Ring light bedroom for canon. Kiltsevy bedroom for cameras for the sake of good luck

Ring light bedroom for canon. Kiltsevy bedroom for cameras for the sake of good luck

About zastosuvannya kіltsevy spalahіv not obmezhuєtsya macrozomkoy. Kiltsevy sleepovers are really popular among fashion photographers, who know that there is a lot of time for taking portraits. Deyakі photographers victorious kіltsevі spalakhi navіt a roboti reportage.

Dmitro Bashkov

Kiltsevy sleeping quarters for portrait photography

Apply fashion-zjomki with a kіltsevy sleeping bag, you don’t need a long time - just enough to get a red number of Esqure. We see a series of famous Hollywood stars, shot by photographer David LaChapelle for the help of a calf coat and a wide-haired one.

"Effect of ring spalahu" consists of three components:

  • smooth, shadowless lighting;
  • ice halo on the contours of objects (like with weak backlighting);
  • specific forms of vіdbliskіv. “Doughnuts” that shine, in the eyes of the model, are a true sign of the fact that the number of stars of the Kilce was asleep.
  • Kiltsevy bedrooms allow you to reach equal illumination of objects in any interiors. Kіltsevy sleeping or add a set of studio bedrooms (protruding like light, scho zapovnyuє), or you can completely replace the studio light.

    It is necessary to remember that just the direction of the light-colored spalah for the hour of taking portraits is necessary to compensate for the choice of the “correct” lens, soft filters or image processing.

    Some of the effects of the “effect” will be noted in the photo, lie down, forward, depending on the diameter of the ring. As a rule, for fashion-picking vicory, there are more expensive and expensive options, lower kiltsevy sleepers for macro-picking, although it’s easier to know for sale.

    Kiltsev spalyakhi

    We sell small macro sleepers - firms (Canon MR-14EX, Olympus SRF-11, Sony HVL-RLAM), and sums (Bower SFDRL14, Dot Line DL-DRF14, Sigma EM-140 DG, Phoenix RL-59, Sun DMacro ).

    These options are close in terms of price, functions and tightness, but there is little stasis for portrait photography. This is marked by a small diameter of the ring: what is sufficient for the acquisition of other objects, does not give the same result with the acquisition of larger ones.

    AlienBees, an American company, for about twice as much money, is offering a set that includes an ABR800 ring bed ($400) and a Vagabond II portable life jacket ($300). Such a set is more suitable for fashion-zjomki, but there may be shortcomings: being already not so mobile, as option number one, it doesn’t look much like macro-spals for the tightness and diameter of the rim. No TTL automation. Bring the food to the delivery, which is in line with the end of the year.

    The most "professional", important and expensive option is calipers based on a generator system (Balcar, Bowens, Elinchrom, Hensel, Profoto). Such sleepers are expensive on their own (for $800) and are beaten with a generator unit, which is 2-3 times more expensive and even more expensive. Add to your bag the services of an assistant (the bag kit is not portable) and understand why you love victorious photography so much.

    Ring Flash Adapter

    The second class of outbuildings are attachments for sleeping bags, which allow you to transform the great sleeping on the wall. Until recently, the only attachment available for sale was the Rekam RFR-010 inflatable nozzle. One should not talk about the profession of winning such a “ritual stake”, but the price of it is obviously not high.

    Through the existence of alternatives, the dean photographers themselves prepared more serious options for the caliper attachments, as if there were a lot of minuses (in the wake of the “handicraft” trip), and even more successfully, they vindicated their tasks.

    Tim is no less, more than once industrial vibrancy reaches such important qualities, like mechanical superiority and victoriousness. Age and nuances of the photographic type - the need to save color temperature and reduce the amount of light.

    Why do you want to pay attention to the Ringflash Adapter - the only one on the market in Kielce, razroblen by a professional photographer from the Czech Republic and for the purposes of a professional zomka. The patented design of vicorist light sleeper and rozpodіlyaє yogo in the ring, transforming your sleeper on the ring without any compromises, the power of the ring adapters.

