Reception Commission of MAI. Absentee training in undergraduate and magistracy in Mai Magistracy MAI: school prices

Reception Commission of MAI. Absentee training in undergraduate and magistracy in Mai Magistracy MAI: school prices

MAI magistracy. Master of all universities of the Russian Federation, more than 4000 programs. Master's budget and contract.

The Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) was founded on March 20, 1930. For more than 80 years, graduates of the university are best specialists in the field of cosmonautics, rocket education, weapons and information technology systems. The Moscow Aviation Institute has branches in Khimki, Baikonur, Akhtubisk and Zhukovsky.

Since 2008, a military department operates at the university, the enrollment of which passes on the basis of the competition. Graduates of the military department receive the title of lieutenant. In the university, international competitions are carried out every year, and high-tech production projects are also being implemented.

Magistracy Mai.

Today, more than 20,000 students in 4 institutes are trained in MAI, in 10 faculties. The university has 4 branches. The magistracy of the Moscow Aviation Institute teaches students to 156 programs. Graduates of MAI graduates have the opportunity to enroll in graduate school, where candidates of sciences are preparing for 54 specialties of chemical, mathematical and technical sciences, as well as 6 specialties of economic, political, philosophical and historical sciences. Scientists of the university conduct research on 29 essential scientific directions. In the MAI magistracy there are many places on the budget.

In the student town of Mai 7 hostels. In 2013, 500 places were allocated for nonresident students, with the distribution of places in the hostel, the passage point is taken into account. The university has its own airfield, which allows students of MAI magistracy to undergo practice. Graduates of the highway of the university are in demand among enterprises of the rocket and space and aviation industry. The university has a graduate employment center.

Many specialists are conceived about the second higher education. And this is quite logical - new knowledge is expanding the possibilities for career growth and employment on a higher paid job.

For those who are already engaged in labor, and cannot allocate time for visiting classes, the optimal option will be obtaining a second higher education in absentia. The remote learning form is a modern and effective way to obtain a second higher education, which has a number of indisputable advantages.

Firstly, the problem of travel trips is automatically solved, while the possibility of communicating with teachers is preserved.

SecondlyYou can do in your free time in a comfortable and convenient setting, nothing will prevent learning in several universities at the same time.

Learning levels

  1. Undergraduate
  2. Master.
Training duration 5 years for bachelors, 2.5 years for masters Payment for training training on a commercial basis (paid). Profiles / Training Programs
  • Undergraduate profiles
    • Direction 080100 "Economics"
      • Profile "Finance and Credit"
      • Profile "Financial Management at the enterprises of high-tech industries"
  • Master programs
    • Direction 080200 "Management"
      • Financial Management Program
Admission in accordance with the rules of admission to MAI. Reception of documents - from June 19, 2015

For training on profiles bachelor Persons are accepted:

  • with completed secondary or secondary special education;
  • higher education for any specialty.

On the master Programs are accepted by persons with completed higher education (bachelor's degree or specialist).

Remote (Correspondence) Training allows you to:

  • choose a convenient time, and the pace of learning;
  • get higher education, improve your qualifications, acquire a specialty without separation from home and work;
  • receive the formation of persons deprived of the opportunity to get a traditional education;
  • significantly reduce the cost of learning compared to other forms of paid education.

Mai. - One of the leading universities of the country, where you can get the second higher economic education remotely. The use of interactive and multimedia technologies makes the learning process easy, visual and interesting.

After studying at the Moscow Aviation Institute, you will receive a high-quality and prestigious higher economic education, which will make you competitive in the labor market.

All teachers have many years of pedagogical and scientific experience in the field of economics and management. During classes, actual methodological materials and training programs are used. A professional approach to teaching is a guarantee of high quality acquired knowledge and efficiency of their use in practice.

Confirmation of the qualifications of a specialist who ended with Mai is a bachelor's degree or a state-owned sample master.

Good day. Specialty. 11.03.02. The original is served. OS ranking until 26. Today after 6 pm, if it is in the list of 1 wave enrollment, then we can assume that it has already arrived or tomorrow everything can change again. ?

