How to take professional photos from people at home. Robimo garne photos of handcrafted robots at home

How to take professional photos from people at home. Robimo garne photos of handcrafted robots at home

How to create professional photography at home so that it takes a place in the collection of your photographs? Let’s try to look at some aspects for proper photography.

Important moments of photography

Place for rent

Choose a location near the apartment so that the background for the photo is a light wall (more than white). If there is no such ability through the walls, then hang the wall with a white stretcher. It is good to stretch and secure the stretch on the wall, quilt it so that no stained bulbs appear on anything.

Sonyachne svetlo

Place lamps on the windows, let the room be filled with dream light. Highlighting is the most important element for taking a clear photo. Choose a sleepy day for winter. It’s so bright even in direct sight sleepy exchanges, then spread the light, hanging the window with a clear white curtain or a white spreader. On gloomy days, the sun can provide sufficient light for your home.

Dodatkove light

Provide yourself with lamps with a “deaf” shade. Call for the table lamps that such lampshades light up. With the help of lamps, you can focus the light on the song (necessary for you) place.

Mindful home photography

  • Direct the light of one table lamp onto the table, so you can reach soft light without shadows;
  • Place another lamp on the back of the station screen and shine far from the subject of photography, so that there are no shadows at the time of photography;
  • Two of these lamps can be combined with bright natural light;
  • The upper lamp (chandelier) should not be exposed to light. When the light is on, the chandelier will produce sharp shadows for photography.


Props for photo shoots

Prepare the necessary props that you plan to use when taking photographs. For children you should choose a toy, for women it’s best to choose a toy, and for men you want to take pictures with a glass or a pot in your hand.


Think carefully and dress yourself or your family members in the outfit that you think will best enhance the body image of the person participating in the wedding. Naturally, haircuts and makeup are responsible for matching the chosen image.

Object of photography

First, move the subject of the shooting in the same position and with these props, so that in such a composition as you came up with for the shooting.

How to prepare equipment for harvesting?

Today's digital cameras allow you to work quickly. On hand-held cameras, you need to check the correctness of adjustment, adjustment, as required, lighting. Digital cameras have an automatic adjustment mode, so you don’t need to switch gears while you’re asleep.

Cole Rise is a popular photographer, mandrivnik and creator of the Rise preset for Instagram. His photographs show that after treatment the stench looks natural. Cole shared his secrets on how to take pictures mobile phone And edit the photos so that the stench behind the camera is close to the photos from SLR cameras.

1. Add light to the shadows and darken the light areas

Most photo editing tools have options for adjusting highlights and shadows. And it is necessary to hurry up.

To color the photograph with images of nature, Cole balanced the exposure, adding light to the shadows and a little darkening the highlights. Also, before taking the photo, I installed the Winsy filter from the Litely collection of programs to add a warm tone to the image.

2. Add a vignette and shadow effect to brighten up your photo

The vining effect adds darkness to the perimeter of the photograph and brightens the middle. This is one of Cole's favorite tricks. The original photograph would have been too dark, so Cole increased the intensity and added a little sharpness to enhance the impact of the landscape. This allowed us to preserve natural photography.

3. Edit the images, and then rotate the adjustment settings back by 50%

This is very important.

The trick is to make your photo look natural. Edit the images that you heard during operation, and then turn the settings back by 50%.

Last year, Instagram users decided to remove the ability to control the power of filters. To quickly access these parameters, simply select a filter, and then click again.

And one more thing: don’t vikorize the LUX tool from Instagram. Your task is to correct the mismatch that is taking place in a photograph that is unnatural.

4. Receive people as soon as possible

Landscapes look more beautiful if there are people on them. The person in the photograph is truly conveyed. The best example of the way people add individuality to a photo is the work of Murad Osmann, who photographs himself holding his girlfriend’s hand, in separate bundles of light (photo series “Follow Me”).

These are the ruins of the ancient city of Jerash. If we take a person from this photograph, we cannot understand the scale and grandeur of this controversy.

