Rare vegetable names. Classification of vegetable crops

Rare vegetable names. Classification of vegetable crops

Vegetables are one of the main and traditional components of food. Some vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, that are always present at the table, the names of the vegetables (for example, katran, jikama or asparagus) are largely unknown. In this article, we will try to determine which products are suitable for vegetables and food.

Etymology of the word ovoch

Russian the word "ovoch" resemble the old Russian word “ovisht”. This word has been widely used in the Promo since the end of the 14th century. The similarity of the word is closely connected with the main occupation of the Russian people - agriculture, the word was used to designate the fruits of plants and fruits, as well as to designate the process of their growth and ripening. Mayzha Movish Movie, the words are similar to the sounds of the spore, the word: in the Ukrainian Movі - "vegetable", in the Chesokiy - "ovo" (fruits), Polskoy - "OWOC" (fruit), Bolgarian - Vivsyanka (Frrtovo) .

What are the vegetables?

Vegetables have been burned - it’s clear to drink widely and spill frequently. Botanists have no concept of “vegetable”. This term is cultural and culinary.

Yak culinary term voch refers to the natural juice part of specially cultivated urban herbaceous plants (for example, bulbs, stems or fruits), as well as hard grass urchins, fruits, berries, peas and cereals. We like all the vegetables and those that live on the juice part of the plants. It's husk, bark, dry napkin - these are no longer vegetables. There is a great moment when there is a shortage of grains. In cooking, a grub product is called a grub, which is made up of whole or detailed grains of cereals (buckwheat, rice, corn), other grains (barley, wheat) and legumes (lentils, peas). The fruits of a number of legumes (for example, fermented beans, mung beans) and corn can be processed into cereals, and can be vicorized in the form of vegetable herbs or canned vegetables (for example, canned fermented beans and boiled corn). It is also true that the culinary term “vegetable” can be distilled to natural fruits, such as berries (eggplant, tomato), grains (corn).

Vegetables live in the raw or after proper kitchen preparation (herb, sheep juice, thermal processing, canning, drying). Izhu produces fruits (cucumber), leaves (lettuce), stems (asparagus), bulbs (potatoes), cibulini (cabbage), cabbage (white cabbage), roots (horseradish), pagoni (asparagus) and vegetable matter. (Artichoke).

It’s impossible to recognize yourself healthy food without vegetables, and even the stench of revenge on many important living speeches. Vegetables contain the most carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy for the body. Vegetables contain a large number of vitamins and minerals necessary for the vitality of the body. Vegetables are also a miracle source of cellulose, which plays an important role in poisoning. There is not enough protein in the body - a vital material for the body. There are also vegetables that contain a lot of protein, for example, beans, corn. These vegetables are indispensable in the diet of vegetarians. What is practically absent from vegetables is fat, which makes vegetables the main product for those who want to lose weight.

Cream food, widely used for curing illnesses. This was especially true earlier, when the pharmaceutical industry could not give people a pill for any illness and they had to suffer from the deprivation that nature gave us.

What types of vegetables are divided into?

Since there are plenty of vegetables to eat, they need to be classified. may be used for various signs: botanical affiliation to family; for the triviality of life in Roslin; keep the property fresh for an hour (lezhkozdatelnost); parts of the growth that are victorious against other authorities.

Variety of sheep crops

Most of the sheep crops are native and domestic crops. According to various data, the world has between 120 and 250 species of urban plants, which belong to up to 40 botanical families. To the cutaneous type of sheep crops, through additional selection, a number of varieties have been developed. The number of varieties of various sheep crops exceeds 100 (for example, peas, potatoes).

The expansion of vegetable crops in different parts and regions of our planet is uneven. The largest number of vegetable species is found in Asia, where people enjoy a pleasant climate and rich flora. Japan, for example, has nearly hundreds of species of sheep crops, China has about 80, and India has over 60.

In Russia, according to various data, there are approximately 50-60 types of vegetable crops. The largest crop areas are occupied by cybul, beet, carrots, white cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, and potatoes. Mensh wider zucchini, kvass, sweet pepper, radish, parsley, green peas, watermelon, lettuce, crepe, turnip, radish.

