Description of chlorophytum flower. Room rooms: chlorophytum capsicum

Description of chlorophytum flower. Room rooms: chlorophytum capsicum

Chlorophytum- one of the most valuable, most exciting and, at the same time, most attractive room growths, who were still procrastinating in our grandmothers’ lives.

Luscious wisps of bright green linear leaves, falling in a waterfall of flowering flowers, decorated with small rosettes, which can be miraculously felt in the air, perhaps visible to the skin, who have always been at home kvitami.

The love of love, tenacity, and richness quickly create great thick bushes, which are also well known to lovers of plants, for which they value green fluff.

DOVIDKA: The name Chlorophytum, which is the name of many representatives of the flora, was created in walnuts: "chloros" - greenery and "phyton" - growth. It is impossible not to notice that it ideally characterizes the current appearance of the growth.


And not everyone knows about those that show differences, different from each other like Chlorophytum. The time has come to correct the confusion and talk a little about the varieties of Chlorophytum.

Let's take a look at the report on the variety of Chlorophytum with photos:

  • - the most widespread species of domestic animals, the fluffy one built to live in deep shade, to endure flooding, dry land, baking and cold, whole river I'm losing decorative. Its narrow leaves, characteristic of a representative of the Asparagus family, are bent in an arch and reach up to sixty centimeters.

    The smells are collected in large sockets, so during the period of active growth they appear for a long time, which can grow up to a meter in an hour.

    The small white flowers look unostentatious and rarely hatch, but the flower plants carry the function of not only stately, but also non-stately reproduction, sprouting densely with small rosette children.

    Since such a rosette touches the ground, then Shvidko gives the root, It’s not bad for them in the raised form, because Chlorophytum tuba often grows like an ampelous plant, allowing its branches to spread widely. For her delicate writing she has earned the popular name "The bride's veil".

  • Most often leaves room apartment dim green color, against the breeding of this ruffed variety. Some of them are decorated with white or tan along the central vein of a long linear leaf; in others, the edges are trimmed, and the center is kept naturally green.

    DOVIDKA: Such varieties of Chlorophytum are more shady, because there is less chlorophyll in their leaves, and give preference to bright light, which allows them to stand in all their beauty before the eyes of the ruler and to maximize the growth of their tight roses etc.

  • - This is one of the varieties of Chlorophytum crested. It does not differ from its original green worker in terms of visibility, distinguished by its own characteristic inflexibility, love for clear watering and warm shower However, it differs in appearance, and the difference is so great that it is difficult to recognize two forms of the same species in them.

    And no, on the right, not in color: the leaves of Bonnie are chimerically curled, the roots of the growth have been in the hands and have acquired a new volumetric sweep to replace the usual smooth cascade.

    Such Chlorophytum will hit the hearts of these knitniks, like don’t like spending a lot of hours looking at exotic bastards on the porch If you want to bring a little exoticism into your home atmosphere, the look of the wine does not differ at all from smooth-leaved varieties.

  • Chlorophytum capsicum- a tree that is very similar to its forelock twin, but larger, with arched leaves that have the same bright, lively green color, can grow up to sixty to one hundred centimeters, and the root is equipped with reserves of living springs in bulbs.

    He has the same long, knobby flower plants with the same unshowy white flowers that rarely bear fruit, unless they have children, so this water will multiply in the bush, and we can’t create the love of all the flowers cascades of power sockets.

    Therefore, it is much more likely to occur in budinki, and mainly for cascades and love chlorophytum.

  • Chlorophytum crilatius, Also, like Orchidosarum, at the same time as Cape, it looks completely different from the familiar Chlorophytum, in which it is not easy to recognize the plant, which is similar to the well-known “green lily”.

    Its wide lanceolate leaves, which can reach up to 30-40 centimeters at a time, are planted on fleshy petioles and have a shape and dimensions very similar to the leaves of the hosta.

    This plant has no long-term flowering plants, the stench is very short and does not go sour, and, of course, does not give birth to children, but they would like to give it now, for the help of which it does not matter to propagate this species of Chlorophytum. They can also multiply in the floor of the bush.

