Integral accelerometers. Oscillatory LC circuit: principle of operation, calculation, definition The simplest accelerometer consists of an electric circuit

Integral accelerometers. Oscillatory LC circuit: principle of operation, calculation, definition The simplest accelerometer consists of an electric circuit

Accelerometer It is called the device that measures the projection of the apparent acceleration *. As a rule, the accelerometer is a sensitive mass attached in an elastic suspension. In the case of the seeming acceleration to deviate this mass from its initial position and judges the magnitude of this acceleration.

* Apparent acceleration is the difference between the true acceleration of the object and the gravitational acceleration.

Constructive execution

Accelerometers are single, two- and three-component. From the title, they measure the apparent acceleration along one, two and three axes (x, y, z) accordingly.


The true acceleration of the object under weightlessness causes only gravitational force, and therefore the true and gravitational acceleration is equal. As a result, there is no apparent acceleration and data of any accelerometer equal to 0 (zero). All systems are stopped functioning, which an accelerometer is used as an inclination sensor. Example: The position of the image on the tablet or smartphone will not change when you turn the case.

Scheme of the simplest accelerometer

So, the simplest accelerometer consists of a spring with a load attached on it and a damper, which fluctuations in this cargo and suppresses. The apparent acceleration is more, the spring is deformed stronger, and the instrument readings are changed.

When the equilibrium of the inertia of the load and the power of the spring occurs, the magnitude of the displacement of this cargo from the neutral position is recorded, which indicates the amount of acceleration (deceleration). This value of any movement sensor is recorded and at the output of the device is converted to an electrical signal.

Technologies for constructing modern accelerometers

Depending on the construction technology, the following accelerometers distinguish:



    on variable capacitors.

Piezoelectric accelerometers Widely used in testing and measurement tasks. They are distinguished by a very wide frequency range and sensitivity range. In addition, there may be different sizes and forms. The output signal of such accelerometers can be charged or voltage. With the help of sensors, both a blow and vibration can be measured.

Piezorezistive accelerometersusually characterized by a small range of sensitivity, as a result of which they are most appreciated to detect shocks than to determine the vibration. In addition, they are used in safety tests during collision. These accelerometers are mainly a wide frequency range, and the frequency response can reach 0 Hz (so-called DC sensors) or remain unchanged. This makes it possible to measure long signals.

Accelerometers on condenser variable, like piezorezistive, have a DC response. Such accelerometers have a high sensitivity, a narrow bandwidth, excellent temperature stability, a small error. With the help of data accelerometers, low-frequency vibration, movement and fixed acceleration are measured.

Today we are interested in the simplest oscillating contour, His principle of operation and application.

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Oscillations - The process repeated over time is characterized by changing the parameters of the system near the equilibrium point.

The first thing that comes to mind is the mechanical oscillations of mathematical or spring pendulums. But oscillations are electromagnetic.

A-priory oscillating contour (Or is the electrical chain in which free electromagnetic oscillations occur.

Such contour is an electrical circuit consisting of a coil inductance L. and capacitor capacity C. . These two elements can be connected only in two ways - sequentially and in parallel. We show in the figure below the image and the simplest oscillating circuit circuit.

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The principle of the oscillating circuit

Let's look at the example when we first charge the capacitor and closing the chain. After that, the chain begins to flow a sinusoidal electric current. The capacitor is discharged through the coil. In the coil when flowing through it there is current EMF self-inductiondirected towards the opposite current of the capacitor.

Drop-free, condenser due to energy EMF. The coils, which at this point will be maximal, will begin to charge again, but only in reverse polarity.

Oscillations that occur in the circuit - free dropping oscillations. I.e Without the additional supply of fluctuations in any real oscillatory circuit, it will be too early or late, like any oscillations in nature.

This is due to the fact that the contour consists of real materials (capacitor, coil, wires), which have such a property as electrical resistance, and energy losses in the real oscillatory circuit are inevitable. Otherwise, this simple device could become an eternal engine, the existence of which, as is known, is impossible.

Another important characteristic - Quality Q. . Quality determines the amplitude of the resonance and shows how many times the energy reserves in the circuit exceed the energy loss in one period of oscillations. The higher the quality of the system, the slower will plump the fluctuations.

Resonance LC-contour

Electromagnetic oscillations in occur with a certain frequency, which is called resonant more about the resonance - in our separate article. The frequency of oscillations can be changed by varying the circuit parameters such as the capacitor capacitance C. , inductance of the coil L. , resistance resistor R. (for LCR-contour).

The use of the oscillating circuit

The oscillating circuit is widely used in practice. It is based on frequency filters, there is no radio or generator of signals of a certain frequency without it.

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The principle of operation of any accelerometer is the property of the bodies to maintain its position unchanged at an accelerated base movement on which they are somehow fixed.