    The design of Ringflash ensures the safety of the transfer:

  • A system of internal prisms has been thought out and it ensures the maximum evenness of the distribution of light along the ring.
  • Ringflash allows you to adjust the color temperature of the bedroom.
  • Minimal loss of tension to the impulse. The standard exposure compensation for Ringflash is two apertures.
  • Sense. Ringflash is a summation with a great number of dreams. Vzaimodiyuchi zі sleeping is only physical, not changing the robotic automation of the sleeping camera (TTL, E-TTL, E-TTL II, i-TTL, D-TTL).
  • The victoriousness and universality. Ringflash is instantly installed on the main memory and reliably fixed on the new one. Due to the large internal diameter (143 mm), the adapter can be used with lenses of various types and dimensions.
  • Ringflash is available in two versions - for Canon Speedlite 580EX and Nikon SB-800. With small additional options, it is possible to install on the sleepers of the younger series (550EX and SB-800). The Canon variant may be compatible with other models (Metz 58 series, Minolta 5600 HS, Sony FLV-56AM).

    Installing the adapter on the sleepers takes three seconds. Ringflash pulls on the front part of the sleeping bag and closes behind an additional swivel latch (Lock / Unlock), which secures the necessary stiffness. The oscillators of the adapter do not attach to the broken lens and do not affect the transitional walls, and the threat of ignorance is suspended. Before the hour when the adapter is installed, it is necessary to check the position of the latch, having changed, it has been unlocked.

    Practically speaking, Ringflash showed that only in the lower segment of the month there is a slight decrease in brightness, which does not affect the results of the survey. Significantly, that this impassioned shortfall of calisthenic spalahs practically does not appear in Ringflash. Just like in the bagatioh kіltsevyh sleeping quarters, only two lamps were installed and lightly rozpodіlyaєy zvichi pomnіt higher.

    The value of the correction 2 Ev navіt at the time of choosing an inexpensive sleeping bag with a guide number of 36 allows you to take a tightness, enough for a bigger dream. Tim is bigger, that in the portrait scene more often vicoristes are found in the apertures. With combined lighting, the magnitude of the correction can be slightly swayed in the offending sides. Therefore, it is recommended to check the result for an additional histogram of a digital camera or a flashmeter.

    At first glance, Ringflash can be an expensive accessory - even though it's not much lower, lower for Sigma or Sunpack. However, this adapter should be compared to the richly expensive Kiltsev spalahs, which are suitable for capturing people, and not coma. Also, the price is 100% true.

    The exclusive distributor of the Ringflash Adapter is Natix Photo Consulting. www.ringflash.ru

    Spalakh Meike Led Macro Ring Flash FC 100 (fits Canon) is a majestic tribute to Alli Malko.

    Meike Led Macro Ring Flash FC 100 is an old-fashioned caliper, the main task of which is to help the photographer in macro photography. 'Kіltseva' - to that it is vykonan in the form of kіltsya, which is dressed on the lens as a great light filter. This form of spalah allows evenly add light to the object of the loan and create volume on the photograph.

    Control unit Meike Led Macro Ring Flash FC 100

    FC 100 is made in China, folded for the worst. Provid, what kind of control unit that sleeps, vikonans mіtsno, yogo dozhina to become approximately 40 cm.

    Meike Led Macro Ring Flash FC 100

    Meike Led Macro Ring Flash FC 100 may have only one central synchro-contact on the control unit, and to that it can be used without problems for the owners of Nikon, Canon, and Pentax. Obviously, the FC 100 does not support the normal automatic modes of operation. In fact, automation is practically not needed for macrozoom. On the sleep control unit, you can select the operation mode of the ring light: Light, Flash, L, R. In the Light sleep mode, you simply give a boost for the help of your light diodes, such a work mode can be reversed for video capture. In Flash mode, sleeps just give a pulse of light, no high-speed sync, and there are no similar additional options. Less than 7 tension levels available: -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, +0.5, +1, +1.5. Mode 'L' and 'R' include only left or right pivkilce on the bed. If I experimented, in Flash and Light mode, with the same set pressure, I took that very exposure.

    Meike Led Macro Ring Flash FC 100

    The tightness of sleep is already small, it’s a good number to become total 15m, And diodes can be light with a color temperature of 5500K. Pratsiuє such a sleep with the help of 4 AA batteries.

    Spalah Meike Led Macro Ring Flash FC 100

    In the kit with a sleeping bag number of transfer cells with diameters 52, 55, 58, 62, 67, 72, 77mm for installing a ring-shaped sleeping bag on the lens. Thus, on one side, the light filter is screwed onto the lens, and on the other side, the sleepers are dressed for the help of two handy fixators.

    Cross-over adapter-synchronizer Meike Led Macro Ring Flash FC 100

    At the same time, a cross-over adapter-synchronizer for studio sleepers comes out of the sleeper. For the help of this adapter, you can immediately pick it up with other sleepers, connected to the synchronizer with a special cable. The control unit and the adapter are put on a hot leash and fixed behind the help of a circular nut.

