Presentation on the topic of Cyril Sith. Teenage fears Presentation on the topic of phobias and fears

Presentation on the topic of Cyril Sith. Teenage fears Presentation on the topic of phobias and fears

Fear at first glance, the difference between fear and the phobia is small. There is scary, here is scary ... In fact, phobia is an irrational, panic, uncontrollable, obsessive, painful horror, which causes a person to avoid relatively safe situations or objects.

Phobia should be strictly distinguished from nonsense. At phobic syndrome, the patient clearly realizes the obsessive, the painful character of the overwhelming fear, which is a distinctive feature of the neurotic level of disorders. In cases of nonsense, the patient is deeply confident in the "reality" of his own fear, there is no criticism for its state.

Most of the phobias are a mental deflection and in fact they should be treated. Serious and not very, stupid and reasonable, permanent and periodic phobias. All the details should only find out the doctor. Otherwise there is a risk of catching the following phobia, good nutrition for which there are already existing ones.

Not all phobias are recognized as a mental deflection. Some of them is only a certain problem of the body's reaction from the adopted standard. And most often, the reason for this is somewhere very close, which for a good doctor does not make big problems to find it, and fix it.

Signs of phobia signs of phobia can be called regular avoidance of the situation in which the feeling of fear arises, and the onset of panic attacks. They are easy to recognize the following signs: a feeling of suffocation, spasms in the throat; Papered heartbeat (the heart pops out from the chest); feeling of weakness, breaking the body; The feeling that the faint will come about; abundant cold sweat; feeling of strong fear, horror; trembling in the whole body; vomiting or stomach disorder; The body does not seem to be, ceases to obey; The feeling that you go crazy. If there are at least four of these signs, you can assume the presence of a phobia.

To date, there are various methods of treating phobias and fears. The most effective method of getting rid of phobias, which in the best possible way has established itself in the West - cognitive behavioral therapy. It is based on working with a psychologist: the psychologist works with the mechanism of fear directly - here and now, which allows you to quickly achieve results (for only 2-4 hours of work). During the first lesson, you get practical skills of self-controlling your emotions. Those. The psychologist acts as a coach, whose task is to give you the key to overcoming fear, and you can use them yourself at the right moment.

The zanga scale is a tool for measuring the severity of various phobias, panic attacks and other alarming disorders. Estimation of the severity of an alarm disorder on a scale is carried out on the basis of patient self-assessment. The scale is applied in diagnostic and clinical examinations of anxiety, preliminary diagnosis of disturbing disorders, epidemiological studies and clinical trials of medicines. The scale contains 20 statements, for each of which the studied gives an answer in the frequency of the occurrence of a sign of a sign, ranked in four gradations: "rarely", "sometimes", "often" and "very often." The studied is asked to note the corresponding cells of the scale of the scale, which you most likely reflect its condition for the last week. According to the results of answers to all 20 points, the total score is determined.

1. I feel more nervous (oh) and disturbing (oh) than usual 2. I feel the feeling of fear completely without reason 3. I easily grieve or fall into a panic. I have a feeling of well-being in the hands of me, I feel that nothing bad will happen to me. . I am calm (a) and not fussy (a) 10. I have a feeling of rapid heartbeat

11. I am bouts of dizziness 12. I have a fainting or I feel that I can lose consciousness 13. I breathe free 14. I feel the feeling of numbness and tingling in the fingers and feet 15. I am pain in the stomach and digestive disorders. 16. I am a call for urination: 17. Hands dry and warm 18. The face "burns" and blushes 19. I am easy to fall asleep and I wake up with a rested (oh) 20. A nightmares tormented

Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 15, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 20 are assessed as follows: "Rarely" 1; "Sometimes" 2; "Often" 3; "Very often" 4. Paragraphs 5, 9, 13, 17 and 19 are estimated as follows: "Rarely" 4; "Sometimes" 3; "Often" 2; "Very often" 1.

Evaluation of the total score norm Easy alarming disorder or moderate severity expressed alarming disorder or an alarming disorder of severe alarming disorder is extremely severe
The most common ... Tanatophobia. Fear of death, die. Spectrophobia. Fear of ghosts. Acrophobia. Fear of height. Aracnotobia. Fear of spiders achlofobios. Fear of dark claustrophobia. Fear of closed spaces. Mizophobia. Fear of dirt and microbes. Officientophobia. Fear of snakes.

... and the most unusual phobias hexakosogeksekontahaxafobia. Fear of the number 666. Coleroofobia. Fears at the sight of clowns. Phobophobia. Panic fear of phobias. Anatidafobia. The obsessive fear that somewhere in the world there is a duck, who follows you. Internetophobia fear of access to the Internet. Penterafobia. Fear of shaky. Nomocophia. Fear to stay without communication, phone. Dentofobia. Fear of dentists and the treatment of teeth.

Sources of Wikipedia Electronic Encyclopedia Britannica Fears and Phobia Detailed list of what is afraid of ...

Place of performance : from. Trinity,

Municipal general education budget institution

"Trinity Secondary School. GK Zhukova "

from. Trinity, 2015.

Table of contents:

Introduction ................................................................................................ ..

Goals and objectives………………………………………………………………………….……

1. Analysis of psychological literature ...................................................... .. ...

1.1. The concept and types of fears ............................................................... .. ... .......

1.2. Falla physiology .......................................................................................................... ... ...

1.3. Strength and weakness of fears .............................................................................................. ... ... ..

II.. Main part…………………………………………………………………..………

2.1. The study of adolescent fears ................................................. ...... ..

2.1.1. Study of types of adolescent fears .............................................. Detection of age-related dynamics of fears ............................................. ..

2.2. Results of the study ............................................................. ......... ...

Conclusion ................................................................................................

List of references ....................................................... .........



Which of us did not feel a feeling of fear, he met every man in one situation or another. Fear warns us of various problems that may occur, and may not happen if we listen to fear. But, in addition to healthy, natural fear, there is a fear of painful,the prevailing and human life manager. In fact, fears are our resources. Thanks to them, we can realize our borders and weaknesses, to understand, in which direction we need to develop.

Children and adolescents due to their emotional susceptibility with particular force are experiencing all these fears, which can lead to serious disorders of their emotional sphere up to neurotic disorders. In this regard, the study of children's and adolescent fears, as well as personal factors that predispose them, seems to be a relevant and practically significant psychological problem.

Purpose of work: Detection and overcoming the prevailing fears in adolescents.

Objectives of research :

Analyze scientific and methodological literature on the topic of research;

Explore the various types and causes of fears in adolescents;

Reveal the sexual differences in the degree of fears of students,

Acquaint students with the technique of reducing fears and anxiety.