Pendulum accelerometers with an electric spring (Figure 6) are used in the stabilization systems of the center of mass pH in the positional and integrating versions. A large variety of constructive patterns of pendulum accelerometers are known. However, the basis for them is the presence of a mechanical system associated with a pendulum, and an electrical or photometic (as well as an electrostatic, capacitive) system of useful information.

The compensation measurement method based on most pendulum accelerometers, in principle, provides high measurement accuracy. The implementation of this method in accelerometers is carried out using compensating power or torque devices based on various physical principles - mechanical, electromagnetic, electrostatic.

Magnetoelectric converters are currently obtained, in which compensating torque or force are created by the interaction of the magnetic field created by the feedback current, which flows over the converter winding, with a permanent magnet field. Such converters provide the necessary moments (forces) with small dimensions and have an acceptable parameter stability at this stage.

The principle of operation of the pendulum accelerometer with an opening vein (integrating option) is as follows. In the event of the apparent acceleration W z, directed along the OZ axis, a moving frame with a pendulum seeking to keep its position unchanged will begin to unfold relatively stationary frame. As a result of the relative rotation of the frame, the magnetic flow of the mobile frame, crossing the turns of the winding of the stationary frame, will cause an electromotive force in it. The voltage removed from the winding of the stationary frame, after the amplification in the amplifier enters through the capacitor and flexible currents on the winding of the moving frame and will cause a feedback current I OS. This current, in turn, will cause a magnetic stream.
Mobile frame. The interaction of the magnetic flow of a constant magnet with averaged value of the magnetic flux from the feedback current is the cause of the mechanical moment of feedback M, aimed against the moment of inertial forces M and.

If we assume that the apparent acceleration W z is constantly, the equality between the specified moments will come in the steady mode, i.e. M OS \u003d M and, and the measurement of the measured acceleration can be the current I OS current in the feedback circuit of the pendulum accelerometer flowing through the winding of the movable frame.

When opening the key and complete idealization of all the links of the feedback chain can be considered that


Since m and \u003d mlw x, then at m os \u003d m and get

or after integration at zero initial conditions


Obviously, the integral of the apparent acceleration is equal to the apparent speed, i.e.


where T K is an integration interval, so

With a closed key and the same source data

Thus, the same pendulum accelerometer can be with a flexible feedback integrating, and with tight-position. This circumstance is widely used with the initial exhibition of aircraft management systems and when controlling their movement in flight. Thus, with an opening key, the accuracy of the initial exhibition of the command device complex increases, because at flexible feedback, the statistical errors of the pendulum accelerometer with an electric spring are excluded, as the simplest circuit of the automatic control system.

In the compensation accelerometers, an angle sensor (DF) is used to obtain information about the acceleration. The greatest distribution both in the navigation and industrial samples of accelerometers was obtained by photo sensors (PD) and sensors of capacitive type (units).

The use of FD allows to enhance the useful signal to use relatively simple electronic circuits. In a typical accelerometer of the compensation type, such a DU was applied.

The main elements of this measuring device are:


Two photodiodes VD1 and VD2;

A curtain, rigidly fixed with the pendulum, and located between the light and photodiodes;

Pre-amplifier analog (linear) signal DA, covered by the ROC feedback resistance;

Resistance converting voltage in RI feedback current;

Moment sensor winding (DM) L.

The principle of operation of this pendulum accelerometer in analog (regular) mode is as follows. In the event of a seeming acceleration of AI, directed along the axis of sensitivity, the pendulum and rigidly associated curtain, seeking to preserve the position unchanged, will begin to unfold relative to the accelerometer housing. As a result of relative rotation, one of the LEDs will be distinguished more than the other. As a result, the difference in the potentials at the remote control. This voltage will be submitted to the preamp input and after amplification in the form of the feedback current will be swallowed into the winding of DM. DM will form a compensative moment, which will return the pendulum in its original state. Thus, by
The value of the feedback current can be judged by the value of the apparent acceleration.

At the time of the beginning of the movement of the pendulum of the accelerometer, the strength of friction of peace is valid, which introduces error in measurement (sensitivity threshold).

The principle of operation and device of the acceleration measurement sensor Consider on the example of the spring accelerometer, which is used as a sensitive element of the inertial mass.

Operating principle The spring accelerometer with inertial sensing elements is based on the use of inertial forces or moments arising from the movement of a certain mass with acceleration. Dependence of inertial power F, acting on the body, the mass of which is equal m. With acceleration a. As you know, define on the second law of Newton:

F \u003d. m.· a.

Sensors with inertial sensitive elements are also used to measure vibration, angular velocity of rotation, etc.

Accelerometer device.

Sensitive element of the accelerometer is the inertial mass 1, suspended on two springs 2, Attached at points BUT and IN To the body 3, Hardly associated with a moving object.

Line AU It is the axis of the sensitivity of the accelerometer. It is parallel to the axis of the moving object, which you need to measure acceleration. h..

In the absence of accelerations, the springs tension is the same and the mass is located on average (neutral) position. If the object is moving with a constant linear acceleration h., The mass moves to some value in which the inertial force P in, arising due to the accelerated mass movement in absolute space is balanced by force P apople Spring elasticity.

To calm the oscillations of the inertial mass in transition serves as a damper 4, Creasing, proportional to the velocity of movement of mass relative to the case 3. Apply magnetoinduxed, liquid or air dampers.

Requirements for accelerometers regarding measurement accuracy are determined by the scope of application. So, the accuracy of accelerometers in inertial systems should not exceed 0,001%. Accelerometers used in control systems have errors for two or three orders of magnitude higher. The errors of accelerometers used as visual instruments are 1 ÷ 3%.

Another area of \u200b\u200bapplication of accelerometers is their use as measuring sensors overload Acting a plane in a certain direction.

Overload called surface strength F, acting in the direction of any axis of the aircraft, to the strength of weight G.Surface forces include lifting force, resistance force and thrust force. There is a normal overload (transverse), equal to the ratio of the lifting force to weight strength, longitudinal and side.

Overload - the value is dimensionless. Sometimes they say that overload is equal, for example, 5G. This means that in this direction on the aircraft and the crew members in it acts in force, five times higher than the strength of the weight. Based on the definition of the concept of overload, you should talk about overload equal 5, but not 5G.

The greatest value for piloting Sun Plays vertical overload.

Accelerometer signals are also used in inertial navigation systems to calculate the speeds and coordinates, in flight control systems and engines, as well as to indicate the current and critical overload values.

Accelerometers used in control systems are oriented by their sensitivity axes along the main axes of the summer apparatus. Such accelerometers measure the components of the acceleration vector over these axes, and for the full vector you need three accelerometers.

In the inertial navigation systems of the axis, the sensitivity of accelerometers are focused on the axes of the navigation coordinate system, usually associated with the Earth. As a navigation system, the coordinates can be taken, for example, a geographical system, one of the axes of which is directed over the meridian, and the second axis is perpendicular to the first in the horizontal plane. Moreover, two accelerometers with mutually perpendicular axes located in a horizontal plane are measured by horizontal components of the acceleration vector, and one accelerometer, the axis of the sensitivity of which is directed vertically, measures the vertical acceleration.

The main elements of accelerometers are the suspensions of inertial masses (sensitive elements), mass movement signal sensors, torque (power) devices that provide feedback signals, signal amplifiers and corrective devices (dampers).

In order for the accelerometer to react only on the component of acceleration, to measure which it is intended, its inertial mass should have a special suspension that meets the following requirements:

Minimum friction in the suspension axes;

The absence of cross-links between the measuring axes;

Ensuring the linear dependence between the deviations of the inertial mass and the measured acceleration.

The suspensions on simple supports create significant friction, which reduces the sensitivity of the accelerometer. To reduce friction, the sensitive element is strengthened on the lever or placed in a specific weight liquid equal to the specific weight of the sensing element.

Perspective are electromagnetic and cryogenic suspensions.

To convert movements to electrical signals in accelerometers apply potentiometric, inductive, capacitive, photoelectricand string converters.

The basic requirements for converters are as follows:

1) a large resolution;

2) linear dependence of the exit from the entrance;

3) the absence of the reaction of the converter to the sensitive element.

These requirements do not satisfy the potentiometric sensors, so in exact devices they do not apply.

As torque (powerful) devices in accelerometers for inputting feedback signals, torque engines are used (electric motors operating in the inverted mode) and electromagnetic devices.

To obtain accelerometers with the required frequency response in feedback circuits, corrective filters and special dampers are used. In devices with liquid suspension for damping, the viscosity of the fluid itself is used.

As an example, consider a single-component accelerometer.

In scheme fig. 11.2. Seismic mass 1 suspended on a guide 4. To reduce friction on the guide mass 1, Liquid placed 3, It has neutral buoyancy, which eliminates strong pressed to the guide. Signals in the scheme under consideration, proportional to the movement of the seismic mass, are measured by an inductive sensor 6 . After amplified in the amplifier 5 The signal enters the electromagnetic (power) drive 7. An accelerometer output signal is the voltage drop and resistance R, Included in the power drive winding circuit. Damping in the device is obtained due to resistance when the seismic mass is moving in the liquid.

Accelerometer is designed to measure linear accelerations. The invention can be used as a sensitive element in stabilization, guidance and navigation systems, as well as in the instruments of measuring the mechanical values \u200b\u200bof the compensation type.

A device for measuring accelerations (RF patent №2098833, CL G01P 15/13, publ. 10.12.97), containing a sensitive element, including two fixed electrodes and a movable plate, three amplifiers, two resistors, and the second input The amplifier is connected to the second resistor and is the output of the device. To increase noise immunity, when exposed to electrical interference, the source of the reference voltage was introduced, the electrical signal generator, two transistor pairs, three resistors, two capacitors, allowing negative feedback to compensate for electrical interference.

The disadvantage of this device is the low measurement accuracy, since the choice of gain coefficient in a rigid negative feedback is limited by the condition of the stability of the system.

The closest on the technical solution is the device (described in the AC No. 742801, publ. In bi No. 23, 1980), containing a sensitive element, an angle sensor, an integrating feedback amplifier, a torque sensor, an additional integrating amplifier, an electronic key, threshold element. Moreover, the first output of the angle sensor is connected via an integrating feedback amplifier to the moment sensor, and the second output of the angle sensor through the threshold element and the optional integrating amplifier is connected to the control input of the electronic key.

The disadvantage of the accelerometer is a small bandwidth, due to the operation of integrating analog amplifiers and the threshold element. In addition, the bandwidth depends on the parameters of the electronic key scheme that sampling information. The accelerometer has an error of measurement due to the limb of the charge time of the integrating amplifier condenser. This error leads to an aperture error characteristic of this sampling scheme and information processing. A small accelerometer bandwidth, low speed and small gain in the open contour, determine accuracy in the steady mode.

The technical objective of the present invention is to expand the accelerometer bandwidth and improving the measurement accuracy.

This is achieved due to the fact that an accelerometer containing a sensitive element, the deviation of which is fixed by the angle sensor, the torque sensor included in the negative feedback is introduced, two negative integrating feedbacks are introduced, one from the output of the angle sensor to one of the inputs of the torque sensor simultaneously through the amplifier feedback and first integrator, other, negative integrating feedback, implemented from the output of the angle sensor to another moment input of the moment sensor sequentially in the informational inputs through the amplifier, filter, comparator, a level converter, a pair of waiting synchronous generators, a reversible binary counter, comparison scheme, second Integrator, trigger, and electronic key. Moreover, the additional inputs of the comparator, waiting for synchronous generators, the reversing binary meter is connected to the output of the auxiliary frequency generator. The comparison circuit input is connected to the output of the auxiliary frequency generator through the summing binary counter. The electronic key input is connected to the output of the current generator. Exit from a reversing binary meter is a digital accelerometer code.

Introduction of two negative integrating feedbacks, one of which stabilizing feedback, from the output of an angle sensor to one of the inputs of the torque sensor through the feedback amplifier and the first integrator, the other - from the output of the angle sensor to the input of the torque sensor via the amplifier connected to the information inputs Filter, comparator, level converter, a pair of waiting synchronous generators, a reversible binary counter, comparison scheme, second integrator, trigger, electronic key allow you to create an accelerometer working in self-oscillation mode with an extended bandwidth and considerable speed.

Figure 1 shows the functional diagram of the accelerometer, in FIG. 2, the simulation scheme, in FIG. 3, the results of the simulation of the prototype and the proposed device.

Accelerometer contains a sensitive element 1, the angular deviation of which locks the angle sensor 2. The output of the angle of the angle 2 is connected to the inputs of the feedback amplifier 3, the first integrator 4, and with the amplifier 5. The output of the amplifier 5 is connected to the filter input 6. Filter output 6 is connected to the input Comparator 7. The output of the comparator 7 is connected to the input of the level 8 converter, the outputs of which are connected to the inputs of a pair of waxing synchronous generators (zhsg) 9 and 10. The outputs of the SSR 9 and 10 are connected to the inputs of the reverse binary meter 11. The output of the reversible binary meter 11 is connected to the input Comparison schemes 12. Another input of the comparison circuit 12 is connected to the output of the summing binary counter 13. The output of the comparison circuit 12 is connected to the input of the second integrator 14. The output of the second integrator 14 is connected to the input of the trigger 15, the output of which is connected to an electronic key input 16, another electronic input The key 16 is connected to the output of the current generator 17. The output of the electronic key 16 is connected to one of the BX ONES Moment 18 Sensor, Other Moment Sensor Inputs are connected to the output of the feedback amplifier 3 and with the output of the first integrator 4. Additional inputs of the comparator 7, zhsg 9 and 10, a reversible binary meter 11 are connected to the output of the auxiliary frequency generator 19. Input of the comparison scheme 12 Connected with the output of the auxiliary frequency generator 19 through the summing binary counter 13.

Internal content of integrators, amplifier, comparator, waiting for synchronous generators, a reversible binary meter, comparison scheme, threshold element, a trigger, a summive binary meter, a level converter, integrators, filter are given in the book: P. Khorowitz, W. Hill. Art scheme engineering. M.: Mir, T 1-3, 1993.

Accelerometer works as follows. When the acceleration W on the sensitive element 1, made in the form of a pendulum, acts an inertial moment equal to m · L · w (where M, L is the mass and length of the pendulum). Under the action of this moment, a delicate element 1 is deviated, which is fixed by the angle sensor 2. The output signal from the angle sensor 2, as a voltage, enters both the input of the feedback amplifier 3 and on the input of the first integrator 4. Output signals from feedback amplifier 3 and the first integrator 4, after converting into the current, comes to one of the inputs of the torque sensor 18. The elements included in the accelerometer structure, 2, 3, 4, 18 form the first integrating negative feedback. The signal from the angle sensor 2 also comes to the input of the amplifier 5, and then in the form of a voltage of the filter input 6. The signal from the output of the filter 6, in the form of a voltage, enters the input of the comparator 7. In the comparator 7, the signal is compared from the filter output 6 with a signal. allocated to the frequency and amplitude of the signal from the output of the auxiliary frequency generator 19. If the signal from the filter exit 6 will be more triangular voltage from the output of the auxiliary frequency generator 19, then at the output of the comparator 7 there will be a high logical level, if less, then at the output of the comparator 7 - Low logical level. The signal level from the output of the comparator 7 depends on the phase of the deviation of the sensing element 1. The signal from the output of a comparator 7, as a level, is entered on the input of the level 8 converter, and then to the inputs of waxing synchronous generators 9 and 10, which, using an auxiliary frequency generator 19 The signals in the form of a pulse are given to each effect of the input signal (from the output of the level 8), equal to "1". The reversing binary counter 11, on the signal from the auxiliary frequency generator 19, calculates the unit pulses of the exit of the waiting synchronous synchronous generator 9 and the subtraction of the pulses coming from the output of the waiting synchronous generator 10. Reversible binary counter 11 positive information is in line code, and negative in Additional code, and the transformation of the additional code is carried out by the comparison circuit 12 and the summing binary counter 13. After the logical comparison of the signals in the comparison circuit 12, the signal from exit 12 enters the input of the second integrator 14, and then to the trigger input 15. Signal, as a level, From the trigger 15 enters the electronic key input 16. The stabilization of the electronic key parameters 16 performs the current generator 17. At the output of the electronic key 16 there will be impulses, the number of which is proportional to the binary code entering the input of the comparison circuit 12. On the input of the torque sensor 18, signals are received from the outputs of the feedback amplifier 3 and the first integrator 4, also from the output of the electronic key 16. The signal coming on Moment 18 sensor winding, will be with a sign of a sign discharge of a reversing binary counter 11. The output of the reversing binary meter 11 is the output of the digital accelerometer code. The first negative integrating feedback containing feedback amplifier 3 The first integrator 4 and the moment sensor 18 performs the stabilization of the parameters of the accelerometer. The second integrating negative feedback, formed by elements 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 and 18, extension of bandwidth and increase accuracy.

Introduction to the accelerometer of two integrating negative feedbacks from the output of the angle sensor to the input of the torque sensor allows you to create a device with anatamism by deflection, operating in auto-oscillating mode with an extended bandwidth and significant speed.

Figure 2 shows a diagram of modeling the proposed device. FIG. 3 transition processes in the prototype (1) and in the proposed device (2). It follows from their analysis that the proposed device operating in self-oscillating mode has a significant bandwidth and speed.

The proposed method of changing the bandwidth and accuracy can be used in compensation type devices (accelerometers and angular velocity sensors) manufactured by industry without changing their design and manufacturing technology.

Accelerometer containing a sensitive element, the deviation of which is fixed by the angle sensor, the torque sensor included in the negative feedback, characterized in that it introduced two negative integrating feedback into it, one from the output of the angle sensor to one of the inputs of the torque sensor simultaneously through the feedback amplifier Both the first integrator, the other, negative integrating feedback, is implemented from the output of the angle sensor to another input of the moment sensor in series by information inputs through the amplifier, filter, comparator, a level converter, a pair of waiting synchronous generators, a reversible binary counter, comparison scheme, second integrator, Trigger, electronic key, with additional inputs of a comparator, waiting for synchronous generators, a reversing binary counter, are connected to the output of the auxiliary frequency generator, in addition, the electronic key input is connected to the output of the current generator, and the input of the comparison scheme is connected to the generator output Auxiliary frequency through the summing binary counter, and the output of the reversing binary meter is a digital device code.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to the field of measuring equipment, namely to measuring transducers of linear acceleration. The compensation accelerometer contains a housing with a stand, the first plate of monocrystalline silicon, the second plate with two fixed electrodes of a differential capacitive position converter, a third plate, a magnetoelectric power transducer with a permanent magnet, amplifier, and a permanent magnet, the second plate, sequentially on the rack base , first plate and third plate.

