Clash of Lords Russian version.

Clash of Lords Russian version.

What do you know:

About the game

Clash of Lords 2 is a fantastic fight with an opponent. Battle in the name of the kingdom continues. The second version of the game promises gamers more colorful battles with the participation of both people and magic beings.

So if you prefer magic strategies where you can constantly consider changing situations to competently consider politics and battle tactics, then we suggest you download the game Clash of Lords 2 on your computer. Especially in one place here it does not have to sit: because new lands are waiting for new ruler. And they may well be.

Features of the game

In the game, more than 35 species of different races, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. They should be considered when conducting the battle. Moreover, each view can be developed to increase their chances in victory.

So, all the characters in the game are divided into two categories.

The first turns out the heroes. Among them are dark knights, phoenixes, stone stoves, eats, magicians, cosmoboes and others.

If you correctly arrange these characters, you can easily achieve victory. So, for example, success in the battle will be provided to you the power of the stone.

To replenish the forces of your warriors, use snacks. The magician is able to provide you with help in protecting the fortress and fighters. If you need to get rid of buildings, then resort to the help of the cosmoba.

Among mercenaries, the following persons deserve special attention:

  • palace, able to demolish the building of any complexity,
  • dragon, which is not terrible walls and which is capable of applying the maximum damage,
  • bull, easily destroying defensive structures,
  • a magician who can cause damage to the enemy at a distance.

And if you need to go to the extraction of resources, then take a nuhhl with you.

Thus, the list of characters that will participate in the battle in Clash of Lords 2 on the PC, increased.

The higher the level of fighters skills, the greater the opportunities open in front of the players. Each hero and mercenary has its own characteristics. So first choose your battle style and already on the basis of it form your troops.

The game has four modes: a single game, lords league, the battle of arena and resource raids.

It is also possible to create guilds, improving its capabilities when conducting battles.

As soon as you start playing, you will give free gems. They will use you in the future to implement designs for the development of the kingdom, improving its defense capability and improving the power of the army.

System requirements

If you are going to play Clash of Lords 2 on your computer, then you must have Windows OS above the seven, it is in stock installed, and most importantly is enough free time to plunge into this game that captures from the first minutes.

Minimum requirements Recommended requirements
OS Windows XP, 7, 8, Vista | 32- and 64-bitWindows 10 (32- and 64-bit)
Processor, frequency Intel or AMD with virtualization included in BIOS, with a frequency of 1.8 GHzIntel or AMD, with virtualization included in BIOS, with a frequency of 2.2 GHz
RAM from 2 GBfrom 6 GB
Hard disk space from 4 GBfrom 4 GB
HDD. HDD.SSD (or hybrid)
Video card with DIRECTX 9.0C support, current driverswith DIRECTX 12 support, current drivers
Administrator rights + +
Net broadband internet access

How to run Clash of Lords 2 on a computer

The game is so interesting that it could not stay for a long time within mobile devices. There was a need to download Clashes of Lords 2 and on PC. And for this you need to have such an assistant as.

After downloading the application, you will be offered or enter the existing Google account data, or register a new one. A similar procedure will take just a few minutes. After that, in the app store you can find the game and install it.

One account on all devices synchronizes the operation of all devices, which will allow you to save gaming progress and also conveniently test other games and apps Android systems and then transfer to the mobile device.

Currently, many emulators programs are represented by the developers:

  • Memu;
  • BlueStacks;
  • Droid4x;

Here is an example of BlueStacks.

It can be assumed that if you entered this page, then you need information about how you can play the battle of Legends 2 from your personal computer. To do this, you will need a Bluestacks program., It spreads free and easy to find it, but just in case a link to last version We will give.

Once download, start the installation file on your personal computer or laptop. In the installation there is nothing complicated and even a child will cope with it, but just in case we posted screenshots that show the whole process. Be sure to check the checkbox access to the store and notifications about.

The program is installed very quickly, the whole process takes no more than 15 minutes. The program itself will appear where the game data load will be written below. It will not go for it too a large number of time, so you have to gain patience. As soon as the game data is downloaded, another inscription will appear - initialization. All you have to do is just wait, after all the manipulations that the program will do, in the end, it will open the main menu that will be like the Android menu.

As soon as you get to the main menu, you will need to configure the keyboard. From the right above, click on the All Applications button and find the Bluestacks settings there. There you will select the keyboard setup item, and then you need to click on At Translated SET 2 Keyboard. A small window will appear, where to pull the keyboard layouts. You will have a list with languages, here you need to choose and put a tick opposite the English (USA, International). After that, press back until you get to the main menu. Pay attention to the pop-up window, because it will be written that it will be written that to switch languages \u200b\u200bwill need to click on Ctrl + space.

