Massage for removing the emotions of Thai Abelar. Face massage from ancient magicians Mexico Tisch Abelar Rejuvenation sunlight

Massage for removing the emotions of Thai Abelar. Face massage from ancient magicians Mexico Tisch Abelar Rejuvenation sunlight

Tisch Abeyar (English. Taisha Abelar, nee Maryann Simko, alias in 1974 Anna Marie Cater) - American author and anthropologist, Witch-Stalker from the "Party" Carlos Castaneda. The Book "Magic Transition" of Thai Abelar is the most valuable practical manual.

Here are described in detail the so-called "magic techniques" - exercises, with the help of which you can achieve the disclosure of energy resources, health, youth, and, moreover, understanding many amazing things hidden from us in everyday life.

I suggest you to get acquainted with the face massage from this book, which will remove emotions. This technique is a magical face massage Thai Abelar

Massage reception 1.

Put the left palm on the forehead and do it circular movements. Then spend your hand over your head of the head and further in the head of the nape, and then shake the brushes and your fingers in the air.

Repeat these movements and shakes a few times.

These circular movements prevent appearance on the forehead wrinkles.

In your movements there should be nothing careless or random. Perform them while in a state of complete concentration, as if they are engaged in a very important thing.

This is one of the magic techniques of the face massage of Thai Abelar, the movement of the hand, which accumulate energy for a specific purpose. The meaning of magical techniques in this case is to help a person look young and not to make wriggles.

Wherever the energy focused on, as occurs in the case of the use of magic techniques, the magicians call it force. Power is a concentrated energy that accumulated in itself or by whose will. Useful knowledge helps to accumulate energy, so knowledge is power. In order for the magic to work, it is important to understand what we are doing when we express our intention to achieve the result.

And we are talking about the result, and not about the goal of a magical action. None of us can accumulate so much energy to create a new goal. And, nevertheless, each of us has enough energy so that with the help of the intention to achieve the result of the magic reception: for example, to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

This is all that we can do, because the result is to maintain our cheerfulness and a daily species - already defined. The intention of all magical actions has already been programmed. And now we can only connect your awareness to him.

Massage reception 2.

Now intensively spend every thumb about the palm of the opposite hand and place your fingers on the nose.

Now start doing lung movements in different sides of the eyebrows towards the temples.

This technique prevents the appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows.

Massage reception 3.

Quickly losing a friend of the index fingers, like wands to mining fire, attach them vertically to the nose from two sides and gently spend them several times to the sides on the cheeks.

This will help clean the inner cavities. Instead of picking in the nose, it is better to do these movements.

Massage reception 4.

Quickly spend your palms about each other, and then long, strong movements, spend them on the cheeks from the chin to the temples. Repeat this movement six or seven times, making it smooth and slow.

This technique will help prevent.

Massage reception 5.

By pressing the thumb into the palm, bring the inner edge of the hands to the upper lip and spend it from the side towards intense sawing movements.

If you quickly lose the place where the nose and the upper lip are connected, then you can feel the influx of energy with small smooth portions.

But if you need large amounts of energy, they can be obtained, tingling the point on the gum above the upper teeth, which is just under the top lip below the nasal partition.

In general, remember this reception very good: when you feel that drowsiness covers you, let it quickly, and it will temporarily return to you vigor.

Massage reception 6.

Take the stable fingers under the chin, again using quick saw movements for this.

The massage point that is under the chin helps calm down and focus.

We can affect this point and in the sitting position on the floor, putting the chin on the low table.

After some time, you can feel that your body relaxes, and along the spine rises the tingling sensations that reach the head. Breathing becomes deeper and rhythmic.

Massage reception 7.

Another way to intensify the point under the chin is that, lying on the stomach, squeeze your hands in the fists and put them under the chin, putting the fists on each other.

Performing this exercise, you should strain the fists in order to create pressure on the chin, and then relax them, reducing it pressure.

The tension and relaxation of fists, creates pulsations that direct the energy in small portions into a vital center, which is found at the base of the language. Perform this exercise should be careful not to cause sore throat.

How often do you need to make a magic massage?

