Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (Madi). Moscow Polytech - History of the Department

Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (Madi). Moscow Polytech - History of the Department

»Department of" Technology of Construction Materials "| Educational and methodical literature

Department of "Technology of Construction Materials" | Educational and methodical literature

I.. Methods of obtaining billets of machine parts. Processing materials for pressure. Welding

Automatic arc welding under the layer of flux: Methodical instructions for practical work / V.D. Alexandrov [and others]. - M.: Madi, 2014. - 27 p. (download)

Casting in sand form: Methodical instructions for practical work / V.B. Bezruck, L.P. Maslakov. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 15 s. (download)

Development of the technology of making castings in sandy molds: Methodical instructions for self-work / L.P. Maslakov [and others]. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 26 p. (download)

Maslakova, L.P. Methodological guide to practical work on the course "Technology of structural materials" / L.P. Maslakova, O. V. Seliverstova, D.S. Fatahin M.: Madi, 2015. - 68 p. (download)

Maslakova, L.P. Methodical instructions to the laboratory and settlement works of the section of the course TCM "Hot processing of metals" / V.D. Alexandrov, L.P. Maslakova, Yu.M. Pogosbekyan. M.: Madi, 2015. - 57 p. (download)

Methodological manual for practical work "Manual arc welding" / V.D. Alexandrov [and others]. - M.: Madi, 2016. - 44 s. (download)

II.. Technology processing structural materials

Methodical guidelines for laboratory work "Selecting a cutting tool and the calculation of the processing mode when cutting gear cylindrical wheels on the chub-cut semiautoma 53A30P" / I.V. Bagrov, B.A. Kudryashov, Yu.M.Sas. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 26 p. (download)

Methodical instructions for laboratory work "Investigation of the effects of cutting mode parameters on the value of the constituent force of cutting for the sharpening" / I.V. Bagrov, V.V. Borsch, B.A. Kudryashov. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 25 s. (download)

Methodical instructions to the laboratory work "Study of the structures of metal-cutting tools" / B. A. Kudryashov, Yu. M. SAS. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 23 s. (download)

Methodical instructions for laboratory work "Analysis of kinematics of metal-cutting machines of parts" / I.V. Bagrov, V.V. Borsch, B.A. Kudryashov. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 41 p. (download)

Methodical guidelines for laboratory work "Study of the process of electroerosion treatment" / V.F. Kazantsev, Yu.N. Kalachev. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 17 p. (download)

Methodical guidelines for laboratory work "Development of a management program for metalworking machines with CNC" / B.A. Kudryashov, Yu.M. SAS, Yu.N. Spacers. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 36 p. (download)

Methodical guidelines for laboratory work "Study of the effect of parameters of cutting mode at the temperature at the sharpening" / I.V. Bagrov, V.V. Borsch, B.A. Kudryashov. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 25 s. (download)

Methodical guidelines for laboratory work "Selecting a cutting tool and the calculation of the processing mode of workpieces on lathe" / I.V. Bagrov, V.V. Borsch, R.I. Nigmetyanov. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 24 s. (download)

Methodical instructions for laboratory work "Selecting a grinding circle and calculating the grinding mode of the workpiece in the centers" / B.A. Kudryashov, Yu.M. CAC. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 14 p. (download)

III. Basics of metrology, standardization and certification

Methodical guidelines for laboratory work "Select measurement tools to control the dimensions of parts" / Tmkovshchik, I.D. Sergeev. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 46 s. (download)

Methodical instructions for laboratory work "Control of smooth calibers" / TM Schever, O.V. Yandulova. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 29 p. (download)

Methodical instructions for laboratory work "Control of threaded parts" / A.I. Aristov, TM Ruffer, D.S. Fatahin. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 44 s. (download)

Methodical instructions for laboratory work "Control of gear wheels" / T.M.Orukovshchik, I.D. Sergeev. - M.: Madi, 2015. - 21 s. (download)

Methodical guidelines for the laboratory work "surface roughness" / A.I. Aristov, B.A. Kudryashov, O.V. Yandulova. - M.: Madi, 2007. - 32 s. (

Guide, PPP Department

Schurin Konstantin Vladimirovich

Position: Professor, Head of the Department, Head of OOP.

Teached disciplines:

  • Basics of reliability theory;
  • Theoretical innovation;
  • Quality control;
  • Metrology, standardization and interchangeability;
  • Algorithms for solving non-standard tasks;
  • Mobile starting complexes;
  • Philosophy of technology.