    On the camera, it was manually framed at the 5560K position (it is not possible to set exactly 5500K). At ISO 800 and 1 / 100s, the aperture value became less than F / 8, which is not enough for manual macro photography. Prote slept, having created a volumetric sign.

    The robotic sleep appeared to endure the weak through a small number of wires. The same th when vikoristanny transitional kіlets are declared remember vіnёtuvannya. In order to get away from the vіnёtuvannya, I had a chance to shoot for an additional full-format camera in the "Nikon DX" crop mode. Vіnёtuvannya shvidshe for everything will be like some kind of objective, not to lie in the form of a ring-shaped spalahu, but in the form of a transitional ring, like a tovste.

    I recently had a cubelight (or a light cube, to whom it’s like), with the use of 3 lamps of daylight with a power of 48 watts (at a pererahunka, the lamps are lit by 240 watts), you can shoot macro on closed apertures without a tripod. Meike Led Macro Ring Flashgun FC 100 sell for 20-30 USD, and for the same amount I added my 3 lamps.

    That very sign behind the help of the great lamps. With equal other indications, the aperture here becomes F / 20, which is 6 times less, lower than the other half of the scale. Without obrobka, shamelessly breshe :)

    Meike Led Macro Ring Flash FC 100 will be darker when replaced outside the studio, even if spalahu does not need electricity the lights don’t start up And such a sleep can come to the rescue:) True, I weakly show myself catching bugs-spiders with such a sleep, even after a small number of guides, it’s necessary to get close to them, when all the stench is to blame. And the axis of the capture of small objects can be slightly improved.

    Meike Led Macro Ring Flash FC 100 is a calico ring, not too expensive, easy to use and can really help in macroeconomics. For macrophotography, the depth of sharpness is more important, so that it can be done more - it is necessary to close the diaphragm strongly, with the amount of light for the correct one, it may not catastrophically not stick out. In times FC 100, you can really win. A serious shortfall of such a sleep is the vіnёtuvannya through the passageways of the kіltsya, for the help of such sleeps, fasten to the lens.

    Dyakuёmo for respect. Arkady Shapoval.

    Whose problem is it. If you take a close-up with a macro lens, the light from the big picture will be unevenly spread across the frame, as a result of the image appearing unevenly illuminated. Days of the month will be too dark, otherwise illuminated.
    When zyomtsі great plans to navit ob'ektiv vіdkidatime tin on the object of zyomki. As if you didn’t try hard to improve the sound of lighting, you still need a system, in which light comes from both sides of the lens (subjective sleepers), or by the stake on the front of the lens (caliber sleepers).

    One of the solutions is to choose a ring-shaped adapter, which fits behind your sleeping and attaches to the lens itself. Lights of their own form, this type of bright lighting does not create shadows near the object (the object does not cast shadows).
    The second option is to use a special spall macro. Whose sleep is round on the back, and it creeps without a hitch on a hot coat, and the illuminating attachment itself is put on the lens. Tsej variant є spetsіalіzovanіshim, і with vikoristannі expensive models mozhlivі tsіkavi modifications.

    Aputure Amaran Halo LED

    Price: 45 $

    Kіltsevy sleeping vikoristuє array of hard light, and chi not zvichaynі іpulsnі lamps. Tse allows you to make it harder to burn out the sweat, and then to keep light without interruption for a decrease in tension. To rob this set is attached to the recording of video clips.

    This model supports autofocus mode. The tightness is manually adjusted, you can choose the same tightness, half or quarter of the tightness.

    So you have the ability to switch between the left and the right side, so that you include only one of the sides of the calf spalah. Vіsіm mounting rings allow you to install popular filters on the bedrooms with a size between 49 and 77 mm.

    P_dvedemo p_dbag

    Plusy... Ensure post-light design before the video, and also act like a professional macro sleep.
    Minusi... Don't use TTL to change the automatic mode.
    together... Lightweight, compact and inexpensive model.
    Rating: 4/5

    Nikon R1 for remote viewing

    Price: 460 $

    Supplied in a case, R1 Kit includes two programming, dartless SB-R200 sleepers.
    The stench is mounted on the ring, as it is supplied with five adapters for lenses that are screwed in, sizes between 52 and 77mm.
    In addition, you will take diffusers, color filters, stands and zatiskachi for sleeping.

    The Illumination Attachment can be used remotely with Nikon cameras to enable command mode, such as the D70 and D200 models.
    For cameras that do not have command mode forwarded, you will need the R1C1 kit. The R1C1 includes the SU-800 control panel, which costs about $720.

