle Cardio Exercises

We run on the spot, raising my knees so that the thigh was parallel to the floor. Back straight and does not go back. Lightweight option: walk on the spot, tightening your knees to the chest.

In the position of the plank, jump, spreading the legs to the side. The body holds a straight line, the back remains straight. Lightweight option: We take alternate legs to the side.

Take the position of the shallow squats on one leg, the other foot is reserved back. Jump to the side, wearing the weight on the other leg and touching the floor with the hand. The weight is transferred to the support leg, the free foot is given back. Lightweight option: jump from side to the side, not touching the floor with the hand.

For gifs, thanks YouTube-channel: Shortcircuits with Marsha..

Cardio training for burning fat at home

To perform cardio training at home you will not need an additional inventory, you can train with the weight of your own body. This is a big advantage. Do not necessarily perform street jogs (for which it happens so hard to persuade yourself)When you can do Cardio at home with no less efficiency.

If you are looking for ready-made efficient video from cardio training for fat burning At home, we recommend you to see.

Hi friends. Cardio training for fat burning can work very effectively if you do everything right. We can lose weight at different speeds, keeping the muscles to a greater or lesser extent, what today will be speaking.

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Traditionally, in front of the summer, I consider it very important to spread more materials about weight loss and body drying, because It was in the summer most people want to look beautiful, phering and sexy.

It so happened that our muscles look much more beautiful without excess fat, so many athletes, athletes and ordinary people really want to get rid of the first place from body fat sediments.

Many athletes are gaining a "dirty" muscle mass in the fall and winter to, as they say, it was that dried in front of the summer and was, than boasting on the beach, including me.

Although now, I'm all more clearly for myself come to the fact that I want to look believed all year round, like most people, because I am very motivated by a constant result in the mirror, and not just a short-term attractive appearance in the summer.

You know, when I had the idea to write this article in my head, I wanted to create not just something banal and typical, sort of: "Drying the legs in this direction, and then to another 30 minutes a day and you will lose weight", and That is really worth and useful for you.

I want you to begin to understand the mechanisms of operation of aerobic loads. So you can efficiently manage the process of your weight loss.

Therefore, today I will consider very topical issues related to the cardion loads, the answers to which are confirmed by experiments and scientific research.

Cardio Exercises and Differences from Anaerobic Load

There are many cardio exercises and several types of physical activity that can accelerate fat burning. We will definitely talk about them.

At first, let's determine with you what cardio load is and how it differs from the power load.

(Aerobic) is such a low-intensity load, to ensure which a large amount of oxygen needs, a certain number of reserves of fats and carbohydrates. For example: walking, running, swimming, bike, ski, etc. (Anaerobic) is such an average and high-intensity load, for which oxygen is not needed (hence the name is anaerobic, i.e. oxless). For energy supply of this load, carbohydrates are needed in the form of glycogen reserves. These are any power loads from bodybuilding to heavy athletics, etc.).

Conclusion: The most important difference between these types of loads is that under anaerobic load carbohydrates (glycogen) are burning, and in the aerobic load, fat reserves are burning.

This does not mean that some of these loads are better. It only makes it clear that these types of load have their differences.

During the execution of cardio load, we can observe the following effects:

  • Oxidation of fatty acids (fat burns directly in small quantity);
  • Circulatory enhancing (the number of capillaries increases);
  • An increase in the amount of mitochondria (energy stations of our cells) and fat burning enzymes;
  • Transformation of glycolytic (powerful) miracle fibers in oxidative (enduring);
  • Reducing the energy consumable pool in calm condition (energy efficiency is growing);

Power load is distinguished by the following effects:

  • An increase in oxygen consumption after training;
  • An increase in the amount of glycogen in muscles and enzymes;
  • An increase in the efficiency of the muscular cut (due to optimization of the position of muscle fibers in the muscular massif - the body begins to more effectively have muscle fibers to make it easier to overcome the load);
  • An increase in the total energy consumption (glycogen waste occurs, the acceleration of metabolism, muscle growth, etc.);
  • Transformation of oxidative (enduring) muscle fibers in glycolithic (power);

Isn't it surprising how the body is able to transform, performing this or that physical activity?

As you might notice, these two types of loads are a bit conflict with each other.

The more you train in the gym, the smaller your endurance (one type of muscle fibers in the other) occurs.

On the other hand, the more you run, the smaller your muscles and weaker.

What then to do and what type of physical activity to choose for effective weight loss?

Why am I saying for weight loss? Because if you have gathered to gain muscle mass and want to know, then I do not see the point of thinking about Cardio training in the near future, with a rare exception.

If your goal is a beautiful, athletic, roasted appearance, then the best options will be used at once two types of physical activity: aerobic and anaerobic.

  • The power load (anaerobic) will allow you to maintain most of the muscles and an increase in the total energy consumption, while accelerating the fat burning (due to the reduction of blood sugar).
  • Cardio Load (Aerobic) will give you to launch fat burners directly (it will slowly burn precisely fat), reducing glucose levels and stamina training.

By the way, the decrease in glucose level is a very important factor for more effective fat burning, because the faster the glucose decrease and disposal, the lower sugar in the blood, the faster there is lipolysis and fat burning.

Despite the fact that the power load significantly increases common energy consumption during and after training, it almost does not enhance the utilization of glucose.

There are two experiments on this:

  • Experiment # 1: This experiment showed that if an athlete would use aerobic training along with power, then the utilization of glucose occurs much better than when it uses only power training.
  • Experiment # 2: This experiment showed that the size of glucose disposal in athletes of power sports and people leading a sedentary lifestyle do not differ in contrast to athletes engaged in cardio workouts for endurance.

The following conclusion suggests. For the most effective fat burning and preserving the beautiful form of our muscles Be sure to use cardio loads along with power.

About those cardio exercises that we can do at home and in the gym We will talk to you a little further, but for now let's tell you what Cardio will better burn fat.

What cardio is better burning fat

Here we need to decide on the objectives of you.

In general, we can divide cardio loads into two types:

  1. High intensity (very quick running).
  2. Low-intensity (fast walking).

If we talk about long-term goals, then a high-intensity load is better working (very quick running), and if there is at the moment that is at the moment, the low-intensity load is better working (fast walking).

Here, as the "stick about two ends" says:

  • The higher the intensity of your cardio, the more carbohydrates are lit (glycogen) and less fat.
  • The lower the intensity of your cardio, the more oxidized (burning) fat and less carbohydrates (glycogen)

On the other hand:

  • The higher the intensity of the cardio, the more the subsequent consumption of energy for recovery increases.
  • The lower the intensity of the cardio, the less the subsequent consumption of energy for recovery.

We have a certain contradiction. Where there are advantages in the same cardio, minuses are created in another.

We can burn fat, but in this case I will burn it very little.

Here are examples:

As we can see from the example above, with low-intensity cardio (fast walking) is precisely fat, and with high-intensity cardio (very quick running) is lit exclusively glycogen (carbohydrates).

But if you burn glycogen reserves, then sugar sugar falls and the body is taken for oxidation of fats.

In addition, high-intensity cardio creates a greater calorie consumption during recovery than low-intensity.

For those who missed the thread of the conversation, I will answer the main question, which cardio will better burn fat.

It will depend on your goals, desire and time allocated for fat burning.

  • If you want to burn fat with any ways, as soon as possible, not paying attention to the loss of muscles and strength, you can do high-intensity cardio, i.e. Run or in a fast pace twist pedals on a bike in a hill, etc.
  • If you want to keep the muscles, you do not have a lot of subcutaneous fat and you started drying in advance, you can make low-intensity cardio, i.e. walk the fast step, for example.

What about interval running?

Who does not know, the interval race is, roughly speaking, alternating high-intensity and low-intensity cardio.

If the gaps of the low-intensity cardio are too short, then we speak purely the high-intensity load, which will burn predominantly glycogen.

If you perform such jogging after the power workout, I do not see the point of the intervals at all, you can simply use high-intensity cardio, because You will have a high-intensity power load, and behind it high-intensity cardio load.

You lose a lot of muscles, but lose weight, is undoubtedly faster.

If muscles are important for you, the interval cardio is not your method.

When better to do Cardio

  • Best time cardio workout \u003d Morning;
  • Best time for power training \u003d evening;
  • Good \u003d If you have the opportunity to make two workouts (in the morning and evening);
  • Ideal \u003d Cardio and power workout on different days;

Now just in more detail.

In the morning, Cardio training is good because the glycogen reserves you have exhausted and the body is taken for burning fat stocks even with high intensity, because There is a low blood sugar.

In the evening, the power training is preferable on the basis of our biorhythms.

There are many studies that confirm that strength training in the evening is much more effective than in the morning for a number of reasons:

  1. In the evening (16:30 - 20:00) in our body there is a peak of energy activity.
  2. In the evening, all our muscles are better than scenes, the blood circulation works better, the body functions more stable, the concentration is stronger.

