Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin Brief biography Presentation. Presentation on the topic "Complete biography S.A. Izenin"

Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin Brief biography Presentation. Presentation on the topic "Complete biography S.A. Izenin"

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Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin (1895-1925)

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    There is a village Konstantinovo in the Ryazan land, known in the world thanks to the Russian poet of S.Senin. Here, in the peasant family, he was born. Childhood spent his father's parents in the house, then the mother. Ryazanchina with its expanses and beauty of nature forever remained in the heart of the poet. The edge of the beloved! The heart is shot by the Sun Springs in the waters of the Lona. I would like to get lost in the green of your storage.

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    Yesenin learned to read from five years old, graduated from the Zemskaya four-class school in Konstantinovo with a commendable sheet. The list of students of the Konstantinovsky School of Ryazan County, was preserved at the end of 1909 in May 1909. Of the 11 student tests for Five, 4 people were withstanding, including Sergey. The next educational step was the church school school in Savior Klepika. Interest and love of pupils to literature developed teacher of verbose EM Heathrov, the first literary mentor of the future poet. "Poems I started writing early, nine years old, but I relate to 16 to 17 years," said Yesenin in Avtobiography later. During the studies, they were written more than 30 poems, a handwritten collection "Patients of Duma" was drawn up (1912). Different sources fed creativity S.Senin: the beauty of the native nature and the Russian word, the songs of the mother and fairy tales of the grandmother, biblical stories told by the grandfather, Russian poetry, later Lyrics A.A. Block and A. Bel, Pros N.V. Gogol. Having finished learning, Yesenin at the end of July 1912 rides Moscow. He dreams of poetic recognition. Literary Moscow first met a blonde crumpled. At first, Yesenin worked as a shop, then in book publishing, in printing house. In the fall of 1913, Sergey enters the Moscow City People's People's University named after A.L.Shanyavsky. Another place was in Moscow, where the young poet, Surikovsky literary and music circle, was reached out.

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    Searches for a "song" word.

    In early 1914, in the first issue of the Children's magazine "MIROKI" for the first time published the poem of Yesenin "Bereza" under the pseudonym "Ariston". Eseninic poems and in children's magazines are beginning to be pronounced, and in newspapers. He writes under his last name, gets 15 to. Over the line. In March 1915, Yesenin came to Petrograd to anyone who was not famous for a novice poet, and when he left for himself two months later, his poems were already printed in the best Petrograd newspapers and magazines. On March 9, 1915, the first meeting of the first meeting with the block-became for Esenin is hardly the most joyful and happy. Talent recognized him by the first poet of Russia. So began the literary path of the poet. White Berezoda My windowprinkled with snow, precisely silver. On fluffy branches, barking brushes with a brushful fringe. And it's worth having been having a sleepy silence, and snowflakes are burning with gold fire. And it is dawn, the labnce of the circle, sprinkles with vilkin silver.

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    At the beginning of the creative path.

    Very soon to Esenina comes fame, he is invited to poetic evenings and literary salons. The poetic world of Yesenin becomes more complex, multidimensional, a significant place in it begin to occupy biblical images and Christian motives. Young Yesenin confesses Christian Morality, the Christian Values \u200b\u200bof Love to Middle. The World World War began to be perceived by the poet as a tragedy. The alarming moods, the premonition of the troubles approaching the village transferred in the poem "Rus" (1914): Pictures of black crows formidable troubles wide space. Sculpt the vikhore forest in all directions, waves Savan Foam with the lakes. Thunder, a cup of sky split, clouds torn ripped forest. On the pendants of light gold, the lamps of the skies were injected. In 1915, Yesenin is included in the group of Novokrestest poets "Beauty" (S. A. Klychkov, N. A. Klyuev, S.M. Gorodetsky, A. M. Remizov, etc.). All were talented, everyone was combined with love for Russian antiquity, oral poetry, folk song and epic images. Communication with the poets of the peasant direction only strengthens the worldview of Esenin, oriented to Christian morality, peasant culture, on the tradition of folklore. A peculiar result of the first half of the creativity of the poet is the article "Mary's Keys", written in 1918, which reflects the knowledge of the nature of the artistic image, is reflected through the national poetic word historical experience of the Russian people. S. Jenin and N. Klovva 1916.

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    Face to new.

    The October Revolution of Yesenin received not in Marxist, but as a peasant and Christian content, hoping that October would bring freedom of peasant Russia. The poet captures the vortex beginning, the universal, cosmic scope of the events, upcoming changes and transformations in Russia. Russia appeared to Yesenin new Nazareth: the ideas of transformation, spiritual renewal, Christian socialism will come to the world. The artistic style of the poems of those years was distinguished by a high patient. In an effort to respond to new events, the poet writes small poems: "Transfiguration" (1917), "Inony" (1918), "Jordanian blueberries" (1918).

