Vorozhinnya on special cards. A simple way to tell fortunes on cards Learn to tell fortunes on cards

Vorozhinnya on special cards. A simple way to tell fortunes on cards Learn to tell fortunes on cards

In a skin person, the situation can be complicated, for it is problematic to know the way out on your own. Bagato who in such a state of mind rushes for help to the cards. Fortunately, today there are different layouts that are available to beginners until the end. In this article, we can see the magic on the cards: lay out that meaning of the cards.

During the hours of our ancestors, the magic of witches was known to at least one member of the family. Most often, a woman of a frail age spoke to him.

The first time to make an important purchase, to make a long-term decision, to plant the choice of birth, to the end of the day, the women were turned around from the depths of the work of the card layout, showing how the situation develops far away. That divination occupied a great role in the life of people, as a result, if they called sumniviv.

Divination rules on cards

In order for the result of the transfer to be true, it is important to respect the singing rules. First, you need to choose a card, as if you will be "you" at the process of witchcraft. Fight like this:

  • yakshcho vie young nezamіzhnya maiden - a tambourine lady is taken;
  • representatives of the beautiful status of the age category from twenty five to fifty years need to stop the woman of worms;
  • Summer women choose women of clubs.

For people, it is necessary to choose cards with a similar rank.

From this video, you can learn how to tell fortunes for the greatest cards, as well as Tarot cards:

Card layout “What was and what will be?”

Vorozhinnya on the cards on the topic “What will be, what will the heart be calm” has always been crowned with majestic popularity among the girls. The Danish layout has appeared a long time ago, for additional help you can find out about the peculiarities of your past and future, and also I will listen to the recommendation, how you can improve the lower standard of speeches in your life.

The fortune-teller was actively victorious by our great-grandmothers, wanting, next to signify, from that hour, some deacons appeared in the meanings of the cards, but yoga sense remains unchanged.

Now let's look at how to properly vikonati vorozhinnya:

  • the best hour for yoga is night. You will need to kindly open all the cards from the deck;
  • then take five first cards for the help of your left hand directly on yourself and lay them out on the surface of the table;
  • repeat the described manipulation in each case;
  • once again win the same day, with which one of the cards it is necessary to put the okremo. As a result, you will take 5 stacks of cards, the skin will have 3 cards each, and one will be left in place.

The cards are interpreted as follows:

  • 1 stack- Describe you as special;
  • 2 stack- prolє light on your anxieties and praises that torment you;
  • 3 stack- Your budinok, close to that kind of people;
  • 4 stack- Podії past;
  • 5 stack- Podії future.

And the rest of the map will tell you how to end on the right, you think about it. Otherwise, you accept the main recommendation.

How to tlumachize the meaning of cards in a classic layout

In order to understand what the cards seem to you, remember them correctly.

Heart's suit

  • Shіstka - you will have mercy.
  • Simka - boldly rizikuyte, all conceived zdіysnitsya.
  • Вісімка - varto re-evaluate those who you can, you can already be happy.
  • Nine - you know a good sharpened.
  • Ten - take away the financial benefit.
  • Jack - comrade.
  • Zhіnka - a woman you don't know.
  • The king is an unknown person.
  • Ace - dB about your day.

Diamond suit

  • Shіstka - everything is planned to come together.
  • Simka - you have a wonderful friend, it is necessary to take care of him.
  • Вісімка - individuals who are guessing, are widely placed before you.
  • Nine - everything will be completed successfully.
  • Ten - check your sums, you don't care about stink.
  • Jack - you are lured to "drive for nis".
  • Zhіnka - you have a taєmna chanuvalnitsa.
  • King - someone secretly hoots at you.
  • Ace it is important for you to know about all the rest of the news, so as not to miss important.

Club suit

  • Shestka - varto hear what to talk about.
  • Simka - pan-luck is known to you.
  • Vіsіmka - obіtsya otrimanna present.
  • Dev'yatka - not a bar of life to change for better.
  • Ten - buy the road rich.
  • Jack is a receptionist.
  • A woman is a family woman.
  • The king is a family man.
  • Ace - otrimannya tsikavoy zvistki.

Spade suit

  • Shіstka - happen to survive the separation.
  • Simka - do not flare up in the best way.
  • Vіsіmka - you will cry through the evil.
  • Nine - to admire your health.
  • Ten - your children look at you.
  • Jack - marna vanity.
  • Zhіnka - ignore the arrogance of zі slander.
  • King - you have a secret enemy.
  • Ace - to bad news.

