From February to October 1917 presentation. Presentation "From February to October" Presentation to the lesson on history (grade 11) on the topic

From February to October 1917 presentation. Presentation "From February to October" Presentation to the lesson on history (grade 11) on the topic

Slide 2.

Backgrounds of the February Revolution

The prerequisites of the February Revolution were in the incompleteness of the first revolution 1905-1907. 1. The tasks of the democratization of the Company were not finally solved (with the exception of small concessions made by the Manifesto on October 17, 1905), the Constituent Assembly was not convened, which caused the dissatisfaction of the liberals; 2. There was no basic demand for the working day of the 8-hour working day; 3. Despite the reforms of P.Stolapina, the agricultural question was not finally resolved, which was the cause of displeasure peasants; 4. The lack of political rights and freedoms stepped up the illegal activities of opposition parties; 5. Social tensions contributed to Russia's participation in the First World War (failures at the front, death of millions of soldiers, deterioration of living conditions); 6. The crisis of power (activity of Rasputin, the short-sighted policy of the government, "Ministerial Czechhard", the radicalization of cadets and monarchists (by Rasputin), the emergence of the State Duma in 1915 in the Cadet-October "Progressive Block" demanding " Government, using the country's confidence, ").

Slide 3.

It is characteristic that even those who were involved in the events of the revolution, explained the reasons for the revolution in different ways: the monarchists believed that the revolution was a consequence of the Liberals and Bourgeoisie's Masonic conspiracy; Octobrists and cadets saw the origins of the failure of all attempts to compromise with the government, believing that the revolution was nationwide, democratic and nationwide; The Bolsheviks believed that the revolution began because the government was already "could not" reform, and the bottoms already "did not want" government reforms. The February bourgeois revolution for them was only the first step towards the socialist revolution.

Slide 4.

Basic events of the February Revolution

02/18/17 - Start of strike on Putilovsky Plant; 02/23/17 - Universal strike (the beginning of the revolution); 02/25/17 - Political requirements began to prevail in the strike; 02.26.17 - Demonstration shot in the center of Petrograd, which provoked the transition of the Petrograd garrison to the side of the rebels; 02/27/17 - The arrest of the royal ministers, the liberation of political prisoners; Manifesto of the Central Committee of the RSDDP "To all citizens of Russia", who announced the victory of the revolution; education of the Petrograd Council of Workers' Deputies; creating a temporary committee of the State Duma; 03/01/17 - "Order No. 1" of Petrosoveta, who launched a Petrograd garrison from submission to the old command; Manifesto Nicholas II on renunciation in favor of Alexey; 03/02/17 - the education of the temporary government; Manifesto Nicholas II on renunciation in favor of Mikhail; 03.03.17 - Failure to Mikhail from the throne; Collapse of the Russian autocracy.

Slide 5.

Dynamics of Revolution

  • Slide 6.

    Revolutionary soldiers on the foundry (February 1917)

  • Slide 7.

    Results of the February Revolution

    Falling self-adjusting; the establishment of dvoevsty; Revival and the development of advice; Regarding political forces in Russia.

    Slide 8.

    Russia in the period of dubewings. Temporary government

    Cancel the death penalty and military field courts; abolition of cortics and references; Establishment of freedom of assembly, unions; maintaining the majority of old government agencies and the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire; transfer to the state of the Cabinet and specific land; the creation of land committees for the preparation of land reform; education of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Food; adoption of the law on factory-factory committees; confirmation of all credit obligations and government orders; adoption of the law "On the abolition of religious and national restrictions"; Recognition of all obligations to the Allies on Antante.

    Slide 9.

    Slide 10.

    Session of the Provisional Government in the Mariinsky Palace

  • Slide 11.

  • Slide 12.

    Order No. 1 was addressed to the metropolitan garrison, all soldiers of the guard, army, artillery and fleet sailors for immediate execution. The order was prescribed to create elected committees from representatives of the lower ranks. The main one in order No. 1 was the third item, according to which military units were submitted in all political speeches now not by officers, but to their elected committees and advice. The order was deprived of the Duma Committee to use the army in his own interests. With the adoption of Order No. 1 in the army was violated the principle of uniqueness for any army. There was a sharp drop in the discipline and the combat capability of the old Russian army, which ultimately contributed to its collapse.

    Slide 13.

    At the Tauride Palace on the opening day of the first meeting of the Councils of workers and soldiers' deputies on March 2, 1917

    Slide 14.

    Slide 15.

    Crisis of temporary government

  • Slide 16.

    "April theses" V.I. Lenina

    The work is formulated by the Bolshevik struggle tactics in the conditions of dvoevsty: the end of the war; confiscation of all landlords and nationalization of all lands; refusal to support the Provisional Government; peaceful transfer of power to the Soviets; Establishment over the advice of Bolshevik control.

    Slide 17.

    The July crisis has removed the slogan of the transfer of power to the Soviets. The temporary government has strengthened its position.

    February revolution 1917 g:

    Causes of the revolution:

    Deterioration of the position of the people.

    Olliness of agrarian, worker, national issues.

    The exacerbation of socio-economic contradictions caused by a long and exhaust war.

    Universal dissatisfaction with the tsarism policy.

