Meditation to change life for the better. How meditation will change your life

Meditation to change life for the better. How meditation will change your life

We learn all your life. First walk, then talk. Then we are taught at school and universities. Unfortunately, many at this stage finish to know the world and become slaves of the system. Life, in turn, continues to give lessons who often remain thrused in the garbage box. How to become a diligent student of the ingenious universe? Just and very hard at the same time. Know yourself.

How did my way of self-knowledge start?

On the path of self-knowledge, I am about four years. Sometimes, it seems that it is impossible to hear your inner voice and approach the truth, when your life is happy and fabulous filmcenery. I was a carefree girl, until my heart was broken. Before that, I did not go into deep self-analysis and self-improvement. I was happy and thought that the fairy tale would last forever. But everything ended very trite and quickly. Then I did not go to the extreme and look for a "new love" to knock the Wedge Wedge. I realized that it was time to work on myself. I began to look for problems in myself, deepen and know the world. External and internal. Exactly four years ago, I spotted on yoga. I really liked the first session, but because of my laziness, it remained the last for a long time. No matter how, the desire to change and know yourself better, it remains. I decided to engage in meditations at home. I had a free schedule, and I could give this process a lot of time. Initially it was difficult to make meditation with their habit. It seemed that this is a waste of time. But in two weeks I am so "hooked" to care and exemption from thoughts that could not live without this therapy.

What gave me meditation?

At first I was engaged in half an hour. To understand what result is a meditative practice, it is worth trying. This is an incredible charge of energy and at least some, but clarity in life. Before my classes, I was a slave of my emotions. At home, on my own, I learned to fight them and control. I became wiser, calmer and finally loved myself. About, after a year of classes, I got on the Vedic Festival, I met the yoga coaches and decided to attend classes. With the second attempt, I got it! I began to engage twice a week. At first, yoga for beginners. Although Assan, who showed at the initial classes, seemed impossible to me. Then I realized that if some pose was easily given to you, you do something wrong. But soon the muscles are accustomed to, the body loved this excellent practice. The back stopped sick, it seemed to be removed a pitch cargo. Last time I was sick two years ago. But the most important thing is not physical, but spiritual health. After all, everything else takes his beginning. And my spiritual growth is the merit of yoga and my coach. This wise and balanced woman inspired me with his inner world at the festival, where I saw it for the first time. I really wanted to like her in her peace and harmony. Great luck - get to her in the group.

How did Yoga help me in life?

Becoming more confident, wise and calm, I took life under your office. I did not allow any more emotions to lead me. I found a good robot and your loved one. I began to listen to Vedic lectures that helped me on the way to self-knowledge. Now I know how to be a good wife. I am tolerant for my young man. And for the power to be wise, I am grateful to yoga and meditation. I think these practices made me that I am. Now I feel happy and finished with honor to go through new tests of life that she prepared for me.

The path to a healthy lifestyle for each is unique. Wherever you are on this path, we hope that we will be able to inspire you for further achievements. Julie Sax, the founder of the ever-growing community and the website VIE, where it shares the advice of experts and authoritative people in the field of spiritual and physical development, shared and with us their experience of meditation and how meditation fundamentally changed her life.

Meditation is an integral part of my life. So it was not always.

I tried to meditate for many years; The beginning was laid when I was 23 years old and I lived in San Francisco, where I was introduced to transcendental meditation or TM (yes, it was the one that became popular, thanks to the BITLS group). It scarecrow me, since I did not understand how it works. For me it seemed something on the verge of mysticism. I started studying TM and was amazed how beneficial this technique is. It helps to get rid of unrest and stress and generally gives peace of restlessly stormy life.

The promises of the benefit of TM intrigued me, but I left for another three years before I returned to her and came to the present first lesson. From that moment, I felt some shifts, but my consciousness continued to protest. I was skeptical. How is meditation on all this capable? Is it just enough?

Since I fought with panic attacks and chronic excitement, even periodic meditation practices helped me incredibly, but only for short periods of time. Soon after I got better, I returned to my old behaviors again. It was hard for me to just quietly sit for 20 minutes twice a day. Sometimes time flew unnoticed, and sometimes I could not bear silence and my loneliness together with my inner endless dialogue. My thoughts lined up, one after another, like aircraft on the runway.

