Terms of Maternity Capital Up to 3 years. Accommodation purchased for maternity capital

Terms of Maternity Capital Up to 3 years. Accommodation purchased for maternity capital

Parents of a child who, within the framework of the temporary state target program, received the right to mother capital, are interested in how to spend this money. There are certain restrictions on the use of target finances, such as a restriction on spending before the execution of 3 years of child. But there are exceptions. About everything in order, let's talk within this material.

General provisions

Maternal capital is social material support, which is guaranteed within the framework of the state program. Families are received by the Matkapital family, in which a child has appeared in the period 2017-2018. The certificate to help can be issued immediately after the basis of the foundation - of birth, adoptions.

The peculiarity of the preparation of the manifesto is stipulated in Art. 7, clause 6 of the law of the federal value "On additional measures of social security families with children."

Conditions of maternal capital

The law stipulates the general rules for the disposal of the funds obtained in the framework of state support. They are relevant for most cases. These are the following conditions:

  1. The use of the Matkapali can only occur after 3 years after the foundation (birth, adoption).
  2. You can spend money on any of the children.
  3. The certificate for Matkapital, together with the application for order, you need to submit PF, you should use the services of the pension branch at the place of residence.
  4. Cases when a minor citizen passes to complete government support before the money is spent, the right to pay to it. So it happens when parents lose their parental rights, die.
  5. There is a reservation in the law, allowing the use of maternal capital to reach a small citizen to achieve 3 years. These are loans for housing.

It's important to know! The only opportunity to use the maternal capital to the moment until the siblings turned three years (before the expiration of three years from the moment of adoption) - fulfillment of obligations on targeted housing loans and hiring. It is implemented in the framework of mortgage programs.


Financing will not receive citizens, where one of the parents (adoptive parents) does not have Russian, as well as if the baby dies in the generic process.

Deferred use and targeted guide - a certain safety measure that the state used in the interests of children. But such guarantees give rise to certain difficulties. For example, a family with several children can be needed at any time. But you can use them after execution of 3 years of faces, for the birth (the adoption of which they are issued).

Target areas

The law stipulates all the conditions for the use of the Matkapalo. We note once again that the use of funds for the needs of any child in the family is allowed. The waste of parent capital should be implemented by such needs:

  • improvement of housing conditions, including the expansion of living space (purchase, construction, mortgage);
  • child learning;
  • the accumulation of maternal pension.

On a note!Since 2016, a new item has been introduced into the bill regarding the interests of children with disabilities. Another target appointment of the Matkapital is the purchase of goods / services that are required for disabled person to social adaptation in society.

Prospects for the future

The lawmakers are planning to make a discussion of the advancement to the law that can be expanded by capital use. One of the planned target directions is the payment of the cost of IP services. But again, money should spend money in the interests of children, for example, to pay for the work of nanny, or the kid's stay in a private kindergarten.

The most common difficulties today, which arise to parents:

  • Senior child learns on a paid basis in high school. The law is allowed to waste finance for paying training, but due to restrictions on time, real assistance from the state they do not receive.
  • One of the older children with disabilities, he needs help with rehabilitation and adaptation. But money is issued on the basis of the appearance of the younger child. Again, you will have to wait for the expiration of 3 years to meet the need of older tea.
  • Money is planning to use on improving housing conditions. The family has already increased, children need extra space. The delay in reconstruction, repair or construction is delayed, thereby preventing the implementation of the main task.

If the family is beginning to reconstruct, the construction of a residential premises ahead of schedule, then you need to save all contracts for repair and building events and checks on building materials. These papers can be attached to the order on the waste of money. When implementing payments, the confirmed spending will be taken into account, even if they took place earlier.

The use of maternal capital in the period up to 3 years

Accommodation is one of the main factors of normal life. It is precisely it is the priority direction in the distribution of maternal capital. If you compare the secondary and primary housing market, then more trust causes a new or object under construction. Therefore, the state is eagerly financed by selling transactions with the involvement of credit cooperatives, banking institutions.

Families that intent to have had a loan to acquire residential premises, certain benefits are relying. The banks offer a reduced interest rate, instead of state support. Part of the debt and percent is refundable from the federal budget.

Banks, ready to finance families with children on preferential programs can count on partial repayment of debt by means of the federal budget. Finance allocated under the state mortgage loan project.

Without waiting for the expiration of 3 years, the family can get a Matkapital if money planned to spend on such housing needs:

  • payment of the deposit on the mortgage agreement for development (purchase);
  • reimbursement of the principal debt (percent) on the loan, which was decorated before the distribution of finance.

Attention! The pension fund allocates funds to cover costs only on the target loan. The contract must be clearly spelled out that credit money can be spent on the purchase / construction of residential premises. Bank customers who do not see the difference between consumer and targeted financing may be in a difficult situation, without state material support.

