Correctly rostashuvannya spacious rozpodilu galaxies. A vast rose of galaxies

Correctly rostashuvannya spacious rozpodilu galaxies. A vast rose of galaxies

Zvichy galaxies are formed in small groups, but to avenge a dozen members, which are often united in a large purchased hundreds and thousands of galaxies. Our Galaxy is a part of the warehouse of the so-called Mistsevo group, which includes three giant spiral galaxies (our Galaxy, the Andromeda nebula and the fog near the Trikutnik suspect), as well as more than 15 dwarf magicals, the most irregular At the middle size, the accumulation of galaxies becomes close to 3 Mpc. In okremikh vipadkakh diameter їх can change 10-20 Mpc. Smells add up to roscian (wrong) and spherical (correct) purchases.
Retail purchases do not misrepresent the correct form or misleading outline. Their galaxies are very weakly concentrated to the center. With the help of a gigantic retail purchase, we can buy galaxies from Suzyra Divi (241). For some loans, approximately 120 sq. degrees and take revenge on a few thousand of the most importantly spinal galaxies. Go to the center of the purchase to become close to 11 Mpc.

Small. 12.1. The vastness of the distribution of galaxies for the SDSS data. Green dots represent the meaning of all galaxies (in the whole forest grotto) from the bright, as if I am changing the deyak. The red points will bring the galaxies of the greatest visibility from all the distant stores, so that they can reach the same population; In general systems, the spectrum of compensations for the chervon region is attributable to the primordial galaxies. Black and blue dots show the growth of extraordinary quasars. The parameter h is approximately 0.7.

Spherical purchase of galaxies is more compact, less rosy, and may have spherical symmetry. These segments should be concentrated to the center. With the help of the spherical purchase є the purchase of galaxies from the Suzyra of Veronica's Volos, we can take revenge on even more abundant elephantine and lens-like galaxies (242). Yogo diameter become equal to 12 degrees. There are close to 30,000 galaxies and more than 19 photographic zoryannye values. Go to the center of the accumulation to become close to 70 Mpc. With a large number of purchased galaxies, tied tight stretching x-ray vipromyuvannya, the nature of which, better for everything, is tied to the manifestation of hot intergalactic gas, similar to the crowns of galaxies.
Є Let us respect that the purchase of galaxies by your own bank is also irregularly generated. It’s a good idea to buy up a group of galaxies, to cheer us up, to create a grandiose system - the Overgalaxy. At the same time, the surrounding galaxies concentrate to a large area, as it is possible to name the equatorial area of ​​the overgalaxy. Just look at the collection of galaxies from the Suzir Divi to be located at the center of such a giant system. The mass of our supergalaxy is guilty of becoming close to 1015 mass of Sontsya, and the diameter of close to 50 Mpc. Protect the reality of seeing the collection of galaxies of a different order, but it becomes spiritual. As soon as it stinks and smells, then only the heterogeneity of the rosette of galaxies in Allworld is weakly twisted, some of them can change their size.

Look at the article (abstract): “ A vast rose of galaxies"S discipline" Astrophysics»

Abstracts and publications on інші those :

Among the deads of the weak in the blisk, the number of R. shvidko grows. So, R. yaskravishe 12th zoryanoy magnitude vidomo bl. 250, 15th - also Bl. 50 thousand, and the number R., which can be photographed with a 6-meter telescope at the edge of the possibilities, becomes a lot of million. Tse svidchit mean. greatness of G.

Pozagalactich. astronomy doslіdzhu the analysis of zoryannyh systems, їх masi, budovu, power optical., ІЧ-, roentgen. that radio prominence. Vivchennya of the spacious rozpodilu R. vyavlyak large-scale structure of Vsesvit (it is possible to say that a part of Vsesvit is accessible to the guardians - tse svit R.). At the prestigious spacious rozpodilu R. and the gentry of the Evolution posed galactic. Astronomy is about cosmology - the science of Vsesvit zagalom.

One of those who were found among the pozgalactic. Astronomy thinks about the problem of the importance of life to R. іdstanі be evaluated in the other ways (div.).

At 1912 p. amer. astronomer St Slipher viyaviv the miracle of St. R .: in the distant spectra of R. the entire spectrum. Lines evolved as a revenge to a dovokhvilovy (red) finish, on the basis of such lines in the spectra of dzherel, unruly spostering (i.e. line). 1929 p. amer. astronomer Ege. Hubble, when it came to the R. of the same chervony of usunenny, saw that it stopped growing at the middle in direct proportion to the place (div.). Tsey law giving astronomers to the hands of an effective method of viznennya vіdstaney to R. zykhnyogo chervony usunennya. Vimiryany chervoni usunennya thousand R. that hundred.

The appointment of the period before R. and the position in heaven made it possible to stand, so that one and the other R., the R. group, the great purchase and the purchase of the purchase (over the purchase) were organized. Porivn. vіdstanі mіzh R. in groups and purchased warehouses dec. hundreds of PDAs; it is approximately 10-20 times larger than the size of the largest G. Porivn. from groups of R., single R. and multiple systems to become 1–2 Mpc, from those sold by purchases - dozens of Mpc. Thus, R. zapovnyuyut space with a large permissible dense, lower zirki internal galactic. space (in the middle of 20 million times larger for each diameter).

For the toughness of the promotion of R. you can go to December. classes of lust. The widest range of visibility is promoted by the Egyptians. R., in the central regions of a certain collection of R. viyavlenі tz. cD galaxies, which are record-breaking for the light (the absolute value is 24 m, the lightness is ~ 10 45 erg / s) and mass (). And in our group G. there is an eliptic. P. of little luminosity (abs. Value from -14 to -6 m, tobto luminosity ~ 10 41 -10 38 erg / s) and mass (10 8 -10 5). In spinal R., the interval of abs. The current values ​​should be from -22 to -14 m, the luminosities - from 1044 to 1041 erg / s, the mass interval is 1012-108. Wrong R. for abs. values ​​weaker - 18 m, їх luminosity 10 43 erg / s, mass.

Education of young children is found in the central region of the Galaxy. Gas is falling to the center of the Galaxy, but not too much torque. Here the stars of the 2nd generation spherical will pop up. subsystems to form the core of the Galaxy. Ale of friendly minds for the establishment of super-giants in the nuclei of the nemaє, the splinters of gas fall into small lumps. Quietly, alone, if the gas transmits an overturned moment to build up and squeeze in a massive amount of money, the whole process will not end safely: the gas is not squeezed until the stage is set. The collapse is supervised by a wikid of a part of speech from the region of galactic. kernels (div.).

Chim massivnіsha spіralna R., tim is stronger than heavy clenching, spіral sleeves, that in massive R. sleeves are thinner, they have more gaze and less gas (more gaze). For example, the giant nebula M81 shows thin spinal arms, similar to that of the nebula M33, but the spiral of the middle size, the arms are significant.

Falling into the type of spiritual R. Most swiftness is in type Sc (unit 5 on pik), naymensha - in type Sa (unit 1 on pik). Visoka svidk_st zіrkotvorennya in the first is tied shche, mabut, with the necessary gas from galactic. crowns.

At eliptic. Zirkovyh systems Evolutsiyniy shlyakh is simpler. The word in them from the very cob is not a small amount of significant overturned moments and magn. field. This clutch in the process of evolution did not call for such a system until the wrap around and the strength of the magn. fields. All the gas in cich systems, from the very cob, is repainted into spherical stars. pidsystems. At the turn of the offensive evolution of the star, the gas thundered, as it descended to the center of the system and the stars for the establishment of the new generation of all these spheres. pidsystems. The pace of greening in eliptic. R. is guilty of the proper gas supply from the stars, which have been projected, in the main over the new years, some of the ends of the speech from the stars in the air. R. is insignificant. Richna waste gas by the stars in the elliptic. R. to become ~ 0.1 for the size of the galaxy with a mass of 1011. D. through the presence of young children, they may be blakitnіshim, below the peripheral regions. On the right in that which meansє. part of the gas, scho settling in the eliptic. R. is seen as a hot winter, as well as a vine when they sleep over new years, and in R.'s purchases it can be seen as a hot one. gas, we will stop by the hour of the yogo X-ray. vipprominuvannya.

