Wushu for beginners at home. What is Wushu - origins and founder

Wushu for beginners at home. What is Wushu - origins and founder

Title: Buy the book "Wushu gymnastics. Starting from scratch": feed_id: 5296 pattern_id: 2266 book_author: I-Shen book_name: Wushu Gymnastics. Starting from scratch

Healing practices of the East

Title: Wushu gymnastics. Starting from scratch

Series: Healing Practices of the East

Publisher: Vector

Pages: 128, ill.

ISBN 5-9684-0536-8

Format: fb2


Homeland of the eastern practice of wushu - China. Every morning, millions of Chinese take to the streets, courtyards, squares and parks and do a variety of physical exerciseswushu .

What prompts them to do this? This, of course, is the belief that regular exercise in this gymnastics protects against disease and prolongs life. This attitude to wushu is based on deep national traditions, culture, ideas, rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy, which considers man in unity with nature.

The book will introduce you to wushu, but not as a martial art, but as a set of physical exercises to improve health.

Regularly practicing wushu will help to introduce you to a healthy lifestyle.

Wushu gymnastics. Starting from scratch

A perfectly wise man makes no mistakes. In the world, no one understands the meaning of his words; he keeps his thoughts in deep secrecy.

Guan Tzu (1st century BC)

Gymnastics wushu , in my opinion, are available not only to experienced athletes, but to everyone who seeks to strengthen their own health and get rid of a whole baggage of chronic diseases.

From time immemorial in Russia, and in many other civilized countries, a stereotype of a healthy person has been formed: of course, tall, with an athletic torso, and impressive muscle relief. But the East is a "delicate matter", or rather, thin and small. Therefore, in Asia the ideal of a healthy person is a small man, well-fed, even with a small abdomen (because of abdominal breathing, and not love, it is tasty and a lot to eat). In addition, a healthy person, above all, should have pink satin skin, shiny hair, a smile and a calm, radiant look ...

The main signs of a healthy person in Eastern culture differ from European ones. This, naturally, is flexibility, mobility of joints and tendons, plastic movements, proper breathing and the ability to control your body and will. That is, there is, or rather, on the body, the harmony of the spirit and the carnal principle! Fourteen centuries ago, the founder of the famous Shaolin wushu school, Bodhidharma, educated his disciples according to the principle: "Through the perfection of the body to the perfection of the spirit."

Wushu is not only a martial art and sport, it is, first of all, medical and health-improving gymnastics, psycho-training and, oddly enough, a philosophical system. Before developing the physical abilities of their bodies, Chinese teachers called for the improvement of the personality, for the search for human harmony with the outside world.

Literal translation of the term "ush at "-" martial art ". Having appeared several millennia ago, wushu represented the techniques of hunting and self-defense from animals and enemies. But later, the ancient Chinese came to the idea that, having such a powerful weapon as wushu in their arsenal, a person should be strong in spirit and master the skill of using it so as not to harm the weak and defenseless. This can only be achieved through training, not just the body, but also the spirit.

Now, when hostilities are conducted with the help of completely different weapons than wushu, two new directions have emerged: self-defense without weapons and a system of preventive and therapeutic gymnastics.

The healing and health aspects of Wushu are an integral part of traditional medicine. It is known from numerous Chinese sources that “ who has mastered the wushu systems increases the protective properties of the body ... constant training gives practical skill in achieving good health and prolongs life ... then a person does not need whole pots of medicines ". Art wushu develops on the basis of psychophysical training, during which a person activates and mobilizes the hidden capabilities of the body.

Most widespread wushu received after the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Teaching was introduced from the first grade in primary and secondary schools wushu as compulsory physical training.

Wushu is the most massive national type of physical and sports training in China, and today not only in it. Wushu is not limited to physical education and sports. Wushu is a fusion of gymnastic complexes and respiratory gymnastics, which include elements of acupressure and have health-improving and therapeutic-prophylactic significance, this is both sport and martial art, this is psychophysical training, and visual arts, it is a philosophical system that determines the view of the world and even the very way of life.

Conventionally, three directions can be distinguished in wushu: health-improving, sports and military-applied, and each next direction includes the previous ones as an integral part.

In my book, I will acquaint readers with the first direction, which is only a small tip of a huge iceberg called wushu.

Wushu of a health-improving orientation includes complexes of gymnastic exercises, basic movements of the body (hips, arms and legs), exercises for working out plastic movement, breathing exercises and massage complexes.

I will not dwell on the philosophical foundations of Wushu, which are complex and related to the ancient and modern religious systems of China. The main task of my book is to introduce you to Wushu remedial gymnastics, which allows you to develop strength, flexibility, coordination of movements, improve health and, most importantly, is available to people with different levels of physical fitness.

Mastering these gymnastic complexes and basic movements will help you acquire the skills to use your strength when performing various hard work, develops coordination of movements and dexterity. These exercises can also be used as gymnastics to relieve fatigue and invigorate during intense mental and physical work, and most of them do not require additional space and special conditions.


Everyone should understand that wushu is not an easy out-of-town walk in the fresh air, therefore, before embarking on complex exercises, you need to prepare your body, weakened by diseases and idleness.

The proposed complex is a simplified system of exercises. Performing these simple exercises, you can not only stretch all joints, muscles, tendons, but also "work out" the circulatory and nervous systems, internal organs.

If you are an extremely busy person and you do not have enough time to complete the whole complex, you, of course, can reduce the number of exercises, but this is the same as, " taking on the chest ", Forget" smell the crust ". The effectiveness of the training will decrease significantly. Therefore, if you are seriously thinking about your health and plan to bring your body to perfection, you should not save time in the classroom, especially the initial ones. Remember that even a trained gymnast who has a lot of stress during warm-up can be injured.

The more correctly and carefully you perform each exercise, the more positive effect you will achieve. And although wushu Originally formed as a martial art, remember that the exercises I provide in this book are not imitations of martial movements. Therefore, do the exercises smoothly and gently. Otherwise, tendon and muscle injury may occur.

A few important tips before you start doing the starting set.

It is best to do these exercises in the morning or evening after work (wash, brush your teeth, empty your bowels).

Clothing for classes should be loose. When exercising during breaks at work, loosen your belt and tie, open the collar of your shirt, and remove your watch.

Don't exercise when you are hungry; do not exercise earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating.

Usually, according to the Chinese tradition, the exercises are performed while facing north.

Observe a gradual load, exercise regularly (preferably a little, but regularly).

Standing exercises

You can turn on cheerful music, preferably without words or with words in a foreign language, so as not to be distracted by comprehending the text (it is especially difficult to study if the lyrics of a song are completely meaningless - its words can get stuck in your brain for a long time, and the poor brain, instead of relaxing , will be forced to work on the analysis of the unanalyzed).

Each exercise must be performed at least 12 times.

Exercise 1

Initial position : legs apart, arms down.

For each count 1–4, we tilt the head forward, backward, right, left.

Exercise 2

Initial position

For each count, we make circular movements with brushes.

Exercise # 3

Initial position : legs apart, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make circular movements with our hands.

Exercise 4

Initial position : legs apart, in the hands of a gymnastic stick or jump rope.

Raise your straight arms up above your head and make a circle at the shoulder joints, and then return to the starting position.

Exercise 5

Initial position : legs apart, hands on the waist.

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy tilts of the body to the left and right.

Exercise 6

Initial position : legs apart, hands on the waist.

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy tilts of the body to the right leg, left leg, forward, by 4 we return to the starting position.

When bending down, try to reach the floor with your fingertips or palms.

Exercise 7

Initial position : wide stance, legs apart with the body tilted forward, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make turns of the body to the right and left.

Exercise 8

Initial position : legs apart, hands on the waist.

At the count of 1-4, we make circular movements with the body to the right, 5-8 - to the left.

Exercise 9

Initial position : legs apart, arms to the sides.

On the count of 1 - bend back, bending your knees slightly, touch your heels with your hands.

On count 2 - return to starting position.

Exercise 10

Initial position : legs apart.

We perform swings with the right and left legs forward, hands in front of us, slightly apart to the sides.

Lying exercises

« If you're in your apartment, lie on the floor, three or four ", - Vladimir Vysotsky sang once; but even if you are at home, you do not need to lie down on a bare floor, lay a foam mat on it. And don't forget that you didn't go to bed to take a nap or unwind! You lay down to cheer up and shake off the remnants of sleep.

Perform all exercises seven times. Finish with running, walking and breathing exercises.

Exercise 1

Initial position : lying on your back, hands to the sides, palms down.

1. Lower your raised straight leg to the right, then to the left.

2. The same with both legs at the same time.

3. Finally, make circles with both feet.

Exercise 2

Initial position : lying on your stomach, rest your palms on the floor.

Straightening your arms, bend, lifting your head and body.

Clasp your hands behind in the "lock". Bend over without lifting your legs off the floor.

The same, but hands behind the head.

Exercise # 3

Initial position : lying on your back.

Bend your legs, straighten at a 45-degree angle, lower.

Raise your straight legs, bend them and return to the starting position.

As you raise your straight legs, try to touch the floor behind your head with your feet.

Exercise 4

Initial position : lying on its side, the left hand creates support in front of the chest, the right one behind the back.

Perform circular motions with a straight right leg.

Raise your straight legs.

Put your hands behind your head, lift the body.

Exercise 5

Initial position

Pulling your feet towards you on the floor, raise your pelvis - the "bridge" on your shoulder blades.

Place your palms on the floor. "Bridge" based on hands, feet and head.

The same, straightening the arms, with support only on the legs and arms.

Exercise 6

Initial position : lying on your stomach.

Raise your straight legs alternately.

With your hands on your ankles, bend.

Lower your arms along your body, palms down. Leaning on your hands, raise your straight legs.

Exercise 7

Initial position : lying on your back.

Move to a seated position without using your hands.

Spread your legs wider, hands should be on the back of your head.

Move to a sitting position, make a tilt to the floor.

The same, but straight arms behind the head.

Move to a sitting position with a tilt to the leg.

Exercise 8

Initial position : lying on your back, hands behind your head.

Perform leg movements that imitate pedaling - "bicycle".

Crossed movements with straight legs raised at an angle of 45 degrees - "scissors".

Circles with straight legs in opposite directions.

Breathing exercise

We live at the bottom of the atmospheric ocean, which is about 100 kilometers deep. The air pressure is approximately 1 kilogram per square centimeter.

We know that you can live without food for more than 30 days and survive. But we can do without air for only a few minutes.

Many scientists state that the deeper a person breathes, the less breaths he produces in 1 minute, and the longer his life. People who breathe more often live shorter lives. This statement finds its confirmation in the animal world: rabbits, guinea pigs and all other rodents are frequent breathing, producing many respiratory movements in 1 minute. They do not live long.

And the main indicator health reserve organism, according to many Chinese masters wushu , is the duration of breath holding. Therefore, periodically during the day, you need to perform a simple breathing exercise, which will not only allow you to improve your health, but also give you strength, make you balanced, and accelerate nervous processes.

The more vital energy a person has, the longer his breath hold, the better the conditions for concentration.

The ancient Chinese sages argued that the higher a person's level of consciousness, the more spiritual energy in him, the less he needs to destroy anything in order to preserve himself and in general in material, including food, water, and most importantly, oxygen ... It is clear that the opposite is also true: the more vitality a person has, the more concentrated he is, the less he breathes, less sickness, and the slower he ages.

Most of the processes in the human body are "tied" to breathing. Alas, due to improper breathing, we burn (oxidize) in the fire of oxygen that we breathe. The oxygen that sustains our lives can harm our bodies if the body's defense mechanisms are malfunctioning. To tune your breathing and strengthen your defense mechanism against the harmful effects of oxygen, you need to perform breathing exercises.