This set of magic techniques should be performed every day - consciously until they stop being movements resembling massage, and will not turn into what they actually are: in Magic Taking. Then this ritual will turn into a daily physical need, and no longer will be controlled.

Your hands and fingers should seem to learn to dance, deeply penetrating into the skin of the face, then as if touching her surface and moving so quickly that they are hard to see.

It `s Magic. It requires intent, which is significantly different from the intentions operating in the usual world. Doing all these movements on your face, we must use some other intention if we are going to relax muscles and influence the centers that are here.

All our emotions are reflected on the face more than in all other parts of the body. Therefore, we must release the stress accumulating here using magic techniques for this and accompanying their intention.

From the book Thai Abelar "Magic Transition".
Exercises showed Tatyana Chekalov.

Once upon a time I read the book Thai Abelarm "Magic Transition". In this book, Tysha talks about his experience with Shamans Mexico, as well as how she herself stood on the path of the magician. The book is replete with a set practical Sovietsthat can be adopted even a person skeptical to magic. I was also interested in the chapter in which Thai teaches the Secretary of the Facial Massage by her mentor of Clara.

Ancient magicians, as Tische tells, believed that aging is the result of the emotions that remain on the face to look young you just need to remove tension from the face. How? We read on.

"Chapter 10.

Clara was sitting on the edge of the courtyard in a wicker chair and combed her shiny black hair. Then she corrected them with his fingers so that the hairstyle took his usual look. Having finished climbing, she put the left palm on the forehead and began to make it circular movements. Then she spent her hand over the head of the head further, in the direction of the nape, and then shook the brushes and fingers in the air. She repeated these movements and shakes several times.

I was surprised, watching her movements. They had nothing careless or random. She performed them, being in a state of complete concentration, as if she was engaged in a very important thing.

What are you doing? I asked, breaking silence. - Is it something like a face massage?

Clara threw a quick look at me. I sat in the same chair and repeated her movements.

These circular movements prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead, she said. - You may seem like a face massage, but in reality it is not. This is one of the magic techniques, the movements of the hand, which accumulate energy for a specific purpose.

What is such a goal? - I asked, shaking the brushes as she did.

The meaning of magical techniques is to help a person look young and not to give for a wrinkle, "she replied. - This meaning is defined in advance, and not by me or by you, but the very power.


I.P. Sitting, left brush put on forehead and make rotational motions Clockwise - 9 times. Then we carry out the brush from the forehead to the top and as if they shake the contents of the brush behind the back. I repeat the same counterclockwise.

I had to admit that everything that Clara did was really effective. The skin of her face was smooth. She beautifully shaved her green eyes and black hair. I always believed that her daily appearance was explained by Indian origin, and never suspected that she supported him with the help of special movements ...

Knowledge helps to accumulate energy, so knowledge is power. In order for the magic to work, we need to know what we are doing when we express our intention to achieve the result. And pay attention to the result of the result, and not about the goal of a magical action. If using the intention, we could create the goals of magical actions, we would, thereby worked, but you nor for me lack of force.

It seems that I do not quite understand you, Clara, "I said, having podded my chair closer to her. - Why don't I have enough strength?

I say that none of us can accumulate so much energy to create a new goal. Nevertheless, each of us has enough energy so that with the help of intent to achieve the result of the magic admission: to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, for example. This is all that we can do, because the result is to maintain our cheerfulness and a daily species - already defined.

She moved her chair so that she was sitting in front of me, and our knees were almost touching. Then she intensively lost every thumb about the palm of the opposite hand and placed them on the bridge.

Then she began to make lightweight movements in different sides of the eyebrows in the direction of the temples.

This technique prevents the appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows, "she explained.


I.P. Sitting. We put the thumb of my right hand to the center of the left palm and begin to grow it intensively to the feeling of warmth, the same quickly we do with a thumb of your left hand, and while the fingers are warm to the bridge (there, where wrinkles are formed when we frown). Now we will drag the thumbs to the parties, as if staging this area, from brings and before temples. Perform 1-2 minutes.

Quickly losing a friend of the index fingers, like wands for the extraction of fire, she put them vertically to the nose on both sides and gently spent several times to the sides of the cheeks.

And this one will help to clean the inner cavities, she said, slowly moving his nose. - Instead of picking in the nose, it is better to do these movements.