  • So, just like its relatives, this Chlorophytum cleanses the air from fumes, formaldehyde and other pollutants, it is full of phytoncides. love high humidity and easily tolerate shade Why give him a wonderful green friend for the lazy kvitnikar.

    It is very sensitive to life and with a sufficient amount of living substances in the ground it creates even rich bushes that are highly decorative and have a very unique appearance.

  • - one of the varieties of Chlorophytum acrylate, which is similar to its ancestor, the orange-colored, fleshy baitfish. The lower part of the leaf is decorated with orange veins that protrude, and the entire rosette appears to be covered with half white roots.

    This color closely resembles the color of rhubarb leaves, and for such a bright contrast, Orange looks even more exotic.

    IMPORTANT: In order for the fire petioles to preserve their color, you should cut off unnecessary flower stalks, which take away living plants from the plant and make them fade.

Having embraced all the good things that birds love - stolidity, beauty, vibrancy in the minds of small apartments, simplicity in the propagated bird's growth, chlorophytum, regardless of the specific species, You will become a wonderful adornment to the interior and will not stand out from your master for anything, In addition to the simplest thing. I can see that mess.

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Chlorophytum is a popular homemade herb. As recently as ten years ago, we met in the same vicinity of some booth. The infection is not so wide, but, as before, it becomes deprived of a secluded lover. The secret of such popularity is very simple: chlorophytum is invisible to the eye, quickly grows and takes root. It’s easy to get caught up in mismatched facts. After a long period of drooping leaves, this plant was nicknamed “the green spider.” It’s possible to guess the white stars on the high shoulder straps.

Zagalny characteristics

Chlorophytum came to us from Deep Africa and New America. There are two varieties of this plant. In nature, it settles on the branches of trees, attaches to the bark, which is the most important component of the forest cover.

This is a rich herbaceous growth of curls up to half a meter. It practically has no stem, and the roots of the leaves grow just below the ground. The rhizome is made up of white thin cord-like pods, which are ideal for long-standing bulbs to take root in the ground. In these bulbs, moisture accumulates, which is why the flower is buried when it becomes dry.

Chlorophytum was first described in 1794. It was brought to Europe until the end of the 19th century, and expanded throughout the region. In nature, it thrives in warm tropical regions and is distributed throughout the world. It itself is designed with such knackness different species. The leaves of Chlorophytum are linear, smooth, bright green or stringy. The middle dovzhina is 15 to 60 cm long. The sinewy core appears well in the middle.

The leaves may be short-petioled or sessile. Kvits appear as soon as possible. At home, chlorophytum can bloom several times per river. The buds are grouped at the wuzley. When the stinks bloom, children develop on the stems. A rosette is formed on the spot, from which the roots grow. The stench lingers on the ground, the stench may even take root. And fruits: dry, dried boxes with three sections for growing.

The authorities are not completely defeated. Ale chlorophytum definitely relieves dry air, brings freshness to the room and creates a comfortable microclimate. Vidomy and yogo antiseptic effect. It effectively eliminates harmful bacteria from around itself.

Phytoncides are present in unsafe vapors: Tyutun's smoke, fumes, formaldehyde. The atmosphere in the room becomes very healthy. Moreover, the cage is absolutely safe for pets. The intestines can be used as a substitute for special herbs to cleanse the body.

The design is good and looks bright, resembles the placement of farbs and fits harmoniously into the interior.

See chlorophytum

It is practically impossible to remove all types of chlorophytum. It is impossible to accurately describe them, because different tributes are given in different places. The average category includes over 200 types of plants, some of which are decorative. They breed in booths and apartments. It is clear to them:

Chlorophytum chubatii. Bright green, with a symmetrical rosette and narrow long leaves. The diameter of the rosette is up to 50 cm. Tall flowering arrows grow from it. Visually, a mature bush suggests a fountain. A splinter of species: vittatum - with a white edging on the side of the leaf, laxum - with lined leaves with a white edging, variegata - with a silvery edging along the perimeter of a light leaf and ocean - with spiral patterns leaves

Chlorophytum capsicum. In Nyogo Dovgi, up to 60 cm, light leaves up to 3 cm wide. The sockets are even thicker. Another feature is short flower-bearing stems. This type of plant reproduces more often by subdivision, and not by the typical method of creating daughter rosettes for chlorophytum. This species is larger than others and can reach 80 cm in height.

