Many times better than artificial additives. Nutritional Supplements: The Whole Truth About Them

Many times better than artificial additives. Nutritional Supplements: The Whole Truth About Them

In modern conditions, it is almost impossible to eat only natural products that do not contain any artificial substances. Except perhaps for the indigenous inhabitants of remote areas living on subsistence farming, all other people have to eat food with synthetic food additives.

Food additives: what is the danger?

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Before you buy any product, you need to carefully study its composition so as not to harm your body, because some of these additives are prohibited for use in a number of countries because of the high potential danger.

What food additives are and what harm they can bring

Food additives, according to generally accepted rules, are designated by the Latin letter E and a digital index, which can be used to determine which group they belong to. Additives are divided into the following groups: - food coloring (from E100 to E199); - preservatives (from E200 to E299); - antioxidants (from E300 to E399); - stabilizers and emulsifiers (from E400 to E599); - flavor and aroma enhancers , defoamers (from E600 to E999); - other group of additives (various emulsifiers, thickeners, etc.) - from E1000 to E1525.

With the help of synthetic food additives, you can give the product a more attractive appearance, extend its shelf life, and enhance the taste. However, many of these artificially created substances can cause great harm to the body, so it is better to refrain from consuming foods containing such additives.

The most dangerous additives from the group of preservatives are: sodium benzoate (E211), propyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid (E216), sodium salt of this ester (E217) and formaldehyde (E240). They have a negative effect on a number of body systems and can provoke the development of malignant tumors.

From the group of food colors, the greatest danger is represented by such synthetic additives as E102 (tartrazine yellow), E110 (yellow-orange), E121 (citrus red), E122 (red-brown), E123 (dark red), E142 (green S) ... They are widely used for coloring various bakery and confectionery products, sauces, canned food, and drinks. These food additives can cause a strong allergic reaction, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, kidneys.

There is also evidence that the use of these additives can cause cancer. That is why such dyes are prohibited for use in many countries of the European Union.

The most dangerous food additive from the group of stabilizers and emulsifiers is E425 (konjak flour and its derivatives). Additives such as ammonium sulfate (E510), used in the bakery and confectionery industry, sulfuric acid (E513), used as an acidity regulator in the manufacture of a number of beverages, and ammonium hydroxide (E527) are also of great danger. They cause intestinal upset and have a harmful effect on the liver.

From the group of additives that improve the taste and aroma of products, as well as having the effect of "foaming", the most dangerous substances E924-a and E924-b are potassium bromate and calcium bromate. They can be used in the manufacture of carbonated drinks, as well as in the baking of bread and pastries. Their main danger lies in the fact that they provoke the development of cancer. In addition, these supplements disrupt the endocrine system.

It should be said that most synthetic food additives, even approved for use, at best, do not bring any benefit to the body, and at worst, can harm it.

Moreover, the mechanism of the effect of many additives on the human body has not yet been fully understood.

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How to Minimize Danger from Food Additives

There is a well-known saying that reads as follows: "The salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves." Reasonable vigilance and caution must be exercised. At a minimum, before purchasing a particular food product, you should carefully read the information contained on its packaging. Pay special attention to the list of synthetic additives that are contained in the product. Find out the effect of the additives in the product you purchased.

If it turns out that the product contains the most potentially dangerous food additives listed above, it is better to refrain from buying. And in general, make it a rule: buy products containing a lot of synthetic additives as seldom as possible.

Try to consume less canned food, convenience foods, ready-made pastry dishes and drinks. It will be much better and healthier if you replace them with your own prepared meals and drinks. Of course, the intense rhythm of modern life (especially in large cities) does not always give such an opportunity, but we are talking about your health! Therefore, try to find both time and energy for this. Let's say you can make canned fish yourself, make drinks from dried fruits, fresh fruit or jam. Semi-finished products can be replaced with cutlets made from twisted meat. Don't save time on your own health!