As a result, the following were nominated.hypothesis Research: girls are more susceptible to fear, rather than youth; Psychotechnics help in overcoming fears.

Object of study : Teenagers 14-15 years old.

Subject of study : fears.

    Analysis of psychological literature.

    1. The concept and types of fears. / 1,8,9,10 /

There is one such ancient Eastern parable about fear.
"One sage met the plague on his way and asked:" Where are you going? " She replies: "In a big city. I need to exercise five thousand people there. " A few days later, the same sage again met the plague. "You said that they would die five thousand people, but worry all fifty," he reproached her. "No," she objected, "I destroyed only five thousand, the rest died of fear" ...

Fear generated by imagination sees the danger even where it is not at all ...

There are many different concepts of fear. This is how the domestic scientists who worked in this direction explain this concept:

Fear, in the dictionary of the Ozhegov - very strong fright, severe fear. In the Dalian dictionary, fear - passion, fear, timidity, severe fear, anxious state, from threatening or imaginary disaster. Famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov believed that fear was based on the instinct of self-preservation, it has a defensive nature and is accompanied by certain changes in the highest nervous activity, it is reflected in the frequency of the pulse and respiration, the blood pressure indicators, the selection of gastric juice. "Fear - emotion arising in the threat situations to the biological or social existence of an individual and aimed at the source of real or imaginary danger" - believes L.A. Petrovsky. According to A.S. Spivakovskaya: "Fear is a specific acute emotional state, a special sensual response manifested in a dangerous situation. Fear is always called concrete and close hazard.

One of the most powerful human fears is the fear of death. Despite the fact that fear is a negative emotion, one of those emotions in which you feel bad, the fear has both weak and strengths.

Researchers identify two sides of fear - positive and negative. The negative effect of fear is that a person is experiencing negative emotions, causing headaches, passivity. Subjective experiences of fear can be expressed in the disorder of mental cognitive processes: the level and acuity of perception is reduced, thinking is broken.

Fear of death, like other vital fears based on the instinct of self-preservation (the fear of height, thunderstorms, diseases, etc.), relatively rarely worrying people. But they annoy other concerns, it would seem that not threatening the individual and health of the individual. These are the so-called social fears - responsibility, public speeches, etc. On the one hand, such feelings in one degree or another are almost every person, making up a certain negative emotional background of society, and on the other, when a certain intensity is reached, they can grow into severe clinical forms - phobias (from Greek.phobos - fear). A special role among social fears is allocated to two sufficiently close forms having their specifics - the fear of responsibility and fear of exams. The first of them is dangerous by its long-term action, the second, although it is brief, sometimes it reaches a significant force.

Positive sides of fear: can warn about danger, help extend the life, adrenaline and norepinephrine is produced, which contributes to the tide of the forces, an increase in blood pressure, breathing, improves the work of the brain. Also, for example, the positive side of fear can be attributed to the fear of the exam, which gives a stimulus to students to accommodately approach the examination.

    1. Physiology of fear. / 5.7 /

Since the fear is an oldest emotion that increases the chances of the body for survival, then the brain structures responsible for it are in older, central regions of the brain - the so-called limbic system to which hypopocampus, almonds include a pear and several more brain structures.

The domestic neurophysiologist V.M. Smirnov confirmed the meaning of the agent in the emergence of emotions in humans. He found that the impact of a weak electric shock on one brain department causes confusion and bewilderment in patients, irritation of another site is an inexplicable fear, and the annoyance of the third is unmotivated joy. The study of American neurophysiologists gives reason to assume that the feeling of fear is formed mainly in the right hemisphere of the brain[Fig. one].

With a superficial view, the fear carries an unpleasant feeling - it causes disadvantages, the activity is sharpening and can even lead to psychosomatic diseases. However, initially this emotion originated in the process of evolution as the protection of the body from all sorts of dangers of primitive life. Later, when a person built around him a new habitat (both technogenic and social), the reaction of fear in many cases has ceased to be adequate circumstances. According to anthropologists, the formation of Homo Sapiens ended approximately 40-50 thousand years ago. Describing the ancestors of man, I.P. Pavlov wrote:"Their nervous activity was expressed in completely definite business relations with the outside, with other animals and was always expressed in the work of the muscular system. They had to either run away from the enemy, or deal with him " . Therefore, it is not surprising that as a result of natural selection, fear began to launch well-defined reactions in the human body, primarily improving the blood supply to the muscles and mobilizing the body's energy resources.

What happens in the human body when it covers fear? First of all, a sympathetic nervous system is activated, mobilizing energy resources and rebuilding all organ systems, preparing them to physical activity. The activation of the sympathetic nervous system leads to rapid heartbeat ("The heart goes into the heels" ), expanding pupils ("fear has big eyes" ), inhibits the activity of the digestive glands ("From fear in the mouth of the mouth" ) etc. In parallel, the endocrine system is included, which in dangerous situations throws into the blood of adrenaline, or "Rabbit hormone" (as opposed to the norepinenaline, called the "lion hormone", which is distinguished when angry and rage). Adrenaline narrows skin vessels ("Face squeezed from fear" ) and in general acts the same way as the sympathetic nervous system, in many ways duplicating her work[Fig. 2].

The study of physiology and neurochemistry of fear made it possible to better understand the biological mechanisms of human behavior. But its livelihood imposes a lot of social and cultural installations, in the light of which genetically programmed instincts lose their adaptive value or even interfere with living. In this regard, the fear that launching the "struggle or flight" reactions, which well shown themselves during the period of biological evolution, turns out to be completely inadequate in modern life. Therefore, the negative value of fear is manifested much wider than positive. He can keep a person in constant tension, generate insecurity and not allow personality to be realized in full force. Fear does the activity of a person, in some cases literally paralyzes it, and the chronic state of anxiety and fear leads to various psychosomatic diseases.

1.3. Strength and weakness of fears. / 1,2,8 /

The positive role of fear for the body is evolutionally enshrined in our reactions. First, fear mobilizes human strength for active activity, which is often necessary in a critical situation. This is due to the emission of adrenaline into the blood, which improves the supply of muscles with oxygen and nutrients. The pale of the skin and chill "under the spoon" under fright belong to the effects of adrenaline: the blood required at the moment of the danger of the muscles, casts from the skin and the stomach. All other reactions accompanying fear among humans and animals were also initially useful: the hair, the hair rushing on the horror on his head, should have frightened the potential enemy.