There are a number of experiences of Professor Seluyanov, who confirm that before the fat cell burns, it needs to be blown on glycerin and fatty acids, after which these drops of fat fall into the muscles!

Then "drops of fat" (fatty acids) are used as an energy during low-intensity cardio.

Conclusion: The burning of the direct fat cell does not happen! At first she is split (lipolysis), then drops of fat in the muscles are lit (fat burning).

So, when you spend fat drops from the muscles during a low-intensity cardio, you need 30-50 minutes so that the next fat cells break through and the next portion of fatty acids got into the muscles for further use.

And that, if you have a constant calorie deficit and low blood sugar levels.

In practice, without external stress, the splitting of fat and migration of fatty acids in the muscles can delay before the day and more.

We know how to stimulate this process.

During power training, stress and pain stimulate the production of celocholamines - adrenaline and norepinephrine, which split fat cells on glycerin and fatty acids, which are burned during low-intensity cardio.

It is proved that free fatty acids can be in the muscles of 60-80 hours, i.e. More than 3 days.

Conclusion: Thus, we have a few best periods for Cardio Training:

  1. Morning \u003d great time for cardio training on an empty stomach, because The blood sugar level is low and the body is assumed immediately for the splitting of fat stocks.
  2. On the day, when there is no power training \u003d so we will not level the results of the power training (we will not flush growth factors that are generated during the power loads) and will effectively burn fat, because Free fatty acids after the power workout are saved in the muscles for another 60-80 hours.
  3. Before the power training \u003d in this way we are less destroying the muscle mass and effectively burn fat.

I would like to talk about the third point in more detail, namely about Cardio before the power training.

After all, most people make cardio and strength training in one day.

There is a popular scheme when people make Cardio after a strength training to achieve better fat burning against the background of a reduced blood sugar level.

As I said, this strategy is very bad for muscle mass, because Wash all growth factors during Cardio.

Why is that bad?

All this happens when caloric deficiency, when there is no speech about muscle growth, in addition, it does not allow to maintain even former muscle volumes, because Growth factors are destroyed.

As we know, the muscles are very voracious things that spend a large amount of energy. If they are also burning, the body begins to consume less energy alone, which means he slows the fat burning.

There are a number of experiments (for example, Morits Schumanna, Milan Sadlik, etc.), which confirm the effectiveness of cardio in front of the power training and safety for muscle growth.

Experiment: was held on 42 men who were not engaged in sports over the past year. Training took place 2-5 times a week, for 6 months. People performed both strength and cardio workouts. 10 participants did not train and did not change anything in their lifestyle - it was a control group.

Scientists tried to find out how best to train in the morning or in the evening, and in what order to perform cardio and strength training.

Everything is not difficult. The graphs have the following notation:

  • m - training passes in the morning (from 06:30 to 10 am);
  • e - the training takes place in the evening (from 16:30 to 20:00);
  • S - power training;
  • E - Cardio training;

For example, ME + S means that the training is running in the morning (M), starting with the cardio (E), then the power (s).


The figure shows an increase in the lateral wide muscle of the thigh, which was observed when scanning. As we see, an increase in muscle mass during training in the evening is greater than when training in the morning (m

The following graph shows the change in the endurance of athletes, depending on how the type of loads, they begin to work in, with cardio (E) or power (S).

As you can see, the results of endurance in the athletes of the third group have changed (EE + S), i.e. who trained in the evening, starting with cardio loads, ending with power.


  1. Training in the evenings more efficiently grow muscle mass than workouts in the morning.
  2. Training, starting with cardio more efficiently developing stamina + to a lesser extent contribute to the destruction of muscle mass (3 group).

Those. Everything is simple.

  • If you have a choice to train in the mornings or evenings, choose in the evenings.
  • If we are important to preserve the muscle mass, we first make low-intensity cardio, then the power.
  • If we are still on the muscle mass, our goal is faster to reset weight, we first make a power training, then high intensity or interval cardio. All this under conditions of calorie deficiency and low blood sugar levels (keep diet).

Low-intensity cardio after a power training is also a permissible option, but less efficient, compared to cardio before the power training, because We burn muscles to a much stronger extent, thereby reducing the basic energy consumption of our body (because the main "eaters" of energy - muscles decreases).

On the other hand, the experiment was carried out on people who were not engaged in sports during the year. Their ability to increase muscle mass in the percentage ratio is higher than that of training natural athletes (any stress for their organism - can cause growth, to moderately).

Therefore, the conclusion on the growth of muscle mass can be practically neglected, but it is important from the point of view of maintaining more muscular volumes. You are hardly growing, making Cardio, but making it before the power training, save more muscles.

How are you there? Did not hearly load information? Is it clear?

If you have questions, ask in the comments. I tried to make an article as simple as possible for everyone. I hope it happened.

Now, let's consider a specific Cardio training scheme in the gym.

Cardio training for burning fat in the gym

We have a question about how to most effectively build a cardio training in the simulator room.

We know that stress from the power training stimulates the production of catecholamines: adrenaline and norepinephrine, which effectively launch lipolysis (fat cleavage).

Therefore, we will use Cardio Training along with Power:

  1. 1-1.5 hours of rest (waiting for the fatty acids will fall into the muscles);
  2. 30-50 minutes low-intensity cardio (burn free fatty acids in muscles);
  3. 15-50 minutes power (high-intensity anaerobic load for launching lipolysis);

This scheme is designed for those people who have a lot of free time (for example, if you are a student or non-working).

For all the less weaver people in terms of time, I suggest working according to the following scheme:

  1. In the morning: 30-50 minutes low-intensity cardio (burn free fatty acids in muscles). You can go down the street on an emptycle rapid step;
  2. Before the power training: 30-50 minutes low-intensity cardio (burn free fatty acids in muscles);
  3. 15-50 minutes power (high-intensity anaerobic load for launching lipolysis);
  4. We change clothes: 30-50 minutes low-intensity cardio (burn free fatty acids in the muscles). You can go down the street towards the house by a quick step;

Experiment! Think how you can still add more cardio loads in your schedule. I'm sure it can be done.

Attention! Remember that fat burning efficiently will be launched at a low blood sugar, so I suggest you use or. Either make this scheme in the morning on an empty stomach.

Attention! The power training should be in the average repetition range (6-12, for men and 8-15 for women), and the latest approaches must be made in a pamping-style at 20-30 repetitions (in partial amplitude, to burning). Reset weight and make multiple.

If you are just starting to train in the simulator room and do not know with what power workout you start, then I suggest you download my free system of choosing an individual training program, which will help you choose a training program depending on your gender, age, training and genetics:

Why am I not saying which cardio you do?

Because it has no such important, especially if you train in the simulator room, where the equipment is fully comfortable for cardio.

You can perform:

  1. Fast walking on the treadmill.
  2. Riding on bike rail.
  3. Ellipse (such a simulator with pedals and handles, depicts walking with sticks)
  4. Swimming in the pool.

Any aerobic low-intensity activity.

Frequency of heart abbreviations and its control

As I said, it doesn't matter at all, what cardio simulator you will choose for my workouts, it is important to pay attention to the heart rate (heart rate).

As a rule, the heart rate must be in the range of 110-160 beats per minute.

With this cardion of heart abbreviations, your body will be largely saturated with oxygen, which will be more efficient than oxidizing fatty acids.

Control the heart rate is very simple. Almost every simulator has special linings on the handles, holding for which you immediately recognize the heart rate.

Either, if you have completely ancient simulators to the hall, then buy a pulsometer or wristwatch that allow you to control this parameter.

The cardiac rhythm rate (heart rate) should be calculated individually, depending on your age, training and other individual features! It is very important!

If for a young trained man of heart rate in 160 blows per minute will be the norm, then for the age-related 50-60 year old woman, such heart disease will be destructive.

The most accurate formula in the world for calculating the maximum permissible cardiac frequency is this:

HR MAX \u003d 205.8 - (0.685 * AGE)

  • HRMAX is the maximum permissible heart rate for this person.
  • age - age of man in years.

For example, for me a 27-year-old trained person for this formula, a number is approximately equal to 187 shots per minute.

Someone will ask: "Nikita, but the same figure is not the range that you said to navigate 110-160 shots?".

Yes it is.

  1. First: it is necessary to understand that this formula is derived empirically, i.e. Based on experienced data. It is not universal, although quite accurate.
  2. The formula defines the maximum allowable number of heart abbreviations, i.e. The moment when your body works at the limit, which can be risky for age athletes (you can strongly overload the heart). For example, for 50-year-old athletes, a number 153 ° C / min, which is clearly a lot for the average, but permissible for the maximum. Boldly reduce the value obtained by 15-20% and get a rational heart rate for you.

