Kung Fu - martial arts of the world, myths and reality! Library of international sports information Kung Fu What you need to know first of all.

Kung Fu - martial arts of the world, myths and reality! Library of international sports information Kung Fu What you need to know first of all.

On the eve of the years of the twentieth century, the greatest minds of the West turned to the cultural and philosophical heritage of the East. Suddenly under the motley Mishur East Exotics (art, life, costume, rituals, poetry, etc.) Thinkers of Russia, Germany and other European countries showed a different worldview, a different assessment of philosophical categories, other understanding of a person in the universe and the universe in a person. Lion Tolstoy, k.g. Jung, E. Blavat, Roerichi, R. Steiner and many others began to seriously explore the philosophical heritage of India, China, Japan. Then the result of this brainstorming was the emergence of new philosophical, natural scientific and mystical teachings. I passed the rude twentieth century ... Can we say that they approached the understanding of mysterious, as the paradoxes of Chan-Buddhism, and clear, like sunlight, truths of eastern wisdom?

The unconditional achievement of Western thought over the past century was the awareness of other ratios of teachings and practices in an eastern cultural tradition. The philosophical postulates of the East are not checked by practice, and the philosophy is the practice itself. Wisdom is understood not as the ability to analyze objective reality, but as an intuitive-holistic, conscious-bodily comprehension of life at the moment. So, it is impossible to comprehend the cultural and philosophical tradition of China, only reading scientific treatises, without their own practices in the field of wushu, painting, calligraphy or poetry. For such practical comprehension of philosophy, there are not enough books, a living transmission of information and evaluation of the results achieved are needed.

The cultural and philosophical tradition of China is based on three religions: Confucianism, Taoism and Chan-Buddhism. All of them were conceived by their founders not as religion, but as a complex of philosophical ideas about the person and about the world, as well as the audience of behavioral norms. Despite even the later ritual ritual layers from the followers of these teachings (and all three "religions" arose around the V century BC), we cannot attribute them to beliefs in a strict Western sense. Rather, this is a complex of unshakable ideas about the world and man, permeating all the spheres of China's life throughout the many generations.

For a person born outside the Chinese cultural tradition, a special everyday practice is needed to comprehend the basics of China's philosophy and culture, obvious to any resident of this country. The most accessible for all interested persons is the practice of Kung Fu (Wushu) - the real incarnation of Taoism, Chan Buddhism and Confucianism. The biggest problem of the verbal description of Chinese cultural traditions is the absence of relevant concepts in European languages, the impossibility of direct translation. However, this uncertainty of terminology indicates that we are dealing with a holistic in nature, but an unknown modern civilization of practice, where a single spiritual and physical improvement is not exploited to the categories known to us.

Tao and DE, the key concepts of Taoism and the key concepts of martial arts, do not have direct translation into Russian. Conditionally, they determine how "the path" and "virtue (perfection)". Practice Kung Fu - hourly awareness of its path, following this path and cultivation of virtue. This definition discloses the indigenous difference between Kung Fu from a similar Western tradition, where the main content of military art is to strive for victory over the enemy at any cost. For Master Kung Fu (the term close to the concept of Wushu literally means "craftsmanship, spiritual improvement, mobility, higher achievements") a fight is not an end in itself. The true master wins, without acting, but enters into battle only to restore in the world of harmony when the balance is broken. Value has not frozen entities, but transformation of entities, events. Possession of its own internal state, deep awareness of the real continuously changing momentum and the ability to influence this situation - this is the true skill of Kung Fu, this is the true wisdom of the philosopher.

Practice Wushu has different directions. Anyone from six years before deep old age can practice single formal exercises of the "inland" styles of Wushu: Xinyi Quan, Tai Chi Tsyuan, Baguchzhan. With daily activities, dynamic meditation, the student comprehends all his body and the consciousness of deep truths recorded in the Great "Book of Changes" ("and Jing") and other ancient Chinese treatises. Each of the formal movements, in addition to philosophical meaning, has effective combat use. And there are styles offering their students a pair job, a fight, as the main means of self-improvement, comprehending itself and following their path. Such styles include Wine Chun, Shaolin Styles, etc. The big advantage of combat martial arts is the reality and objectivity of the assessment of the achievements of students. In battle with the opponent, the correctness of the student of his Tao and DE is revealed.

The practitioner of martial arts in no way should perceive the real battle, where there is no place for the concepts of humanism and pity, as a model of life. This is a deep misunderstanding of the essence of Wushu (Kung Fu). Fight, as the need to return balance into the world, is a reflection of an extreme life situation. Knowing the coasting in battle is always able to take a calm consciousness and correctly appreciate any life situation and respond to it adequately.

China's traditions are transferred from the teacher to the student. Not understanding the deep Confucian apprenticeship roots, it is impossible to complete the Chinese philosophy. Son duty, as the main content of life and great joy, the sown duty, common to all areas of the country's social life - this is the core concept of the teaching of Confucius. People are not equal in nature, but they have to worry about it without regret. It fits little with usual concepts about human rights, this is just another model of the world.