The invention relates to measuring techniques and can be used in micromechanical compensatory accelerometers. The sensitive element contains inertial mass, elastic elements, feedback coil, conducting tracks for electrical communication of feedback coils with a control circuit, glass plates, an outer frame, with fastening sites located on it to glass plates.

The invention relates to the field of precision instrument making, in particular to the instruments of measuring the parameters of the movement of aircraft, and can be used in the manufacture of pendulum compensation accelerometers intended for measuring significant linear accelerations.

Accelerometer is designed for use as a sensitive element in stabilization and navigation systems. The invention can be used in measuring instruments of the mechanical values \u200b\u200bof the compensation type. The accelerometer contains a sensitive element, the deviation of which is fixed by the angle sensor, the outputs of which are connected to the inputs of the adder via the threshold element and the integrating amplifier, and the point sensor included in the negative feedback. An adder output is an analog device output. To increase the accuracy and expansion of the bandwidth to the accelerometer, two negative feedbacks were introduced: one - from the output of the angle sensor to one of the inputs of the torque sensor via the differentiating filter, the other is a negative integrating feedback, implemented from the release of the adder to another input of the moment sensor sequentially on the information Inputs through a comparator, a level converter, a pair of waiting synchronous generators, a reversible binary counter, comparison scheme, trigger, electronic key. Additional inputs of a comparator, a reversing binary meter, waiting for synchronous generators are connected to an auxiliary frequency generator. In addition, the electronic key input is connected to the output of the current generator. The comparison circuit input is connected to the output of the auxiliary frequency generator through the summing binary counter. The output of the reversing binary meter is a digital device output. The negative feedback, implemented from the output of the angle sensor to the input of the torque sensor, through the differentiating filter, performs the stabilization of the parameters of the accelerometer. Introduction to the accelerometer integrating negative feedback allows you to create a device with anatamism by deflection, working in auto-oscillating mode, with an extended bandwidth and significant speed. 2 il.

The invention relates to measuring equipment and can be used for high-precision measurement of accelerations in system correction systems for reactive shells. The purpose of the invention is to reduce the temperature instability of the accelerometer conversion coefficient. The compensation accelerometer comprises an inertial element (1), an oscillatory system (2), a movement converter (3), an amplifier of the chain chain (4), a reverse converter (5), a zooming resistor connection node (6), a thermopensing amplifier (7). The chain of the negative feedback of the thermocompanying amplifier between its inverting input and the feedback resistor is included with a circuit consisting of a temperature sensor R01, a drawn RS1 resistor, the value of the electrical resistance of which is selected from the condition: where Kς (T) is the compensated value of the temperature instability of the conversion coefficient accelerometer; Kt0 (t0), kt0 (Δt1), kt0 (Δt2) is the temperature characteristic of the thermocompression amplifier when the temperature sensors are disconnected under the conditions of the influence of the nominal, reduced and enhanced operating temperatures of the accelerometer, respectively; Ka (t0), ka (Δt1), ka (Δt2) is the temperature characteristic of the accelerometer when the temperature sensors are disconnected under the conditions of the influence of the nominal, reduced and elevated operating temperatures of the accelerometer, respectively; Kt (t0), kt (Δt1), kt (Δt2) is the temperature characteristic of the selected configuration of the thermocompression amplifier under the conditions of the influence of the nominal, reduced and increased operating temperatures of the accelerometer, respectively; R0, R01 is the electrical resistance of copper coils connected to the inlet of the thermocompanying amplifier and into the chain of its negative feedback, respectively, at the nominal environmental value; αR, αm - temperature coefficients of resistance of resistors RP, RP1 and copper coils R0, R01, respectively; ΔT is the increment of the ambient temperature of the accelerometer relative to its nominal value. The connection of two temperature sensors in the thermocompression amplifier circuit allows you to linearize the compensated temperature characteristic of the accelerometer, which provides a decrease in the temperature instability of its conversion coefficient and reducing the complexity of its temperature debugging process. 3 Il.

