Maternity capital for housing improvement. Maternity capital for improving housing conditions: what is it, the use of maternity capital for housing

Maternity capital for housing improvement. Maternity capital for improving housing conditions: what is it, the use of maternity capital for housing

My friend received the maternity capital, and now she and her husband are considering various options for using it. Of course, no matter how much they would like to buy a car, the intended use of these funds is limited by law. And I strongly advise them not to use illegal schemes for the implementation of matkapital. The most popular and most requested legal target is the purchase of real estate. And in this article we will consider it in more detail.

This family support program has been operating in Russia since 2007. And the amount of maternity capital that families can count on is 453,026 rubles this year. In small towns, this is about 1/3 of the cost of a new apartment, which is a fairly good opportunity to purchase your own home.

To receive this state support, you only need to give birth to a second child, or officially adopt him during the period of the program. Matkapital is issued to mothers, and only in exceptional cases can a father expect to receive this assistance instead of the child's mother.

Intended use

One of the possible options for the use of materkapital funds is allowed to use them to improve the living conditions of the family. These improvements include the following:

  • purchase of new housing (it doesn't matter if it was purchased on the primary or secondary market);
  • share in the construction of a future apartment;
  • reconstruction finished existing housing;
  • repayment of an existing mortgage,issued for a living space;
  • sending funds as a down paymentin the case of purchasing a home;
  • building your own home.

In each of these cases, a certain regulation has been established for the receipt and use of funds. Therefore, before choosing one of the options, it is imperative to clarify the procedure for using the mother capital.


In this case, you can send funds to housing that meets the following mandatory requirements:

  1. You can only buy housinglocated on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. The house or apartment must be provided for and be in working orderelectricity, water supply and sewerage.
  3. Depreciation of a residential building should not exceed 50%. That is, it is impossible to buy an apartment in an emergency house or the house itself, provided for demolition, with these funds.
  4. To purchase a residential private house, it is necessary to simultaneously acquire a land plot,on which the structure itself is located.

The procedure for the use of funds implies the completion of a sale and purchase transaction with the obligatory registration of property rights of the holder of the mother capital. Only after submitting all the necessary documents to the FIU, the funds will be transferred to the seller's account.


In this case, the mother capital will be considered as the first or subsequent contribution towards the purchase of a new home. Many developers take into account the capital funds. In this case, they can be used immediately after the birth of the second child.

After the completion of construction, the owner of the capital is obliged to allocate shares in the constructed living space to all children and spouse. When submitting documents to the FIU, a written notarized commitment to allocate shares to all family members is mandatory. Only after receiving all the required documents, the FIU sends funds to the developer.

Mortgage repayment

Its conditions are similar to the registration of shared construction, only in this case the recipient of funds for the mother capital is not the developer, but the bank itself. And the difference here will be that if the developer does not charge any interest for the fact that he receives funds within 1-2 months from the Pension Fund, then the bank withholds interest for using his money during this time.

The scheme for transferring funds is as follows. When registering a mortgage, the bank sends the full amount of the loan, taking into account the funds of the mother capital, to the seller of the real estate. The family takes ownership of the dwelling and submits the necessary documents to the FIU. After that, the FIU transfers the required funds of the capital to the bank. During this time, you pay the bank interest on the entire amount taken in the mortgage. And only after the funds are received in the bank account, the bank recalculates your interest and monthly payment.

It is important to know that housing in this case must also meet the established requirements:

  • it should be in the RF;
  • have all the necessary communications in working order;
  • not have general building wear more than 50%.

Many people ask if they can buy a dacha with the funds received. The answer here will be ambiguous. If it is a garden house without communications, then it cannot be purchased at the expense of these funds. And if the country house meets all the conditions, and it will be possible to live in it fully, then such a living space can be purchased at the expense of the mother capital.


The law prohibits the use of materkapital funds simply for repairs, but if the repair is associated with global changes, then this option is permissible. An important condition for this is the reconstruction, which will increase the living space. As part of this, the following construction work can be done:

  • start construction of a new residential building next to the existing house and attach it to the main one;
  • re-equip additionally existing non-residential premises for residential (for example, attic, attic).

In any case, after the reconstruction, you will have to allocate shares in this living space to the children. The housing to be renovated must be owned by the mother of children or her spouse. After using the funds of the maternity capital, the mother of the children should also receive a allocated share in this housing. You can learn more about this from the video presented.


An important feature of this method of using funds is that you will receive financing in 2 stages:

  • initially before construction you will be paid only half from the due amount;
  • then you will need to confirm the construction work performed by you, and six months later, you will receive the balance.

To carry out all the listed works, you can use your own forces or hire contractors. In the case of hiring a contractor, you will need a more extensive package of documents to receive funds from the FIU.

In all cases of using funds, you can use them in whole or in part. The remaining amount will be in the account with the FIU. And for its further use, you will have to re-send documents. Funds can be used in another direction from several available.


The family support program with the help of matkapital has given a significant increase in newborns throughout Russia. At the same time, most of the holders of the capital fund direct funds to purchase residential real estate. The possibilities for the implementation of funds in this area are quite wide:

  • they can be used on acquisition housing;
  • on his construction different ways;
  • on reconstruction available living space;
  • on repayment of a mortgage or getting it.

That is, virtually every family with a different financial situation can use the obtained certificate and improve their living conditions. Its only significant drawback is that the FIU pays funds within 1-2 months, so few individuals want to contact the capital. Therefore, families are forced to apply to a bank to obtain a mortgage for this amount and pay interest on the use of funds. In this case, the home seller receives money at the time of the transaction, and the FIU transfers the funds of the capital to the bank.

Birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child (s) in the period from 2007 to 2021 inclusively allows parents to count on state support in the form of a certificate for maternity capital.

Despite the fact that there are several different directions of its use, the most common is improvement of living conditions (according to the statistics of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of 2018 for the entire period of validity of the total number of applications for disposal, 91.1% were submitted to improve living conditions), providing for the possibility of:

Attracting credit institutions to the ongoing real estate transaction allows you to use the parent capital to improve housing conditions immediately, without waiting for the child to be 3 years old... In this case, by means of MSC you can:


However substantial complexity the use of maternity capital to improve housing conditions is the need to register acquired, built or reconstructed housing in common share ownership - that is, as a result of the transaction, the owner of the certificate, his spouse and each of the children in the family (including the third and subsequent ones) must become the owners of the real estate.

It is noteworthy that this is a prerequisite in all cases of using the mother capital for housing! And for other areas of using the certificate (for educational services, for funded pension, purchase of goods and services for children with disabilities, or for receiving monthly payments up to 1.5 years), such additional conditions not provided, therefore, the fact that the family receives money from the Pension Fund on the application for the disposal of maternity capital does not oblige the family to anything. This is an important feature (and in many cases, a big minus) of all options for using a certificate for housing improvement, since if minor children become its owners, it will be possible to resell it only with the permission of the Guardianship and Guardianship Authorities.