6. Try some photos while hanging out of a car window

You never know from behind what you will get. On your iPhone, simply press and hold the shutter button to take photos in burst mode. On an Android smartphone, you can stop burst recording by selecting Burst Mode in the camera settings. On Samsung smartphones it can be called Burst Shot. While taking this photo, Cole used the Slow Shutter Cam to add a blurry effect.

7. To remove the selected frame, place the smartphone in the car

As there is gloom in the sky, their reflection on the back of the car gives the photo a touch of a spring.

8. Lower the gadget to the surface of the water to create a cool effect that shakes.

9. Trim your smartphone vertically when you take it for Instagram

To make things easier, mount the camera vertically: this makes it easier to fit everything needed for the shot into a square area. Better yet, set up a camera to capture square images.

10. When shooting landscapes, press the zoom button to release the shutter.

Did you know that you can simply open the camera on your iPhone and press the volume button to take a photo? This is true for Android phones. U Samsung Galaxy S4 assign the shutter release function to the adjustment button in the settings instead of the close function that is installed behind the settings. Such a rotation of buttons allows you to take the phone more handily, in order to avoid the effect of “trembling hands”, which can zip photos.

11. Get closer to the ground if you want to bring the subject to the foreground

Smartphone cameras have poor sharpness, so you can resort to tricks. For example, lower the camera closer to the ground.

12. Don’t be foolish and don’t carry a backpack with you.

A tourist, hung with gadgets, is a wonderful bait for villains. An hour later, Cole never wears his fancy clothes, holds his camera and phone close to him, and leaves his backpack at home. First of all, take away the merchant or just a person on the street, be sure to drink his permission. You are amazed at how strange people are.

13. Bad weather = amazing photo

Don't move when it starts to rain. These miracles are done in order to create a great frame. Gloomy and gloomy days give the opportunity to see the blooming sunflowers in the sky. Don't sit at home if the weather seems fine.

14. Be prepared to take advantage of difficult moments

It’s never too late to have the opportunity to prepare properly before a lift, and to deal with unsatisfactory moments. Like, for example, this frame is with a plane flying low. If you don't want to miss out on amazing shots, use the hot keys on your phone. For example, Samsung smartphones The settings have the Camera Quick Access option. And in new Galaxy S6 has hotkeys, you only need to press the Home button twice.

15. To take the best photos, go to other pages

The only way to discover the richness of the place is without bothering yourself. Do you want to take non-standard shots? Get out of the way of tourist buying.

And then, like Cole, they wanted to live brighter lives, so the miraculous photographs showed up on their own.

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The main commandment of smartphone photography: it doesn’t matter how cool the camera is, it matters who has it in their hands. And with a luxury SLR you can take clear or boring photographs. The kind that lies on the disk, and no one destroys them.

And you can take all the photos on your smartphone, especially since the technology is always with you, without the need to open the case for a long time and you won’t forget to remove the cover from the lens. And smartphones are much cheaper for DSLRs, which are also quieter.

website Having collected a lot of pleasures for you, how to take cool photos taken on your smartphone.


A smartphone camera comes with a program that maintains the lens and matrix. There is no point in complaining about what Android or iOS dictates to you. Possibly, you want to show off different programs for different types of borrowing. Some give greater color transfer, others - a little more plans: Pudding Camera, CameraMX, Photosynth, VSCO Cam, Slow shutter cam, Pro HDR, Camera+, etc. What should you choose?

Having selected the program, take a look at the settings. Set a high number of shots, remember that you can play with white balance in important situations, ISO, and turn on autofocus. We wanted to find out what a specific program could do.


Framing as a replacement for scaling.

Those with a smartphone with digital zoom are more likely to be forgotten once and for all. Such an increase in the majority of losses is achieved by serious expenses such as images. The greatest zoom is about your feet: come closer, go farther.

