How to write the theses at the conference examples. What is thesis and examples of abstracts for essay

How to write the theses at the conference examples. What is thesis and examples of abstracts for essay

Create scientific work is one thing. But to speak at the conference, to provide strong facts, to be interesting, not to let the listeners bother, and the task is not from the lungs before the hundreds of unfamiliar persons.

In preparation for the conference there is something similar to preparations for the protection of the diploma. But there are also their nuances.

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Why is it important to know how the theses are written to the conference?

Participation in the scientific conference is the limit of dreams of any scientist. It is there that all authoritative personalities are gathering, which will notice or won't notice your bright thoughts.

Knowledge of how to write and arrange the abstracts to the conference, many will come in handy even earlier. Still at school, especially successful students have the opportunity to participate in such an event. Another example is student years when young scientists begin to make their first steps in science.

Successful performance at the conference will be a confident application for participation in the scientific community. If you are notified (in good sense), in the future you can achieve large heights.

And one more thing, why it is so important to follow the rules for writing theses for the conference: bad training will present in the unfavorable light of the main scientific work, and sometimes the personality of the author himself.

Conversely, a good structure, a competent plan and compliance with all the abstract requirements for the conference will allow several advantages at once:

  1. Reveal the potential of scientific labor.
  2. Pay attention to yourself and your work.
  3. Attract financing.
  4. To declare yourself as a new scientific author.

Please note that the theses marked by the Commission have every chance of being free published in the collections of scientific articles, conference collections, etc.

What is theses for the conference

Writing theses to the conference is a collection process into a single integer interrelated and logically built basic provisions of all scientific work (exchange rate, thesis, scientific article), where basic evidence and justification should be given.

Abstracts - briefly formulated main provisions, main thoughts of scientific labor, report, articles, coursewings or thesis.

There are several main objectives for writing theses:

  • providing a brief convincing generalization
  • disclosure of the essence of work,
  • acquaintance with the basic ideas and results of labor.

If you are closer to get acquainted with the requirements for the design of theses for the conference, you can catch a clear similarity with writing a report for the graduation work. Here you also need to observe a small volume - only 2-3 sheets of A4 format, which displays the main ideas of complete scientific work.

Samples of theses for a scientific conference:

Types of theses

Before making the abstracts to the conference, it is worth a pretty study them on the following signs:

  1. On the authorship of the main scientific work. With their compilation, the publications of other authors can be used, as well as their own scientific work. In the first case, someone else's work is thoroughly studied, its essence and main ideas stand out. Based on the prepared data, the author formulates individual provisions that will have to be displayed in the report. In the second case, it is assumed that the author in the course of research has acquired a clear understanding of the studied issue. And here the main task is concisely displayed before the public the problem under consideration.
  2. At the site of the presentation.Before making the abstracts to the conference, it is necessary to understand where they will be presented (seminars, magazines, international conferences, and so on).
  3. In the form of representation. It may be a presentation with a performance, publication, correspondence hearing, and so on. This item directly depends on the previous one. An example of writing theses to the correspondence scientific conference will be brief, informative, the container, so that they can be published in the scientific collection of conference articles. In the presentation, a certain lyrical retreat is permissible, and in some cases it will be a relevant joke.
  4. In order of writing. Such theses of the report to the conference can be written before the main scientific work is being created, or when the work is already ready (according to its example). If the work is done on the basis of the finished material, it consists in a clear allocation of important points and giving all integrity. A sample of the design of theses to the conference before creating basic labor is the most common type. His complexity is that the material is not yet fully studied by the author, and therefore it has no clear idea what to write about. Here you need to work a clear plan with the smallest details, on the basis of which the text will be written.
  5. Basic content. There may be a formulation of the problem, a new technique of work, the results of interesting research and so on may be described.
  6. By complexity (Complex, medium, simple). At the same time, simple theses are engaged in the disclosure of the main problem, the mean (main consisting of many simple) consist of fundamentally important ideas and provisions of basic scientific work, and complex consist of both simple and main theses that will fully disclose the essence of scientific work. .
  7. According to the status style (nominative or verb building). The theses of the verbal system look like a brief scientific description and consist mainly of the verbal fags. The theses of the nominative system are characterized by the absence of verbal faugments, differ in concise fixation of scientific data.