If for some reason, you can not do Cardio in the simulator room (no equipment or shy), then you can do it at home. Cardio training at home for burning fat to build is not as easy as in the hall, but still, I will give you some specific practical advice.

By the way, the strength training can also be performed at home, as I told in the article ,.

So start changing your body, you can and right at your home.

The most difficult is to provide the desired CSS range at home.

What do we need:

  1. Pulsometer (very cheap luxury, sold in stores or on Aliexpress) to control the pulse.
  2. The guar for exercises (not necessarily, but very convenient).
  3. A bit of free space.
  4. Fresh air (for better body saturation with oxygen and burning fatty acids)

How to perform Cardio at home:

  1. The rope (the easiest way, if it allows the ceiling and place).
  2. Hoop. Very effective thing, especially if it turns out to twist it.
  3. Exercises on site (for example, slow running in place, various slopes, lunges, stretching).

Houses are not very convenient to do Cardio, because It is necessary to control the pulse and do without a break relatively long (30-50 minutes), but you can, if there is a desire.

Here, for example, those exercises that can be performed on site without a break.

Running with an alternate step on the platform:

Various machines and rack in the plank (more complicated):

The most important thing:

  1. You must provide a sufficiently long, continuous, low-intensity load. No difference that it will be.
  2. Open the window in the next room or balcony (if heat) so that oxygen helps your body oxidizing fatty acids.
  3. Control the heart rate in the range of 110-160 shots per minute. If the number of shocks is reduced to 60-90, then the body burns glycogen instead of fat.

How to speed up fat burning and burn fat in difficult places

You can accelerate fat burning with several simple actions and additives.

By the way, I already wrote about why fat is stored in different places at different speeds in the article ,.

Straight, fat at different speeds in our body due to different concentrations of adrenoreceptors in the tissues.

  • Where there is more beta-2-adrenoreceptors, there the fat is worse than (face, hand, caviar, caviar, etc.).
  • Where there are more alpha-2-adrenoreceptors, there fatses it better (the hips in women, belly and sides in men).

So, for example, women in the hips are 9 times more than alpha-2-adrenoreceptors than beta-2-adrenoreceptors. Thus, the fat is very intensively intensively.

There are substances that block alpha-2-adrenoreceptors and activate beta-2-adrenoreceptors. For example, Johimbine partially blocks alpha-2-adrenoreceptors, reducing the stock of fats in the body.

And also, Clanebuterol stimulates beta-2-adrenoreceptors, causing better fat in the body tissues.

By the way, I have cool articles with my experience of applying these drugs:

There are also prohibited drugs, such as Efehedrine (for it you can go to prison). The ephedra increases the release of norepinephrine, which leads to the activation of beta-2-adrenoreceptors without the activation of alpha-2-adrenoreceptors. Fat does not reserve, the fat burning is faster.

You can also add "Pamping" and Running (Cardio) to your strength training. This will begin to change the concentration of alpha and beta-adrenoreceptors towards the betareptizers.

That is why pamping leads to an accelerated fat burning. In addition to the ejection of the stressful hormones we need, it increases the number of second-type betaadrenoreceptors for better fat burning.

So, the real scheme of how to burn fat in the most difficult places:

All this will work as an addition to your main diet! We remember that we need a constant calorie deficit and low blood sugar.


Well, friends. The article turned out to be detailed and cool, in my opinion. And how do you?

Let's, as usual, summon all the above for better mastering material.

  • Cardio load (aerobic) - a lot of oxygen, fat burning. Fast walking, bike, etc.
  • Power load (anaerobic) is an oxygen-free method of energy supply, growing muscles. Gym.
  • During anaerobic load, carbohydrates are lit (glycogen), and in the aerobic load, fat reserves are burning.
  • For effective fat burning and preserving the shape of our muscles, you must use cardio + power.
  • Choose training in the evenings.
  • Preservation of muscle mass \u003d First we make low-intensity cardio, then the power.
  • Anyway on muscle mass, faster dropping weight \u003d we first make a power training, then high-intensity or interval cardio.
  • The most important thing, during Cardio, hold the heart rate: 110-160 beats per minute.
  • Certain actions can be accelerated by fat burning (pamping, yochimbin, maplebuterol, l-carnitine, coffee, etc.)

On this, I have everything today, friends. I hope now you understand how to pass Cardio training for burning fat and better muscle conservation.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. Further will only be cooler.

With respect and best wishes,!

Since with a heart rhythm of 120-140 beats, catabolism begins per minute, then there is absolutely any cardio load for burning fat at home or in the gym. And the longer it will be (at least 20 minutes), the more calories you will spend and burn extra fat faster.

Aerobic fat burning exercises received their name due to the fact that they do not drive the cells into anaerobic conditions. The process of generating energy from glucose occurs in the presence of oxygen, without reaching an anaerobic threshold.

If you accelerate and apply interval cardio, then this threshold will be achieved. It is believed that such a type of training is more efficient, but it implies many nuances.

Running is a cardio exercise for weight loss, and a community event. At home, you can practice running on the spot. Believe me, it is very boring, so it's better to go outside. And if you are too lazy to do this, you can buy the simplest treadmill and arrange jogging at home.

Aerobic workouts can be carried out 3-5 times a week for 40-50 minutes. Run better and safer coward.


If you are difficult to run (it happens, for example, with flatfoot), running will replace fast walking. Walk on the street, in parks, forest. You can walk on the same treadmill that you bought.

For the elderly, even an accelerated step is a rather heavy load. Therefore, for them, walking is the best Cardio for fat burning. You can take a stick (even you need) and take a scandinavian walking. And from dogs there is something to get off, and your hands will not be left without a matter!


Dynamic exercises can be on a bike. When you twist the pedals, the cyclical load on the feet causes your heart to work at a frequency of 120-140 beats per minute. What you do not Cardio?

Cardio training at home can be practiced on the exercise bike. It is even more convenient than running. For running you can find dozens of excuses. But from riding a bike is not so much excuse. Flatfoot? This does not play roles. Do you feel hard or walk? You are sitting in a bicycle. Have you recently filed, and preferably sit without shaking? There will be no shaking on the exercise! Everything is time to twist the pedals!

Training at home is good on the exercise bike. And yet it is better to ride a bike in the fresh air. It is much more interesting: the landscapes are constantly changing, the wind blows the face, the road may not be even, there are small springboard. It's great!

In winter, run is not the most convenient occupation. Cold, a lot of snow. More discomfort brings exactly the snow that your legs fall. If there are no clearing running tracks nearby, it will not work. Another minus is an increased risk to turn the leg. One careless step, and the leg fell away.

Another business ski: there is a skiing. It will definitely be, for ski fans and without you enough. Just put on skis and ride! To the choice of skis you need to approach responsibly, it is a whole science. But our article is not about it.

For more varieties of cardoopers, get up in a snowy course for skiing once a week, for example, on Sundays. When you confidently stand on skis, you can run in one exercise 10 km. By time it will take about an hour, and the emotions of positive will be the sea. Do not forget to take tea with sugar. It can be served after a ski jogging to restore blood glucose levels.

Ellipsoid and stepper

Training at home will be more fun if there are any simulators. You can, of course, do the exercise "bike", lying on the floor or sofa. You can run in place. But hardly you like it.

Therefore, excellent lesson for weight loss is an exercise on an ellipsoid or stepper. Both options help reset fat.

Cardio exercises at home to make more convenient than outside the house. First, you do not need to go anywhere. Secondly, the weather will not be able to prevent you. The only interference for you is too lazy. If you can not overcome it, no one will help you.

On the ellipsoid, it is enough to intensively walk on the hour 3-4 times a week. On the stepper in the same way.

For burning fat at home, you need to train not for a full stomach.

Try sitting 50 times. You bother, legs petrify. What you do not Cardio at home?

Exercises from aerobics are also cardio load. Various rhythmic movements for music for 40-60 minutes will help you lose weight.

Cardio training at home should not be the only type of your physical activity. You need to breathe fresh air. At least several times a week, spend the cardio in the parks, the forest. You can practice exercise and in the urban feature, but early in the morning, while the air is not filled with exhaust gases and dust.

Power is of great importance for the efficiency of workouts without simulators, especially when weight loss.

Basic power rules:

  1. 1.5-2 hours before training it is impossible to eat.
  2. You can only take food an hour after the load.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates as well reduce food consumed.
  4. Water during training and throughout the day is better drinking often but small portions - This will prevent the stomach stretching.
  5. To get rid of calories obtained as a result of consumption of any excesses, it is necessary increase the intensity of classes, not their duration.

Cardiography is useful not only to strengthen the cardiovascular system, but also can use for weight loss. If you want to know how to quickly burn fat and make the figure perfect, then this article is just for you. Cardio's relevance is emphasized by the popularity of such simulators as a running track and exercise bike, and they first buy them first of all those who need to follow the figure or lose weight.