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    Wanting to see in modern times radial changes, Yesenin came to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating other poetry. He joined the new poetic flow - imžinima, at the origins of which were V. G. Shernevich, A. B. Mariengof, although his poetry was essentially different. "No, I did not join the immudyists, they threw on my verses," said Yesenin, the proof of which was previously the poem of 1910. Where cabbage beds red water waters up sunrise, Klennok Little uterus Green donkey sucks. The IMAZHINISTs were fascinated by Yesenin's careful attention. In his poetry appeared complex, based on unexpected associations images: "On the pond swan red / floats a quiet sunset"; "Gold frog moon / molded on quiet water", etc. However, the ideology of the IMAZHINISM was alien to Yesenin. The IMAZHINISTs put the artistic image as an art itself, expelled intuition from poetry, changing its logic, did not recognize the spiritual and national principles of Russian poetry, building poems on physiological, vulgar images. Yesenin saw a peculiar school skill in immudy. Long before the emergence of immudy, it achieved a lot in working on the word, over the use of metaphor. But formalistic extensions, the acrobatics of words characteristic of the IMAZHINISTS were alien to Yesenin. He expanded the meaning of the word, but never lost its meaning, believing that the most important thing is poetic worldview. Therefore, the care was inevitable. The performances of the IMAZHINISTS became more frequent and noisy, acquired eccentric forms. In parallel with the return to simplicity, as the principle of poetics, Yesenin came to the idea that the revolutionary shocks did not give Russia a long-awaited earthly paradise and a man happiness were not destined to come true. He survived the collapse of his revolutionary illusions. In 1920, Yesenin goes a lot in the country, acts at poetic evenings. And constantly thinks about the fate of Russia, about the eradication of the Russian peasantry, about inappropriate fate, about everything, "What happened in the country." The premonition of a close end is becoming stronger and stronger. It sounds in Sorokoust, in the "Office of Hooligan" and in other poems: "Wolf Delica", "I am the last poet of the village ...", "The side of you, my side ...". The poet was difficult to immediately comprehend and understand those social processes that touched upon the peasant life, the people's life. An old way breaks, and Yesenin is in no hurry to declare himself with a singer of an updated land.

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    "There is a living here ...."

    In 1922-1923, a dramatic poem "Country of the National" was created, which became a logical continuation of the theme of the conflict of power and the peasantry. It removes the halo of romance from the defenders of the revolution, the disappointment of the poet in the political policy is heard. In 1924, a collection of poems "Moscow Kabatskaya" was written, which found the expression of the motive of the dramatic fate of the poet, his loneliness, carelessness. The image of the lyrical hero of those years is "Zabyaka and Torvan", a robber and a scandalist, a lonely and rejected among the laughing crowd. In 1924-1925, in the Caucasus Yesenin, under the impression of staying in Baku, Tiflis, Batumi wrote a cycle of lyric poems "Persian motives", whose tonality influenced the love lyrics of the poets of the East. The poet wanted to overcome the spiritual crisis, to be clear from that applied, which happened to him sometimes in life, tried to gain agreement with himself and with the world. The achievement of harmony and peace in love for an excellent persian is impracticable for a lyrical hero. Things he again and again returns to his homeland, to the house, and in front of him there is an image of Ryazan discount and girls from the north. Repeats and appeals create the effect of a bizarre Eastern ornament: Shagana you are mine, Shagana! Because I'm from the north, or what, I am ready to tell you a field, about a wavy rye with the moon, Shagana you are mine, Shagana. In the summer of 1925, Yesenin returned to Moscow. He left his new friends - Baku journalists, among whom he felt so good: Farewell, Baku! I will not see you anymore. Now in the soul, sadness, now in the soul of fright. And the heart at hand is now hurt and closer, and feeling stronger than a simple word: friend. S.Senin (center) in Batumi

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    Little Lingerie.

    The verses of Yesenin recent years are saturated by tragic pathos; The feeling of the poet of his unnecessary becomes more stronger: "In my country, I like a foreigner," "sickening to me, the lawful son of Russian, in his state a step-down to be. In the article "The Fate of Yesenin", written in emigration after the death of the poet, 3. N. Hippiius noticed: "In verses about the homeland, where there is no trace from his house, where the relatives even left ... He suddenly talks about The feeling of your "unnecessaryness". It was probably a feeling more terrible: his ... already "non-existences". This poet writes in the poems of "Rus Exit", "Rus Soviet" and others. That hurricane passed. We have survived little. There are no friendships on the rollback. I returned to the lands in the land again, in which there was not eight years. In Elegia, the grove of Golden ... "(1924) arise sad meditation of the poet about the meaning of all the existing and their fate, about the subordination of human existence of the laws of nature. The poem dominates the symbolic color gamma ("Grove Golden" - a symbol of human life; "Lilac color" - a spring of a person, the "Ryabina Red" fire - a burning fire of life).