Secondly, fear helps better memorize dangerous or unpleasant events. The study of early childhood memories allowed the psychologist P. Blonsky to assert that it was especially well remembered what causes suffering and fear, and pain and suffering most often reproduced precisely as fear. Analyzing this phenomenon, V.K. Vilyunas wrote:"It is not difficult to see the feasibility of reproducing pain and suffering in the form of fear. Fear in relation to the objects that caused pain is useful in that it encourages in the future to avoid these items; Experiencies at the same time, on the basis of memory, the pain itself simply would simply deprive the activity of avoiding any meaning " . Thus, fear is a peculiar means of knowledge of the surrounding reality, which helps an individual to avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Finally, the third function of fear. When the information is not enough to take a comprehensively thoughtful decision, fear dictates a strategy of behavior. According to P.V.Simonov, this emotion develops with a lack of information necessary to protect the individual from the threat from a biological or social environment. It is in this case that it is advisable to respond to an extended circle of signals whose usefulness is not yet known. At first glance, such a reaction is redundant and uneconom of, but it prevents the passing of a truly important signal, whose ignoring can cost life.

According to the classical reflex theory, the conditioned stimulus gradually loses the ability to cause the reaction, if not reinforced by the repetition of the unconditional incentive. Phobic syndrome can last years without explicit external reinforcement, which, however, does not contradict the conditionaloreflexory theory.

A strong fear can awaken in you an unknown physical strength and endurance. However, despite the fact that the fear can wake up superhuman abilities, no one would like to survive such critical moments again, since the weakness of fear is that it is still negative emotion.

As mentioned above, fear shows areas in which you can develop. But at the same time, this is a closed door - and while you will not deliver it in consciously, everything that is not available to you. All this leads to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to call the opposite fear of feeling, the key that will open all the doors before you.

II. . Main part.

    1. Work methods.

2.1.1. Study of types of adolescent fears. / 6 /

To study fears from students 15 - 16 years, the questionnaire "Types of fear", I.P. Shkuratova, containing thirty-six factors causing the experience of fear. All these factors are divided into five groups: a) phobias, b) educational fears, c) social fears, d) criminal fears, e) mystical fears. Respondents should have appreciated how this factor provokes a feeling of fear, using a scale from 0 to 4 points: Detecting age-related dynamics of fears. / 6 /

To identify the age dynamics of fears, the method "Free Strakhov Description" (SOS), developed by I.P. Shkuratova and V.V. Ermac. In it, the subjects were proposed in free form to describe their fears in three time dimensions: in the past, present and future. The subject responded to the following questions. What am I afraid when was small? What am I afraid now? What am I afraid in the future?

As an object of study, 28 students of 8 classes (14 young men and 14 girls) were performed.

2.2. Research results.

2.2.1. Study of types of adolescent fears.

The first task of this work was to explore the severity of different fears from high school students. Total values \u200b\u200bfor groups of boys and girls according to the method of fear are presented in [Table. №1].

As can be seen from Table No. 1, the most pronounced in adolescents turned out to be the fear of death of close people (48 points in the young men and 46 points from girls). Amazing is the fact that the possibility of his own death is scared of them significantly less (9 points in the young men and 18 girls). Obviously, this can be explained by the fact that teenagers consider it an unlikely event for themselves, as well as the action of protective mechanisms.

The following in severity in the young man is a group of training fears: the fear of challenge is to respond at the board (22 girls and 11 in young men), the fear of punishment by the parents for abominability (12 points for young men and 21 points for girls); Fear to get a bad assessment (14 points for young men and 12 points from girls).

The girls in the top five include the death of the death of loved ones (46 points), the fear is responsible at the lesson (17 points), the fear of punishment by parents for bad estimates (12 points), the fear of answering the board (12 points) and the fear of getting a bad rating (12 points). Since the amount of fear is determined by the magnitude of the negative effects of a frightening event for the individual and its probability, it can be assumed that these fears are chronic and pronounced teenagers. Particularly depressing the fact that such a daily action, as the answer at the board, is associated with such a strong fear of schoolchildren of both sexes that he is even ahead of the fear of physical violence. At the same time, this indicates a very large degree of infantitality of high school students who school problems seem terrible real threats outside the school.

Judging by the data, schoolchildren are not very frightening the opportunity to be robbed on the street, to undergo physical violence, to be the hostage in the hands of the gangsters.

For generalized analysis of fears, all of them were summarized in groups:

phobias; training; social fears; criminal; Mystical fears.

Since groups of fears included a different number of items, the average values \u200b\u200bin groups were calculated to compare [Table. №2].

The greatest severity of high school students have phobias, especially the girls. The second place is divided by educational and social fears, in the third place are criminal, and a number of mystical fears are closed.

Data suggests that girls are more predisposed to the experience of all types of fear. These differences are the result of differences in the upbringing of girls and boys. Traditionally, young people, since childhood, are involved in the fact that they should not be afraid of all sorts of objects and phenomena, or at least not recognize in their own fears. At the same time, girls permit weakness and seek protection from male representatives.

2.2.2. Detecting age-related dynamics of fears.

To identify the age-related dynamics of fears, the tests were interviewed on fears that they experienced in the past are the most pronounced at present, and what they fear in the future. The processing of the "SOS" technique was carried out using content analysis according to the same scales as in the previous method.

Data [Tab. №3] show that childhood is presented mainly by phobias, which decrease with age. Schoolchildren believe that in the future they will be free from phobias (fear of darkness, height, disease, etc.). On the contrary, social fears related to relations with the surrounding people are growing, and the teenagers believe that in the future these fears will come to the fore. Training fears are at the peak at present, which is quite explained. Teens clearly underestimate the criminal situation in the country, not expressing any unrest on the possibility of becoming a victim of criminal behavior of other people. Much more often (especially girls) they note the presence of mystical fears associated with otherworldly.

The next task of our study was to study the severity of various fears among adolescents who visited trainings to overcome fears. In the training, the guys were offered, as if to "meet their fear and make friends with him": inepiphenous everything is afraid - and it will be an indication of those areas in which you need to develop most.After classes, the guys were again answered questions about the Questions of Fear.These results are given in [Table. No. 4] in comparison with the results of the first survey.


The person begins to be afraid as soon as it appears, the fear is enhanced several times when a person learns to think, understands the inconsistency of his being, which is that nature has endowed a person by consciousness, leaving him at the same time. All life, fears are only enhanced; When a person thinks that she finally overwhelmed his fear, there is a new one immediately, and he begins to look for other means and events against him, and it seems that this is just the meaning of life.

Summing up the results of the study, conclusions can be drawn:

All kinds of fear are more pronounced in girls compared to young man. These differences are the result of differences in the upbringing of girls and boys. Traditionally, young people since childhood teach to the fact that they should not be afraid of all sorts of objects and phenomena, or at least not recognize in their own fears. At the same time, girls permit weakness and seek protection from male representatives.