And it should be remembered that maternity capital cannot be cashed out through the acquisition of housing. All proposals for the implementation of such transactions are illegal and prosecuted by law enforcement agencies!

What is the improvement of housing conditions according to the MSC program

The legislation clearly provided for specific cases of sending maternity capital to improve housing conditions. This information is disclosed in detail in Government Decree No. 862 of 12.

12.2007, "On the rules for the allocation of maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions", which considers all types of costs to improve living conditions, as well as the procedure and timing of its transfer.

Improving living conditions according to the MSC program is:

Let us consider in more detail the main options for improving the living conditions of families with children who have the opportunity to dispose of a certificate for maternity capital.

Purchase of residential premises under a sales and purchase agreement

Usually, when buying a dwelling, two parties appear in the sales contract: the seller and the buyer. In the case of sending maternity capital funds for the acquisition of real estate in this way, another party to the transaction is the Pension Fund, which actually provides the transfer of public funds.

In addition, in fact, such a transaction is made deferred payment, since the FIU will transfer money not immediately, but within two months. In this regard, in the usual contract of sale the appropriate amendments are made:

  • on depositing personal funds before signing the contract;
  • on covering the remaining amount by the parent capital;
  • on the transfer of ownership of the purchased housing after the final settlement.

In this case, options for improving living conditions may be as follows:

  • materkapital funds fully cover the purchase costs;
  • the buyer adds his personal savings to the certificate.

The last point implies that the transaction will take place in two steps:

  • First, when contacting Rosreestr mortgage is registered (mortgage) against the amount already paid by the buyer.
  • Then, after the PFR transfers the maternity capital funds to the seller and the full amount is paid, the deposit is removed and ownership is registered.
  • For more information on the use of maternity capital for housing construction, see the supplementary material.


    Construction or reconstruction of the IZHS object

    Construction or reconstruction of an object individual housing construction (IZHS) can be carried out both with the involvement of a construction company, and independently, or you can receive compensation for the costs incurred for an already built object (if it was put into operation after 2006).

    In the case of attracting contractors for the construction or reconstruction of housing, the owner of the certificate will need to submit, in addition to documents on the ownership of the land plot or the property building contract... Then the maternity capital will be transferred non-cash to the account of the construction company.

    In case of implementation independent costs MSC funds will be allocated for housing construction in two steps:

    • before the start of construction, you can receive a part of the money in the amount of 50% after submission to the FIU of such documents as:
      • certificate of state registration of ownership of a land plot intended for individual housing construction, or a document confirming the right to permanent use of such a site, and in the case of reconstruction of an individual housing construction site - a certificate of state registration of rights to such an object;
      • building or reconstruction permit;
      • certificate of the certificate holder's bank account;
    • it will be possible to receive the remaining amount in six months after confirmation of the main work on the construction or reconstruction of the IZhS facility.

    It is important that the registration of a land plot in ownership takes place in accordance with all the rules and is intended for the purposes of individual housing construction. In this case, according to the law means mat. capital will be directed only to direct construction, and not to buy a plot.

    To receive compensation already incurred costs for the construction (reconstruction) of the IZhS facility, it is necessary to keep a strict record of all costs for submission to the PFR authorities. Each expense item will be examined in detail by the fund's specialists, after which a final decision is made on their reimbursement by family capital.

    It is important to note that:

    • in case of reconstructionheld after January 1, 2007, the date of the emergence of ownership of the IZhS object itself does not matter;
    • during construction ownership of a new residential building must arise no earlier than January 1, 2007.

    It should be remembered that the reconstruction of the IZhS object necessarily involves increase in living space at home by at least one registration rate, due to:

    • additional extensions or add-ons;
    • converting non-residential premises into livable ones.

    At the same time, the fact of improvement of living conditions must be confirmed by the relevant documents.

    Participation in the shared construction of an apartment in a new building

    It involves raising funds from citizens to buy an apartment in an apartment building under construction... Participation in the shared construction of an apartment in a new building will cost much less than finished housing on the primary market.

    As in the case of the traditional purchase and sale of housing in a new building, for such a transaction you must have the entire amount to pay for the equity participation agreement, except for part of the funds repaid by the PFR by the parent capital.

    Even in the case application of payment by installmentssecured by a mortgage, the maternity capital can be used only after the child is 3 years old, since, unlike a loan or a loan, in this case, the money is not borrowed and the obligations to the developer are repaid under an equity participation agreement.

    Own funds can be contributed under a contract for the shared construction of an apartment in a new building as follows:

    • there is an accumulated amount to the family capital required for the equity participation agreement;
    • there is a dwelling, the sale of which covers the difference in the cost of the apartment and its partial payment by the parent capital;
    • if personal savings are insufficient, it is possible:
      • registration loan agreement, including mortgages, where the family capital is used to pay the down payment;
      • registration payment by installments from the developersecured by real estate pledge (mortgage), where the funds of the MSC will be directed towards paying the price of the equity participation agreement.

    Mortgage in the latter case, it will only say that the purchased property is pledged by the seller until the payment obligations are fulfilled in full.

    In the case of obtaining a loan or a loan for a one-time payment of obligations under the DDU agreement to the developer in full, the maternity capital can be used under the loan agreement, without waiting for reaching 3 years.

    Participation in cooperative construction (ZhK, ZhKK, ZhNK)

    Another option for solving the housing problem is to purchase an apartment through a cooperative:

    • housing (LCD);
    • housing and construction (ZhSK);
    • housing accumulation (ZhNK).

    All types of cooperatives have one goal - to satisfy the need of a member of his organization to purchase housing.

    The only difference is in the way of achieving this goal - the use of funds of members of the cooperative, as well as their accumulation for the purchase of finished or under construction housing. Previously, they all worked on the basis of the Civil Code and their own charter.

    Since 2005, the activity of ZhNK has been strictly regulated by Law No. 215-FZ of 30.12.2004 “On Housing Savings Cooperatives”.

    At first glance, the decision to join the WNC has a lot of advantages:

    • the percentage of the entry and share payment is much lower than the initial payment on a mortgage;
    • fewer documents required;
    • the opportunity to participate and control the activities of the cooperative;
    • calculation of monthly payments, taking into account the possibilities of the applied citizen (however, do not forget that the loan repayment period will also depend on the rate of accumulation).

    The law assumes that the period for returning the remaining amount cannot exceed the accumulation period by 1.5 times. Therefore, it would be advisable to direct the maternity capital funds for the rest of the payment, so as not to shorten the initial period of accumulation.

    In cases with ZhK and ZhKK, the last remark is not relevant.

    Read more about the different ways to buy an apartment using a mat. capital can be found in the additional material on our website.

    Maternity capital for improving housing conditions up to 3 years

    From the moment the maternity capital program began, young families faced the question of the possibility of solving the housing issue until the age of 3 years for a child whose birth gave the right to state support.

    With the introduction of appropriate amendments to Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, this option became really possible. According to clause 6.1 of Art.