    (module Yandex direct (7))

    P_dvedemo p_dbag

    Plusy... Bezdrotov keruvannya with deakim cameras.
    Minusi... Works only with Nikon
    together...Great results for your safety.
    Rating: 5/5

    Macro sleeping Nissin MF18

    Price : 440 $

    Nissin clung to a hot coat for help from the controller. The lighting element itself is attached to the lens through the transitional coils.
    Six rings are supplied in sets, the outer diameter is between 52 and 77 mm. Okremo you can add a larger ring, or a smaller one (49 and 82 mm).

    The care system is intuitive. It ensures more precise regulation in two TTL modes and in manual mode, robotic sleep.
    This model is also practical as a dartless attachment for managing other lighting elements. Tse is thoroughly, the system is simple.

    P_dvedemo p_dbag

    Plusy... A lot of additional functions come practically to any object.
    Minusi... With a detailed view, it is not so universal.
    together... A lot of possibilities and even a garna yakіst for an affordable price.
    Rating: 4/5

    Sigma EM-140DG

    Price: 380 $

    The ring of Sigma, which shines, is dressed like a lens. The bedrooms of the equipment of the two should be completed with small flash lamps installed on the opposite sides.

    Adapters 55 and 62mm are supplied as a set, additionally you can add adapters with a diameter of 52 to 77 mm.

    Є bortov_ elementi keruvannya for nalashtuvannya automatic TTL and manual mode. When working with this accessory, you will be able to adjust the darkness, choose between one-way lighting and all-round illumination.

    Management Nissin є іntuїtivnym, scho mozhe oskolnnit the robot nedovіdchenny masters. Tim is not less, like a choice on a high level.

    P_dvedemo p_dbag

    Plusy... Great power, accurate automatic TTL mode.
    Minusi… Not a simple management system.
    together... Pratsyuє dosit good, but not the best spіvvіdnoshnja tsіni that kindness.
    Rating: 3/5

    Sunpak Auto 16R Pro Ringflash

    Price : 350 $

    Sleeping works well, moreover, you can easily switch to manual control mode for quicker exposure control.

    Available chotiri vbudovani lamps modeling, yakі zdatnі to help create cіkave and original lighting.
    The lighting element is installed through a hot cap, the ring itself is attached to the lens. Ring diameter is 58, 62 and 72 mm, all three types are supplied as a set. Additional rings are available up to 77 mm.

    P_dvedemo p_dbag

    Plusy... It is easy in vikoristanni, maє garnu design.
    Minusi... There is no TTL muting, but there is a basic auto installation.
    together... A bad option for a remarkably affordable price.
    Rating: 4/5

    (module Yandex direct (9))

    Viltrox JY-670 Macro Light Pro Kit

    The calf sleeper is attached to the camera through a hot cap, then the lighting element itself is attached to the lens. At the spalahu there are special attachments for vikoristannya one or two pulse lamps. In addition, you have the ability to set the tension in the air up to 1/128 of the tension of the light.

    Six adapters are supplied in sizes from 49 to 67 mm, so Viltrox is suitable for most essential objects. The advantage of this illuminating accessory lies in the fact that, for a low price, you take away the best sleep with good care and distinctive features.

    P_dvedemo p_dbag

    Plusy... Efficient range of manual lashings, garna yakіst folded.
    Minusi... There is no possibility of automatic fitting of a sleeping bag, so the attachment is completely manual.
    together... An excellent option for quiet people who are not afraid of manual lashing.
    Rating: 4/5

    The article has 1210 words.

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    Kiltsevy sleeping bags on the butt sleeping bag Profoto Pro Ring2

    Hello friends!

    By the end of the year, having looked around at the studio's illumination, I immediately try to expand on this topic. Zokrema, describing the possession, as if not well-lit on the Internet.

    And the thought that “if you don’t know why this thing is recognized, then you won’t need it!”. So the axis I am categorically not fit for these hardships. We know our needs, but do not ask for information about those attachments, as if calling us to solve problems and help us with photographic activity.

    Kiltsevy bedrooms Profoto

    For the opportunity to protest Profoto Pro Ring2 many thanks to the company PhotoProCenter.

    What is a calisthenic bedroom and how it works

    Today we’ll talk about such specialty outbuildings, like kіltsevі sleeping quarters and like buttstock taken from kіltsevy bedrooms in the home of a Swedish company ProfotoProfoto Pro Ring2.

    Krim is still younger, more affordable for the price of sleep Profoto ProRing(without the number 2), yak nabagato cheap for the elder Ring2 and kіltsevykh spalakhіv іnshih virobnikіv. It works with Acute and D4 generators.