Situations where the family really makes it consumed to finance construction or directly buying housing. This necessity is associated with the fact that the target housing loan The Bank does not issue due to the low level of official income. In fact, the client is ready to pay, but it cannot prove it, therefore it receives a loan for a higher percentage.

Even if the applicants have confirmation that the funds are spent on housing, the state will not finance such a loan at the expense of the Matteripal. The Pension Fund, which is engaged in the distribution of this type of social benefit, cannot violate the law, allocating money for repayment of consumer loan. Only target housing mortgage is reimbursed.

On a note! Instant reimbursement is not issued on the basis of a sales contract with a deferment of payments. Even in a situation where the acquired object becomes a key to, financing with PF will not arrive. Only a target loan agreement (lending) can serve as a basis for the allocation of financing by the Matteripal.

What is needed to obtain assistance before the expiration of three years?

The first thing to make a challenger wanting to finance the purchase of a residential facility is to contact the PF office. The applicant is written a statement of disposal by means. Depending on the purpose of obtaining funds (repayment of the principal loan amount, the return of the loan or the introduction of the first installment) changes the list of required documentation.

The list of papers that will require PF to repay mortgages to the parent benefit is defined by PP No. 862. This is a decision on the rules for the distribution of family capital funds in the financing of residential construction / buying an immovable object.

Matkapital up to 3 years without a mortgage

The situation in which the Certificate is issued by the applicant, and it urgently needs to improve housing conditions, requires separate consideration. If the family does not want to contact loans, then you can take advantage of the delay of payment, when agreeing with the seller.

Attention! Reimbursement of the cost of housing at the expense of the Matkapalo up to 3 years, passes without registration of a loan according to such a scheme: the buyer pays the seller the main part of its own money, and after it expires 3 years (the period for the payment of social capacity) is reimbursed by the rest of the amount. In this case, a contract of sale with a delay of payment is used.

This scheme has the following benefits:

  • buying an apartment without waiting;
  • compliance with legislation;
  • money did not depreciate because they are invested in a profitable deal.

Nuances of the transaction

So far, the PF does not list the balance of the amount from the materials of the Matkapalo, the purchased housing will be owned by the seller. But as soon as the funds are translated, under the contract the property enters the disposal of the buyer.

How is the cashing certificate?

In the concept of "cash" the reader invests the concept of issuing money from PF. The means can be listed on the bank account until the expiration of 3 years only in the cases stipulated by law, to repay the housing loan or mortgage in particular.

The concept of "cashing" is misleading. The applicant for payment believes that help can be accessed. In fact, no cash that would fall into the applicant, no and can not. The law does not allow such an opportunity, since there is a clear scheme for the allocation and translation of such funds.

Questions readers

  • The question is the first: Can I spend money on the purchase of a wheelchair for the older child, if the youngest is a child (to which assistance assigned) is now 2.6 years old?
    Answer: You can spend the means of the Matkaipal to buy a stroller to the older child with disabilities, the law allows the use of finances in favor of any child. But you can do it no earlier than six months later, it should pass at least 3 years since the foundation (baby's birth).
  • The question is the second: If we can confirm that the consumer loan is issued on the purchase of an apartment, will the costs of maternal capital will arise in PF?
    Answer: The Pension Fund cannot violate the law, identifying targeted finances for compensation for consuming, even if it is issued to buy housing. To compensate part of the costs at the expense of the Matkapital, you need to make a target loan, it should be written in the contract that funds are issued for the purchase (construction).
  • Question Three: What is better to make a loan, and then apply for compensation from the Matkapalo or ask for finsing on the first contribution of the loan?
    Answer: In fact, both schemes are legitimate. But more confidence in the staff of the PF causes the second option when the applicant asks for a reimbursement of the current (necessarily targeted) credit agreement, a bank's certificate about the debt remains is needed to confirm the legal purity of the transaction. Less willing tools allocate on the initial payment.

Yes it is possible.

If on other goals - training, buying a housing without addressing a loan, pension of the parent (Federal Law No. 256-FZ) - the received subsidy can be sent only to achieve the second child of the three-year-old age, then a mortgage for maternity capital up to 3 years, you can take at least immediately same after receiving a certificate on the hands (?).

To do this, you need your goal to fit simple conditions:

  • the chosen dwelling should be located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • in the bank should be provided for the possibility of using maternal capital - not everyone agrees (for maternity capital and under what conditions?);
  • it will be necessary for the Pension Fund to approve the transaction (which documents should be submitted to the Pension Fund for Mortgage Genuing Maternal Capital, read).

But this is not enough. It is necessary first that the bank agrees to cooperate with you. As already mentioned, not all credit and financial organizations agree to contact the maternal capital. And those who are solved, presents to customers very strict requirements. These include:

  • work experience is ideally, it should be from five years;
  • work experience in the last place - as a rule, require not less than six months;
  • credit history.