How are philosophical postulates with the direct practices of martial art?

In the process of studying Kung Fu, four components can be conditionally distinguished. At the first stage, the student is immersed in the construction of his body, mastering the ability to use them. The second component includes the study of complexes of formal exercises. The third part of the learning process is to develop the ability to interact with the partner, feel its movement and intention, as well as to use the movements of the enemy for their own purposes. The fourth component lies in mastering the art of combat.

The first part, the first stage, without which no further promotion in Kung Fu is the construction of the bodies. Why do you need a person who got to the path of Tao and DE? This is how the great Zhuang Tzu says about it: "Do you own my own body, how can you own Tao? (... Your body is one of the forms of the universe. Your life is the connection of the sky and the earth ...) "

The study of complexes of formal exercises is the second part of the process of mastering the art of Kung Fu.

How to approach the comprehension of a formless Dao? Kung Fu offers us your approach, being a form of formless. " For specific and regulated movements there is a single whole, which contains all and which is emptiness. Each style of Wushu is a Dao. Only by comprehending the essence of the external form when performing the formal exercises "vibration" in one rhythm with the Founder Master, you can comprehend the true nature of the form and move to the shapeless and infinite Dao.

Looking your body and mastered formal exercises, you can go to the comprehension of your partner. As Lao Tzu said: "Know yourself, know others." How to comprehend and save the harmony of the world, interacting with other people? As you know, "two opposite beginnings and many elements form harmony." It is the student who mastering the third component of Kung Fu can check whether he should be His Dao, whether to own himself and control the situation in collaboration with the partner. At this stage, the ability to exercise both weakness and strength, to be empty and filled, to concentrate in the impulse of the action and become an embodiment of adequacy and softness. Lao Zi says: "Water is the most soft and weak, which is in the world. But in favor of a solid and strong invincible, and there is no equal to it. Weak won the strong. Soft overflow solid. Everyone knows this, just not solve to live. "

The principles accustomed in paired exercises are implemented at the highest level of study of Kung Fu - in the duel. Pupils comprehend the art of preserving a calm consciousness in extreme conditions, to see the weaknesses of the enemy and direct its strength into the void. The inner state of the fighter becomes extremely important.

"They say who managed to master life,

It goes on the ground, not afraid of a tiger and rhino.

Entering the battle, not afraid of an armed enemy.

Rhino will not find where to lifting horn,

Tiger will not find where to impose a paw.

The enemy will not find where to hit the sword.

For this there is no death. "

("Dae De Jing")

You can win one blow if this blow is perfect if it is an expression of universality, a great limit, if he is full of sincerity. The blow brought to perfection is the expression of Tao.

The true path of martial art lies not in copying the teacher, the true path lies in your soul and it is open only for you. The mentor can only show the beginning of this path, and everyone should go on it himself.

Finally, several aphorisms of Chan Buddhist wisdom:

"We do not exist for some purpose ahead. We exist for the sake of being. "

"Life and death is the same thing. If you realize it deeply, then death is no longer afraid, and life does not seem so difficult. "

"Proper maintenance of postures and proper construction of the movement is the purpose of the practice of Wushu. At the same time, consciousness is already in the right state, it is not necessary to achieve some kind of consciousness. "

No books are a personal concentrated experience.

Last week on pages website An interview with the Kung Fu master was published, a follower of Zijhan-Man style - Vladimir Shustrov. Today, readers are offered an interview with the best student Vladimir Petrovich - our interlocutor became Innokenti Cesarev, known to many martial arts fans with their performances on interstal "open carpets."

Innocent Cesarev and Vladimir Shustrov

Karate. . ru : How did your path in martial arts begins?

Innokenty Cesarev: When I went to the first class, on the first day, on the very first change we clung to a classmate - fell to the floor and began to mess around. He grabbed my neck and began to squeeze, and I did not know how to get out. After this incident, I went to my sambo. And after, in a few years, at the same school, the other guy hit me a fist in the face, broke her lip, and I was extremely surprised by the fact that you can beat, and not just fight.

Then there was the film "Pirates of the XX Century" - there were already kicking down. And after the video galleons appeared, in which Chinese militants showed. And I did not miss any one! It was then that the idea was born to learn how to fight so that it does not matter what style opponents are engaged in what size they are and how many. I believed that it was Kung Fu that could give all these skills. It was the only clear desire formed: I did not want to be neither a cosmonaut nor a doctor, but it was eager to learn to fight!

Karate. . ru : What difficulties did you encounter on the way to the cherished goal?

Innokenty Cesarev: Perhaps this is a beaten expression, but in my case it is 100% true. First of all, I had to defeat myself, because before learn to cope with other people, I had to learn to cope with adrenaline, emotions, dependence on the opinions of others, with fear and uncertainty. But this is not the main thing.