    The nature of the revolution is bourgeois-democratic



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    From February by October

    The February revolution of 1917. The reasons for the revolution: the deterioration of the position of the people. Olliness of agrarian, worker, national issues. The exacerbation of socio-economic contradictions caused by a long and exhaust war. Universal dissatisfaction with the tsarism policy. The nature of the revolution is bourgeois-democratic

    Chronicle of revolutionary events February 23, 1917 - the beginning of the revolution, strikes in Hungry Petrograd ("Bread!", "Peace!", "Down with autocracy!"). February 26, 1917 - a universal strike in the capital (80% of the working cities), shooting a demonstration by troops. February 27, 1917 - the transition of the military garrison of the capital to the side of the workers, the arrest of the royal government, the victory of the revolutionary forces. Demonstration on Nevsky Prospect

    Messages sent at the rate on February 25 - 26, 1917. From the message of the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna Nikolai II: "This is a hooligan movement, boys and girls run and shout that they have no bread, just to create an excitement, - and workers who interfere with others work. If the weather was very cold, they would probably be at home. "

    Messages sent at the rate on February 25 - 26, 1917 from the telegram of the Minister of Internal Affairs A.D. Protopopova: "The movement is inorganized, a spontaneous nature, along with the excesses of the counterfeit properties, the troops will be entertaining. The termination of further unrest is made by energetic measures by the military boss. In Moscow, calmly. " Soldier demonstration in Petrograd in February Days. 1917

    Messages sent at the rate of February 25 - 26, 1917. From the telegram of the chairman of the IV State Duma M.V. Rodzianko: "Position is serious. In the capital - anarchy. The government is paralyzed. Food and fuel transport came to full disorder. On the streets there is a random shooting. Parts of the troops shoot each other. It is necessary to immediately entrust the face to the country's confidence, to draw up a new government. Clear it is impossible. Any delay in death is like. I pray God so that in this hour the responsibility did not fall on the vengeance. "

    Nikolai II renunciation of Nikolai II: "In these decisive days, in Russia's life, we have so much duty of conscience to facilitate our close unity and cohesion of all the forces of folk for the speedy achievement of victory, and in harmony with the State Duma, we recognized for the good to renounce the throne Russian states and sustain the supreme power. " March 2, 1917, Pskov - the renunciation of Nicholas II.

    New authorities. February 27, 1917 Temporary Committee of the State Duma Interim government Petrogradsky Council of Workers and Soldier Deputies

    The establishment of dvoevsty in the course of revolutionary events in Petrograd at the same time arose two authorities: a temporary government that opted to support the bourgeoisie, nobility, officers. Petrogradsky Council, based on the workers and soldiers of the capital garrison. The presence of two authorities was named V.I. Lenin dubewings.

    Causes and Essence of Dwellestia Weave Two Tours of the February Revolution and Two Branches of Power After Her Victory Revolutionary-Socialist Bourgeois Liberal Power of the Council of Workers, Soldiers and Peasant Deputies Power of the Temporary Government Esters Mensheviks Cadets Okabrists Esters Mensheviks

    Creation of the Petrograd Council on February 27, 1917. Representatives of the left parties declared the creation of a revolutionary authority of the Petrograd Council of Workers and Soldiers' Deputies. Most seats in the Petrogradsky Council received Mensheviks and Suns. The chairman of the executive committee of the Petrograd Council was elected Menshevik N.S. Cheidze. At a meeting on March 2, 1917, the executive committee of the Petrograd Council decided to transfer state authority to the temporary government. Nikolai Semenovich Chcheidze Opening of the first meeting of the Petrograd Council of Workers and Soldier's Deputies in the Tauride Palace. March 2, 1917

    The reasons why Petrogradsky Council voluntarily transferred power to the temporary government of the views of Serc and Mensheviks on the revolution that occurred as a bourgeois-democratic one. Concerns of the rampant anarchy of the revolutionary element in the country. The desire to have a state authority, whose legitimacy would be recognized by all layers of Russian society and allied powers.

    Politics of the Petrograd Council regarding the Provisional Government Pressure for the Provisional Government in order to conduct democratic transformations in the country. Control over the activities of the Provisional Government. Promoting the temporary government in solving some issues.

    The circumstances of the creation of the Provisional Government on February 27, 1917, a temporary committee of the State Duma members, who declared himself a carrier of supreme power in the country was created by deputies of the State Duma. On March 2, 1917, in coordination with the Petrograd Council, the Interim Committee was transformed into a temporary government. The temporary government has become a carrier of the highest legislative and executive. The Provisional Government was to manage the country before the convening of the Constituent Assembly.

    The Temporary Government from March 2 to October 25, 1917, the government and its leader The duration of the activity period of the government crisis is politically homogeneous, Prince G.E. Lviv March 2 - May 2, 1917 May 3 - 4, 1917 I coalition government, Prince G.E. Lviv on May 5 - July 2, 1917 July 3 - 23, 1917 II Coalition, A.F. Kerensky July 24 - August 26, 1917 August 26 - September 24 III Coalition, A.F. Kerensky September 25 - October 25, 1917

    The composition of the temporary government in its composition was a liberal-bourgeois (11 ministers). It includes representatives of parties of cadets and the Octobrists. Chairman and Minister of Internal Affairs - Prince Georgy Evgenievich Lvov. Foreign Minister - P.N. Milyukov. Military Minister - A.I. Huchkov. The only representative of the socialist direction was the Minister of Justice A.F. KERENSKY (LEADOVIC) First head of the temporary government, Prince - Georgy Evgenievich Lvov

    Poster (1917) with portraits of the temporary government members meeting the first composition of the Provisional Government

    The political program of the Provisional Government Political Program of the Provisional Government was set forth on March 3, 1917 in the Declaration of the Provisional Government, which included the following provisions: amnesty for political and religious affairs. Freedom of speech, press, unions, meetings. Elimination of national, religious and estate restrictions. Replacing the Police of People's Militia. Convening the Constituent Assembly. The solution of the main issues of the revolution was postponed before the convening of the Constituent Assembly: about political strictly. About agricultural reform. On the self-determination of peoples.