Be careful, because without special knowledge and basic skills of such training, you risk not only useless to spend time, but also to use your heart, which is why it is quite realistic to become disabled.

Any active sport is excellent cardiography: athletics, football, tennis, hockey. If you analyze the general features of these types of classes, you can reveal a general feature - a high intensity of training with minimal load.

If weakness with cardiography for you has any meaning, then it is worth knowing an important rule: any training should last more than 30 minutes. For the first half of the hour of active loads, you do not burn a gram of fat. During this period, the human body consumes glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles, and only then taken for fat.

Due to the fact that the fat is the most energy-intensive fuel (remember the school course: 1 gram of fat \u003d 38.9 kJ, or 9 kcal energy), spend it not so easy. Especially when the first half an hour of training has already passed and begins to roll fatigue, which, by the way, arises due to the embezzlement of glycogen. Nevertheless, you need to force yourself to continue the occupation, otherwise it will be useless.

It makes no sense to drag yourself to loss of consciousness. So that this does not happen to constantly control your pulse

Follow the readings of the pulsometer and keep the heart rate in the zone of 60-70% of the maximum. Do and extend the workout at least to an hour, or even to two. For two hours of intestable workout, you can burn about 100 grams of fat.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you do not forget to follow your condition, because often health problems are detected precisely during cardiovers, which is why they are used by doctors in load tests from cores.

Open windows and doors, creating a constant inflow of oxygen. Follow all the rules described above, be stubborn and your body will be healthy, more than ever. And in a healthy body - a healthy mind!

One of the ways to increase the efficiency of training is the acceleration of metabolism. Metabolism is the metabolism, continuously flowing in the human body. We consume nutrients, which are then used to produce energy. The metabolic rate is influenced by such factors such as age, gender, body weight, the percentage of fat in the body and various diseases.

The metabolism speed has a big impact on the body. It depends on the production of hormones, the number of cyloalories necessary to maintain human activity, as well as the percentage of fat. Accordingly, fast metabolism will help you easier to achieve a slim and tightened figure. Someone has metabolism initially faster, someone is slower. But there are ways to influence its speed.

  • Fit 4-6 times a day. You can do, for example, three main meals and two snacks. Do not overlap too large portions.
  • Observe the proportionality of your diet: 50% of carbohydrates, 30% proteins, 20% fat.
  • Avoid saturated and trans-fats (margarine).
  • Try to consume smaller carbohydrates (sugar dishes).
  • Consume more products rich in fiber (buckwheat, vegetables, fruits).
  • Turn into the rations, greens, as well as red fish, contains a lot of useful fats.
  • Take vitamin complexes (selective, complivitis).
  • Speake at least 7-8 hours per day. If your age is less than 16 or more than 60 years, sleep 8-9 hours.
  • Increasing the endurance of the body.
  • Weight loss.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Improving disease resistance and strengthening immunity.

How does the cardion loads help get rid of the abdomen?

It is believed that Cardio at home is useless, and they are engaged in them only in fitness centers or in the gym.

In fact, it is not. With the right approach, training at home is also useful.

Their main advantage is to strengthen the cardiovascular system due to improving blood circulation. During sports, the heart begins to beat more often, pumping blood at higher speeds.

Cardiotranslations contribute to an increase in the volume of lungs, which leads to an increase in the endurance of the entire organism.

Training at home also accelerates metabolism, which leads to weight loss. This type of physical activity allows you to form a beautiful figure, prevent the appearance of stretch marks, accusing the skin after weight loss.

Cardiography at home lead to a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Regular classes lead to normalization of blood pressure and to reduce the risk of heart attack and diabetes.

Training contributes to the work in the body of "Hormones of Happiness", which improves the mood and overall well-being, reduces the likelihood of depression and insomnia.

Important! People suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension cannot be used in front of the training.

It is worth abandoning too sweet or carbonated drinks. They lead to a sharp jumps of sugar in the body, which in some cases it causes dizziness, nausea, interruptions in the heart of the heart.

There should be more vegetables and protein products in the diet, and in the first half of the day, complex carbohydrates and fruits.

From the diet completely exclude all the flour, too fat and sweet, otherwise there will be no effect. Alcoholic beverages are also eliminated. Alcohol consumption worsens coordination, loads the heart and kidney during training.


At the same time, such classes are always associated with measuring heart rate, which is easiest to make a pulsometer. This is necessary in order for the training time to prevent the emergence of the CSS from certain limits. Only so heart will really train.

If you just will go on a treadmill for a long time or slowly do the exercises, the heart will not be offek, and the effect will be minimal. If you dispersed yourself to such an extent so that it jumps out of the chest, you will be enough for a while, and the heart itself, on the contrary, is overwhelmed. Overly strong workouts in youth often brought newcomers to heart disease in more mature age.

Determine the individual borders of the heart rate for the right training is quite simple. First we define the maximum pulse value exceeding which is not worth it:

  • for men: Maximum heart rate \u003d 220 age;
  • for women: Maximum heart rate \u003d 214 age.

Higher values \u200b\u200bduring training lead to a deterioration in the state of the heart. Further, if you want to conduct cardiovascular, which will strengthen the cardiovascular system, the result obtained is multiplied by 0.75-0.9 and get a gap, within which your classes will make sense.

In the event that you want to lose weight, not loading the heart, multiplied by 0.6-0.7. If you keep the pulse in this interval, you will be absolutely safe for the heart.

Example of calculation

Woman aged 23 years old. Max. Heart rate \u003d 214 - 23 \u003d 191 wt. / Min. For cardiography you need to stick to:

  • lower border \u003d 191 * 0.75 \u003d 143.25 Д. / min
  • upper border \u003d 191 * 0.9 \u003d 171.9 Д. / min

The range is 143.25-171.9 ° C. / min.

For effective fat burning:

  • lower border \u003d 191 * 0.6 \u003d 114.6 Д. / min
  • upper border \u003d 191 * 0.7 \u003d 133.7 Д. / min

The range is 114.6-133.7 ° C. / min.

Optimal Pulse Calculator Calculator

There are many formulas for such calculations, but this is the most universal and simple, and accurate enough to help you make your workout useful without side effects. It suits people of any complexion and degree of travelery, with the difference only that the sporting person is easier to adhere to the maximum values \u200b\u200bof the heart rate for a long time.

Removing the number as a result of calculations, remember by heart and look more likely to your pulsometer. If the purchase of a pulsometer is a profitable business, then for beginnings to measure the pulse on the arteries, and it is possible to consider only the first 15 seconds, and multiply by 4, because on average, a person's heart has time to come back to normal and calm down, which during cardiotering needs to avoid.

Cardiography program at home

Well, you performed the first circle of 5 exercises. Now rest until the respiratory has completely restored and repeat this circle at least 3 times. Below we placed a table in which the sequence of exercises and the number of repetitions for each of them. Print it or add a page to favorites to perform these exercises 3 - 4 times a week.

Make at least 4 circles of these 5 exercises.

The number of classes - from three to five times a week. For beginners, it is enough to practice 3 times a week for 25 minutes, gradually increasing duration and frequency. The gap between the training should be no more than two days. The intensity must be increased, since endurance increases, and the body begins to get used to the loads. It is necessary to change the types of workouts, alternate various exercises to achieve the desired result.

In the gym, an experienced instructor will select an individual program to a specific person. After independently, without having a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of cardionaries, you can harm your health.

The program includes various exercises on the exercise bike, running, walking, active games, jumping. If there is no time for full-fledged hall, you can train between affairs, for example, regularly walk, climb the stairs, and not on the elevator, ride a job or on bike affairs. But this concerns exercises to strengthen the cardiovascular and health as a whole. If the goal is to reduce weight, then only full loads will help it achieve it.

In order for the cardio exercises for weight loss at home, it is effective, you must follow the following rules:

  • Regularity
    A week must be made at least three cardio training for weight loss. In this case, the duration of classes must be at least twenty minutes;
  • Intensity increase
    Intensity of occupations periodically need to increase. The body gets used to certain loads, and fat burning will not be so effective. Current frequency in time can be increased to five over time, and the exercise time is up to 45 minutes;
  • Alternation of exercises
    To the cardio training at home was more efficient, it is necessary to combine it with power exercises. Home Training should include a variety of exercises: from walking to jumps and running;
  • Rational use of Time
    In addition to occupying at home, you can use the time to spend time on the way to work and home. Give preference to walks, and also use the elevator. In the summer, choose a bike as a vehicle.

Training program at home should always begin with a warm-up. Here you can include steps in place, body turns in different directions, attacks and steps with a lift of the knees. The warm-up will be enough five minutes.