Karate. . ru : What is more important?

Innokenty Cesarev: I am soon 42 years old. I am engaged in Kung Fu 18 years old (most of this time - every day, and the last 10 years - 2-3 times a day). Once a week, after the main workout, we spend 6-9 five-minute fights. And I have enough strength and health to do it all, and looking at those younger than 10-15 years old, I understand that I don't do it all. Save the ability to continue to do what I like, and at the same time continue to progress (it's still faster, stronger, technical, more difficult, more beautiful) - this is what is important!

Karate. . ru : 18 years of classes - did everything all be smooth, without disappointment?

Innokenty Cesarev: Disappointments were a lot. It does not work, the legs are not raised to strike, it turns out in training, does not go out in the duel, it is hard, everything hurts, injuries. It turns out that it is necessary to study with a big zeal exactly when it does not work, when you want to throw everything, go to the mountains to ride a snowboard, then to the sea - to ride on the board and do nothing else.

Karate. . ru : And how did you overcome yourself?

Innokenty Cesarev: I do not even know, just continued to train. I was angry, I thought, "what a horseman I am all the time in the hall, and still doing at home." Many times I caught myself thinking "I will not" today "- and even agreed with me, but still continued to reach, lift the dumbbells, make the shape and drove into the hall to training.

Karate. . ru : They say you are very successfully participating in interstile fights ... What do you think, what is your success?

Innokenty Cesarev: In general, I did not choose my opponent on my open carpet. After several first meetings, the organizers of the events saw my level and began to pick me up my rivals. Very often there were people who were heavier than me 10-20 kg - and it was very strong and experienced rivals. I never refused. And about whether I successfully conducted these fights, you can judge by numerous video recordings.

Karate. . ru : Tell us about your mentors and their role in your development.

Innokenty Cesarev: Mentor I have one - Vladimir Shustrov. He taught me everything that I know, and still continues to teach. This is a person I have seen more often than everyone in my life. Of course, he had a huge impact on who I am now.

Karate. . ru : Your plans and goals in Kung Fu?

Innokenty Cesarev: Plans and goals?! Everything is simple: to continue to engage and train your group. Kung Fu allows you to do it all my life. The main word - "do"!

Karate. . ru : Have you ever used your skills outside training?

Innokenty Cesarev: Accounted for. I fought a lot on the street. My adolescent age fell at the end of the 80s, 90s. At school, on the street, with a "hike" in the neighboring area. He began to study in the 99th. Then still people often fought on the streets. Although I am a very calm person and never initiated fights. In general, the present Kung Fu, not the cinema and not circus, is the most effective and applicable martial art (it is in conditions of street fight, without rules, without weight categories and restrictions).

Karate. . ru : You touched upon an interesting topic - the use of martial art in the conditions of "without rules". The fights according to the MMA rules are now very popular. Applicable and relevant to Kung Fu in mixed martial arts?

Innokenty Cesarev: The rules on which fights are underway on open carpets are very similar to the rules in MMA. Rather, it is not even a rule, but a number of restrictions in order to prevent serious damage and injuries, since most of the participating are not professionals, we do not make money in fighting, but we do it for your own experience and pleasure.

Karate. . ru : You also mentioned "cinema" and "circus" kung fu. How do these phenomena differ from the real kung fu?

Innokenty Cesarev: Myths and reality are extremely far from each other. Learn for 3 years, as in the movie is impossible. Nobody can fly. There are no secret deadly dots (but there are places, with an accurate strong hit in which death may occur, regardless of which technique there is a beating). Kung Fu is a lot of heavy physical workouts, stretching, workout, blocks, blocks, dyeing equipment, packing the whole body and, necessarily, sparring. And how else to understand, can you really fight? Interstime fights are needed for this purpose - to understand whether the Kung Fu technique is suitable for the fight with people engaged in different styles.

Karate. . ru : What evaluation can you give kung fu in Russia?

Innokenty Cesarev: On the state of Kung Fu in Russia, I can only say that from a variety of clubs, who in the title there are "Kung Fu" (except for Vin-Chun), no one came to open carpets, in which MMA fighters participated Thai boxing, sambo, karate, judo ... do conclusions yourself.

We thank Innokentia for a conversation and wish him to always be faithful to the Way!