    7, which came into force at the beginning of 2009, is the only opportunity to use the parent capital ahead of schedule to improve living conditions is the fulfillment of obligations for home loans loans or loans, including mortgages.

    Use mat. capital up to 3 years is possible for the following purposes:

    Payment of the down payment on a home loan or loan

    In 2015, it became possible to spend maternity capital as an initial payment for the purchase of housing, without waiting for the third birthday of the child... This measure is designed to help families who do not have their own savings to solve the problem with housing. At the same time, the amount secured by the parent capital may be quite enough to pay the first installment to the bank.

    To complete such a transaction, you will need collect a number of documents:

    • a copy of a loan or loan agreement for the purchase or construction of housing;
    • a copy of the mortgage agreement, if a mortgage is provided;
    • other documents, the submission of which is required for a specific type of agreement.

    Repayment of the mortgage by the parent capital (principal and interest)

    You can also use the parent capital to cover the principal debt on a previously issued loan and repay interest on it. Then, depending on the type of the transaction being made such documents will be needed:

    • a copy of a previously executed credit agreement or loan;
    • certificate of the credit institution on the amount of the remaining debt;
    • a copy of the mortgage agreement, duly registered in Rosreestr;
    • documents establishing ownership:
      • certificate of state registration of property rights;
      • an extract from Rosreestr on registered rights to real estate (EGRP);
      • extract from the register, proving membership in the cooperative;
      • permission to build an IZHS facility;
    • a document confirming the transfer of money to the account of the owner of the certificate or his spouse.

    In each specific case, additional documents may be required, of which the FIU specialists will notify immediately. After repayment of loan obligations by the parent capital, the bank's employees will recalculate monthly payments for the remaining amount of debt.

    When the Pension Fund transfers money to improve housing

    With the prepared package of documents, the owner of the certificate, personally or through his representative, must write statement of disposal funds of maternity capital to improve housing conditions. It should be noted that it is possible not to use the entire amount at once, leaving part of the funds for other purposes.

    • Within a month FIU specialists consider the submitted documents, after which they make their decision.
    • In case of a positive answer, the money will be transferred no later than two months from the date of application.

    The acquisition of real estate with the help of maternity capital is carried out only by bank transfer. It is prohibited to receive capital in cash by current legislation, with the exception of the possibility of withdrawing a one-time payment of 25,000 rubles.

    Within two months from the date of submission of the application, it is possible to withdraw it if the money transfer has not yet been made by the FIU. In this case, a new application is submitted to cancel the previous one.

    Obligation to allocate a share of maternity capital to children

    An important additional condition for the transfer of maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions is the allocation of a share in the housing acquired in this way to the owner of the certificate, his spouse and children.

    • Shares can be allocated immediately upon registration of the transaction or after 6 months after registration of property rights.
    • If at first the housing is registered in the ownership of the parents, then it is necessary to submit to the FIU a written notary certified share commitment every child.
    • It should be noted that in the event of the birth of another child until the obligation is fulfilled, the share will need to be allocated to him.

    Shares can be legally allocated in several ways:

    • by drafting share agreements every child in a dwelling, for the purchase of which maternity capital was directed;
    • by drafting donation agreement by the parents of the shares of the living quarters to their minor children.

    There is no single sample of such documents, therefore the decision on the choice of one or another method is made in each specific case independently or with the help of a lawyer.

    The obligation is considered fulfilled when the allocation of shares, documented, passes state registration. Further disposal of real estate, including the sale of purchased housing, will be possible only with permission guardianship and guardianship authorities.

    Improvement of housing conditions at the expense of materkapital

    A special program, implemented in 2007, helps large families to obtain financial stability. The amount of state aid at the moment is 453,026 rubles.

    One of the ways to use a certificate for maternity capital is to improve housing conditions, while the law clearly states the reasons, nuances and grounds for obtaining financial support.

    What exactly counts as housing improvement

    The legislation is allowed to use the capital for any sale and purchase transactions carried out legally. To begin with, the family must decide and justify exactly how it is going to invest material aid - in an apartment, house or share. Buying or expanding a home must be the result of a transaction.

    The Housing Code establishes several categories of real estate, defined as "residential premises":

    • room;
    • residential building or apartment;
    • part of a residential building or apartment.

    The second step is to decide to wait the child reaches 3 years of age or spend capital immediately... The law defines the following restrictions:

  • It is allowed to use maternity capital immediately (up to 3 years) only for buying a home on a mortgage (or repayment of the mortgage taken before the birth of the child).
  • After 3 years, the family has an opportunity to spend money for any purposeestablished by law. The restriction is necessary so that parents do not hand over their child to an orphanage after early receipt of social services. help.
  • Features of the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement

    There are 2 ways to improve living conditions:

  • fully pay the expenses with the funds of the capital;
  • add your funds to the amount of the certificate.
  • As a result, the contract of purchase and sale with the involvement of MK has several special points:

    • the amount that will be paid by the family immediately from their own funds;
    • the amount that will be paid using maternity capital;
    • acquisition by the buyer of ownership of the housing only upon receipt by the seller of the MK.

    The buyer and seller must certify consent in writing to complete a transaction in several stages:

  • Contacting Rosreestr, registration of real estate pledge against the amount contributed by the buyer's personal funds.
  • Receipt by the seller of a transfer from the Pension Fund, withdrawal of a pledge and registration of ownership of the buyer.
  • Buying a home

    Federal Law No. 5242-1 determines that not every house is residential. Roofs and walls not enoughfor the Pension Fund to authorize the use of funds. The house must be safe to live in, provide comfort and comply with sanitary standards. The main list of requirements includes:

    • location in a residential village on the territory of Russia (you cannot buy a lonely house on the outskirts);
    • house must have confirmed status of an individual construction object;
    • heating, sewerage, water supply and power supply systems must work all year round;
    • depreciation of real estate up to 50%.

    If the PF allowed registration in the settlement, then there are no other territorial restrictions on the use of the certificate. If the PF has any doubts about the home, they will send construction commission, the conclusion of which will become the basis for issuing an MK.

    Home construction

    The family has the right to build a house on its own, to attract the services of construction organizations or to use maternity capital to reimburse the costs of the constructed housing (if the construction took place after 2006).

    If the family used the services of organizations, then a construction contract is used as the basis for obtaining maternity capital. It indicates the company account to which the funds will be transferred.

    If the family carries out construction on their own, funds will not be received immediately:

    • family before the construction of the house will receive 50%by going to the FIU and submitting the following documents:
      • confirmation of ownership of the permanent use of the site, or
      • certificate of registration of ownership, or
      • confirmation of ownership of the object, if it is part of the IZhS;
      • certificate of opening a bank account where funds will be transferred;
      • house building permit.
    • second 50% you can get it in 6 months, if the main construction work has already been completed (confirmed by a commission from the FIU, at least walls and a roof must be erected).

    The land plot must be purchased for individual housing construction (individual housing construction), registration takes place in accordance with the rules of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Get funds you cannot buy a plot, only for building a house on it.