In other countries the picture is different. In Italy, for example, there is an abundance of tomatoes and artichokes; in Bulgaria - sweet pepper, tomatoes and cibul, in Mexico - corn and baked pepper. The main vegetable in Arab countries is beans.

Sea vegetables

Term "Sea vegetables" learned the American Judis K. Madlener, who published a book of the same name in 1977. In her book, she called the seaweeds that grow into urchins “sea vegetables.”

Seaweeds are primitive photosynthetic plants that do not produce obvious stems, roots or leaves. The most common sea vegetables are seaweed, kelp and undaria, and porphyry.

The most popular sea vegetables are in Western Asia (Japan, Korea, China), Oceania (Polynesia, New Zealand) and Western America. Russia has a familiar taste of seaweed. And the axis of Europeans and American Americans may not eat seaweed. And, among others, darma!

Experts respect the world's healthiest hedgehogs. The stench contains almost all mineral substances that occur in the ocean of light. The mineral storage of sea vegetables is close to the mineral storage of healthy human blood. Instead of vitamins and minerals, sea vegetables have a lot of natural ingredients. In addition, they are rich in protein, the content of which varies between 10-48%. Like terrestrial algae, algae provide a large amount of energy resources in the form of carbohydrates.

Classification of vegetables
There are about 70 species of vegetables growing in our region. Regardless of all the external characteristics of sheep plants, all the stinks are carried to the vegetables. Vegetables can be classified using different symbols. About the matter.

Ovocheyu They call the succulent parts of the sprouts, which are vikorized in the food of people with a fresh and overgrown appearance.

Without this valuable gift from nature, it is impossible to discover modern cooking. People live in about 1200 varieties of sheepweeds, which are distinguished by their savory fruits, life value and chemical properties.

For the preparation of vegetable herbs, vikorista fruits, roots, bulbs, rocks, cibulins, leaves, sweets, saplings, young pasta of sprouts.

Types of vegetables

– turnip, rutabaga, radish, horseradish, radish, parsnip, celery, parsley etc.

Grains and vegetables – corn.

Dessert vegetables – rhubarb, asparagus, artichoke.

Shepherds place first priority on the system. Biologically active substances, which replace vegetable matter, have a beneficial effect on the human body. Vegetables are the main component. Low calorie content of stocked vegetable herbs.

Vegetables presented on store shelves in a great assortment. Sales include fresh, canned, frozen and dried vegetable products.

Vegetables and fruits are the most valuable sources of living substances, microelements, vitamins and cellulose. Stinks from grains, legumes and other protein products are responsible for becoming the basis of our food. In addition to broadening the thinking, a diet that consists mainly of fruits and vegetables can be varied (or not complete!). At the same time, the group is characterized by singing power, composition, relish, peculiarity of feeling and living.

The classification of vegetables and fruits, which we will look at in this article, will show all the variety of these products and see their most essential signs.

What are vegetables and fruits?

First we need to start classifying the data of these groups; we need to understand what is going on. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. Vegetables are grown on the bed and vicorized for the preparation of basic (non-licorice) herbs. Fruits are more of a dessert, a malt, and a stink growing on the tree (that’s what they are called “fruits”). In truth, we have identified the main aspects. Ale є blame.

So, pepper grows from the ovary of the flower. This is a clear sign of belonging to fruit. Scientific knowledge allows us to bring to them both cucumbers and pods of kvass! Since ancient times, the sap parts of herbaceous shoots have been called sheep. To avoid confusion, we will distinguish between two classifications - scientific and culinary. In such a manner, since the classification of vegetables and fruits will differ from your primary statements, do not be surprised. Just marvel at her through the eyes of a botanist, not a cook.


It is clear from this that vegetables (as well as fruits) are included in the group of “juicy vegetable crops”, which includes grains, beans and other vegetable products. Regardless of their saturation with vegetable matter (up to 80-90% or more), vegetables are rich in valuable lifelong substances. There is a great variety of elements (carbon, nitrogen, mineral salts, etc.) and their dilution makes these products easy to absorb by the human body. And this is even more important when we talk about rational and comprehensive food.