The following exercises can be recommended as the main interval training:

  • Run
    Park, Stadium, Playground, courtyard - for running does not matter the area, but only the intensity and time of training. Start with minimal load, constantly increasing it. Major jogging can be alternate with the withdrawal steps or attacks. Effective will be and running with high shin lifting. Do not forget about running up the stairs;
  • Jumping
    There are several types of jumps: jumping in height; to the sides; jumping; Jumping with squats. As an assistant you can use the ropewhich offers a variety of variations of jumps. Do not forget about the Swedish wall: jumping with focus on the crossbar, jumping from the stairs down - the exercise options can also be somewhat;
  • Bicycling
    Exercise bike or walking outdoors. Jumping and running exercises can always alternate and invent their various variations.

Choosing for yourself Cardio, you should give preference to its interval variety. Interval exercises are alternating the pace, intensity and level of load. It allows you to lose weight quickly, without losing muscle mass.

Cardio Exercises for Slimming Houses for beginners should be built on a gradual increase in loads. You should not engage from the first day under the program of the Olympic champions, because it is possible to seriously harm yourself.

To begin with, it is worth identifying their strengths, and pay their development more attention: one easily rides, others can jump on the rope for a long time, others love to swim in the pool and so on. With this, it is worth starting aerobic loads.

First Cardio Training for beginners can last 15-25 minutes, then it is worth paying aerobic exercises 25-45 minutes three times a week. The gap between the training should not be more than two days. Regularity is an important rule, both for experienced athletes and beginners.

The best time for interval loads for beginners is the morning clock. And since the last meal was in the evening, then the burning of excess fat will pass more efficiently. Yes, and during the day you will not need to limit yourself in food for evening exercises.

During Cardio, you do not need to forget to follow the pulse. If experienced athletes already know the ability of their body, and can independently track the frequency of heart abbreviations, then beginners may need a pulsometer.

In the workout, you can include the elements of the muscles and joints, which will secure a beginner from possible injuries and stretching. This exercise "Mill", circular rotations of hips, knees rotation.

  • Jumping with a rope - 10 minutes

It is not worth a hurry, at first it is preferably to work out the program carefully.

  • Running and cycling - 25-30 minutes
  • Stretching - 5 minutes

For a better effect, you can use multiple exercises for stretching from yoga. After the main classes, this will calm down the body, will give "cool" and will return the pulse after cardio loads in the norm.

Cardio Training for fat burning at home for men can be built on the principle of combining aerobic movements and power exercises. However, this method will suit more advanced athletes.

Pick up a set of fat burning exercises for training at home is easy, beginners can be started with three or four exercises, adding to them running, jumping with a rope - this is quite enough to strengthen the muscles of the heart and body.

Cardio training at home without inventory for men can consist of the following exercises:

  • "Explosive pushups".They differ from the simple push up with a sharp repulsion from the floor, and in the future and the addition of cotton in the lower position;
  • Bourgona.Exercise combines several elements that plays an important role when weight loss. Source position - "On all fours". Stripping the legs, take the stop lying and return to its original position. Then "pushing" yourself in the jump up. We again accept the initial position;
  • Planck with "obstacles".From the position of the plank, we begin to make running movements - pull up the right leg to the right hand. Returning to its original position. Do the same on the other side of the body. We try to perform an exercise as intense as possible.

Cardio training for burning fat at home for girls is an excellent opportunity to improve the figure on our own, while maintaining cash. Fitness at home will also save time: you do not need to adjust your schedule under classes, because you can train when it is convenient.

What is Cardio Training for fat burning? This is, first of all, regularity. Only systematic loads will achieve the main goal of classes for girls - weight loss.

Before proceeding with fat burning classes at home, it is advisable to get acquainted with the following recommendations:

  • Complete medical examination.You must be sure that your heart will withstand such loads;
  • Purchase a pulsometer.In the process of training it is desirable to measure the pulse. Only a certain frequency of heart abbreviations will say that the training process is organized correctly. As a rule, for girls, the maximum heart rate should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bof "220 minus age". And for men, age will be taken from the size of 214. To maintain the optimal value of heart rate, it is necessary to alternate intensive load with small breaks for rest;
  • Choose a sports inventory correctly.Most effective aerobic loads are considered running, jumping and cycling. If finance allows you to purchase special simulators in the form of a treadmill or bike bar. An excellent option for sports for the purpose of weight loss at home is the acquisition of a special sports inventory. For example, a Swedish wall equipped with additional equipment will become an invaluable assistant in improving the figure for both girls and men. For girls, fitball, hoop or step-platform is also suitable;
  • Review your diet.No compliance with the healthy power mode, the weight loss program will not be effective. Do not proceed to train on a full stomach and do not go to food within an hour after classes. Take the habit of conducting calories. Remember the main rule of loss: the calorie consumption should be less than their consumption.

Cardio training at home for slimming girls:

  • Workout - 5 minutes;
  • Jumping with a rope - 2 approaches for 5 minutes;
  • X-jumps - 2 approaches for 2 minutes;
  • Running on the spot with sunburn - 2 approaches for 2 minutes;
  • Exercise "Bike" from the position lying - 2 approaches for 2 minutes.

Rest between losing weight exercises - 20 seconds. You can make a circular training, making a full range of exercises on one approach, then take a break in 1 minute, and repeat the circle.

How to spend at home?

One of the conditions for the effectiveness of cardiotransports is compliance with the regime.

If you work with urabs, constantly skipping workouts, you can not only spend time to spend time, but also to harm health. The minimum number of workouts per week - 3, for people with overweight - 5.

It is also important to observe the duration of workouts: the minimum is 40 minutes, the maximum is 60 minutes. This is due to the fact that the first 20 minutes the body consumes glycogen, and all the remaining time is subcutaneous fat. Therefore, the second part of the training takes at least 20 minutes.

If you managed to reduce the weight and achieve the desired result, it is necessary to completely stop them in any case: excess weight may return. It will only be enough to reduce the number of classes up to 3 times a week.

Stepper and exercise bike are excellent simulators to perform cardio

At home, cardiography can be engaged using exercises or special simulators mentioned above. Considering them, it is worth paying a bike barrel (how to choose the right) greater preference than a treadmill.

The joints of our body are not intended to the loads caused by a person with overweight. Therefore, many who have thinned on the treadmill manifest the diseases of the joints.

  • Before starting training, consult your doctor.
  • Check that the card reader is installed and is assembled correctly. Follow the rules of operation specified in the instructions.
  • Do not last longer than an hour. Long training contributes to the production of cortisol - the hormone of the destroying muscle. Training 30-45 minutes will be optimal and will contribute to the development of endorphins - joy and testosterone hormones.
  • If you felt dizziness, headache, nausea or severe fatigue during training, immediately stop it. When you repeat these symptoms, consult a doctor.
  • Before using the simulator, always spend the warm-up.
  • Do not stop doing sharply. Lower the pulse smoothly closer to the end of the workout.
  • After training, spend stretching exercises, give muscles to relax.

And if there is no simulator, you can quite do the exercises, which are invented, is captured and written a great set. Below are examples that can be done in a limited space.

Cardiography is the so-called explosive exercises, the total feature of which is high speed, instantaneous effort and push. Some of these exercises are also called plyometric (shock method of Soviet athletes).

Complex number 1.

Pliometric pushups

Take the position as with conventional pushups - on the floor, legs and hands putting the most convenient as possible. At the same time, try to keep the body and legs at the same line. Source to the floor until you touch the coating with your nose, then push up the body up with the maximum power - your palms should take away from the floor.


Sit down and remove the pelvis back, without taking off the heels from the ground and not bend. Now repel your legs, pulling them on the manner of frogs. Also, like pressing, observe the safety of landing, but do not forget about obstacles from above (chandeliers, open doors of cabinets, ceiling).

Exit to stop lying

Sit down, without tearing off the heels from the ground, and put your hands on the floor. Transfer the weight into your arms and sweep gently, straightening the legs back. After going to the stop lying, repeat your actions in the reverse order, returning to the standing position.

Complex number 2.

Pressing climbing

If such execution is given hard, you can perform a bar or pressing with long delays in the top position

From the stop lying down, perform pushups, during which we pull the right and left leg in turn so as to touch the elbow knee. You can then complicate the exercise, pulling one of the hands opposite to the extended leg, as much as possible, as if crawling along the hood slope. It is desirable to choose a moving surface for such a push, so that it is easier to put forward hands. Other types of pushups.

Low start run

Take a position similar to the low start. Pick up one leg as much as possible yourself, and pull the other back. Then begin to simultaneously change the legs - they must push away from the floor, and the weight is moved to the hands. Also, this exercise can be performed symmetrically and both legs, but it is much more complicated.


From the traditional stop lying down to the elbows, we move the weight to the entire forearm area. Do not burn the loin, shoulders push the body back, gliding on the floor. Return to the original position without dealing with the legs, but acting only with your hands.

Cardiography should be started with the complex 1. Perform a contract without resting 30 repetitions of each exercise at maximum speed.