There are a lot of children of the young generation in the great number of the same type R. The older people of R. are more likely to try to increase their reserves of gas and reduce the rate at which they are set at the same rate as the new generation. Then there are a lot of them - the overpowering youngsters of small growths, which are one of the last stages of the evolution of the stars. At the same time, old R. Slid means that on the ear of R. Mali’s Evolution, Mabut, I see lightness, that’s why there are more massive young children in them. Evolution of the evolutionary change in R.'s liberty is possible in the principle of changing the luminosity of loved ones and even more distant R., of which light took a lot of billions of rubles.

Pozagalactich. Astronomy has not yet given a singular view of food, tied with vicinities from G.'s collection, zokrem, which in spherical. purchased from the purchased goods. that lens-like systems. Obviously, from the remarkably small hmars to the gas, they didn’t miss the overturned moment, spherical. the purchase of the majestic perevazhannya eliptic. and linse-like systems, also have a low torque. And from the great khmar gazu, scho mali suttuvies an overturned moment, the purchase of G., podbnі to Nadskupchennya in Dіvy. Here there were more options for the development of the overturned moment in the middle of the clotted gas, which took R.

R. Evolution in purchases and groups has few features. The rozrakhunks showed that when R.'s prisoners were in trouble, they peeled off and rocked around the entire volume of the group or bought them. Tsey mіzhgalaktic. gas dropping in high temperature x-ray. viprominuvannyu, which is seen by the merchant R. Besides, the massive members of the merchant, crumbled in the middle, blow up the "dynamic grating": the grave stench of the grave R., ale at my devil, I am curious. Obviously, the Magellanic asserted the way of the Mistsev group of R. Inodi Massive R., that they are in the center of the purchase, not only "rip off" the gas crowns and R. pass through them, or the glare of the "viewer". Transmitting, zokrema, cD-galaxies, where massive halos, set them off with such a "kanibalsky" way.

Behind the fast-moving rozrakhunks, after 3 billion rockets, the "canibal" camp and our Galaxy: the Great Magellan's Khmar is on its way, so close to her.

Equivalent growth of matter on the scale of the Metagalaxy is due to the sameness of matter in matter and space in all parts of the Metagalaxy (uniformity) and the sameness in all parts of the Metagalaxy (isotropy). Tsі important sv-va Metagalaxy characteristic, mabut, for modern. the Metagalaxy, however, at last, on the very cob, the expansion, the anisotropy and heterogeneity of the mother and the vastness could be realized. The tales of the anisotropy and heterogeneity of the Metagalaxy in the past, foldable and topical staff of post-Galactic astronomy, until the latest astronomy is just about to go.

  • 5.Dobove the wrapping of the heavenly sphere in the middle latitudes was tied with it. Dobovy Rukh Sontsya. Zmіna seasons and warm belts.
  • 6. Basic formulas of spherical trigonometry. Parallax tricycle and re-creation of coordinates.
  • 7.Zoryany, spravzhn_y that middle sleepy hour. The ringing of the clock. Rivnyannya hour.
  • 8.Systems for the rakhunku hour: muscular, explanatory, all-important, maternity and ephemeris hour.
  • 9. Calendar. Types of calendars The history of the current calendar Yulian days.
  • 10. Refraction.
  • 11. Dobova and rіchna aberration.
  • 12. Dobovy, rychny and vіkovy parallax svіtil.
  • 13.Value of visas in astronomy, linear changes in the sleepy system.
  • 14. Vlasny Rukh Zirok.
  • 15.Mythonic-sleepy that planetary precession; nutats_ya.
  • 16. The uncertainty of the Earth's wrapping; the collapse of the poles of the Earth. Service latitude.
  • 17. Vimiryuvannya hour. Amendment of the year of the year and of the year of the year. Service for an hour.
  • 18. Methods for the designation of geographical conditions.
  • 19. Methods for assigning geographic latitude.
  • 20.Method of assigning coordinates and position of stars ( і ).
  • 21. The calculation of the moment in the hour and the azimuth at the outset and the approach was shown.
  • 24. Law Kepler. Kepler's third (clarification) law.
  • 26. Head of three and more tel. Okremiy vypadok zachachі three til (points of libration Lagrange)
  • 27. Understand about the power, scho will stoke. The stiffness of the sleep system.
  • 1. Understand about the strength, scho will stoke.
  • 28. Orbit of Misyatsya.
  • 29. Creep up and down
  • 30.Rukh of space apparatuses. Three cosmic shorts.
  • 31. Fazi misyatsya.
  • 32. Sleepy and darkening. Mind the present blackout. Saros.
  • 33. Libratsii Mіsyatsya.
  • 34. Spectrum-magnetic viprominuvannya, which can be heard in astrophysics. The transparency of the Earth's atmosphere.
  • 35. Mechanisms for the promotion of space bodies in the lower ranges of the spectrum. See the spectrum: line spectrum, uninterrupted spectrum, recombination viprominuvannya.
  • 36 Astrophotometry. Zoryana magnitude (visual and photographic).
  • 37 The power of prominence and the fundamentals of spectral analysis: the laws of Planck, Rayleigh-Jeans, Stefan-Boltzmann, Wien.
  • 38 Doppler substitution. Doppler's law.
  • 39 Temperature measurement method. See understand the temperature.
  • 40. The method of the main results of the formation of the Earth. Geoid.
  • 41 Inner Budova Earth.
  • 42. Atmosphere of the Earth
  • 43. Magnitosphere of the Earth
  • 44. Headquarters about the Sonyachnu system and її doslіdzhen
  • 45. The physical character of Misyatsya
  • 46. ​​Planets of the Earth Group
  • 47. Planets giganti - їkh companions
  • 48. Little asteroid planet
  • 50. Basic physical indicators of Sontsya.
  • 51. Spectrum and chemical warehouse Sontsya. Sleepy post_yna.
  • 52. Internal Budova Sontsya
  • 53. Photosphere. Chromosphere. Coroni. Granulation and convective zone Zodiacal light and prototype.
  • 54 Active illumination in a sleepy atmosphere. Sleepy activity center.
  • 55. Evolution Song
  • 57. The absolute dawn is the magnitude and the lightness of the stars.
  • 58.Diagram spectrum-lightness of Hertzsprung-Russel
  • 59. Occurrence of radius - lightness - masa
  • 60. Models of Budov and Zirok. Budova virogena zirok (bily dwarfs and neutron zirki). Chorn.Dirki.
  • 61. The main stages of the evolution of the stars. Planetary nebulae.
  • 62. Multiple and changeable stars (multiples, visual-sub-stars, spectral-sub-stars, invisible companions of stars, darkened-sub-stars). Features of Budov and Tisny Subsidny Systems.
  • 64. Methods of viznachennya visas to zirok. Kinetsformchatofform
  • 65. Rozpodil zirok at Galactica. Purchase. Zagalna of the Budova galaxy.
  • 66. The spaciousness of the movement of the stars. The wrapping of the Galaxy.
  • 68. Classification of galaxies.
  • 69.For example to galaxies. Hubble's Law. Chervone Usunennya in the spectra of galaxies.
  • 65. Rozpodil zirok at Galactica. Purchase. Zagalna of the Budova galaxy.

    The end of the form, the beginning of the form, The knowledge of the appearance to the age allows to go to the vivchennya of the rozpodilu in the vastness, the same, and the structure of the Galaxy. In order to characterize the number of sparks in the small parts of the Galaxy, to introduce an understanding of a zarya ry, analogous to the understanding of the concentration of molecules. A zoryannoy schilnistyu is called a number of stars, which one will have a lot of space for. For one single parsec, take 1 cubic parsec. In the outskirts of Sontsya, the spirits become close to 0.12 glimpses per cubic parsec, in other words, on the skin in the middle seizure about 8 ps 3; The average is seen between the stars - close to 2 ps. It’s a matter of knowledge, as there is a change in the level of proficiency in children, as well as in a number of children on a single area (for example, by 1 square degree) in small children of children.

    Perche, who falls in vichi for such pidrakhunks, is superbly stronger in the concentration of spines in the world close to the swamp of Chumatsky Shlyakh, the middle of the line that I set on the sky is great. Nawpaki, near the pole of the stake, the concentration of stars is rapidly changing. A whole fact for example of the XVIII century. allowing V. Herschel to create the correct pattern about those that our zoryan system has flattened its shape, and the Sonce is guiltyly known not far from the area of ​​symmetry of the center of education. of the cultural sector, the radius of which is the start for the formula

    log r m = 1 + 0.2 (m * M)

    In order to characterize, that in this hallway there is space for young guests, to introduce the function of visibility j (M), which is shown, as the number of stars can be of absolute value, say, one + in size.

    the final form of the chat of the form The merger of galaxies - gravitational-linked systems galaxies, one of the largest structures to all... Grow your collection of galaxies you can reach 10 8 light rock.