I continued to be fruitlessly and irregularly engage in real ten years. I remembered about her when I felt acute need. Every time I tried something new: guided meditation, respiratory meditation, TM and even meditation when walking. All this helped me go down to the ground and calm down, but I could not make meditation to my regular occupation.

Having created his company and starting a new career, I finally began to treat meditation seriously. I listened to my instincts and decided to seriously do meditation. Since then, I meditated almost every day. If I missed one day, I immediately noticed the difference. I felt that I was missing something and immediately the next day I returned to this practice again. Since I have my own business, sometimes my schedule is so limited that you have to choose between meditation and training. In 9 cases out of 10, I choose meditation.

I choose meditation every day, because I know about her benefits in my life. Most importantly - meditation soothes me. She slows down everything. What would not happen in my life at this moment, everything stops. Meditation helps me consciously breathe and just exist. She does not stop my thoughts, and I should not do that. They continue to slip in my head, but I, rather, just take them, but I do not react. I just let them be in my head when I repeat the mantra. Sometimes my feelings are so deep, strong and spiritual, that I get incredible enlightenment. Sometimes, I just feel like a newly born, as if I slept very well. Be that as it may, I am always calm, thanks to meditation.

I went through a long learning process to become a meditator. It was not that I just found out about meditation and immediately loved her, although I knew about her benefit personally for myself. It took me a lot of time and patience with myself to come to what I have now. I had a great inner calm and the ability to trust yourself. Meditation helped and helps me make the right choice in my life. Meditation is needed for me.

I know that I will meditate all my remaining life. In fact, I decided to expand this practice and become a teacher on meditation. I'm not waiting for anything from this endeavor, just to become even more open for myself.

Meditation is a very personal experience, and everyone has their own way. I recommend that you do not throw meditation. Remember: this is a practice. If it does not work from the first, second, third attempt, nothing terrible, do not despair. Perhaps you just did not find the type of meditation that suits you and you need to try on. Like all valuable in life, the benefits of meditation will appear with time.

Trust yourself.

According to

Changes in life begin with the formation of good habits, because it is the habit that determine our life.

Lay a habit - send fate "- Wisdom, tested by time.

Each of us has habits that prevent us from living with a full life and pull down.

The main cause of bad habits is the lack of awareness and attention.

Without awakening awareness, years of struggle with these habits, turn into the years of unsuccessful struggle with themselves - the desired changes do not occur.

Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your destiny.
Mahatma Gandhi

What to do?

It is enough to form only one new and very pleasant habit - to meditate.

Meditation is a simple and effective way to work directly with the reason to turn your life in the direction you need.

Do not eradicate bad habits, do not fight with them and just add to your life the habit of meditate and together with her your life will come awareness and desired changes.

Consciousness works as light - everything that occurred in the absence of awareness is dissolved in this light. All you no longer need. Everything, from what you want and ready to refuse. All is superfluous, not yours. All that prevents itself.

All who at least several times tried to meditate, know that even 10 minutes of meditation per day bring big changes - the mind becomes calmer, outgoing stress, clarity and joy appears.

But the potential of meditation is much more - the regular practice of meditation can be the basis for positive changes and transformation of your life. But this powerful potential will open to you only when meditation becomes your habit.

What kind of meditation potential are we talking about?

10 life transformations for those who made meditation with their habit

The habit of meditating will allow:

1. Unlock your natural potential for restoration and self-describing

Restless mind is the main cause of emotional disorders and diseases. The body has a huge power of self-describing from nature, but we block this potential with their negative thoughts and unconscious installations.

Want to leave a bad habit in the past, such as overeating and smoking? I sleep badly and emotionally unstable? Would you like to become a more attractive and harmonious person?

Meditation allows you to establish a deep and harmonious connection between mind and body based on your true needs and opportunities. Negative installations and habits will no longer stand on your ideal health!

Meditation is recognized as classical medicine in all developed countries as an effective way to treat serious diseases and disorders: depressed, panic attacks, all kinds of dependencies, chronic fatigue syndrome and much more.