You should set for what time you managed to perform a cycle. Next, go to the second set and exercises in the same mode, but with small breaks. With a small experience of such classes, it is better to start with a small - 10-15 repetitions of each exercise, and then bring the number to 30. When you become a little, just increase the number of cycles.

There are many simulators for Cardio:

  • Stepper;
  • Cyergometer;
  • Ski simulator;
  • Treadmill;
  • Exercise bike.

On the simulator you can choose the appropriate program and do on it. Another way is the interval load on all simulators in turn on 1 minute. For beginners, one circle is enough, and for advanced - 2-3 circles.

How to put a figure in order, doing at home?

By performing special exercises, you can get rid of unnecessary fatty deposits on all parts of the body, including on the abdomen, hips, back and hands even at home.

  • The simplest of them are jumping with a rope. It is necessary to jump 1 minute in a large pace, then 1 minute to walk slowly. And so - 20 minutes.
  • Running with a high lifting of the hip - 10 minutes, rest 2 minutes and run again.
  • Running up the stairs - 10 minutes, then slowly go down and repeat first.

Cardiography on the treadmill includes walking and running. It is better to start with walking, since with unusual you can damage the knee or ankle joints. For this, low-intensity cardion loads are most suitable. The program consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of the body to load (3-5 min) - walking at a speed of 3 km / h to disperse the pulse to the required level (calculate according to the formula above).
  2. Main training (20-40 min) - walking at a speed of 4-7 km / h. If the pulse reached a maximum maximum (see formula above), the speed must be reduced. Then to increase again.
  3. Zaminka (5 min) - a gradual decline in walking speed until a complete stop.

You can engage in walking in about three months, then, when a stronger load is required, you can go on running. Among other things, the treadmill is very good for burning fat in the legs.

Monotonous exercises may not be interesting. Diversify the routine and improve performance can interval cardio, which is more pleasant to do under your favorite music. It is distinguished by the fact that the change of activity occurs without rest.

You can try the following option, where each exercise is performed for 2 minutes:

  1. Jumping through a rope with fast speed, in turn on each leg.
  2. Fast jumps with two legs left and right.
  3. Jumping down-back, pushing it left, then right foot - 12 times.
  4. Again jumping through the rope.
  5. Fees ahead, changing the legs in the jump.
  6. Jumping with breeding legs on the distance of the shoulders width, hands are also bred. Return to the starting position of the jump - 20 times.
  7. Jumping with a rope. It is possible to notice the first results in 3 weeks, if you can do it regularly 3 times a week more often - it is not worth it, as it will only weaken the body.

The program for cardio load is simple: several times a week (3-5) perform cardio for 40-60 minutes. If winter has come, add once a week skis. If there is no snow, run regularly or ride a bike.

Cycling is good in that you can ride long. Typically, the cyclerogulka is not limited to an hour. Those who went to bike perfectly know that you can ride for 3-4 hours. This is really burning calories, reducing your weight.

It is not necessary to draw up the program here, it is quite simple. Therefore, just enjoy Cardio!

Does it always need to run and jump on cardiography?

Sometimes it is impossible to do at home, running and jumping, as it prevents neighbors from below. In this case there are options without running and without jumps. They are also suitable for newbies, for those who recently suffered injuries, has various diseases or for the elderly.

There is an interesting video course "Reducing excess weight" for teapots ", in which the gay instructor Gasper competently and clearly explains how to do exercises. The main load in this course is designed for burning fat in the legs, but the hands also work well.

Cardiography using dumbbells is also carried out without jumps. This type of power cardio helps strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

Music for training

Each person begins to train with some kind of definite purpose: wants to get a beautiful body, achieve high sports results and then win on various competitions, follows his health, wants to distract from boring work, just engaged in a company with close people.

Everyone is taken for the first workouts with enthusiasm, faith in success and in their strength. But in fact everything is not so simple. Constant fatigue, lack of time and speedy results lead people in despondency, and they begin to skip the workouts, and then they throw classes at all. But there is a great way to make training with pleasant, interesting, as well as get a lot of pleasant emotions from them and impressions. You just need to take a player, a couple of headphones with a comfortable form and choose the appropriate playlist.

Music has many positive effects on the body of an athlete:

  1. During listening to music, the body feels 10 percent less fatigue.
  2. The athlete focuses on training, does not spend time on conversations and obsessive thoughts. This allows you to carry out more intensive training, without spending a lot of time on it, and also improves the mood.
  3. Taking away from thoughts about work and other difficulties, you can improve your mental state.
  4. Endurance rises by 15 percent.
  5. Active music training stimulates adrenaline production.
  6. Motivating lyrics allows you to jump above the ceiling, overcome your capabilities.
  7. Studies have proven that music contributes to a decrease in oxygen consumption, a person uses its strength and energy more economically, without reducing the load.

Music for cardiovers should choose in advance. She must play without a break so that it should not be interrupted to turn on the new composition. Training begins with a warm-up, then the main part goes, and at the end there is a hitch (stretching). Therefore, make the following playlist:

  1. Slow first compositions.
  2. Next, build the pace, the music should become rhythm. Rhythmic music will accelerate the reaction, he will start a psyche and allow you to synchronize your movements with the tempo of music.
  3. Do not overdo it with the pace! Remember that it is worth keeping a pulse within certain limits, soberly evaluate your strength and training, otherwise you will install ahead of time.
  4. If you have a favorite composition, which always raises your spirit and mood, you can put it immediately after calm compositions, it will be a good start to workout.
  5. At the end, put quiet music, so you will remove the tension and gradually slow down the pulse.
  6. When choosing specific songs for your workout, guided first of all with your tastes. Music should bring you joy and pleasure.
  • Thomas Newton - Starlit
  • Ludovico Einaudi - Experience
  • Ludovico Einaudi - Una Mattina
  • Henry Jackman - Epilogue
  • Tom Chaplin - Quicksand

For the main part, you can choose music from three different styles: rock, electronic music and Rap / hip-hop. For Rock lovers, the songs of such artists will be an excellent choice as Rammstein, Linkin Park, Nirvana, Nickelback, Bring Me The Horizon, Skillet, Evanescence, Imagine Dragons. Those who prefer electronic music will suit Armin Van Buuren, Enter Shikari, Daft Punk, Garbage, Lmfao, Julien-K. From rap, you can enable Eminem, 2PAC, 50 CENT, LIL WAYNE, DR. DRE, Jay-Z.

Sixernenko Alexander Yuryevich

Fitness coach, instructor group classes, nutritionist

Conducts general advice on nutrition, selection of diet for pregnant women, weight correction, nutritional selection during exhaustion, feeding for obesity, selection of an individual diet and medicinal supply. Also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; Restoring an athlete.

How to organize your food so that weight loss happened faster?

Cardoopers increase metabolism, and fat burning is accelerated. Without proper nutrition, they will not be effective. It is necessary not 2 hours before classes and 1.5-2 hours after. Water after sport is needed to drink, it helps better split fat, which has already been deposited.

If there is a goal to increase muscle mass, then more protein products should be added to its diet: low-fat beef, chicken, cottage cheese. To achieve a good result, you will have to abandon products containing fast carbohydrates (sweet, flour, fat). Slow carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, various cereals - oats, buckwheat, barley, on the contrary, are useful for weight loss.

No Cardio will save you if you do not follow your meals. The main principle of weight loss is the lack of calories. If you are more than you need to your body, you will get fat. If you eat exactly as much as you need - your weight does not change. And only with a lack of calories, your fat reserves will begin to be exhausted. In our case, this is what we want to achieve.

Cut yourself in carbohydrates. Add more protein into the diet. Carbohydrates, which remained, consume in the morning. As for fats, opinions are divided, but it is definitely not recommended fried on sunflower oil, butter, cream, fatty meat grade. The exception will be a fish that needs to be there at least once a week to compensate for the body's needs in some fatty acids.

In order for training to contribute to weight reduction and have a favorably acted on the body, it is important to adhere to a number of principles:

  • Train either in sports shoes, or on a rubber mat.This will prevent damage to the joints.

Photo 1. Cardiography at home. Classes are carried out on a special rubberized rug.

  • Exercises are selected in this way to ensure all muscle groups are involved.
  • Be sure to follow the pulse during class. For effective fat burning, you must adhere to a certain Frequencies of heart cuts (heart rate). In women, this indicator is equal 120-140 shocks per minute, which is approximately 60-80% of the maximum heart rate.
  • The duration of the workout must be not less than 40 minutes Otherwise, only glycogen will be consumed, the reserves of which will be replenished immediately after the first reception of food, and the fat reserves will remain intact.
  • Training should be regular: at least three times a week.
  • Before training, be sure to conduct 6-8-minute warm-up.
  • During training, it is desirable to breathe fresh air, so they pass either on the street or in a ventilated room.