If this is not possible, then it makes more sense in the process of creating a frame that you need from a great photograph. The framing function is found in the simplest programs. Plus, you don’t spend an hour on stocking up on the size, you just get it. And even in a calm environment, you will competently frame the frame, not missing details that could have been cropped out, using the zoom in the field’s minds.


There are several frames of the same story. Later, you can select the sign that suits you best and work from there. I, first of all, delete photos from your smartphone, but you won’t be able to look at them on your computer, because you can’t see them on the small screen of your phone garni photographs only because the stench will be overexposed or underexposed.

If you don’t want to go out of business, just change the cut of the loan.

Whenever you photograph anything, don’t be afraid to change angles. You can take a photo of the forehead, or you can change the cut a little and take out the same frame. Moreover, the compact size of a smartphone allows for more angles that a photographer with a great camera would have to work hard for.


Slept on smartphones and varto koristuvatsya even more carefully. As a rule, the way to “dead” a photograph is through colors and shades. Only sleep when you need to take photographs, otherwise you will miss the moment.

At the same time, light is the photographer’s main tool. This is important for professional cameras, but for smartphones it is much more important. Therefore, always look for the light, marvel at how it falls on the object and will be your frame.

Good morning and evening. On a sleepy afternoon, you will have to work with too high contrast, which threatens with artifacts in the photos. The front palate gives luxurious effects.

Subject assignment

Left hand - with light.

If you want to take photos of anyone at home, you can keep your smartphone locked up - there is rarely enough light in the room. Then you can take a simple light-colored shade and a white paper jacket to compensate for the sharp shadow. Let's say, the animal is right-handed to light the light, the evil hand is presented to the arch of the white paper, which knocks out the light of the light and additionally illuminates the object, and presses a button on the phone.

Lens cleanliness

Frame through a finger tap.

It would seem that the obvious thing is the cleanliness of the lens, but it is often used by smartphone enthusiasts. The phone sits quietly, lies next to you, and when you take it to call or send an SMS, you’ll least likely realize that you’ve lost your finger on the side of the lens. When taken, this shot gives a very light mysterious blur, but, as a rule, you don’t notice the very effect of the intended photo.

Zatrimka zatsyovuvannya

It is important to appreciate the fact that the smartphone borrowing program is more efficient due to the delay. You've already pressed the button, but the camera is still thinking about taking a photo first. It is important for him to think ahead of time, like a thinker who shoots not for the hare, but for this place, and for whom he is neglected, the hare will stumble at the coming moment.

Let's say you're photographing a flower in a field, and it's windy on a day, you need to use the speed of your camera and instantly capture the moment between the gusts of wind. It’s easy, but the result will be valuable to all the money spent.

Post-production programs

The easiest way to edit is on Instagram.

Most professional photographers deal with post-production photography, absolutely exclusively in commercial photography, and for smartphone photography it is a necessity. You cannot turn up the screen or aperture on your smartphone. This loss is compensated by a non-destructive post-processing program. Above all Instagram and Flickr.

  • VSCO Cam. Allows you to consolidate different filters and adjust them. Rose is everywhere without any harm.
  • Afterlight. Good for color correction. The cost is 34 rubles.
  • Touch retouch. This simple tool allows you to select small parts of a photo and clone parts of the image. There are no cost and paid versions.
  • SnapSeed. The number of filters and effects such as tilt-shift and focus adjustment, sharpness adjustment and color adjustment is great. Rose is everywhere without any harm.
  • Pixlr Express. Great selection of filters, frames, effects. Completely cost-free.
  • Photoshop Express. It doesn’t give any special adjustments, but there are a lot of different filters to make the processing process as smooth as possible. Can be used with RAW files. Mentally free of cost.
  • Rookie. Both cost-free and a paid set of functions. The standard package of programs has a number of vintage filters, adapted for various genres of photography: portraits, landscapes, small paintings, macro, etc.
  • Phonto. Allows you to add any type of font to the photo. Rose is everywhere without any harm.
  • Moldiv. A cost-free addition of Russian milk, which allows you to make collages, adding up to 9 shots.
  • MultiExpo(for iOS). This is a program for creating the effect of multi-exposure. Rose is everywhere without any harm.
  • Photo Grid. A cost-free addition for making collages. Can work with files of high quality.
  • LensLight. The add-on allows you to add effects to images, candles and flowers in the photograph. Costs 99 rubles.