Meditation is the key to your self-healing and recovery potential, the key to your health, beauty and harmony!

2. Deeply relax, remove stress and tension from the body and mind

Need a passage from nervous work, endless affairs and requiring your attention to loved ones? 20 minutes of meditation will be quite enough to reboot. You can quickly remove the tension accumulated in the day and throw out everything unnecessary from my head.

Regular meditation practice will provide you with youth and health, beauty and attractiveness, harmony and psychological resistance to stress and problems.

Meditation is the best prevention from stress. You can always stay calm and balanced in any life situations.

3. Manifest a natural wisdom in you

How it would be great to always clearly know what you want from yourself and from life, and get rid of fear to make a mistake when making decisions!

Meditation teaches us to contact with you, it is better to understand yourself and your true desires. Your life comes clarity and understanding. Thanks to meditation between you and problems, space appears and in this space you always find the right solution.

You become a wise observer, and not a hostage. Freedom and ease will fill your life, because you really realize that you are not your problems! You always have a solution!

4. Understand others and be understood, establish a deep contact with you and other people

Need to talk to souls with a partner? Want to set close and trust with your children or parents? Discuss a problem with the boss or colleague?

First, remember!

Meditation develops emotional intelligence - empathy, the ability to empathize, hear and correctly understand what people tell you. And also correctly express your thoughts and feelings.

You will notice that you will gain confidence, ease and comfort in relationships with others, and your relationship with people will become closer, deep and pleasant. You will feel sincerity and love when communicating!

Your personal life will also improve. Couples practicing meditation say that meditation allows them to better understand each other, communicate at a deeper level, enjoying both physical and spiritual proximity.

5. Focus the mind on your goal to be successful in work and studies.

In my head, a lot of thoughts and hard to focus on something one? Every 5 minutes update the tape into the social. networks? While your acquaintances suffer from scattered attention syndrome - the main enemy of productivity, you can use meditation as your secret weapon to come to success in work and study.

Meditation returns you control over attention, making it focused as a laser beam so that you can direct it only to the most important tasks for you. Your mind is assembled and calm, you are here and now, you see your goal and are moving towards it the most short way.

People who have developed a habit of meditate, notice that they manage to have much more in less time. One of the secrets of successful top managers and businessmen in developed countries is daily meditation.

Why don't you use this potent tool to shine at sessions, to surprise the boss with its abilities and efficiency or leave business competitors far behind?

6. Hear your heart voice and use your internal compass.

It is difficult to go through life without an internal compass. Many people now just spend their time wasted, doing not "their" business, taking other people's goals for their own, following someone's desires, expectations and templates. And most importantly - they pass by "their" - what is intended for them, for which they are created and perfectly suitable!

Meditation will open for you the opportunity to determine the case, those people and those goals that will allow you to become ourselves - to open all your talents and show all our unique abilities. It is exactly that each of us has these talents and abilities, we just need the opportunity to detect and show them.

This internal compass will immediately eliminate all doubts and make you decisive and bold. All questions will find answers. You will understand where your right place, what work to you like, will bring success and satisfaction who is the only one with whom you are willing to be together and with whom you will be happy ...

Thanks to the meditation, your innate intuition and the voice of your heart will open you and will lead you through life on the most beautiful and amazing road. Adjust your inner navigator and use it every day to go through life confident in harmony with you and with the universe to your real goal, to your happiness!

« If you just sit and watch, then you will see what kind of mind is restless. If you try to calm it, it will only be worse, but over time, when he calms down, it will be possible to hear more subtle things - your intuition flourishes, and you start to see things more clearly and more in the present. Your mind is just slowing down, and suddenly you see a huge space. You see much more than before. This is a whole science, you must exercise this» – Steve Jobs

7. Wake up your creative potential

The best ideas come to us unexpectedly - in those rare moments when thoughts suddenly silent and free space arises in the head. There flashes the spark of inspiration, creativity and creation. Meditation frees the space for new discoveries and accomplishments!

Thanks to meditation, you can be creative and original when solving any tasks, find fresh and elegant solutions in any situations.

Many artists, musicians and writers know about the creative strength of meditation. For example, Richard Bach, the author of the legendary seagull named Jonathan Livingston, used meditation as inspiration to complete his masterpiece.