Vorozhinnya on vikonannya bazhannya

A deck of cards is shuffled well, then you take the cards with your left hand, think up your own secret bag. Then the cards are laid out in piles one by one, so that the shirt marvels at the top.

Then you take the first pile from the left side, turn the images upside down and tidy up all the cards, crimson the first ace. Sweep analogous dii z usima with stacks of cards until all the stinks come together.

That pile, as if it was behind a pіdsack, can be laid out into three parts, while the cards are marveling at the images uphill. Then repeat the forward manipulations (take all the cards up to the first ace). Ale, do not forget to turn the right side of the image upside down and put it on the left without moving it.

Cards that are left out should be divided into two parts and again repeat the descriptions. For example, lay out the cards in two piles, mix well and put them in one line. As if with whom all 4 tuzi will come, your secret dream will become a reality.

Having gone to the fortune-telling on the cards, it is easy to understand the correct state of speeches in your life, even if the cards act as an “independent expert”, which will help you to know the answers to the food that they praise, and learn the right choice in a folding situation.

Online fortune telling on the maps

To lay out a deck of cards, press on it:

Vipali cards:

It’s rich who at least once thought about those who would have been better to know more, lower reshta, and mothers could look into the future. It appears that there is a skin on us.

At the same time, it is significant that such a trick is: the method of extracting the necessary information for an auxiliary tool. The most wide-ranging tools are tse cards (grails, Tarot, oracles) and runes, as well as kava thick, stone, and different books. Fortune-telling, like and in be-yakіy іnshіy pravі, є dvі skladovі: tekhnіchna tvorcha. It is obvious that the technique can be mastered practically, be it a person, there would be motivation. Її root - in the passion of recognition, what is the reason for "enchantment" is the same and how it works, as well as the bazhannya to help other people. So people themselves master, for example, driving a car, foreign language, or the mastery of a driver.

What is the need for a special gift, to tell fortunes?

And the axis of the creative warehouse drive often blames food: what is the necessary special gift in order to tell fortunes? The conclusion is this: the gift is not needed, but the axis of talent can be “discovered” and developed. On the right, in the fact that under the "darma" sound to be on the verge of clairvoyance. Prote clairvoyance is a direct channel for linking with greater forces, otherwise it seems that intuition is sharpened. And in fortune-telling, for the help of cards, no other clairvoyant tool is needed - the splendid average intuition is quite enough. Henceforth, the creative aspect of magic is just intuition plus associative thought. In order to make the fortune-telling work more quickly, maistri often slacken “on the sweat”: they concentrate on nutrition, on the one who put it on, on the tools. In secret, I’ll tell you that the connection to the greater forces already has some kind of tool for witchcraft. Tse yak at the radio receiver is an antenna, yak is fixed to receive a signal. Deyakі vorozhі charge their tools (packs of cards, for example) in front of the robot - to turn the handle on the “priymacha”. But really, stink for yourself. The talent of the enemy is to correctly verbalize information, how to find a tool that you have worked on, when prompted to supply the client. Here, yoga mastery is manifested, like a sum of technique and creativity.

Additional skills for witches

For a good job, the stench is not viscous, but rather bad. Tse all those who help the master to clearly and effectively interpret pictures and combinations during witchcraft. Among such beginners, you may also have the gift of clairvoyance, so the intuition is strong. Axis apply other additional "gadgets": - esoteric knowledge about karma, the share of that sense of life; – dosvid psikhologicheskikh practices, and maybe th diploma of a psychologist; - Knowledge from the summіzhnyh spheres - astrology, numerology, magic; - Suto creative talents - up to music, painting, writing.

Vorozhinnya: how to turn a hobby into a profession

You can learn to tell fortunes if you are a person: choose a tool that you have become worthy of, learn the instructions of a koristuvach, train your creative mind. If you become one of your hobbies in order to knit, paint, dance and drive a car. How to grow a witch with your profession? What axis is needed for whom:

1. Love until the end

This is the main disruptive power of professional growth and development. Without prejudice, that straining bazhannya touches all the subtle nuances of a witch to become a serious faker is impossible.

2. Changes in the blue and part of the light-gazer

The principal difference is that hobbies are just more hobbies, and professions are jobs that are paid. A taxi driver does not just love to drive a car - he is a miracle worker; Perucar is not the one who is quicker than relatives and friends on their way, but the master, who is a worker in the salon. A professional knitting is no less "clothing" all his family, and go to the Internet market, take part in exhibitions, give a master class.
So it's just a fortune-teller. A thought about those who can "share their gift" with others without a cost - pardon. Moreover, in the realm of magic, the law of conservation of energy is relevant - it is impossible to take away, without giving anything to the natomist. To that, be a professional fortune-teller, you know the value of yourself, your hour and your mastery.

3. Noble ethical code, rules of magic and work with clients

The main points are honesty, confidentiality, emotional resilience, willingness to trick and destroy myths about witchcraft.

Vorozhiy is a profession

There is a good trend in our country: divination on the cards is more and more often called the professional consultation of a tarot reader, and the halo of mysticism and occultism on the part of the profession is changing to a reasonable setting before it and a scientific approach. It is also easier and more accessible to have information about witchcraft for ordinary people - it is easier for them not only to trust the masters of our region, but to master the nameless profession by themselves.

For children and young people, the fates of rich people knew exactly how to tell fortunes on the maps correctly, and, perhaps, the deacons saved the data of the dos. Vorozhinnya is a folding rozumovy process, a kind of building awaken your intuition. Before the help of the cards, not only dosvіdchenі vorogki go, to find out about your future, you can skin us, for the help of the most powerful maps. Let us tell you, like fortune-telling on the cards, we will help you to learn (or guess) the ways of fortune-telling and the correct meaning of the suits. For a scientific example, take a look at the video presented below, they will help you learn the main ways of divination on the maps: on the future, on the kohanny, on the bajan.

Nasampered, before the funeral it is necessary to resolutely prepare. Tse means that it is necessary to buy a new deck of 36 cards, mentally fix yourself on the fortune, choose the day you need. It is important that the cards tell you the truth about the information, as well as the skin on the 13th day of the month. Our ancestors also turned to vorozhin at the hour of the new and holy holidays. This period is from 7 to 19 September, if it is necessary to change from the old rock to the new one, and you can easily fix the doors to an absolutely different, parallel world, find out if you need good food and, perhaps, build more important for yourself visnovki.

So you proceed to the process of fortune-telling first, remember the shard of the big rules, as if they will tell you how to guess on the cards independently and take it with the help of reliable information.

  1. Before the ritual hold the cards in your hands, pull them with your left hand, straightening closer to the heart. Make an energetic connection with the cards, think about your nutrition.
  2. If you have read fortune-telling on the cards of other people, do not pass the deck from hand to hand. What do you care cards look at their master, and nothing, krіm nogo, is not guilty of trimming the deck in his hands. Lyudina, for what you are guessing, maybe it’s better to show your hand on the map.
  3. Don't go to hell in a nasty mood. In the same way, obov'yazkovo take away the year from the people, like you vyrishili tell fortunes. Divination against will is not allowed.
  4. Vykorist different ways of divination on the cards, About yakі mi report rozpovimo below. Ale, in order to torment you as an important food, do not put this card more often than 1 time for profit, otherwise it may be unreliable.
  5. Give respect to the cards that you have seen. Just before an hour of shuffling, you had one or two cards, decipher their values ​​​​at once from the cards from the main layout. Zbіgіv not buvaє, tsі cards are trying to tell you.

The meaning of the card cards for the hour of the fortune

  • Worms vіdpovіdat for the element Vodі that osoblyuyut love that romantic stosunki. Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Ribi.
  • Tambourines - Tse Earth. Tsya suit vіdpovіdaє for material benefits, business vіdnosini, expensive, navchannya, active activity. Signs - Taurus, Diva, Capricorn.
  • Trefi - Tse element of Fire. Suit for financial dobrobut, power, camp at the suspense. Її signs - Aries, Sagittarius, Leo.
  • Peaks - Tse Povitrya. The suit symbolizes all the misfortunes, waste the problems that are going on in the life path. Signs - Gemini, Terezi, Aquarius.

Methods of divination on cards

Іsnuyut different ways of divination on the grave cards: on the kohanny (on the king, on the kokhan), on the future (“Who will be?”, gypsy fortune teller), on the money, on food, on the share and bring on wealth. We are looking for some of the simplest, and even more popular and effective methods.


This way allows you to reveal the character of a person, how you will tell fortunes, as well as її emotions, almost like that.

  1. Take a deck shuffle, beat the top with your left hand.
  2. After all send first card and open it. Tse thoughts of your kohanoi people.
  3. After shuffling send a card to a friend and put the right-hander in front of yourself - tse feel, emotions, experience.
  4. In a similar way know more chotiri cards:
  • the third card is more significant than the future of your kohan;
  • the fourth - yoga bazhannya, nadії, striving;
  • p'yata - unsupported podia;
  • shosta - the share of chi is far away future.

Vorozhinnya on the bazhannya

This way is simple, prote wine help you shed light on the nearest future and let me know what the Bazhans want to know. Having touched yoga, you can easily learn to tell fortunes on cards, vicory folding variations of layouts.

  1. Otzhe, take a deck of 36 cards to hand, shuffle, thinking about your bazhanya.
  2. Let's take one card away, don't look at the deck.
  3. The card you have checked will give you an indication of food, what to say.
  4. With all the “black” suits they will talk about the impossibility, or the hardships of the vikonan bajan.
  5. "Chervoni" suit, navpaki, zbіlshhuyut ymovіrnіst positive result.

Tsygansk Vorozhinnya

Tse ancient and even more effective magic help you to know about the deeds of the nearest future one, to tell you about the present day.

  1. Take a card, think about food, what to call you. For example, “Who checks on me?”.
  2. Pull the cards, raise the top with your left hand.
  3. Lay 3 rows of 3 cards with a shirt.
  4. The first row is your past.
  5. The other row is the right one.
  6. The cards of the third row signify your future.

Vorozhinnya "What will happen?"

If you are already far away from learning how to tell fortunes on the maps, let's move on to folding layouts and try to find out about such food: "What was it?" "What will you do?" and “On what heart do you rest?”.

  1. For the cob, concentrate, take the cards from your hand and pull them with your left hand to the heart.
  2. Znіmіt kolka top cards and vіdpravte їkh nih deck.
  3. Then, according to your choice, choose 3 cards from the deck until you know your card, for example, the lady of clubs and put її in the center of the table.
  4. The first trio symbolizes “What was it?”. Tobto the skin of the cards, which were wiped, means I’m going to go, as if I’ve already seen it, or else I’ll make it a person, so I know the order of you.
  5. Other times the cards are shuffled again, focusing your respect on the food “What will happen?”.
  6. Podіlyaєmo deck approximately navpіl, vyimaєmo one card, and, not marveling at її suit, put under our card. Tse those that you have "On the heart." Vіdkriti tsyu card can be only for example divination.
  7. Dali mi cards are not shuffled, but rozpodіlyaєmo їx approximately equal parts from different sides of the head map. It is necessary to work with your right hand.
  8. Now, according to your eyes, draw on the two upper cards to the beast and the bottom, right-handed and left-handed in your card.
  9. The cards that are left out are not shuffled, placed 2 pieces in the right fold - from the bottom and to the top in the head card, showing the suit.
  10. So the very rozmіschuєmo maps of zlіva.
  11. Three reshti cards of the skin fourth are placed “On the heart”.

If you master the methods of divination on the cards, you can move on to more serious methods and use tarot cards.

How to learn fortune telling on tarot cards?

Today, you can learn impersonal helpers and find assistants, how to tell, how to learn to tell fortunes on tarot cards. Also in the Internet or books you can know the clouding of maps. Remember the head moment the fortune-teller is guilty of seeing the cards, believe in them and trust them. Having drawn a card, you need to switch over to energy, write down your emotions, as if you were crying out. Believe me, tarot cards know more about you, lower yourself. Vorozhinnya on these cards is guessing trick, the stench is talking about you. For the cob, don't bother with the folded layout - it's enough to choose one card per day and describe your experience related to it. During the year you learn to listen to yourself, your intuition, and the cards themselves “want” to reveal the secrets to you.

Nutrition "How to guess on the cards?" vinikaє, if only for a little while, you can tell fortunes on the cards. For this reason, I’ll give you some simple recommendations, how to learn to tell fortunes on the cards. Only the constant practice of divination on the grading cards will give you the necessary knowledge of the correct clouding of the layouts, ale turn, and that’s the varte. Before you, you see the light of different ways of divination on the maps, and your intuition will always help the clouded meaning of the spreads.

Use the impersonal different views and every day the cards in the layouts can be impersonal, but with constant practice, you will be able to intuitively understand the meaning of the card cards in divination.

How to guess on the cards? For fortune-telling on the card cards, a new deck of the greatest card cards is taken from 36 arcades. To take it as truthfully and accurately as possible, to better win a new deck for the witch, they didn’t play it any earlier. Spravzhnі sorceresses vvazhayut for the best way not to give your sorcerer's deck into someone's hands, vvazhetsya, so you can destroy the energy link with the deck. It is allowed to choose more than a few cards from a deck of people, like a fortune teller. Nezalezhno in order to believe chi not to believe the person through the fortune-telling on the cards of the person, how to tell fortunes on the cards, the fortune-teller will give you a quiet time and will always serve the happy hour.

Sometimes, fortune-telling cards can fall out of the deck. Qi cards ring out at once with the cards in the layout, it’s important what they want to say, what to tell fortunes. Before speech, it is important that the cards break for weeks and Mondays, these are unsuitable days for fortune-telling on the maps. The most pleasant days for fortune telling on the cards are Friday and the thirteenth day of the month, and, of course, Christmas time.

As soon as you start fortune telling on the cards, try them on the cob in your hands in order to establish an energy link. Before the witches, it’s better to whisper on the card a special sound so that no one feels:

“Thirty-six sisters, cousins ​​and brides, brothers and comrades.

Serve me the service of the virn, the friendship is imminent.

Thirty-six cards of several suits, tell me the whole truth:

Why check, why check, why be afraid, don’t take on the yak on the right.

I call you all, I call you, I call you: my word is mіtsne і to the cards. Amen."

Then the deck is shuffled with the left hand, to the heart, a sprat of cards is taken to the beast and the decks are moved down. Only after all the following procedures, you can start fortune telling on the cards. We gave some suggestive methods of divination on the maps of the city, and we were told, like divination on the maps.

Regardless of that, like a deck of cards you victorious, and to some kind of layout you give a paradox, to tell fortunes on the card cards, smut, what you need to know - the meaning of the card cards when fortune-telling in the deck. The most significant value of the card cards for the hour of fortune-telling by suit is known on the other side, and the value of the cards, characteristic of any song layout, is known at once from the description of the layout itself.

It is also important to reverse not only the meaning of the skin card, but also the suit in general, directly or reverse the position of the card, as it was seen, and continue with the other cards. As a rule, when the cards are taken together, the meaning of one is one, and the turn over of the camp of the card is taken as negatively by all fortune-tellers. On the report values ​​of the card cards, we don’t notice, but rather the most important of them.

Card suit values

In order to tell fortunes on the cards, it is necessary to be appointed with a “blank” card, like a significant person, like telling fortunes. Chomu may have a skin suit. Mustache suits "reveal" for one of the elements, the most important spheres of life:

♠ Peaks - Povitrya (bad luck), signs - Bliznyuki, Terezi, Aquarius. Mast show all the undertakings, connected with problems, expenses, nonsense, failures. Element - Povіtrya.

♣ Cross (Trefi) - Fire (power), її signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The suit is associated with the financial camp and the camp in the household, power. Element - Fire.

Worms (Worms) - Water (love), signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Ribi. The suit symbolizes feelings and romantic emotions, mutually with lonely people. Element - Water.

♦ Diamonds (Bubі) - Earth (material goods), signs - Taurus, Diva, Capricorn. The suit is connected with business situations and nutrition, whether it be active activity, enlightenment, or more expensive. Element - Earth.

Often the suit of a person when fortune-telling is used in such a way:

if in front of you is sprytna, shrill, shy to adventures of a person, then yoga suit - clubs;

if in front of you it is magnanimous, open, cheerful, people, then yoga suit - worms;

if before you is a bagata, a dilova chi viiskova person, then his suit is tambourines;

if you have a sick person in front of you, you have a frown, or a frown, then the suit is spades.

Ways of divination on the card cards

On our website, it’s not that easy to find ways to make fortunes on the maps. You know how to learn how to tell fortunes on the big cards for the future, for tomorrow, for the future, for the share of that on the im'ya. We are also rozpovimo, like fortune-telling on the grave cards for a kohanny, and like fortune-telling on the grave cards for a kohan man.

- Tse rozlad "What will be, what will be, what will the heart calm down." A simple divination on the future, one of the most popular ways of divination on the card cards, allows you to make a decision on a difficult question: “What will you be?” or “What is checking on me?”. For this fortune-teller, there are three pairs of cards in front of the faces of “your” cards, and pairs of cards in the mountains of the “portrait” symbolize the nearest future, and the pair of cards below “your” cards mean insignificant podії.

- A simple way of divination on the maps "Vorozhinnya on the podium" or on the nearest future will help you to recognize, as soon as the podium can be and how it will be out. This is the way of fortune telling on the cards on the future, as if checking on you without a bar. Three parts of the deck are drawn according to one vipadkovіy card, they signify the meanings of these cards, as they symbolize the nearest future and the next, which is checked for you.

On the maps of the world, zastosovuyut at the same time moments of life, yoga cannot be called everyday. The mystery of the future, which checks us for the coming month, the future fate or the advancing fate, is revealed in this fortune-telling. Without the help of a fortune teller, you can look with one eye at your share and find out what will be tomorrow, in a month, and through the river.

- so is a simple way of divination on the decal cards "Divination to the Named One", of confessions made by one of the most reliable and most demanding, even if the king є bazhanim still sounds like a self-represented representative of a beautiful state. The card of the king, as it appears on the orders, indicates on the sense, name that reference of the nearest future object of the fortune teller.

another clumsy way of fortune-telling on the grave cards on the chotiri valeti, vіn vіdomiy dіvchatam for a long time, as simple and more informative. The fortune-telling of the 4th jack is a fortune-telling on a kohannya in a number of people, as it allows you to designate your kohan with a large number of people. The fortune-telling on a crazy person will help you to find out about the feelings of all people, if you don’t baiduzh.

- simply "Warning on 21 cards" will help to reveal your intuition, take into account the necessary recommendations, transfer your future, make the right decisions. In this way, the fortune-telling on the cards of the beast knows three cards and marvels, as in the middle of them cards of the same suit appear, or of the same goodness, then they add to their card that, as they see the others in the trio.

It's simple that the fortune-telling on the maps is accessible to everyone. Be in the middle and make a guess on the suit of one card. Tsej sposіb vorozhіnnya perebachit, chi cope out. If you lose a card of the same suit, it is significant that you win your bajan.

On the maps, there is a report about your share of that future. What way to guess is necessary with the words “tambourines, clubs, spades, blame” and take cards to the beast one by one. Cards, yakі according to suit, zbіgli іz named vіdkladayut. Since there were at least ten cards deposited, the fortune-telling is over, the values ​​​​of these cards are calculated, as if they tell about your share.

- Dosit in the house and at the same time a true fortune teller on the setting of a person. This way of conjuring the trohi is folded in front, but it allows you to look at the situation in the box from different points of view, from different angles. The cards in this way are laid out in different ways, and reveal only a part of the mystery of love, and you can forever change your life to a better one.

Just that truthful fortune-telling on the prospects of a penny's income from the nearest future one on nine cards of the grand deck. It’s enough to draw nine cards from the deck and lay them out in front of you. Depending on your request, there will be suits that were drawn, and the meaning of the cards, the clouding of which we can imagine.


Tarot, like a be-like system, is similar to a bagato-ball cake. In order for you to have a cake, different elements of the system, you need to put ball after ball, and the process of fortune-telling will be more than a color - a garnet trojan. Well, chi cherry. On this topic “how to learn to read fortune-telling on tarot cards independently” I could write a book and more than one, but I’ll try to get around with short windshields.

Choose a deck for a divination on Tarot for pochatk_vts_v

The first thing to do is pick a deck. How did you learn to read the fortune teller on the tarot independently, raja choose a popular deck, for which there is enough material and symbolism that you understood when you first looked at the card. In this article, I will refer to the "Tarot Rider-Waite" and to similar decks ("Universal Tarot" and the like). By the way, if you master the system, you can remember the deck for whatever it is that suits you. If you want to choose “Tarot of the Enchanted Toads at the Ryazan Fox” (I fantasize), trust that you happen to find your own system of interpretation.

The simplicity of the plot in the picture will be a hint to you, if you forget the description of the tlumach. Vtіm, zhorstka tying up to tlumach you need more than a little.

Methods of clouding


If you think of a simple system, it seems to be. And, in principle, it is enough for you to know the serial number of the card and the suit, so that you can see the difference.


If you marvel at the picture depicted on the map, and your witnesses will have images that you will verbalize.

Synthesis of systemic and intuitive approaches

The best way to be-like a person, as if she took the first pidkhid to taro, is to come in no time.

I raja vikoristati third, but spiratisya, especially on the cob of practice, on the first. In this article, I will add theories about those who you want to develop a tarot system. In order to tell fortunes on tarot, you can have the meaning of the cards in the "firmware". And, unfortunately, the tutoring of the tlumachs is not helpful here. But all the same, I want to expand your fears about those that tarot is foldable, and tell you about those that you already know a lot about the meaning of the cards.

How to learn to tell fortunes on the Tarot independently. first test

If you want to learn how to tell fortunes on tarot cards from scratch, then just do it yourself. Ask some food, how to call you, it’s not necessary to be important, you’ll guess more or less about it. Take a card out of the deck, marvel at those that are depicted on it, and interpret those that are depicted in the picture, do not fight for mercy.