This exercise can be performed at any time while sitting, standing, lying down and while moving. This is a normal, slow, measured breathing. Control over it is the essence of the exercise and consists in focusing on breathing.

A distinctive feature of the breathing exercise is the partial blockage of the glottis for the purpose of some air inhibition. For this, the muscles of the larynx are slightly tense. Breathing is accompanied by a slight hiss. On inhalation, a whistling sound is heard “ sss ", On exhalation - hissing -" xxx ". But remember: the sound is not produced by the vocal cords, not by the friction of air against the palate, as with snoring, but precisely due to the narrowing of the air passage. The source of the sound is not the bronchi or the nose, but the upper part of the larynx, located just above the Adam's apple.

Inhale quickly (a few seconds), mainly with your stomach.

You should try to stretch the exhalation as much as possible, make it slow, even, steady.

The duration of breathing (time of inhalation and exhalation) should be gradually increased, but only at the expense of the time of exhalation. In this case, you do not need any violence against the body. Don't get tired of it. All attention is concentrated on a faint hissing sound.

Heaviness in the head, tinnitus, fever in the body, facial flushing, lethargy, fatigue, depressed mood after exercise are all evidence of overwork. If they are, therefore, you overdid it.

At the beginning, the duration of the breathing exercise should be a few minutes, add 1-2 minutes weekly. Subtlety consists in creating resistance to the air passing through the respiratory tract.


You should not start your wushu classes with complex complexes. To begin with, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the exercises of Shaolin gymnastics for a young man - the basic training method wushu .

Do not be afraid of the word “ youth ": Initially wushu only men were engaged, and this first set of exercises implies the beginning of training already in childhood, hence the name.

But if you didn't practice as a child wushu then it's never too late to start. Constant training and exercise will keep your bones and muscles soft and elastic, like a child's.

Preparatory exercises

These preparatory exercises consist of basic methods for training the whole body, and therefore the beginner wushu it is worth starting training with them, as, indeed, for an experienced wushu player - to warm up the body.

Preparatory exercises are not only necessary to warm up the body before performing more complex exercises, but also have a general health character. First of all, the exercises knead the muscles of the lower back well, help increase the mobility of the lumbar spine, and have a preventive effect for lower back pain and headaches.

The implementation of these exercises is accompanied by a massaging effect on the active zones on the ankles and toes, associated with the activity of the central nervous system, organs of vision and hearing, endocrine glands.

In this case, the maximum effect is achieved, which is associated with strengthening the abdominal press and massaging the internal organs of the thoracic region, the liver, and also the abdominal organs.

Exercise 1. "Hands rest against the sky"

Initial position : legs together, shoulders slightly laid back, arms freely lowered along the body, palms touching the hips.


Take a deep breath. Breathe in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the shoulders move forward, they should squeeze the top of the chest so that it does not expand. The buttocks are tense and tightened with each movement.

Turn the palms outward, with the back side connect them at the bottom of the body, in the groin area (Fig. 1a).

After that, slowly raise your arms up, your chest should expand to take a deep breath. Raise your head up, keeping your eyes on your hands. Remember that when moving your hands, you should try to feel a pleasant warmth following your hands. Try not to tear your heels off the floor (Fig. 1b).

Exhaling slowly, relax a little and lower your arms through the sides down, bending at the elbows, straighten your fingers.

Lower your shoulders so that they compress your chest, exhale slowly, fully, your knees can be slightly bent. Cross your arms, right under the left, touching your forearms; palms up (Fig. 1c).

Raise your arms slowly as you inhale vigorously. Turn the palms outward at the level of the face (Fig. 1d).

Lift your head up, watching your hands, straighten your knees. Make sure that the fingers are bent back, the lower part of the left palm presses on the back of the right hand in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist joint. Hands are tense in the palms and, as it were, rest against the sky (Fig. 1e).

We make a sharp exhalation and in a circular motion, spreading to the sides, lower our hands down. The elbows can be slightly bent, but the palms are facing down, the fingers are bent. Simultaneously with lowering the arms, set the left leg to the side shoulder-width apart, slightly bend the knees.

4. Finish the exercise with brief arm and whole body tension. Relax quickly and return to the starting position by placing your left leg against your right.

5. Repeat the exercise at least 3 times.


When doing the exercise, you should feel that you are releasing the body from the weight that was "held" above your head;

The exercise should be performed continuously, the movements should go one into another.

Exercise 2. "Dancing Dragon"

Initial position : the legs are closed and bent at the knees, the hands are tightly wrapped around the knees, the body is slightly tilted forward, looking straight ahead (Fig. 2).

Exercise order .

We begin with effort to perform circular movements in the knees counterclockwise 7 times, the hands impede movement, increasing the load.

We repeat the rotation in the other direction.


You need to perform the exercise, trying to make the most sweeping movements.

Exercise 3. "Tail of a snake"

Initial position : sitting on the floor, the left leg is extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee and lies with the foot on the left thigh (Fig. 3a).

Exercise order .

Grab the toes of your right foot with your left hand from the side of the sole.

Place your right hand around the ankle of your right foot so that your thumb is on the inside and the other four toes are pressing on the outside of your outer ankle.

Begin to forcefully rotate the foot in the ankle joint counterclockwise, holding the toes with your hand (Fig.3b).

6. As you rotate your foot, stretch your toes in a small circle.

7. Perform the exercise on the other side, repeating the exercise 7 times with each leg in two directions.


Try to keep your body straight, breathing should be calm and natural.

Exercise 4. "Snake ring"

Initial position : the left leg is extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee, the lift of the right foot lies on the left thigh, the foot is turned up as much as possible.

Exercise order .

Grasp the ankle of your right leg with your left hand.

Place your right palm firmly on your right knee.

On a slow exhalation, press your right knee to the floor, the leg impedes movement, increasing the load (Fig. 4).

8. Repeat the exercise 7 times with each leg.

Exercise 5. "Wounded bird"

Initial position : The left leg is extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee and raised.

Exercise order .

Clasp your right foot, which is stretched out with your toes forward. Try to keep the lower leg parallel to the floor (Fig. 5a).

Take a sharp breath, straighten your chest, while the foot bends towards the groin.

Exhale slowly and try to pull your foot to your forehead (Fig.5b), even better if you can throw your leg over your head.

9. Repeat the exercise 7 times with each leg.


Make sure that your back is straight, try not to tilt your head forward to the leg.

Exercise 6. "Dragon on the ground"

Initial position : we lie on our back with our closed legs stretched out, our arms bent at the elbows are apart, our shoulders touch the floor, the forearms are raised, the fingers are freely apart (Fig. 6a).

Exercise order .

Exhale slowly, lifting your legs up (Fig. 6b).

10. Take a sharp breath and slowly lower your legs to the starting position.

11. Repeat the exercise 7 times.


When performing the exercise, try not to bend your legs at the knees and do not tear the pelvis off the floor.

Exercise 7. "Pushing the ground"

Initial position : in support on outstretched arms, arms shoulder-width apart, hands clenched into fists and resting on the floor with the knuckles of the index and middle fingers, the pads of the toes rest on the floor (Fig.7a).

Exercise order .

As you exhale, lower yourself, bending your elbows, touching the floor with your chest (Fig.7b).

12. On a sharp breath, quickly return to the starting position.

13. Repeat the exercise at least 10-15 times.


When performing the exercise, the body should be straight, if it is difficult to push up on the fists, push up on the palms.

Exercise 8. "Boa constrictor's dinner"

Initial position : lying on your back, legs are bent at the knees and pulled up to the stomach, knees are slightly apart; the head is slightly raised; the hands are wrapped around the knees; the fingers are slightly apart, the little finger and thumb are pressed against the outer and inner surfaces of the knee joint (Fig. 8a).

Exercise order .

Perform a counterclockwise circular motion with your knees, with your hands trying to impede the movement.

Bring your arms together with your knees to your shoulders and take a sharp breath (Fig.8b).

14. Bend your lower back up. Tilt your head towards your knees.

15. Then slowly, with an exhalation, bring your knees in front of your chest and with an effort squeeze away from you.

16. The exercise is repeated 7 times, then the circular movements of the knees are performed in the other direction.


The shoulders and head are raised, and the lower back is pressed against the floor. The breathing rhythm remains constant.

Exercise 9. "Resting lion"

Initial position Sitting on your knees, your shins and insteps touch the floor, buttocks touch your heels (Fig.9a).

Exercise order .

Put your hands on the floor and slowly begin to tilt the body back, trying to lie with your back on the floor. Having reached the lowest possible position of the body, try to relax as much as possible (Fig.9b).

17. Return to starting position.

18. Repeat the exercise at least 10-15 times.


You need to breathe calmly;

To facilitate lifting, it is advisable at first to turn the upper part of the case slightly to either side and rest your hand on the floor.

Exercise 10. "Neighbor's Claw"

Initial position : standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms folded behind the back, head straight (Fig.10a).

Exercise order .

While exhaling, tilt your head to the right, while inhaling, return your head to its place. Then repeat the same movement, but to the left (Fig.10b).

As you exhale, make a sharp tilt with your head forward (Fig.10c), while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Tilt your head back as much as possible (Fig.10d). Grit your teeth, stretch the corners of your mouth as you exhale, and make a sharp hissing sound.

As you exhale, move your head forward without tilting, pushing your chin forward - this movement should resemble the movement of the head of a pecking goose (Fig.10e).

Make a long hissing sound through clenched teeth.

Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Exercise 11. "Harvest time"

Initial position : Kneeling, knees slightly apart, buttocks touching heels, raising feet - the floor; keep the body straight; arms bent at the elbows; the right forearm is vertical, the open palm is facing the face; the left palm wraps around the outside of the right wrist, the thumb presses on the knuckle of the right little finger.

Exercise order .

As you exhale, bend your right hand at the wrist and, turning the hand around the vertical axis to the right, lower your hands to the level of the abdomen, below the navel, and press.

As you inhale, raise your arms to head level, straightening the hand to its original position. Repeat 4 times.

Expand the right hand under the left hand so that you can rest your left palm on the back of your right hand. Keep your right shoulder and forearm in a horizontal position.

As you exhale, bring your hands to your right shoulder.

Without lifting your hands from each other, change the position of your arms and repeat the exercise, drawing your hands to your stomach, chest and left shoulder.

Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Exercise 12. "Bird before takeoff"

Initial position : standing, feet together, arms down freely.

Exercise order .

Inhale sharply. Move your pelvis forward and lift your right leg, bending it at the knee, the thigh parallel to the floor, the upper body deviates as far back as possible.

At the same time, raise your arms forward and to the sides to shoulder level, hands relaxed, fingers slightly apart, elbows slightly bent.

As the hands move, the palms must be turned inward, the fingers look at each other, the hands are bent as much as possible at the wrist joints (Fig. 11).

19. Exhaling slowly, slowly return to the starting position.

20. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Basic hand movements

Man is the only animal that masterfully owns its upper limbs. Scientists still cannot create a mechanical device that could perform those movements that are available to anyone, even a person far from sports and music.

Exercises for the arms are of a strength nature and develop the muscles of the arms, chest and back, strengthen the muscle of the heart. In addition, the complex includes a number of exercises that activate blood circulation in the vessels of the neck and head and helps prevent cervical osteochondrosis .

In addition, these exercises develop the shoulder joints well, increase the mobility of the arms, as well as the mobility of the spine, and activate the respiratory muscles.

Exercise 13. "The snake prepares to attack"

Initial position : standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart; the arms are bent at the elbows, the shoulders are pressed to the surface of the chest, the forearms are almost vertical, the hands are at chest level (middle position) and are turned with the palms down parallel to the floor, the fingers are directed forward; look straight ahead; the fingers of the brushes are, as it were, collected in a pinch, the brush resembles the head of a snake.

Exercise order .

