Training program for different types of body. Right for the type of figure Type of figures for the sake of right

Training program for different types of body. Right for the type of figure Type of figures for the sake of right

It often happens that after taking up sports, the results are not affected. Problem areas become deprived of problems, and as we waste our money, it is often not where we would like. Let’s try to understand why this happens, and try to find an individual approach to the skin of the fair half of humanity.

There is a list of the main types of women's conditions. The report is focused on the skin of them. In this way, you can determine which type you are, and, obviously, which complex will be most effective for your body. Propositions can help you focus on problem areas and concentrate your main physical efforts on them.

Straight-cut type

One of these situations is when the problem of fat accumulation is not a problem as such. Representatives of a beautiful figure, who have a straight figure, have the same width of the stitch, shoulders and waist. The butt of this type of figure in Hollywood could be Avril Lavigne.

The girl herself is thin, but she needs special rights to mince the meat mass. It is necessary to work in order to achieve clear silhouette outlines, beautiful waistlines, and add elasticity to different parts of the body as a whole. Be singing, as you were blessed to be a representative on the kshtalt figure “straight cut” - the music will soon appear.

You need to go to the gym at least twice a week. You can also take part in aerobic classes, swimming, and dance classes.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity, who have this type of figure, rarely have problems with obesity. If you've probably gained a few kilograms, due to the advanced leanness of straight cutters, centimeters can easily turn into pulp. Naturally, with the right selection, that food is right.


The main right, first of all, processing of meats from the upper and lower press. To do this, you need to lie on your back and do three sets of twisting, fifteen times each, with increasing intensity over time.

Also, sign this to the right for reasons lower press: while lying on your back, lift three legs and cut them with scissors. As an option, you can also draw numbers on the surface without lowering your feet.

It is important for your body type to focus on waist Therefore, we present to you a number of awkward rights that can give you more fun in this area.

It burns fat around the waist very effectively side fold. Lie on your back. Immediately place your legs and arms under the covers without bending. Repeat on the skin side fifteen times in three stages.

One more garnet to come to the right, which can be discussed in household minds. Lie on your back. Emphasis on the elbow. Raise the lower part of your body and lift it up for thirty seconds, then lower it. Step by step more hours. Repeat twenty times per skin side.

Don’t forget about it in my language. To improve the shape of the lower part of the body, perform deep squats, twenty times in three stages. Add qiu to the right with kill attacks. For this purpose, bend one leg at the knee, and stretch the other leg. When in a squat position, switch to the other leg. Repeat three times ten squats with lunges.

It’s good if you have a simple squeeze at home to tone your hands.

Pear-like type

Woman-pear Most often there are large and round thighs and buttocks, narrow shoulders, small breasts. For such a representative of the fair half of humanity, the lower part of the body is difficult. The bright young woman of this type is the actress and singer Jennifer Lopez.

First of all, let's try to understand what the figure conveys - pear. Pear figure- this is a type of female figure, which suggests this fruit behind the silhouette. With this type of figure, women emphasize the lower part of the body and tendon shoulders, and the waistline. Most women have this attitude. The fullness of the bed is powerful for the representatives of the fair half of humanity, who have endured the curtains, but suffer from an unruly way of life, a sedentary job.

We present to you, ladies, a complex of rights that will help you identify the problem areas that you have: the inner outer, the front and back surfaces of the buttocks, the seat area, the calves. So let’s not forget about the press’s bullshit. It’s best if you use special shorts for weight loss, which will create a sauna effect. Then the intensity of weight loss will increase. It is also important to supplement your physical needs with massage or self-massage. Because fat accumulation in the so-called zone of the riding breeches may result in poor resistance to exercise and require additional stimulation.


It is necessary to start focusing on the lower part of the body only after twenty-arm workout. For which you can choose a dance class, combining the technique with the brown one: firstly, you play the music, and in another way, you take away the energy and listen to your favorite rhythms. As an option, you can also choose horseback riding or a bicycle, whichever suits you best.

Now, if you are already in a good mood, let’s move on to main part of training.

Let's start with a squat . To begin with, do light squats fifty times for two approaches. Then, to pump up your muscles, you can do more deep squats on special exercise machines. We place our legs parallel to the floor, squat to the maximum point and trim. Increase the hour step by step. Next, try to remove the scrapers from the fabric and rub in this position for at least a few seconds. Then, in a squat position, we drill the scrapers through the underlays, the right heel, then the left foot.