    If the family built a house from their own funds, they have the right to compensate for the costs with the help of MK. This requires you to keep all receipts and send them to the Pension Fund. The staff will review the documents and make a decision on each of the individual receipts.

    Additional Information

    Apartment purchase

    The most popular way to use maternity capital is a secondary home purchase transaction, which can be done in 2 ways:

  • wait for the child's third birthday;
  • take a mortgage and spend MK for the first installment or for its repayment.
  • If the family wants to use the funds right away, then when signing the mortgage agreement it must be indicated that the family is going to buy a home. This agreement is submitted to the FIU. The agreement also specifies how long it takes for the bank to transfer the mortgage to the seller. MK funds will go to the account of the financial institution 2 months later after the application is approved by the FIU.

    The family should consider that first 2 months after receiving mortgage funds, she will pay interest herself, then you can use the MK. There are certain obstacles in concluding such a deal:

    • not all financial organizations issue a mortgage, which will be paid with MK funds;
    • the user can apply to consumer credit cooperatives, but they charge a higher percentage.

    If the child over 3 years, then the maternity capital will go to the account of the seller (individual or construction company). The main nuances of such a transaction are:

  • The buyer will not settle with the seller immediately, which should be indicated in the contract.
  • The seller has the right to request certificate of the balance of funds on the certificate... The certificate is issued by the FIU employees upon presentation of a passport.
  • The contract specifies when the ownership of the property passes to the buyer:
  • immediately after signing the contract, without waiting for the transfer of funds to the MC;
  • when funds are transferred to the seller's account.
  • It is in the buyer's interest to choose the first method if the seller agrees to such terms. However, the second carries certain risks if the FIU does not transfer funds, and may insist on transferring ownership after transferring the amount. These issues are discussed in advance and written in the sales contract.

    The seller has the right to add a clause about the timing of the buyer contacting the FIU for the transfer of maternity capital. Typically given 10 calendar days... In case of violation of the contract by one of the parties, the other has the right to cancel the transaction.

    Additional Information

    • How to buy an apartment for maternity capital is described in detail in this material.

    Buying a share of an apartment

    Exists 2 situations, in which the law is allowed to attract maternity capital to purchase a share in an apartment, while its size is not established by law:

  • the share is a separate room (for example, a room);
  • if, after receiving the share, the entire premises become the property of the buyer.
  • Residential is a room corresponding to technical and sanitary standards, which is suitable for the safe stay of citizens. Often, in a multi-room apartment, a share is one or more rooms.

    Share in new building

    Share in a new building means the use of depositors' funds for the construction of multi-apartment housing. As a rule, it is cheaper than the share of an apartment in secondary housing. Citizens need to have an agreed amount of equity participation (or agree that part of the funds will come later from the FIU).

    Since the money is not borrowed, and the family has obligations to the developer, and not to the bank, the MK will be issued when the child reaches 3 years old... The family can agree to contribute part of their funds and part of social funds. help.

    You can make your own contribution in 2 ways:

  • own property, after the sale of which the family will cover the difference between the cost of the apartment and the partial payment of the MC;
  • there are savings that are added to the MK.
  • If their funds are insufficient, the family has the right:

    • get a mortgage, pay first payment by maternity capital;
    • agree with the developer about payment by installments, later sending a certificate for payment of the amount under the equity participation agreement.

    Buying an apartment in a cooperative

    There are 3 types of cooperatives in which it is allowed to buy real estate:

    • housing or residential complex;
    • housing accumulative or ZhNK;
    • housing construction or ZhSK.

    The purpose of the existence of different types of cooperatives is to help the participant buy housing. However, the way to achieve it is different. Some cooperatives provide for the use of funds from other participants, while others provide assistance in accumulating the required amount. Federal Law No. 215 of 2004 established rules of action these organizations, including:

    • they are non-profit associations;
    • decisions are made all participants;
    • funds are issued from their own fund, which allows you to get independence from the Central Bank rate;
    • funds are issued under an agreement similar to a bank credit.

    Joining a cooperative has several unique advantages:

  • they require less documents and evidence;
  • share and entry fees are often lower than the interest on the mortgage agreement;
  • the right to participate in the activities of the cooperative;
  • monthly payments are calculated based on the family's capabilities.
  • The main disadvantage is the ability to live in the purchased housing only when paid 50% of its cost... The family will receive ownership after paying the full amount.

    The law establishes that the time for the return of the entire amount may not exceed the period of savings 1.5 times. When the child reaches 3 years old the family will be able to send the funds of the certificate in order to pay off the debt on time and become homeowners.

    Buying a room

    At the legislative level, a room is a part of a residential building of a certain size, which was built for the safe and comfortable living of citizens. In apartments in standard houses, rooms are rarely recognized as separate property, often referring to a communal apartment or a private residential building.

    Article 92 of the Housing Code of Russia determines that the use of maternity capital for the purchase of a room in a hostel that is not subject to alienation and is not a special fund is prohibited. If the hostel is officially part of a private housing stock, the purchase of a room is permitted.

    The following provisions must be present in the sales contract:

    1. The amount of maternity capital used to buy a room. Also indicate that the seller will receive the funds after they are transferred to his account by the Pension Fund.

    2. The time period that is given to the buyer to contact the FIU and transfer documents. For example, you can specify that until the entire amount is paid, the seller will retain the rights to the room.

    Renovation and reconstruction

    Reconstruction at the expense of maternity capital is available only when the child reaches 3 years old... If the work is done ahead of time, the family can keep the checks and receive compensation after 3 years.

    Financial organizations issue funds for reconstruction work, but it is impossible to repay them ahead of schedule at the expense of MC. Early government support is for the construction or purchase of real estate.

    Reconstruction does not include pipe replacement, finishing work and parquet flooring. You cannot spend MK on these works. The result of the reconstruction should be increase in living space.

    Additional Information

    • More information about the use of MK for repair and reconstruction is written in this article.

    Allocating a share to children

    The certificate is issued not for a specific person, but for the whole family, therefore, when housing is improved each family member should receive a shareincluding minors. Parents sign and certify at the notary the obligation to register the property for everyone. Family composition is defined by legislation as follows:

    • mother of children;
    • her husband (he may not be the biological father of the child);
    • every child, including unborn ones, if they appear during the registration of the property.

    The family has the right to independently divide the shares, the main thing is that each person should receive from 12 square meters... Since the custody and guardianship authorities deal with minors, they will make sure that proportion of children was not less than the share that they would have received if the division were equally divided.

    Citizens do not have the right to sell, donate or change property acquired with a certificate if each family member has not received their share. This limitation is required to prevent fraudulent activities involving public funds.

    Using the certificate when buying a home

    Since the contract is concluded between 3 partiesif state support funds are attracted (seller, buyer (family), pension fund), then such a transaction has some features:

  • the buyer submits documents to the FIU, which is spelled out in the contract;
  • the seller agrees to wait for the FIU to transfer funds to his bank account;
  • ownership is always shared by each family member.
  • To comply with all conditions, the following points are stipulated in the contract:

    • the buyer agrees to come to the FIU at a certain time;
    • the seller agrees to receive payment on a deferred basis;
    • parents sign a pledge to share ownership of all when it passes to them.