On a slow exhalation, raise the right hand to the right up to eye level, keeping it horizontal.

Slowly lower the left hand to the groin, slightly straightening the palm and bending the hand with the palm up, fingers pointing forward and to the right. Try not to straighten your left elbow to the end, and do not tear your shoulders off your chest (Fig. 12).

21. While inhaling, swap your hands.

22. Repeat the exercise 7 times.


When performing the exercise, you need to concentrate on the hands; during movement, do not change the position of the elbows.

Exercise 14. "The dragon spreads its wings"

Initial position : as in exercise 13.

Exercise order .

On a slow exhalation, move your hands to the right to chest level, slightly bending at the elbows, palms facing each other. Imagine holding a ball (fig. 13).

23. Flip the left hand with the palm to the right and open it.

24. On inhalation, return to the middle position and on the subsequent exhalation move your arms to the left in a similar manner. Turn your head and look at the hand towards which you move your hands. Simultaneously with the movement of your arms to the right, transfer your body weight to your right leg.

25. Step left foot to the right. Step back with your right foot, sliding your toe on the floor. Bend both knees slightly. In the final position, the left knee is pressed against the right calf, the left leg rests on the floor with the pads of the fingers, the heel is directed up.

26. With the movement of the hands to the middle position, the legs return to their original position, and with their further movement to the left, do the same step with the right leg to the left.

27. Repeat the exercise 7 times.


Movements of arms and legs must be simultaneous;

As you move your arms, imagine that you are moving the ball from side to side at chest level; for simplicity, you can first perform the exercise in front of a mirror with a ball, standing still, and only then move on to moving your arms simultaneously with your legs.

Exercise 15. "The dragon prepares to fly"

Initial position : as in exercise 13.

Exercise order .

As you inhale, raise your right hand up to the level of your forehead, turn your hand palm forward and up, bending slightly forward.

Along with this, take your left elbow back, leave the left hand at the thigh (Fig.14a).

On a slow exhalation, lower your right elbow down, covering your solar plexus. In this case, the hand remains at the level of the face and turns with the palm towards it (Fig. 14b).

With your left hand, make a sliding motion along the body forward and to the right, turning the palm outward, with your right elbow touch the middle of the left forearm (Fig.14c). Bring your relaxed shoulders together to increase exhalation.

28. Repeat the exercise with the left arm, pulling back the right elbow.

29. Repeat the exercise 7 times.

30. Having mastered the movement of the hands while standing, go to working out the movement in sync with the movements of the legs.

31. Bend your right leg at the knee, turning the knee and toe to the right. Bend your left leg at the knee, but not completely, and put it in front of the right heel, the toe touches the floor. Shift your body weight to your right leg.

32. While inhaling with your left leg, take a step forward, unbending your right leg and bending your left knee. Keep your left knee in line with your toe. At the same time, lift your left hand up and pull your right elbow back.

33. On a slow exhalation, put the right leg to the left leg, returning to the starting position. Lower your left elbow by moving your right forearm under it.

34. Hands return to the middle position.

35. Repeat the exercise 7 times with the simultaneous movement of arms and legs.


Perform arm movements with tension in a standing position and only then proceed to practicing arm movements along with the movement of the legs, while the shoulder girdle should be relaxed, and attention is concentrated on the tips of the fingers.

Exercise 16. "Playing snakes"

Initial position : Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. The left forearm is raised, the hand at eye level is folded into the "snake's head", the right forearm is horizontal, touches the chest, the back of the hand touches the left elbow, the palm is turned forward and downward, the hand is slightly bent at the wrist joint, the fingers are directed to the left and forward (Fig. 15).

Exercise order .

On a slow exhalation, rotate your right hand at the elbow in an arc of a circle to the right, rotate your left hand at the elbow in an arc to the right, the back of the hand touches the right elbow.

Repeat the movement to the left. Make sure that the hands make a small circle, sliding from under the elbow with the back of the forearm. Turn the palm first towards the body, then in the upper position - down.

Repeat the exercise 7 times with each hand.

Having mastered the movement of the hands while standing, start practicing the movement in movement, simultaneously with the movements of the legs.

36. On a slow exhalation, simultaneously with the movement of the arms, take a step with the left leg to the right in front of the right leg. Shift your body weight to your left leg.

37. Tear off the right leg from the floor, touching it only with the toe, bend your legs at the knees, and the right knee should be pressed against the left calf.

38. While inhaling with the movement of the arms to the left, we take a step with the right leg to the right, the legs are bent at the knees, the feet are parallel, the knees are on the same vertical with the toes, make sure that the back is straight.

39. On a slow exhalation at the same time as moving the arms to the right, repeat the step with the left leg to the right.

Make four movements to the right, then the same amount to the left.

Exercise 17. "Gathering ripe fruits"

Initial position : legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows and crossed in front of the chest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist joints, right arm on top; palms facing up, shoulders pressed to chest.

Exercise order .

On a slow exhalation, straighten your arms, moving them forward and up, palms inward, fingers of the hands should be directed forward. Make sure that the forearms, pressing tightly, slide over each other.

As you inhale, return your arms to their original position.

Repeat the exercise 7 times.

Then, changing the relative position of the hands so that the left hand is on top, repeat the exercise 7 more times.


This exercise can be performed at the same time as body movements; with a step with the left leg on the exhale, straighten your arms, pulling them and your left leg back to the starting position;

When doing the exercise, imagine that you are picking fruits from a tree and bringing them to you.

Exercise 18. "Head of a large snake"

Initial position : feet shoulder width apart, hands folded together; the right palm is clenched into a fist, the left palm is tightly pressed to the fist, the elbows are apart, the hands seem to form a circle (Fig.16a).

Exercise order .

On a slow exhalation, lift your left elbow and forearm up, while moving your hands to the right and down (Fig.16b). Lower your right elbow and pull it back.

40. While inhaling, raise your right elbow, but the forearm and hand need to be moved forward a little.

41. On a slow exhalation, move the brush to the left and down (see item 1).

42. Repeat the exercise 7 times, then, without lifting the hands from each other, change the relative position of the hands and repeat the exercise 7 more times, but in the opposite direction.


When performing the exercise, the hands and forearms describe a large circle, and at the same time, the hand, clenched into a fist, describes a small circle in the wrist joints.

Basic hip movements

Basic movements of the hips resemble the work of a pendulum: a normal swinging or twisting one. Moreover, the more complete the movement in one direction, the more powerful it is in the opposite direction.

During the exercise, important reflexogenic zones and points of the back and lower back are stimulated, which have a tonic effect on the activity of the central nervous system. The vestibular apparatus is also trained along with the legs.

Exercise 19. "Boa constrictor attacks"

Initial position : standing straight, the right leg, slightly bent at the knee, is extended forward by the length of the stride, the left leg is also bent, the knee and toe are turned to the right; body weight mainly on the left leg; hands with the back of the hands are pressed against the lower back; the chest is protruding forward (Fig. 17).

Exercise order .

Inhale and straighten your left leg while pushing your pelvis forward. Transfer the weight to the right leg, which needs to be bent at the knee. Hands should slowly slide from top to bottom along the back towards the tailbone, performing a massaging motion.

On a slow exhalation, take your pelvis back and transfer your body weight to your left leg, moving to the starting position. Return your arms back to a position on the lower back, performing a massage movement with the back of your hands.

Do the exercise 7 times in each direction.

After that, move your hands to your hips. In the initial position, they are bent at the elbows, the hands touch the thighs, the palms are turned up.

Do the exercise 7 more times in each direction.


When performing the exercise, it is important that the shoulders do not move back and forth, and when straightening the leg set back, the head does not rise, the feet should not come off the floor; make sure your body looks like a swinging pendulum tied to the top of your head.

Exercise 20. "The boa constrictor dodges to the side"

Initial position : stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered along the body, palms touching hips.

Exercise order .

As you inhale, bring your straight arms in front of you, connecting them with the backs.

Bend your arms at the elbows and, sliding with closed hands up the midline of the body, slightly bend the torso in the lower back, trying to tighten the tense buttocks (Fig. 18).

43. Continuing a slow breath, raise your hands to the upper chest and bring your elbows up as high as possible, as if protecting your head from the opponent's blow.

44. At the same time, turn to the left on the toes with the right leg bent at the knee. Transfer most of your body weight to your right leg. Rotate your left foot to the left 90 degrees and touch the floor with your outside edge. Make sure that the head is in place and does not turn with the body, look only forward.

45. On a slow exhalation, complete the started rotation of the body and take the pelvis back, make sure that the back does not bend. At the same time, bring your elbows closer, straighten your elbows, opening your palms up. Make sure that the forearms at the end of the movement are horizontal to the floor, and the elbows are as close as possible.

46. \u200b\u200bRepeat the exercise 4 times in each direction.


Correct performance of the exercise is accompanied by the sensation of lifting the load lying on the closed hands, over the stomach and chest, and throwing it to the side when turning;

It is important that the whole body is tense at the last moment.

Exercise 21. "The snake wraps around the victim"

Initial position : as in exercise 20.

Exercise order .

As you inhale with your right leg, take a step forward, bending it at the knee. Bending at the elbows, raise your arms in front of you to the level of your head, palms forward. The left hand should touch the wrist of the right hand, and the right elbow should be slightly higher than the left (Fig.19a). Although the body flexes slightly forward, the shoulders should remain in place.

On a slow exhalation, rotate the body to the left 180 degrees, the pelvis moves forward, and the upper body moves back.

At the same time, the hands, left from below, right from above, make a circular motion and go down and rise up in a vertical plane, stopping at head level (Fig. 19b).

47. Bend your right leg at the knee, shifting your body weight to the same leg.

48. Slightly bend your left leg, the entire foot should touch the floor with toe first.

49. Turn on your toes to the right and return to the starting position.

50. Repeat the exercise alternately with the right and left legs 4 times.


When performing the exercise, it is important to focus on the formation of "locks", for this, twist the pelvis as much as possible in the direction of rotation, the knee of the supporting leg should look to the side; this position ensures the stability of the body in the final phase of movement.

Exercise 22. "The dragon accelerates"

Initial position : put your feet, as in exercise 22; stretch your left hand forward and bend slightly at the elbow, shoulder and open palm should be parallel to the floor; lower your right hand to your thigh, keeping your open palm parallel to the floor.

Exercise order .

As you inhale, step forward with your right foot and at the same time move your right arm forward and up.

On a slow exhalation, bend the right leg at the knee, the left leg, also bent at the knee, move forward and place behind the right leg, while the toe touches the floor, the heel is directed upward, the left knee is pressed to the right calf. The body should be turned 90 degrees to the left, right side forward. Follow the movement of your body with your eyes.

Along with this, lower your right hand down with your palm, raise your left hand up, bending your hand at the wrist and turning the palm down. Keep your right hand parallel to the floor (fig. 20).

51. While inhaling, straighten your legs and rotate the body 90 degrees to the right, returning to the starting position, while taking a step back with your left leg, and then the same with your right leg.

52. Hands in a wide circular motion also return to their original position.

53. Repeat the exercise 4 times, then change the position of the arms and legs and repeat the exercise 4 times with the other leg.


Performing the exercise, make sure that your back is straight, and the left leg stands on the toe in sync with the arrival of the arms to the extreme position;

When performing the exercise, you can imagine that with the palm of your hand lowered down, you seem to slap on the ground, putting into the blow not only your hand, but the whole body.

Exercise 23. "Ring of the snake"

Initial position : as in exercise 21 .

Exercise order .

Bend your knees and rotate your torso to the right 180 degrees. The left knee should be pressed against the Achilles tendon of the right leg, and the left foot should be pressed against the floor. When the body is tilted forward, the pelvis is retracted back (Fig.21a).

At the same time, with a twist, bend your arms at the elbows and lift up to the level of your head. Cover the back of your head with your hands, without touching your palms. Watch your hands (fig.21b).