So we reviewed the main points, how the theses for the conference are made. And now let's go to the main thing: how to write them?

How to write theses for the conference: Rules and sample

The structure of this type of work will be fully dependent on what type of theses you decide to work.

If the text is written, which will describe the delivered problem, should include the following information blocks:

  • description of the objective of work and setting tasks;
  • small lit. Review, analysis of pressing points of view and methods;
  • statement of own thoughts on the problem;
  • possible ways to develop a problem;
  • summing up, evaluation of the results achieved.

If text is written according to the results of the study, it is better to use a slightly different structure:

  • a brief entry, disclosure of the urgency of the subject;
  • description of the objective of work;
  • general provisions, main hypotheses;
  • used methods and methodologies;
  • bringing calculations and data;
  • removal of intermediate results, analysis;
  • acquaintance with the main results;
  • final analysis, summing up.

But the sample of how theses are written to the conference following the example of working with new techniques:

  • a brief introduction, description of methods, applications;
  • description of the objective of work and setting tasks in the development of a new methodology;
  • acquaintance with the existing techniques, the analysis of the literature;
  • familiarity with the new methodology;
  • scope description;
  • real estimate of the merits and restrictions;
  • conclusions and exercise of the tasks set, the description of the error of the methodology.

Requirements for theses for the conference: how to make it possible

Before starting work, be sure to refer to the supervisor. He must show how the theses for the conference looks like, show examples and samples, how to do them, and how to make it up.

In addition to the supervisor, the organizational committee conducted by the Conference can provide rules for registration.

It is extremely important to pay special attention to the design. Errors and inaccuracies can cause refusal to speak. Why is everything so strict? Just any deviations can cause a breakdown of the timing of work and their further placement in libraries and publications.

And here are the basic rules for design:

  • main Font - Times New Roman,
  • size 12-14 Kehel,
  • single or semi-liter interval,
  • registration of the list of references exactly according to GOST 7.1-2003.

The title of the work should indicate the author data: its last name, name, patronymic, place of study / work, country and city. Sometimes it is necessary to perform abstract theses to the conference, but it is extremely rare. Therefore, we will not stop at this point.

The main thing is to determine a clear algorithm for creating theses to the conference. Here you are to help the check list, with the help of which you will be able to make a real "bomb" and "blow up" the scientific world with his performance:

Do not worry. If you have come to what you want to participate in the conference, then more than half of these requirements are still firmly sitting in your head. Well, if the time is mercilessly flies, and you cannot carve out the minutes of preparation, it is not necessary to refuse to participate at all. After all, you can simply turn to the theses for the conference from the specialists of the student service and quietly enjoy the world of facts, scientific reports and deep knowledge.

1. Abstracts - This is a short scientific text, which contains the main results of research work (those results that the author wants to inform the scientific community, that is, the most vivid, reliable, significant), as well as the methodology (paths and ways) of their receipt.

Science and research, photos from

2. The author himself (not forgetting to consult with the supervisor) decides which results to describe what to leave outside the text. One work (if it is sufficiently informative) you can write a few theses, presenting in them the various parts, the parties, aspects of the study.

3. Abstracts preceded and accompany your speech at the conference. They are designed to help other conference participants better understand the content of your research, assess the scientific and accuracy of the results you have.

4. Theses and performance is not the same thing. Speech must be prepared in accordance with the peculiarities of perception of oral speech (can help), while theses are a product of writing speech, the basis, the skeleton of your future report.

Thesis design

5. Thesis of theses determines the organization that collects them for their subsequent publication. It can vary from 1 to 5 pages. Remember that the maximum permissible volume is set. This means that the text can be less (but not exceed the specified border).