    The political program of the temporary government, all the issues set by the revolution, had to solve the founding assembly. However, the difficulties of holding the elections in the face of the chaos covered by the country, as well as the concerns that they will end the victory of the left parties, the temporary government impressed with his convocation. As a result, it was it that who supported his ECERO-Menshevik councils became in the eyes of the masses culprits to exacerbate the countries of the country.

    The activities of the Provisional Government of Success The introduction of democratic rights and freedoms. Cancel national restrictions. Wide amnesty. The destruction of political censorship. Cancel the death penalty for political activities. The exchange rate for the creation of a secular state. The proclamation of Russia in the Republic of (September 1, 1917) failures to continue Russia's participation in the First World War. Tightening the decision of an agrarian question. Laying elections to the Constituent Assembly. Restoration of the death penalty in the zone of hostilities. Introduction of military revolutionary courts.

    Comparative analysis of the positions of the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Council General: considered the revolution of the bourgeois-democratic and advocated the transfer of state-owned liberal bourgeoisie. Performed for the continuation of the war. Admitted for the inviolability of private (landlord) land and the decision of the agricultural issue after the end of the war. They advocated the introduction of broad political freedoms. They opposed the unauthorized decision of the national question to the people of Russia unilaterally.

    A comparative analysis of the position of the Provisional Government and Petrograd Council, the Provisional Government believed that the issue of the future form of the Board should be solved by the Constituent Assembly. They advocated a wagon to a victorious end with the subsequent acquisition of new territories. They advocated the preservation of the principle of uniqueness in the army. They opposed the reduction in the working day in military time. Petrogradsk Council demanded the immediate announcement of Russia by the Republic. He played for a revolutionary war in order to defense from Germany. Admitted for the democratization of the army and the introduction of the electoral principle. Admitted for the establishment of an 8-hour working day.

    Order No. 1 of the Petrogradsky Council The main resolution of the Petrograd Council was Order No. 1 in the Petrograd garrison of March 2, which contained the following provisions: the rearness of the troops of the Petrograd garrison, Petrogradsky Council, the introduction of elected soldiers' committees that controlled the actions of officers (cancellation of the principle of unity of the army) equalization in civil rights Soldier with officers, the introduction of the election of commanders Permission of political activities in the troops

    The consequences of the order number 1 Democratization of the army. Retracting into the revolution of the army (expanding the social base of the revolution due to the multi-million solo mass). Transformation of the Petrograd Council into real political force. The fall in the military discipline and the combat capability of the army (army collapse).

    Political results of February 1917. Reference of the king. Liquidation of the monarchy in Russia. Conquest of political freedoms. The prospect of the democratic development of Russia. The emergence of dwellers.

    April Crisis of the Provisional Government Reason: Note Minister of Foreign Affairs P.N. Milyukova Allied Power on the continuation of the war to the victorious end. Mass demonstrations of protest demanding the resignation of P.N. Milyukova. Protest demonstration against Milyukova notes

    April Provisional Government Crisis Results: resignation PN Milyukova from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. Standing A.I. Guccov from the post of military minister. The formation of the I coalition government; Entry into the temporary government of representatives of socialist parties (Socialist Parties, Liberals, Liberals and 6 Socialist Ministerial Ministers. Chairman - G.E. Lviv. AF became in the Sen Minister Kerensky, Minister of Agriculture - the leader of the ECOV V.M. Chernov.

    The April Crisis of the Provisional Government The role of Serc and Mensheviks in the Interim Government has increased significantly. On the issue of war, they took a controversial position. Speaking for the earliest conclusion of a peace treaty, they did not offer specific measures about this. The continuation of military operations by Russia, they justified the transformation of the war into a revolutionary and domestic.

    "April theses" V.I. Lenin on April 3, 1917, Lenin returned to Petrograd. At night, he performed at the meeting of Petrograd Bolsheviks with a report on the tasks of the proletariat in this revolution. " The abstracts of the report were published in the "Pravda" and entered the story as "April theses". Lenin and his colleagues at Stockholm Station

    "April theses" V.I. Lenin in theses raised the task of transition to the second stage of the revolution, which should pass the power to the proletariat and the poorest peasantry. As opposed to the requirement of "pressure" for the temporary government, the slogan "No Support!" Was put forward. Lenin insisted on the transition of all the authorities to the Soviets, considering that without their support, the temporary government fell. At the same time, he talked about the need for the Bolsheviks to fight for the conquest of the majority in the council, believing that the government can be taken peacefully. Bolsheviks "All Power Soviets!" "No support to the temporary government!"

    The June Government Crisis June 3, 1917 in Petrograd, I opened the congress of the Soviets. A significant majority at the congress belonged to Esramen and Mensheviks. The congress spoke in favor of cooperation with bourgeois parties and issued a resolution of confidence in the temporary government. On June 18, 1917, the unarmed demonstration was outlined, which was to express support for the decisions of the Congress of the workers of Petrograd. However, anti-war slogans and calls for the transfer of power were dominated by demonstrations.