54. Turn 180 degrees to the left, straighten up and take the starting position.

55. Repeat the exercise 7 times in each direction.

Exercise 24. "Python attack"

Initial position : as in exercise 22.

Exercise order .

Step forward with your right foot, bringing your left knee to your right calf (fig. 22). Continuing the started rotational movement to the left, twist your legs, turning the body 360 degrees in relation to the starting position.

56. Move your right hand in a horizontal arc.

57. Bend your left arm at the elbow and place it across the chest parallel to the floor. Turn your right hand with an open palm forward, as if covering your head with your palm.

58. Straighten your bent legs and turn your torso 180 degrees to the right. Return to the starting position with your right leg forward.

59. Repeat the exercise with the left leg also 7 times.


When performing the exercise, watch for a gradual decrease in body position in height throughout the exercise;

In this exercise, exhale for a longer time.

Basic leg movements

Basic leg movements contribute to the development of "snake" type of plastic, and also develop the mobility of the joints of the legs. According to the ideas of oriental medicine, it makes old age.

Such exercises not only relieve tension and pain in the joints of the legs, but also contribute to increased mobility in the hip joint. Legs age earlier than a person, ”they used to say in the old days.

Exercise is also good for preventing and treating flat feet, relieve leg fatigue.

Exercise 25. "The snake wraps around the legs"

Initial position : stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered.

The order of the exercise.

As you inhale, transfer your body weight to your left leg and bring your right knee forward and to the left, raising your leg to its toes and sliding it along the floor (Fig. 23).

60. On a slow exhalation, continue to move your knee in an arc forward and to the right, transferring your body weight to your right leg.

61. On inhalation, return along the same trajectory to the starting position.

62. Repeat the exercise 7 times with each leg.


In this exercise, the toe of the right leg, as it were, tracks the movement of the knee in its movement, but along a shorter trajectory, with the movement of the knee ahead of the movement of the foot.

Exercise 26. "The snake wraps around the legs outside"

Initial position : as in the previous exercise.

Exercise order .

As you inhale, transfer your body weight to your left leg, and move your right knee forward and to the right, raising your leg to its toes and sliding it along the floor.

On a slow exhalation, continue to move the knee in an arc forward and to the left, and at the end of the movement, rotate the body to the left 180 degrees.

Place your right leg back and assume a front left stance. Bend your left leg at the knee and put it forward, the right leg should be straightened (Fig. 24).

63. While inhaling, rotate the body 180 degrees to the right and return to the starting position.

64. Repeat the exercise 7 times with each leg.


In this exercise, the movement of the toe should follow the path of the knee.

Exercise 27. "The snake wraps around the legs"

Initial position : as in exercise 26.

Exercise order .

As you inhale, transfer your body weight to your left leg, and move your right knee to the left and forward, almost behind the left knee, and then in an arc forward and to the right.

On a slow exhalation, rotate the body 180 degrees to the left and straighten your right leg, move to the front left stance, bending your left leg at the knee.

While inhaling, return to the starting position.

Repeat the movement 7 times with each leg.


When practicing the movement, pay attention to the rotation due to the movement of the hip joint, and at the end of the movement, the straightened leg is tense.


Wushu as a type of physical culture contributes to the all-round development of the body, the harmonious development of the individual. But the path to this is not as easy as it seems. Only regular training can improve health, make the body beautiful and, of course, rise to the heights of military skill.

The path to perfection is a difficult path of cognition, when a person in hard work "opens" himself, learns to manage himself and develops his latent abilities.

The first step towards excellence is the Chinese masters of ush at the complex is called "18 palms of Lo-Wang", named after the legendary Shaolin wushu master.

This complex includes numerous strikes and stretches. Remember: you will not be able to master the martial art of wushu on your own, so do these "strikes" not as actual strikes, but as smooth, measured movements.

Initial position : Stand up straight with your feet together, bring your heels together, your toes slightly apart, your arms naturally hang down, your fingers are squeezed together, your palms are facing inward, your chest is straight, looking forward.

Exercise 1. Boy bows to Buddha

Step to the right half a step with your right foot, turn your body 90 degrees to the left, forming propping step.

At the same time, move your arms bent at the elbows from the bottom up and fold in front of your chest, squatting slightly on both legs, slightly tilting the body forward, watch your hands with your eyes (Fig. 25).

Figure: 25

Exercise 2. "Blow with the speed of the wind"

Step forward half a step with your right foot,

With your left hand, following the body, slowly apply a lifting blow to the left and down, in the groin, palm facing down, watch your left palm with your eyes (Fig. 26).

Figure: 26

Exercise 3. "doubles top and bottom finishing"

At the same time, kick forward with your right foot.

Grasp sharply in front with your hands, watch your hands with your eyes (fig. 27).

Figure: 27

Exercise 4. Lou Da Swings the Weapon

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Pull your right leg to your left leg.

At the same time, bend your right hand at the elbow and place it across under your chest, palm inward.

With your left hand, bent at the elbow, make a movement from the bottom up and open at the left side of your face, palm forward, look forward (Fig. 28).

Figure: 28

Exercise 5. "An old saint sits in a cave"

Move your left leg to the left.

Bend your knees.

At the same time, the palms, describing arcs, are transferred to the chest.

Hands, bent at the elbows, are shaken at the wrist, palms are spread and turned forward, look forward (Fig. 29).

Figure: 29

Exercise 6. "The swallow unfolds its wings"

Leave your left leg in place.

Move your right leg one step behind your left leg.

At the same time, spread your arms to the sides from the chest, slightly bending at the elbows, palms facing forward, look forward (Fig. 30).

Figure: thirty

Exercise 7. "The Heavenly Prince lifts the pagoda"

Step left foot to the left.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

At the same time, the hand is moved from the bottom to the left and up with a chopping blow, look to the left (fig. 31).

Figure: 31

Exercise 8. "Zhang Guolao is looking for a snake"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

Lower your right leg one step away from the inside of your left foot.

At the same time, the hands, following the body, go grasping forward and downward, looking forward (Fig. 32).

Figure: 32

Exercise 9. "White crane flashes its wings"

Raise your legs and jump to the right.

Quickly lift your right leg bent at the knee.

At the same time, turn your arms to the sides from your chest, looking to the left (fig. 33).

Figure: 33

Exercise 10. "Turn with a double deckhouse"

Place your right foot on the ground.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

The left leg rises and kicks back.

At the same time, the hands from behind sharply cut forward and upward, look at the hands (Fig. 34).

Figure: 34

Exercise 11. "An Arhat (a person who has attained perfection) sits on felt"

Place your left foot on your knee a step behind you.

Bend both legs completely at the knees.

Hands, following the rotation of the body, describe an arc and at the same time, bending at the elbows, go from left to right, opening in front of the chest, look at the hands (Fig. 35).

Figure: 35

Exercise 12: Top and Bottom Doubles

Raise your right leg and kick it forward.

At the same time, with the arms extended forward at chest level, a sharp grip is performed, look at the hands (Fig. 36).

Figure: 36

Exercise 13. "Virgo unwinds a cocoon"

Lower your right leg one step behind your left leg.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

The legs are in the squat.

At the same time, the right arm bends at the elbow and grabs the left in front of the chest, then is placed in front of the left shoulder, palm inward.

The left hand makes a chopping lift from the bottom left, palm back, look forward (fig. 37).

Figure: 37

Exercise 14. "A boy pulls a kite."

Come up.

At the same time, the outstretched right hand draws a small circle with the brush, then the fingers are folded together.

The left hand makes a sharp grip from back to front and pulls back a little, clenching into a fist, look at the right hand (Fig. 38).

Figure: 38

Exercise 15. "Boy bows to Buddha"

Stand fully on your right leg.

At the same time, spread your arms to the sides, and then bring them in front of your chest with open palms, look at your hands (Fig. 39).

Figure: 39

Exercise 16. "Ba-wan lifts the tripod"

Step back with your left foot.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Lift your right leg and place it in front, outside of the right foot.

At the same time, with your hands, following the body, describe the arcs in front of the chest, then bring them together near the head, performing an overhead support.

Fingers should be folded together and opposed, palms facing up, looking forward (fig. 40).

Figure: 40

Exercise 17. "Single whip"

Raise your right leg and move it one step to the right.

Bend your knees.

At the same time, spread your arms from your chest to the sides, palms facing forward, look forward (Fig. 41).

Figure: 41

Exercise 18. "Dumping palm"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right for a large step.

At the same time, the arms, describing arcs, return to the chest.

The right hand, slightly bent at the elbow, rushes forward, palm inward.

Squeeze your left palm into a fist and return to the lower back, look at your left hand (Fig. 42).

Figure: 42

Exercise 19. "Shining palms"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Place your right foot next to your left.

Unclench your left fist and simultaneously with your right hand, make grasping movements in front of you.

Bend your arms at the elbows and place vertically in front of the chest on both sides of it, palms forward, fingers pointing up, look forward.


Shaolin monks have developed a set of exercises to improve physique and increase arm strength. Yakshas - in Buddhism, forest and mountain spirits with superhuman strength.

This complex is especially useful for those with weak muscles. Although exercises for men are presented here, they are also beneficial for women. It's just that the results will differ: the muscles in men will become more traced, and in women the muscle relief will become smoother and softer.

After the first exercises, muscle pain is possible. Pain is a consequence of normal exercise; it is not a contraindication to continuing training.

Initial position : Stand up straight with heels together, toes slightly apart. straighten your back; the arms hang naturally along the side of the body, the fingers are clenched together and close to the outer sides of the thighs, the fingers are directed downward, looking forward.

Exercise 1. "An Arhat Sits on a Horse"

Bend your legs at the knees.

With your hands, simultaneously describe the arcs from the bottom up, then, bent at the elbows, describe the arcs inward.

Look forward (fig. 43).

Figure: 43

Exercise 2. "The wind sweeps away torn clouds"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Bend your left knee.

The right hand follows the body, rises in front, palm down, fingers pointing forward.

The left hand makes a lateral push from left to right and stops at the right armpit, palm out.

Look at your right hand (fig. 44).

Figure: 44

Exercise 3. "The hand is pushing the wall"

The right hand returns to the right side of the abdomen with the palm facing inward.

The left hand makes a sharp push forward, palm forward.

Look at the left palm (fig. 45).

Figure: 45

Exercise 4. "Lo-wan's palm"

Bend your right knee.

At the same time, the left hand, following the turn of the body, rises forward and up.

The right arm, bending at the elbow, moves from outside to inside.

Look at your left hand (fig. 46).

Figure: 46

Exercise 5. "The Secret Arrow"

Raise your right hand forward and up at the same time.

Bend your left arm at the elbow and bring it down outward, palm down.

Look at your right hand (fig. 47).

Figure: 47

Exercise 6. "A monkey saddled a donkey"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

Bend your knees.

Hands alternately push forward, palms forward.

Look ahead.

Exercise 7. "The monkey builds battle formation"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Extend your left bent leg forward.

The left arm, following the body, draws an arc outward, then bends at the elbow.

The hand opens in front of the chest, palm outward, fingers pointing up.

Bring your bent right arm back, palm out.

Look ahead (fig. 48).

Figure: 48

Exercise 8. "Catching fish with your hands at the bottom of the sea"

Raise your right leg.

Then lift your left leg and jump forward.

The right foot lands one step in front of the left.

The right hand grabs forward and downward.

The left hand grabs from front to back.

Tilt the body forward.

Look at your right hand (fig. 49).

Figure: 49

Exercise 9. "Slide Cut"

Legs simultaneously jump to the left.

Hands make a cutting cross motion.

Look left.

Exercise 10. "The Celestial Shows the Way"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

At the same time, move your right hand in a circular motion from back to front.

Return your left hand to your lower back.