Well, it is clear that borrowers should be working people. Despite numerous statements about the democratic conditions, the practice shows that non-working applicants for mortgage banks refuse even at the introductory stage.

More about how to take and make a mortgage for maternity capital, read.

In which case, really use maternal capital to mortgage up to 3 years?

As already mentioned - if it comes to a mortgage loan. Namely:

  • (it used to be prohibited);
  • to repay the main body of the loan;
  • to repay the percentage.

Is it possible to take advantage and spend the maternity capital to repay the loan to the coacher, we told, and from you learn what documents are needed for this procedure.

It is impossible to use capital for paying debts, fines and penalties. Moreover, if you have, the FIU may not agree to the use of public money. It will be necessary to repay the existing debt.

Is it possible to use on another child?

Perhaps on all children, not for someone else - use funds from the family "case" in someone's benefits can not be individually.

The program itself matches is designed for the fact that the interests of all family members will be taken into account - especially in case of a solution to a housing problem.

In this case, they must all become equity owners.

It is for this that a special notarized commitment is filed - it is included in the main documents that must be submitted to the FIU.

Use procedure

Is it possible to pay off a mortgage maternal capital, if the child is not 3 years old?
In order to, you need to write the appropriate in addition to him it is necessary to collect the following documents:

  • general identity cards of all residents;
  • certificate (original and copy);
  • extract from the house book;
  • copy of the personal account;
  • extract from the USRR;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • Reduss;
  • extract from the bank's status;
  • a notarial obligation to endow all members of the household shares in the dwelling;
  • certificate of ownership.

Within one month, the FIU will consider the application.

After that, it will translate the necessary part of the money to the bank account.

If it ends with it, then the loan is repaid completely.

The bank issues the mortgage and can already make shares on all family members, since the burden is removed.

Whether the promise is made on emphasis, the pension fund will be controlled. And in case of non-fulfillment, first put forward a prescription, and then can go to court.

If the amount of capital is clearly not enough to extinguish the rest of the mortgage - after all, there is no half a million - then the required amount goes to the bank's account, and an additional agreement with the client consists, a new monthly payment schedule is being developed.

Important! The process of the distribution of shares is implemented after removing the burden from the dwelling. Agreement can be made - if we are talking about a new apartment, or the mother and father give children a part of their shares. It should be remembered that an adult can render its share of a minor, but on behalf of the child in favor of anyone could not do it.

Details about how the selection of children's share after repaying the mortgage maternal capital, we told.

So, it turns out that it is possible to use without waiting for 3 years. But it is not right away, it is immentable to run the first tempting offer. At the same time, it is impossible to use the maternity capital without mortgage to 3 years, according to the FZ 256. After all, it is not for nothing that if there is at least one opportunity to do without a loan, it is better not to take it.

The certificate is issued after birth or adoption of a child, but in most cases it is possible to use money when he is 3 years old. If the child was adopted, then three years are counted from the moment he officially became a member of the family.

There are exceptions to this rule. Get money before the baby will turn three years old, it is possible if they are spent on the purchase of housing or adapting a child with disabilities. It is possible to partially or fully pay a mortgage, a loan for the purchase or construction of housing, as well as spend material assistance for the purchase of equipment necessary for a disabled child.

From January 1, 2018, another innovation is valid. Money can be spent already with 2 months of the life of the baby. For example, you can pay a nursery or kindergarten.

Buying housing

To, do not wait to wait until the baby is three years old.

It happens that parents are superficially approaching the issues of attracting borrowed funds. For example, the family found an apartment, the price suits, but the bank refused a mortgage or requested a high percentage. Spouses make up a consumer loan in the hope of returning it at the expense of maternal capital, and then the FIU refuses to pay, since the contract was not targeted: it is not indicated in the text that money is taken to acquire or building housing.

It is important to prescribe the purpose of borrowed funds in the lending contract. Otherwise, returned the money received from your pocket.

Consider maternity capital for the purchase or construction of housing in the following ways:

  • to repay the principal amount of debt or interest on the loan;
  • use to pay an initial contribution when applying for a target loan.

Maternal capital can not be spent on the purchase of housing, if it is purchased in installments. Even when making a mortgage, installments cancels such an opportunity.

In paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 dated December 12, 2007 "On the rules for the direction of funds (parts of funds) of maternal capital on improving housing conditions" it is said that maternity capital can be used for calculations in any legitimate transaction to improve living conditions: not only For the purchase of housing, obtaining a mortgage, but also for joining the housing cooperative, the conclusion of a contract of equity participation with the developer.

To make money on the account of the creditor bank or housing cooperative, you need to send a package of documents confirming the fact of the transaction to the FIU. In the text of the contract with the organization that the money will be listed must necessarily indicate the purpose of obtaining a loan - the purchase or construction of a residential property.