Vipadi forward. Be straight, bend your right leg at ninety degrees. Marvel that the knee does not extend beyond the great toe. Do lunges (you can use dumbbells) fifteen times for three approaches.

Further it is necessary to earn vipadi to that . Also, there are three approaches, fifteen times each. After that, as you complete the data to the right forward and backward, continuously combining the first two to the right into one. Along the line (with the right foot, and then with the left foot), we try to lunge the ball forward, then we lift the leg in a hanging position, after which we try to lunge back. To preserve your balance, you can trim the back of the table or other furniture.

Very brown to the right, especially for the outer side of the stitch swings. Obviously, we start with the kill. For balance, touch your feet. Let's talk about new accusations. Next, move the dumb pendulum to the left, then lower the right leg, applying maximum stress. Then repeat everything in the same way with the right leg.

After swinging, turn around to the side and continue swinging, only now back and forth. Fifteen times for three approaches. Bend your leg in the knee, warm up with force, making circular turns around the stitch. Fifteen times, three approaches.

Try to walk more, run more. Very cool swimming. Well, don’t forget about proper food those products that are easy to digest.

Well, if you are bothered by insufficiently spring seats and the effect of lugs on the legs, you will have to actively suffer. For this reason, go to the gym at least three times a day, or more often than not, at least once a week. To the right, focus on the lower part of the body. Also, do not forget to tone the muscles of the shoulder girdle, as well as the chest, and the pain to the right with dumbbells.


If your figure is similar to a common fruit, get ready to work hard and hard at the gym. You have an apple-shaped figure: you have narrow shoulders, a weakly defined waist, well-stretched legs, buttocks that are not too round, and you care about your tummy.

A Hollywood star of a similar type is Kate Winslet. We would like you to immediately treat the lower part of the body, and also give attention to the abdominal muscles, twisting, and lifting the body.

Well, you mean that your type of stature is related to the type "apple". Why an apple? Because the silhouette of your body can be guessed by the fruit itself. The focus is mainly concentrated on the waist and abdomen.

It is worth remembering that fatty deposits accumulate much deeper, below the surface of the skin. A stench arises from the so-called empty oil seals. Therefore, the above-mentioned vaga can provoke a number of illnesses associated with the undergrowth, liver, and cardiac-vascular system. This is another reason for you to lose weight. By all means, you will not only gain a sense of well-being in yourself, a healthy external appearance, the well-loved looks of the strong half of humanity, but also, you will save your internal organs, especially the organs of the intestinal tract. So let's talk a little about the tavern for the appearance of the apple figure. The main barriers will lie, primarily, on boroshnya sprouts, malt, smoked products, fatty hedgehogs, and cowbass. This is not too bad for fasting, but it is good for health. An alternative that is tasty and nutritious for you is: boreal bread, products containing cellulose, various types of cereals, vitamin cocktails from fruits and vegetables.

Do the same coris rule What to say: if you want to eat - drink. Remember, if hunger strikes, you can drink a bottle of water. Don't deprive yourself of drinks. There's just a stink, but it's not licorice-y. You can drink unsweetened tea and kava, but not at great quantities.

The specificity of your figure, whether you want it or not, dictates to you energetic way of living. Well, you will have to start early from jogging, actively participate in the gym, dance classes and shaping. If you yourself feel a surge of strength, you’re ready to begin!


In order to make it as fast as possible, we are going to get the result visually, first of all through processing. waist. Focus on this main problem area for the “apple” body type. If the silhouette of the waist is already outlined more clearly, we will move on to the waist and seat, and also work on the arms, back and shoulders.

By pumping the abdominal muscles and abs, we can achieve the sand-year effect, then delve into the treatment of other problem areas.

Korisno also has a free time to devote an hour to torsion hoop or, in other words, hula hoop. Start in five to ten minutes every day, step by step for more than an hour. You can study while listening to music. It's bad for me to be happy!

Even as far to the right as possible nahili tuluba . Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands up. Stretch uphill, then stretch up to your right leg and uphill, then with your left leg. I pulled my arms up, and then pulled them up to my feet. Repeat to the right at least thirty times.

There will be a more complex option. Nahili with squats . Plus the rotation of the tool tube. For greater efficiency, you can take a small amount of water into your hands. These can be basic dumbbells. Sit down lightly, bending sideways to the left and right, with dumbbells in your hands. This is even more right for the waist.