Exercise 3.

I.P. Sitting. Three index fingers to each other before the feeling of heat. Then we put them vertically (parallel to the nose) on the sinuses of the nose and stroke the area from the sinuses to the cheeks (almost to the ears). Make 1-2 minutes. If your fingers have cooled - to rub them again about each other.

... The next taking will help prevent the sickness of the cheek, she said.

She quickly raised her palms about each other, and then long, strong movements spent them on the cheeks from the chin to the temples. She repeated this movement six or seven times, making it smooth and slow.

Exercise 4.

I.P. Sitting. Three palm of your friend before the appearance of heat or even hot. We put hot palms on your cheeks, including chin. We divorce to the sides, stroking the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheek to the ears. 1-2 minutes.

I noticed that her face flushed, but it was not all. By pressing the thumb into the palm, she brought the inner edge of the hands to the upper lip and rubbed it from side to the side of intense sawing movements.

She explained that if you quickly lose the place where the nose and the upper lip are connected, you can feel the influx of energy with small smooth portions. But if you need large amounts of energy, you can get, tingling the point on the gum above the upper teeth, which is just under the upper lip, below the nasal partition.

If you feel that drowsiness covers you, there is a quick place, and it will temporarily return to you, she advised.

I have lost the upper lip and felt that in the nose and in the ears it became clearer. I also felt a light neba numbness. It was observed only a few seconds, but I caught my breath. I got the impression that something previously unknown should be opened in front of me.

Exercise 5.

I.P. Sitting. Pull the right brush in front of yourself. Fingers are elongated and pressed to each other, thumb bend to the center of the palm. We begin to break the area between the nose and the upper lip to the feeling of tingling - approx. 30 sec. The hand should be tough, all your fingers are tense and elongated. Make 2-3 times.

Then Clara triggered the stable fingers under the chin, again using quick saw movements for this. She explained that the point massage that was under the chin helps and focus. She also said that we can affect this point and in the sitting position on the floor, putting the chin on the low table.

Following her instructions, I put a pillow on the ground, sat on her and fell out the chin on a wooden armrest, who was just at the level of my face. Clearing forward, I slightly pressed the point of which Clara spoke about. After some time, I felt that my body was relaxed, and the tingling sensations were rising along the spine, which reached the head itself. Breathing has become a deeper and rhythmic.

Another way to intensify the point under the chin, "continued Clara, - is that, lying on the stomach, squeeze his hands in the fists and put them under the chin, putting the fists on each other.

She said that performing this exercise, the fists should strain in order to create pressure on the chin, and then relax them, reducing this pressure. The tension and relaxation of the fists, she said, creates pulsations that direct the energy in small portions into a vital center, which is at the base of the language. She stressed that this exercise should be done carefully, and then you can cause sore throat.

Exercise 6.

I.P. Sitting. Estate the index fingers of both hands forward, the remaining fingers are clamped in the brush. We begin to rub the area under the chin, we go through the entire contour of the face. 1-2 minutes.

I sat down again in a wicker chair.

This set of magic techniques, which I showed you, continued Clara, - should be performed every day until they stop being moving movies, and will not turn into what they actually are: in Magic Takes. Look at me! - she ordered.

I looked at how she repeats the entire movement sequence shown to me with the only exception that now her hands and fingers danced. It seemed that her hands were deeply penetrated into the skin of the face, they lightly stroke her, as if touching her surface and moving so quickly that they were difficult to see. I looked at her dexterous movements, like a crowded.

Clara said that all our emotions are reflected on the face more than in all other parts of the body. Therefore, we must release the voltage accumulating here, using magic techniques for this and accompany their intention ... "

That's all, the massage takes 7-10 minutes per day, no more, but the result will not make himself wait. Similar gymnastics for the face, by the way, have Japanese women.

Some tips from me. Before starting to make a massage, the face should be cleaned. I do it like that.

I wash the bran or oat flakes.

I wipe the face with salicylic alcohol (not only for those who have very sensitive and dry skin).

Nano-nourishing cream, which is not immediately absorbed, preferably natural, based on oils or fat.

You can also apply a bit of cream on your hands, then they will soon disappear by friction.