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    Death of poet.

    On the night of December 27-28, 1925, S.A. Yesenin died tragically. "Desperation, Breaking, off-road - here are the causes of the death of the poet," said Yu. P. Annenkov. - The paths of Russian poetry were in those years cut off and soon they were skipped tightly. " Poetry Yesenin, said A. N. Tolstoy, "There is as if scattering with both treasures of his soul treasure." He served all the life of poetry, giving this great cause all the strength, all the energy of the soul. Exactly and fully expressed M. Gorky: "Sergey Yesenin is not so much a person as a body created by nature exclusively for poetry, to express the inexhaustible" sorrow of fields ", love to the whole living in the world and mercy, which is more different - deserved by a person "

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    3. He studied in the Zemsky Konstantinovsky school, then graduated from Spare-Crepikov school, where Rural teachers were preparing. After graduation, I lived in the village.

    4. At the age of 17, he went to the Russian capital, where he worked at the merchant the proofreader in the office; He took part in the Surikov literary and musical circle, all also continuing to write poems.

    5. In 1912 he entered the historical and philosophical department of the People's University A. Shanyavsky.

    6. In early 1914, he starts printing his poetry in Moscow magazines.

    7. In 1915, Sergey Yeshenin leaves to live in St. Petersburg (then Petrograd) and almost immediately meets the block, in the house of which finds warm welcoming and approval of his poetry. The talent of the poet recognize the Key and Gorodetsky, with whom the block introduces him.

    8. In Moscow, they print almost all the lyrics brought by the poet, who immediately becomes loved by many. Since 1916, the first book of Yesenin is published - "Radunitsa", then (from 1914 to 1917) "Poison", "Marfa-Posalman" and others.

    9. Since 1916, Sergey Yesenin is a conscript for military service, from where he subsequently leaves, and works with the Esera "poet". At the time of the revolution was in the disciplinary battalion, where he was because he refused to write a poem for the king. During the split, the party joined the left group, was among their battle squad.

    10. The onset of the peasant revolution accepted with all joy. From 1918 to 21, a lot traveled through the expanses of the country, visited Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, the Caucasus, Crimea, Bessarabia, Turkestan.

    11. In 1922-23, he leaves for a trip to Europe (France, Belgium, Italy, Germany), together with her beloved - the famous American dancer Aidedu Or Duncan; Lived for four months in the USA.

    12. Poetry Sergey Yesenin is full of hot love for native land, to people and nature, but in his lyrics sometimes surround notes of sadness and disappointment, because the poet later regretted that he supported the revolution. In 1924-25, such well-known poems were written as "Persian motives", "Rus Outgoing", "Mother's Letter". Shortly before death, he writes one of his most famous creations: the tragic poem "Black Man".

    13. The life of Sergey Yesenin is tragically breaking. According to the official version of the authorities, he committed suicide (the tragedy occurred in the Petrograd hotel "Angletter"). But many believe that the Soviet authorities made a reprisal over the poet. The poet is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

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    In order to increase the efficiency of the learning process, the formation of a new information space, a modern lesson needs a more complete use of computer equipment. Computer technologies are becoming more and more relevant, as it is very interesting and informative. They form the ability to work with information, provide a learning maximum of educational material, create the possibility of implementing a student in the process of learning from external control of the teacher to a student self-acting, contribute to the translation of the pedagogical system to self-study schoolchildren.

    Presentation of Microsoft Power Pointk Literature Lessions on the topic "S. A. Yesenin. Life and creativity "contributes to the qualitative learning of the educational material, since it attracts not only the content of information, but also a new way to its filing, clarity, the possibility of an optimal combination of individual and frontal forms of work.

    I suggest the attention of colleagues methodological development of the lesson "Sergey Yesenin as a national poet. Life and creativity ", part of which became the above-mentioned presentation.

    Objectives lesson:

    • to acquaint students with the life and creativity of S.A. Jeshenina, show the peoples of his work;
    • develop the attention of students, their oral speech;
    • rail interest in literature, personality and creativity of the poet.

    Equipment: Portraits and photos of Yesenin, presentation on the topic "Life and creativity of Yesenin", video, sound recording.

    Methodical techniques: Teacher's word, report-message student, conversation.

    During the classes.

    1. The word of the teacher. (Record the romance to the poems of S.Senin "Quietly flowing the river Silver ...", 3 min.)

    Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin represent, it seems, it is not necessary - this is the most readable poet in Russia. Contemporaries celebrated an unusually rapid entry into literature, universal recognition. Maxim Gorky wrote: "Sergey Yesenin is not so much a person as an organ created by nature exclusively for poetry, to express the inexhaustible" sorrow of fields ", love for the whole living in the world and mercy, which is more different - deserved by a person."

    Yesenin is the only poet among the Russian great lyrics, in whose work it is impossible to allocate poems about the Motherland in a special section! Everything written by him is imbued with a "feeling of homeland." As the poet himself wrote: "The feeling of the motherland is the main thing in my creativity." Note, not "theme", but "feeling". For example, in the poem "Goy, Yohn My Native" (read it) the image of the Motherland-Paradise is drawn. Yesenin People's, the National Poet is not only because he was born in the very Russian village, which wrote about his native nature, that the language of his poems is simple and understandable, but also because every person in Russia at least once experienced the same feelings As Yesenin, that Yesenin expressed national nature, national moods, dreams, doubts, hopes.

    Read his autobiography written by him shortly before death, in October 1925. (We read "About yourself"). Yesenin is so "her" that it seems to us that we all know about it. Nevertheless, this man for his very short life left the literary heritage, which contains, as it turns out, many more riddles. In the very sound of his surname, there is something natural, forest, spring - and no pseudonyms, so popular in his time, was not needed.

    2. Report-message of the student about the life and work of Yesenin. (Presentation on the topic. 15 minutes.).

    S.A. Yesenin was born in the Ryazan province in the peasant family. From 1904 to 1912 he studied at the Konstantinovsky Zemsky School and in the Spas-Crepikov school. During this time, they were written more than 30 poems, a handwritten collection "Patients of Duma" (1912), which he tried to publish in Ryazan. Bereza is the first printed poem of S. Yesenin. From the very first poems, the poetry of Yesenin includes the topics of the Motherland and Revolution. The poetic world becomes more complex, multidimensional, a significant place in it is beginning to occupy biblical images, Christian motives.

    From August 1912 he lives in Moscow, it works in a shop, then in the printing house of Sytin. He studied at the historical and philosophical department of the Moscow City National University. Shanyavsky, not finished. At the end of 1913, it clings to the Surikov literary and musical circle, elected to the editorial commission. Since 1914, publishes poems in the children's magazines "MIRIO", "PROTALINKA", "Good morning."

    In 1915, Yesenin arrives in Petrograd, meets with a block that appreciated the "fresh, clean, hungry" verses of the "talented peasant poet-nugget", helped him, introduced to writers and publishers. In the fall of 1915, he is part of the literary group "Beauty" and the literary and artistic society "Strada".

    At the beginning of 1916, the first book "Radunitsa", which includes poems written by Yesenin in 1910-1915. Yesenin later recognized: "My Lyrics is alive by one big love, love for his homeland. The feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in my work. " One of the major laws of the Enesenin world is universal metamorphism. People, animals, plants, elements and items are all this, in Esenin, children of one mother nature. He humanifies nature. The book is impregnated with folklore poetics (song, spiritual verse), her language discovers a lot of regional, local words and expressions, which is also one of the features of the poetic style of Yesenin.

    In 1915-1916. A rebellious twin, "sinner", "Broadcasting and thief" appeared at the harmonious lyrical hero, and Russia has become no longer only the country of the meek Savior, but also rebels. During this period, Yesenin experienced the influence of the ideology of the Scythia R.V. Ivanov-Obzaznik. He becomes a member of the collections "Scythians" (1917, 1918). Separating the views of the ECEROV, Scythian Ivanov and the Poet-Old Shortiets Klyuev contributed to the fact that Yesenin united the concept of peasant paradise with a revolutionary idea. The ideas of this period were reflected in the poems of 1916-1918: "Comrade", "Deputy", "Okecih", "Coming", "Transfiguration", "INONIA", etc.

    In the first half of 1916 S.A. Yesenin is called up in the army, thanks to friends, he is appointed by Sanitar to the Tsarskoyell Military Sanitary Train No. 143 of Her Imperial Majesty. Together with the keys give concerts. On the day of her name, Yesenin received from the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna Icon Sergius Radonezhsky.

    In the second half of 1916, the poet prepares a new poetic collection "Doveless". Already distinct the signs of another, cautious Rus, according to which "People in the Candles" ("In the Edge, where yellow nettle" (1916), "Blue sky, color arc" (1916). The hero of Yeseninsky lyrics is changing: he is " Gentle matures "," Smart Inok ", then" Robber with a kitchen "(" Our faith did not go out "(1915)," Robber "(1915)," I was tired of living in my native land "(1916). The same duality determines and The image of the "gentle hooligan" in verses of the Yesenin period "Moscow Kabatskaya" (1924).

    The events of 1917 caused a sharp fracture in the work of the poet, it seemed to him that the Epoch of the Great Spiritual Update, the "Transfiguration" of Life, Revaluation of all values. And the February, and the October Revolution he accepted in Scythian, like peasant and Christian content. Yesenin gets closer to the ester (the "Star Bull" collection is printed in the train of Trotsky, in his printing house).

    In the spring of 1918, Yesenin moved from Petrograd to Moscow, where the collection "Delube" comes out, which made poems in 1916-1917. The poet then issues the collections of the poems "Transfiguration" (1918), "Rural Party" (1918). In 1919 Yesenin - one of the ideologues of the IMAZHINISM: the book "Mary's Keys" was published, in which Yesenin formulated his eyes on art, its essence and goals. This work was adopted as the manifesto immudy, whose association occurred in 1918-1919. Imazhinists organize the publishing house "Moscow labor artist of artists of the word", open the cafe "Stall Pegasus", its publishing house and his book shop.

    Marrying on the American dancer Aidedore Duncan, from May 1922 until August 1923 Yesenin lived abroad: in Germany, Belgium., France, Italy, USA. From an overseas trip, he brought a collection of Moscow Kabatskaya, which was published in 1924. The experience of traveling in Europe and the United States was reflected in the prosaic experience of Yesenin "Iron Mirgorod"

    The article "life and art" (1921) S.A., Yesenin rejected the principle of national art, the principle of poetic dissonance. Thus, two versions of immudy have developed in Russian poetry. Revolutionary shocks did not give Russia a long-awaited earthly paradise. The poet survived the collapse of his revolutionary illusions. "I stop understanding what revolution I belong to. I see that not to February and not to October, apparently, in us hid and hiding any November. " Together with the Voloshin, Klychkov, Pilnyak, A. Tolstoy, Mandelshtam and other Yesenin signed a letter to the Department of Printing of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) in defense of the stamped Bolshevik ideology of writers.

    Poetry S.A. Yesenin of the last, most tragic years (1922-1925) is marked by the desire for harmonic maidos. Most often in the lyrics there is a deep understanding of himself and the universe ("I do not regret, I don't cry, I don't cry ...", "the grove of the Golden ...", "We are now moving away ..." and others). The poet understood that the village was close to his heart - this is "rus outgoing." This is evidenced by his poem "Sorokoust" (1920), collections of the poems "Huligan confession" (1921), "Skandalist Poems" (1923), Moscow Kabatskaya (1924), "Soviet Rus" (1925), "Sovetskaya Country" (1925), "Persian motives" (1925), written in the Caucasus and related to the name Shagana Talian.

    In November 1925, the poet graduated from the autobiographical, confessional poem "Black Man", which turned out to be the last in a number of poems written to them, and among them were such significant as "Pugachev" (1921), "Country of the Nogria" (1922-1923), " Song about the great campaign "(1924)," Anna Snegina "(1925). For some time, Yesenin was located in the Baku Hospital of Vodkov with suspicion of lung inflammation (final diagnosis - tuberculosis).

    Life S.A. Yesenin tragically broke off in Petrograd, in the hotel "Angletter" with unexplained circumstances. The poet was found hanged. After the death of Yesenin, a period of official oblivion of his work began. In 1927, an article Bukharin "Evil Notes" appeared. The creativity of the poet was recognized as a petty-bourgeois, Kulatsky, not relevant to the great era. The article for many years has become an ideological basis for literary work and textbooks.

    And the poems knew him, read all Russia.

    3. The word of the teacher. View poems.

    ... And his poems knew, read all Russia ...

    The circumstances of the poet's life are confirmed by the Yesenian statement: "With regard to other autobiographical information, they are in my verses."

    (Video with recording of poems performed by Sergey Belakova from the film Vladimir Valutsky "Yesenin", 10 min.).

    4. Conversation according to the lyrics S.A.Senin:

      • What poems of Yesenin attracted your attention?
      • What poems of Yesenin do you know by heart?
      • What attracts you the work of this poet?
      • What are the main topics of his lyrics?
      • What are the mood of the lyrical hero of Yesenin?
      • What images are characteristic of nature lyrics in Esenin's poetry?

    5. The test word of the teacher.

    "Large seems to be a distance," - rightly noticed somehow a poet. And, probably, this truth of the poet itself is most and concerned. The more years passes, the more clearly the reader is twisted: which of the poets was called upon to come for a time beyond the limits of which did not come out, and who is to pass through the time, becoming part of not only our life, but also our soul.