Vegetables: what they are

A number of signs allow us to divide all vegetables into two large groups: vegetative and generative. Others have fruits (succulence), while others have vegetative organs. Let's take a look at the classification of vegetables. The table below will help us with this.

Vegetative and generative vegetables
Vegetative group of vegetables Name of vegetables
BulbfruitPotatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes
Root vegetablesCarrots, radishes, turnips, beet, celery etc.
ListovTsibulevi (cibula and chasnik)
Cabbage (cream broccoli, color and kohlrabi)
Salad-spinach (all types of lettuce, sorrel, spinach)
Spices (coriander, tarragon, crepe)
Dessert (rhubarb)
SteblovAsparagus, kohlrabi
Generative group of vegetables Name of vegetables
KvitkoviBroccoli, cauliflower
FruitsGarbuzov (watermelon, zucchini, cucumbers, dinі and kavuni)
Tomatoes (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants)
kvass and peas)
Grains (corn)

By following this classification, you will be able to correctly select your diet according to the characteristics of your skin group and the needs of your body in other ways. In addition, some vegetables are shorter and easier to digest, while others extract more energy for that purpose.

Calorie content of different groups of vegetables

As you understand, the classification of vegetables allows us to separate them by storage depending on how much of the product is absorbed by the hedgehog. Among the most significant aspects and such an indicator as energy value, the power of one or another group.

Why, for example, eat potatoes in small quantities? This is due to the high calorie content of bulbous fruits, which are also due. That's 70-80 kcal per 100 grams. And the serving size of mi vikorista is usually larger (200-300 g). And if you are still preparing to cook the so-favorite greased potato and fries, then it would be better not to start rozrakhunki!

Root vegetables have fewer calories - approximately 20-50 kcal per 100 g of these vegetables. In cibulinids, this display varies greatly. So, the calorie content of the leek is 36 kcal, and the caloric content of the leek is as much as 149 kcal! It’s not a good idea to exclude brown vegetables from your diet; however, if you eat 100 g at a time, you’ll need to try harder.

The greatest diversity and no less barkness are characteristic of the group of fruit vegetables. However, their calorie content is very low - the average one ranges from 15 to 35 kcal. Therefore, you should include vegetable salads (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc.) before your daily diet (you can do this more than once a day).

Knowing the approximate calorie content of the skin group of vegetables, it is easy to determine which ones are best consumed more often in large quantities, and which ones are more careful. When considering any product (that potato itself) due to its high energy value, it is not worth it, and even in addition to calories, it has a lot of nuts and vitamins. Circle it, or turn it off.

Another scheme for classifying vegetables

In addition to what we have looked at, there is a different classification, so vegetables can be divided into starchy and non-starchy, green. The first ones include: carrots, beet, watermelon, zucchini, cauliflower, celery root and parsley, etc. When these vegetables are implanted, it is appropriate to eat them with other products. So, a company with a stench of stench will give you such an unpleasant process as fermentation.

Everything is green and non-starchy (parsley, crepe, celery, salad etc.), eggplant, bell pepper, cucumbers, chasnik, tsibul, green peas. This group of vegetables can be easily absorbed by the body and can be eaten with almost all products - from cooked proteins to legumes and grains.

Intermediate group - this is the name of medium-starchy vegetables. Before it comes turnips, radishes, bruva and other delicacies. According to the combination, the vegetables are closer to green and less starchy. If you value the comfort of the slip and good etching, we recommend that you carefully consider the skin from the groups we present.


The simplest way to name fruit is to say this: these are natural tea leaves and trees (from the Latin fructus - fruit). In this case, our everyday phenomenon becomes increasingly different from the botanical, which is actually broader. Since the classification of vegetables included only vegetables (in our basic language they are common), then here we can see all the fruits. So, they are called both berries and peas, which grow by their juice and also grow on trees and tea gardens. The table below will help us divide all the fruits into groups.