Thus, the hypothesis that the girls are more susceptible to fear than young people and with age the number of fears is reduced confirmed.

Despite its negative characteristics, the fear allows a person to avoid the threat, thereby performing a protective function.

Students can learn how to defeat their fears, for this you need to learn to control your fears through special activities to overcome fears, sincethe relative circumstances of the child of the child fears disappear. But there are cases when fears accumulate, increasing as a snowball, creating problems.

List of references:

    Abakumova T.V. Classification of the main types of fear of modern society // Social psychology: Dialogue St. Petersburg - Yakutsk.- SPB, 2002, p.133-140.

    Zakharov A.I. How to help our children will get rid of fear. - SPb., 1995.

    Zakharov A.I. Neuroses in children and psychotherapy. - SPb., 2000.

    Isard K. Emotions of man. - M., 1980.

    Podishozhan A.M Anxiety in children and adolescents: Psychological nature and age dynamics. - M., 2000.

    Rogov E.I. Desktop book of a practical psychologist. - M., 1999.

    Shcherbaty Yu.V. Ivleva E.I. "Psychophysiological and clinical aspects of fear, anxiety and phobias." Voronezh. Origins. 1998.

    Shcherbaty Yu.V. "Psychology of fear." M. "Eksmo". 2002.

Internet resources:

    https:// m.. slovari.. yandex. ru Fear is the explanatory dictionary of Daly - Yandex. Dictionaries

    ozegov.. info/ slovar./? eX.= y.& q.\u003d Fear - Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language - S.I. Ozhegov


Picture 1.

The scheme of the structure of the limbic system of man.

Figure 2.

Regulation of sweating at fear.

Dictionary of insurance

Ablutofobia: Fear of washing and water procedures.

AirFobia: 1. Intrusive fear of birds.2. Neurotic fear of traveling on the plane.

Agorafobia: 1. Fear of space, open places, squares, 2. fear of clusters of people.

Automisophobia: Fear of pollution, forcing the patient with indifferently wash, wash your hands,

Autofobia: obsessive fear of loneliness,

Batteofobia: Height fear,

BronTophobia: Fear of thunder, lightning,

Venerophobia: Fear to infect venereal disease,

Herpetophobia: fear of snakes,

Homloofobia: fear of communication with others because of the concern to show their inconsistency, seem like funny or suspicious to them, attract attention,

Demofobia: fear of the clusters of people, crowds,

Dermatopatofobia: obsessive fear, fear of sickness sickness,

Dinofobia: Fear of dizziness,

Zooofobia: fear of animals, more often than a certain species (cats, chickens and others),

Isolophobia: Fear of loneliness in life,

Cardiophobia: an approached fear of fear belonging to the activities of the heart,

Kenofobia: fear of large empty spaces, such as an empty building or deserted area,

Keraunophobia: Fear of thunder and lightning,

Claustrophobia: fear of closed rooms,

Lalofobia: fear of talking due to the occurrence of stuttering,

Logo: fear of violation of the ability to expressive speech, pronouncing words,

Mizophobia: fear of pollution, the desire to avoid touching the surrounding subjects,

Monophobia: 1. Fearful to stay alone. 2. The only look of fear that is not combined with others

Nekrophobiya: fear of corpses and funeral accessories,

Neophobia: obsessive fear of all new (change of work, the environment),

NOPOBIA: Fear of the night's offensive - due to darkness, premonition

painful insomnia, nightmarish dreams,

Peyrafobia: fear of public speeches (speech utterance, examination),

Pyrophobic: Fear of Fire, Fire,

Selafobia: fear of flashes of light,

Sociophobia: Fear of contacts, social situations, environmental assessments,

Tanatophobia: Fear of death,

Tafefobia: 1. Fear of being buried alive, 2. Fear of the funeral and the ritual associated with him,

Topophobia: fear stay alone in the room. Fear that will not be able to escape if a fire or landing will come, or that there will be no help to assist

Eramophobia: Fear is in a deserted place, be alone.

Questionnaire: "Fear types" (I.P. Shkuratova).

The questionnaire contains thirty-six factors causing the experience of fear.

All these factors are grouped into five groups:

a) phobias;

b) educational fears;

c) social fears;

d) criminal fears;

e) mystical fears.

The subject must evaluate how much this factor provokes a feeling of fear,

taking advantage of a scale from 0 to 4 points:

i have never had such a fear;

i had one fear once;

i had such fear several times;

periodically, this fear of me arises;

this fear pursues me constantly.

        1. Fear of loss of love from the side of loved ones. 0 1 2 3 4

  1. The fear of being the hostage in the hands of the gangsters. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of betrayal from friends. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of otherworldly. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear to be in the crowd at the time of panic. 0 1 2 3 4

    Far of being curved out of class. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of loneliness. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of sexual violence. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of terrorist explosion. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of the evil eye or damage. 0 1 2 3 4

    The fear of getting into a transport accident. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear look ridiculous or pathetic. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear before God. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of flight on airplanes. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of being shown in lies. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of being robbed outdoor. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of darkness. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of physical violence. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear to be a ridiculous class. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear not to justify confidence from loved ones. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of animals. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of becoming ridiculous friends or relatives. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of closed rooms. 0 1 2 3 4

    Far of being not as other students. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of illness. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of criticism from loved ones. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of death of loved ones. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear before calling parents to school. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of punishment by parents for failure. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear before calling response in the lesson. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of height. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear before calling to the director. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of attractions. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of medical procedures. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear of their own death. 0 1 2 3 4

    Fear to get a bad assessment. 0 1 2 3 4

Table number 1.

Table of severity of fears of boys and girls (in points).

Types of insurance




Fear of loss of love from the side of loved ones



















Fear of loneliness




Fear of sexual violence







Fear of the evil eye or damage










Fear of God




Fear of flights on airplanes




Fear of being outdoor in lies







Fear of dark




Fear of physical violence




Fear to be a rough class




Fear not to justify trust from loved ones




Fear of animals







Fear of closed premises







Fear of illness







Fear of death of loved ones













Fear of height







Fear of attractions




Fear of medical procedures




Fear of their own death




Fear to get a bad assessment



Table number 2.

Table of average values \u200b\u200bof the severity of fears

























Table number 3.

Frequency analysis of fear species in the past, present and future

Types of insurance


The present











































Table number 4.

The table of the severity of fears in the young men and girls before and after studying the overcoming of fears.

Types of insurance






Fear of loss of love from the side of loved ones.