Next will need to synchronize the device from Google, for this press all applications and click Sync. There you need to enter your email address and password, after that the download will occur and you will again drop to the main menu.

Left from above click on the search and enter the name of any game and claste on the ENTER. The disposable setup window will instantly appear. There you need to press continue, and we will fall into adding Google Account. Here you need to press the existing and re-enter the email address and password. Further agree with the license agreement. After that, another window will appear, where you need to click "go."

After all these simple manipulations, a window will appear in which you will need to enter the name of the Battle of Legends 2 and start downloading it. Before downloading and installing, you will need to adopt an application agreement, as well as confirm that the game is downloaded through Wi-Fi. More from you is not required.

That's all that you need to do, you can easily enjoy the game Clash of Lords 2. Only one, dear visitors to our Internet resource, we do not solve the problems associated with this program. If at some point you will have any error or problem, then refer to the Bluestacks program developer or look for a global network, how to troubleshoot. Here we showed how we did, we did everything.

Tighten the city, hire the heroes and train the army, build a cannon and ask the heat to all your opponents!


The game begins with history, very sad story. Fairy scouts report on the attack on the city of the user in its absence. The invader is unknown, many buildings - the destruction, the townspeople are scared and their confidence in the ruler is undermined. However, Faii reports and joyful news.

To return reputation and restore your honor, it is necessary to build a barrack and a special gun. In the battles you will collect experience, resources, game currency, launching them into business - to build new facilities, on hiring even more army, for pumping characters.

Game process

Users to fight. Many, very much to fight. Hire heroes, choosing close to you by the class of characters, learn their unique skills and use them in battle against your opponents!


  • 4 unique modes: Resource raids, Lord League, Arena and Single Campaigns;
  • the opportunity to hire free heroes every day and receive free gems (relevant only when entering the game);
  • feel a part of the community - enter the guild;
  • the ability to control the process of battle by activating the skills of the heroes in real time;
  • unique skills for each hero!

Note that with English to the Russian versions and back to transfer accounts is impossible. This is due to the fact that games are located on different servers.

Clash of Lords 2: Battle Legends is a game of a strategy genre that gives the player a chance to manage a small army of fantasy characters online. The game became extremely popular thanks to the huge choice of game heroes, a variety of battles and colorful high-quality graphics. In addition, in this strategy, you can find a number of "chips", which are innovative for their genre.

Features of the game

  • Cloud storage of data, thanks to which you can simultaneously play with multiple mobile devices.
  • A large selection of characters (about 40), each of which has only peculiar abilities and skills. All of them can be divided into four categories: ordinary, good, rare, epic.
  • Several heroes can be combined into teams, thus summing up their strength.
  • In order to play with friends over the network.
  • Four fundamentally different game modes.
  • System of promotions for players who visit the game every day.
  • Chat button for help from developers online.

Clash of Lords 2: The Battle of Legends is a classic free-to-play game with all the flaws characteristic of it. It can be found in it a large number of Donata, which is expressed in the acquisition of diamonds for real money. These diamonds are used in the future to speed up buildings and anything else. With each level, the game is forced to acquire diamonds increasingly and more and more, since the building in the usual mode may take day, or even more. However, do not forget about the advantages of Clash of Lords 2: the battle of legends, since this is one of the games that allow free to compete with friends and thus pass the time.

Successful passage gameplay You will provide CLASH OF LORDS 2 secrets: Battle of legends. Our knowledge base will open some of them using them, you will confidently move to the target target.

How to Build Base

For the construction of various buildings and their improvements on your database, gold costs are needed. For mining gold need mines. A considerable amount of gold can also be obtained as a remuneration, taking part in campaigns or raids on the territory of other participants in the gameplay.

How to fight in Clash of Lords 2

The game provides several confrontation regimens, whose participation in which will bring you a pleasant and useful reward. Victory in battles brings treasure chests where the most different gifts can be.

Participation in the "League of Lords" will bring a certain number of trophies, but, of course, the results of your battles will be positive.

Take part in raids on other players. Thus, you have the opportunity to get the necessary resources that can be collected in the player's territory on which you attacked. Destructuring during the attack, enable the player who was committed by the raid, activate the "shield", protecting its territory from possible raids within some time. Only at that time, the shield protection is valid, the player cannot be activated.