Attention! The intensity of workouts depends on the pulse. It is impossible to exceed the maximum heart rate, which is calculated according to the following formula: 220 minus age athlete.

Before you understand what is included in the fat burning program, you need to understand how to make an occupation as efficient and useful.

  • It is advisable to choose complexes on all muscle groups. Fat, of course, leaves the whole body, and that is why it is impossible to lose weight locally, for example, only in the abdomen or hips. It is best to connect all the muscles, especially since they are not so much strained. For the most part, the heart works: you do not raise gravity, but you work for endurance.
  • Always engage with an open window, and better in the fresh air. You definitely need an oxygen influx that will be intensively spent by the organism.
  • The fat burning training should last at least half an hour, and better - 40-60 minutes, but no more than an hour. In the first 30 minutes, the body consumes glycogen reserves in muscles and liver, and only then begins to split the pending fat.

Measure the heart rate

for men: Maximum heart rate \u003d 220 - age;

for women: Maximum heart rate \u003d 214 - age;

But this is not exactly the number we need. At this maximum value, you will rather harm yourself than help. Fat burning begins about 60% of the value obtained, and it is not recommended to go beyond 85% by doctors at all. Most heart problems are usually revealed on cardiovers, they often use doctors to verify the patient's condition.

We will analyze on the example for a woman for 30 years:

  • Maximum heart rate \u003d 214 - 30 \u003d 184 impact per minute;
  • Fat burning begins at 184 * 60% \u003d 110 shuffles;
  • For cardics of the house should not go beyond 184 * 85% \u003d 156 wt. / Min.

That is, it is recommended to maintain the number of pulse strikes from 110 to 156 per minute. With such indicators you are guaranteed to lose weight, and at the same time feel good. Small deviations are not too scary, but control them, and come back to the recommended indicators.

How to make it useful and enjoyable?

  1. You need to choose simulators and exercises that delight and joy.
  2. Engage in music, it will help maintain the right rhythm.
  3. Alternate exercises and simulators to use all muscle groups.
  4. With a different pace, calories burn better and endurance develops.
  5. Outdoor classes, in nature, allow you to diversify the situation. Oxygen helps better burn fat.
  6. Convenient clothes from natural quality materials will not distract from the process.

To achieve a better result of getting rid of excess weight, cardics should be alternate with power training. Proper breathing, maintaining the necessary level of heart rate intensity, the rapid pace of exercise will strengthen the health and improve the figure. Good endurance, a strong cardiovascular system make a person more stressful, which for modern life is simply necessary.


If you follow the recommendations, eat and regularly train, then the result will not make yourself wait. Pick the exercises in accordance with your own capabilities so that cardiography brings pleasure.

Each woman can improve their body without simulators even at home. This is possible when complying with the mode of training, recreation and nutrition. It is necessary to approach the training process comprehensively, in this case the result will not wait a long time.

Thus, home cardiotry is an effective method of burning fat, provided that: the mode and rules of training are observed; Food mode is observed. Classes will strengthen the cardiovascular system, make the body beautiful, improve overall well-being and increase the mood. Training at home will allow you to save both the time and cash.

Pros and cons cardiovers at home

You can make cardiotrans at home at any convenient time without adjusting to the schedule of the simulator room or fitness trainer. Exercises are suitable for both women and men.

The pluses of cardiotrans can be attributed to the following:

  • The operation of the respiratory and cardiovascular system is improved.
  • Stress resistance increases.
  • A feeling of cheerfulness and a good mood appears.
  • The body becomes beautiful.

The main minus of the house of the house is the lack of a coach who would follow the right exercise. The absence of self-discipline and laziness will prevent the desired result.

Attention! Excessively large loads can lead to a deterioration in the work of the heart.

Rules for conducting: pulse frequency-intensity

Cardiovasculations are required to pay apart three times a week, over time the number of classes increase to 5.

The main rate of intensity is the pulse frequency, which, depending on age, differs. During all exercises, the heart rate (heart rate) is measured.

But this is not exactly the number that is required for Cardio classes. Fat burning begins approximately at a mark of 60% of the resulting value, it is not recommended to go beyond the scope of 85%.

For example, at the age of 25, girls will have such indicators:

  • Maximum CSS is 214 - 25 \u003d 189 beats a minute.
  • Fat burning begins at 189 * 60% \u003d 113.4 shuffles.
  • During cardiotranships should not go beyond 189 * 85% \u003d 160.65 UD. / Min.

Cardio Training is a complex of active aerobic exercises aimed at strengthening the heart muscle and improving blood circulation. Uncomplicated repetitive exercises force the heart beat more often, normalize blood circulation, provoke an admission to the oxygen body by accelerating respiration. All this causes the body to spend a large amount of energy, burn calories and get rid of fat reserves during the recovery period after training.

A really effective blow to excess fat deposits can be applied only by combining cardio with power loads, but consider in more detail what effect to wait for the cardio training.

Aerobic loads are very useful to all categories of people: losing weight gaining mass, and those who seek to maintain the form. The benefit from Cardio training is obvious: the endurance of the body rises, and therefore, it can be easily moved to a new stage of training, without fear for health. In addition, Cardio helps to normalize the work of the body, get rid of extra kilograms, and feel great for a long time after training.

Pros Cardio Training:

  • heart strengthened;
  • breathing normalizes and increases the volume of the lungs;
  • all body muscles are strengthened;
  • reduced pressure;
  • immunity is strengthened and the sustainability of the body to diseases increases.

Cardio training at home is perfect for both girls and men. At aerobic exercises you can lose weight, improve the silhouette of the figure and strengthen health.

In addition, often Cardio training is used in preparation for strength sports competitions. And the novice athletes will help to prepare for more serious loads.

Unopened people to do Cardio before the power complex is not recommended, as the forces on the fulfillment of heavy workout may not be left. If cardio loads will precede the power, then no fat, but protein, will be used to a greater extent. As a result, the muscles will not be properly worked out.

If the main goal is a force training, and Cardio training is performed as a warm-up, then ten-minute walking or running will not have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the main training. On the contrary, the muscles will be warm up, and the body is prepared for the fulfillment of a heavy exercise complex.

In cases where classes are carried out in order to reduce weight, there is another rule. To lose weight quickly, aerobic exercises need to alternate with power loads.

If you wondered how to combine cardio and strength loads, the answer depends on the purpose of training. To increase the muscle mass, aerobic movements can be performed as a warm-up to or hint after the power complex.

If the target to reduce the weight, best in this situation combine aerobic and power exercises in one lesson for 25-30 minutes. After such a duet of loads, the effect of weight loss will not wait a long time, the heart muscle will strengthen, and the muscles will quickly come to the tone. Fat will be burned both during training, and after it, when the forces will go to the restoration of the muscles.

In addition, such options for combining cardio and strength loads are possible:

  • we carry out Cardio on the day of the force training, but separately the gap between these two complexes should be at least six hours;
  • separate cardio and strength loads by day.

The main goal of cardio training is fat burning. And without complying with the correct power mode, it is impossible.

Proper nutrition in the days of Cardio training provides several rules. As food, it is recommended to give preference to easily dismissed proteins and slow carbohydrates. These include cottage cheese, eggs, low-fat meat, vegetables and whole grain porridges. Important moment: Do not eat two hours before training and within two hours after it.

Do not neglect the use of water during training, and immediately after it you can pamper yourself with cranberry or grape juice.

The importance of a concomitant diet for weight loss

Ellipsoid and stepper

Starting cardiography at home is needed with a warm-up. The smooth slopes and turns of the body are suitable, as well as blunt mahi legs and hands.

Important! During cardiotransports, sneakers even put on at home, since a large load is going on legs.

To achieve a better result, you need to combine various exercises. So all groups of muscles will work, and classes will become more interesting.

For weight loss, you need to engage in cardiovers four times a week.

Each exercise is repeated at least 15 times during three approaches.

The best cardiovascular is the so-called homework. Washing floors or windows, wiping dust contribute to fat burning.

At home you can jump on the rope or twist the hoop. Attention is also required to pay the running on the spot.

During the classes, it is necessary to actively work both legs and arms.

Slimming will be very useful. The exercise "Scalolas" will be very useful. To accomplish it, you need to lie down and alternately pull the legs to the hands.

Cardiography are divided into such types:

  • High intensitycardiography. These are short high-intensity training. During the exercise, it becomes hard to breathe, the sweat begins to stand out.
  • Low-intensitycardiography. Long training with less intensity, excellent weight loss option. These include a coward, walking, swimming or aerobics.
  • Interval cardiography. Pulse level and load depend on the desired final result. Suitable for weight loss and for preventing obesity.


After the warm-up, getting training. Here is an example of one set of exercises that can be performed at home:

  1. Joined up. At the time of the jump is inhaling, during the squats you need to exhale. 2-3 approaches 9-12 times.
  2. Tightening the legs to the chest at the Löj's stop (climbing). Hands need to keep a little wider shoulders. 1 approach, 10-12 times.

