Bagatoric vines for the garden: see, plant and look. Lianas for the garden: a beautiful decoration for any garden or garden plot (20 photos) Invisible lianas for the garden

Bagatoric vines for the garden: see, plant and look. Lianas for the garden: a beautiful decoration for any garden or garden plot (20 photos) Invisible lianas for the garden

It is important to understand that, especially among slaughterers, it is important to remember that curly shoots and vines are not suitable for home cultivation, so their very presence in the veins should be carried out before welding and disassembling until separation). However, experts from the energy sector of indoor apartments are of the same opinion in the Duma that curly house plants do not take away the negative energy from the premises and from the scumbags, acting as a kind of energy sucker. We need to give them more of what we don’t need—negative emotions and experiences. Therefore, be sure that the indoor curly growths will immediately add beauty and tranquility to your little room, creating a beautiful waterfall from the wonderful leaves and flowers, varied in form and infusion!

About the different types of curly indoor shoots and flowers, as well as about the peculiarities of growth and care for them, read in our article.

Curly growths and vines for the home

Curly or ampelni rosliny- these are ornamental crops that sway long and little stems, behind which they climb up the mountain or spread along the surface.

Most often, curly shoots are hung near the hanging vase and cats, and special supports for the frames are installed for them.

Before we speak!"Ampel" translated from German - this is a hanging vase.

Curly plants fit perfectly into and complement different interiors, decorate walls and breathe life into empty spaces. The stinks, like any other plants, are simply created for vertical gardening.

What is difficult for the eye, then most of the curly indoor shoots are invisible to the eye, although begonia It’s definitely not possible to bring it to that level.

In the sun, curly buds grow both in the sun and in bright light. Ale roslins with white flowers or rice on the leaves have more volume sleepy place, Greens can grow safely in the soil.

Video: curly and ampelous home grown hairstyles

The most popular indoor curly vines: name the vines and vines with photos and descriptions

Of particular interest to hoarded knitnikars-amators is liani. The vines, as they grow, entwining themselves around other growths, begin to be seen in a group around them.

Begonia is ampelous

Pots with hanging begonia are ideal for decorating any vertical structures, as well as balconies and windows.

This type of begonia has a seasonal flowering season - from spring to late autumn. As you, of course, see them in a dreamy place with a rosy light.

The dimensions of the frames from the miraculous cascades of flowers can reach almost 30-40 centimeters.

Dipladenia (Mandevilla)

This is a very beautiful ampelous curly growth (liana), which deserves a serious look.

Leaf shapes can vary widely among different species.

The flowers are seeded by the linden worm. There are large, light-like flowers (they can be red, erysipelas, white).

Video: Dipladenia - the queen of indoor vines

Ipomoea room

The flowers of the plant are beautiful and flowering: solitary, light-like, with the same pale-blaky or beech-like fermentation. The leaves of the flowers look no less miraculous.

Ipomoea is able to survive in the eyes: do not tolerate traction, smoke or dry wind. It will also require good lighting.

Campanula (room doorbell)

This card is also sometimes called “Names and Named”, because there are 2 types of cards - white and black.

In order for the color of this indoor curly growth to be as clear as possible, you need a lot of sunny light and regular clear watering.

Dovzhina spans that spread or hang up to 20-30 centimeters.

Scindapsus (Epipremnum)

One of the most rapidly growing and shade-loving vines, it can live practically for any temperature minds. For 1 rik you can add 1.5 meters of growth.

Hang the scindapsus from the yakmog potter close to the ceiling, and it will take you a very long time to reach the frame.

The beauty of leafy leaves is incredible: the leaves have a heart-shaped shape, are bright and can be bright green and pockmarked with ripples.

If you want the scindapsus to grow well, you need to regularly trim the ends of its legs.

Video: features of the look and growth of the non-vibrating home vine scindapsus


A spectacular liana with sharpened heart-shaped leaves. To enhance the decorative effect, it is necessary to apply support. Not to love the bright sun and the light shade. Watering may be clear, even if you love the advanced region. It can be considered as a hydroponic culture.