Chlorophytum crlatii or orange. It is a low-growing plant covered in wide oval leaves. Their petioles are short and fleshy. The color is dark, and the petiole and vein are orange. The flower is made from a corn pumpkin and is formed on a short stalk. The wine is most reminiscent of its tropical sister cities. The most beautiful varieties are Fire Flash and Green Orange.

Chlorophytum Bonnie. This is a small curly chlorophytum with spiral leaves. At the center of the plate there is a wide white tan.

Watching for chlorophytum

Chlorophytum is very easy to spot. You may not need anything more. For comfortable minds, it is not at all shabby, it is rich in growth, green and regularly in color.

The more bright daylight the better, but not straight sleepy exchanges need a zahist. When there is no sun, the flower does not rot, but grows dark and suffers from poor growth. Mix chlorophytum with white vikon on a light or dark surface. Ideally, there are not pristine windows under scorching changes.

The ideal temperature is around +25 °C. Winter - up to +20 °C. Do not allow hypothermia below +10 °C. The colder it is, the lower the moisture content. Chlorophytum likes to be soaked and bathed. When the air gets too dry, the tips of the leaves dry out. The same applies to the battery or heater.

Plan planting, replanting and propagation on lyutii chi birch. A young flower that is actively growing should be replanted with a stem. Mature and formed growths - once per bunch. When replanting, clean the roots from the soil and remove rotten and damaged fragments. After all procedures, water the plant and place it in the shade.

Be assured that chlorophytum needs a large, large pot. The kvitka has a tightly loosened root, which needs it. Ale under whom not varto brothers and there is a need for great capacity “on the virist”: the root system is ready to replenish the obligation for the sake of the ground part.

Water the plants well in the spring and in the spring, but don’t spoil them. Let the soil dry at least halfway. Chlorophytum is stored by the plant in the bulbs of the rhizome, which will be enough for it. Always avoid stagnation of water and empty the tray 20 minutes after watering.

An ideal neutral or slightly acidic soil consists of turf and leaf soil, sand, leaf humus and fine pine bark in a ratio of 2:1:1:1:1. As goodness, you can periodically add complex mineral fertilizers for leafy plants to the soil. It works best with birch-sickle, 1-2 times per month.

Transplantation and propagation

Chlorophytum grows very easily. For this you don't need anything at all. Of course, you can independently grow a flower from the ground, or you can use simple vegetative methods. The options are:

Nasinnya. Be sure that the stench may have a low similarity, only 25–40%. You can buy them in a special store or pick them up on your own, otherwise you will soon have to deal with piece-filed bags. Visajuvati chlorophytum is more beautiful on the cob of spring. Leave it on a wet cloth for a day. After this, the soil is buried approximately 7 mm into the ground. Sprinkle the surface with water and cover with spit. Fill the improvised greenhouse with warmth and sun. Temperature – up to 25C. Sonyachne light - Russians. Check the crop thoroughly and spray it periodically. The price goes unevenly, in about 5 rubles. It is necessary to remove the spilt gradually, at first, in order to absorb the weak seedlings before the open air. If there are a handful of fresh meat leaves, the plant can be transferred to a nearby pot.

Rooting of sockets. The children that are formed on the eggplants are small rosettes with dried roots. Just bury them a little in the ground, and nature will earn its own. Children should be strengthened if the smell has already taken root. Another option is to cut off the socket and place it in a container with a small amount of water. Once the root has formed, it can be transplanted into the ground.

Rozpodil. Large mature plants can be divided before transplanting. It’s better to work in the spring and with quotes older than 4 years. Carefully cut the rhizomes with a ghost tree. For disinfection and protection, sip through the villages of Vugillas. Immediately plant the bushes in the same pots. Make sure that small parts with a small root take root successfully. This is one of the main powers of chlorophytum.