    This poet N. Nikhonov said this: "The person of the future will also read Yesenin, as the people of this day are read. The strength and brightness of his verse speaks themselves. His poems can not be aged. In their veins there are forever young blood eternally living poetry. "

    6. Testing by themes:

      • "Biography"
      • "Review of creativity"

    (Testing at the discretion of the teacher can be transferred to the following lesson, can be used for self-test and for the classroom control).


    1. Reading the poems of Yesenin about the Motherland, about nature, analysis of poems ("in the hut", "labeled on the lake ...", "Cherohemuha Skill Snow ..." and others, choice)
    2. Learn the poem (optional).
    3. Individually: to compare the poem of F.I. Tyutchev "Charger Winter", A.A.Feta "Sad Birch" and S.A. Jeshenina "Porosh" and "Bereza"

    Presentation prepared for the lesson of literature "S. A. Yesenin. Life and creativity, "contains hyperlinks and makes it possible to vary the content of the lesson. If a teacher or learning message is limited to the main material, then hyperlink materials can be used in the individual study. The content of the presentation material was created two electronic tests: "Biography" and "Review of Creativity". Control tests are used at the control stage of knowledge, skills, skills (or self-control), can be used with the presentation materials and applications as a simulator. Testing at the discretion of the teacher can be transferred to the next lesson, you can use for self-test and for the avenue control in the class.

    1. To implement the frontal form of training, it is recommended to organize the study of this topic on the basis of a training office equipped with a single multimedia PC and a media projector with a wall screen or an interactive board.
    2. To implement the individual form of organizing training in the lesson, work on the basis of a computer class, where 10-15 people can be engaged at the same time.

    It is important that the lesson with this presentation is the communication of the student with a computer, and training in this case has a dialogue. With such training, the principle of adaptability is carried out: the adaptation of the computer to the individual characteristics of the student, manageability is implemented; That is, at any time it is possible to correct the learning process, the student supports the state of psychological comfort when communicating with the computer. Working with a computer at a lesson and outside the lesson contributes to the preparation of the identity of the "information society.

    List of used literature and materials.

    1. Audiobook: "S. Yesenin. Poetry of the XX century. Poems and romances. " Series "School Readings: Literature". Stradi - audiobook, 2004; RAO "Talking Book", 2005.
    2. Vladimir Valutsky. Feature film "Yesenin".
    3. The newspaper "Literature" No. 3, January, 1998.
    4. Generalova N.S. "Literature. Manual for preparation for the exam and centralized testing. " Educational and methodical manual. - m.; Publishing House "Exam", 2004.
    5. Magazines series "Literature at School", 2003 No. 10, No. 15.; 2001 No. 6.
    6. Yegorova N. V. "Pounding developments in Russian literature of the 20th century" grade 11, first half of the year. - 4 ed., Pererab. And add. - m.; Vako, 2005.
    7. "A practical manual for teachers of subject to create electronic testing systems by MS Excel means." Gamayunova M.N., Puchkova V.I. 2006
    8. "Exemplary planning of Russian lessons and literature applications with interactive learning tools." Manual for teacher. S. A. Romanova. Moscow. "School press." 2005.
    9. Tests on literature for grade 11. 2004.


    1. Audio recording "Silver river quietly flowing ..." (Romance for Poems S. Yesenin) (by the author)
    2. Presentation
    3. Video (from the author)

    Biography of the writer - Jubilee.

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    • Sergey Yesenin was born on September 21 (October 4) 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo Ryazan province in the family of the peasant Alexander Yesenin.
    • Alexander Nikitich Yesenin (1873-1931) and Tatyana Fedorovna Yesenin (Titova) (1865-1955).
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    House Museum of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

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    Yesenin about his childhood:

    • "From two years, he was given to the upbringing of a rather wealthy grandfather on the mother, who had three adults of unmarried sons, with whom almost all my childhood flowed. My uncle was the guys naughty and desperate. Three and a half years they planted me on a horse without a saddle and Immediately let him in a gallop. Then they were taught to swim. Uncle Sasha took me to the boat, drove away from the shore, removed the underwear from me and, like a puppy, threw in the water. "
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    Zemskaya elementary school

    • In 1904, Yesenin is given to training in the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo school, and then in the church-school school in the town of Savior Klepika (1909-12), from which the "teacher of the School of Diploma" came out.
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    • In the summer of 1912, Yesenin moved to Moscow, he served in a meat shop for some time, where his father worked as Claudist.
    • After the conflict with his father, he left the bench, worked in book publishing, then in the printing house I. D. Sittina.
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    1913 year