6. Carefully read the rules for the design of theses and follow them. Take into account the requirements for the size of the font, the size of the fields, the interval between the lines, the use of various types of selection, references and footnotes, the possibility of including schemes, tables, drawings. If the retreat from the proposed rules will be significant, theses are most likely to be rejected.

7. Most often indicate the following requirements: Times New Roman Font, Kehel 14, All Fields 2 cm, Summer Interval, Schemes and Drawings are asked not to include.

8. Direct quoting in theses is undesirable. If this is not avoided, the words of the author quoted by quotes should be selected and be sure to specify its initials and surnames in brackets, the year of the publication and the page number on which there is a statement you provide. If you retell the imagination of the author, you need to call it initials, the name and year of the publication of the work mentioned. Each surname, given in theses, must be accompanied by (in brackets) by an indication of the edition of those work in which the point of view mentioned by you is set out. It is unacceptable to bring surnames without initials. The initials are set in front of the surname (with the exception of the list of references, if it is allowed to bring it that it happens not always for theses).

9. Each of the techniques mentioned in theses must necessarily be accompanied by a reference to the publication from which it is taken (the initials and surname of the author of the methodology, the year of its publication).

Requirements for the contents of theses

10. The name of theses should correspond to their content. It can repeat the heading of the course (thesis) of work, and may differ from it (for example, if a part of the study is reflected in theses).

11. Theses should include answers to three questions:

  • what was studied? (Studying the problem of research, a brief substantiation of its relevance, novelty, theoretical and practical significance).
  • how studied? (Description of the research methodology: for empirical research - samples, methods and methods of organizing work, collecting and processing data, for literary reviews - ways to search and criteria for the selection of literature, on the basis of which work has been prepared).
  • what results were received? (main conclusions).

The logic of the text, the order of response to the questions given is determined by the author of theses.

12. Do not try to construct theses from fragments already written work. Logical connections between fragments in this case may be lost, the reader will have difficulties in understanding your research. Better try again to describe the study as a whole.

13. Do not be afraid, everyone once did it for the first time. You will succeed!

The main secrets of good theses

14. Good theses are a consequence of a well-performed study. It is unlikely to write good theses for poorly (casually, poorly) conducted, which is not relevant to the established requirements for research work. But the opposite is still possible. Over good theses you need to work hard, it will not work by itself.

15. Carefully formulate the topic of research (coursework, thesis) work. Use any opportunity for discussion on seminars, lectures. Record questions arising from colleagues to subsequently reflect on them. Check in periodicals, collections of articles and abstracts, whether there is no coincidence with the theme of already conducted by other studies.

16. Thoroughly think about the study design. Do not put too many questions in one work, leave them for the next stages of your research. Strive to relatively simple, elegant schemes.

Small video about the structure of the scientific article:

Video on the preparation of the speech at the conference:

See also other articles.

Some believe that theses are just a list of the main positions of work, but it is not. Theses of the scientific article - this is actually another form, an independent article, which should give a sufficient understanding of the study. Under them is the article logically related to each other, the proof of which is given in the publication itself.

The purpose of writing theses is to summarize the material submitted in the scientific article. Having become acquainted with the theses, the reader will conclude about the feasibility of acquaintance with the article itself. If you unsuccessfully present an article in the form of abstracts, it can scare the readers from acquaintance with interesting materials, while even a weak article by its content may cause considerable interest due to competently composed of theses.

Tezis structure

Theses have a specific structure, adhering to which one can clearly state the essence of the problem. There are three main parts of theses: preamble, bulk and conclusion. The preamble is preceded by information about the abstract of theses and their name, which is issued in accordance with the requirements of a specific publication.

Preamble. This part implies input to the problem of research, a description of its relevance and objectives of the study. For a common phenomenon, the traditional wording is used, while contacting a new or rare term, you must start with its brief description.


Gambling refers to the number of important problems of school-age children.

Cyberbulling is an online injury that has achieved in the world of threatening scale.