With the development of science and the latest technologies, it costs nothing to mankind to create the "taste and aroma" of any famous dish synthetically. Carbonated drinks, confectionery, smoked meats, all kinds of snacks - all these products are mixed with various preservatives, colorants, thickeners and emulsifiers.

The era of synthetic nutritional supplements has opened up new opportunities for food manufacturers. Thanks to stabilizers and preservatives, the products do not deteriorate for months, thanks to the dyes - they have an appetizing color. Sweeteners allow you to save mountains of sugar, because instead of kilograms of natural sugar, it is enough to put just a couple of grams of sweetener in the product.

Type designation "Еххх" for synthetic food additives was introduced in 1953 - until that time, the names of additives on product labels were indicated in full. The letter "E" in this code designation is traditionally deciphered as "Europe", i.e. Europe.

The digital code identifies the group to which this or that additive belongs. There are 10 such groups in total:

  • E100-E182 - dyes;
  • E200-E280 - preservatives;
  • E300-E391 - antioxidants;
  • E400-E481 - stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners;
  • E500-E585 - different: acidity regulators, flour improvers, baking powder, moisture regulators;
  • E600-E699 - aroma and taste enhancers;
  • E700-E799 - antibiotics;
  • E800-E899 - spare designation range (in case of new additions);
  • E900-E999 - sweeteners, anti-flamengs (defoamers);
  • E1000-E1521 - glazing agents, separators, gas compressors, sealants, texturers, salt melters.

Food additives are divided into natural, identical to natural and artificial. Natural food supplements as, for example, the dye curcumin E100, are made physically (extraction, distillation) from plant and animal sources.

Naturally Identical Supplements - these are substances that are completely identical to natural analogues in their properties, but obtained by chemical or microbiological means. As a rule, this method of obtaining a substance is cheaper or more efficient, therefore it is often used.

Artificial or synthetic food additives Are compounds that do not exist in nature. These compounds are designed and created by man.

How do food additives affect the human body?

Clinical studies of various food additives have shown that they are far from harmless to the human body. Certain supplements promote the formation of cancerous tumors, i.e. are carcinogenic, others disrupt the natural microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and provoke the development of ulcers. A number of additives are contraindicated for asthmatics, allergy sufferers.

Therefore, some food additives "E" prohibited for use... So, in Russia, the E121 dye is officially banned - it increases the risk of cancer, the E123, E124, E127, E128 dyes - they cause allergic reactions. The preservatives E216, E217, E240 are also prohibited - they have a pronounced oncological effect.

The food coloring tartrazine E102 (which causes asthma attacks) is banned in a number of European countries, but allowed for use in Russia. This dye is used to dye products in yellow. Its presence must be indicated by the manufacturer on the product packaging.

In small doses, nutritional supplements are not capable of causing significant damage to health. However, many of them have the property cumulativeness, i.e. able to accumulate in the body. Therefore, even if the manufacturer does not exceed the maximum allowable concentration of the additive in the final product, the "effect" of the use of food additives can manifest itself over time.

Ecology of consumption: Hydrolyzed protein, monosodium glutamate, monosodium glutamate are the most harmful artificial food additives. If the products say "flavor enhancers", "taste identical to natural", "flavoring agent", "flavor additives"

Hydrolyzed protein, monosodium glutamate, monosodium glutamate are the most harmful artificial food additives. If the products say “flavor enhancers”, “taste identical to natural”, “flavoring agent”, “flavoring agents”, E 621, E631 MSG (written abroad) or simply “spices” without any clarification, then you should know that you you are dealing with monosodium glutamate.

Flavor enhancers are a recent invention of the food industry. They are now added everywhere, from yogurt to sausage, semi-finished products. Every year around the planet, people eat about 200 thousand tons of monosodium glutamate. It is found in chicken, meat, fish and soy semi-finished products, chips, crackers, seasonings for soups, but most of all it is in fast food. The younger generation is especially sensitive to this, they quickly become addicted to these products. In Asian cuisine, this is generally the first ingredient in any recipe.