Scientist: Professor.

Qualifications: Electromechanics engineer.

Active member of the Academy of Quality Problems and the Russian Academy of Transport.

Common work experience: 41 years old.

Work experience in the specialty: 25 years.

Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation.

Sabo Sergey Evgenievich

Position: Deputy Head of the Department

Teached disciplines:

  • Physics;
  • Theoretical mechanics;
  • Materials Science.

Diploma specialty: metals physics.

Qualification: Engineer physicist.

Scientist: Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Scientist: associate professor.

Data on advanced training and retraining: "Actual practical issues of additional professional education for organizations of the DPO, VPO, SPO and employers in connection with the entry into force of the new Law" On Education in the Russian Federation ", 2014

Common work experience: 23 years old.

Work experience in the specialty: 10 year.

Matvienko Yuri Grigorievich

Position: Professor (Sov.), Head. The strength department, the survivability and security of the Institute of Institute of Machine Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A.A. Blagonaran, head. Base Department "Rocket Technology".

Teached disciplines:

  • Special chapter theory of reliability;
  • Mechanics of the destruction of solid bodies.

Scientist degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Scientist: Professor.

Qualifications: physicist engineer.

Data on advanced training and retraining:

Common work experience: 34 years.

Work experience in the specialty: 30 years.

Evdokimov Alexey Petrovich

Position: Professor (ADM.), Leading Researcher at the Institute of Machine Science RAS. A.A. Blagonaran

Teached disciplines:

  • Theoretical mechanics;
  • Strength of materials;
  • Construction mechanics missiles.

Scientist degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Scientist: Senior Researcher.

Data on advanced training and retraining:

Common work experience: 40 years.

Work experience in the specialty: 24 years.

Truhin Alexey Vasilyevich

Position: Associate Professor, Deputy, Deputy. head Department of Continuing Education (SOV.), Head of the Rocket Building Department of the Korolev College of Space Engineering and Technologies.

Teached disciplines:

  • Hydraulic and pneumatic systems;
  • Basics of rockets and spacecraft;
  • Space Test Technology;
  • training, industrial and research practices.

Qualifications: mechanical engineer.

Data on advanced training and retraining:

Common work experience: 44 years.

Work experience in the specialty: 41 year.

Honorary worker of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation.

Matetskaya Elena Veniaminovna

Position: Specialist in educational and methodical work 1 category. Diploma specialty: the production of aircraft.

Qualifications: mechanical engineer.

"Applied Accounting and Taxation", 2009; "Psychological prevention of conflicts and stress in professional activity", 2013.

Common work experience: 44 years.

Work experience in the specialty: 11 year.

Scientific activities of the department

  1. Ensuring reliability of technical systems at R & D and production stages.
  2. Fundamental and applied studies of processes of deformation, damage and destruction of structural elements.
  3. Physical and mathematical modeling of promising materials and technologies in aviation, rocket and nuclear engineering.
  4. Improving Space Environmental Monitoring systems.

Scientific publications


Laboratory department

  1. Materials science.
  2. Technologies of structural materials.
  3. Technical mechanics.
  4. The basics of the design of space aircraft.
  5. Rocket engines.
  6. Management systems.
  7. Simulation of damage and damage to machines.
  8. Dynamic damage.
  9. Mechanics of destruction and survivability.
  10. Prospects for the development of safe machines and processes.
  11. Safety and strength of composite structures.
  12. Reliability and durability with thermomechanical and cyclic effects.


"Technology of structural materials"

The department "Technology of structural materials" ("TKM") called "Metal Technology" was founded in 1939. The first after the recreation of the director Mami D.N., Professor K.L. Sheptunov, who led the department from 1959 to 1973

d.T., Professor Schpetunov Konstantin Lvovich

Head of the Department "Metal Technology" from 1959 to 1973

d.T., Professor Georgy Mikhailovich Orlov

Head of the Department "Metal Technology" from 1973 to 1974

d.T., Professor Vladimir Alexandrovich Belov

Head of the Department "Metal Technology" from 1974 to 1992

Collective Department "Metal Technology", 1978

Top row, to the left: Gurin Mikhail Fedorovich - Art. teacher, k.t.n.; Bryleev Viktor Nikolaevich - Art. teacher; Chalmaev Vladimir Alekseevich - Art. teacher, k.t.n.; Belyavsky Evgeny Alexandrovich - Laboratory; Laskin Vladimir Mikhailovich - Associate Professor, Ph.D. Lower row, to the left for the right: Philippov Boris Ivanovich - Associate Professor, K.T.N.; Nogin Mikhail Vasilyevich - Art. teacher; Belov Vladimir Aleksandrovich - Professor, D.N., Head of the Department; Margin Nikolai Ivanovich - Associate Professor, Ph.D.; Ivanov Arkady Ivanovich - Art. teacher; Kravchenko Vladimir Semenovich - Art. teacher; Malyarov Arkady Ilyich - Art. teacher, k.t.n.; Golovin Vladimir Andreevich - Associate Professor. K.T.N.

During the leadership of the department, V. A. Belov, the task of organizing the training of students in the specialty - "Engineer - Lecturer of Machine-Building Disciplines" was entrusted. Graduates were prepared for work as teachers of technical schools and vocational schools.

The department was equipped with specialists in psychology, pedagogy and teaching techniques.

Collective Department "Metal Technology", 1981

Top row, to the left for the right: Stratichuk Sergey Aleksandrovich - Training Master; Malyarov Arkady Ilyich - Associate Professor, Ph.D. Middle row, to the left for the right: Pyzhov Viktor Vladimirovich - Art. teacher; Samokhin Valery Vladimirovich - head. laboratory; Nogin Mikhail Vasilyevich - Art. teacher; Volchkov Andrey Nikolaevich - Art. teacher, Ph.D., Cherepakhin Alexander Aleksandrovich - Assistant, Ph.D.; Bryleev Vladimir Nikolaevich - Art. teacher; Snowkin Vladimir Mikhailovich - Associate Professor, Ph.D.; Ulyakhin Yuri Mikhailovich - Art. teacher, k.t.n.; Vasiliev Vladimir Aleksandrovich - Art. Lecturer, k.t.n. Lower range, to the left for the right: Klimov Oleg Konstantinovich - Associate Professor, Ph.D.; Zakson Raisa Ivanovna - Associate Professor, K.T.N.; Berezanskaya Natalia Borisovna - Associate Professor, to. Psych. n.; Belov Vladimir Aleksandrovich - Professor, D.N., Head of the Department; Golovin Vladimir Andreevich - Associate Professor, Ph.D.; Albina Vasilyevna Shlykov - Associate Professor, Ph.D.

When organizing training for students in a new specialty, curricula, programs, methodological benefits have been developed. The department took an active part in the work of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Engineering and Pedagogical Specialties at Minvubus of the USSR. Head of the Department, Professor V.A. Belov for six years headed this advice.

The set on this specialty was accompanied by a large contest and a high passing point. In addition to the qualifications "Engineer - teacher", graduates of the department mastered the working professions "Tokar", "Milling" with appropriate discharge.

The first release took place in 1981. In terms of performance, the estimated GEK, the department went to one of the leading places at the Institute. Student training was conducted by full-time and part-time forms.

3.29.8 Release of teacher engineers (1983, in the center of Associate Professor, Ph.D. Slakin Vladimir Mikhailovich)

During the years of restructuring, training engineers was discontinued due to the lack of demand for highly qualified workers.

In 1984, the Department was renamed and to the present it is called "Technology of Construction Materials".

Team of the Department "Technology of Construction Materials", 1989

Top row, left for right: Tokarev Igor Konstantinovich - Ph.D., associate professor; Izakov Vladimir Igorevich - Training Master; Vasiliev Vladimir Alexandrovich - Ph.D., Art. teacher; Gurin Mikhail Fedorovich K.T.N., Associate Professor; Stratichuk Sergey Alexandrovich - uch. master; Volchkov Andrey Nikolaevich - Ph.D., Art. teacher; Malyarov Arkady Ilyich - Ph.D., associate professor; Cherepakhin Alexander Alexandrovich - Ph.D., Art. teacher; Kurukin Igor Konstantinovich - uch. master.

Lower row, to the left for the right: Pyzhov Viktor Vladimirovich - Ph.D., Art. teacher; Samokhin Valery Vladimirovich - Head of Laboratory; Resurrection Svetlana Igorevna - Laboratory; Belov Vladimir Aleksandrovich - D.T., Professor, Head of the Department; Albina Vasilyevna Shlykov - Ph.D., associate professor; Bryleev Viktor Nikolaevich - Art. teacher; Golovin Vladimir Andreevich - Doctor of N., Professor.

academician of the Russian Federation, Dr. N., Professor Vladimir Borisovich Arzamasov

Head of the Department "Metal Technology" 1992 ... 2008

From 1992 to 2008 New scientific directions were opened at the department:

  • study of processes of pulling gear, external and internal cylindrical surfaces.

d.T.N., Professor Kuznetsov Vladimir Anatolyevich

Head of the Department "Technology of Construction Materials" from 2008 to the present

The department has four laboratories: "Foundry Technology", "Welding", "Pressure Metal Processing" and "Cutting Material Processing".

Laboratory "Processing Materials Cutting"

Laboratory "Welding"

In 2010, the Department renews at the new level the training of students in the direction of "Technological Education".

Teachers of the department "Technology of construction materials" lead active educational and methodological work. Only over the past 5 years (2005-2013) teachers of the department published 3 teaching aids and 6 textbooks for all forms of education (primary, secondary and higher professional education) with a total circulation of more than 100,000 copies. Prepared for printing in 2010: 2 textbooks and 3 tutorials.

Textbooks and training aids published by teachers of the department from 2005 to 2010.

The TKM department led and conducts active research work, which allows you to improve the existing technological processes of obtaining structural materials, their properties, expand the boundaries of the use of these materials in the technique, achieve maximum efficiency from their use. The main scientific directions at the department are:

  • improving the technology of obtaining castings from aluminum alloys;
  • development of compositions of corrosion-resistant castoffs;
  • development of technology for obtaining automotive parts from high-strength castoffs;
  • development of theory and practical methods of cold stamping;
  • development and obtaining high-speed materials for products for various purposes;
  • systemic analysis and mathematical modeling methods for machining machines;
  • study of combined cutting processes and surface plastic deformation of machine parts;
  • study of the processes of pulling gear, external and internal cylindrical surfaces;
  • development and study of methods for modifying the working surfaces of a metalworking tool by applying regular microreliefs and wear-resistant coatings;
  • optimization of products and material reserves for the needs of industry
  • engineering consulting in the modernization of existing industries and the creation of new (jointly with the Institute for Project Management MMI "Mami").

Themes of the NIR conducted and currently held at the Department:

  • under the direction of Professor V.A. Belov: Improving the production technology of aluminum alloys; Development of electrocontact welding technology (new technological welding processes have been created to obtain high-quality welded compounds of thin-leaf automotive structures); Development of new brands of corrosion-resistant castoffs; study and introduction into the production of the process of obtaining castings from high-strength castoffs; As a result of the work carried out directly for the automotive industry (the plant "Motothetal", Kostroma) - technological processes of obtaining cast cylinder sleeves from various brands of high-strength cast iron were developed and implemented. The technological processes of obtaining cast parts made of cast iron brand for the conditions of the Far North were also studied; Together with the department "Autotractor engines" developed compositions of aluminum alloys for the manufacture of stamped pistons;
  • under the direction of Professor Golovin V.A.: Development of the theory and practical techniques of cold stamping (developed theory and practices of intake of cold volume stamping were transferred to a number of enterprises of the automotive industry);
  • under the guidance of Professor Arzamasov V.B.: Theoretical substantiation and development of the compositions of new materials for various purposes with special properties; Development of high-temperature materials for electrodes of electronic devices and plasmatrons, as well as for high-loaded electrical contacts of various transport systems (developed and introduced new high-temperature materials for high-loaded electrocontact equipment; for electrodes of electronic devices and plasmatrons); Development and industrial development of the catalytic neutralizer of exhaust gases of cars. (Created catalytic neutralizer in the process of resource tests at Izhmash JSC showed the following basic characteristics of exhaust gas purification: from 2.1 g / km (98%). CH - 0.25 g / km (98%), NOX - 0 , 62 g / km (95%), which complies with USA standards GTR-93 and UES 91/44, with a resource of more than 2000 hours or 80 thousand km. Run)

Stand for testing powerful plasmatrons and OKB-1220 arc furnace.