8. Live brightly, find your purpose and express your unique gift

Each of us brought on this planet to his unique gift - the message that he has to be discovered for this world. The whole world is waiting for you express your message, he is ready to support you and give you strength and energy. This is the case that you will get better in the world. This is what you are here for. This is you!

The implementation of the Dara laid in us brings deep satisfaction and calm - you live a real life, go to your unique way and do your own business, and the whole world supports you and gives you strength and energy.

Do not be discouraged if you still do not feel your gift - a fascinating journey awaits you ahead! And you ended up in the right place, because on this path the best explorer - you yourself, and the best tool for this is your meditation!

Meditation will allow you to look deep into yourself and open your gift, awaken your vocation. And yet ... Meditation will also give you the courage and courage to live a real and truthful life, enjoying the ability to serve for this world.

9. Rejoice and wonder what is happening events to trust to your world, feel His care and unconditional love

When you relax control and start trusting the stream of your life, you notice that life becomes easy and interesting - the best events occur by themselves - at the right time the necessary people, circumstances and opportunities appear, wonderful coincidences become a natural part of your life. You enter the stream state, catch your wave. This stream contains in full all you need.

But, first you need to learn to trust the universe, let go of a maniacal desire to control everything, let go of doubts and ideas about how everything should be. Refuse patterns and scenarios and just give the opportunity to love your world! And the ability to let go - this is exactly what will come to you with regular meditation practices.

When you learn to trust the Universe, there will be a fear of the future, experiences about the money, the feeling of lack and feeling of injustice. Life is abundant and everything you need will surely come when the time comes, and therefore not what to worry about.

You are having an enthusiasm with enthusiasm, as in front of you unfolds, inexpressible, the wonderful idea of \u200b\u200bthe life in which you are a full-fledged member, and you enjoy this space game, with joy taking everything that your world has prepared for you.

10. See the light of your soul and get answers to the innermost spiritual questions.

We live in Era, when spiritual awakening has become possible for many. Everyone who rises on the path of spiritual development and begins to ask questions, be sure to get the opportunity to touch the truth and find answers.

« Who am I and for what I live? " - Increasingly, these questions arise from people whose wise soul was already ready for awakening.

You begin to feel that in this life there is something very important and it relates to you, your life and your choice. You begin to open the way to the origins of your soul and it becomes clear that what you are looking for, lies outside the borders of the material world. You begin step by step to expand your world and yourself, moving inside, towards universal unity.

Meditation teaches to look inside and opens the way to the spiritual dimension of life, the path to the light of your soul. In deep meditation, we experience our unity with the Universe, we know the essence of things, we offer the deep meaning of what is happening to us.

Check it yourself on your own experience!

Especially for beginners I recorded a practical training course on meditation. With this course, more than 20,000 people have already learned to meditate!

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Just Z. adopt the form below and already Today you can start your practice practice.

Every day for one week you will receive a video lesson and practical audio meditation. All practice will take about 15-20 minutes a day. Everything is built simply and understandable. You will receive only useful information for you and advice that you can immediately apply in your practice.

Get access to the hidden meditation potential and let it transform your life, subscribe!

P.S. The Mind Detox Project Mission is to convey knowledge about meditation and self-development to one million people. Therefore, if this post seemed helpful to you, share with friends!

How to gain peace of mind in our insane world, full of fuss and noise in all its manifestations? One of the ways is meditation. Buddhist monk Tit Nat Khan in his book "Silence" gives techniques of awareness and household meditation that can try each. And change your life.

What you need to know about meditation

Meditation does not mean attachment to some religion. It's just one of the many techniques (though, I must say, from the category of rather powerful), which help the modern person to "jump out" from the mad rhythm of life, relax and concentrate on the most important thing. Scientists consider the existing two and a half thousand years of the practice of Buddhism as the form of studying the nature of the mind and consciousness, and not as a tender tradition. Reading the early Buddhist texts will convince the clinician that the Buddha was, in fact, a psychologist.