    The June crisis of the Provisional Government to exit the political crisis was facilitated by the news of the onset on the South-West Front, which failed. The results of the crisis: The Provisional Government begins to lose support of the people. The composition of the temporary government remained unchanged.

    The July Crisis of the Provisional Government of the event on July 3-4 in Petrograd Demonstration of workers, soldiers, sailors under the slogan "Down of the Provisional Government" and "All Power Soviets" Riots in the city and shooting demonstrations on the order of the temporary government Various estimates attempt by the Bolsheviks to seize the power provocation of the temporary government with The purpose of the discredit of the Bolsheviks is the elimination of reprisals boulder against the Bolsheviks Results

    The July Crisis of the Provisional Government July 24, 1917 - Education of the II Coalition Government headed by A.F. Kerensky (Cadets, Suns, Mensheviks) July 26 - August 3, 1917 - VI Congress of the Bolshevik Party Course on an armed uprising

    Speech by General L.G. Kornilova Wanting to strengthen the central authority and put an end of the anarchy, the government A.F. Kerensky turned to the only organized strength, which could still count on, to general and personnel officers. August 12-15, 1917 - State Meeting in Moscow. The position of the top of the army at the meeting was outlined by General L.G. Cornilov he demanded the introduction of the death penalty at the front and in the rear, the restoration of the combat capability of the army, continuing the war to a victorious end. As the Supreme Commander, Kornilov offered Kerensky to suppress the revolutionary anarchy forces by the army. Demonstration at the Bolshoi Theater on the opening day of the state meeting. August 1917

    Cornilovsky rebellion on August 25-31, 1917 Goals: establishing a military dictatorship. Suppression of the revolutionary movement. By bringing war to a victorious end. The conclusion of the country from the crisis. Move: L.G. Kornilov as the Supreme Commander took off the troops from the front and sent them to Petrograd. Lavr Georgievich Kornilov

    Cornilovsky rebellion on August 25-31, 1917. The temporary government and advice, all revolutionary forces united and eliminated the rebellion with the help of: and the guitational measures p of the e-sabotage of railway workers of the astic hostilities of the consequences: L.G. Cornilov and his associates were arrested. Deepening the socio-economic and political crisis in the country. Strengthening the position of the Bolsheviks and the beginning of the Bolshevization of Soviets. Paralysis.

    The political situation in September 1917 after the speech of Cornilov in order to oppose Petrosovet A.F. Kerensky formed on September 1, 1917. The new authority is the directory ("Council of Five"), which proclaimed Russia to Russia. On September 14, 1917, the All-Russian Democratic Meeting was opened with the participation of all political parties, which should have solved the issue of power. Bolsheviks left him demonstratively. September 25, 1917 - the creation of the Third Coalition Government (Esters, Mensheviks, Cadets, Non-partisan). Chairman - A.F. Kerensky. Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky

    Russia in the fall of 1917. In the fall of 1917, the economic crisis aggravated in the country. The war took 80% of the entire budget, the enterprises did not work, agriculture was broken, railway transport worked unertiously, inflation began in the country, there were difficulties with the delivery of food in the city. The government often resorted to administrative measures, bread monopoly and cards were introduced. But it did not improve the situation. Per person per day accounted for 200 g bread, prices grew by 20-30 times. Under these conditions, a strike movement developed with a special force. Demonstration in support of the Bolsheviks Red Guards on the streets of Petrograd

    Preparation of an armed uprising Theoretical Organizational Military Technical Articles V.I. Lenin "Marxism and the uprising", "Sustier Tips", "Bolsheviks should take power" and others on October 12, 1917 - the creation of a military revolutionary committee (VRK) under the Petrograd Council as a headquarters for the preparation of the uprising. VRK was under the control of the Bolsheviks. October 10, October 16, 1917 - meetings of the Central Committee of the RSDDP (b), the decision to take power. Organization of the detachments of the Red Guard. The appointment of commissioners of VRK to military units of Petrograd. Transition of the Petrograd garrison to the side of VRK and Petrosovet. Circulation of VRK to workers

    Armed uprising in Petrograd and the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks on October 24, 1917 - the seizure of the red guard of the strategic points of the city. October 25, 1917 - the rebels occupied train stations, state bank, telegraph, telephone exchange, central power station. Opening in the Smolny II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. The night from 25 to October 26, 1917 - the assault on the Winter Palace, the arrest of the Provisional Government.

    The female shock battalion on the square in front of the Winter Palace of the Junker in the halls of the Winter Palace is preparing for defense of the assault on the Winter Palace. Frame from the Art Film "October", 1927 Armor "Lieutenant Schmidt", captured by the Red Guards of Junkers. Petrograd, October 25, 1917 Cruiser "Aurora"

    Alternatives to Public Development 1917. Military Dictatorship Dictatorship of the Bolsheviks Power of the Provisional Government Anarchic Riot and Decay of the Countries

    II All-Russian Congress of Soviets October 25-27, 1917 Most at the congress was the Bolsheviks and the left esters. The rest are right-wing esters, Mensheviks, etc. - left the congress in protest against the armed performance of the Bolsheviks. Session of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets in Smolny. October 25, 1917

    II All-Russian Congress of Soviets On October 25-27, 1917, the congress took the appeal "workers, soldiers and peasants!", Proclaiming the lowland of the temporary government and taking power into their hands. The congress adopted the first decrees of Soviet power: decree on land and decree on the world. In the decree of the world, it was offered to all warring countries to immediately conclude a world without annexations and contributions. The decree on Earth was laid out 242 local peasant orders I congress of tips. Private property has been canceled on Earth, equalized land use was established with periodic remakes of the Earth (the ECOV program).