    The purchase is cleverly subdivided into two types:

    regular - purchase of correct spherical shapes, in which they are lenses galaxies, With a clearly curved central part. At the centers of such a collection of gigantic elephant galaxies. Regular stock butt - Purchase of Veronika's Hair.

    Irregular - a purchase without a singing form, for a number of galaxies to be regular. In the buyer's mind, spiral galaxies... Butt - purchase Divi.

    Masi purchases vary from 1013 to 1015 mas Sontsya.

    Budova galaxies

    The growth of the stars in the Galaxy has a great twist of singularity: in the first place, even more closely the concentration of the stars in the galactic area, and in another way, there is a great concentration in the center of the Galaxy. So, if on the outskirts of Sontsya, in a disk, one light falls on 16 cubic parsecs, then in the center of the Galaxy in one cubic parsec there are 10,000 stars. Near the area of ​​the Galaxy, in addition to the increased concentration of stars, the concentration of saw and gas is also promoted.

    Galaxy sizes: - The diameter of the Galaxy disk is close to 30 kpc (100,000 light rocks), - Tovshchina - about 1,000 light rocks.

    At the end of the day, it is rooted far from the nucleus of the Galaxy - with a revolve of 8 kpc (close to 26,000 light rocks).

    Is the center of the Galaxy located right in front of Striltsa? = 17h46,1m ,? = -28 ° 51 '.

    The galaxy folds into a disk, a corona halo. The central most compact region of the Galaxy is called the nucleus. At the nucleus of the temporal area there is a concentration of spines: in the cutaneous cubic parsec there are thousands of spines. Yakbi lived on the planet when the stars were located close to the galactic nucleus, then dozens of stars could be seen in the sky, beyond the luscious ones from Misatsem. At the center of the Galaxy, the pulling of a tense dark direction is being transmitted. Near the ring region of the galactic disk (3-7 kpc), the entire molecular speech of the middle middle is more widespread; there is the greatest number of pulsars, a surplus of over-new and over-the-counter innovations. We see the promotion of the central regions of the Galaxy, more often than not, with the straining balls of the clay matter.

    Galaxy to avenge two basic subsystems (two components), one contribution to one and gravitationally linked one to one. The first is called spherical - a halo, the stars concentrate to the center of the galaxy, and the density of speech, which is in the center of the galaxy, reaches quickly from all over the place. The central, most protective part of the halo in the boundaries of thousands of light-colored sheets towards the center of the Galaxy is called the bulge. Another pidsystem is a tense backward disc. Vin є yak bi dvі folded with the edges of the container. At the disk, the concentration of stars is significantly higher, lower at the halo. The stars in the middle of the disk collapse in circular paths near the center of the Galaxy. At the zirkovy disc between the spinal sleeves, roztashovane Sonce.

    The stars of the galactic disk were called type I populations, and the halo stars were called type II populations. Up to the disk, the flat warehouse of the Galaxy, the glimpses of the early spectral classes O and B, the glimpses of the growing stock, the dark nebulae of the saw are seen. Halos, navpaki, warehouses, which were discovered at the early stages of the evolution of the Galaxy: the stars of the collection, the stars of the RR Liri type. The glimpses of a flat warehouse, from the glare of a spherical warehouse, are evolving into a great zest of important elements. The population of the spherical warehouse is 12 billion rocky. Yogo call to take on the wrist of the galaxy itself.

    The disc will be wrapped in a halo like manner. The speed of the disc wrapping is not the same as in other places from the center. The disc masa is estimated at 150 mln M. The disc has spinal sleeves (sleeves). Young starters and in the halls of lightning in the main sleeves.

    The disk and the navkolishn halo are bordered into the crown. In this hour, you will be able to size the crown of the Galaxy 10 times more than the size of the disk.


    Zvichy galaxies are formed in small groups, but to avenge a dozen members, which are often united in a large purchased hundreds and thousands of galaxies. Our Galaxy is a part of the warehouse of the so-called Mistsevo group, which includes three giant spiral galaxies (our Galaxy, the Andromeda nebula and the fog near the Trikutnik suspect), as well as more than 15 dwarf magicals, the most irregular At the middle size, the accumulation of galaxies becomes close to 3 Mpc. In okremikh vipadkakh diameter їх can change 10-20 Mpc. Smells add up to roscian (wrong) and spherical (correct) purchases. Retail purchases do not misrepresent the correct form or misleading outline. Their galaxies are very weakly concentrated to the center. With the help of a gigantic retail purchase, we can buy galaxies from Suzyra Divi (241). For some loans, approximately 120 sq. degrees and take revenge on a few thousand of the most importantly spinal galaxies. Go to the center of the purchase to become close to 11 Mpc. Spherical purchase of galaxies is more compact, less rosy, and may have spherical symmetry. These segments should be concentrated to the center. With the help of the spherical purchase є the purchase of galaxies from the Suzyra of Veronica's Volos, we can take revenge on even more abundant elephantine and lens-like galaxies (242). Yogo diameter become equal to 12 degrees. There are close to 30,000 galaxies and more than 19 photographic zoryannye values. Go to the center of the accumulation to become close to 70 Mpc. With a large number of purchased galaxies, tied tight stretching x-ray vipromyuvannya, the nature of which, better for everything, is tied to the manifestation of hot intergalactic gas, similar to the crowns of galaxies. Є Let us respect that the purchase of galaxies by your own bank is also irregularly generated. It’s a good idea to buy up a group of galaxies, to cheer us up, to create a grandiose system - the Overgalaxy. At the same time, the surrounding galaxies concentrate to a large area, as it is possible to name the equatorial area of ​​the overgalaxy. Just look at the collection of galaxies from the Suzir Divi to be located at the center of such a giant system. The mass of our supergalaxy is guilty of becoming close to 1015 mass of Sontsya, and the diameter of close to 50 Mpc. Protect the reality of seeing the collection of galaxies of a different order, but it becomes spiritual. As soon as it stinks and smells, then only the heterogeneity of the rosette of galaxies in Allworld is weakly twisted, some of them can change their size.

    • Specificity of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation
    • Number of sides 144

    1 Methods for assigning visibility to galaxies.

    1.1 Introduction to respect.

    12 Photometric methods.

    1.2.1 New and new stars.

    1.2.2 Blakitnі and chervonі nadgіganti.

    1.2.3 Cepheide.

    1.2.4 Chervoni giganti.

    1.2.5 KE Leary.

    1.2.6 Vikoristannya functions of the visibility of the objects.

    1.2.7 Method of surface fluctuation (8ВР).

    1.3 Spectral methods.

    1.3.1 Hubble Deposits Victory.

    1.3.2 Deforestation of Talli-Fisher (TR).

    1.3.3 Deforestation of Faber Jackson.

    1.4 Our methods.

    1.5 Routine methods for the designation of visas.

    2 Finding stars in galaxies and photometrics.

    2.1 Finding stars in galaxies.

    2.2 Blakitnі and chervonі nadgіganti.

    2.2.1 Calibration method.

    2.2.2 Accuracy of the best color method.

    2.2.3 Future; її to the method of the most beautiful children.

    2.3 Chervoni giganti and TCSV method.

    2.3.1 Infusion of metal content and vik.

    2.3.2 Injection of SG and AGB sparks and irrigation fields on the accuracy of the TRGB method.

    2.4 Photometry of light in galaxies.

    2.4.1 Photographic methods.

    2.4.2 Aperture photometry from PCVISTA.

    2.4.3 Photometry from DAOPHOT.

    2.4.4 Features of photometry HST signs.

    2.5 Measurement of the accuracy of photometry of industrial methods.

    2.5.1 Measurement of photographic and PZZ photometry.

    2.5.2 Equal results in Zeiss-1000 - BTA.

    3 Mistseviy complex of galaxies in the same expanse of Budova.

    3.1 Westernized.

    3.2 Mistseviy complex of galaxies.

    3.3 Misce group of galaxies.

    3.3.1 Galaxy ICIO.

    3.3.2 Galaxy LGS3.

    3.3.3 Galaxy DDO210.

    3.3.4 New galaxies of the Moscow group.

    3.4 Group М81 + NGC2403.

    3.5 Group IC342 / Maffei.

    3.6 Group M101.

    3.7 Chmara of galaxies CVn.

    3.8 Rozpodil of galaxies in the world complex, anisotropy of fluidity.

    4 The structure of galaxies in direct

    Divi. The value of the post-Hubble post.

