Ready theses to the article. We study Russian and literature: what is theses and how to write them, examples

Ready theses to the article. We study Russian and literature: what is theses and how to write them, examples

To briefly state what is said in it. There are cases when first the subject is subject to the essence of the work, and then the volumetric text has already writes. Usually, these theses concern the formulation that is invited to discuss, represent the results of the study or a new methodology.

Determine the purpose of the work, the relevance of the proposed topic. Briefly formulate it and write down.

Word the problem is devoted to this work.

Briefly describe the existing points of view on this problem. Tell me what your point of view differs from what others offer. If the theses to work dedicated to the new research methodology, tell us about the already existing techniques and what is the novelty of the one you suggest. Determine its advantages and disadvantages.

Offer the most optimal research methodology. If theses are written to work on the research results, set out the basic provisions of this technique and scientific hypothesis. Tell us about the methods applied, principles and sampling parameters. Machine future readers or listeners with intermediate results if they are, and with basic. Take output.


Theses should be logically connected with each other. In this case, their proof may be in the text of the main work.

Abstracts should disclose the content of great work, but not to repeat it. No need to rewrite the entire report, as it is not worth the random phrases from it.

Before writing the theses, it is necessary to deeply understand the essence of the problem that is posted in the work.

From other scientific texts, theses are distinguished by a small volume.

Helpful advice

Theses are two types. Some are drawn up to the operation of another author, others - to their own work.

The thesis should be brief, but it needs to express a capacious and deep thought.

Approval must be justified. The rationale is given either verbally or it is in work.

There should be no emotional assessments in theses. They must be written by a dry scientific style, but at the same time understandable. Any chittelle or listener must be able to deal with the problem.


  • how the thesis is written

Often in the life of not only professional scientists, but students and even schoolchildren, there are situations when they need to write the theses of scientific work, report or speeches. And if professionals with this task coped quite easily due to greater experience, then students often have difficulty. It is explained by the fact that scientific theses are inherently differ from traditional written works and their compilation is subject to other rules.


According to the interpretation adopted in science, the thesis is a specific approval or position. Theses of the article, the report or other scientific work are called a set of individual provisions that are in a logical relationship with each other. Therefore, the main theses is to reveal and summarize the content of any larger work (scientific article, coursewa or work, thesis, etc.). As a rule, theses for speech at conferences or symposia, as well as for scientific publications.

If you need to write the theses for any ready-to-work other, do as follows. Carefully read all the work entirely and highlight the main ideas in it. Mark the most important thoughts with a pencil. We break all the text on separate, logically complete pieces.

In each of the resulting parts of the text, find the main idea and write it separately. As a result, you must have a summary containing all the main provisions of the analyzed work. Now read the resulting abstract and think about the ideas outlined in it can be expressed as briefly as possible.

Do not forget that theses are always much smaller in terms of any scientific work. In accordance with the existing rules, they should not exceed 2 print sheets A4 format scored by 12 keglem. Convert your abstract to shorter formulations, but try not to lose its basic provisions. Reduce the volume due to a variety of text "water", examples, lyrical deviations, etc. Your theses should be set forth clearly, clearly and definitely. The ambiguity of the wording used is completely unacceptable.

By drawing out the main part of theses, take care of the intended presentation of the objectives of the work and the obtained conclusions. Having finished drawing up the abstracts, once again, carefully reread your work and check how logically, all of its parts are interrelated, there are no contradictions or unrelated fragments among them. If necessary, you can change individual positions in places. The main thing is that a clear structure and logic of the presentation can be traced. The abstracts should be the list of obtained conclusions and the results of the study.

Video on the topic


  • how to write the theses

Students and graduate students often have to deal with such a form of scientific activity as writing theses. Theses are widely used at various conferences, public speeches, protection, as well as for publications in scientific collections, when the complete statement of the material is impossible due to the limitations of the volume. In addition, the preparing theses is often required as a preliminary stage when writing a large scientific or academic work: a course, a graduation project, dissertation.


Regardless of whether you write on the already existing work or just still being prepared, the principles of their compilation of approximately

Unfortunately, in domestic schools do not teach such a useful case as writing theses. The only speech effort, the report, which we read in front of the class, is an abstract - that is, an overview of the views of these topics existing in the scientific world. But we are growing up and becoming students. And then the supervisor puzzles us with the task: write the theses to the course work. Or for the student conference. But as the theses write, the head does not specify. As if we need to know about this a priori. Well, we will learn. Especially since these two or three text pages create your portrait as a scientific researcher and predetermine the success of your work.