    Parents will honor their commitment to children when documented shares are registered. Until the child turns 14 disposal of the property will be possible with the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

    How the FIU transfers funds

    After the conclusion of the purchase and sale transaction, the applicant approaches the FIU (or sends a representative), writes a statement about the disposal of maternity capital funds, gives documents confirming the grounds for obtaining social services. help. The family has the right to receive the entire amount at once or to spend the mother capital in parts. Then:

    • the FIU has 10 days to consider the application and make a decision;
    • if it is negative, the applicant receives the reasons for the refusal and ways to eliminate them;
    • if it is positive, then the seller or financial institution will receive funds within 2 months.

    During these 2 months the applicant can revoke papersby filing a statement to cancel the petition. Then the maternity capital will remain intact and available for future use. The family will not be able to receive money in cash, except lump sum payment of 25,000 rubles... All other transactions are carried out using cashless payments.

    Home improvement is the most popular way to apply the certificate. If there are grounds and the conditions are met, the PFR employees will approve the application and transfer the funds by bank transfer to the seller's account.

    Maternity capital for repairs and improvement of housing conditions: documents, conditions /

    With the birth of a child, many families are thinking about updating the interior of their apartment or house. But maternity capital cannot be spent on repairs, it is intended to solve another goal - rebuilding the house and increasing its area.

    There is only one way to get money for home renovation. You need to wait until the state will allow you to receive the payment. Then it will be possible to use the maternity capital to renovate the apartment.

    Previously, many families have already taken advantage of this opportunity. At the moment, there is no legal basis for receiving a one-time payment.

    But from time to time, partial spending of funds is allowed to solve pressing problems.

    Now you can buy the necessary materials for maternity capital to change the design of your own house. This does not mean that you can fulfill any of your wishes. There are clear rules governing what can and cannot be done.

    What can be considered a reconstruction

    Not all repairs are considered reconstruction. For example, replacing windows or installing sewerage systems are quite costly work. But they have nothing to do with reconstruction.

    Reconstruction is work aimed at achieving the following goals:

    • change in technical indicators of the house:
    • increasing the efficiency of its use;
    • increase in the footage of the room.

    But immediately, as the baby is born, you cannot receive a payment. The restriction is established by clause 6 of Art. 7 of Law No. 256-FZ. Funds are provided only when the child is three years old. There are exceptions to this rule, but they relate to the use of capital for the purchase and construction of real estate.

    Ways to use the motherboard for repair

    Reorganization means a significant change in the parameters of real estate - an increase in the footage, height, volume of the house. You can use maternity capital to improve housing conditions in the following ways:

    • make an extension or superstructure to the house;
    • disassemble or reinforce supporting structures;
    • make an attic from an attic;
    • equip communications, engineering systems.

    There is an option how not to wait until the child is three years old. You can apply for a loan or borrow money, save documents on receipt of funds and the implementation of the conversion.

    As soon as the baby is three years old, you need to immediately contact the branch of the pension fund for compensation. When applying for a loan, you need to correctly assess your own capabilities.

    After all, it will not be possible to repay it ahead of schedule, as in situations where capital is issued for the construction or purchase of real estate.

    Those who have conceived a reorganization need to consider an important condition. Although the reconstruction is a rather difficult task, it must be done on its own, without resorting to the services of intermediaries (p.

    2 of the Rules for the allocation of materiel funds to improve housing conditions). If contractors are attracted without a contract, the result of the work performed may not meet expectations.

    Without a contract, it will be problematic to collect money for poorly rendered services, if the builders allow a marriage.

    Reorganization must be treated with care. If the work affects the parameters of security, reliability of real estate, you should issue a permit for construction work.


    To receive payment, you need to collect an impressive package of documents. The applicant will need:

    • Family capital certificate.
    • Passport, registration certificate.
    • Power of attorney, if the application is submitted by an authorized person.
    • A written commitment to register the living space as the property of all family members. An agreement is drawn up, which indicates the size of the shares.
    • Certificate of opening an account with a credit institution, where the details for transferring funds are indicated. Valid details are required. If they have changed, it is necessary to inform the FIU. After all, the money is transferred exactly to the account indicated in the application.
    • A copy of the certificate of ownership of a land plot under a private house.
    • Extract from the USRN, confirming the rights to the real estate object or certificate of ownership.

    This list is needed at the first stage. If everything is in order with the documents, a decision will be made to pay 50% of the family capital. To receive the remaining amount, you need to submit an act of work performance to the PFR division. The form of the act was approved by the order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 286 of June 17, 2011. The act is approved by the administration. You also need to formalize the ownership of the updated object.

    Conditions for receiving

    To receive maternity capital in 2019, the following conditions must be met:

    • the second child was three years old;
    • parents will spend money to solve the housing issue;
    • the applicant is the owner of a land plot and a house, the reconstruction of which he will deal with;
    • after the reconstruction, the footage of the premises increased by the accounting rate (local authorities approve this figure).

    You can use funds to pay off mortgage debt, pay interest on a mortgage loan. You can also improve the property that is already owned.

    Moreover, officials must check whether the area of \u200b\u200breal estate has really become larger. Inspectors are not limited to visual inspection. The necessary measurements and research are being carried out.

    To get the remaining amount, you need to complete at least half of the work and keep supporting documents.

    The refusal can be appealed in court if it is unfounded. When there are reasons for the claims, the violations should be eliminated, and then reapply with the application for the issuance of the act.

    Changes in 2019

    This year, it is still impossible to use maternity capital to renovate a house. You can count on it only if the family will really solve the problem with housing.

    Conversion is not necessary to use family capital to improve housing conditions. As a rule, renovation is suitable for those who already own the house and can improve it.

    Those who do not plan to rebuild can pay interest on the loan, invest in shared construction.

    The renovated housing is registered as a common property. The size of the shares is specified in the agreement, they may be unequal. But the existence of the agreement is always checked. The consequences for violators are dire. If there are doubts about the intended use of the capital, a check is carried out. If the deal is challenged, the family will be left without state support and real estate.

    So, in 2019, maternity capital, as before, cannot be spent on repairs. Instead, you can use it for other equally useful purposes. In order not to live in cramped conditions, you can rebuild your own house at the expense of state support and allocate shares in it to each family member.

    Anna Krapivnitskaya, lawyer,
    specially for

    about maternity capital to improve housing conditions

    Education: State University of Humanities, specialty "lawyer". Work experience in the specialty: 8 years. Knows about family law, fashion, weight loss, body care.

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    How to use maternity capital to improve housing conditions

    How to improve living conditions using maternity capital? What are the popular home improvement methods in 2018? Is it possible to spend mat capital on housing needs up to 3 years?

    Greetings to all readers of our site! The economist and expert Eduard Stembolsky is in touch.

    The topic of today's article is the use of maternity capital to improve housing conditions.