It is unlikely that something can change. The order will be published on August 3rd. You will be fine.

01.08.19 Artem -\u003e Sergey Krylov

3. On PM practices for programming more than enough. It should be borne in mind that PM and PSI is completely the same educational plan of the first course and very similar plans of 2 courses. This is done, including that students can freely move after the first course with PM on PM and on the contrary. They actively enjoy such an opportunity. Therefore, if a score in physics is low or did not handle it, but I want to learn exactly on PM, then we boldly go to PM and move to PMI after the first year. This is a regular procedure. We specifically made different sets of entrance tests in different directions of training.

25.07.19 Elena -\u003e Sergey Krylov

Hello. Submit documents for admission to MAI (Copies). But as the vessel approaches the date, questions appeared. How and when to apply for enrollment. It is served at the moment when the applicant takes place on budget places and is definitely aiming to enter this university? People who served him in priority? I did not understand very well in the enrollment mechanism. Thanks in advance.


Consent to enrollment and the original of the education document is submitted to the "ship date". You must appreciate your chances of enrollment on one or another specialty (direction of preparation), and according to this to submit the original. If you find it difficult to appreciate your chances of enrollment, please contact the reception committee or ask here. When evaluating its chances, it should be borne in mind that almost all applicants submit copies of several places, so its position in the rating list of copies should be divided by 6-10, depending on the specialty.

24.07.19 Alexander -\u003e Sergey Krylov

Hello, I go to the direction of applied mathematics and informatics on targeted learning. Please tell me if I go through the target, then in the order of enrollment it will be indicated that I was allocated in the hostel. Or a hostel for the targets stand out on the basis of a general contest with the rest of the state employees? Those. If I do the target, is it guaranteed to me a place in the hostel?

The Moscow Aviation Institute is considered to be one of the best technical universities of the country and the entire post-Soviet space. This confirms both the rich history of the educational institution and the number of famous graduates who held high places in the ratings. It is extremely difficult to enter this budget, because it is necessary to pass Gee on 185 points and above, the competition for budget places is very high, and their number is reduced every year. Therefore, many students choose a paid form of study.

Consider what kind of training the cost of training for contracts in 2017-2018 school year will be:


Most directions in MAI are presented for future bachelors. The most fiscal through metropolitan standards, only 144,410 rubles, will be student in the following specialties:

  • Business Informatics;
  • GMU - state. and municipality. control;
  • Management;
  • Org. work with young people;
  • Applied mathematics / + computer science;
  • Service;
  • UE - personnel management;
  • Foundation. Informatics and inf. technologies;
  • Economy.

For training the highest number of specialties on the undergraduate MAI, the cost of 150230 rubles for the first academic year is established. The list of these directions includes:

  • Automation of tech. processes and industries;
  • Biotechin. systems and technologies;
  • Innovation;
  • Inf. systems and technologies;
  • Inf. safety;
  • Laser equipment and technology;
  • Materials science and technology of materials;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Instrument making;
  • Applied. computer science;
  • Applied. Mechanics;
  • Software engineering;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Syst. Analysis and Ex.;
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Technosphere safety;
  • UPR. quality;
  • UPR. in tech systems;
  • Physics;
  • Ecology and environmental management;
  • Electricity and selfish.

25 thousand more expensive, for 175,970 you can learn two semesters in MAI on "Advertising and Communications with Toy" or "Linguistics".

The largest price set on the direction of the undergraduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute, was the amount of 201 720 rubles, which can be trained in the following specialties:

  • Aircraft;
  • Ballistics and hydroeerodynamics;
  • LA (aircraft) engines;
  • Nanotechnology and microsystems;
  • Rocket complexes and cosmonautics;
  • UPR systems Movement and navigation.