In the wording of the relevance and other elements, do not rewrite the entire text paragraphs, which may be present in your article. In theses, you should attract attention to the problem, and not try to describe it in detail its monstrous sizes or consequences.

Main part. Here it is necessary to submit several basic provisions of the work, which are combined by the problem of research. This part of theses need to pay special attention, as they affect the essence of the study and must be presented in sufficient. In the case of a quantitative study, it is necessary to briefly describe the applied methods, sampling parameters and basic results.

First, formulate theoretical provisions on the basis of which you conducted research. The wording will help you:


... (term) is

Main appointment (term) ... - This is ...

For ... (term) characterized by signs ...

Then describe the specific results of the study, for example, using the design: "In the course of the study, it was revealed that ...".

When describing the research methods, it can be noted that the tests were selected from how many stages were a study, in what form it was carried out. All this must be laid in 1-2 sentences, in which there will be no excessive details (place and conditions for conducting, the composition of groups, etc.) and minor words.

Sample :

The study was carried out using the technique (the name of the methodology): 30-selected students with a high level of gaming addiction were proposed questions of the author's questionnaire.

Conclusion. Recent statements should be a conclusion from all over the above. In the final part, it is necessary to summarize the results of the study. This may be a generalization of the conclusions that you described in the previous part. You will be helped by traditional designs, bringing the reader to the final of the work: "The results of the study are shown ...", "Thus ...", etc.

Errors in the preparation of theses

  1. A common mistake in the preparation of theses is the absence of a specific structure. This approach leads to the fact that the author simply represents in a compressed form some part of its research, without denoting its key parameters, or pulls individual positions of work, without connecting them with each other.
  2. The second error is excessive preamble. The authors of some theses too much attention is paid to the formulation of the relevance of the topic or problems without affecting the actual research. At the same time, the results of the study are primarily for the scientific world.
  3. The third mistake is associated with unnecessary complex phrases. Some authors believe that the excess of special terminology will demonstrate their education, competence in this topic. But do not forget that theses should attract the attention of the audience to the problem you raised. The easier you formulate the theses, the greater the likelihood that your topic will begin to discuss. At the same time, simplicity lies not only in the clear suggestions, but also in their brevity. Two short sentences are always perceived easier than a long design with particlepotion.
  4. Another error occurs due to the low content of theses. It would seem that with their wording there should be a problem, how to accommodate everything in a small volume (1-2 pages). However, there is also the opposite when a person does not know how to allocate the main thing. Instead of laconic phrases, logically connected with each other, it represents a whole text tape devoid of necessary accuracy and shortness.

Improving theses

Not every author spends time on improving his theses, and in vain. It is in the process of correction that your work can become a deeper, accurate and interesting to a potential audience. People with high self-conceit often think that they have been trying enough, and their work is above all silence. To get an objective assessment, offer competent people to read your theses and an article to which they were written. You will probably get several valuable comments that will help you see your own work on the part, to remove it too much and make more informative provisions.

Do you prepare a small essay or a whole doctoral thesis, probably the most difficult part of the work will be preparing theses. And this article was created just in order to help you in this difficult business.


Correct the following

    First, ask yourself the question, and make the answer to it the thesis. Regardless of how difficult the topic you considers, almost any abstracts can be submitted in the form of answers to certain questions.

    • Question: "What are the advantages of using computer equipment in the 4th class of the school?"
      • Thesis: "Computers allow the quarter-graders at the earliest stage to start receiving technological and scientific knowledge."
    • Question: "Why the Mississippi River plays such an important role in the book Mark Twain" Adventures Geklberry Finn"?"
      • Thesis: "The river simultaneously symbolizes the separation, and progress, as it shares characters and terrain, but at the same time gives the best chance to Heku and Jim gets closer to each other."
    • Question: "Why do people annoy vegans, feminists and other" morally oriented "groups?"
      • Thesis: "After spending a thorough sociological study, we found out that people seem to be the representatives of the" morally oriented "groups look at the surrounding cough on the people of the" second grade ", and this actually provokes anger and conflicts from scratch."
  1. Check your abstracts under the type of document you write. Not all essays are written in order to believe or learning. Understanding the purpose of writing the document will help you choose for him the best option of theses.