We live on autopilot. And we spend too much time on the pursuit of ghostly happiness, we hope that it is about to come, but for now we are just waiting. And as if we do not really live, but just get ready: We study at the university, spending five to seven years to it, then we try to conquer everything new and new career height, waiting for love, children will know, while we get rich, move To the country with a warm climate and who will understand what we need. But is it necessary? Understand it is easy, but to do ... a small experiment.

Some people live all their lives on autopilot - for them it is a routine, casual lifestyle. Permanent satellites for them are emptiness and dump. But you can breathe freely, -.

Try right now to feel that you are here that you breathe and live. To do this, stop the internal dialogue. Well, or at least try to interrupt the stream of thoughts at least for a while. This is called awareness. Meditation helps to enter such a state. Practice awareness soothes the noise reigning around us. But without awareness, we are distracted by a variety of things: past concerns and regret, unpleasant emotions, and the future, which has not yet come, excitement, fears and uncertainty in the future do not give us to hear the call of happiness.

But if not today, not now, not at that moment, not at that moment, when is our real life begins?

How meditation changes life

First and, probably, the most important thing - meditation clears the mind without special efforts. And when internal radio (that is, our thoughts) ceases to broadcast, joy and awareness come to you naturally. Training, you can achieve this state. If the internal radio "endless reflections" still sounds (and it will be at first, but with regular classes you will achieve progress), do not let it sucking energy like a tornado, to carry you out. With many, it happens constantly: instead of living with your life, we allow thoughts every day to carry us out in an unknown direction.

Practicing awareness, you will be tied to this time, where life with all its miracles is real and accessible.

Secondly, meditation contributes to the development of caringness, attentiveness and reflection. Daniel Sigel, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Child Psychiatrist and the author of the book "Attentive brain. A scientific view of meditation, "notes that these are very important for the parent (teacher or doctor) of the state of mind that bestly contribute to the well-being of the child. And, of course, they benefit both the most adult, as meditation and awareness allow you to abandon the life "on autopilot".

Attentiveness is a means of deep awareness of reality, allowing to be conscientious, show kindness and care, -.

And this is the third thing that makes meditation rather attractive. It must be said that in Western culture, interest in meditation is growing steadily since the 1980s. At about the same time, the practice of transcendental meditation was spread, one of the fans of which is director David Lynch. Lynch even launched a program, in which children around the world are studying transcendental meditation to be successful in life and, according to Paul McCartney, find a "quiet harbor in the restless world." Today it is one of the most popular stress removal techniques, it is even used in America's schools, Latin America and India.

Attentiveness in the broadest sense means awakening and the refusal of life "on the machine", the appeal of conscious and close attention to the experience of everyday life.

Pros of meditation: "... and something else"

In addition to what is mentioned above, there are some more advantages in meditation - and scientifically proven. Studies show that certain forms of applying the practice of attentive awareness improve the ability to regulate emotional manifestations, allow you to resist violations of the emotional sphere, improve mental processes and dispose of negative installations.

The practice of awareness can lead to such results as patience, the absence of impulsive reactions, compassion for itself and wisdom -.

Also, meditation as a practice of awareness improves the functioning of the body: promotes healing wounds, strengthens the immune response, increases stress resistance and improves overall well-being, that is, directly related to health. Relationships with other people are improved - probably due to the increase in the ability to capture non-verbal emotional signals and it is better to feel the inner world of others.

We are starting with compassion to treat the experiences of other people and really sympathize with the acquired ability to understand their point of view.

Awareness allows you to achieve these and many other favorable changes in our lives. Such conviction is supported by the fact that this form of consciousness stimulates the activity and growth of the corresponding brain sites responsible for relations with people, emotions and physiological response to stress.

Silence inside

Care we pay 99% of the time. And this is understandable: we want to satisfy everyday needs, because we wish to feel safe. But many of us are concerned about meeting their needs beyond those that are basic. Our physical security is not threatened, we are fed, we have a roof over your head and a loving family. And still we are in a state of permanent excitement.

Consciousness gives you an inner space and calm, allowing you to look deep inside and understand who you are actually and what you want from your life -.

Meditation helps to pacify the noise within themselves, from which most of us suffer. Only "stunning silence" helps to hear what the heart wants to say about who you are and what you want, because the noise distracts you in the day and night. If your head was full of thoughts, especially negative, it is worth thinking about how to find silence.