Today monosodium glutamate can be considered the king of condiments. Its meager doses allow the food industry to save on meat, poultry, mushrooms and other natural ingredients. Instead of a full-fledged piece of meat, you can put several chopped meat fibers or even its extract into the product, season it all with a pinch of glutamate, and a rich meat taste is provided to the product.

Monosodium glutamate tends to enhance the flavor of the product to which it is added. On the tongue, humans have special receptors that respond to monosodium glutamate, which are naturally designed to respond to natural glutamic acid.
Natural glutamic acid is an essential element for nutrition of the brain, it increases intelligence, cures impotence, depression, reduces fatigue, and artificial MSG is a poison that destroys nerve cells.

Professor Michael Hermanussen from Kiel (Germany) conducted tests on rats. From the test results, it was concluded that even a small amount of glutamate in rat food destroys diencephalon cells, and cells responsible for appetite and satiety are also destroyed.

Also, scientists specially raise fat rats and mice, in order to find drugs for weight loss, injecting them after birth with MSG (monosodium glutamate). Monosodium glutamate triples the amount of insulin that causes obesity. According to neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Beyleuter, there is a link between sudden death from cardiac arrest and high intake of monosodium glutamate. MSG can also cause blindness, allergies, gastritis, ulcers, stress and aggression. This supplement can trigger headaches, muscle weakness, fever, diabetes, migraines, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Alzheimer's disease (acquired dementia), heart attack, and even cancer.
It is important to note that this "seasoning" acts like a narcotic substance, i.e. a person who constantly consumes food with additives of monosodium glutamate, there is an addiction, both physical and psychological. For people who often consume monosodium glutamate, natural food looks bland and uninteresting, since the taste recognition receptors become insensitive.

Let's take another experiment on rats as an example to find out how monosodium glutamate actually works on humans. The first group of rats consumed the acceptable dose of the food supplement. The second is double, that is, 2 gr. The third, control group, was fed the food natural for these animals. On the tenth day, microscopic ulcers appeared in the stomach of rats fed with foods containing a double daily dose. After 20 days, the ulcers increased significantly and the acidity in the stomach increased. Rats receiving the usual daily norm did not receive any obvious changes on the tenth day, only on the twentieth the same abnormalities appeared in the stomach, and by the end of the month the ulcers developed into peptic ulcer disease. By the end of the month, the rats that received the double norm became very aggressive, one of the animals died, it was bitten by relatives. The third group of rats, fed with natural food, remained normal. The experiments were carried out on rats, because their body is similar in many characteristics to a human. If there were people in the place of rats, it would lead to diseases of the stomach, liver, diabetes. Only with a person will this happen in six months (10 days of a rat's life is equal to three months of a person's life).

Monosodium glutamate is found in many industrially manufactured foods:
Mivina, Dried fruits, Doshirak, Torchin, Veres, Chumak, Dannon, Dobrynya, Lactonia, President, Lasunya, Fanny, Obolon, Bystrov, McCoffe, Nestle, Nescafe, Dobry, Sandora, Jaffa, Oleina, as well as in dried fruits, meat and dairy products.
There are many others, in general, go to the kitchen and take a look. Manufacturers understand that many people prefer to avoid products on the packaging of which it is indicated: the flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate, E 621, they try to hide it from us. Moreover, if the product contains less than 50% of the normative dose of monosodium glutamate, then the manufacturer may not notify the buyer about this. However, some manufacturers have become so insolent that they write on their products: "no preservatives", "no added preservatives" on the front. Other manufacturers “hide” MSG under the name “vegetable hydrolysol” in an effort to emphasize that their product is healthy food, as opposed to competitors, which provides a better chance of purchase. In general, manufacturers acknowledge that monosodium glutamate is addictive, just like junk food. This quality is very beneficial for business, because the product is well sold out, and in the future, consumers will return to this product again and again (well, very tasty!)published by

Food today is no longer just breakfast, lunch or dinner.