    II All-Russian Congress of Soviets October 25-27, 1917. In addition, the first Soviet government was elected at the congress - the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) headed by V.I. Lenin. It consisted only from the Bolsheviks. The Council of Soviets and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTCIK) was reported to the Council and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTCIK), most of which belonged to Bolsheviks and Left Esramen. LB Chairman was elected Kamenev, in November 1917 I changed him. Sverdlov.

    Presentation on the topic "From February to October" on history in PowerPoint format. This presentation for schoolchildren is told about historical events and political struggle in Russia between the February and October revolutions. Presentation author: Sosnova Valentina Mikhailovna, history teacher.

    Fragments from the presentation

    Deliciousness (from February 27)

    Temporary government
    • "Temporary" - before convening an institution. Installions (Saint., But postpone)
    • Support: Bourges, Intel, part of the landowners.
    • -Connection of war to victory, refusal to introduce 8-bonders; Promise to wide democre. freedoms, law on the protection of crops.
    • KN.G. Lvvov, A.F. Jarensky
    • Support: workers, part of Intel., Peasants.
    • Requirements: 8-hp. day, the introduction of the slave. Control, land-peasants, workers' factory.
    • Order No. 1 - Polit. Rights soldiers
    • N.S.Cheyidze, M.I.Skobeliev
    • Revolutionary defense - Continuation of the war in order to protect the revolution and democratic freedoms.
    • Socialization of land- Elimination of private ownership of land, turning it into a nationwide heritage with endowment of the farmers of Earth without the right to purchase and sell.
    • Municipality of land- Transfer of land to the disposal of local authorities for subsequent distribution to users.


    Moderate wing (Kamenev, Zinoviev, Kalinin)

    Tactics - pressure on the government; Highly appreciated the steps taken on the democratization of society; Abound on the socialist revolution was seen the danger of running forward.

    Supporters of the uprising (Lenin, Stalin, Bukharin, Sverdlov, Trotsky)
    • Course on a revolution.
    • July 26 - August 3 - VI Congress RSDLP (b). Lenin's authority took over. Congress called on all the Bolsheviks to build in combat columns.

    Program Kornilov

    • Termination of state intervention in economic and social affairs.
    • Demobilization of 4 million soldiers with the allocation of each of the 8 tenthends of the Earth to create a faithful support to the Government in the village.
    • The establishment of a new form of government by the creation of the Council of People's Defense and the Coalition Government at it.

    Crisis of power

    • On September 1, the Central Executive Committee proclaimed Russia by the Republic.
    • September 3 - Spanish. The directories are presented (6 people led by Kerensky).
    • October 2 - Prepaired - Democratic Council of the Republic - the law-based body.
    • The army stopped serving the support of state power (desertion, brotherhood).
    • The number of battery workers has grown 7-8 times on CP. With spring.
    • Peasant performances: May - 3 thousand, October - more than 5 thousand

    Lesson in grade 11

    Theme of the lesson: "From February to October 1917"

    Tasks lesson:

    To summarize students to understand that after the February Revolution of 1917, a situation was created in the country, which was distinguished by instability and favorably aggravated the struggle between the various political forces of Russia.

    Formulate ideas about the causes and consequences of political crises, as well as on the role of the Cornilovsky rebellion in the deepening of the political crisis in the country, the strengthening of positions and the growth of influence in the masses of the Bolshevik Party, who led to the October Revolution

    The lesson continues the development of skills to analyze the facts, generalize them and draw conclusions, argue their reasoning, compare and compare documents.

    During the classes:

    I. Check knowledge of homework

    Questions for repetition:

      What are the overall reasons for the revolution of the beginning of the 20th century?

    Exemplary Student Answers:

    The need to upgrade the agricultural sphere, political system;

    These issues stood during the 1905 revolution, tsarism, though he tried to hold reforms (Stolypinsky et al.), But all this was ineffective, because Nicholas II was not interested in further changes, fearing to disturb the foundations of autocracy.

      What events and phenomena contributed to the emergence of the 1917 revolution?

    Exemplary Student Answers:

    New contradictions generated by the war

    Increased economic ruin

    Threat of hunger, decreased living standards, inflation

    Changes in the psychology of the masses, the feeling of embitractions to the top

    The failure of the regime in relation to the opposition proposals for the involvement of popular public figures to management

      Could the king in the conditions of beginning of the february events change the situation?

    Exemplary student responses.

    Much in those conditions depended on the ability of the country's leadership to resolve the crisis, but Nicholas II instead of solving problems, resorted to repression, shot as the way to suppress the unarmed crowd led to the sympathy of soldiers in relation to workers, but even then even in those conditions could be changed Situation. The victory of the revolution in Petrograd has not yet meant success in the scale of the country. Raising could be pacified by the simply blocking of the railway routes of communication with the capital, hunger made Petrograd surrender. Rodzianko offered to create a government, which will be responsible in front of the Duma and enjoy the confidence of the people. But Nikolai dissolved the Duma and the deputies obediently separated.

    Nicholas II could not change the situation in those conditions, because It did not depend on it, and the king could keep power in his hands if it were not for the Duma opposition in the face of Cadets.

    II. Studying a new material

    Problem: Why did the Bolsheviks come to power in October 1917?