Fear of being the hostage in the hands of bandits






Fear of betrayal from friends






Fear of otherworldly






Fear of being in the crowd at the time of panic






Fear be curved from class






Fear of loneliness






Fear of sexual violence






Fear of terrorist explosion






Fear of the evil eye or damage






Fear get into transport accident






Fear look ridiculous or pathetic






Fear of God






Fear of flights on airplanes






Fear of being outdoor in lies






Fear of being robbed on the street






Fear of dark






Fear of physical violence






Fear to be a rough class






Fear not to justify trust from loved ones






Fear of animals






Fear of becoming ridiculous friends or relatives






Fear of closed premises






Far of being not like other students






Fear of illness






Fear of criticism from loved ones






Fear of death of loved ones






Fear before the challenge of parents to school






The fear of punishment by parents for failure






Fear before calling answer in class






Fear of height






Fear before calling to the director






Fear of attractions






Fear of medical procedures






Fear of their own death






Fear to get a bad assessment





Practical methods of fighting fear. / 3 /

If we try to analyze our experiences, we stop experiencing them. N. Bor.

To eliminate fear, removal of tension and the acquisition of confidence, you can offer a range of game exercises and tasks.

To cope with the fear of height in, you can perform a simple trust exercise, for example, climb on the table, and two wishing to catch.

2. Respiratory gymnastics from fear.

Lying on a tight surface, start breathing with full breasts. Remember how you breathe when falling asleep or when you just woke up. Usually this breathing is barely noticeable, very quiet and extremely slow. Breathe so sleepy breathing.

Slow your breath, gradually and slowly make it all quieter, everything is slower, let it become completely invisible. Slow your breath as much as you can, let it get more and less.

Already a few minutes of such breathing will remove the feeling of safety fear and anxiety.

Why this exercise is so useful ? A person who can slow his breath is almost full of its imperceptibility, nothing should be scary, because true, deep, hidden cause of almost any fear - stopping life, that is, the cessation of breathing. Note how fear literally paralyzes your breathing.

From the point of view of anatomy in the body, breathing slows down, exchange processes are slowed down, adrenaline less actively enters blood, and therefore anxiety, and the excitement is reduced.

3. Exercise "Draw your fear"

Take color pencils or markers and sheet of paper A4.

Draw your fear and give him a name. What is shown in the picture? What sensations did you have during drawing? Write or mentally come up with a story about your fear named ...

Now you have to By your choice:

    burn or break and throw out fear drawing;

    turn terrible into funny, looking by drawing;

    decorate him so that it becomes a pretty or kind;

    either come up with a variant.

And now answer for yourself for the following questions:

    What is the way to get rid of fear you chose?

    What is this fear now?

    What sensations did you have during the "deliverance"?

    Is your attitude to this fear changed now?

4. Exercise "Cinema"

    To begin with, choose an unpleasant case, fear or traumatic memory that you would like to neutralize.

    Imagine that you are in the cinema. See yourself in a black and white image on the screen performing something neutral.

    Separate from yourself and see yourself looking at the screen.

    Staying in the same position, look at the screen, where there is a black and white film in which you are experiencing the experience that you want to "neutralize".

    After completing the observation of the film as a member of the film, when everything is worse again, stop the movie, log in to your image on the screen, make it color and scroll very quickly movie back. So, you will have the impression that you are watching a movie with your own image, in which time goes in the opposite direction.

    Now check the result. Remember what happened. Please note that you can now think about it more calmly.

At first glance, the difference between fear and the phobia is small. There is scary, here is scary ...

In fact, phobia is an irrational, panic, uncontrollable, obsessive, painful horror, which causes a person to avoid relatively safe situations or objects.

Phobia should be strictly distinguished from nonsense. At phobic syndrome, the patient clearly realizes the obsessive, the painful character of the overwhelming fear, which is a distinctive feature of the neurotic level of disorders. In cases of nonsense, the patient is deeply confident in the "reality" of his own fear, there is no criticism for its state.

Signs of phobia

The signs of phobia can be called regular avoidance of the situation in which there is a sense of fear, and the onset of panic attacks. They are easy to recognize the following signs:

  • a feeling of suffocation, spasms in the throat;
  • papered heartbeat (the heart pops out of the chest ");
  • feeling of weakness, breaking the body;
  • the feeling that the faint will come about;
  • abundant cold sweat;
  • feeling of strong fear, horror;
  • trembling in the whole body;
  • vomiting or stomach disorder;
  • the body seems "not to her", ceases to obey;
  • the feeling that you go crazy.

If there are at least four of these signs, you can assume the presence of a phobia.

Saving scales for self-esteem alarm

  • The king scale for self-esteem anxiety is a test for self-assessment disturbing disorders (neurosis), developed at the University of Duke William Zang.

The zanga scale is a tool for measuring the severity of various phobias, panic attacks and other alarming disorders. Estimation of the severity of an alarm disorder on a scale is carried out on the basis of patient self-assessment. The scale is applied in diagnostic and clinical examinations of anxiety, preliminary diagnosis of disturbing disorders, epidemiological studies and clinical trials of medicines.

The scale contains 20 statements, for each of which the studied gives an answer in the frequency of the occurrence of a sign of a sign, ranked in four gradations: "rarely", "sometimes", "often" and "very often." The studied is asked to note the corresponding cells of the scale of the scale, which you most likely reflect its condition for the last week. According to the results of answers to all 20 points, the total score is determined.

  • I feel more nervous (oh) and disturbing (oh) than usual
  • I feel the feeling of fear completely without reason
  • I am easy to upset or fall into panic
  • I have a feeling that I can't get together and take myself in hand
  • I have a feeling of well-being, I feel that nothing bad happens to me
  • My hands and feet are trembling and shaking
  • I have headaches, pain in the neck and back
  • I feel drought and quickly tired
  • I am calm (a) and not fussy (a)
  • I have a feeling of rapid heartbeat

  • I have bouts of dizziness
  • I have a fainting or I feel that I can lose consciousness
  • I breathe freely
  • I feel the feeling of numbness and tingling in the fingers and legs
  • I have pain in the stomach and digestive disorders
  • I have a call for urination:
  • My hands dry and warm
  • My face "burns" and blushes
  • I easily fall asleep and wake up a rested (oh) in the morning
  • I am tormented by nightmares

Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 15, 16, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 20 are assessed as follows: "Rarely" - 1; "Sometimes" - 2; "Often" - 3; "Very often" - 4.

Paragraphs 5, 9, 13, 17 and 19 scales are assessed as follows: "Rarely" - 4; "Sometimes" - 3; "Often" - 2; "Very often" - 1.

Assessment of the total balloon

20-44 - norm

45-59 - Easy alarming disorder or moderate severity

60-74 - a pronounced disturbing disorder or anxious disorder

75-80 - an alarming disorder of extremely severe severity

The most common ...