Be beautiful and charming and do not forget that we are all a little sorcerer, and therefore can work wonders!

When a child is born, his assembly point is very mobile, he cannot perceive the world as a human being. Since it interacts with its surrounding adults, its energy body begins to copy their position of the assembly point.

Energetically, he makes himself a copy of those who surround it. All of us, assembly points are in a more or less identible position, it allows us to perceive the same reality. Review allows you to shift this point with the help of a mental process, using breathing in order to regain all the energy that you spent during your life. Each era is characterized by the fact that Don Juan called the "modality of time" is a special set of ideas and prevailing cultural properties.

The modality of our time is what is shown on our TV, what is written in our books and newspapers. We are constantly bombarding the same topics and ideas we must stick. Mages call the prevailing properties of the culture of our days by the syndrome "I, Unfortunate Baby", because everyone is absorbed by this feeling.

This is not only the world of unhappy kids, it is a whole universe of unfortunate kids, with black holes devouring constellations and planets. Magi see that our energy is constantly absorbed by various things. In order to get there, where we want to go, we need energy.

In our wakeful state, all of our energy is involved in our concerns, our work, our family, or something else. In order to move away from this position, we must have a huge amount of energy. Representation is the main means of accumulating this energy.

K.N: how to make a repression?

Tisch Abelar: First you make a list of all the people you know in your life, all the people you communicated with. This in itself will require a large concentration from you. A simple writing of the list simplifies things and allows you to concentrate on something specific. When you make a list, find a place in which your power body will be pressure. Sit comfortably and start from the first person on your list.

Work with a list, starting with the last person and ending with the first, reposing or visualizing the situations in which you interacted with these people, those relationships during which energy exchange occurred. Watch how you interacted and how you passed through all types of energy maneuvers in order to maintain a situation. We all energetically construct our reality.

Even if we just go down the street by car, we construct. We consider it for granted and say that the street is always here. But in fact, we are all magicians, we create the world around themselves and come to an agreement on its existence. With the help of the recharge, you collect your energy from the past, which is lost in the course of your personal history and surrounds you as if garbage in the tail of the comet.

In order to unravel yourself from the memories of the past, put the chin on the right shoulder, and inhale, moving your head on the right left. Then make an exhale, returning your head from left to right, returning back everything, with which you no longer want to be connected. Then turn your head back again. You do not feel any feelings in relation to these images, you will sweep your deep breath all away, with each exhale, sending energy threads.

After you have drawn all the energy back, continue to do it until the energy remains in this scene. This scene will be empty, because it will no longer be energy components.

K.N: What effect Review has done on your life?

Tisch Abelar: You find out that your attachment to your family and friends will decrease. You can continue to interact with them, but you no longer feel affection, because you do not want to energetically depend on them ... "

Tisch Abelar is an American anthropologist, Mag-Stalker from Carlos Castaneda Mages.
Her book "Magic Transition" is the most valuable manual, special exercises are described in detail - magic techniques, by which the full disclosure of energy resources laid out into the human body is achieved.

As a result of the regular practice of magical techniques from Thai Abelar, not only significantly
slows down (practically stops) physiological aging, but also increase
features of the body: it does not weaken over the years and does not wear out, but on the contrary:
it gets stronger and rushing.

Perform a magic massage from Thai Abeyar daily,
in the middle of the day (for example, immediately after lunch), and you will find

How fast is removed muscular, nervous and emotional tension.

As noticeably arrive forces.

And how it clearly increases the productivity of all the actions that you undertake.

Massage reception 1.

Treki Palm's friend - so that in the centers of the palms to feel warm.
Put the left palm on my forehead, and do it circular movements throughout the forehead area.
Then spend your hand over your head and then in the head of the backbone - and
shake with brushes and fingers in the air, as if something shaking down with the hands
Repeat movement and shaking 5 times.

In your movements there should be no careless or random.
Perform them while in a state of complete concentration, but with understanding,
what do you really important and responsible affairs.

This is one of the magic facilities of the Massage Face Thai Abelar:
the movement of the hand, which is assembled by the energy for a specific purpose.
The meaning of magical techniques in this case is to
smooth wrinkles on the forehead and under the eyes (or not to form them).