And how to write them

Inexperienced students believe the entire course work or a large scientific article. Others consider the abstracts recorded at the conference. Third - a simple list of basic provisions. All these students and right, and mistaken at the same time. Theses are a small but self-sufficient article. It includes the basic provisions of your scientific research, while it is written by a simple and clear language and is a short squeeze of all great work. There are certain requirements, how to write theses to the article, to the conference, to defend the dissertation, but, in principle, the essence of such an essay is one: to understand the reader, what is the work, what is her novelty and the uniqueness, what postulates you defend and what is your evidence base . At the same time, the work of your logical reasoning should be clearly traced.

The structure of theses. Subject

As we have already mentioned, it is 2-3 pages of text written by 12 crucible in the "Word". Or 10 minutes of reading does not rush. The report is usually given 15 minutes, so it can be mentioned that it is not possible to accommodate into theses. This small article should have a clear structure of construction. Start with the topic. She should be the most concrete and really touch the essence of the article. In addition, it must comply with the subject of the conference. And it is desirable that she affects the novelty. The topic should not be too long - a maximum of a half lines. There are two approaches to how theses are written. The first is that first choose the topic that they want to uncover, and then, without retreating from it, create a small article. And the second method is the writing of theses to which invent the name. You can do how it is more convenient for you. Students are often deprived of the choice, as the topic is asked by a supervisor.

Introduction. Novelty

The small volume of the article excludes all the spills of the thoughts on the tree. No lyrical deviations and care from the topic are not allowed at all. Therefore, the first sentence must be in itself valuable information. It responds immediately by two questions: "What will I write about?" And "for some reason, what am I talking about here, important?" From this, listeners or readers understand whether there is in your novelty, or it is just a school abstract with the listing of all known facts. This is how the theses are writing experienced speakers. They begin their text from such words: "In this paper we will look at ..." Or "our article is devoted to the problem ...". And the next offer: "Despite the problem, that ...", "I will try to prove ...". Entry is usually devoted to one paragraph.

Main text. Examples and evidence base

The novice rapporteur bursts between the desire to bring specific examples to confirm its rightness, and the presentation of global conclusions. It is important to adhere to the golden middle. A simple statement of facts will lose any meaning, and unconfirmed conclusions will seem with an allegation. Create a good text to help structured thinking. There are several techniques of that theses. The most common is to analyze the logic of the development of your thought. Why did you come exactly to such conclusions, and not otherwise? What facts did you repel? How did you analyze them? At the same time, try to avoid logical lacunas. It does not matter if you first struduen your thoughts on points: 1, 2, 3. Then from this draft will be convenient to create a presentation or but the items themselves are best to tell the alive, but clear language. Examples confirming your correctness must be one or two for each position.


This part of theses summarizes everything above. It repeats the introduction, only reformulated in the past time. "Thus, we substantiated ..." is the most common head of the phrase for conclusions. It would not hurt to recall the audience about the novelty and the uniqueness of your work. But if in joining it is appropriate to ask the question: "Does it really be so, so I'm just just now?", In conclusions you need to be completely categorical. How do theses write with bibliography? Conduct all sources that use for the dissertation, in the text on three pages will be stupid. It is enough to mention four or five works, which are or are authoritative in this area, or quoted in theses.

Report on the conference

On scientific symposia, the opposing is offered to write the theses in advance. Sometimes these articles are published in the collections. But regardless of whether this is your text to print, it has its own specificity. How to write theses to the conference? Such text can be more compressed - after all, you will have time to fully reveal the topic in the report. Usually the abstracts for the conference are limited to two pages. Or even one. It is necessary in order to enlighten the potential listener, which will be your article at all. Sometimes work goes in sections, and the program with the theses of the speeches will allow you to find the speaker interested in this topic. In such articles you can do without tables, diagrams and schemes - all this can be submitted in handouts or beautifully lit in the presentation. It is also necessary to prepare for the fact that after the report you may ask questions. Treat in advance where weak points in the evidence database is not to get to be accepted. The report at the conference definitely should be more and extensive theses. Otherwise why did you generally come to the stands, if you read on a piece of paper what is in the hands of the listeners? But also exceeding the regulations in scientific circles is a sign of bad tone. Make speech and practice - your declamination must meet for fifteen minutes.