To give the syngonium a more bushy shape, it is also recommended to pinch the stems.

Video: invisible room Liana syngonium


Another fast-growing and unshakable indoor curly growth.

There are a number of varieties of Tradescantia with various barbarities leaves

Gives advantage to well-lit areas. It is possible to grow in the water, and there is a high level of fertilization, and the leaves may begin to die.

Requires frequent watering and takes well to drying.

If you guess correctly, Tradescantia will pamper you with cute little flowers.

Hedera (ivy)

It’s easy to watch, but the pockmarked variety is more light-loving.

Love regular brushing in low air humidity, so you can adapt and grow miraculously in dry wind.

Hederu It should be placed on a support where it can be seen behind the suction cups, or even hangs from a cat or a hanging planter.

Cissus (room birch tree)

Like the original garden grapes, they have special berries, for the help of which they drip on the supports.

The indoor birch grows at a high rate of growth (even growing) and shade.

As soon as I look at it, in the spring, the influx of love will be watered and sprinkled.

Ficus possum (dwarf, ampelous)

For the ficus, it will be simply miraculous if you create in your little house (potter) a special support for the stems, which will grow like a pyramid.

An important advantage is the fact that this indoor curly plant can grow in the soil.

Ficus responds well to watering, especially in the spring and spring, and in the spring it loves to be sprinkled.

Philodendron climbing

Place on very long-lasting and long-lasting vines.

It can grow far away from the sunshine, under daylight lamps.

It has amazingly decorative leaves, either heart-shaped or simply slightly drawn, with green and purple shades.

Hoya (wax ivy)

This liana is one of the most popular curly indoor plants.

It is already smelly and thin, white, erysipelas and with yellow tickets, that the parasols are hovering.

Love growth for good lighting. In the warm season, watering is required, and winter watering is required.

Important! During the period of active flowering, the curly indoor vine cannot be touched or rearranged.


This curly home-grown growth is even more intense, but it can be left to dry until it becomes soggy (it should be sprinkled regularly), and do not tolerate dryness.

The leaves of these ampelous colors are of absolutely different shapes.

The colors are fabulous.

Video: indoor vines for home cultivation

Decorative hanging flowers and lianas create unforgettable admiration for their bright and welcoming appearance. Those who believe in their negative influence on people are hopeless. Charge yourself with positivity, don’t overwhelm yourself with trivial problems, and also bring success to those on the right - the axis of recognition of these is one of the most valuable indoor growths.

Video: top 10 most beautiful curly indoor plants - names of photos

Liani is one of the species with small thin stems native to tropical forests. In natural minds, the stench grows high, until the light of the sun, dripping over the storms and the hills of the land's algae. In indoor showers, Liana species of sprouts are used as special supports and ties.

Room vines

In indoor rooms, vines can decorate walls and vertical surfaces. There are flowering and non-flowering vines, accents can be found either on flowers or on decorative sheets, large and small sizes. All types of indoor vines will require support. The fruit of lianas has 50-100 flesh, the shape of which is cylindrical or egg-shaped, rounded, with a diameter of 3-6 mm, and a depth of 5-10 mm.

Do you know? There are no growths in the world taller than tropical vines. Therefore, the vines need to overtake the growing tree-lord, from the crown of which the stench is taken. There are intermediate supports on the trees, and stinks are drawn along them sometimes for hundreds of meters.

Photo and name

The widest are the flowering and non-vibrating indoor vines. Among the listless names of indoor vines, the most popular vines can be called cissus (birch), scindapsus, and ivy.

In one version, it is important that the name of this indoor vine resembles the word “monster” through the heavily cut leaves and roots that hang like the first mandrels that grew in the tropics, squeezed monster legs. It is often called a “crybaby” due to the chimeric forms of its root.

Monstera often grows on the tops of trees, where birds carry them. When the roots are washed, they reach the ground and take root. Natural brains have a reach of tens of meters, while domestic ones have a reach of 5-6.

It grows larger, reaching up to 0.5 m with sinewy dark green leaves on long live bait. Column, heart-shaped leaves over time swell into pinnate forms with slits.

