What about gays in Chechnya? Kerovani with fear

What about gays in Chechnya? Kerovani with fear

We can’t have anything bad in our country without coming out as gay in Chechnya. It is important for everyone to recognize what is worse. Gay people live differently in Moscow and there is no risk of being aware of their orientation. And you will reveal yourself like Ivan the Terrible! Well, if only this gay man would show up as an American agent, with a poster for Navalny and the so-called vile word of Ramzan Kadirov, the axis of his life would become even more prominent.

Tsikava is the reaction of Kadirov’s press secretary Alva Karimov. Karimov said simply and simply: there are no gays in Chechnya. I understood why he said that. Because for Karimov, gay is the same as an American spygun, Navalny’s henchman or Kadirov’s enemy, who runs with a machine gun in the mountains.

Gay is a synonym for a nasty, infectious, vile person who ruins the bright image of the republic. Republics, which, in principle, have been dragging their feet on their laws for a long time. President Putin says that hijabis are not in our power - but Kadirov says that we wore hijabis, we wear them, we wear them. And wear it, don’t hesitate. I'll make you angry. And if you feed Putin again, then the wine will be so twisted that you will damage the fact that they put food on you.

And then there are gays!
Law enforcement experts say that everything needs to be thoroughly verified. So you will believe it! Let us know how all the gays of Chechnya come to your reception and inform us in one voice that they are being captured, that someone has been killed - what is our inheritance?

In Chechnya, the homes of the relatives of terrorist terrorists are being burned down, and the relatives themselves are being kicked out in accordance with all laws and codes - and do you respect that gays are being kidnapped for such practices? Would you like to let them live there in peace?

In Ukraine, the nutritional position has changed. Officially, of course, we don’t talk bad about the sex minority. Well, it’s not customary to talk like that in a decent marriage. But in our hearts we think differently. What is the most decent marriage - that's right! It's obscene through and through.

The entrance unfolds, and Geyropa’s word does not require explanation or translation. That's why we smile at them in words, and kill them, to the teeth, we call them fagots. And so the words will be said that discrimination is not permissible, that all people are brothers, but we don’t punish any gays and punish those who rot them - that’s all.

We love to talk about traditions. So this axis is precisely our traditions. Intolerance, hatred of people who are different from us, who are seen as different from others. We can’t just give them peace, we can’t kill them, punish them, start treating them with cruelty.

We respect that other duties are dictated by our very traditions, and the rights of specialness are outside the borders. In this sense, Chechnya is the most advanced, most ostentatious region, so I say that there is nothing terrible than being born in Chechnya and coming out as gay. For such people, it’s not the nutrition of special people, but the nutrition of vision.

According to information, three people were killed, and information about the fourth victim is also unconfirmed.

The first round of reinvestigation of gays in Chechnya began around the 20th century, when security forces hounded a man at a drug ring. On his phone there were “photos and videos of the scene and dozens of contacts of local homosexuals.” Behind these contacts, tensions and lawsuits began. Among them, not only gays, but also heterosexual residents of Chechnya appeared.

The prisoners were dragged to the “secret trial” near the Argun place near Grozny.

“Vyaznitsa is a bunch of bevels, which are formally empty. In the 2000s, the military commandant's office was dismantled here, then the RVVS r. Arguna. The infection of the OMVS of Russia in Argun moved to a new place, and the huge military commandant’s office (address: Argun, Kadirova street, 99b) became one of the largest places of the darkening of people in Chechnya. Information about this secret matter can be obtained from the testimony of Commissioner for European Human Rights Thomas Hammamberg for 2010,” writes the newspaper.

Dzherel newspapers reported that before the reinvestigation of homosexuals, the speaker of the Chechen parliament, Magomed Daudov (known as “Lord”), and the head of the OMBC for Argun, Ayub Kataev, were responsible.

Magomed Daudov (“Lord”) and the head of the OMVS from Argun Ayub Kataev. Photo: Instagram Ayuba Kataev

Another joke, as Novaya Gazeta writes, provoked Moscow LGBT activist Mikola Alekseev, who submitted applications for holding a gay pride parade in several places in the Northern Caucasus.

“Remember, in one of the secret relationships that appears in literally all the testimonies of the people we study, at the time of filing the provocative statement, the GayRussia.ru activists, accused of being suspected of homosexuality, had already been released. And now – I’m back again,” means Vidannya.

A dozen homosexuals, whose stories are published by “Novaya Gazeta”, talk about how Chechen security forces blackmail them, extorting money, and how they were rolled after the beginning of the massive entrapment of gays in Chechnya.

“They rolled them around, put them on the dance floor, and beat them with a string. Some were beaten to death and turned over to their relatives like a bag of brushes,” one of the victims said.

Another says: “It’s hard to bring people into the territory, and immediately the torturing begins. Strum, beaten with polypropylene pipes. They always beat us only below the waist - legs, hips, butts, across. They said that we are “dogs who have no right to live.” They encouraged others to be concerned about us. It’s a shame to sit there, most of them have already lost their hope for freedom. And no particular choice will cause a stench. We came to our senses. They beat us with clubs. We were placed in two rows, one opposite one, about tens of people. We've seen chains on kshtalt bit. I skin passing through this device. It’s important to carry three or so chains, but it’s even more painful, and if you go through twenty, you can’t carry everything. I didn’t know how to cope with the pain, although I initially thought that I had a high pain threshold. In order to kill the enemy, I stood up to the tortura and rubbed my hands until they bled. And that helped.”

These people live in safety beyond the borders of Russia, which means they have seen it.

On the 1st quarter, “Novaya Gazeta” wrote in its mailing that close to hundreds of gays were targeted in Chechnya, and three were killed. As the newspaper indicated, information about the darkening began to be found approximately a week before publication. Among those accused of homosexuality were representatives of the Chechen muftiate and two leading TV presenters.

Official representatives of the Chechen Republic loudly announced the “hardening” and widening of the “tiles”. The press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic came up with the idea that there is “a short-lived pershokvitnevyi zhart.” Ramzan Kadirov's activist on the right of religion, Adam Shakhidov, called Novaya Gazeta in a "discussion of the whole nation," and the Split of Chechen Journalists called for "not to hijack Novaya Gazeta's supporters as journalists from now on." At the same time, all Chechen officials, deputies, and public figures recognized the fact of the existence of homosexuals among Chechens. And - overnight - they stated: such people have no place in Chechnya. The stinkers have decided not to earn a living.

Pope Francis stated that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church may attract people of homosexual orientation.
The former Minister of Justice of Great Britain, Sam Jimi, said that Great Britain has thousands of people,

Since the beginning, Novaya Gazeta has been publishing materials dedicated to the investigation of gays in Chechnya, from time to time, in one of them it is reported about the discovery of “hidden relationships for gays.” According to the data, nearly hundreds of people were detained by the police for suspicion of homosexuality, after which the stench was noticeable torturus and humiliation. Also, the data shows that at least three of them were killed in these cases.

Chechen officials and local representatives of the clergy reacted very sharply to this information. Thus, the press secretary of the head of Chechnya, Alvi Karimov, said that Novaya Gazeta’s investigation is “absolute nonsense.” In his words, “it is impossible to pin down and squeeze someone who is simply absent from the republic.”

The BBC's Russian service contacted a person who, including through his homosexuality, had to deprive Chechnya and emigrate from Russia. Nina lives near Turechchina. You were willing to tell your story for the sake of anonymity.

Alien among one's own

“My name is Mansur. I left Grozny in the 26th century. In 2015, I moved to [...], since then I [live] here.

For Grozny, I felt so suffocated at the end of my life. All life is considered a sanction, people live and walk the streets looking around. We have long ceased to speak loudly; we cannot tell those who think the truth. News in the family. Out of constant fear, I would call it that. In Chechnya, everything that does not correspond to Ramzan Kadirov’s statement and his clarity about life is all non-traditional. Be it political, religious, sexy looks.

About the rest of the story, it’s not worth mentioning. You won’t find anyone who is sensitive. As in the first and second cases, everyone understands that no one is safe from being called a spy, an agent of Zakhoda, a Wahabi, a terrorist, then people who have been in the shoes of the victims of this power terrorism should not at all take the risk of I feel at this address , who in Chechnya is called gay The threshold of tolerance must be lowered to this level. I went to the one who felt like a stranger among my own. I was not re-examined based on my orientation. Without knowing anything about it. Besides, I am friends.

[Before the move] there were no particular difficulties, besides the fact that it was very important to be separated from family and father. I told them that I was going to work. So there you go. This is very important, every day I think about my fathers, brothers, sisters, I worry about them - if I took them away, I don’t have the courage, but in my old age I don’t want to leave home.

I was helped by friends who had previously visited, either in Istanbul or in Antalya. Turechchyna has a diaspora, it’s not even fermented, but it still brews, it helps. They helped me apply for a job, get legalized, and cancel my residence permit. Language about the Chechen diaspora. Turechchyna has a very large LGBT population, it has a lot of Caucasians. Actions should not be influenced by their orientation - here it is much simpler than in Russia. But in the diaspora we respect it better not to discuss it.”

“Since 2009 there have been such bad luck”

“By the side of the authorities and organs, everyone feels the pressure in Chechnya. If you don’t have time to get home, it’s obligatory for any of your neighbors, acquaintances, friends, relatives to come. Some were taken away for their beard, some for commenting on Facebook.” tі , who were taken away on suspicion of homosexuality.This happened sporadically, since 2009 there have been such episodes.

Chechnya doesn't have a lot of [LGBT representatives]. The information bomb of the last few days serves no media purpose, but makes life even more difficult in the republic. Not everyone is ready to give up everything and move. We have very special family ultrasounds. For a young person, a student or a teenager, it is very important to explain where you are going, you need to understand different stories.

Many people just sank to the bottom at once. They are really afraid to go out through communication channels and speak in this language. Everything can be heard there" Mansur, Chechen

In addition, not everyone can deprive their fathers, who do not have older brothers - this is also a driving factor. It’s difficult to know people with such views in Chechnya, but it’s hard to tell everyone who has been sitting up to this point on “VKontakte”, “Hornet” [a social network for homosexuals] - there are no more than hundreds of them no. They met even selectively and more often on neutral territory, for example, near the current republic. And most often they got along not with their own.

A lot of [gays] would like to move, depending on the current factors. There are a lot of people who have grabbed onto this opportunity, and those who don’t need to wait until they are ready for sleep. After both military campaigns, a large number of Chechens made it to Europe and were presented as refugees. This flow never stopped, but in 2013-2014 it intensified. In Chechnya, it is important to live as well as for representatives of [LGBT] people, and there it is important to live for everyone who does not strain the budget.

Besides, many people just sink to the bottom at once. They are really afraid to go out through communication channels and speak in this language. Everything can be heard there. “I seriously suspect that, under the gaze of oppressed sexual minorities, human resources officers will be forced to control these programs, and if they don’t, they will at least understand the entire scheme of work.”

Wrong beard

"The possibility of moving is most often considered to be a trip to Europe and the removal of a political connection there from the motives of re-examination for religious conversions, for heterodoxy, from the motives of pressure from the side of the security forces, trade unions, factories ї criminal records."

Two of my friends left Chechnya. One - before Austria 2013, when my brother was taken to the police station after one of the recent mass raids for wearing the wrong borides. His brother's avatar was displayed on WhatsApp, which depicted a naked boy in swimming trunks. The stench was coming out so that you could call out to him.

This is my friend. Once upon a time in Moscow, it was just starting to turn. [The accused] was released for two dobs, once they realized that his younger brother was not in the republic. Well, that number was Chechen: but in Moscow, they inserted a different SIM card into the phone, and they (policemen) could not get through there. I told my brother that I had spent this card. It passed by, and no one in the house knew anything about it, but this became a signal.

I would never turn back from Chechnya again, I would get the documents and go to Austria in about an hour.

“They beat us up and beat us up”

“Another friend of mine followed me to Turechchina, by which time there was no time to pick up a visa, and it was easier to get to Turechchina. It became a fate in the birch of 2015, after that, as a result of the same fate at Khosi-yurt on the wall of us alyuvali ensign IDIL.Then they began to massacre the juveniles, they beat the rich, they rolled them with a stream, they were confused about the dates of the meeting on those who, having killed them, were confused until they were killed.

If they recognize anyone as gay, as they previously worked with the “Wahhabis,” then in this situation the relatives themselves will be ready to kill their loved ones with their own hands, without even knowing about anyone else. Mansur, Chechen

Friend, having spent up to one time, rub it in. The police threatened you that if you don’t recognize someone, then “we’ll call two Russian Vans at once, and we’ll kill the girl for you.”

Today they are re-examining gays, although they themselves have confused the rich people, speaking through gibberish. This, melodiously, behind their understanding is not “haram” [“sin”], they don’t respect the stink of “*******” [gays].

The other one was already angry, as soon as there was a stink and they somehow found out that he was gay. You signed up for the spivpratsia, and the next day you went to Turechchina.

Vedmezha servant of journalists

“Today, from various villages, from those we know who are no longer at home, we can find information about those that this information campaign has already angered the Chechen authorities, the lives of rich people there are becoming difficult. I understand that the magazines These guys were generous in their efforts to help, but there were plenty of people who just marry for not think about those who live there, who are the servants.

Now the staff is ready to introduce anyone through this topic. The self-love of the Chechen people has been hit with a very strong blow, with a very serious image, and they are ready to immediately find anyone “who is responsible for this destruction that befell Chechnya.” And in this mess, more people can suffer, as the same relationship cannot last until [LGBT] maturity. Vibirati will not be there.

If they recognize anyone as gay, as they previously worked with the “Wahhabis,” then in this situation the relatives themselves will be ready to kill their loved ones with their own hands, without even knowing about anyone else.

Today, people in Chechnya are still losing their lives. And information on Argun - for almost 20 days the boys are unknown and no one is alive. All the people are so full of everything that they are afraid to talk about those who could have taken them away and who stole theft.

Information about the persecution of gays in Chechnya was received on the hotline of the organization from January 29 to February 2, 2017. The LGBT Ministry did not name the names of the people who were informed about the re-investigation, all of them are being conducted as anonymous agents. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya previously received information about the enticement of gays in the republic.

History of Persha

One of the LGBT authorities revealed that he was detained for suspicion of homosexuality 28 years ago and was taken to the commandant’s office, located in an abandoned concrete barracks near the Argun town. There were 15 people sitting outside the barracks, including one TV presenter and a Chechen perukar. The spivozmovnik confirms that the dirty men were rolled around, mistreated, beaten, and often beaten to death. Dzherelo handed over photographs to the organization, apparently large hematomas in the area across the legs, but the LGBT organization did not publish the photographs.

On the 5th of February, the relatives of one of the young men arrived at the barracks, handcuffed him and took him to an unknown destination. Following the words of the spivrozmovnik, this person did not turn back home. After we asked him, we said: “Since you have people in your family, the stench will kill you like [the person who was taken away by your relatives].”

The man himself was released on February 7, but it is not specified why he was released into prison. The “LGBT border” confirms that a person can simultaneously leave Chechnya and simultaneously travel beyond the borders of Russia.

Friend's story

A young gay man from Grozny, who lingers between Chechnya, telling the organization the story of his friend, who was detained for suspicion of homosexuality. Behind the words of the victim, he was sitting in the office where the security forces were killing about 30 people. “In an effort to gain knowledge, they beat him with a hose and rolled him with an electric gun,” it seems in the organization. After about an hour the man was released.

This firmly confirms that, according to the words of the security officer, the command to suppress Chechen gays was given by the republic’s government. The shady men were extracted so that the stench would convey to the security forces the contacts of other gays, and the more people who knew, the more they would suppress him.

Story three

The third part of the organization discovered that a friend was suspected of having a homosexual orientation through browsing on the social network VKontakte. Late in the evening, before waking up, a black Toyota Camry car without license plates drove by, where people were sitting in the uniform of the Terek SOBR corral. The stench took the young man in an unknown place, where they spent several days and rode.

Relatives were able to determine whether the man was shaking. “The fathers said that they would show the son on the local TV station and let him go,” said Dzherelo. The man was rightfully released, but his future fate is unknown. I have not seen anything from Chechnya.

What to say about the re-examination of gays in Chechnya

1st quarter "Nova Gazeta" reported that: in recent years, the police have detained close to 100 people, and killed at least three people. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya and in the administration of the head of the republic were informed.

Press Secretary of the Head of Chechnya Alvi Karimov, commenting on the publication of Novaya Gazeta. “The publication that has appeared is an absolute lie - it is impossible to suppress and squeeze someone who is simply absent from the republic.<...>If there were such people in Chechnya, law enforcement agencies would do a lot of work on them, and their relatives themselves would send them to their address, the spies wouldn’t return,” he said.

Member for Human Rights in Chechnya Kheda Saratova called homosexuality an “evil” that every Chechen can fight against. “I sing to you, in our Chechen marriage, people who respect themselves have traditions and origins, without any structures, we can re-examine and work on everything, so that there are no such people in our marriage,” she said. A day later, she said that they were not so sensible: “Everything shocked me. Perhaps, I was a little unjudgmental when I gave the interview.”

Reinforcement of human rights in the republic Nurdi Nukhazhiev in his own words called “boil” those that “absolutely unverified information is presented as a fact that has been obtained.” “There is a madness and an attempt to start a scandal in order to ruin the Chechen marriage,” commented the publication of Novaya Gazeta.

VOLODIVOSTOK, sheet 26 – RIA Noviny. In Chechnya, you can’t re-investigate gays, because they don’t live there, and information about such things was obtained by legal experts who themselves make money from them, said the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadirov, in the program “Young Individuals with Naileya Asker-zade” on the channel "Russia 1".

“In reality, in Chechnya, you can’t talk about the price. It’s not allowed. It should be discussed in front of your elders. Especially women, they must say such a word. Well, we know that it’s happening. memo. Chechen Republic The human rights specialists themselves were guessing, in order to earn pennies, for the sake of money - to re-investigate in Chechnya, to kill someone in Chechnya!” - Rozpov Kadirov.

Having noted that gays cannot be re-examined in Chechnya, they will not live in the republic.

“Who are we reinvestigating? There’s evidence, hundreds of hundreds of them - they immediately call themselves Chechens, they say they give pennies for a passport, and a Chechen registration was written in the passport. your business " , - Kadirov said.

“How did it happen before? In Chechnya, someone was illegally harassed, or rather, beaten, punished. And this character stinks (legal rights specialists - ed.). They steal and deprive grants. That’s how they earned money before. Earn pennies on this directly,” the head asked republics

Having noted that the authorities of Chechnya are asking for human rights officers to come to the republic, he shows them the real picture. “All the same, don’t trust us,” he added.

In my opinion, making money directly is the purpose of the policy.

“We, in the Chechen Republic, cannot have this 100% of the time. I believe that in other regions, and in the whole state, this does not appear,” said Kadirov, who noted that this is against the laws of nature and I have no right to sleep.

"There will always be a stink! And there will always be a stink, if not so, as in European countries, I sing that it is not our fault, but it will not be. A man is a man. A woman is a woman. Well, how is that possible? I respect that we can finish isya behind all the rules of life. As the Almighty created us, this is how we can live,” Kadirov said.

At the beginning of the investigation, Novaya Gazeta published a material that found information about the mass rumors of non-traditional sexual orientation in Chechnya. The press secretary of the head of Chechnya, Alva Karimov, told the newspaper and stated that in the republic people have “only one orientation,” which can be judged by the high level of nationality.

On the 19th quarter, just before the hour, I will receive Ramzan Kadirov in the Kremlin, singing to President Vladimir Putin that all publications from ZMI about the kidnapping and killing of people from Chechnya are of a provocative nature. The people who appear in them, as a result, are found to be alive and well, Kadirov said. After this journalist, who Kadirov was against the provocation, they themselves blamed the head of Chechnya for having deceived the president.

Recently, the press secretary of the head of state, Dmitro Peskov, stated that the Kremlin has no reason not to trust the information provided by Kadirov.