The invention relates to devices for measuring accelerations and can be used in stabilization and navigation systems. Essence: The device contains a sensitive element (1), position sensor (2), the output of which is connected to the amplifier input (4) with a stable gain coefficient, a magnetoelectric power transducer (15) included in the negative feedback. At the same time, an analog, integrating and discrete negative feedback is introduced into it. Analog negative feedback is implemented from the output of the sensor (2) of the position to one of the inputs of the magnetoelectric power converter (15) via the alternating current amplifier series (4), the first logical element (5), the scheme (8) excluding or, filter (9), the first converter (10) voltage-current and adder (11). The integrating negative feedback is implemented from the output of the circuit (8) excluding or on the input of the magnetoelectric power converter (15) through the first integrator (12) connected by information inputs (12), the second converter (13) voltage-current and adder (11). Discrete negative feedback was introduced from the output of the circuit (8) excluding or on the input of the magnetoelectric power transducer (15) through the trigger (14) and adder (11) seriesly connected by information entrances. In addition, the reference voltage generator (3) is connected both with the position sensor (2) and with the phase shift (6). The output of the phase shift (6) is connected to one of the inputs of the circuit (8) excluding or through the second logic element (7). One of the trigger (14) outputs is connected to the input of the reversing binary meter (16), the output of which is the discrete output of the accelerometer. Technical result: Extend bandwidth and increase accuracy of measurement of accelerations. 6 il.

The compensation accelerometer is designed for use in stabilization and navigation systems. The device contains a sensitive element, the position sensor, the output of which is connected to the amplifier input with a stable gain, magnetoelectric power transducer included in the negative feedback. At the same time, an analog, integrating and discrete integrative negative feedback was additionally introduced into it. Analog negative feedback is implemented from the output of a position sensor to one of the inputs of the magnetoelectric power converter through the AC amplifier sequentially connected by information inputs, the first logic element, an exclusive scheme or filter, the first voltage converter and the adder. The integrating negative feedback is implemented from the output of the circuit excluding or, on the input of the magnetoelectric power converter through the first integrator, the second voltage converter and the adder connected via information inputs. Discrete integrating negative feedback was introduced from the output of the circuit excluding or on the input of the magnetoelectric power converter through the second integrator, trigger and adder connected by information entrances. In addition, the reference voltage generator is connected both with a position sensor and with a phase shift, the output of which is connected to one of the inputs of the circuit inputs, or through the second logic element, and one of the trigger outputs is connected to the input of the reverse binary meter, the output of which is a discrete output. compensatory accelerometer. The technical result is to expand the bandwidth and increase the accuracy of measurement of accelerations. 3 Il.

The invention relates to primary information sensors (instruments) for measuring linear acceleration. The essence of the invention is that in a compensatory pendulum accelerometer in which the magnetoelectric moment sensor is two magnetic systems consisting of permanent magnets fixed from the end part into magnetic pipelines in the form of a rim, the reel of the moment sensor is sprayed on the upper and lower surfaces of a single plate of monocrystalline The silicon of the pendulum sensing element, the measuring unit is made in the form of a compact package glued to at least four points of contact of the grooves on flat insulating cards and platforms of a single plate of monocrystalline silicon of a pendulum sensing element, feeding and output of an electrical signal to the elements of the measuring unit from elements of electronics. With the help of conductive contacts made in the form of pins, the fastening of elements of magnetic systems, the measuring unit and elements of electronics is carried out with the help of the steam of screws fixed in each other In the total tube with internal thread, at the same time, in the bases of the heads of which sealing gaskets, electronics elements and the thermal sensor are located in a separate compartment, which is insulated with a cap, and an insulating gasket is located in the protective casing of the elements of the magnetic system and the electronics fee. The hole for evacuating the internal space of the instrument. The technical result is an increase in measurement accuracy. 3 Il.

The invention relates to the measuring technique, is a compensation accelerometer and is intended for use as a measuring transducer of linear accelerations. The accelerometer contains a housing, a first plate of monocrystalline silicon with moving and fixed parts and connecting them with elastic jumpers along the suspension axis, a differential capacitive converter of a position with two fixed electrodes on the second plate, a third plate, a magnetoelectric power transducer with a permanent magnet and a compensation coil installed on Two stands on the movable part, load on the moving part, amplifier. To minimize the angular deformation of the moving part of the first plate at temperature effects on it, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe installed symmetrically relative to the suspension axis, rosters were made. The technical result is to increase the accuracy of measuring acceleration. 4 Z.P. F-lies, 5 yl.

The invention can be used in measuring instruments of the mechanical values \u200b\u200bof the compensation type. The compensation accelerometer contains a sensitive element, an angle sensor, a negative feedback phase detector, an integrating amplifier. The reference voltage generator is connected both with the input of the angle sensor and the input of the negative feedback phase detector. The output of the comparator is connected in series inputs with the input of the torque sensor through the level converter, a pair of waiting synchronous generators, a reversible binary counter, summing up a binary counter, which is connected to one of the inputs of the comparison scheme, threshold element, electronic key, current generator connected to the entrance electronic key. The auxiliary frequency generator is connected to the inputs of a comparator, a pair of waiting for synchronous generators, a summing binary meter and a reversible binary meter. One of the outputs of the negative feedback phase detector is connected to the input of the torque sensor through the filter. A stabilizing chain containing two contours is introduced to the input of the comparator, which is connected to the output of the negative feedback phase detector. The output of the reversing binary meter is a digital output of the compensation accelerometer. The technical result is the possibility of measuring accelerations, while the compensation accelerometer works in self-oscillating mode, with anatamism and with an extended bandwidth and considerable speed. 3 Il.