Photo 1. Technique Exercise Scalalazes. From the situation in the stop lying, each leg is alternately necessary to tighten to the chest.

  1. Drops forward with bouncing. Stand up, straightening your back, legs on the width of the shoulders. Make a step forward and sit down as low as possible. Then perform a jump, pushing out both legs. 1-2 approaches 10 times.
  2. Plank push up. Take the position of lying, making focus on the elbows. Tighten your belly. Take a hand and then return to its original position. The lower back should be kept right. 1 approach, 10-12 repetitions.
  3. Bourgona. A deep cried is performed. Then jump back to take the stop of the lying, the back is kept straight. Followed by jumping back to the legs and jump up at the starting position. 1 approach, 10-12 times.

Attention! In no case can not be limited in food and sit on diets!

Homemade cardiotrymen

Cardiovers - devices designed to simulate walking, running, etc.

If you buy some of the simulators, such as a running track or bike, then you will not have to choose what exercises to perform.

The most popular cardiovascular is a treadmill. You can independently set the speed and level of inclination.

Photo 2. Electronic treadmill, set at home. It can adjust the speed of running and tilt.

Classes on the exercise bike are also popular among those who wish to lose weight at home.

Often, an elliptical simulator, or orbitrek is acquired for Cardio Cardio. However, it is believed that this simulator is not effective.

This is a type of aerobic workout, where the cardiovascular system is involved in the body's muscles. As a result of a certain load, the glucose oxidation is oxidized with energy production, which provides muscle motor activity. In fact, cardiotering is a heart training.

Fat burning occurs as a side effect from it. This type of fitness is one of the most effective in the struggle with an excess body weight. To achieve the result, you must engage from 20 minutes to two hours.

Many people who want to lose weight are persistently engaged, but their weight stands still. This comes from the fact that it does not fully understand how to organize his workouts correctly and how to distribute loads.

The main criterion for the correct organization of the cardiac process is a certain frequency of heart abbreviations.

The lower limit is determined by the formula:

  • (220 Д. / min - age - pulse in calm state) × 0,6 + pulse in calm condition

For the greatest effectiveness should not be descended below this border.

To calculate the upper boundary, another formula is used:

  • (220 Д. / min - age - pulse in calm state) × 0,8 + pulse in calm state

Above this border to rise either do not need. It is necessary to measure the pulse before the training, during it and after. With independent classes at home, an experimental way can be selected the optimal option. Strict control of the pulse is the key to proper and safe training.

There is a simpler formula:

  • For women: heart rate (max) \u003d 220 age
  • For men: heart rate (max) \u003d 214 age

To maintain the optimal frequency of heart cuts, it is necessary intense voltage when the entire body works 100%, alternate with short recreation periods so that the pulse come to normal.

What is the benefit of cardionloads?

  • Increasing the endurance of the body.
  • Weight loss.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Improving disease resistance and strengthening immunity.

They will benefit everyone who wants to lose weight and improve health. Female representatives use this type of fitness to create a beautiful figure. Men dealing with power sports apply Cardio during preparation for competitions. Novice athletes they help better prepare for more serious loads.

How is the program selected?

The number of classes - from three to five times a week. For beginners, it is enough to practice 3 times a week for 25 minutes, gradually increasing duration and frequency. The gap between the training should be no more than two days. The intensity must be increased, since endurance increases, and the body begins to get used to the loads. It is necessary to change the types of workouts, alternate various exercises to achieve the desired result.

In the gym, an experienced instructor will select an individual program to a specific person. After independently, without having a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of cardionaries, you can harm your health.

The program includes various exercises on the exercise bike, running, walking, active games, jumping. If there is no time for full-fledged hall, you can train between affairs, for example, regularly walk, climb the stairs, and not on the elevator, ride a job or on bike affairs. But this concerns exercises to strengthen the cardiovascular and health as a whole. If the goal is to reduce weight, then only full loads will help it achieve it.

How to put a figure in order, doing at home?

By performing special exercises, you can get rid of unnecessary fatty sediments on all parts of the body, including on, hips, back and hands even at home.

  • The simplest of them are jumping with a rope. It is necessary to jump 1 minute in a large pace, then 1 minute to walk slowly. And so - 20 minutes.
  • Running with a high lifting of the hip - 10 minutes, rest 2 minutes and run again.
  • Running up the stairs - 10 minutes, then slowly go down and repeat first.

Cardiography on the treadmill includes walking and running. It is better to start with walking, since with unusual you can damage the knee or ankle joints. For this, low-intensity cardion loads are most suitable. The program consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of the body to load (3-5 min) - walking at a speed of 3 km / h to disperse the pulse to the required level (calculate according to the formula above).
  2. Main training (20-40 min) - walking at a speed of 4-7 km / h. If the pulse reached a maximum maximum (see formula above), the speed must be reduced. Then to increase again.
  3. Zaminka (5 min) - a gradual decline in walking speed until a complete stop.

You can engage in walking in about three months, then, when a stronger load is required, you can go on running. Among other things, the treadmill is very good for burning fat in the legs.

Monotonous exercises may not be interesting. Diversify the routine and improve performance can interval cardio, which is more pleasant to do under your favorite music. It is distinguished by the fact that the change of activity occurs without rest.

You can try the following option, where each exercise is performed for 2 minutes:

  1. Jumping through a rope with fast speed, in turn on each leg.
  2. Fast jumps with two legs left and right.
  3. Jumping down-back, pushing it left, then right foot - 12 times.
  4. Again jumping through the rope.
  5. Fees ahead, changing the legs in the jump.
  6. Jumping with breeding legs on the distance of the shoulders width, hands are also bred. Return to the starting position of the jump - 20 times.
  7. Jumping with a rope. It is possible to notice the first results in 3 weeks, if you can do it regularly 3 times a week more often - it is not worth it, as it will only weaken the body.

Does it always need to run and jump on cardiography?

Sometimes it is impossible to do at home, running and jumping, as it prevents neighbors from below. In this case there are options without and without jumps. They are also suitable for newbies, for those who recently suffered injuries, has various diseases or for the elderly.

There is an interesting video course "Reducing excess weight" for teapots ", in which the gay instructor Gasper competently and clearly explains how to do exercises. The main load in this course is designed for burning fat in the legs, but the hands also work well.

Cardiography using dumbbells is also carried out without jumps. This type of power cardio helps strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

How to organize your food so that weight loss happened faster?

Cardoopers increase metabolism, and fat burning is accelerated. Without proper nutrition, they will not be effective. It is necessary not 2 hours before classes and 1.5-2 hours after. Water after sport is needed to drink, it helps better split fat, which has already been deposited.

If there is a goal to increase muscle mass, then more protein products should be added to its diet: low-fat beef, chicken, cottage cheese. To achieve a good result, you will have to abandon products containing fast carbohydrates (sweet, flour, fat). Slow carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, various cereals - oats, buckwheat, barley, on the contrary, are useful for weight loss.

How is cardiovascular in the gym?

There are many simulators for Cardio:

  • Stepper;
  • Cyergometer;
  • Ski simulator;
  • Treadmill;
  • Exercise bike.

On the simulator you can choose the appropriate program and do on it. Another way is the interval load on all simulators in turn on 1 minute. For beginners, one circle is enough, and for advanced - 2-3 circles.

How does the cardion loads help get rid of the abdomen?

To reduce the fat stupor in the abdomen, the best option will be the interval cardio. For this, it is not even necessary to go to the gym. Intensive cyclic training can be successfully carried out at home. Run contributes to the reduction of the waist. Riding a bike or exercise bike effectively burns fat on the stomach. Step-aerobics is especially suitable for women. Boxing, soccer game is more suitable for men.

How to combine with other types of physical exertion?

Cardio requires large energy costs, so it is desirable to conduct it in the morning, when fatigue has not yet accumulated. Although some people are more active in the afternoon. If the goal is to lose weight, you need to perform cardio before the power training, to enhance the effect. If you gain muscle mass, increase the body's tone - then after power exercises.

How to make it useful and enjoyable?

  1. You need to choose simulators and exercises that delight and joy.
  2. Engage in music, it will help maintain the right rhythm.
  3. Alternate exercises and simulators to use all muscle groups.
  4. With a different pace, calories burn better and endurance develops.
  5. Outdoor classes, in nature, allow you to diversify the situation. Oxygen helps better burn fat.
  6. Convenient clothes from natural quality materials will not distract from the process.

To achieve a better result of getting rid of excess weight, cardics should be alternate with power training. Proper breathing, maintaining the necessary level of heart rate intensity, the rapid pace of exercise will strengthen the health and improve the figure. Good endurance, a strong cardiovascular system make a person more stressful, which for modern life is simply necessary.


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