    This material will be especially relevant for families with two or more children, as well as for parents planning to have a second child.

    I propose to go to the study of the article, forward, friends!

    The appearance of the second (third, fourth) child in the family is a real holiday for loving parents. It's great when you already have a spacious and comfortable home, which has enough space for both children and mom and dad.

    Unfortunately, this situation for average citizens of the Russian Federation is more an exception than a rule. Usually, when a second baby is born, there is an urgent need to increase living space. Not all families are able to solve this problem on their own.

    That is why in 2007 the Russian government launched a unique program of assistance to families with two or more children. The "Maternity Capital" project has been successfully operating for almost 10 years: during this period, thousands of parents have already used government subsidies to improve their well-being and housing conditions.


    This fact is not surprising, especially if we take into account the lack of affordable and high-quality housing at the same time in large Russian cities. It is also true that the amount of mother capital, even taking into account indexation, will not be enough to buy a full-fledged new house and apartment.

    However, the money backed by the certificate can become a kind of leverage that will get things off the ground. After all, family capital can be directed not only to purchase new apartments, but also to open mortgage loans.

    We list all the legal ways to use matkapital to improve your housing status:

    • purchase of an apartment, house, room under a sales contract;
    • construction of a private house on its own or with the help of contractors (including reimbursement of costs for housing already erected);
    • reconstruction of a house - changing its technical parameters (area, height, number of living rooms);
    • payments on a loan taken for a purchase or construction;
    • mortgage payments (including repayment of the initial payment);
    • payment for rights to share participation in construction;
    • payment of the entrance fee for a participant in a housing construction cooperative.

    Before investing in these areas, you need to obtain consent to this from the Pension Fund. Until the employees of this institution give the go-ahead, the owners of the certificate do not have the right to manage finances.

    Employees of the FIU are obliged to personally verify whether the housing being purchased complies with the established standards and to check the legal flawlessness of the transaction.

    The acquired real estate must meet two main conditions: it must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation and be a full-fledged residential property with all the amenities. Dilapidated and dilapidated housing, worn out by more than 50%, cannot be bought for mother capital.

    And one more nuance - you can buy or build housing on the MSC only if it becomes the property of the whole family. If it is impossible to immediately allocate the shares of the children and the spouse, the owner of the certificate draws up a written obligation to do this after purchasing an apartment (house).

    The main legal acts governing the right to obtain a certificate, the procedure for providing and the rules for obtaining are:

    Federal Law No. 256 of 2006 defines possible legal options for using capital to improve the living conditions of a family:

    Who is eligible?

    Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact a consultant:


    It is fast and IS FREE!

    The following can apply for the certificate:

    Possible nuances

    You can get a certificate only once.

    Video: maternity capital to improve housing conditions

    There are some restrictions when using the mother capital. The most important of them is the impossibility of withdrawing funds until the child is three years old.

    However, the law allows early use of the certificate in the following cases:

    How to improve living conditions with maternity capital

    All options for using funds can be divided into two groups:

    1. Purchase of finished housing.
    2. Building or renovating a house.

    Where and how to get it?

    You must contact the office of the Pension Fund or the MFC.

    Terms of use

    Money can be directed to:

    • children;
    • the formation of the mother;
    • improving the living conditions of the family.

    For the expansion of living space

    This can be done in the following ways:

    Housing Improvement Actions

    Purchase of an apartment

    The funds can be used for:


    After submitting the necessary documents to the Pension Fund of Russia, half of the maternity capital funds are allocated.

    These funds can be used to start construction work. After six months, it is necessary to go back to the FIU, report on the money spent and provide confirmation of all construction costs (, etc.).

    If all expenses are justified and the payment documents are correct, the Pension Fund transfers the rest of the money to the family.

    Reconstruction and repair

    The reconstruction, carried out at the expense of public funds, is:

    In order for the Pension Fund to approve the planned reconstruction of your home, you must provide:

    Registration process

    To obtain a certificate for maternity capital, you must meet strict criteria:

    1. Russian citizenship.
    2. The appearance of a second or third child in the family after 01.01.2007.
    3. The family had not previously received a certificate.

    At any convenient time, you need to make a visit to the Pension Fund office or the MFC.

    Consideration of the submitted applications takes place automatically. The main thing is that all the necessary documents are collected and attached. Nobody has the right to deny a family a certificate.

    Required documents


    Federal budgetary funds are carefully calculated. The level and quality of their use is constantly being analyzed in order to improve the mechanisms for the implementation of measures. Thus, the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) reports that since 2007, more than 90% of recipients have used maternity capital to improve housing conditions. This circumstance made us look more closely at the mechanisms for transferring and controlling this type of state aid. We will analyze how to spend money on housing in 2020 and not be subject to sanctions by inspection organizations.

    How it is allowed to dispose of public money according to the certificate

    Methods for the implementation by citizens of state aid to families with children are set out in article 10 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 26-FZ with amendments and additions adopted in the subsequent period. To improve living conditions, it is proposed to make such deposits of certificate money:

    1. Acquire living quarters for matkapital or with its involvement.
    2. Use a certificate to offset mortgage payments:
      • main;
      • percent.
    3. Invest the amount of state aid in participation in the shared construction of a house.
    4. Spend funds on the construction or renovation of habitable premises:
      • independently;
      • through specialized enterprises or organizations.
    Attention! According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, an isolated room belongs to living quarters. Hence, it is possible to attach a certificate to its purchase. Download for viewing and printing:

    Important conditions for the use of materkapital funds

    The above law defines what is “improvement of living conditions”. These include operations that improve the well-being of a family with children. That is, the measures should lead to:

    • an increase in living space owned by the family;
    • improving the quality of housing;
    • obtaining by the family full ownership of the existing apartment (house).

    There are other conditions under which it is allowed to use budget money. The main ones look like this:

    1. The premises must be located within the borders of the Russian Federation.
    2. It must be registered in the shared ownership of all family members, including minors.
    Important! The family members also include children who appeared in the family in the period from the allocation of money to registration of property. That is, babies not yet born at the time of disposing of maternal capital.

    Terms of applying for money from the budget

    Initially, the legislation included a condition according to which the certificate could be used after the third year of the child for whom it was issued. However, later the regulations were amended. They suggest allowing the use of state aid money to families with children to improve the living conditions of a child under 3 years old in such cases:

    1. Mortgage registration.
    2. Repayment of a home loan obtained before the baby was born.
    Attention! The legislation does not imply the investment of budgetary funds in the acquisition of a land plot for individual residential construction (IZHS). You will have to buy it with your own savings.

    Acquisition of housing using a certificate

    Simple buying and selling is done by two parties: the seller and the buyer. When using maternity capital, the number of parties expands: the state is added in the person of the Pension Fund. It is this government agency that allocates budget funds for this program. Thus, the contracting parties are obliged to take into account the following points:

    1. Applying for funds according to the certificate in the FIU by the buyer.
    2. Waiting for the transfer of money in a non-cash form to the seller's account.
    3. Section of the ownership of the apartment for all family members.