    4.1 Westernized.

    4.2 The structure of the purchase of galaxies from Divi.

    4.3. Forward selection of galaxies for parameters.

    4.4 Caution and photometry of stars.

    4.5 Accuracy of photometry and metrics.

    4.6 Spacious rose of galaxies.

    4.7 The value of the post-Hubble.

    4.8 Rated results.

    5 Group NGC1023.

    5.1 Westernized.

    5.2 Group NGC1023 and warehouse.

    5.3 Guarding the galaxies of the NGC1023 group.

    5.4 Photometry of stars on BTA and HST signs.

    5.5 Visiting the galaxies of the group.

    5.5.1 Designation of the most beautiful overgiants.

    5.5.2. Visa value based on the TRGB method.

    5.6 Problem of the galaxy NGC1023a.

    5.7 Roster of views of group galaxies.

    5.8 The value of the post-Hubble near NGC1023.

    6 The spacious structure of irregular galaxies

    6.1 Introduction to respect.

    6.2 Spiral and irregular galaxies.

    6.2.4 Zoryany warehouse of galaxies.

    6.3 Peripherals of galaxies.

    6.3.1 Galaxies are visible "flat" and "from the edges".

    6.3.4 Cordoni of galaxies.

    6.4. The disks of the giant giants are packed with a lot of irregular galaxies.

    Introduction of a dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Wide space and structure of galaxies based on the creation of the most beautiful stars"

    Statement of tasks

    Historically, it went like this, on the ear of the 20th century literally vibuchs among pre-young adults and early adopters like from our Galactic, so and in other glare systems, having established that basis, on which it appeared astronomical. Appearing a new one directly in astronomy, the authors of the robots of Hertzsprung and Russell, Duncan and Abbe, Livitt and Beily, Shepley and Hubble, Lundmar-ka and Kertis, in which the mayhe became more and more, because of the modernization of the scale.

    For the rest of its development, post-galactic astronomy has come to such a place, since it’s not visible anymore, ale, like, earlier, astronomers, who are busy with galactic illusions, the popularity of such a large number of people 'the lasuvannya svit-mest zirok, prompting the scales of visitor, vivchennya evolutiynyh stages of quiet chi the other types of zirok.

    Doslіdzhennya zіrok in іnhіh galaxies allow astronomers to see the picture. First, clarify the scale of views. Apparently, I don’t know the exact details, but I don’t know the main parameters of galaxies - size, weight, lightness. Vidkrittya 1929. Hubble of fallowness between galaxies' exchange and seeing them allows you to reach quickly to see a galaxy on the basis of a simple visualization of the exchange of galaxies. Protecting us can be victorious ways, like vivchaєmo non-Hubble ruins of galaxies, tobto. the ruins of galaxies, tied not with the extensions of the Alliance, but with the extraordinary laws of gravitation. And here we need an assessment of the visibility, it is not rendered so on the basis of the speed of performance, but on the basis of the type of parameters. At the same time, galaxies at stations up to 10 Mpc may have great performance, as it is possible to adapt their performance in the Hubble Expanded Alliance. The summation of two as many of the same vectors in the liquidity, one of the most unrealistic ones, can produce incredible and unrealistic results, as we will be victorious to see the depletion of the Hubble for the vast growth of galaxies. Tobto. In general, we cannot be seen on the basis of the changing characteristics of galaxies.

    In a different way, the fragments of all galaxies are formed from the stars, then they have raised the vision of the galaxy itself, and so we will be informed about the morphology and evolution of the galaxy itself. Tobto. The information about the galaxy's gaze warehouse will be intertwined with the versatility of the models, which will be stagnant for the adventures of the evolution of the entire gaze system. In such a rank, if we want to know about the proximity of the galaxies, we absolutely need to bring the population of different types of galaxies up to the maximum photometric border.

    During the period of photographic astronomy, the pre-dawn population of galaxies was carried out by the largest telescopes in the world. Ale all one is to visit such a nearby galaxy, like M31, the inhabitants of the Zoryan type P, tobto. chervonі giganti, which were found on the border of photometric vimіryuvan. Such a technical amalgamation of opportunities has called for the fact that the inhabitants of the Zoryans have been lectured and more deprived of the galaxies of the Miscevoy Group, de, for happiness, the galaxies of the most common types. In the 40s, Baade has divided the entire population of galaxies into two types: young overguns (type I), which are located in a thin disk, and old hearts of giant (type P), which occupy a larger halo. Piznish Baade and Sendidzh indicated the presence of type II population in all galaxies of the Misce group, tobto. old men, good can be seen on the periphery of galaxies. On the signs of larger distant galaxies, one can see the deprivation of the nadganty, as the Hubble its own hour, the value of the galaxies at the calculated parameter of expansion to Vsesvit.

    The technical progress of the 90s in the development of the pre-emptive call-ups before reaching weak eyes became available in galaxies and the Pose of the Mace Group, and the possibility of really adjusting the parameters of the bright population of many galaxies appeared. At the same hour, the transition to the PZZ matrix is ​​determined by the regression of the global parameters of the galaxies. It just became uncomfortable to see the galaxy with a size of 30 kutov khviliiny svitloprymachem razmіrom 3 kutov khviliiny. And only at a time, the PZZ of the matrix appears, as for the sizes it is possible to measure with a large number of photographic plates.

    The characterization of the robot is in the background. Relevance.

    The relevance of robots can only be shown:

    The theory of the development of the evolution of galaxies, the designation of the cob function of the mass for the intelligent physical minds, as well as the stage of the evolution of single massive stars in order to reject the direct symbols of galaxies. Tilki rivnyannya conservative of the theory of great success in astrophysics. We have taken great care of the material, such as even side-by-side astrophysical results in the view of candidates from the LBV star, but also spectrally confirmed. Seemingly, on the HST there is a program of direct signs of galaxies "on Maybut", tobto. Significant signs of the need only when sleeping in such a galaxy above the new star type P (overgiant). We have the archives of the matter to compromise on what happens at the same time on the HST.

    The problem of determining the exact location of galaxies, such as distant and close ones, has become the main problem for the robots of great telescopes. While the great ones are met by such robots є the value of the post-Hubble with the maximum accuracy, the smallest ones are met by є the noise of local discontinuities in the rise of galaxies. And for a whole lot of exact values ​​of visibility to the galaxies of the Mission complex. In the first, the closest have already taken away the tribute to the vast rosette of galaxies. In addition, calibrating the methods of displaying the exact values ​​of the key galaxies, which are basic.

    Only now, when the emerging matrices appear, it is possible to build a glimpse of the glittering warehouse of galaxies. We immediately open a path for the creation of the history of the greening of galaxies. It is the only visual material to serve as a direct image, which is allowed to be seen in galaxies, broken in new filters.

    The history of the detection of weak structures of galaxies is present in more than a dozen rockies. Especially, it has become relevant to the idea of ​​rejecting from the radio caution of the long curves of the wrapping of the spinal and irregular galaxies. Otrimanie results were introduced to the detection of significant invisible mass, and the optical display of mass is intensively carried out at the observatories. We disclaim the results and inform about the appearance of different types of extended disks around galaxies, as from the old dawn population - the red giants. A cloud of discs can alleviate the problem of invisible mass.


    The goals of the dissertational robotics є:

    1. Rejection of the largest single-sided array of indications of galaxies in the private sky with a visibility of less than 500 km / s and the value of visibility to galaxies on the basis of photometry of the most beautiful stars.

    2. Calling to the stars of galaxies, which is supported by two other strands - from the purchased Divi and from the group N001023. The number of items before the name of the group is calculated, based on the results, the post-Hubble in two other directions.

    3. Vivchennya zoryanyy warehouse of the periphery of irregular and spinal galaxies. The design of the spacious forms of galaxies is great in the center.