Also in the game there are single and command campaigns. During the first passage of the dungeon, you will be rewarded with a large number of different resources. In one day, the dungeons can be held up to five times.

What are the heroes in the game

Clash of Lords 2 provides for almost three dozen different heroes. They can be distributed on: ordinary, good, rare and epic.

Heroes can be hired to serve in their army, and train them using experience cards. Each hero you attach will add a random number of "rings", which are used to improve the hero skills. Also "Rings" can be changed on another hero, which will be higher rank.

All heroes are endowed with different abilities with different effects. You can control the hero's skill during a combat confrontation. And the higher the hero's skill, the more stronger.

Each hero commanded his own army from mercenaries, which completely depends on the level of the hero itself. To increase the level of the army, you must use "spirits".

How to plant or change the heroes during the battle

Go to the hero database and select the one you want to send to battle. The heroes you have chosen for battle, at the top of the right corner appears a small digger icon.

To switch the heroes, you need to do the same actions.

How to get heroes

  • To obtain his hero, there are several ways in the game.
  • It can be obtained during the passage of a single company.
  • The passage of the Lord League will also bring you a hero.
  • Win during raids in other players.
  • Every day there are twelve free attempts to hire heroes.
  • Hiring heroes can also be used by gems.

Prompt: If you hire a one-time heroes, then there is an opportunity to get an epic hero.

How the heroes skills differ

In the game for heroes there are two types of skills.

  • Active skills - You can activate yourself manually. These skills are improved with the help of "rings".
  • Passive skills - They lead to improved characteristics of heroes and with their mercenaries. Updating these skills makes it possible to get an improved skill.


Each hero has its own army from mercenaries. The number of mercenaries depends on the level of the hero. At the same time, the level of mercenaries can be improved with the help of "perfumes". In total, the game provides seven types of mercenaries. Everyone has their own priorities, how to attack goals.

What do you need "rings"

"Rings" are issued in the form of remuneration during the hiring of heroes.

They can be used:

  • to improve the active hero's skill;
  • to exchange on the epic hero.

What is "Wheel of Good luck"

"Wheel of good luck" in the game was created specifically in order to hire heroes. Using good luck from hired heroes, you can scroll through the wheel and try to win the "rings".

Each time filling the luck band, you have a chance to twist the wheel. Do not miss the opportunity and try to win "Rings".

How is the invitation code

After downloading the game Clash of Lords 2, each of your friends can enter the received code in the game. After a friend enters the code in the game, you can again go to the game to pick up your remuneration by visiting the event page.


Is it possible to create a new hero to start a new passage

Yes, in Clash of Lords 2 it is quite possible. You need to make several consecutive actions to start the game again.

How to join the guild

To get the opportunity to join the existing guild or create your own, you should have the building "Hall of Fame".

Why buildings are not updated

Update buildings does not work only if you do not have enough gold, and also does not allow this to make the level of the Town Hall located on your territory.

How to build additional buildings

You need to go to the "store" and make the choice of buildings you want to build. The number of buildings available to construction affects the level of your Town Hall.

Why the enemy can place his hero inside your walls

If you have an open space between the walls, your rivals can take advantage of their heroes there. To eliminate this feature, it is necessary to place its buildings so that there is no free space between the walls.

How to protect your settlement from enemy attacks

To do this, you can purchase a special "shield" by visiting the game store. The action of the shields can protect your mercy from enemy raids for some time. But in the game mode "League of Lords" this action does not apply the opportunity.

How to remove the heroes

The game does not provide for the possibility of removing heroes. In this case, they can be used as a gaming experience in the development of other heroes.

For what time you can get a "shield" with an enemy attack

"Shield" operates within twelve hours, when the destruction of your village is destroyed for forty percent. And if your village opponents manage to destroy on ninety percent, you can get a "shield" with sixteen-hour protection.

How to get "mugs"

For the purchase of the first three stars in the dungeons you get one "mug." "Circles" can also be found in the chests after the successful passage of the dungeon. To use the "mugs" in the drinking game, you must press "+", which is located near the counter of the "perfume" and "rings".

How to increase the glory of the hero

To increase the glory of heroes, you need to use the same hero that you no longer use in the gameplay.

How to remove "Help Hero"

It is necessary to click on the Hero Hall and choosing the desired hero to click on the "Hero Help". You will open the icon similar to the glove. This icon means that this hero was chosen to assist other heroes. To remove this action, you must click on the icon.

We hope that the secrets of Clash of Lords 2 presented are the Battle of Legends will help you to move to the intended goal.


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