The list of documents for the FIU may vary. It depends on how real estate is purchased.

Papers that may need:

  • applicant's passport and reduss;
  • photocopy of lending contract if the loan has already been received;
  • help from the bank bank, indicating the amount of the principal debt, as well as interest on it;
  • photocopy of the mortgage agreement, if the accommodated housing is pledged by the bank;
  • certificate of ownership of property for secondary housing or a new house, which has already been commissioned;
  • a document confirming the right to receive the ownership of housing under construction. It may be a copy of the DTU (contract of equity participation in construction), an extract from the register of members of the cooperative, permission to build a private house;
  • communication in the future to issue housing for all family members in equity property, including minor children. This is a necessary condition for approving the deal by guardianship authorities.

Maternal capital for the initial contribution up to 3 years

Maternal capital can be spent on the payment of the first contribution when buying a housing under the mortgage. This option will allow you to buy an apartment even those who have no extra money for improving your housing situation.

If the amount of maternal capital is greater or equal to the original contribution, then you can not use your funds.

The ability to spend material support from the state for the payment of the first mortgage contribution appeared only in 2015. After the entry into force of Government Decree No. 950 of September 9, 2015, as well as after the adoption of Law No. 131-FZ dated 23.05.2015, no longer need to wait for the three-year-old child if the money goes to buy housing.

To enumerate the money of a construction organization as a first installment, you need to collect the following paper:

  • applicant's passport and reduss;
  • a copy of the lending agreement;
  • a copy of the mortgage agreement, if housing is a pledge on the loan;
  • the obligation to issue shared property on all family members in writing;
  • other documents, depending on the nature of the transaction.

The bank requires a standard packet of the loan paper:

  • original and photocopy of the borrower passport;
  • documents for an apartment: concluding appraisers, a contract with the seller;
  • document confirming the income of the borrower: Help from work, 2-NDFL;
  • a marriage certificate, if a husband stands as a borrower;
  • resolution of the guardianship bodies for the purchase of housing, confirming that the housing conditions of minor children do not deteriorate and all their rights are observed.

Additionally, it is necessary to obtain permission to deal from the guardianship. The testing organization will issue it after it is convinced that the housing conditions of the child do not deteriorate after moving.

To obtain approval, you need to provide the following documents:

  • advocating documents for property owned;
  • certificate of ownership of the sold apartment, confirming the property right of the seller;
  • help on the wear of the room issued by BTI;
  • discharge from the house book;
  • cadastral object passport;
  • certificate of the absence of debts on utility payments from the GEU or HOA;
  • technical certificate;
  • preliminary real estate purchase agreement.


  1. Develop a certificate for maternal capital.
  2. Contact a bank that offers mortgage loans using maternal capital.
  3. Get a letter of confirmation in the bank of the possibility of issuing a mortgage.
  4. Contact the FIU with a request to transfer maternal capital to pay the initial contribution of the mortgage loan.
  5. Get confirmation from the FIU in the form of a statement and attributed it to the bank.
  6. Choose an apartment, issue a mortgage and conclude a sales contract.
  7. Provide a complete package of documents for transferring money to the creditor account in the FIU.

When the FIU checks all the paper, the money will be enrolled on the score specified in the application, and the Bank will recalculate the debt for the borrower.

Repayment of the previously brought mortgage

If the mortgage was obtained before the family issued a certificate for maternity capital, government money can go to pay the loan already received. The procedure contains the same steps as in the previous case, only everything happens somewhat easier. Since mortgage is already framed, it is enough to perform the following actions:

  1. Get a certificate for maternity capital in the FIU office.
  2. Take a certificate in the bank about the remaining amount of debt, interest percentages.
  3. Contact the FIU with a statement about transferring money to the Bank at the expense of credit payments and attach confirmation documents: an agreement with the Bank, a purchase and sale agreement, or equity participation, a certificate.
  4. The PFR will check the paper for a month and will list the money of the banking organization, and the bank will recalculate the amount of debt and will make a new payment schedule.

As in the previous case, that the guardianship authorities approved the transaction, and the FIU agreed on, it is necessary to issue a purchased property on all family members in equal shares. If this is not possible, for example, the house has not yet been built, no certificate of ownership, the borrower provides a notarized commitment that it fulfills the condition as soon as a legal possibility appears.

Credit for maternity capital up to 3 years

The family can use maternity capital not only to get a mortgage or repayment of the already executed loan, but also to repay a loan obtained from the organization. The main condition - in the text of the contract with the lender, it should be indicated that the money was issued for the purchase or construction of housing. That is, in addition to the bank, the lender may be:

  • an organization that issues loans under a loan agreement, in which it is stated that the obligations under this Agreement are provided with a mortgage;
  • credit consumer cooperative operating over the minimum of three years from the date of registration.