Well, of course, our lovers have the right to press. We definitely can’t get by without them. Lie on a pillow, bend your legs at your knees. Lift your body without using your hands. To twist, strain without pressing the pulp. Repeat to the right up to forty times. You can do three approaches fifteen times.

If you are determined to achieve results, do not forget about the regularity of your rights.

As a rule, women with this type of figure loom well-developed muscles. The flesh is slow to grow (not determined by genetics) and reacts very quickly to the physical forces that form. Do you feel that your body has lost some fat and you don’t want to lose weight around your waist, stomach or back? With the help of aerobic and strength training, with proper nutrition, you face two problems: fat loss and figure correction.

The first 6-8 years of age are the main component of your workouts, but they are aerobic to the right. Here 2/3 of the time per hour can be taken up by aerobic training, then 2 times per week - aerobics and 1 time - strength training. Then the aspect ratio can be changed to 1:1 mode. Aerobnі and silovі have the right to lash out.

If you are afraid of growing a big mass of meat and looking like Schwarzenegger, for the sake of you, you should try to get rid of a little weight, so as not to get carried away with them. The forces have the right to be important not only to change your body, but also to strengthen the exchange of speech and provide you with additional forces.

As you grow meat mass, you burn more calories, and larger meat fragments begin to consume more energy.

For a long time it was believed that, with the help of the military, it was impossible to burn the fat where we wanted! Following further investigations, partial local salivation of fatty deposits is possible!

Let's do it right on your back.

The stomach pains loom more important V zagalny rozvitka meat corset. Working hard, we begin to quickly warm up our body with the result of a strong increase in blood flow to the liver. This plays a role in the process of fat burning.

Right for press.

1. Lifting the tub from a supine position

Lie on your back, knees bent at 90°, feet on the underside, back firmly pressed to the underside, fingers clasped on the floor. Brief press muscles, raise your head, shoulders and body, then lower completely. Inhale - on the underside, see - under the body.

2. Zvorotne twisting

Lie on your back, knees bent and pulled up to your chest, hands resting on the underside of your towel. Pressing the muscles of the press, lift the pelvis above the hem, pulling the knee forward and up. Let yourself go completely.

3. Pіdёm tuluba and twisting

Lie on your back, knees bent at 90°, feet on the underside, toes on the floor. Raise your body forward and up and flare up your whole body to the left knee; do not bring your elbow to the point of exposure. Let yourself go completely. Find out how many repetitions you need. Then start turning to the right lane. Inhale - on the underside, see - under the body.

4. Come up with a tulub, a knee on a boat

Lie on your back, put your knees together, lower your legs, bent at the knees, with your left hand facing you, and your fingers on the ground. Quickly cut the abdominal muscles, raise the head and shoulders. Apply pressure so that the robot's shoulders are parallel to the underside. Lower yourself completely (hurting your shoulders on the underside). Inhale - on the underside, see - lifting your head and shoulders.

A set of physical rights for the treatment of back sores 1. Rozginannya spini

Lie on a support, legs straight, arms bent and crossed behind your back at the waist. Raise your head and chest up, and often live in a state of disrepair. Lower yourself completely. Don't be afraid of Rivkov's rukhs. Inhale - on the underside, see - under the body.

2. Wide row with dumbbells

Stand straight, knees slightly bent. You have dumbbells in your hands (2.5-7 kg). The arms are lowered at the sides of the body, the ankles are turned back. With your shoulder blades raised, raise your elbows up and to the sides, up to shoulder level, without bending your wrists. Straighten your arms. Inhale - arms straight, see - bend your arms.

On the right, you also notice the softness of your breasts and shoulders.

3. Raise your arms and legs alternately.

Lie down with your arms straight above your head. Begin to raise your right arm and left leg. After completing the necessary number of repetitions, alternate your arm and leg. I breathe in from my relaxed body and see the tension in my muscles.

Right on the right side.

I. Jump forward with dumbbells

Stand up straight, lower your arms with dumbbells (2.5-7.0 kg) to the bottom, lift up your body. Keeping your back straight, step forward with your right foot so that it appears parallel to the underside. Turn around at exit position.