  • Tanatophobia. Fear of death, die.
  • Spectrophobia. Fear of ghosts.
  • Acrophobia. Fear of height.
  • Aracnotobia. Fear of spiders
  • Achlofobia. Dark fear
  • Claustrophobia. Fear of closed spaces.
  • Mizophobia. Fear of dirt and microbes.
  • Officientophobia. Fear of snakes.

... and the most unusual phobias

  • Hexakosogexekontahaxafobia. Fear of numbers - 666.
  • Colerofobia. Fears at the sight of clowns.
  • Phobophobia. Panic fear of phobias.
  • Anatidafobia. The obsessive fear that somewhere in the world there is a duck, follow you.
  • Internetophobia - fear of access to the Internet.
  • Penterafobia. Fear of shaky.
  • Nomocophia. Fear to stay without communication, phone.
  • Dentofobia. Fear of dentists and the treatment of teeth.


  • Wikipedia
  • Electronic Encyclopedia "Britannica"
  • Fears and phobias - a detailed list of what is afraid of that in vain ...

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

Slide description:

I performed a student cargu them. Bucketova: Gurtovoenko Yana, gr. Pimno-32 (s / o) 2015 teaching a presentation on the features of training of first-graders on the topic: "School fears and anxiety from first graders"

2 Slide

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Introduction to something all first-graders are like each other. After all, for any child, admission to school - the event is extremely significant. And at the same time they are all different. One quickly gets used to the new setting and new requirements, another process of adaptation is delayed. Here this girl is happy every day goes to school, and her classmate is constantly concerned about: did I do my homework? Why did the teacher asked me today? Why do I feel bad in class? Etc. Negative experiences, fears of a child about different sides of school life can become very intense and stable. Specialists such emotional violations are designated differently. The term "school neurosis" is used when a schoolboy has "unfortunate" vomiting, an increase in temperature, headaches ... and it is in the morning when you need to go to school. In the holidays such symptoms for some reason disappear.

3 Slide

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School anxiety is the widest concept that includes various aspects of sustainable school emotional disadvantage. It is expressed in excitement, increased concern in training situations, in the class, waiting for a bad attitude towards himself, a negative assessment by teachers, peers. The child constantly feels his own inadequacy, inferiority, not confident in the correctness of his behavior, its decisions.

4 Slide

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The portrait of an alarming child of an alarming child is distinguished by an excessive concern, sometimes they are afraid of the events itself, and his premonitions. Often they expect the worst. Children feel helpless, fear to play new games, start up to new activities. They have high demands on their own, they are very self-critical. The level of their self-esteem is low, such children really think that worse than others in everything they are the most ugly, stupid, clumsy. They are looking for promotion, adult approval in all matters. Somatic problems are characteristic of disturbing children: abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, spasms in the throat, hindered superficial breathing, etc. During the manifestation of anxiety, they often feel dry mouth, com in the throat, weakness in the legs, a rapid heartbeat.

5 Slide

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What are the reasons for school anxiety? First of all, the reasons are determined by the natural neuropsychiatric organization of a schoolboy. Not least - the peculiarities of the upbringing, the high demands of the parents to the child (everything must be done only on "excellent"). Some children have fears and reluctance to go to school are caused by the system of learning itself, including the unfair or non -actic behavior of the teacher. Moreover, among such children there are schoolchildren with the most different academic performance.

6 Slide

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Criteria for determining anxiety in a child's constant concern difficult, sometimes the inability to concentrate on any muscle tension (for example, in the field of face, neck) irritability. Violations of sleep

7 Slide

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Anxious child 1. It can work long, not tired. 2. It may focus on something. 3. Any task causes excessive concern. 4. The time of execution of tasks The child is very tense, busty. 5. Misses more often. 6.Ally speaks about tense situations. 7. As a rule, bluses in an unfamiliar atmosphere. 8. It means that he will dream of terrible dreams. 9.Roki is usually cold and wet. 10. It is a stool disorder. 11. It sweats when worried. 12. Do not have a good appetite. 13.Set restless, falls asleep with difficulty. 14.All, a lot of fear. 15. It is easy to worry, easily upset. 16.First can not hold back tears. 17. Poor tolerate waiting. 18. Do not like to take for a new thing. 19. He is confident in itself, in his abilities. 20.Bow to face difficulties

8 Slide

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The famous psychologist A. Podishozhan allocates the following features of the alarming children at school. - relatively high level of training. At the same time, the teacher can consider such a child incapable or insufficiently capable of teaching. - These schoolchildren can not allocate the main task in their work, focus on it. They are trying to control all the items of the task at the same time. - If you cannot immediately cope with the task, an alarming child refuses further attempts. In failure, he explains not to its inability to solve a specific task, and the absence of any abilities. - In the lesson, the behavior of such children may seem strange: sometimes they correctly answer questions, sometimes silent or meet at random, giving ridiculous answers. They sometimes say confusedly, rev., blushing and gesticulating, sometimes barely audible. And this is not due to how well the child knows a lesson. - When specifying an alarming schoolchild, his mistake is stunned by behavior, it seems to lose any orientation in a situation, does not understand how it is necessary to behave.

9 Slide

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Equality factors according to the technique of Phillips General anxiety in the school of experiencing strong stress frustration in achieving the fear of self-expression Fear of the situation of knowledge checks Low physiological resistance to stress problems and fears in relations with teachers

10 Slide

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11 Slide

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1. "The level of anxiety of the child" (Lavrentiev G.P., Titarenko T.M.) Methods of Lavrentiev G. P., Titarenko T. M "The level of anxiety of a child" is intended to identify children's anxiety based on comparison of observation results obtained from The researcher himself, parents of the child and educators.

12 Slide

Slide description:

Instruction positive response to each of the proposed statements is estimated at 1 point. Can't work long, not tired. It is difficult for him to focus on something. Any task causes excessive concern. During the execution of tasks, it is very tense, bought. Embally more often. Often talks about tense situations. As a rule, bluses in an unfamiliar atmosphere. Complains that he will dream of terrible dreams. His hands are usually cold and wet. He often has a chair disorder.

13 Slide

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11. It sweats greatly when worried. 12. Does not have a good appetite. 13. Sleeps restless, falls asleep with difficulty. 14. Puggy, much causes his fear. 15. Usually troubled, easily upset. 16. Often can not hold down tears. 17. Poor tolerate waiting. 18. Do not like to take a new thing. 19. Not confident in yourself, in their abilities. 20. It is afraid to face difficulties.

14 Slide

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Results Summarize the number of "pluses" to get a common anxiety score. High anxiety - 15-20 points average - 7-14 low points - 1-6 points.