    For a great number of galaxies on the b-th telescope, we have rendered glimpses of images in two) A colorahs, which allowed the galaxies to be allowed to view. The photometry of the signs of indications was carried out and prompted by the diagrams of the color - the value. On the basis of these data, it was assigned to 92 galaxies, including in such distant systems as purchased in Divi or the group N001023. For a large number of galaxies, the appearance of these cities has been broken for the first time.

    Vimiryani vіdstanі vikorystanі for viznenie permanent Hubble in two other straights, which allowed the assessment of gradients of fluidity mіzh Mіtsevoy group that group N001023, the size of which, as it did not survive, is small.

    The vivification of the zorya warehouse of the periphery of galaxies has called up to the opening of the long disks of the irregular galaxies, which are stored up from the old youngsters, the red giants. The size of such disks is 2-3 times, and the size of the galaxies is visible beyond 25 "A / P". It is known that galaxies on the basis of a spacious rosette of gigantic hearts can clearly bend their boundaries.


    On the 6th telescope, there are large numbers of signs of close to 100 galaxies, which are allowed to be seen. In cich galaxies, vimiryana colori is a blink of all visible colors. Seen gipergiganti and nadgiganti with the best light.

    At the present time, in which the author has brave an unprecedented fate, for the first time a great and one-sided array of these days for all galaxies of the private sky with airs less than 500 km / s has been rendered. Otrimani dans allow to carry out an analysis of non-Hubble ruins of galaxies in the Mission complex, which will interconnect the vibrational models of the Mission's "millenia" galaxies.

    A warehouse and spacious structure of the closest groups of galaxies in the private sky is designated. The results will allow you to carry out statistical correlated parameters in the groups of galaxies.

    Conducted to the end of the day in the open space near the purchase of galaxies from Diva. There are known a number of randomly close galaxies that have been rocked between the purchases and the space group. The galaxies have been designated and seen to belong to the most purchased goods, which are located in the new parts of the periphery and the center of the purchase.

    Visited before the purchase at Divi and the Hair of Veronica, and credited to the post of Hubble. The brightest stars of 10 galaxies of the N001023 group are brightly visible, but lie on the top of 10 Men. It is assigned to galaxies, and it is calculated according to the Hubble in a straight line. There is a lot of change about maliy gradієnt shvidkostі mіzh Mіtsevoy group and group N001023, which can be explained by the mass purchase of galaxies, but not dominant, in Divi.


    1. The results of the process of developing and implementing the method of photometry of zirok on automatic microdensitometers AMD1 and AMD2 of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    2. Vivennya kalibruvalnoy olezhnosti method of viznennya vіdstany on blakitnym and worms overgants.

    3. Results of photometry of the stars in 50 galaxies of the Misce complex and the value of the number of galaxies.

    4. The results of the number of up to 24 galaxies sold directly in Divi. The value of the post-Hubble post.

    5. Results of the rating of visits to the galaxies of the NOC1023 group and of the rating of the post-Hubble in the other kind of purchase in Divi directly. Visnovok about maliy gradієnt shvidkostі mіzh Missevoy group and group NGO1023.

    6. The results of the extended growth of different types of stars in irregular galaxies. The appearance of elongated disks from the gigantic worms near irregular galaxies.


    The main results, taken away from the dissertation, were further refined at the seminars of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, DAISH, AI OPBGU, as well as at conferences:

    France, 1993, ESO / OHP Workshop "Dwarf Galaxies" eds. Meylan G., Prugniel P., Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France, 109.

    PAR, 1998, in lAU Symp. 192, The Stellar Content of Local Group Galaxies, ed. Whitelock P., i Gannon R., 15.

    Finland, 2000 "Galaxies in M81 Group and IC342 / Maffei Complex: Structure and Stellar Populations", ASP Conference Series, 209, 345.

    Russia, 2001, All-Russian Astronomical Conference, 6-12 Serpnya, St. Petersburg. Dopovid: "Spacious growth of different types in irregular galaxies".

    Mexico, 2002, Cozumel, April 8-12, "Stars as Tracer of the Shape of Irregular Galaxies Haloes".

    1. Tikhonov N.A., Results of hypersensitivity in water astro films Kaz-NDI technical project, 1984, Communication SAO, 40, 81-85.

    2. Tikhonov NA, Photometry of the stars of galaxies on the direct signs of the BTA. Pomilki photometriya AMD-1, 1989, Communication SAO, 58, 80-86.

    3. Tikhonov N.A., Bilkina V.I., Karakhentsev ID., Dzhordzhiev TS.B., See nearby galaxies N00 2366.1С 2574, and NOG 4236 від photography photometry of their brightest stars, 19, 19

    4. Georgiev Ts. V., Tikhonov N.A., Karachentsev ID., Bilkina B.I „brightest stars and distance to dwarf galaxy HoIX, 1991, A&AS, 89, 529-536.

    5. Georgiev Ts.B., Tikhonov N.A., Karachentsev I.D., Nayaskravish candidates for the purchase of galaxies M81, 1991, Lists in AZ, 17, 387.

    6. Georgiev Ts.B., Tikhonov N.A., Karachentsev I.D., Estimates of B and V values ​​for candidates from the purchase of galaxies M 81, 1991, Sheets v AZh, 17, nil, 994-998.

    7. Tikhonov N.A., Georgiev T.Y., Bilkina B.I. Stellar photometry on the 6-m telescope plates, 1991, OAO OAO, 67, 114-118.

    8. Karachentsev I.D., Tikhonov N.A., Georgiev Ts.B., Bilkina B.I., Sharina M.E., Rosemary of close galaxies N0 0 1560, NGO 2976 and DDO 165 among their gliboks, 15-199.

    9. Georgiev Ts.B., Tikhonov N.A., Bilkina B.I., The brightest blue and red stars in galaxy M81, 1992, A&AS, 95, 581-588.

    10. Georgiev Ts.B., Tikhonov N.A., Bilkina B.I., Rozpovsujennya blue and stars according to M81, A&AS, 96, 569-581.

    11. Tikhonov N.A., Karakhentsev I.D., Bilkina B.I., Sharina M.E., Distance to three close battles galaxies from photometry of their brightest stars, 1992, A&A Trans, 1, 269-282.

    12. Georgiev Ts.B., Bilkina B.I., Tikhonov N.A., Getov R., Nedialkov P., important coordinates supergiants and globular cluster candidates of galaxy M 81, 1993, Bull SAO, 36, 43.

    13. Karachentsev I.D., Tikhonov N.A., Photometric visit nearby galaxies 10 10, 10 342 and UA 86, visible via Milky Way, 1993, A&A, 100, 227-235.

    14. Tikhonov N.A., Karakhentev I.D., Photometric up to five dwarf galaxies in the vicinity of M 81, 1993, A&A, 275, 39.

    15. Karachentsev I., Tikhonov N., Sazonova L., The brightest stars in three irregular dwarfs around M 81, 1994, A&AS, 106, 555.

    16. Karachentsev I., Tikhonov N., Sazonova L., NGC 1569 and UGCA 92 - on a close pair of galaxies in the Milky Way zone, 1994, Letters to Soviet AJ, 20, 90.

    17. Karachentsev L, Tikhonov N., New photometric distants for dwarf galaxies in the Local Volume, 1994, A&A, 286, 718.

    18. Tikhonov N., Karakhentsev L, Maffey 2, and the handbook galaxy shielded by the Milky Way, 1994, Bull. SAO, 38, 3.

    19. Georgiev Ts., Vilkina V., Karachentsev I., Tikhonov N. Zoryana photometry and visibility to a nearby galaxy: Two indications of estimates for parameters on the X "unit. 1994, Obornik from additional information VAN, Sofia, p.49.

    20. Tikhonov N., Irregular galaxy Casl - a new member of the Muscovy group, As-tron. Nachr., 1996, 317, 175-178.

    21. Tikhonov N., Sazonova L., A color - magnitude diagram for Pisces dwarf galaxy, AN, 1996, 317, 179-186.

    22. Sharina M.E., Karachentsev I.D., Tikhonov N.A., Photometric view to the galaxy N0 06946 and її supputnik, 1996, Sheets in AZ, 23, 430-434.

    23. Sharina M.Y., Karakhentev I.D., Tikhonov N.A., Photometric distants to NGC 628 and the third company, 1996, A&AS, 119, n3. 499-507.