    Kіltsevy spalakhi are not based on power, but due to connection to the generator of pulsed light. For example, Profoto Pro-8a Air, which I wrote about and which can be bought from PhotoProCenter.

    Generator Profoto Pro-8a Air

    Well, if your robot needs mobility, or you just need a cheaper option, then the same caliber sleeper will work with generators of less pressure (itself the calcium sleeper is invested in the most powerful generator 2400 J), up to batteries (Pro-8, Pro-7, Pro-B4, Pro-B3, Pro-B2 and D4).
    In case of this, of course, the pressure to sleep will be at the top of the generator, on which it will win.

    Zovnіshnіy vglyad kіltsevoy spalakh

    Kіltsevy sleeping can open in the middle and in the middle of the opening pass the objective. Kiltsevy spalah and kіltsevim not only in the plan of the building, but also in the plan form the spalah itself - wines of the same diameter, like the building.

    On some sites, light is declared as light, but not so. There are 10 halogen lamps with an intensity of 20 W leather, to stand on the perimeter of the lamp (the total is 200 J!). Shine so pilot light even more brightly, you can watch the video.

    On the back side of the sleeping bag (we can see the calf sleeping Profoto, In other systems, use it otherwise) - open for the bracket, which extends from your back to the camera. In the system Profoto thought out height adjustment (p. 1 and 2 in the photo) and back and forth (p. 4 in the photo), as well as turning the camera to the left and right (p. 3) so that it is possible to install the front of the bedroom practically on the camera.

    Technical characteristics of Profoto Pro Ring2

    Tension2400 J
    Modeling light200 W (10 halogen lamps x 20 W skin)
    bedroom lampquartz flask
    Exhaust pressure at 600 J (f-stop at 2m, ISO 100/21°)without reflector: 32.6
    Diffuser: 22.0
    PR Softlight Reflector: 45.4
    PR Close-Up Reflector: 45.0
    PR WideSoft Reflector: 22.1
    Refrigerationmore active, 2 fans, which turn on in cold weather
    Cable dove4m
    Sum generatorsPro-8, Pro-7, Pro-B4, Pro-B3, Pro-B2 and D4
    Diameterouter: 20cm
    inner: 10cm
    Rozmir20 x 21 x 23 cm
    vaga2.2 kg including bracket

    Why do you need kіltsevі sleeping quarters

    Otzhe, what is a modern (and in me, on the look around, a new sleeping place) kіltsevy sleeping.

    The light is small, with a diameter of about 15 cm. To light without a reflector, you can see light, which allows you to give light and equal light from a close person to a person. Optimal for its 1.5-2m.

    In a vipad with a kіltsevym spalah, we can’t have the ability (so it’s conveyed) to move around the light around the camera, and in the її minusi they often write down “light in the forehead”, like driving in contrast and making the photo “flat” ( with whom nobody cares about taking the calves sleeping at the extreme necessity and victoriousness of the beast-side, otrimuyuchi contrast light).

    Ale, so it seems to those who are not wise, now they have begun to burn in the needs of the Kiltsevs sleeping. Kiltsevy sleeping quarters in Persh Cherga with a mobile dzherel of equal light with compact reflectors. Give respect to the word "equal". In just one image, you will take into account the corrected details on both sides of the model appearance. Just like you vikoristovuєte such a light for a swedish portrait photo, like, for example, fashion, you can’t imagine better.

    But not all. If light is just for you, then you will be shown some modifiers of light:


    PR Softlight Reflector
    - PR Close-Up Reflector
    - PR WideSoft Reflector (reflector with white matte inner surface)

    three reflectors of the "tarіlkovy" type at once

    Perevagi of the Kiltsev Spalah

    Dzhe high mobility (maliy rosemary and vaga, reflectors of small rosemary)
    - evenly light, without "bright" glare and without "failed" shadows
    - the possibility of knowing for a small strain for the need, because the whole world goes to the model with the shortest length

    Nedolіki kіltsevogo spalahu

    Light "on the forehead"
    - available only with PRO series generators
    - pilot light from halogen lamps (not light)

    My teachers and friends helped at the testing camp of the ring: Sasha and Zhenya (Zhenya, unfortunately, was lost behind the scenes :)).

    Approximately 2m to the model, approximately 1m to the ground.