Applicants planning to simultaneously make a living and receive education, as a rule, come to an interim formulation. In MAI there is an opportunity to study on the "eyeline glance", and the price of such training will depend on the selected specialty:

Price for І course,Direction
59 210 Construction and technology EL. Tools
Applied Informatics
Radio engineering
La engines
81 600 Business Informatics
123 760 Advertising and Communication with Titu


Fully correspondence, that is, almost remote training at the Moscow Aviation Institute is also possible, but the choice of areas for this formation is extremely small - they are only nine. Four of them are trained in 59210 rubles per year:

  1. Computer science and will calculate. technique;
  2. Construction and technology EL. funds;
  3. Applied informatics;
  4. Radio engineering;

... and the remaining five - for 68 thousand rubles:

  1. Business informatics;
  2. Management;
  3. Service;
  4. Economy.

MAI specialty: Available directions and prices


If earlier training in almost all directions of training in the MAI lasted 5-6 years, then only the most difficult programs remained at the specialties, the curriculum of which could not be reduced under the 4-king duration of the undergraduate. So, to pass the first year of study at a specialist for 150,230 rubles can be only in three directions:

  1. Inf. Security telecommunications. systems;
  2. Radio electronic systems and complexes;
  3. Special org.-tehn. Systems.

Training for the remaining six available specialties will cost first-year students and their parents are 50 thousand more expensive - in 201720 rubles. The list of such directions is as follows:

  • Design, production and operation of missiles and rocket and space complexes;
  • The design of aircraft. and rocket engines;
  • LA test;
  • Integrated LA systems;
  • UPR systems La;


In a specialty of the aviation institution, it is also possible to study internally, however, it will be necessary to choose from all three directions during admission, the first year of studying for which 79,800 rubles will cost:

  1. Project, production and operation of missiles and rocket-space complexes;
  2. Integrated LA systems;
  3. Aircraft and helicopter construction.

The possibility of absentee learning in the MAI specialty is not completely.

Magistracy MAI: Study Prices


After the end of the "Maewsky" undergraduate, the newly minted bachelors are most often going to file documents for admission to MAI, because without a magistracy, technical education in many cases cannot be considered complete. The most fiscal will be the master's training "Applied Mathematics", "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", as well as "fundamental informatics and inf. Technologies ", which will cost 154570 rubles:

Less than 4 thousand more expensive (in 158,410 rubles) study at the "economy" or "management".

However, the largest number of specialties was assigned the price of 165,670 rubles. With a complete list of such directions can be found just below:

  • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems;
  • Computer science and will calculate. Technics;
  • Construction and technology EL. funds;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Materials science and tech. materials;
  • Software engineering;
  • Instrument making;
  • Applied mechanics;
  • System analysis and UPR.;
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Technosphere safety;
  • UPR. in tech systems;
  • UPR. quality;
  • Physics.

The price of some master's directions is much higher than the most common and amounts to 210,620 rubles for the 1st course. It is installed for:

  • Aircraft enterprises;
  • Ballistics and hydraulodynamics;
  • Rocket complexes and cosmonautics;
  • Engines la.

Employment and abnormal forms

In addition to the full-time learning in Mai, also take on the "abnormal" and "eyed point", but here the choice is not so great as in the day office. Thus, for admission to the part-time form of the magistracy, applicants will have to be selected between the three available directions. The most inexpensive of them is "applied mathematics and informatics." For study on the 1st year of the year, only 60950 rubles will be asked for this specialty. The average price of the "Glasses-Zaughter" - "Aircraft" for 83 360 rubles for 1 bourges. And for the first two semesters of study on the most expensive direction, "Management", you will have to post 95 050 rubles.

Those who want to study in MAI can choose between the cheaper direction "Informatics and will calculate. Technique "for 65380 rubles or one of the more expensive directions -" Economics "and" Management ", the first course of study on which 79,270 rubles will cost.

Learn more about the university itself and the benefits of training in MAI in different specialties, looking at the video at the university:

Acceptance of students is carried out on a competitive budgetary and a feasible contractual basis.

The exam in the main deadlines is held from May 27 to June 20.
The results of the USE are evaluated on a 100-point scale. Certificate is valid until December 31, 2022. The minimum threshold on the subject will be known within 6-8 days after the exam in the main deadlines. Not overcoming the minimum threshold of points according to one of the mandatory objects (Russian and mathematics), the graduate is entitled to revise it this year in the schedule for additional days.
If a graduate does not gain the minimum threshold of points at once on two mandatory subjects, he can pass the exam at no earlier than the next year.