It is believed to seize calligraphy pretty
it is difficult, however, this means just that art
chinese letters should grow in man for many
years. We say it is quite difficult about tasks that
require applications forces and when performing which we
fuck, grind and yuham. Meanwhile, the whole difficulty is Chinese
letters are to provide the opportunity to brush
write yourself.
The theme of eastern martial arts is not so far from astrology as
it may seem at first glance. Here science is as closely
intertwined with art, knowledge - with experience and intuition. That
the same confusing the abundance of schools and directions. Mastery
neighboring charlatancy. Like astrology, martial art
for a long time we had in the country under the ban, so it
enthusiasts were put in conditions of the same
information vacuum. And finally, the most important thing: Kung Fu, like
astrology is primarily the path of self-knowledge that has no
My interlocutor requested not to call in his article. It
born in the small town of near abroad, began to engage
back in pre-stop years, now teaches (outside the framework
official sections and clubs).
- before starting the conversation, I would like to deal with
terms. Kung Fu, U-Shu, martial arts, hand-to-hand fight, karate -
is this synonymous for you?
- All these terms can be divided into two categories: Kung Fu and
u-shu. U-shu literally translates as martial arts. This includes
martial arts, hand-to-hand fight, karate, work with weapons. Kung fu is
rather, the level of claims. Outwardly, it may not differ from any
from martial styles. Or maybe there is no way to be connected with them,
man appearing, say, in cooking, embroidery, carpentry or something
friend. Feng Jicky in his work Magic Knut told about
malar. He went into the room, being dressed in a black fracture, took two brushes and
i started raging them to rotate. Result: Ideal white room and perfect
black fracture. The perfect fighter would have come from the Jacotal man. Because
doing his seemingly simple business, he developed in himself
the highest level of concentration. Kung fu and there is the very highest
concentration level. Kung fu - and there is the very level of concentration,
hands deep into yourself. Thus, as the term, this word means
internal orientation.
My teacher brought such an example. The wood cutter cuts the spoon.
The next day - fork. Another day - a cup. A year later he cuts out
Buddha. Such is the method of U-Shu: Improvement of technology. In kung fu other
approach: Today - a spoon, tomorrow - a spoon, a year - a spoon. But let someone
i will try to say that after that you can not cut the Buddha! Cutter,
going on the second path, gradually all thinner feels the nuances: pressure
cutter, wood resistance, when breathing is delayed ... essentially
cases, he studies himself, is improving himself. There is such a concept of Tao Fat
(This is the Vietnamese term) - the path of the Buddha (unlike Buddhism - religion).
The criteria of the Tao Fat in combat art - minimum of external equipment.
Remember, in the film Seven Samurai was a fighter with a scar on the face? Showing:
I'll go well, he began to fade in slippery clay, then one
the movement stood in a combat rack and pulled out a sword. And so repeated once for
at once. In one single movement inserting a thousand qualities.
Often, U-shu is called a self-improvement system. BUT B.
most external systems skill equal to the perfect
ownership of technique. This is not enough. In the end, the coward that goes
do karate and after some time gets a black belt, becomes ...
a coward with a black belt. He will no longer be afraid of only those who do not
black belt.
On the other hand, a person dealing with an external style with great
the number of kata can be predisposed to some experiments,
studying yourself without any connection with information load of this style. IN
this case, despite all his numerous knowledge, he
focuses on the study of subtle, summaries, taking in
as a base as a single blow - like a samurai in the film. Moreover,
in almost all styles there are internal aspects consisting in
first of all from working with breathing. Since breathing is a binder
the link between the inner and external.
But there are canonical inner styles. For example, Chinese
Thai Tzu-Quan, Bagua, Sin-and. These styles, focusing on the inner
development, knowingly have little external movements. The most capacious form in
Tha Tzu has one hundred eight movements.
- ... is it called a bit?
- I can say that the first five training kata in karate has already
more movements. If you take traditional Chinese systems, then
there are dozens and hundreds of thousands.
- It is true that Kung Fu can be engaged in deep
old age?
- Another distinctive feature of Kung Fu: a person does not work on
the development of the fact that early or later take age. And twine, high
boots kicks - all these are signs of an external approach. Wu-shu little
differs from sports. Except, culture.
- But the bottom of the age limit is probably there exist?
- I think, yes. I would call the age of 13-14 years. The child grows and by virtue
its nature focuses on the external, knows external. Just for
to survive. Child can help prepare the body to classes. For example,
through swimming classes, gymnastics, the same U-Shu.
Kung Fu classes include a small, invisible
internal work to eradicate a number of habits, stereotypes. In fact
cases, it is impossible to raise the question: do you do kung fu? Kung Fu
not limited to the framework of the training hall. It is also how a person
behaves in everyday life. It is either either there is no it, they can not be engaged. Not
nobody says: I'm practicing food. Over time, of course, the meaning of the term
i was distorted and I was identified in the mass consciousness with U-Shu. Mainly,
thanks to a purely western view of this phenomenon, various
- So, Kung Fu is work on yourself, which can be
not completely connected with throws, grips, blows. But anyway,
You with your partners and students do not do
culinary ...
- This can be called like this: Kung Fu martial arts. Study yourself
martial arts method. The very fact of the fight, the situation in which you can
it hurts, makes it very careful. Duel
holds internal qualities. Very easy to be calm when nobody
not annoying, kind - when not attacking. Kung Fu teaches peace
performance in any situation. Some people believe that any
community classes lead to spirit. Unfortunately, too much of
what I saw in practice was only in rudeness and anger. Whereas
present Kung Fu is a key that helps penetrate deep into the sources,
giving an understanding of beauty at the new level - simple, everyday beauty.
- It is not entirely clear, where is the understanding of beauty. Like this
was it?
- Classes develop the culture of movement (not to be confused with physical
throughout). Body Movement Culture is closely connected with thinner
structures of the human being. Studying them engaged in opens
the whole world and ceases to feel like a physical body. Such
he starts to see and feel a thin organization in all manifestations
Again, everything solves the level of claims. Once upon a time at the executioner holding