The sequence of actions is similar to previous situations:

  1. Register certificate for maternity capital.
  2. The lender receives a certificate of debt amount, percentages on it and are sent to it in the FIU.
  3. In addition to the reference and statements about the transfer of maternal capital money, the lender is provided with an agreement with it. The contract necessarily indicates the purpose of the loan - buying or building housing.

In order for the FIU to agree to repay the debt, it is necessary to place housing on all family members in equal shares. If this is impossible, because the house where the apartment is located, is not yet tried or not completed, the borrower gives a written obligation to divide it into shares when it is possible.

After the entry into force in 2015, the Law No. 54-FZ "On Amendments to Article 8 and 10 of the Federal Law on Additional Measures of State Support for Families, having children, cannot be extinguished by the maternal capital of loans obtained in MFIs.

Purchase of housing without loan and mortgage

In addition to the mortgage or housing loan, there are no collateral and other options for improving housing conditions before reaching a child for three years. The family can add the amount of maternal capital to the already accumulated money to buy an apartment for their funds. You can also use them as a surcharge, if the family sells your apartment and adds the missing amount to buy housing more square.

That is, the family pays for the apartment from his money, and the FIU adds the missing part.

The transaction is implemented as follows:

  1. The certificate is drawn up for maternity capital.
  2. The apartment is selected. The buyer concludes a sales contract with the seller with a delay of payment.
  3. Under the contract, until the point, until the balance of payment is made, the apartment is still owned by the seller.
  4. After making a deal, the buyer turns to the FIU with a certificate for maternal capital, sales contract and a statement about transferring the remaining amount to the seller.
  5. During the month, the FIU checks the documents and transfers the money to the specified account.

At the time of payment of the entire amount, the ownership of real estate goes to the buyer.

Cash up maternity capital up to 3 years

Under the legitimate cash of maternal capital implies the transfer of money to the bank account. Such a procedure is possible when repaying the debt to the consumer cooperative, the Bank, the creditor organization or the individual, if the contract of sale was issued with the deferred payment.

All other cases of mastering material support from the state are illegal. To get the means of maternal capital "in the hands" is impossible. It is worth remembering about it and not come across the tricks of fraudsters. For the cashing of maternal capital, it is possible to suffer criminal liability and losing the right to use this money in the future.

Often unscrupulous organizations offer families to issue a loan for maternity capital, and then fraudulently take advantage of money. When the deception is revealed, the FIU may refuse to list money, and borrowers will have to pay off the received loan on their own. And if the money is listed, the borrower may appear at all to the court for fraud.

In order not to get into this situation, it is important to follow simple rules:

  • do not give unknown people or firms a power of attorney for account management;
  • when making a loan or loan, make sure that the text of the contract states that this is a target loan, and money will go to the purchase of housing.

Such transactions are illegal and after the child will be three years old.

Matkapital on the adaptation of children with disabilities

You can use Matkapital to adapt a disabled child. In this case, it is also not necessary to wait until it is 3 years old, or while a three-year period from the moment of adoption will be held.

From January 1, 2016, it became possible to use state material support for social adaptation and integration into a disabled child's society. Money can be spent on the following services and goods:

  • rampes and lifts;
  • chairs and beds with motorized mechanisms;
  • simulators and treadmills;
  • communication Tools: Personal Computer, Telephone, Tablet;
  • other electronic devices for solving everyday tasks: hours, indicators, etc.;
  • chairs for receiving baths and other auxiliary means;
  • payment of the reader and secretary.

Money can be spent on a disabled child, even if the basis for paying was the birth or adoption of another child. Initially, parents buy goods or pay a service from their own funds, and then turn to the FIU to reimburse expenses.

To return the money spent, you need to provide the necessary documents in the FIU:

  • parental passport;
  • an extract from Ipra (individual rehabilitation and agility program) indicating the characteristics of the child and the list of the necessary goods and events, with the exception of those that are funded from the budget;
  • document confirming the purchase of goods or services, warranty card;
  • act confirming the inspection by the social services authorities of the actual availability of goods;
  • power of attorney if the certificate owner itself is not written;
  • a compiled statement with the details for transferring money.

To obtain compensation, you need the following:

  1. Buy goods or pay the service, retaining the check, warranty card or service contract.
  2. Get an act of checks from social service authorities.
  3. Get an extract from Ipra.
  4. Collect a package of documents and submit an application to the FIU.

At the end of the document verification by the Pension Fund, the money will be listed on the account of the certificate owner.

Cash payments from maternal capital from January 1, 2018

On December 28, 2017, the President signed a law on which she was born. Such a measure was adopted to support poor families, so the allowance will be paid only to those who follow the secondary income on the family less than the 1.5-fold of the subsistence minimum in the region. The amount of payments depends on the subject of the Russian Federation and the subsistence minimum established in it. On average, it is about 10,800 rubles in the country. .