For natural minds, the weather can always be predicted by the weather forecasters - special organs built on everyday life. Water can be seen on them at the bottom with a raised layer of water. Slots on the sheet ensure the passage of flows through tropical boards and prevent them from tearing.

Cream of the main stem, the monstera has well-developed supplements. The stench, in essence, is to the exposed roots, which gives the growth of additional soil and food to serve as additional supports. They grow from the nodes of the main stem and grow directly until they take root there.
Originally from Pentecostal and Central America, descending from the Aroid family. Of the 30 known species in the household minds, there are such as monstera spit and lopsided, monstera prodirovlen (Adanson), monstera charming (delicacy). For all these species, it is important to have a bright place and space.

The entire tree grows on the 4th-5th river of its life and has a diameter of up to 3 meters, close to the walls of its natural roots. However, this will require additional support and support.

Colors are rare in household minds. Flowers are small, which is a flower-cob with a white-green hood. After flowering, a fruit-cob with a sour taste and the smell of pineapple is created.

The fruits of the delicacy of our father's land survive in our hedgehogs.

Room apartment- Liana, one of 25 species of the family Aroidae from Pridenaya Asia. Due to its similarity to ivy, the name was taken away from the Greek word skindapsus.
Like the monstera, it also has a fibrous underground root system, and also an additional aerated root.

The minds of the room also grow well, undisturbed. There are oval, alternately spread on the stem, varying stringiness and shades of green veiny leaves. May not bloom at all.

It can grow in both dark and light rooms. People rejected this curly hair because of its visual similarity - “grapes” and “ivy”. In fact, with little bunnies with ears, the crown from a hanging pot or on a stand forms a beautifully shaped one. Go to the Vinogradny family.

The leaves are simply oval or dissected, rarely in color in indoor plants. The fruits of the cissus are different, collected in incorrect parasols.

Most often, the antarctic ciscus and the rhombolist ciscus - shades - and the temperature of the plant grow in indoor waters. Winterize the building by lowering the temperature to minus 10 degrees, and transfer the inlet to a cool and dry air.

One of the largest canopies of the Aroidae family, which includes up to 900 names. The name, translated from Greek, sounds like “I love a tree” and reflects the essence of the sprouting of this liana. It grows in tropical forests, occurs in swamps, on river birches, and in the lower belts of mountains. The roots and suckers are damaged. It appears in living forms depending on the place of residence.

Like other liana species, it is a fruitful plant. The actions of its primary forms can be on the surface, like trees to climb. From them the secondary form takes root.

Natural wisdom presents the main characteristics of liana shoots: underground and aerial root systems, shoots and suckers. Philodendron develops two types of leaves: a luscious bud, in the axils of which the buds develop (photo), and then initially, on a long petiole, in the middle of which the buds of flowers develop.

Do you know? The record for the middle of liana growths is held by rattan palms. Found from rattan palm lianas - the most beautiful calamus. The length of this stem travels 300 meters.

Everything ends up in the head flows, which will end in the world. We still don’t know if the stars are growing like this.

The luscious leaves are also called catafyls - meaning they are green and firm during the period of drying of the leaves on the stem. Then, when a leaf is formed, the catafiles fall off, leaving marks on the stem.

The leaves are on the petiole with pine needles. The leaves of all types reach up to 2 meters of the plant. Depending on the leaf shape, this plant can be oval, arrow-shaped, or other shapes, whole or dissected, or even double. The rose garden has heart-shaped leaves.

Another important fact is that leaves of different shapes appear on the same plant.
In mature plants, as a result of morphogenesis, leaves of different shapes and sizes are formed.

The flowers are also richly compatible with other types of lianas - this is the flower-cob that creates the flower-cob. The cob is similar to waxy because of the thickness of the buds, which self-piping.

Another representative of the Liana family is syngonium. The stems of young plants undergo photosynthesis and grow in width from several millimeters in early growth to 6 cm during the period of their maximum development. With age, the outer epidermis has a slight tendency to crack, reducing the flexibility of the stem. The species appear sharpened by the waxy coating of the stem.