    So that theses seem more powerful, express them a clear position. You must contact one specific question in detail so that all your statements can be justified by the contents of the prepared document. Consider the following examples.

    Find such arguments that you have never heard before. The best theses allow you to find a new unusual way to look at the topic in question. They are reached fresh and dynamic, which makes the essay itself fresh and dynamic.

    • "After you think about the third or fourth time with the fact that Huck Finn is engaged in self-vacation, it comes to an understanding that, in fact, he is the first literary character, which is an exposed sadomasochist."
    • "The appearance of Internet technologies largely deprived the meaning of copyright laws - everyone may have the opportunity to read books for free, watch movies, study artwork and download music for free."
    • "Recent studies show that America needs to get rid of (at the same time quickly) from the bipartisan political system, despite the fact that she served as a country for the last couple of centuries."
  2. Make sure your theses are provable. Do not invent the thesis so that only then check its validity. Thesis is the end point of the research you spent, and not its beginning. You need these abstracts that you can support the evidence.

    • Below are examples of good theses.
      • "The recognition of the presence of impossible contradictions, their consideration and subsequent question of questioning Blake gives rise to his own faith and gradually strengthens it. Ultimately, the only possible way to find faith in his verses is to temporarily lose it."
      • "According to its well-documented philosophical views, an existential society that has no idea about the past or future, is doomed to stagnation."
      • "With reading" ODD to Solovy "through the prism of modern deconstruction, it is possible to pay attention to that KITS considered poetry as a certain volatile subjective, and not a tough literary form."
    • The following are examples of bad theses.
      • "The American revolution won those people." Despite the fact that this thesis looks unusual and unique, it will be very difficult to prove who was "rights", and who is "to blame", therefore the statement under consideration is extremely subjective.
      • "The theory of genetic heredity is a restrictive theory for any human relationship." The phrase sounds too difficult and pathetic. And the scale of "any human relationship" is too wide.
      • "The novel of Paul Harding, ultimately, is a cry of help from the author who is clearly in depressed." Since you personally did not have a chance to thoroughly question all the author, as there are no other prominent sources with such information, you will not be able to prove that it can be considered a fact here, and what is a conclusion. "
  3. Limit the theses with one or two sentences. Theses should be clearly and essentially to identify the main idea, it will help the reader to understand the topic and the course of its presentation in the document, as well as your attitude towards it.

Secrets of the preparation of ideal theses

    Choose for yourself the topic that interests you. This is the first step in the preparation of the document and the abstracts to it, since all the contents of your work will rely on the topic you chose. Unfortunately, this step will have to be omitted if you do not have the opportunity to choose the topic yourself.

    Comprehensively examine the topic. The purpose of this step is to choose a specific narrow aspect of the theme that you will be able to discuss. For example, you can choose computers as the topic. Computers can be considered from the point of view of their hardware content, software and programming. However, such extensive directions are unlikely to become the basis for the preparation of good theses. While something narrower, such as the influence of Steve Jobs on the modern computer industry, will allow you to find a much clearer focus of work on the document.

Properly decorated abstracts for the conference Have a very important role. Unfortunately prepared text can spoil the idea of \u200b\u200bthe main job, to push the listener or reader, and also present the author in the bad light. Competently decorated theses will allow to reveal the entire potential of scientific work, pay attention to their work or attract funding, note the author as a competent scientist. Abstracts to the conference marked by the Commission as significant may be published free of charge in various magazines or collections of conference articles.

Abstracts drawn up on the basis of the publication of another author. Preparation of the theses of this type is to carefully study the work of a third-party author.

During the study, it is necessary to allocate the main ideas and the essence of the work, further, on the basis of the prepared material, are formulated separate provisions, which are then drawn up in the report.