2. Lifting one leg

Stand on all fours, arms bent at the elbows, support on the elbows. Take your right knee out of the way and begin to straighten your leg upwards, the toe should be perpendicular to the base. Lower your leg without bearing the heaviness of your body. Having completed the necessary number of repetitions, move to your left leg. Indikh - the leg is down, vidih ​​- the leg is up.

Treatment of sore hands and breasts.

1. "Metelik" from a supine position

Lie on the lava, legs bent in knees. You have dumbbells in your hands (2.5-7.0 kg). The arms are slightly bent, the valleys are furious in the mountains. Raise your arms in front of your chest and spread them to the sides until your arms rest on the level of your chests. Inhale - lower your hands, see - clasp your hands in front of your chest.

2. Sedentary hand lifting

While sitting on the bench or standing, take dumbbells from your hand. Hands raised above the head, knees in the middle. Bend your arms at your elbows and lower the dumbbells to your shoulders, keeping your elbows in one position. Straighten your arms. Vdikh - bending of the hands, vidih ​​- straightening of the hands.

3. Vijimannya

Stand on all fours, knees shoulder-width apart, hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Push your pelvis forward and down. The body from the top to the knees can create one straight line. Lower your chest down to your chest so that your arms are at shoulder height. Make sure not to bend your back. Straighten your arms. The pant can be folded to the right, working outwardly with straight legs, resting on the scallops. Inhale - your arms bend, you see - your arms straighten.

The widest type of female figure: the lower part of the body is considered “important” beyond the upper. As you gain weight, it is deposited mainly on the buttocks and seat, and a little on the back and waist. And if you lose kilograms, according to the law of meanness, your breasts will become thinner in front of you, and your pelvic area will not heal until the rest.

What is training?

Our feet are in front. Your favorite rights include falling down (possibly with heavy weights), squatting and squatting (sharp roll uphill from a deep squat). Because you don’t want to exercise your strength, but exercise on the machines, in trained work, leg presses from the supine position, abduction and abduction of the legs and joint hyperextension, since good posture for the “pear” body type significantly changes no longer hostile, you will give out more and string, and your breasts are larger.

Before speaking, the figure of the “tricut” type is found in Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry and Rihanni.


2. Strawberry

With the help of a straight line, you experience a narrow waist: widening is an option for an upright figure. As you rise, life begins to move forward, even if it is in position. You won’t believe it, but with this type of figure it’s easier to achieve the ideal body.

What is training?

In front of us - mows of the stomach. Use pilates - a system of right, point-straightened for molding the muscles of the press and "bark" - groups of muscles of the tulub. If you're good with dumbbells, do your abs with abducted knees up to your longest leg, and if you want something original, go to anti-gravity yoga: with minimal physical preparation, you will miraculously work out the waist area.

Before speaking, the “straight-cut” type figure is found in Kate Middleton, Gwyneth Paltrow and Princess Diani.

3. Kulya

Volumetric, massive breasts, plump, protruding life and with this strings of legs and arms: this type of figure often appears in women who have gained fatness during pregnancy.

What is training?

That's it. To rotate the figures and harmonious proportions, apply to all meat groups. The best option for the “apple” body type is high-intensity circuit training, for example - tabata, grit, or just exercise. You are more likely to heal and have the right to press and muscle the back, carefully treat the head muscle of the thigh and triceps - and in a month or two you will note that the volume has reached its peak, the waist is being shaped, and so on. the figure preserves appetizing viginas.

Marvel at Liv Tyler: she has achieved hostile results!

4. Inverted tricut

A soft or cotton figure is “suitable” for tall and thin girls. I wouldn’t be happy, but make girls with this type of position respect that they have husband’s shoulders, androgynous legs and a completely unsexy look.

What is training?

Use a bicycle or an exercise bike to increase the amount of meat mixture on the steaks. Go with the ellipse, Norwegian walking and running, and the result of this program is to train on the basic figure and not be embarrassed to check yourself.

Cameron Dias and Anastasia Volochkova are clear representatives of this body type.

5. Sand anniversary

Figure-dream! The only downside is that with this type of body type you are most vulnerable to relapse - you can’t argue with genetics. The body grows evenly, and if the “vaga gain” of 5 kilograms is sufficient, so that the figure “flats”...

What is training?

Just keeping your body toned! An excellent training option for the “short-year-old” body type is swimming, dancing, step aerobics and other group activities, aimed at all groups of muscles, but without excessive emphasis.