    In practice, the described conditions are implemented as follows:

    1. The first point is prescribed in the contract, indicating the terms.
    2. The second is also included in the agreement as a condition. It indicates that part of the payment will be received on a deferred basis.
    3. The third must be done by the buyer himself. The parent to whom the ownership is formalized undertakes to share it with other relatives, including minors.

    Attention! There are two options for concluding a contract of purchase and sale for housing using matkapital:

    • the certificate completely closes the transaction;
    • the family adds the missing funds from savings.

    In the second case, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. Signing a sales contract with the transfer of own part of the funds.
    2. Registration of the transaction with the Rosreestr authorities, where the mortgage of the apartment is made out against the amount paid by the buyer.
    3. Applying to the FIU with an application for the disposal of the certificate.
    4. Registration of property in Rosreestr after transferring the remaining amount from the state budget.

    Terms and conditions of money transfer by the FIU authorities

    It is necessary to announce to the home seller that maternity capital is involved in the transaction. This condition must be specified in the contract, otherwise the FIU specialists may not transfer the money. Funds under the certificate are allocated in this way:

    1. The owner of the document applies to the local branch of the FIU with an application for the disposal of money.
    2. It is accompanied by documents proving the targeted (legal) use of budget funds.
    3. Pension fund specialists study the papers for a month and give an answer. Since March 29, 2019, the rules for approving applications have become stricter. Now the FIU sends inquiries in order to find out whether the house being purchased is dilapidated, and also whether the MKD, in which the apartment is being bought, belongs to emergency ones.
    4. The money, in case of a positive decision, goes to the seller's account two months after the request.

    Attention: the owner of the certificate has the right to:

    • use not the entire amount, but only part of it
    • revoke the previous application if you change your mind about sending the certificate to a specified purpose.

    Construction or reconstruction of residential premises

    The above law allows you to direct state aid to:

    • erection of a new building (IZHS);
    • reconstruction of non-residential premises with a change in its functions to residential;
    • reimbursement of expenses for the specified activities incurred before 01.01.2007.

    Attention! Matkapital can only be spent on materials. Moreover, the work can be performed:

    • contractor;
    • the owner of the certificate yourself.

    If the construction company was engaged in the construction (reconstruction) of the building, then the budget money is transferred to its account. The application for their disposal should be accompanied by a work contract and cost estimates (only materials will be paid).

    From 29.03.2019, it is necessary to provide a building / reconstruction permit or a notification issued under the new rules of the Town Planning Code to the FIU.

    Coverage of expenses for independent work

    In case of self-construction, money is allocated in installments. Namely:

    1. half of the amount before the start of work on the basis of the provision of such documents:
      • certificate of ownership of a building or land for individual housing construction;
      • permission of the local administration to perform work;
      • information from a banking institution about opening an account;
    2. 50% will be allocated six months later, from the moment the erected or reconstructed building is put into operation (confirmed by the relevant documents).

    Expenses are confirmed by payment documents indicating the purpose of the costs:

    • by checks;
    • agreements;
    • bank statements and others.
    Attention! Each document is carefully examined by the FIU employees for the legality of its payment from the budget.

    Compensation for previously invested funds

    State aid to families with children is allowed to be used to compensate for previously incurred costs to improve living conditions. This takes into account the following nuances:

    • the date of registration of the title to the building reconstructed after 01.01.2007 is not taken into account;
    • compensation for the construction of a building is issued if the title to it is registered before 31.12.2006.
    Important! Reconstruction refers to the rebuilding of non-residential or auxiliary premises, as a result of which, at their expense, the living space owned by the family increases.

    How to invest a certificate in equity construction

    This type of property and financial relationship involves two parties to the contract:

    • construction company;
    • equity holders are citizens who invest in the construction of future real estate.

    The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. The owner of the certificate enters into a contract with a construction company.
    2. The document states that a certificate for state aid will be used.
    3. A citizen applies to the FIU with an application to send money to the cutter as a contribution.
    4. The rest is covered from savings.

    Attention! To invest the capital in equity construction, additional funds will be needed:

    • family accumulation;
    • other real estate that can be sold on the secondary market;
    • mortgage.

    Investing aid in cooperative building

    Chapter 11 of the LCD, as well as Federal Law No. 215-FZ of 12/30/2004, regulate the creation and activities of associations of citizens with the aim of erecting multi-apartment residential buildings and their further maintenance. At the same time, it is allowed to use the mother capital for the contribution.

    To apply to the FIU for funds, one of the family's parents must be a member of the cooperative. The organization will need to provide the charter of this association of citizens.

    Attention! In order for the money to be allocated according to the certificate, you will have to undertake the obligation to divide the ownership of all family members when it is finalized. Download for viewing and printing:

    Where does the uterine capital go before the child is 3 years old

    Since the beginning of 2009, an amendment to Law No. 256-FZ has come into force. She added clause 6.1 to article 7. According to this clause of the legislation, it is allowed to use the certificate immediately after receiving (without waiting for the third birthday of the child) for:

    • repayment of an existing mortgage loan;
    • on the first deposit in a home bank loan.
    Important! State aid is allowed to contribute to the account of the main loan or interest. It is prohibited to compensate penalties with budgetary funds.

    First mortgage payment

    The owner of the certificate can submit it to the bank when applying for a loan. However, he is limited in the choice of a banking institution, since not everyone wants to work with budget money. The positive side of such a transaction is that the state acts as its guarantor.

    At the same time, there are a number of restrictions related to the requirements of banks to a potential borrower. They require that:

    • this person had an unblemished credit history;
    • showed a level of income sufficient to repay the loan.

    Attention! The following banking institutions work with the budget:

    • Sberbank;
    • Delta Bank and some others.

    Mortgage repayment

    If the loan was issued before the right to the certificate, then the family in 2020 has two opportunities to use state aid:

    1. Reduce your monthly installment without changing your repayment schedule. In this case, maternity capital funds are evenly distributed over the entire remaining duration of the mortgage.
    2. Repay a certain number of payments (equal to 456026 rubles in 2019, from 2020 466.617 rubles) and reduce the loan repayment period.

    The design algorithm is reduced to the following stages:

    1. Agree with the banking institution on the use of the certificate. If he agrees to receive a certificate of the balance:
      • principal debt;
      • percent.
    2. Apply to the FIU with an application for the allocation of funds, providing a package of documents.
    3. Wait for the decision of the FIU specialists - at least a month.
    4. After transferring the money, get a new repayment schedule from the bank (if the debt has not been fully repaid).
    Attention! The FIU will allow large families to contribute funds from state aid to repay the mortgage only after the registration of the obligation to allocate a share in the ownership of housing to all family members.

    Features of the use of mother capital for housing

    The practice of implementing the "Maternity Capital" program made it possible to eliminate some of the roughness and shortcomings of the laws. This is useful, on the one hand, however, it imposes a great responsibility on citizens, on the other. So, if housing is registered only for one of the parents (or both, without taking into account the rights of children), then he (they) must provide an additional document to the FIU - an obligation to share ownership.