The classification of vegetables and fruits helps us understand how diverse this category of food products is. The skin shows a group of fruits with characteristic features. So, for example, nuts have the highest calories. Its energy value can reach 600 kcal or more! It is therefore important to separate them from your diet. Moreover, peas are a very important product for our body.

Not all fruits are licorice

Another expanded classification of fruits divides them into licorice, licorice and sour. The rest is most widely represented in our region.

Citrus fruits, pomegranates, cranberries, pineapples, as well as many varieties of apples, plums, pears, and grapes are called acids. Drinks - hazelnuts, raspberries, licorice for relish - cherries, apples, plums, pears. Licorice bananas, dinya, kavuni (and many other fruits) should be kept within your diet and, if possible, not eaten at all.

Create knowledge in the kitchen

If you are familiar with the classification of fruits, then you can easily adapt your diet to the principles of proper nutrition. Should you add this to a salad or share a small portion? Why serve potatoes as a side dish before meat or legumes?

You can easily rely on such nutrition. Once you understand the knowledge that we have shared in the statistics, then you will immediately have a valid classification of vegetables and fruits. If they become the basis of the diet, others will appear at a lower rate and in smaller amounts. We hope that the information was useful for you and your health.

A child with skin knows that vegetables are healthy. This includes vitamins, microelements, which are necessary for the proper development and functioning of all body systems. The fruits given to us by nature have a magical power, bestow health, good mood and promote spiritual activity. Let's take a look at their features, and see the rules for selection and processing.

What's this?

Such a word as “ovoch” has been used in Russian language since the 15th century, and it was closely associated with land robots. This name also conveyed the fact that growing on the ground and getting used to the hedgehog, as well as the process of growth. With the rich vocabulary of Slovenian language, you can identify similar-sounding words, but this means different processes.

It should be noted that in botany there is no concept of “vegetable”, which appeared in the rural kingdom itself, and later in cooking. Everything that grows on the ground, other than fruits and grains, is brought to the sheep crops, which means it is important to reach a wide range.

All vegetables are divided into small groups, each of which gets its own name. Some plants, for example, corn or kvass, often become vegetables and grains after processing and trimming. Corn, canned in a jar, is eaten with vegetables, and dried and trimmed with grains. These crops, which in cooking are called vegetables, actually lie on berries and grains. For example, tomato is a berry, corn is a grain.

Vegetables are grown into urchin in various forms: raw, boiled, lubricated, after canning and pickling. Healthy food and a healthy way of living cannot be seen without vegetables. But we must not forget that many cultures waste valuable words after harvesting. In fact, just because you can learn Syrian, you need to learn the language.

Nutrition in fruits and berries

From a botanical point of view, a vegetable is a natural part of herbaceous growths, and a fruit is a flower like the earth. Many language concepts are represented by one word and are seen in different groups.

In cooking, everything is completely different. Every person has a clear understanding of vegetables and fruits, and children easily recognize one type of another. Vegetables are most often used for side dishes or salads, and can be used as a main herb. The high quality of vegetable crops allows people to reach the present day and save it for a long time.

Fruits often have more tart flavor and can be even sweeter or sour. Vegetables have almost no zur, and fruits have a lot of juice. Insanely, the skin of the fruit is individual, here the zukor is all-day.

Since vegetables are used to prepare the main herbs, fruits are most important served as a dessert. The crust of fruits and vegetables is indispensable, and both contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements. In fact, there are two types of hedgehogs in people’s diets.


The world of sheep is incredibly rich. Sometimes we don’t realize that the grass that feeds us is naturally that of the bark. All vegetables are divided into types, each of which has a nameless name.


Leafy vegetables grow mainly for the sake of their natural leaves. The names of their categories speak for themselves. There are also such herbaceous plants, in which the natural part is not only the leafy part of the ground, but also the root.

The following species can be seen among the leafy vegetables.

  • lettuce, among the people - lettuce leaf. It has light green tints and highly textured leaves. Widely used in cooking.
  • Parsley, without which it is impossible to appreciate the classic sheep salad. It is often used for decorating sandwiches and slicing.
  • Cress salad- a non-vibrating sheep with friable leaves. You can feel it right on the windowsill of the whole river.
  • Sorrel. The fresh look has a tart, sour taste. These are the loving affection of children.
  • Kropiva. Most people respect it simply as grass, not suspecting the bark it carries within itself. Soup with young dill is a popular summer delicacy.
  • Arugula It has an uneven taste and a slight bitterness, much like mustard.