Lots of people appreciate that they can enhance the beauty of their photographs simply by purchasing a new, functional camera. In fact, in photography, the technical approach to photography is important for its possession. Moreover, with enough practice and the availability of various advanced features, any person with any camera can take excellent photographs.


Part 1

Change your camera

Set the ISO sensitivity as low as your surroundings allow. This is a lesser problem for SLR digital cameras, but is especially important for digital cameras (as even smaller sensors often suffer from noise and are prone to noise). Lower ISO sensitivity settings (with less sensitivity) allow you to capture smaller photographs; However, it does not necessitate excessive shutter speed, which, for example, limits your ability to remove objects that are collapsing. To photograph undamaged objects in good light (or dark light with a tripod and a remote shutter release), set the lowest ISO setting available to you.

Part 5

Capturing good shots

    Be thoughtful about the composition of your photo. It’s still a good idea to put them in a frame, first place them in front of the viewer. Remember the rules below, but don’t leave them in particular.

    Ignore things for the sake of it. Look at them like this rules, that they spend most of the hour, but blame looms, and don't completely forget zastosovny. More precisely, going through it will lead to the removal of tedious photographs. For example, the complexity and clarity of the background can add context, contrast and color to the design of the photograph; The ideal symmetry of a photo can look dramatic or different. Sometimes the skin rule can be guilty Buti was destroyed to create a special artistic effect. So, try to take more photographs to enchant you with its beauty.

    Fill the space of the borrowed object. Don't be afraid to get closer to the object. On the other hand, with a high-quality digital camera with a large number of megapixels, the photo can be cropped later in the image processing program.

    Try this different angle. Instead of taking a direct picture of an object, try looking at a new animal or sit and marvel at the mountain. Choose an angle that gives maximum color and minimum shadow. To ensure that objects appear higher or lower, remove the trace from a low point. It may also be necessary to make the object appear smaller or create an illusion that the camera is hovering over it, for which it is necessary to move the camera higher than the object being photographed. An unusual shooting angle produces great photographs.

    Adjust your focus. Poor focus is one of the biggest reasons why photography fails. If possible, use the automatic focus of your digital camera; Don't worry about the pressure of the shutter button. Use macro mode to capture objects from close up. Don’t bother with manual focus adjustments It seems like only a few people have had problems with autofocus; Just like at the end of the world, automatic focus is much easier to achieve, but you can do it manually.

    Balance the parameters of light sensitivity ISO, brightness and aperture. ISO reflects how sensitive the camera is to light, the aperture affects how long the photo is taken (which affects the amount of light that is transmitted by the lens), and the aperture affects the size of the frame by the lenses camera Not all cameras have all the necessary adjustments, mostly digital ones. Balancing these parameters and keeping them as close as possible to the same average values ​​allows noise in photographs to be eliminated through high ISO, increased through a long shutter release, and the boundaries between shots to be clearly visible through high values. iphrams. Depending on the needs of a particular photograph, you must carefully change the adjustments so that the light that passes through the lens gives the photograph hot yakost, and you have achieved the required effect. For example, you want to photograph a beautiful bird flying from the surface of the water. To ensure your photo is clear, you will need to set your shutter speed to short, and to compensate for light changes, you will also need to set your aperture to a low value or a high ISO sensitivity. Highly significant ISO will produce a grainy photo, and a smaller aperture will create a blurry effect in the background, which will give more attention to the subject in the foreground. Having balanced all the adjustments, you can take the shortest frame.

Part 6

Taking clear photos

    Stand still. Many people are amazed at how popular their photographs turn out, both from near and far away. To minimize blur when using a wide-angle camera with optical zoom, hold the camera body with one hand (place one finger on the shutter button) and stabilize the lens position, move your hand under your friend. Wash your elbows close to your body for better strength and better standing. If the camera has image stabilization, use this function (on Canon cameras it is designated as IS, or in Nikon cameras as VR).