The fight against sick people and illnesses


To find out what chlorophytum looks like, look through our selection of photographs. This will help you navigate the choice and understand where to place your new pet.

Chlorophytum (Chlorophytum) in our region is one of the widest growing indoor plants. The flower is included in the family of Asparagus, Agave and Lilyaceae. The main types and varieties of chlorophytum, which grow in cotton plants, are distinguished by high indicators of decorativeness and absolute stability in appearance.

Botanical features and Fatherland's plant growth

Nina knows about 200 species of chlorophytum. U natural minds Kvitka grows in warm climates. It was customary for Fatherland to respect Pivdennaya Africa. The plant infection is widespread in the tropical zones of the Earth.

Chlorophytum is a herbaceous ornamental plant with a short stem and a bulb-like root system. Leaves are rosette type, oval or lanceolate in shape. , small. In indoor plants, chlorophytum vicoristum grows as hanging roslini, in single and group plantings.

Chlorophytum: characteristics of the plant (video)

See and sort

A number of different species of chlorophytum have become widespread in indoor plant growing. You can see that varieties of plants differ not only in their shape and appearance, but also in the main characteristics of the leaves.

Name of the mind Latin name Botanical description Features The finest varieties
Chubatii or tufted Comosum (Thunb.) Jacques The stem part is short. The leaves are light green, linear, arched, collected in basal bunches with white and shiny flowers. The easiest type to grow in indoor culture Strocatium Comosum var. Variegatum, compact Comosumvar. Mandainum, spiral-like Curty Locks
Kapsky Capense (L.) Voss. The leaves are vulcanescent, linear, sounded to the base and apex, light green, bare, collected in a rosette Pushing and good apologies Bagatorichna Roslina with the appearance of bulbous growths of the root system; without opening sockets
Crylatium or orchidozirkovy Amaniense Engl. or Ch. orchidastrum Short. The leaves are broad, oval, lanceolate and grooved, dark green Petioles of erysipelas, red or red-hot Green Orange, Fire Flash
Laxum Laxum The leaves are thin, narrow, drooping, with a white dark edge. Doesn't stop children The ability to adapt to any minds has matured

To the most popular forms of chlorophytum, which are cultivated in home gardens, you can introduce a number of varieties with outstanding decorative properties.

Riznovid Name of the variety Varietal features
Somosum "Variegatum" Leaf edge embellished with light cream color and dark edges
Somosum "Vittatum" Usage of the central vein, along the entire length of the leaf blade, smudged white color.
Somosum "Mboyeti" The wilting edge of the leaf
Somosum "Atlantic" Vuzka curly leaves
Somosum "Ocean" The aerial part consists of a sharp, lanceolate leaf with a pronounced white edging on the edge.
Somosum "Bonnie" The narrowly shortened leaf is twisted into a spiral, and in the middle part of the leaf plate there is a wide light edge.
Amaniense "Green Orange" The petioles have a bright orange color, and in the central part of the leaf blade the late vein of the orange color is characteristic of the variety.
Amaniense "Fire Flash" The petioles swell with a bright orange pulp, and in the central part of the leaf blade the late vein of the orange pulp grows, not visible.
Somosum "Curty Locks" Twisted in a spiral of dark leaves
Somosum "Maculatum" The plant is very compact and produces late yellow marks on the leaves.
Somosum Mandainum Virazhenna late dark yellow color on the sheet

Most varieties and varieties are formed into simple flowers in a white color, and after flowering, rosettes are created, suitable for further propagation of indoor culture.

Crylatium chlorophytum and laxum

The winged creatures are distinguished from their brothers from the outside looking in. From the central part of the small rosette emerge wide, grooved leaves of a dark green color, which sound at the upper and lower parts. Small stems are minced in rye or orange colors. The frames with coiled rosettes are short. If you want to preserve the bright stems of the leaves, then you need to remove the flower stalks. You can remove the splint from them to remove the flesh. Decorative growth attracts attention with the contrast of dark green leaves and petioles of horny-hot shades. Among these chlorophytums there are many original and unique varieties. For example, “orange green” adds a bright contrast between orange petioles and green leaves.