under the direction of Professor Kuznetsova V.A. development of a general methodology for system analysis, synthesis and modeling of technological structures of mechanical processing methods; optimization of the method of mechanical effect on the material being processed with the creation of a theoretical and experimental methodology for calculating its parameters, significantly reduced the volume of experimental studies; Development of multifunctional tools for processing parts cutting and surface plastic deformation (PPD) based on the principle of changing the method of installing the tool with a constant setting of the part; study of rational schemes and modes of application for cutting processing and PPDs of raw and hardened steels of turning cutters with multifaceted non-varying plates; Development of the principle and methodology for profiling the working surface of the tool, as well as adjusting the formation modes of the shaped surfaces based on the minimization of the area concluded between the nominal profile of the treated surface and the profile formed on this surface to the tool tracks; Development of new methods of deactivating and broaching structures equipped with single cutters, allowing to reduce the consumption of instrumental materials and significantly increase the number of permits; Creating a package of application programs of the automated design of a premium extension tool for cutting teeth, which includes the method of calculating the angles of sharpening and the profile of the cutting of the broach to ensure the minimum allowance removed by the chisty cutters; study of the characteristics of the tool defining microgeometry of the working surfaces and the physico-mechanical properties of its material; Methods for calculating the above characteristics have been developed, which makes it possible to consider the actual contact area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the tool with a regular microrelief of various types and part, as well as predict the strength and wear resistance of the coatings used; Development of new methods, methods and methods of processing parts of type gears, levers, sleeves and shafts. For their implementation, the designs of the circongonal broke, deforming and deforming-cutting brokers and firmware for processing holes, combined rotary tools and multifunctional tools for processing shaft cutting and surface plastic deformation are created. Created methods for processing and designing tools are protected by 32 copyright certificates for inventions, have been tested, implemented and adopted for implementation at the machine-building complex plants.

Press and deforming-cutting firmware for cutting hole hole

Machine mod. B-007 and a circonal broach with single cutting elements for processing sprinkle toothed crowns.

deforming and cutting firmware, blanks and processed gears.

under the direction of Professor Cherepakhina AA: Together with the department "Engineering technology. FS Temyanyuk "(prof. Vinogradova V.M.) - The study of the process of high-speed stretching of external shaped surfaces; study of the process of cold rolling of gear crowns;

under the guidance of Professor V.S. Antipenko:optimization of the type of mechanical engineering products; optimization of battery batteries for weapons and special equipment; optimization of the type of electropus systems for weapons and special equipment; optimization of the supply level of spare parts for weapons and special equipment; Evaluation of the impact and development of crew protection methods from the effects of low-frequency electromagnetic fields when the vehicle is moving.

The high scientific potential of the department "Technology of construction materials" is confirmed by the staff of the Department only over the past 10 years 1 monograph; 96 scientific articles in domestic and foreign n / t magazines, receiving 12 copyright certificates; participation in 32 scientific and methodological conferences, as well as reports at international symposia.

For the department of the department actively attracts students. In annually by the University of Student Scientific and Technical Conference (SNTK), the Department represents 10 ... 15 reports by the authors of which are from 20 to 30 students both full-time and internally-correspondence form of training.

Since 2011, a set of bachelors in the direction of 222000.62 "Innovation"

In this area, graduates are being prepared, equally well-owning technology for manufacturing cars and marketing issues, management and technical and economic evaluation of production efficiency.

The objects of professional activities of university graduates in the direction of "innovat" are innovative processes of the country, region, territory and enterprises, including:

  • innovative projects for the creation of competitive industries of goods and services;
  • innovative business processes reengineering projects;
  • scientific and technical innovative development of small business enterprises;
  • projects of harmonious development of territories;
  • hardware and software of all phases of managing innovative projects;
  • theoretical foundations of innovation, the development of innovation as the science and field of scientific and technical activities;
  • innovative education technologies.

Teachers of the department read lecture courses: "Technology of construction materials"; "Introduction to Materials and Technology of Construction Materials"; "Technological processes in the automotive industry"; "General Materials Science"; "Management of Innovation Activities", "Technology of Novive", "Introduction to Innovation", "Reliability and Diagnosis of CAD technological processes", "Principles and implementation of solutions of typical automation tasks", "Systemic Analysis and Solution Print" and conduct laboratory classes for students Full-time, part-time and correspondence forms of learning of all specialties and directions.

Currently, three professors are working at the department, one associate professor, three senior teachers and one assistant. Seven people study in graduate school.

Head of the Department:
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Protopopov Alexander Anatolyevich

History of the Department

The history of the department "Welding, casting and technology of structural materials" leaves for the distant sixties of the last century, when the acute shortage of engineering personnel on welding and foundry specialty was felt in the Tula region.

In accordance with the order of the Tula Mechanical Institute (TMI) of January 28, 1963, the Department "Metal studies", which existed since the 30s of the twentieth century, was divided into two departments: "Metal studies and thermal processing" and "Metal technology and foundry production "(TMLP). The head of the TMLP Department was appointed Cand. tehn Sciences, Doc. I.P. Fominy, who was before this head. Department "Metal studies". On the cafe TMLP was entrusted with the maintenance of general engineering disciplines "Metal Technology", "Metal Technology and Materials Science".