The consumer's desire to constantly try something new and tasty has spawned an entire industry for the production of previously unfamiliar semi-finished products, canned food and all kinds of ready-made snacks. And with the advent of a huge range of products, it became necessary to carefully study their composition, on which our health depends.

Why you need nutritional supplements - the whole truth about the notorious E-shk

It is no secret that the manufacturer's goal is not the health of citizens, but the desire to make billions by selling its products. That is why we often find unfamiliar words and some letters with numbers on labels.

All these are food additives that help products to maintain their marketable appearance, color, smell and taste for a long time. So, thanks to preservatives, our favorite preforms in cans stay fresh for a long time, flavor enhancers help some products to appear especially aromatic, and thanks to dyes, pale sweets become very attractive.

The notorious E-scale - the same food additive that is found, if not in every product, then in most goods. It is about her that will be discussed in this article.

You've probably found E-shka everywhere - in ice cream or candy, in canned fish or on the label of semi-finished meat products, and even on bread packaging. What is hidden behind the frightening letter E, are these additives extremely harmful to health or there are also useful ones - the site figured out what we use with our favorite ice cream or frozen cutlets.

It is interesting! All over the world, food additives are denoted by the index In - from Index, but in Europe they are usually abbreviated to the letter E, which means Examined - tested. However, some experts argue that the E-shka originated from the word Europe.

What does the numeric code mean E-shki?

There is always a numerical code next to the letter E, which means that the food additive belongs to one or another group. Of course, it is impossible to remember absolutely all food additives, but you will already be able to recognize the E-shki group at a glance at the bright label. This will allow you to understand why this or that food additive is present in this product, and whether it is really needed.

Classification of food additives

Numeric Code Group
E100-E199 Dye (enhances the color or returns the shade lost during the processing of the product)
E200-E299 Preservative (affects the shelf life of the product)
E300-E399 Antioxidant (slows down and prevents spoilage of the product)
E400-E499 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier (product consistency)
E500-E599 Acidity regulator, baking powder, moisture regulator, or substance that prevents caking of the product (works in tandem with a stabilizer, preserves the structure of the product)
E600-E699 Flavoring, flavor enhancer
E700-E799 Antibiotic
E800-E899 Spare range in case of new additives
E900-E999 Sweetener, defoamer (anti-flame),
E1000-E1999 Glazing agent, separator, gas squeezer, sealant, texturer, salt melter

E-shki food additives are also divided into three categories according to their origin:

  • Natural - plant and animal origin, some minerals also belong to them.
  • Identical to natural - substances obtained in a laboratory way, but in their properties are completely similar to natural ones.
  • Synthetic - artificial additives that do not exist in nature are developed and created by man.

Doctors celebratethat any additive, whether it is a natural substance or synthesized in a laboratory, can be dangerous when used in high dosages. It is important to remember that the daily intake of food supplements can fluctuate not only depending on the age and weight of the person, but also on the state of health, tolerance of certain substances, the presence of allergies and other factors.

On a note! Since science does not stand still, the international directory of food additives is constantly updated and replenished with new names. By the way, it is with the increase in the number of additives and the new requirements of the legislation of most countries to write the detailed composition of the product that many associate the emergence of the idea to put on the labels a short "E" index with a numerical code instead of long names of food additives, often consisting of several words.

The benefits and harms of food additives: about useful, neutral and most dangerous E in the tables

Our tabletop table will help you understand these mysterious E-boxes indicated on the packages of your favorite sweets, sausages, canned food and other products.

Let's start with healthy supplements to dispel the myth that they are all extremely harmful.