Abstracts in the Procedure

Abstracts for complexity

Abstracts outlining theses

  • Definition of work goal
  • Various data and calculations.
  • Main results
  • Final analysis and conclusions
  • Description of the new methodology
  • Descriptions of the application area

The title indicates the name of the article, the names of the authors, place of work or accounting, as well as the country and city. In some cases, it is necessary to prepare annotation and keywords.

Now you know

  • Publication Date: 2016-10-17
  • Category: Articles
  • Section: Recommendations

Theses are briefly formulated the main thoughts, the positions of the material being studied.In order to make the thesis abstract it is necessary:

1) Read the whole paragraph (even better to view the whole text entire text). Select the main idea (keywords) in paragraph. Find key sentences. They are keywords.

2) to discard the details in the proposal, explanations.

It is possible that the main thought of "scattered" on two or even three offers.

3) reformulate a dedicated thought in a simpler form.

Pr: The story of the pro-Mowgli (i.e., briefly indicates the essence or name, if we are talking about a well-known experiment, scientific or historical fact)

Example:fragment of the transcript of telecasting Gordon with D. Leontiev and S. Bratchenko "Puncture Man")

... A great mistake made a great psychologist Karl Rogers who identified human potential with the fact that we were laid out of nature. The concept of "personal growth", which was introduced to Karl Rogers, implies that everything is laid, it is necessary only to water and all germinate. But he germinates not what makes a man man, she sprouts what is only a premium. Our natural potential is not our human potential. Human potential is not within us, he is in our relations with the world.

In man there are not only biological and social, but also a personal personality that does not apply to anyone. A very beautiful model describing this was proposed by the American psychologist Salvatore Muddy, the author of a very original need theory. It allocates three groups of human needs: biological, social and psychological. Psychological Maddi has the need for imagination, judgment and symbolization: the fact that no one has ever attributed to needs. And then Maddi describes two ways to develop a person. The first way - when we perceive ourselves solely as the embodiment of biological needs and social roles, we have biological and social needs dominate, and we perceive ourselves as the embodiment of these biological needs and social roles and behave in their logic. This is a conformistic path. But there is another second option when the dominant is the needs of psychological. We have their own images, their own world. We build ideals, we project ourselves to the future ... and we begin to behave anywhere in a different way, humanly. You can do without it, but the human potential is never implemented. This is a choice that each of us does ...


Karl Rogers falsely equalized the potential of heredity. And personal growth - self-dissection of abilities.

Domanticated in heredity is only a prerequisite. Man-th potential is laid in a relationship, and not inside the ch-ka.

Gave: three aspects of the "content" of a person:



    actually personal

A similar idea of \u200b\u200bam.psiologist Salvatore Muddie about 3 GR-Rough (Biol-Ie, Social, Personal).

Muddy has 2 ways Rf:

1) Conformist: When the Ch-to perceive itself as an embodiment of the biol-their needs and social workers.

2) When the psychol needs dominate. Ch -K builds ideals, projects himself into the future. (\u003d Personal Path Dal.)

H-k himself chooses a way of life

According to the general definition in Wikipedia: "Theses - briefly formulated the main provisions, the main thoughts of scientific labor, articles, report, coursework or thesis." Theses of scientific articles are a set of interrelated and logically built basic provisions of full-way work, in which those should be proven and justified.

The main goal of writing theses is to submit a brief confirmation of generalization, reveal the essence, basic ideas and results more complete on the maintenance of work or scientific work. A distinctive feature of theses is a small volume (2-3 pages), reflecting the basic ideas of the full report.

Properly decorated abstracts for the conference Have a very important role. Unfortunately prepared text can spoil the idea of \u200b\u200bthe main job, to push the listener or reader, and also present the author in the bad light.

Competently decorated theses will allow to reveal the entire potential of scientific work, pay attention to their work or attract funding, note the author as a competent scientist. Abstracts to the conference marked by the Commission as significant may be published free of charge in various magazines or collections of conference articles.

