Holy Great Martyr Prince Roman of Ryazan

Holy Great Martyr Prince Roman of Ryazan

Troparion of the Holy Martyr Prince Roman of Ryazan

With torments marvelously zhahlivy / and valor of patience / all zdivuvav ty, prince Roman: / honestly more of your members behind the warehouse of razannya / and all your bodily fragmentation / recognizing you for the faith of Christ. Primate of the Church of Ryazan.

Kontakion of the Holy Martyr Roman Ryazansky

Obviations before the khan at the blasphemy of mischief yogo, / boldly standing before the judge of the wicked; appearing to you the great martyr of the non-Abiyak, / stovp and affirmation of the Church of Ryazans, / intercessor and voivode of the Russian glorification.

The Holy Blessed Prince Roman Olegovich Ryazan Buv from the family of princes, like the hour of the Tatar yoke, became famous as the defenders of the Christian faith and the Motherland. Offending Yogo Dida died for Vitchizna at the Battle of Batia. Swinging in love to holy faith (the prince lives in tears and prayers) and his own Batkivshchyna, the prince used the forces of dbav about ruine and ignominious piddans, protecting their types of violence and robbing the Khan's Baskaks (collecting taxes). The Baskaks hated the saint and washed him in front of the Tatar Khan Mengu-Timur. Roman Olegovich called out to the Ordi, de Khan Mengu-Timur voiced, what can I turn one in two: otherwise the martyr's death is the Tatar faith. The Blessed Prince confirmed that a Christian is impromptu to change the right faith to hell. For their firmness, they spun their tongues, cut off their eyes, cut their lips, cut their hands and legs, pulled a shkir from their heads, cut their heads, planted them on the list. Tse became 1270 fate.

The enthronement of the prince-martyr began immediately after his death. The chronicle says about the saint: "Buy your passions for the Kingdom of Heaven and a crown of acceptances in the hands of the Lord with your kinsman, the Grand Duke of Chernigivsky Mikhail Vsevolodovich, who suffered for Christ for the Orthodox Christian faith."

Starting from 1854, in Ryazan, a feast day and a prayer service on the day of remembrance of St. Roman took place. In 1861, a church was consecrated in Ryazan in honor of the noble prince Roman.

Holy Great Martyr Prince Roman, pray to God for us!

IDENTIFICATION OF THE AUTHOR OF THE SCHODENNIK: Holy Great Martyr Prince Roman of Ryazansky is my patron saint.

The Holy Blessed Prince Roman Olegovich Ryazan Buv from the family of princes, like the hour of the Tatar yoke, became famous as the defenders of the Christian faith and the Motherland. Offending Yogo Dida died for Vitchizna at the Battle of Batia. Swinging in love to the holy faith (the prince lives in tears and prayers) and his own Batkivshchina, the prince used the forces of dbav about ruine and rotten piddans, protecting their types of violence and plundering the Khan's Baskaks (collecting taxes). The Baskaks hated the saint and washed him in front of the Tatar Khan Mengu-Timur. Roman Olegovich called out to the Ordi, de Khan Mengu-Timur voiced, what can I turn one in two: otherwise the martyr's death is the Tatar faith. The Blessed Prince confirmed that a Christian is impromptu to change the right faith to Hibna. For their firmness, they spun the tongue, cut off the eyes, cut off the mouth and the lips, cut off the arms and legs, pulled the shkir from the head and, having cut the head, planted it on the list. Tse became 1270 fate.
The enthronement of the prince-martyr began immediately after his death. The chronicle says about the saint: "Buy your passions for the Kingdom of Heaven and a crown of acceptances in the hands of the Lord with your relative, the Grand Duke of Chernigivsky Mikhail Vsevolodovich, who suffered for Christ for the Orthodox Christian faith." . In 1861, a church was consecrated in Ryazan in honor of the noble prince Roman.

More about the noble prince Roman on the website of the Ryazan eparchy.

The icon of the Blessed Prince Roman Olegovich of Ryazansky is the personal icon of people named after Roman.
Days of Svyatkuvannya - 1 Serpnya and 23 worms - Cathedral of the Ryazan Saints.

The icon of the Holy Blessed Prince-Martyr Roman of Ryazan was painted in the exact likeness of the prince. Prayer in front of her protects the Ryazan land from the most unfriendly pods - from the elemental foes before our time, including the thorns of the world, in a bi form, possibly, hibno peaceful, but the invasion did not occur.

Shards of Saint Roman of Ryazan were martyred and beaten through a denunciation of death, then prayer before the yoga rank helps to protect oneself from those near types of slander and denunciations.

Prayer in front of the icon of St. Roman of Ryazan and in the temple, and at your house about the preservation of the foundations of the Orthodox faith, as in the state, so in this, helping to improve the spiritual, so that the single day of family stosunkiv, and even more importantly - Tse The power is small in the state, from which the power is founded.

So in the same way, if the prayer in front of the icon of the Holy Roman of Ryazan, the chanting of the icons helped to heal the ailment. First of all, a prayer before the image of the prince - a martyr for the faith, as well as prayers for prayers, like a name icon, to help those who wear Roman in honor of namesake with the holy prince-passion-bearer.

The Holy Blessed Prince Roman Olegovich Ryazan Buv from the family of princes, like the hour of the Tatar yoke, became famous as the defenders of the Christian faith and the Motherland. Offending Yogo Dida died for Vitchizna at the Battle of Batia. Swinging in love to holy faith (the prince is alive in tears and prayers) and his own Batkivshchyna, the prince used the forces of dbav about ruine and rotten piddans, protecting them from the types of violence and robbing the khan Baskakivs (collecting taxes). The Baskaks hated the saint and washed him in front of the Tatar Khan Mengu-Timur. Roman Olegovich called out to the Horde, de Khan Mengu-Timur voiced that he could turn one of the two, otherwise the martyr death of the Tatar faith. The Blessed Prince confirmed that a Christian is impromptu to change the right faith to Hibna. For their firmness, they slashed the tongue, cut off the eyes, cut off the mouth and lips, cut off the arms and legs, pulled the shkir from the head and, having cut the head, planted it on the write-off. Tse became 1270 fate.
The enthronement of the prince-martyr began right after his death. The chronicler speaks about the saint - "Buy your passions for the Kingdom of Heaven and a crown of acceptances in the hands of the Lord with your kinsman, the Grand Duke of Chernigivsky Mikhail Vsevolodovich, who suffered for Christ for the Orthodox Christian faith."
Starting from 1854, in Ryazan, a feast day and a prayer service on the day of remembrance of St. Roman took place. In 1861, a church was consecrated in Ryazan in honor of the noble prince Roman.

Prayers before the icon of St. Roman of Ryazan

persha prayer

Holy glorious great martyr, noble prince Romani, patron of that intercessor of the land of Ryazan! We believe and trust, because by the suffering and charitable lives of yours, you will get great mercy and respect from the Lord God, not forgetting the gain of your earthly, our patrimony, in the new you were slandered, rob your, rich with misfortunes. Tim, we ask you: with prayers and your presence, bless our Lord Jesus Christ, do not allow us to leave us in all kinds of troubles and evil situations, in case of severe ailments and infirmities and in the case of all enemies, visible and invisible. O great saint of God! Repent for us, sinners, to the Lord of all, do not forgive us all our sin and throw off the grace of the All-Holy Spirit on us, do not cease all foulness, I will clean our belly in every piety and purity, live and, so pleasing to the Lord, your merciful intercession for us at the throne of God for ever and ever. Amen.

A friend's prayer

O glorious passion-bearer, great saint of God, bring our tearful prayer to the Lord, our God, Yogo's mercy before us sinners, let us know the wrath of your righteous and reconcile our richly suffering land; let us establish prosperity and silence, let us throw off the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and let us fence in our image to create sirim and shamelessness. Tim, fall down to your icon, we know your suffering in faith, endured for Christ, and we pray to you: do not deprive us and ask the Lord for the blessings of Timchasov and eternally, let God glorified to you forever. Amen.

1 sickle Orthodox Church at once with the icon of the Mother of God Revealed by the Holy Reverend Seraphim of Sorov, remembrance Holy Blessed Prince Roman of Ryazan.

Holy Blessed Prince Roman Ole-go-vich Ryazan Bov from the family of princes ki hri-sti-an-skoї vіri i Batkivshchyna. Offending yogo di-da died for the Batkivshchyna in the battle for Baty.

Childhood and youth of the holy prince Ro-ma-na came to the first per-rі-od of the mon-go-lo-ta-tar-yarma and tse os -ta-vі-lo vіd-pe- cha-tok on the share of the holy prince Ro-ma-na, like and ti-thousand yogo suchas-men-nikiv. I took care of my parents as well. About the father of the holy prince Ole-ge Igo-re-vі-che it is known that the vine of the knots of Ba-ti-єm is full and turning to the genus-di-nu in 1252 roci. Unbeknownst, as a survivor of the Tatars, the young prince Roman. There-there-is-there-is-a-for-the-lo-the-same, scho vіn buv vіdvedeniya Bishop of Ryazan-sky and Mu-rom-sky Єv-fro-si-n of the Holy Hierarch Mu-rum.

Deprived of their family and blood, the holy prince Roman from his youth to the is-for-ved-nі-ches-to-whom in a two-gu-gu way soon beat and suffer. Sun-pi-ta-nya yogo bulo, for the good-go-che-sti-vo-mu Russian call, church-noe. Na-cha-lo pre-wise-ro-stі - the fear of God - la-ha-moose in the basis of life through the reading of the Holy Pi-sa-Niya. The meek prince from his youth pla-miv love-bo-v'yu before Christ and stverzhuvav-sya in the right-in-glory-no ї vіrі. Good-th-stіє and patience, kohannya to the fatherland and zdіysne-na vіddanіst vіd-li-chi-li bu-du-shche-go-hundred-tolerance-tsa and is- by the way.

If the father turned back from the Tatar captivity, the bla-virny prince was already a man. Yogo su-pru-ga of the prince-gi-nya Ana-sta-s_ya pro-is-ho-di-la z ro-da ve-li-ko-go prince-zya ki-єv-sky and vіd-li-cha -Lasya is-roll-her ve-swarm and b-go-your-rі-tel-no-stu. Three si-no-vei - princes-zhi-chi Fe-o-dor, Yaro-slav and Kon-stan-tin - resurrection-pі-ti-wa-fox in the good-che-stії і fears of Bo-Zhi -eat.

February 20, 1258, after the death of the father, Prince Oleg, before the death of his adopted son, the blessed Prince Ro-man entered the press table ob-wide -no-th Ryazan-principality, someone-re at that hour honey -len-but setting-la-elk in the form of a ta-tar-sky thunder.

Rising in love until the holy faith (the prince is alive in tears and prayers) and his Motherland, the prince of all-m_ sі-la-mi for -bo-til-sya about ra-zo-ren-them and oppression-ten-them pid-danih, for-shi-schal їх vіd na-si-liy i gra-be-zhey khan-sky bas-ka-kiv (select-shchi-kiv yes-tey). Bass-ka-ki voz-not-na-vі-de-li svyato-go i okle-ve-ta-li yogo in front of the Tatar khan Men-gu-Ti-mu-rum. Ole-go-vich's novel, calling out to Or-du, de khan Men-gu-Ti-mur, voiced that he was guilty of choosing one of two: or mu-che-ni-che-sku death or Islamic faith. Blessed-faithful prince vіd-vechav, christ-sti-a-nin cannot change the true faith for pardon. For its firmness in is-po-ve-da-nii vіri vіn buv pіd-verg-nut f-hundred-kim is-ty-for-nі-yam: yomu vіd-re-for-whether mov, vi-ko- lo-whether eyes, about-re-for-whether vuha and gu-bi, vіd-sec-whether arms-legs, with-dra-whether from go-lo-vi skin i, vіd-ru-bivshi go- lo-vu, on-sa-dі-li її on the list. Tse became in 1270 roci.