I am here, or simple meditation

The simplest breathing meditation is a good way to saturate our body and mind to be awareness. Conscious breathing makes it possible to get a healing break. Sit on the floor, crush your feet and try to keep track of your breath. Making the first breath, mentally saying about myself the first line below the phrase, and committing the first exhalation - the second. With the following inhales and exhalations, you can only pronounce keywords.

Making a breath, I am aware that I am inhaling.

Making an exhalation, I realize that I am doing exhale.

I am inhaling, he becomes deeper.

I breathe in, he becomes slower.

I am inhaling, I realize my body.

I exhale, I calm my body.

I'm breathing, I smile.

I am exhaling, I'm free.

I am inhaling, I exist in present.

I exhale, I am glad to this time.

In just two or three seconds of conscious breathing, we wake up and realize that we live, what we breathe. We are here. We exist. The noise inside us disappears. And a deep and expressive space is formed. We gain the ability to respond to the call of the heart with the words: "I am here. I am free. I hear you". Try.

All the joys of life are already present here. They appeal to you. If you are able to hear them, then stop the race. You, like all of us, need silence.

How meditation has changed my life

Of course, in my life, for many years I loved to do what belongs to the ideas of Osho. In their early years I performed any types of work in the international meditation resort of Osho (practicing the technique Work as meditation). I jumped out the dishes, squeeze from Natugi, Pek bread and pies, repaired roofs to protect them from monsoon rains. Sometimes I was asked to spend a tour: show beautiful landscapes and tell about the conditions provided by the center. On the territory there is even a special reserve - it is called the left park. There is a small winding stream of the river, which is surrounded by a lush greens, paths for walking or running a coward, numerous benches or large stones to sit on them. Once I was asked to conduct training techniques Work as meditationAnd in the future I became increasingly and more often to keep courses and individual classes. I love my work, so everything can flow together in harmony.

What I liked to Osho - he was not afraid to tell us the truth: whether people are looking for transformation not where necessary, whether they do not go through. He very clearly decomposed everything around the shelves: how we can get a deep understanding of the situation in which we, being people, were. I am grateful for this experience, this Osho. In general, with regard to courses and practices - I came to work with meditation, to conduct seminars as a member. I was only a member for a long time - what is called "Eternal Student." And who would have thought that I was lucky to make so many positive changes within myself and discover that it was part of my life path to share this experience.

I seem to have always drawn to this area of \u200b\u200blife. Perhaps it explains why I work with energies and trying to help people become stronger and healthier! When I was a teenager, I often dreamed of joining the building of the world - it was a volunteer program aimed at helping other countries by what is necessary. I love to help, I love to get acquainted with new people, I love to travel - that is, I perfectly approached this work. The only thing that mischievously my life is orders at the university. Like any institution, at the university, everything was too structured and deprived of liberty. Everything has been said to the new one. I always felt that my body was needed by freedom of expression and movement. I feel that the classes run in national parks gave me a lot: I learned to be in harmony with nature and see her "humanity".

When I was twenty, I lived in Cody, Wyoming. There I got a job in a restaurant (in those free days when I did not work high in the mountains). And one day at the weekend, when I had already finished my shift, heard my inner voice. He said that I need to flee the marathon tonight after work. I finished working at twelve night, went to the school stadium and ran the marathon - one, under the stars. It was a long distance, but I ran a few more additional circles in the stadium to be sure that I ran enough. Twenty-six miles are one hundred and four circles around that stadium. I ran one hundred eight. So, considering, running under the stars, in the fresh air, and your body is happily, and you feel that you move with life in one rhythm.

When you immerse yourself inside yourself, and in my life itself is a stunning feeling. It is at the same time growth, and joy, and adventure, and challenge yourself.

Next to the Cody, Wyoming, the National Forest of Shoshoni was located there as a volunteer to help care for the forest and lay new hiking routes. (I arrived in Cody just because I got into the volunteer program, which I distributed me here.) There was a small section of the trails, which we did not have time to process before the end of our project. But I wanted to finish the started. Therefore, early in the morning I caught the fellowship by taking the necessary tools for work, and headed into the forest.