Massage reception 2.

Now intensely loss every big finger
about the palm of the opposite hand and put your fingers
on the nose. And immediately start doing lung movements
in different sides of the eyebrows towards the temples.
Make 5 such movements.

Massage reception 3.

Quickly losing about each other
index fingers bring them
vertically to the nose on both sides and
mildly spend them on the cheeks towards the ears.
Repeat this movement 5 times

Massage reception 4.

Quickly lick your palms about each other, and then long, strong movements.
they are from the chin, on the cheeks, to the temples. Repeat this movement 5 times, making it smooth and slow.

Massage reception 5.

Press the thumb to the palm to the palm, bring
the inner edge of the hands to the region above the upper lip and swee
its from side to the side of intense pilot movements.

If you quickly lose this place (between the nose and the upper lip),
you can feel the influx of energy with small smooth portions.
And if you need more energy (for example, it is necessary), then you can get it, tingling the point on the gum above the upper teeth - this point is from the inside of the upper lip.

Generally remember This technique is very good:
when you feel that you will cover drowsiness in the middle of the day,
quickly lick this place, and it will return to you vigor.

Massage reception 6.

Move the indicative fingers under the bottom lip,
up again using fast sawing
movement. Massage point that is under the bottom lip,
it helps calm down and focus.
After a while you can feel that
your body relaxes, and along the spine
rising tingling sensations that
reach the head. Breathing becomes deeper
and rhythmic - freed out of tension and sense of fatigue

Massage reception 7.

Put elbows on the table. Put one brush one on top of another.
Now sood brushes in fists and arming hands so that the point,
located under the chin, fell not on the knuckles, but on the phalange of the fingers.
Strain and relax the fists - so that it is to create a voltage
under the chin, then weaken this tension.
Tension and relaxation of fists creates pulsations,
which you will feel in the field of language.

The dream uses a dream state to expand the awareness of its being, the awakening of the energy body. The art of a dream is the practice of systematic movement of its assembly point (finding your hands, etc.)

... that is, the dream allows you to move, move the vehicle

The art of Stoking - the ability to fix the attachment point of the assembly in a new position, to give the reality to the world collected, explore it, take part in it.

... and Stoking - fixing it in the situation achieved so that the collected world is fixed, and has become available for perception.

Find a new position of the assembly point regarding the point of view (view of the view) of the energy body, and as a result - to actualize this energy body. Use it (when to achieve this opportunity). Seal it and act from it.

... often questions, like "That was that! ... how to repeat I do not know "or" left the body, and something badly visible / heard, interferes with something, the hands are passing through the items ... "The fact is that all _ filled_ are coming from weak so far, fluid" energy body ", And while it is a slug, then there will be a lousy.

... here is what is the idea of \u200b\u200b(its) world result of the agreement (the same position of the vehicle) inhabiting its beings. There are populated worlds nearby, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthem comes from the position of their vehicle. Suppose for some reason, human vehicle moved for the usual limits of a normal human cocoon (siting on it), and fell in the field of emanations, perceived by other creatures - as a result, the world would be perceived in the world inaccessible (usually unavailable). But this new position will be typical for creatures that "collected" their world, and as a result it all means that you have fallen into another world, and with local aborigines can contact.

... respectively and the energy body has its perception

    The only way to change the qualities of the power body is to move the assembly point, forcing the lamp (activating) other fibers (emanation).

... After all, most, even human (included in the cocoon) of emanations are not included, and inactive.

    Remembering can turn on again, excite various energy memories.

    Sync yourself, it will raise you.

we are talking about a dream himself From the body of a dream

    A person stays waiting for death and while he is waiting for him, he surrounds himself with the beauty and strength of "death as a worthy opponent."

    Changes come from the inside to change the world, the environment, the universe.

... Changing yourself to change the world around yourself, and it turns out to be a reality (for you)

    Restriction - to make a list of everyone who you knew and met, starting with the last, and work in the opposite direction, making a breath turning his head from the shoulder right to the left, and exhausted turning the head back.

    Self, do not be "poor baby."

Using shaking fixtures, you can promote the routing of the assembly point up and down.

... This is all in the book.