Signonium has two types of roots - vigilant and scototropic.

The leaves of syngonium are cut into pieces. The lower part is completely smooth. On the top leaf there is only a visible late vein; the side veins do not reach the edge of the leaf. The similar nature of the veining is characteristic of the leaves of Syngonium.

The light-swings loom small between the cells.

Flowering indoor vines impress with their beauty. The richness of the farb, the waxiness of the figures of the butternut pellets, the aroma attracts and screams of burying. One of these cards is. - Among the Lianas from the Lastivnev family - they grow evergreen. It has oval, leathery, egg-shaped leaves. The flower is axillary, with a rounded fleshy crown with five members. Kvits are collected in the parasol.

It grows both in warm and in cold rooms, and remains undisturbed until today.

Another name - Madagascan jasmine chi marsdeniya. View walnuts"stephanos" - crown and "otos" - ear, related to the Lastivnevich family. The name was given by the shape of the flower, which suggests a crown with beads curled like a flower. In households with 16 species, only Stephanotis floribunda grows, which is also a flowering indoor liana.

In room washes, the quota is 5 meters long. The leaves of this plant are oval with a pointed top, skinny, whole-edged, dark green, 7-9 cm long, and 4-5 cm wide. The flowers of the room wax-like plant, similar to a watering can, up to 4 cm in diameter, are fragrant. The flowers come in white or cream colors. Natural minds favor flowers in both yellow and light lilac colors. The stench creates a bunch of flowers, which contains up to 7 flowers.

Mandevilla (dipladenia)

It is the most attractive from flowering house vines, but also vibrate. At home, it reaches up to 4 meters long, has skinny, shiny, dark green oval shapes with sharp spots at the top of the leaves.

They are shaped like a curly vine and like a bush. Most of the flowers, which come in white, crimson, red or rye color, serve as decoration. Each patch of skin contains five pellets. On one plant, up to 80 flowers can bloom at once and not wither for 10 days. The flowering period is from spring to autumn.

The most popular beauty tips for homeowners are:

  • mandevila bliskuka;
  • mandevila Sandera;
  • mandevil fluff;
  • mandevila bolivyska;
  • mandevila chudova.
Warmth, fresh air and brightening are the main reasons for looking after these trees.

Mandevil cannot tolerate low temperatures. To quickly renew the root and shape the crown, pruning is absolutely necessary.

Important!Sik mandevilly otruiny!

When watching, you need to put on your gloves and keep children and animals away.


Liana from the Acanthus family. It reaches 1.5 meters in a room. The leaves are heart-shaped at the base, up to 7 centimeters long. It is one of the plants of the Aroidae family. It may be either in the form of a tabernacle or a vine or

The garden is decorated with flower beds, rockeries, flower beds and flowering vines. The rest are considered one of the most widespread methods of landscaping vertical spores, the walls of gardens and gardens. The vines cover the surface with a thick, bright green kilim, sprinkled with kvitami.

Make the most unostentatious little building with peeling walls look like a luxurious mansion. Flowering vines stand out in landscape design not only through their decorative properties, but also through the inflexibility of the growths. For the head that needs to be made, it is necessary to select the correct vine and choose a supporting support.

See the bushy vines

It is necessary to wrap the supports lightly and tightly around the supports. Due to this diversity, it is necessary to select those that are suitable for a particular region. Also carefully consider the characteristics of the plot and soil mixing. These criteria themselves are determined during the selection process.

You can see the following types of bushy vines for landscaping vertical supports:

  • . Bagatoric growth, as it is designed to entwine any wall in a short term. On the river it grows to several meters. Wild grapes are valued for the invisibility and miraculous beauty of the leaves. It looks especially impressive in the spring - the leaves bloom with a golden-purple hue. The liana is growing very quickly, so its growth needs to be trimmed. Otherwise, the goiter connects the entire body at once with the gut, which is undesirable for a positive design. The variety of vines is large, take care when choosing a plant.
  • . Another bagatornik to quiet the thick greenery. There are practically no flowers on the beri, the growth is valued for leaves and the ability to easily wrap around any supports. Suvori is unlikely to survive the winter without protection; it may suffer from heat. Without any respect, the ivy is carried up to the insignificant growths. It is growing fast, the growth of ivy needs to be controlled. Otherwise, you will get to know the whole lot. Roslina is well suited for middle-smooth and wetland areas. Winter in Siberia often freezes. If you want to know the varieties of ivy for your region.
  • . Bagatoric growth, non-vibrating. The hops not only beautifully wrap around the vertical supports, but also like a medicinal weed. However, it has one shortcoming - it is already growing rapidly, and is now spreading throughout the entire estate. It is very difficult to get through this wide area. Respect this fact if you want to drink up your juices. Roslina twinkles around any support, greenery adorns light green pine cones.
  • Climbing Trojan. The bagatoric flowering liana looks lush, the small flowers, about the size of a third, are densely sprinkled with green lime of greenery. Call the climbing trojan to visage the task from the entrance groups. Roslina effectively wraps the arc. Trojan is more capable of understanding and understanding the soil. It’s bad for you to endure winter; that tree needs to be covered with non-woven material and thyrso. Install a wooden screen on top. Since the climbing plant grows in wetlands, it does not require shelter.
  • . This bagatorik is affected by flowering flowers. Its scent is guessed at the end, the stench is collected in a bunch and effectively hangs on the aphids of the succulent greens. Color range of colors and patterns. It is necessary to choose a specific variety. Roslina is not vibrating, but will require respect when planting. It is important to get accustomed to a new place. It is good to endure the winter, but then it will take a long time to come to you. Flowers bloom throughout the summer season. You can feel it in any region. In Siberia, Kampsis is covered for the winter.
  • . Bagatoric growth is filled with miraculous greenery and bright orange berries. The fruits decorate the vine already in winter. The stinks look impressive on the aphids of the white snow, which is wrapped in the unattractive leaves of the weeds. Actinidia is a non-vibrating vine, so it is good to endure the winter. The main point for the eye is clear watering. As long as the brain has been completely drained, actinidia is better able to endure the harsh winter.
  • . Powdery rich growth, which is widespread in Japan and China. The flowers of wisteria are so luxurious that the plants grow special gardens, where the skin can be treated with cherries. The flowers hang in crowns and create a fresh little piece of paradise with a fragrant aroma. Wisteria is pleasant and can be felt well in a dormouse area with fertile and light soil. You can't stand the moisture of it. For the winter, they should be removed from the supports and covered with non-woven material. The length of the vine is large, so take care when planting and choosing a support.

  • . There are several varieties and types of clematis. For vertical gardening, choose curly varieties. With the help of the branches, the sprout drips onto the support and gradually wraps around it. Clematis is often used for landscaping verandas, gazebos and trellises. Roslina flowers are filled with large quantities of different barley - violet, white or blanc. Several varieties of vines are distinguished by a wonderful aroma of flowers, which can be heard throughout the whole village. Clematis are inflexible, but are best felt on the sleepy side. They grow successfully in the lower regions where they grow in the winter.
  • . There are also bushy honeysuckle and curly types of these plants. The stench envelops the support as quickly as possible. Honeysuckle tolerates winter well and provides protection for the first two years. In the spring, the growth will be thinned out, and dying pastures will appear. Several varieties of honeysuckle produce fragrant flowers. Its scented veil becomes more intense until the evening.

These are the widest and most inflexible heights. The stinks beautifully wrap around the walls of booths, parks, arches and pergolas. First of all, work on choosing, and then take into account the peculiarities of the growths - rich and similar. Let's take a look at the skin's appearance and its significance in the garden.

All types of lianas vary from wild flowers to wild plants. However, the stench is terrible to endure in winter and freezes more often. That's why they grow like yearlings. When choosing flowering vines, be sure to respect your energy and mind. So, for example, wisteria cannot be grown in the Urals. Consider the characteristics of the plant.

Flowering vines can be propagated by plants, etc. Everything should be left in plain sight. So, for example, flowering plants are more often propagated by plants, and rich plants are more often propagated by green baitfish and shoots.