For example: “How to put Petya before me?” Vityaguimo of the King of Wands (my butt has the King of Wands from the "Universal Tarot"). I describe the map: I’m here, the whole person is active, out of life, to that the colors on the map are yellow and orange, so it’s obvious that you want to get up and work, straighten up, maybe, build up the tops. It’s better to be a leader for everything, a crown on your head to talk about power, and so on. Dalі tsey described spіvvіdnosny іz nutrition about Petya.

Well, for example, Petya lashed out a hundred times less, in cooperation with me, called out in a new surge of energy, it’s possible, if you want to grow some bells and whistles. Do not hesitate to have mercy. Practice has shown that the meaning of the cards can be easily read from the little ones. On one of the pages, I asked to describe the quality of the character and feel, like calling the image on the map of people, like absolutely no one knew in the tarot at that moment. Practice has shown that two or three individuals with sleeping zusills saw a description even similar to the meaning of a karti from a tarot tlumach.

And then - this important moment - you see the tlumach and read the description of the card. Zvernіt respect, naskіlki vy buli exactly in the description. I, obviously, respect what you had mercy on. What is your first interpretation of the meaning of the card? It is critical to go to this analysis, but do not bark to yourself for not penetrating the essence of the map.

Until you understand the meaning of the card, which has been re-examined for reliability according to the cloud, you need to step by step add different elements of the system. Do you remember the cake analogy? Let's now sort out some versions of wines.

Base divination on the Tarot. Why is it important to respect


It is important that tarot, astrology and alchemy are based on understanding about the elements. The young lasso is divided into chotiri verses. In order to understand the tarot, you need to understand what one element is like in another. I those who recognize the principles of the principles. Fire - Wands, Earth - Pentacles, Povіtrya - Swords, Water - Cups (although not all systems have the same suits for the elements, be respectful).

Mentally, Fire and Light are taken in by active and human elements, and Water and Earth are mentally womanly and passive. Water and Vogon are emotional (Vogny has emotions, while Water has inner ones), and Earth and Povіtrya are intellectual and rational. You will know the description of the elements in the tarot guide. Ale, in order to learn the fortune telling on tarot cards, it is important to link your books of knowledge with real evidence.

We take the suit of Vagny, which was in the card from our butt about Petya. What associations and words-symbols do you have when you talk about real fire? Yaskraviy, semi-dreaming, impulsive, active, hot? Add step by step your knowledge about the verses to the clouding of the map.


From one to ten. What does your mind have alone? One? Yogo? I? Self? Inappropriate? Qile? Cob? I’ll turn my back to your rich life to know that knowledge, and then we’ll turn the tlumach, obviously, correcting ourselves in quiet moments, the girls took pity on the fact that, for example, “loneliness”. І put respect on the card now not only for the suit, the associative series, which calls the image, but also for the serial number.


Zhovty kolіr on be-yakіy card. Who are you associated with? Joy, sun, activity, activity. Well, and so on. What characteristics of the wines add to the value of the card? With a decision of colors, it’s right to try that right.

Symbols, items, roslini, creatures

Tarot is not a simple system, often the knowledge was encrypted in that chi іnshiy symbol, not the intellect of the uninitiated. Ale pіdsvіdomo mi more part of the symbolіv razumієmo and zchituєmo. Why do you associate grapes, which figure on how many maps? With relatives and prosperity? And the dog? What about gloomy? And now, if you see grapes or a dog on the map, take a look at your account, perhaps, there is already laid down some information. And then read about the symbol that you have harassed, either in the description of the card, or in the encyclopedia of symbols. The tarot is not as foldable as it seemed at first glance.


From the page to the King. Rank maturity to talk about the age of the character's maturity on the map. And also figured cards can mean characters that show the figures of those suits, to such a stench lie.

How to correctly lay out Tarot cards when fortune-telling about those, how to charge the deck

Many beginners ask themselves the questions "how to lay out the tarot cards for the fortune teller correctly." The most important thing in the process of fortune-telling is not those who are correct, you lay tarot cards on the table, otherwise you will be in the same position. In order for you to have accurate forecasts, you do not need to get into the situation emotionally. It is important to take the position of an alienated poster. And move away until I become inner silence. Tse, maybe, more convenient and more important than what you can learn. Accept, at that moment, if you draw cards from the deck, you are not guilty of turbulent everyday thoughts that become, which are generated by thoughts.