In-chi-ta-nya prince-zya-mu-che-ni-ka-cha-moose once upon a time after his death. Retelling that the holy relics of the martyr Roman of Ryazan were secretly transferred to Ryazan and there, out of reverence for the land. The place of pohovannya became invisible.

Since 1854, co-ver-sha-et-sya in Rya-for-nі cross-country hіd і mo-le-ben on the day of pa-m'ya-ti of St. Ro-man. In 1861, a church in Rya-za-ni was consecrated in honor of the Blessed Prince Ro-man.

In 1812, on the day of commemoration of the noble prince Roman, the Russian soldiers won the first victory at Klyastitsy. On the riddle about the price on the wall of the Moscow temple in honor of Christ the Savior, an image of the Holy Prince Roman was written.

Behind the instructions, on the icons, the noble prince was depicted as follows: “The prince is not of old rokiv, with hair blond, curly-haired, that he falls on his shoulders with a thin coat, in a sable coat on his shoulders, at an oxamite piddivtsi; the right hand is stretched out for prayer, and the lion holds a place with the church.

W In 1854, horseradish walks and a prayer service at the day of remembrance of St. Roman are celebrated in Ryazan. In 1861, a church was consecrated in Ryazan in honor of the noble prince Roman. At the given hour at the head vіvtarі Ryazan Cathedral Boriso-Glibsky Cathedralє portable altar, consecrated in the name of the holy noble prince Roman of Ryazan. At the beginning of the Divine Liturgy at this cathedral, in order, with temple and ordinary troparions, the troparion is sung by the passion-bearer Roman, the wise organizer of the Ryazan land, the prayer book, the companion, the defender of the Orthodox faith.

After his death, Saint Roman became the sign of his intercession before God. At the time of the terrible invasion of the French in Russia in 1812, the Russians won over them at Klyastitsy on the day of the memory of the saint - 19 limes (for the old style). The icon of St. Roman at the Temple of Christ the Savior near Moscow was written in memory of the icon of St. Roman. 1853 year, 19 lipnya, archbishop Ryazansky and Zaraysky Gabriel consecrated and handed over 14 ensigns to the Ryazan militia. The saint's militia showed the banner of their patronage after fate: the defenders of Vitchiznia turned neushkodzhennym just before the day of remembrance of the holy passion-bearer - 19 lime, 1854 fate. His Eminence Gabriel, the zealous chanuval of the memory of the saints, punished at the crossroads to pray for St. Roman, as the defender of the Ryazan land, at once with St. Basil, the first bishop of Ryazan. Temples began to be embellished with icons from the images of St. Roman.

The first icon, on the basis of the Passion-bearer of Roman, is depicted on the spot, written and placed in the barrels of the Three Saints at the Volodymyr Seminary Church. Another bula was written by the zusils of the benefactor of the Church of the Savior on Yar, the merchant Mokiya Panov, and donated at the cathedral so that they would carry prayers in front of her on the 19th lime. This icon was painted by an artist Imperial Academy Mykola Shumov.

Sim'ya the artist herself tried on herself the prayers of the holy prince-passion-bearer. In April 1864, a daughter was born in June 1864, and on the day of the birth she was sick. Doctors have denounced the ailment of the unfortunate. That same artist, with simplicity of heart, turned to Prince Roman: “I ruled and embellished your temple - save my daughter!” Bulo tse same 19 lime, (1 sickle), at the day of remembrance of the saint. The same day the doctor knew new faces, and the girl saw.

The first temple in the name of the Holy Blessed Martyr Roman of Ryazan was restored by Archbishop Smaragd at the zamіskіy dacha of the archbishop's house in Novopavlіvtsi, on the riddle about yoga coming to the Ryazan cathedra on 19 lipnya 1858. On the 20th of spring, 1861, Archbishop Smaragd, to the riddle of his 30-year service in the hierarchical rank, himself consecrated the temple and turned to Prince Roman with reverent prayer, asking him to accept his intercession of the temple-builder himself and all the inhabitants.

The memory of the holy noble prince Roman, the passion-bearer, is celebrated on the 1 sickle, on the day of the martyr's death of the saint.

Pіznіshe buv canonizations by the Russian Orthodox Church. The memory of Yogo as a martyr is shrouded on the day of death.

On 10/23 chervnya on the Ryazan land, like the saints of the Holy Father of the Blessed Prince Roman, the Blessed Prince Oleg Pronsky (at Schema Kosma) and the prince’s retinue - the Blessed Princess Anastasia.

The Holy Prince Roman, having shown his steadfastness and fortitude at the defense of the Orthodox faith.The Holy Prince Roman is a helper and intercessor for the oppressed, persecuted and oppressed for the Orthodox faith.

Obviations before the khan at the blasphemy of mischief yogo, / boldly standing before the judge of the wicked; appearing to you the great martyr of the non-Abiyak, / stovp and affirmation of the Church of Ryazans, / intercessor and voivode of the Russian glorification.

Prayer to the Holy Prince Roman of Ryazan

Holy glorious great martyr, noble prince Romani, patron and intercessor of the Ryazan region! We believe and support, more suffering and your God-pleasing life, having gained You great mercy and mercy from the Lord God and do not forget the banning of your earthly, our patrimony, in the new, dissatisfied with us, your servants, rich with misfortunes. Tim, we pray to you: with prayers and your presence, bless the Lord God, do not allow us to be allowed in all sorts of bead and in the presence of all enemies, visible and invisible. O great saint of God! Don’t forgive us sinners before the Lord God, don’t let us forgive our sins, don’t send us the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, don’t let us stop all kinds of filthiness and clean our lives in every piety and purity, let’s live and, having pleased the Lord, let’s be worthy of life. Ospivuyuche great merciful God and your merciful intercession for us at the throne of God for ever and ever. Amen.

Life is short

The Holy Blessed Prince Roman Olegovich Ryazan Buv from the family of princes, like the hour of the Tatar yoke, became famous as the defenders of the Christian faith and the Motherland. Offending Yogo Dida died for Vitchizna at the Battle of Batia. Swinging in love to holy faith (the prince is alive in tears and prayers) and his own Batkivshchina, the prince used the forces of dbav about ruine and ignominious piddans, protecting their types of violence and plundering the Khan's Baskakivs (tax pickers). The Baskaks hated the saint and washed him in front of the Tatar Khan Mengu-Timur.

Roman Olegovich called out to the Ordi, de Khan Mengu-Timur voiced, what can I turn one of the two: or martyrdom, or the Tatar faith. The Blessed Prince confirmed that a Christian is impromptu to change the right faith to Hibna. For their firmness, they spun their tongues, cut off their eyes, cut their lips, cut their hands and legs, pulled a shkir from their heads, cut their heads, planted them on the list. Tse became 1270 fate.

The enthronement of the prince-martyr began immediately after his death. The chronicle says about the saint: “Buy your passion for the Kingdom of Heaven and a crown of acceptances in the hands of the Lord with your relatives, the Grand Duke of Chernigiv Mikhail Vsevolodovich, having suffered for Christ for the Orthodox Christian faith.”

Starting from 1854, in Ryazan, a feast day and a prayer service on the day of remembrance of St. Roman took place. In 1861, a church was consecrated in Ryazan in honor of the noble prince Roman.