Look at your right hand (fig. 50).

Figure: fifty

Exercise 11. "Golden scissors"

Step your right foot forward and stomp it against your left leg.

The arms go from outside to inside and strike forward, crossing like scissors.

Look forward (fig. 51).

Figure: 51

Exercise 12. "Swallow Takes Off"

Step your left foot forward.

The right hand bent at the elbow performs a sharp chopping motion.

Raise your left hand behind your back.

Look at the right palm (fig. 52).

Figure: 52

Exercise 13. "Breathe out the wind"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

Bend your knees.

The arms describe an arc from the outside to the inside, crossing the palms back.

Look forward (fig. 53).

Figure: 53

Exercise 14: the wind is free

Continuing the movement from exercise 13, the right leg is shifted to the left, being behind and outside the left foot.

Raise your right hand from the bottom up, with your left hand chop back to the left with your palm down.

Look ahead (fig. 54).

Figure: 54

Exercise 15: Flip the Clouds

Step left foot to the left.

Bend your knees.

The right hand cuts right and down.

The left arm is bent at the elbow from the outside to the inside, the hand opens, the palm is turned inward.

Look ahead (fig. 55).

Figure: 55

Exercise 16. "Disperse the clouds"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

Raise your right leg, bending at the knee.

At the same time, the left arm, bent at the elbow, delivers a pulling blow, palm facing inward.

The right hand is struck from outside to inside.

The left leg crouches slightly.

Look at your left hand (fig. 56).

Figure: 56

Exercise 17. "Dig a cave"

Lower your right leg one step in front of your left leg.

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the left.

Perform a large forward jump with both feet.

The left leg drops one step in front of the right leg.

Tilt the body forward.

Slash forward and down with your straight right hand.

With your left arm bent at the elbow, protect your chest.

Look at your right hand (fig. 57).

Figure: 57

Exercise 18. "Look for a snake"

Jump with your feet forward.

With your left hand, draw an arc from the inside out, then hack forward.

Bend your right arm at the elbow to protect your chest.

Look at your left hand (fig. 58).

Figure: 58

Exercise 19. "Kite"

Step your right foot forward.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

Spread your arms to the sides at the same time.

Tilt the body slightly to the right.

Look ahead (fig. 59).

Figure: 59

Exercise 20: Rolling Thunder

Step left foot to the left.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

The right hand permeates the air from below to the right and up.

With your left hand, clenched into a fist, hit from top to bottom.

Look at your right hand (fig. 60).

Figure: 60

Exercise 21. "Rolling sky"

Continuing movement, jump to the left.

Land with your right foot in front of your left foot.

The left fist, following the turn of the body, performs an attacking movement with the forearm forward and up.

Move your right hand forward and upward, and slap your left wrist.

Look at your right hand (fig. 61).

Figure: 61

Exercise 22. "Flight of butterflies"

Step back with your right foot.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

Bend your knees.

Unclench your left fist.

Bend your right arm at the elbow and shake it with your hand, opening your palm.

With your left hand, shake the brush down with your fingers.

Look at your right hand.

Exercise 23: The Flight Continues

Hands on both sides of the body perform shaking openings from bottom to top, palms facing forward.

Look left (fig. 62).

Figure: 62

Exercise 24. "Paired flight of butterflies"

Continuing the movement you started, step back with your right foot.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

Bend your right leg at the knee.

Hands go in arcs from outside to inside and down, then out again.

Hands, as if propping something above the head on both sides, touch the outstretched fingertips.

Look ahead (fig. 63).

Figure: 63

Exercise 25. "A boy bows to Buddha"

Move your right leg to the front and outside of the left leg.

Legs are crossed to the width of the feet, with toes facing each other.

The arms make circles from top to bottom, bending at the elbows.

The palms are closed in front of the chest, the head tilts slightly forward.

Look at your hands.

COMPLEX "Xiao Hongquan"

The sets of exercises outlined in the book are only the first step on the path to perfection - a path that lasts a lifetime. By taking this path, you will certainly improve your health, and at the same time strengthen an optimistic attitude towards life. This alone can be a worthy goal.

For people striving for further improvement in yшy, what they have learned will be a solid foundation, a base from which to go further to the amazing discoveries of their capabilities.

This path will require even greater perseverance, necessary for many years of concentrated work. It is no coincidence that the monks of the famous Shaolin comprehended art usy 12 years in a row and only after that they were allowed to take the final exam.

The next set is the most difficult of the set of exercises given here. It is, in fact, the first step on the path to mastery in martial forms of wushu, however, it is available to anyone who has taken the path of healing and self-improvement.

Initial position : stand up straight, lower your hands, put your fingers together, palms facing inward; clench your hands into fists and pull them to your sides, fists are turned with clenched fingers up; look ahead.

Exercise 1. "Hide the moon in the bosom"

Unclench your fists and swing up through the sides to your chest.

Place your hands one on top of the other in front of your stomach, palms up, right palm on top, left palm below.

Look ahead.

Exercise 2. "White cloud covers the top"

Swing your right palm upward from your chest to "prop up the sky" above your head, palm forward, fingers to the left.

The left hand in an arc from the chest goes down and straightens, with the palm out, fingers pointing down, the hand is adjacent to the outside of the thigh.

Look left (fig. 64).

Figure: 64

Exercise 3. "Step and Palm Push"

Step left foot to the left.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Bend your left leg at the knee.

The left hand from the chest performs a push forward, palm outward, fingers pointing up.

Lower your right hand down and put it on your belt.

Look at the left palm (fig. 65).

Figure: 65

Exercise 4. "Striking the Heavenly Gate"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

The right leg does not move, put the left leg to the inside of the right and touch the ground with the toe.

Clench your hands into fists. The left fist goes under the right armpit, hanging outward, the hand strikes down. The fist facing outward is placed on the outside of the left thigh.

Bend your right arm at the elbow and move your forearm towards your right shoulder. Strike straight up. The fist facing the palm back is placed under the right ear.

At the same time, bend your knees to a semi-squat.

Look left (fig. 66).

Figure: 66

Exercise 5. Palm push

Step left foot to the left.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Bend your left knee.

The fists are unclenched in the palms, the left vertical hand from the chest performs a push forward, palm outward, fingers pointing up.

Look at the left palm (fig. 67).

Figure: 67

Exercise 6. "Turn around your face"

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the right.

The right hand, rising in an arc to the chest, performs a pushing movement forward with a vertical brush, the hand is slightly bent at the elbow, the palm is turned back, the fingers are directed up.

The left hand, continuing to move, returns to the lower back.

Look at the right palm (fig. 68).

Figure: 68

Exercise 7. "Step and Palm Push"

The right leg is in place.

Step forward with your left leg and bend it at the knee.

The left vertical hand from the chest performs a push forward, the arm is slightly bent at the elbow, palm outward, fingers pointing up.

Lower your right hand down and place it at the lower back.

Look at the left palm (fig. 69).

Figure: 69

Exercise 8. "Pull on the leg"

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the right.

Continuing to move, lift your left knee.

The fists are unclenched in the palms, a forward swing is made, and at the same time the palms facing downward slap on the knee, the fingers are directed forward.

Look ahead (fig. 70).

Figure: 70

Exercise 9. "Swing the foot out"

Place your left foot on the ground.

Swing forward with your right foot.

The palms, continuing to move in an arc, slap on the right foot to the left.

Look at the palms (fig. 71).

Figure: 71

Exercise 10. "Right oblique movement"

Place your right foot on the ground and shift your weight forward.

Squeeze your palms into fists and beat from your chest with your left hand forward, with your right hand - back, your arms are slightly bent at the elbows.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

The fists are palms facing down, the arms move in a horizontal plane, the left hand is just above the right shoulder.

Look to the right and forward (fig. 72).

Figure: 72

Exercise 11. "Tied body"

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the left.

Place your right foot on the inside of your left leg and touch the ground with your toes.

The fists return to the chest in an arc, the right hand presses down over the left.

The left fist, passing through the bottom, goes upward in an arc, the arm is bent at the elbow and tightly pressed to the ribs, the fist is placed vertically on the left side of the chest at ear height.

The right fist, passing up from the back, goes down in an arc, the hand hangs down at the outside of the right leg, palm out.

Bend your knees to a semi-squat.

Look to the right (fig. 73).

Figure: 73

Exercise 12. "Kick"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

Slowly kick forward and up with your left foot.

Open your left fist and slash down and back in an arc past your side, palm inward.

Return your right fist to your lower back.

Look at the left palm.

Exercise 13. "Left oblique movement"

Place your left foot on the ground, and shift your weight forward.

Squeeze your left hand and, passing from the side, bring it to your chest.

With your right hand, shaking your fist back and walking along the side in an arc, swing forward and inward.

Bend two arms at the elbows in a horizontal plane in front of the body.

Continuing movement, turn the body to the left and back.

Place your hands horizontally on the floor, palms down, with your right hand just above your left hand.

Look left and back.

Exercise 14. "Lower your hands"

Rotate your feet in place.

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the right.

Sit fully on your left leg with your right leg extended.

Unclench your fists, following the rotation of the body from the chest, in an arc, the arms evenly drop to the right and down, palms down.

Look at the palms.

Exercise 15. "The lion opens his mouth"

Step with your right leg and bend it at the knee.

Straighten your left leg.

The left hand goes out through the bottom and in an arc upward, as if propping up something in front and above the head, palm forward.

The right hand goes through the left side in an arc to the right and forward, the inverted hand drops to the right knee, palm up, fingers pointing forward.

Look ahead (fig. 74).

Figure: 74

Exercise 16. "Cloud over the top"

Take a step forward with your left foot, bending your knees.

The left hand goes through the left side to the right and back, in a circle above the head, the right palm returns to the lower back.

Look ahead.

Repeat on the other side with a change of arms and legs (fig. 75).

Figure: 75

Exercise 17. "Seven Stars"

With your left foot, take a half step forward and touch the ground with your toes.

Bend your knees slightly.

Clench your palms into fists.

The right hand from behind in an arc drops down, and at the same time, with the left fist, a blow is struck forward at shoulder level, palms down.

Look at the fists (fig. 76).

Figure: 76

Exercise 18. "Single whip"

Take a step back with your left foot, turn your feet on the ground.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Bend your knees.

The arms are bent at the elbows, the fists return to the chest, turning inward around their axes.

Strikes are delivered to the sides at shoulder level, palms down.

Look ahead (fig. 77).

Figure: 77

Exercise 19. "Tied body"

Place your left foot on the inside of your right foot and touch the ground with your toes.

The fists move in a gripping motion from outside to inside.

Use your left fist to smash left and down, stopping at the outside of your left thigh, palm out.

With your right hand bent at the elbow, pressing it tightly to the right ribs, strike upward.

At the same time, bend your legs slightly at the knees and lean your body down.

Look left (fig. 78).

Figure: 78

Exercise 20. "Attack with your hand"

Step forward with your left foot.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Bend your left knee.

Open your fists in your palms.

With your left hand, attack forward and up, palm up, fingers clenched into a fist.

The right hand, passing along an arc in front, with a pushing movement, goes down and returns to the lower back, palm up.

Look at the left palm (fig. 79).

Figure: 79

Exercise 21. "Stop-vortex"

Turn your left foot on the ground.

Raise your right leg and swing it left and forward.

Continue moving the body and turn it 360 degrees to the left.

When the body turns to face in the original direction, slap the right sole with your left hand.

Move your right hand to the side.

Look ahead.

Exercise 22. "Cannon strike"

Place both feet together.

At the same time, with your right hand bent at the elbow in front of the chest, strike upward to the level of the nose. The fist is facing inward with the palm side.

The left palm is clenched into a fist; the hand from left to right, bending at the elbow, strikes a horizontal blow, the left fist is at the right elbow.

Look ahead.