Fruits and vegetables are the broadest category. The stench itself is associated among the rich under the name “vegetable”. The most widespread vegetable crops of this type in Russia are cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, watermelon, and eggplant. Fruit crops grow on stems, transforming from flowers into vegetables.

All fruits can be divided into dry and rare. The more water there is in the vegetables, the less zucchini there is in them. People who eat fruits, bring great harm to their body, help fight the negative influx of dowkill. The list of brown elements in common vegetables is very long. But don’t forget that the fruits of the guilty will be well reaped, first of all they can be absorbed into the skin.

The tomatoes are most often yellow or red depending on the variety. Cucumbers do not change their green color on the cob until the end of ripening, only the size of the fruit changes.

Fresh zucchini rarely survives in the juice; their heads need to be heat-treated. They are the same fussing and potatoes. In the first view, the vegetables are simply not tasty, and there are few such gourmets as the first view enjoys them.


Lineages of the legume family are a large group that includes various types of vegetables. Bean trees grow for various purposes. For example, peas that are in the ripening stage have a juicy texture and sweet taste. These are wonderful sweets for children. Sticky peas lose their juice, become dry and starchy. It is then dried and vicorized as an additive to soups or cereals for porridge.

All legumes and vegetables are extremely rich in protein, which is necessary for a healthy person. Instead, the protein in beans is equalized with the protein in milk and meat. Since you are a fan of veganism, eating legumes is an excellent way to saturate your cells with protein.

Legumes are widely used in folk medicine to relieve illness and alleviate symptoms of illness.


The list of dessert vegetables is not as wide as I would like. Before such crops lie asparagus, artichoke and rhubarb. Ale, in fact, in a traditional dessert way, is just rhubarb. They make jam and make candied fruit and wine. Artichoke and asparagus are often used as the main herbs, added to salads and do not contain anything tasty with sweet fruits.

Rhubarb is a popular Siberian lasso that can be helpful in the skin garden. It has large leaves and a whole stem. Naturally, the stem itself is important, since before planting it is necessary to clean the thick skin. Rhubarb is added to black tea, which gives it a tart relish and unique aroma.

All dessert-type vegetables can be eaten raw or after thermal processing. Everything depends on your standards, but gray vegetables are still rich in vitamins and cellulose.

Root vegetables

This group of vegetables is widespread in Russia. Root crops grow in almost all corners of the region. They got their name from the fact that their natural part is the root, which then disappears from the ground and lives with the hedgehog.

The most popular root vegetables are potatoes, carrots, radishes, turnips, radishes, and beet. Few people can eat their meal without potatoes, as there are so many choices for the vegetable. This rootstock does not take root very well in the orphaned species.

Potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, and radishes can and should be eaten in addition. They may vary depending on the amount of vitamins from different groups. Root vegetables are well preserved all winter in a cold place, which is why they are so valuable in rich families.

Features of the processing

Absolutely all vegetables undergo primary processing. Before preparing or storing fruits, it is necessary to remove rotten and zipped specimens. Therefore, all vegetables should be carefully dried and dried, especially if they are kept in the refrigerator or cellar for a long time. The rotten dried fruits are quickly starting to rot.

Slicing vegetables is the first stage of processing. To preserve vegetables, there is no need to cut them, but only before cooking or directly storing them raw. Sliced ​​vegetables are more susceptible to heat treatment, in less than an hour.

The culinary preparation of the vegetables lies in the middle of their preparation. This stage follows the initial trial. Sliced ​​vegetables are boiled, greased and stewed in the herbs you are preparing.

If you boil vegetables near water, then immediately boil them after they are ready, otherwise the fruits will become sparse. It's no secret that steaming is one of the most delicious. During such culinary processing, the products do not lose their original appearance and are not subject to hair growth.