    24. Georgiev Ts. Art., Tikhonov N.A., Karachentsev I.D., Ivanov V.D. Globular cluster candidates in the galaxies NGC 2366.1С 2574 і NGC 4236, 1996, A&A Trans, 11, 39-46.

    25. Tikhonov N.A., Georgiev Ts. V., Karakhentsev I.D., Brightest star cluster candidates in all remaining types of galaxies of the local complex, 1996, A&A Trans, 11, 47-58.

    26. Georgiev Ts.B., Karachentsiv I.D., Tikhonov N.A., Modules for viewing up to 13 nearby isolated dwarf galaxies, Sheets in AZ, 1997, 23, 586-594.

    27. Tikhonov N. A., The deep stellar photometry of ICIO, 1998, in LAU Symposium 192, ed. P. Whitelock and R. Cannon, 15.

    28. Tikhonov N.A., Karakhentsev I.D., CCD photometry and distribution of six resolution irregular galaxies in Canes Venatici, 1998, A&AS, 128, 325-330.

    29. Sharina M. E., Karachentsev I. D., Tikhonov N. A., Distance to Eight Nearby Isolated Low-Luminosity Galaxies, 1999, AstL, 25, 322S.

    30. Tikhonov N.A., Karakhentev І. D., Rozkladi to two new companies M 31, 1999, AstL, 25, 332.

    31. Drozdovskiy 1.0., Tikhonov N.A., stele in the place of and rise to the close blue compact dwarf galaxy NGC 6789, 2000, A&AS, 142, 347D.

    32. Aparitsio A., Tikhonov N.A., Karakhentev I.D., DDO 187: before dwarf galaxies have extended, old halos? 2000, AJ, 119, 177A.

    33. Aparicio A., Tikhonov N.A., Territorial age distribution of population in DDO 190, 2000, AJ, 119, 2183A.

    34. Lee M., Aparicio A., Tikhonov N, Byin Y.-I, Kim E., Stellar populations and Local Group membership dwarf galaxy DDO 210, 1999, AJ, 118, 853-861.

    35. Tikhonov N.A., Galazuddinova O.A., Drozdovskiy I.O., Distance to 24 Galaxies in Direction of Virgo Cluster and Determination of Hubble Constant, 2000, Afz, 43, 367.


    Dissertations are stored in Vstupu, six razdiliv, Visnovkiv, a list of cited literature and Dodatku.

    Visnovok dissertatsii on the topic "Astrophysics, radioastronomy", Tikhonov, Mykola Oleksandrovich

    The main features of a wide variety of galaxies are irregular and small in the world of spinal galaxies. To this end, they would look at the types of galaxies with a greater lecturer rank, thus redefining the main respect for the likelihood and similarity between them. The world is minimally quiet in the parameters of galaxies, which do not appear in our memories.

    6.2.1 Nutrition of the classification of galaxies.

    Historically, it was arranged in such a way that the entire classification of galaxies was created on the basis of signs that were removed from the blue swings of the spectrum. Naturally, in cich signs, they especially clearly see objects, such as blaky color, tobto. areas of education with bright young stars. Such areas are set up in the spinal galaxies, and in irregular galaxies, they are distributed more chaotically along the number of galaxies.

    Because of the appearance of star-forming regions, it has become a cob cordon, which has spread out spiral and irregular galaxies, which are classified according to Hable, Vaucouleur chi van den Berg. 192,193,193,194 In some systems of classification of the author, the parameters of galaxies have been magicalized, except for the most recent ones, but the simplest classification of Hubble has been lost.

    Naturally, there are physical reasons for visibility in the development of spinal and irregular galaxies. In the first place, there is a price difference in mass and quality of communication, the protec- At the same hour, the space between the two types of galaxies is even more obvious, fragments of rich irregular galaxies may be signs of a spinal gyroscopic structure or a bar-like structure in the center of the galaxy. Great Magellanic chmara, which serves as a symbol of a typical irregular galaxy, a bar and weak signs of a spinal structure, characteristic of galaxies of the Sc type. Signs of the spinal structure of irregular galaxies are especially noticeable in the radio range as soon as the neutral water level. As a rule, near an irregular galaxy of land; є an extended gaseous chmara, in which signs of spinal gilts are often seen (for example, in ICIO 196], Holl, IC2574).

    A taste of such a smooth transition of the backward powers from the spinal galaxies to the irregular sub-activity in the case of morphological designations of the types of galaxies by different authors. Moreover, since the first photographic plates will be sensitive to infrared changes, and not to the blue, then the classification of galaxies will be small, some of the regions of green light have not been seen in the galaxies of the largest. On such infrared signs, the regions of galaxies are most beautifully visible, to take revenge on the older population of the world - the red gigante.

    If the galaxy is in the infrared range, there are no glazed glades, without contrasting spinal gaps are seen, but the most visible is the disk and bulge of the galaxy. On the signs in the infrared range of the Irr galaxy, one can see how discs of dwarf galaxies, which have been installed to us from the small ones. This can be seen well in the ICh atlas of galaxies. Thus, the alleged classification of galaxies was carried out on the basis of signals in the infrared range, then the spinal and irregular galaxies were consumed in one group of disk galaxies.

    6.2.2 Correlation of the backward parameters of the spinal and irregular galaxies.

    The continuity of the transition from spiral galaxies to irregular is seen when looking at the global parameters near the last of galaxies, to be from spiral: Sa Sb Sc to irregular: Sd Sm Im. Use the parameters: masi, size, instead of any information about one class of galaxies. The same reliability of the May and photometric parameters of galaxies: the lightness and color. tic, mi, and did not get magical, because of the exact type of galaxy. Yak, having shown further information, the parameters of the growth of the zarya population in dwarf spirals and in irregular galaxies are approximately the same. More often than not, I am fond of, but offending the types of galaxies next to them, they are united under one name - disks.

    6.2.3 Vast forms of galaxies.

    Beastly to the vastness of the galaxies. The convergence of the forms of spinal galaxies is explained. When describing galaxies, on the basis of photometry, see the bulge and disk of the galaxy. Oscillations of the long and flat curves of the changing liquidities of the spinal galaxies can be explained in terms of the presence of significant masses of invisible matter, then the morphology of galaxies is often complemented by a long halo. Try to know the visible manifestation of such a halo was timid more than once. Moreover, in the fall in the visibility of the central thickening or bulge in irregular galaxies to produce before the photometric razrіza can be seen depriving the exponential disk of the warehouse of the galaxy without signs of the other warehouses.

    To determine the shapes of irregular galaxies on the Z axis, it is necessary to keep track of galaxies visible from the edge. The search of such galaxies for the LEDA catalog while selecting for the quickness of the wrapping, the change of the axes and the sizes, has grafted us to a list of dozens of galaxies, a large part of which have been removed on great cities. With a large surface photometry, it is possible to develop a low surface density and change its photometric characteristics. The low quality of the subsystem does not mean that malium is flowing into the life of the galaxy, some of the mass of such a subsystem can reach great through the great value of M / L.

    UGCB760, BTA. 1800s

    20 40 60 for RADIUS (arcsec)

    Position (PRCSEC)

    Small. 29: Rozpodil koloru (U - Z) vdovzh of the great axis of the galaxy N008760 and її izophoti to HE - 27A5

    In fig. 29 presented by us on the BTA results of surface photometry of irregular galaxy 11008760. The isophotes of the whole galaxy show that with wide photometric boundaries, the shape of the outer parts of the galaxy is close to an oval. In another way, the weak isophotes of the galaxies move along the great axis, but rather far beyond the main galaxy, you can see the bright glimpses and areas of greening.

    You can see the extended disk storage space beyond the boundaries of the main body of the galaxy. The handrail is presented in a circle from the center of the galaxy to the weakest isophotes.

    Photometric measurements have shown that the smut of a galaxy with a maximum color (Y-th) = 0.25, which is generally typical for irregular galaxies. Vimіryuvannya color of regions, distant from the main frame of the galaxy give the value (V - K) = 1.2. Such a result means that we are weak = 27.5 "" / P ") and long (3 times more, lower than the size of the main layer), the most important part of the galaxy is responsible for folding from the red photometric between the VTA.

    For such a result, it became sensible, that it was necessary to continue to detect nearby irregular galaxies, but it could be more accurately said about the bright warehouse and about the vastness of the form of the faint parts of galaxies.