in hand chamomile, asked: what are you guessing? - I'm not guessing, I am petals
close, "he replied.
- in movements that look like dance when executed
individually, a murderous force is actually hidden. Smoothly
the exposed palm can in practice mean a blow to the area
the liver of the enemy. What happens to the beauty of which we only
what they said, happen to a person to apply combat techniques in
street situation? Or is it no longer kung fu, and a hand-to-hand fight?
- if a person has kung fu, he can't forget his houses or
get out of your pocket. Suppose he fell into a situation where he is about to whose
will will be destruction. The task of man is to get away from destruction. Path
cares are different. He can, for example, escape - if, of course, not
casual defined conventions. Can defend. Attack.
Finally, substitute the other cheek (if the strength is enough). But in anyone
the case will not make more than you need in order to get away from destruction. That
there is, behaves according to the situation. I, for example, do not consider
necessary to jump with two legs on the head of the defeated opponent,
which without that no longer want to get up.
- in the internal orientation schools, where not the task
a victory over the enemy is taking a lot of such that
at first glance, it looks not too practical in terms of
streets. And at first there may be no even elements
fight. On the other hand, there are styles standing closer to sports.
There Sparring is practiced from the very beginning. Doesn't it talk about
less adaptability of internal directions to coarse
reality? Maybe in a number of situations it is appropriate
aggression, rather rudeness - in the end, is nature?
- Again, everything solves the level of claims. If the motive occupation
it is a desire to quickly learn self-defense, it makes sense to do
boxing. Or start a gun. And the development of deep into the debt requires a long
time and not immediately can be implemented in practice. By the way, on
East in the framework of many serious schools whose length is over thirty
years, there are under-styles, intended solely to protect
schools. Receptions are formed in a very short time and are
a set of relatively simple technical and tactical skills. If needed
fight, they fight.
As for Sparring, frankly, it is easier for me to fight than
sparring on the sports arena. In sparring, too many restrictions:
do not beat there, it is impossible ... Figified rules, artificial situation ...
- But there are so-called fighting without rules - contact
fights in which representatives of any
- First, real masters do not participate in such shows. Secondly,
in fact, and there is nothing without rules.
- For example?
- Do not beat the eyes, in the groin, in the throat, do not bite and much more. IN
as a result, everything comes down to the fact that the rude physical strength wins. After all
many elements are excluded that will enable cope with more powerful,
what are you, rival. Our teacher did not allow us to do
fights, despite the fact that when we met, many of us already
there were a solid experience of sparring beyond the solid experience.
- You are already doing more than fifteen years. What were
initial motifs and views? Have they changed since then? AND
who is the teacher about which you have changed more than once?
- I would not want to speak more than fifteen years. Better to say:
much less than twenty years - it best matches my
I can not say that the main motive when I first went
engaged was the acquisition of combat skills (although then I could
seem). Rather, it was a protest against the prohibitions of the authorities and doctors. T.
time I was very inflexible and stubborn. And could not agree with any
restrictions on freedom of choice. In my youth, I suffered a serious illness.
Doctors proper that non-compliance with the bed regime, and later -
rest - threatens the most serious consequences, right up to death
outcome. And I took and began to do karate. In the unofficial section.
There was enough trouble with the authorities, had to hide, run away. Our
classes were little similar to the contactless karate, which during
some time was allowed in the USSR. ... Parents were shocked. And I
i felt much better. Then one of the doctors said: By this you
savior saved. And I recommend to you in the future to engage in any
eastern martial arts - whether karate or something else ... it's me
i tell you as a person. As a doctor - I have no right ...
- Probably, your lessons were far from the idea of \u200b\u200bKung
fu - In the sense in which you just identified it?
- Certainly far away. First, I entered the taste of classes, but with time
began to experience dissatisfaction with the style that I do. Probably,
the case was again in my stubbornness. I did not believe that stupid stretch and
extension of physical strength, even in special exercises
karate, give answers to all questions. My instructor thought just. It
was in the past athlete and had a professional injury (knee). IN
communication with this, he was obsessed with soft styles. With absence
all information connected with soft, inner styles was washed
a halo of secrets and rumors. Then he began to develop some independently
soft principles are high-quality and tactical. My older friends and I myself with
entorated steel soil for its experiments. Terms of information
vacuum turned out to be very timely and fruitful for us. it
there was a time of constant and long sparring. We met with many
masters. And without finding them answers, recycled received from them
information in its own way. During the search we accumulated a considerable technical
luggage and understood the limitations of any technique. You can spend parallel with
music. We wanted to comprehend and feel musical laws,
improvise and, of course, writing music yourself. Obviously, in order
to learn this, you need a tool to extract sound. Here we are I.
i learned to play on the guitar, then on the flute, then on the piano. Every new one
specialist before talking to us about music, demanded that we
thoroughly studied his tool. But then the case, as a rule, did not go.
We were offended, believing that we were not issued some secrets. Now I.
i understand that many of these people themselves could not separate the science of music from
techniques of the game on your instrument.
And so, in the middle of the eighties, we accidentally met with one
vietnamese. Having learned that we are engaged in Kung Fu (at that time we tried
master Taijan-Quan), he expressed the desire to engage with us. That I.
delivered under the guidance of our leader for at least three months.
At first glance, it was a person, very far from martial arts, to that
same with a very not prepared body. He could not get his fingers to the floor when
straight legs.
Once we sat in the kitchen. Our instructor described in detail
thin aspects of work in Taijan-Quan. Tinging the bored look from the window,
vietnamese asked: Can you show how you beat in Taijan-Quan? -
I can, - answered our leader. And demonstrated a blow. What is our new
a friend asked to strike in full force. He hit ... and fell. Nobody understood