Chlorophytum "orange" characterized by wide dark-colored leaves paired with brightly colored stems. Doctor's sensitivity of the leaf to chemical drugs It is necessary to soak only the soil after quilting it so that the chemicals do not rub off on the leaf blades.

In order for the “orange” chlorophytum to not lose its color, you need to select a light color for it.

Laxum- It’s best to add rare plants with narrow leaves to create a slit bunch. The edge of the sheet scarf is edged with thin white tan. Chlorophytum laxum does not reproduce by seedlings, but it is often necessary to suppress the formation of inconspicuous white flowers.

A simple glance at home allows you to grow many varieties of chlorophytum without any problems. Moderate temperature, adequate watering and light sunshine - axis ideal minds, which chlorophytum requires. See what is possible and changeable temperature regime And dry days, and just sunny light, and low caloric content or excess minerals. However, it’s more unique than these extreme minds, fragments of stench are clearly visible on the outside of the plant. In the spring you can prepare the flower with a complex additive. It is recommended to replant early in the spring in a large container that allows the roots of the plant to grow.

A new product from the flower market - Chlorophytum orchidastrum Green Orange - is becoming particularly popular. No less demanding is the Ocean variety, which has a compact, brightly colored bush with yellow-green leaves. The main color of any flower collection will be Chlorophytum Chubatiy Okean, as well as varieties Variegata and Lemon. Chlorophytum is characterized by rapid growth and is considered one of the most important indoor plants. However, during the summer season the plant requires regular watering. According to the findings of the kitchen gardeners, for the growth of indoor chlorophytum, windows directed towards the exit and entry are optimally suited.

Roslina will require bright, or light, lightening. The sunflower varieties of chlorophytum cannot be cultivated in the shade: through failure they suffer from decorative fertilization.

Young plants need to be replanted side by side, and mature ones - once every 2-3 years. Transplantation is carried out between winter and spring.

In the spring and on thin flower stalks, small white flowers are formed, and then rosettes that can be strengthened from the mother's plant and rooted.

Chlorophytum is called the “green room healer”: it cleanses the air from waste and reduces the appearance of moisture in the area, lower often and explains its great popularity.

It is often possible to grow decorative plants, which can be seen as chlorophytum and are also invisible to the eye.

Name Botanical description Peculiarities of color Advantages and shortcomings
Billbergia It creates a long, tubular rosette of tough, skinny, single-colored or lined, narrow and subdued leaves, covered with small splinters. The flowers have increased, with bright pellets Garnet color, high decorativeness, unobtrusive appearance
Ophiopogon Leaves are sessile, linear or vuzkolanceolate, up to 20 cm long. The flowers are short, spike-like, with added fractional flowers of white or purple marinade. Highly decorative and good shade
(Aspidistra) It bears an underground rhizome, dark green glossy leaves on long, wide oval petioles. Flowers of sessile type, without any special attraction, brown-violet color Non-vibrating, durable and good shade resistance
Beaucarnea A single-trunked or weakly gilded, evergreen tree-like growth. Through the shape of the stovbur, which resembles a dance, it is also called “elephant’s foot” and “dance tree” The flowers are green and white, numerous, different
Wood beetle (Stenotaphrum) Bagatoric low growth with above-ground spans that can spread and take root at the nodes The flower is spike-like, highly accretive Lawn growth is very promising and popular
Arundinaria We place a belt-like crust of the leaf of an unnaturally fermented plant, we will lie down to the ear of the stem. Also called “house bamboo” Svetvita racemosa or volosity, with different buds An effective decorative plant that creates a healthy food bush.

Memory trace, Almost all heat-loving indoor crops will require sufficient lighting, otherwise some of them cannot be tolerated directly by sunshine.

How to detect chlorophytum (video)

Most of the descriptions of decorative plants are sold by the popular company “Flos”, which has proven itself well in the indoor gardening industry.