Exercise 23. "Scorpio flaps its tail"

Turn your right foot on the ground.

Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee, and swing it left and back.

Continuing to move, turn the body 270 degrees to the left.

After hitting with your left foot, place it one step in front of your right.

Return your fists to your lower back.

Look left and back.

Exercise 24. "The lion opens its mouth wide."

Bend your left leg at the knee, straighten your right leg.

Open your fists in your palms.

The right hand from the bottom position through the right side goes in an arc upward, as if propping up something in front and above the head, the palm facing forward.

The left hand goes outward and downward in an arc down to the left knee, palm facing up.

Look ahead.

Exercise 25. "Step and push with the palm"

Pull your left leg up and step again.

Push from the chest forward with the left vertical palm.

Lower your right hand down and place it at the lower back.

Look at the left palm.

Exercise 26. "Raising palms"

Use your right palm to strike forward.

Swing your left palm outward. Both hands seem to be holding the tray.

Step back with your left foot.

Then step back with your right foot.

Look at the palms.

Exercise 27. "Turn your face"

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the right.

Step forward with your right foot.

At the same time, with the right hand from the chest, make a pushing movement forward with the vertical palm, palm back, fingers pointing up.

The left hand, passing from the side in an arc, returns to the lower back, palm up.

Look at the right palm.

Exercise 28. "Step and push with the palm"

Step your left foot forward.

Push from the chest forward with the left vertical palm, palm outward, fingers pointing up.

The right hand goes down and is placed at the lower back.

Look at the left palm.

Exercise 29. "Turn around and pull on your leg"

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the right.

Knee forward with your left foot.

The hands, continuing to move, go in an arc from the outside to the inside, find themselves in front of the chest slightly bent at the elbows and slap on the left knee, palms facing down, fingers pointing forward.

Look ahead.

Exercise 30. "Foot stomping"

Place your left foot on the ground.

Strike forward and up with your right leg, with your foot tight.

With your right palm, counter-clap your right foot.

Look at the right palm.

Exercise 31. "Folding the elbow to the right"

Place your right foot on the ground in front of your left foot and bend at the knee.

The right palm is clenched into a fist, through the bottom it goes in an arc upward and as if props something above the head, the fist is turned palm forward.

The left fist goes in an arc to the right and back and up, then the hand bends at the elbow, directing the fist to the chest, the fist palm down, the tip of the elbow is directed forward.

The right fist, left elbow, and right knee are in the same vertical plane.

Look ahead.

Exercise 32. "Chopping and kicking"

The left foot is kicked forward and up.

The left fist unclenches and in an arc past the side cuts down on the outside of the left thigh, palm inward.

The right fist drops down and returns to the lower back.

Look left and forward.

Exercise 33. "Folding the elbow to the left"

Place your left foot on the ground in front of your right foot and bend at the knee.

The left palm is clenched into a fist, through the left side it goes in an arc upwards and seems to be supporting something above the head.

The right fist goes through the back sector in an arc forward, then the hand bends at the elbow, directing the fist to the chest, the tip of the elbow is directed forward.

Look ahead.

Exercise 34. "Raising hands"

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the right.

Bend your left knee.

Straighten your right leg.

The fists unclench and, following the rotation of the body from the position to the left, go to the right and down horizontally.

Look at the palms.

Exercise 35. "The lion opens its mouth wide."

Straighten your left leg, move your body weight to the right.

The right hand, continuing to move through the back sector in an arc, penetrates the air in front, stopping above the knee, palm up.

The left hand rises up through the front sector in an arc, as if propping something above the head, palm forward.

Look ahead.

Exercise 36. "Cloud over the top"

Step forward with your left foot.

The left hand goes through the front sector to the right, in a circle above the head, with the palm facing down.

Behind, the hand in an arc goes down sharply, returning to the lower back, palm up.

Step forward with your right foot.

The right palm rises up and above the head makes a circle, and then as if props something above the head, palm up.

Look ahead.

Exercise 37. "Seven Stars"

Step forward with your left foot, toes touching the ground on the inside of your right foot.

Clench your palms into fists.

The right hand from behind drops sharply to the chest and at the same time with the left fist strikes forward, the fists are turned with the palmar sides down. The legs are slightly bent at the knees.

Look at the fists.

Exercise 38. "Single whip"

Step back with your left foot.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Bend your knees.

Return your fists to your chest.

Strike with your fists to the sides at shoulder level with your fists facing downward.

Look ahead.

Exercise 39. "Grasp the tied body with your hands"

Step to the left with your right foot.

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the left.

Continuing the movement, bring your left foot to the inside of the right, toe touching the ground.

At the same time, the right fist returns to the chest through the bottom in an arc.

The left fist, passing below in an arc, rises to the chest. The arms are folded - the left hand is outside, the right hand is inside.

The left fist through the right side strikes left and down, stopping outside the left thigh, the fist is turned with the palm outward.

The right hand bent at the elbow, tightly pressed to the right ribs, strikes upward, the fist is turned with the palm back at the right ear. Bend your knees slightly.

Look left.

Exercise 40. "Step with a hand attack"

Step to the right with your left foot.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

The right leg, while continuing to move, slides slightly forward.

Unclench your fists.

Continuing the movement, the left palm goes up and from the chest permeates the air in front, palm up.

The right palm through the left side goes sharply downward in an arc, stopping at the inner side of the left elbow.

Look at the left palm.

Exercise 41. "Right trampling leg"

Strike forward and upward with your right foot, with your foot stretched.

Use your right palm to slap the back of your right foot.

The left hand, passing in an arc from the outside, clenches into a fist and returns to the lower back.

Look at the right palm.

Exercise 42. "Three nudges with palms to the right and to the left"

First push

Lower your right leg in front of your left leg, bending at the knee.

The right vertical palm, continuing to move, makes a forward push, fingers pointing up.

Open your left fist, place your palm on the lower back.

Second push

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the left.

The left vertical palm, continuing to move, makes a forward push, fingers pointing up.

The right palm returns in an arc to the lower back.

Push third

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the right.

Push with your vertical palm to the right.

Look at the right palm.

Exercise 43. "Left trampling leg"

With the left foot, strike forward and upward, the foot is stretched.

Use your left palm to slap the back of your left foot.

The right hand, having passed in an arc inward, returns to the lower back.

Look at the left palm.

Exercise 44. "Three nudges with the palms of the left and right"

First push

Lower your left leg.

The left vertical palm, continuing to move, makes a forward push.

The right palm is placed at the lower back.

Second push

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the right.

The right vertical palm pushes forward.

The left palm returns to the lower back.

Push third

The body rotates 180 degrees to the left.

Push with your vertical palm to the left.

The right palm returns to the lower back.

Look at the right palm.

Exercise 45. "Tiger pounces on prey"

Jump with your right foot forward.

The left leg, continuing to move, rises, the foot is lifted back and up.

The right hand is extended forward and downward.

Tilt the body forward.

Return your left hand to the lower back.

Look at the right palm.

Exercise 46. "A cannon strike to the bottom of the sea"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left.

Step left foot to the left.

The right foot with a sonorous stamping is placed on the left foot.

The right palm is clenched into a fist that goes to the left and in front of the chest loudly hits the left palm.

Take a half seat.

Look ahead.

Exercise 47. "Step and strike with a Yang fist"

Step right foot to the right.

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

The right fist through the bottom strikes forward and up to the level of the nose, the fist is turned with the palm inward.

The left palm clenches into a fist and returns to the lower back.

Look at the right fist.

Exercise 48. "Cannon strike from the side of the ear"

Step back with your right foot.

Lift your left knee.

The right fist through the bottom goes in an arc out and up.

The left fist through the bottom goes in an arc up and delivers a cover blow down.

Lower your fist to your left knee, palm side out.

Look ahead.

Exercise 49. "Full stomach hurts"

Lower your left leg one step in front of your right leg.

With your right fist, from a top position, strike a straight forward and downward blow with your fist facing downward.

The left fist goes in an arc outward and, unclenching, returns to the lower back.

Look at the right fist.

Exercise 50. Rolling hands

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

Place your left foot on the inside of your right foot, toes touching the ground.

The left fist goes along the shoulder of the right hand and rolls forward and downward, hanging at the outside of the left thigh.

The right fist from the bottom goes up in an arc, then to the right and back.

The right hand bent at the elbow is tightly pressed against the right ribs, the forearm is placed vertically, the fist is turned with the palm inward at the right ear.

Sit down.

Look ahead.

Exercise 51. "Step and push with the palm"

Rotate the body 90 degrees to the right.

Step your left foot forward.

Unclench your fists.

The left palm goes down from the right armpit and, having taken an upright position with the arm bent at the elbow, performs a push forward.

Return your right hand to the lower back.

Look at the left palm.

Exercise 52. "A cloud over the top and a cannon strike"

The first part of the exercise

Rotate the body 180 degrees to the right.

The right palm rises up through the side in an arc, stopping above the head.

The left palm in an arc in front returns to the lower back.

Look left and forward.

The second part of the exercise

Place the left leg with a stamp on the right leg.

The left palm goes to the right and hits the right fist in front of the chest.

Look ahead.

Exercise 53. "Sit on the mountain"

First, lift your right leg.

Raise your left leg and jump one step to the left.

Bend your knees.

The right fist is unclenched into the palm and through the left side it goes in an arc to the right and up, as if propping something over the head, with the palmar part up.

The left hand goes through the bottom to the left, back and up.

Slash down with your left palm and press over your left knee, fingers pointing back. On impact, make a sound: "And!"

Look left.

Exercise 54. Returning home

Bring your left leg to your right leg.

Straighten your back.

Place your fists on your lower back.

Look ahead.

Performing the above exercises not only develops muscle strength, joint flexibility and ligament elasticity, but above all has an invaluable health-improving and prophylactic value, has a positive psychological effect and, which is also important, is available to people of different ages, sex and levels of physical fitness.


In the glorious history of China, you will find many names of outstanding heroines who, possessing martial arts, fought against evil, defended their homeland, fearlessly fighting with the enemy on a par with men, or even significantly surpassing them.

First of all, this is the legendary Feng Wanzhen, who lived during the reign of the Qing kings of Dao Guan and Hsien Feng. From childhood, she began to practice wushu and became a dexterous and fearless fighter. When Anglo-French troops captured Beijing in 1860, Feng Wanzhen fought the aggressors. She testified: “Europeans are armed with firearms, but do not know the martial art. Firearms are beneficial to use suddenly and from afar, and the art of combat is convenient in street battles. "

Feng Wanzhen herself led a small rebel squad. In the first operation, her men ambushed the road. When the enemies approached this place, courageous fighters for freedom and independence boldly attacked the enemy and destroyed more than 100 people with swords and simply with their bare hands and feet. The news of this massacre horrified the invaders. And this strengthened the fame of the young girl and her desire to continue the struggle.

During the war with the Japanese in China, another legendary girl, Wang Xialin, was known, who fought unarmed with puppet troops.

In different parts of China, I often saw girls practicing martial arts. From dawn to dusk, millions of the fairer sex practice wushu in the parks and gardens of the Middle Kingdom. All visitors are surprised by their swift and confident movements, excellent stances.

According to wushu masters, girls perform any technical action, be it lightning-fast movement, fall or somersaults, no worse than men. This once again testifies to the universality and mass character of wushu, which is equally acceptable for women.

Medicine proves that regular exercise has a beneficial effect on the restoration of all organ systems of the female body and that practicing any style of wushu is beneficial for women. And doctors recommend women with weakened health to engage in wushu health complexes. However, as experts note, the structure and physiological functions of the female body have many differences from the male. Therefore, women should engage in a somewhat simplified method, not giving the body too much stress.