why. We sat by opening our mouths. And here our new friend began to teach
something, little resembling our ideas about Kung Fu.
The essence of the method we could not understand for a long time. We had to do clock
exercises that do not give any result at first glance. But still,
feeling that our previous searches went to a dead end and being ready to leave
scope of Applied U-Shu, we continued to move in this, fundamentally
new for us, direction. Big difficulties created the language barrier.
Our master barely spoke in Russian. However, it was this that helped us better
understand Kung Fu - through hands.
- And yet, what was it and where did it come from? May be,
a variety of Vietnamese style of Wine Chun already known in Moscow?
- It was a purely family direction, whose name is little about
will say ... no, it is impossible to call Vietnamese wines. It is extremely few
technique. Nevertheless, asking the teacher, questions related to our
former practitioners, we got very simple and at the same time
exhaustive answers. Most often again through hands. Surprised it
awareness, we asked if there was a similar thing in his school. He answered
negative. And all the time focused on the concept of the root. Roots
the tree is not striking. But contain information about each
tremble sheet. A crown of wood, leaves can be compared with huge
the number of external styles. And the roots are the very essence that we
before you could not get to do.
And after a while - rather short - we felt
the result of our lessons ...
- ... You felt the notorious qi - inner
- No, it's not about her, but about the understanding of where the power of how her
transmit and how to take. To come to qi, you need to master so first
called soft force. Since childhood, we produce skill strain at
effort. Often it is unreasonable, irrational. We strain legs,
rising tea cup. Or the muscles of the shoulder when we clean your teeth. Among other things,
this is associated with an uncomfortable pose. In any work, a person usually uses
much more forces than need. Often the physically strong person can not
transfer power. Trying, for example, hit or throw some item.
Therefore, it is not only in the muscles. In order to develop a soft
the power must be abandoned with muscle strength. Muscle should not interfere.
For this, special exercises are made in which a person learns
relax at effort. It is placed in the conditions under which he
nothing remains how to transmit power exclusively through the reference
muscular system, system of joints and tendons. Power of lifting crane
it is counterweight in the system of blocks. A person has the role of this
counterweight plays the right position and support in the legs. And the function of blocks
performed shoulders and hips ... just makes it possible that soft power is
something fluffy, amorphous. In fact, it may look one of
aspects of soft power - ease. It is sometimes called hidden by force.
But do not confuse softness with relaxation.
Only after the development of soft power can be told about qi. Voltage,
mixing softness interferes with qi. At the same time, we do not refuse
physical strength. Just do not let her steal the functions of the support
motor apparatus and tendons, which is happening at unnecessary
voltage. Man, developing a soft force, can use the total
body energy. Only then can work with qi.
- You talked about the root habit of spending on any
it's more strength than necessary. Do you dry somehow with this
- Certainly. In general, the force is studied in three aspects: quality,
quantity and direction.
- is the fact that I taught your teacher with any of
previously mentioned in our conversation of canonical internal
- if you compare the source of power with the river, we can say that the river can
show power in three ways. First: wave on such a force manifestation
focus Taijan is focused. Second: Roots of any scale -
Bagua. Third: stream - be it even or lowered by a waterfall.
Stream, if not demoling obstacles, always finds a loophole. Such an approach
corresponds to the style of the Sin-and. Continuing this metaphor, we can say that we
we study the water itself: its density, composition and opportunity. This allows you to understand
all three types of force issuing. To explore this, we take any technique with
accounting for the rationality of the cost of time on its development. For example, Wine Chun -
for the study of the third aspect of the issuance of strength. Science of strength is spices,
which can be soldered any dish. Not everyone will appreciate the taste of themselves
spices. Even in the above-mentioned canonical schools, the power itself begin
study after long-term external forms. That is, seasoned
dish at the very end.
- Mm, you and your friends were lucky in your time. Right now in
every city has a lot of sections and, it seems, in most of them
- not at all ...
- Here we are talking rather not about luck, but about readiness. Not everyone is ready
do exercises that do not give direct results. People
they are guided by the criteria for external dynamics, and we have at least. AND
in general, if a person is ready, then even by doing simple boxing, he will find
development indications.
By the way, Kung Fu, tied to martial arts - not a panacea. Highly
veliko temptation to win on a combat aspect, which does not allow you to develop
kung Fu fully. Not accidentally traditional martial arts
inseciously linked to spiritual movements: Buddhism, Taoism and others.
The revival of Slavic martial arts, as you know, is closely related to
with the revival of paganism - otherwise it would be just sports. I would say
what martial art is the initial stage of the spiritual path. Unfortunately, in
most cases this originality is manifested as
commitment to exotic cults.
- You want to say that a person who wants to do Kung
fu, must certainly join any religious
movement? How in that case be Christians?
- It's not about religion, but in essence. Can a person distinguish between grain,
does he have enough strength to work with this? The world knew quite a few teachers who
destroyed the dogmas and pointed out the essence. Often they were persecuted or in the best
the case is not understood. In Christianity there are aspects of internal work, similar
or replacing martial art. By the way, in one
i saw a documentary film about the life of a Christian monastery
as the monks make a pair exercise similar to our.
- What helped you? Whether you are a follower of
or religions and exercises?
- I found many answers to your questions in the books of practical
- And who is the author?
- The author does not call his name. And it has serious foundations.
Society living in illusions does not tolerate the speaking truth.
- Have you personally met?
- No, I believe that the student is more dependent on the readiness of the student than from
the level of the teacher. You know, everyone is not averse to have such a teacher as Jesus
Christ, but few people think about whether he will withstand the cargo of the apostle. IN
currently, contact with such a person is possible in shape.
cooperation. But for this you need to be ready to withstand
the mode of operation proposed you. Otherwise, you will just become a burden.