Each scientist seeks to convey the results of his work to the world society and other specialists. Prepare qualitative theses and promulgate them - it means to make their work worthy of scientific recognition and applying by other scientists in their writings.

Theses are divided into the following types:

  • Authority of the main scientific work (compiled using the publications of another author, compiled on the basis of their own scientific papers)
  • Presentation site (international conferences, magazines, seminars, etc.)
  • Presentation form (presentation with performance, correspondence hearing, publication, etc.)
  • The procedure for writing (before the preparation of the main scientific work, when scientific work has already been prepared)
  • The main content (contains the formulation of the problem, the result of the study, a new method of work, etc.)
  • Complexity (main, simple, complex)
  • Style outlining (verbal and nominative)

Abstracts drawn up on the basis of the publication of another author. Preparation of the theses of this type is to carefully study the work of a third-party author. During the study, it is necessary to allocate the main ideas and the essence of the work, further, on the basis of the prepared material, are formulated separate provisions, which are then drawn up in the report.

Abstracts prepared on the basis of their own scientific papers. Here it is understood by a clear understanding of the subject under study by the author. At the same time, the main task of the author is a brief and capacious expression of the problem under consideration in writing.

Abstracts at the place of view

Theses of scientific work materials will be presented at the conference, expelled and reviewed at the seminar or forum or in absentia as expected by experts and adopted to publish in the journal.

Abstracts in the form of representation

A distinctive feature here is the need for a public speech, a correspondence hearing or the provision of theses to the Expert Council. Theses at the correspondence conference are usually written by briefs, capacious and informative, with the aim of their further publication in the collections of scientific conferences.

Abstracts in the Procedure

Preparation of theses based on the existing material is to properly allocate the main points and maintain the integrity of the work.

Preparation of theses before writing the basic scientific work is the most common type. The difficulty lies in the fact that the author did not fully examine the material and almost does not have an idea what he wants to write. After the appearance and formulation of the main idea is prepared a short plan, on the basis of which the text is written.

Substitute Abstracts

They are the essence of the content of the report. They can be built on the formulation of the problem, publishing the results of the study, publishing a new technique, etc.

Abstracts for complexity

Simple theses include individual parts of the main work, disclose only the highlights. The main theses include fundamentally important ideas and provisions of the main work. Each main thesis is explained simple. Complicated - include simple and basic abstracts, in full form reveal the main scientific work.

Abstracts outlining theses

The theses of the verbal system are more involved in the verbal faugments and are a brief scientific description.

The theses of the nominative system is characterized by the absence of verbal lesible and concise fixation of scientific information.

Let's go directly to the question " How to write theses for a conference».

The structure of theses is based on the typology of their content.

When writing the text that reveals the formulation of the problem includes the following blocks:

  • Laconic entry, revealing the relevance of the topic.
  • The purpose of the work and setting tasks
  • A brief literary review and analysis of existing methods or points of view, a description of the subject area and the object of the study
  • Ideas and thoughts of the author about the problem under consideration
  • Order and possible ways to develop research
  • Conclusions for tasks and goals. Assessment of the result.

When writing text based on the results of the study, it is recommended to use the following plan:

  • Brief concise entry, problem formulation
  • Definition of work goal
  • General provisions and basic research hypothesis.
  • Applied methods and methodologies.
  • Various data and calculations.
  • Intermediate results and analysis
  • Main results
  • Final analysis and conclusions

Theses concerning new work techniques include the following blocks:

  • Brief concise accession, techniques, scope
  • The purpose and objectives of the development of a new technique
  • Description of existing techniques, literature analysis
  • Description of the new methodology
  • Descriptions of the application area
  • Assessment of advantages and restrictions
  • Conclusions and the degree of achievement of the tasks, the error of the methodology.

Requirements for the design of theses

Requirements for the design of theses are presented org. Committee conducting this or that event. It is very important to pay special attention to this, since the incorrectly edited theses of the report may cause the deviation of the article, because Any violation of the rules for paperwork leads to an increase in time on the layout of the collection of works and further accommodation in libraries.

The average amount of abstracts is 3-5 pages, Times New Roman font, 12-14 khegel, an alternating interval or one-time interval.

One of the important points is to design a literature. It is necessary to account for citation, as well as to give scientific weight to the text. GOST 7.1-2003 is used to properly build a list.

The title indicates the name of the article, the names of the authors, place of work or accounting, as well as the country and city.

How to make abstracts to scientific article

In some cases, it is necessary to prepare annotation and keywords.

The general algorithm for writing theses to the conference:

  1. Determination of the type of theses and selection of its structure
  2. Statement of goals and necessary results
  3. Formulation of the working name of the document with the first paragraphs. It is necessary to take into account the subject of the desired conference section.
  4. Drawing up the structure of theses according to recommendations and type. For convenience, it is recommended to prepare according to one suggestion in each block, which includes the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis section. If the section contains several ideas, it will consist of several paragraphs
  5. Analysis of the obtained, if necessary, addition and refinement. It is important to logically build proof of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and ways to achieve the goal.
  6. Acquaintance with the requirements for the design of theses and text preparation based on the existing plan.
  7. Check the resulting text. If new considerations or ideas appeared on the question under consideration - they must also be included, repeating the previous steps.
  8. Completion of writing the text of the report, annotations, keywords and verify compliance with the conference requirements. It is very important to take into account the number of pages specified by the org. Committee of the event as recommended.
  9. Final preparation of the text of the article and the presentation of their scientific supervisor or acquaintances.
  10. Sending ready-made abstracts, decorated application for participation in the address of the Org. Committee.

Abstracts must be brief and informative

Logical interconnection should be traced throughout the text

Writing style should be extremely scientific

The text should be understood even an unprepared reader

Graphic design in the form of schemes and tables is welcomed.

See the article on this topic "10 of the main rules for writing scientific articles"

Now you know how to write theses for a conference. Qualitative articles and scientific growth!

  • Publication Date: 2016-10-17
  • Category: Articles
  • Section: Recommendations

1) The main theses are fundamentally important, main provisions that generalize the content of the source (the main conclusions).

2) Simple theses are the main thoughts present in certain parts of the information. Simple theses reveal the main.

3) Complex theses - include basic and simple abstracts. Each main thesis is explained simple.

- The abstracts should be placed in the logical sequence in which the main ideas of this book are most correctly set out (which does not always coincide with the sequence of material presentation).

- To write theses, it is advisable to use a complex plan.

- The formulation of theses should be clear and brief.

- In theses do not lead substantive facts, examples.

- Part of theses can be written in the form of a quote.

- Well-composed theses leak out one of the other.

Algorithm of the preparation of theses

2. Share text on logic parts.

3. In each part allocate the main thing.

Abstracts to the report - sample and example how to write

Throw out dedicated, formulate theses.

Abstract - This is a systematic, logically connected entry, unifying the plan, theses, extracts.

An abstract written by one reader can use others. It is more versatile than other types of records. For abstracts, you can successfully contact a few years after writing them.

Types of abstracts:

1) Planned abstract - are compiled based on the plan. Each issue of the plan corresponds to a certain part of the abstract. Where the plane point does not require additions and clarifications, it is not accompanied by text.

2) Textual abstract - is created mainly from the author's quotation of the book. Extracts may be associated with logical transitions, can be equipped with a plan and include theses. Helps to determine the falsity of the judgments of the author or identify controversial moments.

3) Free Abstract - combines extracts, quotes, sometimes theses. Part of his text can be equipped with a plan. To compile a free abstract, a deep understanding of the material, a large and active margin of words, to clearly and briefly formulate the main provisions.

4) Thematic abstract - gives a more or less comprehensive response to the subject matter. Such a summary is compiled on the basis of several sources, therefore it does not necessarily reflect all the content of each of them.

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