The sphere of copywriting is often joined with such a thought "What can be easier than writing articles." In fact, it turns out that the texts compiled by them is a frank set of letters, not carrying any sense and difficult to read. Only professionals are able to write so that their material is read in one breath.

What are theses and why do they need a copywriter? In this article we decided to affect this important topic. It is clear that not everyone does not always use it, but you need to develop and discover something new. It helps improve the quality of the content being created, which immediately affects the interest from customers and buyers.

Thesis, what is it?

There are two opinions to explain this term. Some believe that thesis is a meaningful material based on volumetric text. Others assure that on the contrary, detailed materials are created on theses. Both opinions are true, theses are used and for both for the other.

Most often there are scientific abstracts, since a complex topic must be represented in a short form. By the word about brevity, if you think that this is a couple of words, they are mistaken. The main terms are written more than one page. For example, if they are compiled for some conference.

A little moved from the theme of copyrighting to explain the meaning of the word "thesis". But now you have an idea, which is this material.

Examples of theses can be searched on the Internet, they can be several times more than the text on this page.

If you look at the second meaning of the thesis, which is used to create a big article, then most often this is a set of answers to questions. For example, the customer asks to write text about the company. From where the copywriter knows what the company does, what exactly sells than it is highlighted in the market and so on.

To get the necessary information the client is asked questions:

  • what is sold;
  • how to produce;
  • features and characteristics;
  • advantages and disadvantages;
  • what is the difference from the analogs;
  • what is confirmed by quality;
  • the target audience.

The resulting responses can be considered theses, the volumetric material is compiled. In general, large companies try to prepare this information in advance, in order to transmit it to the authors, otherwise, the article is not informative.

How to write the thesis?

They created quite a lot, in the collections of theses the most interesting and popular examples are collected. Until you look like other people do it. Abstracts Examples on the Internet is not difficult to find. Let's look at one of them, the thesis was compiled for an essay on the topic of mind and feelings:

A small explanation for which it becomes clear what this work is about. These texts can be very different, it all depends on which format is required and for which the thesis is created.

When creating theses, you need to rely on a few simple rules:

  1. The title is selected under the main theme, it is better to first write text, and then come up with how to name the thesis, it improves accuracy.
  2. The topic is narrow and accurate, the short content of theses does not allow to move away from the main idea.
  3. One of the main factors of theses is the presence of examples. Conduct them even in a compressed text format.
  4. It is necessary to start with accession, it must be responsible for the main question. It is advisable not to stretch it, put in one paragraph.
  5. The main content must be structured, use several subsections and assertions, accompany them with examples.
  6. The conclusion summarizes, and explains where people can find a detailed version of the material.
  7. If the thesis is scientific, it is desirable to include all sorts of footnotes, quotes and explanations.

Seven simple rules necessary to the author of the thesis. Even for the article you are currently reading, you can create a short message so that users can first find out what we are talking about, and then decide whether to study it. This approach helps to save time, even bloggers enjoy.

Thesis of the text is most often used for lectures, reports and other educational areas. The short content of the complex theme helps to absorb the material correctly. Is it worth using theses in copywriting? Of course, at a minimum, they help when creating complex articles.

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Hi, in touch again Pavel Yamb!

And for a long time, we did not discuss the theory, do not find? Well, today I fix it and suggest your attention a very useful article, how to write theses. I will not climb into scientific debursions, but I will tell you about it exclusively in a practical application. I come across them in the university, and in scientific conferences, and, of course, in the process of working on sites.

What it is

First of all, I want to warn: if you think the theses are a brief retelling on the items of some more global text, then you are right. However, those who think that this is an independent article, only in miniature.

The word "thesis" is used in several values. Most often, we hear about it applies to scientific activities.

In the scientific world, theses of the reports presented at the conference often publish in the newsletter and their value for representatives of science is large enough: such a publication is counted when a higher scientific title is cited.

However, this is not the only sphere using theses. If we talk about theses as an online product, then they are called upon to tell briefly about the main topics of the site, blog or its partition. In addition, in the content business, very often customers offer not a plan, but short statements that the copywriter must reveal. So you see - under this short word, a lot of interesting things can hide.

Primary requirements

To theses, as well as to any other professionally written text, there are uniform requirements. Despite the fact that some items relate to them with an essay, one should not forget: first of all, it is not a literary, but a scientific work with all the resulting.