When planting seed material, take care of the specific lianas and ensure proper soil dryness.

If you want more rich lianas, the storage of land is of no importance. For climbing plants, it is better to select fertile soil, which will be fluffy and permeable.

Some vines can be planted in the spring, and some before winter. Learn the nuances of reproducing flowering plants first.

Features of landing:

  • Perhaps all types of flowering vines give advantage to the sunny places, protected from the winds. The culprit is just young grapes, which can grow both on the soil and on the soil side. Other species produce rich light and rich soil.
  • To plant gardens, choose free-standing plots so that the vines do not choke out other decorative plants.
  • Stand between the sajants and lie down in sight of the vines. Wild grapes or wisteria are planted with water at 50 to 100 degrees. The same cultures are very strong, and you can get up to 30 days from them.
  • I would like to give special respect to the climbing Trojans. Love the warmth and sleepy place. We can reach the ground. Add humus to the soil and mix everything well. On poor lands, the Trojan will not bloom, the greenery will fall off and die out.

Before planting bushy vines, be sure to carefully consider the growth and characteristics of the plant. Regardless of inconsistency, they have one thing in common: actions are possible until the day and morning.

The curly growths are easy to see. Prote is the nuances of many types. Actinidia is used for watering the plant. The climbing trojan needs to be fertilized with mineral nutrients tricha during the growing season. Warm-loving vines must be covered with spruce branches, thyrso or non-woven material for the winter. All types of images may appear after coloring and before. Unnecessary beams are removed, growth is regulated by cutting off the upper beams. If you don’t keep an eye on the growing bushes, the stench will grow throughout the entire property and it will be even more difficult to remove them. Hops and clematis are especially valuable.

In other vines, special actions are not required. Give the head a support immediately. Do not hesitate before planting the sajants, but not after. The material of the supports is selected carefully according to the vines. The grapes produce tight spores, which is why the vine is even more significant. Ensure this aspect first.

When choosing a tree, you need to take into account both the particularity of the tree and its external appearance.

Massive needles will not appear on a small pergola or trellis. Such bushes grow along the green walls of budynkas, large verandas, gazebos and parks made of stone. Tapestries and small structures can be better decorated with the help of similar ones. The stench is lighter, it’s easier to keep an eye on it and straighten it out.

Gardeners are encouraged not to waste their selection on the damp vines. They require careful, careful attention, which is not very easy. Most people prefer to plant a sprout and forget about it for the whole season. It is possible that all lianas exhibit such benefits, due to the blame of new species in June.

If you wanted to grow grapes as a decorative vertical element, do not let them grow and climb into your garden. Gilks ​​will gradually collapse over time and penetrate into the middle of the area. This happened more than once. Therefore, it is important to limit the growth of the grapes and not allow them to entwine more than they should.

First, lower the bushy vine, and stand with the support that is wrapped around it. It’s a good time to get to this activity. This unreliable support can bend or collapse under the growth of the trees. The choice of material for the vertical structure is important. It is worth remembering that the tree is not durable and quickly rots under the influx of excess liquid. Therefore, the material is treated with antiseptics and coated with tarpaulin.

For important vines, the following types of supports are most often chosen:

  • Pergolas are a sporade with an arch that is made up of several arc-like sections, which are connected to each other by transverse beams. The material used is metal, wood or stone.
  • Figured contours of great dimensions - the design is made of steel vines in the appearance of different figures.
  • Tripods or bashti - the structure is made of metal or wood. Call them into order from the entrance groups to the garden.
  • Trellis - this type of support is better than using steel or wood. Often, a trellis is installed next to the walls of a booth or veranda so that the tree grows along the support and not along the wall. We will protect the ruined walls from the constant pressure of the vines.
  • Arches - they are made from metal, sometimes from wood. Both important vines and lungs can be lowered onto the arch.

It is important to choose a support depending on the type of vine. Make sure to place the smut in such a way that it is not blown away by the wind. As everything is cut up correctly, the peculiarities of the growth are taken into account, the liana quickly wraps the vertical and is pleasing to the gardener luxurious colors and edible greenery!

More information can be found in the video:
