The largest amount of battles in that. WORLD OF TANKS - Achievements

The largest amount of battles in that. WORLD OF TANKS - Achievements

The Ultimate Fighting Championship is a leader in mixed martial arts, and those who went to the famous octave, demonstrated one of the most incredible performances that you have ever seen. Impressive knockouts, stunning Sabmishns and incredible wars bone in bone fascinate us since 1993.

During this time, there were a lot of records. Despite the fact that outside the UFC had many beautiful events, still more careful accounting of statistics was inside the octagon. The lack of reliable temporary information, fighting records and statistical data as a whole make it difficult to verify potential records in other organizations. Therefore, we fully focus on the elite. On UFC. We present the 12 most remarkable records in the history of UFC.

The greatest number of battles in MMA: 317

Although this list of records is fully focused on UFC, it was wrong not to mention the name of Travis Fulton. Futton on nicknamed "Iron Man" has a formal record 253-53-10 (1 NC) - in the amount of 317 fights! Last time he fought a month ago. If you are a fan of MMA for a long time, then you undoubtedly heard his name.

A 40-year-old fighter for his saturated career managed to light up in UFC. He lost his debut duel in octave against Pita Williams, but then returned to the battle against David Dodda. After the performance on the UFC 21, he no longer returned to the leading organization in the world of MMA.

Despite the fact that in the Fulton's record there is no dazzling long race in UFC, Pride or Strikeforce, it is impossible to deny that 317 fights against anyone - it is just incredible. "Iron Man" is invariably chopped in MMA since its debut in 1996.

The greatest number of battles in UFC: 27

Lenzy in the UFC - the task is not simple, but to perform here for more than a dozen years indicates first-class skills, shape and even a little luck. Four fighters are on top of this record with the largest number of battles in UFC: Michael Bisping, Jim Miller Frank World and Tito Ortis. Each of these men is 27 times in the octagon.

All of them undoubtedly deserve laudatory words, but Bisping and Miller, in contrast to Ortis and the world, still have a job in UFC and there are several guys from Roster on heels. 26 fights have Gleison Tibau and Diego Sanchez, 25 - Demian Maya, Bite Belfort, Bi Jay Penn and Jeremy Stevens.

Bisping also has the greatest number of victorious performances that have 20. The most memorable and important is the victory number 15.

The fastest knockout: 7 seconds

You expected to see Duin Ludwig, right? He knocked out the opponent in 6 seconds and in UFC agree with this, but this is an unofficial record in the eyes of sports commissions. The official time is 11 seconds recorded by the Athletic Nevada State Commission, cannot be changed.

Thus, at once, three fighters with 7-second knockout are officially record holders of the UFC, although it is generally recognized that all the laurels should get Ludwig.

Who are these three recordsman? Todd Duffy (UFC 102 VS Tim Hayig), Chan Song Jung (UFC 140 VS Mark Hominik) and Ryan Jimmo (UFC 149 VS Anthony Peroch).

As long as someone does not knock out the opponent in 5 seconds, this section of Records UFC will be open to discussions.

The fastest Sabmishne: 9 seconds

In order to identify the fastest delivery in the history of the UFC will have to return to the past, namely in 1995 on the UFC 6. Then, on a one-day tournament, Oleg Taktarov won his first evening of the evening, who wake up the opponent for 57 seconds. He won his second victory for 48 seconds faster. Anthony Masias became a victim of Taktarov, whom he sucking for 9 seconds - the second guillotine performed by Russian in the tournament.

In the finals of Taktarov, one of the most memorable fights of early UFC was waiting. The exhausting 17-minute duel with the "tank" ebbot ended with the victory of Oleg as choking behind. In many ways, thanks to its rapid victories, Taktarov managed to preserve more forces than ebbot.

The greatest number of protection: 10

If you consider victory in the title fights, battles for the temporary championship, then in the first place will be Georges Saint-Pierre with 12 such victories. However, the old saying states that it is easier to conquer the title than to keep it. Saint-Pierre temporarily gone on peace, having a 9-contract title defense, but he stopped in a step from a record.

The durable champion is Anderson Silva with the 10th consecutive title defense. The Board of Silva on the top of the middle division was simply impressive. The victory in the title battle in his only second speech in UFC created a mystical halo around him, which was not dispelled, as long as the new era of middleweights did not come.

However, in 2017, the achievement of Silva repeated Demetrius Johnson. The victory over Wilson flight was the 10th title defense for him in the lightweight weight, and already in the next match "Mighty mouse" can break away from "spider".

The feat of Johnson and Silva seems completely incredible if you look at the history textbooks. Very many new champions could not be defeated by the title at least several times. In severe weight, the record is generally two title protection. A light weight? Total three.

Perhaps the more impressive achievement Johnson and Silva makes their continuous reign. These are not two different champion races like GSP.

The greatest number of significant blows for the fight: 238

Earlier this year, Joanna, Urazhechik demonstrated an amazing performance in the rack. The champion in minimal weight in battle against Jessica Andrada has fallen a total of 225 accurate significant blows. However, before a record level, she lacked 13 hits.

She inflicted these 225 strikes for a 25-minute confrontation. However, at the UFC 141 Neuto Diaus, 15 minutes had enough to throw Donald Serrone 238 blows. Just think of these numbers! It brought Diaus to the victory with a unanimous solution, Serrone before this won 6 victories in a row and looked like the following contender on the belt. Nate broke these hopes and beat the "cowboy" by his arms in a record shock performance.