To make payout, you need to contact the Pension Fund. Payments are appointed for a year, then you will need to submit documents again to receive their remaining 6 months.

For a year and a half, all means will not have time to pass, so the balance can be used to the target needs provided by law.


In some cases, maternity capital can be spent, without waiting until the child is three years old. Such situations include the acquisition of housing, debt payment for mortgage or target loan for the purchase of real estate, payment of services and the purchase of goods for a disabled child, payment of the child's education.

To get money from the FIU to pay off the already decorated mortgage is much easier than using Matkapital to design a loan agreement. Any attempt to cash out material support from the state in other ways is illegal and leads to criminal liability.

Many Russian families use family capital to create the best conditions for children and families in general. In order to do this, it is necessary to understand how the law is valid.

Many parents do not know all the nuances, and articles can not always be understood as they are written using many legal terms and unusual wording.

In the article we will talk about how to use the maternal capital to build a house and to improve housing conditions.

The legislative framework

The main difference between the use of funds to eliminate the issue of housing from other purposes of its application is the time when this can be carried out. The general rule that applies to receiving state aid, suggests that it can be obtained only after three years from the moment the child appears.

When using funds for any family housing, you can move away from this rate by receiving money before that time.

In the event of a real estate acquisition in the secondary market, the seller must sign agreement on the fact that it is not against the payment of the amount for housing from the Family Capital Foundation.

In the event of the purchase of the house, there are also its own nuances. It is necessary to take a certificate that it is a residential house. Dacha and hostels for family capital to buy cannot be bought.

But recently, most of these buildings have such status, therefore, in fact, it seems to be possible. At the same time, the land should be listed as a land for individual housing construction.

Then, as all the necessary documents and references will be transferred to the Pension Fund, it for some time an example of a decision, after which it will send a dedicated volume in accordance with the purpose of using it.

Nuances and pitfalls

In order to use family capital to improve housing conditions, it is necessary to issue a package of documents, after the study of which the pension fund will make the appropriate decision. If money is used for this purpose, they can be obtained before the child is three years old.

At the same time, the share of property cannot be purchased. If there is enough money only on the room, it can be purchased to a three-year-old age of the child only in cases where the certificate for ownership is issued only on it as a whole, and not partially on the apartment.

That is, with almost any option to improve the living conditions of the family, it is possible to obtain state support from the Pension Fund on it, even without a three-year period since the appearance of a new member in the family.

At the same time, it is necessary that all the shares of the housing acquired due to this state assistance have been divided between all family members. If this is not possible to implement, then the one to whom the property is registered, should in writing to fix the obligation to fulfill it during the half months since the acquisition of real estate.

How to get a mat. Capital for the construction of the house up to 3 years?

Obtaining maternal capital for the construction of a house without waiting for 3 years can be carried out only in two cases:

  1. By attracting a contractor.
  2. Alone without the help of outsiders.

How to use maternity capital up to 3 years to build a house in these two different cases? In the first case, a contracting organization receives a total of the entire amount that is necessary for construction.

In the second case, first allocated half of all means, and six months later - the second half.

Also, the state provides an opportunity to independently build a house for living in it, after which it will take three years from the moment of birth, it is possible to pay compensation for this type of activity and improve housing conditions.

This is due to the fact that parents do not abuse the means that are allocated by the state, and sent them only to the goals provided for by the support program. Thus, the construction of a house for maternity capital is quite fulfilling the mission.

Whether it is possible to obtain the maternal capital to reach for 3 years and how to get money without waiting through the bank, read.

Required documents

In order to convince the Pension Fund in the targeted use of family capital, you need to collect a considerable number of documents.

To obtain the first half of the amount of money from maternity capital for the construction of the house on their own up to 3 years, it is necessary to provide the following list of documents:

In order to get the second half of the sum of the mat. Capital for the construction of the house on their own up to 3 years, you need some other documents, including:

  • an act of inspection of a building robot proving them to fully fully;
  • bank account number for transferring funds.

In the case of the proper registration of documents, the Pension Fund will approve the application and will allocate money for the first and second payment. It is easier to get the second part of the amount than the first thing that comes out of the number of necessary documents.

About the possibility of obtaining mat. Capital for the construction of a house under 3 years old we talked, we now move on to step-by-step instructions for using a subsidy for improving housing conditions.

Instructions for using maternal capital to improve housing conditions up to 3 years

The development of state support for changing the living conditions of the family is governed by the relevant legislative articles.

In no case cannot violate the norms and regulations prescribed in them, as this may lead to criminal and administrative responsibility.

It is possible to use capital only for those goals for which he was requested in the country's pension fund.

Improving housing conditions implies the creation of an additional area for accommodation, repairing an old building and premises, buying new real estate.