Many secrets and mysteries in all martial arts of the world. In Chinese kung fu them hundreds of times more. This is one of the most ancient directions of eastern martial arts, which was undoubtedly born at the dawn of civilizations ...

Kung Fu is a Chinese word that is used to designate a whole family of military arts. This word originates from the original value of "Gong Fu" - the achievement of human perfection in any case by hard work and great effortsThis can be both calligraphy and cooking.

In the sense of "combat Chinese arts", the term Kung Fu was not used before the early 1970s, while the West did not know about Bruce Lee - the greatest master of martial arts.

The publicly available definition of Kungfu, like martial art, and wushu only as a complex of acrobatic exercises is not quite accurate and objective. Kung Fu and Wush in past times amounted to a single integer. Kung Fu and Wushi consider the branch of qigong.

Kung Fu is a classic Chinese martial artwhich can be studied and practiced by people of all races, cultures and religions. These are martial arts techniques, diets and proper nutrition systems, various directions of yoga, psychotechnics and Chinese medicine.

Chinese kung fu - philosophy

Ten Commandments Kung Fu.

  • Don't drink wine
  • No meat
  • Purchase sexual trips
  • Do not be distracted by third parties
  • Read the mentor and senior
  • Do not admit deceive in relationships
  • Do not brag
  • Do not demonstrate, do not apply your art (only for self-defense)
  • Shy away
  • Not to educate people unworthy

On the basis of the 10 commandments of Jiao Yuan, the concept of "five quality of the warrior" was developed.

Quality of the Warrior

  • Tenderness - the ability to feel the enemy, anticipate his behavior to develop the optimal scheme of its actions.
  • Direct A - serial and steady execution of the selected scheme of the actions required for victory, without regard to possible own defeat.
  • Funomy is the preservation of mental equilibrium, the acquisition of the ability to respond not to a separate enemy action, but to see it entirely, assessing his combat capabilities as a whole.
  • Gracefulness - the ability to move and act in a combat atmosphere with the lowest strength.
  • Combinatorial thinking - The ability to choose optimal movements complexes is easy to rebuild with one system to another, which is especially important when conducting a fight with several opponents.

Styles kung fu

There is more than 400 styles of Kung Fu with weapons and without weapons.. Most of them were inherited, and some and now have derived from the names of the "inventors" names.