    Without reflector

    The axis of the line is equally light about how it was and the shadow was drawn, which repeats the contour of the model. The shade at the contour at my glance is the photo and I recommend that you give it to the background. In our view, the model specially stands close to the ground, so that you can appreciate the brightness of the shade.
    Varto pay respect also to those who don’t have such a thick shade, like a great “bare” coat, here the wine is richly “soft”.

    If you know the model at ¾, especially note the contrast in the photo and clearly see the “flat”.
    From the other side, the deacons are quiet, who knows with a kiltsev spalah, what a plus. Such a photo is an ideal product for strong computer processing. If there is no contrast, then you can add a lot of detail to the mayzhe without losing the picture. The photographer will add contrast to his mind later, it is necessary for the help of the "crooked" photoshop. An example of such a work

    The light on the forehead is soft, the shadow on the aphids is rosemary. In principle, an ideal option for "document photo" :)
    It is not surprising that a white matte reflector gave a picture with soft shadows.

    Ring Flash Softlight Reflector

    If the boys helped me, I knew soft light they didn’t hurt, then I took it to myself. There were no models “under the arm”: (. It’s not like, in equal measure with other reflectors, that my skin shines stronger and you can see on it, that it’s not lighter than m’yak, although it’s richer m’yakshe, lower chamber sleeping.

    Guilty to say that this type of capture on the document is not suitable for the model. I tried yogo - for another fifteen seconds after I slept in the ocean, the Syrian "bagel" floats. In other types of sleep there is no such thing.

    The rosemary of the reflector you can dance at the zіnitsі ochі - vіn becoming troch big, lower "naked" kіltsevy sleeping. This yoga form is added to the character of the rozpodіlu tіnі - it has become more rosy. But I didn’t pay much attention to the price and slammed the two models into the background, more so that the model can move a little closer, or a little farther away from the background and that halo is like a portrait of security.
    Three pluses of installing a reflector - soft light on the forehead. But in this way, the surface of the reflector is brighter, which gives greater contrast and the shape of the focusing reflector (applications for choosing a beam of light 50 cm in front of the reflector).

    The purpose of this reflector is macrozoom, as it sounds like an English name. So, you don’t have enough - a macrozomka!
    And where else can you need a high tension of the lighting fixture, a short pulse of light for “freezing” and compactness?

    I couldn't go through the topic and try out the kiltsevy bedrooms "at the right". Before speech, I will ask all before. Those who chirp can learn a lot of new things from the forum, and learn how to make beautiful macro photos without great investments. One of the readers, Yevgeny, did it with his butt, as much as possible!

    And I modestly took on the kіltsevy sleeping axis qiu grandma. Meta bula evaluate the scales easily and easily.

    It appeared and easily, and it was possible. Deshcho zavazha vodblisk front, so scho may need all the same surface white matte on the reflector. Ale didn’t need much in general, I didn’t need much;


    I was even more worthy of pratsyuvati kіltsevy spalah. Definitely, it is more compact and lighter than the solution of an all-in-one studio big-small soft light for a professional photographer.

    I'm looking forward to stosuvannya tsgogo spalahu at reportage photography. Guess, how in rich films people come out of the court or from another sovereign state, and when they get together, the photographs caress with magnesium spalahs. It is easy to reveal the place of the old Magnesians - the Kiltsevs. Moreover, I aimed it myself on a swede and do a good lightening of the photo, like obov'yazkovo pіdlyagaє deakіy obrobtsі in photoshop.

    Other zastosuvannya in fashion industry, de essence vikoristannya spalahu so very. Take Shvidko and once in a dressing room. The onset of the wound is already released as a magazine with the latest fashion.

    The third zastosuvannya - zyomka shvidkoplinnyh processes in nature and in other places, when there is no access to the outlet. This is the most compact set at once with a battery generator, in order to take into account the tightness of the generator and the strength of a compact studio sleeping bag.
    How to fight with the "naked" studio spalah in the same way Profoto, then there is less expansion and softer light on the back, and widesoft the reflector is importantly more soft. Before the big sleep, I would need a small octobox ... I will be a camera pose, so it’s better than my mother and assistant.

    Before speech, about the memorial. Here we do not forget about the spring photographers. The fun is different, and with the victoria of a small battery generator at once with a ring of sleep, you can do without a helper, otrimavshi at the same studio look as the stars, even at the dark trees, even if the weather is gloomy. So great is the opportunity to catch a light at the back light at an hour when the sun goes down.

    To all in the distance, I’m aware and support the article to at least expand your light-gazer, and maybe to help you signify with a spalah and a system of pulsed light!