    Think about vikoristanny tripods. Because your hands cannot handle the camera consistently, because you are using a great lens, because you are trying to work in photography with insufficient lighting, or because you need to create a bunch of identical photographers Yes (for example in HDR), or if you take a panoramic photo, then standing up the tripod would be a good option. For a long shot (more than a second), it’s best to press the shutter release button or the remote control, since your camera doesn’t have this ability, you can simply speed up the timer.

    Think about those get excited like a stiff tripod, especially since you don’t have one. The tripod limits your ability to collapse and quickly change frames. It also means the need to carry a larger bag, which is a burden when you have to go out and start taking clothes off.

    If you find yourself in a situation in which it would be bad for you to move quickly with a tripod, but you don’t have anything else with you, try doing something from the following to reduce the three-ton chamber.

    • Turn on the camera's image stabilization mode (unlike some digital cameras) or lens stabilization mode (may not be necessary on some very expensive cameras).
    • Zoom out (or change the lens to a smaller one) and move closer to your subject. This will provide a slight positive impact on the shooting speed without a tripod and will allow you to increase the aperture value for close-up shots.
    • Trim the camera on two points of support, located near the center, for example, at the shutter button or on the far side of the body, or at the far end of the lens. This reduces the level of the three-ton camera in your hands. Do not pull on the frame of the lens, do not overload the moving parts of the camera (for example, the focus ring) and do not press the front part of the lens against the overhang.
    • Press the shutter button firmly, smoothly and carefully, do not hesitate, the photograph will not be ruined. Place your open finger on top of the camera. For a more even pressure on the shutter release, press the shutter button with the other corner of your finger; Then you need to press the button all the way.
    • Place the camera (or, if you are not afraid of getting dirty, use your hand), press your arms close to your body, or sit down and put them on your knees.
    • Somehow lift the camera (perhaps with a bag underneath it or a shoulder strap) and speed up the self-timer to release the three-tone manually by pressing the button, as the object that is supporting it is soft. If you often have a real chance of missing the camera, you might end up falling a little. Avoid such tricks with expensive cameras or with expensive accessories installed on them, such as hoods, which can become damaged or damage parts of the camera. If you quickly decide to wear the camera, then you can take a pillow stuffed with kvassole for a photo shoot, such a device can be added inexpensively, and if you wear the pillow, you can simply use it instead, or update її.
  1. Relax while pressing the shutter button. Also, be careful not to rub the camera in your hands too long, because whose hand will rub harder. Practice holding the camera up to your eye, focusing and focusing, and taking a photo with one single, steady hand.

Part 7

Zastosuvannya sleeping

    Uniquely the effect of red eyes. The effect of red eyes is created through dilation with dark, lightened eyes. With the expansion of the sleeping areas, the blood vessels of the pelvic wall become visible. full-time apple That's why the eyes appear in red in the photographs. If you need to speed up your sleep when the lighting is poor, try to do it in such a way that people don’t stare directly at the camera, otherwise you’ll hit the light on your sleep. Direct the light to the fire above the heads of people who are being taken away, especially since the extra walls are lightly stained, so as not to allow the effect of the red eyes to subside. If you don’t have a wine scourer that can be easily adjusted, use the function to reduce the effect of red eyes on your camera, as this is the case in your adjustments. When this function is turned on, you will need to do a few times before taking a picture, which will reduce the sound and minimize the red-eye effect. However, it’s better not to take photographs that would require sleep, just find a place with bright lighting.

  1. Handle your sleeping bag judiciously, don’t stove anything unless it’s necessary. If the bedrooms are poorly lit, you can often create dark images or create images that are “unhealthy”; I remain particularly concerned about photographs of people. On the other hand, for example, it is brown for combating shadows in photography; to reduce the effect of “raccoon eyes” in bright midday sun (as your sleep may have high synchronization speed). How can you afford to avoid vibrating by simply going outside, or by stabilizing the camera (and giving it the ability to vikorize more video without blurring the photo), or by placing more light There is ISO (which allows you to have a shorter window), then you can do this.