    The greatest challenge is the practice of controlled nonsense, you see the situation and do not undertake anything to change it - you do not judge, to judge is death.

    Hourganic beings penetrate into that - another reality of the universe.

... as well as all sorts in this holes, and they can appear straight\u003e in front of the nose ... that even it is not necessary to be seen

    Hova Don-Huanovo / Carlossova Book The Seven Gates Of Dreaming

WHERE??? Before us, what did not happen? Can anyone have in the original?

    The second gate, this is where these dudes are Garguili / Vampires / Shadows all sorts, they swallowed in the near reality and pull out our strength.

The first gates is, roughly speaking to wake up your "energy body", that is, put the body of a dream on his feet, to drag your awareness to the dream and establish control over its (dream body) control ... And the fact that it is (usually in humans) neither releasing the second The gates are "wake up in a dream," that is, from the state of the dreams "awaken" not in the usual position of the vehicle, and to another. It can be carried out or by lie down-sleep in a dream and wake up in another dream, or by switching dreams. At the same time, the assembly point falls into the nearest world - the world where inorganic creatures are. More precisely, it is on the border of the human world, and these creatures will raise there. The fact that in front of people they appear in an unexpected form comes from the fact that when a person is encouraged with foreign energy, and the power of his frightement will give up to giving the corresponding scare. I.e once frightenedSo it must be Oblom, huge, challenge and lean. Hu Power is (frightened) and closed, a very rejoice in the creature.

    Don Juanov Allies. Seeking can see this energy.

... that is, not in the form of soot, the appearance of which gives our uncontrollable-excited consciousness, but as it is, that is, in the form of energy. And for this it is necessary:

    Restore its integrity, internal stability. Contemplating stones / leaves / moon / clouds. If you have no sobriety, sustainability of redeems, then rare good luck is the case of the case.

... It is important in this matter to have a "calmed state of mind," like Buddhists, "the moon can only be seen in calm water," and the oscillations of consciousness distort the reflections. Plus, the work of the internal dialogue is prevented here, the seeming mechanism of hanging known to the unknown. In a dream or how, a person willingly see "Baby on the broom" than what is in fact there is actually available.

    Hourganic beings come through the tunnels, do not give them much importance.

... This is about the fact that in our, human world, all this public is incomprehensible, as it turned out on the experience of ancient seeing, which killed a mass of time for any causing and "communication with spirits." Here they love to talk about themselves, stabbing almighty and tortured by stickies, they say "all gold to your feet, about the master!"

    Hourganic beings obey your teams.

You can renovate your dreams, but you can also renovate in a dream. Analyzal renovation begins the movement of the head on the right left, exhale forward. In the dream, inhale is done when rotating clockwise and exhale back to the center. There are several layers of renovation.

... That is, the contractions will not scrape everything.

... That's why there is a landfill from the public, and therefore, information about our problems in _Etom_ world, from there received, does not represent much value.

    Control - stalker sobriety.

... so the behavior normal man in reality Dreaming You can compare with drunken debaches or puffing and indulging with the priest.

Level 1 - Energy Body Level 2 - Energy and Physical Body (It requires more energy)

... This is already with a developed sinking body - you can move and physical body.

Only after (done) renovation, and only now! This allows you to distinguish between - to enter and leave the collected (agreed) worlds of the universe. When the assembly point moves, there will be one of two:

    Losing friends

    Practice controlled nonsense.

... This is a matter to the question that DX suddenly declared him that he did not like him, he was not interested in him (as he was not interested in anything else). Here or go to the monastery remains, or practicing controlled nonsense.

The world contains an infinite number of reality. True call this Reality - Can you endure the assembly point from a fixed position?

Stoking is the rocking of the assembly point to give the energy body shake. Counting up the lead hand, and use the other. "Do not do" exercises: go back in advance, run on all fours

    Some trigger - sound / time / smell make the body remember.

    Blank mirrors - (they support the agreement and pay attention to their own person)

... Agreement - it is meant that our perception of the world (usual) is the result of an agreement with himself, and under the influence of the agreement with the ideas / perception of this world by others, and from this actually it turned out that people in one place ...

    MEDY (about the notch) destroy hard patterns of behavior and proceed to wake up your energy body (exercise)


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