All Kung Fu styles can be qualified into two directions. - Southern style and northern style. South Style - Hop Gare and Hong Gare, similar to what Jackie Chan makes in his films. Hong Gar is otherwise called "five animals", because the movements in Hong Gar are similar to the movements of the tiger, snakes, leopard, stork and dragon.

In this direction, the most popular cartoon kung Fu Panda was removed.People who are interested in Kung Fu are more likely to turn to the southern style, since the movements in it are faster and strong than in the northern style.

Consider the main styles of Kung Fu. Video kung fu is much better to open an understanding about what is being spentthan the most detailed description. We recommend watching video excerpts and leave your comment.

Kung Fu Style White Crane

About 370 years ago, Woman, Master of Martial Arts Ti Nian Fang, I understood the essence of the movements of the crane and applied these principles to your art of Shaolinsky Kung Fu, having created a new style kung fu. White crane style. Later, she moved with her husband to the place called Junchun, where they began to teach the white crane style.

What you need to know the synoisuan engaged in the styles - Kung Fu (Wushu)

Time. It is best to engage in Sinyzuan at dawn and limited to one hour (should not be engaged too long). If there is little time, you can restrict ourselves to 30-40 minutes and do not take a break. If there is no time to occupy in the morning, you can do this day or evening. It is only necessary to remember that you can do only one or two hours after meals.
A place. It is permissible to engage in the room if there is enough space.
Breaks in classes. The time of classes and recreation time is usually divided into five-minute gaps. In general, the duration of periods of occupation and recreation depends on the state of the student.
Bans. When you are engaged in the room, you can open the windows to let the fresh air inside, make sure that the wind does not break into the room. During classes, the body is heated so much that sweat appears on it, all of its pores open, and if in such a state stand in the wind, you can still catch a cold. You can go out of the room only after you cool.
During a five-minute rest at the lesson, it is impossible to sit down. It is necessary to resemble a little around the room, and then the spirit calms down himself, and the forces will restore. In class it is impossible to talk loudly and laugh, there are even drinking tea.
What you need to know the study art
Getting Started, it is necessary to remove the contaminated energy and imagine clean energy, to warm up, develop muscles and tendons, to achieve unimpeded blood circulation in the body.
Bringing to classes should be done by natural need. You can not do, tightly singing or drinking wine. It is necessary to die their desires. If you do not comply with these requirements, spirit and physical strength will weaken.
Having made the preparatory exercises for several minutes, you need to take a long time without rest, then take a break, completely calm down and then eat and drink. You need to do every day, and if you rarely and remember, you can't cause yourself the harm.
During the lesson, the mouth must be kept closed and breathe through the nose. It is impossible to delay the breath, for it can damage the health.
Hands and legs when hit, should be similar to the arrow released from the bow; In the curvature look for a directness. The center of gravity must descend as low as possible. It is necessary to clearly observe the difference between shocks on the top, middle and lower levels, straight and lateral strikes.
It is necessary that the hands are in harmony with their eyes, the eyes were in harmony with the heart, the shoulders were in agreement with the lower back, the position of the body - in step, and the step is with their hands. Hands, legs, torso and loin should move in agreement, following the field of heart.
Hands of the Neva, the view is fast, consciousness quickly, the steps are also fast, but confident. The opponent does not move - I also do not move. When the opponent starts moving, I move before him. Sometimes before he makes movement, we shout loudly to embarrass him and not allow him to attack. This also means ahead of the opponent.
Hands should be either empty or filled, moreover, an empty hand can become filled, and the filled - empty. If I can hit the opponent with a blank hand, this hand can instantly become filled, and if the opponent escaped the blow or took his hand to the side, then the filled hand should become empty. Therefore, in confrontation should not be applied to the very power, but you need to act, confidential with the actions of the opponent. Strength should be alive, not dead, and she should not go into emptiness. Then the power in us will constantly increase and change in our will. If you just beat with all our strength, then the hands and legs will be apparent, and the opponent will subordinate you to his will.
You should know: if the opponent is stronger than you, then it is better to attack on the side, and if you are stronger than the opponent, you can attack the center.
It should be known: if the opponent creates emptiness and puts into it, then it is necessary to quickly fill it and strike. And if the opponent himself boldly attacks, it is better to lure him or bypass him from the side so that it falls into the void.
The legs should not be raised high, the kicks need to be applied without effort, the postures should change lightning, everyone see everyone, the ears are all hearing.
Without making a solid capture, do not pull down both hands right away. One who breaks away both legs from the ground immediately, the opponent will easily overcome.
Studyful art should be in a well-wired room for ten minutes to practice "late seat" for ten minutes. First you need to breathe a nose, removing all the soased, contaminated energy and absorb new and clean energy. Then sit, delaying the breath, looking at the tip of the leg and echoing from all thoughts. Willion to direct the movement of energy throughout the body. After ten minutes you need to click the jaws ten times, swallow the saliva accumulated in the mouth, and then get up and slowly walk for ten minutes.


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