I walked about eight kilometers up the trail to the hill to get to the right place. The sensations were just "Wow"! Just think: I am on the territory of bears and moose, and I am completely alone! .. I needed a lot of time to complete the work, and when the sun was already the village, I was finally satisfied with the result. I did not want someone to suffer because of an accident so high in the mountains, so I sought to think through every item. Now everything I have left to do is return home. But the trees were so much that the Moonlight could not show me the way.

I went to the river and moved it along a long tree as the bridge. The river was violent, and the flow of water was swiftly, and the tree lay over the water meter on one and a half. It was so delightful to go on it. To hold balance! To hold balance! Stop in the middle a few moments! Keep your equilibrium - and here I am on the other side. Coming out of the forest on the highway, I continued to go to at least get warm. I knew that there would be a dawn soon, and then I would catch the fellow closer to the city. All people in the world are friendly, just need to know the approach to them. I caught the car, but came out of it, without rearing at home. There was such a beautiful look around, and I wanted to run the last few kilometers. I wanted to be away from cars just to admire the beautiful landscapes: the mountains ended in this place and the valleys began. I am glad that I risked and did it. It was cold in the mountains: the first snow fell for two weeks ago!

I was lucky in this life! I am very happy that I live in the world of Osho meditation - and for me it means to have a lot of energy. People ask why I do not get tired, where I have so much energy. But when we love what we do, when we introduce meditation to your life, of course, we will have a lot of energy! We always get such a result, practicing Active meditations Osho.

When we send our freedom towards creativity and meditation, we are happy! Happy more than ever.

Some people take a clear decision: From today, I will teach people the meditations of Osho. There was no such thing. In 1978, I came to the international meditation resort of Osho in Puna, and when I began to watch meditating people, noticing what happy they looked, it was impossible not to jump and not start meditating himself. Also there is a powerful energy there, so that all together it is very inspired by internal growth and meditation.

Technique that also really influenced my life and choosing your business in it is Work as meditation. This process of practice of awareness, totality, manifestations of creativity and responsibility in the process of performing various ordinary cases has very much changed me! And it's not so difficult to move from the implementation of the technique Work as meditation At seminars to apply these ideas in ordinary life. In my experience, Work as meditation Perfectly helps to train a person of any profession - a doctor, engineer, parachutist, and so on. Work as meditation Makes in our life bo? Sourish observation, more creativity, more energy - contributes to everything that we do. This means that we do our job more carefully, you love that we are truly immersed in our business!

So my experience with Osho is not an insulation. Yes, many meditation schools in the past forced people to renounce common life. But this is not about Osho. He tried to fix everything that was created before him, and make meditation to ordinary. Meditation for me is unity and loneliness at the same time. We have always been surrounded by many people, learned to interact with each other, share with others and understand them, while being in search of their internal treasures. This is a wonderful combination, and it gives the right quality of life.

Thanks to Osho meditation and daily digestion, bringing fantastic results. First, my daily life was getting better, because I began to focus on meditation, and she brought more and more energy, and more and more understanding. My life simply could not not be better. Secondly, instead of practicing meditation for a few hours a day, now I made a meditativeness in everything that did. And of course, my meditation has become stronger every day. Great when it happens!

I was very closed in an emotional plan when I started making my first meditations. But gradually, as practice, I began to open. And while I opened up with the help of meditation Osho, I got better and better. Often I feel that this is only the beginning of something potentially huge. I feel that the world begins to unfold - a huge world. Every day I feel as if I start a completely new adventure. What I like from Osho and what I would like other people to feel - that today is the very day. Yes, that day!

Do not wait for the future, become responsible now, arrange a test today, make as much cases as much as possible, having absorbed for this. Do not delay tomorrow. Today it is quite suitable. You can live twice today, then tomorrow it will be easier.

But gradually these trainings opened my heart, my eyes and my energy - more and more as I passed many different trainings in the international meditation resort of Osho in Pune. I was an ordinary member, what many. And I gradually worked on myself, moving deeper and deeper, and also began to get wisdom as to how to help other people - it came to me like an epiphany.

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