15 Slide

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2. Test anxiety (R.Teml, M.Tornki, V.Aen) The purpose of the methodology: determine the level of anxiety of the child. The technique is intended for children 4-7 years. The degree of anxiety testifies to the level of the child's emotional adaptability to social situations, shows the attitude of the child to a certain situation, provides indirect information on the nature of the child's relationship with peers and adults in the family and in the team.

16 Slide

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Instruction 1. Playing with younger children. "What do you think, what person will be a child: fun or sad? He (she) plays with kids. " 2. Child and mother with baby. "What do you think, what face will this child have: sad or cheerful? He (she) walks with her mother and baby. " 3. Aggression object. "What do you think, what person will have this child: Merry or sad?" 4. Dressup. "What do you think, what person will this child have? He (she) dresses. " 5. Playing with older children. "What do you think, what person will this child have: Merry or sad? He (she) plays with older children. " 6. Laying to sleep alone. "What do you think, what face will this child have: sad or cheerful? He (she) goes to sleep. " 7. Washing. "What do you think, what person will this child have: Merry or sad? He (she) in the bathroom. "

17 Slide

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8. Reprimand. "What do you think, what person will have this child: Merry or sad?" 9. Ignoring. "What do you think, what person will this child have: sad or cheerful?". 10. Aggressive attack. "What do you think, what person will have this child: Merry or sad?" 11. Collecting toys. "What do you think, what person will this child have: Merry or sad? He (she) removes toys. " 12. Isolation. "What do you think, what person will have this child: sad or cheerful?" 13. A child with parents. "What do you think, what person will this child have: Merry or sad? He (she) with her mother and dad. " 14. Food alone. "What do you think, what face will this child have: sad or cheerful? He (she) eats. "

18 Slide

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The results based on the protocol data is calculated as an anxiety index (IT), which is equal to the percentage of the number of emotionally negative elections (sad person) to the total number of figures (14): IT \u003d (the number of emotional negative elections / 14) * 100% depending on the level Anxiety index Children are divided into 3 groups: a high level of anxiety (IT above 50%); average anxiety level (IT from 20 to 50%); Low anxiety level (IT from 0 to 20%).

19 Slide

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3. Test "Fears in houses" (A.I. Zakharov and M.A.Panfilova) Objective: identification and clarification of prevailing types of fears (fear of darkness, loneliness, death, medical fears, etc.) in children over 3 x years Before helping children in overcoming fears, it is necessary to find out, the whole range of fears and how concrete fear they are subject to.

20 Slide

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Instructions "There are terrible fears in the black house, and in red - not terrible. Help me settle fears from the list of houses. " You are afraid: 1. When you remain alone; 2. Attacks; 3. get sick, infected; 4. Die; 5. What your parents will die; 6. Some children; 7. Some people; 8. Moms or dads; 9. The fact that they will punish you; 10. Baba Yagi, Koshina Immortal, Barmaley, Snake Gorynych, Monsters. (Schoolchildren are added to this list the fears of invisibility, skeletons, black hands, peak ladies - the whole group of these fears is indicated as fears of fabulous characters);

21 Slides

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11. Before falling asleep; 12. Scary dreams (which one); 13. Darkness; 14. Wolf, Bear, Dogs, Spiders, Snakes (animal fears); 15. Machines, trains, aircraft (fears of transport); 16. Storm, hurricane, flood, earthquake (fears of elements); 17. When it is very high (the fear of height); 18. When very deeply (fear of depth); 19. In a cramped little room, room, toilet, crowded bus, metro (closed space fear); 20. WATER; 21. Fire; 22. Fire; 23. Wars; 24. Big streets, squares; 25. Doctors (except for dental); 26. Blood (when blood goes); 27. Ukolov; 28. Pain (when hurt); 29. Unexpected, sharp sounds, when something suddenly falls, knocks out (you are afraid, shuddering at the same time); 30. Do anything wrong, incorrectly (bad - preschoolers); 31. Late to the garden (school);

22 Slide

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Results All listed fears here can be divided into several groups: medical fears of pain, injections, doctors, illness; fears associated with the causing physical damage - transport, unexpected sounds, fire, war, elements; fear of death (his); fear of animals; fears of fabulous characters; Fear of darkness and nightmarish dreams; Socio-indirect fears - people, children, punishments, desets, loneliness; Spatial fears - heights, depths, closed spaces;

23 Slide

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The presence of a large number of diverse fears in a child is an indicator of a neurotic state. The average number of fears in preschool children: age (years) Boys Girls 3 9 7 4 7 9 5 8 11 6 9 11 7 9 12

What bothers us? Many parents are concerned about the manifestation of fears in children. Children's fears are peculiar to a certain age, the level of mental development. For a healthy, normally developing baby, fright and fear is a natural reaction to the knowledge of the surrounding world. Many parents are concerned about the manifestation of fears in children. Children's fears are peculiar to a certain age, the level of mental development. For a healthy, normally developing baby, fright and fear is a natural reaction to the knowledge of the surrounding world. But! Note! If your child is fearless and even age fears are not peculiar to him, check if he has no mental delays. But! Note! If your child is fearless and even age fears are not peculiar to him, check if he has no mental delays. In preschool age, fears arise more often than in subsequent years. For each age stage, their fears are characterized. In preschool age, fears arise more often than in subsequent years. For each age stage, their fears are characterized.

Such different fears of newborn are afraid of sharp sounds, approaching large items. Newborn frighten sharp sounds, approximation of large items. At 7 months, the child exhibits a strong concern with a long lack of mother. Such fear is maximally expressed in girls up to 2.5 years and boys up to 3 years. At 7 months, the child exhibits a strong concern with a long lack of mother. Such fear is maximally expressed in girls up to 2.5 years and boys up to 3 years. At 8 months, fear of unfamiliar people appears, especially women who do not look like a mother. Usually this fear takes place by the middle of the 2nd year in the absence of adverse factors (premises to the hospital, fall, painful procedures, etc.). At 8 months, fear of unfamiliar people appears, especially women who do not look like a mother. Usually this fear takes place by the middle of the 2nd year in the absence of adverse factors (premises to the hospital, fall, painful procedures, etc.). 2 years - fear of unexpected appearance of unfamiliar sharp sound, pain, heights, loneliness, may be fear of animals moving by transport. Most often, the kid of this age is afraid of darkness. 2 years - fear of unexpected appearance of unfamiliar sharp sound, pain, heights, loneliness, may be fear of animals moving by transport. Most often, the kid of this age is afraid of darkness.