    Instructions for Profoto Pro Ring2
    - Profoto Light Shaping System
    - Profoto Light Shaping System (retail brochure)
    - signs of an analogue of the ringed spalah from the Broncolor company (Switzerland), which I have on testing
    - Profoto Battery Generator Brochure
    - additional signs, which did not increase to the stat

    Instructions for Profoto Pro Ring2

    Profoto Light Shaping System

    Profoto Light Shaping System (povna brochure)

    Signs of an analogue of the calf spalah from the company Broncolor (Switzerland), which I have on testing

    Ringed bedroom in Broncolor

    It is even more fashionable for the rest of the hour of the city to be light, or the circular shadow-free illumination, which you can easily work with your own hands at your robot, photographs, video operators, and make-up.

    With this, with minimal windows, everything looks beautiful and functional. With the possibility of regulating the level of illumination and color temperature (warm, cold).

    Advantages in front of the studio light

    Kіltseve light is mobile and compactly dzherelo lighting. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd sіdіnarіy sіdіyny svіtl, you can yogo take that vikoristati whether it's at home, on the streets, at clubs, at discos, vesіllah.

    One more yogo paravaga - shvidkіst nalashtuvannya. Having noticed and once you can know.

    It is also easier to photograph with children around the world.

    Kіltse attaches respect and the child becomes quiet and clogged with the process


    An axis that you happen to buy, so that you can build a light ring with your own hands:

    The optimal length of the pipe for photo and video recording is 2 meters. Її it will be necessary to bend that ring with a diameter of 60cm.

    The option that is bigger or better is not universal here. The specificity of the ring light is such that the increase in diameter can cause a shadow near the central part.

    And it's not pleasant. It is not for nothing that Adzhe called such a kіltsevy bedchamber "the shadow-driven one".

    For make-up artists, the ring needs to be smaller - 30-40 cm. The stores most often sell already rounded holes, ask the sellers.

    You can come before the speech and a childish hoop. Kolo on the new one will already be ideal and you won’t have a chance to blow your head with a horst trumpet.

    However, the tovshchina of the pipe will be smaller in the future, and it will not be possible to implement the deyakі ideї, looked at the statistics far away.

    Above all, when choosing a light-colored line, pay attention to the color transfer coefficient - CRI. For the first time, CRI can be more than 80, and less than 90.

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    You can make such a yakіsnu crig line from the Chinese. De same, marvel at the strength of the kіntsi statti.

    If you choose to often transport your light or snuggle with it on the street, then it would be logical to buy a waterproof line with protection IP54, 65, etc.

    However, through those Led lines, all the same, you can cut into small pieces, then we will see the sealant for a lot of soldering, then the whole sensation of moisture protection is known.

    You can obviously stick її not at the end of the ring, but at the inner edge of the ring with a big piece, but if you want to lighten up in this way, you’ll be better off and use all your feelings.

    • Soldering iron and tin
    • Nylon ties or clamps - as a result, the adhesiveness of the adhesive base of the stitch does not appear important

    Pokrokova instructions for preparation

    Insert the buttons along the edges of the rounded tube in front of it. Well, you don’t want to go to bed and sleep when you turn on that vimknenn_ pіdsvіchuvannya, vіd'єdnuvati that priіdnuvati posting zhivlennya.

    There will be like buttons vimikachi, like the width will be three times smaller for the diameter of the pipe. Use a screwdriver to drill two open openings.

    Insert the nut in the middle of the pipe, opening and inserting the buttons in the center, tighten them in your hands.

    If you have a button without a nut, you can simply glue it with a thermal gun.

    Contacts maydanchiki buttons, where the darts are attached, the fault of the trochs looks out from the back side of the tube.

    In order to close the ring, you need a small tree with a diameter of troch less than the inner diameter of the tube. It is also possible to fasten with a polypropylene sample.

    Structuralize the new upper ball and insert the ends in the ring with a blinking contour.

    You are ready to set up a shadowless lighter.

    If you don’t trim yoga in your hands, you can pick it up to a new clamp with a clamp. For example, trimach like an old sleeping bag or a photo umbrella, for the help of some kind of stake, to be installed on a tripod.

    Fix yoga on the self-tapping screw in the middle of the two buttons.

    Krіm perevagi landing on a tripod, for a qiu piece, you will manually trim the hoop on the vase, without bending the length of the light and the light flow itself.

    Let's move on without a hitch to the light and the installation of a light line. Here you can choose two options. We keep warm or cold light in the cold light fallow in the minds of the minds photo and video of the winter.

    Here you need two buttons. Glue a “cold” light line from one side of the hoop, and “heat” from the other. By simply flipping the ring and turning on those or other buttons, you can choose the desired color.