    Tasks: Based on the material of the paragraph, historical documents, analyze the situation in Russia from February to October 1917 and answer the problem. Work in groups:

      Row: "Temporary Government Crisis: Causes, Essence, Consequences"

      Row: "Cornilovshchina: Causes, Basic Events, Results"

      Row: "Political parties in March-October 1917: changes in political alignment of forces on the political arena"

      Material for performing a task 1 in paragraph

      Material to fulfill the task 2 of the group:

    Cornilovsky rebellion.

    Document 1.

    ^ B. V. Savinkov: "Hardly you will deny, Mr. General, that the requirements of you are ... are detaining for the Fatherland ... you can try to dictate the sole will to the people of Russian ..."

    ^ L. G. Kornilov: "... The government has taken certain decisions regarding the Bolsheviks and Soviets, since for the implementation of this decision you on behalf of the Provisional Government offered me to nominate the horse building to Petrograd; And between us it was established that the end of the concentration of this building will appear on my telegram to you indicating the moment of the announcement of Petrograd in a military situation ... I pointed out that, in my deep conviction, only firm power, not fluctuating any responsibility and personified by dictatorship sole or collective, depending on the further course of events, can save the country from death. ... regardless of my personal views on the nature and properties of A.F. Kerensky and his relationship to me I recognize his participation in the composition of the government is definitely necessary. "

    Document 2.

    and the answer of Cornilov on the radiogram of Kerensky

    ^ From the Minister Chairman

    "On August 26th, the gene. Cornilov sent me a member of the state. Duma VD. Nick. Lviv demanding the transmission of the Provision Government of the gene. Cornilov all the completeness of civil and military authorities so that they are at personal discretion, a new government has been drawn up for management.

    Watching this demand in my face to the temporary government, the desire of some circles of Russian society to take advantage of the difficult state of the state to establish a state-of-law in the country contrary to the conquests of the revolution, the temporary government recognized it necessary to save me, freedom and republican building to authorize me And decisive measures, in order to finish all attempts to encroacitate the Supreme Power in the state, the right of citizens conquered by the revolution. All necessary measures to protect freedom and order in the country by me are accepted, and the population will be informed about such measures in a timely manner. However, I order:

    1) General Cornilov to pass the position of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of General Clembovsky, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Northern Front, which Blocked the way to Petrograd ...

    2) to declare the city of Petrograd and Petrogradsky County in a military situation, extending the rules on the localities declared in the military ...

    I urge all citizens to complete tranquility and the preservation of the order needed to save the Motherland. All members of the army and the fleet call for the selfless and calm performance of their duty - protection of the motherland from the enemy of the external! "

    ^ Cornilova

    "Russian people, our Great Motherland dies!

    Besides an hour of death!

    Forced to speak openly, I, General Kornilov, declare that the temporary government under pressure from the Bolshevik majority of the Councils acts in complete agreement with the plans of the German General Staff and at the same time with the upcoming landing of enemy forces in the Riga coast kills the army and shakes the country inside.

    The serious consciousness of the inevitable death of the country commands me in these terrible minutes to call for all Russian people to rescue the dying homeland. Everyone who beats the Russian heart in his chest, everyone who believes in God, in the temples, is the pray for the Lord God about the phenomenon of the greatest miracle, a miracle of salvation of his native land.

    I, General Kornilov, the son of the Cossack peasant, declare everyone and everyone that I personally do not need anything, except for the preservation of the Great Russia, and I swear to bring people through victory over the enemy to the Constituent Assembly. "

      Material for the task of 3 groups:

    Alignment of political forces and political struggle.

    After February 1917, the strength-oriented forces focused on the political arena, mannery, monarchists.

    Faithfully found our political niches of Octabers and progressors.

    The leading ruling party by June 1917 is the Cadets, who at their VII Congress in March1917 declared themselves not only with antimonarchists, but even sympathizing socialism.

    Mensheviks played an important role after the February Revolution of the Upper Echelon. Conceptually, they believed that Russia should undergo a long stage of bourgeois-democratic development, in which the authorities must first belong to the bourgeoisie, and then the coalition of classes. From here - their support and influence of the temporary government. Mensheviks were not a monolithic party, it had several flows and groups, the prevailing role among which were played by the Mensheviks, defenders who spent the union with the bourgeoisie and supported the slogan "continuation of the war to victory."

    A large and influential party was a sector. They advocated a coalition with cadets, supported and entered into a temporary government, justifying this by the fact that "socialism in Russia is too young and must fail with a crackle, if he tries to get up from the state steering."

    The Bolshevik political line was significantly different from all other political forces of Russia. Especially after returning in April 1917 V.I. Lenin to Russia, the Bolsheviks began to sharply oppose the support of the temporary government for the transfer of all the completeness of the authorities.

    The important slogan of the Bolsheviks was also the requirement of termination of Russia's participation in the war.

    In the conditions of dvoevsty, such tactics of the Bolsheviks should have, in their opinion, would very soon lead to the exacerbation of the political struggle and to the conquest of them in the councils. And really, their influence began to grow rapidly, all the more followed the crisis of power (April, June, the July crisis of the temporary government), an unsuccessful offensive on the fronts and as a result of all - the July events in Petrograd, which pushed the Bolsheviks to prepare for an armed uprising in Petrograd (see . Paragraph material).

    Conclusions in groups on the problem "Why the Bolsheviks came to power in October 1917" are discussed, argued.

    Slide 1.

    Clade 2.