The “sand year” figure is a source of pride for Scarlett Johansson and Salmi Hayek.

It’s easy to say that having decided to divide all the women according to fruity and geometric signs, then all the patterns of our beautiful figures were divided into five types. Based on this type of figure, we select a suitable wardrobe. Ale stature - not virok. Everything can be changed. Luckily, don’t bother with the help of plastic surgeons.

All you have to do is just choose a fitness routine that suits you. The necessary training is to avoid wasting your strengths and keeping your shortcomings in good shape. Well, there are five main types of female figures: two geometric ones - “straight-cutters” and “tricutlets”, two fruity ones - “pears” and “apples”, and one ideal one, which is recognized as such by the great thought (and, respectfully, most people ) - "sand year anniversary".


Your shoulders, waist and waist are approximately the same width;

You have weak legs, but practically no butt;

The body is very lean, the breasts are small and the waist is not clearly visible.

The main advantage of this type is meat, which is easily juicy on the right, and leanness. Otherwise, it seems that it’s difficult to gain weight in girls with the “straight-cut” body type, and it’s easy to gain weight. True, in order to create careful forms, you will have to practice the following, and yourself:

The hair will help you shape those wiggling wigs with a turn. Corn position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended above the head. The nakhil is drawn along the skin of the leg, the hands need to stick out the wear, and the back should be trimmed evenly. Number of repetitions – no less than 20 times per skin leg.

The pull-up lives with the help of the viconic twisting on the poor lava. You have the right to follow at least three approaches 20 times.

Also brown power classes, such as BODY SCULPT. The stench will give attention to the whole body and help create a soft corset. They need to be taken out at least two days a week.


Your shape resembles that of a track and field athlete or professional swimmer;

You have long legs;

Skinny tits and a narrow pelvis;

The lines of your body sound from your shoulders to your waist;

You manage to type “from above” - firstly raise your hands and expose, then sternum And he lives and only then sits and stitches.

The main problem we have to face is to compensate for excessive apologies shoulder girdle. For whom I will say this:

At home, you can do wide squats - 2 sets of 15-20 reps. You can increase your weight gain by holding a soccer ball or dumbbells in your hands. When you are standing, do not forget to follow the stitches so that when you squat, your knees do not reach your toes - only in this case there is optimal attention;

It is also good to perform swings (10-12 repetitions per side) and drops (three sets of 15-20 repetitions);

For those with subscriptions to the fitness center, please select the LOWER BODY or BUMS classes for the duration.


You are similar to J.Lo and Beyoncé not only in the world, but in reality;

Your stitches are clearly expressed even if they are “cool”;

You have a thin waist and a flat life;

You have narrow shoulders and a small bust;

The collar is placed inclusively at the bottom, on the sides and stomach.

Our mission is to tighten the thighs and live, and keep the shoulders in good shape. What the following training will help us achieve:

Budinki korisno robiti vijimannya. Two sets of 8-10 repetitions. Ale suvoro for the day.

Brown will also be on the right, straight to the lower part of the body, for example, such classes as LOWER BODY or BUMS+ABS. To achieve a rich meat texture, apply the mixture at least three times per week.

Don't forget about the shoulder body. Toning the muscles of your arms and chest will help in the same way as a pullover or rowing dumbbells from behind your head. Right is so named because of its similarity to the Rukh, which we are afraid of, taking the jacket over our heads. Knock out your track while lying on the gymnastic lava. Be respectful - across the trim you need to press the dumbbell to the floor, the dumbbell needs to be lifted in sight strictly to the level of the floor, the fragments of the muscle will be further relaxed. Number of repetitions – 8-10, two sets.


You have a lot of thin shoulders and shoulders;

Strings or thin legs and proportional seats;

A bulging belly.

Burn fat deposits with the help of intense aerobic exercise – step, tai-bo chi dance classes. Keep busy at least three times a day.

It’s not good to be afraid of the rights of the security forces. For example, you can work on bench presses, dumbbell squats, and bent-legged deadlifts. It is necessary to tighten the skin to the right in 3-4 approaches of 10-12 times. In this case, the press is tensed statically, and lives to tighten itself in “automatic mode”.

The buds should be pressed up against the body with a turn, for two rounds of 20 repetitions, and the front and back planks on the elbows. It is necessary to increase the level of the plank step by step and bring it up to 1.5-2 times.