    • Yesenin joined the revolutionary working workers and was under the supervision of the police. At the same time, Yesenin is engaged in the historical and philosophical department of the University of Shanyavsky (1913-15).
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    Debut of the poet

    • Since childhood, the congregated poems (mainly in the imitation of A. V. Koltsov, I. S. Nikitin, S. D. Yezzhin), Yesenin acquires like-minded people in the "Surikov literary and musical circle", whose member he becomes in 1912.
    • Printing begins in 1914 in Moscow children's magazines (the first poem "Birch").
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    • Yesenin comes to Petrograd, where he gets acquainted with A. A. Blok, S. M. Gorodetsky, A. M. Remizov, N. S. Gumilev, comes closer to N. A. Klyowv, who had a significant impact on him. Their joint performances with verses and vests stylized under the "peasant", "folk" manner (Yesenin was the public of the cereal-sodium wellhead in the embroidered shirt and Safyanovy boots) were a great success.
  • Slide 10.

    Sergey Yesenin with N. A. Klyuev. Autumn 1916

  • Slide 11.

    Military service

    • In the first half of 1916, Yesenin is called up to the army, but thanks to the troubles of friends, it receives an appointment ("from the highest permissions") by Sanitar in the Tsarskoye Military Sanitary Train No. 143 of Her Imperial Majesty of the Soviet Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, which allows him to attend literary salons freelance At the receptions in the patrons, perform at concerts.
  • Slide 12.

    Group Personnel and Train Teams June 7, 1916

  • Slide 13.


    • The first collection of poems Yesenin "Radunitsa" (1916) is enthusiasticly welcomed by criticism, who revealed a fresh stream that celebrated the young immediacy and the natural taste of the author.
  • Slide 14.

    The revolution

    • In early 1918, Yesenin moves to Moscow. With inspiration, having met the revolution, he writes several small poems ("Jordanian blueberry", "INONIA", "Heavenly drummer", all 1918) imbued with the joyful premonition of "Transfiguration" of life.
  • Slide 15.


    • The search in the field of image is bringing closer to Yesenin with A. B. Mariengoof, V. G. Shershenevich, R. Ivnev, in early 1919 they are united into a group of the IMAZHINISTS; Yesenin becomes frequenter "Pegasus Stall" - a literary cafe of immudy in Nikitsky gates in Moscow.
  • Slide 16.

    "Moscow Kabatskaya"

    • In the early 1920s In verses of Yesenin, the motives of the "Running Maid Bories" appear (in 1920, a marriage with Z. N. Rayich was broken by about three years), drunk removed, and replacing a tear longing.
    • The poet appears a hooligan, a scandalist, a quotion with a bloody soul, making "from the tritons to the Proton," where he is surrounded by "someone else's and laughing rare" (Collections "Hooligan Confession", 1921; "Moscow Kabatskaya", 1924).
  • Slide 17.


    • The event in the life of Yesenin was a meeting with the American dancer AsedoroDunkan (autumn 1921), which in half a year he became his wife.
  • Slide 18.

    Yesenin and Isadora, 1922

    • Joint journey in Europe (Germany, Belgium, France, Italy) and America (May 1922 August 1923),
  • Slide 19.


    I returned to Motherland Yesenin with joy, feeling a refreshment, desire to "be a singer and a citizen ... in the great states of the USSR."

    To this period include the best works:

    • "Overborn the grove of gold ...",
    • "Letter to Mother",
    • "We are now going to gradually ...",
    • cycle "Persian motifs",
    • poem "Anna Snegina" and others.
  • Slide 20.

    Tragic final

    • One of the latest works was the poem "Country of the Rogue", in which he hypause Soviet power. After that, it began in the newspapers.
    • The last two years of Yesenin's life passed in permanent traffic: hiding from prosecution, he travels three times to the Caucasus, he drove several times to Leningrad, seven times in Konstantinovo. At the same time, once again trying to start a family life, but his union with S. A. Tolstoy (his granddaughter L. N. Tolstoy) was not happy.
  • Slide 1.

    Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin

    Presentation Lyutgolts L.V. Teachers of Literature MOU "SOSH №23" Biography of writer- Yubilyar

    Slide 2.

    Sergey Yesenin was born on September 21 (October 4) 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo Ryazan province in the family of the peasant Alexander Yesenin. Alexander Nikitich Yesenin (1873-1931) and Tatyana Fedorovna Yesenin (Titova) (1865-1955).

    Slide 3.

    House Museum of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

    Slide 4.