The invention relates to means of measuring linear accelerations. Entity: Accelerometer contains a housing (1), which contains a pendulum plate sensitive element (MCE) (2), elastic suspension by which the MCE is associated with the housing (1); Magnetoelectric sensor (3) of torque, photovoltaic sensor (6) of the movement angle, compensation amplifier (10). Elastic suspension consists of two coaxially arranged metal stretch marks (7) with a rectangular cross section, fixed in MCE (2) and in the housing (1), and devices (8) of stretch marks (7). Metal stretch marks (7) are currents to the conclusions of the coils (5) of the magnetoelectric sensor (3) of the moment. At the same time, both stretch marks (7) are established so that their large side of the cross section is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the coils of the magnetoelectric sensor (3) of the moment. Technical result: an increase in the dynamic measurement range, ensuring the small size and high stability of the displacement of the zero of the device, ensuring reliability under conditions of mechanical influences. 3 Z.P. F-li, 6 yl.

The invention relates to the field of instrument making, namely, to inertial threshold sensors, carrying out registration and memorization offline (without power source) information about achieving the acceleration of the specified limit levels. The limit acceleration sensor comprises a housing with an inertial body installed in it, preloaded to the elastic element, installed with the possibility of transition from one stable position to another by passing. The elastic element is made in the form of a flexible plate sprite with edge corrugations having a negative rigger on the working stroke site, while the inertial body of the spherical shape is installed in the central hole of the plate springs. Technical result: Improving the accuracy of the sensor's response under the action of accelerations acting along and at an angle to the axis of the sensor, including the impact pulses of an arbitrary shape, and an increase in stability under the conditions of vibration. 2 il.

The invention relates to the field of instrument making and can be used in measuring instruments mechanical values \u200b\u200bof the compensation type. The compensation accelerometer containing a sensitive element, an angle sensor, the output of which is connected to the input of the amplifier, the torque sensor, negative feedback, a negative integrative feedback phase detector, the input of which is connected to the output of the amplifier. Additional inputs of the angle sensor and a phase detector of a negative integrating feedback are connected to the output of the reference voltage generator. The output of the phase detector of the negative integrating feedback is connected to the input of the integrating amplifier, the outputs of which are connected to the inputs of a pair of waiting synchronous generators through a controlled relay element and a level converter. The outputs of the waxing synchronous generators are connected to the input of the binary multiplier via the reversing binary counter sequentially connected by information inputs, the additional code converter in the straight and scheme of the collection, and the output of the binary multiplier is connected via a digital filter with one of the inputs of the iconic switch, the other input of which is connected to the output Reversing binary meter. The output of the iconic switch is connected to the input of the sensor of the moments through the adder. The yield of the binary multiplier is a discrete way out. Additional inputs of a pair of waiting synchronous generators, a controlled relay element are connected to the output of the synchronization scheme. The negative feedback is entered a dynamic error control unit, the input of which is connected to the output of the negative feedback phase detector through the smoothing filter, and the output of the dynamic error control unit is connected to one of the inputs of the adder via the voltage converter. In addition, the output of the controlled relay element is connected to the input of an analog filter with a gear ratio (where T is a time constant, S is the Laplace conversion operator) and the output of the analog filter is an analog device output. The technical result is an increase in accuracy and expansion of bandwidth. 3 Il.

The invention relates to navigation systems and can be used in measurement devices of the mechanical values \u200b\u200bof the compensation type. The technical result of the invention is to increase the measurement accuracy. Accelerometer contains a sensitive element, the torque sensor included in the negative feedback. The accelerometer introduced two negative integrating feedbacks, one from the output of the angle sensor to one of the inputs of the torque sensor simultaneously through the feedback amplifier and the first integrator, the other, negative integrating feedback, is implemented from the output of the angle sensor to another input of the moment sensor in series internally inputs Through an amplifier, a filter, a comparator, a level converter, a pair of waiting synchronous generators, a reversible binary counter, comparison scheme, second integrator, trigger, electronic key. Additional inputs of the comparator are connected to the output of the auxiliary frequency generator. The electronic key input is connected to the output of the current generator, and the input of the comparison scheme is connected to the output of the auxiliary frequency generator through the summing binary counter, and the output of the reversing binary meter is a digital device code. 3 Il.


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