"Sand Year"

U gym You can use the classic circuit training. For example, 40 seconds of aerobics (exercise bike, running or jumping rope), then pull-ups on the bar, right press on the floor, lunge back with dumbbells in your hands. The skin can be peeled 10-12 times. For training, we are happy to pay a little money.

This means that the type of female body is more complex than human. Each girl's skin is unique, with its own characteristics of figure, metabolism, vitality and physical preparation. Ale, unimportant at all, every mother wants a tightened body without pleasing folds, an appetizing shape, and just a kind, sexy figure.

Of course, the basic body types (ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph) are still relevant. However, due to the physiological differences of the female body versus the human body (wider thighs with smaller narrow shoulders), the nutritional status of girls will require further clarification. And here I would immediately like to point out that the appearance of this figure, such as a girl’s skin condition, is primarily due to genetic shortcomings, and, in other words, to her own way of living. And since you won’t be able to do anything the first time, then, for example, it’s entirely within your power to manage fast food.

Types of female figures

At this point, it is important to show special respect when going shopping. When you go to the gym, you should be prompted to ask: “What body type is typical for me?” What to choose and what training program is recommended, and what exercise equipment to choose.

Pear (there's a spoon)

This type of figure is characterized by the presence of a massive lower part of the body (chest, butt) with small bust and waist measurements. The body guesses the letter “A” in this form. Characteristic features:

  • to get the hang of your hands;
  • legs are short;
  • The calves and tassels are wide;
  • fat storage is important in the hip, butt and sides;
  • Cellulite is a constant companion for girls with this type of figure.

This is the same type of situation, which is 15% of girls, even more attractive for men.

V-shape (or inverted tricut)

On the contrary, for girls with a “pear-shaped” body type, the V-shape, however, is characterized by the appearance of narrow shoulders with broad shoulders. The main features include:

  • the appearance of a fat chest;
  • ass finish plaska;
  • waist is thin;
  • fat deposits - mainly in the abdominal area and upper body.

The main advantage of girls with this type of figure is strings, beautiful legs.

Orthocutaneous (or the figure in the form of lettereri N)

behind from the outside looking in Girls of this somatotype will guess boys, splinters:

  • the size of the breasts, waist and waist are practically the same;
  • The seats are flat, which is, in principle, the figure;
  • rapid metabolism, which can lead to problems with vaginal gain.

Like girls of the forward type, the strings of their legs are a clear advantage.

Sand year (X or the form of a vismka)

Such shapes are especially suitable for a protracted figure, which is why this type of figure can be called the most balanced. Characteristic features:

  • Ideally suited for body growth;
  • the circumference of the bust is consistent with the quilting;
  • adjust the waist until the girth of the waist becomes 0.7;
  • The seats are round in shape;
  • vigins of the body, soft, fine;
  • the division of adipose tissue is even;
  • legs are strings, proportional to the upper part of the body.

What can I say, this girl was spared, since she could list all the points before herself.

Apple (or colo)

The body of girls with this type of figure can guess an oval shape. This type of figure is characterized by:

  • the appearance of a fat chest;
  • The seats are flat;
  • quilting;
  • growth is average;
  • a fatty pocket is formed in the area of ​​the waist and abdomen;
  • shiya is short;
  • exposing outside.

And my legs didn’t fail me here. Its very sharpness and beauty are the main advantages of this type of figure.

Of course, in nutrition, the meaning of your somatotype may not be as clear as described above. To make this calculation easier, there are a number of calculators that will help you determine your body type by entering anthropometric data.

What kind of training is suitable for girls with different body types?

Regardless of what nature has blessed you with, newcomers to the gym are not ready to begin cleaning the body from “problem areas.” For the cob, it is necessary to tone up the flesh, burn out fat, and these healthy over-world goals are not safe for an unprepared body. Tim more, that stinks often occur in the wrong mode.

Otje, for newbies In general, this training regime is suitable:

  • every other day - strength training for all groups of muscles in a highly repetitive mode (20 repetitions per set);
  • after strength training – 20 sessions of cardio training.

This regimen itself can tighten the muscles and tone them up. And once you start to see success and notice the first positive results, figure out the problem areas of your skin type and start treating them.

Training for the figure “Pear”

The main emphasis during the installation of power training is crushed into the upper part. You won’t be able to pump it over the world, but the figure will have some kind of balance. It’s great to do pull-ups, dumbbell raises to the sides, dumbbell presses up, lat pull-downs with 6-8 reps on the approach.