    "From two years, he was given to the upbringing of a rather wealthy grandfather on the mother, who had three adults of unmarried sons, with whom almost all my childhood flowed. My uncle was the guys naughty and desperate. Three and a half years they planted me on a horse without a saddle and Immediately let him in a gallop. Then they were taught to swim. Uncle Sasha took me to the boat, drove away from the shore, removed the underwear from me and, like a puppy, threw in the water. "

    Yesenin about his childhood:

    Slide 5.

    Zemskaya elementary school

    In 1904, Yesenin is given to training in the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo school, and then in the church-school school in the town of Savior Klepika (1909-12), from which the "teacher of the School of Diploma" came out.

    Slide 6.

    In the summer of 1912, Yesenin moved to Moscow, he served in a meat shop for some time, where his father worked as Claudist. After the conflict with his father, he left the bench, worked in book publishing, then in the printing house I. D. Sittina

    Slide 7.

    Yesenin joined the revolutionary working workers and was under the supervision of the police. At the same time, Yesenin is engaged in the historical and philosophical department of the University of Shanyavsky (1913-15).

    Slide 8.

    Since childhood, the established poems (mainly in the imitation of A. V. Koltsov, I. S. Nikitin, S. D. Yezzhin), Yesenin acquires like-minded people in the "Surikov literary and musical circle", a member of which he becomes in 1912. Printed in 1914 in Moscow children's journals (the first poem "Birch").

    Debut of the poet.

    Slide 9.

    Yesenin comes to Petrograd, where he gets acquainted with A. A. Blok, S. M. Gorodetsky, A. M. Remizov, N. S. Gumilev, comes closer to N. A. Klyowv, who had a significant impact on him. Their joint performances with verses and vests stylized under the "peasant", "folk" manner (Yesenin was the public of the cereal-sodium wellhead in the embroidered shirt and Safyanovy boots) were a great success.

    Slide 10.

    Sergey Yesenin with N. A. Klyuev. Autumn 1916

    Slide 11.

    In the first half of 1916, Yesenin is called up to the army, but thanks to the troubles of friends, it receives an appointment ("from the highest permissions") by Sanitar in the Tsarskoye Military Sanitary Train No. 143 of Her Imperial Majesty of the Soviet Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, which allows him to attend literary salons freelance At the receptions in the patrons, perform at concerts.

    Military service

    Slide 12.

    Slide 13.


    The first collection of poems Yesenin "Radunitsa" (1916) is enthusiasticly welcomed by criticism, who revealed a fresh stream that celebrated the young immediacy and the natural taste of the author.

    Slide 14.

    In early 1918, Yesenin moves to Moscow. With inspiration, having met the revolution, he writes several small poems ("Jordanian blueberry", "INONIA", "Heavenly drummer", all 1918) imbued with the joyful premonition of "Transfiguration" of life.

    The revolution

    Slide 15.

    Imazinism S.A. Jenin 1919

    The search in the field of image is bringing closer to Yesenin with A. B. Mariengoof, V. G. Shershenevich, R. Ivnev, in early 1919 they are united into a group of the IMAZHINISTS; Yesenin becomes frequenter "Pegasus Stall" - a literary cafe of immudy in Nikitsky gates in Moscow.

    Slide 16.

    In the early 1920s In verses of Yesenin, the motives of the "Running Maid Bories" appear (in 1920, a marriage with Z. N. Rayich was broken by about three years), drunk removed, and replacing a tear longing. The poet appears a hooligan, a scandalist, a quotion with a bloody soul, making "from the tritons to the Proton," where he is surrounded by "someone else's and laughing rare" (Collections "Hooligan Confession", 1921; "Moscow Kabatskaya", 1924).

    "Moscow Kabatskaya"

    Slide 17.


    The event in the life of Yesenin was a meeting with the American dancer Aidedor Duncan (autumn 1921), which in six months became his wife.

    Slide 18.

    Yesenin and Isadora, 1922

    Joint journey in Europe (Germany, Belgium, France, Italy) and America (May 1922 August 1923),

    Slide 19.

    I returned to Motherland Yesenin with joy, feeling a refreshment, desire to "be a singer and a citizen ... in the great states of the USSR." To this period include the best works: "Raschai dissigned a golden ...", "Letter to Mother", "We are now passing away ...", Cycle "Persian motives", the poem "Anna Snegina", etc.

    Slide 20.

    One of the latest works was the poem "Country of the Rogue", in which he hypause Soviet power. After that, it began in the newspapers. The last two years of Yesenin's life passed in permanent traffic: hiding from prosecution, he travels three times to the Caucasus, he drove several times to Leningrad, seven times in Konstantinovo. At the same time, once again trying to start a family life, but his union with S. A. Tolstoy (his granddaughter L. N. Tolstoy) was not happy.


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