    A more expensive option is to purchase a replacement for a large stitch of a two-coloured light-colored stitch. Abo vikoristannya similar husbands.

    The stitch itself, in any case, happens to be cut on the edge of the stitch, so that you can’t fold it neatly around the perimeter. And how can you get into such a trick, a line shines in the middle of the ring, and not directly.

    Places of roses are indicated by special icons.

    On the back of all light-colored lines there is a glue lining, on the chest of double-sided tape. Znіmaєte zahisnyy ball and small vіrіzkami glue the line around the perimeter of the ring.

    At every month of rozrіziv, try to roztashovuvat as close as possible one to one.
    Dali all the contacts soldered and connected with each other.

    How not to get at any elementary pardons and not to write a light line, read the article for help:

    Regulation of radiance

    Before the speech, as the pipe was made to lightly make a wide diameter, another row of stitches can be glued in order.

    Pushing it through a friend's button, you take away the regulation for the exhaustion of the city light.

    Turn on one row - one level of illumination, push a button to another - brightness increases.

    Htos vvazha, scho would be more beautiful to zastosuvat dimmer. However, the choice of such dimmers in this case will negatively signify on the quality of lighting. With the regulation of the brightness, the lightening through the new one on the screen will repair the bigi of the husband.

    It is especially important for the robotic dimer to change the parameters of brightness. Why won't they be less, they will be remembered by merekhtinnya. At the maximum values, the merekhtin will not be practically visible.

    There is a problem with the purchase of a dimmer on a microcontroller with a frequency of at least 15 kHz. Prote all tse vlіtaє in kopієchku at pіdbagovіy tsіnі preparation.
    It’s better for him to work two independent rows of lines and take away the bright light.

    Also, for the vologozakhist, they put on a line at the opening of the thermotube. To fight the same after її pasting that soldering.

    However, do not forget that in such a rank you are actually destroying the heat output of light in that term of service of your calving spalah. This option can be blocked, as your hoop is crushed for aluminum and there will be no problems with overheating of hard diodes.

    They gave darts of life, which are stitched on the cob of a light line, soldered to the outer roses of the buttons.

    And before the input contact of the button, connect a special tato-mother plug.

    Through the new one, a voltage is supplied to the living block. Fasten yoga on the ring light behind an additional nylon cable tie.

    In fact, everything. Light day Led ring is ready.

    Dzherelo Zhivlennya 12V

    It was lost through the plug-in socket of the Power Banka, to the block of life or the compact storage of 18650 batteries, to supply a voltage of 12 volts and to reverse the practicality of the design.

    Dzherelo zhivlennya for yoga small roses can be fastened on the belt or put in the gut. It is especially important, as you are constantly moving around, and all-round illumination is known in one hand.

    Behind the bazhannyam you can build such a self-contained holder for batteries.

    And fix yoga on hoops. Then you won’t get close to any darts.

    Since the battery is large, it fits in a bag. And from there, you can already see darts on the life plug.

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    The given line is taken from the technical characteristics, fallow in kind.

    Like a bachite, there is nothing folding in the prepared ring light. Everything is easy, simple and inexpensive.

    You can get the necessary accessories from our Chinese friends:

    Light single line SMD 5630 with CRI over 80-.
    Compact power supply for 12V-.

    Otherwise, take away the great perspective curvature of the lens.

    2 Tape wide-angle lenses.

    Professionals recommend fixing lenses with a focal length of 16 to 35mm for a full size matrix and up to a maximum of 24mm for a strobe matrix.

    3 Vary the capture mode under the capture hour.

    On the vіdmіnu vіd zvichaynogo spalakh, scho appraisal zagalnu ekspozitsiyu and daє nіbnі іlkіє іmpulsu, kіltseve svіtlо visvіtlyuє ob'єkt s іnеvієєіїіі іnіsіvnіstyu.

    Shards of you constantly move either closer or further away from the model, the exposure is constantly changing. Therefore, in the capture modes, it is recommended to set the priority of the video display.

    Insert її in the range from 1/100 to 1/160. Aperture is set to maximum, and ISO - auto mode. And here the camera itself takes on the significance of sensitivity.

    4 A warm light-colored line is more universal.

    However, choose the options for fallowing the type of the object of zomka and the necessary medium. For example, for a subject photo session, the best choice is neutral white.

    5 Unique consumption of direct exchanges from the objective.

    Try to locate the Led lighter closer to the object of the capture, and the camera itself, as far as possible, allows the diameter of the ring.


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