When the lower part of the body is strained, work with important muscles is contraindicated; the meta fragments are not pumped up, but rather the obvious fat is burned. The ideal option is to do lunges, squats, and stretch your legs on the machine. Number of repetitions – 10-15.

Cardiotraining should include exercise on the lower part of the body – the spinal cord, and walking. Stepper contraindications, fragments of the building do not add any mass.

Training for “V-figure”

Strength training for girls with this type of figure, first of all, should be directed towards adding volume to the legs. For this, you can start by focusing on important complex right exercises (press presses, squats, deadlifts on straight legs), and then polish them with push-ups, push-ups with a barbell or dumbbells, pull-ups, pull-ups, and straight-leg pull-ups. There are 6-8 repetitions per approach.

Upper body training can be done in a high repetition mode (20 reps per set).

For all types of cardiovantagement, perhaps the ideal option would be stepper. This will help you complete your routine and burn calories. The treadmill is contraindicated, and the elliptical is absolutely prohibited. Make sure to dry your feet thoroughly, just to visually add top volume.

Training for the “Straight-cut” figure

As stated earlier, this type of figure is characterized by a small waist and deposits of fat in the sides and abdomen. And the struggle for the appearance of a waist itself becomes a major challenge for girls with this type of figure. And here you can understand one simple truth - there was no waist and there won’t be! Well, that’s how nature ordered it, you don’t mean anything. Once this type of figure lives, you can only “dry it out” by eating properly and hula-hooping.

The workouts required are short, but very intense. The skin group of lesions needs to be treated periodically once a week.

When doing strength training, it is important to move forward. It’s not a good idea to do curling exercises (especially with dumbbells), deadlifts. Squatting with the great Teresas will not help give the Sidnitsa service. Here you will only strengthen the muscles of the waist and make them stronger. In this type of exercise, shoulder presses, bench barbells, squats, and lat pull-downs will be effective. The number of repetitions is 6-8 for each repetition.

And the axis of respect to the head of the head - the legs - should be given a trace for the day. You can do the training like this:

  • important complex rights (step-ups, presses);
  • grinding by padding, padding, and straightening.

It’s important to understand here: you will definitely notice which part of the body you’re looking for. If some of the tension goes across and you can’t turn it in, then you can give advantage to a lot of repetitions of simple rights to your feet.

For this variety of cardio training, give priority to those who go to the middle part (stepper, path with a bend).

Training for the figure “Anniversary Year”

Of course, girls with this type of condition are blessed immensely: fat is deposited evenly, and the waist is always tighter than the breasts. But don’t forget that if applied incorrectly to your body, the miracles of nature can be greatly compressed.

"Sand Year" allows you to have a beautiful body in the hall. Others can only adapt to what nature has given. The main principle is the variety of workouts, approaches, breaks between them, and repetitions. This way your body will be in good shape and will not reach a plateau.

The duration of the skin program may range from 6 to 8 days. After you start changing to the right, the number of repetitions in each approach.

Training for girls with a “sand year old” figure obliged to take revenge cardionavantage . And why the stinks will be different - because best result. Ellipse, stepper, walking uphill, running, cycling - a great choice. Cardio training itself should be completed with strength training by treating these and other groups of muscles. After going for a jog on your legs, after working out on your arms, think about the elliptical or rowing machine.

The frequency of taking is about two per day, three times 25-30 hours.

Training for the “Yabluko” figure

Activities for girls with this type of figure will probably be the most intense in Sweden. The main recommendation is to do complex training, the gaps between approaches (4-5) should be minimal, since the main goal is to salvage the fatty tissue. This type of strength aerobics (or high-intensity strength training) is what you need. Only a quick transition from one exercise machine to another, a high pace of training will help relieve abdominal pain. With this method, it is effective to vikoristannya hula-hoop and vikonannya right to press.

Strength training can be aimed at strengthening the legs to create balance in the upper body. A combination of leg presses, deadlifts, and squats with a rep range of 6-8 per set would be effective.

With vikonanny cardionavantage, everything except the ellipsoid can be vikoristed.

Dear girls, no matter what your figure is, remember that with all your shortcomings you can go for another sport, which is an invisible part of the life of any person, as it depends on your health.

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