    The crisis of power in the fall of 1917. From the memoirs of the Military Minister of the Interim Government of General-Major A.I. Verkhovsky "Russia on Calvary" (October 1917): Either we convinced the people in the need to lead the war (the way one is to start peaceful negotiations), or the army will simply eat from the front. Despite the long of my conversations with the military representatives of the Allies, I could not convince them of them. And the situation threatens for them with serious consequences - the involuntary exit of Russia from the war, who will now take the question of the approach of the world in their hands, he will receive power. So let the struggle for peace and power will take in the hands of the cultural part of the country, and not the street, which is now stretched to power and destroy Russia. The army is nine and a half million people in the country for funds. There is no means of fighting the Bolshevism, since he promises peace and mass on his side, so the destruction of the army progresses and it has nothing to stop. We, for our part, do not undertake any real steps for approaching the world. Referring to our inability, we will throw out, and those who will replace us are not ashamed to conclude what the world. September 1, 1917 Russia is announced by the Republic of Earth and the world's problem, the army falls apart. The provisional government does not decide to negotiate with Germany.

    Slide 4.

    October coup in Petrograd 1917 year Course on an armed uprising ↓ Creating a military revolutionary committee - the headquarters of the uprising training (Bolsheviks, Left Esters) Lack of real defense of the Provisional Government on October 24-25 - the coming to power of the Bolsheviks ↓ Causes: the lack of solid state power; slowdown in the nature of reforms; war; The rise of revolutionary moods

    Slide 5.

    The first decrees of Soviet power. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. October 25-27, 1917 Decree on the World Immediate Conclusion of the World without annexations and Contribulations; Cancel by mystery diplomacy.

    Slide 6.

    From the decree on the world (October 26, 1917): the working and peasant government offers all warring people and their governments to begin immediately negotiations on the fair, democratic world. The fair or democratic world of which the Russian workers and peasants demanded the most definite way after the overthrow of the Tsarist Monarchy, the government considers the immediate world without annexation, i.e. Without capturing other people's lands, without the violent attachment of other people and without contributions. Such a world offers the Russian government to conclude immediately, expressing readiness to do without the slightest delay, immediately all the decisive steps until the final approval of all the conditions of such a world by the authorized collections of people's representatives of all meetings and all nations the Government invites all governments and the peoples of all warring countries to immediately conclude a truce less as for three months turning to this world proposals The temporary working and peasant government of Russia is also drawn in particular to the conscious working England, France and Germany, these workers are a comprehensive, decisive and conscious activity will help us successfully bring to the end of the world and at the same time Liberation of workers and exploited masses from any slavery and any exploitation.

    Slide 7.

    The first decrees of Soviet power. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. October 25-27, 1917 Decree on Earth elimination of landlord land ownership. Cancellation of private ownership of land. Forbidden the sale of land. The distribution of land in the number of consumers in the family.

    Slide 8.

    From the land decree (October 26, 1917): landowners ownership of land is canceled immediately without any redemption. Landlord estates, as well as all the land specific, monastic, church, with all their lively and dead inventory, manor buildings and all accessories are transferred to the volost land committees and the county councils of peasant deputies to the constituent meeting 1) the right of private ownership of land is canceled forever ; The land cannot be neither sold, nor buying nor leased or in a deposit, or any other way alienated. All the land turns to the Most Radious heritage and enters the use of all workers on it. 2) all the subsoil of the Earth: ore, oil, coal, salt, etc., as well as forests and water having national importance, go to the exclusive use of the state

    Slide 9.

    From the decree on Earth (October 26, 1917): 6) The right to use the land receive all citizens of the Russian state, who wishes to process it with their work hired work is not allowed 7) land use must be equalized, i.e. The land is distributed between the working form of the use of the Earth should be completely free: the residential, rich, communal, artist, as it is decided in separate villages and villages the land fund is subjected to periodic alterars depending on the growth of the population and raising the productivity and culture of agriculture.

    Clade 10.

    The first decrees of Soviet power. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. October 25-27, 1917 Decree on power Transfer of power to the Councils of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies Education of SNK: The Council of People's Commissars at the head - V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin Congress of the Soviets - the highest authority of the VTCIK authority - the executive body in the interruptions between the congresses

    Clade 11.

    From the Declaration of the Rights of the Workers and the Exploited People (January 12, 1918): Russia is announced by the Republic of the Councils of Workers, Soldiers and Peasant Deputies. All power in the center and in the field belongs to these Soviets, the Soviet Russian Republic is established on the basis of a free union of free nations as the Federation of Soviet National Republics in the exercise of the Socialization of the Earth, the entire land fund is declared by the public domain and is transmitted to workers without any redemption, on the basis of equalization land use. All forests, subsoil and water are announced by the national heritage.

    Slide 12.

    Slide 13.

    The first decrees of the Soviet authorities decree on the destruction of classes, titles and civilians: the equality of men and women was adopted by the right of peoples on self-determination - the right of the people to independently choose their destiny, up to separation from a major power and creating their own state. Decree on Vertorpost Branch of the Church from the State Creating the All-Russian Emergency Commission (PVC). Chairman - F. E Dzerzhinsky. Creating a new judicial system: the creation of revolutionary tribunals

    Slide 14.

    From the declaration of the rights of the peoples of Russia (November 2, 1917): the first congress of the Soviets in June of this year proclaimed the right of the peoples of Russia for free self-determination. The second congress of the Soviets in October of this year confirmed this inalienable law of the peoples of Russia is more determined and definitely. Performing the will of these congresses, the Council of People's Commissars decided to establish the following principles on the issue of nationalities of Russia: 1) the equality and sovereiga of the peoples of Russia. 2) the right of the peoples of Russia for free self-determination, up to separation and education of an independent state. 3) Cancellation of all and all sorts of national and national-religious privileges and restrictions.