    Small. 30: Metallic analysis of giant overgiant galaxies (M81) and dwarf galaxies (Holl). The position of the overgiant star is even more sensitive to the metal of the galaxy.

    6.2-4 Zoryany warehouse of galaxies.

    The star warehouse of spinal and irregular galaxies is absolutely the same. If only diagrams R - R are less important, it is unfortunate because of the type of galaxy. Singing inject to make a statistical effect, the giant galaxies populate yaskravish blakytny and chervony nadgiganti. However, the mass of the galaxy still manifests itself in the parameters of the stars, so that it can be enjoyed. In the tense galaxies, all the important elements that were established during the evolution of the stars are lost in the gaps of the galaxy, with metals in the middle. That is why all the advancing generation of stars in the strained galaxies may increase the metaliness. In fig. 30 shows the relative G - R diagrams of massive (M81) and dwarf (Holl) galaxies. One can clearly see the difference in the position of gillocks of chervony overgiants, which is an indicator of the quality of the metal. For the old dawn population - the gigantic worms - in the massive galaxies, it is more common for the large galaxies to appear in the great range of metal specimens 210], so that they can be identified on the width of the giant giants. In dwarf galaxies, there are higher giants (little $ 3) and little metal. The superficiality of giants is changing for the exponential law, which is shown by disk warehouses (Fig. 32). A similar behavior of the worm giants of the Bula was revealed by us in the IC1613 galaxy.

    Small. 32: Serpentine of the superficial gigantic giants near the F5 field of the ICIO galaxy. On the border of the disc, a fungus of gustini giants is visible, the yak falls behind the cordon of the disc not to zero. A similar effect is observed in the spinal galaxies of the Ministry of Health. The scale of the graph in chilines of the arc towards the center.

    Good results and all that has been said before about irregular galaxies, it is possible to allow more allowances, but even the oldest glimpses of the red giants and the extended periphery of galaxies, even more so, about the land of the worms around the giants in the world. For a while, the robots of Minit and his colleague were naked, but the stench knew the halo of red giants around two galaxies: WLM and NGC3109, but in the publishers they didn’t hear about such a year.

    For the purpose of determining the law of change in the surface area of ​​small-type children, including giants, the need for large bullets to guard against nearby galaxies,

    Small. 33: The change in the brightness of the stars in the galaxies BB0 187 and BB0190 from the center to the edge. Likewise, the red gigans did not reach their cordon that may continue beyond the borders of our sign. The scale of the graph in arc seconds. piled flat, like spasters at ICIO.

    Our caution on the 2.5th Nordic telescope of the galaxies DD0187 and DDO 190 confirmed that the number of irregular galaxies visible by plasmas was to prevent the exponential decline of the surface area of ​​worm giants to the edge of the galaxy center. Moreover, the increase in the structure of the red giants overwhelmed the size of the main body of the skin galaxy (Fig. 33). The edge of the halo / disk is located behind the CCD matrix boundaries. An exponential change in the power of giant bulbs is known in some of the largest irregular galaxies. Oskіlki all pre-sluggish galaxies lead the same rank, then we can say, as a fact about the establishment, about the exponential law of change in the power of the old, young population - the worm giants, which are about the disc warehouses. However, it is not necessary to dry the discs.

    The reality of the disks can be verified only from the guard of galaxies, as it is possible to bump the edges. Keeping such galaxies at bay for the visible manifestation of a massive halo was carried out several times during the development of various devices in other regions of the spectrum. Repeatedly naked about the appearance of such a halo. The front butt of the folding staff is quilted in publications. The decile of the neighboring pre-epochs was voiced about the appearance of such a halo near N005007. While watching on a high-power telescope with a total view of 24 years (!), They sent a message about the visible halo of the galactic center.

    Among the nearby irregular galaxies, visible from the edge, I respect the dwarf at Pegasi, multiple times. The caution at BTA of a few fields allowed us to increase our quilting at the new age of the spirits of young adults, such as the great and the little axes. The results are shown in Fig. 34,35 In other words, the shape of the rosette along the b-axis is close to an oval or an ellipse. As a matter of fact, the halo is not smudged, but it is stacked up from the red giants.

    Small. 34: Cordoni of the Pegasus Dwarf galaxy based on the creation of the giants of hearts. BTA signs are indicated.

    AGB blue stars Q PRO

    PegDw w "(Z joco * 0 0 oooooooooo

    200 400 600 majoraxis

    Small. 35: Rose of the surface gusset of the young types of the great axis of the Pegasus Dwarf galaxy. The boundary of the disc can be seen, and the decline in the size of the worm giants can be seen. about 1

    Our given results are scrutinized on the photometry of the NZT signs, which we have received from the archive of free access. The hustle of the natives on the NCT of galaxies, which were allowed on the red gantry and visible on the edge, gave us close to two dozen candidates for vivchennya. It's a pity that the lack of space for NZT for us was one of the goals of our robots - quilting the parameters of the rosette.

    The production of a standard photometric processing of the boule was prompted by the P - P diagrams of galaxies and a different type of star was seen. Їх doslіdzhennya showed:

    1) In galaxies visible by plasmas, the decrease in the surface density of worm giants follows the exponential law (Fig. 36).

    - | -1-1-1-E-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1--<тГ

    PGC39032 / w "".

    15 red giants Z w

    Small. 36: The exponential change in the density of giant hearts in the dwarf galaxy PCC39032 from center to edge based on NRT

    2) At the same galaxy, apparently from the ribs, there is no longer a prolonged, along the axis 2, halo of red giants (Fig. 37).

    3) The shape of the rose-colored giants along the b-axis can be seen in the shape of an oval or an ellipse (Fig. 38).

    The strongness of vibration and the same stability of the same results in the shape of the growth of giants in all pre-existing galaxies, it is possible to increase the number of galaxies. It is possible, for example, in galaxies to interconnect, from the outward rule.

    It means that the middle of the pre-existing galaxies will be like irregular, and spinal galaxies, like giant ones. We have not revealed any suttas of wisdom between them in the laws of the rise of hearts of giants along axis 2, behind the vinyat of the gradation of the decline of giants.

    6.3.2 Spacious rosette.

    You can see on the P-R diagrams of different types, we can base them on the sign of the galaxy, or calculate the parameters of the wide open space by the size of the galaxy.

    At home, when the population of irregular galaxies is younger, the population of irregular galaxies is grown at the galuzees of the development, which are randomly spread around the galaxy. However, the chaotic nature is visible at once, as a result of the glimpse of the galaxy's radius to the surface of the surface of the young adults. The graphs in Fig. 33 it can be seen that on the zagalny, close to the exponential, there are a lot of fluctuations, connected with the surrounding areas of greening.

    For the older population - the age of the advanced asymptotically large group of giants, the growth is the smallest degree of decline in scholarship. The first city of the old town is chervony giganti. It will be very useful to convert the fallowness for a certain population - the horizon of the horizontal head, protest in quiet galaxies, even if there is a lack of numbers for statistical reports. Clearly visible is the depth of the sky and the parameters of the spaciousness of the space. Vazhko before

    Small. 37: Decrease in strength of gigantic hearts along axis 2 in some galaxies visible from the edges

    Small. 38: On the image, apparently from the edge of the dwarf galaxy, the position of the known gigantic hearts is indicated. The original view of the rose is an oval of chi elips to put, as such an effect can be reconverted in spared ones. However, only the model of the evolution of the galactic disk can be helpful in regening some hypotheses.

    6.3.3 Structure of irregular galaxies.

    It’s possible to take the next rank in the future of the irregular galaxy in the last distributions: I’ll extend the star system in all coordinates. The form of їх rospodіlu is a good disc, which is less exponential for the surface area of ​​giants from the center to the edge. The size of the disc is the same throughout the entire length. Younger zirkovy systems and deposits from the whole disk of their pidsystem. Chim is younger than the population of Zirkova, tim is thinner є the disk that I’ll fix. I would like to find the younger population, blaky nadganty, the growth outside the chaotic regions of the improvement, the zeal and the order of the gallant regularity. The contributions of the subsystem are not unique to one thing, to the point. in the areas of recreation there may be old chervoni giganti. For the dwarf galaxies themselves, de one region of green space occupies the entire galaxy, and the scheme is clever, but it is not obvious that the discs of the young and the old are growing out of such galaxies.