The ability to write the abstracts of ideally correctly to get the abstracts. However, not all at this age is able to understand that it is not necessary for a teacher and mother with dad, but above all to us. Because - remember:

When you need to write, but to reveal

And now let's go back to copywriters. For example, we received an order in which the customer has already formulated, which should be written about. Theses will be approximately such:

  • What is this product?
  • Who produces it?
  • What is his features and qualities?
  • What is it different from others?
  • What is his advantages?
  • Why (or whom) comes most of all?

Since we take a common scheme, you are limited to questions. If the order is made by the manufacturer, then some answers in general terms they provide a copywriter whose task is to speak and reveal the features of the product, brand or services.

If suddenly you received an order, but do not know the product very well, you can ask these questions as clarifying. The rare customer will refuse to respond to someone who fulfills its task. Well, or if the work with the customer did not work out, then you can find answers to questions on your own.

Support for text construction

And finally, we will discuss what theses that are exclusively supported by the reference material - for the report, section, site.

The main task of such abstracts is to formulate short, applications that can later be developed further.

To be clear, I will pick up the support abstracts directly to this article.

  • Theses are different.
  • They are widely used in the scientific sphere.
  • Such theses are a short analysis of scientific work with examples.
  • They can be on the finished material or vice versa: the material is compiled, according to theses.
  • There are questions suitable for the thesis plan of selling articles.
  • The reference thesis is the main idea that can be developed further.

With such a cheat sheet, I can submit this article at any conference of copywriters: Now I will not forget what I want to say.

And with what theses had to deal with you? And check out this repkah in a wheelbarrow.

The concept of theses and their types

Abstracts- briefly formulated the main provisions of the report, reports, etc.;

The main goal of writing any abstract is to summarize the existing material, give it the essence of the short wording, to disclose the content relatively large in terms of publishing or report; Deeply understand the question, analyze it and create the opportunity to oppose your thoughts to the thoughts of others, or the addition of the latter.

The main difference between theses from other scientific texts - small volume (1-2 printed pages) in which you need to set out all the main ideas of the report (articles). It is on the quality of theses that the readers will judge all the work entirely and make a decision on the need to get acquainted with the material in full.

Unsuccessful written abstracts are able to scare the reader from interesting scientific work. Conversely, successfully compiled the text of theses attracts attention to both scientific materials and a speaker.

Any abstracts can be attributed to one of the two main types:

Abstracts compiled by the publication of another author.

Abstracts written on the basis of their own original material.

In the first case, the theses of theses in advance is not familiar with the materials and should be carefully learned. Therefore, after previewing, the text read the second time. At the same time broke the text to a number of passages. Next are found in each part of the selected text, what determined its initial membership; Displays or temporarily note this main thing in the text of the publication. Then, well thinking highlighted, understanding its essence, formulate individual provisions. This will be theses.

The second type is exactly the abstracts of scientific works - reports, presentations, articles, etc. In this case, it is understood that the author knows a good question and its main task is a brief and capacious expression of this issue in writing. The latter does not always manage to do easily and quickly, however, at the end of work on writing theses, it turns out that the understanding of the described issue or material has become deeper, new ideas often appear, it becomes easier to explain to others the essence of their work.

Three main types of abstracts can be distinguished:

When writing type theses "To setting the problem"

A brief entry (topical topic).

The goal of the work (deliver the problem / task).

Overview of existing points of view on the problem, or a description of the situation in the subject area.

Some of your own thoughts on this topic.

Estimated research (optional).

The output (what task or problem is set for the subsequent decision).

When writing type theses "Research results" The following information blocks must be submitted:

A brief accession, setting the problem (actually, the same thing that in theses "to the formulation of the problem", only in short).

The purpose of the work (to investigate something specific).

Basic areas of research or hypothesis (in case of experimental research).

Applied methods.

Sampling parameters.

Intermediate results (if necessary).

Main results.

Interpretation + conclusions.

When writing type theses "New work technique" The following information blocks must be submitted:

A brief entry that describes the tasks to solve the method being developed, the scope of the technique (relevance).

The purpose of the work (to develop such a technique).

Description of existing techniques.

Description of the new technique.

Description of the results of application.

Assessment of the advantages and restrictions of the new technique.

Algorithm writing theses

1. Decide what type your theses will relate to and select the appropriate structure.

2. Clearly imagine that it will be the main result or output of your work.

3. Select the working name of theses. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account simultaneously:

The title type of theses,

The main result / withdrawal of your work and its actual content that will be described in theses,

The name of the conference in which it is expected to participate.