    Slide 15.

    The first decrees of Soviet power Nationalization of private banks and major nationalization factories - the transition to the ownership of the state of private enterprises and sectors of the economy "Regulations on working control": the staff of the workers took on the management of the current affairs of enterprises

    Slide 16.

    The point of view in modern historical science does not have a single point of view on the October events of 1917. Supporters of overthrown temporary government believed that the state coup was carried out on German money and buried the hopes for the democratic development of Russia. IN AND. Lenin and ld Trotsky more than once called these events "October coup", having in mind the method of capturing power. At the same time, they characterized the bolshevikov taking as a socialist revolution. In the works of the scientists of the Soviet period of October 1917, they were interpreted as the Great October Socialist Revolution - the Obug Stage in the development of not only Russia, but also of all mankind, which began the beginning of the establishment of a socialist building on a global scale. It was emphasized that the taking of power by the Bolsheviks party saved the country from a complete catastrophe and fully responded to the interests of the working people.

    Slide 17.

    The point of view also exists such a point of view that an armed uprising in Petrograd in October 1917 was a logical continuation of the Revolution of February. Indeed, the first decrees of Soviet power mainly implemented the requirements put forward by the masses in February 1917. As a rule, they solved the tasks of the bourgeois-democratic stage of the revolution. Support for the II All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers and Soldier Deputies of the New Authority gave it a legitimate nature in the eyes of most citizens, especially in the decisions of the congress, the Soviet power was characterized exclusively as a temporary, existing constituent assembly and adoption of the country's new constitution.

    Slide 18.

    The fate of the Constituent Assembly Elections in November 1917. Composition: Sews - 40%, Bolsheviks - 25%. → The course of the Bolsheviks for the breakdown of the meeting: the position of the Bolsheviks - to approve their decrees and recognition of the authorities of the Soviets. → The Bolshevik Declaration is laid by a majority. → January 7, 1918 by the decision of the Central Executive Committee, the constituent assembly dissolves. → January 10, 1918. On the III All-Russian Congress of Soviets, Russia is proclaimed by the Republic of RSFSR. Outcome: In Russia, the dictatorship of the proletariat in the form of Soviet power is established → later - the dictatorship of the Bolsheviks party.

    Slide 19.

    The Constitution of the RSFSR was adopted in July 1918 at the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets: We legalized the new power guaranteed democratic rights and freedoms: equality of citizens, regardless of their racial and religious affiliation, freedom of unions, meetings, conscience (but not to the detriment of the conquests of the Socialist Revolution - Article 23) → Rights existed only for supporters of the Bolsheviks.

    Slide 20.

    The Constitution of the RSFSR proclaimed the destruction of human exploitation by a person eliminated the division of society to the classes of the course for the construction of a socialist society provided the voting rights of the "worker" to the population (workers and peasants) deprived of the election law of all those who used employees, former police and clergymen in the councils established an unequal representation of citizens And Sellian: Approximately 1: 5

    Clade 21.

    Symbols of the RSFSR This flag in the first years of Soviet power was the banner of all military units. In 1926 The Government of Russia (USSR) for parts of the Red Army approved a single sample banner. State coat of arms of the RSFSR

    Clade 22.

    Brest world on December 2, 1917 - truce between Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria on December 9, 1917 - the beginning of negotiations between Russia and Germany Disputes on the conclusion of the world "Left Communists" (Bukharin): against the world, for the revolutionary War → Approach the world socialist revolution Trotsky: "Neither the world nor the war" → to dissolve the army (I counted on the support of the workers of Germany) Lenin: the world of at any cost → the world of the sake of salvation of the Soviet government the talk of the negotiations: the signing of the Separate Peace Treaty on March 3, 1918. Separate peaceful Treaty - an agreement concluded with a previously hostile state without the consent of the allies. Conditions: Concession of Western Territories (Finland, Poland, Belarus, Transcaucasia) Peace with Ukraine Refusal from Estonia, Latvia Contribution payment (more than 450 tone of gold)

    Slide 23.

    From the peace treaty between Russia, on the one hand, and Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, on the other (Brest-Litovsk, March 3, 1918): Article II. Contracting Parties will refrain from any agitation or propaganda against the government or state and military establishments of the other Party Article III. Areas lying to the west of the line established by Contracting Parties and belonging to Russia earlier will not be more under its supreme power. Article V. Russia immediately will perform complete demobilization of its army, including military units recently formed by the current government.

    Slide 24.

    Consequences of the Brest World The exacerbation of the situation in Russia Formation of the opposition (left esters) The beginning of the armed struggle (most of the personnel officers opposed the Bolsheviks) The deterioration of Russia's relations with the allies of the loss of fertile land, industrial enterprises → The exacerbation of the economic difficulties Dzorganization of the production violation of trade between the city and the village → Hunger tightening In cities Deprecifying money Tightening repression ↓ Reducing the Bolshevik Party

    Clade 26.

    From the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the organization of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army (January 15, 1918): the old army served as an instrument of class oppression of workers in the bourgeoisie. With the transition of power to workers and exploited classes, there was a need to create a new army, which will be the stronghold of Soviet power in the present, the foundation for replacing the army of the Army in the near army in the near future and will serve as support for the socialist revolution in Europe.

    Clade 27.


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