Life outside

Holy noble prince Roman Olegovich Ryazansky (at the world of Yaroslav) was born not long before the invasion of the Tatars on Ruska land, in 1237. Vіn resembled the valiant family of Ryazan knyazіv, yakі dbali about faith and piety. The ancestor of the family, the great-grandson of the Holy Rivne-Apostle Grand Duke Volodymyr, Prince Yaroslav-Kostyantin and his children Prince Mikhailo and Theodore (commemorated 21 May / 3 worms) became famous for the holiness of life. Onuk Kostyantina, Volodymyr Svyatoslavich, used as a butt of innocence and self-confidence, the holy Murom wonderworker Petro († 1228; commemorated 25 chervnya / 8 limes) is also an onuk of Kostyantyn. Prince Oleg, the father of the Holy Prince Roman, having fallen asleep Olgov Assumption monastery near Ryazan. Two didi - princes Yuriy and Oleg Igorovichi - perished in 1237 for the faith and votchizna at the battle of Batiyem. Holy Prince Roman, multiplying the honor of his ancestors, glorifying the Ryazan land with the feat of consecration.

Childhood that youth of the Holy Prince Roman fell on the first period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, and it lost money on the share of the Holy Prince Roman, like a thousand of his fellows. Vіn vtrativ so batkіv. About the father of the holy prince Oleg Igorovich, it is known that Batym took him from full and turned to the fatherland in 1252. Unbeknownst, young Prince Roman was a survivor of the Tatars. It is clear that he was brought by the Bishop of Ryazan and Murom, Euphrosyne Svyatogorets, near Mur.

The blessings of relatives and a dream over your head, the holy prince Roman from his youth, to the companionship of a feat, a path of sorrows and suffering. Vihovannya yogo bulo, for the pious Russian zvichaєm, church. The cob of wisdom - the fear of God - laying the foundation of life through the reading of the Holy Letter. The meek prince from his youth was filled with love before Christ and was affirmed by the Orthodox faith. Piety and patience, love to the homeland and perfection of God's will marked the future passion-bearing and companion.

If the father turned from the Tatar full, the noble prince was already a family man. His retinue, Princess Anastasia, resembled the family of the Grand Duke of Kiev, and exalted her generosity and benevolence. Three blues - princes Theodore, Yaroslav and Kostyantyn - were swept away by piety and the fear of God.

On February 20, 1258, after the death of the father of Prince Oleg, who, before his death, having taken black tonsure, the noble prince Roman, having ascended the throne of the great Ryazan princedom, as if at that hour it was properly announced in the wake of the Tatar pogrom. The Holy Prince Roman, having taken control of the princedom with one hope for the Providence of God, and with the help of twelve important fates of his princely life, saved the Ryazan lands from new disasters. The blessed prince with tears prayed for his fatherland and tried to ease the lot of the ruined people.

With a word and butt of his life, he brought love to his native land and the Holy Church. The Tatar electors of danini (Baskaks) were angry with the holy prince, the shards of wine constantly pacified these types of violence and interceded for the scriveners. Once, once, one of the Baskaks donated to Khan Mengu-Temir, that the noble prince Roman slandered the khan and ignored his pagan faith. There were people who confirmed the slander, and the khan called the saint to Odra for judgment.

Having calmly listened to the sum of the call, the lagid prince and having become chosen to the Horde, to the death of the motherland, that of all the inhabitants of Ryazan, who were deeply loved.

Surviving to the khan, noble prince Roman rose among the sons of his princedom and partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. In the Horde, the holy prince, following the words of the chronicler, at the vault, “having been true, but the Baskak learned richly from the princes of the Tatars, and the stench began to force Yogo to believe them.” And for the order of the khan, the noble prince is guilty for his own truth to accept his faith. At the blow of a pious bewilderment and love to the faith of Christ, “the wine said before them: “Do not be an Orthodox Christian, depriving your faith of the Orthodox, accept the faith of the Basurmans.” Then start yoga beat. Vin, it seems: “I am a Christian, and truly, the Christian faith is holy, and your Tatar faith is filthy.”