Required documents

All documents stipulated by law are carefully checked by the employees of the Pension Fund, the poet in case of inconsistencies, they may refuse. Need to collect:

In order not to have any problems, it is best before the meeting of the entire package of documents, consult with the employees of the Pension Fund.

The process of applying a subsidy for building a house

To begin with, during the construction of your own home, you must provide a full package of documents by the Pension Fund. After accepting a positive response, half the funds are listed in order to be able to put the start of construction.

Only after half a year from the first translation will be able to get the second. It will be necessary to confirm the target use of first aid.

Target is the purchase of building materials and the process of starting the construction of housing.

In case the act of the examination, this fact is confirmed, the pension fund shares the second part of the money. They also need to master by purchasing materials and carrying out work on the construction of the house.

In some cases, there are options for the construction of the house until the three-year-old child, after which it is possible to obtain compensation for the tools for the construction process.

What and how can I buy?

You can buy at home and apartments to improve housing conditions, which are fully covered by the right of ownership. The share of these premises cannot be bought.

Also it is impossible to buy rooms in hostels and cottages.

Except from this rule are those rooms that are privatized or dachas registered as residential real estate. At the same time, the land on which they are erected should be intended for individual residential construction.

You can buy housing by the owner by taking a mortgage or by building your own hands, after purchasing materials for this.

In different cases, it is necessary to collect certain packages of documents and approve their intentions in the Pension Fund.

Terms of work

The legislation that concerns the rules for the development and receipt of state support in the form of maternal capital limits the timing of the work. The first 6 months are intended to fill the foundation of the building, build the walls and install the roof.

At the same time, finishing works are not regulated by law. But practice shows that one year is often given to their holding.

Useful video

In more detail how to use the maternity capital to build a house, you can learn from the video below:


Thanks to state support, families who born children can improve their social status, build a house for a comfortable stay and formation of a child. Often in more than 90% of cases, money is used precisely on the housing needs of families.

The material capital program is most likely continued after its expiration date, as it brings significant results.

The law adopted in 2006, as a general rule, it is prohibited to dispose of monetary funds of the Matkapital, while the second or subsequent child (native or adopted) will not reach the three-year-old age. But in 2020, the regulatory act has undergone amendment, according to which in some situations you can use the maternity capital up to 3 years.

Exceptional cases

Part 6.1 Art. 7 enshrines exceptions in which you can cash with a certificate before 3 years:

  • registration of a transaction for the purchase of a house, apartments, their improvement or construction of a country cottage in the event that a loan or mortgage has been issued for these purposes;
  • if the doctors recognized the child with disabilities, then funds from the benefits can be allocated to buy a medical equipment, the social adaptation of the baby;
  • if a child visits a kindergarten, then you can use capital to pay for pre-school education;
  • in a situation where the family lacks financial resources, it can receive additional provision at the expense of the benefit every month until the baby becomes 1.5 years.

Obtaining additional support is regulated, published at the end of 2017. The size of material assistance at the expense of maternal capital in each region of the Russian Federation is determined separately. It is equal to the sum of the subsistence minimum. So, in the capital in 2020, a minimum is 15,307 rubles. for 1 person.

Mortgage through family capital certificate

Certificate financial funds are allowed in situations where construction, improvement or purchase of housing developers is carried out on credit.

How to take advantage of maternal capital in order to acquire real estate or improving living conditions?

  1. Make benefits as an initial mortgage contribution.
  2. Pay off the main loan debt.
  3. Pay interest accrued for the lending period.

If the debtor for any reason crushed the payment to the loan to the credit cooperative or the bank, and over the amount of the loan began to "drip" penalties, then the capital cannot be used to repay the penalty interest.

The number of credit obligations to which the allowance can be spent, the legislation is not limited.

Maternal capital can be aimed at buying a private house, an apartment (both completely and its share), as well as rooms in a communal or hostel.

Documents for the use of the certificate

In order to use the maternity capital up to 3 years in housing purposes, it will be necessary to provide the following documents:

  • an application for intent to use cash benefits for loan payment;
  • photocopy of the state certificate on issuing maternal capital family;
  • passport of man submitting a statement;
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • documents reporting to the person who gives a statement currently;
  • a certificate of marriage (if it is issued or a joint mortgage was issued or a spouse for its financial resources began construction or reconstruction of the house);
  • in the presence - certified by notarial authorities a document confirming the responsibility of the transfer of a share in a home or apartment for the family.

Additional documents beyond the specified required when making family capital as an initial contribution:

  • a copy of the loan agreement on the construction of housing or its acquisition;
  • a copy of the State Registered Treaty on the purchase and sale of housing through the mortgage.

It will take only one of the above documents depending on which commitment was issued to the bank.