Among tens of millions of tankers there are players who are most interesting to establish some kind of records and achievements. In this article we will talk about the outstanding records established by players around the world.

0x0 - Fan MS-1

True amateur MS-1. This tanker has one and not two thousand fights, but nine thousand with a little! What you need to be a fan of a tank to spend 9,000 battles on it in the sandbox ...

Simurq - no day without a fight

But this tankman spent a total of 96 908 battles. It turns out, in two and a half years, SimurQ fought about 105 times a day. Giant figure that amazes. World of Tanks achieve other players is blunting compared to this tanker.

Rikku - the greatest percentage of victories

If other tank plants that install records in World of Tanks take records, then Rikku takes quality. He has a percentage of victories equal ... 100%! Yes, you did not hear, the player did not lose once. Of course, it is worth making a discount on the fact that he has only 103 battles, but this is a sufficient amount to get to the Hall of Fame. Awesome.

How did he do it? I tend to the thought of top rotes where purple fights with red-green (XVM rating).

miniBegeMot1 - the highest experience for the fight

This tank guard is that it is in the first place in the table "The greatest experience for the fight." Of course, there are some nuances - in the hangar he has only two tanks - VK3601 and lion. Due to this, he did not receive experience with small tanks. However, the first place minibegemot1 still took and it made me make it in this list.

Company The manufacturer of the game with great pleasure shared information that the number of players in World of Tanks at the moment exceeded 60 million people. Such a number of players make up gamers from all over the world and, including various nationalities, which does not prevent playing in one platoon and find a common language among themselves.

In the game such a large number of players that the official website has even provided a search box for players

In it, you can enter the "nickname" of the search player, and the system will give the result, you can choose a name in the same way. To do this, in the search box by name, enter "Nick" and as a result you will see how many players with the same name or you have it unique.

Also before the players, reported information that the creators are not going to stop at the result. From this we can conclude that in the near future, players will be surprised by a significant amount of addition "in their regiment".

After all, the number of players in World of Tanks located at the same time on the server amounted to 190 thousand people, which was awarded to enter a record in the Guinness Book of Records "

Before the rockers, the tanks went with confident steps one month before the official start, the Russian-speaking server consisted of about 7.5 thousand participants, and at the time of the official presentation the number of players had already reached 16 thousand people. After some time (about 3 months), Gamers of Russia, Europe and America took part in these exciting battles. New 2011 "World Of Tanks" met with the number of players in 1 million!

It took less than a year, so that the number of players increased to 3 million (approximately 2 million Russian players and 1 million European and American). The first day of the birth of tanks met in the company 24 million tankers, and the second celebration of the players exceeded 50 million.

According to the latest calculations, the number of players increases by 10% per year and this figure makes up people conducted in the game from several hours a week to twelve hours per day.

If you transfer the overall statistics of players to the percentage, we will get:

7% consist in the clan;
1% will enter new players every month;
15% of active participants;
8% accounts whose account has been held up to 500 clan battles;
55% players who participated in 500 random battles;
14% players who have experience in more than 500 rut battles.

Such a large number of players even created pages in social networks dedicated to their online real-time strategies.

→ World of Tanks - Game Records

Have you already visited the Hall of Fame WOT, in which records have established the most patient players? Why patient? Hmm, for example, one user has 71 thousand battles. It is necessary to play so much to achieve such a result, the brain simply refuses to understand. In WOT records, they seek to install almost all players - someone goes to the game store, buys ammunition and goes to conquer Rand in search of cherished medals, someone just feeds the number of battles, and someone increases the percentage of victories to the highest possible level in the company. In this article we will talk about the most outstanding players world Of Tanks, which are presented in the Hall of Fame.

And let's start with a player under Nick Valetta. 71 thousand fights, a man probably plays constantly. In the game, the world of tanks of the records of this person (teams of players?) It is difficult to overestimate. The largest amount of fighting, the largest victory, the total experience, detected enemies, destroyed enemies - in all these charts Valetta in the first place. This top player WOT will enjoy the championship for a long time.

The second we will have a famous 0x0. Just imagine, he spent on MS-1, the youngest tank, as many as 9000 fights. Well, and then probably found out that there are other cars in the game. Probably offended. 0x0 did not conquer any top, but still he took the third place (in the heading "Protection of the base"). In the game, the world of tanks his records will not repeat no one, it seems to me. Who in the right mind will ride on one tank 9000 times? Is that some bright fan with which we probably are dealing with.

Records on the percentage of victories

In Random, it is impossible to fill 100% of victories, this is an axiom. And 90%. And 80%. Whatever straight hands, it will not work. But in the world of tanks, records want to beat everything, and therefore the decision was found. A new account is recorded and sent to cruising with a top rotary, which does not lose in 95% of cases. A little tank can freely hide behind any ally, for example, behind Maus E100 brother. Thus, it turns out that the battles are not very much, but the percentage of victories is huge. So it happened to the player under the nickname Rikku - 103 battle, everyone ended the victory. This tankman adorns the top players in WOT.

By capturing the base leads the most discerning Major_major. In WOT, the record of this person is that he has the largest points of the base capture glasses. He commander is a very interesting company, which consists of 50% of Svellov, and 50% of artillery. Very interesting Sateap, to fight under the command of Major really interesting. If you look for the company, pay attention to this top player WOT - he


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