And the best way to charge the deck is to understand the meaning of the cards, as they are known in it.

Forgive spread on tarot cards for pochatkivtsiv

The simplest and the most complicated layout on tarot cards for pochatkivtsiv - for one card. You put the food (about how to put the food correctly - this is a okrema topic, the smut - try so that the food was correct and not recombined), and how to draw one card. If you are more or less willing to orientate at the meanings, you can add one or two cards to the card number, to clarify the sense of the first. Change the meanings of the cards, you won’t understand anything at a glance, and then we’ll get used to it, and this procedure will be easy.

You can add positional layout step by step. Do not marry for folding layouts, there are no everyday problems in order to make a layout of any of 78 cards. Ale, you will need yogo to tlumachiti. To that, as you are beginning to practice tarot and kind of food "how to learn to tell fortunes on tarot cards independently" only went to the beginning of fortunetelling, give more respect to the meaning of the cards, and not to their number.

Technique to help you learn how to orientate yourself freely on cloudy cards

The basis of whether or not the practice of divination on the Tarot is progress and regularity. If you have already mastered a sufficient number of cards, well, for example, you have played less than five, you can practice, guessing history, based on the meaning of the cards, as you know. Especially for the time being, you are afraid to go to real people with a fortune-telling proposition.

Guess the character. For example: Ivan, 25 years old, designer. І remove three cards, as a symbol of podії, which are consequently associated with Ivan, in life. Store a story on the basis of them. How to lay out the cards for the technique - three cards in sequence. The first card is the cob, the other card is the continuation of history, the third card is the whisker.

Vityagyuemo on Ivan three cards marveled. I have 4 cups, the Emperor and 2 swords. Our history pochnetsya from the fact that at once Ivan became enchanted in life, and found through problems in the kohanna, perhaps, having parted with the girl. For the time being, just sit and watch for those who are in your life, and look for those that you don’t see, obviously, in such a confused state there is no inspiration, as you need for work, even if you are a designer ... You can continue on your own.

Video about how to lay out Tarot cards during fortune-telling

Watch the video, in which Sergiy Savchenko will tell you about those, how to lay out the Tarot cards for the hour of fortune telling, that will give a surprise to newcomers at Tarot.

What work, what do I want to tell fortunes for others

In order to learn how to tell fortunes on tarot cards, it’s not only independent in the minds of the home, but also to other people, you can pick up a wide range of layouts, which are suitable for a complex version of food, and you can win from your clients. Globally, those with which people are most likely to behave like this:

  • mutually
  • work and self-realization
  • pennies
  • I'm healthy
  • all sorts of forecasts

Even more similar to those, with which people can come to you, for example, food about the presence or the presence of magical vibes, shkidlivyh infusions. Ale tse glade rіdkіsny vpadok, nizh parts.

If you have energized, how to learn to tell fortunes on tarot cards on your own, then work on the analysis of quiet food, with which people can come to you. Let's take, for example, the theme of each other. Zsuvaєmo її to vzaєmin between a man and a woman. To take a comprehensive look at this topic, you need to analyze the current situation. Zrobiti forecast for the development of vіdnosin. If you see a storm there, what is going on, spread the story about those, how to get away from the situation and take off, if it’s possible. Marvel at the summation of these people.

This is a detailed forecast from the series “How friendly and promising is it for Petya?”. Like Petit two or more - sleep with food of choice from Spive and potential heritage of your choice. You can’t sleep, and don’t transfer to the nearest future, you made a forecast, you need to look at the reasons for the availability of the relationship, and also give recommendations, how to correct the situation.

Imovirnіshe, all nutrition is not the topic of one consultation, but you are guilty of orienting yourself in those and them for additional help, you can look at the nutrition, so that you can comprehensively help people, as they turned to you. Others may be so self-ignited by those things.

Like the whole winding in order to learn how to tell fortunes on tarot, it’s independently given to you too folding

You have three paths. Throw this thread. Podolat vnutrishnіy opіr. Abo piti on navchannya vorozhinnya on tarot cards to fakhivtsya, which has already gone through the whole route of trials and pardons. Vіn can direct you to the right direction, passing by thorn bushes, in which he himself has already visited and with such hands, but I am asking for help, having strayed. However, you should know how to learn tarot cards as soon as possible, do not forget about self-illumination.

Obviously, one article can’t help you with advice on nutrition “How to learn to tell fortunes on tarot cards”, but, perhaps, it will give you some guidance. What a way to touch the taro you didn’t take away - independent or a teacher, I give you a clear mind and successful practice.