If the manual is sent to pay for an already existing credit or mortgage obligation, then it is required to bring:

  • a copy of the credit or mortgage agreement;
  • certificate from the bank, where it will be written, what amount of debt still remains to pay by borrowers;
  • an extract from the register of real estate (EGRN);
  • if the housing is still being built, a photocopy of permits for the construction of a private cottage or agreement on participation in the equity construction of an apartment building is necessary;
  • if the loan was taken in a credit cooperative, then a document confirming membership in this organization is needed;
  • copy of an account on opening an account in a financial organization where material resources will be listed with a certificate.

All documents the applicant or his representative should attribute to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In the latter case, it will be necessary to make a power of attorney.

In case, employees of the FIU will have any questions about the authenticity of documents, it is recommended to capture the originals to the copies. After studying, they will be returned back to the owners, but this will help save time.

The application is seen for 1 month. The decision is declared in writing: the father, mother or adopter comes notice to the FIU or the local division of MFC. The notification is sent to the applicant within 5 days after the final decision of state structures.

How to use maternal capital to keep a child recognized by disabled doctors? It is worth saying that the state does not allow to cash out this money to buy drugs or other medical goods, services. The manual is intended to compensate for the already incurred costs of parents or adoptive parents.

To obtain compensatory money for a disabled child, purchased goods or services must comply with the following requirements.

Unfortunately, compensation from family capital cannot be obtained to carry out the disabled child operations, the purchase of medicines, pay for personal classes from a speech therapist or a psychologist, since legislatively similar services are provided in Russia free. However, in practice, to buy medicines or take advantage of free services of doctors and other specialists, you need to expect your turn for a long time. Such a delay can be fatal for a child.

When drawing up a statement in the IFC or the FIU, the applicant must also bring:

  • certificate for family capital;
  • parental passport or, if the child is not native, then the adopter;
  • Reduss;
  • personal program for the abillation and rehabilitation of the patient;
  • agreements on buying and selling, commodity and cash checks, overhead, where it is written, which service turned out to be or what product was purchased for a disabled child with their value to calculate the amount of compensation;
  • composed by employees of social protection Act confirming that the family really acquired relevant goods or services;
  • if the application submits a third party, a power of attorney certified by the notary should be issued in his name;
  • agreement on the opening of the banking applicant.

The time of consideration of the left statement is also 1 month.

Payment of kindergarten

Use maternity capital up to 3 years old can be used to pay for Dow services. At the same time, it doesn't matter what kind of kindergarten adopters or parents identified their child: in the municipal or private. Cash will still be listed on the account of a mother or father in a banking organization.

Payment compensation for pre-school education is appointed only if the services are provided with a children's garden - a legal entity. If a private kindergarten is founded by an individual entrepreneur, then parents will not be able to expect financial assistance at the expense of matters. Capital for payment of education in a preschool institution. Similarly will not be compensated for the cost of posting the supervision of the kid of private nanny.

To obtain funds to the branch of the FIU or MFC, together with the statement, are imposed:

  • certificate of family capital;
  • Snobs and identity card;
  • documents containing information about the place of residence of the applicant;
  • agreement on the provision of pre-school educational services for a kindergarten and related documents, where information is indicated about the cost of the supervision of the kids.

If a statement is submitted, it should submit to the staff of state structures certified by the notarial authorities.

How to arrange monthly security?

According to Part 2 of Art. 1 of Law No. 418-FZ, only parents (adopters) can receive additional material support (adopters), in which the income for the content of the family is not more than a 1.5 subsistence minimum established in the region of their residence. The amount of future payments will be 1 subsistence minimum. Monthly benefits at the expense of family capital are paid only before reaching the second child of the age of one and a half years. They are issued:

  • from the moment of birth - in case the parents or a court declared adopters appealed to the IFC or a branch of the Pension Fund before 6 months after the appearance of the baby on the light;
  • since the appeal - in case the applicant decided to submit documents after 6 months.

For the design of monthly material assistance requires an extensive list of documents:

  • application for the requirement to provide payments to the family;
  • certificate of presence mat. capital;
  • SNILS and passports / certificates of birth of all family members;
  • documents that confirm registration in a specific Russian subject and a certain village of Father, Mother and all children;
  • data on personal account number in a financial organization where payments will be listed;
  • certificate of family income state;
  • a document indicating the basis why income of any family member cannot be considered (for example, receiving a disability pension);
  • if the family is incomplete, then the documents that confirm the corresponding status (including those reported that the woman is a single mother, or a court decision, where a citizen is recognized as missing or deceased);
  • judicial decision on the adoption / adoption of the child.

You can only use the possibility of obtaining monthly financial assistance only. Even if the money from the certificate is not completely spent, and more children appeared in the family, then it is impossible to issue new payments.

Thus, there are 4 exceptions for which you can use the maternal money money before the expiration of the term of 3 years, without violating the current law. The remaining methods of cashing or cash investment are unlawful.


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