The last item is needed so that your abstracts meet the subject of the conference. In case of inconsistencies, you will be denied in participation. At the same time, any work can be represented from different points of view. Therefore, in title, the keywords on the subject of the conference (of course, with the mind), taking them from the name of the conference, its individual sections or subjects. In general, tell what the Organizing Committee and other conference participants want to hear.

Remember - the name defines all the rest of the abstracts ("as a yacht we call, so it sails").

4. Make up the abstract structure according to the mandatory sections of the theses of the type of chosen specified above. Think about what will be discussed in each section and write its basic idea (thesis) in one - a proposal in front of each section. Typically, one paragraph corresponds to one in the text of theses (more precisely - each idea). If you turned out in one section, several ideas, it means that this section will consist of several paragraphs. Thus, you received a detailed plan of your abstracts - the main content for each paragraph.

5. Carefully read the written and check whether these sections and paragraphs have enough for full theme disclosure. If not enough - add. The ideas compiled by the ideas of each paragraph should be built logically so as to prove the basic idea of \u200b\u200ball work - the result / withdrawal of your abstracts (the latest section of the theses of any type) that you have determined at step 2 of this algorithm. If necessary, change the order of paragraphs, specify the wording. You may want to make adjustments to the work name.

6. Carefully read the requirements for the design of theses, turning attention to their volume. Express it in the number of rows of the appropriate font and distribute this volume between individual sections and paragraphs. Thus, you received a detailed plan of your abstracts. You can move to writing them.

7. In turn, starting with the first paragraph, set out your thoughts, trying to meet the volume in the volume allotted for them. After writing the first paragraph, go to the second, etc.

8. Read all the resulting text entirely. Edit transitions between paragraphs, the content of paragraphs. It is very likely that in the process of writing you have new considerations on theses. If you think necessary, make them into the plan, starting with paragraph 4 of this algorithm, and re-pass PP. 4-8. In terms of volume, individual paragraphs can deviate from the initial plan. There is nothing terrible in it - besides you, this plan was not known to anyone. It is important that the main result / withdrawal of your work was well argued.

9. Check the compliance of the resulting theses given to the specified total. If their size is somewhat more - find and reduce secondary parts, change individual phrases that will help get rid of incomplete lines and others.

10. Subscribe Abstracts according to all the requirements of the organizing committee.

11. Show them to the scientific supervisor, your acquaintances to listen to their opinion on the content, argument, work style. Make corrections and additions that consider significant.

12. Send ready-made theses to the Conference Organizing Committee.

Theses can begin with the following speech forms:

It is known that…

It should be noted that ...


It is important that ...

It is assumed that…

Experts put their task ...

The main information in theses can be combined with the following connecting lexical tools:

Puts the question ...

Believes ...

Compares ...

Causes an example ...

Lists ...

Characterizes ...

Emphasizes ...

Some general requirement for writing theses

· Each statement (thesis) must be brief and tacid.

· Each statement must be justified.

· Do not "rewrite" the Internet and scholar articles.

· Observe the scientific style, less emotions - higher performance.

· Even an unprepared reader must understand your text.

· Classifier UDC

UDC code Description
Science as a whole (information technology - 004)
Philosophy. Psychology
Religion. Theology
Theory and Methods Communication Sciences
Demography. Sociology.stability
Economy. National economy. Economic sciences
Right. Legal sciences
Public Activities. Military art. Military sciences
Providing spiritual imaturity vitality. Social Security. Social help. Ensuring housing. Insurance
Popular education. Education. Training. Organization of leisure
Ethnography. Morals. Customs. Folklore.
General QuestionsMathematics and Natural Sciences
Astronomy. Geodesy
Chemistry. Crystallography. Mineralogy
Geology. Geological igneophysical sciences
Biological sciences
Applied Science. General issues
Medicine. Health protection. Foreground
Engineering. Technique in purpose
Agriculture. Forest farming. Hunting. Fisheries
Domestic. Public equipment. Service of Byta
Management of enterprises. Organization of production, trade and transport
Chemical technology. Chemical industry. Food industry. Metallurgy. Craft industry
Different industrial and crafts. Mechanical technology
Different industries and crafts producing final products. Spit-mixer
Construction. Building materials. Construction and installation work
Art. Decorative-applied art. The photo. Music. Games. Sport
Linguistics. Philology. Humidated literature. Literary criticism
Geography. Biography. History

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