    Just for the sake of completing it, I will look at the structure of irregular galaxies and radio frequency, then it will appear that the entire star system is buried into a disk or a gloom of neutral water. The size of the disk from HI, as the price of the statistics of 171 galaxies, is approximately 5-6 times more, below the visible size of the galaxy at Ів = 25 "*.

    The size of both disks in the ICIO galaxy is approximately equal. For a galaxy in Pegasus, the watery disk is smaller than the size of the disk from the red giants. And the galaxy NGC4449, which has one of the longest watery disks, is unlikely to have the same extended disk of the wormy giants. how can we be guarded by our guards. We have already guessed about the appearance of the halo. Having rendered the images deprived of a part of the galaxy, the stench took the size of the disk along the axis for a manifestation of a halo;

    We didn’t have giant galaxies poking around in their pre-sluggish galaxies, but if we looked at the structure of our Galaxy, then for her already a clear understanding of the "tovsty disk" for the metal-poor old population. Well, up to the term "gala", win stasis, how to be built, to spherical, ale s integration of systems, I want more terminology.

    6.3.4 Cordoni of galaxies.

    The food for the cordons of galaxies has not been left to a sufficient extent. Protect our results can be added to your solution. Zvychay to get involved, how the zorya is on the edges of galaxies step by step go to zero, and between galaxies, as such is simply not a thing. We imaged the behavior of the found subsystem, so that it could be stored from the worm giants, up to the Z axis. 37). Tobto. The galaxy along the Z axis can be quickly turned by the edge, and the inhabitants of the population can be very close, and not step by step.

    It is easy to follow the behavior of the zyrnaya schilnosti vdovzh to the radius of the galaxy there, to see. For galaxies visible from the edge, the size of the disk will be different. In the galaxy in Pegasus, the great axis can be seen as a drop in the number of giant giants nanovets (Fig. 36). Tobto. the galaxy is small and narrow between the disk, behind which there are practically no red giants. Galaxy J10, at the first close, is carried out like this. The abundance of children is changing, and the number of stars in the center of the galaxy is more likely to decrease (Fig. 33). However, the change doesn’t change to zero. Likewise, the red gigantic scent and the pose with the radius of the stribe of their scholarship, but behind the whole boundary stench there may be a vast expanse of space, below that, which stench is mali nearer to the center. Quite simply, in the spinal galaxy of the Ministry of Health, the red blood cells are similar. Tobto. The exponential decline of the degree, the fungus and the continuation beyond the radius of the whole fungus. The boolean behavior is tied to the galaxy's mass (ICIO is the most irregular galaxy, the Magellanic horrors, in the Macedonian group), but a small galaxy was known with this very nature of the behavior of worm giants (Fig. 37). Invisible parameters of red giants beyond the boundaries of the radius of the fungus, why does the stench come from behind the wick and metal? What type of spacious growth of distant stars? It's a pity that we can't be connected to the power supply for the current year. Required for reading on great telescopes with a wide field.

    How great is the statistics of our reports, why talk about the appearance of our disks in different types of galaxies, how about the wider world? In all galaxies, as far as possible to reach the perfect images, we have seen extended structures

    After the archives of the NZT, we knew the images of 16 galaxies, visible from the edges or flat, and allowed on the gigantic ruble. The galaxies have been rocked on display in 2-5 Men. Їx list: N002976, VB053, 000165, K52, K73, 000190, 000187, iOSA438, P00481 1 1, P0C39032, POC9962, N002366,2008

    The exponential fall of power for galaxies is flat, that kind of rose-colored giants near galaxies, visible from the edge, lead to the fact that all of them in the first place show their disks.

    6.4 Disks from gigantic worms There are a lot of irregular galaxies.

    Radio surveillance in H1 of spinal and dwarf galaxies showed little visibility in the behavior of the curves of the wrapping of galaxies. For both types of galaxies for clarification

    The shape of the curves requires the presence of significant masses of invisible matter. Where can the extended disks, which we know from all irregular galaxies, are that shukanic invisible mother? The masses of the red giants themselves, which are spostering in the disks, are, obviously, a disadvantage. The victorious ones of ours with the guardianship of the galaxy 1C1613, we set the parameters of the drop in the size of the giants to the brim and counted the number and weight of the whole galaxy. Viyavilosya, scho Mred / Lgal = 0.16. Tobto. The cloud of the stars of the giant giants of the trochus of the entire galaxy. However, the memory of the stage, the stage of the gigant of hearts, is sometimes a poor stage in the life of the star. That should make the sutta amendments to the mass of the disc, there are only a few of the few large children and quiet stars, as they have already passed the stage of the red giant. Bulo b tsikavo, on the basis of even wider foreshortenings of nearby galaxies, convert the population of subgiants and carry out the calculation of their contribution to the back wall of the galaxy, on the right.


    Additional robotic bags, updated again on the basis of the main results.

    On the 6th telescope, there are large numbers of large signs of close to 100 galaxies, which are allowed to be seen. Created by archiv danikh. Up to the cich of galaxies, a dawn population can sprawl, and in front of the winter stars of high quality, the LBV type. In pre-existing galaxies, the colors are very visible. Seen gipergiganti and overgiant most luminosity.

    Otriman is a great one-sided array of data from the visualization of space for all galaxies in the private sky with a speed of less than 500 km / s. The results, recognized as a special candidate, are even more significant than the average tribute. Otrimanie vimіryuvannya vіdstavly allow to carry out the analysis of non-Hubble rucks of galaxies of the Mission complex, which interconnects the vibrational models of the establishment of the Mission "glare" of galaxies.

    A warehouse and a spacious structure of the closest groups of galaxies in the private sky is designated at the premises of the first galaxies. The results will allow you to carry out statistical correlated parameters in the groups of galaxies.

    A further increase in the number of galaxies was carried out near the purchase of galaxies from Divi. Known for a few, sometimes close, galaxies, roztasvannyh between the purchases and the Misce group. The galaxies have been designated and seen to be located in the most purchased and distributed parts of the periphery and in the center of the purchase.

    It was assigned to go up to the purchase at Divi, as it went at a rate of 17.0 Mpc and Veronica's hair, so the road was 90 Mpc. On the basis of the calculated post-Hubble, Rivna Yao = 77 ± 7 km / s / Mpc.

    On the display of the photometry of the BTA and HST signals, there are the brightest stars in 10 galaxies of the N001023 group, which lie at 10 Mpc. It is assigned to galaxies, and it is calculated according to the Hubble in a straight line. Broken visnovok about maliy gradієnt shvidkostі mіzh Missevoy group and group NGC1023, as possible

    121 explain the relatively small mass of galaxies purchased from Divi, depending on the size of galaxies.

    At the beginning of the day, there are even large springs of red giants in galaxies of different types of galaxies that are long discs from old adults. The size of such disks is 2-3 times larger than the size of the visible part of the galaxy. It is known that there are very few stars behind the boundaries of these discs.

    Unimportant on the scale of the journey to the galaxies of the private sky, on Maybut the food was no less, not less than the cob. Along with the nutritional value, some at a time, especially, at the link with the robot of space telescopes, there was a possibility of robotic action, as we can change our announcement about the near space. There is a tendency for the warehouse, if the kinematics of nearby groups of galaxies is to occur, to those intensively initiated by the TKV method.

    The periphery of the galaxies is tucked into a dedal of great respect, especially through the hums of the dark matter and the history of the illumination and evolution of galaxies. Miraculously, how the 2002 rock at the Lovell Observatory will be carried out by the first Zusill around the periphery of the galaxies.


    For those years, when the robot was seen by those presented by my dissertations, a lot of people who gave me help in the robot. I’m awesome for a tsyu pidtrimka.

    Ale me, it’s especially good to see someone I’m going to help you see all the time. Without all the quality of the short work Galina, the robot over the dissertation would be delayed on a new term. The preoccupation and the quickness of the victorious robots, which are manifested in Galazutdinova Olga, allowed me to complete a short term and reject the results for a great number of objects from Diva and N001023. Drozdovskiy Igor, with his small service programs, has given us great help for photographing tens of thousands of stars.

    I am in the hands of the Russian Fund for Fundamental Doslidzhen, whose grants I have received (95-02-05781, 97-02-17163,00-02-16584), for the financial support of eight years, which allowed me to spend more efficiently the presenter.

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