Firstly, women have a shorter height than men, their legs are shorter, and the center of gravity, respectively, is located lower, and the ligaments are more elastic. And since they have higher flexibility and dexterity, in the classroom you can combine the features of different styles, and it is better to include more balancing and smooth movements in the complex.

Secondly, women's muscles are not as developed as men's. Therefore, women are weaker than men, their heart is smaller, their pulse is faster, speed and endurance are lower, and it is inappropriate for them to perform too vigorous and prolonged complexes.

When performing basic exercises, women are advised to do fewer repetitions, and in the classroom they need to be more attentive, consistent, and most importantly, careful.

Thirdly, during the period of menstruation, it is better for women to reduce the volume of training to a minimum, and maybe, with heavy discharge and pain, and generally refuse to exercise.

During this period, women should reduce or completely eliminate sudden movements. Excessive efforts, jumps and falls, as well as overly sweeping kicks are best skipped. It is also necessary to significantly reduce the strength and pace of the exercise.

The pursuit of beauty is natural for many women. First of all, when practicing wushu, women pay attention to those exercises that contribute to improving their figure. Body shaping is an occupation that goes far beyond gaining beauty and improving appearance. Tightened, elastic muscles ensure the normal physiological position and functioning of internal organs. A flabby, saggy stomach leads to displacement of internal organs, curvature of the spine. Excessive thinness, weak muscles are just as harmful to health as being overweight. To get rid of excessive thinness, wushu exercises associated with constant tension of working muscles are especially useful. Tight, strong muscles of the body are a prerequisite for good health, normal blood supply, metabolism and maintenance of fertility.

To date, only three ways are known to form a beautiful figure without harm and, on the contrary, with health benefits, these are:

Change in diet;

Increased physical activity;

Psychological attitude.

Regular classes wushu give a woman not only health and strength, but also preserve her pristine beauty and charm for many years.

Wushu for middle-aged and older people

It's no secret that over time, the years take their toll. And if you lead a wrong lifestyle, it happens earlier than they should. As a result, we have what we have. That is, having reached middle age (I'm not talking about the elderly), a person loses his former strength and energy, which he had in abundance in his youth. And the flexibility to become is not the same. However, thanks to the richness of content and the uniqueness of us at people over middle age can and should practice wushu, they just need to choose a suitable style.

When choosing a style and load at this age, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, the fitness of the body and the presence of interest.

If your health is excellent or you have already played sports, then you can choose bright traditional directions, where there are a lot of jumps, somersaults and power techniques.

But people with poor health or who do not have any sports training are better off choosing something simpler and easier. The biggest obstacle to wushu training in adulthood is reduced flexibility. Since there is an inversely proportional relationship between flexibility and age (that is, the older the age, the less flexibility), naturally, you need to start practicing as early as possible, but this does not mean that you cannot develop sufficient flexibility in mature years. One has only to train properly, and the results will certainly appear.

Let's take a closer look at this issue. There are three factors that affect body flexibility:

The shape of the surface of the bones in the joints;

The volume and amount of soft tissue surrounding the joints;

The elasticity of the ligaments, tendons and muscles that connect the joints.

The last two factors can be changed for the better by doing ear at ... The volume of soft tissue around the joints changes during exercise. Closer to old age, there is a tendency to be overweight, which clearly affects the depth of the forward tilt of the body. But if you exercise regularly, you can reduce the belly and fat deposits in the legs, which, of course, will increase the depth of the slope.

Ligaments, tendons and muscles have a certain plasticity that can be continuously improved, provided that the exercises are regular, for example, by doing pushing movements with the leg, bending the body and other flexibility exercises. All this increases the mobility of the joints. Therefore, exercising in middle and old age can significantly increase body flexibility.

Regular and persistent training strengthens the body, improves the functioning of various systems and organs, stimulates metabolism in the body, prolongs life and preserves youth.

{!LANG-3e48830a6d7583b8dcd52a5f0e1d4b93!} wushu{!LANG-583bd8bcfb67b6bd9b311a77550644d9!}

{!LANG-abf747de715e73e3fba121945390106f!} at{!LANG-4613e569f7658b6598d4902816a321ce!}






Exercise 1

Initial position{!LANG-5c541cc38740e15a3ce2ce75b911233f!}





Exercise 2

Initial position{!LANG-4a774e5f44c14141c837c89ceb77c289!}




Exercise # 3

Initial position{!LANG-71dbf40f5f61ef9daab929ee3a0cb63c!}




Exercise 4

Initial position{!LANG-8347b334f2fd83281dfdd7b2e8d4a25b!}




Exercise 5

Initial position{!LANG-58fa701aa523b4d89493a80708d3bbfe!}




Exercise 6

Initial position{!LANG-02b8fcf4af33f95c1e4031106cf474b6!}




Exercise 7

Initial position{!LANG-a1e81685bf422c6c404dd0fb1c01856a!}




Exercise 8

Initial position{!LANG-042c32e884c02d2da2fb9a3aed4643b4!}





Exercise 9

Initial position{!LANG-352b151e6a4ede169a231f5cf641cf5b!}



Exercise 10

Initial position{!LANG-111446a877ef3093241740cb6824e153!}





Initial position{!LANG-3efd697095fbdeb5c4936415ccae4b80!}





Initial position{!LANG-6ac755a863fcb0b229bc4a1e5d03aef8!}





Initial position{!LANG-3efd697095fbdeb5c4936415ccae4b80!}




Initial position{!LANG-45ab6e0b8788ec626b73c1bfffb5cf4d!}






Initial position{!LANG-950ad5455e0ee8cb7002c947d2eaa005!}




Initial position{!LANG-05854cd914e6a309fb1c88ab1f8429a6!}



Initial position{!LANG-2f7269fb740859ff1362e243d2aca0b5!}





Initial position{!LANG-597cd0e596112d977e3cd37754153674!}





Initial position{!LANG-e0ae4d8f2e9f78fc73cfd3046078f45f!}





{!LANG-aaf3c5bc401a41d06dd5d3e5ee2bf257!} wushu .






Exercise 1



Exercise 2



Exercise # 3



Exercise 4



Exercise 5



Exercise 6



Exercise 7



Exercise 8



Exercise 9


Exercise 10












Initial position{!LANG-115c7985f0b85cd122008a71e4c595eb!}

Exercise order .













{!LANG-44c9664febcce185031562fb610c94dd!} {!LANG-395b0338e8706505f44c98d9ed4ae826!} ».


{!LANG-347d86bbda354d283c037f5b380bf9a7!} wushu{!LANG-594c1339181609577c6a1053f2f0e24f!}









{!LANG-62acd3dcfef8bd6e684fc413fb987be6!} {!LANG-288a8f618e8b3f2bb8a1a9a9958424a2!} ».



{!LANG-243a1fe95d46a74467f0a0c5f6029ed6!} .



{!LANG-e3b48c958a74f12547b99d70d1eb8286!} wushu{!LANG-cfb0475806c6bd309034145a7b4d3780!}










{!LANG-5ad3c6df17b4ed22045e48fdba2e1ec8!} wushu{!LANG-755987740d068b9db9a8378ae7e5cc3c!}















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  • {!LANG-d844163e39f1974064f574b7ce5657e5!}
  • {!LANG-3e52141d92b1b29afcd514ae33c9442e!}

{!LANG-f0eddc1df1d6f76d029a35e3047fc139!} {!LANG-85cda852d20e360682f4f3339f3ce4eb!}

  • {!LANG-3e0236693398b6d278db30783497e1f5!}
  • {!LANG-39735c9a87b4c55acadfaf45b44039ed!}
  • {!LANG-8a7ad118024c183ba1be7489d66259a2!}




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  • {!LANG-a619c7b7f482762419c22c7ac9ed3242!}
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  • {!LANG-fcb6699b6ec7fe49f5e76cc571affbfb!}
  • {!LANG-a2094fb6d516edd345a8e167b499c8e0!}


{!LANG-2670753c4154b8ffbbd1a310df541ec2!} {!LANG-a0b9529917fce652fc9943f135d17e93!}

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  • {!LANG-1230e5e1a12e254993943756c0c2faa3!}
  • {!LANG-55ee852e7dabbf5238827e23e165c0de!}
  • {!LANG-61ca87fd6b7dcf229f0d477406b57b6d!}
  • {!LANG-2fc50674193e5d7ce2c5a34e54c9500d!}















{!LANG-1cd6564303e8c70514e352174dd813f6!} {!LANG-ae0b7c1e215c3dbc47ed70306dda0cda!}{!LANG-3b650e9717eac33cbd303e9ca9d9b05d!}







  1. {!LANG-5bf83d4ad858fea253922cc380b0cb98!} {!LANG-ab88f4686a845ec30ba493356a796c51!}{!LANG-d6855ba9453b131a83979c6a662723c9!}
  2. {!LANG-c5e17c0fd0104a7f630507404869a932!} {!LANG-82a8a4e404eccbfea3258054ce635570!}{!LANG-0ad12a5d2373f1b420361228079e3d3d!}
  3. {!LANG-ea724d98f3e259bb1c675bd4288005f5!} {!LANG-e3d417772ec85fcae966832aacdf68ae!}{!LANG-e13efc6786e3e35e2b89a0de11a4c4f6!}


{!LANG-b975c15adb03714b906b33022a4e9b1f!} {!LANG-e62e6b4ca602c95a142ebc723e3f6806!}

  1. {!LANG-47fa87de1e63111977f31b9934aeb798!} {!LANG-9e82f62dae6be003d390009f0d56bd59!}{!LANG-e8ea7a398e96c45a8d3305047b6591d1!}
  2. {!LANG-c5e17c0fd0104a7f630507404869a932!} {!LANG-04770a61afa290ea86470d459029c81c!}{!LANG-6d26f33c694d46603f7b448015590fdd!}
  3. {!LANG-c5e17c0fd0104a7f630507404869a932!} {!LANG-c76a24403f2966f94591fab5cf0d4cbb!}{!LANG-5bd97b28cadafc6b3e864c5d4f3a34a5!}




A perfectly wise man makes no mistakes. In the world, no one understands the meaning of his words; he keeps his thoughts in deep secrecy.

Guan Tzu (1st century BC)

Gymnastics wushu{!LANG-474bfbd3a58023d6f69124914e0f4967!}


The main signs of a healthy person in Eastern culture differ from European ones. This, naturally, is flexibility, mobility of joints and tendons, plastic movements, proper breathing and the ability to control your body and will. That is, there is, or rather, on the body, the harmony of the spirit and the carnal principle! Fourteen centuries ago, the founder of the famous Shaolin wushu school, Bodhidharma, educated his disciples according to the principle: "Through the perfection of the body to the perfection of the spirit."

Wushu is not only a martial art and sport, it is, first of all, medical and health-improving gymnastics, psycho-training and, oddly enough, a philosophical system. Before developing the physical abilities of their bodies, Chinese teachers called for the improvement of the personality, for the search for human harmony with the outside world.

Literal translation of the term "ush at{!LANG-8d1aafa9d2d199747f75158c93ac11f0!} wushu represented the techniques of hunting and self-defense from animals and enemies. But later, the ancient Chinese came to the idea that, having such a powerful weapon as wushu in their arsenal, a person should be strong in spirit and master the skill of using it so as not to harm the weak and defenseless. This can only be achieved through training, not just the body, but also the spirit.

Now, when hostilities are conducted with the help of completely different weapons than wushu, two new directions have emerged: self-defense without weapons and a system of preventive and therapeutic gymnastics.

The healing and health aspects of Wushu are an integral part of traditional medicine. It is known from numerous Chinese sources that “ {!LANG-8337ba3b59cb7dd8eb60c2465b487eaa!}{!LANG-6bfe14784015fb0394422af399faf8c8!} wushu develops on the basis of psychophysical training, during which a person activates and mobilizes the hidden capabilities of the body.