Also determined the deadline for receiving documents.

The deadline for the arrival of the documents required for admission to training under the undergraduate programs on full-time and correspondence forms of training - June 20, 2019

Those who comes exclusively for training at the expense of budget allocations on the results of the EGE may submit documents until July 26.

Reception of documents for training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for undergraduate programs is completed on August 13, 2019.

Reception of documents for training under the undergraduate programs based on the results of entrance tests carried out by MAI on their own, ends on July 10, 2019.

The deadline for completing the submission of documents on the correspondence form of training on the results of the EGE - September 13, 2019;

The deadline for completing the submission of documents to the correspondence form of training for persons in the results of entrance tests carried out by MAI on December 6, 2019.

Additional introductory tests of the profile, creative or professional orientation in MAI are not held.

Enrollment will be held on the following dates:

  • July 27 - Summing up the competition, hanging the list of the past competition and the list of the reserve;
  • from July 28 to August 01 - collecting original documents from persons who have passed the competition;
  • 03 August - the publication and placement on the official website of the order of enrollment of persons included in the stages I lists;
  • August 08 - publication and placement on the official website of the order of enrollment of persons included in the lists of stage II;
  • On August 23 - enrollment for training under the undergraduate programs for full-time education in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

The Admission Office in July 2019 will receive evidence of a single state exam (EGE) received in 2015 and 2016 academic years, in the following subjects:

Towards "Informatics and computing equipment": mathematics (profile), Russian, physics.

Towards "Management": mathematics (profile), Russian, social studies.

Documents submitted to the Reception Commission:

  1. Certificate of graduation of high school or diploma on the end of the middle professional educational institution (original).
  2. Photos - 12 pcs. (3x4 - 6 pcs. And 4x6 cm. - 6 pcs.).
  3. An asscript certificate or military ID (presented) + photocopy of the 1st page of the assignment certificate.
  4. Passport (presented) + photocopy of 1.2 pages.
  5. The results of the exam.
  6. SNILS.

Military Department

Preparation of students at the military department is carried out on a competitive basis on the programs of preparation of stock lieutenants.

Learning on the military department allows you to:

- in addition to the main civil specialty, get a military specialty;

The past training at the military department for military service is not urged, but can be called upon personal request.


Preparatory courses Mai. We prepare students of 11 classes to pass the exam and entrance examinations in the technical and humanitarian universities of Russia.

Purpose of preparatory courses - to give the future student the fundamental training on competitive subjects: physics, mathematics, Russian language, history and social studies. Classes on courses will help to systematize the knowledge gained at school, raise the level of training to the requirements for the future engineer will enable the opportunity to acquire solid skills of independent and creative solutions of the most difficult tasks. Strong knowledge gained from us will serve as a good basis for meaningful choice of your life path.

Study at the preparatory courses MAI is:

  • classes with qualified teachers;
  • training according to the methods of passing the exam;
  • analysis of the performance of test work and individual recommendations to students and their parents;
  • teaching aids for applicants;
  • adaptation to study at the university.

Classes on the preparatory courses are carried out by teachers of MAI and the branch of WA RV. Peter the Great, having a large pedagogical experience, scientific degrees and titles, as well as the best teachers-methods of schools of the city, recommended by the City Committee on Education: Mametova G.U. , Andrianova N.V., Taranina O.V., Martynov A.A., Yashin A.V.

Duration of learning At the preparatory courses is:

  • 8 months - in groups of one-year learning;

At the request of the applicant, he can be enrolled in the training group engaged in convenient days for him.

Classes are held:

  • Two days a week (on weekdays) at 4 academic hours per day (from 16 to 19 hours).

Preparation is carried out by subject:

  • mathematics (128 hours);
  • physics (128 hours);
  • informatics (128 hours);
  • social studies (128 hours);
  • russian language (128 hours).

Training paid.

Address: Serpukhov, ul. Oktyabrskaya, 21, Cabinet №118.

Drive: buses number 4, №106, Stop "Children's Sanatorium" (GPS: 54.902791, 37.401167)


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