Important! Even relatively safe food supplements are not recommended for children under 5 years of age. But given the fact that today almost all products contain some kind of additional substances, it is impossible to completely exclude them from the diet. Try to minimize the use of foods by babies that contain entire lists of E-nis on the package. This group mainly includes sausages and sausages, sweet curds in glaze and yoghurts with fillings, various desserts and sweets, breakfast cereals, bouillon cubes and ready-made noodles, semi-finished meat products and many other products.

Since the list of supplements is extremely large, and it is replenished annually, the tables presented do not describe all food additives, but only the most popular and most frequently used by food manufacturers.

Most Healthful E List - Which E Supplements May Benefit Your Body

Index and name Potential benefits to the body
E-100 - curcumin It is especially useful for people who have gone through serious operations and illnesses. Residents of Southeast Asia claim that this substance helps to restore strength, restore vigor, cleanse the body of everything bad, for example, lowers blood cholesterol levels and increases hemoglobin levels. In addition, curcumin restores liver cells, normalizes the intestinal microflora, improves the functioning of the esophagus and gallbladder, fights intestinal infections and even helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Moreover, this food supplement speeds up metabolism, serves as an excellent tool for the prevention of diabetes, arthritis and a number of other diseases. Doctors consider curcumin to help prevent neoplasms and ease the onset of various forms of cancer.
E-101 - riboflavin

(vitamin B 2)

Riboflavin is found in natural foods like apples. This substance is simply necessary for our body - for the normal breakdown of fats, the synthesis of other vitamins, the conversion of amino acids and the regulation of redox processes. Riboflavin helps a person to cope with nervous tension, overcome severe stress and depression, and it is also called the "beauty vitamin" - B2 is necessary for the elasticity and youth of the skin. In addition, riboflavin is involved in the development of a healthy fetus and helps children grow.
E-160a - carotene

E-160b - annatto extract

E-160d - lycopene

Food supplements carotenes are strong antioxidants, substances similar in their properties to vitamin A, they help to improve vision, strengthen immunity, and prevent (slow down) the development of cancerous tumors. It is important to remember that E-160b is not only a useful substance, but also a strong allergen, so you need to use products with this additive with extreme caution and in moderation.
E-162 - betanin beetroot It has many useful properties - it participates in the breakdown and assimilation of animal and plant proteins, is directly involved in the formation of choline (it improves the functioning of liver cells), increases the strength of the capillaries, lowers blood pressure, relieves vascular spasms, has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, reducing the risk of heart attack. In addition, betanin has a high anti-radiation and anticarcinogenic effect, protects body cells from the negative effects of diseases, prevents the development of oncological diseases and the formation of malignant tumors.
E-170 - calcium carbonate, or ordinary white chalk The supplement is involved in blood clotting processes and regulates various intracellular processes. When used correctly, it compensates for the lack of calcium. But an excessive intake of calcium carbonate into the body can provoke a very toxic so-called lactic-alkaline syndrome, which in severe cases ends in death. A small overdose provokes hypercalcemia.
E-270 - lactic acid It has a strong antimicrobial effect, normalizes the intestinal microflora, improves the absorption of carbohydrates, and replenishes the body's energy reserves. It is naturally found in yogurt and kefir, sauerkraut and cucumbers. On store shelves, it is found in cheeses, mayonnaises, yoghurts and various lactic acid products. Children are advised to consume foods with this supplement in minimal quantities and with caution, as some babies have problems with lactic acid tolerance.
E-300 - ascorbic acid, or vitamin C Helps to strengthen the immune system. It is found in rose hips, black currants, various types of peppers and cabbage, kiwi, apples and many other natural products.
E-306-E309 - tocopherols (vitamin E group) They protect the body from the effects of toxins, promote blood thinning, accelerate the regenerative processes of the skin (and this, in turn, reduces the risk of scarring), increase the overall endurance of the body. Vitamin E is extremely important for well-being - it is on this substance that the correct functioning of red blood cells and the health of the body's cardiovascular system depend. Doctors note that a sufficient amount of vitamin E in the diet will slow down the aging process and reduce the risk of developing bronchial asthma.
E-322 - lecithin Supports immunity, improves blood formation processes, affects the quality of bile, prevents the development of liver cirrhosis, affects the development of the human nervous system, removes excess cholesterol from the body. Contained in caviar, milk and egg yolk.
E-406 - agar It is a product of processing red and brown algae. A valuable property of agar is its gelling effect. The supplement is rich in vitamin PP, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and iodine. Improves the functioning of the intestines and thyroid gland, removes toxins from the body.
E-440 - pectins Contained in various fruits (apples, plums, grapes, citrus fruits). In moderate amounts, pectins cleanse the intestines, protect the gastric mucosa, have a moderate analgesic and healing effect in case of ulcers, remove toxins and toxins from the body, and reduce blood cholesterol levels. In addition, pectins are capable of removing heavy metals from our body - mercury and lead. It is important to remember that consuming excessive amounts of pectin (as well as other beneficial substances) can lead to allergic reactions.