The Tatars sang their rage and gnashed their teeth at the saint, ale, bachachi innocence, rushed at him and began to beat mercilessly. “I am a Christian,” the prince bellowed, hoarse with blows, “and truly holy is the faith of the Christian!” If you want to say more, they shut up your company, and, having muffled with lancers, threw you to the pit. At the suffocating pіdzemelі, bandages on the hands and feet, St. Prince Roman was weak in body, but zmіtsnyuvavsya in spirit. Pokіrnіst to the Providence of God, which was one of the main honesty of this life, encouraged the sufferer and poured into new forces for enduring the torment that had come. The prince said that he was on a new check, and only prayed. Yogo's foal was already slaughtered by the khan: he gave the Tatars an order to kill the noble prince Roman. With a zhorstokoy husky, they led the martyr from the yard and led him to the place of the stratum.

The prince calmly goes to flour; in the guise of yoga, there was a sense of Christian humility and peace of mind, as if they were not rich in decline, which were cleansed in the crucible of peace. The Companion of Christ is not afraid to die for New, but not knowing that he is counting on the new one for the most death - death is inevitable. Having come to the stratum of the strata, the saint rose up and tested the power of his word over the barbarians and began to subdue them at the zhorstocity, threatening them with the wrath of God. They slashed Yomu's tongue, and then they inflicted terrible torments: they stabbed his eyes, cut his lips. Non-human tormentors did not spare the dear member of the sufferer, St. Passion-bearing people were cut in pieces: they took the fingers and toes off the cob, then they cut off the hands and feet. “I, as if the corpse of a single one was covered, the stench was stripped off the skin from the head of the yogo and a copy was shown.”

Having recognized such suffering in the Horde, the valiant prince Ryazansky Roman Olegovich on the 19th day of the month of lime 1270 fate. Retelling that the holy relics of the martyr Roman of Ryazan were secretly transferred to Ryazan and there, out of reverence for the land. The place of pohovannya became invisible. The church shanuvanation of the noble prince Roman in the face of saints began right after his martyr's death. The attendants called Yogo a new martyr and competed with the Great Martyr Jacob the Persian († 421; comm. 27 falling leaves/10 breasts). The chronicle says about the saint: “Buy your passion for the Kingdom of Heaven and a crown of acceptances in the hands of the Lord with your relatives, the Grand Duke of Chernigiv Mikhail Vsevolodovich, having suffered for Christ for the Orthodox Christian faith.”

In 1812, on the day of commemoration of the noble prince Roman, the Russian soldiers won the first victory at Klyastitsy. On the riddle about tse on the wall of the Moscow temple in honor of Christ the Savior, the image of the Holy Prince Roman was written. Behind the instructions, on the icons, the noble prince was depicted as follows: “The prince is not of old rokiv, he is ruddy with hair, curly-haired, he falls on his shoulders with a thin coat, with a sable coat on his shoulders, with an oxamite piddivtsi; the right hand is stretched out for prayer, and the lion holds a place with the church.

Starting from 1854, in Ryazan, a feast day and a prayer service on the day of remembrance of St. Roman took place. In 1861, a church was consecrated in Ryazan in honor of the noble prince Roman. Nina at the head vіvtarі Ryazan Cathedral Borisoglibskiy Cathedral є portable altar, consecrations in the name of the Holy Prince Roman Ryazanskiy. At the beginning of the Divine Liturgy at this cathedral, in order, with temple and ordinary troparions, the troparion is sung by the passion-bearer Roman, the wise organizer of the Ryazan land, the prayer book, the companion, the defender of the Orthodox faith.


Troparion of the Holy Martyr Prince Roman of Ryazan

voice 1

With torments marvelously zhahlivy / and valor of patience / all zdivuvav ty, prince Roman: / honestly more of your members behind the warehouse of razannya / and all your bodily fragmentation / recognizing you for the faith of Christ. Primate of the Church of Ryazan.


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