Most widespread wushu received after the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Teaching was introduced from the first grade in primary and secondary schools wushu as compulsory physical training.

Wushu is the most massive national type of physical and sports training in China, and today not only in it. Wushu is not limited to physical education and sports. Wushu is a fusion of gymnastic complexes and respiratory gymnastics, which include elements of acupressure and have health-improving and therapeutic-prophylactic significance, this is both sport and martial art, this is psychophysical training, and visual arts, it is a philosophical system that determines the view of the world and even the very way of life.

Conventionally, three directions can be distinguished in wushu: health-improving, sports and military-applied, and each next direction includes the previous ones as an integral part.

In my book, I will acquaint readers with the first direction, which is only a small tip of a huge iceberg called wushu.

Wushu of a health-improving orientation includes complexes of gymnastic exercises, basic movements of the body (hips, arms and legs), exercises for working out plastic movement, breathing exercises and massage complexes.

I will not dwell on the philosophical foundations of Wushu, which are complex and related to the ancient and modern religious systems of China. The main task of my book is to introduce you to Wushu remedial gymnastics, which allows you to develop strength, flexibility, coordination of movements, improve health and, most importantly, is available to people with different levels of physical fitness.

Mastering these gymnastic complexes and basic movements will help you acquire the skills to use your strength when performing various hard work, develops coordination of movements and dexterity. These exercises can also be used as gymnastics to relieve fatigue and invigorate during intense mental and physical work, and most of them do not require additional space and special conditions.


Everyone should understand that wushu is not an easy out-of-town walk in the fresh air, therefore, before embarking on complex exercises, you need to prepare your body, weakened by diseases and idleness.

The proposed complex is a simplified system of exercises. Performing these simple exercises, you can not only stretch all joints, muscles, tendons, but also "work out" the circulatory and nervous systems, internal organs.

If you are an extremely busy person and you do not have enough time to complete the whole complex, you, of course, can reduce the number of exercises, but this is the same as, " taking on the chest{!LANG-a48f1b2bf216ea5dd37d1c253fff376d!} smell the crust{!LANG-482590236f96aca2f6a7eb1775ab6181!}

The more correctly and carefully you perform each exercise, the more positive effect you will achieve. And although wushu Originally formed as a martial art, remember that the exercises I provide in this book are not imitations of martial movements. Therefore, do the exercises smoothly and gently. Otherwise, tendon and muscle injury may occur.

A few important tips before you start doing the starting set.

It is best to do these exercises in the morning or evening after work (wash, brush your teeth, empty your bowels).

Clothing for classes should be loose. When exercising during breaks at work, loosen your belt and tie, open the collar of your shirt, and remove your watch.

Don't exercise when you are hungry; do not exercise earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating.

Usually, according to the Chinese tradition, the exercises are performed while facing north.

Observe a gradual load, exercise regularly (preferably a little, but regularly).

Standing exercises

You can turn on cheerful music, preferably without words or with words in a foreign language, so as not to be distracted by comprehending the text (it is especially difficult to study if the lyrics of a song are completely meaningless - its words can get stuck in your brain for a long time, and the poor brain, instead of relaxing , will be forced to work on the analysis of the unanalyzed).

Each exercise must be performed at least 12 times.


Initial position{!LANG-72dab208278a6b98106a0de2e6a12641!}

For each count 1–4, we tilt the head forward, backward, right, left.


Initial position{!LANG-4275babe8fcf5d40a99ce9a0c1a467c2!}

For each count, we make circular movements with brushes.


Initial position{!LANG-4275babe8fcf5d40a99ce9a0c1a467c2!}

For each count, we make circular movements with our hands.


Initial position{!LANG-27c63c019d99bfd24934b4e4ef2df4b6!}

Raise your straight arms up above your head and make a circle at the shoulder joints, and then return to the starting position.


Initial position{!LANG-45068cedfd218cff3b9574ba5277b420!}

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy tilts of the body to the left and right.


Initial position{!LANG-45068cedfd218cff3b9574ba5277b420!}

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy tilts of the body to the right leg, left leg, forward, by 4 we return to the starting position.

When bending down, try to reach the floor with your fingertips or palms.







  • {!LANG-4bd41c4c27e6a96c763c6d03eebccfaf!}
  • {!LANG-1bc1c58fe200d570fc7dbe6575289025!}
  • {!LANG-3e6f49358a7ee4a6a561fcd60947fa61!}
  • {!LANG-c74ce3b79979467defc60207a2d9691a!}



  • {!LANG-6903e5658332e89f9ce10291535f98a9!}
  • {!LANG-b2147c53726ad7068920fe3bf6a25e79!}
  • {!LANG-2c6825e60a5d920d8cfdd251b998dc5c!}
  • {!LANG-beb0bbb21284a3e704a7131bf2946936!}
  • {!LANG-b210097bac63967ca199c9f9f5788b6d!}
  • {!LANG-1fbe9ea5407dcc813433193e146569eb!}


  • {!LANG-660a5e48be34dc0676bbe038a66be3a4!}
  • {!LANG-217ffe73765f16cdbcc7d4a0452c9ce3!}
  • {!LANG-7dad80000eec57e6a94120229b47f6ff!}



  • {!LANG-2da86bc92f174334c902639d5d24f9ea!}
  • {!LANG-5639128ce62a12167e372b59a7a24f64!}
  • {!LANG-47561e5e80de66d83358d3023868f4be!}
  • {!LANG-e6748f96bc28f05c510770e94f765223!}






Wushu gymnastics. Starting from scratch

A perfectly wise man makes no mistakes. In the world, no one understands the meaning of his words; he keeps his thoughts in deep secrecy.

Guan Tzu (1st century BC)

Gymnastics wushu{!LANG-474bfbd3a58023d6f69124914e0f4967!}

From time immemorial in Russia, and in many other civilized countries, a stereotype of a healthy person has been formed: of course, tall, with an athletic torso, and impressive muscle relief. But the East is a "delicate matter", or rather, thin and small. Therefore, in Asia the ideal of a healthy person is a small man, well-fed, even with a small abdomen (because of abdominal breathing, and not love, it is tasty and a lot to eat). In addition, a healthy person, above all, should have pink satin skin, shiny hair, a smile and a calm, radiant look ...

The main signs of a healthy person in Eastern culture differ from European ones. This, naturally, is flexibility, mobility of joints and tendons, plastic movements, proper breathing and the ability to control your body and will. That is, there is, or rather, on the body, the harmony of the spirit and the carnal principle! Fourteen centuries ago, the founder of the famous Shaolin wushu school, Bodhidharma, educated his disciples according to the principle: "Through the perfection of the body to the perfection of the spirit."

Wushu is not only a martial art and sport, it is, first of all, medical and health-improving gymnastics, psycho-training and, oddly enough, a philosophical system. Before developing the physical abilities of their bodies, Chinese teachers called for the improvement of the personality, for the search for human harmony with the outside world.

Literal translation of the term "ush at{!LANG-8d1aafa9d2d199747f75158c93ac11f0!} wushu represented the techniques of hunting and self-defense from animals and enemies. But later, the ancient Chinese came to the idea that, having such a powerful weapon as wushu in their arsenal, a person should be strong in spirit and master the skill of using it so as not to harm the weak and defenseless. This can only be achieved through training, not just the body, but also the spirit.

Now, when hostilities are conducted with the help of completely different weapons than wushu, two new directions have emerged: self-defense without weapons and a system of preventive and therapeutic gymnastics.

The healing and health aspects of Wushu are an integral part of traditional medicine. It is known from numerous Chinese sources that “ who has mastered the wushu systems increases the protective properties of the body ... constant training gives practical skill in achieving good health and prolongs life ... then a person does not need whole pots of medicines{!LANG-6bfe14784015fb0394422af399faf8c8!} wushu develops on the basis of psychophysical training, during which a person activates and mobilizes the hidden capabilities of the body.

Most widespread wushu received after the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Teaching was introduced from the first grade in primary and secondary schools wushu as compulsory physical training.

Wushu is the most massive national type of physical and sports training in China, and today not only in it. Wushu is not limited to physical education and sports. Wushu is a fusion of gymnastic complexes and respiratory gymnastics, which include elements of acupressure and have health-improving and therapeutic-prophylactic significance, this is both sport and martial art, this is psychophysical training, and visual arts, it is a philosophical system that determines the view of the world and even the very way of life.

Conventionally, three directions can be distinguished in wushu: health-improving, sports and military-applied, and each next direction includes the previous ones as an integral part.

In my book, I will acquaint readers with the first direction, which is only a small tip of a huge iceberg called wushu.

Wushu of a health-improving orientation includes complexes of gymnastic exercises, basic movements of the body (hips, arms and legs), exercises for working out plastic movement, breathing exercises and massage complexes.

I will not dwell on the philosophical foundations of Wushu, which are complex and related to the ancient and modern religious systems of China. The main task of my book is to introduce you to Wushu remedial gymnastics, which allows you to develop strength, flexibility, coordination of movements, improve health and, most importantly, is available to people with different levels of physical fitness.

Mastering these gymnastic complexes and basic movements will help you acquire the skills to use your strength when performing various hard work, develops coordination of movements and dexterity. These exercises can also be used as gymnastics to relieve fatigue and invigorate during intense mental and physical work, and most of them do not require additional space and special conditions.


Everyone should understand that wushu is not an easy out-of-town walk in the fresh air, therefore, before embarking on complex exercises, you need to prepare your body, weakened by diseases and idleness.

The proposed complex is a simplified system of exercises. Performing these simple exercises, you can not only stretch all joints, muscles, tendons, but also "work out" the circulatory and nervous systems, internal organs.

If you are an extremely busy person and you do not have enough time to complete the whole complex, you, of course, can reduce the number of exercises, but this is the same as, " taking on the chest{!LANG-a48f1b2bf216ea5dd37d1c253fff376d!} smell the crust{!LANG-482590236f96aca2f6a7eb1775ab6181!}

The more correctly and carefully you perform each exercise, the more positive effect you will achieve. And although wushu Originally formed as a martial art, remember that the exercises I provide in this book are not imitations of martial movements. Therefore, do the exercises smoothly and gently. Otherwise, tendon and muscle injury may occur.

A few important tips before you start doing the starting set.

It is best to do these exercises in the morning or evening after work (wash, brush your teeth, empty your bowels).

Clothing for classes should be loose. When exercising during breaks at work, loosen your belt and tie, open the collar of your shirt, and remove your watch.

Don't exercise when you are hungry; do not exercise earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating.

Usually, according to the Chinese tradition, the exercises are performed while facing north.

Observe a gradual load, exercise regularly (preferably a little, but regularly).


You can turn on cheerful music, preferably without words or with words in a foreign language, so as not to be distracted by comprehending the text (it is especially difficult to study if the lyrics of a song are completely meaningless - its words can get stuck in your brain for a long time, and the poor brain, instead of relaxing , will be forced to work on the analysis of the unanalyzed).

Each exercise must be performed at least 12 times.


Initial position{!LANG-72dab208278a6b98106a0de2e6a12641!}

For each count 1–4, we tilt the head forward, backward, right, left.


Initial position{!LANG-4275babe8fcf5d40a99ce9a0c1a467c2!}

For each count, we make circular movements with brushes.


Initial position{!LANG-4275babe8fcf5d40a99ce9a0c1a467c2!}

For each count, we make circular movements with our hands.


Initial position{!LANG-27c63c019d99bfd24934b4e4ef2df4b6!}

Raise your straight arms up above your head and make a circle at the shoulder joints, and then return to the starting position.


Initial position{!LANG-45068cedfd218cff3b9574ba5277b420!}

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy tilts of the body to the left and right.


Initial position{!LANG-45068cedfd218cff3b9574ba5277b420!}

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy tilts of the body to the right leg, left leg, forward, by 4 we return to the starting position.