List of neutral nutritional supplements (harmless, but also of little benefit)

Index and name Description
E-140 - chlorophyll Colors food in green shades, safe for health when consumed with food. Some experts claim that chlorophyll removes toxins from the body. When applied externally, it heals wounds, eliminates unpleasant odors from the human body.
E-202 - potassium sorbate, or sorbic acid Safe for the human body, often used as a preservative in sausages, smoked meats, cheeses, rye bread and many other products. Potassium sorbate is a potent antimicrobial agent and can easily prevent the growth of mold fungi - this property was the impetus for the popularization of the food additive.
E-260 - acetic acid A popular acidity regulator, used in the manufacture of canned food, sauces and mayonnaise, confectionery. At the usual table concentration, vinegar is harmless for a person, and even useful for the functioning of our body - the acid helps break down fats and carbohydrates that come with food. But a solution of over 30% is dangerous for mucous membranes and skin (causes burns).
E-330 - lemon acid Enhances taste, serves as a acidity regulator and preservative. It is safe in food because it is used in small quantities. Working with a very concentrated solution, consuming a large amount of pure acid or inhaling dry powder can already lead to troubles - irritation of the mucous membranes (including the stomach up to bloody vomiting), skin, respiratory tract.
E-410 - locust bean gum

E-412 - guar gum

E-415 - xanthan gum

They are harmless to humans. These are natural additives that are very often found in the list of ingredients for ice cream, desserts, processed cheeses, baked goods, various canned fruits and vegetables, sauces, pates. The listed food additives, when mixed, enhance the gelling properties of each other, allowing the manufacturer to achieve the required structure of the products, as well as preserve the taste of our favorite delicacies, and prevent their crystallization (which is why gum is so often added to ice cream). Doctors note that gum can reduce appetite.
E-471 - mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Natural additive most commonly found in margarine, pâté, mayonnaise, yoghurt, and other foods that are saturated with fat. It plays the role of an emulsifier and stabilizer, it is not dangerous for humans - the body absorbs this additive, like all other fats. It is important to remember that overuse of such foods can add a few extra centimeters to your waist, but such consequences are not at all the effect of the dietary supplement itself, but rather the result of eating a large amount of fatty foods.
E-500 - sodium carbonates, or baking soda Safe for humans. It is used as a leavening agent in baked goods, cakes, biscuits, and prevents caking and clumping of food.
E-916 - calcium iodide

E-917 - potassium iodide (also referred to as iodide)

Enriches the diet with iodine, and it is known to play an important role in the thyroid gland, and protects the body from radioactive radiation. Today, the additives are in the testing stage, and so far are considered relatively harmless - they are not on the lists of prohibited substances, but they are also not on the lists of approved substances. And although there is little iodine in foods, and iodine deficiency is increasingly common, it is not recommended to consume such food in excessive quantities - an excess of iodine can lead to severe poisoning.
E-950 - acesulfame potassium