In the formation of the Tula Polytechnic Institute in August 1963, on the basis of this department of former TMI and with the involvement of specialists of the relevant profile of the former Tula Mining Institute (TGI), the Department "Technology of Metals, Materials and Foundry Production" (TMMLP) was organized, which was headed by Kand. tehn Sciences, Doc. R.F. Yakovenko. The department was introduced into the Mining and Metallurgical Faculty. The specialty "Foundry production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals", was transferred to TGI to the union of Tula universities, was transferred to the Department of TMMLP, which was the resulting. However, the preparation of water engineers gradually was minimized. The last release of this specialty took place in 1969 and the department focused on working with a specialty 0504 "Equipment and Technology of Welding Production", which was opened in 1965. In January 1967, the Department entered the new faculty - the faculty of heavy engineering.

In connection with the rechailing that occurred, the department in 1970 was the name "Metal Technology and Welding Production" (TMSP).

In 1974, the Department "Metal Technology and Foundry Production" was divided into two departments: "Metal Technology" and "Welding Equipment and Technology". From 1974 to 1980, the Department "Equipment and Welding Technology" headed Cand. tehn Science V.A. Support, and in 1974-1978 Department of Metal Technology Heated Cand. tehn Sciences, Doc. V.P. Ivanov. In 1978 - 1980 The department was headed by Dr. Tehn. Sciences, prof. O.V. Martynov.

In January 1980, a new association of the Department "Metals Technology" and "Equipment and Welding Technology" in one department "Technology of Metals and Welding Production", which was headed by Dr. Tehn. Sciences, Professor O.V. Martynov.

In 1995, a newly division of these departments for two OITSPs and TMILP took place, and the current department "equipment and welding and foundry and casting technology" was created in the structure of the new technological faculty on January 31, 2001 as a result of the merger of these two departments. The department was headed by Dr. Tehn. Sciences, Professor V.A. Sudner.

From October 2001, the Department heads Dr. Tehn. Sciences, Professor A.A. Protopopov. Prerequisites for the organization of the department appeared the feasibility of combining the efforts of workers in the preparation of specialists of the machine-building and conducting scientific papers in the direction of 15.03.02 "Technological machines and equipment".

Academic activities

The department "Welding, casting and technology of structural materials" (Slitchm) is preparing:

bachelors in the direction of 15.03.01 "Mechanical engineering" (by full-time and correspondence forms of training) by profiles:

"Equipment and technology of welding production" and "Machines and the technology of foundry";

masters in the directions (by full-time and correspondence forms of training):

15.04.01 "Mechanical engineering", program "Machinery and welding technology";

04.22.02 "Metallurgy", the program "Theoretical foundations of foundry processes";

graduate students (on day and absentee forms of training) in areas of preparation:

15.06.01 "Mechanical engineering", profile 05.02.10 Welding, related processes and technologies;

22.06.01 "Material Technologies", profile 05.16.04 Foundry production.

Retracted at the department:

charged specialists in the specialties "Equipment and Welding Production Technology" and "Machines and Foundry Machinery" according to the part-time form of training for an individual plan on a commercial basis with the issuance of a second-education diploma (3 years of study) or a diploma of professional retraining (1 year learning).

The learning process leads 3 professors, 5 associate professors and 2 assistant.

Places of work of graduates, employment conditions

Graduates work technologists, designers and organizers of production at the enterprises of Tula, Tula and Moscow regions, including JSC "Tewpromarmatura", JSC "Gazstroydtal", JSC "KBP", JSC "Zhadormash", Tyazhenmash JSC (Ryazan), JSC "Machine-Building Plant" Zio-Podolsk ", Engineering and Technological Center" Prometheus "(Chekhov), JSC" Kryogenmash "(Balashikha), and others.

Scientific work

At the Department of Sliding Fundamental and Applied Studies in the areas:

imitation modeling of high-temperature physicochemical processes in machinery, technology and geophysics;

development of new functional nanomaterials;

development of innovative materials, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies of ferrous metallurgy, foundry and welding industries;

theory, technology, equipment and automation of steel casting;

innovative steel processing technologies;

production technologies and effective use of modern refractories;

mechanics of the destruction of metal materials;

improving the size stability of metal structures with vibration treatment;


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