    This paper should be drawn up in the presence of a notary or with his help. According to the rules, the obligation is considered an official document only after registration with the notary bodies.

    Attention! Notary services are paid. You will have to spend an additional 500 to 2000 rubles (depending on the region).

    In addition, PFR specialists are now examining housing purchase transactions more closely. This is due to the fact that in recent years many facts of fraud have been identified, consisting in cashing out budget funds.

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    Video on how to use matkapital to improve housing conditions.

    April 24, 2017, 17:19 Dec 16, 2019 19:13

    In modern Russia, there are many state forms of support for various categories of citizens.

    The institution of the family is also actively supported by the state.

    For example, with the aim of increasing the level of demography in 2007, it was launched and is effectively functioning to this day, despite the crisis,.

    And although the program has been operating for a relatively long time, a large number of questions about its implementation still arise.

    The main provisions of this state support are set out in Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 "On additional measures of state support for families with children."

    The essence of this program is to provide families who have given birth or adopted a second and subsequent children, financial assistance. The right to receive an MC applies to both women and men who have adopted children, provided that the birth of the second and subsequent child fell on the period starting from 01.07.2007, and they had not previously used the right to additional measures of state support. The program applies only to citizens of Russia.

    In fact, the assistance is very significant, since in small towns its amount is a third, or even half of the cost of a one-room apartment. Although the size of the MK is set by the norm, it was indexed every year until 2017. So, having started in 2007 with 250,000 rubles, now it is RUB 453026.

    There is also a tendency towards an increase in the options for its possible application, although at government meetings the issue of reducing some of the unclaimed options is periodically discussed.

    In the meantime, legislatively enshrined following goalsfor which MK can be used:

    Rules for the use of funds for housing improvement

    The most demanded item of expenses is the improvement of living conditions.

    Many families use MK to reconstruction of existing housing, or the acquisition of better housing than they have, for the construction of a house, for the purchase of the remaining shares in the already occupied residential premises, for repayment of the previously issued apartment for the purchase of an apartment.

    And only one "but" provided by the law is inconvenient - you can use this help only 3 years after the birth of a child, or after his adoption.

    To begin with, to get a state certificateconfirming your rights to these funds, you must apply with the appropriate application to the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence or to the multifunctional center.

    The application must be accompanied by following documents: passport, SNILS, birth certificates of all children, or a court decision on their adoption, a document confirming the child's citizenship (if one of his parents is not a citizen of the Russian Federation).

    For the issuance of a certificate, a period of 30 days is provided after the application is submitted. You can also receive it by mail.

    Buying a house or apartment

    The general algorithm of actions when purchasing housing using MK funds does not differ much from the usual purchase of a residential property.

    However, there are also features that we will focus on.

    First, real estate should be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Secondly, another subject appears in civil law relations - Pension Fund... You will have to contact there more than once. First, in order to obtain a certificate, then after preliminary approval of the selected real estate and verification of documents (for your confidence in the future approval of the disposal of funds), and, finally, confirmation of the emergence of ownership to receive funds or transfer them to the seller.

    Thirdly, another feature of the acquisition of housing at the expense of MK funds is that there are conditions for payment by installments... The Pension Fund, in order to avoid the risks of suspension of registration of the buyer's right, or refusal to register it, transfers funds only after the submission of documents confirming the emergence of the buyer's right. Therefore, the contract must include clauses containing a description of the procedure for settlement with the seller, conditions, terms. And since the payment of the contract price in terms of MK funds occurs after the state registration of the buyers' rights, a mortgage arises by virtue of the law in favor of the seller - an encumbrance that guarantees the fulfillment of your obligation to pay the price of the dwelling to the seller. After settling with the seller, do not rush to part with him and lose his phone number. After the calculation, it will be necessary with him to apply to the registering authority or to the MFC with applications for the repayment of the mortgage. Usually, when accepting documents, specialists notify about this. But there are cases when people catch up late and cannot find a seller to pay off their debt. In this case, only the judicial order remains.

    Fourth, right to a residential property must . The state thus protects the interests of children. Until the children reach the age of majority, it is unlikely that parents will need to purchase other housing for their children, since the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authorities is required to dispose of the property of minors. It's not that easy. If, when buying an apartment for minors, the corresponding share is not drawn up, then you must draw up a warranty statement with a notary.

    Loan repayment at the bank

    It is also possible to use funds for repayment of an existing loan... Moreover, it should be just a mortgage loan. The number of credits and loans for the payment of which MK funds can be directed is not limited by law.

    Main conditions this option:

    To use your funds in this manner, you will need to contact to the Pension Fund branch with the following documents:

    • Extract from the USRN, confirming the registration of your rights to the property;
    • Certificate from a credit institution on the amount of the principal debt, as well as interest on the loan;
    • A loan agreement or other confirmation of a loan, which will specifically indicate the purpose of the loan.

    If your case is positive, the Pension Fund transfers funds to your credit account within 2 months, although it happens that the transfer takes up to 3 months.

    Residential building construction

    To do this, you will need another set of documents:

    Transfer of funds happens in two parts... First, an advance payment - 50% of the MK amount, then the second part after 6 months, upon presentation of documents confirming the main work.

    Not everyone knows that there is an opportunity to receive compensation for an already built house... In this case, documents will be submitted to the Pension Fund confirming the emergence of your rights not only to a land plot, but also to a residential building, and a building permit. These objects must be the property of the owner of the certificate or his spouse.

    Renovation work

    Many families would like to use MK funds for apartment renovation, however, such an item of expenses is not provided for by law. The legislator added in 2010 the right to reconstruction of residential buildings and apartments , so it is possible that a major overhaul item will appear if the program remains in effect.

    The reconstruction changes the technical parameters of the object, its external contours and configuration. In particular, the reconstruction includes the change in the number of floors, height, and area of \u200b\u200bliving quarters. An example of reconstruction in our cases is the construction of a residential extension, the re-equipment of the attic into a residential building, the combination of several objects. Since during the reconstruction of residential buildings, as well as apartments in houses for two owners, or apartments in apartment buildings, major changes take place, a building permit (reconstruction) is required.

    In this case, you will need to submit to the Pension Fund following documents:

    • Documents confirming the rights to a land plot, as in the construction of a house;
    • Appropriate permission to carry out work on the reconstruction of housing;
    • Documents confirming the emergence of your ownership, or your spouse to a residential building or apartment;
    • Notarized obligation to re-register the reconstructed housing in the ownership of all family members;
    • A document confirming that the applicant has a bank account, and containing its details.

    Money transfer procedure on your account in this situation is the same as when sending MK to build a house. First 50%, and the translation of the second part after 6 months, when the main work will be done.

    Please note that repayment of reconstruction loans at the expense of MK is possible, but do not count on early repayment until the child turns 3 years old. This opportunity is provided exclusively for the repayment of mortgage loans for the construction and purchase of housing.

    For the latest changes in the procedure for allocating financial assistance from the state, see the following video:


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