E-951 - aspartame

E-952 - sodium cyclamate

E-954 - saccharin

E-957 - thaumatin

E-965 - maltitol

E-967 - xylitol

E-968 - erythritol

All of these are sweeteners and sugar substitutes, most often found in chewing gums, carbonated (including non-alcoholic) drinks, gelatinous desserts, hard candies, and a number of low-calorie foods. Despite the fact that in many countries these additives are allowed, some doctors recommend abstaining or at least minimizing the use of foods with sweeteners and sweeteners. Others insist that sweeteners are a great option for those looking to lose those extra pounds. Scientists are unanimous in their opinion - the presented additives enhance the action of other carcinogens, negatively affect the liver (patients with previous hepatitis need to use such foods with extreme caution), and are nutrients for intestinal bacteria (and this is a guaranteed dysbiosis). However, to date, the effect of these additives on the human body is not fully understood. Do you want to understand the types of sweeteners? Our feature article will tell you in detail.

List of the most dangerous E - what diseases can they cause?

Index and name Harm to the body
E-121 - citrus red A popular colorant found in soda, candy, and ice cream ingredients. It provokes the formation of malignant tumors, is prohibited in most countries (nevertheless, unscrupulous manufacturers often sin by adding this substance to their drinks).
E-123 - amaranth Cupcakes, jellies, breakfast cereals, puddings and desserts, ice cream - what child would refuse such a tasty treat? But it is these products that most often contain amaranth, a chemical food additive that causes serious health problems: urticaria, chronic rhinitis, liver and kidney problems.
E-210 - benzoic acid

E-211 - sodium benzoate

E-212 - potassium benzoate

E-213 - calcium benzoate

They are found in soda and juices, chips and ketchup, canned meat and vegetable pickles - the list of products with these additives is huge. It is outrageous that in a number of countries all the substances presented are allowed, because research proves that these additives can provoke the development of cancer, cause severe allergic reactions (especially in children), clog the airways, suppress intellectual development, negatively affect the nervous system (a person becomes hyperactive, nervous).
E-222 - sodium hydrosulfite

E-223 - sodium pyrosulfite

E-224 - potassium pyrosulfite

E-228 - potassium hydrogen sulfite

In general, all additives from E-221 to E-228 are considered poorly studied and unsafe. They can be found very often in various canned foods (fruit), ready-made dry mashed potatoes, tomato purees, starch, dried fruits (used in their processing), wines and other products. The presented additives cause severe allergic reactions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, asthma attacks, and strongly irritate the respiratory tract. And the use of such products, prepared in violation of technology, can even lead to death.
E-250 - sodium nitrite