Fears older than three in 3 years fear appears before the punishment. Fear in children of this age is expressed significantly less if the father takes part in the upbringing, the feeling "I" is not suppressed (the baby must be able to express his emotions, experiences). In 3 years, fear of punishment appears. Fear in children of this age is expressed significantly less if the father takes part in the upbringing, the feeling "I" is not suppressed (the baby must be able to express his emotions, experiences). From three to five years, many children are afraid of fairy-tale characters (more often than Babu Yagu, worst, imaginary "monsters"), pain, unexpected sounds, water, transport, solitude, darkness and closed space. Especially often the last fears are found in children whose parents are restless and at the same time are too principled. From three to five years, many children are afraid of fairy-tale characters (more often than Babu Yagu, worst, imaginary "monsters"), pain, unexpected sounds, water, transport, solitude, darkness and closed space. Especially often the last fears are found in children whose parents are restless and at the same time are too principled.

Fears older than six in 6 years sometimes there is a fear of death (their own and parents), he manifests itself on straight, and in fear of attacks, fires, elements. In the age of 6, the fear of death (her and parents) sometimes appears, it is manifested directly, and in the fear of attacks, fires, elements. Preschoolers are sensitive to conflicts in the family, it enhances fears. Fears often manifest themselves in surgical operations in children, with a disease of someone from adults in the family. Preschoolers are sensitive to conflicts in the family, it enhances fears. Fears often manifest themselves in surgical operations in children, with a disease of someone from adults in the family. In 7-8 years, the former fears are usually softened, but new ones appear: fear late, get a bad assessment, i.e. be unsuccessful. In 7-8 years, the former fears are usually softened, but new ones appear: fear late, get a bad assessment, i.e. be unsuccessful. In adolescence, fears are rarely found, there may be a common state of anxiety. In adolescence, fears are rarely found, there may be a common state of anxiety.

The main thing is support! Listed fears are temporary, passing, age-related character with them do not need to fight, just support the child, taking such a feature of his mental development. Listed fears are temporary, passing, age-related character with them do not need to fight, just support the child, taking such a feature of his mental development.

Other fears however, there are other fears, they are called "neurotic". They are based on a mental shock, injury, an adult inability to cope with the age of child, cruelty in relations, conflicts in the family, high anxiety from parents. Such fears themselves do not pass, the help of specialists (psychologist, psychotherapist) is needed, changing the style of upbringing. However, there are other fears, they are called "neurotic". They are based on a mental shock, injury, an adult inability to cope with the age of child, cruelty in relations, conflicts in the family, high anxiety from parents. Such fears themselves do not pass, the help of specialists (psychologist, psychotherapist) is needed, changing the style of upbringing.

Playing fears help to overcome fears game methods of correction: "Drawing of fears"; Writing fabulous stories with a good end and playing them in the family. Help to overcome fears game correction methods: "Drawing of fears"; Writing fabulous stories with a good end and playing them in the family.

If the child is afraid of something, then ... he has a restless sleep with nightmares, shouts. He has a restless sleep with nightmares, shouts. Difficulties when falling asleep. Difficulties when falling asleep. Dark fear. Dark fear. Reduced self-esteem. Reduced self-esteem. Constant anxiety. Constant anxiety. Frequent mood change. Frequent mood change.

How to avoid the occurrence and consolidation of fears Never lock the child in a dark unfamiliar room. Never lock the child in a dark unfamiliar room. Do not scare the baby (I will give someone else's aunt, Baba Yaga will come and take off, do not come, the dog will bite, etc.). Do not scare the baby (I will give someone else's aunt, Baba Yaga will come and take off, do not come, the dog will bite, etc.). Turn the evil heroes in good (invent fairy tales - like a grandmother's head became kind, as spiders helped the girl get out of the forest ...) Turn the evil heroes in good (invent fairy tales - like a grandmother, the Yellow has become kind, like spiders helped the girl get out of the forest ...) Do not overload Fantasy of a child: toys must match the age, eliminate aggressive films, cartoons and books (in 3 years old kid can be afraid of a wolf from "Red Caps", and a 2-year-old karapuza to buy a robot with a weapon or a soft crocodile with a revealed mouth.) Do not overload a child's fantasy: toys must match the age, eliminate aggressive films, cartoons and books (in 3 years old, the baby can be afraid of a wolf from the "Red Caps", and 2-year-old karapuza to buy a robot with a weapon or a soft crocodile with a revealed mouth .) Prepare a child in advance to enter kindergarten and school. Prepare a child in advance to admission to kindergarten and school. Increase the kid's self-esteem. Increase the kid's self-esteem. "Observe" with your own fears. You can "infect them" by them (fear of dogs, fear of death, fear of transport, aircraft, etc.). "Observe" with your own fears. You can "infect them" by them (fear of dogs, fear of death, fear of transport, aircraft, etc.). Consider what is most susceptible to fear emotional-sensitive and impressionable children, as well as children who have a well-developed imagination. Consider what is most susceptible to fear emotional-sensitive and impressionable children, as well as children who have a well-developed imagination.

How to help a child experiencing fears Find out the cause of fear. Find out the cause of fear. All children love to fantasize, take advantage of this, let the child draw their fears, composes fairy tales in which he is strong and brave. All children love to fantasize, take advantage of this, let the child draw their fears, composes fairy tales in which he is strong and brave. If the kid is afraid of darkness, closed space - burn the lamp, open the door, put your favorite toy into the bed. If the kid is afraid of darkness, closed space - burn the lamp, open the door, put your favorite toy into the bed. A toy weapon can be useful, it will help the baby feel more confident (put on the night next to the bed, whatever he can "defend"). A toy weapon can be useful, it will help the baby feel more confident (put on the night next to the bed, whatever he can "defend"). Learn to overcome fear through games, drawing, playing situations (if a doctor is afraid - play the hospital; if darkness is afraid, play the scouts, etc.). Learn to overcome fear through games, drawing, playing situations (if a doctor is afraid - play the hospital; if darkness is afraid, play the scouts, etc.). Encourage the development of independence, let the child feel that he knows a lot, knows a lot. Encourage the development of independence, let the child feel that he knows a lot, knows a lot. Elimination of fears requires patience and support of parents. For fears you can not scold, punish, shame. Elimination of fears requires patience and support of parents. For fears you can not scold, punish, shame. Remember that the child can not manage his behavior yet, therefore verbal beliefs are ineffective. Remember that the child can not manage his behavior yet, therefore verbal beliefs are ineffective. Do not intimidate the child (often unconsciously). Do not intimidate the child (often unconsciously). Do not abuse movies, reading fairy tales (see above). Do not abuse movies, reading fairy tales (see above).

Guo "Academy of Postgraduate Education" GOO "Academy of Postgraduate Education" Department of Applied Pedagogical Psychology Department of Applied Pedagogical Psychology Lead Psychologist Leading Psychologist Sakovich Natalya Aleksandrovna Cabin 909,


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