    • If you don’t care about working with a single lens of light in a photograph, adjust it so that you create the correct amount of light for the installed speed of the shutter and the value of the aperture or light is stronger, less necessary and was considered correct for other furnishings (which should lie in the intensity of excessive light and the speed of the shutter, which cannot be the price for the speed of synchronization of the switch). This can be done for the additional selection of a specific moment of the light switch on a manual or thyristor switch, or for the additional “compensation for light exposure” on modern cameras.

Part 8

Vikoristannaya to an organized approach and to get rid of it
  • When photographing children, do not forget to lower yourself to the level! The photograph of a child's head was taken in the sun and looks rather poor. Stop being lazy and get on your knees.
  • Drop photos from memory cards yaknaishvidsche. Make archival copies and make as many copies as possible. Any photographer may have a heartbreak at the loss of a valuable photograph or a photograph because he cannot make archival copies. Archive, archive and archive!
  • To select the right angle in a popular tourist spot, wonder where everyone else is taking their photos, and where else to take them. You don’t want to take a photograph like that, which is what the skin is like.
  • Obviously, your camera does not play a role. Almost any camera can produce good photographs for the right minds. Upgrade today's camera phones to suit many types of photos. Consider the capabilities of your camera and try to register with them; Don’t buy a new property until you know exactly what the value of your camera is, and you won’t appreciate what you really value about it.
  • Don't be afraid to take a lot of photographs. Take photographs of the insoles as needed to remove them the shortest photo! It will take time to find the perfect composition, but your subject deserves it. If you find something that tickles you, decide what your treasure is and give it your respect.
  • If the camera wears a strap, be careful! Pull the camera forward while tightening the strap to stabilize the camera. The strap will also prevent you from losing your camera.
  • What kind of vikorist are you? digital camera It’s better to put a short window at a time, and a long one at the same time, as this can be easily corrected by photo processing programs. Shaded sections can be given a normal appearance, but it is no longer possible to restore the exposed areas (purely white sections of retrimmed photographs) because there is no data on them for updating. Z photophone all the Napaki, Zatlyanki, Girche, Girche in Porivninni with digital zyomkoy, and the Vonistya is oversized to be in the grows of the Great Peremetrimtski Snimkiv.
  • Keep a notepad under your hand to make notes about what you did well and what you didn’t. Review your accumulated notes often.
  • Install a photo processing program and learn how to use it. This will allow you to adjust color balance, correct lightening, crop photographs and much more. Up to most cameras security software is available immediately and allows you to make basic corrections to the photograph. For more advanced work with images, consider using Photoshop, downloading and installing the cost-free photo editor GIMP, or using Paint.NET, a small photo editor for Windows users.
  • Pick up a local magazine issue of a great place or an issue of National Geographic magazine and see how professional journalists can tell their stories through photographs. Also, to remove the tension, it can often appear that photo sites are displayed on Flickr or deviantART. Try searching Flickr for photos from a specific camera model to see what people have taken for the cheapest ones. Check out camera data on deviantART. Just don’t spend too many hours trying to figure it out, so as not to waste the opportunity to get out into the street to take photographs.
  • People of the world are skillful in capturing the faces of people, covering the entire area of ​​the photo, which is clearly visible from a distance of 1.8 m. Tourists will immediately take photographs of people from a distance of at least 4.6 m, so that people appear different and take up more of the photo area in the background So that photography should show not “the people themselves,” but the place they have found.
  • Share your photos on Flickr or Wikimedia Commons and maybe check them out on wikiHow!

In advance

What do you need

  • Camera; Come be it, as if you were one of your own, so be it.
  • The largest memory card you can get if you are using a digital camera; Or as much spit as you can afford.