E-251 - sodium nitrate

E-252 - potassium nitrate

These are food additives that sausage lovers have heard of. In the meat industry, nitrates are very important, because it is the use of these additives that allows you to give your favorite Doctor's sausage a rich pink color. And nitrates also protect products from oxidation and inhibit the development and growth of bacteria. However, the presented food additives are harmful for humans as much as they are useful for sausages - nitrates are strong carcinogens that provoke intestinal and lung cancer. In addition, uncontrolled consumption of foods with these additives can lead to sharp surges in blood pressure, constant narrowing and dilation of blood vessels, severe allergies, impaired coordination of movements, headaches, sudden seizures, difficulty breathing and many other dangerous consequences. The list of symptoms of nitrate and nitrite poisoning is very long - from imbalance of oxygen in the blood to attacks of suffocation and loss of consciousness. Is it worth risking your life for a few minutes of enjoying chemical sausages?
E-290 - carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide Despite the fact that carbon dioxide as an indispensable substance is a part of many living cells and the atmosphere, and manufacturers insist on the harmlessness of carbon dioxide, doctors still tend to classify this additive as dangerous and recommend limiting the use of carbonated drinks. Such drinks will have to be excluded from the diet for people with gastritis or stomach ulcers, as well as those who are prone to belching, bloating and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, carbon dioxide quickly flushes calcium out of the body, so neither children nor adults will benefit from such lemonades.
E-621 - monosodium glutamate Perhaps one of the most well-known nutritional supplements. However, the sensational scandals regarding the extreme danger of the taste enhancer are somewhat exaggerated. The fact is that monosodium glutamate is a naturally occurring sodium salt. To understand how the supplement affects food and our body, you need to know that glutamate is found in the cells of many living organisms, and it is presented there as part of the protein. Monosodium glutamate in free form can be found in legumes, soy sauce and some types of algae (it is the extract of algae rich in glutamic acid that was originally used as a flavor enhancer in various foods). Numerous studies show that this supplement is safe for humans in small amounts. But the systematic abuse of products with glutamate in the composition can lead to the accumulation of sodium salts in the body. Fans of bouillon cubes, potato chips, various convenience foods, seasonings and sauces are at risk. So, of the possible diseases, it should be noted the deterioration of vision due to the accumulation of glutamate in the vitreous, allergic reactions in the form of itching and redness of the face, increased heartbeat, headaches, general weakness, nervousness (the additive increases the sensitivity of the receptors in our body and affects neurotransmitters).
E-924a - potassium bromate

E-924b - calcium bromate

Toxic substances are powerful carcinogens, are prohibited in most countries, can cause the development and provoke the rapid growth of malignant tumors in the human body. They are used in the production of bakery products as an improver and oxidizer. These additives are also found in some carbonated drinks, where they act as antifoam agents.

Of course, it is impossible to list all the possible nutritional supplements in a short table table. We have tried to cover the most popular and frequently encountered substances that each of us should know about. recommends: take note of useful and neutral food additives, because their list is much smaller than the list of hazardous substances. Well, if you notice an unknown index on the product label, refrain from such a purchase. In matters of proper nutrition and health, the desire to satisfy the passion of the moment and feast on delicious muck cannot be a justified risk.

Natural food supplements ...There are so many of them on sale that it is difficult to choose what you really need. While these supplements are natural, they can also be undesirable and contraindicated.

In this article we will tell you, what kind natural food additives should be taken constantly, to compensate for the lack of important nutrients in the body.

How do I take natural nutritional supplements?

Many of us take nutritional supplements instead of medications when it comes to minor health problems.

But for example , vitamin supplements, although natural, are not recommended to be taken on a daily basisas this can lead to undesirable health effects. However, there are some natural food supplements that do not cause overdose. They help to fill the deficit in the body of certain, arising from our lifestyle.

The Best Natural Nutritional Supplements for Perfect Health

We will tell you what nutritional supplements can be taken continuously without negative health effects.

These supplements have practically no contraindications and help optimize the processes occurring in the body and giving us energy and vitality. These supplements can also help with some health problems.

1. Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral essential for our body.

Magnesium is beneficial because:

  • nourishes bones and muscles;
  • regulates bowel function;
  • ensures the balance of the nervous system;
  • relaxes blood vessels;
  • regulates blood sugar levels.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also needed by the body. We can get it from food or take nutritional supplements.

  • The minimum daily "dose" of vitamin C is 300 mg.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, and its deficiency leads to many diseases.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain healthy skin, joints and bones.
  • It also helps prevent depression and eye diseases.

3. Spirulina

This seaweed is rightly called a superfood. She rich in protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and fiber.

Spirulina supplements are very beneficial for your health:

  • They give energy and vitality.
  • Helps to reduce weight without harm to health.
  • Prevents hair loss.
  • Help to win.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  • Good for the eyes.

4. Sea water

Sea water is sold in some supermarkets and natural food stores. It contains many different minerals and oligoelements.therefore it helps to compensate for their deficiency.

It can be drunk separately, mixed with plain water or used for cooking (then we don't need salt). Sea water does not increase pressure, it regulates the kidneys and intestines.


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